Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2019 with funding from Wellcome Library https://archive.org/details/b31364949_0003 Greek-English Lexicon A SUPPLEMENT H. G. LIDDELL ROBERT SCOTT H. STUART JONES Greek-English Lexicon A SUPPLEMENT Edited, by E. A. BARBER With the assistance of P. MAAS, M. SCHELLER and M. L. WEST OXFORD AT THE CLARENDON PRESS 1968 L· t^c ο Η &ί j P ■f, 6/ { after discussion with other scholars, Maas drew up a definite plan for a supplement. It was PREFACE approved by the Delegates of the Press (though its details have since undergone modification), and Dr. Meinrad Scheller was invited to act as editor under Maas’s supervision. He set to work on the accumulated material, and carried the project for¬ ward for some two years. Dr. E. A. Barber took over the helm in October 1956, and work on the Supplement occupied most of his time for the last eight years of his life. He retired from the editorship in September 1964, after some months of ill health, but continued to take a part of the work until in January 1965, a few months before his lamented death, the copy was delivered to the Press. Meanwhile, in December 1963, Dr. M. L. West had been asked to assist, and it was he who played the major part in the organization of the material for printing and in the reading of the proofs. It is impossible to mention by name all those who have supplied material for the Supplement. It would be unfitting, however, not to mention the truly enormous contribution of Dr. Μ. N. Tod, mainly but not wholly on the epigraphic side, and the very substantial contributions of Professor E. G. Turner on the papyrological side, Mr. A. S. F. Gow, Professor K. J. Dover, and Dr. Zofia Abramowicz ofTorufi on the literary side, and Professor G. R. Driver on the Septuagint, Hexapla, and New Testa¬ ment. In the last year before the work was finished, the editors were assisted by Mrs. Margaret Forrest, who worked with remarkable patience and accuracy on the final editing of the 16,1 19 slips. Mr. Maurice Platnauer has verified many references and helped with the arduous task of reading the proofs. Scholars who wish to cite the Supplement are recommended to use one of the usual abbreviations for the lexicon (L.S.J., etc.) followed by ‘Suppl.’ VI I. AUTHORS AND WORKS Achilles Tatius Scriptor Eroticus, for ‘iv’ read ‘ii’ xActa Alexandrinorum Ed. H. Musurillo, Leipzig (T.) 1961. Adamantius, add 'Vent. = 7 repl ανέμων, ed. V. Rose, Anecdota Graeca et Graeco- Latina i, Berlin 1864, pp. 29-48; cited by page.’ Aelianus, JVA, add ‘, ed. A. F. Scholfield, 3 vols., London (Loeb) 1958-9·’ Aeschines Orator, add ‘Scholia, ed. F. Schultz in editione orationum, Leipzig 1865.* Aeschylus, line 2, for ‘A. Sidgwick’ read ‘G. Murray’ and after ‘(OCT)’ add ‘, 1937 and 1955’ Fr., add ‘; H. J. Mette, Die Fragmente der Tragodien des Aischylos, Berlin 1959. [A. Fr. . . M.]’ Aetius, add Lib. i-iv, ed. A. Olivieri, CALG viii 1, Leipzig & Berlin 1935’ xAgathodaemon Alchemista Ed. M. Berthelot, Collection des anciens alchimistes grecs, Paris 1888, pp. 1 15, 268. Alcaeus Lyricus, after ‘iii p. 147;’ add Έ. Lobel & D. L. Page, Poetarum Lesbiorum Fragmenta, Oxford 1955, p. 1x2 [Ale. . . l.-p.];’ . . Alcmaeon, after ‘Diels’ insert ‘& VV. Kranz’ and for ‘i p. 1 3 1 read ‘5 i p. 210’ Aleman, add ‘; D. L. Page, Poetae Melici p. 2. [Alcm. . .P.]’ Anacreon, add ‘; D. L. Page, Poetae Aielici p. 172. [Anacr.. . P·]’ Anaxagoras, after ‘Diels’ insert ‘& W. Kranz’ and for ‘i p. 375’ read ‘5 ii p. 5’ Anaxarchus, after ‘Diels’ insert ‘& W. Kranz’ and for ‘ii p. 144’ read ‘5 ii p. 235’ Anaximander Philosophus, after ‘Diels’ insert ‘& W. Kranz’ and for ‘i p. 14’ read ‘5 i p. 81’ Anaximenes, after ‘Diels’ insert ‘& W. Kranz’ and for ‘i p. 22* read ‘s i p. 90’ x Anecdota Graeca e codicibus regiis, ed. J. Fr. Boissonade, 5 vols., Paris 1829-33. [-dn. Boiss.] xAnonymi Alchemistae [Anon. Alcli.] Ed. M. Berthelot, Collection des anciens alchimistes grecs, Paris 1888. Anonymus, add ‘Vit. Arist. etc., v. Diogenes Laertius.’ xAnonymus Argentinensis [Anon. Argent.] Ed. B. Keil, Strassburg 1902. xAnonymus Bellermannianus [Anon. Bellerm.] Anonymi scriptio de musica, Bacchii Senioris introductio artis musicae, ed. [J.] F. Bellermann, Berlin 1841. Anonymus Londnensis, read ‘Londinensis’ Anthologia Graeca, line 6, after ‘1894-1906’ add ‘; ed. H. Beckby, 4 vols., Munich 1957—8’ Antimachus Colophonius, add *; B. Wyss, Antimachi Colo - phonii Reliquiae, Berlin 1936. [Antim. . ,W.]’ Antipho Sophista, after ‘Diels’ insert ‘& W. Kranz’ and for ‘ii p. 289’ read ‘5 ii p. 334’ Aphthonius, after ‘19’ insert ‘ ; H. Rabe, Leipzig (T.) 1926’ Apollonius Rhodius, for ‘R. C. Seaton’ read ‘H. Frankel’ xAppendix Proverbiorum [App. Prov. ] Ed. E. L. v. Leutsch & F. G. Schneidewin, Paroemiographi i pp· 379-467· , Apuleius, after ‘Basel 1560’ add Pseudo- Apulei Platonici Her- barius, ed. E. Howald & Η. E. Sigerist in Corpus Medicorum Latinorum iv, Leipzig & Berlin 1927’ Archilochus, line 2, after ‘ii p. 383;’ insert Έ. Diehl, Anth. Lyr. i3 (iii) p. 1. [Archil.. .D.3];’ Archytas Tarentinus, after ‘Diels’ insert ‘& VV. Kranz’ and for ‘i p. 322’ read ‘5 i p. 421’ Aristides Milesius, add ‘; F. Jacoby, FGrH iii (A) p. 163 [Aristid. Mil.. .J.]’ Aristodemus, add ‘; F. Jacoby, FGrH i p. 186, ii p. 493. [Aristodem. . .J.]’ Aristophanes Byzantinus, for ‘Philosophus’ read ‘Gram¬ maticus’ and above ‘Epit. etc.’ insert ‘Ed. A. Nauck, Aristophanis Byzantini grammatici Alexandrini fragmenta ( 1 848) .’ Arrianus, for ‘ Epict .. . 1894’ read ‘ Epict .. .ed. 2, 1916’ Fr., add ‘; F. Jacoby, FGrH ii p. 837’ Asius, for ‘Lyricus’ read ‘Poeta’ and at end for ‘p. 406’ read ‘p. 23; E. Diehl, Anth. Lyr. i3 (i) p. 19; Fr. Ep. = Fragmenta Epica, ed. G. Kinkel, EGF p. 202.’ Athenaeus Mechanicus, substitute: ‘Ed. R. Schneider, Abhand- lungen der Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Gottingen (Phil.- hist. Klasse), N. F. xn (1912), No. 5: cited by Wescher’s page, given in Schneider’s margin.’ Bacchylides, after ‘1905’ add *; B. Snell, Leipzig (T.) 1961. [B. or B. Fr.. .S.]’ Bianor, delete ‘Idem, .q.v.* Bion, for ‘U. von Wilamowitz-MollendorfD’read ‘A. S. F. Gow’ Callimachus, for ‘Epicus’ read ‘Poeta’ line 3, after ‘1921 insert ‘ed. R. Pfeiffer, 2 vols., Oxford 1949-53;’ fin., for ‘initial ‘P.’ ’ read ‘letters ‘Pf.’, and those from his Fragmenta nuper reperta by ‘P.’ ’ Callinus, for ‘Epicus’ read ‘Elegiacus’ and add ‘; ed. E. Diehl, Anth. Lyr. i2 (1) p. 3’ Callistratus Historicus, add ‘ ; F. Jacoby, FGrH iii (B) p. 334. [Gallistr. Hist.. .J.]’ Carmen Aureum, for ‘ii’ read ‘i’ and add ‘j I2 (2), p. 87’ xCarmen Naupactium [Carrn. JVaup.] Ed. G. Kinkel, EGF p. 198. xCatullus, C. Valerius Poeta Latinus [Cat.] i b.c. Ed. R. A. B. Mynors, Oxford (OCT). Cicero, before ‘Fam.’ insert 'Dio. — de Divinatione, ed. W. Ax, Leipzig (T.) 1938.’ Clemens Alexandrinus, after ‘Stahlin’ insert ‘(cum scholiis)’ xColumella, L. Junius Scriptor rei rusticae Latinus [Colum.] i A.D. Ed. J. G. Schneider, Leipzig 1794; lib. de arboribus, rei rust. lib. x, xi, ed. V. Lundstrom, Uppsala 1897-1906. xComarius Alchemista Ed. M. Berthelot, Collection des anciens alchimistes grecs, Paris 1888, p. 289. xConsentius Grammaticus v a.d. Ed. H. Keil, Gramm. Lat. v, Leipzig 1868, p. 338 Corinna, for ‘vi b.c.’ read ‘iii/ii b.c. (?)’; after ‘iii p. 543;’ insert ‘D. L. Page, Poetae Melici p. 326. [Corinn.. . P.] ;’ Critias, after ‘Diels’ insert ‘& VV. Kranz’ and for ‘ii p. 308’ read ‘5 ii p. 371’ Ctesias, add ‘; F. Jacoby, FGrH iii (C) p. 416. [Ctes. . .J.]’ xCyranides ( Βίβλοι, κυρανίδες sive κοιρανίδες ) [Cyran.] i or ii a.d. Ed. C. E. Ruelle in F. de Mely, Les lapidaires de Vantiquiti et du moyen age, tome II ,Les lapidaires grecs, Paris 1898; cited by page. Demades, Fr., add ‘; sts. cited from Blass’ xDemetrius Scepsius Geographus ii b.c. Cited from Strabo & Athenaeus. xDemioprata [Demioprat.\ Apud Pollucem. Democritus Philosophus after ‘Diels’ insert ‘& VV. Kranz’ and for ‘ii p. 10’ read / :* -V . i • . ■ ■ . ! ! ··. ' .·· .’ ■· . « . ·' ... . : ' I ’ I ' ■ ' ··...·· .1 ' : / i ·:. t ’· ■ ' . ' ' . f. ■ ·. Λ ■ . . ' O . > ■' . ■ ' ’· . »,l * ■■ .V ■ ·· ■ 1 ■ 1 . .·. ' . V. · .· ’ \-i ·· V κ» .1 ·: - ····> ...... * :: ,.i ’■· ^ . ·. ; . ' ■ \ 1 ! '.{.£0* · · · ·< Λ ν- 4».i ■ .. ■ ... Ι.,«*ιιν i,»· t; u .t :h:--k j :/ -1 > .·.·■ ..· h «. · Λ 111':' . ■ Λ .. I A* . : . i· . · ; . . s . · .Ά* άάατος— άγκλάριον άάατος II, for ‘21.9’ read *21.91’ ααπτος, omit * ; cf. άπτοε πής.' άας, for “ties” read “άες” χάάτη [άά], ή, = άτη, Call. Fr. 557 Pf. χάβάκειον [αβά], το, dish, PCair.^en. 71. 1 (iii b.c.). άβακέω, delete ‘to be speechless,' and ‘ said nothing,' άβακής, delete ‘(βάζω) speechless : hence’ and for ‘72’ read ‘120 L.-P.’ αβάκιον ib, for ‘Plu.CahMi.go’ read ‘Plu.Cat.Mi.70' άβακτον, for the present article substitute ‘άβακτος, ον, dub. sens., αβακτον και άβυκτον τον μή μακαριστόν Δωριείς δε τον άνεπίπληκτον και άμεμφή, ΑΒ 323·’ άβαλε, read “άβάλε” ; after ‘0 that..!' insert ‘Alcm.m P. ; for ‘Fr. 455’ read ‘Fr.619 Pf.’ άβασάνιστος, add ‘3. of literary style, not tortured, i.e. natural, O.H.Vett.Cens.5 (perh. interpol.).’ αβάσκαντος i, line 4, after ‘Dsc.3.91’ add *; voc. αβάσκαντε Vit. Aesop. (\N)go, perh. = μορμολόκιον ib.77b’ άβάστακτος, after ‘Ant. 16;’ insert ‘metaph., χωρισμός ά. in¬ sufferable department, PFeA.758.15 (ii b.c.) ;’ for ‘ removable ' read ‘removed', and after ‘(Perg.)’ add ‘ , cf. σημεΐον I. 3’ αβέβαιος, delete ‘of remedies, Ηρ.ΑβΛ.2.27 χάβεβαιωσις, εως, ή, = άβεβαιότης, ά. των πραγμάτων Αηοη.ί'η > Rh- ΙΙ7-34· χάβίατος [ϊ], ον, — άβίαστος, Trag.Adesp. in Gott.Nachr. 1 922.25. χάβιτώριον, το, Latin word, latrine, IGRorn.i .599 (Istropolis). άβλεμής, for the present article substitute ‘ά., ε'ς, (a intens., βλεμεαίνω) violent, βάρος Nic.Al.82. Adv. άβλεμεως, πίνων Panyas.13.8. II. (α priv.) feeble, η περίφρασις . . άβλεμες προσπίπτει falls βα/, Longin.29.1, cf. Sch.Nic.l.c.’ άβλέφαρος, after ‘ eyebrows’ add ‘or perh. eyelashes' χάβληχροποιός, όν, taking away strength, a suggested interpr. of άβληχρός in θάνατος a., Eust. 1676.57. άβλοπές, after “άβλαβες,'' insert “Κρήτες,” άβλοπία, delete *, cf. Hsch.’ άβολλα, delete the article (v. άβόλλης in Suppl.). χάβόλλης, ου, ό, = Lat. abolla, thick woollen cloak, POxy. 1153.18 (i a.d.), Stud. Pal. 20.15.9 (ii a. d.), Peripl.M.Rubr. 6, Trans. Am. Phil. Ass. 92. 258 (iv a.d.) ; v. κάροινον n. αβούλητος i, transfer ‘Pl.Z.g.733d,’ to 11 after ‘or will,' changing the ‘d,’ to ‘d άβραχος, delete the article. άβρεκτος, after ‘Hp.Aff.52,' add ‘Call.Fr.384. 34 Pf.,’ άβροκόμης ii, delete ‘(with play on both meanings)’ χάβρόπαις, παιδος, ό, ή, of dainty children, πάτρα Riv.Fil.65 (NS xv). 54 (Ptolemais). άβροπενθής, before ‘v. άκροπενθής ' insert ‘mourning amid luxury, A.Pm.135 (lyr.),’ ^ χάβρόττους, ποδος, ο, ή, delicate-footed, gloss on σαυκρόπους, Hsch. αβρός, line 13, for ‘Anacreont. 41.3’ read ‘Anacreont. 43. 3’ άβροχικός, after ‘ = άβροχος ,' insert ‘PVarsov. 26.30 (iv/v a.d.),’ άβροχίτων, after ‘Inscr.Cos5. 1 1 ’ insert ‘, Lindos 11. igyfg (written —κιτ—, cf. κιτών)’ άβρωσία, add ‘; prob. in E .Hipp. 156 (lyr.).’ άβρωτος I. I, for οστά Men. 129’ read ‘, Men. Dysc. 452' χάβυκτος, ον, V. άβακτον in Suppl. χάβύσσαιος, ον, from the abyss (?), ύδωρ Anon.Alch.403. i, al. (v.l. εναβόσσ—) . χΑγαγύλιος, o (sc. μήν), name of month in Thessaly, /Cg(2).554 (Larissa), al. χάγάθημερία, ή, lucky day, PMich. ed. Hunt in Proc.Brit.Acad.xv. αγαθός i. 2, add ‘ ; at Thasos the heroized soldiers who had fallen in war were called οι Αγαθοί, Thasos 1.371.141.3, 8, 11/ ill, add ‘; άγαθεσ τατε (voc.) Hyp. Fr.2 19b Jensen (ascribed to E. in codd.Phot.)’ άγακλεής, line 3, after ‘7. 1.34’ insert * AP9.26.5 (Antip. Thess.)’ χάγακλήεις, εσσα, εν, famous, ΜΑΜΑϊ .267 (Laodicea Combusta). άγακλυτός I, for Tl. 6.426’ read Tl.6.436’ άγαλμα 5, for ‘expressed by painting or words’ read ‘metaph.’ χάγαλμάτικός· ακουστής, Hsch.; rest, in Rev.Tt.Gr.1g.gg.11 (Aphrodisias) . χάγαλμάτομική, ή (sc. τέχνη), the art of carving images, prob. in Διηγήσεις iv 29 (shortened for άγαλματοτομ-, cf. άμφορεΰς). χάγαλμάτοττώλης, ου, o, seller of images, Aesop. 99 title Perry, άγαλμοειδής, for ‘f.l. for άγλαο-’ read ‘f.l. for άγλαομειδής’ άγαμαι i. i, after Od. 18.71,’ add ‘E.A/c.6o3(lyr.),’ add ‘6. with imper., like Lat. amabo, please, prithee, Cephisod.3, cj. in Ar.AcA.489.’ Αγαμέμνων, for “ Άγαμεμνονος δαίς,” read “Άγαμεμνόνειος δαίς ” transferring Άγ.. .60’ to follow ‘Pi., A.’ άγαν, add ‘b. ούκ ά. not very, not particularly, ε'ιμι δ’ ούκ ά. σοά,ή .Aied. 305, cf. 583? El λ 105 j ironically, ούκ α. σφ * irrrjveaa Id, FA. 764, cf. Ar. 7,7.598.’ άγανακτέω ii. 2, after ‘c. gen. rei,’ add ‘Lvs. 14.39,’ άγάομαι, for ‘only’ read ‘άγάτο was angry, Hes. in POxy. 2484 fr. 2.1;’ and delete ‘; and opt.. .Ale. 14’ αγαπάω ii, add ‘2. c. inf., desire, MAMA 1.176 (Laodicea Com¬ busta). iii. 6, add pass. pres. part, άγαπώμενος = αγαπητός I. 1, Lxx Pr. 4.3’ αγαπητός, lines 5, 6, for ‘αυτή . . T0.3.10’ read ‘τον υιόν σου τόν ά. Lxx Ge.22.2, cf. Am.8.10’; for ‘cf. also 11.2’ read ‘cf. 11. 2 infr. 11. 2, after beloved, insert ‘Αόα>ν άγαπατε Theoc.15.149 ;’ αγαστός, line 3, after ‘1.9.24,’ insert ‘Pl.Z.^.8o8c,’ fin., for ‘(Pure Att. θαυμαστός.)' read ‘(Rare in Att. prose; ά. θεοΐς PLSmp.igyd is in parody of Gorgianic style.)’ χάγγάρικός, η, όν, concerning αγγαρεία, cj. for αιγα- in PCair.Preis. 33-6 (iv A.D.) ; fort. leg. άργαρικων (i.e. άρκα-). χάγγάριος, gloss on Δάος, Hsch. άγγαρος and deriv., for -yap— read —γάρ-, cf. Men. 186, 349 Koerte. άγγαρος fin., for ‘(Assyr. agarru, ‘hired labourer’.)’ read ‘(The connexion with Bab. agarru ‘hireling’ is doubtful; perh. cog¬ nate with Aram. 'iggerd ‘letter’.)’ χάγγειουργός, ό, maker of vessels, IG2z.i5l6.6g (iv b.c.). αγγελία i. 1 fin., after ‘Sch.il.’ add ‘3.206’ and after “άγγελίης" add ‘, which is perh. to be understood in AF6. 198.2 (pi.. Antip. Thess.)’ χάγγελίας, Ion. άγγελίης, ό, v. αγγελία I. 1 fin. with Suppl. χάγγελιτέω, = άγγε'λλω, Inscr.Cret. 4.146.4 (iv B.c.). αγγέλλω, for “ηγγείλαμην” read “ηγγειλάμην” I. 3, lines 4/5 > after also in part.,’ insert ‘άγγελλα!. . εχουσα AP7.479 (Theodorid.) ;’ and for ‘ib.1452’ read ‘S. El. 1452’ χάγγελόεις, εσσα, εν, = αγγελικός, τιμή Stud.Ital.2.0, 97 (Crete), άγγελος ι. 2, line 5, for “εμών” read “επών” ii, add ‘, and at Didyma, Didyma 406.9.10 (ii a.d.).’ άγγος ii, for ‘ cradle ' read ‘ basket , casket' χάγγρεσις, ιος, ά, v. άνγρεσις in Suppl. χάγγροφά, ά, = αναγραφή, IGff( ι ). 103. 140 (Epid.), etc. άγείρω, line 4, after ‘FC2.134’ add ‘, Aeol. (συν)αγάγρεται Ale. 1 19.10 L.-P.’ χΑγελάα, ή, = άγελείη, Hesperia 7.5, line 90 (Athens, iv b.c.), cf. Sokolowski 11. 19.89. άγελάρχης, add ‘II. = βουαγόρ, Hsch.’ άγελαρχικός, add ‘, cf. Sch.Procl. in Ti. 1.467.29.’ χάγελάς, άδος, ή, = φορβάς, Sch.A.R.2.88. άγελείη, for ‘= άγουσα. . forager ’ read ‘leader of the ivar-host' , and after ‘.Sc.197.’ add ‘(Fr. *άγελήη; cf. Άγελάα in Suppl.)’ άγένειος i, for ‘boyish’ read ‘Alcm. 10(A). 17 P.’ and for ‘speak’ read ‘have spoken’ άγενής, after ‘S.Fr.84’ add ‘(anap.)’ χΑγερράνιος, Aeol. for Αγριάνιος (v. infr.), 7Gi2(2)-527 (Eresus). άγερσις II, for ‘= π ανήγυρις’ read ‘= άγερμός' άγερωχία, after ‘ arrogance ,' insert ‘Sapph.7.4 L.-P.,’ άγέρωχος I, add ‘; ά. όφις O.H.Comp.\6' άγη (A), after ‘ breakage ’ add ‘, PCair.^en. 15*27 (iii b.c.)’ 2, add ‘, cf. S.Fr.969’ όγηνορέω add ‘II. trans., treat arrogantly, ά. τοκήας Euph. in PSI L39°-C.2.9.’ άγήραος I, add ‘; ά. και αθάνατος Hellanic. Fr. 1 9(b) J.’ χάγηράσιος, ον, = άγήρατος (Α), βωμός IG 14.1019 (Rome, iv A. D.) . άγήρατος (A), line 3, after ‘-άτος,’ insert ‘FC//79.88 (iv B.c.),’ χάγηρος, ον, = άγήραος, Hes. in POxy. 2075 Fr.i ii 18. χάγητορεύω, hold the office of άγήτωρ, BSA56.57 (Paphos, c. 100 B. c.), v. ήγήτωρ Ii in Suppl. χάγιαστήρ [ay], ήρος, ό, consecralor, Tab. Defix. And. 16 x 7 (Syria, iii a.d.). άγιος, after “a, ov,” insert ‘(θώγιον = τό άγιον, Call.Fr.ig6. 29 Pf.)’ άγιστύς, for 'Aet. 1.1.3’ read ‘Fr. 178.3 Pf.’ άγκάζομαι, for ‘; λίθον. .2I.C read ‘.II. embrace (cf. άγκαλίζομαΐ), και δε' σ’. . ά[γκ]άσσαιτο Euph. in PSIl^go.C. 1 .9’ χάγκάλΐδοπώλης, ου, ό, seller of produce by armfuls, Phot.p.17 R. άγκιστρόομαι, read ‘άγκιστρόω, fix as with hooks, Hld.g. 15. II.’ and for Ή.’ read ‘2.’ άγκλόριον, delete the article. 1 αγκλιμα SUPPLEMENT άγχιστήδαν Χανκλιμα, ατος, τό, ν. άνάκλιμα in Suppl. . αγ κοινά ι, add ‘, 98’ u, add ‘ : later αγκοινη, PCair.^en. 756.1 (iii b.c.)’ άγ κοπάζω, ν. άνακ- in Suppl. , , άγκτήρ 4, add άγκτήρος δίκην shch be restd. for άγκυρά, δίκην in Lyd.0ji.i6 (cf. άκτηρος (sic) δίκην Id. in Cat.Cod.Astr. 11(1). 146.10)’ , _ αγκύλη, line 3, after ‘thrown,’ insert Anacr.70 P., ; line 4, lor ‘Ath.11.782d’ read ‘Ath.15.667c’ , , , .. s, Χάγκΰλίδιον, τό, Dim. of αγκύλη II. I, φιαλιον επ αγκ[υλ]ιδιου Inscr. Dilos 1442 B 59 B-c·)· > άγκυλιδωτός, delete 'for a handle . άγκυλοκοπέω, for ‘-κοπεω, hamstring, dub. in substitute ‘-κοπία, ή, hamstringing ,' *άγκΰλόπ€ζο$, ον, = στραβοπόδης, Philol. Suppl. 15·*·* 43·# t Χάγκΰλόττρυμνος, ον, with curved stern, PHib.11. 172.116 (iii B.c.). Χάγκύρειος [ΰ], a, ον, for an anchor, σχοινιά /G22.i6og.ioi (iv B.c.). χάγκϋρίς, ίδος, η, perh. small anchor, /G22.i550 (pi., iii b.c.). II. gloss on κράδη in, Ps.-Plu.Eroi>.2.i6. αγκυροβολείς, lor ‘Hp.Dtfni.i8 read Hp.Ojj. 18 άγκών i. i, line 4, for 'Riv.' read ‘ Amat .’ 11. 1, line 5, for ‘Semus 1, Hsch.’ read ‘Hsch., cf. Nic.TZ.562, Semus 1 iii, line 3, delete ‘Ath. 1 2.5 1 6a,’ . άγκωνοφόρος, add ‘, Rev.fit.Anc.52.5 (Athens, i b.c.) αγλαΐα, line 3, after ‘0.4.1486;’ insert ‘metaph. of the Good, Numen.ap.Eus.-Pisi 1.2 1 (Ft· ii Leemans) \ of the intelligible world, Plot.3.8.11 ;’ Χάγλάϊος, a, ον, = αγλαός, MAMA5.7 g3 (Cilicia). Χάγλάοδίνης [i], ου, o', with bright eddies, PHib.il. 172.106 (111 b.c.). Χάγλαοειδής, ες, glorious in form, Epic, in P Lit. Lond. 38. 26. άγλαομειδής, after ‘63g’ insert ‘ ; άγαλμοειδ- codd.’ and at end add ‘; [άγ]λαομειδε'σι Ννμφαις Epigr. in IGBulg. Ι579·5 (Augusta Traiana)’ Χάγλάόμολττος, ον, of beautiful song, PHarris 7 fii/iii A.D.). άγλαόφορτος, for 'proud of one's burden' read ‘ carrying a splendid burden' ΧΆγλάπιός, dial, form οί Ασκληπιός, IG$(i) 1313 (Laconia, v b.c.) ; also Αίγλάττιός, Robert Coll.Froehner i No. 40 (place of origin unknown); both forms in Abh.Berl.Akad.iQ52 (1) p.11.3, 5 (Cos, iii B.C.), cf. έπίκληαιν δε' νιν Αίγλας ματ ρος Ασκλαπιον ώνόμαξΐ Απόλλων Isyll-55 J also Άγλαόπης’ ό Ασκληπιός, Hsch., Αΐγλάηρ· ό Ασκληπιός, Id. άγλαφύρως, add ‘, Ath.15.677P άγλευκής, add ‘Adv. — κώς Philostr.Ed4.39· ν \ Γ _ <17. . _ _ 1 «17.» λ nrr fir-! Pf » b.c.),’ and after ‘ Plu.Phil.6 ’ add ‘(both pi.)’ Χαγμα (B), Aeol. άχμα, τό, (άγω) cargo, Ale. 208(a) ii 7 L.— P. (pi·). χΑγναϊος, ό (sc. μην), name of month at Halos, /G9 (2). 109a 71 (ii b.c.) αγναμτττος» for ‘B.8.73* read *Β·9·73 S. \ νοος A.Pr. 163 (lyr·) » σθένος' Χάγναφάριος, = άκνα-, MAMA5.252 (Corycus). άγναφος, after ‘foreg.,’ add 'PCair.^en. g2.i6 (iii b.c.),’ Χάγνεάρχης, ον, ό, religious official at Ephesus, fahresh .44 Beibl. 367.14 (list of κουρήτας). αγνεία i, add ‘2. honourable conduct, Jahresh.25 Beibl. 281 (Ephesus, i/ii a.d.), 5EG7.825.15 (Gerasa, ii a.d.).’ add ‘III. a name for seven, Aristid.Quint.3.6.’ αγνευμα, add ‘, El. 256’ t άγνεύω ι. I, line 6, after ‘Luc.drn.5’ insert ‘; metaph., ά. τριχός, of the chin, Call.Er.202.6g Pf.’ *Άγνεών, ώνος, ό (sc. μην), name of month at Magnesia, Inscr Magn.iooa2, b2Q. άγνοητικός, for ‘EE 1 24048’ read ‘E£i246a38’ Χάγνοτράφής, is, of pure nurture, pure, δέμας GF/643.10 (Leonto- polis, i B.c./i a.d.) . Χάγνόφϋτος, ον, of pure stock, GE/1245.1 (Memphis, ii/iii a.d.). άγνυμι, line ig, after ‘Hdt. 1.185’ add ‘, cf. έαγώς Arat.46’ άγνωμων I. 3, for ‘of judges’ read ‘of judging work harshly' άγνωτος, add ‘; Call.Er.620 Pf. (v.l. άγνωστον)' αγοράζω, add ‘4. hold an assembly (?), .SEG3.115.1g (Athens, iv B.C.).’ αγοραίος iii. 1, line 4, before ‘, IGRom. 4-7go’ insert ‘; also η αγοραία, 1G\2 Suppl. 261 (Andros, i b.c. ), JRS 1940.148 (letter of Hadrian to Beroea)’ 2b, delete the section. Χάγοράνομεΐον, τό, = άγορανόμιον, POxy.75-lA (ii A.D.), etc. άγοράνομέω, add ‘II. preside in the assembly, /Gg(2).5i7·10 (Larissa, iii b.c.).’ Χάγοράσιαστικός, η, όν, = αγοραστικός, PLond.^.l 727.32 (vi A.D.), PMonac. 4.16 (vi a.d.). άγόρασις, for ‘2.45’ read ‘245’ άγόρευσις, add ‘ ; application in speech, Porph. in Cat. 56.8’ άγος, add Ή. title of priestess of Artemis at Perga, AB 212/ άγρα iii, for ‘ib.273’ read ‘fGD.324.g6, cf. Pl.Phdr. l.c. Χάγρακόμας, a bird (Pamphyl.), Hsch. άγραμμος, add ‘II. = αγράμματος, P Meyer 13.24 (ii a.d.). Χάγραρεύω, lie in garrison, PGrenf .2.95.2 (vi a.d.), etc. Χάγραρία, ή, = Lat. agraria, garrison, PHerm. 75.2 (v a.d.), etc. χΑγραστυών, ώνος, ό (sc. μην), name of month in Locns, /Gg(i). 331 (ii b.c.) ; also Αγρεστυών, Άγροστυών, GDI 1 757, 1880. χάγράφιος [γρά], ον, perh. not fit for writing on, PMich. Teb. 1 23v vii 25, 128.1(11)25 (both i a.d. ). άγρ€ΐος 2, after ‘ boorish insert ‘Alcm.i6.i P.,’ and at end add : neut. as Adv. άγρείον. . ε’^εγε'λασσε Call. Er. 24. 13 Pf. Χάγρελάτης [λα], ον, ό, ( άγρα , ελαύνω) gamekeeper, beater, POxy. igi 7.41 (vi a.d.) . άγρέμιον, add ‘, 5^5301.12 (pi·).’ . . r_ Χάγρετερα, prob. written for άγροτέρα, epith. of Artemis in 1(j2 . 4573 (ΐγ Β·α·)· άγρέτης ii, for ‘from, .fields' read ‘ hunter (άγρα) or assembler (άγείρω)’ ( > # χάγρήγορος, ον, from which there is no waking, τον ά. ύπνον C/Gg 4.4.9 (vi a.d.) . άγρια, add ‘II. == άγρωστις, Sch.Theoc. 13.42. Χάγριαγγούριον, τό, squirting cucumber, expl. of άγριοσίκυον, AB 1097 (άγρανγονρην cod.), cf. άγγουρον, αγγουριον in Sophocles, Greek Lexicon. t ^ f ΧΑγριάνια- αγώνες ε’ν Θηβαις, Hsch. ; cf. Τγριώνια. ΧΆγριάνιος, ό (sc. μην), name of month at Sparta, Rhodes, etc., /G5(i).i8 B 8, i2(i).go6, etc. Χάγρινος, ό, = αγρονόμος, MAMA3.663 (Corycus) ; cf. αγρινοι. Χάγριόαιξ, αιγος, ή, wild goat, Rhetor, in Cat.Cod.Astr. 7.225.9. άγριόεις i, after ‘Nic.T/.’ insert ‘30,’ and delete section 2. άγριος I. 2, add ‘b. Subst. άγρια, τά, weeds, metaph., ά. φυχής PIU.2.38C.’ , , άγριοσίκυον, add ‘, cf. άγριοσύκιον άγρανγούρην (leg. αγριοσικυον άγριαγγούριον) καλείται AB 1097. Χάγριοσύκιον, f.l. for άγριοσίκυον, q.v. in Suppl. _ > Χάγριοχηνοπρυμνίς, ίδος, ή, (sc. ναϋς), ship with wild goose as ακρο~ στόλων, PMonac. 4.9 (vi a.d. ; -πρήμνης Pap.). # _ ΧΆγρίτιπαιος, ό (sc. μην), name of a month in Cyprus beginning Nov. 2, CaiXW.Aiir.2.144.17, al. . . , , ΧΑγριπττίνειος, ό (sc. μην), an Egyptian month in Caligula s calendar, Arch. Pap. 9. 225 (42/3 a.d.; -ηνήου). _ Άγριώνια, for ‘, etc.’ read ‘ ; at Thebes, /G7.2447 (prob. 1 b.c.). Άγριώνιος, add ‘II. (sc. μήν) name of month in Boeotia, IGq. 3348, al.’ Χάγρογειτνία, η, adjacent plot, PMasp.151 .1 12, al. (vi a.d.). άγροικικός, after 'rustic,' insert ‘5E7337.20 (Inscr., 41 B.C.)% Χάγροϊωτικός, η, όν, rustic, μοίρα Ale. 1 30. 1 7 L.— P. (ακροίωτικαν Pap.). Χάγρόκηττον, τό, garden-plot, 7G22.2778.I45· άγρός I, after Od.24.205’ add ‘, Call.Er.489 Pf.’ ^ 2, line 4, after ‘1.185;’ add ‘φρούδοι πάλαι elaiv εις αγρόν into the countryside, Men.Dysc. 777 ; line 6, for “τά έξ αγρών" read “τά έκ των αγρών” άγρότερος ι. 2, add ‘; οδος Ath.AIitt.1S.2C9 ^^· ^ Ρ^*· η. Άγροτέρα,’ read ‘epith. of’ ; for /G2.467 read Arist . /A.58, /G22. 1 028.8 (Athens, i b.c.)’; for ‘at. .elsewhere’ read ‘writ¬ ten Αγρότα (dat.) G’D/3221 (Apollonia) : ή Άγροτέρα alone’; delete i etc/ άγρότης n, after ‘6.13 (Leon.)’ add ‘; αγρότα πέρδιξ, of a decoy partridge, TR7.203 (Simm.)’ Χάγρυπνίστως, Adv. = άγρυπνως, PLond. 5.1660. 12 (vi A.D., —πτίστως Pap.). άγρωστης, for ‘Theoc. 25.48' read Theoc.25-5^ ΧΆγυαία, ή, a deity, Sokolowski 11. 131 (Chios, v B.C.). ΧΆγύεος, ό (sc. μην), name of month at Potidania, Berl.Sitzb. 1936. 371 (ii b.c.) ; Άγυεΐος at Naupactus, 7Gg(i).383. άγύρτης i. 1, after ‘Cybele,’ add ‘Hp. Morb.Sacr. 1 ,' and trans¬ pose the references to S.07" and PI./?, from 1. 2 to this heading, άγχαυρος, add ‘II. Subst., ό, the time near dawn, morning twilight, Call.Er.260.64 Pf. (- ουμ - tab. Vindob.), Suid. ; Cypr. acc. to Hsch. s.v. άγχοΰρος.' Χάγχιάλίτης [λί], ου, ό, one who lives near the sea, Steph. in Rh. 269. 15 (pf). . , άγχιβαθής 2, add *; cj. for άγχφαφχ- ib. 1 5.3’ Χάγχιβαφής, ε'ς, half-submerged, Nonn.D.15.3 (cod.), cf. αγχιβαθης in Suppl. Χάγχίδΐκος, Pythag. name for six, Theol.Ar.58. άγχίθεος, after ‘Od.5.35’ insert ‘; of priests, approaching god, Luc. Syr. D. 31’ and delete this reference at end. άγχίθυρος I, add ‘; metaph., c. gen., γήραος a. AP 7.726.4 (Leon.).’ άγχιμολέω, after ‘426’ add ‘(perh. άγχι μολ-)' άγχίμολος, add ‘; ά]γχίμολοι rest, in A.Er.355.28 M. (hex.)’ x άγχιττύ ρα [ύ], ή, (άγχω, πΰρ) extinguisher of altar-fire, Bill IS I . 477 (Argos, iv b.c.) . ΧΑγχίσαιος, ό (sc. μην), name of a month in Cyprus beginning June 2, Cai.Coi/.7lj/r.2.i46.i2, 148.1. Χάγχιστήδαν (written άνχιστέδαν), Adv. = άγχιστίνδην, BCH 87.3 (Locr., v b.c.) · 2 άγχιστικός SUPPLEMENT άείδω Αγχιστικός, add *; ά. νόμος Thasos (i A.D.).’ άγχιστος, after ‘III.’ add ‘neut. pi. άγχιστα,’ Χάγχίτεξ, (κος, ή, near the birth, soon to bring forth, Theognost. Can. 40 ; cf. έπίτεξ. Χαγχνοος, ον (i.e. *άνάχνοος), with fresh bloom, μήλον Nonn.D.22. 25 (cod.). αγχόνη I, line 6, after ‘Semon.1.18’ add A.Fr.474.14 M.’ χάγχονΐμαΐα ξύλα, gallows-trees, Phot. s.v. όξυθύμια (-νομ— cod.), άγχοΰρος, for the present article substitute ‘ά., f.l. for άγχαυρος (q.v. in Suppl.) in Call.Fr.260.64 Pf, Hsch.’ Αγω, line 4, for ‘Sapph. 159’ read ‘Sapph.169 L.-P.’ ; after ‘165* insert ‘(a barbarian speaks)’; after “άξας” insert ‘(leg. άξας)' line 5, after “άξαι” insert ‘(f.l.)’; after ‘5.46’ insert ‘, σύναζα GDli 772.17, 1 791.8 (both Delph., ii b.c.), άξατε Nonn.D.i.i 1, 34’ ; delete ‘SIG 1 (Abu Simbel, vii/vi b.c.),’ line 6, after ‘X.A/dOT.4.2.8 ;’ insert ‘άγωγα Dura*i22 ;’ line 13, delete ‘also. .8.20 :’ 1. 3, line 11, after ‘(Locr., v b.c.)’ add Plb. 18.5.1* 6, after ‘A.^.406 (lyr.) ;’ insert ‘d- πήμαντον άγων βίοτον Pi. 0.8. 87;’ and delete this ref. in rv. 4. v, line 4, delete ‘θεούς. .924;’ Αγωγαΐος, add ‘II. Subst., άγωγαΐα, τά, dub. sens., Arch. Pap. 16. 175 (Chios, iv B.C.).’ άγωγεύς in, add ‘ : generally, director, organizer of a festival, Milet. 1(7) N0.263 (iii A.D.)’ Αγωγή I. 2, for “υμών” read “ημών” II. 3, line 7, for “Δ ακεδαίμονι” read “ Λακεδαίμονι” Αγωγός, i, add ‘ ; able to guide or influence, ανθρώπων D.H .Dem. 22, cf. Thuc.2.’ Αγών I. 1, add ‘; καθημένου τώγώνος SIG38.32 (Teos, v b.c.), cf. 7G5(2).ii3 (Tegea, v B.c.)’ iii. 6b, after flower,' insert flan, Cic.d£/.i.i6.8,’ χΑγωνάριον [ay], to, college examination or competition, Inscr.Cos 43· χάγώναρχος, ό,= άγωνάρχης, Άρχ.Δελ τ.14 PI. iv 3) ai. (Thespiae, iii b.c.). Αγωνία 3, for ‘agony' read ‘anxiety' Αγωνικός, add ‘; Aero in Hor.C.3.12.8.* Αγώνισμα rv, for ‘plea' read ‘ crucial matter' Αγωνιστήριος, after “αγωνιστικός” insert ‘1. I, σάλπιγξ Poll, l.c. ; dub. sens.,’ Αγων στικός ι. I, fin., delete * ; to a. ib.2igc, e’ Αγωνοθετεω i. 2, for ‘Plb. 9. 343’ read ‘Plb. 9. 34.3’ χΑγωνοθετία, η, office of αγωνοθέτης, SEGq .825.1 4 (Gerasa, ii A.D.). Αγωνοθετικός, after ‘(Sparta)’ add ‘; τιμαί BCH 77.400 (Argos), 78.390 (Delphi)’ χΑγωνοφΰλάκία, ή, office of warden of the games, PRyl. 90.2, al. (iii A.D., fort. leg. άλωνο—). χαγωρος, ον, prob. = άωρος, BCH82.152 no. 263 (Thespiae), but v. also άγουρος. χΑδαιτηι, dub. sens., Inscr.Cret. 4. 51. 13 (v B.c.). Αδαίτρευτος, after ‘slain,' add ‘i.e. meatless,' Αδάκρυτος I, line 4, after T06 (lyr.)’ add *; cf. Isoc. 19.27, Herodes Pol. 10’ 11. 1, add ‘, 2IP7.545 (Hegesipp.)’ χάδαμαντίς, ίδος, ή, a fabulous plant, Ps.-Democr.ap.Plin.TOY^. 162. Αδάμαστο?, add ‘Adv. -τως Procl. in Ti. 2.314 D.’ χΑδάμής, ές, invincible, θεοί dub. in Swoboda Denkmaler i6(Misthia in Pisidia). χΑδάμιος [δα], ον, Boeot. for άζήμιος, Schwyzer 503a (note). χΑδαμμα, dub. sens, in Rev.fft.Anc. 32.5 (Athens, i b.c.). (Prob. Phrygian.) άδέητος ii, after ‘Ptol. Fe/r. 1 59’ add ‘(cj.)’ Άδειγάνες, for ‘prob. an Eastern word’ read ‘prob. f.l. for πελιγ&νες, q.v. in Suppl.’ αδεικτος, for the present article substitute, ‘a., ov, not indicated , Ph.1.197. 2. invisible, Id. 1. 618, al.’ χάδελιφήρ, ό, = αδελφό?, Λάκωνες, Hsch. Αδελφή, line 3» after ‘Ep. -ειη,’ insert ‘Call.Fr.43.57 Pf.,’ χάδελφιδεύς, ε'ως, ό, nephew, Inscr.Dilos 1993 (i b.c.). Αδελφίς, add ΤΙ. = αδελφή, MdM.d3.598 (Corycus).* άδελφόπαις, add ‘, J-dJ^.fi. 1 2’ x Αδελφοσύνη, ή, brotherhood, MAMA^.gi (Dorylaeum). χΑδεξίαστος, ov, not entering into engagements, Ptol. F?/r. 166. χάδεξιοβολία, ή, unskilful casting, Ps.-Callisth.24.30. Αδέσποτος I, add ‘ ; prob. in Alc.207.3 L.-P.’ Αδέψητος, for ‘(δεφε'ω)’ read ‘(δε'φω)’ χΑδηΐζω, 0FG9.3.39 (Cyrene, iv b.c.), either = αφανίζω, conceal, or = protect (from the law), afford άδηα (— άδεια). Αδημονέω, line 2, after ‘19.197’ add ‘, Ευ. Matt. 26.37, Ευ. Marc. 14.33’ Αιδης or φδης, line 2, after ‘anap. :’ insert ‘voc. Άιδη, h.Cer .347, AtSa Epigr. in Inscr.Cret. 3 iv 39F 1 1 (i b.c.) ;’ line 3, after ‘infr.’ insert ‘: acc. λΐϊδα (- 1-> w) Arat.299, Nic.FA. 18T fin., after ‘Semon.7.1 17,’ add ‘E.Fr.936,’, after ‘prob. in’ read ‘E.HFi 16 (lyr.),’ and after ‘1689’ add ‘(lyr.) ; άΐδεω AP6. 219.24 (Antip.), 7.711.8 (Id.)’ Αδηφάγος, add ‘, 7G22.23 11.55 (iv B-G·)’ Αδιάγνωστος, add ‘ ; hard to read, Ptol. Fdr.47’ χΑδιάγραφος, ov, perh. without deduction, δηνάρια PDura 29.8 (iii A.D.). χΑδιάκλαστος, ov, unbroken, Fo/torc.257.9. Αδιακόνητος, for “επιστολήν” read “εντολήν” Αδιάλειπτος, after ‘Adv.’ add ‘-τον Sch.S.OFi98 ;’ Αδιάλυτος I, add ‘Adv. -τως Procl. in Ft. 1. 397 D.’ χΑδιαμέλητος, gloss on άφραδής, Hsch. Αδιαπάτητος, read ‘v. άδιπάτητος in Suppl.’ Αδιάπνευστος I, add ‘; οίνος νέος ά. Sm.Jb.32.1f Αδιάπταιστος, add ‘Adv. -τως Procl. in Τι. 1. 193 D.’ Αδιάστολος, add ‘II. undistributed, t/7\£i 80a 15.9 (ii B.c.), al.' Αδιάσωστος, after ‘Ptol. Fdr.47’ add ‘(v.l.V Αδίαυλος, add ‘; of the journey there, τήν ά. οδόν 7Gg(2).648. 10’ Αδιάφορος, add ‘VII. free of interest, άρτάβαι POxy. 2351.24 (ii A.D.).’ Αδιαχώριστος, after ‘undistinguished,' insert ‘Arist.FFi2i9b34,’ and after ‘Suid.’ add ‘; c. gen., inseparable from, 6FG8.574 (Fayum, prob. iii a.d.)’ χάδιαψήφητος, ov, without voting, by acclamation, ά. νικήσας Delph.3 (0·55°·5· . Αδιήγητος, after ‘Cic.dft.i 3.9.1’ add άδιήγηθ' όσα indescribably many, Men. Dysc. 405’ χάδΐής, ές, — άδεής (a), 7Gi2(3)-552 (Thera). Adv. άδιεως, = άδεώς, SEGg.3.36 (Cyrene, iv b.c.). Αδικέω ii. 2, add ‘ : metaph. τό μέτρον ήδίκητο violence was done to the metre, O.ki.Comp.g ’ Αδικητικός, after ‘562d’ add ‘, Ar.Byz.F/?ii.2.i44’ χάδιοβάντης, ου, ό, perh. fr. Lat. adiuvans, an official, PAnt.n. 96.12. χΑδιούτωρ, ορος, ό, = Lat. adiutor, PLond. 1711.89 (vi a.d.), al. χάδΐπάτητος [πά], ov, perh. of the first treading, πυράς POxy. 1259. 15, 2125.20 (both iii a.d.), Bull.Soc. Arch. Alex. 6.279 (ϋ/ϊϋ a.d.). Αδίστακτος, reverse the order of the first two references ; before ‘, PTeb.' add ‘ ; ά. πόσης αιτίας not disputed on any ground’ αδμητος, add ‘3. unconquered, JF7.723.’ χΑδμισσάριος, ό, = Lat. admissarius, ταύρος bull for breeding , Edict. Diocl. in Trans. Am. Phil. Ass. 7 1.158.2. Αδόκιμος I, add ‘; ά. άργύριον dross, Lxx Pr. 25.4, Is. 1.22' άδολεσχέω II, for ‘68(69). 12’ read ‘68(69). 13’ χΑδόρωτος, ov, not plastered, prob. in PMich. 5.253.5 (i A.d., άδωρ- Pap.). αδος (B), after ‘decree,' insert ‘sentence,' and for “άδεΐν” read “άδεΐν” αδος, for “ήδος” read “ήδος” Αδούλωτος, after ‘D.S.1.53’ add *, Inscr.Perg.413 (i B.c.)* Before Αδουσιασάμενοι, insert ‘Αδουσιάσασθαι, φυλής και δήμου και φρατρίας ά. accept membership of, 7G22.553,I5 (^v Β·0·)·* χαδρακτος, = άτρακτος II, Hsch. χΆδριάνεια, τά, festival at Athens, 7G2z.2050.i8, 2067.17 (both ii a. d.) ; at Ephesus, Jahresh.3 o Beibt. 203 (Ephesus, iii a.d.). χΆδριάνιών, ώνος, ό, name of a month at Athens, 7G22.2050.I4> 2067.197 (both ii a.d.). χΆδριανός, ό, an Egyptian month = Choiak, .S’ZIi.282, BGU 1616 (both ii a.d.). χάδρομελής, ές, strong-limbed, cj. in Emp.67.2 (Comp.), άδρός i, line 4, after Td.20.85’ add ‘ ; of a sieve, coarse, large- meshed (Comp.), Gp. 3. 7.1’ 11. 1, add ‘b. rich, Ael.A^lio. 50 (Comp.), Hsch.’ Αδρόσφαιρος, add, ‘, Plin.A77I2.44, άδρύνω, fine 2, after TIP3.1.3' add *; of a maiden, εις γάμον ΛΡ6.281 (cj., Leon.)’ and add at end ‘; of children, Lxx Jd. 1 1.2, 4 ΛΤ4.18, al. ; solidify, of ice, Ael.jV/1 14.26’ χΑδρϋφής, ές, unscratched, undamaged, Archil. (?) in POxy. 2317.14. άδυτος, add ‘[o SFG8.551.3 (i B.C.)]’ Άδώνια, after ‘Pherecr.170’ add ‘, 7G22.i26i.g (Peiraeus, 302/1 b. c.), etc.’ Άδωνιάζω, add ‘; άδωνιάζοντες 57GIH3.2 (Rhodes, ii/i b.c.)’ χΆδωνιασταί, ol, guild of worshippers of Adonis, SEG4.168 (Caria, prob. i a.d.). Άδωνις i. 2, for ‘cuttings planted’ read ‘corn, etc. grown’ χάδωσιδικέω, fail to pay one's due, PMich. 5.243.2, al. (i A.D.), POry.2351.58 (ii a.d.) . Αδωσιδικία, add ‘, BGU 1212.16 (i b.c.) άέθλευμα, for “Αέθλ-ευμα, -εύω,” read ‘Αεθλ-ευμα, ατοί, τό, = άθλημα, Eust.1843.22 (pi.) ; -εύω,’ Αεί ι, add ΤΟ. Αή Abh.Berl.Akad. 1 952 ( 0 · 1 1 (Cos, in Lacon. dial., iii b.c.).’ _ Αειγενής 2, for ‘everlasting' read ‘ born again and again' Αειγένητος ii, after ‘= αειγενής’ add T’ Αείδιος, add ‘, FdM2.186.a13 (iv a.d.), cf. άίδιος.’ Αείδω, line 8, delete ‘Ar.Lys. 1 243 (Lacon.)’ and after ‘Poets, as’ insert ‘Theoc.22.135, Call. d/). 30, Dian. 186,’ line 24, after ‘Pl.F/ii.i64c’ add ‘, Ar.Fr.124b (= 7 D.), Av.41 ; = μάτην λέγειν, Phot.p.48 R.’ Π. I, add ‘ ; τό φδόμενον τούτο as the saying is, Ael.jVid5.11’ 3 SUPPLEMENT άα,κής αίγίσκος άεικής ι, line 6, after ‘24.594’ add ‘ : of persons, Od.9.515 (v.L), h.Cer.83, 363, Call.Fr.344 Pf., A.R.4.91^ t άεικίνητος, after ‘Adv. -τως’ add ‘f.l. for άκινήτως in’ χάεικοίμάτος, ov, eternal, of sleep. Dam Inscr . du Louvre 60.8 (Heraclea ad Latmum). όειναΰται, for ‘at Chalcis’ read ‘or perh. association of sailors at Eretria, v. BCH87. 545/7’ αειπάρθενος i, for ‘Sapph. . . άϊπ-)' read ‘Alc.(?)304-5 L.-P. (at [w '->] παρθένος Pap.)’ χάείπολος, ον, ever-moving, Orac.Chald. ap.Procl. in Ti.3.61 D. αεί ρω, line 14, after 'E.Hel. 1597’ add ‘, Rh. 54 {alp- codd. in both places), Pl./.g.gega’, delete ‘imper.’ and after ‘746’ add ‘(v.l.)’ 1. 1, second line from end, after ‘Hp.Ai?r.6’ insert \ cf. E.yJk.450 (lvr.) ; but also of the rising of heavenly bodies, Arat.326, 405, 558, and so perh. in Alcm.1.63 P. ;’ m, add ‘3. at. άνά tl divide by, PRyl. 27 i 1, al. ; at. από τίνος sub¬ tract from, ib.8.’ rv. 3, delete. ‘jSoOs. .27.5 ;’ and add ‘b. τους βοΰς αΐ. perforin the bull -hoisting, 7G'22. io28.io, 13, 28 (i B.C.), cf. άρσις I. ia; ταύρον άράμενοι Paus.8.10.2, cf. Thphr.CTar.27.5.’ v. 2, add ‘b. of rivers, X.HG5.2.5, A 7*9.568 (Dioscor.).’ χάεισέβαστος, ό, = Lat. semper Augustus, Ephes. 4(1) N0.33 (vi a.d.), SEG9.356 (Cyrenaica, vi a.d.). χάελιδρόμος, ό, portico (?), ZIC//84.852 (Lissos, Crete), άελλόπος init., insert ‘(parox.)’ ; after ‘7 τοΒος' add ‘ (πόδοιο Nonn. D. 1 1.486 [Lobeck cj. -ao])’ άελπής, add ‘: neut. pi. as Adv., Nic.d7.i25’ όέναος, for “[ά-]” read ‘[ά-, also ά- Ar.72a.i30g (lyr.)]’ and after “άείνως” add “[ά]” χάεξίκακος, ον, nourishing evil, Nonn.Z). 20.84. άέξω, line I, for ‘twice in Trag. (lyr.)’ read ‘rare in Trag.’ I. 1, add δόμων ά. κάλλος A. TV. 535.5 M.’ χάεπος, ον, without uttering a word, (dub. 1.) Baillet laser, des tomheaux des rois 1402. άεπτος, for the present article substitute ‘άεπτος, ον, (επω) not to be dealt with, irresistible, fierce, v.l. for άαπτος (q.v.) ; also found in A.Supp.908 (fort, άελπτ'), Ag. 141 (lyr., v.l. άέλπτοις), Fr. 7 Μ. {άελπτ- cod. Hsch.).’ άερικόν, for 'tax on lights' read ‘name of a tax’ άέρινος 3, for the present section read ‘a precious stone, Ps.- Callisth.1.4 (prob. f.l. for άερίτης).' αέριος II, fin., after ‘ Prom.Es 6’ add ‘ ; θεός Explor.Arch.de DSlos xi.276’ and add ‘b. epith. of Zeus, Keil-Premerstein Dritter Bericht, no. 1 1 ( Lydia) άερίτης, add ‘, Anon.AIch.360.13’ χάεροκελαδοι· πιτυοκάμπται, Hsch. χάερόλευκος, ον, dub. 1. et sens., Anon.Alch. 387.14 (fort. leg. άκρόλευκ—). χάερομαντεΐον, τό, air-oracle, P Mag. Par .2.278. χάερόμορφος, ον, = ηερό—, Orph.Tf.14.il, 1 6. 1, 81.6 codd. χάεροττετέομαι, fly through the air, PMag.Osl.1.1 1 1 (iv a.d.). χάερσαν, v. έρση. άερσίλοφος, add ‘2. picking up hills, Nonn.D. 48.44.’ άερτάζω, line 1, for ‘TV. 19’ read 'Frr. 261, 597 Pf.’ χάέρωμα, ατος, τό, patch of ether converted into air, τα πρόσγε t a d. τοΰ αίθέρος Placit. 2.2,0. 8 (pi.). χάέτιον, τό, Dim. of αετός, dub. sens, in Inscr. Delos 408.2 (ii b.c.). χάετίς, ίδος, ή, gabled stele, Sardis 7(1). 167 (iv a.d.). άετίτης, add ‘; also άετΐτις, ιδος, η, Plin.HJVyj.iSf χάετόμορφος fa], ον, in the form of an eagle, Procl. in R. 2.319 K. άετός i. 1, add ‘b. vulture. Ευ. Matt. 24.28, Ev.Luc. 17.37, Apoc. 12.14 (?).’ 11, delete the section, άετοφόρος, add ‘Π. bearing an eagle, oi a coin, Inscr. Dilos 1442 B51 (ii B.C.).* For ‘άράταται, v. άτάω.' read ‘άρατάται, v. άτάομαι.’ άρλανεως, before ‘= άδόλαις’ insert ‘perh.’ άζηλοπραγμόνως, add ‘(sed leg. ά[φ]ιλοπραγμόνως)' Ανόσιος, for “Άζόσιοι θεοί” read “Άζοσίων θεών” and at end add ‘; also Αΰζόσιος SEG 11.417a A3 (Epid., iv b.c.), cf. Ανζησία in Suppl. s.v. Αύξησία’ χάζυγία, ή, dub. sens, in 7612(2). 489. 15. άζυξ, for ‘ unpaired ’ read ‘ that has not been yoked' ; after ‘D.H.1.40’ add ‘, B. 1 1. 1 05, 16.20 S.’ άζω (B) , after ‘980’ add ‘, cf. Gal. UP7. 1 3’, deleting ‘ ; so perh. . . Th. 99’ αηδής, after “ές,” insert ‘(Aeol. acc. άυάδην Sapph. 22. 5 L.-P., nom. pi. άιχίδεες Alc.259.11 L.-P.)’ αηδία i. 2, after ‘opp. ήδονή,’ add ‘Men.Z))w.435,’ αηδών, after ‘0, v. infr.’ add ‘ ; contr. άδών Mosch.3.9 (pi.)’ αημι, line 4, after ‘14.458’ add ‘, άεν A.R. 1.605, 2.1228’ άήρ i, line 3, after ‘Thphr.dVni.30’ add ‘, Tryph.669’ 11, add ‘3. space on a fiat roof, T’Tond.s. 1733. 19 (vi a.d.).’ άήτη, add ‘, Sapph. 2. 10, 20.9 L.-P., Simon. 90 P., B.17.91 S. (dub.)’ αητός (B),for ‘only. .Hsch.’ substitute ‘dub. sens., θάρσος άητον 11.21.395 (= θάρσος άάτον Q_.S-I.217), cf. αίητος.’ αητός (C), for the present article substitute after ‘(C)’ ‘, ov, = άάτος, ποηφάγος αίεν ά. Nic.TTi.783 ; ό άκατάπαυστος, Hdn.Gr. 1.220; also αητοί· άκόρεστο ι, άπληστοι, and αητούς· μεγάλας (A.TV.I3 Μ.), Hsch.’ χάηττησία, ή, invincibility, Afric.Ciit.p.ig V. άθαλής, after ‘Ath.12.524b’ add '{αειθαλές cod.)' αθάνατος ι, add ‘3. = μακαρίτης, Inscr. in Rev. El.Gr. 1952. 155 (Bulgaria).’ 111, add ‘3. of unmovable property, in the formula θνατά (τνατά) και αθάνατα Inscr. Cret.l . xvi 17*12 (ii B.C.), 4.76188 (v b.c.), cf. SEG9.1.7 (Cyrene, iv b.c.); v. θνητός in Suppl.’ όθάρη, after 'porridge' add 'made of wheat' άθελγής ii, after ‘ soothe ' add ‘or charm' and before ‘al.’ add ‘42.248,’ > f αθέλητος, after ‘Hsch.’ add ‘s.v. άβοάλητον.' αθεμελίωτος, after ‘Hsch.’ add ‘s.v. άτερμάτιστος' άθεμιστος I, delete ‘(the former. .Prose)’ άθερίνη, add ‘; rest, in Hippon.7V.iii. 1 1D.3’ άθετέω I. 3, add ‘b. treat despotically, Lxx De. 21.14.’ χάθετησία, η, breach of faith, Vett.Val. in Cal.Cod.Astr. 8(1). 170 (pi.). χάθετητικός, η, όν, treacherous, PMasp.^f A 12 (vi a.d.). χΆθηνάδιον, τό, small image of Athena, POxy .1802 TV.3.55 (ii/iii A.D.). Αθήναι I, delete ‘, /61.373107’ and add at end ‘, Th.4.5; Σοννιον άκρον Άθηνέων Od. 3.278’ χΆθηναϊσταί, oi, guild of worshippers of Athena, at Rhodes, IG 12 ( 1 ) . 1 62. χάθλιψία, η, freedom from tribulation, Critodem. in Cal.Cod.Astr. 8(1). 259. άθλοθεσία, after “αθλοθέτης” insert ‘ judging , awarding the prizes, Sokolowski 49B16 (Milet., ii b.c.),’ άθλον, for ‘C/6776’ read CIG 7761’ f άθλος fin., after ‘765(2). 75’ add ‘, SEGi 1.330 (Argos, v b.c.) άθλοσύνη, add ', Bull. Inst. Franc. 60. 133’ άθραγένη, add ‘, Jgn.6f άθρακτος, add ‘, /ITI352.’ άθραυστος 2, add ‘ ; invulnerable, of a fortified place, Pae.Delph. 9 ; Piu.7V'm.i8 (Sup.)’ άθρετττος, for ‘2.9.8’ read ‘29.8’ and at end add ‘; ά. και άνάγωγοι άνδρες PSIl 160.6 (i A.D.)’ αθροίζω 2, add ‘ ; so Act. with reflex. Pron., εαυτούς άθροίσαντες having pulled themselves together, Ael.JWi9.43, cf. 10.48’ άθρόος n. 2, for ‘ continuous ' read 'instantaneous' , and at end add ‘, v. AJP65. 244/5’ v, after ‘Sup.’ insert ‘ άθροώτατος Isoc.15.107;’ άθυμεω, line 5, after ‘4.19’ add ‘; c. inf. ά. έπιχειρήσαι Th.7. 2Ϊ.3,’ χάθυμήτης, ον, ό, = άθυμος, Phot. ρ. 43 R· άθυρμα, line 2, for ‘SapphAwjfr/'-Soa.q’ read ‘Sapph.44.9, 63.8 L.-P., Inscr. Delos 1441 A i 82 (ii b.c.)’ line 6, after ‘Trag. and Com.,’ insert ‘A.7V. 17.86 M.,’ άθυρος ii, after 'unchecked,' insert ‘ά. στόμα Simon. 36. 2 P. ;’ άθυροστομία, alter ‘= άθυρογλαιττια,' insert *47*5.5^ (Dioscor.), and for ΆΡ5.251' read ‘AP5.252’ άθύρω n. I, add ‘b. λαΐφος ά. play with the bedding, h.Merc. 152.’ χάθυσίαστος, gloss on αφαρκίδεντος, Hsch. άΘυτος ι. I, after 'omitted,' insert 'πελανός E.Hipp.x^y,' αθώος, line 1, after “ov,” insert ‘Ion. άθώϊος 7612.8.265.6, al.,’ άθώόω, for ‘Iamb. Bab. 223’ read ‘lamb. Bab.f For “άΐ” read “άι(ν), aii(v)” ala (B), omit “· και φυ τον. .ομώνυμος’ ata (G), add ‘; ala·, .και φυτον τι. έτι δέ ό καρπός αύτω ομώ¬ νυμος, ΕΜ27.24’ αιάζω, line 2, after ‘(Chios)’ add ‘: Med. opt. αιάζοιτο rest, in A.7V.17.15 M.’ Αίάντειος, delete ‘[Penult, short Pi.O.9.1 12.]’ χαίγάγριον, το, meat of the αίγαγρος, Edict . Dwd . 4 · 45 · Αίγαΐος, after ‘ Aegaean ,' insert ‘ πόντος Ibyc. 1 (a). 28 P. ;’ ; for ‘ mount Ida’ read ‘a mountain near Lyctus’ ; after ‘77. 484’ insert ‘ ; Al. πεδίον a plain adjoining Crisa, ld.TV.42’ Αιγαίων ι, add ‘2. = Poseidon, Call. TV. 59. 6 Pf., cf. Philos tr. FA 4.6, Lyc. 135, Hsch.’ χαΐγειοπράτης [ά], ου, ό, seller of goatskins, Olymp. in Grg. p.202 N. αΐγειρος, fin., for ‘of a seat, .stage’ read ‘ “ poplar-mew ,” of spectators without seats climbing trees’ αΐγεος I, add ‘; κρέ a PCair.fen. 12.55 (iii b.c.)’ χαίγίάλοφόρητος (sc. γη), η, shore-land washed away, PTeb.701 {a). 12 (ii b.c.) . χαίγΐάλοφΰλάκέω, hold office of dyke-warden, prob. in BGU\2.2\ (ii a.d.) . αίγιαλοφΰλαξ, add ', P Mich. 1 74-d (d a.d.)’ χΑίγιναιοττώλης, ου, ό, seller of Aeginetan wares, i.e. trumpery, EM 28.U. Αίγιναϊος, line 2, after ‘5.47, etc.’ add * ; ΑΙγιναΐ α· τα ρωπικά φορτία, EM28.10’ αίγινομεύς, add ‘, Nic.A/.39’ αϊγίπυρος, add ‘II. a beetle, Hsch.’ αίγίσκος, add ‘ ; = αΐξ εκτομίας, Hsch.’ 4 Αίγλαιτιόξ χΑίγλαττιός, V. Άγλαπιός in Suppl. αίγλήεις, line 4> after ‘αίγλάς,’ insert ‘αίγλάεντος ώρανώ Alcm. 3·^.3.π.66 Ρ. ;’ χαίγοθύτης, ου, ό, goat-sacrificer, prob. in Stud. Pal. 10.252.19 (vi A.D.). αίγονομεύς, for ‘Nic.^/^g’ read ΌΡΡ.//.4.313’ χαίγοτόμιον, τό, goat-sacrifice, Ramsay Cities and Bishoprics 1 p. 150. χαϊγυνος, = κώνειου, f.l. in Ps.-Dsc-4.78. αιγών i, after “o',” insert ‘ goat-pen , PCair.^en.yji .14 (iii b.c.) αίγωπός, for ‘of persons, .cf.’ read ‘, i.e. yellow-eyed, of men and animals, Arist.G^77gbi, 779a33 ; Ptol.Trfr.144 (α'ιγοπ-) ; cf. Arist.’ χάΐδασμος, v. άείδασμος. αίδέομαι I. 1, add ‘b. αί. μη. .shrink with shame from an occur¬ rence, al. μη τις κτείνειεν Nonn.D.23.65.’ άίδιος, line 7, after ‘Th. 4.63’ add ‘, API. 292’ χαίδοιόττληκτος, ον, gloss on σαννιόπληκτος, Hsch. χΆϊδοκΰνεα, ή, Hades-cap (v. κυνέη 2), S.Inach. in PTeb. 692 ii 4 (lyr·)· άϊδρείη, add * ; dat. άϊδρείηφι Nic. Th. 409’ άϊδρήεις, delete “εσσα,” Άϊδωνεός, line 4, after ‘later poets,’ insert ‘Euph.98,’ χΆϊδωνίς, ίδος, fem. Adj., of Hades, Λήθη GT/1874.11 (Cnidos, ii/i B.G.). αιδώς, add ‘IV. Chaldaean name for the moon, Plsch.’ αιθάλη, transfer ‘Dsc-5.75’ to 11. αϊθαλος, after ‘smoke,’ add ‘soot,’; after ‘Lyc. 55’ add ‘(cj. αιθάλου, of Paris) ’ αίθαλόω, line 1, after ‘El. 1140’ add ‘; singe, Arr.Tr.3 de r. phys. (p.189, line 15 Roos)’ αιθέριος i, add ‘, 7Gi2(2) .484.9 (Mytilene), Robert Hell. 10. 20, n.6’ αίθερίτης, after “άέρινος” add ‘, but prob. f.l. for άερίτης’ χαίθεροδΐνής, ές, whirling in the ether, Orac. in App.Anth.6. 140. 8. αιθήρ, line 1, for ‘and’ read ‘Th. 124 o'; in’ line 2, after “η” insert ‘Stesich.32.i-4 P.,’ 3 b, delete ‘ , cf.Arist.M«. 392a5’ χΑίθιοιτία, Ion. -ίη, η, epith. of Artemis, Call.Tr.702 Pf., IG 12 (2). 92 (Lesb.), ΛΤ6.269.3, 7.705.3 (Antip.Thess.). Αίθίοψ, line 2, for ‘nom. Αίθιοπεύς’ read ‘gen. sg. —οπήος’ and after ‘Del. 208’ add ‘; gen. pi. —οπήων Theoc. 17.87’ χαιθμα· δέλεαρ, Hsch. αίθός i, add ‘ ; perh. black- or dark-complexioned, S.Inach. in POxy. 2369.1.11.26, cf. ΑΙΘίοφ ’ αίθρηγενής, add ‘ ; άνεμοι A. R. 4. 765’ αιθρία, after Ton. -ίη,’ insert ‘Poet. also, -ιάα GZ.Ti.uo. 17 (prob.),’ αίθριοκοιτέω, for ‘Orib.9.3.8’ read ‘Stob.5.37.30’ αίθριος i. 2, after ‘CT5.12.2’ add ‘, Robert Hell.i 0.20/1 (Byzan¬ tium, i B.C.)’ αίθύσσω, line 4, after ‘689’ add ‘ ; φρένας B.Tr.2oB.8 S. cod. Ath., cf. διαιθύσσω’ αΤθω 3, lines 6, 7, after ‘X.Cyr.5.1.16, cf.’ insert ‘Theoc. 7. 102,’ and after ‘A. R. 3. 296’ add ‘ ; abs., επί τινι Call.Tr.67.2 Pf.’ αίκίζω I, before ‘S. Ant. 206’ insert ‘mutilated,’ αϊλινος i, after ‘(Diod.) ;’ insert ‘ weaving-song , Epich.14;’ χαίλοορόμορφος, ον, = α’ιλουροπρόσωπος (cf. ίερακόμορφος) , ξόανον Horap.i.io; [ΐδε'α κανθάρων] ibid. χαίλουροταφεΐον, τό, burial-place of sacred cats, Ostr. i486 (ii A.D.). αίμα in. 2, add ‘, Theoc. 24.73, Call.Tr.67.7 Pf. ; of the Hyper¬ boreans, πολυχρονιώτατον αί. Id.Del.282’ αιμασιά, for ‘to lay’ read ‘gather stones for’ Χαίμαχάτης, ου, o, red agate, Phn.ZZyV37.139· αϊμισυς, for ‘q.v.’ read ‘/Gi2(2).i.9,i 1 (Mytilene, iv B.c.).’ χαίμογενής, ες, related by blood, 5TG8.374 (Egypt, ti a.d.). αΐμοειδής, for ‘ = αιματοειδής, Ph.2.244’ read ‘in Ph.2.244 f.l. videtur (leg. ηθμό—)’ χαίμοττοτεΐν, drink blood, gloss on δερκύλλειν, Hsch. αΐμόρροος ii, for ‘Philum.T?«.2i, Nic.TA.282’ read ‘Nic. Th. 282, al., Philum.Prfi.2i’ αίμόρρυτος, for the present article substitute ‘αί., ον, (ρέω) flowing with blood, al. φλέβες blood-vessels, A.Tr.379 M. ; with efflux of blood, νόσος IG i2(5)-3io (Paros, ii a.d., αίμορυτ-).' χαίμοφθόρος, gloss on βροτολοιγός, Hsch. αίμόφυρτος, before ‘Plb.’ insert ‘Lyc. 1411,’ αίμυλία, add ‘ ; plausibility, Ael.TM5.49’ αίνελένη, add *, Nic.ry1.310’ χαίνεσίθυμος, ον, prob. f.l. for άλγεσί - (q.v.), Orac. in TAMffli). 34D65 (Termessus). αίνετός, before ‘dub.’ insert ‘Cratin. in PSI\2\2.i 5,’ αίνεω i, fin., for ‘(both lyr.)’ read ‘(anap., lyr.)’ χΑίνιάρχαι, οι, magistrates among the Aenianes, IGg(2).$bi5 (Hypata, ii B.c.). χαίνιγματοειδής, ές, = αινιγματώδης, Zos.Alch.241.26. αινιγματώδης, fin., for ‘Arist .Rh.’ read ‘Arist. Kh.AL’ αίνόδακρυς, for ‘= foreg.’ read ‘ terribly wept for ’ αίώς αίνοτάλας, delete ‘Antim.[io61 =’ and for 'Fr. 506’ read ‘ Fr . 481 Pf.’ αϊξ, after ‘3171’ add ‘; acc. αίγον dub. 1. AJPff0. 241 (Isauria, ii/iii a.d.)’ αίόλειος, for the present article substitute ‘Αίόλειος, Aeol. -ηος, a, ov, of Aeolus, θεός Ale. 129.6 L.-P. (-ηιαν Pap.) II. = ο ποικίλος, EM 33.32.’ χαϊολωττός, όν, dub. sens., S. Inach. in ^^.2369.1.11.28. άΐος, substitute ‘f.l. for αίώς, q.v. in Suppl.’ χάΐτταις, παιδος, ή, = αειπάρθενος, ever a virgin, GVI 1941.3 (Thisbe, ii/iii a.d.). αϊττήεις, after ‘A.R.2.721’ insert ‘; metaph., al. καταιγίς’ αίττόλος, add ‘III. ό Ερμαφρόδιτος ΰπό Σινωπέων οΰτω καλείται, Phot. ρ. 54 R·’ αίπός, for ‘dub. in. . (Athens)’ read ‘perh. f.l. for δίπον, i.e. δίπουν, in IG 22. 1665.7 (Athens), v. Ath. Mitt. 63/4. 1 1 iff.’ αίπύκερως, before ‘EM’ add ‘Theognost.Can.14 A.,’ αίτιός I, line 4, delete ‘on high. .682 ;’ 2, add ‘ ; of sounds, high-pitched, al. ίωή Hes. Th. 682 ; θεός al., of Diomede, dub. sens, in Lyc. 630’ χαίράριον, τό, = Lat. aerarium, Mon. Anc.Gr.g. 12, etc. αϊρεσις B. ii. 2, after ‘28.22’ add ‘; heretical sect. Cod. Just. 1. 1.5.3, al·’ > and after ‘III.’ add ‘ condition attached to a bequest, e Cod. Just. 1. 3. 52. 1 3, al.;’ αιρετικός, 2, add ‘b. heretical, of persons, Cod. Just., al.’ 4, add ‘; —cos έχοντας προς την πόλιν being well- disposed to. ., SEGj. 62 (Seleucia in Pieria, ii b.c.).’ χαίρετισμός, ό, dub. sens., άργόριον αίρετισμοΰ Ecn. ^.Ki. 12.17. αίρέω, line 15, after “ειλάμην” insert ‘Call.Tr.384.41 Pf.,* line 16, after ‘(Phil.)’ add ‘; ιλαντο S. Dow Prytaneis ( Hesperia , Supp.I) ρ. 186N0.116.5’ B. i, line 4, after ‘11.22. 1 19;’ insert ‘ receive , suffer, κήδος έλέσθαι, A. R. 2. 858, 3.692 ;’ C. I. 1, after ‘9.102’ add ‘, S.Any.406; ήρέθην. .εν μάχη E .Supp. 634’ 11, fin., for ‘always’ read ‘mostly’ αίρώδης, add ‘; όλόρα PTeb. 857.18, 35’ αΐσθησις i, add ‘2. artistic perception, craftsmanship, Lxx Ex. 28.3. 3. pain, ib.Ju.i6.ij (21).’ αισθητήριον fin., for ‘τά al. the faculties’ read ‘but τά al. apptly. the mental faculties’ αίσιμία, after ‘Eu. 996’ add ‘ ; fairness, εν αίσιμίη . . άνυσσεν αρχήν Inscr .Olymp .481 (iii— iv a.d.). 2. = μαντεία, Call.Tr.18.9 Pf., cf. Theognost. Can. 16 A., EMgg.g, Suid.’ αίσιος I, add ‘2. Epith. of Poseidon at Delos, Durrbach Choix d’ inscriptions de Delos 135·’; in 11, for “αί.” read “αίσια” άΐσσω fin., after ‘d Lyr.’ add ‘(exc. μετ-άΐξαις Pi.TZ5.43)’ αίσυμνάω I, after ‘b.Med. 19 ;’ insert ‘ήσύμνας ’ Εφέσου Call. Fr. 102 Pf.’ and at end, for ‘Iamb. 1 .162’ read ‘Fr. 192.6 Pf.’ αίσυμνήτις, for ‘Suid.’ read ‘Call.Tr.238.10 Pf. ; of a goddess, Syria 12.319 (Jerusalem).’ αίσχροττραγέω, for ‘= αίσχροποιέω' read ‘behave basely ' αίσχροσεμνία, for ‘ avoidance of obscenity ’ read ‘a blend of indecency and reverence ’ άΐτας, line 3, for “αίτης” read “άιτης” and at end add ‘[d, but d Lyc.l.c.]’ αίτέω I, add ‘6. ask in marriage, Leg.Gort. 7.51.’ 11, for ‘ask for. . — the Act.’ read ‘freq. = Act.’ lines 7-8, delete ‘ αίτησάμενος . . Men.476 ;’ at end, add ‘2. borrow, Th. 6.46.3, And. 4. 29, Lys.i9.27; οι) πΰρ γαρ αϊτών, ουδέ λοπάδ ’ αϊτού μένος Men.410; ask for the services of, Λύσανδρον άρχοντα Lys.12.59.’ x άιτης, ου, ό, = άΐτας (q.v.). 2. of fish, perh. non-male, τον κεστρέα . .τον άΐτην και άρσενα ίσον PTeb. 701.44» 65 (ϋ* B-C·)· αίτητής, after ‘ petitioner ,’ insert ‘PTeb.8g^.Fr.6. 13 (ii b.c.),’ αίτιατικός I. 1, add ‘Adv. -κώς, ib.22.329.’ αίτιος ii. 2, add ‘ ; prob. in Sapph.67.6 L.-P.’ αιφνίδιος, line 1, after ‘A.Tr.68o’ add ‘(s.v.l.)’ χαίχμαλόω, take prisoner, aor. Pass, ήχμαλώθη SEGS.ggg (Egypt). (Back-formation fr. αιχμάλωτος.) αίχμητής I, add ‘; al. αλέκτωρ a fighting cock, AP 6.155 (Theo- dorid.)’ χαίχνιηον, τό, prob. name of a cult-object, Inscr. Cret. i.v 23.4 (Arcades, ii a.d.). άΐω (A) fin., for ‘άίε. .1.352’ read ‘άϊεις Ath.Mitt.^j .47 (i A.d.) ; di- is v.l. for άκου- in II.2.486, Od.1.352, 353, Hes.OT.213’ χ άίών (B) [di], όνος, ή, a kind of garment, B.17.112 S., Hsch. S.v. έλυμα, cf. άών. αιών ii. i, lines 3/4, for ‘oi άπό. .63.20;’ read ‘in all time, πρώτος πάντων τών άπό του αι. Ρωμαίων D.C. 63.20; ενα απ αιώνος άπαγόμενον γυμνασίαρχον Acta Alexandrinorum 11.67 (ii A.D.);’ and after ‘life long,’ insert ‘Simon.36.12 P.,’ χαίωνιαΐος, a, ον, = αιώνιος, Wiegand Palmyra (Berlin 1932) 65 (i a.d.) . αιώρημα, add ‘3. that which is supported, burden, P.SuppAQ^j.' χαίώριον, τό, Dim. of αιώρα, perh. grain-elevator, PUniv.Giss. 10 ii 13 (ii/i b.c.) * χαίώς· ό αίών, παρά Στησιχορω, prob. in Cod.Bodl.Auct.T.ilf i)f. 90, cf. Stesich.69 P. SU PPLEMENT 5 άκαδήμαρχος SUPPLEMENT ακροθίνιον χάκάδήμαρχος , ό, an ephebic official at Cyrene, Africa ltaliana Riv. 3.189. ακαθαρσία 3, after 'impurity,' insert 'BCH 80.300 (Dodona, —ρτιαν),’ άκαθοσίωτος, add ‘; unholy, POxy. 1865.8 (vi/vii a.d.). άκαθυπερτέρητος, after ‘157’ add ‘, 19°' ακαινον, for ‘ Metaph .’ read 'Mete.' άκαιρία I. I, for ‘Pl.FM272a’ read 'PX.Phdr .272a’ άκαίριμος, for 'Lyr.Adesp. 86 A.* read Lyr.Adesp. 102 P. άκαιρος I, after ‘A.Pr.1036;’ add ‘ άκαιρα μιυμενους Id.Fr.494.2i M.;’ n. i, add ‘; ά. iv ταΐς μετωνυμίαις using them inappositely, D.H .Dem.5, cf. Lys.f > χάκάκοποίητος, or, undamaged, Pap. in Aegyptus 19-62, cf. a- κακουργητος. άκακος I. 1, add ά. κόρη Men.Zfy.fc.222’ ακάματος, fin., after “ ακάματος ” insert ‘A. Fr. 343. 37 Μ. (άκα- Pap.),’ χάκαμπτέω, behave uprightly, iv rots τόποις PTeb. 703.272 (iii b.c.). άκανθέα, before ‘ PLond .' insert 'PGoodsp. 30.10.23 (ii a.d.),’ άκανθεών, after 'brake,' insert 'POxy. 1985.17 (vi a.d.);’ άκανθίας 2, for ‘ grasshopper ’ read ‘ cicada ' άκανθοβάτης, after 'thorns,' insert ‘σήτες a.,' and for ‘nickname* read ‘abusive description’ ; after ‘-βάτις, ibos,’ insert ‘ ακρίδα . . άκανθοβάτιν’ άκανθος, line 1, after “o'” insert ‘(17 Dsc.3.17)’ and add ΊΠ. = άκανθίς I, Ael.AAlO.32.’ ^ακανθωτός, η, όν, decorated with άκανθαι, ήλοι. Inscr. Delos 1439 Abe 145, 1450.47 (ϋ b.c.). _ άκάρδιος i, add ‘b. senseless, witless, Lxx 01.6.20 (21). άκαρής n, for ‘Men.835’ read ‘Men.7Ty5c.695’ άκαρφής, after 'withered,' add ‘prob. f.l. in’ άκασκα, after ‘Cratin.126 add ‘Pi. in POxy. 2^51. Fr.i/\..\.io’, and delete ‘but. .Fr. 28’ άκαταιτίατος, for ‘ not to be accused' read ‘not accused' ακαταληψία, add “2. incomprehensibility, S.E.P.1.236, 2.2J.’ άκαταπάτητος, substitute ‘[π<χ], ον, not trampled, f.l. for ακατα- ποτος in Lxx Jb. 20. 18 cod. Alex.’ άκατάπαυστος, after “-τως" add ‘Corn.A7)i5,’ άκατάποτος, for 'to be.. 18’ read ‘ swallowed , mistranslation of Hebr. Id' y a aids in Lxx Jb. 20. 18 (cf. Arabic ' alasa ‘drank’) ; cf. αμάσητος’ άκαταστασία I, add ‘; fickleness, Lyr.Alex.Adesp.i .7’ II, line 2, after ‘pi.,’ add ‘Ptol.Tcir.i7o(v.l.),’ άκάτειος II, after ‘‘άκάτειον” add ‘(codd. άκάτιον)’ ·, in last line omit ‘prob.. .in’ and add ‘(v.l. in Sch. εκάτειον, cf. Suid.)’ χάκατεργασία, η, lack of cultivation, SB5230.15 (i a.d.). άκάτιον, add ‘IV. v. άκάτειος II with Suppl.’ άκαυστος, add ‘3. Subst., ol cL, carbuncles, Plin.T7A37.92.’ άκενόσπουδος, for ‘ shunning vain pursuits' read ‘ avoiding useless anxiety' άκέομαι, line 3, after ‘863’ add ‘, cf. άκεϋν rat prob. in Hdt. 7.236’ χάκερμος, ον, without money, prob. in Aesop.Froii.39 Perry ( άκερος cod.). χάκ[ερ]σος, ον, not shorn, rest, in PMasp.14.1 .111. 1 1 (vi A.d.). χάκεστάλιος, a, ov, dub. sens., ά. όρνιθες Stesich.70 P. χάκεφάλαίως, Adv. without arrangement under headings, .SFG8.694.9 (Luxor, iii/ii b.c..). άκεφαλος 2, for ‘ without beginning' read ‘headless as not crowned with completion’·, for ‘; without. .Scyth.g;’ read ‘, Luc. Scyth. 9. b. without beginning,' άκή (B), for 'άκήν εχεν Mosch.2.l8’ read ‘ά. εχειν Call.Fr.238.9 Pf., A.R.3.521, etc.’ and after ‘Hsch.’ add ‘(fort. leg. ήχες).’ άκηδέω i, add ‘ : c. acc., ά. τούς θεούς PFreib. ζ.ο,ο in Gott.Nachr. 1922.35’ *άκηδιώδης, ες, exhausted, Vit. Aesop. (G)y6 (άκιδ- cod.), άκήρωτος, after 'unwaxed,' insert 'Inscr. Dilos 507.13 (iii b.c.),’ άκιδνός fin., delete ‘(s.v.l. . .Brandt).’ and after Ιατρός' add ‘or perh. λογισμός’ άκιδωτός I, after ‘= foreg.,’ insert ‘ Inscr. Dilos 1421 Acd 11 18, 1450A21,’ άκίς i, add ‘5. ακίδες οφθαλμών, of keen sight, Lxx Jb. 16. 1 1 (10). άκκίζομαι i, after ‘Act. only’ add ‘as v.l. in’ Χάκκουβιτάρις, = Lat. accubitorius, of or for a couch (άκκονβιτος), Edict. Diocl. 19.23. *άκκούβιτος, ό, = Lat. accubitus, accubitum, couch. Edict. Diocl. 19.23. *άκκουμβίζω, = Lat. accumbo, recline at table, Vit. Aesop. {G) 4.0 (άκουμβήσωμεν cod.), Suid. S.V. ττρόσκλιτον. άκλαστος, for ‘CF1.15.17.’ read ‘CP1.15.1’ άκλήρημα, omit ‘loss,’ and ‘Dicaearch. 1 .25 (pi.),’ and for ‘, etc.’ read (in pi.) drawbacks (including moral faults), Dicaearch. 1.25.’ άκλόνητος, after 'unmoved,' insert ‘Palaeph.52,’ άκλονος, delete ‘ ; of a rider. .Palaeph.52’ άκμάδιον, for ‘Ps.-Mos.Alch.’ read ‘Moses’ άκμαΐος, add ‘III. pointed, Hid. 9. 19, cf. ακμή 1* χάκμαιότης, ητος, ή, the prime of life, Ptol.Fetr.29. *άκμάς, άδος, ή, fem. Adj. = άκμαΐος, βουλή Orac.Chald. ap.Procl. in Prm. p.622 S. ακμήν, lines 2 and 7, for 'Cod.Vat.Gr. 122’ read 'Cod.Vat.Gr. 12’, adding in line 2 ‘in Reitzenstein Ind.Lect.Rost. 1892/3 p.4’ ; line 4, after ‘Theoc.4.60,’ insert ‘Call.Fr.781 Pf.,’ άκμής, after ‘(Alph.)’ add ‘; perh. uninjured, προτομάν άκμήτα Antip.Sid. in GLPi. 107(4)2.’ χάκμονίσκος, o, Dim. of άκμων, small anvil on which coins were struck, IG22. 1 408. 1 2 (iv b.c.). χάκναμπτί, Adv. inflexibly. Pi. Dith.Oxy. 3.12 (-ει Pap.). Χάκναφάριος, o, dealer in uncarded cloth, MAM A3. 622 (Corycus), 27 (Seleucia ad Calycadnum). άκνημος, for ‘without calf of the leg’ read ‘ legless ’ άκοινώνητος ii, delete ‘ ; inhuman, Cic.Ait.6.3.7’ and ‘cj. ib.6.1.7,’ άκολος, after ‘Od. 17.222,’ insert ‘Call.Ccr.i 15,’ άκολουθέω, line 8, for 'Adul.' read ‘ Kol .’ 11. 4, line 2, for ‘(s.v.l.)’ read ‘(confirmed by POxy. 2174Ί 1.9 = Fr.iv.g D.3)’ χάκολουθικός, ή, όν, = ακόλουθος, PCair.j^enBjG.^ (iii B.C.). άκόμιστος, after 'untended,' insert ‘GLP1.122.1y,’ άκονδος, for “άχαρις . .χάρις” read “άχαρις- κονδάς (leg. κόν- νος) γάρ χάρις εστίν” χάκονδύλωτος [ό], ον, without knobs, of a drinking- vessel, Michel 815.23 (Delos, iv b.c.) . άκονητής, after ‘ sharpens ' add ‘or polishes' ; after ‘σπάθης’ add 'περικεφαλαίας' ; after ‘7-33' add ‘, 34’ άκονητί, add ‘(f.l. for άκονιτί)’ άκονιτί, after ‘D. 19.77’ add ‘ ! written ασσκονικτει in Bericht ii. die Ausgrabungen in Olympia (added to Jahrb.^.ffl) p. 83 (Laconian, v B.c.), cf. σκορακίζω, Mod. Gk. σκόνη = dust’ άκόνιτον i, delete ‘dub. 1. in Nic.AZ.42,’ άκοντίζω i, add ‘6. Pass., spout up or out, τό αίμα Alex.Trall.l. 13 p.515 P·’ άκόντιον, add ‘3. goad, ά. ήτοι μάστιξ Edict. Diocl. 15.17. Π. = άκοντίας I, Fronto Ep.Gr. 1 . 1 H.’ άκοντοδόκος, add ‘, Didyma 496B9 (ii a.d.)’ άκοπος ii, add ‘4. ά. (sc. λίθος), ή, a kind of stone, Plin.//A37· 143.’ iii. 2, after 'whole,' insert ‘ κέγχρος Edict. Diocl. 1.5,’ άκόρ€τος, for the present article substitute ‘= ακόρεστος, v.l. in 5. F/.123 (lyr.).’ άκοσκίνευτος, add ‘, cf. PTeb. 1029. 5 (ii B.c.)’ άκοσμος i, add ‘b. of moral conduct, disorderly, χήρη AP5.302.9 (Agath.); γυναίκες ld.Hist.5.14..’ ii, after ‘(Jul.),’ insert ‘cf. και νΰ κε κόσμος ά. εγί νέτο Nonn.D. 6.371/ χάκούρης, ον, ό, one having long hair, prob. in /Gi2(5).225 (Paros, v b.c.) ; cf. Philol.65.633. χάκοΰχος (?), ό, dub. sens., PBremen 21.8. άκράδαντος, for ‘etc.’ read ‘Clem.Al.Fαίί/.2.I79·, άκραής, delete ‘ ; si άκραες. . 10.17.9’ άκραΐος Π, before ‘Aphrodite’ insert ‘Zeus, Sokolowski 56.13;’ άκρασίων, for ‘ I ’ read ‘3’ χάκρατ€υτής, οΰ, ό, = άκρατής ii. 2, ά. εις μοιχείαν Anon, in Rh. 120.30 (pi.). άκρατίζομαι, lines 5, 6, after ‘fut. -ιώ,’ add ‘pf. part, ήκρατικώς Didyma 286.8,’ and after ‘ breakfast ,' insert 'τήν πόλιν Didyma l.c.,’ άκρατος I. 6, for 'ά. καΰμα AP9.71 (Antiphil.)’ read ‘ά. μανία AP 12. 1 15’ άκρελεφάντινος, add ‘, cf. Inscr. Dilos 1409 Fc ii 47 (6 B.c.).’ άκρηστος, v. άχρηστος in Suppl. άκρηχολία, read “άκρηχολίη” άκρία, before ‘of Athena’ insert ‘of Hera, 7G9(i).6g8 (Corcyra, iv b.c.) ;’ άκριβασμός, delete ‘ searchings of heart’ άκρίβεια I, after ‘478bi’ add ‘; επ’ ακρίβειας Demetr.F/oe.222’ άκριβόω i, after ‘Arist.Fo/.i279bi’ add ‘ ; of a work of art, εΰ σμίλησιν ήκριβωμενην Call.Fr.202.66 (Add. Ii) Pf.’ άκρίδιον, delete ‘in metaph. sense, spikelet,’ χάκρι<δο>μακραγετας, ου, ό, one who drives locusts far away, AJP 76. 3°d/9· άκρις, line I, after “to?” insert ‘(-εως 7G5(i). 1370.6 (i b.c.))’ άκρίς, after ‘sg., in collective sense,’ add 'PTeb. 772.2 (iii b.c.),’ χάκρΐτόφΟλος, ον, = άκριτος III. 2, κλωστήρων γένη SEG8.y68.l8 (Egypt). άκροαπίς should follow άκροάομαι. άκροατήριον ii, add ‘, prob. in D.H.Drm.15’ άκροβάτης, add ‘ ; ά. επί θυμιάτρου Jahresh.\\ Beibl.36^ (Ephesus, list of κουρήτες)’ άκρόβατος, delete the article, άκροβελίς I, for 'dart' read ‘spit’ άκροβηματίζω, before ‘Hsch.’ insert ‘Archil. (?) in POxy. 2320.2,’ χάκρόγωνον, τό, corner, PMasp. 109.26 (vi a.d.). χάκρόθηκτος, ov, sharpened at the point, εγχη E .Fr. in Gott.Nachr. 1922.25. άκροθίνιον, lines 2, 3, delete ‘or -θΐνα’ ; after ‘(Delph., iv B.c.)’ add ‘; -θΐνα Pi. 0. 2.4, 10.57 may be fem. sg. acc. or neut. pi. acc.’ 6 άκροθώραξ SUPPLEMENT αλήτης άκροθώραξ, for “πει τωκότ’ ” read “πεπωκότα” χΆκροκαλλίστιος, ό, epith. of Zeus at Delphi, Delph. 3(1). 362 iii H· άκροκέραια, for ‘ κεράς vm’ read ‘κεράς v.5’ άκρόκομος I, fin., delete ‘of goat’s chin,’ χάκρόλευκος, ov, very white , Vit. Aesop. ( G)g2. άκρόλιθος, after ‘558’ insert ‘, line 14’ and after ‘(Argos)’ add ‘, cf. Vitr.2.8.1 1’ χάκρόλλιον, τό, cowl, hood, Stud.Pal. 20. 2$$.ig (vi A.D., άκρόλλιν Pap.). άκρολοφίτης, add ‘, API. 256’ άκρόνυξ, add Ή. Astron., opposition, Vtoi.Alm.io.j, al.’ άκρόνυχος (A), line 4, after ‘Nic. 77?. 761’ add ‘, Posidipp.ap. Ath. 1 1 .49 1 c ; ev re rofs άκρωννχοις καί τ fj ταυροδιδαξία, prob. of an evening ritual, Milet.i(7)No.205a’ and alter ‘ZV. 942-23.’ add '2. = άκρόνυκτος, PAlich. 1 49 xi.9/1 1 , cf. Cat.Cod.Astr. 8(2). 84.5. ’ χάκροξϊφίδιον, τό, sword-point, Ρό/7.756.14 (Oxyrhynchus, iv/v A.D.), Gloss. άκρόττολις, after ‘άκρό-ττολις’ insert ‘(poet. acc. άκροπόληα, Procl.P/.7-2i)’ ^ άκρότιτερον, add ‘; topmast of a ship, Cyran.41’ άκρος 1. 2a, line 11, after ‘Ion 1166;’ insert ‘επ’ άκρα βεβηκας .4P16.275.3 (Posidipp.) ;’ in. 2, after ‘Diph.54’ add ‘; μισθός Theoc.F/>.8.5’ V. I, add ‘; supremely, άκρα σοφαι χέρες API. 262’ χάκροσκόλιος, ov, curved back at the end, Anon. Alch ..347.4. άκροστιχίς, after ‘D.H.4-62,’ add ‘Gh/261.12 (Lycia, i/ii a.d.), άκροσφαλής i, after ‘unsteady', insert ‘ά. ίχνος Nic.T/.242 ; διάνοιαν ύγράν ύπό της μέθης καί ά.’ άκρότης, place ‘, cf. O.H.Dem.2’ after ‘Diog.Oen.Fr.38’ and omit etc.’ άκρουροβόρη, add ‘ ; also masc., -βάρος, PSI28.3 o (iii-iv a.d .)’ χάκροφυλάκιον, τό, guard-post on a citadel, OG/254 (Babylon, ii b.c.) (pi.). άκρόχειρας, add gen. -χερών IG 12(9). 2 59.26 (Eretria).’ χάκροχόρδονον, τό, a kind oj wart or top of a wart (χόρδων), Cyran. 35.5. χάκρόχρυσον, τό, gilding of the end(s), Anon.Alch.378. 1 7. χάκρώρειος, ov, ridged, Orph.//.32.4· άκρωρεΐται, add ‘: sg. Άκρωρεί της, epith. of Dionysus from Ακρώρεια, mountain peak in Sicyon, Apollod.ap.St.Byz. s.v. Ακρώρεια ; epith. of Pan in GZ.Pi. 107(3) 1 (Leon.), (4)2 (Antip. Sid.) (-ριται Pap.)’ άκταινόω, for ‘PI. Com., .p.38 B.)’ read ‘Id .Phd. acc. to Lex. in POxy.208~j.22 (where read εξάραι, (ΰψ)ώσαι) and Phryn.PS’ P.39B.’ χάκτάριος, o, — Lat. adarius, Studia in honorem D. Decev 269 (Thrace), rest, in BGUj\\.\ (ii a.d.) ; cf. άκτουάριος in Suppl. χάκτ(ε)ινοβολή, ή, perh. = ακτινοβολία π, Anon.Astrol. in PMich. 149 xiv 28 (ii A.D.) . ακτή (A), for ‘coast’ read ‘coast’ and for ‘sea-coast’ read ‘sea- coast ’ add ‘III. pleasant retreat, εν τω παραδείσιο τής ά. Sm.G«.2.i5> cf. Lat. acta.’ χάκτήνδε, Adv., to the shore, A.R.1.318 (nisi leg. ακτήν δ’). χάκτήρ, v. άγκτήρ in Suppl. χΆκτιάς, άδος, ή, festival of Actian Apollo, IGof .jfi'i.g, 45, 69 (Olympia, iii b.c.). 2. the four-year period between the celebrations of the games held in honour ot Augustus’ victory at Actium, J.PJi .20.4, BCH 1 .294. άκτινώδης, for ‘ like rays’ read ‘giving out rays’ and at end add ‘, Cat.Cod.Astr. 1 1(2). 163. 5’ χΆκτιον(ε)ίκης, ov, o, victor in the Actian games, PC//9.68. qktios, before “ov” insert “a,” and at end add ‘; of Arsinoe, PEnteux. 26.6 (iii b.c.)’ άκτίς i. 1, add ‘b. day, εν μονήρει άκτΐνι in a single day, Nic.d/. 401.’ 3, for ‘ Intr .’ read ‘in Ptol.’ u, for ‘spoke’ read ‘cog’ άκτίτης, delete “o',” and for ‘dweller on. .II.’ substitute ‘of or on a headland, ά. καλαμευτής TF6.304(Phan.) ;’ χάκτουάριος, ό, = Lat. actuarius, PLond. 237.20 ; also άκτουάρις, Dura 6 292. &ku0os, delete ‘c. gen.,, .s.v.l.]’ ακυλος, for “0” read “ή” and delete ‘( ή , Theoc.5.94)’ άκυλωτός, add ‘; φιάλη 7G22.i42i .48, 1425.93 (άκωλυτή lap.)’ άκϋρολογέω, for ‘Lex.Vind. 3.19’ read ‘Ps.-Hdn.Gr. in Boissonade Anecd.3.265, al.’ χάκϋρώσιμος, η, ov, subject to cancellation, μίσθωσις P Mich.Teb .\2f viii 14 (i a.d.). ( χάκώδωνος, ov, without sound of κώδων, μέλος άσάλπιγκτον και a. Steph. in ΡΛ.317.4. άκώνητος, add ‘, PCair.Zen. 743-3 (iii b.c.) \ Dor. ακώνατος Inscr. Cret. 1. xvii.2a8 (Lebena, ii b.c.) ; cf. αχώνευτος in Suppl.’ ^ άλαβαστοθήκη, for the present article substitute after “ή,” ‘ case to contain ‘alabastron’ vase, ZG22.i425.265 (iv b.c.), D.19.237.’ άλάβαστος, for ‘ globular vase without handles’ read ‘vase’ line 4, for ‘ SIG102 ’ read ‘SEG 13.12.234 (Athens, v b.c.)’ χάλάβαστροβήκη, ή, = άλαβαστοθήκη (q.v. in Suppl.), Ar.Fr.548, PLond. 2.12; -θήκα BCHj.2ig (Myrina). χάλαβαστρωνίτη5 [άλ], ου, o, worker in an alabaster quarry , PSI 7.822.5 (ii a.d.). άλάβης, after ‘a Nile fish,’ add ‘PTeb. 701.41 (iii b.c.),’ αλαζονεύομαι, line 3, for ‘Isoc. 12.74’ reaB Tsoc.13.10’ άλαζών ii. 2, for ‘by Men.’ read ‘used by Plaut. Mil.Glor.’ αλαλαγμός l, add ‘; προβάτων καί κριών Lxx Je.g2.22 (25.36)’ χάλαοσκόπος [ αλ] , ον, blind, prob. (- σκονος Pap.) in PLond. 1821. 264 (Aegyptus 6.219). άλαπάζω, for ‘anap.’ read ‘dact., cf. λαπάσσω n’ αλας, add ‘ ; prov. άλασιν vei, of great abundance, Suid.’ άλάτιον, after “άλας,” insert ‘/G42(i).I23.6o (iii b.c.),’ άλγεσίθυμος, add ‘, Orac. in Hermes 1888. 536.60 (Pisidia)’ άλγος I, add ‘d. lamentation, A..Th.86$ (anap.).’ άλδαίνω, add ‘To an aor. 2 of this verb apptly. belong the foil, participial forms: Act. άλδών A.Fr.474.2.17 M. (lyr.) ; Med. εν-άλδόμενον N1C.TZ532 (v.h.v.), άλδομενη Q..S. 9.475 (s.v.l., V. άλθαίνω).’ άλδομαι, for the present article substitute ‘αλδω, τό αΰξω, Hdn. Gr. 1.440, perh. a coined form tor άλδαίνω, q.v. in Suppl.’ άλεαίνω, for ‘Archil.’ read ‘Archelaus’ χάλείμεντα, τά, = Lat. alimenta, έπαρχου a. IGRom. 3.618 (Xan- thus, iii a.d. (?)). άλειμμά, add ‘II. anointing before a banquet, Test.Epict. 4. 2t. b. athletic training, Abh.Berl.Akad.ig2^.^o.^i>.28 (Cyrene, i b.c.).’ άλεϊος, for “ΖΙλ^ιος” read “άλήιος” άλειιττικός, for ‘ trained under him ’ read \ fond of training for athletics’ after ‘Ti.L0cr.104a’ add ‘, cf. Alex.Aphr. in Top. 152.25’ αλεισον, lor ‘Aet. 1.1.13’ read ‘Fr. 178.13 Pf.’ χάλειτήρ, ήρος, ό, sinner, TJT51.257 (Athens, v b.c., hex.), αλειφα, after ‘cf.’ insert ‘Hippon.54 D.3,’ and for ‘Call.Fr.12* read ‘Call.Fr.7.12 Pf.’ άλείφω 2, after ‘(Ancyra)’ add ‘; train an athlete, PCair.Zen . 60.2 (iii b.c.)’ 3, for ‘ polish ’ read ‘ anoint objects’ χάλειψανεία, v, anointing, dub. in 0F6319.8 (ii/i B.c.). άλεκτόρειος, for jowl' read ‘cock’ at end add ‘ ; άλεκτορεία (sc. λίθος), ή, a stone found in the gizzards of cocks, Phn .HN 37-r44’ άλεκτορίς, for “-ίδος” read ‘-Γδος (cf. Herod.6.ioo)’ άλέματος, for ‘Dor.’ read ‘Aeot. and Dor.’ χΆλεξάνδρεια, τά, festival in honour oj Alexander the Great, OG/222. 25/6 (Clazomenae, iii b.c.), Str.14.1.31. χΆλεξάνδρειος, ov, of Alexander, μναί, i.e. of his standard, SEGg.i. 8, 9 (Cyrene, iv b.c.). άλεξητικός, for ‘162.16’ read ‘162.26’ άλεξιάρη, delete ‘wand that served as amulet ,* άλεξίγαμος, for “Βάκχαι” read “Νΰμφαι” άλεξιον, for ‘cf. Phot.’ read ‘cf. άλέξιμα· τά βοηθήματα, Phot. p.73 R.’ άλεέίττονος, for ‘Eleg.f read ‘i.(i).i P.’^ ^ j άλεξιφάρμακος I, add ‘2. metaph., παιώνειόν τινα καί ά. λόγον Longin.16.2, cf. 32·4·’ Χάλέττΐδος, ον, without scales, ίχθΰς Cyran.6. χάλε·ιτυρος [ϋ or ΰ], ον, free from husks, κριθαί Hsch. s.v. άτυπήδες. αλεστρον, after ‘POxy.’ insert ‘736.8,’ and ‘both’ before ‘i A.D.’ χάλέτισσα, ή, = άλετρίς I, POxy. 2421.31 (iv A.D.). χάλετρον, τό, = άλεστρον, PPetr.o, p.313 (iii b.c.) : pi., payment for grinding, 0F7642.3 (iii b.c.). άλετών, after ‘ millstone ,’ insert ‘0FG13.13.24, al. (Athens, v b.c.),’ . χάλευρητικός, ή, όν, perh. made of flour, dub. in PTeb.8g^.Fr.io.g (ii b.c. , fort. leg. άλευριτ-). t χάλε υρόττωλις, ιδος, fem. Adj. for the sale of flour, στωϊά IG 12(2). 14.12 (Mvtil., dub.). άλη i. i, line 2, after ‘(pi.)’ add ‘,Med. 1285; = Lat. fuga, Cic. Alt. 10.1.4;’ 2, delete the section. χάλη [ά], ή, — Lat. ala, IGRom. 3.57 (Prusias ad Hypium, ii a.d.), etc. άλή, line 1, for ‘only’ read ‘normally’ ^ at end, add ; rarely sg., Hesperia 7 .no. 1.38, al., no.2.36.’ άληθάργητος, for ‘free from lethargy, energetic ,’ read ‘unforgettable χάληθεγγΰος, ό, guarantee for truth, Phot. p. 74 B - αλήθεια, for “άλάθεα” read ‘Aeol. άλάθεα’ and before ‘neut.’ insert ‘also interpr. as’; line 17* before lh.4.120 insert in reality,’ , άληθινόπινος, for ‘-πινος’ read ‘-πΐνος’ and for patina read ‘pearls’ αληθινός I. 2, line 3, for ‘ Ιχθύς Amph.26’ read καραβος Macho ap.Ath-6.244b’ άληθοεπής, before ‘Hsch.’ insert ‘PHib. 11. 172.70 (in b.c.), άλήττεδον, for ‘= Άλήιον πεδίον read ‘dub. sens., ά. φθιτών, of the abode of the dead’ αλήτης 2, after ‘άλήτις, ιδος,’ insert ‘ GLP1.122.1J add 7 αλήτης SUPPLEMENT άλυκρός ‘II. άλήται, the planets, incl. sun and moon, Nonn.D.5.68, al., dPg.822.3.’ άλθήεις, alter ‘645’ add ‘(v.l.)’ άλθος, add cj. in S.Fr.172 ; pi. Nic.di.423 (v.l.).’ άλία (B), for ‘ salt-cellar ’ read ‘ salt-box' after ‘Stratt.14’ add Poll. 10.169’ for ‘clear out. .extreme’ read ‘ev Θ όμιλος οίκω dig into the salt-box in the house of Th., mark of honest’ for 'Ep. 48.1’ read 'Epigr. 47.1 Pf.’ άλιάς, add ‘2. pi. = Γοργάδες, Hsch.’ άλίβαπτος, for ‘618’ read ‘605’ and add ‘(but άλίβλαπτος is a better reading)’ Χάλίβλαπτος, v. άλίβαπτος in Suppl. Χάλιγενέτωρ, opos, ό, — άλιγενής, PHib. II. 172.64 (iii B.C., αλ typer— FaP·)· Χάλίγνητος, η, ον, = άλιγενής, PHib. ιι. 1 72.58 (hi b.c.). Χάλίγονος, ον, — άλι γενής, PHib. II. 1 72.66 (iii B.c.). Χάλιδερκής, is, looking at the sea, PHib. 11. 172.57 (iii b.c.) (fort. leg. άλιερκής). άλιδίως, for the present article substitute ‘άλιδίως, sufficiently, a. ■πονηρός Epich. in P0xy.2^2q.i{b).i^, cl. Hsch. (άλ-).’ Χάλϊδόνητος, ον, buffeted by the sea, Gramm.ap.Ludwich Arislarch. 2.665, PHib. ii. 1 72.63 (iii b.c.). άλιευτής, for ‘Cerc.4.8’ read ‘Cere. 7. 9’ άλιευτικός, line 2, after ''An. 7.1.20’ add ‘(άλιευτι κόν, τό, POxy. 1846.1 (vi/vii a.d.))’ άλίζωνος, alter 'sea-girt,' insert 'PHib. 11. 172.54 (iii b.c.),’, for 'Sos. 24’ read ‘Fr.384.9 Pf.’ and after ‘Sid.)’ add ‘, Nonn.D.37. 152, al.’ άλιθοκόλλητος, add at end ‘codd. (fort, λιθοκόλλητο <.)’ Χαλίκι ον, τό, dub. sens., perh. Dim. ol άλιξ I, groats, PRyl. 4.629. 293, 298 (iv a.d., αλικιν Pap.) ; if to be written άλ-, perh. — Lat. solarium. Χάλίκλα, ή, = Lat. alicula, a light upper garment, PMtch.Inv. 3163.10 (iii a.d.) in Trans.Arn.PhiL Ass. 92. 258. άλικνήμις, before ‘ sea-borne ’ insert ‘perh.’ άλικος, for ‘v. άλνκός’ read ‘= άλυκός' αλίμενος 2, add ‘ ; βίος A.Fr.273.3 M.’ άλινδεω ii. I, delete ‘ ; to be twirled. .113’ 2, lines 2, 3, delete ‘ having grovelled,' and transfer 1 frequent ,’ before 'ήλινδη- μένος’ in line 2 3, add ‘ ; c. dat., Call.Fr.191.42 Pf.’ άλινήκτειρα, for 'sea' read 'brine' άλίνω, for 'pound' read ‘grind small' άλιονείκης, for ‘= άλειονίκης’ read ‘, i.e. *άλιειον(κης' Χάλ’.οττλανής, ε'ς, = άλιπλανής, dub. in Hymn. Is. 127. Χάλίτταστον, τό, dub. in Erinn. 1B24 E). (fort. leg. άλίπ-). άλιπλανής, after ‘(Lucill.)’ add ‘, 6.223 (Antip.)’ άλ -πόρος, add ‘2. sea-faring, άνά re νηνς άλιπ όρους Lyr.Alex.Adesp. 36.2.’ άλίρραντος, after ‘ sea-surging ,’ insert ‘PHib. 11. 172.55 (iii b.c.);’ άλισμός, add ‘; salt-incrustation, Pfen.Coi. 2.95.6 (iii b.c.).’ άλιτάνευτος, for ‘1176’ read Ί776’ άλιτενής l, after 'sea,' insert ‘νήσοι PHamb.nq iii 15 (iii b.c.) ;’ ά λ: τη μα, for ‘(Agath.). .pi.’ read ‘, 9.154, 643 (all Agath.’ άλιτηρός, after ‘= αλιτήριος' add *, Alcm.79 P. ( άλιτρός vel αλι¬ τήριος edd.)’, and for ‘prob.’ read ‘perh.’ Χάλιτουργησία, άλιτούργητος, v. αλειτ— . Χαλιτόφρων, ον, foolish, cj. in Hsch. s.v. ωλιτόφρονας. άλιτραίνω, for ‘Hes.Op.24.ff read 'Hes.Op.241' Χάλιτρεύω, live in sin, MAMAi 235 (Laodicea Combusta). άλιτρόβιος, for “άλϊτρό-” read “άλιτρό-” άλιτρός, for “άλιτρός, όν” read “άλιτρός, ά, όν" and at end delete ‘; fern.. .Semon.7.7’ For “άλϊτροσύνη” read “άλϊτροσύνη” Χάλϊφή, ή , painting, τήν ά. των £νλων 7(72-. 1682.29 (iii B.c.). άλκαία ι, for ‘Call.Fr.317’ read ‘Call.Fr. 177.23 Pf., JNic.FA.123, 225’ αλκαρ, line 4, after 'h.Ap.Kja,·,' insert ‘άναιδεος όθματος a. Call. Fr. 1 86.29 Pf. ;’ and for ‘Call.Fr. 124’ read ‘Id.Fr.304’ άλκή i, add ‘2. metaph., strong point, ev τινι τήν ά. εχειν, of an author, D.H. Thuc.25.' and add ‘IV. περί αλκής, athletic con¬ test at Athens, 76’22.2i 13.57, 2130.90 (both ii a.d.).’ άλκήεις, delete ‘ ; of patients’ and for ‘al.’ read ‘SD2. 5’ χάλκήτωρ, opos, o, protector, Ramsay Studies in Eastern Rom.Prov. p. 128. άλκτήριον, after * against a thing’ insert ‘Call.Fr.346 Pf. (pi.),’ Λλκυόνειον, after ‘Dsc.5.1 18’ add ‘, -vov FF1eA.273.34 (ii/iii a.d.)’ Χάλκυονύτης, sine expl., Tbcognost.Cfln.44. άλλαγμός, add ‘, PMich. iii 149 v. 49’ χάλλάζω, = άλλάσσω, Med. 3 pi. imper. άλαζόσθω let them ex¬ change, Berl.Sitzb. 1927.8 (I.ocr., v b.c.). άλλακτικός, line 2, delete ‘or τό -κόν' χάλλαξιμάριον, τό, change of raiment, Stud. Pal. 20.245 (vi a.d., written άλαξ-) ; spelt άλαξαμάρνιον in PMasp. 6V.66 (vi a.d.). άλλάσσω ill. I, line 9, before “διά τίνος” insert ‘c. dat. pers.,’ line 10 for ‘, e’ read πρός τινα, ib.gise’ 2, add ‘: — ■ Med., change residence, move, εις. . PMich.m 203.9 (ii A.D.)’ add ‘VI. = διαλλάσσαι rv, άλλήλων D.H. Dew. 53.’ άλλαχόθι, after 'elsewhere,' add 'in another passage, Demetr.F/or. 156»’ άλλεκτόριον, τό, prob. = Lat. adlectorium, reading-room, SEG6.277 (Cibyra, ii a.d., written άλεκτ-). Χαλλη, = άλλη , Schwyzer 148 (Megara, v b.c.), Berl.Sitzb .1927. 167 (Cyrene, prob. iv b.c.). Χάλληλαναδοχή, ή, giving oj mutual security, PMasp. 170.15 (vi а. d.) ; dub. in PLond. 5.1661 . 19 (vi a.d.). Χάλληλίσματα, τά, dub. sens., Favorin.Fxii. 10.15. άλληλογραφία, add ‘2. f.l. for άλλη λογογραφία, Hermog.F/.2.3.’ Χάλληλόκακος, ον, Aeol. άλλάλο-, wronging each other, των ά. πολίταν Ale. 1 30.22 L.-P. Χάλληλομολογία, ή, mutual agreement, PLond.5. 1727.49 (vii a.d.). χάλληλοφΐλία, ή, Boeot. άλλάλο-, mutual love, Berl.Sitzb .1934. 1041 (Tab. Dehx.). άλλιστος, after ‘ inexorable ,' insert 'Άϊδωνεύς Euph.98;’ άλλοθι ii, add ‘; so perh. Od.4.684’ άλλοΐος, line 4, for ‘ ‘every, .billet’ ’ read ‘i.e. if you throw often, the throw will sometimes be good’ and after ‘448’ add ‘, cf. Arist. D iv. Somn. 465^21' Χάλλόκοιτος, ον, sleeping elsewhere, Theognost.C12n.95. άλλομαι, line 7, after “άλέσθαι” insert ‘Call.Fr. 177.33 Pf.,’ Χάλλοπάτριος, ό, member of an alien community, Ramsay Studies in Eastern Rom.Prov. p. 223 (Philadelphia), άλλος ii. 3, after ‘Cvr.4.1.15 insert ‘μή άλλα και άλλα θορυβείτω Pl.Ap.27b ;’ 6, line 2, after ‘ besides insert ‘ή άλλη φνχή the rest of the soul, PI. Men. 88d ;’ άλλότριος n. i a, add ‘ ; c. gen., φθόνου a. removed from it, i.e. not the object of it, \MC.S0rnn.7' άλλοτριόχρως, delete the article. άλλοτρίωσις, add ‘II, alienation of property, FCC/464.1 (ii a.d.).’ άλλοφανής, for ‘JNonn.Z).i4.i56’ read ‘Nonn.D.14.157’ άλλοφυής i, add ‘, PMasp. 19.7 (vi a.d.).’ άλλύτας, read ‘= αναλυτής, cj. in A. FA. 146.’ Χάλλύτης, = άλυτης, Έφ.Άρχ. 1 905.255 (Olympia, i a.d.). (Cf. αλυτάρχης in Suppl.) Χάλμΰροδϊνής, ές, salt-eddying, πόντος Hymn, in Aegyptus 14.448 (iii B.c.). άλμυρός 3 a, for ‘Cerc.19.37’ read ‘Cerc.17.37’ Χάλμόρραξ, άγος, 6, a kind oi saltpetre, Plin./FV3 1 . 1 06. άλμυρώδης, for ‘-ώδης’ read ‘άλμώδης’ after ‘(Comp.) ;’ insert ‘oi the bloom (χνονς) on certain pears, Thphr. CP б. 10.7;’ fin., delete ‘; hoary. .6.10.7’ Χάλογενέτωρ, ορος, ό, = άλιγενής, PHib. il. 172.53 (iii B.C.). άλογέω ι. 1, line 1, before ‘thing’ insert ‘a’ fine 4, for ‘feel’ read 'be' and at end add ‘, D.L.1.32’ n. 1, delete 'to be. .indiscretion,' 2, for ‘ out of one's senses' read ‘ perplexed ' and delete “nonplussed’,’ άλόγητος, add ‘, cf. UP£ 1 10.205 (ii B.c.)’ άλόγιστος ii. 2, delete ‘, Men.75’ Χάλογόμορφος, ον, like an animal (cf. άλογος ii), Cat.Cod.Astr.8(i ). 173- άλογόομαι, for ‘(prob. 1.)’ read ‘(dub. cj.)’ αλογοπάθεια, before ‘Plot.’ insert ‘f.l. in’ άλογος ii, after 'horse,' add ‘PKlein.Form. 324.4 (vi a.d.),’ add ‘V. άλογος (sc. γραμμή), ή, critical sign marking a corrupt or doubtful passage, Sch.A II. 16. 613, Sch.Ar. F.1282, POxy.xxi p.142, Isid.Etym. 1.21.27, Serv. ad Verg.T. 10.444.’ Χάλογότης, ητος, ή, lack of reason (ot brutes), David in Porph. 209.24. άλόητρα, after 'threshing,' insert ‘SB7579.15 (29 a.d.),’ άλοίδορος, add ΤΙ. = άλοιδόρητος i. 2, Bull.C0mm.Arch.C0m.61. 21 1 (Rome, prob. i a.d.).’ άλοιμός, add ‘: — also άλοιμμός, 7G22.i663 (iv b.c.)* άλοιτηρός, delete the article. άλοίτης, delete ‘= άλείτης,’ and after ‘Emp.io’ add ‘, Call.Fr. 271 Pf. ; cf. άλείτης ’ άλοκίξω, after ‘Ar.F.850’ insert ‘; of a wild boar attacking a hound, οτήθη. . ήλόκισ ' ploughed a furrow in, GLP i.iog.1.8’ Χάλοπεπερι, ρεως, τό, salt and pepper, Vit. Aesop. (G) 52. άλοπόλιος, v. όλοπόλιος in Suppl. άλοπώλης, for ‘-πώλις’ read ‘-πωλις’ and after ‘3932’ add c, 3. 1456 (-πόλις)’ Χάλορδος, ον, free from inward curvature, v.l. in Hp. Fract.8 (Sup.). Χάλος, η, = άλως, lGi 4.352. n.28ff. (Halaesa). Χάλοτειχής, ες, walled in by the sea (?), PHib.11. 172.52 (iii b.c.). Χάλπαρ, τό, perh. pleasing thing, comfort (cf. άλπνιστος), Inscr.Cret.l. xvi 6 iv A 5 (Latos, ii b.c.). άλς (A), line 1, delete ‘dat. pi. άλασιν (v. infr.) :’ lines 14/15, delete ‘; άλασιν. .Su id.’ Άλσειος, before “, ό” insert ‘or Άλσεΐος’ and at end add ‘; at Calymna, Tit.Calvmn. 156, 172, al.’ άλσηίς, after T.1066’ add ‘, 4.1 151* άλύξω, for ‘19.76’ read T9.75’ Χάλυκή, ή, a kind of salted food, BGU1069.2.9 (iii a.d.). άλυκρός, for the present article substitute ‘άλυκρός, ά, όν, luke¬ warm, Call.Fr.270 Pf., Nic.di.386 (Comp.) ; cf. άλυκτρόν.' 8 άλυκτοττέδαι SUPPLEMENT άλυκτοπεδαι, line I, after ‘sg., AP’ insert ‘12.160,’ άλυπος II, after “άνθος” add ‘(fort, άλθος)’ άλυσθαίνω, after ‘Nic. 7^.427,’ add ‘A/.141,’ χάλυσθενέω, = άσάενε'ω, Call. Del. 2 1 2 (άλυσθΐνόουσα Pap., άλυσθ- μαίνουσα codd.), cf. Hsch. άλυσθΐνςΐ· aodtvt C. Χάλυσθμαίνω, v. άλυσθΐνίω in Suppl. χάλυσίδιον, τό, Dim. of άλυσις, Inscr.Delos14.17 B ii 46 (ii b.c.). αλυσιδωτός, for “ά. θωραξ” read ‘θιοραξ Lxx iKi. 17.5,’ άλυσις 2, add ‘ : metaph., άλόσει σκότους ύδίθησαν Lxx Wi. 1 7. 1 7’ Χάλυσιωτός, η, όν, chained, Pi. in POxy. 2450. Fr. 1 .ii.23. αλυτάρχης, add ‘(written άλλυτάρχης, Έφ.Αρχ. 1905.255 (Olympia, iii a.d.), cf. άλλύτης in Suppl.)’ άλύω i. 5, delete the section iii, after ‘trans.,’ insert * to be distraught at, των σκαλών την ήτταν άλυόντων Hid. ΙΟ. 30 ;’ Χάλφαιωνία, ή, peony, Cyran.40.27; written άλφαω via Cat. Cod. Astr. 8(1). 187. άλφιτισμός, add ‘ ; Hsch. s.v. παλαία' άλφιτοφάγος, delete '-bread' άλωή iii, for ‘875’ read ‘877’ άλωνία II, add ‘; written άλωνιεία PTeb. 727.21, 25 (ii b.c.)’ Χάλωνοθεσία [άλ], ή, laying of a threshing-floor, PKlein.Form.8io (vi A.D.). Χάλωνοφΰλάκέω, guard a threshing-floor, PCair.^en. 745.86 (iii b.c.). άλωνοφόλαξ, add ‘, SB4525 (iii A.d.)’ άλωόφυτος, after ‘13.267’ add ‘(s.v.l.)’ άλωττός, for “άλωπά” read “άλώπα” and after ‘Hsch.’ add ‘, cf. άλώ·77(ϊ[ (sic), Alc.69.6 L.-P.’ άλως, line 1, after “άλωος” insert ‘Nic.77i.546, Fr. 70.1,’ άλώσψος i. i, delete ‘easily beguiled,’ n, after 'conquest* insert 'Τροίας, .ά. [άμ]αρ Ibyc.i (a). 14 P. ;’ Χάλωτήριον [ά], τό, dub. sens, άλων (i.e. ήλων)..κα'ι άλωτηρίων 7G42(i).i 10.37. άμα, fin., for ‘A a n’ read ‘a- 11’ Άμαζ ών, delete ΊΙ. epith. . . Paus.4.31 .8’ ; after “-όνιος” for ‘37.17’ read ‘37.117’; iii, read ‘II.’ αμαθής I, line 9, after Έ.ΡΛ.874’, and ib, after ‘E.//F347’ add ‘(v. infr. 11)’. 11, after Έ. Ion 916’ add ‘(unless voc. in signf. ib)’; after ‘Th.1.140’ add ‘(or a blundering, stupid course, cf. ia)’ Άμαλθεΐον, for ‘country-house’ read ‘shrine on the estate’ άμαλλα, after ‘S.Fr.607,’ insert ‘Call.Fr. 186.27 Pf·,’; at end add ‘[άμ- Pap. in Call, l.c., cf. άμαλλεΐον in Suppl.]’ άμαλλεΐον, add ‘; written Ιιαμ- in 5FG13.16.8 (Athens, v B.c.)’ άμαλογία, add ‘ : pi., gloss on Lat. apinae. Gloss.' άμαλός, after 'Heracl. 75’ add ‘(lyr.)’; for ‘Call.Fr.49 P.’ read ‘Call.Fr.502 Pf.’ and continue ‘; epith. of Zeus, Sokolowski 89 (Lindos, iv b.c.), cf. Άμάλιος' άμαμαξύς, read “άμαμαξύς” άμαμιθάδες, read “άμαμιθάδες” and at end add ‘, cf. Hsch. {άμμαμηθάδης cod., corr. Reitzenstein).’ άμαξα i. 1, for ‘Hes.O/>.453’ read ‘Hes.O/i.426, 453, 456’ 11, delete the section. in, add ‘ : pi., of die Great Bear and Little Bear, Arat.27.’ αμαξηλάτης, after 'wagoner,' insert 'PCair.^en. 176.281,352 (iii B.C.),’ άμαξιαΐος, for 'Com.Adesp. 836’ read ‘Polyzel. 1 D.’ and for ‘ib.’ read ‘ Com.Adesp άμαξικός, add ‘; υποζύγια άμαζικά PTeb. 748.6 (iii B.c.)’ άμαξίς, after ‘Hdt.3.113’ add ', /G22.i673. n, 40 (iv B.c.)’ αμαξιτής, add ΊΙ. epith. of Hermes, BCH85846 (Paros).’ άμαράκινος, add ‘; ά., τό, sc. μύρον, PCair.fen. 536.18 (iii B.c.)’ άμαράντινος I, add ‘; of colour, PMasp. 6V.82 (vi a.d.)’ άμάραντος i, fin., delete ‘: neut. pi.. Am. 1.9’ 11, after ‘Poll. 1.229’ add ‘, Philostr.Pri.i .9’ άμαράσαι, for “ μαράσαι ” read “μαράσσα i” Χόμαρηγός [άμ]. ό, digger oj trenches, Teucer in Boll Sphaera 46. άμαρήϊος, for from a conduit’ read ‘ running in channels' αμαρτάνω ii. i, fin., for ‘FjVii26bi’ read ‘F7Vii26ai’ Χάμαρτωλικός, ή, όν, = αμαρτωλός, Epich. in POxy. 2427.1(b). 13. άμάσητος, after 'Jb. 20.18’ add ‘(mistranslation of Hebr. Id’ ya’dlds, ‘he shall not rejoice’, cf. Aramaic le'as ‘chewed’)’ άματροχιά 2, add ‘, cf. Porph. ad II. 23. 422’ άμάχητος I, after ‘ unconquerable ,’ insert ‘κέρδος Simon. 36. 9 P. ;’ άμαχος i, line 3, after ‘1014 (lyr.)’ add unsurpassable, a. γεωργός Men .Dysc.775' line 8, after ‘ά. κάλλος’ add ‘Men.Z));jr. 193,’ line 9, after 'Ael.JTA 16.23’ add ‘; in¬ tractable, ά. τρόπος Men./Fric-Bdi)’ άμβασε, for “άμβάτος” read “άμβάτός” χάμβικισμός, ό. = άμβιξ 3, Anon. Alch. 273.3. άμβίξ I, for ‘ spouted cup ’ read ‘ vessel narrowing towards the brim, Ath.i i.48od, cf. Hsch.’; for ‘25’ read ‘15 J.’ ; for ‘Hsch., etc.’ read 'EM8o.\8.' ΧάμβΓτεύω, (Lat. ambitus) pcrh. to be ostentatious, POxy. 21 10.15 (iv A.D.). χ[άμ]βλατώριος, ό, porch or hall for walking in, Jahresh.44 Beibl. 296 (Ephesus, pi.), cf. ambulatoria portions Dig. 8.5.8. άμβλυστονέω, for “άναβλ—” read “άναβλυστάνω” αμμινος Χάμβλΰχροος, ον, dull- or /flint-coloured, Petos.342.2. άμβλυώσσω, after 'weak sight,' insert ‘A.Fr.55.6 M.,’ αμβόλιμος ii, add ‘, v. Schwyzer 90.3, 91.2, 92.2’ ΧΆμβρακίδια, τά, Dim. of Άμβρακίδΐς, Herod. 7.57. χάμβρακοομαι, = άπαμβρακόομαι, Phot.p.89 R. άμβροτος, line 1, after ‘Tim.Fr.7’ add ‘; Cret. άμορτος, Hymn. Cutet. 17 (dub.) line 4, after ‘(lyr.)’ add ‘; as applied to gods, expl. as = αναιμος, Hsch. s.v. άμβρότιγνον ; cf. βρότος' For ‘άμβρυττοι. .Hsch.’ read ‘άμβρυττος, άμβρύττιος, = βρυσσος, Hdn.ap.Phot.p.90 R., Hsch.’ άμβων I, for 'Aet. 3.1.34’ read ‘Fr. 75.34 Pf.’ add ‘6. top of a line of writing, dub. in Sch.D.T.p.i63 H· (fort, ίάμβω).’ άμεθίστατος, read “άμεθεστατος” Χάμεθυστίξω, resemble amethyst in colour, Bhn.HNtf .g<$. άμείλικτος, add ‘III. = άμικτος, Hsch. ; coupled with άχραντος, άκήρατος, Prod, in Ft.3.258 D., ah; cf. μει λικτός.' άμείλιχος i, after ‘Sol. 32 ;’ insert ‘πόντος h.Hom. 33.8, Anacr.2. Fr. 1. 16 P. ;’ αμειξία, for 'interruption of communications' read ‘ social or political disturbance, anarchy' and for ‘301’ read ‘401’ Χάμειπτός, ή, όν, changed (?), Archil. (?) in POxy .2313.3 (a). 7. Χαμελΐτΐτις, ιδος, fern. Adj., with no honey, εορτή cj. in Herod. 5. 85. Χαμέμαρον, το, name of a plant, = βούθουτον, Ισόχοιρον (qq.v.), Hsch. άμεμφής i, after 'Supp. 581’ add ‘, Emp.35.13’ and add at end ‘Adv. -φως Orph.//.43.n, MAMA 8.413 a 17 (Aphrodisias) ; Ion. -φόως, Emp.35.9.’ n, delete ‘Adv.. .11.’ άμενθήριστος, alter ‘codd.’ add ‘S.E.F. 1 .224’ άμερδω ii, before ‘cj.’ insert ‘- ξας ’ and after ‘(Leon.)’ add ‘; άμερσεν Nic.FF686 (— ξεν cj. Schneider)’ άμέριμνος iii, line 2, for ‘either, .celebrated’ read ‘ bringing more freedom from care, i.e. more musical' αμεριστος i, add ‘2. Rhet. άμόριστον (sc. σχήμα), τό, repeated use of μόν without following δε', Olymp. in Grg. p.77 N.’ Χάμεστος, dub. sens., PRyl.gg.4 (iii A.D.). άμετάβολος, add ‘3. -βολον, τό, Gramm., liquid (λ μ v p), D.T. 632.7, ah, Hdn.Gr.2.393, Choerob. in Thcod.2.76.' άμετάκλητος, delete reference to Hid. 2. 10. άμετάληπτος, add ‘ ; of words, having no equivalent, Eust.4.90. 38, ah’ Χάμετανάτρεπτος, ον, unalterable, PLond. 5.1660.37 (vi a.d.). Χάμετάπράτος, ον, not to be sold again, άσυλα και ά. BCH25.511 (Philippopolis, ii/iii a.d.). Χάμετάσχετος, gloss on άσχαδες, Hsch. Χάμετελαστος, ον, not liable to requisition. Stud. Pal. 22. 20. 1 2 (i a.d.). Χάμετεττίγράφος, ον, without change in its inscription, /6’9(2)·32.6 (Aenis). άμέτοχος, add ‘Adv. -χως without sharing in guilt, Eust. 1946.32.' Χάμετρησίη, ή, = άμετρία, «τερδε'ων ά., Philippus of Pergamum cited in /(?42(ι).687.ΐ2. άμεύομαι ii, for ‘ purchase (?)’ read ‘acquire by exchange' and add ‘, Inscr.Cret. 1 xviii 1 (Lyttus)’ άμήνιτος, add ‘; also -τί [i] Archil, in Pkilo/.gg. 1 1 .24 (-τει lapis)’ χάμητορίδαι, ol, — άμήτορΐς (v. άμήτωρ in Suppl.), Hsch. (cod.), άμητος ii, fin., before ‘reverses’ insert 'Diff. p. 1 7 V.’ άμήτωρ i, add ‘2. άμήτορες, οί, designation of wandering minstrels in Crete, FM83.15, cf. Ath.i 4.638b, v. άμητορίδαι in Suppl.’ άμηχανέω, line 5, delete ‘relative’ άμιγής ill, for ‘ Proll.Ar read ‘Proll.Com. p.19 K.’ άμιθα, delete the article. Χάμιθάς, άδος, ή, mince-meat, rest, in Anacr. 122 P. ( αμιθα (sic) cod. Hsch.), PHamb. 90.18 (iii a.d.), cf. άμαμιθάδες in Suppl. Χάμικτώριον, το, = Lat. amictorium, PFouad Inv. 45. 17 (ii/iii a.d.) in Chron.d’Eg.27(ig52).\g6, POxy. i535v.8 (iii a.d.). άμιλλα 2, line 5, for ‘Isoc.10.15’ rcad ‘Isoc.10.35’ άμιλλητήρ, add ‘ ; c. gen., competitor in, άμιλλητήρας ερώτων Nonn.7).6.i2, cf. 80’ άμιλλητήριος, add ‘; contest, GD/5495.14. (Miletus, ph).’ άμιλλος, add ‘, Hesperia 7.4 (Athens, iv B.c.)’ χάμιον, τό, perh. Dim. of άμη, nepi τυΰ άμίου Aegyptus 15.273 (iii (?) A.D.). άμίς, for ‘be. . (in contempt)’ read ‘treat or be treated suitably’ άμίσαλλος, after ‘ap.Et.Gen.’ add ‘, v. Call.Fr.738 Pf.’ Χάμίσαντος, ον, dub. sens, in Inscr.Cret. 2 xix 7.18 (iv b.c., amulet), άμμαμηθάδης, for ‘= άμαμινθάδίς (q.v.),’ read ‘corrupted from άμαμιθάδΐς (q.v. in Suppl.)’ άμμάς, after “ή,” insert ‘PMich. 208.9 (ii a.d.),’ and at end add ‘ ; cj. in Simm.i 1’ άμματισμός, for ‘ tieing ’ read 'tying' χάμμεδαπάν- την όγχώριον, Hsch. (Aeoh for ήμΐδαπήν.) χάμμή, ή, = άμμά, SEG7-50 (Zeugma). χάμμηγία, ή, conveyance of sebakh, i.e. powdery earth used as manure, PFlor. 143.6 (iii a.d.), PBerl.I^eihg. 23.10 (-εια; iii a.d.). Χάμμιγα, v. άνάμιγα. άμμινος, add ‘, cf. 5737644.10 (iii b.c.)’ 9 άμμίτης SUPPLEMENT άμφιλίΐιτήξ άμμίτης, for ‘HJV37.168' read ΉΝ37· i67’ άμμόγειος, add ‘ ; as part of a village name, PV indob. Boswinkel 3. 8 (iii a.d.)’ άμμοδύτης, delete "διφάς” Χάμμόνιον, τό, fine levied on defaulters, Schwyzer 323Λ48 (Delph., iv b.c.). , , , άμμορία (B), after ‘D.7.40’ add ‘(fort, μοίρης σημηΐον αμμοριης re of what is and what is not the portion of either city)’ Χάμ<(μ)>οσκάφεΐον, το, (άμμος, σκαφΐΐον) prob. a kind of scoop used by sand-diggers, BG Ui 52 1 (iii b.c.). άμμόχωστος, add Wilcken CAr.227.1 (-χοστος; Fayum, iii A.D.)’ . > Άμμωνιακή, add PTeb. 273.35 (ϋ/iii a.d.)’ άμναμος, after ‘etc.’ add ‘ ; also άμναμμος, grandson, JRSy 9.96 (Cyrene, iii a.d.), cf. Ar.Byz. in Miller MtHanges de litt. grecque 43 1 ’ άμνάμων (A), after ‘o',’ insert ‘ grandson , Call. Frr. 1 .10.44, 338 Pf.,’ άμνάς, after 'lamb,' insert 'PCair.Zen. 576.3, al. (iii B.C.), Theoc. 8.35 (pi.),’ άμνή, after 'ewe-lamb,' insert 'SEG 10.38 B.16 (Attica, v b.c.),^ αμνημοσύνη, add ‘; loss of memory, Cat.Cod.Astr. 8(1). 189, 192’ άμνήμων i. i, add ‘b. suffering from loss of memory, Cat.Cod.Astr. 8 (i).ig2.’ άμνησικακεω, for ‘ bestow amnesty on, τίνος’ read ‘c. gen. rei, bestow amnesty for,' αμνήστευτος, for ‘E.Fr.815’ read E.Fr.818 άμνίς, after ‘Theoc.5.3’ add ‘, 139’ άμνός, fin., after 'άρήν, q.v.’ add ‘; but αμνόν AP 5.205, 6.282 (Theod.).’ Χάμοιβάδίζω, = alternor, Dosith. p.430 K. άμοιβάζω, add ‘II. reward, άμοφάσασθαι ταΐς πρεποόσαις τιμαΐς SEG4-515·12 (Ephesus, i a.d.).’ Χάμοιρόγάμος, ον, = άμοιρος γάμου, unmarried, κούρος 7Gi2(5). 1 104 (Syros, ii a.d.). άμόλγιον, after ‘Theoc.25.106’ add ‘; gloss on γαυλός, Sch.Od. 9.223’ Χάμολυβδοχόητος, ον, unleaded, λίθοι 7G7-3074-4 (Lebadea, ii b.c.) . άμόλυντος ii, for ‘not. .stain’ read ‘solid enough not to make a mess' άμόρα, add ‘, cf. Hsch.’ άμορβεύω, after 'attend,' insert ‘άμορβεύεσκεν Call. Fr. 271 Pf. (άμορμ- codd.) ;’ ; for ‘ let follow, make follow' read 'have carried by' άμορβός I, for ‘Hec.6’ read ‘Fr. 301 Pf.’ άμόργης, add ‘ ; acc. -ητα PC air. Zen. 839.3 (iii b.c.)’ άμορφία II, add ‘; of literary style, blemish, O.H.Comp.18, 19’ άμός (B), delete “αμόθι,” Χάμούμαντις, εως, o, dub. sens, in Ps.-Callisth.i«4 (fort, αμμο¬ μαντ ις, diviner by sand). άμουσία i, for ‘E.Fr.1020’ read ‘E.Fr.1033’ άμόχθητος, after ‘= sq.,’ insert ‘άμόχθητον. .δίαιταν Alc.6i. 12 L.-P. ;’ άμτταιδες, for the present article substitute ‘άμπαιδες· ol τών παίδων επιμελούμενοι παρά Λακιυσιν, Hsch. (Prob. from *άμφίπαιδες.)’ άμτταλίνορρος, for the present article substitute ‘άμττάλίνωρος [ϊ], ov, returning, Cratin.5 D., Philetaer.i 1.’ άμπαλος, for ‘ auction , SIG. . (Aetol., iii B.c.)’ read 'contract, 7G9(2).205.i5 (Melitea, iii B.c.)’ άμπελεών, add ‘, AP8. 226 (Leon.)’ άμπελινος I, add ‘; of colour, PHamb. 10.27 (“ a.d.)’ άμπελίων, after 'bird,' insert ' Edict. Diocl. 4.34 ( Aeg ),’ άμπελόεις, after TI.2.56T add ‘and acc. fern. pi. άμπελόεις Nic. T/.266’ άμπελος ii, before 'vineyard,' add 'land planted with vines' and after it 'PRev.Laws 36.5 (iii b.c.), PAvrom. 1 A 10, al., Apoc. 14. 18, 19, POxy. 183 i -2i, 29 (iii a.d.),’ Χάμπελοσκάφος [οκά], ό, vine-digger, A.Fr.464.18 M. άμπελοτόμον, after 'vines' add 'Jahresh. 23 Beibl.17 (ii a.d.),’ αμπελουργός, add ‘2. ός, ov, Adj., δρόπανον a. SEG13.13.128 (Athens, v b.c.), cf. IG22. 1526.8.’ Χάμπελοχελώνη, ή, pent-house or mantlet, Poliorc.2 14.5. άμπεχόνη i, for 'fine . .men’ read 'wrap, shawl ’ and after ‘108.28’ add *, Theoc. 27. 59, 60, TP/306.4 (Leon.)’ άμπνυτο, line 2, after ‘al.’ add ‘, but see Ιμττνυτο’ and add at end ‘[άμπνύτο, Nonn.D. 34.342·]’ Χάμπούλλιον, τό, small flask. Dim. from Lat. ampulla, PLond. 1 9 1 . 1 6 (ii a.d.), PFouad Inv.43.1g (ii/iii a.d.) in Chron.d’Eg.27 (1952). 197· άμποχος, add ‘= Schwyzer 309 g άμπτάσα, άμπταίην, delete “άμπτάσα,” άμπύκωμα, add ‘ ; prob. in A.Supp.235 (ph)* Χάμπυλλα (written άνπ- ), ή, = Lat. ampulla, BGU40 (ii/iii A.D.). άμπυξ 2, for ‘ headband ’ read 'bit' άμπωτις, line i, after "ιος," add dat. ιδι D.C-39-4®’ pi· ιδες Longin.9.13,’ line 2, for "πλημμυρίς” read "πλημυρίς” I. 3, add ‘, cf. Longin. l.c.’ Χάμτύριον, τό, for άμιτύριον, caraway-cheese, PCair.Preis.38.il (iv A. D.). άμυδις ii, fin., after ‘late Ep.,’ insert ‘Call.Fr.295 Pf.,’ άμυδρός i, fin., delete ‘; ά. εχειν. .668a3’ 2, add ‘, cf. ib. 195, 373, but prob. sluggish, ib.158 (Sup.)’ Αμυκλάδες, add Dim. Άμυκλήδια, SEG 13.13.203 (Athens, v B. C.)’ χΆμυκλαΐος, add ‘2. ό (sc. μψ), name of month at Gortyn, laser . Cret. 4.182.23 (ii b.c.).’ Χάμυκτηρίστως, Adv., without regard for sneers, άκουων ά. Vit. Aesop. (G)8y. Λμυντήριον, line 3, for ‘Plu.2.714^* read ‘Plu.2.7i4e άμύντωρ i, for Tl.13.384. .etc.’ read Tl.15.610, 13.384 (v.l.), Od.2.326 (pi.), Call.Fr.635 Pf.’ άμύνω A. i. 2, add ‘c. c. acc., aid, succour, Nic. Th.888.' Χάμυρίτης, ου, ό, prob. = άμορίτης, Aq., Sm.27fi.6. 1 9. Χάμυσγέλα and άμυσγύλα [ΰλ], ά, Dor. for αμυγδαλή, SEGg.32 (iii b.c.), al. (Cyrene). άμυστις I. i, for 'Act. 1.1.11 read Fr. 178.1 1 Pf. ♦άμφαγνοέω, for the present article substitute ‘άμφαγνοεω, v. άμφιγνοόω.’ άμφάδιος i, add ‘; λόκτρα TF5.219 (Paul.Sil.) ; φιλίη ib.267.5 (Agath.)’ , , . , άμφακλής, add * ; perh. f.l. for άμφακες, v. άμφηκης in Suppl.’ άμφαλλάσσω, add Ή. exchange, PMich.iu 149 xviii 15.’ άμφάνω, for ‘, GDI. .Hsch.’ read ‘et accent., Inscr. Cret. ^..ι η ^A^g, I.XV15.31 (both ii B.C.), cf. Hsch. S.VV. άμφίνώτας, άμφινώ- τους.’ . άμφαϋτεω, add i ; cry round , στρατός Archil. (?) in POxy. 2314.1.3 άμφαφάω i, add ‘ ; part. ά]μφαφωμΐνοι prob. in Semon. (?) in PLit.Lond.33v.6 ’ άμφελύτρωσις, delete the article. άμφήκης I, add ‘b. Subst., τ ώμπακίς, axe, Sophr. in GLF1.73.7, v. άμφακλής in Suppl.’ άμφί C. II. 2, add ‘, cf.App.5>r.2o’ άμφιάζω, add ‘; αγάλματα όμπΐφιζσμόνα SIGgg6.22 (Smyrna); κλ( iv. . όμπΐφιασμόνην ib.25’ Χάμφιάστωρ, ορος, o, cloak, wrapper, Sch.Gen.il. 3. 134. Χάμφιάτωρ, gloss on κόλωφ, Hsch. Άμφίβαιος, for “άμφίγαιος” read “άμφίγί ιος” αμφιβάλλω ι. ι b, add ‘the’ after ‘built’ ; for ‘him’ read ‘it’ άμφίβλητος, add ‘(sed leg. άμφίβληστρα, cf. άμφίβληστρον I b)’ άμφιβόητος 2, after far-famed,' insert 'API. 278 (Paul.Sil.),’ άμφιβολεύς, add ‘, PCornelL±6.6 (ii a.d.)’ Χάμφιβολεύω, fish with a casting-net, PSI 8.901.13, 22 (i A.d.). αμφίβολος I, after 'encompassing,' insert ‘A. F/i.298;’ and delete this reference in 11.1. άμφιγυήεις, add ‘ ; epith. of the bird αίγιθος, Call.Fr.469 Pf.’ άμφίγυος, line 3, for ‘A.R. 3.135’ read ‘A.R.3. 1356’ άμφιδαής, for the present article substitute ‘ά., ίς, two-edged, i. ή άμφοτόρωθ(ν κόπτουσα μάχαιρα, Suid. ; ά. φάσγανον (άμφι- δέσφάγανον cod.) = σκολόπΐνδρα, Hsch.’ άμφιδεΐδιον, add ‘, ^ρχ./ίελτ.ι 1.126.75 (Athens, iv B.c.)’ άμφιδέσφάγανον, for the present article substitute; ‘ά., v. αμφι- δαης in Suppl.’ άμφίδετος, for ‘ bound or set all round’ read ‘with a string attached to either end (of a bow-drill)’ άμφιδήμα, for the present article substitute ‘ά., ή, either foot¬ wear (cf. άμφιδησασθα r ΰποδησασθαι Hsch.) or adornment, Inscr.Cret.^.^Abw, 72 v 40, 75F3 (all Gortyn, v b.c.).’ άμφιδρόμια, line 4, after ‘Lys.l.c.’ add ‘ ; seventh, acc. to Hsch. S.V. δρομιάμφιον ήμαρ' άμφιέννυμι, line i, after ‘-ύω’ insert ‘7Gi2.8o.n (v b.c.),’ ; line 6, for ‘poet, part.’ read ‘part, ήμφκσμόνη Hippon.2 D.3, poet.’ άμφιεπω ii. I, line 6, delete ‘prob. in E. Med. 4.80,’ άμφιεσμός, add ‘, PDura20.\2 (ii a.d.), cf. 14.9 άμφιετηρίς, after festival,’ insert ‘OGI31.27 (Egypt, iii b.c.),’ Χάμφιθαλάσσιος, ov, sea-girt, Phot. p. 103 R. αμφιθαλής, line 3, for 'Iamb. 3.1. 3’ read 'Fr. 75.3 Pf.’ άμφιθάλλω, after ‘(Antip.)’ insert '; flourish upon or about, ib. 9.221 (Marc. Arg.), 12.93 (Rhian.)’ άμφι-θηγής, -θηκτος, transpose ‘S.T«M309 (lyr.)’ and ΆΡ6. 94 (Phil.)’ Χάμφικαπνίζω, make smoke round, ά[στυ Archil, in Philol. 99.10.15. άμφικέλεμνον, after ‘Hsch.’ add ', cf. Phot.p.ioi R.’ άμφικέφαλος II, for ‘7Gi.277<7’ read ‘7Gi2. 330.7’ άμφίκλαστος, after ‘223’ add ‘(Antip.)’ άμφικλάω, for 'break all in pieces' read 'cause to fail’ άμφίκομος, add ‘3. Subst., o', a precious stone, Plin.777V37.160, V. ερωτύλος IV.’ Χάμφικουρία, Ion. -ρίη, ή, dub. sens., Archil. (?) in POxy. 2313. 13.9. Άμφικτύονες, line 3, after ‘esp. at Delphi,’ add ‘Hdt.7.200,’ χάμφίκΰφος, ov, doubly convex, κεραμίδες Inscr. Delos 456 A 6 (ii B.C.) . άμφίλαλος, for ‘Ar.Fa.979’ read ‘Ar.Fa.679’ άμφιλειπής, for ‘2559.’ read ‘p.noK.’ 10 άμφίλογος SUPPLEMENT άναθέσιμος άμφίλογος, after “ον,” add ‘Dor. άμφίλλ— Th.5.79> ZGsi2)· 343 A ιι,’ άμφίον, before ‘D.H.4.76’ insert ‘Call. Tr. 1 77.3 1 Pf. (pi.),’ όμφιπαίω, add ‘2. = άμφισβητεω, Inscr.Cret.^.Qo.12 (Gortyn, v B.C.).’ άμφιπιάζω, for 1 squeeze all round, hug closely ’ read ‘ clutch , lay hold of' άμφιπίτττω fin., for ‘Parth.8.4’ read ‘Parth.7.3’ άμφιπλήξ, after ‘Id. 77.930’ add ‘; σφυρά AP6.205 (Leon.)’ and insert ‘S.’ before ‘OT417’ χάμφίπλικτος, ον, gripping, κλίμακες cj. for άμφίπλεκτος in S.7V. 520 (lyr.) ; cf. άμφιπλίξ. άμφιιτολεύω 2, transfer ‘[rets κουράς] .. 0/>. 803 ;’ to I, line 2, after 'h.Merc.368 ;’ 3, line 2, delete ‘Q..S. 13.270;’ and at end add '·, to be slave to, χείροσιν ά. Q_.S. 13.270’ άμφίιτολος I. I, for ‘b’ read ‘2’; after ‘ priestess ,’ add ‘Pi. 0.6. 32;’; delete ‘2... 6. 32.’; after 'sacrist,' add 'Mnemos. 57.208 (Argos, vi b.c.) , Pi.Pae.6.1 17,’ and for ‘E.Tr.982’ read ‘E.Tr. 992’ άμφιφαής, after ‘395bi4’ add ‘(leg. -φανής)' add ‘II. of the new moon, Nonn.D.4.281 , 22.349 (cf. άμφιφανής 2).’ χάμφιφάων, οντος, ό, (cf. άμφιφών) — άμφιφανής I, τόπον Orac. Chald.ap.Synes.de insomniis 140 (col. 1297b). άμφόδιον, after ‘ofsq.,’ insert ‘TG't/i 579.10, 1580.11 (both ca. 1 19 A.D.)’ χάμφοδογραμματεύς, ε'ως, ό, secretary of an άμφοδον II, POxy. 2131. 1 1 (iii A.D.), PLond. 935.1, 936.1 (both iii A.D.). χάμφοκεραιος, ον, two-handled, POxy. 1343 (vi a.d. ; -κερυια Pap.). χάμφοράριον, τό, Dim. of άμφορεύς, PGot. 1 7Γ. 1 7 (vi/vii A.D., spelt — φοΧ — ) · άμφορεύς I. i, line 5, after ‘wine in,’ insert ‘ Schwyzer 725.9 (Miletus, vi b.c..),’ and at end add ‘; given as prizes at the Panathenaea, SEG13. 13.41-60 (Athens, v b.c.), cf. Hesperia 27.178’ άμφορίτης I, after “o',” substitute for the present article ‘a δίαυλος race at Aegina run by bearers of amphorae and called Ύδροφόρια, Call.Itr.i98 Pf., Διηγήσεις ad loc., EM 95.3 (άμφι- φορίτης).' χάμφοροθυνω [ϋ], provoke to strife, πεζόν Άρη, Πολέμων 2-57 (Thess., iii B.C.) . άμφότερος I. 2, line 5, for ‘Pi.T.4.79’ read ‘II. 7.418’ χάμφουριασμός, οϋ, o, deed of transfer of landed property, 6ΈΌ3.674. 3, 46, al. (Rhodes, ii b.c.). όμφούριον, for 'acknowledgement . .plot' read ‘prob. copy of a declaration of transfer' and add at end of article ‘, SEG3. 674.40 (Rhodes, ii b.c.)’ χάμφύνω, v. άναφΰω in Suppl. αμφω, add ‘2. Adv., like αμφότερον I. 2, Nonn.Z). 1 1 . 187.’ άμφώδων, for “οντος, d, ή, (οδού?)” read ‘ον, Arist./M663b36 ( — ow Id./P4507b34), gen. -οντος,’ and delete ‘; cf. άμφόδους’ χάμωλώ·τηστος, ον, not bruised, Plu.2.iogie (cj.). άμώμητος, line 3, after ‘69 H.’ insert λειμών a. ΛΤ4.1.31 (Mel.)’ χάμωροι (v.l. in Od. 12.89),= ιχθυοφόροι, EM 117.26. αν or άν, add ‘(init.) ; also = άνά c. iii, SEGg.il (Cyrene, iv B.C.).’ άνά C. ill, after 'Ev.Luc. 9.14’ add *, cf. PMich. iii 145. 3.4.1, 11 (ii a.d.)’ and after 'Ev.Matt. 20.10’ add ‘, cf. Dioph.5.12’ άνα (A), after ‘gods’ add ‘, exc. Ε.ΤΛ.828 (lyr.)’ άνα (B), substitute ‘Dor. for άνη, q.v. in Suppl.’ αναβαθμός, add ‘2. Ep. άμβαθμός, ά. πετρώδεας rocky ascents, prob. cj. in Nic.TA.283.’ άναβαίνω ii. 4, add metaph., of anger, Lxx 2ΤΪ.1 1.20, al.’ 6, lines 4—5, delete ‘ά. επί τον όκρίβαντα .. Eq. 1 49’ and transfer 'άνάβηθι . . 963’ to follow ‘in court,’ reading ‘Ar.’ for ‘Id.’ add ‘b. of the ‘entrance’ of an actor (but there was perh. no raised stage in the fifth century), Ar.Ach.j32, Eq. 149, V. 1341 ; for ά. επι τον όκρίβαντα PI .Smp. 194b, v. όκρίβας.’ add ‘11. Astron., = αναβιβάζω io, Palchus in Cat.Cod.Astr.6. 63.8, al.’ άναβάλλω A. I. 3, for ‘Ctes.Tr.30’ read ‘Ctes.Tr.20 (ap.Poll.2. 60)’ 4, after 'spring up,' insert 'ύδωρ Cali.Tr.546 Pf. ;’ 7, for ‘to be lifted up, in prayer’ read 'to be thrown up, in sea-sickness’ B. 1, line 3, after ‘c. acc.,’ insert 'μέλος Theoc. 10.22 ;’ II. 1, add ‘; ά. προσελθεΐν Men.Z>ric.i26’ v, delete the section, άνάβασις, add ‘V. Astron., ά. ήλιου noon altitude of sun, Cod.Vat. Gr.i058.43iv.’ χάνάβασμα, τό, stair, Hsch. s.v. σκάλα. άναβέβρυχε, for ‘ gushed or bubbled up' read 'gushes or bubbles up' and add ‘, cf. *βρόχω’ Δναβιβάζω 6, for ‘, cf. POxy. 513.27’ read — Pass., [ ενεκα του την οικίαν ] άναβεβιβάσθαι because it has had its price raised by overbidding, POxy. 313. 27 (ii a.d. ; -βεβισθαι)' add ‘11. reckon time back, άπό. .επί. . D.H. 1 .75·’ άναβιβασμός, add ‘4. overbidding, PTeb. 295.10 (ii a.d.).’ άναβιβαστέον, add ‘2. one must move a word further up (in con¬ struing), Sch.PiJV^· 14a.’ άναβλαστάνω, line 3, for ‘Z.g.835d’ read ‘Z.g.845d’ άνάβλησις, for 'CaW.Ap.^f read ‘Call. Αρ.φ' αναβολή ι. 1, add ‘b. laying of bricks, rest, in 7G22.i66i.7, cf. άναβάλλω i. 5.’ 2, before ‘of the toga' insert ‘of the ιμάτιον, εξ ά. τον ί. ε'ίλκυσεν (αυτόν) Vit. Aesop. (G) 1 5, 28;’ χάνάβολον, to, mantle, POxy. 936.24 (iii a.d.), PTeb. 413.10 (ii/iii A. D.) . χαναβομβεω, blare, λιγυρή δ’ άνεβόμβεε σάλπιγξ Epic, in ΒΚΤ^ι). 1 12. αναβραζω, add ‘2. τήνδ ’ έωλον άναβεβρασμενην Ar.Tr.5 D., interpr. in Phot.p.106 R. by άνακεκινημενη ; prob. there is al¬ lusion to a 'richauffi' (cf. άναβρασμός). 3. toss up, ράβδον Heb.T^.21.26.’ χάναβροχέω, flood, τό πεδίον PSI3.168.22 (ii B.c.). *άναβρύχω, delete ‘, Eust. 1095.6’ άναβώνες, read “άνάβωνες” άνάγειον, after “άνάγαιον,” insert ‘Ph.2.476,’; for 'Reise' read ‘Reisen’ χάναγίγνομαι, perh. rise up, άνά μεν θυμός εγεντο θεής Call.Tr. 63.6 Pf. αναγιγνώσκω π, line 2, delete ‘dub. in GD/5075’ add ‘b. in textual criticism, adopt a reading, Sch.Ar./W 593.’ αναγκαίος ii. 4, add ‘ ; the best to be had, that to which one is driven, D.50.38: Comp., Aeschin.3.69 ; just enough, Lys.31.18; just possible, προφάσεις Is. 4. 20, cf. D.54.17’ 5, add ‘b. prob. an honorary title. Kinsman (cf. συγγενής iii) in OG/3 15.49, 763. 31 (letters of Attalus II and Eumenes II).’ add ‘8. Lit.Crit., sparing of words, opp. περιττός, of Sophocles, D.H. Vett.Cens.2. 1 1 ; dub. sens., opp. άστεΐος and ήδός, of Lycurgus, ib.5.3.’ χάναγκε·π·άκτης, ου, o', bringer of compulsion, PMag.Par. 1. 1 36 1. ανάγκη i. 1, fin., after ‘c. inf.,’ insert ‘D.Chr.31.105, 114,’ χάναγκίτης, ου, o, the compeller, name given to the γαλακτίτης λίθος, τον ρα παλαιγενεες μεν άναγκίτην άδάμαντα κλεΐον Orph. L. 1 94 ( άνακτίτην codd., but cf. ob id qnidam eutn (sc. adamanta) ananciten vocavere Plin.//Ar37.6i , cf. 192). άναγκοφαγέω, after “ άναγκοτροφεω ,” add *Ephor.(?) in PLit. Bond λ 14.12,’ χάναγνέω, = άνάγω, ύμνον Lasus I P. άνάγνωμα, delete the article. χάναγορία, ή, dub. sens., PFay.6 6.4 (ii a.d.). άναγραφευς I, for 'IG 1.6T read ‘Λ?ι2.ιΐ5·5 (pi., 409/8 b.c.)’ 11, for ‘/G2.192C, cf. 19T read ‘IG22. 1700.2 15 (335/4 b.c.), al.’ άναγραφεύω, delete the article. αναγράφω I. I, line J, for “ άναγρφάσαθαι ” read “άναγράφασθαι” 2, add ‘b. enter in a list, Pass., of eclipses, εί [εκλει^ις] εν ταΐς άναγραφείσαις εΰρίσκεται in the list, Hero Dioptr. 35.’ add ‘V. of statues, repaint, Inscr.Cret.3M 1.11 (ii b.c.).’ άναγρετόν, add ‘, cf. νήγρετος- άνάγρετος, Id.’ άναγχίστευτος, for 'without heirs' read 'without kindred' άνάγχω, delete 'hang up,' άνάγω I. 9, add ‘; Med., πνεύμα, .άνηγά γετο Call. Ep. 43. 2 Pf.’ 11. 5, for ‘Pl.Z.i'.gisc’ read ‘PlTg.gisd’ άναγωγή I. 1, add ‘c. bringing up from landing-stage to building- site, Didyma 41.45.’ ii. 7, for ‘Ath.g.395a’ read ‘Ath.9. 394<” άναγωνίατος, add ‘, PBaden 48. 1 2 (ii b.c.)’ άναγώνιστος, add ‘ ; uncontested, των. . ά. δευτερείων τής αύλωδίας, Δρχ. 'Εφ.ι 956-37-50 (Tanagra, i b.c.)’ άναδατεομαι, after ‘ redistribute ,’ insert ‘άνδάζαθ αι = άναδάσασθαι, Insc.r.Cret.\.3 (vii/vi b.c.) ;’ άναδείκνυμι I, after ‘ exhibit , display,' add ‘τον μάργον δνδειξαι θέλω, perh. show up, prob. in Sapph.(?)g9 i 24 L.-P. ;’ 11. 2, for ‘ dedicate ’ read ‘ consecrate ' άναδενδράς, add ‘(άναδενδράς, pi. — άδες, acc. to Seleuc.ap.Phot. p.i 10 R.)’ άναδεχομαι, init., insert ‘poet, άνδ— Pi.T.2.41, OrphM. 1133:’ 11. 6, add ‘b. recover (the use of limbs), MAMA 4.266 (Dionysopolis).’ χάναδημιουργέω, reverse by official action, /G 12 (8). 264 (Thasos, iv B. C.) . χάναδοσία, ή, repayment. Stud. Pal. 20.1 14.15 (v a.d.). άναδύομαι, line 3, after ‘337’ add ‘, imper. άνάδϋ cj. in Archil. 67a D.3’ ; line 8, after ‘(Strat.)’ add ‘ : metaph., Archil. l.c.’ χάναδΰτήριον, τό, niche for statuette, Annuario 6/7.553 (Asia Minor). άναείρω, lines 3, 4, for ‘lift up in one's arms, carry off' read ‘ raise from a kneeling position' χΆναείτεια, τά, festival of Anaitis, C/G3424 (Philadelphia), άναέξω, after ‘Coluth.247’ add ‘ ; magnify, advance, Nonn.D.8. 183, 9.100’ άναερτάζω, for ‘= sq.’ read 'take up, lift up' and delete ‘, al.’ άναζεμα, read “άνάζεμα” άναζωττυρέω ii, after ‘Act.,’ add 'recover strength,' χάναθάλλωσις, εως, ή, flourishing condition, PMasp.2 iii 22 (vi a.d.). χάναθέσιμος, ον, dedicated, πινάκια Inscr.Dilos 1 442T35 (ii B.c.). 11 άναθεωρέω SUPPLEMENT άνατταριάζω άναθεωρέω, add reflect on, Longin.7-3’ t ( άναθεώρησις, for the present article read after “η,” ‘ close examination, Plu.2.i ge; further reflection, D.S. 13.35, Cic.Att.g. ig. 1 ; κατά τψ a. Longin.23.2 ; food for thought, εδόκει . ,μεγάλην εχειν ά. D.S.i3-34> c^· 35> Cic. Att. 14. 1 5. 1 , 14.16.2. άναθήκη, add ‘; putting on (wagons), in' άναθήκη IG22. 1666.35, cf. άνάθεσις III’ ^αναθυμιάζω, gloss on άτμζίζω )>, Hsch. xj άν]αιβάσίη, ή, = άνάβασις, ascent, prob. in (Phyle). άναίδην, add ‘, Lyd.05i.8’ αναιδής i. 1, after ‘S.ZZ622’ add D.8.68’ 2, delete the section 11, line 2, after ‘13.139;’ add ‘κυδοιμός ά. II. 5· 593 6ne 5, after ‘Eq. 385’ add ά. γνώμη D. 21.91; 01 )κ αναιδές δο/cef άηοφαίνεσθαι PI. Tht. I96d’ ; lines 5’ 6, for “τάνειδες" read “τάναιδε'ς” in, after ‘ Eh. 525,’ add Ρ1.Λ. Χάναιδόφθαλμος, ον, gloss on κυνάμυια, Sch.Gen.il. 2 1 .394. αναίμακτος, for ‘Pyth.’ read ‘Pythag.’ άναιμος i, add Sup., Plu.2.9i3f.’ άναίνομαι, line 2, after ‘Alciphr.3.37,’ insert ‘άνήνατο Call. Fr. 1 78. 1 1 Pf. (v.l.),’ Χάναίρετος (B), ov, taken tip, of foundlings, POAcy.73.26 (i a.d.), etc. άναιρέω, line 1, after ‘18.6 D.) :’ insert ‘Aeol. aor. inf. όννελην Ale. 130.27 L.-P. :’ 11. 2, add ‘b. get rid of, στάσιν Ale. l.c., Pi.Pr.109; νεΐκος Theoc.22.180.’ άναισίμωμα, add ‘; Call. Fr. 196.45 Pf.’ άναιωρέω, after ‘Nonn.Z).’ add ‘2.457,’ άνακαθαίρω II. 3, add ‘b. expound or declare, [δόγματα] Porph. Plot. 3.’ άνακαλέω II. I, after ‘ appeal to,' insert ‘ Πάον ’ όνκαλεοντες εκά- βολον Sapph.44.33 L.-P. Χάνακάλυψις, εως, η, = άηοκάλυφις, Plu.2.5l8d, cf. 7 of (v.l.). Χόνακάρδιον, τό, upturned twig of the mulberry tree, Cyran.29. χάνακάταξις, εως, ή, re-fracture, Paul.Aeg.6.109. άνάκειμαι, line 1, after "άνατίθημ i” add ‘(q.v., in Suppl., for άνάκεικε)’ ii, line 7, for ‘; els θάνατον.. 1 8. i . i ’ read ‘b. in part., els θάνατον ήν άνακείμενα τοΐς άλογήσασι marked out,}.AJ\ 7.6.5 ; λιμός els ΰστάτην —os αναισχυντίαν leading to, ib. 18. 1. 1.’ άνακίρναμαι, delete ‘mix the bowl of friendship’ άνάκλιμα, add ‘II. part of a ship where the κυβερνήτης lies down (κατακλίνεται), Poll. I. go (written άγκλιμα).’ άνακλιντήριον, delete the article, v. άνακλιτήριον in Suppl. άνάκλιντρον, delete ‘also’ and after “τό,” insert ‘= εηίκλιντρον (Suppl.),’ άνάκλισις II, fin., for ‘bench. .27 7 d’ read ‘perh. chair with back, SPG13.12.236 (Athens, v b.c.), but prob. ramp in JHS12.292' Χάνακλιτήριον, τό, back or arm-rest of a chair or couch, Erot. s.v. άνακλισμοΰ, Hist. Aug. 2.5.7 > chair with back or arm-rests, Robert Hell. 9.41 (Attalea). Χάνακολαφή, = Lat. subsumen. Gloss. χάνακολάφίς, = Lat. replica. Gloss. άνακολυμβάω, after ‘Thphr.//P4.6.5’ add ‘, laser. DHos 440/I52 (ii B.c.)’ Χάνακόμΐσις, εως, ή, restoration, Stud. Pal. 20.114.11 (v a.d.). χάνακομιστικός, η, όν, bringing back, Hsch. s.v. νόστιμον ήμαρ. Χάνακοπάζω, check, laser. Cret.a, iv 37.14 (Itanos, i b.c.; άγκ-). ανακόπτω I. 3, after ‘Thphr.C/iar.25.2’ add ‘, but back towards land, Arat.346’ ανακουφίζω, add ‘II. subtract, Cat. Cod.Astr.8(i). 146. 15.’ άνακούφισμα, for ‘a relief ’ read ‘raising the body from a prone position by using the arms’ Χάνακούω, listen further, dub. in S.P/.81, cf. Sch. (leg. an-). χάνακραδαίνω, aor. part, —δάνας gloss on άμηεηαλών, PBerol. in E. Ziebarth A us der Antiken Schule2p.$2. ανακράζω I, after ‘etc.’ (line 5) add ‘; τηλι κοντ’ άνεκράγετε. . ώστε D.2I.2I5* ; for ‘a relat.’ (line 7) read “ώς”; delete τηλικαΰτ’ . .21 5’ άνακρίνω ι. 2, after ‘Antipho 2.3.2’ insert ‘ ; γεν^ν Call.Pr.203.54 Pf.’ άνακροτέω, fin., for ‘3.67’ read ‘3.97’ άνακρούω I. 1, line 3, after ‘PluM/c.2’ add put a ship astern, νήα A. R. 4. 1650; metaph., ά. τιν as της ύβρεως Aristid. Quint. 2.10’ 2, delete ‘άπό. .4. 1650;’ n. 1, add ‘b. pull back, κάλωας A. R. 1. 1277 5 ηνίας Sch. Ar. Av.648.' άνακρόπτω, add ‘(leg. ενέκρυφε)’ χάνακρωτόφονος, gloss on γυρτεύς, Hsch. Χάνακτενιον, τό, a kind of comb, PRyl. 4.627.168 (iv A.D.). άνάκτησις, add written άγχτησις PRein. 7. 14 (ii b.c.)’ άνακτητικός, for ‘recuperative:' read ‘ restorative , c. gen., from, σίκυς. . ά. λειποθυμιών Dsc.2.135;’ άνακτίτης, for ‘a precious stone,’ read ‘f.l. in’ and at end add *, v. άναγκίτης in Suppl.’ άνάκτωρ, for ‘Cere. 4. 36’ read ‘Cere. 4. 38’ άνακύπτω, line 3, after ‘Thphr.G/ιατ.ι 1.3’ add Men. Zhtfc. 53 7’ Χάνάκώσιος [άν], ov, Adj. from άναξ, in dialect of Rhegium, Sch. D.T. p.542 H., cf. Ibyc. 60(a) P. Χάναλδαίνω, make to spring up, Nonn.Z). 40. 390. άναλδής, after ‘Yip.Aer. 1 5 ;’ add ‘of stars, Arat.394;’; for ‘ άρον pai. .fruiting’ read ‘neut. pi. as Adv., feebly, φυταλιαί. . άναλδεα φυλλ ιόωσαι άναλέγω in, after ‘ read through,' insert MP9.63 (Asclep.),’ άνάλεκτος, add ‘; na ιδία a. SP4425.3.21 (ii A.D.)’ άνάλημμα in, for ‘sun-dial.. 9.7.7’ read ‘ projection on a plane of circles and points on the celestial sphere, Hero Dioptr. 35, Ptol.^na/. p.202.26 H., a!., Papp. 4.246 H. ; used for the con¬ struction of a sun-dial, Vitr.9.6. 1 ,7.6’ and transfer ‘C/G2681 (Iasos)’ to 11. Χάναλημπτός, η, ov, confiscated, PSI 1. 104. 14 (** A-t>·)· Χάναλημψιακός, η, ovffor a reception {άνάληφις I. 6), corona analem- psiaca C/Z14.2215.1 1 (Nemi). άναληπτρίς, before ‘Cal.’ insert ‘Sor.Za.ic. 41 ,42 (—λήμη—),' and after ‘323’ add ‘, Hippiatr. 50’ Χάναλήψιμος (written -λημφ-), ov, of goods, liable to be reclaimed, resumable, PFouad Inv. 211.1.20 (ii a.d.) in Bull. Inst. Fran;. 41 (1942) pp.43 if. .... ... Χάνάλΐφος [άλ], ον, το -ον lack of the means of anointing oneself, Wien.Sitzb. 179(6) .44 (Iasos, ii a.d.). άναλλοίωτος, fin., for ‘CP6.IO.1’ read ‘CP6.10.3’ άναλλος, after ‘ topsy-turvy ,’ insert ‘v.l. for εναλλος in Theoc.1.134, /IP5.299.9 (Agath.),’ άναλογιστικός, after ‘ analogical ,' insert ‘Epicur.Aai.F?.5.vi vogi; άναλύζω, for ‘vulg. άνωλύζεσκε’ read ‘άνωλιίζεσκε codd.’ άναλύτης, add ‘ ; cf. άλλότας in Suppl.’ άναλυτικός, add ‘3. in Magic, releasing from a spell, PMich. iii. 154 (iii/iv A.D.).’ άνάλυτος, before ‘Plot.’ insert ‘f.l. in’ Χάναλυτρ-όω, redeem a pledge, PMasp. 23.21 (vi A.D.). χ-ωσις, εως, ή, ib.167.13 (vi A.D.). άναλύω (A), delete. Αναλύω (B) 1. 2, add ‘: — Med., εηί τω άλλυσαμενω η μεν Leg. Gort. 6.49, al., cf. Hsch. s.v. άναλυσάμενος' II. 1, transfer ‘in Med.,’ to follow ‘unloose,' and after ‘Del. 237;’ insert ‘ μίτρας , in sexual intercourse, Hes. in POxy. 2354.4; MtT/37?v’ >n child-bearing, Call. £>c/. 222 ;’ 5, before ‘reduce' insert ‘Math.,’ and after ‘Geom. 5.8’ add ‘, cf. PMich. iii, 3.6.6’ add ‘12. unsettle, Philostr. IM5.35.’ iii. 2, add ‘; εξ ευωχίας. Διηγήσεις iv.38’ Χάναμαρτέω, to be sinless, dub. 1. in Herm.ap.Stob.1.3.52. άναμαστεύω, after ‘(for fugitives),’ insert ‘££614.686.9 (Rhod. Peraea, ii b.c.),’ άναμασχαλιστήρ, add ‘, IG 22. 1408.5 (prob.)’ άναμάχομαι, add ‘; κακοδοξίαν Plu. Dio 18’ άναμείγνυμι II. I , add ‘ ; abs. μΰρρα κα'ι κασία λίβανός τ’ ονεμείχ- νοτο Sapph.44-3° L.— Ρ.’ άναμερισμός, add ‘II. distribution of burdens, PAZ6.684.12 (ίν/ν A.D.).’ άνάμιγα, after 'IG^f). 726 ;’ insert 'in concert, Theoc.£/>.5-3 ;’ and delete ‘ ; also τινός ib.221 άναμίγδην, add ‘ ; c. dat. Id.dl.557’ άναμίξ, after ‘Th.3.107’ add ‘, .IP4.1.9 (Mel.)’ For ‘άναμισθόομαι. .anew’ read ‘άναμισθόω, Dor. άμμ— , to let anew, IGi 1 (2). 142.5 (Delos, iv b.c.) : — Pass.,’ Χάναμνημίσκομαι, = άναμιμνησκομαι, form used by Plotinus, Porph. Plot. 1 3. άναμνηστικός ii, before ‘ indicative ' add ‘suggestive, reminiscent, Demetr.Z70c.287. 2.’ άναμφόδαρχος, for “ άμφόδαρχος” read “άμφοδάρχης” άνανδριεΐς, for ‘cf. άναριείς’ read ‘v. Ένάρεες' άνανεάζω, for ‘Phyrn.’ read ‘Phryn.’ άνανεόομαι I, add ‘2. reaffirm, recognize, an obligation, feitschr.d. Savigny-Stiftung 56. 1 o 1 (Dura, i a.d.), Tale Class. Studies ii.6 (Dura, ii a.d.).’ άνανέωσις i, add ‘2. reaffirmation, recognition, of an obligation, POxy. 1 105.21 (i a.d.) ; so perh. ib. 274.20 (v. supr.).’ Χάνάνοικτος, gloss on αχανής (άχανανεΐ cod.), Hsch. Χάναντώδης, ες, uphill, steep, Hsch. s.v. κνήμαι. άναξ I, fin., after ‘save to gods’ add ‘, exc. Ε.ΡΛ.828 (lyr.)’ 11, line 5, for *(’ read “,’ and lines 6/7, for ‘cf. Isoc. . .911),’ read ‘esp. in Cyprus, Clearch.25, cf. Isoc.9.72, Schwyzer 68o; of Creon, S.OT85, cf. 91 1 ;’ Χάναξιόω, f.l. for άηαξιόω E.Z/.256. Χάνάξιππος, ό, η, master or mistress of horses, Λάρισα B.14B10 S. Χάναξίχορος, ov, ruling the dance, prob. in B.Zr.65(a).i 1 S. Χάναξοή, Dor.-ξοά, ή, polishing, smoothing, rest, in Λ?42(ι). 102.66 (Epid., iv b.c.) . χάναπαιστήρ, ηρος, ό, door-knocker, 7G42(i).io2.79 (Epid., iv B.C.) (όνπ— ). άνάπαλιν, add ‘V. upside down, ά. ηετεσθαι Ael.jVd 10.14.’ άνάπαλος, delete ‘: κατ’ άμηαλον. .(Thess.)’ ii, for ‘Ath. 1 4.63 id’ read ‘Ath. 14.631b’ άναπαριάζω, for ‘107’ read ‘63 J., prob. in Lib.E/>.555.3 (άνεηυρρίααε codd.)’ 12 ανατταυω SUPPLEMENT ανγρεσις αναπαύω Π. 2, add ‘e. μετά τίνος, sens, obsc., Macho ap.Ath.13. 580a., PluMfe.v.2.’ άναπελάσας, for “ όλιγ-ηπελίη” read “εύηπελής” χάναπεσσεύομαι, Med. or Pass, part., dub. sens, in PMichael.4. 4 (ii a.d.)* χάναπηδύω, = άναπιδόω I, Lxx Pr. 18.4. αναπιεσμόξ I, for ‘= foreg.’ read forcing up' άναπλεκω I, add ά. βοστρύχους O.ki.Th.ig’ 2, after ‘metaph.,’ add ‘διαλόγους O.ii.Comp.2 5;’ χάναπληρωματικός, όν, expletive, of particles, Charis. p.226 K. χάναπλωτικός, ή, όν, unifying, Procl.m R. 1.90.5. αναπνέω iv, add avenvevaev is f.l. at Nic. Th.54.7’ άναπνοϊκός, delete the article. χάναπόγραπτος, ον, unregistered, IG22.i 100.33 (Athens, ii A.D.). χάναποδέω, = άναποδίζω II, α ναποδονσιν έπί την μονάδα Plu.2. 876f. ; άπο της μονάδος άναποδών ibid., cf. Pythag.ap.Stob. 1. 10.12. άναποδίζω ii, delete ‘επί την μονάδα. . (corr. Eleeren),’ άναποδιστικός, before ‘in retardation ’ insert ‘retrograde, of planets, Ptol. Tetr. 1 13 ;’ άναποδόω, for ‘άνα-ποδόω. . άναποδόομα i read ‘άνα-ποδόομαι,’ αναπομπή, add ‘III. divorce of wife by husband, CP.ff24.30 (ii A.D.).’ άναπορεύομαι, add ‘b. πολλή ακαθαρσία άναπορεύεται και λεύκη Comm, in Ale. 306(14) ii to L.-P., where a. glosses όνστείχει.' χάναπότρεπτος, ον, unalterable, PMasp. 98.4 (vi a.d.). άναπράσσω, after ‘OGI66 9.20’ add ‘(Egypt, i a.d.)’ χάναπροζύμιον, τό, = προζύμιον (v. προζύμια) , Iambi. Alch. 286. 10. αναπτύσσω, line 4, before “δελτών” insert ‘ά. πίνακα A-.Fr.530·22 Μ.;’ and for ‘E.Fr.^yo' read ‘E.Fr.369 (lyr.)’; line 5, after ‘Ion 39’ add ‘ ; φαρέτρας πώμα B.5.75 S.’ άνάπτω i. 3, fin., after ‘Med.,’ insert ‘like Act., χάριν ά. τινί A.R. a-2 14 χάναπυρριάζω, v. άναπαριάζω in Suppl. άναπωλέω, for ‘CIG2266.11 (Delos)’ read ‘Inscr.Dilos 502 A 1 1 (iii b.c.) ’ αναπωμάζω, add ‘, Wiener Denkschr. 1896(6) pp.64, 125 (Cilicia)’ χάνάρέσκω, please, be acceptable, Riv.Fil. 57.379 (Aptera, iii/iv a.d.). άναροτρίαστος, add ‘; gloss on άσκαλα, Sch.Theoc.10.14’ άναρπάζω i, add ‘ ; Pass., of a garment, άναρπαζόμεναι τοΐς ωμοις caught up at the shoulders, Lyd .Mag.2.4' άναρραψωδέω, for ‘singing’ read ‘ reciting ’ άναρριχάομαι, line 3, after “άρριχάομαι” add ‘in Suppl.’ όναρροιβδεω, line 4, after ‘Paul.Aeg.3.10’ add ‘ ; snort, APg. 769.4 (Agath.)’ άναρροιζέω, for ‘Plu.2.97ge’ read ‘Plu.2.979d’ άναρτάω, lines I, 2, for “χέρρας ύμ ” read “χέρρ’ άπν μ' ” and for ‘Supp. 4.21’ read ‘58.21 L.-P.’ χάναρτικός, η, όν, for suspension, gloss on άρτάνη, Sch.S.O F 1 266 (fort, άναρτ(ητ')ικήν) . άναρχαίζω, for “πόλο'” read “ πατρίδ ’ ” αναρχία in, add ‘; also at Thasos, Thasos 1.264.28, 37 (iv b.c.)’ άνασείω, add ‘III. abs., make trouble, Men.Fpii.241 ; = επηρεάζω, Phot.p.i2i R.’ χάνασελγαίνομαι, behave wantonly, f.l. in Ar. E.61 (ένασ- Herm.). άνασεύομαι, for ‘Pass.’ read ‘Med.’ άνάσιλλος, add ‘ ; v. άνάσιμος I in Suppl.’ άνάσιμος I, add ‘, Herod. 4. 67 (v.l. άνάσιλλος)’ άνασιμόω, add ‘II. Pass., to be curved at the end, Hero Mechani- corum Frag. 3.1 (Teubner ed. 2(i)p.2g4).’ άνασκαφή, after ‘up,’ insert ‘ PLille 1.8 (iii B.C.),’ άνασκευάζω, line 3, for ‘VSi.iy.f read ‘VS1.17.2’ ανασκιρτάω, before ‘Philostr.’ insert ‘perh. exultant,’ χάνασκολοπισμός, o, impalement, Nigidius Figulus in Lyd .Ost. P-74 W. (pi.). χάνασκΰβάλίζω, = σκυβαλίζω, defile, IG22. 13221 (iii A.D.). άνασοβέω, add ‘; metaph., γυνή άνασεσοβημένη τούς τρόπους POslo Pte. 1482.18 (iii a.d.) in JF.44o(i954)3o’ άνασπαστός i, add ‘3. that can be tightened (of a noose), AP6. 109 (Antip.)’ άνασπάω i. 6, for ‘ pucker ’ read ‘raise’·, and for ‘oi τάς όφρΰς.. Arist.’ read ‘but οί τάς ό. άι ’εσπασμενοι προς τον κρόταφον those whose eyebrows rise towards the temples, Arist.’ άνασπογγίζω, after ‘Ulc. 4;’ insert ‘Antipho 5.45 (v.l. άπο-) ;’ άνάσσω, line 4, after “ρανάσσω” add ‘Mnemos. N.S.59.374 (Argive Larissa, vii/vi b.c.)’ ανάστατος I. 2, line 2, for “δόμους τιθέναι” read “οίκους τιθέναι” 4, delete the section, άναστείχω, add ‘; Aeol. όνστείχει, Ale. 306(14)01.3 L.-P.’ άνάστημα, add ‘6. garrison, or perh. commander, Lxx iKi. 10. 5. 7. hub of a wheel, Sm.Ft. 1.18.’ άναστρέφω A. I. I, line 7, for “τής” read “τάς”; at end add ‘; τούτο εμπαλιν άνεστραπται is reversed or inverted. Id. Hier .4.5, cf. Cyr.8.8.13, Arist.A/er/i.854aio’ B. 11, for ‘ dwell in a place’ read ‘Med., roam over a place, go up and down in it, sojourn ’ omitting ‘go to a place and dwell there' ; line 5, after ‘Th.8.94 ;’ insert ‘στέρνοις AP5.237.6 (Agath.) ;’ iii. 2, omit ‘to be reversed. .3.’ άναστρος, add * ; also ά. σφαίρα, of a sphere beyond the fixed stars, Aristid.Quint.3. 12’ άναστροφή ii. 3, add ‘ : Thess. όστροφά PC//59.55 (Larissa)’ 7, for ‘Plu.2. 1 1 2c’ read ‘Plu.2. 11 2d’ άνασύρω, line I, after ‘up,’ insert ‘ύδωρ Aq.Tf.30. 14 ;’ άνασώζω, lines 3-4, for ‘ rescue . .n65b22’ read ‘εάν τι απολωλός πυνθάνωνται, άνασωζειν SEG ΙΟ.24.22 (Eleusis, ν B.C.) ; ά. φίλον άλλοιωθε ντα Arist.FjVi 1 65b22 ; rescue, από φόνου ερρυτο κάνεσωσε μ’ S.OF1351 (lyr.)’ άνασωσμός, for Τ’ read ‘7’ άνασωφρονίζω, after ‘sobriety,’ add ‘Sch.Gen.Il. 14.436 ;’ άναταράσσω i, for ‘stir up the mud’ read ‘Poet, άνταρ— Sol. 25. 7 D.3 : — intr., cause a stir in settled liquid, Sol.l.c.’ άνατείνω I. 6, delete ‘pucker,’ and add ‘, cf. άνασπάω i. 6 with Suppl.’ iii, after ‘food,’ add ‘(Medic.) Air. Epict. 3.22. 73: trans., impose abstinence, starve,’ and after ‘2.17.9’ add ‘: generally, starve, όνους Sch. Call, in PLil.Lond. 181.55, v- Pfeiffer Callimachus I p.7’ άνατέμνω i. 2, for ‘Spir. 478a2i’ read ‘Spir. 478*27’ II, after “κλήματα” add ‘D.ap.’ άνατεταμένον, for “ελξίνη” read “έλξίνη” άνατίθημι, line 1, after ‘etc.’ add ‘; 3 sg. άνάκεικε IGp){2).266. 26 (Mantinea, i b.c.), formed on analogy of άνάκειται: West- Ion. aor. inf. άναθεΐν, = άναθεΐναι, Trans. Am.Phil. Ass. 65.105 (Olynthus, iv b.c.)’ ii. i, line 7, after ‘(Jaffa)’ add ‘: — Med., dedicate, Rev.Bibl. 34.579 (Jerusalem)’ add ‘b. install in a priesthood, SIG 101 1.12 (Chalcedon, iii/ii b.c.).’ B. 1. 3, add ‘; defer, put off, την ζήτησιν Ath. 2.47a’ 11. 2, after ‘metaph.,’ insert ‘άναθεσθαι ώσπερ πεττόν τον βίον ούκ εστιν Antipho Soph. 52, cf. Socr.ap.Stob.4.56.39 >’ χάνατϊθηνητέον, one must nurse, foster, θυμόν, πικρίαν, Muson.ap. Orig. in Pi. p. 1 18 (Cadiou, Paris 1936). χάνάτιος, ον, dub. sens.. Tab. Defix. 1 10.2.4. άνατολή i. 4, add ‘, Nic. Th. 635’ 11, add ‘2. in pi ., fresh growth, of grass, PTeb. 703.51 (iii b.c.), Aegyptus 5.130.25 (ii B.C.).’ χάνατράπελος [τρά], ον, overturned, πάντα δ’ άνατράπελα Call. Fr. 7.30 Pf- χάνατρεκ·.δδετω, dub. sens, in laser. Cret. 4.95 (v b.c.). άναυδος I. I, lines 4/5, after ‘ without speaking,’ insert ‘τ έλεος καιρός άναυδος τάδ’ επαινεί A.Fr.474-2-25 Μ. (anap.) ;’ άναυλος (A) 1. ι, after Έ.ΡΛ.791 insert ‘ά. βρέγμα (nisi leg. άναυδον) A.Fr.496.8 Μ. ;’ άναυλος (Β), for “αύλίον” read “αυλιον” άναφαίνω, line 2, before ‘Hellenistic’ insert ‘Corinn.i(a).24 P. and’ 1. 3, line 2, after ‘FT. 9.12’ add ‘, Corinn. 1 (a). 24 P.’ and line 5, after “άμφ-” add ‘(άνφ— , άμπ-)’ n. 2, for ‘to be declared ’ read ‘to be seen manifestly to be a’ ; line 4, for ‘roman¬ cer’ read ‘speech-writer’ άναφαλαντιαΐος, after ‘foreg.,’ add ‘Ptol. Tetr. 143 άναφέρω I. 1, add ‘c. Astron., in Pass., rise above the horizon, Hvpsicl.9.8, al.’ 2, line 3, after ‘Alex. 52’ add ‘: abs., sob in breathing, Hp.ap. Gal. 19.80’ 11. 7, line 3, for ‘(v. supr.1.2) Hdt.1.116’ read ‘Hdt.1.116 (cf. supr.1.2)’ 10, add ‘b. recall, remember, Isoc.5.32, Plu.2. 607ε, App.PCi.i2i, al.’ άναφθείρομαι I, add at end ‘11. 1 (with Suppl.)’ άναφορά i. 2 d, for ‘of a sign’ read ‘above the horizon, Hypsirl. 9.8, al.’ 11. 9, substitute for the section ‘ heaving up, λίθου Demetr .F/oc. 72 . ’ άνο,φορικός ii, add ‘; νόσος ά. Ptol. Tetr. 87’ χάναφΰή, ή, bud, shoot, Aq. ^9(2)5°4·4> FC//59· 56.4°. 13 άνδαιθμός SUPPLEMENT άνήλωτος Χάνδαιθμός, ό, = αναδασμός, division, distribution of land, BCH 87.3 (Locr., v b.c.). άνδάνω I, add ‘b. rejoice in, c. dat., AP6.2 99 (Phan.). II, line 4, for ‘so’ read ‘cf.’ and omit ‘, cf. Od.2.ii4’ άνδεμα κτλ., omit “άνδεσμός,” άνδίκα, for “άναδίκη” read “*άναδίκη” άνδικε, for “έδικον” read “δικείν” άνδίκτης, for ‘233’ read T 77-33 pf·’ and add :,cf- p!rh· άνδικτήρ, ηρος, δούνακας άνδικτήρας (cj. Lobeck, αντυκτηρας cod.) AP6.296 (Leon.)’ . άνδραδέλφη, after ‘sister,' add ‘ MAMA1.3·. 24 (Phrygia), Χάνδράποδική, ή, tax on slaves, MacDowell Stamped Objects from Seleucia pp.41, 42, 64, I ale Class. Studies 3 PP-3°— 33> 37) 3d (Uruk). Χάνδράττοδιστί, Adv. like a slave, prob. in PTeb.765.13 (11 b.c.). . Χάνδρασώτειρα, η, saviour of men, epith. of Isis, POxy. 1380.55 (d A.D.). ανδρεία, line 5, for ‘ : ανδρία is required in’ read ‘with the excep¬ tion of’ Χάνδρεϊστεον, one must play the man, Mcn.TThA.76. άνδρειφόντης, for “άνδρότης” read “άνδρότης” Χάνδρεοκαταμάκτης, ου, ό, unknown temple-official, &B7336.Q5 (iii a.d.) ; cf. καταμάκτης. χάνδρεφονικός, όν, of homicide, καττόν ά. τεθμόν BCH 87.3 (Locr., v b.c.) . άνδριαντίσκος, delete ‘puppet,' ανδρισμός, add ‘, cf. »SiB594d· n- = Lat. capitatio, PRylu 658.8 (iv a.d.)’ _ > άνδροβάμων, after ‘980’ add *, 1014 (both Crete, i a.d.) άνδρόβουλος, for ‘opp.’ read ‘cf.’ Χάνδρογόναιος, = άνδρόγυνος, Lxx TV. ig. 12(15]. άνδρόγΰνον, τό, married couple, Cyran.90 : pi., ib.12. άνδροδάμας, add ‘III. a species of blood-stone, YYm.HN36.146, 37-I44·’ Χάνδροκίδαλος, <5, or -ον, τό, v. κρίθων. άνδροκτόνος, for ‘Hdt. . . Cyc.22’ read ‘συν B.18.23S.; of Amazons, Hdt.4.111; of Cyclopes, E. Cyc.22. 2. slayer of her husband, S. Fr. 187’ άνδρολέτειρα, after ‘ murderess ,’ insert ‘Epic.ap.Sch.Pi.jV.3.64,’ Χάνδρολετης, ου, ό, slayer of men, Άρης Ath.Mitt.56. 129 (Pan¬ derma). άνδρομητόν, for “άνε'δραμον’ read “ όναδραμεΐν ” άνδρότης, for ‘shortened’ read ‘short, cf. άνδρειφόν της' άνδροφόνος, lines 3, 4, for ‘rarely exc.’ read ‘in Horn, usu.’ χάνδροφϋλάκιον [ά/c], τό, men’s guardhouse, Sardis 7(1). 17. 10. Χανδρωσις, εως, η, arrival at manhood, PMich.iii 149.5.27 (ii a.d.). άνέβραχε, for “*βράχω” read “βραχεΐν” άνέγερσις, add ‘(nisi leg. άναρσις, stringing, tying on, cf. έρσις, άνείρω)' ανεγκέφαλος, add ‘b. metaph., brainless, PLond. 1075.19 (vii A. D.).’ Χάνέγλιπος, ον, = ανελλιπής, καρπός 0’i?G8.54d-I3 (Fayum, i B. c.) . άνέθιστος, add ‘2. of persons, unused, μαλακίαις Ephor.(?) in PLit. Lond.i 14.16.’ άνειλείθυια, for ‘ without the aid of Eileithyia' read for whom E. was not invoked’ άνείλλω, add ‘, Criti. 109a’ ανειμι I. 3, for ‘v. supr. 1’ read ‘cf. άναβαίνω II. 3’ άνείμων, add ‘, Call.EV.7.9 Pf., Ph.2.335, Nonn.D.35.107, 47. 281’ άνείπον, line 3, after ‘proclaim,’ insert ‘with double acc., Hippon.6iD.3 ;’ Χάνειρήνευτος, ον, irreconcilable, Hsch. s.v. ασύμβατον. Χάνεκδΰσώπητος, ον, sine expl., Dosith.p.392 K·· άνέκλυτος, after ‘ indissoluble ,’ insert ‘/Gi2(7).393 (Amorgos, i/ii a.d.),’ Χάνεκπολέμητος, ον, sine expl., Dosith. p.392 K. Χάνέκτακτον, τό, in accounts, total not itemized, PMasp. 57 i 4, iii 8 (vi a.d.) . άνεκφοίτητος, add των εκεί Syrian, in Metaph. 109.25 ανέκφραστος, delete ‘2. .. 109.25.’ Χάνέλκΰσις, εως, ή, hauling up, Sch.Th.7.25. χάνελληνόστολος, ον, wearing un-Greek dress , cj. in A.Supp .234. άνεμομαχία, add ‘, Cat. Cod.Astr.i, 17 άνεμόσυρις, for the present article read ‘άνεμόσουριν (acc.), lady’s fan, Olymp. in Mele.200.1g. 2. whirlwind, ibid. (Alexandrian word ; perh. corrupt for *άνεμόσνριν (σύρω) or άνεμοόριον, q.v. in Suppl.)’ άνεμοτρεφής, last line, after ‘cf.’ insert ‘Simon. 107 P.,’ άνεμοόριον, add ‘2. άνεμοόρ(ιον?) βιβραδ(ικόν?) vibratory fan, punkah, dub. in PRyl. 4.627.165 (iv a.d.).’ άνεμόφοιτος, for ‘v. sub ηνΐμ—’ read ‘= ι)νεμ— , Sch.Lyc.l 1 19’ άνέμφατος, lines 4, 5, for ‘p.434’ read ‘p.530’ and for ‘pp.434, 450’ read ‘p.543’ Χάνενάρίθμιος, ον, not reckoned in, PMasp.()7v 776 1 (vi a.d.). άνενεχόραστος, after ‘ distraint ,’ insert ‘PTeb.817.22 (ii B.c.),’ Χάνενήλιξ, Ικος, ό, ή, of children not grown up, MAMA6.225 (Apamea). Χάνενοχλησία, ή, freedom from disturbance, Rev. Arch. 28(1874). 1 12. ^ άνέντατος, after ‘71’ add ‘ ] κλίνη Inscr .Delos 1416 A 1 38 (ii b.c.) άνέντροττος, after ‘Hsch.’ add ‘ ; irreverent, Sm.Ez.7.2f άνεξαλλοτρίωτος, add ‘2. inalienable, AJA36 P-453 (Galatia, iii A. D.).’ > ^ } άνεξία, add ‘(dub., fort. leg. *αφε|ιαν = αφΐξιν)' Χάνεξΐδΐαστός, ov, not to be appropriated, to be read in Ramsay Cities and Bishoprics p.475 No. 332. ανέξοδος ii, add ‘ ; lit., unable to go out, Vit. Aesop. ( G)59* ανεπάγγελτος i, add ‘, 5£Gi9-4dd-3 (Istria, ii b.c.) Χάνεπάνοδος, ov, not returning, Heph.Astr.3.37. ανέπαφος, after “ov,” insert ‘(fern, -η IGRom. 1.892.10 (Panti- capaeum, ca. ii a.d.))’ χάν€ΐτ€υθϋνο$» = άννΉ— , BGU 1262.19 (iii B.C.), P Ft dtikf ,1.87 (iii B. C.) . ανεπηρέαστος, after “ov” add ‘(—ην Cljud. 1.65 (Panticapaeum, iii a.d.))’ άνεπίβλητος, for ‘inattentive, heedless ’ read ‘ unheeded ' add ΊΙ. not required to make payment, PFlor.323.12 (vi a.d.).’ ανεπίγραφος I , add ‘ ; c. gen., ά. όλκης και νομίσματος Didyma 468.13 (ϋ b.c.) , cf. 469.7. b. of books, without title, λόγοι O.H.Dem.13.’ άνεπιδάνειστος, after ‘ mortgaged ,’ insert PTeb.817.22 (11 B.C.), Χάνεπικωλυτί, Adv. without let or hindrance, MAMA6.83 (Attouda). ανεπίλυτος, for ‘ unbandaged ’ read ‘with the bandage not removed’ Χάνεπιμηνίευτος, ov, free from the obligation of serving as ε’πι μήνιος, SEG8.529.40 (Egypt, ii b.c.) . άνεπίξεστος, for ‘Them. Or. 26. 388b read Them. Or. 26. 322b άνεπισημαντος II, for ‘of επισημασια (q.v.) read (επισημασια, q.v.)’ Χάνεπίσπαστος, ov, not subject to seizure, PMasp. 1 51. 143 (vi A.D.). άνεπιστάθμευτος, after ‘Plb. 15.24.2’ add , IGBulg.315.17 (Mesambria)’ άνεπιστρεψία, for ‘want of regard read inattention and add , Ostr. in Raccolta Lumbroso 255 (Fayum, iii b.c.), PSI2.152 ii 13 (ii a.d.)’ _ t άνεπίστροφος, add ‘3. whence there is no return , οικία (pi.) a. Epigr. in J£T4o(i954).ii9 (ii b.c.).’ άνεπίτακτος, for ‘ control ’ read ‘ dictation άνεπίτατος, for ‘not to be. .2. read ‘that does not admit of heighten¬ ing,’ and after “μάλλον,” add ‘S.E.Ai. 10.272 ;’ Χάνεπιτΰχία, η, failure, Cyran.44. άνεπίφαντος, before ‘ insignificant insert inconspicuous, Ptol .Telr. 170;’ Χάνεπίφορος, ov, not admissible in evidence, POxy. 1716.17 (iv a.d.). άνεπιχείρητος I, after ‘Caes. 25! insert intact , IGRom. 4.661. 17 (Acmonia, i a.d.) ;’ Χάνεπίψογος, ov, blameless, Aristid. Quint. 3.9· άνερίθευτος, add ‘Adv. -τως OG/7.4.’ Χάνερμος, ov, dub. sens., άνερμα τον ί[ερ]οΰ αργύρου 7G22.l544-24 (Eleusis, iv b.c.). άνέρπω, add ‘ ; c. acc., τείχε’ a. Arat.958’ ανέρχομαι I. 2, add ‘b. = ανε'χω B. 2, jut out, D.P.400.’ II. 3, for ‘brought home to you’ read ‘ brought before your bar ’ and for ‘α’νερχομενω is corrupt’ read ‘άναερχ- is v.l. for ε’πανερχ- and unmetrical άνερχ-’ άνέσσυτο, for ‘Pass.’ read ‘Med.’ χάνευρησΐλογήτως, Adv. without subterfuge, PWarren 8.17 in Mim. Inst.Frang. 67.10 (i a.d.). χάνευσυνθετέω, fail to observe a contract, prob. in BGUi 738.32 (i B.c.) . χάνεφάμιλλος, ov, not to be rivalled, καλοκάγαθία prob. in PAmh. 1 45. 6 (iv/v A.D.) . άνέφαπτος, add ‘, Ugolini L'Acropoli di Butrinto 117, al.’ άνέφικτος, after ‘ unattainable , add Aristeas 223, e Χάνεφόρ[α]τος, ov, obscure, BCH 82.152, no.262 (Thespiae) (nisi leg. άνυφόρ[α]τος, q.v. in Suppl.). άνεχέγγυος, for ‘unwarranted read not relied upon, not regarded as reliable’ and omit ‘because, .themselves,’ άνέχω A. I. 5 b, fin., for ‘his’ read ‘a show of’ άνεψιαδοΰς, after “ό” insert ‘(-ιδοΰς Sch A. R. 3. 359)’ άνεψιότης, after ‘cousins,’ insert ‘/G i2.i 15.15,21,(409/8 b.c.),’ άνεω, add ‘, but found with sg. verb, Od.23.93’ άνη, for the present article substitute after “a.” ‘(Dor. ava Alcm. 1 .83 P.), η, (άνω) fulfilment, Alcm.l.c., Α.ΤΛ.713, Call. Jov. 90. [i. in Alcm.l.c., unless άνα = ά άνα; ά. A., Call.]’ ανηβος, line 2, after ‘cf.’ insert ‘Sol. 1 9.1 D.3,’ άνηθοποίητος 2, for ‘ unprincipled ’ read ‘morally unformed' άνηλεγής, add ‘, and read by Hdn. in A.R. 1.785’ Χάνηλίπους [ί], ό, η, gen. ποδος, = άνηλιπος, Sokolowski 6.3 (άνιλίπ— ; Kios-Prusias, i a.d.). χάνήλωσις, εως, ή, expenditure, Bull. Soc. Alex. 10.28 line 28 (i B.C.). άνήλωτος, after ‘nailed,' insert ‘κάλικα (= caligae) Edict.Diocl. 9-6;’ ■ 14 άνήνυτος SUPPLEMENT άντεξισάζω άνήνυτος fin., for ' μοχθοΰαιν Epicur.Fr.470’ read ‘πονοΰσ iv PI. Λ. 53 1 a, cf.Epicur.Fr.470, Theoc.15.87’ άνηπελίη, for “εύηπελίη” read “εύηπελης” άνήρ, line 1 1, before 'beast’ insert ‘ god or’ άνήσσητος, add ‘, Annuario 30/32.290 no. 66 line 4 (Rhodes)’ άνθαιρετιστής, add ‘, PMich. 149 xviii 16 (pi., ii a.d.)’ Χάνθαιρετιστικόν, τό, Astrol., exchange of qualities between the ‘ con¬ ditions' , PMich. iii 149 viii 28; cf. αϊρεσις b. ii. 4. χάνθαιρετός, όν, favourite, as the name of a horse, SEGj.2 13.28 (Tab. Defix. ; Palmyra, ii/iii a.d.). *άνθαρττάζω, seize by way of reprisal, Hell. Oxy. 13 .3. άνθεμιον 3, for ‘of gold. . quality ’ read ‘dub. sens., perh. rosette' άνθεμωτός, add ‘, Inscr. Delos 1439 Abe i 47 (ii b.c.)’ άνθέρικος ΐ· i, delete 'flowering ’ and after 'PIP 7.13.2/ add ‘Theoc.1.52,’ άνθέριξ, after ‘Rhian.’ add cj.’ Χάνθεστρίδες, at, perh. marriageable maidens, Clara Rhodes 6/7.385 (Camirus), cf. PIsch. s.v. άνθεστηριάόας. άνθη, add ‘3. perh. verdigris, χαλκό to πάλαι μεμογηότος άνθην Nic./f/.52g.’ άνθήεις, after “εσσα, ev,” insert flowering, άκανθος Nic. Th. 645 Χάνθηρεύομαι, to be in bloom, Hsch. s.v. χλοάζει. Χάνθιεράομαι, to be άνθιερεάς, IG22. 1 368.5 (Athens, ii a.d.). Χάνθιερεύς, ecus, 6, deputy-priest, IG22. 1368.9,27, al. (Athens, ii A.D.) . Χάνθοβατέω, walk on flowers, μαλακην άνθοβατεΰσα πόην Honest, in Γέρας A. Κεραμοποάλλου p.626 (Thespiae, i B.C./i A.D.). άνθοβαφής, delete ‘; γη /G7.1802’ Χάνθοράω, = άντιβλεπω, dub. in PFreib. 2.5 in Gott.Nachr. 1922.33. χάνθοριστικός, η, όν, belonging to a counter-definition, Fortunat.F/1.1. 13, An.Ox.4.15.25. άνθος (A) 1. 2, after 'surface,' add ‘κάματος a. Alcm.26.3 P. 11, add ‘3. finest quality, ήόάσματα το a. Lxx Ex.30.23.’ χάνθοτόκος, ον, bringing forth flowers, SEG8.go2a (Egypt, ii B.c.). άνθρακεύς, after ‘ charcoal-maker ,’ insert ‘Men.F/»7.8i,’ χάνθρακις, εως, 17, carbuncle, PLond. 1.77.28 (vi a.d.). Χάνθρακοβάτης, ου, o, dub. sens., Ideler 2. 201. 15. άνθραξ I, add at end ‘ ; άνθρακες ο θησαυρός πεφηνεν, of hopes disappointed, Zen.2.1, cf. hue. Philops. 32, Tim. 41, al.’ ανθρωπεύομαι, for ‘1.41.68’ read ‘1.49.68’ χάνθρωπιμαΐος, a, ov, humane, Sch.Gen.il. 23. 98. ανθρώπινος ii, line 7, after T.22’ add ‘, 6.78’ άνθρωπόθεν, before ‘ humanitus ’ insert ‘(parox.)’ άνθρωπόλεθρος, after ‘Suid.’ add ‘, Sell. Gen. II. 2 1.421.’ χάνθρωποπρεπής, ε'ς, befitting a man, PMonac.8.3 (vi A.D.). άνθρωπος i. 7, line 2, after ‘iEp.Tim.6.1 1 insert ‘so prob. της θεοΰ τον ά. Call.Fr.193.37 Pf· >’ ii, fin., delete ‘Aeschin. 3-137 χάνθυλ(λ)ο-πράτης [ρά], ου, o, fern. — πράτισσα, flower-seller, PMasp. 1 56.8, 5 : — hence -πράτική τέχνη trade of a flower-seller , ib.i 1 (vi a.d.) . άνθυπαλλάσσω, add ‘II. pledge as security for a debt, Pland. 1421 13 (Pass., ii a.d.).’ άνθυπηρετεω, add ‘II. act as deputy-ΰπηρε της, /G22.I945.5·’ Χάνθυπήχησις, εως, ή, answering echo, της λάρας PBerol. in Gercke— Norden Einl. in die Alter tumsw.\ (9)9.42. άνιάζω fin., omit ‘metri gr.’ χάνίάσις, εως, η, sadness, Sm.F2.23.33. άνιάχω, after ‘ cry aloud,' add Έ. Or. 1465 (lyr.),’ and at end ‘[i except where augmented.]’ άνιγρός, delete ‘Call. Iamb. 1.164 (prob.),’ and for ‘Aet.3.1.14' read ‘Fr.75.14 Pf.’ χάνιεράω, dedicate, Myres Cesnola Co/Z.p.548 No. 1903 (Cyprus, i A.D.) . χάνίημα [t], ατος, το, grief Baillet Inscr. des tombeaux des rois 1087. άνίημι ii. 7a, line 1, after ‘relax,’ add 'τάς όφρΰς άνες ποτ' (α νεσπογ’ Pap.) Men.Dysc.423 8b, after ‘2.1 21. β',' insert ‘Th.1.129,’ χάνίκλιον, τό, name of a garment, SEG 7.417 (Dura, iii a.d.). (Aramaic word, ultimately from αγκάλη.) χάνικμαίνω, = άνικμάζω, prob. cj. in Nic. .<4/. 524· άνίκμαντος, after ‘Lyc.g88’ add ‘(cj.)’ άνίλαστος, add ‘, PMag.Par. \.\Jj6' χάνίλατος (written άνείλατος), ov, implacable, OG/383.1 19,212 (Nemrud Dagh, i b.c.). άνιμάω, read ‘άνΐμ-άω (cf. καθϊμάω)’ χάνίουλος [t] , ov, with no down on the cheek, Nonn.D.i 1.373. άνιππος 2, after 'horses,' insert ' Vi.Pae. 4.2J ,' άνις, add ‘; prob. rest, in Call.Fr.3.1 Pf.’ άνισος, add ‘2. unequalled, Dioscorus in PMasp. 1 20VF24, 131M7 (vi A.D.).’ άνισότονος, add ‘ ; varying in pitch, ib. 1 .4’ άνίστημι B. i. 5, fin., for ‘codd.’ read ‘(cj.)’ άνίσωμα, add ‘II. perh. equalizing piece, in masonry, Inscr. Delos 507.4, 5 (iii B.C.).’ άννησον, after ‘Dsc.3.56’ add άννησσον Inscr. Delos 440/I64 (ii b.c.)’ χΆννιος, ό, name of a month in Cyprus beginning Nov. 23, Hemerolog.Flor. p.8o (p.24 K.). άννίς, add ‘, cf. /G7.3380 (Boeotia)’ χάννω, ή, v. ναννω in Suppl. χάννωνοταμίας, ου, ό, = praefeclus annonae, prob. rest, in Ephes. 4 (3). no.30.10 (iii a.d.). ανόητος I. 2, after 'of thought,' insert ‘Parm.8.17;’ χάνοθεν, Adv., = άνωθεν, PHib. 1. 1 10.66, al. (iii b.c.) ; cf. έξοθεν, κάτοθεν. άνοια, after ‘Thgn.453’ add ‘ ; Ion. and poet, άνοιΐη, Hippon. Fr.iv.3 D.3 ; Aeol. άνοιΐα, Ale. ii 2.1, 119L.-P.’ χΑνοιγμοί, oi, a festival at Miletus, Didyma 382.8, 385.1.3, al. άνοίγνυμι, line 10, for ‘v. infr.’ read ‘also intr., v. infr.’ άνολβέω, before 'to be’ insert Έρ. -είω,’ άνόλβιος, after ‘= sq.,’ insert ‘BCH 85.848 (Paros) ;’ άνόμιμος, add cf. PMag.Osl. 1.140 (iv a.d.)’ άνομοιόω I, add ‘ : — Act. in this sense, Hsch. s.v. άπεοίκασιν.* Χάνομολογέω, disagree, opp. συμφωνεω, Porph.Gaur. 13.7. ανομολόγητος ii, after 'Tetr. 47’ add ‘(v.l.)’ άνομόλογος, after ‘S.E.M.8.331,’ add ‘Ptol.Teir.47,’ άνομολογούμενος fin., after ‘occur’ add ‘in Classical Greek’ χάνόνειρος, ov, dreamless, ϋπνος Porph. Gaur. 12.7. άνόνητος i, for ‘Cerc.4.4’ read ‘Cere. 4. 6’ άνοπλος, line 2, after ‘Euthd.29 9b,’ add ‘TP9.320 (Leon.),* fin., for On the form v.’ read ‘Cf.’ άνοργίαστος I and 2, for ‘ orgies’ read ‘ mystic rites' άνορίνω, for the present article read after “a.,” ‘Aeol. impf. όννωρινε, disturb, παίσαις. .ό. νάκτας Ale. 72.9 L.— P.’ χάνορΰγή, η, digging, PRyl. 95.8 ( avap —, i a.d.) ; θεμελίου IVien. Sitzb. 149(5). 14 (iy a.d.). Χάνορΰχή, ή, digging, prob. in PMasp. 283.1.16 (vi a.d.). ανόσιος, line 3, for ‘1. 1’ read ‘1. 1, II. 1’ άνοσμος, add ‘; of wine, PCol.£en. 108.5 (ίϋ b.c.)’ άνόστεος, add ‘2. shell-less, of eggs, N1CM/.296 ( άνόστρακα Gow, e Sch.).’ άνοστος n, before ‘Thphr.’ insert ‘γενοιτο αύτω τα νόστιμα ά. SEG6.802.23 (Salamis Cypr.), cf.’ άνούατος, for 'ear' read 'ears’ and delete ‘ : without handle' άνοΰχι, add ΤΙ. = σφαιρΐτις, Ps.-Dsc. in cod.Vind.Med.Gr.I fol.297.’ άνόχυρος, for ‘v. sub άνωχυρος' read ‘f.l. for άνώχυρος D.S.13. io8’ άνπερ, for ‘= εάνπερ, ηνπερ, v. εάν' read ‘= εάνπερ, q.v. in Suppl.’ χάνπυλλα or άνπυλλη, η, = Lat. ampulla, BGU40.2 (ii/iii A.d.). άνταγωνία, delete the article. χάνταγώνισμα, ατος, τό, rivalry. Phot. p. 92 R. άντακαΐος 2, for “άν καίον” read “άντακαΐον” ανταμείβομαι ill, delete 'again' άντάμειψις, after 'requital,’ add ‘Aristeas 259, BGU 1816. 18 (i B.C.),’ άνταμοιβός, after “όν,” insert ‘only in ά., τά, reprisals, PMasp. 151. 257 (vi A.D.),’ χάνταναδίδωμι, v. άντενόίόωμι. άνταναιρεω, add ‘5. to be comparable with, as strong as, σιδηρά, o a parrot’s beak, Cyran.101 (v.l. -ερε i, fort, -αίρει).' χάντανατέλλω, Astrol., rise in opposition, PMich. 111149x15 (ii A.D.). άνταπόδοσις ii. I , add ‘ ; d. των εκλείφεων return of eclipses, Cat. Cod.Astr. 8(2) . 1 26.6’ άνταπόλλυμι, for ', αυτός άνταπωλόμην’ read ‘or in requital' and omit ‘cf.’ χάνταπόμνΰμι, imper. —νόντων, make a counter-declaration on oath , SEG 9. 1. 1 1 (Cyrene, iv b.c.). χάνταποπάλλω, dub. sens., Arist.Mii.396a8. άνταποστέλλω, line 3, for ‘an echo’ read ‘a reflection* άνταποφαίνω, add ‘ : Med., d. γνώμην put forward a counter¬ proposal, J.AJi 9.2.2’ άνταρκεω ii, after ‘c. part.,’ insert ‘άκμάζων τή ώκάτητι άντ- ηρκεσε Paus.6. 1 3·4 >' ανταρσία, after 'insurrection,' add ‘Sm./i.8. 1 2,’ Χάνταρχΐδΐκαστής, οΰ, ό, deputy-άρχώικαστης, PSI 10.1105.5 (ϋ A. D.) . Χάνταρχιερεύς, εως, ό, vice-high-priest, PFouad Inv.2 1 1 .ii I (ii a.d.) in Bull. Inst. Franf.1g42.4j. Χάνταχάτης [ατ] λίθος, = άντιαχάτης, Dionys. in Wien.Stud.20 321, cf. De Mely Lapid.Gr. 177.22, V\m.HN3J. 139. άντέγκλημα, after ‘or -charge,’ insert ‘Quint. 7.4. 8,’ Χάντειρήναρχος, o', deputy-ε'ιρήναρχος, SEG6. 700, 71 1 (Pamphylia). Χάντειρωνεύομαι, use ειρωνεία in reply, Sch. Gen. II. 1. 132. άντεισοδιάζω, add ‘, cf. J//S74.98E20 (Caunus, i a.d. ; dub. interpr.)’ άντέκτιστος, delete the article. Χάντέκτιτα, τά, gloss on αντίτιμα, Hsch. (άνεκτιστα cod.). Χάντέντευξις, εως, ή, counter-petition, summons, PHib. 2.203.7, 16 (iii B. C.). άντεξισάζω, for ‘308’ read ‘309’ 15 άντεττιμελεομαι SUPPLEMENT αντιτυττια άντεπιμελέομαι, delete ‘τινός to one,’ άντεπιστάτης, for ‘ Recueil . .94’ read ‘££7027.4’ and after ‘Den- derah’ add ii a.d.’ Χάντεπιτροπεύω, Astrol., to be associate-ruler, PMich. iii 149 xvii 7, 1 1 (ii A.D.). άντερείδω i, for ‘clasping hand in hand’ read ‘ thrusting out hand towards hand’ Χάντεριδαίνω, = άντ ερίζω, Nonn.ZJ.36.28. άντέρως π, add ‘ ; ph, iGi2(5). 917.6 (Tenos, i b.c.)’ iii, for ‘name of a gem’ read ‘a kind of amethyst' Χάντευγνωμονέω, perform a service duly in place of another, prob. in PSIy. 1037.42 (ivA.D.). άντευεργέτημα, add ‘, PLit.Lond. 138 viii 40 (i A.D., -γεμητα (sic) Pap.)’ άντευττοιέω, after ‘1 374*24’ add ‘, Arr.Z^ici.2.14.18’ Χάντεφάτττομαι, seize by way of reprisal, P Meyer 8.8 (ii a.d.). Χάντεφηβαρχέω, be vice-overseer of youth, Bull. Inst. Arch. Dulg. 1 9.227 (Dionysopolis, iii a.d.). άντεφόρμησις, after ‘attack,’ add ‘Th.2-91 (v.l. αντεζ— ),’ άντήδην, read “άντηδίς” and add at end ‘, Theognost.Can.163’ αντί C. 7, for ‘ counter , as άντίφορτος’ read ‘as άντίγραφος ’ άντιάζω I. 1, add ‘, cf. προς μέλος ηντίασεν accompanied the song, sc. by dance and gesture, API. 287 (Leont.)’ Χάντίαος, 6, epith. of Zeus, god of suppliants, Alc.129.5 L.-P., rest, in Sapph.17.9 L.-P., cf. άνταΐος II. άντιαχάτης, for ‘dub.’ read ‘prob.’ άντιβάλλω, lines 1/2, delete ‘(the acc. pers. being understood)’ Χάντίβλεττόντως, Adv. pres. part, of άντιβλεπω, facing, καθεσθέντα ά. τω κάμνοντι Paul.Aeg.6. 1 1 4. χάντίβλησις, εως, ή, expl. of άντιβολία, Hsch. s.v. κατ’ άντιβολίαν, Χάντιβολάδιον, το, a surgical instrument, Hermes 38.281. Χάντιβουκολεω, cheat in return, Aesop.28 Perry. Χάντιγραμματεύς, ε'ως, ό, deputy γραμματεύς, IG‘22.2o6y .225 (ii B.C.) . Χάντιγράφιον, το, copy of a prescription, P Merton 12.13 (i a.d.). άντίγραφος I, add ‘ ; π οιησασθαι ά. εκ των στηλών τα άναγεγραμ- μενα IGz2. 1 20.22.’ ii, add ‘; prescription, Orib.Fr.97 Daremberg (CA/Cvi(2).2 Eel. Med. (j6. 1 ), cf. αντιγράφων in Suppl.’ άντίγραψις shd. be printed in full and begin a paragraph. Χάντίγροφον, τό, Dor. for άντ ίγραφον, /&42(ι).68.8ι (Epid., iv b.c.), ZGi2(3).248.22 (Anaphe, ii b.c.). χάντιγυμνάσίαρχος, ό, deputy-gymnasiarch, Str.14.5.14 (v.l.). άντιδέχομαι, add ‘ ; τινός τι Call. Fr. 75-44 s9.9- Pf· (tm·)' άντιδιαγραφή, after “17,” insert ‘PSI571.4 (iii b.c.),’ Χάντιδιαιρετικός, η, όν, opposite, contrasted in a dichotomy, David in Porph. 214. 13/14. Χάντιδιάλεξις, εως, η, dub. lect. et sens., Annuario n.s.3/5( 1948)94. 14 b i 8 (Lemnos, ii b.c. ?). Χάντιδΐκαιολογεομαι, make a counter-claim, PM0nac.14.25 (vi a.d.). άντιδίσκωσις, add ‘, An. Ox. 3.405.8’ άντίδοτος I, add ‘b .given in return, έλκος Nonn.ZJ.2g. i66.’ Χάντιζάω, live instead, βίον κοινόν Cljud.i .144 (Rome), άντίθεμα, add ‘2. = ανάθημα I, AEG4.453.5 (ii B.c.).’ άντίθεσις, line 6, for ‘by negation' read ‘involving use of the contradictory' άντιθέω n, add ‘, Nonn.ZJ. 1.498’ Χάντικαταίνετοι, ol, financial officials at Epidaurus, ZG42(i).iog ii 150 (iii b.c.) . άντικατάλλαξις, for ‘BGU 12 10.’ read ‘PGnom.' χάντικατεργασία, ή, tillage of a plot in lieu of another, P Meyer 1 .6 (ii b.c.) . άντικατηγορέω ii, before ‘Pass.’ insert ‘ predicate by interchange, τινά άλληλων D.H.TF24. 2.’ Χάντικάτοχος, ον, holding fast on the other side, Anon.Alch.419.9. Χάντικνήμη, ή, — άντικνήμιον, PLond. 1 82 1 . i 79 {Aegyptus 6.179; vi A.D.). Χάντικνημία, ή, = άντικνήμιον, ££5274.9 (iii A.D.). άντικρίνω, add ‘, Ael.A2l6.61’ άντικρυς, line 3, for “εις τό” read ‘είσω (Pap.)’ π, line 2, after ‘i243a37’ insert ‘(dub., άντικρούση Jackson)’ άντιλαβεύς, add ‘II. pi., sheets for controlling sails, PCair.fen. 756. 4 (iii b.c.).’ άντιλαμβάνω II. 2, line 3, after ‘etc.’ add ‘ ; άντιλλαβεσθαι τας πόλλιος come to the assistance 0/ the city, FCZ/59.37. 1 7 (Crannon, ii b.c.)’ Αντιλέγω, line 12, after ‘Id. 1.28;’ insert ‘urge in opposition ,’ Χάντιμαχεία, ή, — άντιμάχησις. An. Ox. 3. 1 7 1 .24. χάντιμειδιάω, smile in return, Vit. Aesop. (G) 32. όντιμερίζομαι 2, after ‘Hsch.’ add ‘s.v. άντιδιαιρεΐται.' άντιμεσουρανέω, after ‘Ptol. Tiir.33’ add ‘(v.l.)’ άντιμετάβασις, delete the article. Χάντιμίσθωσις, εως, ή, prob. contract of lease executed by the lessor as opposed to one executed by the lessee, P Michael. 43.23, 24 (vi A.D.), PMasp.66.3, 107.18 (vi A.D.), cf. άντίπρασις. άντίμολττος, for ‘song, sleep’s substitute' read ‘the medicine of song against sleep’ άντίμορφος, for formed. . thing’ read ‘ confronting ’ and before “τινί” insert ‘after a contrary fashion ,' χάντίμουσος, ον, answering, μέλος Rh. 1.493. 22. Χάντιμωλία, ή, expl. as δίκη εις ην οι άντίδικοι παραγίνονται Hsch. s.v. μ(ω)λεΐ (άντιμοδία cod.), cf. άντ]ιμδλίαι rest, in Inscr.Cret. 4. 13 b (Gortyn, vii/vi b.c.); v. άντιμώλος and cf. άγχιμωλία, άμφιμωλεω, άμφιμώλος. άντιμώλος, add ‘ ; v. άντιμωλία in Suppl.’ άντινέμομαι, for ‘ bestow ’ read ‘receive' and add ‘ : — Act. prob. in Ath.Mitt.4Q. 15 (Argos, iii b.c.)’ χάντινοέω or -νοέομαι, hold opposing views, fut. part, άντινοηαό- μενος PMasp.QJ.4Q (γΐ A-D·)· Χάντίνυ, τό, the letter N reversed (l/I), Alyp.Diat.Q. αντίξοος, line 5, after ‘A.R.2.79’ insert ‘ ; d. διχοφροσννη Call. Fr. 43-73 Pf·’ άντίον i, after ‘Th. 822,’ insert ‘POxy. 264.4 (i a.d.),’ 2, for ‘generally, loom' read ‘ heddle-rod ’ ΧΆντιοχεών, ώνος, 6, name of month at Smyrna, Rev.£t.Anc.f8.25 ; cf. ’ Οχεών in Suppl. ΧΆντιοχήσιος, a, ον, = Άντιόχει ος, PFouad 74-6 (iv A.D.) ; written —όσιος POxy. 1978.5 (vi A.D.). Χάντίπανον, τό, v. παρατοΰριον. Χάντιττάνουργέω, practise trickery against a person, Sch.Gen.il. 3. 325· άντιπαραβαίνω, for ‘298’ read ‘29.8’ άντιτταράδοσις, add ‘Π. delivering up in turn (?), Pland.Inv. 316.5 (iv a.d.) in Aegyptus 27(1 947). 46.’ άντιπαράθεσις, after ‘contrast,' add ‘D.H. Comp. 18,’ άντιτταράκειμαι 2, after “τινί” add ‘Ό. FI. Dem. 26,’ Χάντιτταραμένω, remain in service as compensation, Stud. Pal. 22. 36.14 (ii a.d.) . Χάντιττατρίδιον, τό, Dim. of άντιπατρίς, PCair.^en. 38.11 (iii B.c.). Χάντίπατρος, ό, title of a Mithraic initiate in one of the grades of initiation, Dura7^i\Q. άντιττελαργέω, after ‘ cherish in turn,’ insert ‘as a stork cherishes its parent, Cels.ap.Orig.CiZr^.gS,’ ; after ‘Zen. 1.94’ add ‘, Aristaenet. 1.25’ ; delete ‘cherish in place. . 1.25’ Χάντιττεράω, cross a river, PFouad 87.25 (vi a.d.). άντιττεριττοιέομαι, add ‘2. maintain, Hsch. s.v. άρνΰμενος.’ άν-τίττηξ, for ‘ wheeled . .infants’ read ‘ basket or casket with lid to contain exposed infants’ and after ‘Eust. 1056.46’ add ‘, cf. Hsch. S.W. άντίπηξ, άντίπηγα’ άντιπίπτω 2, add ‘b. dispute, strive, Lxx Aa.27.14.’ άντιττοιέω I, after ‘in return ,' insert ‘τί A. Fr. 17.93 M. 11, lines 2/3, for “των σπουδαίων” read “παιδείας” άντίιτρασις, for ‘PLond. ined. 2227’ read ‘6'F66i2.i8’ Χάντίττροικον, τό, = Lat. donatio propter nuptias, PLond. 5. 1708.50 (vi A.D.) . άντιπροττίνω II, for ‘ προπίνω I. 2’ read ‘ προπίνω I. 3’ άντίτττωμα, for ‘ stumble against. .29’ read ‘ cause of stumbling, Lxx £1.35(32). 20(25) i conflict, ib.34(3i).29(3g)’ Χάντιττωλέω, sell in opposition to (a state monopoly), PTeb. 709.14 (ii b.c.) . Χάντίρριζον, v. άντίρρινον. Χάντισέβεια, ή, mutual reverence, PBremen 37.1 1 (ii a.d.). αντισήκωμα, add ‘; α. φελλίων SB 1962 (Ostrac., iv/v a.d.)’ Χάντίσκιον, τό, azimuth, Ptol.Ana/.pp. 193, 195 H. Χάντισκρίβας, a, 0, deputy scribe (v. σκρείβας in Suppl.), PSIj68.iJ (v A.D.). άντισπάω II, for ‘, = άντεχομαι’ read ‘(cf. άντεχομαι)’ and after ‘seize’ add ‘and hold back’ Χάντιστεφάνόω, crown in return, IG 22.2q6q (Pass., iv b.c.). άντιστήκω, add ‘ ; stand opposite or in front, Serv.ad Virg.G.2.41 7’ αντιστρέφω iv. 3, for ‘ opposites’ read ‘ contradictories' αντιστροφή iii. 3, for ‘ opposite ’ read ‘ contradictory ' αντίστροφος vii. 1, for “άπόστροφος” read ‘ άπόστροφος II. I,’ Χάντισόγγραφος, ον, executed by both parlies, PMonac.j.6 (vi a.d.). II. άντισόγγραψον, τό, copy, counterpart of a legal instrument, feitschr.d.Savigny-Stftimg 56. 102 (Dura, i a.d.). άντισύγ κλητός, for ‘Marius’ read ‘P. Sulpicius Rufus’ Χάντισχολαστής, οΰ, ό, rival lecturer, Suid. s.v. Αδριανός. Χάντιταμιεύω, serve as vice-treasurer, Inscr. in Studi off. a E.Ciaceri p. 257 (Rhodes, iii a.d.). άντίτεχνος, delete ‘, cf. Lg. 817b’ and after ‘c. gen.,’ add ‘τον καλλίστου δράματος ΡΙ.Ζιρδ 1 7b ;’ Χάντιτοξότης, ου, 6, counter-archer, Afric.Ceii.50.69 V. άντιτορέω, for “τ ετορεΐν” read “τορεω” άντιτος, line 1 , for ‘which occurs in Hsch.’ read ‘cf. Sch.Il.24. 213 τό τελεί ον άντίτιτα, ίν’ η άντιτιμώρητα’ line 2, for ‘requited, revenged ’ read ‘done in requital or revenge’ fin., delete ‘, cf. Call. Iamb.x. 160’ άντιτρέφω, add ‘, Phld.F/aear.p.72 V.’ άντιτυγχάνω II. 2, add ‘b. ό —τυγχάνων the successor in office, Ελληνικά i. 18 (Gytheum, i a.d.),’ Χάντιτυττητικός, η, όν, resistant, solid, Taurus ap.Phlp.Aei.Af.520. 10 Rabe. άντιτυττία, add ‘Π. of sounds, clash, dissonance, O.Fi.Comp.20, ah’ 16 avTiTUiros SUPPLEMENT ατταιτ€ω άντίτυπος I, line 4, for ‘1460 (lyr.)’ read ‘1460 (anap.)’ 2C, line 3, after ‘(iv a.d.)’ add ‘, £14^1639.13 (Caria)’ χάντίφαντος, ον, dub. lect. et sens., A. Fr. 342. 10 M. χάντίφαρις, ό, rival, άντίφαριν Λάκωνι. .Άλκμά[νι Poet. (perh. Pi.) in POxy. 2389 Fr. 9 i 8. άντίφασις, for ‘εξ άντιφάσεως συλλογισμός . .not day’ ’ read ‘ε’ξ a. διαιρετικός συλλογισμός disjunctive syllogism with contradictory alternatives' άντιφατικόξ, for ‘only in’ read ‘Alex.Aphr. in Top. 580.16;’ άντιφέρω, line 5, for ‘cogn.’ read ‘of respect’ άντιφιλοφρονέομαι, for ‘rival’ read ‘caress in turn ’ χάντιφρακτικός, ή, dv, obstructive, Phlp. in de .drc.365.34. άντιφώνησις, add ΊΙ. = Lat. constitutum, PFlor. 343.3 (v a.d.).* άντιχαλεπαίνω, for ‘to be embittered against ’ read ‘ meet bitterness with bitterness ’ Χάντίχωμα, ατος, το, embankment, Άρχ. Έφ. ig23-39 (Oropus, iv B.C.). άντίψαλμος, add ‘, prob. rest, in A.Fr.357.13 M.’ άντίψυχος I, add ‘: άντίφυχα, τά, = άντίλυτρα I, Hsch. s.V. περίφημα’ άντλησμός, add ‘: written άντλισμός in PBerl.Leihg. No.23.15 (iii a.d.)’ άντλητός, for the present article read ‘a.., o', irrigation, PMich. Teb. i2f ii 30 (i a.d.), cf. PFlor. 369.6 (ii a.d.).’ άντλιαντλητήρ, after ‘bucket,’ insert ‘Ar.Fr.470,’ and for ‘30’ read ‘269 Koerte’ άντλος I. 2, after ‘ bilge-water ,’ insert ‘πέρ μεν γάρ άντλος ιστό - πέδαν έχει Alc.326.6 L.-P. ;’ άντοικοδομή, for ‘12(1)’ read ‘12(3)’ άντοικος, for ‘living. . meridian ’ read ‘pi., those who live between the same meridian lines, but on the opposite side of the equator ’ χάντολεύς, έως, o, riser, PMag.Berol.2. 108. άντόμνυμι II, for ‘Antipho 1.18’ read ‘Antipho 1.8’ άντορύσσω, omit ‘metaph.,’ and after “οφθαλμούς” add ‘gouge out each other’s eyes,’ άντροφυής, for ‘ born in caves, ανθίαι read ‘ hollow by nature, πέτραι χάντροφύλαξ [£»], άκος, o', guardian of the cave, in Bacchic worship, AJA 37.258 (Latium, ii a.d.). χάντυγάς, άδος, ή, = άντυξ I. I, rest, in Call.Fr. 1 15.16 Pf. άντωνυμικός, after ‘ Amm. 2.12’ add ‘(v.l. άντωνυματικόν)’ χάντώνυμον, το, = αντωνυμία, A.O.Pron ·4·5· άνυβριστί, delete the article. άνύβριστος I, before ‘Ps.-Phoc.157’ insert ‘Anacr.i 1 (a)5 P. (cj.),’ χάνυγ μαντικός, η, όν, moistening, δύναμις Plu. 2.659c. άνυμφής, delete the article. χάνύμφιος, ον, unmarried, την άννμφ[ι\ον κόρην rest, in Didyma 567.1. χάνυπάλλακτος, ον, not pledged, PMasp. 309.35 (vi a.d.). άνυπεξαιρέτως, for ‘ exception ’ read ‘reservation’ άνυπερθεσία, for ‘ immediateness , haste ’ read ‘ immediate rejection ’ άνυπερθετέω, for ‘do’ read ‘ reject ' deleting ‘to be hasty,’ and after ‘ib.’ insert ‘57.21,59»’ άνύπηνος, after ‘ beardless ' insert ‘or moustacheless’ , and at end add ‘; Dor. άνύπανος Alcm.io(A).i8 P.’ άνυπόδικος, after ‘action,’ insert ‘BGU 1273.35 (id b.c.),’ άνυπόθετος I, for ‘hypothetically’ read ‘ giving the conditions or situation ’ χάνυπόθηκος, ον, unmortgaged, metaph., τον βίου προαίρεσιν πεποιηιμένος —ον καί άναντι. . Maiuri Nuova Silloge 443 (Cos), άνυπόκριτος hi, for ‘in a. .sentence’ read ‘preceding a clause which is not the apodosis’ and for ‘p.24’ read ‘pp.24, 27’ ανυπόληπτος, for ‘perh. f.l. for ανυπόδητος’ read ‘ disreputable , Pland. 132.8 (vi/vii a.d.)’ άνυπόμνηστος, for ‘dub. sens, in Id.’ read ‘perh. not the subject of any petition or challenge, PFlor. 323.13, PMasp. 1 51. 143 (both vi a.d.) ; dub. sens, in Phld.’ ανύποπτος 3, fin., delete ‘; unhesitatingly, Plu.g.6i4b’ άνυπόστροφος I, for Orph.//.56’ read ‘Orph.//.57’ χάνυπόσφράγις, ίδος (sic), not under seal, PMasp. 151,1 1 (vi A.D.). χάνυποτελής, ές, not subject to charges, PMasp. 98.14 (vi A.D.). άνυποτίμητος, at end add ‘ ; without calculating the cost, Didyma 287.20’ άνυτικός I, transfer *; of persons’ before ‘, 1.17.8’ and for ‘BJ 5.9.1’ read ‘BJ 5.9.2’ χάνυφόρατος, ον, unexceptionable, BGU 1730 (i B.c.). άνυψόω, for ‘(iii a.d.)’ read ‘(iv a.d.)’ άνύω I. 2, add ‘, AP7.474; defeat, άθλητάς ήνυσε GF/263.4 (Phrygia, ii a.d.)’ χάνφάδιος, = άφάδιος, Hsch. άνω (B) A. 11. e, line 2, after ‘north,’ insert ‘Il.24.544;’ χάνωβλεπής, ές, turned up, of a twig, Cyran.30. όνωγα. line 3, after ‘E.Or.ng,’ add ‘Call.FV.628 Pf.,’ χάνώδυρτος, = ανόδυρτος, SEG6. 802.34 (Salamis Cypr.). άνωθεν I. 2b, line 2, for ‘τής. . 12’ read ‘Ar.AcA.433, Av.t^26’ άνωθέω 2, after ‘Hp.Art.80’ add ‘, Sch.Arat.346’ άνώϊστος (A), after ‘II. 21. 39;’ insert ‘μύθον ά. A. R. 3. 670, πότμω ά. Id.3.800;’ and after ‘A.R.1.680’ add ‘, al.’ ανωμαλία ill, add ‘ ; περιόδων D.H. Comp. 22’ άνωμολόγητος, delete the article. χάνωνύμιος, ον, nameless, όρνις Carm.Pop. 13 P. ανώνυμος I. 3, after ‘ unspeakable ,’ insert ‘Τροίας, .άλώσιμον [αμ]αρ ά. Ibyc.i (α) . 14 Ρ· ii, fin., for ‘Herod. 6. 14’ read ‘Herod.5.45’ άνωρος, for the present article substitute ‘ci., ov, not of age, minor, Leg.Gort. 7.29; untimely, ά. άποθανών Hdt.2.79 (v.l. άωρος)·, unripe, sharp, άνωρον όξύν Hsch., cf. άωρος (A) 2. Adv. -ως prob. in GF/217 (Pharsalus, v b.c.).’ χάνώρροπος, ov, tending upwards, of heat, Olymp. in Phd.p.2\\ N. ; κατά τό a. Phlp. in GC22g.20. χάνωτερειος, a, ov, belonging to the upper portion, Arch. Pap. 1 .64 (ii B.C.). ανώτερος, after ‘Nic.Dam.p.25 D. add ‘ποιήσει .. ναυαγίων άνώτερον will make him superior to shipwrecks, Dionysius in Wien.Stud.20.3 1 9 άνωφάλακρος, delete the article, άνωφελητος, transfer ‘a. . . 9 D.’ from 11 to t. άνώχυρος I, omit ‘= άνόχυρος,’ and add ‘ ; so prob. PJilliac.\ .24 (ii b.c.)’ άξίνη 3, add ‘ ; perh. for cleaving earth, S.Arc/.nog’ άξινίδιον, after ‘foreg.,’ add ‘PTeb. 794.13 (iii b.c.), PCair.Zen. , 783.12 (pi., iii B.c.),’t χάξιοδότης, Locr. -τας, ό, = άξιόχρεως, Berl.Sitzb.ig2J.8 (v B.C.). άξιόζηλος, for ‘enviable’ read ‘ admirable , matter for wonder’ , and after ‘Ael. VHi 2.64,’ add ‘ΑΆ6.15, 43,’ άξιοζήλωτος, add ‘Adv. -ως, BMus.Inscr. 925.2 1 (Branchidae, i B.C.).’ αξιόλογος, for “άλίθοι” read “ά. λίθοι” άξιόνικος, after ‘victory,’ add ‘Cratin. in PSI1212.2 and after ‘ Anach.%6 .’ add ‘Adv. —κως BMus.Inscr.g28 (Branchidae).’ χάξιοπαθεΐ, gloss on βρενθύεται, Hsch. χάξιοπάμων [πά], ov, gen. ονος, = άξιόχρεως I. I, [πόλιες] Lyr.ap. Favorin. in PVat. 11.11.6. άξιος I. 3 b, for ‘Lys.22.18’ read ‘Lys.22.11’ όξιοχρεία, for ‘CPH’ read ‘ CPHerm .’ χάξιοχρέων, ονος, = sq., -χρέονες SIG6jiBij (Delph., ii B.c.). άξιόχρεως, after ‘Hp.Art.n’ add ‘, Berl.Sitzb. 1937. 156 (Miletus, iii b.c.)’ χάξιοχρήματος, ov, dub. sens., opp. αξιόλογος, Steph. in Rh. 304. 1 7. όξιόο» iii, add ‘4. ά. ώστε c. inf., Macho ap.Ath.580f.’ rv. 2, last line but one, after ‘11. 2),’ insert ‘Pl.PA£86d,’ add ‘V. άξιομένων (των δείνα), official designation in 5C//50.401 (Thespiae).’ άξυλία, after ‘Hes.Fr.206,’ insert ‘Call.Fr.176.4 Pf.,’ άοζος, for ‘Call.Dc/.249’ read ‘Call.Fr.563 Pf., Del. 249 (cj.)’ άοιδή 3, add ‘b. of a book of poems, AP4.1.1 (Mel.).’ αοίδιμος I fin., for ‘, notorious, infamous ’ read ‘(cf. Od.24.200 s.v. άοιδή 4)’ άοιδοπόλος 2, for ‘Aus.Fp.14’ read ‘Aus.Fp.io’ άοιδός i. 1, line 4, for ‘ Arist.Metaph.g8^af read ‘Sol. 29’ it. 1, after ‘musical,’ insert ‘την άοιδόν άκρίδα AP 7.198 (Leon.); Comp., άοιδοτέρα Alcm.i.g7P. ; Sup.,’ after ‘cf.’ insert ‘Phanocl. 1.22,’ and at end add Comp. Adv. φθέγξετ’ άοιδότερον AP 11.195 (Diosc.)’ 2, add ‘; AF9.424 (Duris)’ iii, delete cf. δοΐδος.’ άόρτης i, before ‘(Maced.)’ insert ‘, PSI8g8.gy (iii b.c.) ;’ άοσμία, for ‘CP6.16.3’ read ‘//F6.6.5’ άοσσητήρ, after ‘Od. 4.165,’ insert ‘Call. Ap. 104, Fr.18.4 Pf.,’ απάγγελσις, add ‘ ; rest, in Hesperia 26.52 no. 9 line 1 (iv b.c.)’ χάπαγκάζομαι, lift away, άπό μέν.. λίθον άγκάσσ ασθαι Call.Fr. 236.1 Pf. χάπαγκίστρωσις, εως, ή, barbed form, Sch.Gen.il. 2 1.474 (pi·)· άπαγκωνίζομαι ι, add ‘ ; put one's arms akimbo, Hsch.’ άπαγλαΐζω I, after ‘Pers. 20’ add ‘, Agath./7fit.2. 15, 5.14’ άπάγνυμαι, add ‘: pf. part, άπεαγώς broken, /G22. 1447. 15 (iv b.c.) ; f στέφανος ] Inscr. Delos 385 a 23 (ii b.c.)’ απαγορεύω in, delete the section. χΑπαγχομενη (άπάγχω), epith. of Artemis in Arcadia, Call. Fr. 187 Pf. άπάγω iv. 3, for ‘And.4.181’ read ‘And.4.18’ v b, for ‘/lPr.29b9’ read ‘APr. 2gb8’ add ‘VII. weigh short, weigh less than the supposed weight, Inscr. Dilos 1417 A ii 68 (ii b.c.), al., cf. άγω vi.’ χάπαγώγιμος, ov, suitable for exportation, σίτος rest, in 5/G360.47 (Cherson.Taur., iii b.c.). χάπάετωμα, ατος, τό, = άέτωμα, 7G22.l685 Β 4·4· απαίδευτος I, add ‘3. οργή blind, unrestrained (cf. άπαιδευσία 2), Trag.Adesp. 523, J.AJi 9.2.2.’ άπαίνυμαι, for ‘(q.v.),’ read ‘(q.v. in Suppl.), II. 11.582, al.; pluck,’ άπαίρω I, line 4, delete *; in /T967. .πειρατήρια’ It. 2, add ‘ : άπήρα I escaped, got away, E./T967’ άπαιτεω I. I a, line 10, after ‘1 164*17’ add ‘ ; ποινάς a. Jul.0r.2. 59a’ b, delete the section u. 2, line 3, after ‘ Wi. 15.8;’ insert ‘ποινάς a. Jul.Or-2.58a;’ 17 άτταιτήσιμος SUPPLEMENT άττίυλυτέω ΧΑπαιτήσιμο?, ον, subject to dues, P Michael. 5^.^ (vi a.d.), cf. άπαιτήσιμον, τό. > Απαίτησή, add ΊΙ. inquiry, Lxx Ze:3-5> cf. άπαιτε'ω I. 2. ^ Απαιωρέομαι i, add *3. wove about in the wind , Arr. 77ζ£λ34·4· f Απακριβόομαι I, line 4, after ‘of persons,’ insert ‘ex τοίης άνθρωποί άπηκριβωμίνοι οστών άρμονίης ΑΡη.\η2.ή (Leon.) Απάλαιστρο?, add ‘(written άπάλαι στο? in codd. ol ΑΡ l.c., Quint, l.c.)’ < Απαλγέω, for ‘put away sorrow for ’ read ‘grieve for to the full Απαλεξίκακο?, delete ‘f.l. in’ άπαλία?, for the present article substitute after “o, ’, sucking kid, D.L.8.20 (prob.) ; also Adj. άπάλιο?, or, = γαλαθηνός, opp. TeXeos, BCH 73.366.7/8 (Epidamnus, iv B.C.), cf. άπάλι or 0ΰμα· δελφάχιον Hsch.’ Απαλλάσσω A. I. I, line 3, after ‘And. 1.59’ add ‘ ; τοΰ ζην PI. Αχ. 367c’ 11, line 3, for Έ. Med. 786’ read ‘At. Pax 568’ line 8, delete ‘τοΰ ζην. .367c;’ B. 11. 2, delete ‘PI.PM81C,’ άπαλλοτριόω 3 b, for ‘Pl.Tt.65d’ read PI. 77.65a απαλοιφή I, before ‘Gloss, insert W len.Anz. 1962.5» t άπαλοκροκώδε?, add ‘, C/L13.10021.188 (near Edinburgh)’ Απαλό? i, line 7, for ‘Supp. 25.13’ read ‘94.^6 L.-P; of fruit, κολοκύνταις . . άπαλωτόραις Ale. I I7b9 L.— P. n. I, line 2, delete ‘soft.. 465;’ 2, after ‘Ar.7T1.192’ add ‘; άπαλor γελάσαι laugh foolishly, Od. 14.465’ Απαλόχροο?, add ‘2. soft-toned, ήχος N0nn.-D.48.606 (cod.). Χάπάλόψΰχο? [άπ], gloss on γλυκνθυμος, Hsch. Χάπαμαύρωσι?, εω?, η, removing of dimness , Zos.Alch.21 1.1. άπαμάω (A), after ‘S.Ph.yyf add ‘ ; sever, λαιμόν σιδήρω II. 18.34’ άπαμβρακόομαι, after “άμβρακόομαι” insert ‘in Suppl. ΧΑπαμέρδω, deprive of, c. acc. pers. et gen. rei, GVI 1547-7 (Rome, ii a.d.). t , Χάπαμία, ή, perh. land cultivated by Άφαμιοιται (q.v.), ir απα- μίαις Inscr.Cret. 2.12.16 Ab 2 (Pyrgi, Eleutherna). άπαναίνομαι, for ‘Ρί.Α·5·6ο’ read "Pi.JV. 5·33' Χάπανη γυριστό?, ον, unfit for a festival speech, Eust.1569.56· ΧΑπανθρακισμό?, <5, gloss on άποκραιπαλισμός, Hsch. απάνθρωπο? II. I, after ‘S.Fr. 1020 ;’ insert ‘ ά. άνθρωπος Men. Dysc. 6 ;’ *άπάνονα, gloss on φόρβον, Hsch. Απάνουργευτο?, read “άπανούρ-γευτο?” ΧΑπανούργητο?, ον, = άπανονργεντος, Sell. Ε.ΡΛ. 469· Απάνουργο?, after “or,” insert ‘(proparox.)’ Απάντησι? I, for ‘= foreg.’ read ‘meeting’) after ‘p.ioU.’ insert ‘ ; esp. of going out to welcome and honour’ and add at end honorific reception, Cic.AM.8.16.1 (pi-).’ Χάπαντοτρόφος, or, all-nurturing, γαΐ a Cyran. 20. απαξ, line 8, after ‘2 Ki. 17.7’ insert ‘. b. Math., of a term taken once, Papp. 100.24, PMich.i ii (ii a.d.)’ and after ‘Men. 82c’ add ‘; ά. μετρεΐ Papp. 12.7’ add ‘III. some¬ times, A.D.Aifo.170.18, Con7.252.22, Thom.Mag.p.200 R., al.’ ΧΑπαραβίαστο? [Ϊ], or, inviolable, indefeasible, Polystr.p.88 W. απαραδειγμάτιστο?» for ‘ not liable to censure read ill-exhibited , i.e. obscure’ Χάπαράδοτο?» or, not transferred, PFam.Teb . 15.62 (ii a.d.). άπαράκλητο? I, add ‘Adv. -τω? SEGj.62 (Seleucia in Pieria, ii b.c.) .’ άπαραλήκτω?, delete the article; cf. Wilhelm Beilr.zur griech. Inschriftenkunde 164. Χάπαράπ<ε>ιστο?, or, disobedient, Hsch. s.v. άπιστος (cf. S.Fr.627). Χάπαράπτωτο?, or, firm, Poliorc. 200.4· Απαράσημο? ii, for the present section read without a title , of a speech, Antipho 2.1 tit., Lys.21 tit.’ Απαρατήρητο?, before ‘. Adv. insert ; favourable, opp. παρα- τηρησιμος (q.v.) , Cat.Cod.Astr. 11(2). 131.18 at end, after ‘Fr. 1 05 H.’ add ‘; without incurring criticism, Didyma 3 14. 10 (ii A.D.)’ . , Απαρενθύμητο?, delete the comma after 'considering Απαρεστό?, add ‘, Euph. in PSIiqqo.A.i^ (rest.) Απαριθμέω I, add ‘2. of a player, run over a tune, D.H .Comp. 25.’ ΧΆπάρι?, = Δύσπαρις, prob. in A.Ag.713. Απαρκέω II, for ‘to be. .Pass.’ read ‘Pass., to be contented ,’ Απαρκτία?, after ‘Gloss.’ add ‘, GVIi 129.4 (Erythrae, i b.c.).’ Απαρνεομαι, lines 1/2, after ‘Gr£.46ic’ insert *, also -ηθήσομαι S.P/i.527’ and after ‘Att.’ insert ‘(also Herod. 4.74)’ n, for ‘it’ read ‘he’ ; for ‘ refused , S.P/1.527, cf.’ read ‘ not recognized ; delete ‘: aor.. .4.74’ απαρσι?, after ‘ departure ,’ insert ‘Dicaearch.ap.Porph. EP56,’ Απάρτησι? i. 2, delete ‘ί metaph. . .5.1.2’ 11, add , Plot. 5.1.2’ . Απαρτί hi, add ‘3. perh. hereafter, Ev.Matt. 26.64 (f.l. in Ev.Jo. 1. 51).’ Απαράω I. 2, for 'take off the force of a thing’ read ‘cf. Lat. animam haurire’ and after ‘Po.i457bi4’ insert ‘(= Emp.138)’ απαρχο?, for the present article substitute ‘ commander , A .Pers. 327, d^.1227 (nisi leg. επ-).’ x Απατενίζω, = degenero , Dosith.p.436 K. (nisi leg. άπαγ^νίζω). Απατήμων, for ‘Zos.1.52’ read ‘Zos.1.57’ Απατήνωρ, after ‘137’ add ‘, cf. Nonn.£).26.i 18’ Άπατουρεών, line 4, after ‘(Iasus)’ insert ‘ ; -ιών or -10? Hemerolog.Flor . ρ.7δ(ρ.2θΚ.) (Asia Minor, beginning Aug. 2)’ άπαυαίνω, delete ‘make to wither. .3.10.7;’ ΧΑπαυγή, ή, = ίκλαμφις I, Call.E'r.273 Pf- (αγαυ— codd.). Απαυδάω in, fin., for “πόνοι?” read “πόθοις” Απαυλία, for ‘is confused’ read ‘and Hsch. are confused’ Απαυλόσυνο?, after ‘(Leon.)’ add ‘(s.v.l.)’ Απαύξησι?, delete ‘ : hence, disesteem ’ Απαυστί, for ‘sq.’ read “άπαυστος” ΧΑπεγγυάω, pledge, give security, ά. άπΐγγΰην Thasos 1. 37·7·7 (v B.C.). ΧΑπεγγάη, ή, security, άπενγυάτω ά. Thasos (v B.C.). Απέδιλο?, after ‘unshod,’ insert ‘Alcm.1.15 P. (rest.),’ ^ Α πειδοποιεω, for the present article substitute after a., giue final form to, κατΐζέσθη τό ύπίρθυρον καί απ€ΐδοπο[ι]ηθη Didyma 32Ι9·’ ΧΑπειθόω, to be disobedient, Inscr. Delos 1417 F ii 150 (ii B.c.). Απειλέω (B) 1, line 3, after ‘II. 23. 863, cf. 872’ add ‘, Call. Fr. 18.6 Pf.’ 11. 3, fin., for ‘, Theoc.24.16’ read ‘. b. order with threats, c. inf., Theoc.24.16, A. R. 3. 607.’ Απεΐπον, line 4, after ‘Med.,’ insert ‘fut. άπεροΟμαι TP12.120 (Posidipp.) :’ Απείράτο? I, add ‘(nisi leg. άπειρίτω)* Απειρέσιο?, line 5, delete ‘, 3.386’ Απείριτο?, after ‘al.’ add ‘, cj. in Pi. 0.6. 54 (v. άπειράτο?)’ and at end ‘; also sg., A.R.3.971, Q.S. 3.386; Lacon. Απήριτο? Alcm.7.i4P.’ χΑπειρότεχνο?, η, ον, with unlimited arts, Φοίβη a. Lyd.Mrni.3.10. Απειρότοκο?, line 2, delete ‘Sid.’ Απέκ, before ‘v.l.’ insert ‘Q.S.4.540, 14.230;’ Χ[Α]πεκλείπω, = ε’χλείπω ii. 2, τον βίον BCH ίο. 302.34 (Alabanda, ii b.c.) . / Χάπεκτίθημι, remove and reject, [μΰρμηκες] των καρπών τάς ίκφυσεις άπΐκτιθόασιν Cels. ap.Orig.CWr. 4.83· ΧΑπελαστικό?, ή, όν, capable of driving away, μιασμάτων Sch.Theoc. Απελαύνω, line 5, after ‘pf.’ insert ‘άπΐλήλαμαι Ale. 130.23 L.-P.,’ 11, after ‘ driven away,’ insert ‘άπύ τούτων Ale. l.c. ;’ ΧΑπελεκιστο?, ον, = άπΐλόκητος, IG22.l6j8 bAj (iv B.C.). Απελευθεριάζω, add *11. emancipate, manumit, Delph. 3 (3) .3884 (i B.C. ; -ασμ- prob. corr. for άπηλευάεριαμε'ναν) ; also Απ- ελευθερίζω ib.311.10 (i B.c.).’ Άπελλαΐο?, for ‘, etc.’ read ‘; also at Ephesus (beginning Oct. 24) and elsewhere, Hemerolog.Flor. p.79 (P·22 R-)» Cat.Cod.Astr. 2.149.1’ χΑπελλογαρίζω, render an account, PLond. 5.1708.104 (vi a.d.). Απεμπολή, for the present article substitute^ after “ή,” fraudu¬ lent sale, Call.Fr.203.27 Pf. (unless from απεμπολάω), Suid. ; riddance, Hsch.’ ΧΑπέμφασι?, εω?, η, false sense-impression, opp. ίμφασις, Carneades ap.S.E.M.7.169. Απεναρίζω, add ‘; hence άπηναρίσθη Hippon.41 D.3’ χΑπενεκτική (sc. πτώσι?), η, ablative case, Dosith.p.392 R* Χ<Α>πένθεια, ή, non-lamentation, dub. cj. in A.Tg.430 (lyr.), Απενθή?, after ‘grief’ add ‘or lamentation' ΧΑπέννοια, ή, craft, cunning, Aq.Ps.ifilfi^fi) .20. Χάπεξαρθρεω, dislocate, PRyl. 529.37 (iii a.d.). Απεξηγέομαι, delete ‘cj. in’ and at end add (cod.) απεπλο?, for ‘of a girl’ read ‘of Alcmena’ and after ‘W.1.50’ add ‘, cf. Id. in POxy. 2442 Fr.32d.14’ Απέραντο? ii, line 2, for ‘1087 read 1078 ^ Απεράω i, after ‘disgorge,’ add ‘άπό σφαγήν ίρών A.Ag. 1 599, cf.’ Απεργάζομαι hi. 2, for ‘ Riv .’ read Amat. απεργό?, add ‘HI. άπΐργον, τό, unworked part of ashlar, spall (spawl) or ojffcut, λίθοι ά. εχοντε? 7G22.i666.Ag8, B48, 70 (Eleu- sis, iv B.c.), cf. αργός (B) 11. 1.’ . . , Απερείδω I. I, add ‘ ; of a scorpion planting its sting, AeI.AA1b.27 Απερεισμα, after ‘Hsch.’ add ‘s.v. άπόσκημμα.’ Απερίγραπτο?, add ‘; not bracketed, prob. ωόη, Sch. ,Alcm. 3. Fr. 1 P., cf. περιγράφω hi. i and 2’ Απερικάλυπτο?, after ‘undisguisedly,’ add ‘f.l. in’ Απερίσπαστο?, line 4, for ‘PIU.2.52IC’ read ‘Plu.2.52id’ x Απερίστροφο?, ον, unable to turn , immovable , Afric.Gr?t.p.8 V· Απερίτρεπτο?, after ‘Adv. — τω?’ add irrefutably, Απερίττωτο?, for “φνσις” read φυτον Απερύκω ι , add ‘ ; conversely άπερόχεο νούσου save (him) from disease, Nic.A/.6o8’ f Απέρχομαι I. 3, delete ‘κατ’. .689;’ 4, for ‘ά. νικών, .etc. read ‘όφλών ά. come off the loser, ΑΓ.ΑιΤί.689, cf. Isoc. 17*57» Wlzn.Dysc.52, PXn.Ages.q, Aristid.2.2 J.’ Απέτηλο?, add ‘; Comp., AP9.231 (Antip. Thess.) φ ΧΑπευδοκέω, satisfy, τινά της τιμής in respect of the price, PLeid.P. 3 (ii B.c.). Απευλυτέω, add ‘; so prob. PMich.Teb.2.243.9 (i A.D.). 18 άττέφατο SUPPLEMENT άττόκαυσις χάπεφατο· απίθανων (ν. θείνω) ; but also = άπείπα το, άπεφηνατο, Hsch. άπεφθος, line 2, after ‘ refined gold,’ insert ‘Ibyc.i (a). 43 P.,’ άπηθεω, add ‘ ; also άφηθεω (q.v.) ; cf. ηθμός’ άπηλεγεως, line 5, for ‘4.687’ read ‘4.689’ άπήμαντος i, add ‘; in later Prose, BCH55.85 (Panamara, i B.C.)’ άπηναϊος, for the present article substitute ‘ά., a, ov, belonging to a wagon, όρηες Call.Tr.85.5 Pf.’ απηρος, for ‘Hsch.’ read ‘Suid. s.v. άπηρα.’ άπηχέω I. 2, after ’utter,’ insert ‘ήχον Ph. 1.693;’ Π, delete ‘ ; to be discordant. . 2.44’ άπηχής, for ‘Aristid. 0.40(5) .8’ read ‘Aristid. 0.29(40). 8’ χΆπΐδάνήες [άπ], ol, Peloponnesians, Call.JW 1 4, A. R. 4. 263, Rhian.13. άπίθανος ill, line 5, after ‘Id.Pseudol. 16’ add cf. a. εν τω λαλεΐν Men. Tyre, ι 45’ χάπίθετο' άπεζημωΰτο Hsch. : fort. leg. άπιθυνετο, i.e. άπευθόνετο. άπικρος, after ‘Ptol.Teir.158’ add ‘(v.l.)’ χάπίλωτος [ΐ], ov, not felted, κεντουκλον (q.v. in Suppl.) Ιππικόν ά. Edict. Diocl. in #0/77.655.52 (Argos). χάπιομηδής, e?, (— ήπιο-) of kindly purposes, cj. in Pi.Pae.y.y. άπιον 2, delete the section. Add ‘II. = Lat. opium, Paul.Aeg. 7.4. ; written άποων in Orib.Tr.52.’ απιος (A) 1. i, for ‘CP 1.15.2’ read ‘CTi.i5.i’ άπίσσωτος, for ‘11.10.2’ read ‘11.10. 1’ άπιστέω II. I, after ‘disobey,’ insert ‘Antipho Fr. 21 άπιστος ii, line 3, transfer ‘; ώτα. .Hdt.1.8’ to the end of I. I and for ‘ credulous ’ read ‘ trustworthy ’ χάπίτϋρος [t], ov,free from husks, κριθαί Hsch. s.v. άτυπήδες. άπλαστος II, before ‘v.l.’ insert ‘sts.’ άπλατής, line 2, after ‘i43bi4’ add ‘, cf. Euc. in PMich. 143.3’ άπλατος, line 3, for ‘must be restored’ read ‘has been con¬ jectured’; line 7, delete F.Med.igi (lyr.)’ 2, after ‘ = άπλετο?,’ insert ‘ χρόνου μήκος Archestr.59.9 ; σταδίων App. Anth. 3.80 (Posidipp.) ;’ άπλετος, line 2, after ‘S.Tr.982;’ insert ‘ιχθύες A. R. 1.574;’ απληγος, for ‘etc.’ read ‘or blows’ and at end add ‘, PRein. 92.1 1 (iv A.D.) ’ χαπληκτον, τό, bivouac, PLond. 1416.23, Suid.: hence άπληκεόω, Id. χαπλιν, τό, prob. f.l. for πάλιν = πάλλιν = πάλλιον (q.v. in Suppl.), PRyl. 4.627.161 (iv a.d.). χάπλιος, ov, (accent dub.), = μονόβαφος, Edict. Diocl.29.35, al. χάπλόγραμμος, dub. sens., Poliorc. 237.8. άπλόος, line 1, after “ov,” insert ‘(voc. άπλόε Inscr. Dilos 1533.3 (Antisthenes of Paphos, hex.))’ 1, add ‘c. fat, plane, άπλοι πηχεις POxy. 2145.6 (ii A.D.) ; opp. καμαρωτικοί, ib.g2ir (iii a.d.).’ χάπλοπότιον, τό, dub. sens., PRyl. 4.627.88 (pi., iv A.D.), cf. ■ηδυπότων. άπλότης n. 1, after ‘D.H.’ add ‘Is. 4,’ χόπλουργός, o, perh. maker of άπλαι (cf. άπλόος ib), or of some kind of garment, JHS56.79 (Laodicea ad Lycum). άπλόω I, line 4, for ‘Anacreont. 4.5’ read ‘Anacreont. 5.5’ άπλυτος, line 2, after ‘Semon.7.5;’ insert ‘σησαμον SEG 13.13. 136 (Athens, v b.c.) ;’ άπλωμά, add ‘; perh. open space, G.B51 74.5, 9, 16 (vi a.d.)’ χάπλωστί, Adv. = απλώς II, cj. in A.CA.121. απλωτός, add ‘2. not transportable by water, σίτος dub. lect. in PTeb. 703.73 (iii b.c.).’ άπνοος ii. 2, after ‘lifeless,’ insert ‘Ca.W.Epigr.5.9 Pf.,’ add ‘4. without scent, Call.Tr.43.14 Pf.’ από ii, line 18, after ‘(iv a.d.) ;’ add ‘ά. προέδρων PFlor. 71.521, al. ;’ ill. 6, lines 17/18, for ‘by word. .^.813) ’ read ‘by words (sc. by swearing falsely), Hes. Op. 322 ‘,from tongues (which may lie), AMg.813; orally, Hdt.1.123’ D. 3, for “άπαλγεω . . άπ ανθίζω” read “άπανθεω, άποζεω” άποαίνυμαι, for ‘ν. άπαίνυμαι read ‘ take away, νόστον Od.12. 419; τί τίνος Od. 1 7.322, cf. Il.13.262, cj. in Hes. Op. 247; cf. άπαίνυμαι όποβαίνω II. 2, add ‘; ίν’ εις βάλτων άποβη τό φοβερόν Men. Dysc. 418’ χάποβάλσαμον, το, = όποβ—, BGU 34·5·Ι3· άπόβασις ι. I, add ‘b. drop in river level, Peripl.M.Rubr. 63.* άποβατήριος I, add ‘ ; of Asclepius, Annuario 39/40.587 (Iasus)* άποβιβρώσκω, after ‘eat off,’ insert ‘Zen. 6. 44 ;’ άποβλώσκω, add ‘; pf. άπό. . μεμβλωκεν Call. Fr. 384. 5 Pf.’ άποβρόξαι, for ‘prob. 1.’ read ‘f.l.’ χάποβυρσόω, = Lat. decorio, Dosith. p.436 K. άπογάλακτος, add ‘(but perh. better από γάλακτος )* άπόγειος I. 1 , add ‘ ; of persons, απόγειο? όφομαι Cue. Lex. 15’ 11. 2, delete the section. χάπογείσωσις, εω?, ή, provision of a cornice, Inscr. Delos 366.Ί7 (iii b.c.) · χάπόγευμα, ατος, τό, eating, Cyran.21, 31. άπογεύω, άπόγευσις, transpose the articles. χάπογόμωσις, εω?, ή, unloading, PAnt.u. 108. 4/5 (iv a.d.) Άπογονικός, for ‘, Hemerolog.Flor.' read ‘beginning Oct. 24, OG/583.15 (Cyprus, i a.d.).’ απόγονος, line 5, after “άπογόνη” insert ‘, great-grand-daughter, female descendant, SEG 1.399.5, Ephes.g.ya. 1 7,’ απογράφω I, add ‘2. alter or cancel in copying, IG22. 1126.10 (Lex Amphict., iv b.c.).’ χάπογΰναικόομαι, Pass., to be made effeminate, Agatharch.101, Cyran.26. άποδακρόω I. 1, add ‘; abs., Aristox. Fr. Hist. 90, cf. AB^y’; 11, delete the section. άποδειλιάω 2, add ‘; πράσσειν μη ά. J.-djhg.i.ig’ άποδεκατεόω, add ‘ ; dedicate a tithe, τω θεω SEGg. 72.56 (Cyrene)’ άποδέρω, line 2, after ‘4.60’ insert ‘, Theoc.25.278’ 2, for ‘ one's back,’ read ‘, [άμοργ ««]’ άποδημέω 2, fin., for ‘ άλλοσε ά. Pl.Lg.5y9W read * ονδάμοσε ά. Pl.T.57gb’ απόδημος, for ‘Plu.2.79gf’ read ‘Plu. 2. 799ε’ άποδιαστελλω, for ‘ divide., (ii b.c.)’ read ‘assign, apportion, PTeb. 740.30 (ii b.c.), cf. PTaur. 8.22,48 (Pass., ii b.c.)’ άποδιδάσκω, add ‘, Herodes Atticus Pol. 18’ αποδιδράσκω I, line 9, transfer ‘of runaway slaves,* before “σώματα άποδράν τα”, line ii, and in its place read “ούτε αποδεδράκασιν . .ούτε άποπεφεύγασιν” άποδικάζω, add ‘ ; rest, in Inscr. Cret. 4.22 B (vii/vi b.c.)’ άποδικέω, for ‘X.//G1 .7.2 1’ read ‘‘K.HG 1.7.20’ άπόδοσις i. 3, before ‘Plot.’ insert ‘f.l. in’ 11. 2, add ‘b. in metre, responding section in antistrophic compositions, Sch. metr. Pi.0.2 p.58 D., al.’ αποδυω II. 2, lines 6, delete ‘οί άποδυόμενοι. .Lys.Tr.45.1 ;’ and after ‘/G 14.256 (Phintias)’ add ‘, cf. άπεδόσατο εις την αυτήν παλαίστραν Lys.Tr.75-l’ χάποδώτης, ου, ό, = άποδοτήρ, PAIasp. 126.7 (vi A.D.). άποζάω, after ‘to live off,’ insert ‘h.Ap. 530 (tm.) ;’ άποζεύγνυμι, after ‘part,’ add ‘τά? αντονομασίας άπό των ονομάτων D .Η .Comp .2 , cf. Id. 7.67 (Pass.) ;’ άποζεω 2, add ‘b. ferment, ή ληνός πεμπταία άπεζεσεν και κατηλείφθη BGU 1549 (ϋΐ B.C.), cf. 1550·’ άποζημιόω, after “άπίθετο” add ‘in Suppl.’ άποθεόω ι, after “μετά τό άποθεωθηναι” insert ‘after the burial,* and add ‘b. consecrate as a burial-place, άπεθεωσα την λάρνακα IGRom. 3.1480 (Iconium).’ άποθεωσις, after ‘ deification ,’ add ‘also ( CIG , v. infr.) burial* χάποθηκάριος, ό, storekeeper, Teucer in Boll Sphaera 51. άποθησαυρισμός, add ‘, Antioch. Astr. in Cat.Cod.Astr.i 1 (2). io9-3’ άποθλίβω ι. i, after ‘D.S.3.62’ add ‘, cf. Nic. Fr. 86’ ; in 3, for ‘ press tightly' read ‘squeeze dry, wring’; after ‘43.30’ add ‘(cf. ενουρεω in Suppl.)’; transfer ‘; ά. τινά..8·45’ to 4, adding before it ‘, Nic. Th. 3 14’ χάπόθραυμα, ατος, τό, = άπόθραυσμα, Inscr. Dilos 1 442 B 9 (ii B.C.) . χάποθρίγκωσις, εω?, η, furnishing with coping, /G4.823.39 (Troezen, iv B.c.) . χάποθρϋόομαι, Pass., ’ (θρυον) pf. part, άποτεθρυωμενοι bent like rushes, v.l. for άποτεθρυμμενοι in PI. T. 495c ap.Tim.Z.«., cf. Sch. ad loc., Suid. άποθύμιος, after ‘Hdt. 7.168;’ insert ‘ούδ’ εστιν άπω? άποθυμια ρεξω Call. Del. 245 ’■>' χάποθυμίω, = άποφαίνω (Cret.), Hsch. χάποϊέρωσις, εω?, ή, = άφιερωσις, Albania 5-43 (Apollonia in Illyria). αποίητος ill, add ‘; of persons, unsuitable, \c. dat., Vit.Aesop. (G) 2’ άποικέω ii, line 3, delete ‘: c. acc.,. . (s.v.l.)’ άποικία I. 1, fin., for ‘Aeschin.2. 1 76’ read ‘Aeschin.2.1 75’ αποικιστής, delete ref. to Men.Rh. άποικος ii, for ‘as Subst., 1. of persons’ read ‘of colonists and colonies, 1. άποικος, o’; for ‘of cities, .χώρα read ‘with πόλις, πόλιν Έλληνίδα. ,Σινωπεων άποικον’ ; and transfer ‘: hence, .(lyr.)’ from 2 to 1. χάποίνιμος, ov, carrying no penalty, cj. in Hes. Fr. 187. άποιωνίζομαι, add ‘, Dosith.p.430 K.’ άποκάθαρμα, add ‘ ; that which is sifted out of grain, PMasp. 2. iii. 1 1 (pi., vi a.d.) ’ άποκαθαρτικός, after ‘ cleansing ,’ insert ‘Thphr.0'i?ni.84 ;’ άποκαθιστάω, before ‘v.l.’ insert ‘Duris 7 J., D.S.1.78.2,* χάποκαλά, ης, η, tentatively given as a gloss on φορμός in Lex. Rhet. in AB315. άποκάλυμμα, for ‘a revelation ’ read ‘ uncovering ’ άποκατάγνυμι, add ‘ : pf. part, -εαγώ? broken off, Inscr. Dilos 1439 Abe i 47 (ii B.c.)’ χάποκαταράομαι, = deprecor, Dosith. p.431 K. χάποκατώρυξ, ϋγος, ή, reading of codd. in Thphr.CTs.g. 1 1, perh. due to confusion of άπώρυξ and κατώρυξ. άπόκαυσις, add ‘II. loss involved in melting down gold votive offerings, prob. rest, in IG22. 1495.4, 13 (iv B.c.), cf. Hum. Chron. 1951.109/1 10, and άφεφησις in Suppl.’ 19 άττοκαυσμός SUPPLEMENT άττορυτιάζων Δποκαυσμός, for ‘Judeich. .ρ.142’ read ‘ΒΟΗ^δ.ζϋ* άπόκενος, add ‘, PCair.^en. 680.3’ άποκηδεύω, delete ‘cease to’ add Ή. bury, S EGG. 220 (Pass., Phrygia).* άττοκηρύσσω II. I, add ‘ ; also Act., άποκηρύξας τα τέκνα POxy. 2342.6 (ii a.d.) ’ add ‘V . proclaim, declare, πατρογέρυντας Ephes. Q.20 iii 4 (ii a.d.).’ άποκλαίω ii, delete the section. άποκλέπτω, add ‘; τά άποκλαπέντα Heph.Astr.3.37 in Cat. Cod. dr/r.8(i).i54’ άποκλήζω, read "-κλήζω” and add — Med., [το όνομα] drop one’s name, Epigr.Gr. 863 (Eleusis, ii a.d.)* άποκληρόω I. 2, after ‘ assign by lot,’ insert ‘δικαστήρια Luc. Bis .dec. 4, 1 2 ;’ χάποκλησία, ή, committee, DC//87.3 (Locr., v B.c.). αποκλίνω in. 2, add of ships, J//574.98 E 19 (Caunus, i A.D.)’ χάποκλώθω, dub. sens., μοίραν, ,οόκ άπέκλωσε θεός εμέ θνητόν έόντα Inscr.Cret.l.v 42 (i/ii A.D.). χάποκοιλαίνω, hollow out, Άρχ.’Εφ. 1923.45 (Oropus). χάποκοιτία, ή, absence for a night PSI10.1120 (i B.c./i a.d.). άποκολυμβάω, add ‘, Clearch.73 ( άποκυμβ - codd. plerique)’ άποκομιστικός, add ‘; άποκομιστική (sc. πτώσις), ή, Dosith. p.401 K.’ χάποκομματικόν λεξείδιον, abbreviated expression, Phot. s.v. φο. άποκοντόω, add ‘II. drop an anchor, Peripl.M.Rubr.40.’ αποκοπή iv, delete the section. άποκόπτω, add ‘IV. Pass., αποκοπή ναι lose the scent, AB 428, cf. Hsch·’ χάποκοσκίνημα, ατος, τό, that which is sifted out of grain, PMasp.2. Ill. I I (pi., vi A.D.), άποκραιπαλάω I, after ‘ sleep off a debauch,' add ‘Men.D_yic.457,’ άττοκρίνω I, add ‘4. Pass., c. είς, be classed as, Luc.»Syr.D.io.’ άποκρισιάριος, add ‘II. envoy, Cat.Cod.Astr. 5(3). 93.22, 7.155.22 (both pi.).’ αποκρύπτω II, lines 4/5, delete ‘, cf. Th. . . αυτούς)’ ; line 6, delete ‘άποκρΰπτουσί . . 1 79 ;’ add ‘b. abs., disappear , Hes.Dr.179, Th.5.65, Schwyzer 708.3, 6, 9.’ χάπόκτανσις, εως, η, killing. Anon, in Rh. 146.1. χάποκτενισμα, ατος, τό, oakum, τα ά. τοΰ στιππύου prob. in PCair, Zen. 176.42 (iii b.c.). άποκυβιστάω, delete the article. άποκυλίω, after ‘roll away,’ add ‘λίθους Άρχ.Έφ. 1923.39 (iv B.C.) , cf.’ άποκωλύω I, fin., for “ποιείν” read “φιλεΐσθαι” άπολέγω ι. 2, add * ; challenge a juror, 6DG9.8.28 (Edict of Augustus)’ 11, delete ‘later’ and after ‘refuse,’ insert ‘μη άπειπε A. Dr. 1 7. 90 M. ;’ add ‘2. fail to appear, of goods to be delivered, BGU 1564.12 (ii a.d.).’ όπολείβω, after ‘C0rn.Adesp.3g’ add ‘Mein.’ απολείπω I. 2, after ‘S.Ph.’ add ‘1158’ άπολειτουργεω, after ‘service,’ add ‘PCair. Zen. 35.3 (iii b.c.),’ and at end 2 (Epigr., ii b.c.) ;’ άπυγος, add Comp., AP 11.327’ Χάπύγων, gloss on διχόνδις, Hsch. απύρετος, add at end ‘(interpol.)’ άπυρος I. i a, add ‘, Alcm.17.3P.’ 3, for * unfermented ' read ‘unboiled’ and for ‘Alcm.117’ read ‘Akm.g2(a) P.’ άπυστος ι. I, for ‘Sapph.Su/i/^s.ig’ read ‘Parm.8.21, Call. Del. 21 3, Cer.f 11, add ‘; Call.Fr.61 1, 680 Pf.’ άπφά, add ‘, cf. Suid., AB4.4.1’ άπωθεν, line 1, before ‘Q_.S. 6.647’ insert ‘Call.Fr.194.97, 197. 25 Pf.,* άπωθέω, line 2, before ‘prob. corrupt’ insert ‘ΛΡ9.326.5 (Leon.), but’ άπώμοτος ii, add ‘ ; one who denies on oath that he has done a thing, Inscr.Cret. ^.J2.i 1.28’ άπωνέομαι, for ‘ buy , purchase’ read ‘sell’ and after “ άπωνηθήσεται” insert ‘will be sold,’ £pa A, fin., for ‘Id.Fr.931’ read ‘S.Fr.931’ B, for ‘almost always’ read ‘generally’ ΧΆράβάρχης, ου, o, ruler of Arabs, 'emir', applied by Cicero to Pompey, Att. 2.17.2. II. title of official, controller of cus¬ toms, esp. in Egypt, orig. E. of Nile, OG/202.9, Juv. 1.130: — dissim. Άλαβάρχης, J.AJ18.6.3, al.; also in Lycia and Euboea, OGI 570, BCII 16.119. Άραβαρχία, before ‘ office ’ insert ‘rule over Arabs, J.AJ13.6. 2. II.’ and add at end ‘, OG/674 (i a.d.)’ άραβδος, delete the article, άραδος, line 3, delete ‘ palpitation of the heart,’ άραιόστυλος, for ‘Vitr.3.31’ read ‘Vitr.3.3.1’ άραίωμα, after ‘Plu.2.g8oc,’ insert ‘Longin.10.7,’ omitting a little bit, Longin. 10. 1 7’ sub fin. Χάρακόομαι, Med., sow with aracus, PSI 9. 1021. 19 (ii b.c.). Χάράκοφόρος, ον, producing aracus, P Mich. Jen. 31.26 (iii b.c.). άράομαι I, line 1, after ‘Aeol.’ insert ‘pres. ind. άράμαι Sapph.22. 17 L.-P.,’ and for ‘Supp. 5.22’ read ‘16.22 L.-P.’ line 2, for ‘51’ read ‘141.7-8 L.-P.; later ηράσάμην AP5.46 (Rufin.)’ 3, line 1, for ‘51’ read ‘141.7-8 L.-P.’ Χάράριον, το, v. epapiov in Suppl. όραρίσκω B. I, line 5, after ‘etc.’ add ‘ ; 2 sg. ηρήρεισθα Archil. 88 D.3’ 2, line 2, for ‘Il.10.553’ read Od. 10.553’ v, last line, for ‘PI. Epigr. 6’ read ‘AP 7.35 (Leon.)’ άράσσω, line 5, after “συναράσσω” add ‘, exc. in Od.5.248 (v.l. άρηρεν)’; line 7, for ‘horses’ read ‘oxen’ Άράτειος, for “0,” read “ή,” άρατός n, add ‘ : neut. άρητόν as Adv., gladly, prob. for άρητον in Call.Z)i7.205’ add ‘III. Άρητος, title of Heracles in Macedonia, Ath.Mitt.2j.311 no. 18 (Edessa), Hsch.’ αράχνη v, for ‘kind of sundial’ read ‘part of an astrolabe’ Χάραχνιάω, to be covered with cobwebs, Nonn.D.38. 14. άραχνιόω i, delete ‘ : — Act. in same sense, Nonn.D.38.14’ Χάραχνοποιέω, make a web, of the spider, Cyran.62. άραχος, add ‘, cf. IG 9(2). 1202 (Corope, vi/v b.c.)’ άρβηλος i, add ‘; cf. C7?56.75, 116’ 11, for put W άρβύλη, after ‘1470 (lyr.)’ add ', also by Hera, Id.//Fi304’ ΧΆργειώνη, ή, the Argive woman, sc. Helen, Hes. in POxy. 2481 fr.5 i 14, cf. Id. ib. 2489.6, 2501.10 (rest.), Theognost.Can.700. άργεννός, add ‘; prob. chalky, Rhian.54, Nic. Th.6j’ Χάργεντάριος, ό, = Lat. argentarius, BGUj8i .vi.8 (i a.d.), SEG2. 421 (Macedonia), etc. άργεντινος, after ‘silvery,’ insert ‘Stud. Pal. 20.46.32 (ii/iii a.d.),’ άργήεις, after “εσσα, εν:” insert ‘nom. fem. pi. apyrje ις Nic.Fr.74. 26 :’ ; line 3, for ‘(v.l. άργινόΐντι)’ read ‘(cj. ; άργινόίντι codd.)’ αργής, line 5, delete ‘; φόσις Orph.//. 10. 10’ άργηστής I, add ‘ ; gleaming, sunny, πρών€ς B.5.67 S., unless to be taken with άνεμος, cf. άργΐ,στής.’ 2, for “κύκνοι” read ft ~ >> TOLVpOL άργιλλοφόρητος, delete the article. Άργολικός, after ‘Rom. 21’ add ‘, Call.Fr.i 14.19, 384.22 (Add. 11) Pf.’ Χάργολογία, η, idle talk, Hsch.s.v. βατζτ')ολογία. άργομετωττος, add ‘, cf. IG22.if>3.^o (rest.)’ Άργος, for “Αργος” read “Άργος” αργός (B) 1. 2 a, line 5, before ‘. Adv.’ insert ‘, cf. Hippon.(?) 62 D.3 ; αργοί (sc. ημόραΐ), holidays, Porph.F/oJ.5’ Χάργυράς, 5, 6, silversmith, BGU 1034.15 (ii a.d.). άργόρεος, line 1, after “οΰν” insert ‘(fem. -εος, την άργΰρ€θν τράπεζαν Lanckorohski Stadte Pamphyliens und Pisidiens 1. 58. 20)’ line 4, for ‘Zg.8oid’ read ‘Z,g.8oib’ άργυρίζομαι, add ‘2. earn, bring in money, of prostitutes, Nic. Fr. 9.’ Χάργυριοθήκη, η, money-box, /IJ5443.6, Suid. άργύριος ii, for ‘Aeoh’ read ‘Lacon.’ άργυρίς, line 1, after “ίδος” insert ‘(acc. άργυριν Alcm.3.Fr.3.ii. 77 P·)’ Χάργυροζώμιον, τό, silver wash, Zos.Alch.214· 4· άργυρολόγος, add ΤΙ. a., oi, financial officials, Samothrace II (1). 26. 5. 14 (ii b.c.).’ άργυρότταστος, for ‘ silver-broidered' read ‘ silver-plated ' and add ‘ ; of a coin, prob. in Inscr. Delos 1442 B 50 (ii b.c.)’ Χάργυροπλάστης, ου, 6, silversmith, 0F6259 (v/v i a.d.). άργυροπράτης, after ‘ money-dealer ,’ add ‘/L/i.A/hi.49.145 (Ephesus),’ άργυρορυχή, for ‘8’ read ‘78’ Χάργυροστατήρ, ηρος, ό, silv/ stater, dub. in Hsch. s.v. γλαυκές Λαυριωτικαί. Χάργΰροφύλαξ [φν], άκος. ο, keeper of silver, SEG^.J,^ (Ephesus). Χάργυροχοϊκός, η, όν, of the αργυροχόος, ή ά. (sc. τέχνη) Phlp. in GC 70.14. άργυρωματική, for ‘earth, .reliefs' read ‘some sort of silver polish ’ άργυρωμάτιον, after ‘Dim. of άργΰρωμα,' insert ‘PCair.Jen. 44-9, al. (iii b.c.) , Inscr. Delos 1441 A 11 104,’ Χάργΰρωμάτοφϋλάκιον [άκ] , τό, storehouse for keeping silver plate, PCornell 1.130 (iii b.c.). Χάργύρωσις, εως, η, silvering, Zos.Alch.2 14.6. Χάργυρωτός, η, όν, silvered, rest, in /G22. 1473· 11 (*v ®*c.). άρδις i, after ‘Hdt.4.81’ insert ‘, Call.Fr.70 Pf.’ Άρειος ττάγος, line 2, delete ‘1.38a (prob.),’ line 4, for “βουλή Άρΐία” read “βουλή Ape ία” line J, after ‘59.6.’ add ‘II. the Council, the Areopagus, Cxc.Att. 1.14.5.’ άρεσκεύομαι, add ‘b. please, oblige, 7^/783.499.51,53 (i a.d.).’ άρέσκω I. 3, add ‘; άρεσ/εομε'νου Xapireaaiv AP 7.440 (Leon.)’ άρεστήριον, add ‘, Άρχ.'Εφ. 1923.39 (Oropus, iv b.c.)’ άρεταλόγος, fin., after ‘SIGi 133’ insert ‘(Delos, i b.c.)’ and after ‘cf.’ insert ‘7Gii(4).i263,’ άρετηφόρος, add ‘ ; Poet, άρεταφόρος, η, of a temple-road (cf. λαοφόρος I. 2), Lindos 11.487.23 (iii a.d.)’ άρή, add ‘ ; nom. sg. not found, perh. άρης or άρής, 6, cf. gen. άρεω v.l. in II. 18. 100, 213, 14.485; άρης . . Kpvepolo Hes .Th. 657’ άρήν, line 1, for ‘only’ read ‘Phryn.PS’ p.9 B., Poll. 7. 184, Aesop. 274b tit. ; also’ line 2, after ‘(Gortyn)^ add ‘, cf. βάννεια- apveia, Hsch.’ line 4, after ‘dat. άρνάαι insert ‘Arat.1104,’ Άρης, line 2, delete ‘(never contr.)’ and in line 3, after ‘Fr.16;* add ‘contr. Ά ρευς AF9.322.9 (Leon.) ;’ άρθροπεδη, after fetter,’ insert ‘f.l. in’ άρίγνως, read “άριγνώς” άριδάκρυος, add ‘, Call.Fr.700 Pf.’ άρίζηλος, line 5, after ‘ib.519,’ insert ‘Call.Fp^r.5i .3 Pf., 11, delete the section, άριζος, add ‘(really Semitic).’ άριθμέω I, fin., for “πλίνθους” read “τάς Ιπιβολάς” αριθμητικός in, for ‘4415.14’ read ‘4415.4’ άρίθμιος ii, after ‘D.P.263’ add ‘, cf.Call.Fr.i 10.61 Pf.’ αριθμός I. 2, add ‘ ; expenditure in cash, opp. γράμματα (estimate 22 αριθμός SUPPLEMENT Άρτ€μίσιος on paper), SEG2.^fii (Ionia, iii/ii b.c.)’ viii, for ‘ Dem . 52’ read ‘Dem. 54’ ix, before ‘ line ' insert ‘ number of lines in a book, Plb.39.8.8, Luc. Hist. Conscr .id. b.’ fiptv and άρι?, for “άρριν” read “ άρρις ” άριστεία, fin., before ‘Cic. Att.’ insert ‘Hdt.2.116,’ άριστεΐο?, add ‘ ; of a person, MAMA 1.234 (Phrygia, - ήον )’ αριστερό? i, add without a prep., αριστερά είσιόντων Inscr. Delos 1416 A i 34 (ii b.c.).’ 2, add simply αριστερά? Inscr.Delos 1441 A ii 95 (ii b.c.)’ 4, fin., for “τω αρισ¬ τερά)” read “τή αριστερά” άριστεύ?, fin., delete ‘C/G2881 (Milet.),’ and after ‘(Cibyra)’ add ‘ ; an official at Miletus, Didyma 84.13’ Χάριστήριον, τό, = άριστητήριον, BCH 28.262.13· άριστητικό?, delete ‘, Eup.130’ and for ‘Id.’ read ‘Eup.’ χΑριστ[ι]ασταί, oi, in Boeot. form -ι αστη, worshippers of Ariste, Ath. Mitt. 31. 4.34. (Tanagra, iii/ii b.c.). Χάριστίνδα, Adv. = άριστίνδην, IGy. 188.9 (Pagae> iii B.C.). άριστίνδας, add -δη? BSA27.234 (Sparta, ii a.d.)’ άριστόμαντι?, after “εα»?” insert ‘(but — ιδο? Λ?9(ι).645)’ Χάριστονίκη?, ου, 6, dub. sens., BCH10.232, cf. Eos 48(2). 230. άριστοττόνο? ii, delete the section. άρίφρων, after ‘prudent, ’ add ‘ήγητήρες Jahresh.30Beibl.204 (Ephesus, iii a.d.), cf.’ χάρκάπάτη? [πά], ου, 6, = άργαπέ της, prob. as hereditary title, CR Acad. Inscr. 1930. 161 (Dura, ii a.d.). άρκαρικό?, add ‘ ; v. άγγαρικός in Suppl.’ όρκάριο?, add treasurer, τής εκκλησίας Cod. Just.’ Αρκά?, add fern. Άρκάδισσα Ann. Mus.Gr.-R.d’ Alex. 1935“ 9. 1 2 1, no. 7 (Alexandria)’ Χάρκεθεωρέω, = άρχιθεωρέω, rest, in IG22-3^5 b 7 (iv B-c·)· άρκευθί? i, delete ‘Thphr. . . -0os),’ άρκευθο?, add ‘V. prob. = άρκευθίς I, Thphr. Od.3, Inscr. Cret. 4. 184.16 (ii B.c.).’ άρκηλο?, for ‘young, .panther, ibid.)’ read ‘an animal exhibited by Ptolemy II, Callix.2 ; acc. to ACI.NA7 .47 young leopard (but some say a different species, ibid.)’ apKios (A) 11, line 3, for ‘he’ read ‘it’ apKos (B), add ‘ ; prob. in N1CM/.43’ χάρκτεία, ή, service as άρκτος II, Hsch. Χάρκτόμυ?, υος, o, marmot, Jerome ££.106.65. άρκτο? ii, add ‘; άρκος SEG9.72.98 (Cyrene)’ χάρκτοστάφΰλο? [στά], o, bear-berry, arctostaphylus uva-ursi, Gal. 13.84. Άρκτοΰρο?, add ‘III. άρκτοΰρος, — άρκτων, Dsc.4. 105, cf. Hsch.’ άρκυ?, lines 5/6, after 'A1.Lys.790' add σιδηραΐς άρκυσιν shackles, L.Ba.231’ χάρμακί?, ίδο?, ή, section or parcel of land, PNess. 31.15 (vi A.D.), al. χάρμαρα, τά, a kind of incense, P Mag. Par. 1.1294, 1990. χάρμάριον, τό, = Lat. armarium, EMi 46.56. άρματάρακτα, before “τά” insert ‘or άρματοτάρακτα’ and for ‘(for άρματο-ταρ—)’ read ‘(άρματορ— Pap.)’ άρμάτειο?, line 2, after ‘6.4.9,’ add ‘D.H.5.47 (- τίου ),’ χΑρματεύ?, ε'ω?, ό, epith. of Hermes, S/G1014.143 (Erythrae, iii B.C.) . άρμάτιον i, before ‘Gloss.’ insert ‘SB 7263.3 (iii b.c.), Inscr. Dilos 1441 A i 43 (ii b.c.),’ and add ‘ ; title of poem by Theopompus of Colophon, Ath.4. 183b.’ άρματίτη?, add ‘II. of horses, drawing chariots, PCair.^en. 673.5 (iii B.c.).’ χάρμάτοκολλιστή?, ον, ό, chariot-maker, PHarris 97.3 (iv A.D.). άρματοτροχιά, for Έρ. -ιή’ read Έρ. άρματροχιή’ αρμενίζω, add ‘, Cyran.31, 86, al.’ Αρμένιον I, add ‘2. = Άρμενιακόν, apricot, PRyl. 4.629.159, al. (iv a.d.) ; also in form Αρμενικόν, ib.227, al.’ χάρμενοράφο? [ρά], ό, sail-maker, MAMA3.293, al. (Corycus). άρμενοφόρο?, before ‘gloss’ insert ‘ carrying sails,’ χάρμίγεροι, oi, = Lat. armigeri, POxy. 1888.2 (v a.d., ερμ- Pap.), Lyd. Mag. 1.46. αρμόδιο? ii, after ‘jV. 1.21 ;’ insert 'παρεχόντων . . τάλλα αρμόδια Hesperia 18.58 (Andros, v b.c.) ;’ αρμόζω I. 1 a, line 14, for “πόδα επί” read “πόδας επί” and for ‘foot’ read ‘feet’; line 15, for ‘Simon. 182’ read ‘ΛΡ7.431.4 ([Simon.])’ 5, lines 4/5, for ‘Simon. 184’ read ΆΡ 7.25.4 ([Simon.])’ ii. 1 a, line 1, after ‘armour’ add ‘or masonry’ and at end add ‘; 7G22.244.88,ioo, 463.72’ αρμονία IV. 4, add ‘ ; πανηγυρική τής λέξεως ά. ΌΛΑ. Dem. 49, cf. Isoc. 3, al.’ add ‘VIII. ancient name for a plane geo¬ metrical proportion, Anstid.Quint.3.6.’ χάρμοροκοόστορ, = Lat. armorum custos, Ruppel Tempel von Dakke 3.64 Nos.85, 86. άρμοστή? I, add ‘b. harmonizer, των όλων (of Alexander), Plu.2. 329b.’ 2, add ‘(sed leg. δικασταί)’ άρμοστικό?, add ενέργεια Procl.m Ti. 1.358. 15, 2. 216. 22* άρνειο? I. 2, add ‘, cf. Cali.Fr.26.1 Pf.’ άρνεομαι, add — Act. (in signf. 2), Fronto Ep.Gr.9B H.’ άρνηΐ?, substitute after “ή,” ‘ connected with lambs, άρνήδας loco mutilo Call.Fr.26.2 Pf. ; έν ταΐς ημέρα ις ας καλονσιν άρνηίδας Clearch.79> θυσίαν άγουσι καί εορτήν άρνηΐδα ( άρνίδα codd.) Conon 19, all referring to an Argive festival, in which dogs were slain.’ άρνί?, delete the article. Χάρνοκτασία, ή, killing of lambs, Rh.3.607.9. άρνυμαι I, add ‘2. c. gen., φήμης άρνυται αθανάτου Clara Rhodes 6/7.529 (Nisyrus).’ άροτήσιο?, add ‘b. epith. of Zeus, Syria 36.77-78 (Hippos, iii A.D.).’ άροτρεύ?, after ‘= sq.,’ insert ‘Arat.1075, al.,’ άροτριάζω, delete the article. άροτρίαμα, add ' : pi., = γεννήματα, Hsch.’ Χάροτρίασμα, ατος, τό, gloss on άρομα, Suid. άροτριάω, add ‘ ; metaph., φεΰδος Lxx Si.7.12 ; τά άτοπα Jb. 4.8* άροτρόπου?, for ‘ Ju .’ read ‘Jd.’ Χάρουάλι?, == Lat. arvalis, αδελφός a. Mon. Anc.Gr. 4.7 . άρουρα, add ‘IV. as goddess = Γή, Nonn.Z). 1.154, al.’ Χάρουρατίων, ωνο?, ή, a division of land, PMasp. 329.11.8 (vi A.D.) . Χάρουρίδιον, τό, Dim. of άρουρα, PSI476.I (iii A.D.). άρούριον, after ‘‘άρουρα,” insert ‘ PSI974.6 (i/ii a.d.),* άρπάγη i, for ‘Men. 829’ read ‘Men.657 ; flesh-hook,' and after ‘6.88’ add *, 10.98’ Χάρττάγηδόν, = raptim, Dosith. p.412 K. άρπάγιον, add ‘II. name of an eye-salve, CIL 13. 10021.93.* αρπάζω I. I (p.246a, line 7), for “χάρπάσα i” read “χάρπάσα ι” άρπακτό?, after ‘Op. 320’ add ‘; υμέναιοι Nic.Fr.io8’ άρπαλίζω i, after ‘Med.,’ insert ‘Archil. (?) in POxy.2310.1A.23 (prob.),’ αρπασο?, for ‘a. .prey’ read ‘name of a bird, Call.Fr.43.61 Pf.’ άρπεδόει?, for “έρπεδίζω” read “ερπεδόήε')σσα” άρπεζα, init., add ‘(perh. άρπεζα, cf. νπάρπεζος)’ άρπεζο?, for ‘ BCH46.409 ’ read ‘SEG2.944’ and add *, Z.IF327.6 (Olymus)’ Χάρραβωνιακό?, ή, όν, marking betrothal, περιθέματα ( necklaces ) ά. Hsch. s.v. κάθορμα. άρραβωνίζεται, add ‘, cf. PCair.Jen. 250.3 (iii b.c.) ; Med. fut. betroth to oneself, άρραβωνίσομ αι (—ησ— cod.) αυτόν Vit. Aesop. (W)30.’ άρρενόομαι, add ‘ : — Act., άρρενόω, make male or masculine, represent as male, HeraclitM/f 71’ άρρενώδη?, after ‘brave’ add ‘, Sch.BT II. 8. 39’ άρρεψία, for ‘etc.’ read ‘rest, in 183.3 (iii B.C., ap- Pap.).* άρρηκτο?, after “ov,” insert ‘also η, ον, Papers of Amer. School at Athens 2.352 (Cappadocia),’ Χάρρητοποιΐα, ή, V. βρίμη HI. άρρητο? i, line 2, omit ‘άνδρες. .Op. 4;’; fin., after ‘El. 1012’ add ‘; not spoken of, άνδρες .. ρητοί τ’ ά. τε Yits.Op.4, cf. Arat.2, 180’ άρρίγητο?, delete ‘daring,’ and after ‘219’ add ‘.7’ άρριχάομαι, for ‘v.’ read ‘( άριχάομαι Arist.//d624a34), clamber, climb, Hippon.104 Bgk., Arist.l.c. ; cf.’ άρριχο?, line 2, after ‘(Diosc.)’ add ‘, cf. FM149.30, AB 446.30, which give masc. in Ion., fern, in Att.’ line 3, for ‘162’ read ‘62’ and after ‘Amorgos’ add ‘, iv b.c.’ Χάρροπο?, ov, not inclining the scale, of a weight, Inscr. gr.et lat. de la Syrie 1272 a (Laodicea ad mare, ii a.d.). άρσενίκιον, add ‘ ; written άρσενίκην, i.e. άρσενίκιν, Anon.Alch. 3i8-7’( Χάρσενοβάτη?, ου, ο, = paedicator, Hsch. s.v. παιδοπίπας. Χάρσενο?, ον, = άρσην, POxy. 744-9 (* B-C.), PMich. 203.6 (i/ii A. D.). άρσην i, fin., after ‘ the male sex,’ insert ‘ A.Supp.991 ,’ add ‘b. = παιδικός ii, έρως Cere. 9.15; πΰρ AP9.77 (Antip.Sid.) ; πυρσοί ib.12.17. c. Pythagoreans regarded odd num¬ bers as male, Plu.2. 288c, cf. 264a’ 2, omit ‘Id.Supp. 951;’ 4, omit ‘but also. .3.9.3 :’ άρσι? i. 1 a, for ‘, as an athletic feat, .(pi.)’ read ‘buIl-Aouhn^, ritual act performed by ephebi at Eleusis, IG22. 1006.78 (pi., ii B. c.), cf. άείρω iv. 3 b, Βοάρσαι, Βοάρσιον (all in Suppl.)’ and add ‘ ; σημείου άρσ ις, V. σημεΐον I. 3’ άρσο?, after ‘Hsch.’ add Dor. pi. άρσια Delph.3(4).42.i3 (ii b.c.)’, and for “άλσος” read “άρδω” άρταμέω, add ‘ ; prob. in A.Fr.530.35 M.’ άρτεμή?, for ‘Call. Iamb. 1 .227. — Ep. word’ read ‘Call.Fr.194.28 Pf., whence restored in Hippon.P0xy.2 175.5.6’ άρτεμία, after ‘health,’ add ‘Pi.jV.11.12 (cj.), Id. in POxy. 1 792. 1.3 (prob.),’ ΧΆρτεμιακόν τό, name of a mine, /G22. 1587. 17. ΧΑρτεμισιακόν τό, name of silver mine at Laurium, /G22. 1588.7, 1 1 (iii b.c.) . ΧΆρτεμϊσιά?, άδο?, ή, period of the Artemisian games, IGRom. 4.1609, 1610 (Hypaepa). Αρτεμίσιο?, after ‘Alex. 16’ add answering to May, Pap. in Hermes 32.274 (Seleucia, ii a.d.), cf. Hemerolog.Flor. p.73 (p. 10 K.)’ 23 SUPPLEMENT αρτημα άρχιτ€κτοσύνη αρτημα ιι. ι, for ‘7G2.834 c 13’ read ‘/Gi2.3i4-40’ and at er,d add ‘(In 7G l.c., al., d. may mean counter-poise weights, v. Hesperia 13.186 and Suppl. s.v. ρυμός.)' άρτίγαμος, after ‘just married,' insert ‘A. Fr. 355. 20 M. (lyr.),’ άρτιγένειος, after ‘Νοηη.Τλιδ. 135’ add j Sch.Call.Fr.2 Pf., GVI 854 (Egypt, ii/iii a.d.)’ άρτιδαής, add 5FG3.543 (Thrace, iii (?) b.c.)’ άρτιλιθία, after ‘in masonry,’ insert ‘IG 22. 167 1.36 (Attica, iv B.C.),’ Χάρτίουλος, ον, = άρτιγένειος, Mouterde-Poidebard Limes de Chalets 214 (Syria, i a.d.). άρτίπους I, add ‘b. in good health, AF5.287.4, 9.644.5 (both Agath.).’ 11, delete the section, αρτισις, add ‘2. preparation, PCair. Zen. yy\.2y (marg.).’ άρτιφυής, add ‘III. apptly. = άρτίφρων, GVIi 917.9 (Cyme, ii B.C.).’ *άρτοδοτέω, give bread, Vit. Aesop. (G) 1 9 (-δωτ- cod.). χάρτοκόλλυτος, o, baker, PHamb. 56. v. 4, vi.8 (vi/vii a.d.). Χάρτοκοπέω, keep a bakery, Cumont Fouilles de Doura-Europos 385 No. 22. όρτοκοπία, delete the article. άρτοκοπικός, after ‘baking,' insert “άρτος” and after T C/1.16.3’ add ‘(apptly. = έσχαρίτης, cf. 2 A'i.6.19)’ άρτοποιεω, before ‘Longus’ insert ‘Ctes.Fr.33,’ άρτότττης 2, after ‘pan for baking bread,’ insert ‘PlautMu/^oo,* and after ‘Piin.7/jVi8.io7’ add ‘, Poll.10.112’ Χάρτοτττρίς, ί 8ος, ή, fern, of άρτόπτης, as an Adj., έαχάρα PCair. Zen. 692.12 (iii b.c.). άρτοττώλης, for ‘AJA 18.33’ read ‘AJA18.68 (= Sardis 7(1). 166)’ Χορτοφαγία, ή, eating of bread, Abh.Bert.Akad.iQ28.6 no. 10.37 (Cos, iv b.c.) . άρτύς, add rest, in Call.Fr.80.19 (Add.n) Pf.’ άρτΰω II, after ‘EN 1 1 i8a2g’ add ‘ ; season, τό άλας Εν. Marc. 9.50, cf. Ev.Luc. 14.34 (Pass.)’ xfipu, to, indecl., = άρον iii, PMich. 5.313.13,15,26 (i a.d.). Χάρΰσις, fftis, 17, drawing up of liquids, ποτού Afric.Ceii.p.39 V. άρυστήρ, line 1, for “= άρυτήρ” read ‘ladle’, and for ‘Supp. 4.9’ read ‘58.9 L.-P.’ line 3, for ‘Aet. 1.1.17’ read ‘Fr. 178. 17 Pf.’ αρυστις, for “= άρυτηρ” read ‘= άρυστήρ, q.v. in Suppl.’ άρύστιχος, for ‘Dim. of άρυτηρ’ read ‘Dim. of άρυστήρ, q.v. in Suppl.’ άρυστρίς, for “= άρΰταινα” read ‘= άρυστήρ, q.v. in Suppl.’ άρΰταινα, for ‘fern, of άρυτήρ,’ read ‘ ladle used by bathmen’ and for ‘F7.1092’ read ‘F7.1091’ χάρΰταίνιον [d], to, Dim. of άρΰταινα, Inscr.Cret. 1 .xvii 2 a 9 (Lebena, ii b.c.). άρυτήρ I, for ‘ ladle or cup ' read ‘= άρυστήρ, q.v. in Suppl.’ Χάρχάγαθος, ον, source of all good things, epith. of Zeus, Rev. 1st. Anc. 42.306 (Bithynia). άρχαϊκός, before ‘interpol.’ insert ‘laser. Delos 14267/142, 1428 ii 50 (ii B.C.),’ Χάρχαιόθεν, Ad v. from of old, Λ7Λ36.459 (South Galatia), άρχαιολογεω I, for ‘discuss. .Th.7.69;’ read ‘ talk platitudes, Th.7. 69. 2. discuss antiquities,’ Χάρχαιολόγος, d, dramatic performer, mime, 7G22.2i53 (prob., cf. Robert, Rev.Et.Gr. 49.235 ff.), Gloss, s.v. Atellani. 2. = Lat. antiquarius, palaeographer, Edict. Diocl.y. 69. άρχαιομελισιδωνοφρυνιχήρατος, fin., for ‘codd.’ read ‘Arist¬ archus’ άρχαιόπλουτος, add ‘, Cratin. in GFF1.38.32’ Χάρχαιρέσιοι, ol, dub. sens., 7/6^50.139. Χάρχάρχων, οντος, 6, dub. in Dain Inscriptions grecques du Musie du Bardo 46 (Numidia). άρχεβακχος, for ‘16’ read ‘6’. Χάρχεδέκανος, d, chief δεκανός, MAMA8.4.6 (Lystra). (Cf. άρχι- δέκανος in Suppl.) άρχεζώστις, add also -ζώστρις Orib. 14.62.1’ άρχεΐον ii, add ‘: generally, public offices, Isoc.7.24’ άρχέμπορος, add ‘; voc., as title of respect, Vit. Aesop. (G) 12’ Χάρχενδρομίτης, ου, d, dub. sens., BGU 1834.6 (i B.C., -ρωμ- Pap.). , Χάρχερανεύς, ε'ως, ό, = άρχερανιστής, rest, in Annuario N.S. I /2.195, n. 2 (Rhodes, iii a.d.). Χάρχεσκοττος, ό, title of religious official, 7Gg( 2). 1 322.1 (Hal- myros, iv b.c.) (pi.). Χάρχέταιρος, o, president of a religious association, Inscr.Dura 2.8 (i A.D.). άρχετυττος ii, delete ‘opp. άπόγραφον . . Is. 1 1 , cf.’ and add at end ‘ : also masc. άρχέτυπος, d, opp. άπόγραφος, D.H .Is. 11. b. ledger, Cic.Att.12.5c (pi.).’ άρχεφηβος, add ‘; also άρχιέφηβος, Inscr. in ^£^37(1951). 87 (Memphis, iii a.d.)’ αρχή I a, fin., for ‘ [d άνθρωπος]. .3.3.4’ read ‘ή άρχή ev τω πράττοντι Arist.FA'i i iob4, cf. 1140*13, al., Plot. 3. 3.4’ 3, add ‘; of a road or street, LxxF2.16.25, 21.20(25)’ 6, add ‘, al., Fj. 138(1 39). 17 (pi.)’ 11. 5, for ‘command, i.e. body ' read ‘ column ’ χΑρχηγεσιον, τό, precinct of Apollo Archegetes, Inscr. Dilos 316.115 (iii b.c.), 461 Ab 49 (ii b.c.). Χάρχηγετεΐον, το, building for commemoration or worship of the αρχηγέτης, Herzog-Klaffenbach Asylieurkunden aus Kos 16 line 15 (iii b.c.) . Χάρχήγισσα, ή, Jewish title, μνήμα Πίριστίρΐας άρχηγίσις (i.e. —ίσσης) Robert Hell.1.26 (Thessaly, v/vi a.d.). άρχηΐ5, add ‘, Delph.5(i).^66’ χάρχϊβάλιστάριος, d, chief ballistarius, SEG 7.989 (Philippopolis (Syria)). Χάρχιβάπτης, ου, d, chief βάπτης, Israel Explor, Journal 7(1957)» pp.76-77 (-βαφθ-). άρχιβασσάρα, for ‘Thrace’ read ‘Pontus’ χάρχϊβάσσάροξ, o, chief of the βάκχοι, AJAyj.2\Q (Latium, ii A.D.) . χάρχΐβωμιστή$, οϋ, o, chief-priest, SEG 7.893 (Gerasa, i A.D.). χάρχιγάλλαροξ, d, chief γάλλαρος (q.v. in Suppl.), prob. in IGBulg. 1517. 19 (Philippopolis, iii a.d.). χάρχιγερεύς, έως, d, mis-spelling of άρχΐ€ρΐΰς, PHib. 62. 8 (iii B.C.). χάρχιγερουσιαστής, οϋ, d, = άρχιγέρων, Wien.Anz. 1949.234 (Prusias ad Hypium). άρχιγεωργός, add ‘; voc., as title of respect, Vit. Aesop. (G) 12’ χάρχιδέκανοξ, o, chief δεκανός, Inscr. in Syria 29.317 (Arabia, iii A. D.) . (Cf. άρχεδέκανος in Suppl.) αρχιδιάκονος, add ‘, ,7^516.68 (Eumeneia)’ κάρχΐδικαστικός, ή, όν, of the άρχιδικαστής, υπηρέτης Stud. Ital. 12 ( 1 935) - 1 °7- κάρχιδράγάτης [ατ] , ου, 6, chief field-warden, jfahresh.50 Beibl. 24 (Ancyra, iii A.D.) ; cf. δραγατεΰω. άρχιειτίσκοττος, add ‘, PBaden 65.20’ χάρχϊερετεύω, = άρχίεράτεΰω, BCH51 .89 (Panamara). άρχιερεΰς, line 1, before ‘Ion.,’ insert ‘Aeol. άρχείρευς, άρχίρευς, 7Gi2(2).239.6, 249.5, al.;’ Χαρχιεριστάς, a, d, = άρχιαρ—, Clara Rhodes 6/7.390, al. (Camirus). χάρχιεριστέω, to be άρχιεριστάς, Clara Rhodes 2.188,205 (Rhodes, i b.c.), 6/7.392,410 (Camirus). άρχιερωσύνη, add ‘: — also άρχιΐερ— Bull.Soc. Alex. 10.27 (i B.C·)·1 χάρχιεφηβος, o, v. άρχέφηβος in Suppl. άρχιζάκορος, delete the article. Χάρχιζωγράφος, d, master-painter, master-decorator, Rev.Et.Gr.yi. 345, (Georgia, iv a.d.) . Χάρχιζώστη, ή, or —της, ου, d, white bryony, Cyran.9 (v.l. — ισώ— ). άρχιθέωρος, add ‘j also άρχεθέαρος Hesperia 18.59 (Delphi, v B. C.) . άρχιθιασεύω, delete the word, and transfer the reference to άρχιθιασιτεΰω. άρχιθυρωρός, add ‘, PTeb. 790.1 (ii b.c.)’ χάρχιιατρίνη, ή, chief midwife, MAMAy .566 (— ιειατ ρηνα lap.). Χάρχιιερωσύνη, ή, v. άρχιερωσύνη in Suppl. χάρχΐλατόμος, d, chief of the quarrymen, SEG8. 647 (Egypt, iv a.d.). Χάρχΐμάγά[ρ]εύς, έως, o, chief of the μάγαρον (= μέγαρον), Milanges Bidez 806, 810 (Thessalonica). άρχιμαγειρεύς, delete the article. Χάρχΐμεταλλάρχης, ου, d, chief controller of mines, Arch. Pap. 5. 422 (Egypt, i a.d.) . Χάρχινακόρος, d, chief of νακόροι, prob. in C7G4470 = Inscr. gr.et lal.de la Syrie 1263 (Laodicea ad mare, 1 15/6 a.d.). Χάρχιναυττηγός, d, head shipbuilder, F77V/.4.640.19 (iv A.D.). Χάρχιναυφύλαξ, ακος, d, chief ναυφυλαή II, Annuario 2.136. άρχινεανίσκος, add ‘, AJ/I37.254 (Latium, ii a.d.)’ Χάρχινεοττοιία, ή, office of άρχινεο(ω) ποιος, Wien.Anz. 1893.103 no. 1 1 (Aphrodisias). Χάρχΐοικιστής, οϋ, d, commissioner for foundation of a colony, 7Gg2 ( 1 ) . 2.10 (Thermon, iii b.c., pi.). Χάρχϊοικοδόμος, o, master-builder, Fouilles de Byblos 111.76 no.7186, .SFG8.781 (Syene, vi a.d.). Χάρχιπερίπολος, o, chief of patrols, Rev.Bibl. 1.246 (Caesarea, vi a.d.) . Χάρχιποταμίτης, ου, o, chief ποταμίτης, PHerm.6g.6 (v A.D.). άρχιπροστατεω, for ‘συναγωγής, Sammelb.’ read ‘in a military koinon, SB’ άρχιττροστάτης, for ‘chief official of a synagogue' read 'chief προστάτης’ Χάρχιττρυτανεία, -ία, ή, office of chief president, Didyma 570, 157 1 a. άρχιττρύτανις, after “εως” insert ‘(but -ιδος Didyma 252.7, etc., — ιδων ib.272.5)’ Χάρχΐσΐτολόγος, d, chief σι τολόγος, SB6800.3 (iii B.c.), PTeb.yiyi. 10 (ii B.C.). Χ[άρχ]ίστολος, d, = άρχιστολιστής, rest, in Rev.Et.Gr. 62.139 (Ephesus, ii a.d.). Χάρχιστράτωρ, title of an equestrian official, Jahresh. 24 Beibl. 98 (Termessus). Χάρχισυνάγώγης, ου, d,= άρχισυνάγωγος, Mueller-Bees 37 (iii/iv A.D.) . Χάρχιτεκτοσύνη, ή, art or skill of an architect, BCHi 0.500. 24 άρχιτέκτων SUPPLEMENT όστραπαία άρχιτέκτων I. ι, add ‘c. έπαρχος -τ εκτόνων, = Lat. praefectus fabrum, 7G22.354^ (Eleusis, ii a.d.), cf. BSA56.23 (Paphos, ii B.C.).’ Χάρχίτοκος [ϊ], ov, of childbirth, ώδινες Ath.AIitt. 56.128 (Thespiae). II. of interest, prob. in IGy. 1738.6 (Thespiae). Χάρχΐψράτωρ [ά], opos, 0, president of a phratry, Inscr.gr. et lat.de la Syrie 1.232. άρχίφρουρος, add PS/8.938 (vi a.d.)’ Χάρχιφυλέτης, ου, ό, = άρχίφυλος, ΤΑΑί^^ι) .121 (Termessus). άρχματα, add ‘, cf. Euph. in PS/1390 A 7 (dub.).’ άρχ°γλυ·π·τάδη9. delete ‘son of a ' Χάρχοντεία, Ί], archonship, T AAI2.812 (Teos). αρχοντικός i, add applied to angels, Cels.ap.Orig.Ci/i.6.27 ; dub. sens, in heading αρχοντικών και δημοτών POxy. 2346.23 (iii a.d.)’ Χάρχοωνια, ή, office of άρχώνης, Ephes. 4(1). 80 (ii a.d., acc. sg. written —ήαν). άρχω ι. 1, line 4, after ‘and 2’ add * ; ό άρχων τάς δίκας Leg.Gort. 1 1. 51 (v B.c.)’ 4, at end add so Med., άρχόμεναι θυμελας GLPi.i 14. 4 (Posidipp.?)’ 6, line 2, after ‘begin,' insert ‘come into force,' and line 3, before ‘Lex ap.’ insert ‘Thasos,13 (v b.c.),’ άρχωνέω, for ‘PC//1.410 (Callipolis)’ read ‘IGRom. 1.817 (Parium), cf. Robert Hell. 9.81’ άρωματίτης, add ‘Π. άρωματΐτις, ή, a precious stone, Plin./LV , 37·/ 45·’ , Χάσαρίτη, = όροβάγχη, Sch.Cyr. όσαρκέω, for ‘causal, make lean' read ‘intr., to be lean' άσαρος, for ‘Sapph.77 (Comp.)’ read ‘Sapph.103.11 L.-P., 91 L.-P. (Comp.)’ άσάω, after ‘Thgn.593’ add ', MAMA8. 361.7’ Χάσβέστιον, τό, prob. limestone, PNess. 54.9 (vi/vii a.d., pi.), άσβολάω, for ‘= foreg.’ read ‘blacken' ασεβής, after ‘(anap.) ;’ add ‘μήθ' ερδειν μήτε λε'γειν ασεβή Thgn. 1180;’ άσειρος, add ‘ ; = ο άδετος χιτών, Sch.Cyr.’ άση ι. 2, for ‘Sapph.1.3. . 14.1 1’ read ‘Sapph.1.3 L.-P., cf.Alc. 39(a). 1 1 L.-P., Anacr.2.Fr. 1.8 P.’ 3, delete the section. Χάσηκρήτις, ό, = Lat. a secretis, Procop.Trc.14.4. άσημείωτος I, for ‘Ph. 1.12T read ‘Ph.2.121’ Χάσημιν, το', = άσημον, τό, PSI 825.13 (iv/v A.D.). Χάσήμινος, η, ον, made of silver, Pland. 103.15 (vi a.d., άσίμ—). άσηπτος, for ‘Acacia tortilis’ read ‘Acacia ( shittim ) wood' Χάσήτωρ [ά], opos, o, sick at heart, Antim.187 W. (Prob. nomen agentis fr. άσάω, but expld. by Sch. as του άνιωμενου τό ή[το]ρ.) άσθενέω, add ‘II. trans., weaken, cause to fall, Lxx Ma. 2.8. άσθμα in, line 3, after ‘(Agath.);’ add ‘ά. πυράς ib. 7.210 (Antip.) άσθμάζω, add Med. aor. part., PMag.Leid.W. 12.28’ όσθμάομαι, delete the article. Άσία, after ‘Asia,’ insert lHes.(?) in POxy. 2503.3, Archil.23 D.5, Mimn.12.2, Sapph.44.4 L.-P.,’ Ασιανός, before “η, όν” insert Ton. -ηνός, Hp.Tcr. 16, al.,’ Άσιαρχία, add *, Milet 1(9). 339 (iii a.d.)’ Άσιάς, after ‘[the latter with ά’ add ‘ ; but άσιαδ[ A.Fr.357.7 M.* line 4, after ‘Euph. 34:’ insert Άαίδι. . αίη Hes. in PO*)M 359 Fr.1.1 1 ;’ άσίδηρος II, for ‘sword’ read ‘weapon’, and after ‘Max.Tyr.36.1’ add ‘; without tool, χειρ TP9.52 (Carph.)’ Χάσΐδήρωτος, ον, ρυμοί, not strengthened with iron, /G'i2-3 13.22 ; v. ρυμός iv in Suppl. άσινής ii, after ‘Hdt.1.105,’ insert ‘X.F^.5.1,’ ΧΆσιονίκης, ου, ό, victor in the Asian games, /G4.206, MAMA8. 418.31. άσκαλία, add ‘ ; prob. in POsl. 48.6 (i a.d., pi., -λει- Pap.)’ Χάσκανίτης [ί], ου, ό, dub. sens., συνεργασίας άσκαν ιτών (name of a guild) SEG4.541 (Ephesus), άσκάντης I, after ‘Ar.JVa.633,’ insert ‘Call.Fr.240 Pf.,* άσκαρίζω, for ‘Att. form of’ read “ = ’, and before Ήρ .Nat.Puer. 30’ insert ‘Hippon.12, ix. 12 D.3,’ άσκαύλης, add ‘, PSAAlhen. 43v i 3, al. (ii a.d.).’ άσκαφος, add ‘ ; rest, in Pratin.3 P.’ άσκέρα, for ‘Herod. 2. 32’ read ‘Herod.2.23; dub. in SFG13.13. 148 (Athens, v b.c. ; fort. leg. άσκηρά, q.v.)’ όσκέω I. 3, delete the section. 11. 2, line 5, after ‘metaph.,’ insert ‘ δαίμον ’ ασκήσω θεραπευ ων Pi. P.3. 1 og; ασκείται Θεμις Id. 0.8.22 ;’ άσκημα, add ‘ ; object of practice, art, O.H.Comp.f Χάσκητήριον, το, monastery. Cod. Just. 1.3. 53-3, a^· Χάσκϊατρόφητος, ον, used to no sheltered life, hardy, Com.(?) ap. Phot.p.24 R. άσκιος I, before “αυγή” insert ‘Λ ακεδαίμων TP7.723;’ άσκίπων, line 2, after ‘(Theodorid.)’ add ‘, GLP1.114.24 (Posidipp. ?)’ Χάσκλατάριος, o, dub. sens., ■S’F695iv.34 (ii a.d.). Άσκληπιακός, add ‘ ; σκάφιον Inscr. Ddlos 320P56 (iii B.C.) ; -κά, τά, fund for the expenses of Asclepios’ festival, /Gi2(5).544.B 2 line 9 (Ceos, iii/iv a.d.)’ άσκληπιάς, add ‘4. pi., haemorrhoids, Cyran.41.’ Ασκληπιός, line I, after “-άπιός” add ‘(v. -Μγλαιτιός in Suppl.)’ and after ‘etc.’ add ‘ ; pi., statues of A., Inscr. Delos 1417 B i 147 (ii b.c.)’ Χάσκόμισθοι, oi, those who let wineskins for hire, Jahresh.24 Beibl.yz (Ephesus). άσκόομαι, add ‘, cf. perh. άσκόω in Suppl.’ ασκός, add ‘6. dub. sens., /G22.i544, v. εξάγιστος in Suppl.’ *άσκότεινον· άνέσπερον, Hsch. ( άσκότιστον Cyr.). Χάσκοφόσιον, τό, bellows made of skin, Anon.Alch.349.3. Χάσκόω, equip with άσκώματα, ήσκωται /G22. 1604.38, al. (iv B.C.). άσκόλευτος, after ‘stripped,’ add ‘Epigr. inBCH2^.qi (Acraephia, iii B.c.),’ όσκωλιάξω ii, after ‘hop on one leg,' insert ‘Pl.&n/i.igod;’ άσκωμα i, add ‘, IG22. 1604.32, al. (iv B.c.)’ άσμα, for “άττω” read “άττομαι” χάσμάτογράφος [γρα], ό, song-writer, Tz.ad Lyc.p.i Scheer. χάσμένεια, ή, pleasure, satisfaction, PFlor. 294.13 (vi a.d.). άσμενιστός, after ‘welcome,’ add ‘Cic.^4«.9.2a.2,’ άσπαίρω, line 6, after ‘of an infant,’ add ‘h.Cer. 289,’ ασπάλαθος I, fin., for ‘Thphr.9.7.3’ read ‘Thphr.//P9.7.3* Χάσπάράγϋλιοκογχϋλεός, ίως, ό, purple-jisher who uses a weel ( γυλιός ) made of άσπάραγος, ΜΑΜΑο,.88 1 (Corycus). άσπιδεΐον ill, for *(?),’ read T, Bull. Soc. Alex. 32. 28. 34.,’ Χάσπιδήος, a, ov, Boeot. for *άσπι δείος, of shields, άθλα ά. IG"J. 2712.23. άσπιδίσκος, after “άσπίς,” insert ‘Aristeas 75 άσπίς, line 1, after ‘al. ;’ insert ‘κοίλη Tyrt.1.50 D.3 (cf. Mimn.ia A2D.3), Alc.357.6L.-P.;’ άσπορος iv. I, add ‘; emasculated, ib.25.311’ Χάσπροειδής, ε'ς, white, Wien.Stud.2 0.319. άσσα, line 5, after ‘6’ add ‘ ; ποιείν ά. Pl.P.339d’ Χάσσκονικτεί, v. άκον ιτί in Suppl. Άσσόριος, after ‘Adj.’ insert ‘Ά. γράμματα, prob. form of Phoeni¬ cian alphabet developed in Babylonia and Assyria, Id.4.87, Th.4.50; ξεΐνος’ and delete ‘, al.’ άσταγής II, fin., after ‘in a stream ,’ insert ‘Call.Fr.317 Pf.,’ άστακός I, after ‘lobster,’ insert ‘Epich.30,’ άστασία, add ‘II. unsettled conditions, in political sense, Sch.Th. in Wiener Denkschr. 67 No. 2 p. II.’ Χάστάτί, Adv. of άστατος, prob. in Sophr. in Stud.Ital. 10.249. άστατοι, read “άστατοι” and add ‘, SEGq.88 (Syria, ii a.d.),’ άσταφίς I, line 5, for ‘27.9’ read ‘27.10’ άστάφυλος, for ‘12.24’ read ‘8.24’ άστειότης, add ‘2. in Rhetor Anon, in P Lit. Lend. 1 38 ii 12 apptly. citizenship.' άστεϊσμός, after ‘D.H.Dirw.54’ add ‘(pi.)’ άστεμφής I, fin., for “νεφίλα ι ” read “άλωαί” Χάστέραρχος, ό, ruler of the stars, Cat.Cod.Astr. 9(2). 162, 163. άστεργάνωρ, for ‘ without love of man, unwedded ' read ‘ refusing marriage' άστέριος, add ‘VI. αστερία, sc. λίθος, ή, a precious stone, Plin. HN37.131.’ άστερόθεν, add ‘(parox.)’ Χάστερομαρμαροφεγγής, ες, gleaming star-white, PHamb. 1 28.56 (iii B.c.) . άστερόφοιτος II, add ‘; κόσμου φνσις PMag. Par. 1.2552.’ άστηνος, after ‘miserable,’ insert ‘Call. Fr. 275 Pf.,’ άστήρ i. 1, lines 3/4, delete ‘ the chief, .constellation,’ and after ‘etc. ;’ insert ‘apptly. of a whole constellation, the Great Bear, πλόον ήελίω τε καί αστέρι τεκμήρασθαι A.R.I.I08;’ II, add ‘; τόν αγαπητόν ά. τής οικουμένης Them. Or. 1 6.2 1 3^.’ ν, after ‘74-66,’ add ‘called ά. Αττικός in’ add ‘X. part of a bath, PHarris 79 (iii a.d.).’ ΧΆστιάς, άδος, epith. of Artemis, Annuario 39/40.587 (Iasus). Χάστιγος, ov, unmarked, of a corpse, dub. in PRein. 92.12 (iv a.d.). Χάστίλιον, τό, = Lat. hastile, shaft, spear. Edict. Diocl. 14.4. Χάστιοπόλοι, ol, dub. sens., 5FG4-54* (Ephesus), άστός, add ‘II. c. gen., dweller in, ερημάδος ά. ερίπνης Nonn.D.25. 272, cf. 17.40.’ άστοχέω, add ‘II. disregard, c. gen., του καλώς εχοντος PTeb.jgH. 14 (ii B.C.) ; τής σφετέρας προαιρεσεως Plb.7.14.3; τού προσώ¬ που Callisthenes in FGrH No. 1 24.44.’ όστραβιστήρ, for ‘ levelling ' read ‘ surveying ’ άστραγάλη, after ‘for αστράγαλος,’ insert ‘II. 23. 88 (v.l.),’ and after ‘Herod. 3. 7,’ insert MP6.309 (Leon.),’ άστραγαλίζω, add ‘II. of statues, άστραγαλίσαι επί τών υπο¬ ποδίων perh. describes some method of fastening, Inscr. Cret. 3. ii 1.8 (ii b.c.).’ Χάστράγάλιον, τό. Dim. of αστράγαλος, /G22.i533-32 (3V B-c·)· άστράγαλος VI, add ‘ ; κατεγλύφαμεν αστράγαλον Didyma 39.20’ άστραγαλωτός, line 2, for ‘Posidon.9’ read ‘Posidon.8’ Χάστραγεύτως, Adv., ( στραγγεύομαι ) without delay, prob. in BGU 1760.7 (i B.C.)· Χάστραπαία, ή, a precious stone, Plin. LLV37. 189. 25 άστρατταιος SUPPLEMENT άττάραγοξ άστραπαΐος, before “, α, ον,” insert ‘[-αϊος Orph.77. 15.9» 20.5]’ όστράπιος, delete the article. χάστράτηγικός, η, όν, devoid of strategic ability, Cic~<4.35-226. χάτεις, acc. sg. άτειν, perh. name of a relationship, MAMA3.53 (Cilicia). άτέκμαρτος I. 1, add άτ έκμαρτον without significance, OrphM. 1150’; in 11, for ‘ύδωρ Orph.zl.i 150’ read ‘θάλασσα Nonn .D. I3-537’ άτεκνόω, after 'make childless' add ‘, πάτρα γάρ μ’ άτ ε'κνωσε my country has robbed me of children (by depriving me of life in her service), BMus.Inscr. 1077 (Egypt)’ *άτεκτόνευτος, ον, expl. of infabricatus in Virgil glossary, PNess. I. 854 (vi A.D.). ατέλεια, line 1, before ‘Cret.’ add ‘Ion. -είη (v. infr.),’; in I, add ‘2. ineffectualness, Schwyzer \6yaA4, B2 (Selinus, v b.c.).’ άτέλειος, add ‘, BMC Caria p.4, no. 20 (Alabanda).’ άτέλεστος ii, add ‘ ; of children cut off before reaching maturity, Melanges Beyrouth 13.26.1’ iv, add ‘; neut. pi. as Adv., Arat.678’ Δτελής i. 2, line 3, after ‘ib.40 ;’ insert ‘of a discussion, Pl.TVh 314c;’ 11. 1, line 2, after ‘ ineffectual ,’ insert ‘ καπνός Simon. 36.3 P. ;’ and line 3, after ‘Smp. 1 7gd ;’ insert ‘of things, έρημον και ά. φιλοσοφίαν Αεί πόντε? ld.7?-4D5c i* HI. la, add ‘; τοΰ σώματος Inscr.Prien. 1 74.6 (ii B.c.)’ άτενής ii. 2, add ‘b. hard, compact, γή ά. και σκληρά Plu.2.640e.’ ill, for ‘Prorrh. 1.24’ read ’Prorrh. 1.124’ άτερ ii, line 4, for ‘late Prose’ read ‘later Prose’ and add ', SEG 9.1.42 (Cyrene, iii b.c.).’ άτερθε ii, add ', Nic.Th.242’ άτερττής, line 4, delete ‘, Simon. 37. 6’ χάτερυι, Adv., Aeol., in a different place, Theognost.Ca«.i6o (-υϊ) ; cf. arepLyc. χάτέρωτα, Aeol. for έτε'ρωτε (q.v. in Suppl.), at another time, κάτόρωτα Sapph.1.5 L.-P., cf. A.O.Adv. 1 . 1 94.5. άτέω, for ‘c. gen., . . Hdt.7.223’ read ‘II. 20. 332, Hdt.7.223; indie., c. gen., disregard, Call. TV. 63 3 Pf.’ άτη, line 1, for “αύάτα” read “άυάτα” and after * ( for ‘Gal.8.94’ read ‘Gal.8.194’ Χαΰρόριος, ό, goldsmith, ΜΑΜΑ 1.28 1,3.254· αΰρηκτος, for ‘Hdn.Gr.2.171’ read ‘Hdn.Gr.2.271’ Χαΰρικαέσωρ, ωρος, 6, gold cutter, fr. Lat. auricaesor, Edict. Diocl. 30.4 (Elatea). Χαύροχάλκειος, ον, = όρ€ΐχάλκινος, θύραι CISem. ii.39 1 4 (Palmyra, ii A.D.). Χαΰρόχαλκος, ον, of gilded bronze, “Ερωτΐς Ephes.a, No. 15. Αΰσονία, line 3, after ‘363, al.’ insert ‘ : Αΰσώνιοι, Hsch.’ ; after ‘also’ insert ‘Αΰσων, ό, AP 11.24:’; after ‘aborigines) insert ‘Αΰσονιήες, D. Ρ-333» al. :’ αύτανδρος, line 3, after ‘p.31 B.,’ insert ‘Call.Pr.7.33 Pf., αΰτίκα ii, line 3, for 'Prt. 395e’ read 'Prt. 359c’ άϋτμή, add ‘[perh. disyllabic in Hes.T0.862]’ αϋτογενεθλος, for ‘sq.’ read “α ύτογΐνής” and before * Orac.Chald .* add “πατρικός νόος” αΰτόγραφος, for ‘τό αύ. one's own writing* read “ελεγχος” and at end add ‘ ; τα . . των παλαιών αύ. φηφισμάτων original drafts , Posidon.ap.Ath.5-2 1 4e’ Χαΰτοδιαφορά, ή, differentia of itself, Simp, in Cat. 276.25,30. αΰτοδόξαστον, after 'abstract,' insert ‘Alex.Aphr. in Top. 572.17,* Χαύτοενεργητικός, ή, όν, = αύτΐνόργητος, Choerob. in Theod. 2.19. 25. αΰτοετής, after ‘J.A73-9.3’ a^^ * ; προφήτης και κωτάρχης -ής, i.e. holding both positions in the same year, Rev. Phil. 20. 100 No. 4, cf. ib.101 No. 5’ Χαΰτοκάρηνος [κά], ον, dub. sens., SEG8. 768.11 (Egypt, ii B.C.). αύτοκέλευθος, fin., for ‘ib.21.167’ read ‘ib.21.169’ αΰτοκινησία, after ‘= sq.,’ insert ‘Alex.Aphr. in Top. 297.23,’ αύτοκράτωρ I. 3, add ‘b. a month in Cyprus (in honour of Augustus) beginning March 23, Hemerolog. Flor. p. 72 (p.8 K.).’ Χαΰτοκύβος, ό, the Ideal cube, Alex.Aphr. in Metaph. 816.30. αΰτόκυκλος, after ‘ Form of circle,’ insert ‘Alex.Aphr. in Metaph. 816.29,’ Χαΰτολείττω, leave behind, τόσσαρας αύτολιπών υίονς dub. in BCH25. 21 (Bithynia). Χαΰτολευκός, όν, τό ά. Ideal whiteness, Alex.Aphr. in Metaph. 771·*· Χαύτολόγος, ό, the very word, Cels.ap.Orig.Cc/i.2. 31 (quoting the Christians). αύτολόχευτος, add ‘, PMag.Par. 1.458’ Χαύτόλΰρος ποιητής, poet who accompanies himself upon the lyre, P Bremen 59.14 (ii A.D.). αΰτομάθεια, delete ‘ : — also — μαθία’ Χαΰτόμαργος, ον, dub. sens., prob. in A.Fr.342.5 M. Χαύτοματάρειον, τό, vessel for spontaneous digestion of minerals, dub. in Olymp.Alch.p.91 B (v.l. αυτά» τω βοταρίω, i.e. βωταρίω). χΑΰτομάτη [ά], ή, name of a spring at Argos, Call.Fr.65.1, 66.8 Pf. : hence Αύτομάτειος, α(?), ον, Agias and Dercylus in P Milan. 1 7. 18, v. Pfeiffer ad Call. To·. 65. αΰτοματίζω, add ‘5. prophesy spontaneously, ό Απόλλων αύτομάτιξΐν Βάττω SEG9.3.24 (Cyrene, iv B.c.), cf. D.S. 16.92, Aristid. 0r.28(49).iO3, Ath. 1.31b (Epit.) : — Pass., Sch.EMnafr.445.’ αυτοματισμός, after ‘Phleg.Aitr. 1 ’ add ', cf. D.H. Comp. 25’ αΰτομόλησις, add ‘, Arr.Tr.10J.’ αυτομολία, add ‘II. pi., suckers or shoots of trees, Poll. 7. 146; cf. μόλευα».’ αύτονοέω shd. precede αΰτονομεομαι. Χαΰτοττερας, ατος, τό, abstract limit, Procl. in Prm. p.875, Anon, in Cat. 67.32, Simp, in Cat. 337.31. αΰτοττοιός, after ‘S.OC698 (lyr.)’ add ‘(αύτόποιος codd., perh. from ποια, = πόα)’ Χαύτοττοσότης, ητος, ή, quantity in itself, Simp, in Cat. 130.12. Χαΰτοπραξία, ή, privilege of collecting one's own taxes, 7Gg2(i). 137.20 (Calydon, ii B.c.). Χαύτόττρυμνος, ον, perh. f.l. for αύτόπρΐμνος, Eup. in 7*5712 13. 16. Χαύτοπυραμίς, ίδος, ή, the Ideal pyramid (v. πυραμίς I. 2), Alex. Aphr. in Metaph.816.29. αΰτοττυρίτης, for ‘Euc.Pisc.^f r®^d ‘Luc. Pise. 45 Χαΰτόρρευστος, ον, = αύτόρρυτος, Ps.-Democr.ap. Moses Alch. 313.8,9; Anon. Alch. 20. 2. αύτόρρυτος add ‘; μέλι Lyr. Alex. Adesp. 37 -to’ αυτός i. 3, add ‘; ούκ αυτός ό Πλούτος not only. ., Theoc.10.19* 8, add ‘ ; inclusive, of a date, Ζως Meyelp και αυτού Wilcken Chr. 157.16 (Hermopolis, iii a.d.), cf. POxy .270.42 (i a.d.), etc.’ iv. 2, after “άρτι,” add ‘Ar.D7.339, BCH25.22 (Bithynia; αύτοφα^ινομΖνην to be read divisim), v. 2, after ζίυτο- θαΐς” add ‘, cf. Herod. 6. 59’ ^ > αΰτόσε, add ‘2. without spatial sense, αύ. προστίθημι PI. Men. 73d.’ αύτόσοφος, after ‘ mother-wit ,’ insert ‘Rh.3.530,’ αύτοσύστατος, add ' ; opp. ε'τεροσυστατος, Choerob. in Theod.2. 41 1.22 H.’ αΰτοσχεδιαστής, add ‘ ; αΰ. (pi.) πολέμων perh. lightly engaging in wars, prob. cj. in Vett.Val.78.4’ αυτοτελής I. I, add ‘c. of a body of citizens complete in itself, J. AJ14.7.2.' 5, delete ‘sufficing for oneself: also,’ Χαΰτότευκτος, ον, self-made, natural, rest, in A.Tr.110.2 M. ^ Χαΰτόφθονος, ον, radically or essentially malicious, κακία ά. An. Bachm. 2.352.14. Χαυτοφΐλοτίμημα [τι], ατος, τό, act of outstanding generosity, .S/.G4. 418 (Nysa, pi.). Χαύτόφλεψ, φλΐβος, ό, an actual vein, opp. ε’οικός τι φλ(βί, Ruf. Onom. 206. αύτοφόνος, transfer ‘ ; παλάμη . .Leont.)’ to 2 ; add 4. dub. sens., 57JG9.72.132 (Cyrene, iv B.c.).’ 27 αυτόφυτος SUPPLEMENT άχράς αυτόφυτος, ι, for ‘ self-engendered. ’ read 4 grown spontaneously, of Prometheus’ liver, which was renewed automatically, Νοηη.Ζ).2.3θθ’ αυτόφωρος n, before ‘mostly’ insert ‘caught in the act, κολάζων αυτοφώρους Th.6.38 :’ αύτοχειλής, for ‘Fr. 138’ read ‘Fr. 130’ αυτοχειρία II, line 2, after 4= αύτ οχειρί,’ insert ‘τον νεών έξεποίησεν αϋ. Robert Hell.g.-j8 (Hellespont, vi b.c.) ;’ αύτόχθων II, line 2, after 4(ii a.d.);’ add ‘(πόλις) BCHgi.8% (Panamara, i/ii a.d.) ;’ and line 4, for ‘racy of the soil’ read 4 native , Roman ’ αύτόχροος I, after ‘colour,’ insert ‘PCair./fn. 92.6 (iii b.c.),’ αύτόχυτος, delete ‘θάλαμος . .Fr. 96.102 ;’ and at end add 4 ; dub. sens, in Hes.-Fr.96.102’ αΰχένιος I, add ‘3. neck-like, όλοσχοι Nic. ΤΛ.871.’ Χαύχενοπλήξ, ήγος, ό, ή, struck in the neck, Hippon.Fr.vii.7 DA αΰχέω n. 2, line 3, for ‘A.Fr.340’ read ‘A.Fr.338’ αυχημα I, after ‘S.OC710 (lyr.)’ add 4, Aq./r.3.i8 (L.-R.)’ αΰχήν, add ‘7. part of a spindle, perh. the hook, Fec.jit.Gr.46.273 (Rhenea).’ αυχησις, after 4Th.6.i6’ add ‘, Aq.Pr.4.9, al.’ αυχμηρός 2, after 4 squalid ,’ insert ‘χεί ρες Anacr. 2 Fr. 1.4 P. ;’ add ‘4. of literary style, arid, D.H.jDe/n.45, al. ; αύ. ρήτορες Id. Din. 8.’ αΰχμός 2, add 4b. disregard of niceties of toilet, unkempt stale, Epict.3. 22.89.’ αυω (B) 2, line 2, for ‘13.475’ read ‘13.477’; last line, after ‘diphthong’ add ', except in Hymn. Is. 59 [£>]’ Χάφάγιστεύω, perform rites to avert a curse, S. Ant. 247 ( κάφ -, but έφαγ— is less probable). *αφαγος, ον, fasting, Sch.A.R.4.1295. Αφαία, after ‘1580’ add 4, Paus.2.30.3, Ant.Lib.40.4’ άφαίρεσις ii. 2, add 4 : Lit. Crit., of letters or words, D.H. Comp. 6; opp. προσθήκη, ib.g’ αφαιρετικός i, add ‘2. α. πτώσις ablative case, Dosith.p.392 K.’ αφαιρετός I, after ‘Pit. 303c,’ insert ‘Arist.FFi24ib23, al.,’ Χάφάκέομαι, aor. imper. άφ[α]κεσάσθω, make good damage, Sokolow- ski 11.27. 1 1 (Argos, vi b.c.). Αφάνα, add 4 ; άφάννας gloss on Lat. apinae, Gloss, (cod. φάννας).’ άφαντος I, last line, for 4 invisible ’ read 4 dark ’ and after ‘Parm.g^’ add 4; θύελλαι Alc.298.12 L.— P.’ 3, transfer ‘; θεοϊς. . Epimenid.il’ to end of 1, inserting ‘invisible,’ before “θεοΐς” Χάφάρπαξ, αχός, 0, an unclean bird, one of the raptoriae, Al .Le. 1 1. 1 9. άφαυαίνω i, after 4Thphr.//F3.i8.g’ add ‘, CF3.10.8’ Χάφαυστος, ον, ineffable, Plot.6.6.7 (codd.). Αφαύω, add “, cf. Id. Fax 1144, where άφαυε shd. be read for άφευε (codd.)’ άφειδέω I, add 4 ; without regard to anyone's feelings, τον άριστον ά. ελεσθε A. R. 1. 338’ αφειδής I. I, line 3, delete 4ά. προς τον έρωτα CaU.Epigr.^y.y :’ 2, add 4 ; ά. ταύρος bull of generous proportions, Aristocl.ap.Ael. FfA 1 1 .4’ αφέλεια, after ‘style,’ add ‘D.H./j. 16,’ αφελής, fin., after ‘ib.io’ add 4, cf. ΌΛΑ. Is. f Αφέλκω i, add 4 ; take off a lid, κάδων πώματα Archil. 5 A. 7 DA* 11, delete ‘κάδων. .Archil^;’ άφεσοφυλακία, read “Αφεσιοφΰλάκία” and add 4 ; v. PBremen P-44’ όφέταιρος, for ‘, cf. άπεταιρος’ read ‘II. Subst., one who is not a member of a εταιρεία or society of free citizens, Leg.Gort.2.5, ah (v b.c.), Arch.Anz. 1942. 194 (Heraclium).’ άφετήριος 5, for ‘gate of a sluice’ read ‘άφετήριαι, al, sluice-gates’ and add at end 4; outlet of conduit, POxy. 2146.6 (iii a.d.), v. έξομβριστήρ in Suppl.’ όφεύω, line 1, for 4(v. infr.)’ read ‘24’, and delete section 2. όφέψησις, for 4, Sch.Lyc.156’ read 4. 2. boiling, sc. of Pelops by Tantalus, Sch.Lyc.157. 3. refining, of gold, /G22.i4g6. 201’ άφέψω, add ‘3. simply boil, άφεφήθη, of Pelops, Sch.Lyc.i57.’ άφή ii, delete ‘touch. .850. 2.’ and before ‘3.’ insert 42. in Pl.Ylx.365a αφάς apptly. means the five senses.’ άφήλικος, for 4= sq.’ read 4= άφήλιξ ii, FOA7.2134.8, al. (ii A. D.)’ Χάφημερεία, ή, absence for a day, PSI 1 120.3 (i B.c./i a.d.). Χάφηρωϊσμός, ό, canonization as a hero, IGi 2 (7). 5 15.6 (Amorgos, ii B.c.) . άφθαρτος i, add ‘2. unaltered, Ελληνικά 7.179 (Chalcis, iii B. C.).’ άφθάστως, add 4 ; also Adj., -os, ov, perh. not (to be) overtaken, τή κακία ά. Cat.Cod.Astr. 1 1 (2). 136. 16’ άφθιτος 2, line 3, for ‘Simon. 184’ read ‘AP 7.25.1 ([Simon.])’ Χάφιδάνης, ό, name of a gem, Xenocr.Lap. 1 08, cf. Plin.77A37.147 (amphidanes) . άφίημι, line 9, after ‘23.841 , etc.’ insert ‘, άφέωκα Robert Hell. 1 1. 85 (Hyrcania, iii B.c.), PCair.^en. 502.4/5 (iii b.c.)’ line 15, transfer ‘ ; Arc.inf. . .(Tegea, iv b.c.)’ to line 18 after 4 IG 5(2). 6. 14’ line 17, before ‘plpf.’ insert ‘part, ήφειμένους Annuario N.S. 3/5.97 (Lemnos, i b.c.) ;’ Χάφϊκετεύω, Act. and Med ., supplicate, SEGg. 72.132,138 (Cyrene, iv b.c.) . ΧΑφιλανθρώπητος, ον, = άφιλάνθρωπος, BGU 1785.10. Χάφιλοπόνητος, ov, not attended to, Vit. Aesop. (G)gi. αφιππεύω, after ‘4.18’ add ‘(v.l.), Charito 3.7’ άψιπποτοξότης, for ‘v. άμφιπποτ- read ‘bowman on horse-back, D.S. 19.29 (nisi leg. άμφ~), cf. PIU.2.197C (v.l. άμφ-)' άφίστημι B, line 2, for ‘Men. 375’ read ‘Men. 158,317 Koerte’ Χάφίστησις, εως, ή, relinquishing, των ετέρων of his other claims, Dura? A. 428 (parchment 40; i a.d.). Χάφίσωσις, εως, ή, — άπίσωσις, ά. των μερών PDura 19. 14 (* A.D.). άφλαστον, delete ‘Asclep.Tragil.31J., Sch.’ άφνειός, line 4» after 4c. dat.,’ insert ‘Hes. Fr. 134.2,’ Χάφνύνω, enrich, Hsch. s.v. άφνύε i; Pass., ρυδόν άφνύνοντα i Call. Fr. 366 Pf. (v.l. άφνόονται POxy. 2376 i 3). άφοβος I, fin., after ‘7,g.682C,’ insert ‘Arist.FFi 228b26,’ Χάφοδευτήριος, a, ον, ά. δίφρους night-stools, Hsch. s.v. λάσανα. άφολίδωτος, add 4; rest, in BCH 8.324 (Delos, iv b.c.)’ άφομοίωσις, add ‘2. perh. levelling, ά. τοΰ χωρίου /G4.823.66 (Troezen, iv b.c.).’ Χάφορί, Adv. without paying rent, άφορι έήουσιν (sc. την γην ) PTeb. 737.27 (ii B.c.) ; άφορεί PFlor. 384.54 (v A.D.). άφόρισμα, add 4, cf. 7G22-30.i8 (pi.; dub. sens.).’ Χάφορμάριος, ό, one who makes excuses, SB~j 168.4 (v/vi a.d., pi., written άφορμαροι). αφορμίζομαι, add 4 ; άφορμισάμενοι rest, for ΰφ— , Th.2.83 : — Act., push off a boat from the shore, (τό πορθμεΐον) Pap. in Sitzb.Heidelb.Akad.igaffz) p.23 (Pap. εφ-)’ Χάφορολόγιστος, ον, = αφορολόγητος, Ps.-Callisth.72. ΙΟ. Αφριος, add 4; gen. sg. Άφροι BCHgg.g6 (Larissa).’ Αφροδισιακός, add ‘II. Α., τό, name of a silver mine at Sunium, /G22. 1587.5 (iv B.C.).’ Αφροδίσιός ii, for “άκορος” read “άκορον” and add 4, cf. Ps.- Dsc.1.2’ ΧΆφροδϊσΐδεΐον, τό, i.e. *Άφροδισισιδεΐον, sanctuary of Aphrodite and Isis, IG^2(i).y^2.g (Epid., ii/iii a.d.). Αφροδίσιος I, line 3, after ‘Semon.7.48’ add 4; λόχοι ib.91, cf. Ael.AT6. 1’ 11. 1, line 3, after ‘Mem. 2.6.22’ add 4, cf. 1.3.8’ and delete 4 : — also as concrete. . 1.3.8’ iii. 1, add ‘; as Dim., statuette of A., Inscr. Delos 1442^31,33 (ii b.c.)’ add ‘V. epith. of Zeus, 7G. 12 (5). 220 (Paros, iii b.c.).’ Αφροδίτη I, add 4 ; pi. Call.Fr.200a Pf., cf. Άφροδείταις Καστνιή - τισιν JHS78.65 (Aspendos, early Rom.), v. Robert Hell. 11/12. 1 77-188’ Αφρόνιτρον, add ‘; also Αφόνιτρον PRyl. 4.629.101, al. (iv a.d.)’ άφροσέληνος, add ΤΙ. = λιβανωτίς, Ps.-Apul. Herb. 80.’ Χάφρωραΐος, a, ov, foam-beautiful, Αφροδίτη PMag.Par. 1.3232. αφυλισμάς, add ‘II. perh. straining, filtering of wine, Ostr.Mich. I. 12 (iii a.d.), cf. Trans.Am.Phil.Ass.qi (1940) .634/8.’ Αφυπνόω ii, after ‘Ev.Luc. 8.23,’ insert ‘Vit. Aesop. (G) 127, Aesop. 252 Perry,’ and for ‘v.l. ΰφυπν-’ read ‘cj. for ύφυπν-’ Αφύσσω, fin., for ‘only. . 1051’ read ‘in E. 11. cc. and Ion Trag. 10 (lyr.)’ Αφωνία i, add 4; rest, in 7G14.1977’ Άχαία ii, transfer ‘(Acc. to Hsch. . . Id.)’ to the end of 1, and add ‘III. ol δε έρια μαλακά, Hsch. s.v. Άχαία, cl. perh. άπό άχάης POxy. 1 978.4, al. (vi a.d.).’ Άχαιιάς, add ‘2. (sc. γαΐα) FC7750.444 (Thespiae, iv a.d.).’ Άχαιικός, add 4 : Comp, —ωτέρα υπόθεσις Plb.24.9.2.’ Χάχαιόσημος, ov, of clothing, with an Achaean stripe, POxford 15.10 (iii A.D.) . άχαρις i. 1, add 4 ; of speech, D.H.Lyi. 12, Is. 20’ Αχάριτος, add ‘3. repulsive, πρόσωπον Demetr. F/oc. i3o(Sup.).’ Χάχασμώδητος, ov, without hiatus, Rh. 3. 544.1 1. Αχειρής, delete TL. .B.9.1 1’ and add 4 ; cf. εγχειρής in Suppl.’ Άχελωΐδες, for “νήσοι” read “πόλεις” and for ‘ islands . .Achelous' read ‘apptly. of Thracian towns, perh. lake-settlements’ Αχεύω, line 3, for 4, cf. SapphA?//;/).i.i 1’ read ‘; άχεόων Sapph. . 5·1,1 L-P·’, Χάχθαίνω, = άχθομαι II, περί φρεσιν άχθήνασα Call. Fr. 63. 7 Pf- άχθος ι, add ‘b. as a measure, φρυγάνων SIG1027.14 (Cos).’ Χάχθοφορικός, ή, όν, of or from bearing burdens, Eust. 1577.44. Αχίλλειος, for ‘poet.’ read ‘Aeol.’ Αχιλλεύς, add ‘III. image of the sun thrown on a ceiling by a moving mirror, Hero Deff. 135.12.’ Αχλυόεις, line 1, before ‘Epigr.’ insert ‘v.l. in’ For ‘άχνάζω, Aeol. άχνάσδημι’ read ‘άχνάσδημι, Aeol.,’ Χάχνϋόεις, εσσα, εν, painful, prob. in Simon. 132. Χάχονδες, dub. sens, et accent., φιδάκναι ά. ^613.13.251 (Athens, v b.c.) . Αχόρταστος, add ‘; insatiable, Cyran.7, 17’ Αχραδήναι, after “ξυλοφάγα,” add ‘pear-weevils ,’ Αχραής, after ‘cold water,’ insert ‘cj. for άκραές, ενκρα - in’ άχράς, before “, άδος” add “[άχρά]” 28 αχρεία SUPPLEMENT βαρβαρισμός αχρεία, add ‘b. violence, άχρίαν όπεδιξεν SB 7449· 12 (ν a.d.).’ άχρημάτιστοξ, add ‘V. ν. χειρόδοτος in Suppl.’ Χάχρής, ε'ς, = άχρους acc. to EM. 182.47, v. Call. (?)Fr. J42 Pf. άχρηστος, add ‘V. dub. sens, in BCH 61.334 (Dreros in Crete, vi b.c.), prob. deprived of civic rights (also read as άκρησ τος).’ άχρι in. i, delete ‘ so long as,’ and add ‘b. so long as, whilst, Call. Fr.195.23 Pf., dF7.472.15 (Leon.).’ χάχρύσωτος [ϋ], ον, not gilded, FCZZ54.98 (Delos, ii b.c.). άχυρηγεω, after 'chaff,' add ‘PCair.Zen. 1 76. 145, al. (iii b.c.),’ όχυρικόν τέλος, delete the article (cf. Ostr.Bodl. i 237). άχυρον I, add ‘b. sts. used for grain and chaff together, Theoc. 10.49, see Gow ad loc. and CQ.49.227.’ χάχυροπώλης, ου, o', chaff-seller, MAMA5.46J (Corycus, gen. sg. written -πόρου). άχΰρός, after ‘Ar.Fr.10D.’ add ‘(anap.)’ and for ‘should be read’ read ‘seems required by the metre in Ar.l.c. ; elsewh. άχΰριος (q.v.) is possible’ άχυρόω, for ‘mix chaff or straw with mud’ read ‘ mix with chaff'; after ‘Polioch.2 ;’ insert ‘in building walls,’; after ‘463.18’ add ‘, cf. Arist.//d6i2b22’ αχυτος, add ‘; dub. sens., πλακούντες d. PCair.£en. 707.18 (iii B.c.)’ αχώνευτος, add ‘ ; not coated with pitch (ν. χωνεύω and cf. άκώνη- τ os), PCair.Zen. 941.31 (iii b.c.) ; also -ητος, ib.742.8.’ άψεφέω, delete the article. αψίκορος, line 4, for ‘Posidon.41’ read ‘Posidon.36 J.’ χάψίμοθος, ον, kindling conflict, provocative, Nonn.Zh28.92 (όψι-cod.). χάψινθάτος, ον, = άφινθίτης, [οίνος] Edict. Diocl. 2.18. χάψινθοκραής, ές, mixed with wormwood, οίνος An.Boiss. 3.410. άψίς, after “άψίς, ΐδος, η,” add ‘acc. άφιν Vies. Op. 426,’ fin., after ‘D.C.61.17.’ add ‘6. Astron., = ημικύκλιον. Hero Geom. i8.i,al. b. apogee, Plin.//jV2. 64. c. = ϋφωμα i. 2, ib.2.16.’ αψος, lines 2/3, delete ‘άφεα.Αη pi.’ and after ‘ limbs,' insert ‘Nic.FA.332,’ άψυκτος, add ‘(but άψυχρος is a prob. cj.). II. name of a precious stone, Plin./FAr37-I48·’ αω (C) 1, line 4, after ‘satiate,' insert ‘c. acc. and gen.,’ and fin., after ‘5.289’ add ‘, cf. 9.489, 18.281, ah; c. acc. and dat. II. 1 1.8 18; c. acc. only, ib. 24.211’ 11, delete ‘mostly’ add ‘III. administer a medicine, aoai (aor. 1 inf.) φλοιόν Nic. Th. 676, cf. Id.^.305, 331.’ χάωϊλιασταί, ol, navvies, prob. engaged on excavation of water- channels, PCair.Zen. 745.58 (iii b.c.), cf. άωιλιον 2 (Suppl.). άωΐλιον, for ‘2 cubic πηχεις’ read ‘the cube of a royal double πηχυς’ and after ‘p. 1 18.’ add ‘2. the ch being used to measure earth or sand removed, ol τα a. εργαζόμενοι are excavators of earth, PCair.Zen.j45.61 (iii b.c.), cf. PHib. 1.100*3 (“i b.c.).’ άών II, add ‘ ; cf. ά'ίών (b) in Suppl.’ άωρί, add ‘; έστιν ά. ,4Fi2.ii6’ άωρος (C), delete ‘; ηλασ’ . .Fr. 150’ χάωρότης, ητος, ή, immaturity, Bull.Rylands Library 13.261 (Upper Tembris Valley). άωτον, line 7, for ‘Elec. 1.4.3’ read ‘Er. 260.57 Pf.’ αωτος, ον, for ‘dub. in. . 1.138.’ read ‘prob. in Call.Fr.399 Pf.’ χΒάβύλωνάριος, ό, maker of Babylonian shoes or garments, SEG 8. 138a (Palestine); cf. καλιγάριος (Suppl.). χβαγεύει' πλανητεύει, Cyr. (Fr. Lat. vagor.) βαδιστικός, add ‘III. dub. sens, βαδιστικα πορεία, perh. driving- carriages, SB 7263.3 (iii B.C.), cf. άμαξαν πατητικήν PPr1ncet.g5.il (lV A.D. ?).’ βάδιστοι, add ‘, nisi leg. βάφρ'λδιστοι· βζρ'}αδυτατοι’ χβάζιον, τό, a mineral (cf. πάζιον), Ann.Epigr. 1 910.207 (Egypt, i a.d.) ; written βασιου in OGI660.5, cf. Copt, basion. βαθμός I. 3, for ‘base, .tower’ read flight of stairs’ βαθόημι, add ‘ ; β]αθόην[ rest, in Ale. 288. 2 L.— P.’ βάθος 2, after ‘metaph.’ add ‘of abundance’ and after 'Pomp. 53;’ add ‘β. σεμνότητος Callistr.^aM o. b.’ 3, for ‘ bathos ’ read ‘ profundity ’ χβαθρικός, η, όν, of a βόθρον, τον δε όνδ[ριάν]τα άνέστησεν . . έπι- σκευόσας τό υπό πατρός 7ε[γον]ός β. εργον BCH ΙΟ.501 (Pisidia). χ[β|αθρόθυμα, ατος, τό, dub. sens., SFG^· 16.33 (Athens, ν b.c.). βόθρον 3, add ‘b. bottom (?) cross-piece of a wooden door, ξύλα εις βάθρα ταΐς θύραις των πυλίδων IG22. 1672. 149·' χβάθρος, ό, = βόθρον, Judeich Altertiimer von Hierapolis 269. χβάθύκερως [ΰ], ωτος, deep-homed, epith. of Isis, Lyr.Alex.Adesp. 36.5 (Mesom. ?). βαθυκνήμις, after “ιδος,” insert “o', η,” and after ‘ greaves' insert “Άρεος θύγατρα” add ‘2. = βαθύκνημος, έρίπνη Nonn. D.9.273.’ βαθυκύμων, after ‘waves,’ insert ‘ ’Ωκεανός D.P.56 ; χ βαθύ λιμέ νίτης, ου, ό, epith., prob. local, of Apollo, Robert Hell. 10.128 (Artake nr. Cyzicus, ii/i b.c.). βαθύπλουτος, add ‘; prob. in A.Fr.16.3 M. (anap.); metaph., β. κραδίη API. 40 (Crin.)’ βαθύπορος, add ‘ ; dub. sens., Lyr.Adesp.j(c).g P.’ βαθύς, line 2, add ‘ : acc. fern, βαθεην II. 17.466’ 3 b, line 5, for ‘AP 7.170’ read 'APj.igj (Phaenn.)’; line 6, after ‘ DMar.2.5 ’ insert ‘; of death, APj.ijo’ 4, add ‘b. calm, placid, of persons, Chrysipp.&oic.2.243, cf. PI. Z.^. 930a (supr. a). Adv. Jul.F/).3o B.-C.’ βαθύτης, for ‘of mental profundity' read ‘ imperturbability , self- possession’ βαΐα, add ‘, /G14.839, Glolta 16.277’ χβαίθ, indecl., the Hebr. word which is Graecized as βάτος (c), q.v., β. ελαίου Lxx 3ΑΪ.5.1 1. Χβαιθάρα, ή (perh. βαίθαρα, τό), dub. sens., ελαίων βαιθάρα PAberd. 192.5, prob. a measure; cf. βαίθ (Suppl.), βατός (c), βαθόρα. βαίνω, line 4, delete ‘Eu. 76,’ line 16, after ‘II. 1.428’ add ‘ ; 2 sg. aor. έβήσαο h.Ap. 141 (intr.), 3 sg. έβόσατο (επ-) Call. Lav.Pall.65 (trans.)’ line 18, after ‘D.C.48.2,al.’ add ‘ : pf. περ-βέβαται Alc.1 1 9.9 L.— P. Χβαιοιελυπίου, an Egyptian boat, PTeb. 701.260, PPelr.5p.51j, P Lille 25.43 (aP iii b.c.). βαιός, p. 303 a line 4, after ‘a little ,’ insert ‘Hes.Op.418 ;’ ; line 5, after ‘Tr. 335’ insert ‘; also προς βαιόν API. 212.4 (Alph.)’ χβαίο(υ)λος, o', = Lat. baiulus, GVI 1112.11 (Bithynia, ii a.d.); cj. in Hsch. s.v. ο'ίσυλος. βαιόχρονος, after ‘[^3ίος]’ insert ‘rest, in* βαίτη, lines 2-3, delete ‘ IG5 . .another’,’ ; in, delete ‘βαίτης. .6* and line 2, after ‘12, 15’, insert ‘(i B.c.-i a.d.)’; add ‘IV. τό άπόκρυφον μέρος τού Ιερού Hsch. (cod. βετης).’ βαιτοφόρος, delete ‘prob.. .in’ χβαιτύλιον, τό, Dim. ofsq., in ph, Ph.Bybl.ap.Eus.FFi . 10, Dam. Isid. 94,203. βαίτυλος, add ‘; Διί βετύλω S EG J.541 (Dura): prov. βαΐτυλον άν κατάπιες, of greedy persons, Apostol.9.24.’ χβακάνιον, τό, Dim. of βάκανον, POsl. 48.10 (i A.D.). χβάκερα, ή, a plant sacred to Dionysus, Cyran.22. βακτηρία, after ‘cane,’ insert ‘Hippon.i4 f°r ‘βάσανον. .Lg. 648b’ read ‘των -πολι¬ τών β. λαμβάν€ΐν περί τίνος put them to the test, PI .Lg. 648b : but δυνάμεις β. λαβοΰσαι having been tested, D.H .Dem. 16’ hi. 2, add ‘; shame, disgrace, Lxx Ez. 16.52, ah’ Χβασάρα, ή, defined as Λυδών χιτών, Διονυσιακός, ποδήρης, Poll. 7.60, cf. βασσάρα II. I . βασείδιον, read “βασίδιον” and after “βάσις,” insert 'Inscr.Delos 1417 B i 136 (ii b.c.),’ βασίλεια, init., for “βασιλε'α” read “βασιλέα” βασιλεία I. 2, add ‘b. position of queen, Lxx £5.1.19.’ βασιλείδης, add ‘ ; pi. including princesses, prob. in S .Ant. 941 (anap.)’ βασίλειον iv, for ‘at Olbia, IPE 1.105’ read ‘later of festivals founded by Hellenistic kings, /G22. 3779. 17/18, 19/20 (iii B.c.)’ βασίλειος, lines 4-5, delete ‘used by Trag. in lyr.,’ βασιλεύς iv. 2, add ‘b.of rivers, [ποταμών ήμε]τε'ρων β. Call. Fr. 7.34 Pf. : Sup., π. βασιλευτατος άλλων D. P.353.’ end of article, delete words in brackets, βασιλεύω I. I a, fin., transfer ‘ : hence. .Sull. 12’ to line 10 to fol¬ low ‘Arist.Po/.i284b39, etc.’ and add ‘(s.v.l.)’ c, after ‘cf.’ add ‘/G22-4o67 (βασιλει- lapis),’ βασιλικός ii. 3 b, add ‘; nave of a church, Άρχ.Δΐλτ. 12.69 (Lesbos)’ ΧΒασίλιος, o', name of a Cretan month beginning Aug.23, Hemero- log.Flor. p.77 (p.i8K.). βασιλίς ι. I a, for ‘Imperial princess’ read ‘ empress' add ‘III. υπόδημα γυναικίΐον και ανλητικόν, EratOSth.ap.Hsch. s.v. βασιλίδες.’ Χβάσιον, τό, ν. βάζιον in Suppl. βασκανία, add ‘II. Βασκανία, fascinationis dea, Call.Fr. 1 . 1 7 Pf., PMag. 4. 1 45 1.’ Χβασκαντήρ, ήρος, 6, = βάσκανος, Schubart Gr. Lit. Pap.*]. 2 3. Χβάσκυλα, τά, = Lat. vascula, PRyl. 4.627.82 (iv a.d.). βόσκω, after ‘Hsch.’ add ‘, who also has έβασκεν ε’7 τορεάετο.’ βασσάρα, fin., add ‘ : — Egyptian word’ βάσσος, add ‘ ; = ή βήσσα, Hsch.’ βασταγή, add ‘, cf. Cod. Just. 12.57.3’ βαστάζω i. 2, add ‘, cf. Sm.Pr.4.8’ iv, for ‘touch’ read ‘grasp’ fin., for ‘Plb.’ read ‘Arist.’ Χβασυμνιάτης [άτ], ου, ό, perh. maker of βασυνίαι, MAMA3.64.5 (Corycus). Χβάταλον, τό, = κροόπΐζα 2 (Suppl.), Sch.Aeschin. 1.126, Phot. S.V. κροόπΐζαι. βατεία, after ‘ — εΐα’ add ‘, but see βατιά in Suppl.’ Χβατελλίκιον, τό, small plate, POxy. 1901.34,68 (vi a.d.), cf. πατελ- λίδιον. βατεύω, for ‘perh. trample, damage ’ read ‘ cover (of animals)’ βατέω, after ‘TP9.317’ add ‘(cj.)’ βάτης, delete ‘ treads or’ and for ‘expld.. .αναβάτης' read ‘β. πίθηκος- αναβάτης’ Χβατιά, ή, shrubbery, prob. in Pi. 0. 6. 54, cf. πρασιά, φυταλιά. βατιάκιον, add ‘, PCair.Jen. 120.2 (iii B.c.)’ βάτιον, add ‘, cf. AB224.’ βάτος (C), after “o,” add ‘(ν. βαίθ in Suppl.)’ βατράχειος, after ‘523’ add ‘(unless from βατραχειοΰς)* βατραχίτης, add ‘, Cyran.39.27’ Χβατράχΐτις, ιδος, ή (sc. λίθος), = βατραχίτης, PSIl 180.52 (ii A.D.). ΧΒάτρόμιος, ν. βοηδρόμιος in Suppl. βαττολογία, before “άργολογί a” insert ‘ babbling , Vit. Aesop. (G) 50 ; = ’ βάττος, add ‘ ; perh. from pr. n. Βάττος, cf. Hdt.4.155. II. Libyan word for king, Hdt.hc.’ Χβαυβύζω, bark, of a dog, PMag.Osl. 1.157. βαυκάλιον, add ‘II. as a capacity measure, containing 3,000 bricks, POxy. 2197.3, ah (vi a.d.).’ Χβαυκίδια, τά, Dim. of βαυκίδες, Poll.7.94. βαυκός, add ‘, cf. Hsch. βαυκά- ήδε'α’ Χβαφωρι— , an article of women’s dress (perh. cf. μαφόριον), PJVess. 18.37 (vi a.d.). βδέλλιον, delete ‘(Semitic word.)’ βεβαιόω I. I, add ‘b. c. inf., β. άναπλείν ε’0ε'λειν D. 32.19.’ βέβηλος, after “ov,” insert ‘also η, ov, Thasos (v B.c.),’ and after ‘Dor.’, ‘βάβάλος 6FG9.72.9 (Cyrene, iv b.c.),’ βέβρυχε, for ‘ν. βρόχω’ read ‘ν. βρυχάομα ι’ Χβίδοξ, ό, awning (?), Edict. Diocl. 1 9.44,46. βέδυ, after ‘Phryg.’ add ‘(Clem.Al.&rom.5.8.46)’ Χβεκάς- μακράν Hsch. ( ρ€κάς ). Χβεκάς' ανόητος Hsch. (leg. άρτος?) Χβελέαγρον, τό, or -ος, ό, instrument for extracting weapons from wounds, Aet. in J. G. Schneider ad NicMi.51 1 p.243 (Halle 1792). Χβελεβεκη· βελόνη, Hsch. βελλούνης, after “τριόρχης,” insert “Λάκωνες,” βελοθήκη, for ‘ Decl. ’ read ‘ Descr .’ and add ‘ ; scabbard, Hsch. s.v. ξιφοθήκη’ Χβελονίστρια, η, seamstress, title of play by D. Laberius, Nonius Marcellus p.104.25. βελοστασία, after ‘engines,’ add ‘Lxx iMa.6.20,’ βελόστασις, after ‘foreg.,’ add ‘LxxJri'.28(5i).27 (ph),* Χβελότρωτος, ov, wounded by a missile, Cyran.i 12. Χβελχάνια, τά, = ξΐλχάνια, Inscr.Cret. i.xviii 11 (ii/ iii A.D.). Χβενεφικιάριος, ό, = Lat. beneficiarius, IGRom.3.1 10, etc.; ab¬ breviated βφ, v. Robert Hell.i 0.174/5. Χβενεφίκιν, τό, = Lat. beneficium, PFlor. 296.49 (vi a.d.). Χβεννεύω, dub. sens., MAMA 1.390 (Phrygia), perh. worship Zeus Bennies. ΧΒέννιος, epithet of Zeus, IGRom. 4. 535 (Phrygia). Χβένος, τό, dub. sens., SEG6.55 o (Pisidia). Χβεραιδαρικός, ή, ov, swift as a courier, fr. Lat. veredarius, Lyd. Mens. 1.32. βερεδάριος, add ‘ ; also βεριδάριος Hsch. s.v. ουεριδάριος’ ΧΒερενίκειος, α, ov, of Berenice, Theoc.15.1 10, Call.Fr. 1 10.62 Pf. Χβεστιάριον, τό, = Lat. vestiarium, Suid., etc. ; also βιστ-, Hsch. Χβεττάριον, τό, dub. sens., perh. Dim. of βεττον (q.v.), PHib.ll. 21 1. 5 (iii B.c.) . βεττονίκη 3, for “ κόστρος” read ‘κόστρον I. l’ βεΟδος I, for ‘Sapph.155. . 1 1.4 (ph)’ read ‘Sapph.177 L.-P., Call.Fr.7.11 Pf. (ph), Parth.Fr.29.6 (ph)’ βήκη, add ‘, Theognost. Can. 109.’ βηλόθυρον, add ‘; also ούηλόθυρον PGrenf. 2. ill. 14 (v/vi a.d.)’ Χβήλον, τό, = Lat. velum, C/G2758 11 B 8, 4283.16; also ούήλον POxy. 2128.8 (ii a.d.) . βήμα, line 3, for footfall ’ read ‘walk, gait ' and for ‘Sapph..Sn/?/>. 5.17’ read ‘Sapph.16.17 L.-P.’ 2, add ‘; βήμα ποδός Lxx De. 2.5’ βηματιστής I, for ‘442c’ read ‘442b’ Χβηρυλλίτης, ου, ό, a precious stone, Cat.Cod.Astr. 8(2). 169.8. βήσαλον, after ‘brick,’ insert ‘Moses Alch.300.13,’ Χβηστιαρίτης, ου, ό, clothes-dealer, cf. Lat. vestiarius, PKlein.Form. 781, Stud.Pal.20. 157.2 (both vi a.d.) . βία ii. 2, line 7, after ‘etc. ;’ add ‘ προς βίαν ε’πίνομεν Αγ.Τι:Λ.73 ;’ ; line 8, after ‘D.S. 20.51 ;’ add ‘είς βίαν Men.Dj5c.396;’ and at end add ‘; πέρ βίαν πώνην Ale. 332 L.— P. ( προς βίαν cod.)’ βιάζω ii, after “βιάζομαι,” add ‘fut. 3 ph βιώνται Suid.,’ Χβΐαθάνάτος, ον, = βιαιοθάνατος, SEG6. 803 (Cyprus, iii A.D.). Χβϊαιολεχής, ε'ς, wedded by force, Dain Inscr.du Louvre 60. 1 1 (Hera- clea ad Latmum). Χβιαι]όπράτος or βι]όττρατος, ov, subjected to compulsory sale of one's property, prob. in PRyl. 4.61 7.10 (iv a.d.). Χβϊαρχία, ή, office of βίαρχος, Cod. Just. 1 .3 1 . 1 . βίαρχος, add ‘, Cod. Just. 12.20.3; written βίορχος in LW2oapj (Mothana in Arabia, iv a.d.)’ Χβΐάσάνδρα, ή, doing violence to men, epith. of άρκτος, PMag. Lend. 121.696, cf. Rev. Phil. 1 930.249 (Egypt, Tab. Defix.). Χβιατικόν, τό, = Lat. viaticum, BGU 423.9, PGoodsp.Cair. 30. 41. 18 (both ii a.d.) . Χβϊάφορέω, violate, τό παρά την συγγραφήν βεβι αφορημόνον μΐρος BGU ι844·25 (i b.c.). βιβλιαφόρος, after ‘D.S. 2. 26:’ insert ‘βυβλιάφόρος POxy. 710.2 (ii b.c.) βιβλιοπώλης, add ‘ : βυβλιο-, POxy. 2192.37 (ii a.d.)’ βιβλιοφυλακέω, for ‘ librarian ' read ‘keeper of archives’ βιβλίς ii, add ‘, cf. Suppl. s.v. βίμβλις’ 30 βιβλογράφος SUPPLEMENT βοτόν Χβιβλογράφος [ά], 6, Att. for βιβλιογράφος acc. to Gramm, in Reitzenstein Ind. Led. Rost. 1892/3 p.4, cf. Phryn.FS1 p.52 B. cod. χβιβραδ[ικός], ή, όν, from Lat. vibrare, vibratory, άνεμούρ[ιον β., dub. in PRyl. 4.627.165. Χβίετος [ΐ], ό, = βίοτος, Inscr.Cret. i.xvi 7 (Latos, ii/i b.c.). χβιζάκιον, τό, small stone, pebble, Suid., Zonar. βιζάριον, for the present article substitute ‘ camel suckling her young, Pap. in Aegyptus 6.188 ( βιζάριν )’ Χβιζια (leg. βυζιά) • mamillae, Gloss. Βιθυνιάρχης, after ‘ Bithynia ’ add * and of its festivals (Imperial cult; cf. ιεραρχία)’ and after ‘Prusias’ add ii/iii a.d.’ Χβικάριοξ, ό, = Lat. vicarius, Epigr.Gr. gig. 2 (iv a.d.). βϊκίον, after “βίκος,” add ‘PCair.^en.y (iii b.c.),’ Χβίμβλις, ιδος, ή, — βιβλίς II, Alc.2o8(a).ii 6 L.-P. βινέω, before 'inire' insert ‘Elean βενέω Inscr .Olymp .7 (v b.c.),' and after ‘Sol.ap.Hsch.,’ insert ‘Hippon.Fr.vi.16 D.3,’ Χβιξιλατίων, ωνος, ή, = Lat. vexillatio, IGRom. 3.481.5 (pi.); also ούηξελλ[ατίων BGU 600.13, etc. Χβΐοθανατεω, = βίαιο—, Sch.A II. 13.393. βιόκουρος, add ‘ ; also ούιόκουρος, Keil— Premerstein Dritter Bericht 129.2 (iii a.d.)’ Χβιοκωλυσία, ή, suppression of violence, POxy. 2046.56 (vi a.d.). βιολόγος, for ‘ one who. . player ’ read ‘a kind of mimic actor or mime ’ and add IGRom. 1.552 (Salona), Princeton Exp. Inscr. A549 (Bosra), Rev. Arch. 1881 (41) p.124 (Cyprus)’ Χβιοποριστέω, make a living, ον μικρά β. Aesop. 56 Perry, βιόπραγος, add ‘, POxy. 1477.14 (iii/iv a.d.).’ βιόπρατος, for the present article substitute ‘v. βιαιόπρατος in Suppl.’ βίος, iii, line 4, after 'DDeor. 13.1 add ‘ούδεπω (τά γεγ ραμμένα) τω β. παραδεδωκας Id.Hes.2 ; χάριν τούτον ε καλού μην μεγας εν τω βίω Lyr.Alex.Adesp.4-. 1 9 >' V, add βίους συνταζά- μενοι OAA.Amm.i.^ ; βί ον άναγράφαντες ib.6’ Χβιοστερέτις, ιδος, ή, depriving of life, Μοίρα GVI 845*2 (Panti- capaeum, ii/i b.c.). Χβιοτερπής, ες, delighting in life, Wien.Anz. 1 945.48 (Ephesus, ii a.d.), Epigr. in Geel Catal. MSS. Lugd.Bat.p. 18 No. 54. βιοφθόρος, add ‘, BCH83.848 (Paros)’ βιόω, line 8, delete ‘v.l. for βιοίη in* line 14, delete ‘(opp. ζάω, live, exist)’ Χβιρρίον, τό. Dim. of βίρρος, cloak, PUniv.Giss.32.17 (iii/iv a.d.; /3εί[ρι]ον). βίρρος, for ‘, Suid ...βνρρος.)’ read *: also βίρρον, Suid.; βύρρος (or βυρρός), BGU 814.8 (iii A.D.), SEG7.431.’ Χβιστιάριον, v. βεστιάριον in Suppl. βίττακος, for “ φίττακος ” read “φιττακός” βλάβη 2, line 2, for ‘cattle’ read ‘animals’ Χβλαισοπόδης' βάτραχος, Suid., cf. βλαισόπους (s.v. βλαιτόνους). βλαστέω (s.v. βλαστάνω), lines 1/2, for ‘interpol.’ and ‘corrupt’ read ‘dub.’ twice. Χβλαττόσημος, ον, with purple stripes. Edict. Diocl.2g.38. βλαψίταφος, line 1, for ‘934.4’ read ‘943.4’ βλέμμα, after ‘Antiph.235,’ insert ‘Men.Djjc.258,’ βλέννα, add ‘, cf. πλενναι, ττλεννεραί. ’ βλέπω, line 1, after ‘etc.’ insert ‘, Dor. γλέπω (ττοτι- ) Alcm. ΐ·75 P·’ βλεφαρίζω, after 'wink,’ insert ‘Clem.Al.P<2c after ‘//G5.2.29;’ insert ‘in Lesbos, Alc.l.c. ;’ add ‘2.= βουλεία, membership of the βουλή, BCH6o. 1 97 (Delphi), BMus. Inscr. 61 5 (Ephesus).’ βουλογραφία, for the present article substitute function of enroll¬ ing senators, IGRom. 3. 206 (Ancyra) : -γράφέω, perform this function, OG/594.2 (Ancyra, iii a.d.).’ χβουλογράφος, ό, enroller of senators ( censor , Plin.F/). 10.79(83)), perh. to be read in 5C//24.386 (v. βουδόκος 2 in Suppl.), cf. BCH 52.41 1 ; but βωλογράφορ GD1\ 172.37 (Elis, Hellenistic) means clerk or registrar to the βωλά, βούλομαι I. I, six lines from the end, for ‘Thgn.184’ read ‘Hdt. 4. hi’ 2, line 3, delete ‘later’ and after ‘c. acc.,’ insert ‘τά Συρακοσίων Βουλόμενοι Th.6.50, cf. ib.82 ;’ βούμαστος, after ‘so in’ add ‘PCair.^en.^.i^ (iii b.c.),’ χβοΰνευρον, τά, = κίσηρις, Hsch. βούνιον I. 1, add ‘, PMag.Par. 2.333’ βούνομος, add ‘II. Subst. (parox.), 6, herdsman, v.l. in Aq .Je. 52. 16.’ βουπόρος, add ‘2. Subst., = οβελός, οβελίσκος, βουπόρον Αρ¬ σινόης (of Mt. Athos) Call.Fr.i 10.45 Pf·’ χβούριχος, o, pony, Porphyrio ad Hor.C.3.27.7. βοΟς, line 3, after ‘Fr. 280:’ insert ‘dat. βοΐ Sokolowski 9. 21 (Ilium, ii b.c.), etc. :’ d, for “βοΰφθαλμος” read “βούφ- θαλμον” iv, add ‘b. a kind of cake, Sokolowski 42 56, 43.3 (Miletus, v b.c.).’ βουστάσιά, add ‘, Cat.Cod.Astr. 1 1 (2). 181.14’ χβούτμημα, τά, V. τμήγος. χβουτός, ά, grave, Hsch. (Egyptian word.) βουτρόφος, after ‘FM209.54’ add ‘, v.l. in Aq.Ji.52. 16 : pi., J//LS54.143 (Delos, ii b.c.)’ Χβουτυττιον, gloss on δάροσος, Hsch. βοΰφθαλμος, add ‘(Cf. βόωφ.)' χβουφονία, Ep. — ίη, ή, sacrifice of oxen, Call. Fr. 67. 6 Pf. βουφόνος, add ‘(parox.)’ χβουφόντης, ου, ό, ox-slaying, λίς Euph. in POxy. 2220.1 i 1 3* χβοΰφος, o, name of a night-bird, Cyran.86. βοών, add ‘, SEG13. 16.40 (Athens, v b.c.; βονι lapis)’ βοώνης, add ‘; at Delos, Inscr.Delos 3992I17 (ii b.c.)’ βραδινός, for ‘Sapph.90,104’ read ‘Sapph.102,1 15 L.-P., Alc.(?) 304.11 9 L.-P.’ βραδυδινής, after ‘37.482’ add ‘(cj.)’ χβραδύθω, move slowly, Nic. Th. 372 (v.l.). βραδυπειθής, for '‘286 (Agath.)’ read ‘287.7, 299.7 (both Agath.)’ χβραδυττλοΐα, ή, slow voyage, POxy. 2191.8 (ii a.d.). βραδύς, line 3, after ‘ίΐ.23.3 10,530,’ add ‘Theoc.i 5. 104,’ βραδυτεκνία, after ‘ offspring ,' insert ‘rest, in’ βράθυ, add ‘; also βράθυος, ά or ή, Cyran.i2.i.’ χβράτττω, swallow, put out of sight, Hsch. s.vv. βράπτειν, εβραπτεν, εβραφεν; Pass. pf. part., εβραμμενον ειμαρμένον, Id. βράσις, add ‘ : metaph. of anger, cj. in Plot.4.4.28’ βραστής, add ‘2. winnower, dub. in PMich.^en. 53.6 (pi., iii b.c.).’ βραχίων fin., for ‘as a. .478’ read ‘of strength of arm, νέοι βραχίοσιν Yj.Supp.~jfi’ βραχύνω, for ‘PI. Per.' read ‘Plu. Per.’ βραχύς, line 1, after “u,” add ‘Aeol. βρόχυς (q.v.), cf. βρόσ- σων,’ 5, line 2, for ‘etc.’ read ‘S.E.M.1.1 12’ and delete ‘ ; ή β. προσωδία . . 1 . 1 1 3’ βραχύτης 6, add ‘b. 17 τοιαΰτη β. κόμμα ονομάζεται, i.e. that which is characterized by such conciseness, Demetr.F/oc.g.’ βρέγμα I. 1, add ‘, A.Fr.496.8 M. (lyr.), Call.Fr.37.3,177.28 Pf.’ Χβρεμέθω, = βρεμω, Jo.Gaz.2.145, rest, in Hymn.Is.i-ji. βρέφος ii, for ‘ new-born babe ’ read' babe, young child’ ; after ‘[not in S.]’ insert ‘, Theoc.15.14, Call.Cer. 100, Fr. 487 Pf.’; after ‘in later Prose,’ insert ‘β. διετε'? Delph.^(6).^g.i 1,57.10, cf.’ add ‘III. child, εξαετούς βρεφεος IGl2($).6~JJ.2 (Syros, ii a.d. (?))·’ χβρεφο-τροφεΐον, τά, hospital for infants, Cod. Just. 1.2. 22 (pi.) : -τρόφος, ά, official in charge thereof, ib.1.3 tit. (pi.), βρεφώδης, after ‘Diog.Oen.g’ add ‘(rest.)’ βρέχω, line 5, after ‘but’ insert ‘ βρεχεΐσα Men.Dyje.950,* Χβρεχώδης, ες, = βροχμώδης, rest, in Diog.Oen.9, v. Parola del Passato 15.150. βρία, after ‘Str.7.6.1’ add ‘, Inscr. in Jahresh. 1 930. 1 1 2 (Bul¬ garia)’ βρίζα i, after ‘Gal. 6. 514’ add ‘, Edict. Diocl. 1.3’ Χβριζόμαντις’ ενυπνιόμαντις, Hsch. βρίζω, add ‘HI. gather, καρπούς ξύλων D.Chr. 35.18.’ βρίθω in, line 7, transpose ‘συμποσίων. .3.1 2;’ to 1.2 (after ‘334 ;’) χβρικάριος, o, perh. = βρακάριος (Lat. bracae), breeches-maker, ΜΑΜΑ^.^η (Coccus). Χβριλών, ώνος, ό, = βαλανεύς, Theognost.Gan.35. χβρίσχος, ά, = υρισχος, Phryn.P5 ρ. 116 Β. χΒριτομάρπεια, τά, festival of Britomartis, Inscr. Cret. 1 xvi 5.43 (Latos, ii b.c.) χΒριτόμαρττις, ή, = Βριτόμαρτις, Inscr. Cret. 1 vii 4 (h b.c.), al. βρόμος (A), line 4, after ‘Th. 476’ add ‘, Aq.Fz.23. 20’ βρονταΐος, add ‘2. βρονταία (sc. λίθος), ή, name of a gem, Plin. HN 37.I50·’ χβροντέα, ή, v. βρονταΐος 2 (Suppl.). χβρότειος (Β), α, ον, ( βρότος ) gory, λαιμοί dub. in Yj.Heracl.822 (cf. βότειος (Suppl.)). βρότεος, before ‘Pi. 0. 9. 34’ insert ‘Simon. 76.6 P. (cj.),’ βροτοβάμων, add ‘ ; sed fort. leg. βοτοβάμων = αίγιβάτης' χβροτοείκελος, ον, like a human being, είδος Inscr. Cret. 2 xxiv 13.12 (Rhethymna, iv a.d.). βρόχυς, for ‘Sapph.2.7’ read ‘Sapph.31.7 L.-P. ( βρόχεα , neut. pi. as Adv., a little while)’ βροχωτός 2, for ‘twisted, corded ’ read formed of links resembling nooses’ βρυάζω, after “άν-εβρύαξα” add ‘(but perh. from *-βρυάσσω, dub. sens. ; cf. pr. n. Βρύαξις )’ βρύαθ<μ>ον, read “βρύαθον” ; after ‘cf.’ insert ‘βρυάθων (perh. part.)’ βρΰγμα, init., add ‘(properisp.)’ βρυδαλίχα, for ‘; also. .Id.’ read ‘Id., cf. Rhinth. 16; όθεν καί τάς μαχλάδας (μαχράς cod.) β. καλοΰσι Αάκωνες Hsch.’ 32 βρύζα SUPPLEMENT γ€ΙΟ0€ν χβρύζα, η, refined gold. Edict. Diocl. 30.1a. βρυζω, for ‘dub. sens.’ read ‘f.l. for μνζω (q.v. in Suppl.)’ βρυκεδανός, after “ μάκρος ” add ‘(leg. μάργος )' βρυόεις i, add ‘, Nonn.Z).2i.i8o’ βρύσσος, add ‘, E.ap.Phot.p.90 R. 2. pudenda muliebria, Hippon.65.d2 D.3’ βρυχηδόν, after ‘ bellowing ,’ add ‘Eumel.9.3,’ βρώμα π. 2, for ‘12’ read ‘ 1 1 * βρωμάομαι, for ‘III.’ read ‘II.’ βρωματίζω, add ', Vit. Aesop. (G) 43' βρωμήεις, add ‘: — also βρωμέεις, Hdn.Gr.2.921, al.' Χβυβλιοκαταγωγεύς, εως, o, perh. forwarder of documents, PSI 1410.15 (ii A.D.). Χβυβλιοφϋλάκικός, η, όν, of or for a keeper of documents, McDowell Stamped Objects from Seleucia 39, Yale Class .Studies 3.47 (Uruk). Χβυβλιοφυλάκιον, τό, = βιβλιοφυλάκιον, BSA 42.202. Χβυζάστρια, ή, gloss on τίτθη, Ps.-Hdn.Gr. post Moer.p.479 P-j — Mod. Gk. βυζάστρα wet-nurse. βόθιος, for ‘Hymn. Is. 71’ read 'Hymn.Is. 1 6 1 * Χβυθοκλόνος, ον, disturbing the deep, PMag.Par , \ . 1363· βυθός, add ‘c. deep track made by hippopotamus, Nic.TA.570.’ βυκανητής, after ‘2.29.6,’ add ‘30.22.11,’ βυκανιστής, delete ‘Plb.30.22.1 1,’ ^ , βυλλόω (s.v. βυλλά), add ‘; also εβάλλων ίβρυον, όπλήθυον, Id.’ Βύνη, after ‘ Leucothea,' add ‘Call.Tr.91 Pf.,’ βυρρός ii, for ‘, BGU . . a.d.)’ read ‘(q.v.)’ βυρσεΐον, before ‘Sch.Ar.’ add 'PTeb. 801.2 (ii b.c.),’ βυρσοδεψείο, add ‘, SEG3.18 (Athens, v b.c.)’ βόσσινος I, add ‘b. metaph. of soft words for an Eastern king, Plu.2.i74a.’ βυσσόθεν, after ‘Call. ZT/. 127’ add * ;from the depths of the earth, Id.Tr.202.59 Pf. (Add. 11)’ , ^ βύσσος, add ‘Π. a dye, Suid. s.w. βυσσόν and βνσσι vov.' βωθέω, for the present article substitute ‘v. βοηθάω .' βωλάκιον, add ‘II. Dim. of βώλαξ, small lump, Afric .Cest. p.82 V.’ βωλοκοπέω, line 2, after ‘(i a.d.)’ add ‘ ; τον χοΰν, την γην β. /G 22. 1672.45) 6° (Eleusis, iv B.c.)’ line 3, for ‘Ar.Tr.57 D.’ read ‘Men .Dysc.3 15’, after ‘metaph.’ add fatten out, Men.l.c. ;’, and for 'Άρχ.Δ^λτ.ι App.\f read ‘Epigr. in IGofli).^' βωλοκόπος, add ‘; occilialor (= occillator, harrower) Gloss.' βωλόκριθον, add ‘, TCair.^en.292.437 (id b.c.)’ βώλος, add ‘6. a precious stone, Plin./TV^.^o.’ βωλοστροφία, after 'clods,' insert 'PHib. 2. 282. 22 (i/ii a.d.), Gloss. , Χβωλοτρόφος, ον, feeding the clods, or βωλότροφος, fed by the clods, dub. in Hymn.Is. 176. βωμίς, add '2. base (of sarcophagus), Rev.Et.Gr.63. 202 (Perge) ; statue-base (pi.), Anat.St. 10.62 (Pisidia, βωμα,δων lapis).’ βωμίσκος I, after 'vessel,' insert 'IG22. 1534. 180 (Athens, iii b.c.),’ , βωμός i, after ‘Od.7.100’ add of a sarcophagus, Rev.Et.Gr. 63. 202’ X βωμοφόρος, 6, altar-carrier, Eranos 54.172 (Pergamum). Χβώνυσοι* άττοικοι, βουκολοι, Suid., cf. Ί heognost.Can.48 A. ΧΒωρεΐς, ol, one of the Ionic tribes, SIG^.3 (Miletus, v b.c.), etc. ; — sg. Βωρεύς, εος, o, a member of the tribe, BMus.Inscr. 458.8, 471.6 (Ephesus); also Βορεύς, ib. 578177 (Ephesus, ii A.D.). Χβώσεσθε, v. βόσκω (Suppl.). βωσίον, add * ; prob. = βωτίον, cf. Ιμασιοττωλης (Suppl.)’ γαβαθόν, after "ζάβατος” add “, καβαθα" Χγαγγαλισμός, ό, = γαργ—, Hsch. γογγάμη, add ‘, Hsch,’ γάγγραινα, add ‘2. = μάροφ (bird), Cyran.92. Χγάδαισία, ά, = γεωδαισία, BCH8"j .3 (Locr., ν b.c.). Γάδειρα, etc., omit marks of quantity and add ‘[Γά in early poets, cf. Lat. Gddes; Γά- Theodorid.ap.Ath. 7.302c, cf. AP l.c.]’ ... .4 . Χγαρεργέω, Boeot. for γεωργε'ω, Αρχ.Αΐλτ.ι^ Pl.ii U (Ihespiae, iii b.c.)· Χγαρερνάς, 6, Boeot. for γεωργός, TC//6o. 178.9,1 82.1 1 , also γαεργός, ό, Άρχ.Δελτ. 14 PI·3 d· Χγαζαρηνοί, ol, (Aramaic gazerin ) astrologers, Lxx Da. 2. 27, 4. 7, Χγαιάτης [άτ], ου, ό, dweller on earth, St.Byz. s.v. γη. Χγαιεΐος, a, ον, = γαιηϊος, β ροτεον γένος ηδε γαιειον Didyma 49^ γανηϊος^ after “α, ον” add ‘(fern, γαιηϊός St.Byz. s.v. γη)' χΓαιήος, ό, name of a month of Caligula s Calendar in Egypt, PTeb. 492, Ostr.Strassb.68 (41 a.d.). γαιώδης, add ‘, cf. Arr.Tr.6 der.phys. (p.i93. 9 Roos) γάλα i. 3, transfer * ; ούδ’ εί γ. λαγού. .Alex. 123 to end of 1. 2. Χγάλαιθος, sine interpr., Anon.ap.i4a.Ox.2-3i8. γαλακτίτης ϊ, add ‘, Plin.//JV37.i62 Χγαλακτϊτις, ιδος, η, = γαλαξίας II, Ρ1ίη.//ΛΓ37·Ι62. Χγάλακτοποιός, όν, = γαλακτοποιητικός, βοτάνη Hdn.Gr.1.395. γαλακτοποτεω, for ‘(Written, ,ρ. 1 1 1 V.)’ read ‘(shd. be written -πωτεω acc. to Ammon. p. ill V. (s.v.l.))’ γαλακτοπότης, add *11. sucking, χοίρος Edict. Diocl. 4.46 (Megara, see BCH 77.654).’ Χγαλακτότροφος, ον, = γαλαθηνός, rest, in Philox.2.29. γαλακτοφόρος, add ‘2. γαλακτοφόροι, ol, milkmen, Ostr.Bodl.i 304 (ii B.C.).’ γαλαξίας II, add ‘; = γαλακτίτης I, Plin.//jV37.l62’ γαλαρίας, add ‘ ; cf. γαλλερίας, καλλαρίας.' γαλεάγρα, after 'weasel-cage,' insert ‘SEG 1 3. 1 3. 1 24 (Athens, v b.c.),’ add ‘II. winepress, Hero Mechanica (Arabic text) iii. 1 7.’ Χγαλεάριος, 6, — Lat. galearius, .STG19.787 (Pisidia). γαλεώνυμος, add ‘, Orib.^ya^.i 7-7’ γαληναίη, add ', Call. Epigr. 5. 5 Pf.’ Χγαληνοποιός, ό, calmer, Hsch. s.v. στορεός. γαληνότης, add ΊΙ. as title, Serenity, MAMA 3.197 (Corycus).’ Χγάλλαρος, ό, member of a Dionysiac cult-society, prob. in CIG 2052 (Apollonia in Thrace; pi.), cf. Hsch. ; ν. άρχιγάλλαρος in Suppl. γαλλερίας, add ' ; cf. γαλαρίας' Χγαλλεωρ, ό, dub. sens, et accent., TGi/i6i4Ci.5 (i a.d.). Γάλλος, add ‘III. a river in Phrygia, Call.Tr.411 Pf., St.Byz.’ γαμβρά, after 'sister-in-law,' insert 'PAIich.'Ieb.noy viii 10 (i a.d., γαμρ- Pap.),’ Χγάμβρη, ή, a shrub ( φρΰγανον ), Thphr.//Ti.3.l (s.v.l.). γάμελα, after ‘995’ add Ά 24,’ γαμέτης, before ‘Euph. 107.3’ insert ‘Call.Tr.228.12 Pf.,’ and after ‘Dor.’ insert ‘nom. γα/χε'τας Call. l.c.,’ Χγαμητή, ή, = γαμέτη, ΒΟΗη.. 1 99,7·237,5°3, ^3-3479· Χγαμητιάω, = βι,νητιάω, Vit. Aesop. (VI) 103. Χγαμμάτιον, τό, = γαμματίσκιον, EM~]66."J. γαμοκλόπος, add ‘ ; epith. of Κυπρις, lnscr.Cret.3 iv 37.5 (Hel¬ lenistic Epigr.)’ Χγαμοστολίη, ή, perh. wedding-dress, ATI ΛΠ 7.229. Χγαμότης, ητος, ή, = γάμος, GF/I737-5 (Syria, iii A.D.). γαμφηλαί fin., for ‘once in sg.,’ read ‘rarely in sg., Moero ap. Ath. 1 1.491b ;’ γανάεις, for ‘, cf.. .2’ read ‘[νά], glorious, prob. in Pi. in POxy. 2445. Tr.27.7’ γανάω ii. 2, for ‘Herm.’ read ‘Pauw’ Χγανίς, ίδος, η, an Egyptian measure, Ostr.Mich.23 4. γάννος, for ‘= γλάνος’ read 'hyena' and add at end ‘(Phryg. and Bithyn. acc. to Hsch. ( γόνος cod.))’ Χγανοπετεΐν, ν. γανστελείν. γάνος (A), delete ‘4.. .Curet. 3.’ γανόω i, line 6, after ‘Ph.l.c., al.’ insert *; enjoy, τί δεί (δη Pap.) γανονσθαι τούτο; A. Tr. 17.91 Μ.’ γάνωσις 2, add ‘ ; of language, polish, prob. cj. in Longin. 3°.r γαράριον, add ‘; prob. 1. in Sch.Nic.TA.526. Χγαργαρισμάτιον [άτ], τό, gargle, Marcell. Emp.15· 19; written gar gal- ib. 14.28. γάρος, at end, (after ‘(iii a.d.)’ add ‘, PRyl. 4.629.88 (iv a.d.) γαστρίαν, after “διάνοιαν” add ‘(leg. διάρροιαν)’, and after ‘Hsch.’ add ‘ ; so γαστρίη Hippon.Tr.x.9 D.3, expld. by Sch. ad loc. as γαστρός άλγηδων. γαστροκνήμιον, add ‘; written κάστρο- BGU^^ai (i A.D.)’ γαστρόπτης, after 'vessel add or other utensil and at end add , Michel 815.142, IG22.\6f8fy (rest.; Athens, iv b.c.), etc.’ Χγασυνδάνη, η, name of a gem, Xenocr.Ta/i. 109. Χγάτομέω, cleave the ground, A. R. 2. 1005, Lyc.266,1396. γατόμος, for ‘, cf. TT6.95 (Antiphil.),’ read ‘ ; Subst., ploughman, AP6. 95 (Antiphil.), cf.’ γαυλός, line 2, after ‘Hdt.6.1 19’ insert 4, Alex.Aet.3.20 and line 3. after ‘(Antiphil.)’ insert ‘; wine-cask, Suid.’ , γαυριάω, line 3. for "φνσώντα καί γαυριώμηνον read γαυριω- μενος”; fin., for ‘iii 3’ read ‘v 3’ Χναυροειδής, == υπερήφανος, Suid. . , γαύσαπος, add ‘(Middle Indian Kojava, a textile material, Χγάωρύχιον [ϋ], τό, = γδς όρυγμα, Inscr.Cret. Ι.ν 19Τ24 (Arcades, νενειο^,0 for the present article substitute ‘γ., a, ov, ancient, Ύ Hecat.362j.; /3όες Call.Tr.277 Pf. ; λόγος ib.510; Comp. -ότερον, γ. νίκης σόμβολον ib.59-5·’ . , , ,, , Γ γέγωνα, line 3. for “ε’γεγώνειν” read εγεγωνει I b, for 'speak . . sound’ read 'make an effectual sound' and after γεγωνει add “5v μη λεΓον fi τό πληγε'ν” . . γείνομαι, for Ί. . .Π. as Med.,’ read ‘only’ substituting II for ‘HI’ 2 lines from end, delete ‘in pass, sense, and alter ‘Cer.58’ add ‘, Del. 260, etc. > ΙΠ. for the forms γεινομενος, γεινόμεΘ’, ν. γίγνομαι in Suppl.’ Χνέϊνος, = γηϊνος, Hsch. s.v. γηγενών, γειόθεν, for ‘Tr. 35c’ read ‘Tr. 1 10.49 Pf. (v.l. γηο0εν) 33 SUPPLEMENT γλαύκινος γεισεττίστυλον χγεισεττίστϋλον, τό, cornice-architrave, ΜΑΜΑ8.370 (Synnada, iii A. D.). γειτνίασις I. 2, add ‘b. guild of neighbours, y. Λητ οΰς Glotta 25.198 (Termessus), cf. γεηονίααις (Suppl.).’ χγειτονίασις, εως, ή, group or guild of neighbours, IGRom. 4.548 (Orcistus, prob. iii a.d.) ; in connexion with a shrine, y. 71χιλ- λε'ως ίητήρος Glotta 25.199 (Termessus), cf. γειτνίασις i. 2 b (Suppl.). χγειτόνισσα, ή, neighbour, PS1 8.876.5 (v/vi a.d.). γειτοσύνη, add ‘, Wien.Anz. 1961.123 (Lydia, ii A.D., Rev. fit. Gr. 2.24 (Acmonia, iii a.d.)’ γειτόσυνος, for “ov” read “η, ov” ; at end add ‘, IGg(2) .301 .13 (ii B. C.)’ γείτων I, lines 7 and 8, for ‘εν γειτόνων. .Men .PA. 27/ read ‘ellipt., εν γ άτονων οίκειν live in the neighbourhood, Men.PA.27, al.,’; after ‘D.53.10’ add ‘, cf. Men.Djvic.25’ 11 fin., after ‘Jul.Or.2.72c’ add metaph., γείτονα ττότμου ήβητην Nonn.D.i 1.97 ; νέος. .Τίϊδι γείτων ib. 1 1.2 1 4’ and after ‘neut. γεί τον’ add ‘SEG13.17.~17 (Athens, v b.c.),’ χγέλα, hoar-frost, St.Byz. s.v. Γέλα (said to be an Oscan or Sicilian word). γελάω I. 1, after ‘laugh,' add ‘smile,' γελγοττωλεω, for ‘garlic. . Hsch.’ read ‘frippery, Hermipp.13, Hsch.’ γελγοπώλης, for ‘garlic' read frippery' Γελέοντες, line 2, after ‘etc.’ add ‘ ; also Γλέοντες, Hesperia 4.2 1 (Athens, v b.c.)’ at end add ‘Adj. Γλεωντίς, ίδος, Γ. φρατρία Hesperia 17.35 (ca. 400 B.c.).’ γελοιάζω, after ‘only pres.’ insert ‘(exc. aor. inf. in Hsch. s.v. γελυνμάξαι)' χγελοίασμα, τό, v. φιά. γελοίος, line 3» after ‘Thgn.311 add ‘παρέξει τά γελοία A.Fr. 474 iii 5 Μ.’ γενάρχης I, lines 2, 3, omit ‘of Julius. .513 ;’ and add ‘b. founder of a race, of Abraham, Ph. 1.513; of A., Isaac, and Jacob, ib.646.’ 11, add ‘ ; ruler or head of a race, of the 70 elders, Ph.2.111 ; = ethnarch, Id.2.527’ γενεά ii. 3, add birth, y. έτέρη, of Dionysus, API. 257’ γενεαλόγος, init., add ‘(parox.)’ γενεθλη i. 3, after ‘birth,' add ‘ parturition , AP6.272 (Pers.),’ add ‘III. metonym., origin, κνΒαλίμαν θέον πάντων γενέθλαν Alc.129-7 L.-P.’ γενεθλιαλόγος, init., add ‘(parox.)’ χγενεθλιάς, άδος, ή, (sc. ημέρα) birthday, GF/2039.2 (Mytilene, i/ii A.d. ?). γενέθλιος, line I, for ‘Lyc.i 194’ read ‘Call.Pr.202. 21 Pf., etc., v. infr.’ γενειόλης, for ‘= γενειάτης. . 638.’ read ‘voc. γενειόλα bearded, epith. of Hermes, Call.Pr. 199.1 Pf.’ γένειον, add ‘6. barbel of a fish, Ael.JV04i5.il.’ χγενεολογία, η, = γενεαλογία, dub. 1. in Max.Tyr.23.1. γενεσιακός, add ‘; κατά τό γ. BGU 1843.12 (i B.c.)’ γενέσιος i, add ‘2. name of month, Hesperia 27.75 (ca. 200 b.c.).’ iii, line 2, delete ‘the birthday of' γενεσιουργέω, add ‘, cf. Herm. in Phdr. p.169 A.’ γένεσις iv, line 2, after ‘Phdr. 245ε’ add ‘(v.l.)’ add ‘IX. Astrol., nativity, horoscope, &DG7.904 (Gerasa).’ γενετής i. 2, after ‘S.OT472’ add ‘(lyr.)’ Χγενηματογράφος, ό, sequestrator, PLond.^fc,^ (iv a.d.). ΧΓ ενιακός, ό, epith. of Apollo, IGRom. 1.740. γενικός I. 1, line 4, after “-κώς” insert ‘CicM«.i.i4.2,’ and at end add ‘; Comp., CicM/i.9.10.6 (cj.).’ γενναίος ii, line 3, after ‘Lg. 844ε;’ insert ‘μ&ζαι Id.Ti.372b; καρποί D. 1 8.309;’ HI. I fin., after ‘Ps.-Callisth. 1.38’ add ‘ ; —ότερον O.H.Dem.26' γέννημα, line 3, after ‘ΟΓ1167’ add τό γ.,.της τταιδός the child, namely this maiden, IdMn/.47i’ and delete section 2. Χγεννήτριος, ov, of childbirth, ωδίνες Ps.-Callisth. 13.6 (dub.), γέντα, for ‘Call.Pr.309’ read ‘Call.Pr.322,530 Pf.’ γενυς i, add 2. of a bird, bill (sg. or pi.) : see ζουθός I. 2, with Suppl.’ χγεουχία, η, landowning, SEG8.^8a (Egypt) ; estate, PMich. 8.503.3 (ii a.d.), cf. PPrincet. 2.69.1. χΓεραιστιασταί, οί, V. Τεράστιος in Suppl. γεραρός i, line 2, for ‘a table of honour' read ‘lordly, splendid' 3, line 4, after ‘/G2.2116,’ add ‘ΐ2(3).42θ (Thera),’ γέρας, line 2, after “γερά” insert ‘S.P/.443, v.l. in’ γεράσμιος, after “ov,” insert ‘but fern. acc. γερασμίαν A.Pr.474.6 tl, after honoured, insert ‘ μαίαν ώς γερασμίαν A. •C«> Τεράστιος, add ‘Π. n. pi., τά Γ. a festival in Euboea, Sch.Pi.O. !3- !59 J masc. οί P., participants in it, ibid.: — also Γεραι· στιασταί, οί, /G4.757P12 (Troezen, ii B.c.).’ χγερδικός, rj, όν, = γερΒιακός, POsl. 140.2, 1 3 (ii B.c.). χγερΐνος, ό, a kind of fish, Marc.Sid.37. χΓερμανίκειος, ό, an Egyptian month ( = Pachon) in Caligula’s calendar, SB6705, PLond. 3.1 171* c 13 (both 42 a.d.). χΓερμανικός, ό, an Egyptian month (= Thoth) under Domitian, BGU 1.260, PP0nP2.259.138, PFay. no, POxy.266 (all 89-96 A. D.) · γεροΐα, for ‘tales, .her’ read ‘title of book of poems by Corinna’ and at end add ‘(Mis-spelling of pcpola, q.v. in Suppl.)’ γερόντειος, add ‘b. γεροντείον, τό, body of elders, [των ε’ν τω γερ]οντείω φ( ραμένων rest, in Berytus 1 2. 1 27/8 (Cyrene, ii/i B. c.).’ γερόντια, add ‘, cf. Nic.Dam.Pr.i03(3) J.’ γεροντικός, line 2, after ‘P1.P^.76ic insert ‘δπλον CaW.Epigr. 1 . 7 pf. χγερός, ά, όν, of buildings, dub. sens., γερά και στεγνά και τεθυρω- μένα Inscr. Delos 1417^89 (ii b.c.), cf. 58. γερουσία I. 1, add ‘; local y. in Phrygia, Ramsay Cities and Bishoprics No. 549 (Acmonia) ; y. of Jews in Alexandria, Ph.2. 527’ Χγερουσιάζω, to be member of a γερουσία, IG 12(8). 389 (Thasos). γερουσιακός, add ‘, Sardis 7.1. 17. 2’ Χγερουσιαρχέω, to be president of elders, Israel Explor. Journal 4.252. γερουσιάρχης, add ‘2. Dor. -ας, president of γερουσία, SEG 1. 327. 16 (Callatis, i a.d.).’ χγερουσιάρχισσα, ή, fern, offoreg., Pelekides Thessalonica p.78 (iii A.D.) . γερουσιαστής, for ‘iii B.c.’ read ‘iii a.d.’ γέρρω, add ‘ ; cf. γερητηρία· απώλεια, Id.’ γέρων ii fin., after ‘Plu.Pel.2’ add ‘; metaph., γέροντας ηΒη χρόνου πολιά hue. Am. 12' γεύμα, add ‘III. dub. sens., οι έπ'ι τό γ. πραγματευόμενοι Jahresh. 44 Beibl. 259 (Ephesus, iii a.d.).’ γεύω i, fin., alter ‘Herod. 6.1 1’ add ‘ ; ναόν ιερού ργημάτων J.AJ8. 4·5’ χΓεφυραίος, epith. of Apollo, /G22.48i3. Γεφϋραία, epith. of Demeter at Athens, ΑΪΛ/229.4, cf· St.Byz. s.v. Γέφυρα. Χγεφϋρίς, ίδος, η, a prostitute, or a muffled man, who flung abuse from the γέφυρα between Athens and Eleusis, Hsch. χγεωβάφής, ες, dyed the colour of earth, ποΒείων γεωβαφών khaki putties, PCair.Jen. 92.23 (iii B.c.). γεωγράφος, init., add ‘(parox.)’ γεωδαίτης, for ‘Call .Oxy.ined.' read ‘Call.Pr.43.64 Pf.’ γεώδης i, add ‘b. metaph., obtuse, dull, αισθητήριον Plu.2.625C.' γεωμέτρης, for ‘ib.28’ read ‘BGU 12.28’ γεώττεδον, delete ‘ garden . .town,’ γεώργιον iii, delete the section. γεώργισσα, add ‘, PS 1 1021. 31 (ii B.c.)’ γεωρύχος, init., add ‘(parox.)’ γεωτόμος, init., add ‘(parox.)’ Χγεωφάγος, ό, earth-eater, περί γεωφάγων, Plu. title in Lamprias’ catalogue (vii. p.477.191 B.). γηγενής i. 3, for ‘ib.’ read ‘Lxx’ γήινος, after “η, ov” add ‘(Dor. γάϊνος, ov, SEGg.72.118 (Cyrene, iv B.C.))* γηΐτης, add ‘II. = αντόχθων, St.Byz. s.v. γη.' γημόριον, add ‘, cf. γεωμόριον' το της γης μόριον, Hsch.’ γήρας ii, line 3, for ‘6oob2o’ read ‘6oiai7’ γηροκόμος, init., add ‘(parox.)’ add ‘II. Pass, (proparox.), nursed in old age, γενετας Epigr. in BMus. Inscr. 1084 (Nau- cratis).’ γηροτρόφος, init., add ‘(parox.)’ γήρυμα, after ‘pi.,’ insert ‘γαρυματα μαλσακά Alcm.4.1.5 P. ;* γητομέω, after ‘ground,' add ‘in form γατομέω,' χγΐγαντοπαντορήκτης, γϊγαντοττνικτορήκτης, γϊγαντοτττορήκ- της, γιγαντορήκτης, ου, ό, killer (throttled) of (all) giants, Mus. Belg. 18.32 ; the last also in Melanges Beyrouth 15.76, Arch.f.Reli- gionswiss. 28.269, Hesperia 20.326. Χγιγαντοφόντης, ου, ό, voc. -φόντα, giant-slayer, amulet in Hesperia 20.326. χγιγγλίζειν τό άπειλείν οί ίδιώται λεγουσι, ΑΒ88. γιγγρί, add ‘, cf. Hdn.Gr. 1.506.’ γίγνομαι, line 3, after ‘7·33°3’ insert ‘ ; Cret. γίννομαι Inscr. Cret. 4.184.9,232.2 (both Gortyn, ii B.c.)’ line 4, after “ε’γενά- μην” insert ‘7Gi2.io84 (Athens, v B.c.),’ line 8, after ‘(yji-το)’ add ‘; Ep. aiso has γείν- for γεν- in the forms γεινόμεθ' Il.22.477, Ηεβ.Λ.δδ, γεινόμενος 11.20.128,24.210, Od.4.208, Hes.PA.82, cf.Alc.39(a)8 L.-P.’ 11 and 11. 1, for ‘folld/ read ‘preceded’ 3 c, lines 6/7, delete ε’ς ΛακεΒαίμονα. .4.634)’; lines 1 5/ 1 6, after “επί ποταμιό'' add “, εν τω 7 τροθόρω," and for ‘189, etc.’ read ‘189, Pl.Prt. 314.0' ; fin., for ‘Hdt.7.22’ read ‘Hdt.8.22’ γιγνώσκω, line 7, after ‘4. 120;’ add ‘perh. 1 sg. PAnt. 11.58.27;’ line 14, delete ‘and in past tenses,’ γλαγερός, delete ‘. 2. soft, plump' γλάζω, for ‘= κλάζω, sing aloud, μέλος' read ‘perh. distil, μέλι' and at end add ‘S. (cf. γλάγος.)’ γλάθις, for ‘dub. sens., .pi.)’ read ‘Inscr. Cret. 3. iv 38.5 (pi.)’ γλαρίς, delete ΤΙ. = όρος, Hsch.’ Χγλαυκάνεα, τά, dub. sens., 7Gi2(8).5i.22 (Imbros, ii B.c.). γλαυκινίδιον, γλαύκινος, read “-ϊνίδιον” and “-ΐνος” 34 SUPPLEMENT γράΐΓτρα γλαυκοφθαλμία Χγλαυκοφθαλμία, η, cataract, Cyran.106. Χγλαυκοφόρος, ον, bearing α γλαυξ I, τετράχμα Αττικά Inscr. Dilos 142951122, rest, in 14281176 (ii b.c.). γλαυκοχαίτης, for ‘in Cod., .f. 200’ read ‘ An. Ox. 2.0,1 η .24’ γλαφυρός hi. 4, before ‘Adv.’ for full stop substitute ‘ : — ’ and after ‘music,’ insert ‘μέλη D.H .Dem. 26 Χγλεύδιον, τό, tamp or lump-breaker (?), Edict.Diocl. 15.43 (pi.), γλευκαγωγός, for ‘new wine’ read ‘must’ γλευκάω, for ‘of oversweetened wine’ read ‘ get drunk on new wine ’ γλεύκινος I, for ‘Androm. . . also’ read ‘Aet.12.55; also Subst. γλει jklvov, τό, Andr0m.ap.Gal.i3.i039;’ γλευκοττότης, for ‘new wine’ read ‘must’ γλεΰκος I. I , for ‘sweet new wine,’ read ‘must, unfermented grape- juice,’ 2, delete the section, γλέφαρον, for ‘Aeol.’ read 'Dor.’ γλίσχρασμα, for ‘Aret.C/li.g’ read ‘Aret.C/l 1.1,1 o’ γλισχρός, lines 1 and 3, after ‘Thphr.’ insert ‘ HP ’ 11. I fin., for “σαρκάζοντας” read “ελκουσ iv” γλίσχρων, for ‘ niggard ' read ‘ greedy-guts' γλίχομαι, fin., after ‘(γλϊ- insert ‘, cf. Ar.Fr.102, AP9.334. (Pers.)’ γλοιός ii, add ‘4. sordid, mean, Suid. Adv. — ως prob. in Timocr. I.IO.’ χγλουθίον, τό, Dim. of γλουτός, prob. in BSA2 1. 172 (Lydia), γλουρός, after ‘Besant.’ add ‘; cj., cf. τάγχαρας ' γλούτια ii, delete the section. γλουτός ii, before * = ’ insert ‘the great trochanter, Gal. 2. 773;’ γλυκάδιον, after ‘Hsch.’ add ‘; in form γλυκάδιν, Dura 4 151 (iii A.D.).’ Χγλΰκασία, η, family affection, 556263.29. Χγλυκελαία, ή, sweet olive, prob. in 555747 (κεράμιον) γλυκυ- ελεών) acc. pi. written κλοκελεας Η. I. Bell jews and Christians in Egypt No. 1918.15. γλυκέλαιον, delete ‘Sammelb. 5747.8 ( γλυκυελ -),' γλυκυμείλιχος, for ‘5.19’ read ‘6.19’ γλυκόπικρος, before ‘ AP insert Sophr. in PSI 11.1214^3» γλυκύπυρος, after ‘ii A.D.’ add ‘, γλυκό— Pap. γλυκύς ii b, before ‘of the eye’ insert ‘(sc. οφθαλμός)’ Χγλΰκΰφεγγής, ε'ς, giving sweet light, ήλιος 5FG8.548.10 (Hymn to Isis, i b.c.) . γλύπτης, add ‘, Stud.Pal. 20.260.9 (vi/vii A.D.)’ γλυπτός, fin., for ‘Lxx. .Jd. 3.19’ read ‘Lxx £>i.(cod.A)5.8, Ex. 34· >3 (pl·)» 7^3· 1 9 (P1·)’ γλυφικός, add ‘, Philostr.Jun. 5n./>rom. 15 Χγλΰφοποιός, 6, sculptor, Porphyrio ad Hor.C.4.8.6. Χγλωθρός, Ep. for βλωθρός, Hes.Fr.96.86 Pap. (Prob. by analogy with γληχων for βλήχων.) γλώξ, before ‘beard of corn,’ insert ‘lit.’ and after it add ‘hence ear of corn, of the pannicle of millet,’ γλώσσα, i. 2, line 6, for ‘by. .speech' read ‘ ostensibly ’ ; after “φθέγ- γεσθαι” insert ‘freely’ ; lines 11/12, for ‘after, .argument’ read ‘ intuitively ’ 3, for ‘cf. Ar.Fr.629 (s.v.l.)’ read ‘S.F/m.145, Herod. 6. 16, ^57.345’ γλώσσαλγος, delete ‘; itching. .510a’ γλωσσάομαι, for “στόμα” read “όπα” and for ‘25’ read ‘39 P.’ γλώσσημα ii, for ‘dart’ read ‘spear’ Χγλωσσίς, ΐδος, ή, sine expl., Hdn.Gr.2.431,487. Χγλωσσόζωμος, ό, tongue-broth, Vit. Aesop. (G)52. γλωσσοκομεΐον i, at end, after ‘(Pamphylia)’ add e; dub. gender, Aq.Gf.50.26’ Χγλωσσοπέτρα, ή, a gem, Win. HJVy. 164.. γλωσσοστροφεΐν, add ‘(Cf. γλωττ οστροφεω.)’ γλωττοστροφεω, add ‘ , cf. γλωσσοστροφεω Χγλωττοτόμιον, τό, Dim. of γλωττοτόμον (Suppl.), Inscr. Delos 1450.180 (ii B.c.). Χγλωττοτόμον, τό, or —τόμος, ό, = γλωσσόκομον, Inscr. Dilos 1432 Abiiqa,, 14392DC172, 1441TU104 (ii B.c.); γλοττοτόμψ ib. .4175,86. γλωχίν 2, add ‘; corner of a chair-frame, Call. Del. 235’ Χγλωχινόομαι, become barbed, Eust.O/nttc.292.33. γνάθος, add ‘III. name of a hard stone, Cyran.13: — also γνάθιος λίθος ib. 1 4.’ γνάμπτω, fin., delete ‘Nic.F/?.423,’ Χγνάπτρα, τά, cost of fulling, BGUi 558.7 (iii B.c.), PCair.Zen. 398. 7 (iii b.c.). γνάπτω, for ‘γνάμπτω. Id.’ read ‘ κναπτω, q.v.’ γνάφαλλον, add ‘ ; also γνάφαλλος, ό, Hsch.’ Χ[γ]νάφαλλοϋφάντης, ου, ό, flock-weaver, IG2z."jg6 7 (iv B.c.). Χγναφεύς, v. κναφεΰς. Χγναφήσιος ίχθΰς, a kind of fish, Cyran. 106. γνήσιος i. 2, line 7, before ‘Gal. 15.748’ insert ‘D.H.Fyi.12,’ Χγνοφεντινάκτης, ου, ό, shaker or hurler in darkness, PMag.Par.i. 181. Χγνοφερός, ά, όν, — δνοφερός, Lxx Jfb. 10.2 1. Χγνοφοειδής, — γνοφώδης, Gr .Roman- Papyri 8.43 Zimin, γνόφος, after ‘darkness,’ add ‘Lxx Ex. 10.22, al.,’ γνύξ, line 2, for ‘Arat.921’ read ‘Arat.591, cf. 615’ Χγνυπόομαι, to be depressed, in pf. part, εγνυπωμενον ταλαίπωρου, κατηφές, Hsch. ; also εγνυπώθη· τρυφα, και τό εναντίον, Id. γνώμα ι, add * ; also of a child’s first teeth, Com.Adesp. 572’ γνωμεισηγητής, delete the article, γνώμη II. I, line 13, for “ ετερον” read “ετερω” Χγνωμΐδΐώκτης, ου, ό, (for γνωμιδιοδι-) one who hunts after sen¬ tentious maxims, Cratin.307. γνωμολογία 2, for ‘ collection of. . : pl.,’ read ‘ collection of maxims , Suid. s.v. Θεογνις : pl., maxims, P\u.Cat.Ma.2, Fab. 1,’ and at end delete ‘Plu.Fai.i’ γνώμων i. 1, add ‘ ; title of magistrate, Inscr.Cret. 4.14 (vii/vi B.c., pl.)’ 11. 1, after ‘square,’ insert ‘Thgn.805,’ 2 b, add * ; κατά γ. = κάθετος, perpendicular, Oenopides ap.Procl. in Euc. p.283 F.’ for ‘V.’ read ‘III.’ and after ‘ AB2 33’ add ‘ ; κατά γ. PMich.%. 145 iii 5.5 (ii a.d.)’ γνώριμος, line 3, for ‘798c’ read ‘798a’ Χγνωσία, ά, Arc. = γνώσις I. 1, to be read in Λ?5(2).262.Ι5. γνωσιδίκα, delete the article (v. γνωσία in Suppl.). γνώσις, add ‘VI. pl., accounts, επίτροπον γνώσεων των εξο - χωτάτων καθολικών, = Lat. procurator rationum summarum, Abh. Berl.Akad. 1 932 (5) .46.’ γνωστεία, add ‘, Stud.Pal. 22.50.3 (iii A.D., -τια Pap.)’ γνωστεύω, before ‘to be witness’ insert ‘to be personally acquainted with, τινα PTeb. 816 i 8 (ii b.c.). 2.’ γογγύλος, line 2, after ‘372.22’ add cf. Call.Fr.606 Pf.’ 11, for ‘(proparox. . . Th.8$f read ‘sine expl., Hdn.Gr.i. 164’ Χγόημ[ι], = γοάω, Erinn.i B 18 D.3 γόμφος i. 1, fin., for “χαλκοί” read “χαλκοί” 2, add ‘b. eschar caused by cautery, ib.96. c. projection on the shoulder of a horse, ib.26.’ γομφόω I, add ‘; of the teeth, Gal. 2. 754 (ap.Orib. 25.6.4)* Χγονάγρα, ή, gout in the knee, Cyran. 95, 109. Χγονίζω, stock with offspring, Pass. pf. part, περιστερώνα γεγονισ- μενον PRyl. 4.581 ii 8 (ii b.c.) ; so prob. 5F7814.32 (iii a.d.), cf. περιστερεώνα γονην εχοντα ib.8. γόνιμος 3 b, for ‘Antiph.’ read ‘Antiphil.* γόνυ, line 9, before ‘E. has γουνάτων’ insert ‘S. has γουνατα OC 1607,’ line 11, after ‘Hsch.’ add — Aeol. dat. pl. χόν<ν>οις Theoc.30.18’ line 22, after ‘S.Ph. 485’ add *, cf. ες γόνυ εζεσθαι kneel, Luc.5vr.D.55’ Χγονύπεσος [ΰ], ό, nickname of Δημητριος ό γ., a grammarian, Hdn.Gr.2.61, Sch.Gen.il. 13. 137, Sch.T II. 15.683. Γοργίειος, add ‘ ; Γοργίεια, τά, festival at Delos, Inscr. Delos 366T 133 (iii b.c.)’ Χγοργόπλοος, ον, swift-sailing, An. Par. 4.200.22. γοργός 2, after ‘of persons,’ insert ‘Ar .Pax 565,* Γοργοτομία, for ‘Str.8.6.2’ read ‘Str.8.6.21’ γόργυρα, add but rfj "Hprj άνεθεσαν. .γοργόρην χρυσήν Ath. Mitt. N.S.6.16 (Samos, vi b.c.) might refer to Γοργυρα — Γοργώ : pl., = oi πυθμένες των κεραμίδων, Hsch. s.v. άρδάλια.’ Χγοργύριον [ΰ], τό, Dim. offoreg., prob. in BSA 26.220 (Sparta). Χγοργωπιάω, gaze fiercely, εγοργοπίασκεν (sic)· άτενες εβλεπεν, Hsch. γοργωπός, add ‘Π. Gorgon-faced, E.Ion 210 (lyr.)’, deleting the reference in 1. χΓορπιαΐος, ό, name of a month at Ascalon (Sept.-Oct.), BGU316 (iv a.d.), cf. Hemerol.Flor. p.78 (p.20 K.). Χγοσταί" al κριθαί, Theognost.Can.44 A., cf. γοιταί, άγοσταί, κοσταί. Χγουργαθός , ό, = γυργ—, Vit. Aesop. (G) 18, al. Χγράβακτον, τό, = κράββατος, PMaspBv.^6 (vi A.D.). γράβατος, delete the article. Χγράδος [ά], ό, = Lat. gradus, step or base, IGRom-^.ηο,η (Eu- meneia) ; esp. platform of a sarcophagus, Kalinka Antike Denkmaler in Bidgarien 323, etc. γραία, after “γραίη” add ‘Babr.104.5’ ; after “γραία” add ‘Theoc.7.126’ ΧΓ ραικόστάσις, εως, tj, Lat. Graecostasis, platform or tribunal in the Roman forum, reserved for foreign envoys, Varro FF5. 155, V\in.HNq.2\2, etc. Χγραιούδια' ol παρ’ ήμΐν εφθοι δμφακες, Suid. Χγραίοψις, εως, ή, with the face of an old woman, Dura9 1. 213. 19 (iii a.d., γρε-). γραμματεύς I, line 5» nfter ‘(ii B.C.) add , cf. Lxx jd.§.\^, 2 Ch. 26.11, 1 Afa.5.42’ 3, add esp. among the Jews, theologian, Ev.Matt. 2.4, al.; but also, elementary teacher of Jewish law, Ευ. Marc. 1.22’ γραμματικός ii. 2, line 3» for ‘Cyrene read Cumae Χγραμματοτρώξ, ώ^Ός, o, sine expl., Hdn.Gr.2.643· γραμματοφυλακεΐον, add ‘, SEG 19.854-6 (Pisidia, ii a.d.) γραμμοειδής, add ‘2. linear, κατά τό γ. perh. having regard to the linear form, Afric.Crsf.p. 13 V.’ Χγράνατα, τά, = Lat. granata, pomegranates, Anon, in Rh. 74.10, 176.5. γράπτρα, after A.D.),’ ‘copying,’ insert ‘PMich.Teb.12y vi 9, 1x31 (i 35 γραστίζω SUPPLEMENT δάκτυλο? γραστίζω, for 'Gp. 16. .98’ read ‘Hippiatr. 98: — Pass., Gp. 16.1.11, Class. Phil. 19.234, PCair.Zen. 158 (both iii b.c.)’ γραΰς I, line 6, after ‘D. 19.283’ add ‘ ; y. κορώνη Call.Fr.260.50 Pf.’ 11, after ‘milk,’ insert ‘soup, etc.,’ add ‘b. perh. cream, Nic.A/.gi. c. ή εν τοΐς χείλεσι των ποταμών (ποτηρίων Latte) γραμμή, Hsch.’ add ‘V. a throw at dice, Hsch.’ Χγραφεία, ή, painting (?), Delph. 3(5). 75 col.1.1 1 (iv b.c.). Χγραφιάριον, τό, dub. sens, in PAmh. 18 1 (iii a.d.). Χγράφιον, το, prescription, τής διαλυτικής PMerton 12.23 (' A.d.), cf. αντιγράφων (Suppl.). γραφίς ii, for ‘in pi., = paintings' read 'painting, API. 36 (Agath.), 80.4 (Id.),’ and after ‘7X25.433’ add ‘(pi.)’ γράφω, line 3, after 'PHib. 1.78.2 (iii b.c.)’ add ‘, IGi 1 (4). 1026 (Delos, ii b.c.)’ line 1 1 , after ‘(Argos)’ read ‘; also γεγράβαται SEG4..30.1 (Camarina, v B.c. ; Tab.Defix.)’ line 18, before ‘PI. R. 420c’ add ‘ paint a statue,’ 11. 6, line 3, for ‘etc.: abs. ..179;’ read ‘D. 18. 179, etc.:’ 8, add ‘ ; cf. ο δε γράφων ήμεΐν άναγορευσάτω IGl 2(5) .655*1 2 (Syros, ii/iii a.d.)’ B. 1, lines 3-4, for 'έγραφάμην. .D.56.6, etc.’ read 'cause to be written, dictate, έγραφάμην τότ’ ενθυς υπομνήματα, ύστερον δε κατά σχολήν άναμιμνησκόμενος έγραφον P1.77i/.i43a > συγγραφήν D.56.6, etc.’ and add at end ‘ ; cause to be painted, Hdt.4.88, .^6.355 (Leon.)’ 2, for ‘7G i2. 374.16, ib.2.U5b2i’ read ‘7G22.558.ig, ah’ and at end add ‘, cf. 7G22.856.6, ah’ γράω, for ‘Call.Fr.200’ read ‘Call.Fr.551 Pf.’ and after ‘(Golgoi)’ add ‘ : — κράω is v.l. in Call.hc., cf. κράστις' χγρεάγρα, γρέγρα, v. κρεάγρα in Suppl. Χγρηγορόφθαλμος, ον, with watchful eyes, Tz.Alleg.Il.Prol.671, 675. Χγρήίος, ov, Ion. for *γραΐος (cf. γραία), old, είδος Call.Fr.490 Pf. ; μορφή Nic.Fr.62. Χγριφάνη, ή, rake, Poliorc. 2 12. 3. Χγρΐφος, ους, τό, — γρίφος (ό) 2, Hsch. (cod.). Χγρΐφος, ον, obscure, Comp, and Sup., γριφότερος, -τατος, An. Boiss. 4.61 ; cf. γρίφον- τό ασαφές, Tidn.Epim. 1 6. γρονθονεύεται, delete "βρενθύε rat,” γρουνός, for the present article substitute after “ο,” ‘v. γρυνός with Suppl.’ γρύζω, line 3, after 'mutter,' insert ‘Hippon. in POxy. 2 174.1.11. 6;’ γρυήλιον, for "ρωσμήν” read 'ρωχμήν ( ρωσμ — cod.)’ γρύλλος 2, add ‘, cf. FOr^.2331 .11.9 (iii A.d.)’ γρυνός, add ‘( γρουνός is v.l. in all three places)’ γρυπάνιον or -άλιον, for ‘ old woman' read 'little old man' Χγρυτάρης, ου, o, prob. = γρυτοπώλης, Sch.Ar.P/. 1 7. γρύτη 2, after 'frippery,' add 'Peripl.M.Rubr. 30,’ γρυτοδόκη, add ‘(τρυτ— codd.)’ γρυτοπώλης, after ‘ small wares,' add ‘Maiuri Nuova Silloge 466 (Cos, i B.c./i a.d.),’ γρύψ i, after 'griffin,' insert ‘Hes.Fr.61,’ γρώνος ii, delete ‘. 2. hollow vessel, kneading-trough' γυάλας, after “o,” add ‘or γυάλα, ή,' and after ‘Megarian’ add ‘or Macedonian’ ; at end add ‘ ; cf. yuAAas.’ Χγύαρχος or γυάρχης, ου, ό, official title, PHib. 11.260.3 (iii B.c.). γυήτης after ‘Hsch.’ add ‘, Theognost.Can.19’ Χγυιοφθόρος, ov, destroying the limbs, v.l. for θυμοφθ -, Nic. Th. 140. γυλιός i, add applied to Heracles, FM244.26, Theognost. Can. 1 9’ γύλλινα, after ‘Id.’ add ‘, cf. Theognost. Can. 19.’ γυλλός, before ‘also’ insert ‘γυλλός- κάβος ή τετράγωνος λίθος Hsch., ν. Pfeiffer ad Call.Fr.i 14.2 sq. ;’ γυμνασιαρχικός, add ‘ : γυμνασι αρχικόν, τό, fund administered by the gymnasiarch, PC//37.91.19 (Beroea)’ Χγυμνιεύω, to be destitute, PRoss. -Georg. 3.28 (iv A.D.). Χγυμνοπάγής, ές, in frozen nakedness, Tim. Peri. 1 10. γυμνόω 2, for 'lay aside' read 'uncover' and add ‘ : so perh. in Call.Fr.191.30 Pf.’ Χγυναικ(ε)ιάριος, ό, manager of a textile factory employing women. Cod. Just. 1 1.8.13. γυναικείος ii. 3, add ‘b. textile factory employing women, Cod. Just. 11.8.2, ah, Jahresh.23 Beibl. 205 (Heraclea-Perinthus).’ γυναικεραστέω, after ‘Poll.3.68,70’ add ‘ : fem. — εράστρια, of Sappho, POxy. 1 800.fr. 1. i. 1 8’ Χγϋναικογένεια, ή, relationship through females, προς -γένειαν on the female side, PSIg. 1016.26 (ii b.c.). γυναικονόμος, add ‘, PHib. u.\g6.\ 1,18 (iii B.c.)’ γυναικοπίττης, for “οπιπτεύω” read “όπιπεύω” ; add ‘; prob. in Sch.Hippon.xi D.3’ Χγυναικοτραφής, ές, = γυναικότροφος, Hsch. s.v. τηθαλλαδοΰς. γυναικόω, after ‘Pass.,’ insert 'become a woman physically,’ Χγύναιξ· γάναι, Hsch. γύννις, line 2, for ‘61, cf.’ read ‘72 M., cf. Ar.Th.136,' Χγυπαιετούς, prob. an error for ύπαιετονς (v. Suppl.), Suid. γύττη, for ‘ κοίλωμα . .Id.’ read ‘of a subterranean cavity, Call. Fr. 43.71 Pf.’ γύπινος, add ‘ ; πτερά Edict. Diocl. 18.10’ Χγϋττόμορφος, ov, with the form (head) of a vulture, epith. of IsLs> PCby. 1 380.66 (ii a.d.). γυργάθιον, add ‘, Anon.Alch.360. 15’ γυργαθός, after 'creel' add ‘(or perh. net)' and after ‘DMeretr. 14.2;’ add ‘esp. a bread-basket, cf. Hsch. s.v. γυργαθόν;’ Χγυργαθώδης, ες, resembling a γυργαθός, Hsch. s.vv. σαργάναι and σεγάνι ov. γυρίνος, after 'tadpole' add ‘or frog' γυροειδής, after 'round' add ‘, PMag.Par. 2.139’ γυρτόν, add ‘, sed leg. λυρτόν (ν. λυρτός)’ γυρωσις, add TI. giddiness, vertigo: metaph., Aq. Is. 19.17.’ γύψ, after ‘PF3.12’ add ‘; gen. pi. γυπάων Opp.C.4.392’ γύψινος I, after 'gypsum,' insert 'στεφάνων Inscr. Delos 1452P1 1 (ii B.c.) ;’ Χγωνά, ή, perh. = γωνία, SEGy .1047 (Syria), γωνία i, add ‘5. beard of corn, Sch.Hes.^c.sgS. 6. edge, point of a sword, Eust.563. 18.’ γωνιαίος I, at end add ‘and γωνιεΐος PRyl. 4.567.3 (iii B.c.)’ add ‘III. γωνιαία (sc. λίθος) , ή, a precious stone, Plin.//A37· 164.’ γωνιόομαι, after ‘Dsc.3.7’ add ‘, Eust.O/attc.292.33’ γωνίωσις, add ‘II. sharp point, Sch.Gen.il. 8. 297.’ γωρυτός, for ‘ quiver ' read 'bow-case' ; line 2, for Od.21.54, cf. Lyc.458’ read 'δς οί περίκειτο φαεινός Od.2i.54> so prob. in Lyc.458. 2. quiver' ; fin., delete ‘ ; wrongly. . 1898.21’ δαγνόν, delete ‘(leg. άδινόν)’ and add ‘, cf. A.Fr.464.13 M.’ δαγύς, delete ‘used in magic rites,’ and add at end ‘ : gen. ph δαγάδων Erinn.i B 21 D.3’ δαδίον I, after 'little torch,' insert ‘δ. χρυσουν επί βάσεως Inscr. Delos 1417 yl i 80 (ii b.c.), ah ;’ Χδαδοσχίστης, ου, ό, one who splits pine-brands, IG22. 1557.29. Χδςιδουχικός, ή, όν, of a δαδούχος I. I, ίεροφαντικών καί δ. οίκων Λ?42(ι).84·3° (Epid., i a.d.). δφδούχιον, delete the article. δαδούχος I. 1, init., add ‘(properisp.)’ ; fin., add also fem., JJT37.239 (Latium, ii a.d.) ; of Persephone, 7Gi2(5).22g.23 (Paros)’ δφδοφόρος, for ‘B.Fr.23.1’ read ‘δαϊδοφόρε B.Fr.31.1 S. ; IG21. 5146’ δαήρ, line 1, for ‘dat. written’ read ‘gen. written δήρος LWi 153 (Cius in Bithynia), dat.’ Χδάθιος, ν. ζάθεος (Suppl.). δαίδαλος ii, last line, for ‘Argos’ read ‘Plataea’ and at end add ‘; Adj. Δαιδάλειος, a, ον, άγάλματα ά εκαλείτο Ζίαιδάλεια, Chron.Lind.C6i, cf. Ar.Fr.194, D.S.4.30.1.’ δαιθμός i, add ‘, Berl.Sitzb. 1927.8 (Locr., v b.c.), cf. άνδαιθμός (Suppl.)’ ^ , Χδαιθράσής, €?, or δαιθρασυς, ν , (δάϊς) bold in battle , Euph. in PSI 1390 C 1.7. Χδαιμονή, Dor. -ά, ή, distribution, prob. in Alcm.65 P., A.Fw.727. δαιμονιόπληκτος, for '— δαιμονιόληπτος' read ‘ smitten by evil spirits’ and after ‘Tetr. 169’ add ‘, Rhetor, in Cal.Cod.Astr.Q(f). 165’ " Χδαιμονόπλοκος, ον, = δαίμοσι προσπλεκόμενος (cf. θεοπλοκος), ex¬ posed to assaults of evil spirits, in their grip, v.l. for δαιμονιόπληκτος, Rhetor, in Cat.Cod.Astr. 8 (4). 165. Χδαιμονώδης, = δαιμονιώδης, φαντασία Inscr. gr.et lat.de la Syrie I. 220 (iv/v A.D.) · δάϊος i. 1, line 6, before “φόβημα δαΐων ” add “έγχέων” and at end add ‘; of armour, warlike, A. R. 1.635, TP6.128 (Mnasalc.)’ χΔαΐρα, ν. Δάειρα. δαΐς, after “ή” add ‘, nom. sg. written δαες in Inscr. DSlos 1442 B 23 (ii B.c.)’ δάϊς, before ‘(δαίω a)’ insert “, 17,” Χδαιτόποινος, ov, feast-avenging (?), PHib. 11. 172.27 (iii B.c.). ΧΔαίττης, ου, ό, epith. of Apollo and Artemis, Άπόλλωνι και Άρτέμιδι Δαίτταις CRAcad. Inscr. 1 93 1 .279 (Susa, ii b.c.); του ΤΙπόλλωνος καί τής Άρτέμιδος των Δαιττών OG'7244·22 (Daphne, ii b.c.). Χδακνάς, 5, ό, biter, Phryn.P^ ρ.64 Β., Gramm, in Gaisford Choerob. 1 p.43. δάκος I, fin., for “β. δάκος” read "βλοσυρόν δ.” δακρυρροέω I, line 3> for "δακρυροοΰν” read “ δακρυρροοΰν ” Χδακρυστάγής, ε'ς, tearful, Tim. Pers. 1 1 1 . Χδακρυχοέω, shed tears, Epigr. in Keil-Premerstein Erster Bericht No. 140 (i A.D.). δακτυλίδιον I, line 3, delete ‘2.155,’ II, delete ‘[At]’ and add ‘(but cf. δακτυλίδια- τα γυναικεία (sc. μόρια), Poll.2.155)’ δακτυλοδεικτέω, after ‘68’ add ‘, v.l. in A.ffg.1332 (anap.)’ δακτυλόδεικτος, for ‘, cf. PL0nd.ined.1621.' read ‘. b. in a Greek— Coptic glossary given as a name for the first finger, Pap. in Aegyptus 6.194.306 (vi a.d.).’ Χδακτυλοκλείδιον, τό, finger-ring-key, PFouad.IUniv.6. 12 (ii a.d., δακτυλοκλίδιν Pap.), cf. ib.8. δάκτυλος i. 2, add ‘c. ph , joints of a beetle’s tarsi, Horap.i.io.’ 36 δάκτυλος SUPPLEMENT δεκάς and after ‘VI.’ add ‘a long shell-fish (= σωλήν f), Plin./ZjVg. 184. VII.' χΔακύτιος, epith. of Hermes, Inscr.Cret. 4.174.60 (Gortyn, ii B.c.). Δαλματεΐς, line 4, after ‘ (ii/iii a.d.)’ insert also Δελματικόν, τό, PSI900.7 (iii/iv a.d.), ΡΟΛ7.1741.15 (iv a.d.)’ line 5, after ‘(v a.d.)’ add ‘; Δελμά tlov ib.16 may be a mistake for this, or another form’ δάλός π, for ‘of an old man’ read ‘of a prematurely aged boy or youth’ δαμάζω, line 4, after ‘Od. 14.367’ add ‘; inf. δμησαι Hsch.’ δάμαρ, add rare in Att., Eup.158, Lex ap.Lys.1.30.’ χ[δα]μάσίβΐος [σΐ], ον, subduing life, Inscr.Cret. i.xvi 52 (i a.d., δαμαισιβ— lapis). δαμαστικός, add ‘, cf. Hsch. s.v. Δμήτειρα' χδάμάστρια, η, gloss on δμήτειρα, Hsch., Sch.Gen.il. 14.259. δαμάτειρα, after “δαμαντηρ,” insert ‘Call.PV.267 Pf.,’ δαμία, delete the entry. χδαμιοργία, ά, meeting of the δαμιοργοί, /G4.493 (Mycenae), v. δημιουργών II. δαμνάω, fin., after “δάμνει” add ‘, impf. έδαμνον,’ δάμνια, add ‘(δάμνιον v.l. in Od.3.444).’ χδάμονομέω, hold the office of *δαμονόμος (perh. supervisor of the common people), TC//54.43 (Calydon, iv/iii b.c.). χδάμοτεύομαι, Dor. for δημ—, BCH^O.iy (Delphi, iv b.c.). δαμώματα, add ‘ ; also δημώματα · παίγνια, Id.’ δανάκη, after “η,” insert ‘and δανάκης, ου, δ,' and for ‘Fr. no’ read ‘Fr. 278 Pf. (note)’ δόνας, before “ · μερίδας” insert Semitic word for wine-jar. Dura 4 122 (cf. Accad. dannu(m)). II. δόνας’ χδάνδη|, ηκος, 6, a kind of large dog, Ps.-Callisth.2-33 cod. B. δανείζω i, before ‘fut.’ add ‘(cf. δανίζω)’ ; after ‘lend,’ add ‘Lex Solonis ap.Lys.10.18,’ 2, line 2, for “από τίνος” read it / 9i παρα τίνος δάνειον, line 2, for ‘97’ read ‘514’ δανειστής I, after ‘creditor,’ insert ‘PIU.S0/.13,’ deleting this re¬ ference in 11. δανειστικός, after ‘etc. ;’ add 'εργασία money-lending business, Thphr.CAar.23.2 ;’ δαόν, add ‘, cf. δηρός.’ δαπάνη I, line 3, before “δ. κουφά” insert ‘ ίππων on horses, Pi. 7-4 (3). 29(47) ;’ 11, for ‘ money spent.. Th.’ read ‘ παρέχων δ. defraying expenses, Hdt. 1 .41 ; money for spending, means, Th. 1 .83 ; ξυμφέρειν Id.’ χδάπανον, τό, dub. sens., Sokolowski 8.30 (Lampsacus, ii b.c.). δάπανος, after ‘Th.5.103;’ insert ‘κόλλοφ AP12.42 (Dioscor.) Δαρεικός, after “Δαρικός” insert ‘[i Herod. 7. 102]’ χδαρμός, ό, flogging, Hsch. s.v. μάστιγας. δασμοφορεω, add ‘II. exact tribute from, c. acc., Διηγήσεις iv.7·’ δασπλήτις, line 1, delete ‘(voc. -πλήτα. . (Paul.Sil.))’ fin., for ‘nom. δασπλήτα. .Hsch.’ read ‘δασπλητα Call.TV.30 Pf. is apptly. acc. sg. ; δάσπλη Hsch. is prob. a corruption of δασπλης.’ χδαστήρ, ηρος, 6, land-commissioner, IGf.l.i 16 (pi.), δασυγραφεω, for ‘Hdn.Epim.25’ read ‘Hdn.Epim.ap.Bast Epistula Critica, Appendix p.25’ δασύθριξ, after ‘hairy,’ insert ‘τράγος Theoc.7.15,* δασυκνήμις, after “ϊδος,” insert “ό, ή,” δασυπόδειος, delete ‘ : τό δ. the species hare ’ δασύς ii. 2, after ‘D.H. Comp. 14’ add ‘ : Comp., τό β τοΰ μεν (sc. φ) φιλότερόν εστι, τοΰ δε (sc. π) —υτερον nearer to an aspirate, ibid.’ and after έως,” add ‘λέγεται ibid. δατέομαι I, line 4, for ‘Diog.. .infr. 11)’ read ‘in pass, sense II. 1. 125, etc., in act. sense Q.S.2.57’ 11, line 6, for ‘Diog. Apoll.l.c.’ read ‘Diog.Apoll.3’ δαϋκος, fin., delete ‘: — also δαυχμός. .Al. 199’ δαυχμός, for ‘v. δαθ/cos.’ read ‘= δάφνη πικρά, Nic. 771.94, Al.\ 99 (acc. to Sch.TA.94).’ δαφνήεις, add ‘: contr. δάφνης, ηντος, Choerob. in Theod.i. 360, al.’ δαφνηφάγος, delete * : hence, inspired ’ δαφνηφορέω, line 2, delete ‘Paus.9. 10.4,’ ; line 3, after ‘7.6.2;’ add ‘serve as δαφνηφόρος I. 2 (q.v. with Suppl.), Paus.9. 10.4 (twice) ;’ δαφνηφόρος I. 2, add ‘ ; δαφνοφόρος, wearing (crown of) bay, title of boy-priest of Apollo Ismenius, Paus.9. 10.4’ u> delete ‘at Thebes, Paus.9. 10.4;’ χδάχμα, τό, = δήγμα, Nic. Th. 1 1 9 (codd. also δηχ-, δαγ-), 1 28, al. δαψιλής i. 1, fin., after ‘Ptol.Teir.56’ add ‘(v.l.)’ *δάω ii, line 5, after ‘4.989’ add ', and perh. δαείης h.Merc.^fof δε ii. 3, add ‘, A.Supp.190, Ar.T0.935, Lys. 12.68, etc.; com¬ moner in verse than in prose’ P-37 1 > fine δ from bottom, for ‘II.’ read ‘III.’ B, add *, but cf. οό δε βίηφιν Od.g. 408, ού δ’ είδώς Tl.Smp. igga., μη δέ.,θέλων Charito 2.4.1 (s.v.L)’ -δε, init., for ‘an enclitic’ read ‘a’ fin., add ‘(It is doubt¬ ful whether -δε is enclitic, cf. A. D.T1E.179.5, 181.13, Hdn. Gr.1.498.)’ χδέγμ α' νόμιμον, Hsch. δέδηε, δεδήει, after ‘v. δαίω (A)’ add ', and δέω (A) in Suppl.’ δεδίσκομαι, delete ‘II. v. δειδίσσομαι.’ χδεδίσσω, v. δειδίσσομαι with Suppl. δέησις I. 2, delete ‘written’ χδεητάς, όν, necessary, Plu.2.687e. δεΐ I. 1, line 9, for ‘Oec. 7.20’ read ‘Oec. 8.9, Ti.Phlb.^b’ Δεΐα, add ‘ ; Δ. Σεβαστά οικουμενικά at Laodicea, BMus.Inscr. 605.5,11 (Ephesus, ii A.D.) ; Δ. Κομόδεια τα πρώτα άχθέντα εν Λαοδικεία BCI 728.85 (Tralles, ii a.d.)’ χδειδία' η σκοτία νύξ, Suid. δειδίσκομαι, init., insert ‘also δεδίσκομαι,’ line 6, after ‘Od.7.72’ insert ‘, cf. Call.Tr.87,186.12’ add TII. = δειδίσσομαι I, Ar. Lys. 564.’ δειδίσσομαι, init., delete ‘impf. . .Lys.564.’ line 9, delete ‘D. 19. 291, Prooem. 43,’ line 10, for ‘; cf. δεδίσκομαι II.’ read ‘ : — Act. in this sense, Sch.B II. 24. 569, Suid.’ δείδω, line 16, before ‘3 sg.’ insert ‘2 sg. δείδιας AP 12.138 (Mnasalc.) ;’ line 23, after ‘etc.’ add pf. part. fern. δειδυΐα A. R. 3.753, cf. δεδυΐα Pl.l.c. (v.l.)’ line 27, after ‘35.30’ add ‘ ; late Ep. pres. part. fern, δειδιόωσα Jo.Gaz.2. 248’ δεικανάω ii, fin., after Od.18.11i;’ add ‘χερσί καί μΰθοισιν έδεικανόωντο A. R. 1. 884;’ δείκελον 2, add ‘, Parth.Tr.36’ χΔείκνιος, o, name of a month, Hesperia 27.75 (ca- 200 BC·)· δείκνυμι 6, line 2, for “ προθυμίαν ” read “δυναμιν” δεικτικός, add ‘III. Subst. δεικτικός (sc. δάκτυλος), ό, index finger, Cael.Aur. TP5.2 1 .’ δείλαιος, line 3, after ‘S.OT1347’ delete ‘(lyr.)’ χδειλανδρία, ή, cowardice, Suid. δεϊλαρ, for ‘Fr. 458’ read ‘Fr. 177.17 Pf·’ χδειλιάζω, to be cowardly, cj. in Anacr.85 P. δειμαίνω, line 2, for ‘330c’ read ‘330c’ δειμός I, add ‘, Chrysipp.6'i0iV.3.i23 (pi.)’ χδείμυλος, sine expl., Theognost.Can.61 . δείνα, line 3, before ‘A.D.’ insert ‘PMich.Teb.122 passim (i a.d.),’ 11 fin., after ‘Pax 268,’ add ‘Men.Tjyic.897,’ χδεινόθυμος, ον, gloss on ούλόθυμος, Hsch. χδεινόφρων, ονος, ό, η, gloss on λυκόφρων, Hsch. δεΐξις ii, for ‘display’ read ‘ performance ’ δειπνεω, line 5, after T44’ add ‘(cf. forms of άριστάω)* δειπνοποιός, add ‘, /Gi2(i)-579 (Rhodes)’ δειπνοσοφιστής, for ‘one. . kitchen ’ read ‘learned diner' χδειπνοφοριακός, η, όν, = δει πνοφόρος II, πομπή BAIus.Inscr. 577a9 (Ephesus). δειραχθής, delete ‘, which is. . (Aristodic.)’ δείρη ι. 2, add ‘b. mane of a lion, Ael.jVd 1 7.26.’ 11, for the present section read ‘ col of a mountain, Nic. Th. 502, Her- mesian.7.54 (prob.) ; pi., Pi. 0.3.27,9.59.’ δειρόπαις, for ‘neck’ read ‘ throat ’ δείς, for ‘no one . .something,’ read ‘only in neut. δέν and in juxta¬ position with ονδέν or μηδέν, something, anything, καί κ’ ούδέν έκ δενός γένοιτο AIC.3QO L.-P. ;’ fin., after “ούδείς” add ‘, cf. θέν in Suppl.’ χΔειφίλεια [φϊ] τά, Τραϊάνεα Δ. έν Περγάμω, games in honour Oj Trajan and fl_eus Philios, BMus.Inscr. 60 5 . 9 (Ephesus, ii a.d.) ; cf. Διφίλε ια (Suppl.). δέκα, line I, after ‘indecl.,’ insert ‘but gen. δέκων Schwyzer 688D 13 (Chios, v b.c.),’ line 8, after ‘^.^.19.7’ insert ‘; also -δύω Milet ι(7).2θ4έΐ2 (i a.d.)’ δεκαδαρχέω, add ‘, Africa Italiana Riv. 3.189 (Cyrene, prob. ii A.D.).’ χδεκαδύο, δεκα-είς μία, έν, δεκα-έννατος, ν. δέκα. δεκαετηρία, after “17,” insert ‘C/G8610 (iv a.d.) ;’ δεκαμηνιαΐος, add ‘; βρέφος BCH^i. 379^ fine I9> χδεκανεύω, hold the office of δεκανός, IGBulg. 917,1401 bis (both Philippopolis, iii a.d.). χδεκά|ϋλος, ον, containing ten sticks, or ten ξύλα (ν. ξύλον v) in length, δέομαι Theb.Ostr.\\\ (i a.d.). χδεκάπάλαστος [πά], ον, ten palms long, lnscr .Ddlos 1442T67 (iiB.c.). δεκάπεδον, for the present article substitute ‘-πεδος, ον, measuring ten feet, IGef{\).i 16.12,21 (Epid., iv/iii b.c.), etc.; τό δ. per ten-foot length, ib.109 1,127, etc·’ χδεκαπενταετής, ές, fifteen years old, Epigr. in 7G9(2).649.5 (Larissa). χδεκάποδία, η, space of ten feet, Delph.^fi) .74 (iv B.C.). χδεκάπρωσις, εως, η, — δεκαπρωτεία, lGRom.^.222. δεκαπρωτεία, for “δεκάπρωτοι” read “δεκάπρωτος” and for ‘(Syllaeum)’ read ‘(Syllium, written -πρωτιά)’ χδεκαπρωτικός, η, όν, having held the δεκαπρωτεία, γένος IGRom.y. 406 (Pogla). , δεκάπρωτοι I, add at end ‘(unless dat. of *δεκαπρώτης)’ χδεκαρουρία, ή, estate of ten άρουραι, PMich.Teb.2. 238.79 (i a.d.). δεκάρταβος, after “άρτάβαι,” insert ‘TGt/i 773-I5 (i B-C.),’ δεκάς ι. i, line 2, after ‘etc.’ add ‘ ; of slaves enlisted as soldiers, TCT/59.453 (Chios, v/iv b.c.)’ 37 δεκάσημος SUPPLEMENT δημιοττράτης δεκάσημος, add ‘II. in Prosody, of the length of ten short syllables , Mar. Viet. p. 49 K.’ δεκαστάδιον, for ‘ race-course . ./G4.951’ read ‘ marking-sign for ten stadia, milestone, IG^2(i).i2i’ χδεκαστάσιος [στα], ον worth ten times its weight, of gold as com¬ pared with silver, v.l. in Poll. 9. 76, prob. in IG12. 301. 108, 120 (Num.Chron. 10(1 930). 24). δεκαταίος, add ‘III. of or belonging to tithe (δέκατη), rest, in Call. Fr. 186.3 Pf.’ δεκατάλαντος, line 2, after ‘Ar.Fr.276;’ insert ‘neut. as Subst., Poll.9.54;’ Χδεκάταρχις, fern. Adj., of a decurio, τιμή SEG8.il (Tiberias), δεκάταρχος, add ‘, dub. in BC//47.382 (Notium)’ δεκάτευμα, for ‘Ep. 40’ read ‘Epigr. 39 Pf.’ and after ‘(pi.)’ add ‘, ΛΡ6.290 (Diosc.)’ δεκάτευσις, for ‘ decimation ’ read ‘offering of every tenth man to a god' δεκατευτής, add ‘, /G22.i6og.97 (Athens, iv b.c.), 7.2227.4 (Boeotia)’ δεκατεΰω I. I, add ‘; άσσα . . δεκατεύεται .dP6.225 (Nicaenet.), unless δ. is here Med., give as tithe’ 111, for ‘D.ap.Harp.’ read ‘Did. ap. Harp. s.v. δεκατε όειν.’ δεκατηφόρος i, add ‘; κουρεύς AJA^o.2^g (Cyprus)’ δεκατισμός, add ‘II. tithe, payment oj tithe, CQ.44. 103 (Cyprus).’ δέκατος it. I, after ‘tithe,’ insert ‘τη "Ηρη ανέθεσαν δεκάτηι έρδον τες ^4i/(.Afztt.N.S.6.i6 (Samos, vi b.c.) χδεκάτός, ή, όν, tithed, i.e. condemned to forfeit one-tenth of one’s sub¬ stance, 5PG9.72.34 (Cyrene, iv b.c.). δεκατόω, add ‘; Act. abs., Lxx 2 £5.20.37(38)’ δεκατώνης, add ‘, TAM2(i).i.ig (ii b.c.), Poll.6.128’ χδεκάχους, ovv, holding ten χόες, Arist.yfi/i.67.2. δεκετης π, add, ‘; cf. δεχέτης (Suppl.)’ δεκήρης, for ‘with, .oars’ read ‘prob. with ten rowers to each oar (cf. -ήρης in Suppl.)’ χδεκόβολον, τό, = δεκώβολον, PCair .Ifen. ill. 12 (iii B.c.). χδεκουρία, ή, = Lat. decuria, επίλεκτοι* κριτήν ε’κ των έν 'Ρώμη δεκουριών IGRom.q. 778.9 (Attalea). χδεκουρίων, ωνος, ό, member oj municipal council, IGRom. 1 .499 (Lilybaeum). 2. cavalry officer, IG Rom. 3. 1231 (Arabia), al. 3. foreman oj a slave household, IGRom. 4.102. δέκτης, add ‘II. heir, IGg(2) .522.27 (Larissa, iii/ii b.c.).’ χΔελέφατ’ ό της Αφροδίτης άστήρ, υπό Χαλδαίων, Hsch. δέλλις (Β), for ‘Annuario 3. 144 (Pisidia) ’ read ‘SEG2. 710.13 (Pednelissus, i b.c.)’ δέλτα I, after “δέλτα” add ‘, Achae.33’ 11. 2, for ‘ad¬ verbially’ read “=έφήβαιον γυναικεΐον” and add ‘, cf. Sch. ad loc.’ δέλτος (B) 1, add ‘ ; δ. Διός, of a register of sins, A.PV.530.21 M., E.Pr.506, Luc. Merc. Cond. 1 2 (pi.)’ χδελφάκτιν, sine expl., Choerob. in Theod. 1.267. χδελφίνειος [t], a, ov, of the dolphin, στέαρ Cyran.io8. χδελφίνέλαιον, to, oil of dolphin, Cyran.107. δελφινοφόρος i, for ‘A.Fr. 150’ read ‘cj. in A.Pr.237 M.’ 11, add *, Poll. 1. 85’ χΔέλφυνα, ή, and Δελφύνης, ό, names for the serpent slain by Apollo, v. Call.Pr.88 Pf. δεμάτιον, after “δέμα,” insert ‘ bundle , Edict. Dio cl. 6. 37,’ χδεμνιοπετής, ές, bed-ridden, Nic.Dam.Pr.44 J. δέμω, after ‘pres.’ add ‘(GD/5597.8 (Ephesus, iii b.c.))’ Χδενδραχάτης, ου, 6, a precious stone, ΡΜπ.ΗΝο,η . 139, De M0ly Lapid.Gr.188.22 ; paraphrased as αχάτης δει >δρήεις Orph. P.236, δενδρίτης, add ‘III. (sc. λίθος) an Indian stone resembling coral, Cyran.14: — also δενδρΐτις, ιδος, η, name of a gem, Plin .HN 37-192·’ χδενδροβάτης, ov, 6, an acrobat who had to climb trees in the amphitheatre to escape wild beasts, Gloss. (Lat. arborarius). δενδρολίβανον, for T1.15 tit.’ read T6.1.’ δενδρόω ii. 2, for ‘3.4.1’ read ‘3.4.2’ δενδρυάζω, for ‘Paus.Gr.’ read ‘Ael.Dion.’ δενδρΰφιον, after “δένδρον,” insert ‘laser. Delos 1416T191 (ii b.c.),’ and at end for ‘4.7.2’ read ‘4.7.3’ δενδρώτις, add ‘ : masc. δενδρώτης, Theognost.Can.44’ χδεξόριον, τό, dub. sens., δεκάρια ζυγήν [μίαν] PSI 183.6 (ν A.D.). χδεξίαμα, ν. δεξίωμα (Suppl.). χδεξιοκοιτέω, sleep on the right side, Ideler ii p.195. δεξιόομαι I, fin., after Έ.Ρ/1.419’ add ‘, cf. Men.Djv5c.948’ δεξιός I, fin., after ‘δεξιά as Adv.,’ insert ‘E.Hipp. 1360,’ χδεξιόχωλος, ov, lame in the right leg, Lat. dexiocholus, Mart. 12.59.9. δέξις I, add ‘, Pl.Pg.761d’ δεξίωμα, add ‘; v.l. δεξίαμα in E.Pr.324.1 (= PRoss.-Georg. 1.9 (ii b.c.)) and in S.OCl.c., perh. to be preferred’ δέπας, line 3, after ‘10.316,’ insert ‘A.Fr. 109 M. (lyr.),’ δεράγχη, for ‘ collar ’ read ‘noose’ Χδεραιο0χος, ov, neck-holding, ΑΡη.^ηο, (cj.) (Aristodic.). χδέριον, τό, necklace, Charis.p.46 Barwick. χδέρκηθρον, τό, dub. sens., Ph.Epic.ap.Eus.PP9.37.!. δέρκομαι, line 1, after ‘Hsch.’ insert ‘, Didyma 567.1, and pos¬ sibly in Pi., POxy.2442.87’ δερματίκιον, add ‘: perh. leather cloak, PMich. 3.218. 14 (iii a.d.).’ δερμάτιον, add ‘, PCair.^en. 353.15 (iii b.c.)’ χδερματόκολλα, ή, skin-glue, Anon.Alch.380. 10. χδερμορράφιον, τό, needle, Sch.Ar.Pi.301, v. Mnemos. ser.4, vol.io, P-58· δέρρις i, omit ‘, cf. TP12.33 (Mel.)* iii, after ‘sg., insert MP 12.33 (Mel.),’; delete ‘CicMP.4. 19.1,’ and add ‘b. screens on shipboard as protection against waves, CicMti^.ig. 1.’ δέρω, line 7, after β ay,’ add ‘of Marsyas, δεδαρμένον Timocl. 2 D. ;’ δέσις, after ‘HI.’ delete ‘= δέσμη. .IV.’ δέσκαλος, after ‘dub. sens.,’ add ‘prob. = διδάσκαλος,’ and at the end add ‘, cf. PMich. Teb.i2yxxi 9 (i a.d.)’ χδέσμευσις, εως, η, binding, του χόρτου PCair. Zen. 180 (iii B.C.). δεσμός I. I, add ‘b. cluster, δ. Πλειάδος Lxx Jb.afi.y.' 4, add ‘ , cf. Call.Pr.191.41 Pf. (Add. 11)’ add ‘6. δεσμόν· σημεΐον παρά τοΐς θνταις, Hsch.’ χδεσμοφΰλάκέω, to be a gaoler, PCair. ίζεη. 354-H (iii B.c.). δεσμοφόλαξ, after ‘gaoler,’ insert ‘PTeb. 777.5, 791.17 (pi.) (both ii B.c.),’ δέσποινα 3, add ‘ ; pi. ^έσποιναι, of Demeter and Kore, Paus.5. 15.4,10; cf. Ρ?5(ι). 230 (Sparta)’ δεσπόσυνος II. I, add ‘, TP12.169 (Diosc.)’ δεσπότης I. I, line 2, after ‘lord,’ add ‘Tyrt.7, Sapph.95.8 L.-P., etc.;’ 11, lines 4/5, delete ‘(for metrical reasons)’ δεσποτικός I. 2, add ‘ ; δ., τό, = fiscus, Jahresh. I Beibl. 1 1 5 (Perin- thus)’ δεύρο, after ‘Aeol. δεύρυ’ insert ‘prob. in Sapph.2.1 L.-P., cf.’ δεύτε, line 5, after ‘E.Med.8gf add ‘, and Com., δ. δη Men. Dysc. 866’ χ[δευ]τεραρχέω, to be the second magistrate, prob. in Jahresh. 2·$ Beibl. 12 1 (Thrace). δευτερεύω, add ‘II. δευτερευων, an official title, UPf^ 2.159.13 (iii B.c.).’ δευτερολόγος, for ‘ second speaker’ read ‘= δευτεραγωνιστής i* and for ‘p.5 H.’ read ‘p.3 H.’ δεύτερος I. 2, line 6. for ‘Cyr.2.2.1’ read ‘Cyr.2.2.2’ II. I, line 3, for ‘very much behind’ read ‘easily second to’ δευτήρ, for ‘ kettle , cauldron, Demiopr.’ read ‘ utensil for mixing a dry mass with liquid, Demiopr at.’ and for ‘cf. δεΰμα’ read ‘cf. δεάω (A) 1. 2’ δεύω (Β) i, fin., after ‘(Eresus)’ insert ‘, Ale. 1 1 7(0)30 L.-P.’ and for ‘Ale. Oxy. 1788.15 ii 3’ read ‘Id. 1 19.5 L.-P.’ χδεχέτης, = δεκετης ii, GVI6 78.8 (Crete), δέχομαι, line 4, after ‘(Chersonesus)’ add ‘; Lacon. δεξώμεσα Abh.Berl.Akad. 1952(1). 11 (iii b.c.)’ line 11, after ‘inf. δόχθαι’ add ‘II. 1. 23,’ δέω (A), line 3, after ‘And.4.17 (prob.) :’ add ‘intr. pf. δέδηα, to be bound, NicM/.436:’ line 10, after ‘Fr. 89.15’ add ‘; ν. καταδέω in Suppl.’ δέω (B), line 6, after ‘·φδερ’ add !, cf. δεόει, = δεί, PC//59.55 (Larissa)’ 11, line 2, after ‘δεόμενος Id. 36’ add ‘, BCH 59.38 (pi., Crannon)’ δη, line 6, after ‘Th. 214 (lyr.)’ insert ‘; also δη τότε δη, Opp.C. 2.271, Q,.S. 10.224, OrphM.1270, Nonn.D.22.299, v.l. in A.R. 4.1209, 1400’ δηϊόω, line 12, after ‘(Fr. 9)’ add * ; poet, δήϊον AP6. 122.4 (Nic.)’ δηλητηριώδης, after ‘ noxious ,’ insert ‘Z0s.Alch.20i. 15,’ Δήλιος, add ‘V. δόλιος (sc. μην), ό, month at Cos, Abh.Berl.Akad. 1928(6). 50; at Rhodes, 5/G644.13, etc.; at Calymna, Tit. Calymn. 88.46, etc.’ χΔηλίτης [ϊ] χορός, = 6 εις Δήλον ερχόμενος χορός, Call.Pr.71 Pf. δηλόω ιι. 2, line 2, for ‘δηλώσει. .R. 497c i’ read ‘so perh. δηλώσει P1.P.497C,’ χΔημαρχεξουσιος, ό, name of a month (Apr. /May) in a calendar (Augustan) of Cyprus, a Madrid MS. in Jahresh.8 p.i 12 (-εξάσιος), IGRom. 3.930 (Soloi, prob. i a.d.). δήμαρχος I, add ‘c. in Egypt, head of a district, Hdt.3.6.’ 2, after ‘ plebis ,’ insert ‘ SIG601 (b.c. 193),’ δηματρεύεσθαι, for the present article read ‘δημαστρεΰεσθαι ( δηματρ — Hsch.)· επί πολύ νπερτίθεσθαι, Cyr., Hsch. (cor- ruptum e δηθά στρενγεαθαι II. 15.5 1 2, al. ; cf. στρεόγομα c διατρίβω, Hsch.)’ χδημέκδΐκος, ό, = Lat. defensor civitatis, PMasp.^y A 26 (vi A.D.). δημεύω ill, add ‘, cf. Plu.2.243d’ δημηγερσία, delete ‘ ; cf. δημοεγερτής ’ δημηγορικός, after ‘speaking,’ insert ‘of persons,’ Δημήτηρ, add ‘II. The Dor. voc. ώ Δάματερ is said to express surprise, Theopomp.Com.23.’ Δημητριακός ii, add ‘2. τό Δ., name of a silver-mine at Sunium, 7G22.i587.3, 9 (iv b.c.).’ χΔημητρίειος δραχμή, coin minted by Demetrius Poliorcetes, Inscr.Magn. 33.20. δημιόπρατα, add ‘(—πρητ— Inscr.Dilos 72 (v b.c.))’ χδημιοπράτης [ά], ου, ό, auctioneer of public goods, Poll.9.10 (w.ll. δημοπράτης, δημοπρατα) . 38 δήμιος SUPPLEMENT διακομπεω δήμιος I, add ‘Advs. -ίως, -ιωστί, Theognost.Ca/z.i6o, Eust. ι899·57· 2. in public or vulgar, δήμια λαβράζουσι Nic. Al. 160.’ ii, add ‘3. oi δάμωι, magistrates at Dreros, ££7/61.334 (Dreros, vi b.c.).’ δημιούργημα, line 3, for ‘2.54b’ read ‘2.54a’; line 5, for ‘208’ read ‘207’ δημιουργός i. i, line 6, after ‘R. 529ε’ add ‘, cf. Διηγήσεις vii. 30’ add ‘b. esp. fem. of the bridal attendant who made wedding cakes, Poll.3.41, Sch.Ar.Ey.647 ; name of a play by Menander cited in Ath.4.i72C, Poll. 10. 102.’ χδημιωστί, V. δήμιος (Suppl.). χδημογραμμάτ€ύς, ε'ως, ό, secretary of a δήμος, Cod. Just .10.71.4. δημοεγερτής, delete the article. δημόθεν i. 2, after ‘ people,' insert ‘Call.Er.93. 15 Pf.,’ and add ‘3. from the town, /IE9.316.2 (Leon.).’ χδημοκατάράτος [dp], ov, accursed by the people, Thd.Pr.i 1.26. χδημοκήρυξ, ϋκος, ό, public herald, MAMA4.551 (Eumeneia). χδημόκομπος· στωμύλος, Suid. (fort. — κόπος). χδημοκόπιον, τό, = δημοκοπία, POxy. 2400.5 (hi A.D.). δημοκόπος, insert ‘(parox.)’ and for ‘Ph.2.47’ read ‘Ph.2.520* δημοκρατία II, for ‘Paus. 1.3.2’ read ‘Paus.1.3.3’ Δημοκρίτειοι, after ‘VH 12.25’ insert sg.’ χδημόπράτος, ov, sold as State property, Ph.2.539, cf. δημιόπρατα. δημόσιος i. i a, line 5, after ‘(Halic.) ;’ insert ‘οί δ. θεοί Soko- lowski 79.3 (Pednelissus ?, i b.c.);’ 2, add ‘; = δημοτι¬ κός I. 1, γράμματα IG 1 2 (5). 1 4.6 (ii/iii A.d.) ’ hi. 2, add ‘c. public sacrifices or victims, IG H.24.12 (Athens, v b.c.), SIG 1004.35 (Oropus, iv b.c.), etc.’ χδημοσιωνικός, ή, όν, νόμος law relating to revenue-leases, JHSj\. 97 A 11, al. (Caunus, i a.d.). δημοσίωσις, add ‘2. dub. sens., Vett.Val.1.7, possibly reputation with the public.’ χδημόσΰνος, η, ον, = δήμιος I, epith. of Artemis, IG21. 4658 (Athens, iv/iii b.c.). δημοσώστης, after ‘of the people,' insert ‘SEG 16.428.7 (Callatis, i A.D.),’ δημότερος I, for ‘poet. for. .3.606’ read ‘of the land, γυναίκες A. R. 1. 783; abs., Id. 3. 606 (v.l. δημογερουσ iv) : Dor. δάμο— Call.Er.228.71 Pf.’ χδημότευκτος, ov, furnished by the people, λίθοι Sardis 7(i)No.i8i (i A.D.). χδημοφίλητος [ί], ov, beloved of the people, IGBulg. 150 (Odessus). δήμωμα, add ‘with Suppl.’ δηναιός i. 1, after ‘Adv.,’ insert for a long time, long, A.R. 1.334, 3.590,’ and 11, after ‘A.R. 4. 645;’ add ‘[τά ίρά] δηναιά ττατήρ εκόμισσεν Maiist.8 ;’ and omit ‘ : neut. . .Maiist.8’ δηνάριον, add ‘; cf. δινάριον (Suppl.)’ χδηπόσιτον, τό, = Lat. depositum, PSI 1063.5 (ii a.d.). δήποτε i, add ‘; sometimes, Nic. Λ/. 383 ; alternatively, Id.TA.683, Al. 133, al.’ δηριάομαι, last line but one, for “οΰκ άν τ οί” read “ονκ άν οί Θηρών” δήρις, after ‘A.Supp.412’ delete ‘(lyr.)’ δηρός, for “ά, όν” read ‘Adj. (only -ov occurs)' χδησερτωρ, ορος, ό, (or δεσ— ), = Lat. deserter, PFlor. 362. 3 (iv A.D.). δήτα, line 4, after ‘answers,’ add ‘or in corroboration of what has been said,’ ; line 8, after ‘(lyr.),’ add Έ.ΕΖ. 673,676,’ and in lines 11/ 12 omit ‘also. .cf. 676;’ χδηφήνσωρ, ορος, ό, = Lat. defensor, PLips. 35.12 (iv A.D.). Χδηχμός, ό, = δηγμός 2, Nic. Al. 1 1 9. χΔηωις, ίδος, ή, daughter of Deo (= Demeter), Didyma 496/311 (ii A.D.) . διά, line 2, after ‘anastroph.’ insert ‘(but after its case in Hes. Op. 3, Tyrt.4.2)’ lines 3/4, delete ‘also, .which’ A. I. 1, add ‘b .for a distance of, φόρετρον δ. σχοίνων γ’ PMich.i 45 hi. col. ν. 9 (ϋ a.d.), cf. 3,5.’ hi. 2, line 2, after ‘thing is made,’ insert ΆΕ6.282 (Theod.), Plb.14.1.15 ;’ and add at end ‘; in Marc.Emp.8. 199,2 10, al. collyria are named διά μίσυος, δ. χολής (diamisyos, diacholes), etc.’ iv a, lines 4/5, transfer ‘δι’ άπεχθείας. .ibid. ;’ to end of section, inserting ‘become an object of hatred,’ after “γίγνεσθαι” ; at end add ‘δι’ ευχής είναι PBremen 20.6 (ii a.d.), Aegyptus 15.267 (ii/iii A.D.) ; διά σπουδής είναι Ael.JVAj.45, al.’ διαβάθρα, add ΊΙΙ. cross-beam of a loom, Lxx 2Ez.23.21.’ διαβάλλω I, add ‘4. dub. sens., το εμβόλων διαβεβληται Inscr. Dilos 1441^1157.’ 11, for “αότω” read “αυτή” and for ‘him’ read ‘it (the πόλις)’ hi, lines 7/8, delete ‘Hdt.8.22,’ lines 9/10, after ‘15.1755' insert ‘προς την ωμότητα τοΰ υίοΰ διαβληθείς Luc.Macr.14, cf. Arr.E/ncZ.2.26.3’ omitting ‘or πρός’ and ‘, Macr. 14’ in v. i, lines 7, 8; transfer ‘to be brought. .8.7’ to v. 1, line 8, after ‘Pass.,’ vii, delete the section, διαβιβρώσκω, line 1, after ‘Gal. 13.553 :’ insert ‘aor. 3 pi. διεβρον (leg. -wv?) Call.Er.177.31 Pf. :’ and for ‘ib.’ read ‘Gal.13.’ διαβοάω, line 5, for ‘Per. 9’ read ‘Per. 19’ διαβουλία, delete the article and transfer references to δια- βούλιον. διαβρεχής, add ‘(v.l. - βραχής , fort, -βραχείς, cf. sq.)’ διάγγελμα, for ‘a message, notice ’ read ‘order’, and at end add ‘(pi·)’ διαγ[ειτ]ονία, delete the article. διαγιγνομαι, lines 9/10, for ‘he was never, .theorist’ read ‘he spent his life doing nothing but examine. .’ διαγκυλόομαι, after ‘(v.l. -ισμενος’ add ‘, cf. διηγκυλίσθαι, Hsch.’ διαγογγύζω, line 2, for “επί τινι” read “επί τινα”, after ‘/Vw.14.2’ insert ‘ ; πρός τινα Hid. 7.27’ and delete that ref. where it stands, putting V after ‘19.7’ χδιαγομφιάζω, gnash the teeth, cj. in Hsch. s.v. διαπρίετα ι (δια- γοράζει cod.). χδιαγονία, i, family group, Annuario2 p.140 (iii B.c.), Maiuri JVuova Silloge 18, /Gi2(i).g22, Clara Rhodos 2.175 (ii b.c.), 203 (all Rhodes). διάγραμμα, add ‘IV. enclosure, μηδενα εντός τοΰ δ. παραπορενεσθαι EC//33-23 (Pontus, ii b.c.).’ διαγραφάριος, add ‘, cf. PKlein.Form. 31 (vi a.d.).’ διαγραφή ii, line 3, after ‘ description ’ insert ‘, Longin.32.5 ;’ διαγράφω i. i a, for ‘ES2.2.7, Her. 2.1’ read ‘VS2.1.J, Her. 2.2’ διαγωνίζομαι, line 4, after “περί τίνος” insert ‘Aeschin.3.132,’; line 6, delete ‘; but, ..3.132’ διάδηλος, add ‘2. articulated, recognizable, of the foetus, JVotiz. Arch. 4. 98 (Cyrene).’ χδιαδιδασκαλία, ή, teaching, education, PMasp. 295. 1.29 (v a.d.). διαδικέω (A) 2, delete the section. χδιαδρανής, ες, prob. divergent in their effects, of planets, δ. είσ'ιν τοΐς άποτελεσμασιν PMich. 149 col.xi. 1 7 (h a.d.), cf. δρανεΐς. χδιαζευγίζω, separate, c. gen., ήν,.μεσηλι κίης διεζενγισε . .7 Ιδης MzlM.d7.263. διάζευγμα, add ‘ ; τό δ. perh. the Mole at the Piraeus, Thphr. Char.23.2 ’ διάζομαι, add ‘2. metaph., εδιάσω με thou didst weave me, form the fabric of me, from the beginning, Aq.Pi. 138. 13.’ διάζωμα, add ‘8. dub. sens., δ. τής τροφής Plu.2.i32a.’ χδιαζωματικός, ή, όν, of or for a διάζωμα 3, πίνακες Inscr. Dilos 1442 £42 (ii B.c.). διαζώννυμι ii, after ‘encompass,’ insert ‘of the rainbow, εζωσε δια . .ουρανόν ίρις Arat.940>’ διάημι, add ‘ ; Pass., to be blown through, Nic.Er.74.41 ; ν. ζάημι χδιαθαλάμευσις, εως, ή, chambering, Eust. 782. 48. διάθεσις ii. I b, for ‘πρός τινα Sch.E.Hec.8’ read ‘love, affection, Favorin. in PVat.i 1.16.43, Sch.E.//cc.886’ διαθετικός, add ‘b. dub. sens., PTeb. 847 intr. (ii b.c.).’ διαθρύπτω ii. 2, for ‘Med.,. . Id. 1 5. 99’ read ‘Med., c. dat., coquet with, ά δε. .τοι διαθρνπτεται Theoc.6.15; at Id. 15.99 all codd. give διαθρνπτεται (perh. is making her bow), but PAntin. διαχρεμπτεται διαινέω, add ‘ ; δ. περί c. gen. perh. to be read in /G5(i). 1379.5 (Messenia, ii/i b.c.)’ διαίνω, add ‘ ; cf. διάναι· σμήξαι, πλνναι, Hsch.’ χδιαιπετής, ες, ( διαπίπτω ) falling through, άστήρ ώρανώ δ. Alcm.3. Fr. 3.11.67 Ρ. : less prob. διαιπέτης, ( διαπετομαι ) flying through. χδιαίρασις, = διερασις, q.v. (Suppl.) ; cf. διεραματίτης (Suppl.). Χδιαίρεμα, V. διόραμα (Suppl.). διαιρετός ι. ι b, for ‘having divisions’ read ‘able to be taken apart ’ διαιρεω ii. I, lines 6/7, delete ‘τοΐς δικάζουσι. .Or. 52.4;’ and line 9, after ‘D.45.38’ add ‘ ; τά ώτα [των δικαζόντων ] διελόμενο ι dividing the jurors’ ears among themselves, Lib.Or.52.4’ διαίρω ill, delete ‘intr.. .over,’ διαΐσσω, fin., delete ‘Anaxag.ap.’ δίαιτα I, after ‘ mode of life,’ insert ‘άμόχθητ ον. .δίαιταν Alc.6i.i2 L.-P. ; άνδρών δ. Pi. £.1.93;’ iii. 1, line 4, after ' judge¬ ment ’ add ‘given’ 2, delete the section, διαιτάω ii. 4, delete “τινά τινι” διαίτησις, after ‘way of life,’ insert ‘Plu.2.50ob,’ χδιαιτία, ή, = διαίτησις, SEG21.507/B8 (Athens, letter of Hadrian). δίαιτάς, for “· κριτής” read ‘= διαιτητής, BC//59.96 (Delphi), Arch.Pap.15.j5 (Dodona)’ διακαθίζω n, for ‘= foreg.’ read ‘= διακαθεζομαι’ διάκειμαι ii. 2, fin., delete ‘ ; of a gift. .7.3.17’ διακέντησις, add ‘II. = διαρραφή. Arch. Pap. 2. 2.' χδιακΙθάρισμός, 6, competition in κιθαρισμός, Inscr. Cos 59. διακινέω, line 1, for ‘Pass.’ read ‘Med.’ and delete ‘to be put in motion,' add ‘III. intr., walk round, διακινώ μηθεν ποιων PMich.8.465.16 (ii a.d.) ; Vit.Aesopf G)j6.’ χδιάκλειμα, ατος, τό, dub. sens., BCH 10.462.17 (Delos, iv b.c.), IG22. 1 643.3 (Attica, iv b.c.). διακλήρωσις i, after ‘ apportionment ,’ insert ‘ PDura 19.6 (i a.d.),' διακλονέω, after ‘ violently ,’ insert ‘όλος δι ακλονονμενος Vit. Aesop. (G) 1 8 ; διακλονών διασείων, δονών,’ διακναίω 2, line 4, for ‘character’ read ‘play’ διακολάπτω, for ‘dress. . chisel ’ read ‘ cut a way through ’ χδιακολπΐτεύω, smuggle, PTeb. 709.9,14 (ii B.c.). διακομπέω, for ‘Posidon.41’ read ‘Posidon.36 J.’ 39 διακονεω SUPPLEMENT διαρρήδην χδιακονέω (Β), aor. inf. διακονήσα ι, = κατεργάσααθαι, άπολέααι, βλάφαι, Hsch. χδιακονητής, ον, ο, dub. sens., PMasp.6 ο.ι. διακόνισσα, add ‘, Cod. Just, ι .2.13» al.’ διάκονος ι. ι, line 3, for ‘Id.Fr.133’ read Td.Fr. 137’ χδιακοντισία, ή, = διακοντισμός, Robert Jst.Anat. 401 .n.2. χδιακοπτικός, gloss on δήϊος, δάϊος, Sch.Gen.il. 14.422, Sch.E. Andr. 826. διακόπτω I, add ‘b. corrode , ύδωρ διακόπτου αγγεία Call.Fr.413 pf., etc.’ διακόρευσις, add ‘, Lindos 487.12 (iii a.d.).’ *Διακός, ή, όν, perh. adj. of Ζευς = Bios 11, νόμος IG 12 (2). 58.8 (Mytilene, i b.c.). χδιακοσιόδραχμοι, oi, borrowers 0/200 drachms, Άρχ. Έφ. 1 934/ 5. 1 29 (Rhamnus, v b.c.). διακοσιοντάκις, for ‘Suid.’ read ‘Alex.Aphr. in Top. 586.8 W. (= Suid. S.V. κεφαλισμός)' διακοσιοντάχους, after “ουν,” insert ‘yielding fruit' διακοσιοστός, after ‘Written’ add ‘ διακοσιοστή PCair.Zen. i5r-39 (iii B.c.) ;’ χδιακόσμιος, ον, universally pervasive, Simp, in de An. 28.3. διακρέκω, add prob. in Sapph.(?) 99 i 4 L.-P.’ χδιακρηνάω, Dor. -κράνάω, perh. mingle with spring water, πώμα Theoc.7.154 (v.l.). διακρηνόω, after ‘-κράνόω,’ insert ‘perh.’ διάκρισις iv, add ‘2. parting of hair, Poll.4.140.’ διακροόω I. I, add ‘b. thrust asunder, τό συνεχές τής αρμονίας D.H. Comp. 22.’ διάκτορος, line 2, for ‘alone’ read “ Έρμης” δίακτος, delete the article and transfer the references to δρακτόν, reading 'JRS 16.90 (’ for ‘3871 b (add.,’ διακυβεύω, after ‘128a;’ add ‘Vit. Aesop. { G)8i’ and delete ‘περί. . 7od’ διάκων, after “διάκονος,” add ‘SBg 124.207, al. (ii a.d.),’ χδιάλαυρον, τό, perh. plot of land bounded by streets, Berl.Sitzb. 1936. 380 (Aetolia, ii b.c.). διάλαυρος, after ‘Hsch.’ add ', Eust. 1921.58.’ διαλεαίνω I, for ‘triturate. . 13.169’ read ‘smooth, rub, massage , διαλεαινομένων των άκρων Arch. ap. Gal. 13.169, cf.168’ διαλέγω A. ii, after ‘Ar.Fyj.720 ;’ add ‘ διαλέξαντι τό θύρετρον FCF/32.69 (Delos) ;’ B. i, fin., after ‘Plu.Per.7’ delete ‘; reason, . . Marc. 1 8’ διάλευκος, after ‘quite white,' insert ‘Pi. in FOxy. 2450^.1.11.19,’ διάληξις, for ‘of an inheritance’ read 'by lot' διάληψις iii. 2, for ‘Annales. .42’ read ‘7F6 152.26, cf. 6153.28’ διαλογίζομαι ill, delete 'impute. .IV.’ χδιαλόγϊσις, εως, ή, = διαλογισμός ii, Polystr.p.8i W. χδιαλογογράφος [γρά], ό, writer of dialogues, Syrian, in Hermog. i-95 R· διάλογος, add ‘IV. in Herodes Att.F0Z.13 B. is prob. corrupt.’ διαλύτης, add ‘2. mediator, Hesperia 7.9 (iii b.c., pi.).’ διαλυτικός n, add ‘ ; διαλυτική, ή (sc. έμπλαστρος), resolvent plaster, PMerton 12.22 (i a.d.)’ χδιάλΰτον, το, = διάλυσις 6, Charis. p.371 Barwick. διάλυτος n, add ‘2. capable of being taken to pieces, κλίμακες Plu. Arat. 6.’ διαλύω 4 b, lines 2/3, delete 'ού γάρ. .Th. 3.83 ;’ 7, add ‘b. metaph., pay for, την παρρησίαν Macho ap.Ath.8.349f.’ διαμανθάνω, after ‘ inquiry ' insert ‘or thoroughly, E.//y/w.6o.6 Bond,’ διαμαρτάνω 3, add ‘, Διηγήσεις ix. 12’ διαμασάομαι I, after 'chew up,' insert ‘Ar.TA.494 (cj.),’ διαμαστιγόω, for 'Grg. 524c’ read ‘Grg. 524ε’ διαμάχησις, delete the article. χδιαμαχίζομαι, (cf. διαμάχομαι) strive for, Lxx Si. 51. 19(25). διαμένω, add ‘ : impers. διαμένει, -μεμένηκε, etc. (e.g. the custom ) continues, has continued, etc., c. acc. and inf., Paus.9.36.6, al. ; c. dat. and inf., Id. 7. 17. 14, 27.8, al.’ διάμεστος, add ‘; of the pulse, Gal. 19.404’ διάμετρον, add ‘; dub. sens., perh./ee to soldiers, PHib. 1.110.14 (pi., iii b.c.) , PCornell 3.25 (iii b.c.)’ χδιαμήριον, τό, = μισθός τοΰ διαμηρίζεσθαι (formed like δια· παρθένων), Kretschmer Griech.Vaseninschr. 89. διαμίγνυμι, for ‘1131ε’ read ‘1132c’ χδιαμίμνω, = διαμένω, Thphr.7enj.55· διαμισθωτικόν, add ‘, PGiss. 64. 7 (ϋ a.d.)’ διαμνημονεύω 2, for ‘X.Cyr. 1.1.2’ read ‘X.Cyr. 1.2.2’ διαμονή, add ‘; of persons, remaining alive, PorphMAjZ.3.18’ διάμονος, after 'permanent,' insert ‘δ. και βέβαια 7FG4.598.50 (i b.c.) ;’ χδιάμφοδος, gloss on διέλθυρις, Hsch. διαμώκησις, for ‘200b’ read ‘220b’ χδιαμωμάομαι, strengthd. for μωμάομαι, Sch.Pi.0.6. 1 24. διαναβάλλω, add ‘and s.v. διαπονδαρίζει’ χδιαναίω, aor. διένασσα, establish (princes) in different places, Hes. in FOxy.2485.fr.2.3. χδιαναρρίπτ-ω or — ομαι, postpone, put off, Hsch. s.v. διαπονδαρίζει ; v. πυδαρίζω. διανάω, before 'flow through ’ insert ‘ allow to' ; after 'Aem. 14;’ add ‘intr .,flow through, Thphr.Fr.i 71.1 1.’, and delete ‘cf. διαναΰ- σαι. . Hsch.’ χδιάνευμα, τό, movement of dancer's body, Φρυγιών διανεΰματα Χαρίτων Ar.Th.i22 (codd.). διανεύω i, add ‘2. abs. move the body, of a dancer, LUC.717/F64.’ διανήχομαι, add ‘ : aor. part. διανή|ας v.l. in Call.Fr.399 Pf.’ διανθής, delete ‘II .flowering in succession’ and transfer ‘, ασφόδελος Nic.77i.534’ to 1 after ‘HP 1.13.2’ διανόημα, line 4, delete ‘esp.’ διανόησις, add ‘III. απελευθερωθείς κατά διανόησιν dub. sens., prob. by ( declared ) intention, IGg{2).\ogb\g (Thessaly, ii b.c.), cf. ib.1301.9, where [κατά διανό]ησιν δ[ε' is distd. from κατά διαθήκην.' διανομή, line 2, after ‘A.Fn.727’ add ‘(but cf. δαιμονή in Suppl.)’ χδιάντομαι, = Βιάζομαι, Hsch. S.V. διήντετο. διανύω, line 9, before ‘Pass.’ insert ‘Med. πέντε διαιννσάμην ενι¬ αυτούς lGRom. 4..608 (Phrygia, iv a.d.) : — ’ διαξύω, add ‘2. skim over, Γαλάτεια. . δι αξύουσα γαλήνην Nonn .D. 39·258·’ χδιαπαλαιόω, strengthd. for παλαιόω, προπυλώνος διαπαλαιωθέντος POxy. 2272.6 (ii A.D.) . διαπειραίνω, add ‘ ; perh. occurring in h. Merc. 48 (πει ρήνας διά νώτα) ; but cf. περαίνω iv’ διαπειράομαι, after ‘ proof of,' add ‘έπεσιν δ. (sc. τοΰ πατρός) Od. 24.240 (v.l.) ;’ διαπεράω in, for ‘ ΰδωρ . .cf.’ read “σε” διαπετής, after “ε'ς,” insert ‘(πετάννυμι)’ διαπεττεύω, omit 'gamble,' and for 'try. .play' read ‘ shift one’s expectations about according to the dice' διάπηγα, for ‘377.7.31,32’ read ‘3/1Ϊ.7. 17(31) (sed fort. leg. διαπήγματα)' διάπηγμα, add ‘; pi., architectural mouldings, Aq^Ft. 16.17, cj. in Lxx 377.7.17(31)’ _ , . διαπηδάω 2, delete ‘Medic.,’ and before ooze insert 'let' add ‘II. contend in jumping, D.Chr.8.12.’ διαπίνω, after ‘ another ’ add ‘or keep on drinking' διάπλασμα, add ‘ ; τό δ. τοΰ τύπον shape of bodily form, Vit. Aesop. (G) 88’ διαπλατύνω, for 'Lac. 2.5’ read 'Lac. 2.6’ διαπληκτίζομαι, line 1, for ‘; τινί’ read *,’ διάπλοκος, after 'plaited,' insert ‘Aristeas 75,’ διάπλοος ii, add ‘4. strai1, narrow sea, ΛΡ7.666 (Antip. Thess.).’ διαπνέω I. 2, add ‘b. break wind, Suid.’ διαποιέω, for ‘ PTheb.Bank ’ read 'Theb.Ostr.' διαπολιτεία, for ‘ party-strife ’ read 'political conflict' χδιαπολλύω, gloss on διολλυω, Hsch. διαπονέω I. 3, add ‘, Vit. Aesop. (G) 3' διαπορέω, line 2, after ‘aor. Pass.,’ insert ‘δι απορηθείς PI .Sph. 217a;’ 11, lines 5/6, delete ‘ — Med.,. .217a: — ’ διαπορθμεύω i. 2, line 3, after 'Myst. 1.5’ add ', also Max. Tyr. 14.8 (of interpreters)’ διαπράσσω ii. I, line 11, after ‘Hdt. 9.41’ add Plu. 2.404a (prob.)’ διαπραΰνω, for 'VA6. 14’ read ‘VA6.13' διαπρέπω I. 2, line 2, for ‘; επί. .cf.’ read ‘, Luc.i’a/Z.g ; επί τινι ii, delete the section. διάπριστος, for ‘Demioprat.’ read ‘ Demioprat .' and at end add 7G22.2500.56, cf. 7FG13.13.14 (Athens, v b.c.)’ διαπρίω III, after “Βιαγοράζε ι” insert ‘(fort. leg. διαγομφιάζει, cf. 11)’ χδιαπροαιρέομαι, strengthd. for προαιρ—, Sch.Pi.0.6. 140. διαπτερόω, add ‘2. dilate, separate, Hsch.’ διάπυρος 3, after 'Lg. 783a (Sup.)’ add ', Men.jDvjr.183’ διαπύρωσις ii, add ‘; scorching by the sun, Ptol.Teir.56’ χδιάραμα, ατος, τό, passage across river or canal, PBremen 48.28 (ii A.D.) ; cf. διεραματίτης (Suppl.). χδιαραματία, ή, lading or conveying of corn, as a liturgy, PSIlO. 1 103.9; cf. διεραματίτης (Suppl.). χδιαράπίζω, beat, PTeb. 798.15 (ii b.c.). χδιαργΰρόω, decorate with silver, P Mich. Zen. gr .3 (Pass., iii b.c.). διάρθρωσις 3, line 3, for 'distinctness' read ‘analysis' διαρίθμησις, add ‘; φήφων Notiz. Arch. 4.20 (Cyrene, Aug.).’ διαρκέω ι. I, line 4, for “τινα” read “τι” διαρκής 2, lines 2/3, transfer 'with staying power,' before “ίπποι” and delete ‘of an athlete,’ χδιάροσις, εως, ή. gloss on σφΰρωσις, Hsch. διαρπάζω ii. 3, for ‘48.290’ read ‘48.920’ διαρραίνω, line 4, for 'Im.j.27' read 'Im. 1.27’ διαρραίω, after Od.2.49’ add * : — Med., fut. διάραίσομαι Tim. Pers. 145’ 11, for ‘dub.’ read ‘wrinkles cleave the flesh, cj.’ χδιά(ρ) ραντος, ον, speckled, Lxx Ge.30.32. διαρραφή, add ‘, cf. Arch. Pap. 2. 2. if διαρρέω ι. i, line 2, after Tsoc.11.14;’ insert ‘of wrinkles in skin, Marc.Sid.80 (codd.) ;’ 11, after 'waste away,' insert ‘διέρρυε[ν] Sapph.g8(b)9 L.— P. ;’ διαρρήδην, line 3, for ‘Lys.1.20’ read ‘Lys.1.30’ 40 διάρρησις SUPPLEMENT διδράσκω διάρρησις, after ‘Lg. 932ε,’ insert ‘Poll.2.128,’ διάρρους, add ‘, 7G7.4255.21 (Oropus, iv b.c.)’ διάρταβος, add ‘b. of two άρτάβαι, σφυρίδες £Β68οιΓ 20,24 (ϋ* B.C.).’ χδιάρτης, ου, ό, ποταμών δ. one who raises water from rivers, Teucer Bab. 46. 9 (pi.). χδιασαλακωνεύω, = διασαλακωνίζω, Hsch. s.v. διασα<λα>κώνισον. διασαλεύω, line 5, for ‘Cond. 35’ read ‘Cond. 33’ διασαψητικός, for ‘ affirmative . .221.23;’ read ‘ declaratory , διάφορά του η συνδέσμου A.D.Cow/.22I.l6, cf. 7?Λ/4Ι5·27> Sell. B II. I. 1 1 7. Adv. — κώς Sch.T ibid. II.’; delete ‘ ; declaratory , £3/41 5.27’ Διάσια, add ‘ ; also festival at Thasos, BC//82.195 (iv b.c.).’ διασκάπτω, line 2, for “ ισθμόν ” read “Μίμαντα” διασκαριψάομαι, for ‘sketch, .over' read ‘dub. sens.’ and after ‘Isoc.7.12’ add perh. fritter away' διασκευάζω π, line 2, after ‘PluMni.24 ;’ insert ‘τήν θεόν -μενην καταπληκτικώς D.S.4.51 διασκευαστής, add ‘II. dull, sens., Ptol. Tetr. 164.’ χδιασκορπιστής, οΰ, ό, = λικμητης, Hsch. S.v. λι κμηταί. διασπαράσσω I. I, alter ‘Eub.15-3’ add S Memn.14 διάσπασις, line 3, after ‘2.721a’ add ‘(s.v.l.)’ διάσπαστος, delete the article. *διασπάτάλάω, squander, PH arris 67 ii 7 (ii a.d.). Χδιάσταθμον, τό, ration, allowance, PCair.^en. 320.8 (iii B.c.; dub.). t διασταλτικός ii, for ‘1.12, Cleonid.77am.i3’ read ‘1.19 (s.v.l.)’ διάστασις ill, line 2, for ‘i42b5’ read ‘i42b25’ διαστατικός, after ‘3.’ insert ‘of Music, exciting, exalting, Ptol. Harm. 1.12, 3.1 1, Cleonid.77am.i3. 4.’ διαστέλλω i. 2 a, add ‘ ; intervene between two parties, Aq.7*j. 105.30’ διάστεμα, before 'PRyl.' insert ‘interval,'·, add ‘; distance, δυο •ημερών ε’στι τό δ. PBremen 1 5·3®’ διάστημα ι. 6, add ‘ ; eV τώ του πλοός δ. in the course of the voyage, X.Eph.1.14.7’ χΔΙαστής, οΰ, ό, worshipper of Zeus, PC7/46.342 (pi., Teos). διάστησις, delete the article. Χδιαστικός, η, όν, ( διάζομαι ) of weaving, η δ. (sc. τέχνη) τών αρα¬ χνών Theodos.Gr.p.53 G. διαστρέφω I. ι, line 4, after ‘to be warped,' insert ‘of wood, PI .Prt. 325d ;’ διαστροφή 2, add ‘b. perversion of nature, PorphMZui. 1 . 1 3, D.L. 2.89; εκ διαστροφής, opp. κατά φύσιν, Jul.0r.6.2O2c.’ διασφάλλω, after ‘Abd.if add ‘; pervert, νόον Neophron(?) in PLit.L0nd.77 Fr.2.12’ χδιαταγματάριος, <5, an official, PAnt. 11.96. 1 1 . διατάκτης, after ‘posts,' insert ‘Ptol.TeP.82,’ add ‘2. gloss on κοσμητιορ i, Sch.Hom. in POsl. 12 m 16. 3. title of a Roman official in Egypt, £86026 (iii a.d.).’ διατακτικός, after ‘Ptol. 7 etr 82' add ‘(v.l.)’ διαταξίαρχος, add ‘, Ath.Mitt.^ .302 (Pergamum, ii a.d.)’ διατάσσω i. 2, line 2, for ‘103’ read 130 διατείνω, p. 415, line 4, for * prevented ’ read ‘ exerted themselves to prevent ’ B. 1. 1, add ‘ ; strain, of a woman in childbirth, Al.A/z.4.10’ διατειχισμός, for ‘fortifying' read ‘walling off' *διατεκταίνομαι, fashion, contrive, in aor. 1 διετεκτηνατο, Hsch. χδιατελείαν- το άπρακτον παρά Σώφρονι (Τρ.Ι4θΚ.)· τινες δε γρα- φουσι- διαγγελίαν, Hsch. διατελέω ii, line 4, for ‘ ι -38’ read ‘1.138’ 2, add ‘c. to be in a place, κατ' οίκον Aen.Tact. 10.13, cf· 3-d, 7·1·’ διατέμνω, fin., after ‘metaph.,’ add ‘τό μετρον O.H.Comp.26 ;’ χδιατετυπωμένως, V. διεσκευασμενως. διατίθημι A. II. I, add ‘b. with two accs., οΰδέν δ. αυτόν δεινόν gave him no ill -treatment, Aristodem.5.3 J., cf. 8. 1 J.’ add ‘3. sens, obsc., Act. and Pass., Ptol. Tetr. 164, 166, 187, ah’ διατίλλω, add ‘; metaph., διέτιλέ με Lxxjb. 16.13’ *διάτιμος, ον, honoured, OG76i5-4 (Hi a.d.) (Sup.), διατινάσσω ii, after ‘IT282;’ insert ‘Aristo ap.Phld. Vit.x col. xii ;’ διατμήγω, add διετμαγον (Act., intr.) is v.l. in ll.ll.ee. and is so used in A. R. 2. 298, 3. 1 147 (codd.)’ χδιατοίχιον, τό, Dim. of διάτοιχος II, Milet 7 p.56. χδιατόμιον, τό, dub. sens., Inscr. Delos 1442P41 (ii b.c.). διατόναιον, after ‘(iii b.c.)’ insert ‘, cf. Inscr. Delos 1417/I1.73’ διάτονος, add ‘HI. διάτονα, τά, marble beams for a peristyle, Inscr. Delos 290.216 (iii b.c.).’ χδιατόξ€υσις, eo>9, 77, = δίατοζζία, Robert Et.Anai.\o\ .n.2. διατοξεύω, line 2, for ‘5.32’ read ‘5.33’ διάτορος I, add ‘Adv. -ως by piercing, S.Ichn. 309 ( + Tr.315).’ διατραχηλίζομαι I, for ‘put one's neck under the yoke' read ‘compete in ‘ scragging ', cf. τραχηλ ίζω ii’ 11, for ‘50 re’ read ‘50 id *διατραχηλισμός, ό, falling headlong, Plu.2.3i7b (v.l.). διατρέπω Π. I, delete the section, διατρέχω, add ‘III. contend in running, D.Chr.8.12.' διάτρησις, add ‘3. boring, tunnel, Ael.TV2l16.15.’ διατριβή I. 2 d, after 'school' insert ‘of rhetoric, Aeschin. 1.175;’ διατρίβω i, add ‘2. c. acc. of result, δ. κελευθα wear tracks h.Merc.^48.' διατροπή I, for ‘fiasco, dibacle' read ‘bouleversement’ Χδιάτροχος, ον, dub. sens., Inscr. DSlos 500A19 (iii b.c.). χδιατρυφής, ες, broken up, prob. f.l. for διατρυφεν, Nic. TA.709. διαττάω, line 1, after ‘al.,’ insert ‘Plb.ap.Str.3.2.10,’ διατύπωσις I. 3, for ‘Fig. 3.25’ read ‘Pig. 1. 24’ διαυγάζω ii, delete ‘: and so. .5.10.4.’ διαυγής, line 4, after ‘of stars,’ insert ‘shining through clouds,’; line 5, transfer ‘of gems,.. 204;’ before ‘ radiant ’; at end add ‘ ; of style, transparent, Yt.H.Dem.f διαυλέω, add ‘II. wear a hole in, wear out, Hsch. s.v. διηυληθη, διηνληται (unless from *διευλάω) ; cf. εξαυλεω.’ δίαυλος ι. i, omit ‘b.,.63·’ and after ‘Gal. 7/7*7. 14’ add in Hp.Ezc/.2.63 ίπποι shd. prob. be omitted’ διαφανής I. 2, for ‘Hdt.2.9’ read ‘Hdt.2.92’ διάφασις, line 2, for “εκφάσεις” read “εμφάσεις” and for ‘354b’ read ‘354c’ διάφαυμα, add ‘, P57939.4 (vi a.d.)* διαφέρω ii. 4, for ‘give each man his vote’ read * vote on this or that side’ ; add ‘ ; also φάφον δ. put a question to the vote, BCH87.3 (Locr., v B.c.) ; Pass., περί τούτου φηφου διενεχθείσης BCH86. 58.25 (Macedonia, ii a.d.) ’ 6, add ‘ ; put ojf, τινάς λόγοισι F.HF76’ 8, add ‘ ; prevail over, χρυσόν Sch.Alcm. P.’ iii. 3, line 6, after ‘matters,’ insert ‘E.Hyps.60.46 Bond,’ 4, line 3, after ‘Th.3.39;’ insert ‘μηδέν τών τυχόντων Isoc.1.48, cf. X. Λ/m. 4. 2. 2 ;’ reading ‘Th.’ for ‘Id.’; after ‘Alex.36.6’ insert ‘, ~K. Mem. 4.2.1 ; επί τινι ibid, (v.l.)’ line 9, after ‘abs., excel,’ insert ‘είς τι X..Cyr. 1.1.6;’ 8, line 2, before ‘of persons’ add ‘τίνος MAMA 3.421 (Corycus), al. ;’ iv, line 8, after ‘Id. 9. 8’ insert ‘, cf. Plu.2.8od (with nom. part.)’ διαφημίζω, after f.BJi .33.3 :’ add ‘impers., Jahresh.2^ Beibl. 16 (ii a.d.) :’ χδιαφίστημι, provoke, βασιλέα εις οργήν Sardis7(i).20.l6 (vi A.D.). διαφοιτάω, line 4, after ‘Plu.Caej.33’ ac^ cf. D.Chr.34.20’ διαφορά vn, substitute ‘perh. deficit, PEnteux.27.10 (iii b.c.).’ διαφορέω I. 2, add ‘ : metaph., carry all before one, ύφος τά πράγματα πάντα δ. Longin.1.4’ χδιαφορτόομαι, transport, Vit. Aesop. (G) 18. διαφράζω, for ‘only in pf. διαπεφράδε’ read ‘usu. in redupl. aor. 2 διεπεφράδε; also unredupl. διεφράδον Inscr. Cret.i.xvi 7 (Latos, ii/i b.c.)’ χδιαφυλλ<ίζ>ω, = διατίλλω, Hsch. s.v. διεφυλλε. διάφυσις ii, add ‘; = κτηδών, Sch.A II. 21. 169’ διαφωνέω 3, for ‘ desert ’ read ‘be missing ’ χδιάφωσις, εως, ή, = αίθριον, τό, (ν. αίθριος), 7/P.£i8oai.io, al. (ii b.c.) . Χδιαχάλιγμός, ό, (χάλιξ) intermediate layer of rubble, Inscr. Dllos 507 bis 6 (iii b.c.). διαχέω i. 4, add ‘b. of the effect of smooth sounds upon the ear, D.H.Comp.i'i, cf. 11. 4.’ 11. 2, add ‘: metaph., of facts, leak out, J. Λ719.1.7’ f διαχρέμπτομαι, before ‘Phryn.’ insert ‘Theoc. 15.99 (prob.),’ διάχρυσος, add ‘2. gilded, φιάλη έκτυπος δ. lGi ι (2). 161P69 (Delos, 279 b.c.).’ Χδιαχωννύω, = διαχόω, Hsch. s.v. διαχου. διαχωρισμός, add ‘ ; in Hsch. s.v. δίεσιν prob. divorce' Χδιαχωριστικός, η, όν, separating, Hsch. s.v. καιροσσεων. χδιάχωρον, τό, section, division of a building, Άρχ.Δελτ. 12.39 (Eresus). χδιαψαλμός, ό, competition in τό φάλλειν, Inscr. in Ziebarth Gr. Schulweseri1 p.145 (Cos, ii b.c.). διαφάω ι, add ‘ ; Med. διεφησατο· διεκάθαρε, Hsch.’ χδιαψηλάφημα [λά], ατος, τό, unrhythmical passage of instrumental melody, Anon. Bellerm. 3.85. χδιαψίζω, Med. aor. 3 sg. <διεφίσατο)>· διεφώμισε, Hsch. (prob.). χδιαψωμίζω, aor. 3 sg. διεφώμισε, gloss on <δι εφίσατο), Hsch. (prob.). χδιβολίς, ιδος, ή, = διβολία II, Ps.-Calhsth.24.15· δίβος, for ‘square on the draught-board’ read 'point on a backgammon board' δίγαμμα, before ‘Priscian’ insert ‘CicMii.g.q^ (s.v.l.),’ χΔιγένης, ητος, ό, dub. sens., epith. of Apollo, Clara Rhodes 6/7. 423 (Camirus, ii b.c.). χδίγϋον [ί], τό, measure of two γύαι, Hsch. s.v. γόης. διδακτικός, add ‘II. [δάκτυλος] δ. yore-finger, PLond. 1821 in Aegyptus 6. 1 94.304.’ διδασκαλικός 2, add \ cf. PMich.Teb.l2y ii 34 (i A.D.) διδασκάλιον II, for 'Lyc. 14' read ‘Lyc.i-f διδάσκω, add ‘IV. Med., instruct an advocate, εδιδαξάμην.. Χρυσάμμωνα ρήτορα POxy. 2343.8 (iii A.D.).’ χδϊδεσκάλική, ή, = διδασκ-, PMich.Teb.i2y ii 34 (i A.D.) ; cf. δέσκαλος (with Suppl.). διδράσκω, line 2, for ‘ Tab.Defx.Aud.26 ’ read ‘Tab.Defix. in Rh. Mus. 56.85’ 41 διδραχμία SUPPLEMENT δικτυβόλος διδραχμία, for ‘BGUq\\ iii 3’ read ‘BGU748 iii 5’ and add cf. PTeb.28 1 (ii B.c.)’ διδραχμιαΐο?, add ‘2. = Βίδραχμος III, τόκοι PHamb.28.3 (ii B.C.).’ δίδραχμο? iv, after “to,” insert ‘ weight of two drachms, Hsch. Διδυμαΐο?, line 3, after ‘of Apollo,’ insert ‘Call.TV. 191.57 Pf.,’ διδυμόθροος, add ‘, v. Βιδυμόχροος in Suppl.’ διδυμόχροος, add ΊΙ. two-toned, αΰλδ? Nonn.Z5.12.148, 17.70; at 10.234, 335 altered in cod. to Βιδυμόθροος, q.v. (cf. χρώμα, iv. 3, χροιά iii).’ χδιδΰμωτό?, ή, όν, forked, γλωσσά Cyran.14. δίδωμι, line 1, after “δίδω” insert ‘POsl.Inv. 1460.7 (i a.d.) in Aegyptus 31 (1951). 179,’ line 9, after ‘29.9’ insert ‘, BiBeiv Epigr. in Keil-Premerstein Erster Bericht No. 140 (i a.d.)’ line 16, for ‘Lacon. έδον’ read ‘έδον Hes.Th.30,’ and after ‘B 1’ insert ‘(Lacon.)’ line 23, after ‘Cypr.’ insert ‘pres. ind. Βώκω lnscr.Cypr. 135.16 (Βώκοι lap.),’ 1. 4, add ‘b. send out, έδωκεν els γναφεΐον Macho ap.Ath.13.582d.’ 5, line 4, after ‘D. 2 1.87, 24.13’ insert ‘; δ. ψήφισμα, propose, Aeschin. 2.13’ 11. 1, lines 2/3, after ‘II. 5. 397’ insert ‘, cf. Hippon. 42 D.3, Pl.TZKZr.254e’ and after “κυσίν” insert ‘II.’ ; after 'Od. 24.65’ insert ‘, cf. Lib. Or. 1.245’ δίεδρος ii. i, add ‘ ; also BieBpos, 0 or 17, Didyma 467.12’ 2, for ‘Antyll.’ read ‘Herod. Med.’ and add ‘(In PCair.fifen. 13.35 either 1 or 2 may be meant.)’ add ‘3. στρωμάτιον ώστε τω μήκει επί Βίεδρον ή μικρω μεΐζον, διπρόσωπον a mattress (cushion) long enough to seat two. .reversible, PCair.gfen. 241 (iii b.c.).’ διειλύομαι, for ‘out of’ read ‘through’·, add snake across, χαίτη διειλυσθεΐσα καρήνου Nonm.D.4.364’ διείργω, init., after “διεεργω” add ‘ ; aor. 2 opt. Βΐ€ργάθοι, Hsch.’ διεκ, after ‘etc. ;’ add ‘also c. acc., Βιέκ πέτρα? έλάσε ιαν A.R.2. 55^ διεκβολή ii, add * ; outlet, Lxx Ez. 47.1 1’ διεκδρομή, after ‘Ptol.Tefr.102’ add ‘(v.l.)’ διεκπίπτω, line 2, after ‘Ph.TrZ.57.3’ add ‘, J .^^14.15.3’ διελίσσω, add ‘2. cause to revolve, ουρανόν SEGy. 14.8 (Susa, Hymn to Apollo, i a.d.).’ δίεμαι I, add ‘, cf. A. R. 2. 330’ χδιενεγγυάω, cf. διενεγγυήσαμεν· ένεχυρισάμεθα (fort. leg. — ιασά- μεθα) Hsch. χδ ιένεξι?, εως, ή, = Βιαφορά, prob. for διενίξας in Sch.Th.2.37· διεξειμι ii, line 2, after ‘7. 77» etc.;’ add ‘επαίνων και διεζιών τινας ώς φιλανθρώπως έχουσι D. 23. 13 5* χδιεπιβουλεύω, compete in plotting, τω γάμω Max.Tyr.20. 4 (v.l, Βή ε’.). χδιεπισκοτέω, to be dark, Plu. Mar. 39.3 (v.l.). διέπω, line 2, after ‘24.247 ;’ add ‘χορούς h.Pan. 23 ;* διεραμα II, for ‘hopper. .26,27’ read ‘perh. hopper for lading corn (but it may = Βιάραμα, q.v. in Suppl.) ; written διέρεμα PThead. 27.19; also διαίρεμα ib.26.13,14’ διεραματίτη?, for ‘contractor. .11,’ read ‘lader or conveyor of corn’ and at end add ‘ (διεραμα and cognate words seem to have been wrongly associated with Βιαίρω ill, and there is con¬ fusion of spellings and prob. of meanings ; cf. διαίρασις, Βιαί- ρ€μα, Βιάραμα, Βιαραματία, all in Suppl.)’ διέρασι?, for ‘lading, .bulk’ read ‘ lading or conveying of corn ’ and before ‘, POxy .’ insert ‘ : written διαίρασις ; cf. διεραματιτης (Suppl.)’ διερείδω ii, after ‘~E.Hec.66’ add ‘, D.H.3.20’ διερευνάω, line 4, after ‘Plb.14.2.1’ add ‘; φροντίς and λόγος Epicr.i 1.5’ διερμηνευτής, add ‘ ; Hsch. S.v. νποφήται διερός I, line 3, after ‘feared’)’ add ‘; jiWros. .άνήρ 8. Ibyc. 1(0)26 P.’ and before ‘9.43’ add Od.’ 11, line 3, for ‘of birds. .JVu. 337’ read ‘of clouds, Ar.jVM.337 (s.v.l.)’ διέρχομαι I. 2, after ‘complete,’ add ‘Sol.24.17 D.3 ;’ δίεσις i. 1, add ‘b. sifting, careful investigation, Lxx Wi. 12.20 cod. X.’ διευημερέω, transfer the article from after διευλύτωσις to follow διευεργετέω. χδιευθυντής, οΰ, ό, = διευθυντήρ II, Vett.Val.42.24 (nisi leg. διευθυντήήρλας) . διευθύνω, add ‘IV. intr., relieve nature, make oneself comfortable , Aq.i Ki. 24.4.’ διευκρινέω ii. i, add ‘b. solve, πρόβλημα Cic.Att.q.g.2, cf. 7.8.3.’ χδιευλάω, (εύλή), v. διαυλέω II in Suppl. διευλύτησις, add ‘, TOjZ.130.i3 (i a.d.)’ διευτελίζω, add ‘(codd.)’ διέχεια, add ‘ ; κατά διέχειαν after an interval, Heph.Tcem. 10.’ διεχθραίνω, add ‘, cf. Aesop. 172 Perry’ δίζυφον, add ‘, ΛΤ9.503.2 (Pall.), [διζϋ- ibid.i (s.v.l.).]’ διηγηματικός, line 2, for “ποίησις” read “μιμητική” διηθέω I. i, add ‘ ; of gold, to be got by washing, Lxx Jb. 28. 1’ διήκω ii, lines 3/4, delete ‘(but. .60.45)’ a ’ χδϊνάριον, το, = Lat. denarius, Inscr. DSlos 1439 Abe 83, 1441 Λ i 89, 1449 Aab ii 23,36 (ii b.c.) : — written δεινάριον in 7Gg(2).i 104. 14 (Thessaly, i b.c.), etc., and δηνάριον (q.v.) ib.1092, etc. 2. collect., gold and silver coin, Peripl .M .Ruhr .8.49. δίνευμα, for ‘prob.’ read ‘cj.’ and before ‘X.’ insert ‘cj. in’ δινεόω, δινέω I. 2, add ‘ ; Λ ευκίππην έπι δίνεαι Anacr.23 Ρ· (έπιδίνεαι codd.)’ δίνω, line 2, for ‘(v.l. περί )’ read ‘(v.l. περί )’ Διο-, delete the article. Διοβλής, for ‘ hurled ’ read ‘ smitten ’ διόδους, before ‘Gloss.' insert ‘ Edict. Diocl. 15.47,’ χδΐόζιος, ον, perh. of a forked branch, Hippon.i4A5 DA διοικέω i. i, lines 21/3, omit pf. Pass. ..cf. 40’ add ‘c. deal with, treat, a person, Alciphr.2.2.’ 2, for ‘ provide . . eund.’ read ‘ contrive , bring about or try to bring about, τό ευπρεπές δ. D.H.P&.9.3 : — Med., D. 18. 178; δ. ούτως αδίκους πλεονεξίας Id.44'3^> cf.40; ό It ερα λεγων και έτερα διοικουμενος λόγος D.H.PA.g.4, cf. 8.10, 9.10; provide, Decr.ap.D.’ line 2, after ‘(Pass.)’ for ‘ ;’ read ‘. b.’ line 3, after ‘D. 24. 202’ insert ‘ ; διοικεί κάμε καί τήν μητέρα Men .Dysc. 739’ add ‘c. pay, τόκους 67G672.73 (Delph., ii b.c.), cf. Berl.Sitzb. 1 936.380 (Thestia, ii b.c., Act. and Pass.), Wilcken Chr. 167.26 (Pass., ii b.c.).’ 5, substitute ‘arrange a subject in a discourse, X. Aim. 2. 1.34 (v.l. διώκει).' διοίκημα, add ‘ ; administrative act, /G12 (Suppl.).365 (pi., Thasos, ii b.c.)’ διοίκησις I. I, line 6, before “όπως” add ‘provision, funds' add ‘b. ordering, government, of the world, των ενθάδε Aristid. Quint. 2. 2; των όλων Id. 3. 26.’ διοικοδόμησις, for fortification ' read ‘ walling off' διολκή, add ‘III. = παρολκή i, delay, PMich.8.486.8, PFam.Eeb. 24.93 (both ii a.d.).’ δίολκος, for ‘7.2.1’ read ‘8.2.1’ χΔιόμβρια, τά, name of a festival, 6FG1.327.14 (Callatis, i A.D.) . Διονυσίας i, add ‘5. a precious stone, Plin.//JV37. 157.’ χΔΐονΰσίς, ίδος, a, female votary of Dionysus, P6A26.167 (Sparta, ii A.D.). Διόνυσος, for ‘, and Δεύνυσος’ read ‘; Ion. Δεύνυσος’; line 4, after ‘(Amorgos)’ add ‘: Aeol. Ζόννυσσος Ale. 1 29.9 L.-P., Ζόννυσος 7Gi2(2).6g (Mytilene, ii a.d.)’ χΔϊονΰσοτροφικός, ή, όν, for the sustenance of Dionysus, βωμός Robert Dt.Anat.28g (Paphlagonia, imperial). Διοπετής, line 1, after from Zeus,' insert ‘i.e. from heaven,’ and after Έ.77"977;’ insert ‘άστήρ Id.Pr.971 ;’ διοπεύω, for ‘ captain ' read “δίοπος” and add ‘ ; διοπευειν έπιμελείσθα ι νεώς, Hsch.’ διόπη, for ‘2.652P26’ read ‘22.ΐ388·76 (Athens, iv b.c.)’ χδιοπλήξ, ήγος, ό, ή, smitten by Zeus> Hippon.12 D.3. χδϊόπομπος, ό, messenger of Zeus> αίετός Sch.Pi.7.6.53. δίοπος (A), for ‘ [t] ’ read ‘[ΐ] ; 11, for ‘captain of a ship' read ‘a ship’s officer, perh. sailing-master' and add ‘ ; cf. διοπεύω. b. Hsch. gives ναύαρχος among equivalents.’ δίοπος (B), add ‘ — Subst. -ος, ό, pi. in a list of trinkets (between δακτύλιοι and ε’νώ[ι ]δια) BCHi 0.463 (Delos, iv b.c.).’ χδιοργανισμός, 6, apparatus, Zos.Alch.252. 1 7· διορθόω, line 8, for ‘12.28.5’ read ‘1 1.28.5’ διορία, for the present article substitute ‘διορία, ή, interval, Vit. Aesop. { G)82, cf. ib.(W), and διωρία in Suppl.’ διορίζω, line 1, after ‘86oe’ add ‘, -ι'σω E.Melanipp.Capt.Fr.6.26 ’ χδίορον, τό, dividing-line between day and night in an ανάλημμα. Hero Dioptr. p.304 S. Δΐος, before “, o” insert ‘(in Inscr. freq. Δεΐος, sts. Δήος, e.g. PC7/7.502, IGRom. 1.888, 923; PC7/7.311)’ διοσκέω, for ‘Anacr.3’ read ‘Anacr.14.3 P.’ and delete “δι- απολεσα ι, διαφθεΐραι,” Διόσκοροι, add ‘IV. αημεΐον έν θυτική, Hsch. S.V. Διόσκουροι.* Διοσκουριασταί, add ‘, BCHi 0.425 (Cedreae, ii b.c.)’ χΔϊοσωτήρια, τά, festival of Zeus Soter at Rhodes, Maiuri Nuova Silloge 19 (iii/ii b.c.) ; cf. Διισωτήρια. διοτήρ, for ‘leg. διοπτήρ' read ‘leg. διοήτ'λτήρ, Cret. for διοπτήρ* διότι ι. 2, fin., before ‘Henioch.’ add ‘P1.7on 536d,’ διουργεω, delete the article (cf. Delph. 3(ι)·457·9). χδϊπάλαστος [πά], ον, = διπάλαιστος, Inscr. Delos 1442^47 (iiB.C.). δίπαλτος, line 1, omit ‘ ξίφη ETP323 ; line 2, for ‘, i.e... Id.’ read ‘(cf. Paus.5.24.2), E.’ ; line 4, for ‘sword’ read ‘spears' ; at end add ‘ ; but ξίφη δ. two brandished swords, E.7P323’ χΔΐπανάμια [νά], τά, festival at Rhodes, Annuario 8/9.317 (i B.C.), Clara Rhodes 6/7.437 (Camirus). δίπλαξ I, line 1, after ‘II. 23. 243’ insert ‘; λώπη Theoc.25.254’ διπλεθρία, for ‘7Gg(i).693.20 (Core.)’ read ‘Inscr. Cret. 2. x 1.20, 22 (Cydonia)’ δίπλειον, for ‘P Petr. 2 p.42’ read ‘ διπλείοι θοιεστο (i.e. διπλείω θωεσθω) 7Gg(i). 333.8 (Locr., v b.c.)’ διπλή, line i, after ‘Gort. 2.7’ add ‘(v b.c.), but διπλήι Inscr.Cret. 4.13 (vii/vi b.c.)’ χδιπλόγραμμος, ον, with double lines, Poliorc. 233.5. χδιπλοείλητος άστερίσκος, dub. sens., Hero Stereom. 1. 77. διπλόη, after ‘Gal. 2. 7 10’ add ‘. 2. dual nature, Plu.2-44id, Aristid. Quint. 2. 8’ and in line 6 delete ‘, cf. 44id’ χδιπλοία, ή, = διπλεία, Riv.lst.Arch.0,.2"] (Eleutherna). διπλοκάριος, add ‘ ; also δουπλικάριος PArnh. 108.3 (h a.d.) and δουπλικιάριος PGrenf. 2.51.5 (ii a.d., —αρις Pap.)’ διπλόος iii, omit ‘in Trag.,’ and at end add ‘, A. R. 1.588, ΑΡη. 198 (Leon.)’ after ‘V.’ insert ‘ διπλούς , ό (sc. πίναξ ,(?)), a contract written on tablets that formed a diptych, Rev.Et.Gr. 19.235 (Aphrodisias, Roman times). VI.’ διπλός, line I, after ‘(cf. απλός),’ insert ‘Emp.17.1,16,’ διποδιάζω, for ‘fut.’ read ‘aor.i subj.’ χδιποδιαΐος, a, ov, measuring two feet, v.l. in X. Ore. 19.4. χΔϊπολιασταί, oi, an association connected with the Dipolia, Hesperia 9.331 (iv b.c.). διπρόσωπος, after ‘4.’ add ‘v. δίεδρος II. 3 (Suppl.). 5.’ δίπτυχος II, add ‘2. δίπτυχα όρχείσθαι (sc. σχήματα) perforin duplicate figures, Aristid. Or.28(49). 129.’ χδίρ, Lacon. for δίς, 7G5(i)-302.5. χδί(ρ)ρυτος, dub. sens., Poliorc. 214.9. χδΐσεπίτρΐτος, ον, διπλάσιος καί δ. [Aoyos] two and two-thirds times as great, the ratio 8: 3, Theo Sm.p.56 H. χδισευποσιάρχης, ου, ό, one who holds the office of εύποσι άρχης a second time, Dacia N.s.1.182.7 (Callatis, i a.d.). δίσημος ii, add ‘2. of a word, having two meanings, Sch.Od. 9.106.’ δισκέω, add ‘ ; to be hit by a quoit, Epigr. in Robert //«//. viii. 45 (Pamphylia)’ δίσκος ii. 4, after ‘gong,’ add ‘Plu.Pcr.6,’ and for ‘, al.’ read ‘ ; of the signal for opening a gymnasium, Lxx aMa.y.i^, cf. Cic. de Or. 2.21.’ χδισκούσσωρ, ό, = Lat. discusser, SEG8.a)io (vi A.D.). δισκοφόρος, for ‘ bringing . .discus' read ‘τήν δ. (sc. χεϊρα) holding the quoit ’ χδισμΰριεπτακισχϊλιοστός, ή, όν, twenty-seven thousandth. Gal. in Quellen und Studien zur Geschichte der Naturwissenschaften und der Medizin Bd.3 [Heft 4]. 336(1 28]. χδίσορος, ov, perh. containing two σοροί, SEG 6.101 (Cotiaeum). δισπερίοδος, delete the article. διστάζω, line 5, after ‘Plu.2.62a’ add ‘; ώς ού. .Longin.28.1’ χδίσταθμος, 6, double camp, given, in Hebr. letters, as equivalent of Mahanaim, Midrash to Pi. 33 (Tarbiz ii. 507). χδιστάξιμος, ov, doubtful, Ptol.A/m.ap.Papp. in Ptol. p.93 Rome. δίστοιχος, add ‘; prob. of a χορός, A.Fr. 17.74 M.’ χδίστϋλον, τό, colonnade with two rows of pillars, Princeton Exp. Inscr. 4 1 9a. χδισφϋλαρχ-ία, ή, second tenure of φυλαρχία, Dacia 1.273 (Tomi). -ος, ό, one who holds the office a second time, ibid, δίσωμος, add ‘2. for the burial of two persons, καμάρα Sardis 7(1). 163.’ διτάλαντος, add ‘, cf. Poll. 9. 54’ διτοκέω, διτοκεύω, for the present article substitute ‘διτοκεω, bear two at a birth, Arist.GT772a35. 2. bear twice, Id.HA 558b23, Nic.Fr.73. 1 .’ διτταχώς, add ‘, cf. PHamb. 128.60 (iii b.c.).’ χδιττότης, ητος, ή, ambiguity, Anon, in 67957.25. διυδατίζω, for ‘6.’ read ‘2.’ διυφή, add ‘, PCair.Zen. 423 (iii B.c.)’ χδιφάρετρος, ov, epith. of τόξον, with two quivers, Epigr. in Inscr. Cret. 4.243 (ii b.c., -αλε- lap.). διψάω, line 1, after ‘pres.’ add ‘(exc. δειφήσαντες · φηλαφήσαντες, Hsch., who also has δειφόμενος· φηλαφήσας )’ διφθέρα i, fin., before ‘used for’ insert ‘ page of a codex, Afric. Ccii.p.16 V. (pi.) ;’ and for ‘bindings’ read ‘casings’ διφθερίας, lines 2/3, delete ‘ ; the dress. .414ε’ and after ‘Tim. 8,’ insert ‘the dress of a servant in Tragedy,’ διφθέριον, add ‘II. guinea-worm, Hippiatr.58 (s.v.l.).’ 43 διφθεροττοιός SUPPLEMENT δουρίττηκτος χδιφθερο·π·οιός, ό, leather-worker or parchment-maker, ΜΛΜΛ6.44 (Colossae; -mis). χΔΐφίλεια, τά, festival at Ephesus, Ephes. 4(1). 14; cf. Δει φ. (Suppl.). διφόρος, mit., insert ( parox.) δίφραξ, after ‘14.41’ add A.R. 1.789 e’v τη προεκδόσει acc. to Sch. ad loc.’ διφρίον, before ‘Tim.’ insert ‘Inscr.Delos 1417.61177 (ii b.c.),’ δίφρος II, line 4, after ‘seat of office,' insert ' Inscr.Cret.^.x^oB 3 (iv/iii b.c., pi.),’ διφυής, add ‘3. bearing two crops (in the year), [γής] χόρτω διφυούς PWarren 2.16 (vi a.d.) in Studi Riccobono 525, cf. PLond. ined. 1 76gav 2. 4. δ. (sc. λίθος), ή, a precious stone, Plin. HA'3 7.157·’ δίφυιος hi, after “ζίφ— ” add ‘ib.409.6,’ add ‘IV. δίφνιον νυκτός · τά δύο μέρη, το δίμοιρον, Hsch. Χδΐχαλκιαίος, α, ον, costing two chalci, PCair.Zen. 19.5 (iii B.c.). διχαστός, add ‘2. divided in two equal parts, Hesperia 7.3.18 (iv *διχθα, ή, a perfume. Edict. Diocl.Delph. (CIL in Suppl.p.232861). διχθάδιος, line 1, after ‘14.21;’ insert ‘ φονεας Call.Fr. 177.32 Pf.;’ διχόθεν, init., insert ‘(parox.) διχοίνικος, for the present article substitute ‘-ον, to, measure of two χοίνικες, Ar.7VM.64O.’ διχόμηνις, read “-μήνις, ίδος” Χδιχότης, ητος, ή, half moon, PMich. 149 xi 34/5 (ii a.d.). *δίχρΰσον, τό, coin of value of two χρυσοί, Inscr.Delos 3386014. χδίχΰτος, ον, formed by fusion of two (metals), πεταλον Maria Alch. ap.Z0s.Alch.146.16. χδιψάκιον, τό, = δί φακός I, Anon.Alch.20.3. διψάς II, add ‘3. σημείον iv θυτι κή ini του ηπατος, Hsch.’ διψάω 2, line 5, after ‘5.1.1 ;’ insert ‘AP6. 335 (Antip.) ;’ δίψησις, for ‘; cf. δίψα’ read ‘(dub. 1.)’ δίψιος, add ‘III. Δίφιος (sc. μην), o', name of month at Larissa, 6C//59.515 (iii b.c.).’ διωβολιαΐος, add ‘ ; also διωβελιεΐος JHS 74.87.30 (Caunus, ii Ii · x_i · J διώβολον, add *: perh. also δι άβολος, 6, Hesperia 4.15 (Athens, v B.C.)’ διωγμείτης, for ‘£67383108 (Aezani)’ read ‘OG/51 1.10 (Aezani), prob. in 6C//52.409 (Pisidia)’ διωγμός I, add ‘3. μακρύς νεώς διωγμόν ημερήσιον a warship’s daily run, D.S.3.38.’ διωθέω I. I, fin., for ‘Pl.T1.67e’ read ‘PI. 77.68a’ διώκω, line 3, after “ διώξομαι ” insert ‘A-6r.343.39 M. (lyr.),’ 3, line 3, after ‘Mem. 2.1.34’ add *(ν·1· διώκει fort, melior)’ διωλένιος, line I, delete *(?)’ after ‘Antip.’ διωρία, add ‘, cf. Hsch. ; condemned in sense of ηροθεσμία by Phryn.18, but best taken as interval in J. l.c., cf. ελαβεν δ. όπως τό σημεΐον επίλυση Vit. Aesop. (G)82’ δνοφέος, read “δνόφ-εος”; for ‘15. 32’ read ‘16.32 S.’ ; add ‘; v.l. for sq. in Hes. ΤΛ.736. (Cf. γνόφεος, ζόφεος.)’ δνοφερός, line 5, for ‘16’ read ‘13’ χδνοφοείμων, ον, gen. ovoy, clad in dark robes, 6C//50.529 (Attica, ii a.d.). δόγμα, add ‘3. thought, intention, PI. 77.90b, Lg. 854b.’ χδοιώδεκα, Poet, for δυωδεκα, twelve, CLS.2.595 (v.l.). δοκεύω 2, for ‘Arat.987, al.’ read ‘Arat.i 128’ and after ‘Id.813’ add ‘, al.’ δοκέω I, add ‘; part, τά δεδοχμενα 6C//78.51.8 (Delphi, iii b.c.)’ 1, line 1, after ‘δέχομαι ii. 3)’ add ‘, c. acc., άνεμοιο, ΰετοΐο κελεύθους Arat. 803-4' I a, lines 3/5» omit ‘rarely. .XMn.5.7.26;’ b, add ‘, cf. 1649, Th. 650 (s.v.l.)’ 2, before ‘mostly’ add ‘with two accs., τούτους τί δοκεΐτε ; what do you think about them ? XMw.5.7.26 ;’ ; line 3, omit ‘Ar. Pax 47’ ; line 4, before “πώς” insert ‘δ. μεν S.£7.6i, 547, OC995, Ar .Pax 47;’ ; for ‘to. .remarked’ read ‘you cannot think how much, how well, etc. (cf. ο'ίομαι vi. i)’ 3 b, lines 3/5, delete ‘ : rarely. .650’ n. 4, line 4, after ‘PI. 6-487d :’ add ‘without dat., XJn.4.5.1, etc. :’ ; fin., for ‘with¬ out μοι, Χ..4«.4·5.Τ read ‘not parenth., opp. το αληθές, in seeming, JMJ19.2.1’ 5, line 6, after ‘ E.Hec.29 5;’ add ‘δοκεων, opp. άδόκητος, Ρΐ.ΛΓ·7.3ΐ, Trag.Adesp. 482 (lyr.) ;’ δοκή, add ‘III. ambush, plot. Id. (pi.), cf. eund. s.v. εν δοκή.’ δοκιμάζω ii. i, fin., delete ‘ εκπονεΐν . .Mem. 1.2.4;’ 3> after ‘fit to do,’ insert ‘Macho ap.Ath.13.581e,’ δοκιμεΐον, add ‘II. an object grouped with gold φιάλαι in an inventory, Inscr.Delos 1 449.40/6132 (ii b.c.).’ δόκιμος I, line 1, after ‘ trustworthy ,’ insert 'άνηρ Ale. 6. 12 L.-P.;’ 2, line 1, after ‘ excellent ,’ insert ‘φάρμακα Ale. 303. 5 L.-P. 3, add ‘, IG 2.3.3577 (iv b.c.)’ δοκιμόω, for the present article substitute ‘= δοκιμάζω, Hsch.; ην δοκιμώσης (sc. την γραφήν) if you approve, Ps.-Pherecyd.ap. D.L.1.122: at Parm.1.32 δοκιμώσ(αι) for δοκίμως is 1. valde dubia.’ δοκϊμωμι, add ‘, cf. δοκίμοι Theoc. 30.25,26, = δοκεϊ, s.v.l.’ δοκός, line 5, for ‘Ar.’ read ‘Arist.’ δόκος i, adcl ‘b. perh. expectation, LW 1170.14.’ add ‘(fort. δοκός). III. = ενεδρα, Hsch. s.v. is δάκον, cf. Archil. 67a_3 D.3 and δοκή in Suppl.’ χδολΐχεός, έως, ά, = δολιχοδρόμος (Suppl.), BSA26.213 (Sparta, ii a.d.) , Pi. Ο.12 tit. (v.l.). Χδολΐχοδρομεύς, εως, ό, v. δολιχοδρόμος in Suppl. δολιχοδρόμος, δολιχαδρόμος, add δολιχ[ο]δρομε'[α], fr. δολιχοδρομείς, is rest, in Papers of Amer. School at Athens 3.413 (Kara Baulo, Asia Minor), but δολιχαδρόμον is possible’ δολιχόπους, delete the article. δολομήδης, for ‘f.l. in Simon.43’ read ‘Simon. 70 P. (cj.)’ δολοπλόκος, line 2, after ‘Sapph.1.2’ add ‘L.-P., cf. Simon. 36. 9P.’ Χδολοττοιέω, practise fraud, MAMA3.223 (Corycus). δολορράφος, init., insert ‘(parox.)’ δολοφόνος, init., insert ‘(parox.)’ δολοφροσύνη, add ‘, A.R.4.687’ δολόω ii, line 2, for ‘alloy' read ‘render noxious' δόλωσις 2, for ‘alloying' read ‘rendering noxious' χΔομιτιανός, o, name of a month in Egypt (= Phaophi), μην Δ. 60.ry.237 viii 43, PLond. 2.259.99 (both under Domitian). δομοτεκτων, add ‘, Jahresh. 23 Beibl. 183 (Thrace), IGBulg.690 ' χΔονάκεια [άκ], τά, festival founded by Δόναξ at Delos, Inscr . Delos 366A34, al. (iii b.c.) . δονακοφοίτης, delete the article. δόναξ ii. 3, delete ‘or limed reed’ and after ‘(Apollonid.)’ add ‘, 6.27 (Theaet.), 28 (Jul.), 29 (Id.), Opp.//. 3.74 ; limed, reed,, AP 6.109 (Antip.)’ 4, substitute ‘δ. ύπολύριος, v. ΰπολύριος (with Suppl.).’ δόξα iii. 1, line 2, after ‘Sol. 13.4’ add “προς απάντων” 2, add ‘b. δόξαν άπομερίζω show respect, c. dat., Lxx 2 Ala. 1 5.2 ; δόξαι distinctions, ib.4. 15.’ χδορίδαπτος, ον, rent by the spear, 6/6611.172.98 (iii B.c.). δορίκρανος, for ‘ spear-headed ’ read ‘spear-heading’ δορίπληκτος, after “ov,” insert Ton. δουρί- A. 76278,’ and after ‘by the spear,’ insert ‘λάφυρα δαΐων. ,δουρίπληχθ’ A.l.C. ;’ δορίς, for ‘Aet. 3.1.11’ read ‘Fr. 75.11 Pf.’ χδορίσκη·π·τρος, Dor. — σκάπτρος, ov, ruling by the spear, Antip. Sid. in 6At7o/. 101.104.9. χδορίστεπτος, ον, = δοριστεφανος, 'Ρωμαίων άρχάν prob. in Limen.46. χδορκαδοθήρας, ou, 6, gazelle-hunter, PCair.Zen.f^.i (iii b.c.). δορκάς, last line but one, after ‘3.3’ add ‘, also ίορκες Hsch., cf. Welsh iwrch’ add ‘II. pi. = αστράγαλος iv, Herod. 3.63; cf. δορκαλΐδες.’ χδοροδόκιον, TO, beam, transom, PMerton 39.5,12 (iv/v a.d., pi.), cf. δουροδόκος. δόρυ, line 8, after ‘ Hec.f add *, Tr.479, 868’ and after ‘re¬ quired in’ insert ‘A.Supp.8^6,’ 1. 1, fin., after Od.9.498’ insert ‘, but δ. νηϊον A.R. 3.582 means ship’ 2, line 3, after Έ./6/.161 1’ add ‘, AP 7.665 (Leon.), OPP.//.3.213, C.4. 265’ add ‘HI. Boeot. pi. δόρα, as measure of length. Rev. fit. Gr. 10.29 (Thespiae, iii b.c.).’ δορύκνιον, after “τό” add ‘(also spelt δορυχν -)’ χδορύττάλος, gloss on εγχεσπαλος, Hsch. δορυφόρημα^ last line, after ‘cf.’ add ’337e (prob.),’ χδορυφοριανοί, oi, dub. sens., Pland.Inv. 501 (ii a.d.) in Aegyplus 23-I57· δορυφόρος, init., insert ‘(parox.)’ χδόρωμα, ατος τό, prob. = δόρωσις, P Mich. Zen. 37 .9 (iii B.C.). δόρωσις, add ‘, IGz2. 1682.30 (iii b.c.)’ δοσοληψία, add ‘, PLond. 1727.45 (vi a.d., -λημφ- Pap.)’ δότειρα, add * ; Aeol. πολέμου δότε[ρ]ραν (or -τε[ι]-) Ale. 298.9 L.-P.’ δουκηνάριος I, add ‘ ; v. δωκενάριος (Suppl.).’ χδουκιανός, η, όν, of or belonging to the dux, εξουσία PMasp. 283.1.3 (vi a.d.) . δουκικός, add *, cf. Epigr.Gr. 446.6’ δουλαγωγός, add ‘ ; prob. f.l. for δουλαγωγίας in Vit.Aesop. (G)gi’ δούλειος, line 1, delete ‘Pi.6r.223,’ δουλελεύθερος, add *, POxy.2238.il (vi a.d.).’ δουλεύω 3, for “τινά” read “άλλήλοις” add ‘4. Pass., to be served, Vit. Aesop. { G)3i, al.’ δουλοκοίτης, add ‘; μη πρόσιθι μοι, δουλοκοΐτα Vit. Aesop. (G) 49 {—κόπα cod.)’ χδουλοπαράσιτος, ό, parasite of slave origin, Dura 9 1.2 17 (iii a.d.). δούλος (A) I, line 4, after ‘(q-v.) :’ add ‘for the distinction between δούλος and οικετης cf. Chrysipp. Stoic. 111.86, Ammon. Diff. 45 δούλος (B), after ‘Hsch.’ add ‘{δοΰμος Wackernagel)’ and after ‘cf.’ add ‘Hippon.67 D.} (cod.),’ Χδουλοχείρων, ovoy, o, one worse than a slave, PMasp.333.18 (vi a.d.). χδοΰμος, ό, a religious association, T67.222.3 (Phld.); Ιερός δ. C/G3439 (Lydia, iii a.d.), Ath.Mitt.33. 144 (Serdica). δουρίπηκτος, for “δάων’ read “δαιων’ and after 6A.278 add ‘(ita Dindorf, δουρίπληχθ ’ codd.)’ 44 δοχαΐος SUPPLEMENT δύσμορφης δοχαΐος, for ‘κραδίην. . δοχειον) ’ read ‘hence Subst., δοχαία, ή, receiver, Nic.T/.2i (dub.)’ δοχεύς, add ‘II. = ύποδοχεύς, BCH5 ι .220. 1 1 (Thasos).’ χδοχμάς, άδος, fem. Adj. = δοχμία, οδός Delph. 3(4) .42.8. δόχμιος, line 2, for “ έμβάνειν” read “έμβαίνειν” δράγμα, line I, after ‘ handful ’ insert ‘, δράγμα χερός πλήσας Nic. FA. 667’ 11, fin., delete ‘, cf. Lxx Le.23.12’ add ‘IV . δράγμα · τον τής σταφυλής βότρυν, καί τάς φοινικίνας βαλάνους, Hsch.’ δραγματηγεω, for ‘ BGU ’ read ‘BGU 1511.8 (iii b.c.),’ δραγματηγία, for ‘ib.’ read ‘ib.1513 (iii b.c.),’ δράκαινα, for ‘ dragon ’ read ‘ serpent ' χδράκιον, τό, dub. sens., perh. = δραύκιον, necklace , PRyl. 4.627.14. δρακονθόμιλος, for ‘0/ dragon brood’ read ‘ swarming with serpents’ χδρακονΐτις, ιδος, ή, = δρακοντιάς 4, Ρ1ίη.//Α’37·Ι5^· δρακόντειος, for ‘Luc. Philops. 4’ read ‘Cx1c.Philops.2f δρακτόν, add ‘ ; v. δίακτος in Suppl.’ δράκων i, omit ’dragon,’ iv. 4, for ‘ dragon ’ read ‘serpent’ χδράκωνάριος, δ, bearer of the serpent-standard, M AM Al. 218 (Laodicea Combusta), PLond. 113.1.86 (vi a.d.). δράπανον, add ‘, Trans.Am.Phil.Ass.92.258 (iv a.d.)’ χδράττεταγώγιον, τό, prison for runaway slaves, BGU 1881.7 (* B.C.) · δράσσομαι II, line 2, after ‘catch,’ insert 'API. 275.10 (Posidipp.) Χδράχμα, ατος, τό, = δράγμα, Nic.77i.667. δραχμή 2, fin., after ‘PI. Com. 1 74. 1 7’ add ‘, Men.^iir.159’ δραχμίον, delete the article. χδράψ, ό, perh. = δραπέ της, Ar.Fr.y68. δράω (A), line 4, after ‘6.53’ add ‘, τό δρασθέν Gyges Fr. in POxy. 2382.6.5’ line 7, after ‘i448bi’ add ‘ ; also in Ion. Prose, Hp.M0rb.Sacr.15 ' line 10, after ‘freq. in Trag.’ insert ‘and in Antipho’ 2, add ‘b. abs., work, of poison, PIU.2.258C.’ δρεπανηΐς, for ‘poet, for foreg.,’ read ‘of the sickle or sickle¬ shaped, epith. of Zancle in’ δρεπανον 2, after ‘ pruning-knife ,’ insert ‘4STsG13.13.i28 (Athens, v B.c.),’ δρεττανουργός, for ‘ sword-maker , armourer' read ‘ sickle-maker ’ δρηστήρ i, add ‘, A.R.3.700; server, δ. κυπέλλων, of Ganymede, Nonn.Z). 10.259, al.’ χδρΐλοπότης, ου, ό, cup in the form of a phallus, Sch.Juv.2.95 (dub.). δριμάλος, for ‘ ομμα . .eye’ read ‘ΰμματα δ. piercing eyes’ δριμύς II, line 5, after ‘Cond. 18’ add ‘, cf. PCair-fjen. 33.15 (iii B.c.; gen. masc. δριμιος )’ δρίφος, add ‘, Theoc.15.2 in PAntin. ; δ. Συρακούσιοι EMu8y .50, cf. PIsch.’ χδριωτός, ή, όν, dub. sens., perh. wooden, καναστ(ραΐ)ον δ. Inscr. Cret. 4.145.6 (Gortyn, v/iv b.c.). *δρομάω, add a pres. part, δρομέων is prob. in /G42.(i).6i8 (Epid., iv b.c. ; Epigr.)’ δρομεύς, line 3, for ‘Fr. 555’ read ‘Fr. 441 Pf., cf. Simon. 1 IV add ‘4. shuttle, Syr.Jb.y.6.’ δρομιάφιον, read “δρομιάμφιον” δρομικότης, for ‘fleetness. . 18.’ read ‘the quality of the δρομικός, as a non-existent word, Simp, in Cai.214. 18.’ χδρομίσσω, dub. sens., Tlieognost. Can. 14. δρόμος i. 1, line 4, after ‘Luc.Dow.io’ insert * ; δρόμους απελαύνω τον ίππον ride off at a gallop, Aristid. Or. 49(28). 5’ 11. 3, line 4, after ‘(Itanos, iii b.c.)’ add ‘, cf. Call.Fr.261.3 Pf.'; fin., after ‘Str.17.1.28,’ add ‘cf. Call.Fr.715 Pf.,’ δροσίξω I, line 2, after ‘12.16’ add ‘; dub. sens., έαν μή δροσίση PUniv.Milan.ii 60.4 (ii a.d.)’; line 3, after ‘D.L.7.152’ add ‘; δροσιζέσθω . .π ρόποσις .4^5.134 (Posidipp.)’ δρόσος ι. 4, for ‘cheek’ read ‘skin’ 11, for *: in sg. . .Hec. 1. 2. 3.’ read ‘; cf. δρόσους· αχρείους. Κύπριοι, Hsch.’ χΔρούσαιος, ό, a month in Cyprus beginning Apr. 2, prob. in Cat. Cod . Astr.2 . 1 44. 1 4. χΔρουσιεύς, έως, ό, an Egyptian month (= Epeiph) in Caligula’s calendar, PLond. in PRyl. ii p.381 (40 a.d.), CPR2\2.i6,a,6 (40 a.d.), PSI8.908.19 (43 a.d. ; dat. Δρυσΐ). χΔρουσιλλήος, ό, an Egyptian month (= Pauni) in Caligula’s calendar, μήν A. BGUy. 1660. 12, PMich.Inv.622 in JEA15.185 (both 41 a.d.) . Δρυάς i, before ‘Plu.’ insert ‘PI. Epigr.26 D.3,’ δρυμός ii, add ‘ ; parox. δράμα, acc. to Gramm, in Reitzenstein Ind.Lect.Rost. 1890/91 p.9’ χδρυοσάνδραξ, v. σαννίς. χδρυόφονον, τό, a plant, Lepidium draba, V\\n.HN2y .yyt,. δρύοχοι i, add ‘ ; defined as ribs of a ship, = νομείς, Procop. Goth. 4.22’ δρυς, line 2, after ‘664.23’ add ‘; masc. also in POxy.21 13.18 (iv a.d.)’ iv, delete ‘, Artem.2.25’ δρύφακτος, add ‘4. = αγορά at Thera, 1G Ι2.3·32^·25·' δρύφειν and δρυφόμενοι, add ‘, cf. κήπί τά μύλη. δρυφήτα ι κήπί ταΐς συναικλίαις Alcm.95(fl) Ρ·’ δρύψε λον, for the present article substitute after “τό,” ‘bark, acc. to Et.Gen. s.v. δρύψελλον, but prob. scrapings, cf. Parth.Fr.25, 26 : δρύψαλα, Hsch.’ δρυψία, for ‘= foreg.’ read 'scrapings' δρωττακιστής, add ‘II. applied to one who uses wax for peeling the gold from gilded statues, Sch.Juv.13.151.’ χδυανδρία, ή, = Lat. duumviratus, Anal. St. 10.51. 100.3 (Pisidia). χδόασμα, ατος, τό, duplication, Schubart Gr. Lit. Pap. 36.31. χδόβρις, = θάλασσα, Asclep.Myrl.ap.Sch.Theoc. 1 . 1 1 8. χΔυμάνες, ol, one of the three Dorian tribes, Hdt.5.68; fem. Δόμαιναι, al, Euph.47, cf. Alcm.4 /r.5.4, io(A)8P. ; also Δυμανίς, ίδος, St.Byz. s.v. /Ιυμάνες; cf. Call.Fr.703 Pf. δύναμαι ii. 3a, line 3, after ‘Th.7.58’ add ‘is prob. interp. ; σκοπεί v έκαστον τί δύναται των ρημάτων Strato Com. 1.44;’ δύναμις ιι. 5, line 2, after ‘object,’ add ‘D.S.4.51 (pi.),’ v, after ‘2.’ insert ‘square root, PI. FA/. 147 d. b.’ and after “μήκος,” for ‘Pl.TAi.147d’ read ‘ib.i48a’ δυναστεία ii, for ‘Roman Senate’ read ‘triumvirates’ δυναστευτικός, after ‘ib. I272b3;’ insert ‘in a position of power,* δυναστεύω I, p. 453, line 5, before ‘ : — Pass.’ add ‘ ; of χαρακτήρες τής λέξεως, stand out, be most important, O.H.Dem.8’ δυνατός ii, line 6, after “ές τό δ.” insert ‘Simon.36.14 P.,’ χδύνω, v. δυω. δύο, line 6, before ‘found’ insert ‘Men.Z)yr.26, ed. G. Pasquali, 1925)’ δυσεγκαρτέρητος, add ‘, prob. in Plu. 2. 36b, spelt δυσεκκ— in Phld.Z).i.i2 (cf. άνεκκαρτέρητος)’ δυσειδής ii, delete the section, δυσεκκαρτερητος, substitute ‘= δυσεγκ—, q.v.’ δυσεκλήπτως, transfer ‘(leg. δυσεξάλειπτ ον)’ to end of previous article. δυσέκφευκτος, line 1, delete ‘Tim.Ferr.130,’ and in line 2 after ‘Pers. 1 40’ add ‘; hard to reach in escaping, ib.130’ χδυσεμττέλαστος, ον, making approach difficult, θάλασσα An. Par. 1. 179. δυσεξάλυκτος, after ‘avoid,’ add ‘λοιμός Keil-Premerstein Erster Bericht p.9 (Troketta), cf.’ χδΰσεξεταστος, ον, hard to search out, Ylo\. Harm. 1 .8. δύσζηλος ii, for ‘ rivalling in hardship ’ read ‘ unenviable ’ and delete “αΐθυίησι” δυσήκοος II, after ‘S.Fr.220’ add ‘(= S.FOry>.2o8i (b) Fr. 4)’ δυσήνεμον, add ‘, cf. Plu. in Hes. 60' δυσήνυτος, for ‘also -ήνυκτος,’ read ‘prob. in SEGy. 14.22 (Susiana, i a.d.) ;’ δυσθετεω i, add ‘ ; to be in difficulty, Διηγήσεις iv 40’ χδυσκατάσχετος, ον, difficult to stop, of a haemorrhage, Afric.Gerh ρ.6ι V. χδύσκερκος, ον, epith. of σαύρα (dub. sens.), Sch.Theoc.2.58. χδύσκλωστος, ον, grievously spun, μίτος Μοιρών Gott.gel.Anz.l89y. 4io (cf. MAMA5.50). δυσκρασία, line 2, for ‘Stoic. 3.216’ read ‘Stoic. 2.216’ χδύσμα, ατος, τό, sunset, west, Inscr. Dilos 1417C73 (ii B.C.). χδυσμετάγωγος [ά], ον, hard to tame or break in, θρέμμα Afric .Cest. p.22 V. Χδυσμηνίτης [i], οι>, o, wrathful man (cf. μηνιτής), Ptol.7eφαλτον” and transpose, δΰσφθαρτος, for ‘ ; not easily spoilt. . (Comp.), read . 2. not easily affected by gastric χυμοί. a. not liable to ferment or turn acid, Gal.8.42,Hices.ap.Ath.3.8yd. b. not easily assimilated, Diph.Siph.ap.Ath.3.i2ic, Xenocr.ap.Onb.2.58. 146 (Comp.) ; so prob.’ δύσφορος i, delete section 3 and renumber 4. δυσφρόνη, for “δυσφρονεων . .δυσφροσΰναν παραλυε i,” read dub. cj. in Pi. 0.2. 52, f.l. in Hes. Th. 102 Ευσχερασμός, ό, irritation, anger, Phld.Li0.p.8 O. δύσχρηστος, fin., before “ διακεΐσθαι ” insert ‘έχειν to be in¬ tractable, Men.E_yir.249;’; before ‘Plu.2h7n.19’ insert ‘to be in a sorry plight ,' δυσώνης, for ‘ one who. .bargainer' read ‘ bad shopper' δυσωπεω, line 3, after ‘X.Eph.4.5’ insert ‘ ; so perh. δυσωπησας λίνα Μοιρών, of Apollo, Didyma 217.13 (hex. poem or oracle)’ 11. i, add ‘; of animals and birds, to be dazzled, Ael.Ad8. 10, I°.I4’ δύτη, before ‘Cabireum’ insert ‘Thebes,’ and at end add , Άρχ.Έφ. 1948/9, p.136, An.17,18,20 (Epid., iv b.c.)’ Ευτριακοστόν, τό, v. δυοτριακοστόν (Suppl.). δυώδεκα, add ‘; gen. pi. δυωδε'κων Ath.AIitt. N.S.6.i6 (Samos, vi B.C.)’ δυωδεκαΐς, for ‘Att. ;’ read ‘also δωδεκάΐς,’ ; for ‘SIG2. .ii b.c.)’ read ‘5/G2438.i99 (= Michel 995E34; Delphi, v b.c.)’; and after ‘etc.’ add ‘ ; δωδεκαΐδα βούπρωρον 57636ο4·9 (Delphi, ii b.c.)’ χδΰωδεκάπεδος [a], ov, twelve feet long, Delph.fff) .86 (iv B.c.). χδυωδεκάσημος, v. δωδ- (Suppl.). Χδωδεκαδραχμία, ή, twelve-drachma tax on boats, PMich.zfn.6 0.2 (iii B.c.). χδωδεκαΐος, ό, or -αΐον, τό, coin worth twelve ( obols ?), Rev. Arch. 3(1934). 40 (Amphipolis, iii/ii b.c.), 6(1935). 32 (ibid., ii b.c.). χδωδεκαΐς, ίδος, ή, v. δυωδεκαΐς (with Suppl.). δωδεκάπους, after ‘long’ insert ‘(sc. σκιάς or στοιχείου)’ and for ‘Men. 364’ read ‘Men.304 Koerte’ δωδεκάσημος, add ‘ ; in Prosody, of the length of 12 short syllables , Mar. Viet. p. 49 ( duod -).’ χδωδεκάστολος, ον, νάες in a squadron of twelve, prob. in E.LI277 (lyr.). Χδωδεκαχαλκία, η, tax of twelve χαλκοί, PHib.i.l 12.8 (iii B.c., abbrev.). Δωδώνη, add * ; Δωδωνεύς, ε'ως, ό, epith. of Zeus, Hsch. χδωκενάριος, = δουκηνάριος, SEGj .1097 (Arabia). χδώκω, v. δίδωμι. χδωματουργία, ή, structure, ενηλλάγη ή δ. πάσα της βασιλικής Israel Exp lor. Journal 11.184 (Sepphoris, vi a.d.). δώμημα, add ‘, BMus.lnscr. 829b (Cnidos)’ δώμησις, for ‘and. .Hsch.’ read ‘ building , Arch.Anz.ip.8 (Milet., pi.), Hsch.; also -ητύς, υος, ή, Id.’ χδωνατίουον, τό, = Lat. donativum, POxy. 1047.4 (iv a.d.). δωράκινον, add ‘ ; also δωράκιον, τό, PRyl. 4.630.419, al. (iv a.d.)’ δωρεά ii, line 4, after ‘(iv B.c.);’ add ‘also δωρεάς SIG8^i.iJ (Smyrna, ii a.d.), Robert Ft.Anat.J88 (Limyra in Lycia) ;’ χδωρεακός, ό, official or employee of a δωρεά I. 2, BGUi 540.3 (iii B.C.) ; cf. χρειακός. δωρεω I, line 3, after ‘Pass.,’ add ‘εκ 0εών. .μηχανα'ι δωροΰνται Sch.Pi.P. 1.74?’ Δώριος, line 1, after ‘i276b9’ add ‘, etc., see CP59.5/6’ χδωρίσκος, ό, compound foot scanned — w — w, Diom.482.2. δωρίτης, add ‘, Sch.Pi.O.8.101’ δωρογραφία, delete the article, δωροφόρος, add ‘, Callix.ap.Ath.5.201 A’ Χδωρΰφιον, τό, wedding-gift, PHamb. 1.87.11 (ii a.d.), Mitteis Chr. 290117 (vi a.d.) . δωσίβιος, for ‘Mus.Belg. 16.70’ read ‘Eleg. in ECL/50.529 (Marathon, ii a.d.)’ δωσίπυγος, for “ον. .αφελεια” read ‘Adj., of a woman, compliant , Suid. s.v. άφιλης’ χδώω, Cret. = ζώ, PC//61.334 (Dreros, vi b.c.). ίάν, line 2, after ‘(iv b.c.)’ add *; Chalcidian lav SEG4.64.5 (Sicily, vi b.c.)’ ίανός I, fin., for ‘(?) 122’ read ‘156 L.-P.’ έάνπερ, for ‘v. εί B. ii’ read ‘ήνπερ, άνπερ, strengthd. for ε’άν, ήν, άν (cf. είπερ), that is to say if, εάνπ. A.Pers.529, ii.Med.J2q, P1.77?i.i66b, etc.; εανπερ χε Id.P/iL89b; ηνπ. Ar.Lyr.551, Χ· Cyr.4.6.8 ; η. χε Id.E7.10. ι 1 ; άνπ. Pl.Ti.goc, 7^.63 ic, D.20.22’ εαρινός, add ‘2. metaph., of beauty, e. αμέθυστου ώρα Hld.5.13.’ εαυτού, lines 8/9, for ‘ριαυτού . .p.34’ read ‘ριαυτδ Inscr. Cret. 4.4η. ^ (Gortyn, v b.c.)’; line 10, after ‘517.16’ add ‘, acc. pi. fem. εύτας RG//59.55. i8 (Larissa, ii b.c.)’ ; line 1 1, for ‘Ale. 78’ read ’Hes. Th. 1 26’ εάω, add ‘III. = καταλείπω, leave behind one, τε'κνα ΜΛΜΛ6.2 1 5 (Apamea, iii a.d.), cf. ib.124 (Heraclea Salbake; aor. Med.) ; bequeath, ανδριάντα πλατ(()ία ib. 1 76 (Apamea).’ έάων, read “εάων” εβδομαγέτης, before “ου” add ‘Dor. -ας,’ and for ‘to whom . .month' read ‘perh. Leader of the Seventh, i.e. Leader associated with the seventh day’ χΈβδομαιών, ώνος, epith. of Apollo, Sokolowski 26.87 (Erythrae, ii b.c.). εβδόματος, for “ov” read “η, ov” and add ‘, Hes. 0/1.805, Fr. 273, etc.’ χέβδομηκοντάδραχμος, ov, with a salary of seventy drachmas, PMich. Zen. ti6.11 (iii b.c.). Εβδομηκονταετής, εί, seventy years old, 5EG6. 138.3 (Phrygia, written -μαικ-). Εβδομοκούρης, ό, a temple official, Wien.Anz. 1959.40 (Ephes., iii a.d.) . έβδομος 3, add ‘ ; festival celebrated on the seventh day after birth. Διηγήσεις ix 26, cf. Call.L>.202.22 Pf.’ Εβενωσις, εως, ή, turning ebony-black, Anon.Alch.419.22. Εβί, = επί, GF/1990.9 (Egypt, ii/i b.c.), 817.5 (Arcesine (Amor· gos), ii/iii a.d.). Εγγαιεω, = εχχαεω, 5EGi 7.197, cf. 198 (Olympia, i b.c.). Εγγάμιστή, betrothed, ίδνωτήν εγγαμ ιστήν νυμφίοι, Hsch. (ή νυμ¬ φίον, Cyr.). εγγαστρίμυθος, for ‘ventriloquist. . means’ read ‘one who has a voice in his belly, medium' Εγγάστριον, τό, foetus, Cat.Cod.Astr.8(i) .175» χεγγαστρος, ov, in the womb, Hsch. s.v. συλληφεται. έγγήραμα, delete ‘Cic.Th.12.25.2,’ and add ‘b. place to grow old in, Cic.Att. 1 2.25.2, al.’ εγγίζω ii. 1, after ‘Plb.18.4.1’ add ‘; τοΐς τελείοις D.H. Comp. 14’ έγγομφόω, delete ‘ 1— Pass. .. 25.6.4)’ εγγονος 2, add ‘ ; dub. sens., S.Ichn.222’ end of article, after ‘ca. 300 b.c.’ add ‘and are synonymous in 5EGi 0.238. 22-24 (Athens, v b.c.)’ last line, after ‘(Samos, iv b.c.),’ add 7Gi2(3). 1296.22 (Thera, ii b.c.),’ εγγραυλίς, ίδος, read “εγγραυλις, εως” εγγράφω, fin., after ‘742.29’ add ‘, GE/5496.10,15’ έγγυάω ι. I, after ‘ hand over as a pledge ’ add ‘, v. εχχυη I fin. in Suppl.’ ίγγύη line 1, for ‘Delph.’ read ‘Delos’; 1, fin., after ‘Chrm. 165a’ add ‘(v.l. εχχυ'α, imper. of έγγυάω ; fort. leg. εχχυά as imper. Med.)’ εγγυητικός, add ‘, PLond. 1494. 11’ ίγγυθήκη, after ‘Hegesand.45’ add ‘, Inscr.DSlos 372E30 (iii/ii B.C.)’ έγγυμνάζω, lines 2/3, delete ‘ε’ν σο'ι. .Phdr. 228e;’ εγγυος ii, line 5, for ‘4’ read ‘5614’ Εγγων, ονος , 6, η, grandchild, Cljud. 1.140 (Rome), έγδάκτυλος, for 7G2.8o9bi95’ read ‘^.1629.428,429, SEG 3.137 iii 12 (Athens, iv b.c.)’ εγείρω, i. 1, add ‘: Med. τόν χ’ εχρεο NicM/.456’ 2, line 3, after ‘ib.510’ add ‘, cf. λόχος. . ε. όρχάς Lxx Pr.15.1’ ; at end add ‘ ; c. gen., cause to rise from, μη. .εΰνάς εγείρετε E.//E1050 (lyr.) ; λεχους ήγειρα Gyges Fr. in POxy. 2382 ii 12’ II. 2, add ‘b. εν Άθηναις εγηγερμεναις in A. after her revival, Afric. Cest.p. 19 V.’ έγέρσιμος, add ‘, cf. Pdni.1l.57 <ϊ·(«)ν 35’ έγκαθίζω ι. 2, line 2, for ‘Pass.’ read ‘Med.* εγκαθίστημι I, add ‘2. put a cargo on board, PlVarren 5.6 in Aegyptus 13.242 (ii a.d.).’ έγκαίριος, for ‘, PGrenf. 1 .64’ read ‘; in PGrenf. 1.64 εύκαιρείαν (= ευκαιρίαν) is prob.’ έγκαίω iv, add ‘ : c. acc., Διί. .αμνόν και όρνιν Milanges Glotz 872 (Macedonia, ii a.d.)’ ίγκαλέω II. 2, line 3, for “ε. τινι περί” read “ε’. περί” έγκανάσσω, after ‘152’ insert ‘(prob. cj.)’ έγκαναχάομαι, read “εγκάνάχέομαι” εγκάρδιος, after “ov” add ‘(ος, α, ον Horap.1.7)’ and after ‘in the heart,' insert ‘φυχη Horap. l.c. ;’ 11. 2, for ‘Roussel. .236 (Delos,’ read ‘χαλκοΰν Inscr. Delos 1442B58; ξΰλινον ib.59 (’ add ‘HI. εγκάρδιά (sc. λίθος), ή, a gem with the shape of a heart on it, Plin./LV37.i59·’ Εγκαρπίζω, τινά τίνος implant a thing in a person, Orac.Chald. ap.Synes. lnsomn.%. εγκαρπος i, add ‘2. pregnant, Historian in Suid. s.v.’ Εγκαταβλέπω, v. Ινκαπάταόν. έγκαταδαρθάνω ii, for ‘688f ’ read ‘688e’ έγκαταλέγω ι. I, add ‘, Call.Er.64.7 Pf.’ 46 έγκατάλειμμα SUPPLEMENT » c* t €i ο ουν έγκατάλειμμα 3, delete the section. έγκατάλειψις, add ‘2. arrears, PVindob. 1373 ii 1 3 (ii a.d.) in Mus. Helv. 3(1 946). 247.’ χέγκατάλοιπον, το, deficit, dub. in AJA52.277· εγκαταπήγνυμι I, line 3, after ‘II. 9. 350;’ insert * εγκαταπήγνυσι (τω Χρυσίππω ) το ξίφος Plu.2.3i3e>’ and delete section 2. εγκαταπλεκω, after ‘2.494a’ add ‘: metaph., τινά τισι D.H. Comp. 1 2’ χέγκαταρδεύω, water or irrigate in, τινι, metaph., Polystr.p.87 W. χέγκαταρρήγνυμι, burst upon, of a wind, Gr .Roman-Papyri 8.24 Zimm. εγκατασπείρω, after ‘Ph.2.673’ add ‘(v.l. for κατέσπειρεν 2.420)’ έγκαταταράσσω, add ‘(sed leg. έλικα τ εταραγμένην)' χέγκαταφϋτεύω, plant in, implant, Hsch. s.v. ινκαφότευε. έγκατοικοδομεω I, after ‘a place,’ insert ‘στρωτήρας 7G2L463. 59/60 (iv b.c.) ;’ ίγκαυλεω, substitute ‘v. εκκαυλέω in Suppl.’ έγκαυμα, add ‘IV. apptly. fuel, POxy. 2206.9 (vi a.d.), cf. καΰμα V.’ χέγκαύσιμος, ον, painted in encaustic, IG42 ( 1 ) . 1 09 iii 63 (Epid., iii b.c.) . εγκαυστήρια, add sg., cautery-iron, 7G2.I534-6i’ εγκαυστος, add ‘ ; fem. —a, Lindos 11.420^24, £34 (i A.D.)* εγκειμαι i. 2 b, delete the section. έγκέλευμα, add word of command, άφ’ ενός i. J.AJig.i.iq.’ χέγκενίδες, at, side-planks, if M3 1 0.38. (Cf. έπηγκενίδες.) χέγκεύθω, poet, ένικεύθω, conceal, contain, σορός ήδ ’ ένικεύθει Έρ- μαϊον SEG6.635 (Termessus, ii a.d.). εγκεφάλιον, for ‘εγκέφαλος i’ read ‘εγκέφαλος ii’ and at end add ‘, PCornell 50. 1 1 (i a.d.)’ χεγκήρυκτος, ον, advertised with a view to tenders, Theognost.Can.83. έγκισσάω, for ‘have. . pregnant ’ read ‘ conceive ' εγκλάω, line 2, for “σωομένους” read “ σωομένοις ” έγκλημα I, lines 6/7, for ‘γίγνεται. .Lys.10.23’ read ‘γίγνεται τοΐς παισ'ι προς άλλήλους εγκλήματα X.Gyr. 1.2.6; but γίγνεται or ε’στί έ. μοι πρός τινα he has ground of complaint against me, Lys. 10.23,16.10’ χέγκληρονομεω, inherit, dub. in PDura 24.31 (ii A.D.). έγκλίνω i, add ‘8. Pass., lie down, pass the night, perh. of incuba¬ tion in a temple, Semon.i?) in PLit.L0nd.5y .10.’ εγκλισις I. 4, for ‘a singer’s’ read ‘the’ and after ‘voice,’ add ‘D.H.Dm.54 (pi.),’ εγκοιμητήριος, for ‘grave' read ‘ dormitory ’ and at end add ‘, SEG 4.681 (ii a.d.) , IG42. 127.7 (iii a.d.)’ εγκοιμήτριον, add ‘ ; also Adj. —toy, — tov, εγκοιμήτριν όθόνιον PPar.53.8’ ίγκοίμητρον, line 2, after ‘p.140 V.’ add written εκκ- PBaden 48.4 (ii b.c.)’ εγκοληβάζω, for “κόλοις" read Vo'Aaty (sic)’ έγκολλάω, delete ‘Lxx. . (Pass.),’ add ‘II. treat with cement , τών λίθων τά κροιά, Άρχ. Έφ. 1 923·39·68 (Oropus, iv b.c.). III. reach as far as, ένκολληθήσεται . .έως Lxx £a. 14.5.’ έγκολπίας, add ‘, Seneca QjV 5.8.1’ ίγκολπόω, line 5, after ‘48.52’ add ‘ ; appropriate, PCair.Isidor.64. 6 (iii a.d.)’ έγκόμβωμα, for ‘Thd.’ read ‘Sm.’ εγκονεω, line 5, after ‘Ar.Av. 1324 :’ add ‘Ep. impf. έγκονέεσκον Euph. in PS/1390.C.1.16:’ έγκόνιμα, delete the article. έγκόπτω i. 1, add ‘b. sens, obsc., Pass., 7Gi2(3).536 (Thera, vi b.c.).’, deleting the ref. in 2. εγκότημα, for ‘= sq.’ read ‘object of anger' and for ‘, Hsch.’ read ‘ ; = οργή, μανία, Hsch.’ χέγκότιος, ον, = έγκοτος I, υμείς δαίμονες ενκότιοι αύτω γενοιοθε SEG6.802 (Cyprian Salamis). εγκρατή? hi, add ‘3. member of the Encratite sect, S’£'G6.348,349 (Lycaonia, iv a.d.).’ iv. 2, line 2, after “φέρε tv τι” add ‘~Men.Dysc.770,' χέγκρατία, poet. — ίη, ή, sect of Encratites, Berl.Sitzb. 1 932.797 (Isauria, iv a.d.). εγκρίνω 2, line 3, after ‘77G4.1.40;’ insert ‘c. dat., ένικρινθήναι όμίλω A. R. 1. 227 ;’ χέγκρΐτής, ou, 6, judge who admits entrants to athletic contests, Wiener Denkschr. 44(1896) .y (Hieropolis Kastabala, pi.), ίγκροστόω, for ‘Supp.Epigr. 2. 698’ read ‘SEG 17.596.7’ έγκρύπτω 2, add ‘; Arist.J,wi'.470ai6 (Pass.)’ 3, add *; Pass., ερπετά, ίλυοΐσιν ένέκρυφεν (—φθεν v.l.) Call.Fr.336 Pf·’ χέγκρύφω, = έγκρν πτω, CLS.14.556· εγκρυψι?, add ‘II. concealment, of planets, PMich. 149x40 (pi., ii A.D.).’ εγκτησις, after κτασις” insert ‘(cf. έντάσις)' έγκυέομαι, read ‘έγκΰέω, to be impregnated with, χόλον AP 7.385 (Phil. ; εκκ-). 2. Pass.,’ χεγκυκλΐάκό?, ή, όν, of or for the εγκύκλιον ( εγκύκλιος rv), Aoyoy BGU914.5 (ii a.d.) , cf. PMich.Teb.12y xxii3i, I23vvii 16,19 (i a.d.) ; ό έ. the official collecting die εγκύκλιον, POxy. 2281.3 (ii a.d.)· εγκύκλιοξ iii. 3, add ‘ ; επιστολή έ. Lxx £>0.4.346.’ εγκυκλο? ii, before “έγ κύκλον” add ‘having a purple border all round, ταινία PCair.fiyn. 696.5 (iii b.c.) ; ίμάτιον Phot. s.v. παράπηχυ :’ χεγκΰριεύω, to be in control, Callistr.Hist.5 J. εγκυσίκωλος, read “έγκυσίχωλο?” χεγκωλον, τό, v. δαΐμα. έγκωμικός, delete the article. χέγό, = εγώ, cf. Lat. ego, POxy. 2331 .17,19 (iii a.d.) (v. CR71. 190)· εγρηνται, add ‘ ; cf. αγρέω.' εγρήσσω, after ‘A.R.2.308,’ insert 'Gyges Fr. in POxy. 2382. ϋ·4,’ εγρω, line 3, after “ έγρετο ” insert Tl. 24.789,’ έγχαλινόω 3, for ‘metaph. of reins’ read ‘of veins’ εγχαλκο?, line 2, after ‘rich,' insert ‘Men. Mon. 365,’ εγχαρίζομαι, add ‘ ; ένκεχαρισ μένος dub. sens., MAMA7.402* χέγχασμάομαι, = έγχάσκω, v. έγχημώμενοι. εγχειρογάστωρ, for ‘Clean th. . . 16’ read ‘Anon.ap.Ath.i .4d’ εγχερα, delete the article, cf. Rev. Arch. 5(1935). 215. Χεγχλιάω, to get warm, prob. in Nic.7A.68 (ένχλ-). έγχλίω, for ‘‘[t]” read “[i]” εγχριμτττω i, add ‘; e. αύτοΐς τά κέντρα, of bees planting their stings, Ael.jWl17.35’ εγχρονίζω I, line 4, for “έν τόπω” read ‘e’v αυτή, sc. ττ) Αλεξ¬ άνδρειά Χεγχων€ύω,7?/1 up, of a method of sealing tombs, εγχωνενσει τους πελεκίνους SEG 17.633.9 (Perge). εγώ I, line 3, after ‘Pron.51.4’ add ‘; v. also εγό in Suppl.’ line 4, after “εγωγ€” add ‘(nom. and dat.)’ line 6, after “ έμίνγα ” add ‘Sophr.86, A.O.Pron.81 .20, έμίγγα' at end add ‘: έγώπερ SEG8.ii (Tiberias, perh. iii a.d.)’ ii, line 3, after “εμεΐ o” insert Tl.1.174, al., read by Zenodotus at II.14.1 18, al., A.R.1.829, al.,’ line 7, for “έμίν” read ‘έμίν (t)’ iii, line 4, after “νων” insert ‘A.Ch.2^4,’ rv, line 9, after ‘Pron. 95. 3)’ add ‘, cf. A. R. 2. 616’ έδανόξ, add ‘2. perh. denoting type of vine and wine, NicM/. 162,181 ; cf. Hsch. εδάνη (έδανή Dindorf)· είδος αμπέλου.' εδάφιον, add ‘2. Dim. of έδαφος 3, rest, in IG7 .2808029.' έδαφος I, add ‘ : metaph. foundation, Longin.8.1’ 2, add ‘: metaph., [πάθη φνχής ] καταλνειν εις έ. Plu.2.5i5c·* χέδμήθην, aor. Pass, of δαμάζω, q.v. χέδνήστις, ή, acc. sg. -iv, prob. for whom a bride-price must be paid, Call.Fr.67. 10 Pf. εδνον, before “, to” add ‘(orig. ρέδνον, but εδν[ Pap. in Corinn. t iv 16 P.)’ rv, add ‘; χαρίσιον έ. Call. Fr. 383. 1 Pf.’ έδνόω ii, after ‘Hes.Fr.94.47’ add ‘(ej.)’ εδος i. 3, after ‘Paus.8.46.2’ add ‘, D.C.51.1, 59.28’; for ‘; ε. υπαίθριον D.C.5I.I* read ‘, D.C-48.I4’ χεδρύσκη, v. υδρίσκη in Suppl. εδωδάς, after ‘Aer.’ add ‘4,’ χέδωλή, ή, seat, Naukratis ii.68. εέλμεθα, εελμένος, add ‘ : but εελμένοι is for εελδόμενοι in Keil— Premerstein Erster Bericht 9 (Lydia, ii a.d.)’ εθειρα, add ‘III. of the pubic hair, Call.Fr.343 Pf.’ έθελω, line 12, delete ‘, nor in Aeol.’ line 15, after ‘both forms in’ add ‘Sapph.1.17, 24 L.-P., in’ I. 6, add ‘, El. 585, Macho ap.Ath. 13.582a, Herod.8.6’ εθημολογέω, delete the article, εθήμων, delete ‘c. dat., ελπίδι χεθνιάρχης, ου, ό, = εθνάρχης I. 2, Cljud. Ι.719 (Argos). χέθνικογράφος [ά], ό, cataloguer of names indicating nationality, interpol. in Suid. s.v. Νακώνη. έθνος I, add ‘6. of things, 7G22.i20.i4 (Athens, iv B.c.).’ χέθνυμών, όνο?, ό, (έθνος) dub. sens., Hdn.Gr.1.33, 2.735. εϊ, before ‘indecl.’ add “to,” and at end ‘(ή ει is the diphthong, Sch.TIl.ii.799)’ εϊ A. 2, add ‘e. είθε γάρ, = ει γάρ, Diog.ap.D.L.6.52, Hsch., Suid. s.v. εί γάρ, Phot.p.44 R., Sch.rec.A. Th.550 ; condemned by Moer.p.161 P.’ B. 11, add ‘3. for εάν, ήν, αν θαττον c. subj., as soon as, see ταχύς C. 2.’ VII. 3 e, delete ‘, siquis alius,' εΐα, fin., after ‘S.Ichn.87,' add ‘Fr.221.4 (v. POxy.ix. Pl.iv),’ είβάτας, read “είβατάς” εϊβω, acid ‘ ; cf. είφθή· είβηται, Hsch.’ χεΐδε, v. ήδη in Suppl. χεϊδεος, ον, (είδος) having form, Zos.Alch. 205.8. (Formed after ανειδεο?, πανείδεος.) είδήμων, before ‘Plermog.’ add ‘Rhet.Anon. in POxy. 410.27,’ είδοτΓοιία, for ‘. 2.. .3.’ read ‘ ; tcu? τών σχημάτων εί. by means of the specific characters of the figures, Longin.18.1. 2.’ ΚεΙδοσύνη, ή, knowledge, Jahresh.30 Beibl. 204 (Ephesus, iii a.d.). είδος iii, add ‘4. special proposition, i.e. one belonging to a par¬ ticular subject, opp. τόπος, Arist.7?/!.i358a3i.’ add ‘V. dub. sens., χιλίαρχοι λογχοφόροι είδους Βιθυνών δευτέρων Bull. Soc.Alex. 7.64.’ εί δ’ ουν, for ‘νιι.4 c’ read ‘vn.3 c’ 47 είδοφόρος SUPPLEMENT Ψ ctS είδοφόρος, init., insert ‘(parox.)’ add ΊΙ. frieze, Inscr. Delos 442F232 (ii B.c.).’ •ιϊδω A. 11, add ‘4. think that something is so, c. acc. and inf., A. R.i.7i8,io24.’ B, line 11, after “ίσάμι” add ‘(q.v. with Suppl.)’ line 19, transfer also ίδε'μεν Ph.V.7.25’ to A, line 5, after Έρ. IBeeiv’ line 21, for 'Pl.Stnp.i 19a’ read ‘PlAm/i.igga’ 3, fin., after ‘omitted,’ add ‘D.4. 18,’ εΐδωλον, add ‘VI. Εΐδωλον, the constellation Hercules, Arat.64, Nonn.D. 1.256.’ είδωλό πλαστός, for ‘ideal' read ‘imagined' είθαρ, after ‘16.5,’ add ‘Call.Fr.31b Pf. (Add. n),* Χεϊθυνα, ης, ή, = Ιθυνα, SEG ΐ7·377-Ι4 (Chios, ν b.c.). εικάζω ιι, line 4, after ‘cf. 4.31,’ insert Tl.F.488a,’ είκαιος 3, after ‘casual,' insert ‘Call. Fr. 334 Pf., Nic.77i.394,’ είκάς i, line 1, for ‘Scol. Oxy. 1 36 1 Fr. 1 .5’ read ‘Fr^oBgS.’; lines 3/7, for ‘Epicur. . .Lg^gb’ read ‘Ar.Au. 17, And.1.121, Epicur.Fr.21 7 ; μετ’ είκάδα, μετ’ εικάδας are used in referring to days in the month later lhan the 20th, Hes.Op.820, Men. 265.3 Koerte, etc.: in Att.Inscrr. (cf. Arat.i 149-52) they are usu. counted backwards from the end of the month, thus δεύτερα μετ’ εί. = the 29th (or in a hollow month the 28th), τρίτη μετ’ el. = the 28th (or 27th) ; but a forward count is sts. used, where δεύτερα, τρίτη μετ’ el. are the 22nd and 23rd; v. Hesperia 4.529 if.’ y r εΐκασμα, add ‘III. dub. sens., GygesFr. in POxy. 2382.11.1 (εΐκασμα τι or ε'ικάσματι?).' είκασμός, add ‘b. estimate of yield on land, PCair.Zen. 147.3 (iii b.c.) ; of price, Aq.Ge.26. 12.’ Χείκαστήριον, τό, image (?), prob. cj. in Nonn.Z).i3.5i7 (ph). είκή i, add ‘2. without cause, UPZ 108.24 (· B-c·)·’ add BV. willingly, readily, D.30.20; of one's own free will, Antiph.217.7.’ εΐκοβολ-εω, -ία, for ‘talking) at random' read ‘guess (ing)' είκονίζω I, for ‘from a pattern’ read ‘a document’ εικόνισμα, line 1, for ‘573’ read ‘574.3’ είκονισμός ii, fin., for 'Ep. 95’ read ‘Ep. 95.66’ είκονιστής, for ‘registrar' read ‘ scribe , copyist' είκοσάγωνος, after “to el." add ‘, i.e. the dodecahedron,’ Χείκοσάδραχμος, ον, of twenty drachmae, τιμή PLond. 3·ΐΐ57ν.8 (iii a.d.) ; also είκοσίδραχμος PTeb. 373.12 (ii a.d.). Χείκοσακότυλον, τό, measure oj twenty κο τόλαι, BSA^ 1 .65 (Chios), είκοσάμηνος, alter ‘(Leon.)’ add ‘ = Theoc.Fp. 16 είκοσάπρωτοι, for ‘0G1 629.10 (Palmyra) i-ead Petersen— Luschan Reisen in Lykien 38’ Χείκοσετηρος, ον, = εικοσέτης, Classical studies presented to E.Capps 70 (Corinth, iii/iv a.d.). είκοσετης, after ‘(Cypr.)’ add ‘r fern., FFG3.543 (Thrace, iii B. C.)’ Χείκοσημερία, η, period of twenty days, Hesperia 27.75.3 (ca· 200 B.C.). είκοσι, add ‘ ; είκατιν (or ίκ~) before consonant (]ίκατιν δ’) Call. Fr. 1 96.32 Pf.’ Χείκοσιενναέτης, es, twenty-nine years old, GVI 816.4 (Egypt, iii A.D.). Χείκοσιεπτάς, άδος, η, the number twenty-seven, Procl. in 77.2.2 1 3*32, 215.22. Χείκοσ ιπενταετηρίς, ίδος, η, period of twenty-five years, Cat.Cod.Astr. 11(2). 112. i, 113.12 (both pi.), είκοσιπεντάρουρος, add ‘ , Ostr.Mich.go.2 (ii B.C.) Χείκοσιποδία, η, space oj twenty feet, prob. in /G22. 1654.38, v.J. M. Paton The Erechtheum 420. είκόσορος, line 2, for, ’, TP5.203. .D.35.18’ substitute ‘ ; ΛΡ5.161 (Hedyl.), 204.10 (Mel.) with allusion to ε’ρε'σσω sens. obsc. ; as Subst., el. (sc. ναός), ή, D.35.18, AP6.222 ( Theodorid.)’ Χείκοτολογικός, ή, όν, based on εικοτολογία, λόγοι Procl. in R. I. 284.5. εΐκω i. 1, line 6, for T8(i).g7’ read T8(2).g7’ hi, line 2, after ‘ll.22.321’ add ‘(unless χρως is die subject ol εΐξειε)' ; fin., delete ‘ ; φερόμενοι. .Fab. 16’ είκών, line 4, after ‘acc. pi. είκους’ insert ‘A.Fr. 17.1 M. (rest.),’ ΧΕίλειθυιαΐα, τά, festival at Delos, Inscr. Dilos 440.169, cf. ib.401. 22, 461FZ153 (all ii b.c.). Είλείθυιον, add ‘; Ίλυθειον Inscr .Dilos 140356197 , 1137; also Ίλυθυιον \b.i\2\Bbi\2 (both ii b.c.)’ εΐλη i, add ‘; cf. ελα i and θερμέλη (Suppl. ).* είληδόν, after “= ίληδόν,” insert ‘ε'ιληδόν εσμεόοσσιν rest, in Call. Fr. 1 9 1. 28 Pf. εΐλημα, add ‘V. Lacon. ρήλημα, ν. βήλημα.' Χείλον, ν. αίρε'ω. ε’ίλω, line 6, after ‘13.408’ add ‘, 3 pi. άλεν 22.12’ and line 8, after ‘13.524’ add κατα-ρελμένος Leg.Gort. ιο.·* 15 (v b.c..)’ B, line 4, after ‘ib.203’ add ‘, cf. άμφί κήρες εΐλεΰνται Lyr. Adesp.2 B.’ and in line 5 add ‘II.’ before ‘8.215’ C, line 4, for ‘Iamb. 1.144’ read ‘Fr.191.83 Pf.’ and add ‘ ; perh. unroll, μη. ,ε’π’ όμφαλόν είλεε (imper.) βίβλον TF9.540·1 Χείλως, ων, = ίλεως (ν. ΐλαος), Sokolowski 29.13 (Metropolis in Ionia, iv b.c.). είμα, line 2, after ‘5.40’ add ‘, cf. Inscr.Cret.^..^Ab\o' Χείματιστής, οΰ, 6, clothes-dealer, Robert La Carie 11, no. 18, p.i 13 (ii A.D.). είμί (sum), line 10, after ‘Sapph.1.28’ insert ‘L.-P., ΛΡ9.318 (Leon.)’ line 12, for ‘C/G2664’ read ‘ BMus.Inscr.g18 (ii/iii a.d.)’ and after ‘al.’ add ‘, cf. εξήτω Anat.St. 12.209, 21 1 (Cilicia)’ line 13, after “εστωσαν” insert ‘(rare, and often altered to Ιστών; but cf. E .Ion 1131, Pl.Sph.231a, Lg. 737e> 762d)’ line 15, for ‘ii b.c., ib.’ read ‘iv b.c., SEG 9. 1. 1 3, cf. IG' and after l22.i328’ add ‘; so codd. in PI./?. 352a, codd. BT in Id-Sp/i^ia’ line 17, for ‘165’ read ‘88’ and transfer ‘, also Boeot. ένθω IG7.3 172.88’ to follow ‘ib. 1126’ in line 15 line 34, after ‘Theoc.28^6,’ insert ‘ησσα SEGg. 1 1 . 1 7 (Cyrene, iv b.c.),’ and after “εασσα” add ‘, Πρακτικά Άρχ. Εταιρείας 1931.89 (Dodona, vi/v B.C.),’ line 56, after ‘iii b.c.)’ add ‘, cf. έξην c£eyei ·οντο Hsch., v. ε£ειμι (B) in Suppl.’ p-488a line 1, after ‘1696,’ insert ‘BCH 81. 184.17 (Argos, ii b.c.),’ line 2, after ‘(lyr.)’ add ‘ ; ηακε Alcm.74 P.’ A. iv, line 7, for ‘2.3.16’ read ‘2.3.18’ vi, lines 6/7, delete ■imper. ,’ and ‘έστω. . 10.7;’ C. 1, add ‘; καλώς εσται Men.Z>yic.57i’ E. 1, for ‘phrases, .do a thing’ read ‘limiting phrases’ and after ‘PI .Pit. 300c;’ add ‘αριθμόν είναι Id. Ep. 337c>’ εϊμι (ibo), line 5, after ‘Sophr.48’ insert ‘, είη GD/4986.7 (Crete), (ε’π— ) Berl.Sitzb. 1927.156 (Cyrene, iv /iii b.c.)’ line9,for ‘II. 24. . (Crete)’ read ‘dub. in II. 24. 139, Od. 14.496, lies.O/». 617’ line 11, after ‘Str.9.2.23,’ add ‘0716152.22, 6153.25 (Egypt, i b.c.),’ line 12, delete ‘(προσ-eiva 1. . 353)’ ii. 1, add ‘, SEGg. 72.88 (Cyrene, iv b.c.)’ Χείμιμνάϊήος, a, ov, Boeot. for *ήμιμνάϊαΐος, weighing half a mina, BCH 60.28 (Acraephia, ii B.c.) ; also ίμιμνάϊήος, ibid. Εΐνατίη, epith. of Ililhyia, Call.Fr.524 Pf., St.Byz. s.v. ΕΙνατος; Έλ€υ]θυιαν Βινατίαν Inscr .Lret.^. 1 74*78 (Gortyn, ii b.c.), cl. ib.6 1 . ΧεΙνέτης, es, nine years old, Call. Dian. 14. είπερ II, line 2, after ‘etc.’ add ‘ ; el μη Trip y’ άμα αυτή yevon' άν γραΰς τε καί vea γυνή Ar.Ai/.I 183’ είπον, line 3, after ‘Pi. Ο.4.25;’ add ‘3 sg. rjne Clara Rhodos 9.221 (Lindian decree, v b.c.) ;’ line 5, for ‘Dor.’ read ‘Aeol.’ lines 8/9, for ‘persons’ read ‘person’, delete ‘and imper.’, and for ‘are’ read ‘is’ line 13, after “είπας” add ‘Hdt.8.102, q.42, ah, Longin.i.2,’ 1. 1 b, add μέλος Call.Z)«/.257, Nonn.D.43.392 ; ΰμηναίους Call. Fr. 75-43 Bf. (ειδον Pap., είπον Pf.)’ iii, fin., after ‘Herod.6.26:’ add ‘folld. by δπως and fut. ind., Men.Dvic.237 ;’ είπος, delete the article (ν. ίπος in Suppl.). είρεσία ι. I, line 5, for ‘close to her throbbing breast’ read ‘beside the rhythmic beating of her breast (cf. ε’ρε'σσω ii. i)’ «, line 2, delete *, APy.2%y (Antip.(?))’ εΐρην, for ‘who. .year' read ‘ aged between thirteen and nineteen, teenager ' and at end add ‘ ; cf. CalhEr .487 Pf· Χείρηναρχία, η, office of είρηνάρχης, ε'ιρηναρχίαι e , i.e. five tenures of office, Didyma 15711b. εΙρήνη I, add ‘2. assurance, making safe, τίνος Pap. in Mnemos. 3.236 (iv A.D.).’ Χεϊρηνόφρων, ονος, o', η, peaceably-minded, M AM A8. 321. χείριπόνος, ον, = είροπόνος, Simon. 1 13 P· Χείροπλόκος, o', wool-weaver, /G22. 13178 (iv b.c.). εΐρω (A), line 2, after ‘(v. infr.)’ add είρμε'νος Call.Fr.657 Pf. (v.l. είργμ—), prob. in Poll.6.75 (codd. είργμ-)' line 7, before ‘Plot.’ insert ‘f.h in’ εΐρω (B), line 3, after T1.137’ add ‘; 3 pers. είρει Arat.739; impf. είρεν B. 1 7.20,74 S.’ , , , είρωνευτικός, add ‘ ; οί Λόχοι του Γοργίου el. elaiv άπαντες Anon, in Rh. 190.5’ εις, line 8, after ‘vowels’ insert ‘(exc. Sapph.44.23,26 L.-P.)’ line 11, after ‘(Crete)’ add ‘; also ίσς (for *ίνς) Inscr.Cret. 2.v I. 1 a (Oaxos, vi/v b.c.), but is ib.9.13’ 1. 1 b, omit ‘and Ion.,’ and for ‘, Hdt.4. . Ar.yly.619’ read ‘; in Pindar e.g. es άνδρας 0.2. 38, ε’ς ^εόν ib.7.31, but not freq. ; in Hdt. and Att. where persons stand for country or region, ες τούς συγγενέας Hdt.4. 1 47 ; ές ανθρώπους απόρους Th. 1 .9 ; ες ΙΙισώας X..dn. I . I . 1 1 ; also of coming before an assemblage, εις υμάς before your court, PI. Ap. 17c, D. 18. 103, etc. (cf. es τον δήμον Th.5.45, etc.) ; also χωρεΐν ε’ς and the like of attacking, rh.4.95, X.yln. 3.2.16, etc.; εζει ε’ς τον άνδρα Ar.Eq.y60. (In εις Αμμωνα Id. yly.619, Ά. is the place, cf. Str.17.1.42.)’ , 2,, line 12, after ‘D.S.14.1 17 ;’ add ‘τά παιδία els την κοίτην elaiv Ev.Luc. I I. 7; εΰρέθη els Άζωτον Act.Ap. 8.40;’ II. 2, fin., after ‘Th.4.63’ insert *, els αυθις P\.Smp. 1 74**, Euthphr.i^e' and after ‘ν. είσαΰθις' add ‘in Suppl.’; after ‘Pax 367’ add cf. Arat. 770, 1 103 (prob.)’ ; at end add ‘ ; ες άχρι, ν. έσάχρι iv. 3, line 4· atter ‘Ar.Ac/1.686 ;’ add ‘ε<ί)ς βίαν Men.Dysc.3g6;' ν. 2, add ‘b. as, by way of, els μεγάλην. .χάριν yIF5.267.10 (Agath.), cf. 7.614.14 (Id.) ; els μισθόν Ps.-Hdt.Vit.Hom.^.’ εις, line I, after “μιας, ε'νός” add ‘(acc. elva only Hdn.Gr. *■546)’ g, line 9, after ‘AelJV/45.9;’ add ‘εν evi taken 48 εισαγγελία. SUPPLEMENT εκδιφάω together, total (of prices), BCH6 0.119 (Delph.)’ h, line 2, after ‘8.109’ add ‘(s.v.l.)’ εισαγγελία I. 1, add ‘(s.v.l.; cj. προσαγγελία)’ εισάγω ii. 3 a, lines 2/3, omit ‘A.Eu. . .cf.’, for ‘D.24.10’ read ‘D.18.121’ and after ‘είσαγωγεΰς Ii’ add ‘A. ^.580,582,’ b, line 3, before ‘in full’ insert ‘also a thing, νόμον D.24.10 είσαγωγεύ? I, add ‘; an agonistic official, BCH 80.611 (Argos, ii A.D.)’ εΐσαγώγιμο?, line 2, for ‘i345a’ read ‘l345b* είσαγώγιον, add \ JHS 74.99.9 (Caunus, i a.d.) : also -εΐον Hesperia 1 1 .295 (Athens, ii b.c.) . 2. office of the εισαγωγές at Samos, .BC//59.478 (Samos, ii b.c.).’ εΐσαεί, add ‘; also έσαεί Hesperia Suppl. 6 , no.31, I.14 (Athens, iii a.d.)’ , , . , είσαΐω IX, add έσαΐειν Id. Mill. 1.4; έσαΐει ib. 1 .9·* είσακοντίζω, line I, delete ‘at, τινά’ είσάκτη?, add ‘ ; = εισηγητής, Hsch. II· tax-collector , PMich.8. 989.4 (Ostr., iii a.d.).’ είσαλείψω, for ‘anoint,’ read ‘ είσαλείφαντες is f.l. for έξαλείφαντες in’ είσαμείβω, for ‘go . .τείχος’ read ‘ allow to enter,’ *είσάμην, v. ί'ζω I. 2. είσάμην in, delete the section. είσανδρόω, before ‘fill’ insert ‘Ep. εσ-,* and after ‘1.874’ add ‘(v.l. έπ — , cj. εν— Λ. πάσαν )’ Χείσανόω, prob. f.l. for avvoj in Cat.Cod.Astr.8(lf 168 (Vett. Val.). χείσαπαντάω, meet, encounter, PMerton ii.65.8 (ii A.D.). Χείσαττόλλυμι, lose into (a well), Men.Z>VJC.68i (Pap.; fort. leg. έξαπ-). είσαράσσω, line 3, for ‘Id.’ read ‘Hdt.’ εΐσαΰθις, for the present article substitute ‘είσαΟθι?, εσαΟθι? (or είξ, έ? αυθις), for hereafter, έ. άναβάλλεσθαι postpone to another occasion, Ar.Ec.g83, Th.4.63, Pl.Smp.1y4e, cf. ld.Euthphr.15e.’ είσβαίνω i. 2, line 4, after ‘A.Supp.tfo ;’ add ‘χορεΐον είσέβαινε ρυθμόν began, Men.DjiC.951 ;’ 11, line 2, after M/c.1055’ delete ‘(lyr.)’ εισβάλλω n. I, line 6, for ‘country,’ read ‘region or place, ες to πεδίον Hdt.2.39;’ 4, after ‘begin,’ add ‘D.H.Ljj.17 ;’ είσβατικόν, after “to,” insert ‘ entrance fee, POxy. 2239.21 (vi a.d.) ;’ and for ‘tax in Egypt’ read ‘dub. sens.’ εΐσβιάζομαι, for ‘2. force oneself in’ read ‘abs.’ and after ‘ArMc.32’ for ‘ ;’ read ‘. 2. ε. τινά, c. inf., compel to,’ είσγραφή, add ‘II. inscribing, τιμών (on statues), IGRom. 3-739 >x 60 (Rhodiapolis, ii a.d., pi.).’ *είσδημέω, pay a visit, Άθήναζε Eun.E9p.4gi B. Χεΐσένεκτον, τό, tomb-building, τό περίβολον και το εν αύτω είσέ- νεκτον ΜΑΜΑ4.85 (Synnada). εισέρχομαι, line 11, after ‘visit,’ add ‘λΐεη. in PSIi26.86(i p.142 Koerte3),’ είσέτι, for the present article substitute ‘Adv. still, yet, Call .Del. 189, Mosch.2.19,45, AP6.271 (Phaedim.), Theoc.27.19; είσέτι νΰν Phanocl.l.28, A.R. 1. 1 354; εΐ. νΰν γε Id.2.717; εϊ. και νυν CaW.Dian.jy.’ ε’ισευπορέω, add ‘, cf. ένευπορέω in Suppl.’ ε’ισθλίβω, for ‘Or.14.197a’ read ‘Or.15.197a’ εισιτήριο?, fin., after ‘Pap.)’ add ‘, but = εισιτήρια, τά, Didyma 314.10 ( ίσιτήριον , ii A.D.)’ Είσιτύχη, after ‘4.4138,’ insert ‘cf.’ and after ‘14.2867’ add ‘(gen. ISITYCHES)’ εϊσκλησι?, add ‘ ; εί. εις τους Διονυσιακούς αγώνας SEG 21. 506. 20 (Athens, iii a.d.)’ είσκριτικόν, add ‘, Stud.Pal.22.184.25 (ii A.D.)’ είσκυκλέω i, omit ‘, cf. Luc.L no.67, lines 26,31 (Rhodes)^. Χέκδάτττω, devour out of, in tm., έκ μέλαν εΐαρ έδαπτεν Call.Fr.523 Pf. (cj. ελαπτεν). Χ*4κδάω, learn, pres, not in use, aor. Pass, έξεδάην A.R.4.1565, Man.6.469, cj. inThgn.1350. έκδέκτωρ, for ‘one who., toil’ read ‘neut. pi. -opa, εκδεκτορα πόνων (animals) relieving men from toils’ nic. ml. ό. one who eoes abroad. Rhetor, in Cat.Cod.Astr. 7. 205.1 1. έκδιδύσκω, add ‘ ; abs., ΛΡ5·3°9 (Diophan.) έκδίδωμι I. 5, add ‘; έκδότω στεφάνους τις ημΐν, δφδα Men. Dysc. 963’ εκδικέω ι. ι, for ‘27Γ/.4-8 read 4 El .9.7? cf. Ho. 1.4 ^ έκδικία 2, for ‘ decision of a case’ read ‘remission of taxes’ εκδικο? ii. i, before ‘, cf.’ insert ‘έ. ανάγκη prob. in B.Fr.2oa. 13S.’ έκδιοικέω, for ‘collect dues, etc.’ read ‘alienate (property)’ and before ‘al.’ insert ‘700.38 (ii B.c.),’ έκδιοίκησι?, for ‘collection of dues’ read ‘alienation (of property) Χέκδίομαι, = εκδιώκω, ε’δδιεται lnscr.Cret. 4.88 (Gortyn, v B.C.), cf. έπιδίομαι I . έκδιφάω, after ‘aor. I,’ add ‘prob. in Hippon. in POxj.2174. 17.8;’ 49 εκδοχεύς SUPPLEMENT έκίΓορεύω έκδοχεύς, after ‘agent’ add ‘or receiver' Χεκδοχος, 6, — άνάδοχος II, PS7584.14 (iii b.c.). εκδραχμος, for the present article substitute ‘εκδραχμον, τό, = έξάδραχμον, Hsch.’ Χέκδΰγήρας, shedding its slough, of a serpent, cj. in Dosiad.dra 14. εκδυμα, before ‘f.l.’ insert ‘ ατος , τό, that which is taken off the body, spoils, expl. of exuviae in Virgil glossaries, PNess. 1.1020, P.S/756.47 (both v a.d.) εκεί, line 1, for ‘Sapph.51’ read ‘Sapph.141.1 L.— P.’ and after it add ‘ : Ion. κει, q.v.’ εκείνος, line 5, for ‘Sapph.2.1’ read ‘Sapph.31.1 L.-P. (also Dor., S1G 1025.25 (Cos, ca. 300 b.c.), GD/4.998.4 (Crete))’ εκζητέω, add ‘III. search out , weigh, observe , Lxx Pj. 60(61). 8, 118 (ιΐ9)·94·’ . , έκζήτησις, for ‘ research ’ read ‘ speculation έκζωπυρέω, for ‘ rekindle ’ read ‘ kindle ’ εκζωπύρησις, for ‘ rekindling ’ read ‘ kindling ' έκηβόλος, line 7, after ‘Agath.3-17’ add neut. pi. as Subst., prob. slings, J. #72. 17. 5’ έκθαμβος, for ‘Tab. Defix. 5.20’ read ‘Tab.Defix.Aud.2ji.20 (Hadrumetum, iii a.d.)’ χέκθεϊος, ό, uncle’s son, cousin, Rev.Bibl. 41.577 (Syria), έκθεμα, add direction-notice to a brothel, Lxx Ez. 16.24’ εκθερίζω, for ‘P Edgar 27’ read ‘PCair.ffen. 155’ έκθεσις x, add ‘, cf. POxy. 189 (iv a.d.), 136.24 (vi A.D.).’ Χέκθέτωσις, εως, ή, dub. sens., perh. projection , Robert La Carie 11. p.363, no. 185, line 3 (Kidrama), cf. εκθέτης, έκθεσις v n. 1. εκθηλύνω, before ‘ make effeminate ’ insert ‘ make gentle as a woman, Heraclit.d//.59 ;’ *έκ8ινόω, silt up completely, Bull.Comm.Arch.Com. 74.59.11 (Rome, ii/iii A.D.) , cf. άποθινόομαι. εκθνήσκω II, for ‘27’ read ‘20, ah’ έκθρώσκω, fin., after ‘από τυΰ ϋπνον Luc.’ insert ‘Herm. 71, cf.’ *έκκάθαρμα, ατος, to, offscouring, τά έκ\_α]θάρματ[α] (sic) /G'l2(5). 107.2 (Paros). Χέκκαθοράω, look down from, Q.S.8.430. έκκαιδεκάκις, init., insert ‘(parox.)’ Χέκκαιδεκάπεδος, ον, sixteen feet long, IG f(i).iOQ ii 139 (Epid., iii B.c.) · εκκαιδεκαταΐος, add ‘, cf. Afric.Ccjt.p.22 V.’ Χέκκαιδεχετης, ον, ο, = έκκαιδεκαέτης I, GVI 1352. 1 (Britain, iii A.D.). έκκαίω, add ‘IV. ε. οπίσω τίνος pursue with fierce enmity, Lxx 3/11.20(21). 21.’ εκκαλέω iv, after ‘Med.,’ insert ‘appeal to, έκκαλεσθω ες βολήν SEGi&.^d^.ia, (Chios, vi b.c.) ;’ εκκαυλέω, before ‘, run ’ add ‘( έγκ - codd. in Arist.Pr.g26a26, Thphr.//Pi.2.2)’ εκκλημα, for ‘Jahresh. 14.168’ read ‘Schwyzer 366/I2 1 ’ and for ‘Foed.. .B20’ read ‘3 2&ηι/Ϊ2θ ’ εκκλησία, alter “ή, ” add ‘Thess. έκκλεισσία PC//59.38 (Crannon),’ εκκλησις i, after ‘appeal,’ insert ‘BGU 1756 (i b.c.),’ εκκλητος 3, after ‘appeal,’ insert ‘Ρίκας όκόσαι αν έκκλητοι γενωνται Schwyzer 687/? 1 2 (Chios, ca. 600 b.c.) ;’ ; after ‘ill. 74’ insert ‘(Athens, iv b.c.)’ Χέκκοίτιον, τό, = έκκοιτία, Rev. Arch. 3(1934). 40 (Amphipolis, iii/ii b.c.) * έκκολυμβάω, fin., for ‘App.Svr.6’ read ‘App-.Syr.56’ έκκοπος, add ‘; ταϊς πράξεσιν Cat.Cod.Astr. 8(1). 184 (fort, έγ- κοπτικός)' έκκόπτω ι. 7, add ‘c. abs., make meaning clear, make sense, ovk έκκόπτει ή γραφή Sch.Pi.P .4. 1 95a Dr.’ εκκορέω, lines 6-8, for ‘: prov...i.8’ read ‘. II. prob. sens. obsc. in Horap.1.8, cf. Carm.Pop. 35 P. ; v. κορικορώνη in Suppl.’ εκκρουσις i, add ‘b . interference with movement by a counteracting force, Arist.M«c/.849a30.’ εκκρούω i. 1 b, add ‘ : — Pass., δυοΐν φερομένο ιν το μεν i. πλεΐον is subjected to a counteracting force, Aris.1. Mech. 8 5, add ‘: — Pass., to be thrust out, χειρ Lxx De.ig.f έκκυέω, substitute ‘v. έγκυέω.’ ΧέκκΟκάω, stir up, εκ δ’ άφάντοις. ,έκόκα θυέλλαις Alc.2g8.12 L.— Ρ. έκκυμαίνω ιι, after ‘II.’ add ‘cast ashore, Heraclit.A//.7g : — ’ έκκυνηγέσσω, add ‘; fut. —έσω prob. in A.Eu.231’ εκκΰπτω II, delete the section. Χέκκυρόω, confirm completely, POsl.Inv. 1460.8 (i a.d.) in Aegyplus 31. I79i Χέκλακέντα, gloss on εκκολλαβήσαντα, Hsch. έκλαμψις, add ‘III. bright spot in a skin-disease, Sm.Le. 13.26.’ έκλανθάνω II, line 2, after “εκληθάνω” insert ‘(Aeol. έκλάθάνω rest, in Sapph.25.5 L.-P.)’ Χέκλαχμός, 6, apportionment by lot, PNess.2 1.19 (vi a.d.). εκλειγμα, for ‘melts, .jujube,’ read ‘is licked out of a spoon, linctus ,’ έκλειγματώδης, εκλεικτικός, for ‘ lozenge ’ read ‘linctus’ εκλείπω it. 1, add ‘; but also to be obscured, as by dust-storms, Ev.Luc. 23.45, cf. Lxx 7j.6o.20, Jb. 31.26’ έκλεκτικός I. I, add ‘; capable of choosing, c. gen., D.H.T^j. 15’ Χέκλέπτυνσις, εως, ή, reduction to a fine state, Zos.Alch.251.16. Χέκλικμόω, = έκλικμάω, dub. in PTeb. 727.27 (ii b.c.). εκλογή, omit 1. 5 and add ‘III. υπέρ εκλογής in PRyl. 157.6 (ii a.d.) of payment for the superior value (perh. orig. for the right of choosing ), made by the recipient of the better portion in a division of property, cf. PFlor. 47.14 (iii a.d. ; an exchange of property). 2. perh. balance in accounts, συν και τή έγλ(ογή) BGUaf>2 vi 10 (iii a.d. ; read as τή εκλέγω and as τή εκ λόγου with a fem. noun understood) ; cf. ib.64.10 (iii a.d.).’ Χέκλόγισμα, ατος, τό, salary, BSA^f.^ (Paphos, ii b.c., εγλ— lapis), BGUi 749.12 (i b.c.). εκλογιστία, add ‘, PLond.$. 1708. 159 (vi a.d.). 2. office of έκλογιστής, POxy. 1436.23 (ii A.D.), PGijJ.48.1 (iii A.D.)’ εκλογος (A) 11, omit the section. Χεκλογος (C), 0 (also ή acc. to one view of 17 έγλ. or έκλ. ; v. εκλογή iii. 2 in Suppl.), or εκλογον, τό. The compd. is doubt¬ ful. υπέρ έκλόγο(υ) for arrears, may be short for v. του εκ λόγου in Ostr.47 in PFay. In a large number of places it is possible to read either εκ λόγου ( λόγος I. 1 c) or εκλόγου (of) balance, e.g. in PLond. 1.131 (i a.d.) cited s.v. Aoyos; but no other form than εκλόγου from this supposed εκλογος has been found writ¬ ten in full. εκλοχευω, line 3, after ‘E./W.[258]’ add ‘, Lyc.88’ εκλοχίζω, add Ή. of a midwife, deliver a woman, Hsch. s.v. μαιούμενος.’ εκλύω i, fin., delete ‘: abs...53i’ 11. 3, fin., for ‘cease’ read ‘lose force' εκμαίνω, line 8, after ‘passion,’ insert ‘Τροΐω υπ' άνδρος (or — ω επ’ άνδρι) εκμάνεισα, of Helen, Ale. 283. 5 L.— Ρ. ;’ εκμακτος, for ‘ express’ read ‘ moulded , modelled’ and add *; τόπος 1G2z. i 534.64 (iii b.c.)’ έκμαλάσσω, add ‘ : — Pass., ή αΐαθησις, of the effect of pleasing sounds, O.W.Comp.12' εκμαρτυρέω I, line 2, before “εις πολλούς” insert ‘επί το ϊς δικά- ζουσιν before those judging the case, GD/5598 (Ephesus, vi B-c.) t εκμάσσω II, add ‘2. polish, scour, άπεικονίσματα γή αργυρωματική (q.v. in Suppl.), Hesperia Supply, p.68.542,545 (Ephesus, ii A. D.).’ εκμηνος I, add ‘ ; fem., ά υστέρα έγμεινος RC7/60.183.31 (Boeotia, iii b.c.)’ Χέκμηρίζω, remove thigh-bones, Wien.Anz. 1959-39 (Ephesus, iii a.d.). Χέκμυθέομαι, speak out, Theoc.25-3 (tm.). Χέκνεόω, renew, τον σίτον καί τά ξόλα, Ελληνικά 1 79 (Chalcis, iii B. C.). έκνικάω I. I, add ‘ ; force, compel, C. inf., αυτούς άναστήν αι έξ- ενίκησαν Ael.Aidi7.4i; SO Pass., τά θηρία έκνικάται έμπεσεΐν ib.8.io’ εκοντήν, after ‘= foreg.,’ insert ‘BCHQa,· 364.45 (Thasos, i B.C.),’ έκπαγλέομαι I, add ‘ ; perh. έκπαγλουμένων (-ον Pap.) γειτόνων A.Fr.535-5 M.’ εκπαλής, add ‘2. hurled out of their orbit, cj. Coraes for εκ παλμών in Plu.Lyj.12.’ Χέκπάρθενος, ον, deflowered, Sch.Theoc.2.40. Χέκττεισμα, ατος, τό, consideration, inducement, μισθός καί e. PCair. Isidor.80.6,13 (iii a.d.), cf. ib.81.13. εκπέμπω i. i, fin., for ‘etc.’ read ‘GygesFr. in POxy.2382.ii.12.’ έκπέσσω, after “-ττω,” add ‘later -πτω Plu. 2.683d, Ath.3.83f,’ έκπίνω 2, line 3, after ‘Antiph.3, etc.’ add ‘ ; έκπίθι τό φρέαρ είσπεσών Men.Dyjc.641’ add ‘5. = προπίνω, Anacr. 88 Ρ.’ έκπιπράσκω, delete ‘, cf. Poll.7-9* εκπίπτω, line 6, for ‘After Horn., in’ read ‘In’ έκπλαγής, add ‘ ; distraught, dPg.6o3 (Antip.)’ έκπλεθρίζω, for ‘run. .every time ’ read ‘run out the πλέθρον, in a course which shortens every time ’ εκπλεθρος, for ‘in ε. άγων . .narrowing’ read ‘άγων E.LL883; κώλον έκπλέθρου δρόμου prob. in Id. Med. 1 1 8 1 (v.l. έκπλεθρον )’ έκπλέκω, after ‘unfold,’ insert ‘of a document, έκπέπλεκται PDura 31 .59 (204 a.d.) ; metaph.,’ add ‘2. arrange, settle, ό έχω μετέωρον P Bremen 17.10, cf. ib.11.35 (Pass.; both ii a.d.). b. without object, to be ready, PStrassb. 73.18 (iii a.d.) (cf. Kapsomenakis pp.42/4). 3. extricate, metaph., dub. in P7c6.768.i7 (ii b.c.).’ εκπλεος I, add ‘; εικόνων Fronto Ep.Gr. 1.4’ έκπλήγδην, for ‘ terribly ’ read ‘glossed by έκπληκτικώς’ , and after ‘Suid.’ add ‘ ; in terror or amazement, Theoc.24.56 ( PAntin ., συμπλήγδην codd.)’ έκποιέω ii, add ‘2. dub. sens., Hippon.8 DA’ rv, for ‘cause. .2. permit,' read ‘ permit , Thphr. CP 1.1 4.1, 2 ;’ Χέκπολύωρέω, take care of, κατά πάντας τρόπους -ηθείς Epicureus Here. 1 76 p.48 V. εκπονέω 7, after ‘to digest' add ‘by taking exercise’ ; after ‘Cyr. 1.2. 16’ add ‘, Arist.Pr.877ai8’ and for ‘Id. Oec.’ read ‘X.Occ.’ έκπορεύω, line 3, after ‘etc.;’ insert ‘c. acc., εξόδους SIG 1219. 15 50 έκττοριστικός SUPPLEMENT ελαύνω (Gambrea, iii b.c.) ; τά λόχια Milet ι (7) 20469 (v. λδχιος 111 in Suppl.);’( χέκποριστικός, ή, όν, providing, c. gen., των αναγκαίων Procl. in R. 1.216.14. εκπορνεύω 1. 1, after ‘Ep.Jud.7' insert els τ ινά Lxx jVh.25.1’ έκπράκτης, add Cret. έσπράττας, an official, Inscr.Cret. 4.87.1 (v b.c.), al.’ έκπρεμνίζω, add ‘, v. έσπρεμμί rrev’ έκπροθρωσκω, before ‘aor.’ insert ‘έκ S’ έθορε προ φόωσδε h.Ap. 119;’ έκπροφέρω, after ‘6.733’ add ‘, cj. in έκπτύω i, line 2, before ‘AP l.c,’ insert ‘Ar. P.792,* n, delete ‘ spit in token of disgust, Ar. P.792. 2.’ εκπτωσις, line 2, for ‘rays from the sun’ read ‘vision from the eyes’ χεκπωλή, ή, Dor. — πωλά, selling, sale, χαλκωμάτων Lindos 11.419. 143 (i A.D.) . εκπωματοποιός, after ‘ cup-maker ,' insert (Citium);’ χέκπώνω, Aeol. for -πίνω, ποτήριον prob. in Ale. 376 L.-P. (tm.). εκρηγμα Π. I, add ‘, cf. Lxx ii2.30.16 (-ρήμα codd. plerique). b. breach in a dyke, Wilcken Chr. 386.6 (iii b.c.), SB 7174.18 (έκχρηγμα·, = Racolta Lombroso 46 έκ χρή γης', i a.d.)’ έκρίπτω, after ‘A.Pr.932 ;’ add ‘cast off, [έσθήτα] App.PC2.126 χέκσημιαφόρος, d, = Lat. ex imaginifero, JRS 14.71 (Lycaonia). χέκσογκόω, in Med., load for oneself with σόγκοι, τράπεζας Hege- sand.9 (written έξογκοίτ’ with pun on έξογκόω). χέκσπάστης, ου, 6, drawer oat, cj. Delitzsch for σκεπαστής in Lxx Ps. 70(71). 6; cf. 6 έκσ πάσας με in Ps. 21 (22). IO. έκσπεύδω, add ‘(sed fort. leg. έα σπεύδε)’ χέκστερίξω, = άποστερέω, Άρχ.Δελτ.ι 1 .57 (Larissa). χέκστρανήιος, d, stranger, ορρ συγγενής, TAMa,(\)./ff>i (Termes- sus) ; also έκστράνιος ib.6o8 (έζτρ- 541) ; εκτράνιος 6£G'3-2o8 (Athens, iii a.d.). εκστρατεύω II. 2, delete ‘in pf. . .b.’ έκστροφή, add ‘V . diversion from the proper purpose: επ' εκ στροφή to the prejudice of the rightful owner, Studi in onore di P. Bon- fante 3.64 (ii a.d.), prob. in PGnom. 10 (ii a.d.), teste Schubart: PBerl.Moller 2.17 (i a.d.).’ έκσύρω, add pf. Pass., PVat.i ir viii 22, al. (ii a.d.)’ χέκσφηκόω, τους θύρσους έξεσφηκωμένους φορουντα, prob. tied in a bundle and attached to him, Hsch. s.v. κάθαπτος (expl. of E. f Pr.752). χέκσφούνγευσΐ5, εως, ή, discharge of soldiers, POxy. 1204.6 (iii a.d.). χέκσφουνγεύω, = Lat. expungo, discharge soldiers, POxy. 1204.19 (iii A.D.). έκσώζω, after ‘Pass.,’ add ‘Eup. in PSIi 1.12 13.15 (parody of S .Ant. l.c.) ;’ εκταμιεύομαι i, add entrust to the keeping of an underling, έρίφους PCair -Zen. 429 (iii b.c.)’ έκταρσόομαι, for “= ταρσόομαι” read ‘Pass., to be stretched ’ χέκτασμός, o, an agricultural operation, PUniv.Milan.n.92.30,87 (ii A.D.) , cf. εκτάσσω II. 2 in Suppl. εκτάσσω ii. 2, add ‘, but in PUniv. Milan ii.69.94 and B 55,62 (ii a.d.) compared with ib.B 83,84, the agricultural operations denoted by εκτάσσω and χαράσσω are apptly. distinguished. 3. prescribe, διδόναι το έκτεταγμένον διάφορον Inscr.gr. et lat.de la Syrie 4.1261.13 (Laodicea ad Mare, ii b.c.).’ add ‘III. έξέταξας ήμΐν πάσαν ταύτην την έκταξιν thou hast made all this provision for us, AI.4/U.4. 13.’ εκτείνω iv, substitute ‘pronounce a vowel or syllable long, A.D. Adv. 159.21, interpol. in D.H.2.58: — Pass., Id.C0m/1.14, A.D. Cron. 27. 2, al.’ έκτεκνόω, add * ; cf. έστεκνόομαι έκτένεια, line 2, for ‘ ; ‘gush’, ‘ empressement' ,’ read cf.* έκτήμορος III, add ‘, cf. μετρώ i. PSI3 0.5,10’ εκτιμάω Π, add ‘; χρήματα SEG9.72.43 (Cyrene, iv b.c.)’ έκτιναγμός, for ‘ ; perh. winnowing or threshing ’ read ‘. 2. perh. departure' add ‘3. disposal, sale of stock, PFlor. 209. 13 (iii a.d.).’ ίκτίνακτρον, for ‘winnowing- shovel' read ‘pi., payment for the work of έκτινάασειν’ εκτινάσσω I. 2, add ‘b. ε\ εαυτούς they shook themselves off, went off, UPZ 5.12 (ii b.c.).’ add ‘4. discharge missiles, Lxx 1Ma.10.80.' 11, delete ‘make a thorough. . (ii b.c.) εκτίνω ii. i, add ‘; abs., Inscr.Cret. 4.14, al. (vii/vi b.c.)’ χέκτιον, τό, Dim. of έκτη (?), PUniv.Giss. 25.6 (iii a.d.). εκτιστής, substitute ‘e., οΰ, 6, payer in full, PS1 1435.6 (i a.d.), Hsch.’ εκτομή ii, add ‘4. piece of weaving, PTeb. 703.95 (pi.), 113 (iii b.c.).’ εκτοπος ii. 2, line 3, after ‘Thphr.CP6.18.12 ;’ insert ‘οικία Men.Djvic.624 ; 0[ε'α] ib.6go ;’ and line 5, after Td.Aftr.833ai4,’ insert ‘Men.Dy.rc.824,’ εκτός Π, for ‘abs.’ read ‘Adv., outside' and after ‘2.4.8, etc. insert ‘freq. with the Art., εκ (or εγ) τής εκτός = εκτοσθε, Didyma 25^9,^21, al· (ii b.c.) χέκτόχειον, τδ, (εκτός, χέω) mouth of water-conduit, Demitsas Μακεδ.62 (i A.D.). έκτραπελόγαστρος, after “ον” add ‘(or -γάστωρ, ορος)' εκτρέπω I. I, add ‘; c. acc., των έκτρεπομένων τάς βασιλικός. . οδούς στρατιωτών CRAcad.Inscr. 1952. 592 (Caria, iii a.d.)’ έκτρέχω, add ‘8. complete ephebic training and leave the αγέλη, έπεί κ' έγδρήά/ μωντι Inscr.Cret. i.xvi 5-21·’ έκτυπος ι. ι, add ‘; sg., Michel 815.97’ έκτύπωσις I, after ‘relief' insert ‘Lxx 3ΑΪ.6.33,’ εκτυφος, for ‘ deluding , empty ’ read free from delusion, veracious' and for ‘5.1 1’ read ‘5.21’ Χέκτύχίζω (for *έκτυκίζω), dress with the τύκος, in Att. fut. έκτυχιεΐ, όμαλώς IG22. 1670.20. έκτωρ, at end add ‘: fern. Έκτόρεια χειρ Ε.ΡΛ.762 (cj.).’ έκυρά, after ‘ mother-in-law ' insert ‘(at first only husband's mother, acc. to Ar.Byz.ap.Eust.648.55)’ χέκϋρεύς, έως, ό, — έκυρός, dub. in GVI 1422 (Antioch, i a.d.). έκυρός, after father-in-law' insert ‘(at first only husband's father, acc. to Ar.Byz.ap.Eust.648. 53)’ έκφαίνω, line 2, after ‘278’ add ‘; aor.2.3 pi. έξέφανεν Pi.O.13. 18’ add ‘III. intr., appear, Nic. Τά.855.’ χέκφαύλισμα, το, expl. of σκυβαλ ισμός, Hsch. εκφέρω ii. 3, fin., for ‘Isoc.5.36’ read ‘Hdt.5.36’ add ‘VI. Math., divide, παρά των s' (by six) Cat.Cod.Astr.8(\).i73.' έκφεύγω i b, add ‘ ; δίκην A. £11.752’ χέκφευκτέον, one must avoid, Archig.ap.Gal.13.168. έκφοιτάω 2, add ‘b. trans., divulge, έξεφοίτα· έθριάμβευεν, Suid. ; cf. θριαμβεύω III.’ εκφορά ι. i, add ‘b. bier, SEG9.4.16 (Cyrene, i b.c.).’ χεκφόρησις, εως, ή, carrying out, Arg.E.Cvc., prob. in BGU\ 774.6. έκψορτίζομαι, add ‘ΪΙ. Act., unload a ship, POxy. 36 (ii/iii a. d.) : — hence -ισμός, δ, unloading, ibid.’ έκφυής, after ‘developed,' insert ‘v.l. in AP$. 56(55). 6 (Diosc.) ;’ έκφυλάσαι, add ‘(fort. leg. έκφυλλάσαι, cf. έκφυλλάζω in Suppl.).* χέκφυλλάζω, strip of leaves, metaph., έξεφύλλασεν γένος A.PV.273. 13 M.; cf. έκφυλάσαι. έκφυσις ii. 2, add ‘ ; in a horse, spring of the neck, Simon Ath.C7.6j Hippiatr. 1 15.’ χέκφωτίζομαι, to be illuminated, Plu.2-922e. έκχέζω, add ‘, Inscr.Cret. i.xvii 9.12 (Lebena, ii b.c., έσχ-)' εκχέω, line 2, for ‘, fut.. .χε'ω)’ read ‘(-χέω in E.Supp.773 is pres, subj.)’ 1. 1 b, line 2, after ‘Men. l.c.’ add ‘; empty, κελέβην Call.Cr.246 Pf.’ 3, add ‘; [εύπραζίαν] see it slip away, A.Cr.273.20 M.’ έκχοΐζω i, after ‘dig out,' insert ‘POxy. 2272.66 (ii a.d.),* έκχράω i, add φωνήν GLPi.i 14.12 (Posidipp.(?))’ χέκχρηγή, έκχρήγμα, V. εκρηγμα (Suppl.). έκών, after “έκόν” add ‘: fem. έκασσα SEG9.72.87 (Cyrene, iv b. c.) , έκοΐσα ib.89 (έκασσα Aeolic, Choerob. in Theod. 2. 306)' ελα i, after “γέλαν” add “, είλη” and at end add ‘ ; also έλα: dat. έλα prob. cj. in Pi.Cr.123.10 S.’ έλαθερής, for “είληθερής” read “είληθερής” ελαία, line 1, after ‘Att. έλάα,’ insert ‘also Aeol., Alc.2g6(6).2 L.-P. [-ά-],’ 11, line 3, for ‘έλάα is simply’ read ‘, while έλάα is generally’ and, at end, after ‘etc.)’ add ‘, both forms appear in same Inscr., S'CGi 3. 13.84,89,1 18 (Athens, v b.c.)’ έλαιήεις I, for ‘φλοιός Nic.Th.676’ read ‘Nonn.D.i 1.510’ II, after ‘S.Tr.457’ add ‘; φλοιός Nic.Th.676 ' έλαιηρός, omit ‘3.. . 123.8.’ χέλαιθερής, ε'ς, = είληθερής, έλαθερής, ύδωρ Anon. ap. An. Ox. 1.102. έλαιοκονία, after ‘oil,’ insert ‘Zos.Alch.141.11,’ χέλαιοποιέω, make into oil, PSI1030.12 (ii a.d.). χ4λαιόπωλις, ιδος, ή, female oil-seller, rest, in PMasp. 287.1v.23. ελαιοτρίβιον, after ‘ oil-press ,' insert ‘Rev.ft.Gr. 72.261 (Syria),’ χ4λαιουργικός, ή, όν, belonging to oil-manufacture, μέτρον POxy. 2350 i 9 (iii a.d.), etc. χελαιούργισσα, ή, female oil-worker, PGot.22 (vi a.d.). χέλαιοχρηΐστάς, a, ό, = έλαιοχρίστης, as a naval officer, Clara Rhodes 8.228 (Rhodes). έλάσιος, after ‘driving away ' add ‘ ; at Argos, Έλάσιοι, oi, Averters of’ ελασις, add ‘5. rowing, Ael.jV!4i3.2.’ έλασμάτιον, before ‘Dsc.’ add ‘Inscr. Dilos 1443 A i 148, ii 61, I449zla6ii2i (ii b.c.),’ χέλασσοδαφία, ή, prob. = λειφεδαφία, loss of soil, PRyl. 4.677.9 (i A.D.) . έλασσονέω, delete the article. χ’Ελάστερος, δ, epith. of Zeus, Άρχ.'Εφ. 1948-49.1 (Paros, vb.C.). έλάτη iii, delete ‘(but. .5)’ and add ‘2. the fruit enclosed by the spathe, Dsc. 1. 109. 5.’ έλαττονέω 2, for the present section substitute ‘grow less, ib^CY. 17.14; be missing, PMagd. 26.9,12 (iii b.c.), BGUi 195.19 (i b.c.).’ 3, for ‘ib.11.22’ read ‘Lxx 3C1.1 1.22’ ελαύνω, line 3, after ‘Fiat.Mul.32' insert ‘, inf. έλάσσειν AP7.427 (Antip. Sid.)’, and for ‘(έλάσσω (παρ-)’ read ‘ (παρελάσσεις’ line 25, after ‘A.R. 3.872’ add ‘, GF/1844.3 (Rome, ii a.d.?)’ iii. 2, fin., for ‘ : generally. .3.74’ substitute ‘b. metaph., drive as a team, PiJV.3.74; set in motion, A. Ag. 701 (lyr.)’ 51 4λάφειος SUPPLEMENT έμβάλλω «λάφειος, after “ον” add ‘(but πήραν ελάφι ίαν v.l. Longus 3Ί5· 3)’ and after ‘(iii a.d.)’ add of deerskin, Longus l.c.’ «λάφιος, add Ή. = έλάφειος, κεράς BCH 10.462.21 (Delos, iv B.C.).’ Χελαφοκερατίτης, ον, 6, a precious stone, De Mely Lapid.Gr. 188.25. ελαφρός m. i b, for * gentle , mild ’ read ‘ agreeable ’ and for *, cf.’ read ‘ ; cheerful, gay,' «λαφρόω, after ‘ = sq.,’ insert ‘Plu. in Hes. 41,’ «λαχύς, line 4, for ‘in later Ep.,’ read ‘so in’ and for ‘Amphiss.2, Euph.n’ read ‘Amphiss.2 = Euph.i i’ ; line 5, after ‘37. 314:’ insert ‘masc. έλαχύν δόμον Call.Fr.525 Pf. ; εγώ δ’ ε'ίην ούλαχύς ld.Fr. 1 .32 «λαών, after “= ελαίων,” insert ‘PCair.^en.j88.i8,2'j,’ «λεάω, add ‘, BCH5 1.380 (Isiac hymn, Cyme [Aeolis])’ ελεγεία, for the present article substitute ‘έ. ή, poem in elegiac metre, AristMiA.5.2, Str.13.1.48, Heph.2.3, al.’ «λεγεινή, add ‘ ; cf. άλεγεινός.’ «λεγεΐον i, add ‘2. short poem in elegiac metre, Ath.Milt. 31.505 (Delphi, 404 b.c.), D.S.10.24.3, Ps.-Hdt. Vit.H0m.36.' 11. 1 , for ‘ elegiac poem or inscription' read ‘passage of elegiac poetry' ; lines 3/4, for ‘even in two hexameters’ read ‘even when the pentameters are omitted in quotation’ ; last line, delete ‘ ; sg., Ps.-Hdt. Vit.H0m.36’ «λεγειοποιός, before “, o” insert ‘(Dor. -γη ο- .4P13.21 (Theo- dorid.))’ «λεγος, for ‘song,' read ‘sad song or’ ; line 2, delete “Ασίας” ; and line 5, for ‘later, .mourning’ read ‘ lament , dirge ' έλεγχος (B) iii, add ‘2. apptly. = 6 ελεγξας, informer, TAM2(f). 991.6 (Lycia).’ «λέγχω ii. 5, add ‘, Call.Fr.84 Pf., Nonn.D.1.42’ έλεΕίνολογία, add ‘ : — also -ημα, ατος, τό, Sch.T Il.21.70* έλεθαινομένη, add ‘ ; cf. έλεγαίνω.’ Χ’Ελειθυαιών, ώνος, o', last month of the year at Tenos, IG 12(f). 872.75 (iii B.C.). έλειοδίακτος, delete the article. «λείτης i, add ‘, PUniv.Milan.ii.6g.30,\22, ib.Bio7 (ii a.d.)’ «λελίσφακος, for salvia, . . triloba' read ‘sage, salvia officinalis ’ έλελύζω, read “έλελύσδω” and for ‘Supp. 20C.3’ read ‘44 31 L.-P. (v.l. δλόλυζ-)' For ελεόθρεπτος, read “ελεόθρεπτος” Χέλεορέω, to be warden of marshes, i.e. pastures, Rev.Phil.8( 1934). 293 (Erythrae, iv B.c.). ελεσπίς, add ‘, cf. Sch. and λέσπιν with Suppl.’ ελευθερία i, add ‘c. manumission-document, ΜΑΜΑ\.2ηο> (Dionyso- polis).’ ελευθέριος i. 2, line 6, after ‘Pol. 1 340b 1 o ;’ add ‘τύμβος ΑΡη. ιη8 (Diosc.),i85 (Antip.Thess.) ;’ ελεύθερος I. I b, delete ‘ married woman, Ath. 13.57 id ;’ Έλευθία, delete “ Έλευθώ,” Χ’Ελευθώ, = Είλείθυια, Call.Dii.276 (cj.), MP7.604 (Paul. Sil.) , 9.268 (Antip. Thess.), cf. Hsch. «λεύθω, line 2, for ‘Oxy. 1790.18’ read *i(fl)«i8 P. ; 3 sg. έλευσεν Pi. in POry.2445 Fr.i.ii.14’ Έλευσίνιος ii, for ‘ Eleusis ' read ‘Athens' Έλευσίς I, add ‘, Έλενσείν Epigr. in Ath.Mitt.66. 56 (Eleusis)’ Χελεφαντιακός, ή, όν, suffering from elephantiasis, Firm. 3. 5. 30; also — τικός, Id. 8. 26. 13. ελεφάντινος 2, add ‘ ; perh. so used by Aleman, v. POxy. 2506. 5 ϋ 5’ Χέλεφαντιώδης, ες, suffering from elephantiasis, Antyll.ap.Aet.3.9. (s.v.l.). «λέφας iii, add ‘, AI.JF2.7’ Χ'Ελήγηρις, εως, ή, epith. of Demeter (διά το υπό τής του ήλιου ελης γήραν), Eust.i 1 97-53- έλιγμα I, add ‘; πορφυρεΰν . . κόμης έλιγμα ΑΡ6. 21 1 (Leon.)* iii, delete the section. «λίκη in, add ‘ ; cf. hopos ήελίκης IGi2.86ff έλικός, for ‘ eddying . .Fr. 290’ read black, of a river, Call.Fr.299 Pf.’ and before “χορεία” insert ‘II. circling,’ «λικτός i, lines 4/5, for ‘a wheeled ark’ read ‘prob. plaited basket’ add ‘b. έλικτά, τά, apptly. a kind of vessel, Inscr. Delos 442 B 210 (ii b.c.).’ Έλικών, add ‘III. experimental instrument used by musical theorists, Ptol. Harm. 2. 2.’ Έλικωνιάδες, line 3, after ‘Th.i,’ insert ‘E.//F791 (lyr.),’ Έλικωνίδες delete ‘E.//F791 (lyr.),’ έλίκωψ, line 3, after ‘al.’ add ‘, cf. Alc.283.16 L.-P.’ ; line 4, for ‘Supp.2 oa.5’ read ‘44.5 L.-P.’, and at end add ‘: expld. as black-eyed by Sch. II. 1.98, Et.Gud., Eust.57.1, etc., cf. έλικός in Suppl.’ έλινος, fin., for ‘later έλινος’ read ‘later έλϊνος ’ έλινοφόρος, delete ‘Ep. είλ-,’ and at end add ‘(v.l.)’ έλινΰω, line 5, delete ‘μή έλιννειν Hdt.1.67;’; line 6, for ‘Id.* read ‘Hdt.’ 3, line 2, after ‘cf.’ insert ‘1.67,’ add ‘II. trans., bring to rest, halt, πότμον έλινύσειεν Call.Fr.330 έλιξ (A), line 5, after ‘etc.’ add ‘(in Theoc. l.c. έλικες prob. means black, see Gow ad loc. and έλικός, έλίκωφ in Suppl.)’ έλιξ (B) iii. 1, line 2, before ‘Thphr.’ insert ‘Hes. Sc. 295,’ 2, line 2, after ‘Th. 1000’ insert ‘; of a palm, .4P4.1.50 (Mel.)’ 4, fin., for feelers’ read ‘tentacles', and after ‘(Antiphil. Byz.)’ add ‘; feelers of the Indian prawn, Ael.AM16.13’ έλίσσω I. 4, add ‘b. perh. = άνελίσσω I. I, γράμματα (= συγ¬ γράμματα) Call. Fr. 468 Pf. ; βίβλον GLPi.i 14. i6(Posidipp. (?)).’ 5, add * ; ε'. μέλος trill its song, of the nightingale, Ael.AM5.38’ «λίχρυσος, after “o ” insert ‘(— ον, τό Diosc.4.57)’ ελκύω I, after ‘3.’ insert ‘ cauterize , πέλματα PMerton 12.20 (i a. d.) ; cf. έλκωτικός II (Suppl.). 4.’ «λκυστός Π, for ‘refined, fine-drawn oil’ read ‘oil which may be drawn by the users’ and after ‘(Stratonicea)’ add ‘, F.SM27. 228 (Sparta, ii a.d.) ; αλείμματα έ. IGRorn. 3.804 (Aspendus) ; γυμνασιαρχία έ. PC//28.43 (Panamara)’ ; add ‘but’ before ‘cf.’ έλκυστρον 2, for “φορβε(ί)α” read “φορβε<(ι}ά” έλκω, line 5, after ‘etc.’ add ‘(in Hdt. είρυσα serves as aor.)’ 1. 2, add ‘; Med., ΑΡΙ.·$ο6,%οη (Leon.)’ 11. 3, add ‘b. torture, έπι κνάφου έ. Hdt. 1. 92; έπι του τροχού Ar. Pax 452.’ 6, fin., for “εΐκλυσμένων” read “είλκυσμένων” έλκωτικός, add ‘II. έλκωτική, ή (sc. έμπλαστρος), caustic plaster, PMerton 12.15 (i a.d.).’ «λλαμβάνω i, for ‘Supp. Epigr. . .ii b.c.)’ read ‘FC//66/7.144 (iii B.C.)’ «λλαμπρύνομαι, for ‘Pass. . . Aoyois’ read find an opportunity for distinction in, τώ τής πόλεως κίνδυνο) ιδία έ. Th.6.12, cf. Αρρ. BC^.66; without dat. expressed, Luc. Dom. 1 ; glory in, τώ έργω D.C.73.10, cf.’ Έλλάνοδίκαι I, after ‘Paus.5.9.5 sq. ;’ add ‘at the Olympic games of Alexandria, SFG8.658 (sg., Coptos, iii a.d.) ;’ χελλατε, v. έλλαθι. έλλειμμα, line 3, after ‘22.44’ *> Ostr· cited Ostr.Bodl. i 49 note’ «λλειπόντως, after ‘Plot. 1.3. 6 ;’ add ‘ deficiently , with insufficient force, Simp, in Epict.p.38 D. ;’ ελλείπω I. I, after ‘E.F/.609’ add ‘, cf. Th.5.103’ «λλετε, for ‘Fr. 292’ read ‘Fr.1.17 Pf.’ and delete ‘;cf. έλλατε (v. έλλαθι)' "Ελλην iii, lines 4/5, delete *; Πυλών 'Ελλήνων D. 18.304’ Έλληνίς ii. I, add ‘; pi. Hyp. 6. 36’ Ελληνιστί, for ‘ PTaur.ivf read ‘Mitteis Chr. ii.31 v 4’ Ελλήσποντος, line 5, after ‘Aegean,’ insert MP7.705 (Antip. Sid.),’ έλλιμένιος I, add ‘b. of the harbour, epith. of Hera, 7G22.5i48, cf. λιμένιος .’ ελλιπής ii. I, add ‘; miserly, έ. έπι τής τραπέζης αυτόν Lxx Si. 14.10’ 2, add ‘; -εστέρως j.AJig.i.if '‘«λλιτές or «λλιστές, dub. sens., Epich. 183. «λλογιμότης, add ‘II. as a complimentary address, παρακαλώ την σήν έ. your notability, POxy. 1885.1 1 (vi A.D.).’ έλλύχνιον, add ‘3. το τοΰ ποδός ε., = θέναρ, Cyr.’ έλος 2, add ‘ ; glossed by σύμφυτος τόπος, ή χείλος ποταμού, Hsch. ; cf. έλη· σύνδενδροι τόποι, Id.’ Χέλοτρεφής, ές, gloss on ελεόθρεπτος, Hsch. Χελπΐδηφόρος, ον, bringing hope, Theognost.Can.95. ελπίζω ι, line 16, after ‘S.F/.963’ add ‘; ώς c. fut. opt., E .El. 918’, and in line 17 for ‘Id.’ read ‘S.’ ελπίς, before ‘v. έλπω’ insert ‘Λελπι'δα 7Ci2. 945.9 (Athens, v b. c.) :’ «λπωρή, before “, ή” insert ‘(-a Alc.119.11 L.-P.)’ χ’Ελυγεύς, ό, epith. of Dionysus in Samos, Hsch. (post έλίβοτρυς). «λύμα, for “ελϋμα” read “ελυμα”, and add at end ‘[ΰ, but έλύματι metri gr. Hes. 0/1.430.] ’ ; for ‘stock’ read ‘share-beam’ , and after ‘Hsch.’ add ‘(cf. είλυμα).’ έλυμος ii, line 2, for ‘, made, .pipe,’ read ‘(one of the pair was κερασφόρος)’ add ‘2. a stringed instrument, Ath. 14. 636f.’ Χ«λύς, v, dub. sens., οικόπεδον έλύ [κ]αί χέρ[σον~\ SEG ΙΟ. 238. 51 (Athens, ν b.c.) ; cf. είλν, έλος, ελεόθρεπτος (Suppl.). Ρέλχανος, after ‘Crete,’ add ‘ Inscr. C'ret. ι ,χχϊύ 5 (ρευχ-),’ έμαυτοΰ, line 7, after ‘etc.’ add ‘, except νίώ και έμαυτοΐς Papers of Amer.School at Athens 2.278 (Armenia)’ Χέμβαθμός, ον, dub. sens., ε’. τοΰ. .κάστρου FA/eJJ.24.3 (vi A.D., pi.). , «μβαθρα, for “έ.,. .τά” read ‘εμβαθρον, το, right of entry, PAvrom. 2B9 (i b.c.). II. pi., έμβαθρα’ and transfer the article, έμβαίνω I. 5, add ‘c. enter into possession, εις κτήματα .S7G364.75 (Ephesus, iii b.c.) ; of the lessee of sacred land, τάν γάν IG 7. 1 739.5 (Thespiae) : abs., ib.9, al. d. perh. reach the age of, έμβαίνοντες εις τά ιζ' έτη) Inscr. gr.et lat.de la Syrie 607, cf. έπαναβαίνω in Suppl.’ ii, add ‘ : in fut., of the άρχά that assigns sacred land to a lessee, 7G7.1739. 10, Mil. Navarre P-353 (Both Thespiae)’ εμβάλλω i. 3, line 5, after ‘Pl.T?.344d’ add ‘, Wlcn.Dysc.g^’ iii. 1, after ‘one’s own,’ insert ‘ε’ν δέ κλήρους έβάλοντο II. 23. 352 ;’ 3, for ‘fall upon’ read ‘ stow away’ 52 εμβαμα SUPPLEMENT έμφυτεία χεμβάμα, ατος, τό, entrance, doorway, ϋρχ.Έφ. 191 1.56 (Caria, iv B.C.). χεμβάρέω, to be reluctant, hesitate, BGlh8\6.9 (i b.c.). εμβαρος, delete ‘of weighty. .II.’ and make a new article χ>Έμβάρος, ό, prov. ούκ " Εμβαρος εί ' you’re no Solomon’, Men. 368 Koerte, cf. Id.Phasm.fr.2, Paus.Gr.7V. 163, Suid. (Hsch. εμβαρος· ηλίθιος, μώρος is due to abridgement of ούκ Έ. el’ ηλίθιος el.) εμβαρύθω, for the present article substitute ‘ = βαρνθω, Nic. Th. 324,468,512, Λ/.541 (v.l.).* χεμβασίλευμα, ατος, τό, realm, Μίλατος. .Φοίβου κλυτον e.Didyma 229 π 9 (66 b.c.) . εμβασις ι. 5, add lease of sacred land, IG 7.1739.18; rent under such a lease, ib.12,13, Mel. Navarre p.353’ έμβατεία, add ‘, BCH22.402’ εμβατεύω i, line 3, for 'El. 595* read ‘TV. 696. 3’ and line 6, after ‘077125 :’ add 'enter, πόλιν £.£7.595 >’ έμβατεω, for the present article substitute ‘= εμβατεύω I, Nic. ΤΛ.147 (v.l. -βροτ-), 804 (v.l. -β or-) : — Med., c. acc., Lyc. 642. II. lead to pasture, /I.P7.657 (Leon.).’ έμβατός i, after ‘ accessible ,' insert 'API. 95 (Damag.),’ χέμβαφεία, ή, dipping in, Moses Alch.3 13.24. χεμβαφής, ε'?, dipped in, Moses Alch.309.9. έμβλεπω, line 3, after ‘cf. D. 19.69;’ insert *e. άγάλ μάτι Men. Dysc. 677, παρθενω ib.682 ;’ έμβλημα 2, add written εμβληθμα (s.v.l.) in 1Gii(2).2&’jB 134 (Delos, iii b.c.).’ χεμβλητος, ον, inlaid, πίνακας εμβ λήτους γραφάς έχοντας laser. Dllos 1403 Bb ii 18, 1417 A ii 36 (ii b.c.). χ4μβολαρχία, η, control of the εμβολή i. 3, P Merton 11.90.11,22 (iii/iv A.D.). χεμβολάτωρ, ορος, ό, collector of dues, POxy. 126.15, PMasp. 541 7 (both vi a.d.), etc. χεμβολευτικόν, τό, dub. lect. et sens., PTeb. 847.17 (ii B.c.). έμβολεύω, add ‘2. perh. colloquial, appropriate, τής πράσεω y την τιμήν ενεβόλευσε POxy. 2342.9 (ii a.d.).’ εμβόλιον iv, add ‘, cf. Inscr.Delos 372.B30 (200 B.c.)’ εμβολος 3 a, before ‘Pi.P.4.191’ insert ‘Hippon.45.3 D.3,* έμβόσκομαι, add also Act., Ath.Mitt. 68.5 (Samos, i a.d.)’ εμβρεφος, for ‘ boy-like ' read 'pregnant', and at end add ‘, cf. Rev. it.Gr. 71.350’ χεμβρϊμέω, impf. ενεβρίμει, = ώργίζετο, c. dat., Stilpon in Lex. Patmiacum in BCH 1.151 (Rh.Mus.92.4p1). εμβρύκω, after ‘Nic. 77;.’ insert ‘271,’ χέμβρύμιον, τό, pillow, PFouad I TJniv. 26.5 (pi., i a.d.). έμβύθιος, line i, before ‘423’ insert ‘cj. in’ ; lines 2/3, for ‘άγρη. . Char.20’ read 'πίννα Isid.Char.20 ; from the bottom of the sea, VIP9.227 (Bianor) ; deep, D.H.1.32, 6.13’ χεμβυσμα, ατος, τό, perh. stopper, plug, Pland.i 44Ά2 (pi., εν/?-; iii A.D.). έμετοποιεομαι, add — Act., dub. in IG 14.2577.13 (Xanten)’ έμμανής, line 5, for “-εστερος” read ύστερον ” and transfer ‘: Comp.. .'Lac.Am.14' to last line after ‘ES1 p.455 B.’ εμμελής ii. 3 b, after 'suitable,' insert ‘A.Fr. 17.94 M. (Sup.),’ χεμμετροποιός, όν, composing in regular metres, Phld.Po. in Eos 29 p.19 (ενμ-). έμμονος, add ‘ΙΠ. of dyes, fast, Hsch. s.v. δευσΑ^ποιόν.’ χέμμόχλιον, τό, socket for a bar, K. Kourouniotes Έλευαινιακά i.igo (Eleusis), Poll. 10.23. εμπάθεια ii, after ‘Ptol. Tetr. 92’ add ‘(v.l.)* εμπαις, add ‘2. having children, Muson.EV. i5A(p-78 H.)’ εμπαισμα, before ‘Eust.’ insert ‘Inscr.Delos 1412117 (ii b.c.),’ έμπαίω ii, add ‘2. like εμπλήσσω, fall into, εις άρκυν Lyc. 1 05 * (v·1·)*’ εμπαλιν I a, add * ; ή e. θύρα door leading out again, Lac. Merc. Cond. 42.’ έμπαρέχω, line 4, for ‘his tool’ read ‘a victim’ έμπαρίσταμαι, for ‘aor. 2 Act.’ read ‘pf. part. Act.’ and add ‘(v.i.); εμπας, line I, after ‘Trag., exc.’ add ‘dub. in A.C/i.6gi ,Ρτ.\8η (botli anap.),’; line 4, for 'Ep. 14’ read ‘Epigr. 12, £>.726 Pf.’ ίμπέδιος, add ‘2. = εμπεδος 2, constant, unfailing, LWi$22bis (Cyme).’ χέμπεδόμητις, ιδος, ό, ή, of steadfast counsel, Wiegand Mnemos. 35.7 (Athens, iii B.c.). ίμπειράζω, add ‘II. (net pap) εμπεπείρακται· εμπεπόδιστ ai, Hsch.’ εμπελάδην, for ‘= sq.’ read ‘dub. sens.’ έμπέλανα, add ‘ ; cf. perh. πυράν εμπελάνων, rest, in Annuario 27/29(i952).i 15 (Selinus, vi/v b.c.).’ εμπελάω, delete ‘IG 14.271 (Selinus),’ έμπίμπλημι ii, omit ‘(with aor. Pass.)’ and transpose section 2 to be iv. 4. iii, line 6, after ‘21.607;’ add ‘c. dat., εμπίπλαται . . αΐματι ό βωμός Paus.3.16.10. IV. Med. and Pass.,’. In 2, for “ έμπιπλάμενοι” read “εμπιμπλάμενοι” ; after “πυριάτη” add ‘(codd. —την)’ and omit ‘; εμπίπλαται. . 3.16.10’ 3, fin., for ‘The two last constructions’ read ‘The constr. with dat. and that with part.’ έμπιπίσκω, for the present article substitute after “έ.,” ‘aor. ε’νεπϊσα Pi.EV.iu.i S. : give to drink, N1C.2I/.519; metaph., Pi. he.: — Med., soak in, ϋδατι, όξΐΐ, Nic. ΊΡ^η^, Al. 320: — Pass., to be administered in, νυμφαις όμπισθίν Id. 7Λ.624.’ έμπιπράσκω, delete ‘, Hsch. (Pass.)’ χέμπίστευτος, ό, trustee, Vett.Val. in Cat.Cod.Astr. 2.\ηο. έμπιστεύω, add ‘III. Pass., c. inf., to be assured, εμπιστευτείς υπό τούτου εχειν POxy. 2347 -4/5 (ϊγ a.d.).’ έμπλανάομαι, line 2, before ‘ erratic ' insert “ίαυτή” έμπλάσσω I. 5 a, after ‘Id. 15.204’ add ‘, cf. NicM/.79* έμπλατύνω, v. πλατύνω in Suppl. χέμπλείω, = ίμπίμπλημι, N1CM/.613. έμπληγής, add ‘: also εμπληγος, ον, An. Bachrn. 1.43.30’ έμπλήδην, for fully, as a whole,' read ‘dub. sens.,’ εμπλην (B), after 'Del. 73’ insert ‘; dub. sens.’ εμπόδισμα, for ‘D.3.4’ read ‘D.3.7’ έμποδοστατεω, delete ‘ : — also εμποδιοστατέω’ έμποιεω ii. 3, line 3, after ‘Th.3.38;’ add 'χρόνους ε\ D.23.93; χρόνον i. τω πράγματι Men.Djyic. ι86 ;’ iii, fin., after ‘etc.’ add ‘(in Pass. aor. PAvrom.2B\f)' ίμποίησις ii, after ‘claim to,' insert ‘PMich.Teb. 1 2 irii 9.5 (i a.d.),’ έμπολάω I. 2, line 2, after 'Ant. 1037;’ insert ‘vvvi δε πεντηκοντα δραχμών όμπολώ i.e. sell for. ., Ar .Pax 1201 ;’ and line 3, for ‘Id.’ read ‘S.’ 11. 1, lines 1/2, omit ‘vwi. . 1201 ;’ έμπολέμιος I, add ‘ ; τα ε\ war-material, prob. for τα εν πολέμια in Afric.Crii.32 V.’ χεμπορητικός, ή, όν, — εμπορικός, Isid.C/jTW.e.lO.S. εμπορία ι. ι, fin., delete ‘, cf. D.56.8’ ii, line 2, after ‘X. Vect. 3.2,’ insert ‘D.56.8 (pi.),’ χίμποριακός, ή, όν, prob. f.l. ίοΓ-ιαρχος (= ιάρχης, q.v. in Suppl.) in SIG880.28 (Pizos, ii/iii a.d.). εμποριάρχης, for ‘ supervisor of trade' read ‘ headman of an εμπόρων ι. i b’ and at end add ‘, cf. Inscr. in Rev.Et.Anc. 42.306 (Bithynia)’ έμπρακτος, line 6, after ‘ib.70;’ add ‘c. gen., ε. παιδεία? educated, Vit. Aesop. (G)8i εμπρέπω, for ‘cod. Med.’ read ‘codd.’ έμπταίω, add ‘(v.l.)’ εμπυρίζω, after “εμπυρεύω,” add ‘ PC air. Zen. 98"] .3 (iii b.c.),’ έμπυρισμός, add ‘b. a disease of cereal plants, rust, Lxx 9K1. 8·37·’ έμπυριστής, add ‘; ε. άγγελον Lxx 4Ma.J.i 1’ έμπυρος I, add ‘ ; as Subst. εμπυρον, τό, dub. sens., /C22. 1534.94 (Athens, iii b.c.)’ έμύς, for ‘ ; also. .22’ read ‘(also. .22)’ and add ‘ ; tortoise, turtle, Thphr .Fr. 1 7 1 . 1 (codd. μΰς), cf. μΰς iii in Suppl.’ χέμφάλσωμα, ατος, τό, prob. = εμφάρσωμα, q.v. in Suppl., BSA 51.154 (Caralitis, ii a.d.). εμφανής ii a, line 3, after ‘2.141a’ insert ‘; θεών ενφανεστατον, of Antoninus Pius, Anat.St. 7.147 (Derbe, 157 a.d.), cf. IGRom.9. B 704.111. 1 5’ b, line 3, after ‘cf.’ insert ‘ εμφανία (masc. acc. sg.) δειξάτω Inscr. Cret. 4.47.; 32 (v b.c.) ;’ έμφανισμός add ‘ ; dub. sens., Wien.Anz. 1962.5.33 (Lycia, i a.d.)’ χέμψάρσωμα, ατος, τό, perh. inset woodwork, Didyma 254.4 (*i A-D· i pi.; ενφ—); cf. εμφάλσωμα (Suppl.). εμφασις i. 2, add ‘ ; true sense-impression, opp. άπεμφασις, Car- neades ap.S.E.M.7.169’ έμφέρω ill. I, for ‘τα. εμφερόμενα. .matters’ read “των εμ- φερομενων τοΐς πράγμασι μορίων και τόπων” χέμφι4ζω, V. αμφιάζω (Suppl.). έμφιλόσοφος, add ‘Adv. -φως Sch.Luc.Pisc.26, Sch.Aristid. ρ.482 D.’ εμφιλοχώρως, for *3.11’ read ‘2.1 1’ εμφοβέω, add ‘; ούκ εμφοβήση you will not be terrified, vavorin. Exil.25.29’ χεμφορά, ή, rent, Berl.Sitzb.i 936.380 (Thestia, ii b.c.). έμφόρβιος, for the present article substitute ‘εμφόρβιον, τό, prob. muzzle, metaph. θύμβρης στρομβεϊα .. κακής εμφόρβια νούσου Nic.77i.62g. II. pasture-money, AJP56.5I5 (Colo¬ phon, iv b.c.) (ph), Hsch.’ and transfer, εμφορβ-ίω, -ισμός, for “ίμφ-” read “ίνφ— ” ; for ‘muzzle (or’ read ‘confiscate animals (also interpr. muzzle, and’ ; for * muzzling (or’ read 'confiscation of animals (also interpr. muzzling, and’ εμφορεω Π, add ', cf. Ph. 1.690 cod.’ εμφορος I, add ‘2. paying rent, PCair.Zen. 310.3,328.133 (iii b.c.).’ add ‘III. full of, EM 677.30.’ εμφορτίζομαι ii, add ‘ ; v.l. for εκφ— in SMnhi036’ χεμφράγνυμι, = εμφράσσω, Ael.TVid4.15 (Pass.). χέμφρόνιμος, ον, = εμφρων, prob. in OG/383.106 (Commagene, i B.C.). εμφρων ii. 2, delete ‘Thgn. 1126,’ and line 4 after ‘Hipparch. 226c.’ add ‘3. mindful, c. gen., Thgn. 1126 (dub. 1.; εϋφρων cod. A).’ χίμφύνω, arise, or grow, in, Aret.4 (SD2). 12. 1,2 ( 5712). 8. 2, prob. ib.3.2; cf. εμφύω II. I (intr.), also άναφύω III (Suppl.). έμφυτεία, for ‘Thphr. HPi. 6.1, 2.1.4, ah’ read 11 Thphr. PIP2. 1.4, CP1.6.1 : sg., ib.1.6.5,6, 5.6.10.’ 864210 53 3 έμφύτευσις SUPPLEMENT ενήκοος έμφύτευσις, add ‘2. planting in a place, BCH 86.57.11 (Mace¬ donia, ii a.d.).* εμφυτεύω, line i, for ‘implant,' read ‘ plant in a place, αμπέλους D.Chr.7.27; BCH86.58.1y (Macedonia, ii a.d.) ;’ εμψάω, for ‘Fr. 12P read ‘Fr.7.13 Pf.’ . ... Χεμψογος, ον, prob. = επίφογος I, PTeb. 2y6.l (ii/ui A.D.). εμψυχρος, before ‘Thphr.’ insert ‘cj. in’ Iv, line 4, after ‘al.’ add also sts. in Crete, Inscr.Cret. 2.1.5 (Oaxos, vi/v b.c.) .’ A. 1. 5 a, fin., for v. o read v. o A. viii. 6’ 6, line 8, after ‘Ale. 278;’ insert εν τωδε κάχόμεσθα σωθηναι λόγω; ld.Heracl.^()8 (ν. εχω C. V in SuddI.) 11, line 2, after ‘Th.1.9’ insert ‘ ; εν Διομηδεος άριστείη Hdt.2.u6’ C. 3, before ‘S.4/.’ add ‘Pi.Fr. 70b. 10, 11, 15 : S.,’ Χέναβύσσαιος, V. άβύσσαιος in Suppl. έναγκυλίζω, substitute ‘Med. = foreg., Poll. 1.136: Pass., to be fitted into a loop, Plb. 27.1 1.5.’ ( / , εναγλαΐζομαι, add Act., set gloriously in, τον νεον ευσεβεων γωρω εναγλά ϊσον Abh.Berl.Akad. 1909.62 (Samos, ii/i B.c.) Ιναγώνιος, add ‘IV . alarmed, distressed, Ar .Pax Arg.1.7· έναείρομαι, add ‘(v.l. αν-)’ ^ # ίναιθέριος, after iin upper air, insert Arat.53^> ίναίθομαι, add Bull. Soc· Alex. 8.60 (Gizeh) */ _ _ 1 ’ ^ o n A5 orlrl * Χένακισμύριοι [w], 01, a, ninety thousand, App . F/iz nn . 4 · Χενακόλουθος, ον, accordant, in conformity with, Simp, in de An. 25D. 16. ενακοσιοστός, delete the entry. . ^ ενάλειπτος, for ‘ anointed with’ read fit to be applied as ointment Χέναλθής, ε'ς, needing healing, sick, Nic.Al.586 (v.l. av~). ένάλιος, line 7, after ‘(lyr.) insert ‘Ζεΰ e. prob. in A.Fr.464. ίο M. . ... εναλλοίωσις, after ‘ alteration ,' insert ‘PSI^B^S (Hi b.c.),^ ένάλλομαι 2, add metaph., ύμΐν ρημασιν Lxx JP16.5’ εναλλος, after ‘contrary,' insert ‘v.l. for άναλλος in’, for ‘298’^ read ‘299.9’, an(l after ‘(Agath.)’ add prob. in A.Supp.638’ ενάμαρτος, for ‘and’ read ‘σώματα Cyran.5, Gloss.' έναμοιβαδίς, add ‘, but perh. f.l. for eVa/x-’ εναναστρεφομαι, for ‘Stob.3-i.491 read ‘Stob.4.1.49 Χένανατελλω, rise in, εναντόλλουσα Nonn.FX28.231 (s.v.l.). εναντιοβουλία and -βουλος, for ‘contrary purpose' read ‘ mind that is always in opposition' Ιναντιολογέω, add ‘, cf. Epicur.Aa<.28 Fr.^.TV.y V.’ Χέναντιολόγος, ό, person who maintains the contrary, Simp, in Phys. I3I-31· έναπερείδω ii. 2, delete * : — Pass. . . ib.23 Χεναπόκλειστος, ον, recluse, Cat.Cod.Astr. 8(1). 264. εναπολαμβάνω i, after ‘Pass.,’ add ‘Hp./Vo®.ii ;’ εναττολαύω, after ‘(vi a.d.)’ add Favorin.Fxz7.20.26’ έναπομάσσω, line 2, after ‘99b’ insert ‘ ; project an image upon, κατόπτρω Ach.Tat.5.13’ and line 4, delete ‘to be. .5.13;’ έναποσπάω, add metaph., tear away, εναποαπωμόνων των αγροίκων Syria 34.281.28 (Hama, i A.D.)’ ένάργεια ii, add ‘b. of deities appearing to a worshipper, manifestation, εποιήσαντο (sc. Zeus and Hecate) προφανείς εναργείας Sokolowski 69.4 (Stratonicaea, ii a.d.) ; cf. επιφάνεια i. 2.’ εναργής I. 3, add ‘b. of style, vivid, OAA.Isoc.2, Is. 3.* έναρηφόρος, add Epigr.Gr. 85612.7 (Hypate)’ Χέναρίστερος, a, ov, on the left, Inscr. Dtlos 1441 A i 71 (ii b.c.). Adv. -τέρα, PCol.Zen. 11.81.15, al. (iii B.c.), Inscr. Delos 1439 Abe i 55 (ii b.c.), Roussel Cultes Egyptiens 213 (Delos, ii b.c.). εναρος, for ‘Rev.Et.Gr. 24.415’ read ‘Inscr.Cret.,7s, and before ‘Hsch.’ insert ‘Clara Rhodos 171.12,’ Χεναρσις, εως, ή, uprooting, συκάμινου Inscr. Delos 356^1^27 (iii B.c.). Χενάρτησις, εως, η, fitting up, installation, μηχανης SEG4.453.44 (Didyma, ii/i b.c.). ενάρχομαι I. 2, add ‘ : — Pass., περίβολον εναρχθόντα SEG6. 424 (Iconium)’ Χενάτειρα [νά], ή, = ενάτηρ (ν. είνάτερες), JRS 18.176 (Gerasa). ενατεΰω, add ‘, cf. 7 hasos 1.82’ ένατος, line 2, after ‘8.266’ insert ‘, also Ion., Thasos’; line 3, after ‘iii b.c.);’ insert ‘Cret. ήνατος Inscr. Cret. 4. 181.5 (ii b.c.) ;’ Ιναυγής, delete the article. έναύλιος, add ‘Π. epith. of Zeus, perh. as god of the farm, Robert Hell. 10.34 (Thrace).’ Ιναυλιστήριος, for ‘habitable' read ‘ sheltering ' and delete *(?)’ εναυλος (A) 11, line 3, after ‘F/F371 ;’ add ‘of mountain caves, A.R.1.1226 (pi.).’ hi, delete the section, εναυλος (B), line 7, after ‘Plu.2.i7d’ add ‘, cf. Call.Fr.384.6 Pf.’ εναυσις, add ‘Π. = ίναυσμα 3, Did.ap.Porph. in Harm. p.26 D. (pl.)·’ Χεναυτόθι, Adv. at the said place, PTeb. 798.5 (ii b.c.). έναύω (A), fin., for “επάνω” read “σπανονθες” Χέναφήλιξ, ϊκος, ό, η, = άφηλιξ ii, minor, PFam.Teb.y .22 (ii a.d.). ένδαίνυμαι, add ‘, but cf. ε’νδαινυ- Thasos 1.343.128 (iv b.c.)’ ίνδάττιος, line 1, before ‘Mosch.2.11’ insert ‘Nicaenet.6.4,’ ενδατεομαι I. 1, add ‘b. assign, λόγου νπόστασίν τινι Aristid. Quint. 2. 2.’ 11, add ‘, but possibly to be commended.' Ινδεής 6, line 2, after ‘R. 523c ;’ insert ‘e. πράττειν Men.Dysc.28o ;’ ενδείκνυμι II, add ‘5. Ion. ενδόξετα ι, όνεδόξατο, ενδεξασθαι, C. dat., command, order, Hes., Mimn., Hecat., Antim., all in PMilan. iy. 26 sqq.’ Χένδέκαρχος, ό, leader of eleven, /1ρχ.^ελτ.ΐ93ΐ-32(ΐ4) Pl.iv 54 (Thespiae, iii b.c.). ενδέξιος I. 2, line 4, for “ενδεξία” read ‘ενδόξια (cf. τής ενδόξια φλιας Inscr.Dilos 1413*27, 1439^*1:1 54 (ii b.c.))’ ενδεσμος I, for ‘3ΑΪ.6.10’ read ‘Pr. 7.20’ 11, after ‘bonding,' insert ‘Lxx 5Κ1.6ΛΟ, al. ;’ ενδευκής, add ‘ ; cf. άδίυκής ad fin.’ ένδεύω (B), add ‘; soak, πατρός κόλπους ενιδευσας αίματος.. νοτισιν GVl8y\.y (Smyrna, ii a.d.?)’ ένδέω (A) 1, line 8, for ‘also ουρανός [άστράσιν]’ read “κυκλοις ουρανόν” iii, for the present section substitute ‘Med., bind by spells, ε’νδου/αενοι τά δαιμόνια J.AJ8.2. 5·' ενδεω (Β), line 4, for ‘indentical’ read ‘identical’; line 5, after ‘Phd. 74d’ add ‘: abs., Aesch.Socr.8 D.’ ίνδιαλλάσσω, for ‘0, sodomite ' read ‘o', and -μόνη, η, person dis¬ guised as one of the other sex' add ‘ ; -αγμόνη, ή. Id .De. 23.18’ ενδίδωμι v. 3, line 4, after ‘Parth.31.2’ add ‘, cf. Al.Fi.14.56’ ενδίφριος, after “αΰτώ” add “Ικότης” χένδογονής, ός, = όνδογίνης, Anat. St. 12. iQO (Cilicia). Χένδομυχία, ή, secretiveness (?), Antioch.Astr. in Cat.Cod.Astr. 1 1 (2). 109.6; pl., expl. oilatebrae in Virgil glossary, PNess. 1.278, 360 (vi a.d.) . ενδόμυχος i, add ‘3. domestic, Cic.Att.^· ΐ4·3> 5·~ΐ·ΐ4· ένδον i, line 2, before ‘D.27.10’ insert ‘Pl.Smp.213c,' and delete this reference in line 6. add ‘6. like εντός i. 3, on this side of, Plu.CiOT.13.4.’ ενδος, after ‘(Delph.),’ insert ‘SEGg. nff. (Gyrene, iv b.c.),’ ενδρομίς ii. 2, after ‘38.1’ add ‘; κρεβατταρία (q.v. in Suppl.) Edict. Diocl. 19.5’ f ένδυμα, add ‘[ενδάμα AP6. 2δθ, cf. E.//F443 codd. ; V. ύπόνδϋμα.]' Χένδυτή, ή, dress, PHarris 88.22 (v a.d.). ένδυτός 2, line 2, for ‘Simon. 179. 10’ read MP6.217.10 ([Simon.])’ ένεδρα, add ‘IV. anus, Hsch. s.v. ρινοβόλους ανόμους, cf. ενεδρος ii.’ ενεδρεία, add ‘, Vit. Aesop. [G) 55’ ενεδρος I, add ‘2. in office, Wien.Anz.1962.6 (Myra, i a.d.). ενείλλω, for ‘ wrap up' read ‘pack' ενειμι, line 1, after “ενι” insert ‘(written ενει Inscr. Delos^2.48, 68 (ii b.c.))’ line 2, delete ‘3 sg. ενι freq. for’ line 4, after ‘288;’ add ‘repeated, S.Ichn.185, Ar.Fyj.545;’ 11. 2 a, fin., for ‘Plb.21.4.14’ read ‘Plb. 21. 2. 14’ ενεκα, line 5, after ‘Sch.Pi.O.7.10’ add ‘: also ενεχεν MAMA 1. 197 (Laodicea Combusta)’ 11. 1, for ‘Call. ..287’ read ‘Call.Pr.75.6Pf. (ενεκ’), ib. 1 .3 (εινεκεν), cf. Hes.(?) in POxy. 2503.10’ 2, add ‘, Call.Pr.6 Pf. (ενε«·’).’ ένελίσσω, line 3, delete ‘όλίγω όγμω N1CM/.287 ;’ add ‘3. Med., move round in, NicM/.287·’ ένεματίζω, add ‘ ; use as an enema, Herod.Med.ap.Aet.9.2’ Χενενηκονθήμερος, ov, pf or lasting ninety days, PMich.iii 149 ^ 19 (ii a.d.) . Χένενηκονταεξάπηχυς [άπ], υ, ninety-six cubits long, PS78.905.6 (i a.d.) , represented by symbols in PTeb. 382. 9 (i b.c.) and PMich.Teb. 12 ir iii xi 1 (i a.d.). Χενενηκοντάμερος [ά], ov, of or lasting ninety days, Petos. 359.2. ένειτίσκημμα, for the present article substitute after “to,” ‘ claiming as owed to oneself some part of property confiscated from another by the state, Harp., Poll.8.61 ; such a claim on behalf pf a tribe, Hesperia 5.402.167 (Athens, iv b.c.).’ ένεπισκήτττομαι i, for claim, .state read claim as owed to oneself some part of property confiscated from another by the state' ; after ‘Poll.8.6 1 ’ add ‘ ; make such a claim for a tribe, Hesperia 5.402. 1 70 (Athens, iv b.c.)’ ενέπω, line 3, for ‘anap.’ read ‘lyr.* Χένευπορέω, = εΐσευπορε'ω, c. acc. IGq (2) .66115, 1 3 (Lamia, ii B.C.). ενεχυρασμός, after ‘= όνεχυρασία,' insert ‘ PEnteux.8yy .3 (iii B.C.),’ ενεχυριάζω, add ‘ : aor. inf. -ιάξαι and Subst. -ίαξις, εως, η, BCH50.16 (Delph., iv b.c.)’ ^ ενεχυριασία etc., for ‘ib.’ read ‘Gloss.' Χενεχΰρίζομαι, = όνεχυράζομαι, Hsch. s.v. δι ενεγγυησαμεν. Χένεχΰρΐμαΐος, a, ov, pawned, held in pawn, βοΰς ό. τά πολλά εξω βλόπει prov. in L. Cohn ίζμ den Paroemiogr. (Bresl. 1887) p.75. ενέχυρον, after “to” add ‘, Boeot. έννέχυρον Mil.Navarre 353 (Thespiae), Cret. ’ινέκυρον Inscr. in JHS6g.3^ (Oaxos, vi/v b.c.), but ενόχυρον Inscr. Cret. ^.^2B\ 3, 43^6, al. (v b.c.) Χένήκοος, ov, obedient, c. dat. and gen., JowrriMi.1958.3.10 (Kandahar, Inscr. of Aioka). 54 ενήλατον SUPPLEMENT t> t €ξαγιον ενήλατον x, after ‘Fr.315’ add ‘(prob. = Ichn.^og)’ χένήλατο?, gloss on γλίσχρος, Hsch. χένήμισυ, v. ίνιμίνα (Suppl.). ένήνοθε, for ‘only found in compds. : v.’ read ‘v. άνηνοθε and cf.* ένθα i. 1, add ‘, cf. τίθησί με ένθα GVI 1955 (Tralles, i a.d.)’ χένθάλαμεύομαι, [Ai0oj] ώ ή βήρυλλος — εται is embedded , Eust.ad D.P.1010. ενθεαστικό? i, line 3, after ‘ in Metaph. 42.14* add ‘; εχειν e. Men. Dysc. 44’ χένθεμολογεω or ένθημολογέω, dub. sens., FCZ/78.346 (Poeessa (Ceos), v b.c.). ενθενδε, add ‘ : — late ενθένδεν Chor.28.2 cod. (p.312 F.-R.)’ ένθηκάριο?, add ‘, Πρακτικά Άκ.ΆΘ. 1 955.287 (Cos, mosaic).’ ενθηρο? ii, add ‘(but perh. verminous in A. and S., and infested with wild beasts in Ael. l.c.)* ίνθρώσκω, add *, cf. Comm, in Alc.306.9.4 L.-P., Suppl. s.v. ενορμάω’ ίνθυμιστό?, delete ‘(nisi leg. -ητόν)' and add *; e. αυτω έστω Thasos 1.371.141.5 (iv b.c.) ; c. είναι BCHi 940/ 1.176 (Thasos, i B.C.)’ χενθώϊο?, or, = επιθώϊος, Thasos 1.390. 150.14 (iv B.c.). ενιαύσιο? II, after 'annual.,' insert 'όλολύγα Ale. 130.35 L.-P.;’ ενιαυτό? i. 2, line 10, for ‘five’ read ‘four’ 11, delete the section. 4νίημι i. 8, delete the section. ένίλλω, for * : — also’ read ‘. 2. v. ενείλλω.' ένιλλώπτω, for ‘Ael. Dion. ibid.’ read 'eye lasciviously, Ael. Dion. ap.Paus.Gr.l.c., Clem.Al.Pa^.3.70 (who defines as βλεφαρ- !Y \ > III ιζω). «νίστημι i, add *; put as a barrier (cf. B. rv infra), ενστησας βασκανίην .4P5.2i8.IO (Agath.)’ ενναέτη? (B), after “= ενναετηρ,” insert ‘Epigr.ap.D.7.40, Call, in PAnt.i 1 3.1 (a) 13,’ *4vv αία, ή, dub. sens., SFG19. 181.1,182. 1 (Attica, iv b.c.). Χέννάπηχυ?, v, = εννεάττηχυς, PFlor. 167. 14,2 15. 3 (iii A.D.). 4vv4a, line 1, after ‘indecl.’ add ‘(exc. dat. ε’[νν]εσι Poet, in BC//26.329; cf. εξασι s.v. εξ)’ ; and after ‘(q.v.)’ add ‘; Ιννέα Tab.Heracl. 2.17, ah, 1G\. 1588. 16 (Aegina, v b.c.)’ χέννεάδραχμο?, ον, at the price of nine drachmae, IG22.^o8.\g (iv B.C.). εννεακαιδεκέτη?, add ‘: — written —δεχετης GF/1214. 3 (Pholeg- andros, iii/ii b.c.?)’ χέννεάκεντρο?, ov, with nine, i.e. many stings, Sch.Nic.Th.j81 = Nic.PV.37 ; cf. εννεάδεσμος. εννεάκις, after ‘= ενάκις,’ insert 'Lindos 11.42 1 «5 (i A.D.),* χέννεάττϋλον, το, precinct with nine gates, of the Pelasgikon at Athens, 2IP419. χέννεετής, ej, of nine years, κύκλιους ώρας ενιαυτών Mnemos.\ (1936) .4 (Piraeus, iv b.c.). εννεόβολον, delete the article. χέννεόβολο?, or, at the rate of nine obols, τόκοι BGUi 161.10 (i B.c.). 4ννή, after ‘Hsch.’ add ‘, cf. SFG9.1.32, 4ννήα, ib.3.16 (both Cyrene, iv B.c.).’ χεννοσο?, or, morbid, σαττρΐα Aet.7.11. χένοδιάζω, apptly. = εφοδιάζω, το όφΐλον τούτοις ενοδ ιάζζεσθαι άργύριον παραδόντω (sic) Lindos II. 419-7° (i A.D.). ένόδιο? ι. ι, add ‘, but ει. μάχαιρα the highwayman's knife, Arat.132’ ενοδμος, for ‘ sweet-smelling, fresh' read 'stinking, pungent' ένόζυγο?, delete the article. χ4νοικήτειρα, η, inhabitant (fern.), Philol. 88.139 (Crete). χένοικιάζω, let, PLond. 1 735.11 (vi a.d.), v. Kapsomenakis 97. ενοίκισμα, add ‘, PMich. iii 188. 16 (ii a.d.)’ χένοικοδόμημα, ατος, τό, building in a place, prob. in PI.Fp.760e , (p1·)· χ4νόλμιον, τό, part of the όλμος (in a flute, v. όλμος ii. 5), Hsch. S.V. καταστομίς (ενόλβιον cod.). ενοπή i, line 3, after 'battle,' insert ‘Nic.7Ti.171,* and in 2, delete ‘; ταύρων ε. Nic.Th.ij ι' ενόπλιο? I, before * : neut. as Adv.’ insert ‘ ; δρόμος Didyma 201.14’ 4νοτττρικοί 1, after ‘ geometers ,’ insert ‘Alex.Aphr. in Mete. 141.17,* ένορμάω, add ‘ ; rush upon, c. dat., ενθορεΐν και ενορμησαι το ΐς τοΰ Φιττακοΰ νώτοις Comm, in Ale. 306. 9. 5 L.— Ρ.’ 4νόρμιον, after 'harbour-dues,' insert 'BGU 1834. 11 (i b.c.), PFay. 104.8 (iii a.d.),* ενορχίϊ, add Ή. 4. (sc. λίθος), ή, a precious stone, Tlin.HJVgj. I59·’ evos (C) 2, line 3, after ‘acc. to’ insert ‘Plu.iS0f.25. 4 anc^’ 4νουρεω, add ‘ : — Pass., μειράκια ενεουρημενα τά κράσπεδ' άποθλίβοντα prob. in Diph.43-29’ 4νούσιοξ 3, delete the section. 4ν°χή, add ‘ ; dub. sens., Διονυσις την ε. άνεθηκα Robert Hell. 10. 14 (Phrygia)’ evoxos ι. i, add ‘ ; abs., held fast, of an anchor, AP 7.506 (Leon.)’ χ4νρευμάτίζομαι, to be full of or affected by rheum, Arch.Pap. 4.270 (iii a.d.). 4νσεισμό$, delete ‘of engines of war,’ and at end add cf. εν σείω Ii’ 4νσείω, line 2, after “ενσόσεικα" insert ‘Men.Z))\K:.58i,* ενσημος, add TIL of garments, /Ox)». 12 73. 13, 14 (iii a.d.).* χενσκαμβο$, gloss on εγγαυσος, Hsch. 4νσκηνόω, add ‘ (ενσκήνωσεν, v.l. εσκήνωσεν)' ενσκοττεομαι, substitute ‘in Hld.8.10 is f.l. for άνασκ-.' χ4νσπόνδια, τά, = σπονδαί, ε. ττοΐμεν Schwyzer 49 1 · 1 4 (Thespiae, ii B.c. ?). ϊνστασίξ ii. 2, fin., delete "ονύχων" ενστρεφω 2, add ‘(leg. σηκοΐς ενστρεφει, = ενστρεφεται)' χ4νταλματικός, ό, dub. sens., BC//33 86. 4vraT0s, for ‘stretched:’ read ‘ stretched , IG22. 154 1.23-25 (Athens, iv b.c.) 4νταφή, add ‘2. tomb, τεθήναι αυτόν εν τη ε. Mitt.des Vereines Klass. Philol. in Wien 10.122 (Ephesus, i a.d.).’ 4ντείνω ill. 2, after ‘Pass.,’ insert ‘ εντεταμαι APl.236 (Leon.),* 4ντεμνω ii. 2, for the present section read ‘tap (the root of) a plant to extract the sap, Thphr.CP6.i 1.14,15, al. : so metaph., or else cut in, shred in, like herbs in a potion, A.ylg.17.’ 4ντενή$, for ‘only’ read ‘Adv. εντενίως Inscr.Cret.^. 168.10 (iii b.c.) :’ 4ντεριον, for 'privy parts’ read 'bowel, bit of gut' χ4ντερίξ, ίδος, ή, = αΐμορροΐς I, Cyran.29.27 (pi.). 4ντεροειδη9, add ‘(s.v.l.)’ εντερον ii, transfer ‘, Nic.77/.388’ after ‘Numen.ap.Ath. 7.305a’ χ4ντετραίνω, pierce, aor. 1 part, εντετράνας 7G22.i665.i8, 1672. 176 (both Athens, iv b.c.). 4ντεΰθεν, after “4νθεΟτεν” add ‘ : — 4ντεΰθε dub. in Chor.29.50 (p.327 F.— R.)’ 1, fin., delete ‘; εντεύθεν. .Pk. 184.* 4vt£uktikos, after 'affable,' insert ‘Phld.7?A.i.222.io,i3,’ 4ντευτλανόομαι, delete ‘, Aret.G^4i.2’ 4ντευχω, after “ερυθήματα” add ‘Aret.Cyl 1 .2 : — Pass., εμετός ’ and delete ‘(Pass.)’ 4ντηρέω, for ‘Procop. 4,’ read ‘cj. in Procop. ^rc. 4. 7, cf.’ χ4ντίμιθ5, ον, = έντιμος, Sup. -ώτατος IGi2(j) .410.8 (Aegiale). χ4ντίναγμα [ι], ατο?, τό, a hurling, shower, χαλάζης Aq.Zf.28. 2, cf. 32.2 (in both cases by confusion of Hebr. zerern ‘shower’ with a lost Hebr. root zrm ‘shake’, cf. Accad. zaramu ‘bestir oneself’, zurrumu ‘throw into confusion’) : v. έντιναγμός. εντο, add ‘II. = ελετο, Eust. 756.32.’ χ4ντόλιον, τό, Dim. (in form) of εντολή, PBremen 20.8 (ii a.d.). 4vtoXios, add ‘ ; prob. = φιλεντολος’ εντομίς, add ‘IV. dub. sens., Inscr.DSlos 1444/I019 (ii b.c.).’ έντομο?, lines 4/5, for ‘Call., .x 38’ read ‘Call.Fr.43. 80, 694 Pf.’ έντονο? i. 2, line 5, after ‘173a;’ add ‘e. τι φθεγξαμενη Nic. Dam.68 J. ;’ χ4ντορνεία, ή, breastwork of a man-of-war. Pap. (iii b.c.) in Chron. d'Isg. 24.289 line 1 1 ; v. εντορνία. 4ντό? 1. 1, line 7, after 'hearts’ insert ‘or among you, in your midst,' 11, lines 3/4, after ‘Id.2.76’ insert ‘, cf. εκ (or εγ) της εντός Didyma 25A22.F20, al. (ii b.c.)’ and for ‘ib.49’ read ‘Th.2.49’ χ4ντοΰθε, = ενταύθα, SEG^.gg (Cumae, iv b.c.). 4ντροχάζω ii, delete the section. 4ντρυγάω, add ‘ ; of harvesting melons, PPrincet. 39.7 (iii a.d. ; εντρυκ—)’ χ4ντρΰχόω, harass, [πόλι?] πολεμίοις -ωθεΐσα Memn.20.1. 4ντύνω, line 4, after T.235’ add ‘, 4.1 19T 1, fin., delete άγλαΐην . . 1 1 9 1 ’ and for ‘Id.1.235’ read ‘A.R.1.235, 4. 1 1 9 1 ’ εντυπάζω, for 'enwrap. . (Pisidia)’ read 'carve or mould on, TAM$ ( 1 ) .922.2 (Termessus, ii/iii a.d.)’ Ένυάλιο?, line 2, after ‘written’ add "Ενυράλιος FCZZ58.139 (Argos, vii b.c.),’; line 4, after ‘cf.’ add 'BCH l.c.,’ n, line 3, for T08’ read T09 (b) P.’ and at end for ‘ΰ. .metri gr.’ read ‘v, exc. Lyr.Adesp. l.c. ; cf. Ένύώ.' χένυβριστή?, ού, ό, gloss on λω βητών, Hsch. ενυγρο?, add ‘V. ε. (sc. λίθος), η, a precious stone, Vhn. HNgj. 190 (v.l. enydros).’ ένυδρία?, for 'rainy wind, Call.Fr.39.’ read *, prob. f.l. for εξυδρίας, Ach.Tat.Zn/r.p.68 M.’ ενυδρι? i, add ‘, prob. in Ar.Ach.88o.' ένυδρο?, add ‘5. v. ενυγρος in Suppl.’ ένυδρώθη, add ‘ : — Act. ενυδρόω dub. sens. (perh. bathe), SEG 4.573.14 (Notium, ii B.c.).’ ενυπνιόμαντι?, add ', prob. in Semus 20’ χένφάρσωμα, v. εμφ>— (Suppl.). ένώδιον, read ‘ένώδιον (cf. IG22. 1544.20 (iv b.c.))’ and at end add ‘; written ένόδιον SBj26o.2b8, 302 (pi.) (i a.d.)’ ενωμοτάρχη?, lines 2/3, transfer ', Arr. Tact. 8. 2’ to follow ‘Ascl. Tact.2.2' ενωνά, after ‘Chaeronea’ add ‘, ii b.c.’ and at end ‘, rest, in £^47.187 (Cnidus, iv b.c.)’ ίνώπιο? i, add ', Pap. in Stud.Ital. 12.107 line 56 (ii/iii a.d.)’ εξαγιάζω and έξάγιον, add ‘(Fr. Lat. exagium.)’ έξάγιον, for ‘1 J dr.’ read ‘Lat. sextula’ and for 'Fr. 1, 67* read ‘Ecl.Med.66 (vol. iv p. 231 R.), Suid. s.v. στατήρ’ 55 έξάγισις SUPPLEMENT )> f €ξισοω χέξάγίσις, εως, ή, perh. atonement, Ath. Mitt. 59.37 (Sunium, v B.c.). έξάγιστος, add ‘III. σίγλοι καί ασκοί Εξάγιστοι, perh. de¬ consecrated, 7G22. 1544.22 (Eleusis, 329/8 b.c.), cf. ib. 140 1.26, 1453.10; v. Hesperia 25. 100/1.’ χεξάγκάλος, ον, ( αγκάλη hi) containing six sheaves, PBerol. i3o62v in PMilan. pp. 27-29. , . έξαγορεία, for ‘excantation. .confession' read ‘confession of sin as a means of obtaining cure of disease, coupled with θεοφορία and with Ενθουσιασμός’ and add ‘(pi·)’ χέξαγορείων, gen. pi. in Pap. in JEA20.21 .9,14,29, dub. sens., perh. Ε. {βίων) gods of confession-cures, possibly Εξαγορειών from -eta; cf. θεαγός, συνθεαγός (Suppl.). έξαγόρευσις π, after ‘Ptol.TVir.154’ add (v.l.) ^ t εξαγορευτής, for ‘one. .sins’ read ‘ one who practises Εξαγορΐ ία, δεισιδαίμονας ίεροφοποΰντας e. εξάγω ι. 2, line 5, after ‘3.188,’ insert ‘Plu.2.242d,’ έξαγωγεύς ii, add ‘; dub. in Inscr .DElos 399-^9^ (** b.c.). έξαγωγίς, after ‘drain,’ insert ‘7G42(i).i 16.2 (Epid., iv/iii b.c.), and for ‘IGi 1’ read ‘ib.11’ χ[έξ]αδελφιδή, η, great-niece, Dain Inscr.du Louvre 56.4 (Milet.). χέξαδελφιδοΰς, 6, great-nephew, BCH 87.203 (Delphi, iii A.D.). > έξάδραχμον, add ‘ ; see εκδραχμον (s.v. εκδραχμος ) in Suppl.’ χ4ξάδραχμος, ον, costing six drachmae, συρίας E. rest, in PHib. 51.6 (iii b.c.). , έξαδυνατέω, line 2, after ‘Plu.^c.23 ;’ insert ‘c. gen., e. τού προτιθεμεν IGof ( 1 ) . 583 · 9 (Acarnanian decree found at Olympia, iii b.c.) ; περί τίνος ib.6g ;’ ίξάδω i. 2, for ‘ the Εξοδος, .chorus’ read ‘aloud’ and at end add ‘(s.v.l.)’ ii. I, add ‘; περί πτώμα σχοΰσα και Εξασθεΐσα CRAcad.Inscr. 1 9 1 5 · 2 7 1 ’ έξαιθριάζω, after ‘Pass.,’ insert “ύδωρ” and for ‘PLond.ined. 2294 read ‘PLit.Lond. 92.20’ έξαιμάτωσις, add ‘, PMich. 149 iv 21 (ii A.D.) έξαίρεσις I. I a, add ‘ ; unloading, Didyma 39.37 (ii B.c.)’ εξαίρετος I, line 2, for “Εξαίρετα” read “Εξαίρετα” ii. 2, add ‘; E. [νήες] reserve squadron, IG22. 16 12.39, a^· (Athens, iv B.c.)’ 3, add Adv., Εξαιρετόν, dub. in P Warren 19.1 (ii a.d.)’ εξαίρω ii. I, line 2, delete “Εκ” έξαΐω, delete the article. έξακανθίζω, for ‘pick out. .holes in’ ’ read ‘deck with thorns ; metaph., denigrate’ χέξακεστήρ, ήρος, ο, = sq., epith. of Zeus, Lex Solonis ap.Poll.8. 142. έξακεστήριος, for “a, ov” read “ov” ; for “Ζευς” read ‘v.l. in’ Χεξακισχιλιοστός, ή, όν, six-thousandth, Hsch. s.v. κοδράντης. έξάκουστος, add ‘3. persuasive, πάσιν άνθρώποις Cyran.25.’ χέξακτορεύω, hold office of Εξάκτωρ, POxy. 2110.18 (iv a.d.). χέξακτορικός, ή, όν, of an Εξάκτωρ, τάξις, rest, in POxy. 126.4 (vi A.D.). έξαλαπάζω, fin., after ‘Theoc.2.85’ add ‘(v.l.)’ έξάλεπττρον, for ‘unguent-box’ read ‘ unguent-flask or -basin' εξαλλαγή 2, add ‘b. departure from common idiom, D.H.Dim.13.* χέξάλοβος, ov, six-lobed, Ar.Byz.i1/nV.2. 168. έξαλος, add ‘11. far from the sea, Od.11.134 (v.l.), 23.281 (v.l.).’ έξαμαρτάνω ii, for “Εξημαρτήθη” read “ Εξαμαρτηθή” and add to the ref. ‘(dub. lect.)’ εξαμβλύνω, for ‘Dsc.1.88’ read ‘Dsc.1.69.4; τούς δικαστής PLit. Lond. 138 viii f Χέξαμεινόω, amend an accusation, Cratin. in Melanges Bidez 607. χέξαμηνιεΐος, a, ον, — Εξάμηνος ii, PCair.f/en. 340.5,27 (iii B.c.). χέξάμυξος [ά], ov, with six wicks, λύχνοι Rev.Hist.Rel. 109.63 (Rome) . έξαναβαίνω, add ‘ ; v.l. in II. 24. 97’ χέξαναπάλλω, Med. sync. aor. κορυφάς Εξανεπαλτο sprang up out of, Ibyc.17.4 P. έξαναριθμέω, for ‘4.661.34’ read ‘4.661.3’ έξαναφαίνω, add ‘2. give birth to, of a mother, GVI 1061.1 (Piraeus, iv B.C.).’ χέξανδρος, ov, without a husband, Hsch. s.v. χήρωσε. εξάνθημα, add ‘II. άκάνθης Εξανθήματα thistledown, Hsch. s.v. γήρ(ε)ια.’ εξανυω, line 3, after ‘Critias 16.14’ add ‘(cod. Jo.Diac., sed legendum videtur Εξηυρηκεναι)’ χέξαξεστιαϊος, a, ον, = Εξάξεστος, PFlor.65.6,7 (vi A.D.). χέξαττελεύθερος, o', freedman, Syria 27.238 (iii a.d.), cf. Εξαπ- ελευθερόω. χέξαπηθέω, = άπηθεω, Nic.77i. 707—8 (tm.). Έξάπολις, add ‘; of Greek cities on the Euxine, IGRom.i. 634.3, al·’ έξάπρυμνος, for ‘stems’ read ‘ sterns’ χεξάπτερος, ov, six-winged, Theognost.Can.89. χέξαριθμοζΰγοκαμπάνοτρϋτάνίζω, count and weigh out with a steel¬ yard, Jul.isp.205. χέξαρτιστήρ, ήρος, ό, fitter, Όλυμπίω Εξαρτιατ(ήρι) PRyl. 4.640.11 (iv A.D.). έξαρτιστήριον, after ‘ equipment ,’ insert ‘PRyl. 4.641.8 (iv A.D.),’ έξαρχος i, after ‘721’ add ‘(v.l.), but cf. θρηνός in Suppl.’ 2, fine 2, after ‘chorus,’ insert ‘E.Ba. 140,’ Χεξασθμα, ατος, τό, exhalation, rest, in PMag.Leid.W. 19.10. εξασφαλίζω, transfer ‘Cic.d«.6.4.3,’ to follow ‘in Med.,’ χέξατίλιον, τό, or — ιος, ό, dub. sens., perh. a fish (cf. Lat. saxatilis) , PRyl. 4.630*. 332, al. (iv a.d.). χέξάτμισις, εως, ή, = Εξατμ ισμός, Zos.Alch. 1 38.5 (lemma). Χ4ξάτροχος, ov, with six wheels, Poliorc.23 9.9. έξαυστήρ, for ‘[ε’^]αοστήρ. .ib.689’ read ‘IG22. 1640.27, i64i-39* Χεξαύστης, ου, ο = Εξαυστήρ, Inscr.DElos 372^26, 379- 1 5 (a B-c·)· έξαΰτις in, add ‘, A. R. 4. 455’ εξάχαλκος, delete the article. έξάχειρ, after ‘Tox. 62’ add ‘ ; epith. of Hecate, PMag.Par. 1.2 1 19’ έξαχοίνικος, add ‘, PTeb. 210 (ii B.c.)’ έξαχυρόω, read “έξάχΰριόω” έξαχώς, add ‘ ; άρματα ε. άμιλλωμενα in six races, D.C.75.4 χεξδέκατος, η, ov, sixteenth, GVI^o.q. (Cappadocia, ii/iii a.d.?). χέξεβενος, ή, a precious stone, Plin.//./V‘37.i59· χεξεγγόνη, ή, great-granddaughter, BCH 87.202 (Delphi, iii A.D.). εξεγγύη, for ‘f.l. for’ read ' = ’ εξέδρα 2, for ‘in front, .bench,' read ‘out of doors,’ adding % D.L.4.19’ after ‘D.Chr.28.2’ έξεικάζω, line 2, after ‘Hier. 1.38: — ’ insert ‘Med., model, τά ττόπανα πρώτος Εξ'ρκάσατο 7C22.49^2.I7 (iv B-C.) : — ’ έξεικάττιοι, for ‘ Supp.Epigr . ..ii b.c.)’ read ‘BCH 66/7.144 (iii b.c.)’ έξείλησις, for ‘release, .from’ read ‘twisting free of* έξειμι (B), add ‘, cf. Εξην Εξεγενοντο Hsch.’ εξελέγχω in, add ‘b. pass in review, τά γενόμενα And.i.6i.’ έξέλκω, add ‘II. abs., draw (a deep breath), pant, Thd.J6.36. 2°.’ Χέξενεχυρασία, ή, — Ενεχυρασία, Arch.Pap. 15(1953). 93·5 (ii a.d.), cf. Εξενεχυριάζω. χ4ξενΐαυτέω, serve to the end of one’s year of office, -ησαι την π ρυτά- vciav Sch.Pi.TT.ii.io. χέξέο, = Εκ σεο, /Ci2(5)-472-i3 (Oliarus), 14.2012 C62 (Rome), •SisGi 9.456.7 (Thrace, ii a.d.). έξεπομβρέω, for ‘rain on’ read ‘send rain ’ έξέραμα, add ‘, Philum. FVn.4. 1 3’ έξεράω ii. 2, add * : — Med., pour out for oneself, Ελαιον Εξηρασάμην GLP 1. 59. 1 7’ έξεργάτης, delete the article. έξέρεισμα, add ‘ : in pi., buttresses, SEG4.270 (Panamara)’ έξερεύγομαι I, add ‘ ; λόγους API.328’ έξέρπω, line 1, after ‘SD2.13’ add ‘; Εξήρφα, v. infra iii with Suppl.’ in, before “βατράχους” insert “Εξήρφεν ή γή αυτών” and at end add ‘(s.v.l.)’ έξεσία, add * ; nom. pi. prob. in Call.Fr.80 + 82.22 Pf. (Add. 11.).* έξεστι, after “Εξεΐναι” add *, West Ion. Εξεΐν Trans. Am.Phil. Ass. 65.105 (Olynthus, iv b.c.)’ εξετάζω, after “Εξετάσω” add ‘Ar.Fc.729, etc.’ χέξετάσιμος, ov, in neut. pi., documents that are to be examined by a superior, ^7173.29 (ii a.d.) . έξέτασις, line 4, after ‘D. 18.246’ add ‘, cf. CaW.Epigr.59.3 Pf.’ έξέτεροι, add ‘ : acc. sg. fem. ΕξετΕρην ib.588’ χέξευχάριστέω, give token of gratitude, prob. in AIAMA^.288 (Dionysopolis). έξέφηβος, add ‘, Milet 1(7). 203626 (ii B.C.)’ εξηγητεία, add ‘; tenure of the office, POxy. 2 127.6 (iii A.D.)’ εξηγητής, add ‘III. a local official in Egypt, Έρμοπολίτου (sc. νομοΰ) PAmh.85.2, cf. 86.1 (both i a.d.) ; of Alexandria, Str.17. 1. 12, BGU1073.3 (iii a.d.).’ , , εξηγητικός, add ‘III. of or belonging to an εξηγητης, υπηρέτης PTeb. 397.28 (ii a.d.) ; Εξηγητικόν, τό, the board or body of Εξηγηταί, POxy. 1413. 9 (iii a.d.).’ έξηκονθημερισία, for the present article substitute ‘έξηκονθημε- ρίσια, τά, provision of sixty days’ quarters and forage, PCair. ffen. 341 (6). 5 (iii b.c.; better -ήσια).’ χέξηκοντάδραχμος, ov, of sixty drachmae, Stud. Pal. 5.101. 7. έξηκοντάς ii, before ‘Str.’ insert ‘Eratosth.ap.’ εξής, line 1, after “έξείης” insert ‘(εξείας Isyll.79 = 7G4z(i).i28. 74)’ and after ‘Dor.’ insert ‘έξας Annuario 30/2.290 (Rhodes), also’ line 5, omit ‘πάντας έ...657·2;’ after ‘b.’ insert ‘πας or π άντε ς E. all without exception, πάντας ε. . . κτείνοντες Th.7.29, cf. Hes.Th.738, E.Fr.657.2, D.24.70; παντι Ε. τεκμηρι'ω Th.1.20, D.9.69· C. I. 3> ‘; και τά E.’ read' ‘4. και τά ε.’ and for ‘etc. 4.’ read ‘Longin. 23.4, etc. 5.’ έξηχευη, for the present article substitute ‘έξηχεάομαι, = βακχεύομαι, Hsch. s.v. βακχευθεΐσα; = stupeo, Gloss.’ έξιδιάζομαι I, add ‘ ; condemned by Phryn.177.’ ^ έξιδιόομαι, add ‘, J.dJi.6.2, al. 2. = Εξιδιάζομαι 2, ib.14. ϊ.3·’ έξιεριστεύω, add ‘, cf. Εξιαριστηςια[ς] Tit. Cam. 40.15 (iii B.C.)’ έξίημι I. 2, delete “ε’ς θάλασσαν” χέξιόντως, Adv., perh. in course of time, MAMA8.83 (Attouda). έξισόω i. 1, line 7, after ‘rival,’ insert ‘Sapph.96.22 L.-P.,’ 56 i 1 * Εξιστημι SUPPLEMENT έτταρχικός έξίστημι Β. ιι. 6, for ‘of language’ read ‘of the subjects and characters of poetry’ έξισχύω ii, delete the section and for ‘III’ read ΊΙ’ έξίτης, add ‘; also ξείτης, ξεΐτος, ξείθος, BCH 8. 5θΐίΓ.’ έξογκόω, line 5, after ‘E.SuppPfoff add ‘(v. εκσογκόω in Suppl.)’ έξοδιασμάς, delete ‘= εφόδια,’ and before ‘payment' insert ‘ expenditure , Lycurg.Fr.22 Blass ;’ Χέξοδιαστικός, ή, όν, used for payment , μετρον prob. in POxy. 494.17 (ii A.D.). έξόδιος ii. 3, for 'a feast. .Exodus' read ‘ outgoing , terminating day of a feast' έξοδος hi. I, after ‘ death ,’ add ‘Lxx Wi.3.2,’ εξοκέλλω I, add ‘; dub. sens., A.Fr.273.3 M.’ έξολισθάνω, line 4, for ‘of leaves’ read ‘of stags’ horns’ Χέξομβριστήρ, fjpos, o, conduit for carrying off rain-water , PMich.Teb. 2.252.4 (i a.d.), POxy. 2146.6 (pi., iii a.d.). έξόμνυμι ii. i, add ‘b. (Boeot. aor. έσσώμοσσαν) of magistrates swearing themselves in, Άρχ.Δελτ. 1931-2(1 4) Pl.iv 61 (I hes- piae, iii b.g.).’ έξομόργνυμι, line 6, for ‘parodied by’ read ‘cf.’ έξονομάζω ii, for ‘call by name ’ read ‘ give a name to a person, Carm.JVaup. 1 . 1 ; to philosophical concepts’ Χέξονυχιστής, ου, ό, scrutinizer, λέξεων i. Poliorc. 200.14. Χεξονυχιστικός, ή, όν, connected with paring the nails, ή i. (sc. τέχνη) Sch.D.T.298.22. Χέξοξέω, e. όρμους make the joints exact in ashlar, Insa. Delos 500 A 44,46 (iii B.C.) ; cf. όξυώριος. Χέξορέγομαι, dub. sens., Wien.Anz. 1945.48 (Ephes., ii a.d.). έξορμέω, line 1, for ‘ out of. .sea' read ‘ lying off-shore' έξορμος n, add ‘, v. έξορρος (Suppl.)’ Χέξορρος, ον, ( όρρος ) sapless, dry, cj. in Arist.P T6g4a23, Thphr. HP 1. 1 1.3. Χέξόρυξις, εως, 17, excavation, ορούς FC//44.252. έξορύσσω ιι. 2, add ‘ ; so perh. in Hippon.ix.35 D.3’ έξος, for ‘Delph.’ read ‘Dor.’, before ‘iv b.c.)’ insert ‘Delphi,’, and after it add ‘, SFGg.ufT. (Gyrene, iv b.c.)’ έξοστείζω, for ‘prob. 1.’ read ‘cj.’ έξοστρακίζω, add ‘II. lit., knock out with a potsherd, όδοντας Sm .La. 3-i6·’ έξότε, add ‘, Didyma 496Λ3’ Χέξουδένημα, ατος, τό, = εξονθένημα, ε’. ανθρώπων Lxx Dfl.(Tlid.) 4.18. εξουσία ι. ι, add ‘; licence conferred on teachers of Jewish law, Ev.Marc. 1 .22’ εξουσιάζω i, transfer ‘, D.H.9.44’ after ‘LxxFc.8.4’ Χέξόψιος, ον, perh. epilh. of Zeus, όρος Upon Διάς εξοφ {sic, sc. έξοφίου ?) Hesperia 26.90, n.37. έξπελευστής, for the present article substitute ‘έξπελλευτής (έξπελευστής Cod. Just. 10. 19. 9.1), οΰ, 6, collector of taxes, κώμης Αφροδίτης PFlor. 291.6, cf. PLond. 1038 (both vi a.d.); of arrears, Cod.Just.l.c., Just.A/iw. 128.6.’ Χέξσκούσατον, τό, = Lat. excusatum, PAnt. 33-37 (3V A-D·)· εξυβρίζω ii, add ‘ ; of water, rise in flood, Lxx £2.47.5’ Χέξυδατισμος, ό, changing into water, Z0s.Alch.197.10. Χέξυτττιόω, = έξνπτιάζω, Pass, live luxuriously, Phot. s.v. πεταχ- νοΰνται, cf. Hsch. s.v. 7 τεταλοΰνται. έξω ι. 1 a, add ‘ ; of dislocated bones, backward, Ylp.Art.Q>4, Mochl. 16.’ Χέξώβολος, ον, consisting of six obols, Hsch. s.v. λεπτά? και παχείας : — neut., sum oj six obols, 0str.Strassb.6’j (i a.d., έξόβ-). έξωθεν ii b, for ‘X.^n.5.7.24’ read ‘~K.An. 5.7.21’ c, add ‘: abs., besides , Ath.Mitl. 51.13 (Cos), JHS15.1 12 (Lycia), etc.’ έξώλεια, add ‘II. abandoned or abominable conduct, Horap.2.65.’ έξωπυλΐται, for ‘FG'f/34 ii 21 (ii a.d.)’ read ‘apptly. connected with burial work, Trans. Am. Phil. Ass. Ji. 650 (Ostracon, iii a. d.), PGrenf. 2.72.4 (iii/iv a.d.), FGt/34 ii 21 (iv A.D.)’ Χέξώρροπος, ον, inclining outwards, Phlp. in APo. 439.7. εξωτικός, before “, η, όν ” insert ‘(έσω- Rev. Phil. 10(1936). 121)’ and after it ‘. — First in P\au\. Μεη.2φ, Most. 42, al.’ ; line 4, after ‘(Tasos)’ add ‘, Rev. Phil. l.c. (Perinthus)’ Χέξωψάκαι [.ii/Mnc.33.2io.i6 (Theangela, decree of Troezen, iii/ii B.c.):’ iv, delete the section. έπαιονάω, line 1, delete ‘(intr.)’ έπαίρω I. 4, add ‘; raise oneself in bed, prob. in Call. Fr. 19 1.43 Pf.’ 5, line 1, for ‘264’ read ‘265’ έπαιτιάομαι, last line but one, delete ‘to it’ Χέπαιχμάζω, assail, i.e. mate with, Opp.C.1.389. έπαιωρέω ii. 2, delete ‘c. gen., τών πολεμίων Plu.Fab .5:’ and after ‘Ph. 1.650’ add ‘; Plu.FaF5’ έπακμόζω, line 2, after ‘its height,' insert ‘Longin.13.4,’ έπακροάομαι, line 2, for ‘Hld.2.17’ read ‘Hld.2.16’ έπακτήρ, line 3, for ‘later,’ read ‘so Call. Jov.yj, but’ έπακτός I. 2, line 2, after ‘0.io(i l).8g’ insert ‘, cf. E./on 290, 592’; lines 6/7, delete ‘; ε. πατήρ. .Ion 592’ έπαλής, for ‘sun, sunny' read ‘fire, warm’ ; for ‘(nisi, .όλης)’ read ‘(or perh. crowded, cf. όλης)' έπάλλαξις 3, delete ‘; διαι τημάτων. .385 (pi.).’ έπαλλόσσω i, lines 5/6, for ‘ε’. άλματα . . the other’s steps’ read ‘ επαλλάττοντες άλματα criss-crossing their leaps’ έπαλληλία, line 4, for ‘679’ read ‘680’ έπαναβαίνω iii. 2, add ‘c. perh. reach the age of, Inscr. gr. et lat. de la Syrie 607, cf. εμβαίνω in Suppl.’ έπαναβάλλω iii, add ‘: — Pass., of deferred payment, /Gii(2). (Delos, iv b.c.)’ έπανάγκης, line 2, for ‘And.1.12’ read ‘And.3.12’ έπανάγω ill. 2, for ‘ε. τω σώματι . .health,' read ‘ευ ε. enjoy health or prosperity, τω σώματι’, and after ‘ Praef add * : abs., μετρίως, Ικανώς ε., PTeb.J^.6 (ii B.c.), LJPi.\82. έπηβολή, line 1, after ‘5.50,’ insert ‘SEGg.^^.ig (Boeotia, iii B.C.),’ έπήβολος I. I, line 3, after ‘Hdt.9.94’ insert ‘, cf. Call.Fr.384. 44 Pf.’ ; last line, after ‘10.20’ insert ‘ ; hitting the mark, effective, όρμή A.R.2.1280; μήτις Id.4. 1380’ 2, last line, delete πάντεσσιν. .4.1380’ ii, after ‘or won,’ insert ‘έ. άλεωρή A.R.1.694;’ έπηλυς ii, after ‘neut. sg.,’ add ‘έπηλυ πλήθος Heraclit.F/>.g.6 ;’ έπήλυσις, after ‘assault,’ insert ‘Call.Fr.331 Pf.,’ and at end add ‘; ποταμού (sc. the Nile) GZ.P1.124.1’ έπήλυτος, add ‘, Lxx Jb. 20.26’ χέπήμενοι, v. έφημαι III. έπηρεασμός, line 3, after ‘cf. 1382*2’ insert ‘, Men. -Dyic. 1 78’ επί B. 1. 1 c, line 2, after ‘(lyr.), etc.;’ add ‘δώρα δεχόμενου επί τοΐς τής πατ ρίδος συμφέρουσιν Din. 2. 26;’ III. 3, line 4, for ‘on condition that..' read 'on condition that, c. fut. indie.’, omit ‘in orat. obliq.,’ and line 5, after ‘7.154,’ insert ‘PI .Ap. 29c,’ 6, fin., delete ‘; ε. θυγατρί. .4.154’ add 8. in the presence of, επί τοΐς δικάζουσιν GD/5598 (Ephesus, vi b.c.).’ C. 1. 1, add ‘c. Arith., multiplied by, PMich. iii., al. ; τέσσαρες μονάδες επί η' γίνονται λβ' Papp. 26.10; έπόησα τάς ε επί τάς ά I multiplied, PMich. III. 1’ 5, line 8, for ‘1.50, cf. 62’ read ‘1.62, cf. 50’ 11. 1, add ‘b. έφ’ έτος, v. εφέτος II with Suppl.’ ill. 2, fin., delete ‘κρείσσων επ’ αρετήν Democr. 181 ;* Ε. I, add ‘; also, item, introducing an entry in accounts, επί- έδωκα κτλ. SEG 7.387, cf. 381, al. (Dura, iii a.d.)’ χΈπίασσα' Δήμητρας επώνυμου, Hsch. έπιβάθρα, add ‘4. ground under the feet, ον κρατεί τής έ. Ael. Aid 1 2. 1 5.’ έπίβαθρον I, line 3, for ‘Call.Fr.i 10’ read ‘ Et.Gen ., Suid., see Pfeiffer’s note on Call.Fr.278’ line 4, before ‘toll’ insert ‘ landing-fee ,’ and at end add ‘, cf. PCair.£en. 753. 34,36 (pi., iii b.c.)’ iii. 1, add ‘; dub. sens., τώπίβαθρον τώ θρόνω τό χρΰσιον Call. Fr. 196.23 Pf. (of Zeus’ statue at Olympia)’ επιβάλλω I. I, add ‘ : Med., cast lots for, καί επί κλήρους έβάλοντο Od.14.209’ 6, delete ‘ ; βλαστούς ib.3.5.1’ 111.2 a, line 4, delete ‘ take possession . . 14.209;’ iv. 1, for ‘Pass.. . put upon ’ read ‘Med ., place upon (sc. όϊστοΰς)’ 2, before ‘to be set over’ insert ‘Pass.,’ επιβαρύνω, add ‘, Hsch. s.v. έπεζάρηκεν ’ έπιβατήριος iii. 2, after ‘ disembarkation ,’ insert ‘IGRom. 4.1542 (Smyrna, ii a.d.),’ έπιβατός II, for “παίων” read “παιών” Έπιβήμιος, add ‘(fort. leg. Έπιδήμιος, v. έπιδήμιος in Suppl.)* επιβιβάζω, after ‘10.34’ ‘ : metaph., Aristid. 0.30(10). 23’ επιβλέπω I. 2, add ‘b. c. acc., of the gods, watch over, Call.Fr. 602.2 Pf., cf. έφοράω i.’ 11, delete the section, έπιβοάω i. 4, add ‘; Med., TAM2{f).8?,8eig (Lycia, ii a.d.)’ έπιβόητος I, for ‘Aeschrio 8’ read MP7.345’ χέπιβολαδοποιός, o, maker of * έπιβολάδες (perh. mantles or wrap¬ pers) or pf *έπιβολάδια (Dim . of έπιβόλαιον) , 7G22.i 1 175· έπιβολεύς, add ‘2. gen. pi., dub. sens., 7G42(i).i 10^40 (build¬ ing accounts, iv/iii b.c.).’ επιβολή i, add ‘6. landfall, Peripl.M.Rubr .55.’ 11. 3 b, add ‘; extra payment, Abh.Berl.Akad. 1952(1). 12’ χέπιβρίζω, = έπιβρίθω, Nonn.D.20.347, al. έπιβρύκω, at end, after ‘Herod.6.13’ add ‘, cf. έπιβρνκων (corr. from -χ-) Hippon.ix.15 D.3’ έπιγάμβρευσις, add ‘ ; gloss on κηδεία, Exc.Barocc.324’ έπιγαμέω, line 2, after ‘Ο.589’ insert ‘(interp.)’ add ‘Π. Med., of the woman, marry as a second husband, c. dat., Sch.Pl. Mx. 235e.’ έπιγδουπεω, add ‘; c. dat., κΰμβαχος. . έπεγδούπησε κονίη crashed head over heels to the dust, ib.36.218’ επίγειος, line 2, before ‘opp.’ insert ‘ΰδατα έ. on the surface of the ground, Thphr.CP2.5.i ;’ επιγλωσσάομαι, for the present article substitute after ‘Att. — ττάομαι, utter forebodings, μηδ’ επιγλωσσώ κακά A. C/i. 1 045, cf. Hsch. s.v. επιγλωσσώ; ούκ έπιγλωττήσομαι τοιοΰτον ούδέν Ar. Lys.g^ j c. gen., against, ταΰτ’ έπιγλωσσά Δ ιός A.Pr.928.’ έπιγογγύζω, add ‘ ; gloss on έπιμύζω, Sch.Gen.il. 8. 457.’ έπιγονή, line 4, after “θρεμμάτων” add ‘Androt.41,’ I. 2, add ‘b. πυράς έπιγονάς fruits, boons resulting from fire, Anon.ap. Suid. s.v. Άρίσταρχος Τεγεάτης.’ επίγονος II. 2 c, fin., delete ‘ ; τώ Επιγόνου . . (Cnidus)’ επιγραμματοποιός, add ‘ ; of Posidippus, IGgz(i). 17A24 (iii b.c.)’ χέπίγράφος, ov, inscribed, BC//54. 101 (Delos, ii b.c.). επιγυμνάζω, for ‘Pass.,, .abs.’ read ‘Med., take exercise, Hp. Insomn.88’ 58 €ττίγυο5 SUPPLEMENT έΐΓίλυτέον κέπίγΰος, ον, = νπόγυιος I, PEnteux :.Ι5·5 (ΐϋ B.C.). έπιδάκνω, delete ‘Med.,. .121 : — ’ and after ‘Pass.,’ insert ‘Nic. A/.i9,i2i έπιδαμιοργός, after ‘al.’ add ‘(—ουργός ZCZ/52.174 (i B.c.))* χέπιδεμνιάς, άδος, ή, wife, Parth. in PLit.Lond.6 4.3. επιδέρκομαι, add c. dat., AP 12.87.5 (Mel., tm.)’ έπιδετόν, add ‘, Hum. 5 (pi·)’ έπιδεύομαι II, fin., after ‘A.R.2.1220’ add ‘(codd.)’ έπιδημέω in, line 8, after ‘VS 1.22.4’ add ‘, cf. ZC//52.172 (Delphi)’ έπιδήμιος, add ‘5. epith. of Zeus, Ath.Mitt. 19.372^0.4 (Bithynia, ii a.d.) .’ χέπιδίδημι, bind, Hsch. S.V. λαμπάδιον. έπιδίδωμι I. i a, add ‘ ; add, κεφαλήν τω λόγω Gal. 7.663.’ 2 a, add ‘, Men.DjvJc.738’ χέπιδιετές ήβήσαι, written by some editors for ε’πί δι ετές ηβ·, e.g. Hyp. Dr. 1 92 ; cf. διετής I. έπιδιμερής, after ‘if’ add ‘ times’ έπιδίομαι, add ‘, cf. A. £«.357 (lyr., tm.)’ έπιδίφριος ii, after ‘2.’ insert ‘of the wholly idle, Arethas ad D. Chr.7. 1 10, p.105 Sonny. 3.’ χ4πιδοκεύω, watch, c. acc., Arat.987 (tm.). 2. expect, c. acc., Id. 1018 (tm.). επίδομα, add ‘, SZG1.276.14 (Macedonia, ii a.d.) (pi.)’ επιδρομή I. 2, add ‘; εξ e. Ptol.Tcfr.55.’ επιεικής hi. i, line 2, after ‘Hdt.2.92;’ insert ‘e. πάλαι PI .Tht. 142a;’; line 4, after ‘Hell.Oxy. 13.5;’ insert 'ε. έντιμον D.56. . 9;’ , Χέπιενεχυρέω, Med. pf. επιενεχόρειμαι (fort. leg. επιηνεχνρημαι) receive as additional pledge, PMich . 7«c . 3 1 63 . 56 (iii a.d.) in Trans. Am.Phil.Ass.Q2.2^g. έπιεννυμι, line 9, after ‘II. 14.350;’ insert ‘γάν επιέμμενοι, i.e. buried, Ale. 129.17 L.-P. ;’ χέπιζαής, = ζαής, prob. in Gr. Roman- Papyri 8.28 Zimm. χέπιζάμενής, ές, with fierce fury, neut. as Adv., έπιζαμενές κοτέουσα Nic.TA.i8i ; cf. ε’πι ζάφελος. έπιζαρεω, for ‘= έπιβαρέω’ read ‘fall heavily upon ’ and add at end ‘ : pf. επεζάρηκεν Hsch.’ έπιζέω, line 2, for ‘StobM/^.p.g G.’ read ‘Stob.1.31.8’ έπιξητέω, add ‘5. examine medically, τινά Ptol. Tetr.g.’ χέπιζήτητος, ον, regretted, /G14.2072 (Rome), επίηρα i, line 4, delete ‘Antim.87;’ end of article, after “ήρα” insert ‘(B)’ έπιθέατρον, after ‘ theatre ’ insert ‘or perh. seats above the διάζωμα’ έπιθέτης ii, for ‘/G3. 1280α’ read TG22.2^6iAiy, Ath.Mitt. 1941.198 (Tiryns, vi b.c.)’ επίθετο s i, add ‘4. Rhet., adventitious, artificial, κόσμοι D.H .Dem. I ; φράσις ib.4.’ έπιθλίβω, after ‘tread,’ insert ‘Σκορπίον Arat.84,’ and after ‘Nonn.D.7.91 ;’ insert ‘crush, of a gravestone pressing on the dead, JZ7.655 (Leon.) ;’ επιθολόω, before ‘, Max.Tyr.’ add ‘ ; bring muddy confusion to’ έπίθυμα, after ‘victim,’ insert ‘Άρχ.'Εφ. 1956.37.55 (Tanagra, i B.C.),’ χέπιθυμαίνω, = έπιθυμέω, aor. part, έπιθυ μήνας v.l. in Theoc. 14-33- έπιθύμιος, add ‘2. νυ\ν δε μοι ον re. . [ε’στ’] ε’πι θόμιον ούτε. . C. inf., it is not in my desires, I bye. I (a).i 1 P. (cf. καταθνμιος n).’ επιθυμόδειπνος , before ‘Plu.’ add ‘Gabba the jester in’ χέπιθυσία, ή, = ε’πί θυσις, rest, in IGi2(i) .']Θ>2Α2%. έπιθώϊος, for ‘under penalty of a fine ’ read ‘ with power to inflict penalties’ έπικαίριος I. 2, after ‘Occ.15.11’ add ‘, ΛΖ7.477 (Tymn.) (s.v.l.)’ επικαίω i, add ‘2. metaph. in Pass., burn with passion for, τινί Ath.i.23d; ε’πί τινι Sch.Ar.Zvj.22i.’ Ii. I, line 2, after ‘Pl.£/>.34od’ add ‘, cf. Men.ZlvJc.754’ χέπικάλυψις, εως, ή, covering over, Plu.2.266e. έπικαταλαμβάνω i a, line 3, after ‘(Epid.)’ add ‘: metaph. of misfortunes. Sell. E.PIipp. 732’ χέπικατατομή, ή, carrying of mine-workings beyond one’s boundaries, Hesperia 19.219,247,250. χέπικατασκευή, ή, restoration, τοΰ θεάτρου T ΑΜ2.\2θ (Patara). έπικατέχω, add ‘ : — Pass., of land, to be subject to a further claim, PMich. Teb. r.i2ir2 ii 9 (i a.d.)’ χέπικατήφθη, gloss on ε’πί. ,έάφθη, Sch.Gen.il. 13-543 5 ν· ίάφθη. For “έπικατορύσσομαι,” read ‘έπικατορύσσω, bury, in magical sense, Berl.Sitzb. 1934.1030 (Tab. Defix.) : — ’ επίκειμαι ii. 2, after ‘Pldt.5.104’ add ‘, cf. Emp.113’ έπικείρω, after ‘Il.1G.394’ add S cf- A.Pcrj.921 (anap.)’ επικερδαίνω, add ‘, cf. Id..4«i.93’ χέπικεφαλίς, ίδος, ή, perh. bearing or axle-box, Poliorc.220.22. χέπικέφαλος, ον, per head, e. οβολός BCHjo,. 1 77. έπίκηρος I a, line 4, delete ‘ βίος Call.Zp.59 ;’ 2, after ‘ hazardous ,' insert ‘ βίος Call. £/£, prob. ready for shearing, PCair. Zen. 7 7 1.6 (iii b.c.). έπικραίνω, add ‘2. ordain, c. inf., A.Supp.13 (anap.) ; c. acc., Id. Eu. 950 (anap.) ; Med., c. acc., ib.969 (anap.) ; Pass., ib.347 χεπικράνιον, το, = επίκρανον I, Lindos 11.487.7 (hi A.D., pi.). χεπικράνιος [a], ov, on the skull, στεφάνωμα Hsch. s.v. κράδεμνον. χέπικραστίζω, pasture horses, ZTcP.724.2 (ii B.C.). επικρατής, for ‘ master of a thing:’ read ‘ having the mastery, Sch. Ε.ΖΛ.1058: in classical writers’ fin., after ‘Sc. 321,’ insert ‘Stesich.40.24 P.,’ επικρατητικός, delete the article, ίπικρατύνω, add ‘II. aggravate, νοΰσον Wp.Morb .4.49.’ έπίκρημνος, add ‘; as personal name, Sardis 7(1). 76’ χεπίκριος, ov, on a roost, prob. in Nic. Th. 198. επικρούω I. add ‘2. Med., metaph., = νουθετεω, Ar.Zr.448.’ χεπικϋμισμός, ό, Stoic name for the construction exemplified in γυναίκα θησατο μαζόν, Sch.T II. 24. 58 (s.v.l.). χέπικύρημα [ΰ], ατος, τό, gloss on κάρμα, Sch. Gen. II. 17. 151. Χέπικώκΰτος, ov, bewailed, Epigr. in AEM 6.6 (Callatis). Χέπικωμαΐος, ό, epith. of Apollo at Thurii, Thphr.Zr.97.3. έπίκωμος, add ‘II. = ε’πί δήμος, Call.Zr.384.49 Pf.’ επιλαμβάνω ii. I a, after ‘Th.2.51 ;’ add ‘of sleep, Hp.Ep.5. 28;’ b, line 3, after ‘Epin. 974a:’ add ‘abs., ως νύξ έπέλαβεν Memn.40.2 :’ iii. i, add ‘b. of taking hold ot a person to help him, LxxSi.4.11, Ep.Heb. 2.16, Sch.A.Zm. 742 codd. ; cf. άντιλαμβάνω II. 2.’ επιλέγω iii. 1, line 2, after “ταΰτα” insert ‘B.5.136 S.,’ fin., after ‘anap.’ add ‘, s.v.l.’ έπίλειμμα, for ‘αίθέρος. .πιλήματα)’ read ‘remnant, prob. in POxy. 1765.16 (iii A.d.) (pi., —λύμματα Pap.). b. ε’πι- λείμματα (v.l. -λημμ-) is f.l. for πιλήματα in Sch.Arat.786.’ επιλεκτάρχης, for ‘commander . .band’ read ‘title of certain Aetolian officers’ επίλεκτης, add ‘II. dub. sens., ίλαρχος επιλέκτας /G4.487.2 (Nemea, iii b.c.).’ επίλεκτος 2, add ‘d. ε. κριτής = selectus index, IGRom.3. 778.9 (Attalea).’ έπιλήθω ii, for ‘or more commonly’ read ‘Poet.’ and after “έπιλήθομαι” add ‘(Hdt. and Ar. have both forms)’ επιλήνιος I. delete ‘επιλήνια. .C.i. 127 5* II. 1, add ‘b. = τριπτήρ ii. I, and/or νπολήνιον, Opp.G.1.127, Suid. s.v. τριπτήρ.’ χέπιλΐμένιος, a, ov, by the harbour, title of Hera, ZC/Z53.345 (Thasos). χέπιλινεύω, = έπιλινάω, Hsch. s.v. λινοπτάζει. ίπιλλίζω 2, for ‘blink’ read ‘dub. sens., perh. stare’ χέπιλλύζω, v. έπιλνζω. έπιλογιστέον, for ‘reckon,’ read ‘consider, Epicur.Z/».i p.25 U. ;* and delete this reference at end. επίλογος I, add ‘ ; prob. also Aeol., cf. κα]τ’ επίλλογ\ον Ale. 204. 2 L.-P. (κατ’ έπιλογισμόν Sch.)’ χέπιλοιπογράφέω, = λοιπογραφέω, PTeb. 718. 9 (ii B.C.) (dub.). χέπιλύμματα, τά, prob. f.l. for έπιλείμματα, POxy. 1765.16 (iii a.d.), v. επίλειμμα in Suppl. έπίλυσις, add ‘6. dub. sens., άλφος καλείται ή ε. ή καλούμενη μελανία ή περ'ι τάς παρειάς γινόμενη εκ τοΰ ήλιακοΰ καυσώνος LxxSch.Zc.13-39 (fort· leg. έπίχυσις).’ χίπιλΰτεον, one must solve the question, i. οΰτως Sch. Pi. 0.6. 23. 59 SUPPLEMENT επιμάζιος έττίσταμαι έπιμάζιος, add ‘, Νοηη. 7X3.380, Tryph.345> Poll. 2.8’ έπιμαίομαι ι, fin., after ‘Timo 5.7 add ‘c. acc., search for, Arat.89 έπίμαρτυς, line 2, after ‘3.1.48’ insert *, AP 12.129 (Arat.)’ έπιμείγνυμι II, line 3, for ‘5-33’ read ‘5.34’ For “έπιμελαίνομαι,” read ‘έπιμελαίνω, blacken on the surface, Arist.ap.Stob.1.29.1 Med.,’ έπιμέλας, add ‘2. e. (sc. λίθος) , 6, t.t. for a white gemstone that has blackened, P\in. HNg"]. 161.’ επιμέλεια, line 13, for ‘6.154’ read ‘5.154’; line 15, after ‘7.14;’ insert ‘εν ε. γίγνεσθαι τίνος Men.Zfvic.228 χέπιμελετής, ον, ό, = επιμελητής, εΐλης BCII^8.^n (Temeno- thyrae) ; pi., Schwyzer 491.15 (Thespiae, ii b.c. ?). επιμελής I, add ‘3. Adv. — λώς χλωροί remarkably sallow, Str.14.2. 3 codd.’ έπιμελητεύω, add ‘; της πόλεως IG21. 1 103.14 (ii A.D.), 3546. 17 (Eleusis, i/ii a.d.), etc.’ έπιμελήτρια, after “επιμελητής,” insert ‘PMasp. 97(D) 35 (vi A. D.),’ f *0 Q χ έπιμερής, for 1 + etc.’ read'— - ’ x x x + 1 έπίμερος, add ‘(prob. = εφίμερος, q.v. in Suppl.)’ έπιμηθής, for ‘ thoughtful ’ read ‘ thinking after one acts, precipitate ’ and for ‘ carefully ’ read ‘on second thoughts’ *Ζπιμηκάζω, bleat, Eust. 176 1.26. χέπιμηλίδιος [ϊδ], η, protectress of sheep, epith. of Artemis, Clara Rhodos 6/7.387 (Camirus, iii/ii b.c.). έπιμηνίη, for ‘= επιμηνιεία, ib.’ read ‘magisterial college of the επιμηνιοι, cf. JHS82.4 ; SJG ’ έπιμήνιος ii. 2 b, for ‘31. 12. 13’ read ‘31.20.13’ έπιμηχανάομαι ii, add ‘; devise for themselves, δόμους Opp.H. l·322’ χέπίμισθος, ον, paid, ή πρώτη σύνοδος ονκ έ. συνηχθη F. Κ. Dorner Der Erlass des Statlhallers von Asia Paullus Fabius Persicus 21 (Ephesus, i a.d.). *4πιμνήμων, ονος, 6, official at Alabanda, BCH 10.312,313. έπιμύω ii, add ‘ ; also of ranks, PBerol. 6926B1 1.98.’ έπίμωμος, after ‘ blameworthy ,’ insert ‘Ptol. 77/r.i63,’ χέπίναιον, τό, = έπίνειον, Inscr .Cret.^Aif. χέπίνακτον' τον επιδιδόμενου έξω(θε} ναύτην, Hsch. (cod. έπίνακ- τιν). έπινέμω II. ι, add ‘c. graze the flock a second lime, Longus 1.8; cf. επιβδάλλω.’ επίνικος, add rest, in Διηγήσεις viii.2i ( επει/κος Pap.)’ χέπινοστέω, return, τή πατρίδι Sch.Pi.O.7.36 (v.l.). έπινυκτίδιος, add ‘, cj. in Call.(?) Fr. 775 Pf.’ έπινωμάω i, for ‘bring, .τινί’ read ‘visit, c. dat.,’ and before “σώματα” insert ‘c. acc.,’ επινώς, substitute ‘v.l. for επιμανώς, Luc.FZ72.25, cf· Sch. ad loc. ; hence prob. e’. = λίαν, Suid.’ έπινωτίζω, for ‘attack from behind ’ read ‘pull over the back ’ ; for ‘(lyr.);’ read ‘(lyr.). 2.’ έπίξενος 2, after ‘stranger,’ insert ‘££4251.3 (i a.d.),’ χέπιροικίζω, build on the land, BCH60.182 (Thespiae, iii b.c.); cf. εποικίζω. χέπι/τοικοδομέω, build on the land, BCII80.182 (Thespiae, iii B. C.) ; cf. έποικοδομέω. έπιόσσομαι, add ‘2. abs., keep watch, GVIl 1 78 (Rhod. Peraea, ii B.c. ?).’ χέπιπαλλακεύομαι, take concubines, Sch.E.A/tZr.2 16. χέπιπαρωθέω, thrust aside, deflect, PM1ch.u1.14g χϋ 26,37 (Pass., ii A. D.). επίπας, after ‘AP’ insert ‘7.490 (Anvt. , v.l.),’ ; delete ‘(Strat.)’; at end add ‘ ; χείλιοι εις επίπαν a thousand in all, Xenoph.3.4’ χέπιπασσαλεύω, peg upon, nail upon, A.Fr.17. 19 M. χέπιπατρίδιον, τό, patronymic, τα ονόματα κή τα ε., Άρχ. Δελτ. Ι93ι_2 (14) ΡΙ-ϊϋ 4 (Thespiae, iii B.C.) ; cf. έπιπατρόφιον. επίπεδος i, add ‘2. τα ε. (sc. γης) the surface of the earth, opp. τα ς γάς υπένερθε, PI. 77;/. 173c.’ έπιπεμπτος ii, substitute ‘επίπεμπτον, τό, one-fifth of the votes in a trial, Ar.Fr.201, cf. Eup.65. 2. a fifth in addition, LxxZe.5.16; τό ε’., a fifth as fine, /C7.3073.1 (Lebadea, ii B. C.).’ επιπέμπω ii, after ‘2.’ insert ‘send as επίπλοος (a) m a (Suppl.) : Pass., ε. ΰπό του τρηράρχου GZX/4335 (Rhodes, ii b.c.). 3.’ έπιπεντεκαιδέκατος, add ‘b. έ., τό, in addition, PLille 29. 1 .8 (iii B.c.).* έπιπήγνυμι ii, insert at beginning ‘plant, raise on top, σήμα τόμβω ΜΛΜΑ ι .370 (Phrygia) : — ’ επιπλεκω, add ‘III. prob. swindle, τννά PEnteux. 48.7,10 (iii B.c.).’ χέπιπλευστής, οΰ, o', perh. = επίπλοος (a) ill b (Suppl.), Pland. 8 150 ii 6. επιπλέω ill, add ‘b. to be an επίπλοος (a) iii a (Suppl.), Plb.16. 5.1 (Rhodian ship).’ επίπλοος (A) omit I. 3, and add ‘III. επίπλοος, 6, gloss on δίοπος, Harp. a. officer in charge of a ship, appointed by a triei arch to command in his stead, Clara Rhodos 8.228 (i B.C.), Arr.ap.Suid. s.v. ; cf. επαποστέλλω, επιπέμπω, and επιπλέω (all in Suppl). b. agent of the state in charge of a cargo of corn, in Egypt, POxy. 276.3 (i a.d.), PLond. 2. 301. 10 (ii A.D.), PGrenf. 2.46.7 (ii A.D.) ; cf. έπιπλέω III fin.’ ίπιπνέω i. 1, line 4, after ‘Od.4.357’ add ‘; c. acc., Call, l.c.’ 11. 3, delete ‘c. acc.. .3.121 iii, before ‘Pass.’ insert ‘c. acc., inspire, Call.Fr.260.50 Pf., A.R.3.937, Nonn.ZX3· 121 :’ χέπιπολιορκέω, besiege in addition, Arr.Fr.io J. χέπιπολυπραγμονέω, inquire further into, c. acc., Ptol.7VZr.i20. επιπομπός, add ΤΙ. έπίπομπος, άποτεισάτω . . τριάκοντα μνας.. και ε. έστω, dub. sens., ZGgHO-^S.i 1 (Calydon, iv/iii b.c.).’ έπιπορπίς, for “νυμφαν” read ‘cj. in’ έπιπρεπής, add ‘ ; Adv. — έως, Epigr. in Lindos 11.177 (ii b.c.)’ έπιπρίω, add ‘ ; cf. έπιπρίσησ ιν (~βρι— codd.) όδόντας Call. Fr. 332 Pf.’ επιπρό, for ‘right through, onwards ’ read ‘ presently ’ έπιπροσθετέω 2, delete the section. έπιπροσθέω, line 6, for ‘ stands . .view of' read 'the centre is in line with the extremes’ line 10, for ‘32. T read ‘32.2’ έπιπροστίθημι, add Pass, aor., Wp. Alim. 4 έπίπταισμα, for ‘ snap of the fingers’ read ‘blow or bruise on the toes’ and at end add ‘, cf. έπίπαιμα’ χέπιπτερύσσομαι, aor. έπεπτερύχθην , fly in pursuit of a ship, Cyran. 86. έπίπτησις, add ‘ ; ΰπνου Afric.Gei/.p.38 V.’ επιπτύσσω, line 3, for ‘ : abs. . .folds’ read ‘ ; corrugate' επιπυργιδία, add ‘ : also masc., ήρωι έπιπυργιδίω Wien. Sit zb. 220(5). 136 (Athens, iv b.c.).’ επιπώλησις, after TI.4,’ insert ‘and by one cod. to the middle section (85-152) of Theoc.25; also’ έπίρραμμα, after ‘Gloss. ;’ add ‘έπίραμμα Inscr.Dilos 1409 Ba ii 1 18 (ii b.c.) ;’ έπιρράπτω 2, add ‘, Hsch. s.v. κάθαπτος’ Χέπιρραχΐτις, ιδος, fern. Adj. spinal, άρτηρίαι Hippiatr.gg.^. έπιρρέω, line 10; for ‘Tht.iyje’ read ‘77;/. 177c’ έπιρρήγνυμι, after T030 (lyr.);’ insert ‘ίνα και σοι έπιρρήξαιμι χ[ιτώνα Call, in P0xy.2^jj''^, cf. Id.Fr.350 Pf. ;’ at end add ‘ ; metaph., επιρραγέντος νετοΰ Ael.jV.d7. 8’ επίρρημα ii, add ‘2. ε. σχετλιαστικόν interjection expressing distress, D.T.642.2, A.D.Fron.34.30, Adr.127.19, Sch.Ar.7Vi/.i ; [e.] θαυμαστικά D.T.642.7; έ. θρηνικόν Sch.Lyc.31.’ Ill, for ‘ surname , nickname’ read ‘dub. lect. et sens.’ έπιρριπίζω, for ‘dub. sens, in’ read ‘c. dat ,,fan something upon someone,’ έπίρριψις, add ‘2. imposition, τελών ZTT442/3.8 (Mylasa, -ρειφιν).' επίρροια, line 3, after ‘5.25’ insert ‘ ; ύόάτων aqueduct, Luc. Phal. 1.3’ επιρροψέω, line 4, delete ‘Archig.ap.’ έπίρρυσις i, add ‘2. in irrigation, water-intake, connecting channel, £770.703.31,37 (iii b.c.).’ ) επίσειστος, add ‘3. σειστά έζ άμφοτέρων τώμ μερών επίσειστα ear-rings to be worn pendant on both sides, Inscr.Dilos 461 £«5 (ii b.c.).’ έπισημειόομαι, add ‘Π. indicate, c. acc. and inf., Memn.60.3.’ χ4πισιλλαίνω, ridicule, Sch.Pi.jV.4.60. έπισκαλμίς, add ‘, Agath.5.22 (ap.Suid.)’ χέπίσκεμμα, ατος, τό, dub. sens., Kerameikos 111.8.8 (v b.c.). χέπισκεπτίτης, ου, ό, dub. sens., MAMAq.igo. έπισκέπω, for ‘Med.’ read ‘Pass.* επισκευή n, add ‘2. sg., furniture, Memn.4.6.’ έπισκευόω, delete ‘, ’ Εφ.Άρχ .. .(Crete)’ έπισκιρρόομαι, add ‘(v.l.)’ έπισκοπεύω, add ‘b. serve as επίσκοπος in the supervision of building operations, Syria 29.317 (Arabia, iii a.d.).’ χέπισκόπιον, τό, office of the επίσκοπος, PSI 1 3 10.26 (ii B.C.). επίσκοπος (A) 3, line 2, delete ‘ municipal ’ έπίσκοτος, add ‘, cj. in J.A719.1.14’ έπίσκυρος i, delete ‘(= έπίκοινος iii)’ and at end add also Adj., ή έ. (sc. παιδιά) Poll.9.104’ ii, before ‘ governor ’ insert “ό, ή,”, for ‘Fr. 23 T read ‘Fr.anon. 135’ and at end add ‘[ϋ Fr.anon., see €£73.102]’ χέπισμικρυνω, belittle. Corn. £Λ. p.378 H. έπίσπαστρον I. 2, add ‘, cf. Inscr.Dilos 1417^610’ έπισπάω, line 2, after ‘710’ add ‘, Tim.Pers. 156’ έπισπέρχω ii. i, for ‘ rage furiously ’ read ‘hasten on’ έπισπουδάξω I, delete ‘further,’ and before ‘, Pr.' insert of wealth, pursue zealously ’ επισσαι, add ‘; sg., έπισσα, Call.(?) Fr. 735 Pf.’ επίσταθμος II, for ‘quartermaster.. b.’ read ‘ governor appointed over a city or state, satrap, Isoc.4.120; έ. Καρίας ib.162, cf. AB 253» /ΕΜ^64.β6; dub. sens., Plu.2.6i2c: metaph., φυχήν έ. σωμάτων Aristid.Qiiint.2.2. III.’ 2, delete the section. έπίσταμαι II. I, line 8, after ‘Grg. 484b’ add ' ; c. gen., οΰπω. . νείκεος ήπίσταντο Arat. 108’ 60 έττιστάσιος SUPPLEMENT έττουλοός έπιστάσιος, after ‘Rom Λ 8’ add fem. έπιστασίη, epith. of Aphrodite, Thasos 1.234.24 (iv b.g.)’ έπιστάτις, init., insert ‘(parox.)’ επιστεγάζω, add ‘; PMerton 11.76.32 (ii a.d.)’ χέπίστεγος, ov, roofed , οικήματα SEGh\. 683(11)27, al. (Rhod. Peraea, ca. 200 b.c.). έπιστένω i , add ‘ ; έιτέστενε S’ ala νίκυσσι groaned with, Q.S.8.88’ χ€ττιστ€ργω, = στέργω, Epigr. in IGRom. 3.1444.8 (Cappadocia, ii a.d.). χέπιστήκων, o, prob. superintendent, PMich.8. 51 5.2 (iii a.d.), επιστήμη I, add ‘3. military discipline, Zos. 1.7, 2.32,33.’ 11, line 3, for “πλε'ως” read “πλε'ων” έπίστιος II, for ‘= άνίσωμα ’ read ‘an equalizing portion of wine (cf. άνίσωμα)’ έπιστολιμαϊος, add ‘ ; e. φίλημα a kiss at a distance (kissing the place which the loved lips have touched), Ach.Tat.2.9’ χέπιστολογραφέω, to be a secretary, SB 7638.15 (iii B.c.). χέπιστολοφόρος, ό, = έπιστοληφόρος, i. προς Κλυταιμήστραν Weitzmann Illustrations in Roll and Codex p.20 (Megarian bowl, iii b.c.), cf. PMich. 217.21 (iii a.d.), PSI88 7.4 (vi a.d.). έπιστομίζω I, fin., after “έπεστομίσθη” add ‘(sc. Πώλος, with a play on his name)’ έπιστρεπτικός, add ‘II. capable of turning one from mental aberration, Horap.2.1 17.’ επιστρέφω I. I a, add ‘; of turning ships in the διέκπλους, Sosyl.l J.’ ii. 5, init., for ‘pf. part. Pass.’ read ‘pf. Pass. έπεστραμμαι to be vehement, Longin. 1 2.3 ;’ χέπισύμβάμα, ατος, τό, supervenient accident, Anon, in Cat. 48.3. χέπισυμβϊόω, live in second marriage with, SB 7333 (dub.). χέπισυναρμόζομαι, Med., of a woman, join in a second marriage, άνδρί PFam.Teb.13.56 (ii a.d.). χέπισυντϊμάομαι, make an additional valuation of, τούς τόπους PBremen 24.1 1 (ii a.d.). έπισυρίζω, add '; make a whistling sound, of pennons, An. Tact. 35;4’ επισύρω, add ΉΙ. v. σύρω 4.’ χέπισφάλερός, ά, όν, stumbling, prob. in Nic.2H.33. επισφραγίζω I. 2, after ‘Vett.Val.354. 19’ add *; έ. τη ίδια δυνάμει Vit. Aesop. ( G)gi’ 11. 2, line 3, delete ‘prob. cj. in’ χέπισφράγισμα [ρά], ατος, τό, appendix, postscript, Afric.Ckrt.p.48 V. (title of section). έπισφραγιστής, add ‘, Stud.Pal. 20.32.10 (iii a.d.)’ έπισχεδόν, add ‘II. = παρασχε δόν I. 2, A.R.3.947 (tm.) (unless επί goes with ήνεον).’ έπίσχω, line 2, for ‘[σελάννα]’ read ‘intr., reach or extend over (cf. επέχω v),’ line 3, for ‘Sapph..Sw/)p.25.9’ read ‘Sapph.96. 9 L.-P.’ in. 1, add ‘; επισχε μικρόν Men.Dyw.255 (dub.)’ χέπισωζω, continue to save, Είλειθυίη σωζούση έπι σωζουση ευχήν /G22-4793 (ii A-D·)· έπίσωτρον, add ‘and occurs in PMasp.2yg. 20 (vi a.d.).’ έπιτάδε, for ‘in Mss.’ read ‘written’ and add ‘II. c. gen., on the near side of, ποταμού Mon.Anc.Gr. 16.20, cf. ib.n (ε’πει-).’ επιτακτικός, fin., after ‘-κώς’ insert ‘Arist.F£i249bi4,’ έπιτάξ iii, for ‘Aet. 1.1.9’ read ‘Fr. 178.9 Pf.’ and delete ‘, dub. in Iamb. 1.239’ έπίτασις, add ‘7. development of the plot of a play, between πρότασις and καταστροφή, Donat, in CGFp.69 K.’ επιτείνω I. I, line 3, after ‘Id. 4. 201’ add ‘; βαρύν ζυγόν αύχένι Call.Fr.4Pf.’ 2 c, line 2, after ‘i3o8b4’ add ‘, cf. έπετάθη πάντων, .τιμή J.AJg. 14.2.286’ επιτελλω (A), after ‘(A)’ add ‘(έπϊτέλλω Od.23.361)’ έπιτέλλω ( B) for ‘Pass.’ read ‘Med.’; and in line 3 after ‘intr. in Act.,’ add ‘Il.Parv.12,’ ίπιτέμνω I, add ‘3. = τέμνω II. 2, ορκια έπιταμνέτω RS/I51 . l6l D 2 (Chios, vi b.c.).’ έπιτέρμιος, for ‘at the limits. .Id.’ read ‘at the end, final, ? κακόν] S’ όρ&τε τούπιτέρμιον γάμου A.Fr.273-5 M., cf. έπιτέρμιον έπι τού τέρματος, οίον έπι τού τέλους Hsch. ; title of Hermes, Id.’ έπιτέταρτος, for ‘4:3’ read ‘5:4’ έπιτετραέβδομος, for ‘one plus four-sevenths' read ‘ly times' έπιτετραμερής, for ‘one plus four -fifths' read ‘ 1 \ times’ επίτευγμα, line 2, delete ‘ ; ‘coup’ ’ επιτήδειος, after “a, ov” add ‘( ος , ov Th.5.1 12)’ έπιτηλίς, for ‘ή, horned poppy,’ read ‘fem. Adj. horned, μήκων* έπιτηρέω, line 2, after “καιρόν” insert ‘Men.D4w.291,’ έπιτίθημι A. iii. i, add ‘b. of adding statements, D.H.Doc.14, Is. 7 (Pass.) ; ε’. on ib.4.’ rv, line 6, after ‘49.42’ add ‘, Men.Dyw.308’ έπιτιμάω ii. 1, add abs., inflict punishment, Deer. ap.D. 18.74’ έπιτίμησις ii. 2, for ‘ heightening . .term’ read ‘ rejection of one term in favour of another (usually a stronger term)’ ίπιτίμιος, substitute ‘έπιτιμίας in IG 12(8). 528 is f.l. for Σεπτι μίας (BCH5 8.497).’ χέπιτΐμωρέω, avenge, πατρί Sch.E. Or. 775 : — Med., avenge oneself, Sch.E.AW.465. χέπιτίτλωσις, εως, ή, title of a criminal charge, Steph. in Rh. 286.1, V. επίγραμμα 4. χέπίτοπος, ov, on the spot, Plb.3.40.4. χέπιτράπεζίδιον, τό, perh. small tray or table-ornament, έ. άργυρο ϋν έχον στεφάνην laser. Delos 1 439662° (ii b.c.). χέπιτραπεζόω, Med., perh. provide extra food, Hesperia 28. 181 .9, cf. έπιτραπέζωμα in Suppl., έπιφόρημα. έπιτραπέζωμα, for ‘a dish set on table,’ read ‘= έπιφόρημα i, Ath. 14.641b, cf.’ deleting ‘cf.’ after ‘PI. Com. 74,’ έπιτρέχω ii. 2, add ‘b. pervade, of literary qualities, D.H. Dem, έπιτριμερής, for ‘1 + f’ read ‘1 J times’ ίπιτροπεύσιμος, for ‘ subject to wardship ’ read ‘ capable of acting as guardian in Roman law’ έπιτροπεω, add ‘II. govern, c. acc., βυθίην Κύπρον έπιτροπέων /G'22.3662.io (Eleusis, ii/iii a.d.); c. gen., έπιτροπ[έω]ν Θηβηΐδος &EG8.724 (Egyptian Thebes, ii a.d.), v. A. and E. Bernand laser. du Colosse de Mernnon, p.106, no. 36.’ ίπιτροπία, add ‘2. guardianship, POxy.2133.13 (iii a.d.), cf. έπιτροπή II.’ επιτροπικός II, add ‘, IGBulg. 514’ add ‘III. -ική, ή, power of attorney, PPhilad. 16.7,14 (ii a.d.) (s.v.l.).’ επιτυγχάνω iii. 1, fin., after ‘abs.,’ add ‘Com.Adesp.35y ;’ χέπιτΰρόομαι, Pass., turn cheesy, curdle, Nic.2H.3b4 (v.l. έπιθρομβ-). έπιφαιδρύνω, after ‘A. R.4.663’ add ‘(v.l. περί-)’ επιφανής ii. i, add ‘; ήμέραι Melanges Glotz 290.28 (Sup.; Delph., ii b.c.)’ ίπιφαύσκω, line 2, after ‘31.26’ insert ‘, Orph.//.50.9 (s.v.l.)’ έπιφημίζω ill. i, add ‘: Med. aor., έπεφημίξαντο Arat.442’ χέπιφλυκτίς, ίδος, ή, pimple or blister, Hsch. s.v. όλοφυκτίς (leg. όλοφλυκτίς) . έπιφορά i. i, add ‘; of land granted to soldiers, PHamb. 168.7,9 (iii b.c.)’ έπιφόρημα, add ‘II. additional fee, prov. Άβυδηνόν έ., of a petty nuisance, Ath. 14.641a.’ χέπιφΰτευτικός, ή, όν, i.e. held by the tenure of έμφύτευσις (q.v.). Dura6 429 (parchment). έπιφόω ii, last line but one, after ‘Pomp. 51’ add *, PMonac. 1.46 (vi a.d.)’ ίπίχαρμα, add ‘III. cause for joy, E.Phaeth.p.yi line 49 Arnim, cf. Hsch.’ έπίχειρον i, add ‘, 2 Ma. 15.33’ ii. 1, line 2, after ‘Ep. 18. 8 ;’ insert ‘ ευδοξίας έ. Pi. in POxy. 2441 Fr. i.ii 6 ;’ line 3, after ‘ironically in’ insert ‘Gyges Fr. in POxy. 2382.11.3, Call. > Fr. 260.59 Pf.,’ έπιχράω (B), line 1, after “έπέχραον” insert ‘(3 sg. έπέχρα Nic. Th.if)' ♦έπιχράω (C), delete asterisk. 1, for the present section substitute * lend , τάγματα ών έπέχρησε δυο Καίσαρι Plu .Pomp. 52; έπιχρήσ ας εαυτόν εις άπαλλοτρίωσιν C/G3281 (Smyrna).’ 11. 2, add ‘b. c. dat. rei, occupy oneself with, lamb. Protr. 20.’ Χέπιχρεμετίζω, neigh too, Q_.S-8.57. έπίχρισις, add ‘2. coating with paint, 7G4z(i).io9 i 130 (Epid., iii b.c.).’ χέπιχΰσίδιον, τό, Dim. of έπίχυσις ill, Inscr. Delos 140821132, 1443 /lii45 (ii b.c.). έπιχυτήρ, for ‘= έπίχυσις iii’ read ‘vessel for pouring oil into a lamp’ έπιχύτης, for ‘= -χυτήρ’ read ‘= έπίχυσις III’ Χέπιχώρημα, ατος, τό, dub. sens., PRyl. 2.222 intr. (ii a.d.). χέπιψελλώς, Adv. incoherently, γράφειν FDfi.763.14 (ii b.c.). χέπιψευδής, ές, — έπίορκος, prob. in II.4.235; cf έπιφεύδομαι IV. έπιφηφίζω I. i, line 2, before ‘D.22.q’ insert ‘Th.6.14,’ and in 2, delete ‘Th.6.14, etc.;’ Χέπιψήχω, dub. sens., βώλον έπιφήχων πυροφόροις βοτάναις Epigr. Gr. 321, v. Rev. Phil. 31. 19. χέπιόιβολος τόκος interest at i6|%, Inscr. Delos 442C61 (ii b.c.). έποίζω, delete the article. έποικία, for ‘but f.l.. .2.135’ read ‘v.l. for άποικία Pi. 0. 1.24 and prob. f.l. App.FC2.135’ χέποικιώτης, ου, o, inhabitant of έποίκια, PFlor. 180.7 (iii a.d.). έποικοδομεω, line 2, after ‘D.55.25’ add ‘, Mcn.Dyw.376 (cj.)’ έποικος i. 3, last line, for ‘Aet.Oxy. 2080.69’ read ‘Fr.43.67 Pf.’ έποιμώζω, add ‘ ; τέκνοις τοΐς τεθνηκόσιν Id.Fr.273.7 M. (s.v.l.)* έποκέλλω, add ‘3. metaph., Longin.3.4.’ χέπονειδίζω, insult, στίγματα μή γραφής έπονειδίζων θεράποντα Ps.- Phoc.225. έπονήμενοι, for the present article substitute after “έ.,” ‘έπονά- μενοι, dub. lect. et sens., Alc.5.9, 33(6)4, 119.17 L.-P.’ επονομάζω 3, line 2, after ‘so and so,’ insert ‘ κάπωνυμασσαν άντίαον Δία they entitled Zeus god of suppliants, Ale. 129.5 L.-P. ·’ έποξίζω, add ‘; Vit. Aesop. (G)63’ έπορχέομαι, add ‘ ; ε’. έαυτή dance in sell-satisfaction, Plu. 2. 336c’ χέπουλοός, όν, (όΛοός) neut. pi. as Adv., έπουλοά κωκύσαντες desperately, FC//26.441.3 (Eg)pt, ii b.c.); but επ’ ούλοά κωκ. should prob. be read (cf. έπικωκυω). 61 3* SUPPLEMENT CTTOUpOS »r / hpivus επουρος I, after ‘Tr.954 (lyr.)’ add *; on a favourable breeze (metaph.), v.l. in Id.07T94’ έποχέομαι, line i, after ‘Med.,’ insert ‘irreg. part, εποχήμενος or €7 τοχημενος Nonn.D.8.229, al. 3 a, line 2, after ‘lower,’ insert ‘(το αγαθόν εποχούμενον επί Tjj ονσιο. Numen.ap.Eus.7JF 1 1. 2 1 (Fr.n Leemans) ;’ εποχή hi, delete 3 and add to 2 a ‘ ; position or orbit of planets, Nicom.//arro.3 (pi.)* Χέπόχησις, εως, 17, = εποχή III. 2, Iamb.FPi5.65 (s.V.l.). , Χέπόχθων, ονος, d, = επιχθόνι os I, opp. νπόχθων, of a δαίμων, SEGj.213.6 (Tab.Defix. ; Beirut, ii/iii a.d.). Χέπόχιμος, OV, suspended, of payments, PTeb.3 (37-3 (ii/iii a.d.), cf. εποχή II. 2. επόψιος, line 1, for ‘Arat.258’ read ‘Arat.81,258’ εποψις, add ‘III. perh. facade, οικοδόμησαν τήν εποψιν θεώ Κρόνω M.Dunand Le Musie de Soue'ida (Paris 1 934) No. 1 98 (ii A.D.).’ επρεσε, for “πρήθω” read “πίμπρημι” έπταγράμματος, add ‘, PMag.Leid.V. 8.6’ Χέπταέτηρος, ον, = sq., Nonn.D.25.3. έπταέτης i, after ‘seven years old,’ insert ‘Λ?92(ι)·43ΐ.ι (Coronta (Acarnania), ii/i b.c.),’ Χέπτάέτις, i bos, fern. Adj. seven years old, QDAP 1 . 1 55 (Gaza, Ptolemaic) . Χέπτακελλάριον, το, dub. sens., PAnt. 11.93. 31 (3V a.d., —pov Pap.) Χέπτάκλαδος, ον, with seven branches or shoots, Ps.-Callisth.i3i.2. Χεπτάμετρον, τό, a measure, PFlor.338.t1 (i/ii a.d.). επταμήκης, delete the article. Χέπταμ(ηνία), ή, period of seven months, PTeb. 342.30 (ii a.d.). χέπτάξΰλος, ον, containing seven sticks, or seven ξύλα (v. ξύλον v) in length, δεσμαι Fheb.Ostr.144 (i a.d.). έπταπάλαστος, add ‘ ; but also in PPetr. 3-4iv5 (iii b.c.), Inscr. Delos 1442F66 (ii b.c.)’ Χέπτάστολος, ον, dub. sens., Ιεροφόρος ε., Άρχ.Έφ. 193 1 .174 (Samos) . Χέπτασφόνδΰλος, ον, with seven segments or joints, of the scorpion’s tail, Cyran.46; metaph., ε. μοι ρήματα ειπας Vit. Aesop. (G)3i . έπτάτονος, for ‘Scol.Oxy. 1361 Fr. 1.2’ read ‘Fr.2oB2 S. (of a βάρβιτος)’ Χέπταύχενος, ον, seven-necked (?), Dain Inscr. du Louvre 60.28 (Hera- clea ad Latmum). ctto) (A), line 2, after ‘II.6.321’ add αμφίς ε. = άμφιεπω, honour, Nic.Th.62j (v.l.)’ επωδή, line 5, after ‘cf.’ insert ‘Id.Fr.530.20 M.,’ Χέπωδύνιος, ον, = επώδυνος, GVI 1675.2 (Tomi, ii/iii a.d.). Χέπωζε, dub. sens., Ar.T?).266. έπφζω, after ‘Cratin.108’ add ‘(επωάζ- cod. Ath.)’ and for ‘cluck. .266’ read ‘metaph., of Niobe sitting at her children’s grave, tcVvJoij e. τοΐς τεθνηκόσιν A.Fr.273.7 M. (Hsch., but ε’ποιμωζουσα Pap.)’ επωλένιος, after ‘433,’ add ‘prob. ib.’ and after ‘510’ add ‘( ύπ - codd.)’ επωμάδιος, after ‘on the shoulders' insert ‘Arat.249 έπώμοτος I, after ‘Tr. 427;’ insert *- - δε]*- α λεβήτων επώμοτον ήμ[ην - -, dub. sens., Inscr.Cret.4B (vii/vi b.c.) ;’ επωνυμία, add ‘II. office of επώνυμος II. 2 c (Suppl.), τήν ε. των Σαραπιαστών, BCHpt .220 (Thasos, prob. ii b.c.).’ έπωνύμιον, after “to,” insert ‘title, Alc.(?)304 i 10 L.— P. επώνυμος ii. 2 a, add ‘ ; later, of a patron or benefactor, Hes- peria Suppl. 6, No. 24.1 (Athens, ii a.d.).’ add ‘c. official of Sarapiastae whose name appeared in their decrees, BCH31. 220,221 (Thasos, prob. ii b.c.).5 Χεπωστός, ov, capable of being pushed forward, Eratosth.ap.Eutoc. in Archim.41.p4 H. επωτίδες, add ‘II. sg. επωτίς, ίδος, ή, bandage for the ear, Gal. 12. 488 Cliarterius {σπωτίς).' εραμαι, lines 5/6, delete ‘, poet.. . 19’ Χέράριον, τό, = Lat. aerarium, the Roman fiscus, BMus. Inscr. 4(2). 1026 (Smyrna, ca. ii a.d.) ; also άράριον Robert La Cane 11. 177 (Iulia Gordos, iv a.d.); αίράριον, q.v. (Suppl.). Χέράσκομαι, = εράω, GVI280.2 (Thrace, iii A.D.). εράσμιος, after ‘Mem. 3.10.3’ add ‘, cf. Pl.T?.402d, al.’ εραστής 2, line 7, after ‘as fern.,’ insert ‘αΐ ποτ' ε. AP5- 159.’ add ‘3. = φεΰδος n. 2. Alex.Aphr.Pr.Anecd.2.58.' εραστός, line 3, for ‘[Simon.] 178.1’ read ‘^5.159.1 ([Simon.])’ Ιρατός, line 6, delete “παιδων” 2, delete the section. Χερατόφρων, ονος, 6, ή, friendly, rest, in Epigr. in Riv.Fil. 69.38 (Ostia, iii a.d.). Ιραυνητικόν, add ‘, but ερευνητικόν PCair.^en. 753·35>4°* ίράω (A), line 4, after “ερασθα i” add ‘Men.F/)i<.256,’ ; lines 5/6, for ‘also, .εραμαι)’ read ‘Med. εράται Plu.2.753b is suspect’ 1. 2, delete ‘without sexual reference,’ Χερβουλος, o, vetch (?), Edict. Diocl. 1.8a.. 2. an Italian wine, Ath. 1. 27c. εργάζομαι, line 6, after ‘iv b.c.)’ insert * ; also ήργάσετο Robert Hell. ix. 40, εΐργάσετο Ramsay Cities and Bishoprics 1.338,00. 186, both in sculptors’ signatures’ εργάνη, line 3, for 'APr.' read 'A.Pr.' εργασία ii. 5, line 2, delete ‘(non legit Sch.)’ εργάσιμος ii. 2, add ‘; energetic, of a person, Nic.Dam.Fr. 61 J·’ ίργαστήριον, I, add ‘ ; of a local θησαυρός with its branches, PTeb. 722.7 (ii b.c.), al.* εργαστής, after “-τής” insert ‘(Cret. ρεργαστάς JHS6 9.34 (vi/v b.c.))’; after ‘(Thyatira)’ add ‘, Pland. 8.150η 16 (iii A.D.)’ εργαστρα ii, after ‘/G22.839.85* insert ‘(but this may belong under 1)’ Χέργάστρια, ή, fern, of εργαστής, prob. in Sch.E.Afe2 Fr. 32 (Ιρίδια τριβ[)' Χέρίδρομος, ov, fast-running, Nonn.D. 23.28 (cod.), ερίζω, line 8, delete ‘ — Pass.,’ and ‘(in act. sense)’ line 16, after ‘c. inf.,’ insert ‘urge, Fhi.Comp.Per.Fab.j ; c. acc. et inf.,’ 1. 2, line 8, before ‘c. inf.’ add ‘c. gen. pers., ονδεις εδύνατο τούτου ερίζειν Wien.Stud.33-t 52 (near Iconium, prob. iii a.d.) :’ 11. 1, hne 3, for also in pf. Pass.,’ read ‘; abs., Id. 0. 1.95;’ 2, delete the section, έριθεύομαι II. I, before ‘cf.’ add 'μηδε ήρειθεΰσθαι επί κακοσχολίφ μηθεν Delph. 3(ι).3^2 i 3 1 i’ έριθευτός, add ‘ ; εινεκεν τοΰ λαβεΐν έριθευτονς (τούς) δι καστάς Delph. 3(1). 362 * 33’ έρίθεχνα, delete the article. εριθος, add ‘III. epithet of Artemis, 7G22.5005 (“Ερει- ; Athens, ii a.d.).’ ερίκτυπος, add ‘; of Zeus, Archil. 51. 56 D.3’ Χερΐνος (B), η, ov, woollen. Dura* 93 (iii a.d.) : cf. ερεινονς. Έρινύς, line 5, before Έ .Med? insert ‘ A.Th.joo (lyr.),’, after 62 ’Epivus SUPPLEMENT Ιτερομήκης *(anap.),’ insert ‘Choerob. in Theod. 1.331,’ and for ‘ib.’ read Έ .Med.' έριοκάρτης, after 'shearer,' insert 'PMich.Teb.12y iii 9, xvii 35 (i a.d.),’ ΐριόξυλον, before ‘ ; cf. t ρεόξ — insert ‘ ; τά έ., cotton garments, PMich.Inv. 1648. 11 (ii a.d.) in Τ^7Ρ65( 1944) .257’ έριούνιος, line 2, after ‘meaning,’ insert ‘perh. speedy (cf. οννει, οΰνιος, ovvov ) or thieving (cf. ούνης, owio?),’ έρίπνη, add ‘(used by oi νομευτικοί as well as by poets, Ael. ^ Λϋ 14.16)’ εριτττοίητος, for 'much..D.' read 'fiercely excited, in wild passion, Nonn.D.17.198/ Χέρίσκος or έρίσκος, 6, apptly. = νριχός, PMich.Teb. I2irn.ii 8 (i A.D.), Suid. s.V. κώθωνες; V. πλυτάριος in Suppl. Χέρισφαλής, ες, very unsteady, ίχνος Nonn.D.47.63. έρίτιμος, line 3, after ‘Ar.A7.1016’ add ‘(in a pretended oracle)’ ΧέρίφΑοισβος, ον, loud-roaring, Nonn._D.39.295. εριφος i, line i, for ‘ (ή . . Crete) ) ’ read ‘(ή, Inscr.Cret. 4.260 (ii/i b.c.))’, and in line 2 for ‘Alc.l.c.’ read ‘Ale. 71. 1 L.-P.’ add ‘2. cinaedus pilosus, AP 11.216.6 (Lucill.).’ έρκίτης, after ‘267c’ add ', An.Ox. 2.45.7’ έρμα ii, for ‘Ael.ACd 17.35’ read ‘Ael.ACd 17.25’ έρμαγέλη, for ‘ Hermae ’ read ‘ Hermeses ’ έρμάζω i, add ‘ : — Pass., Id._F7aci.26 (v.l. ήρμόσθαι)' ‘Ερμαϊκός I, add ‘ : - όν, τό, name of mine at Laurium, /C21. 1588.4,5 (iii B.C.)’ ερμαιον I, after ‘4.’ insert ‘= 'Ερμής I. 2, Str.17.1.50 (pi., s.v.l.). 5.’ ΧΈρμάνιος, ό, name of a month at Scarpheia, Delph. 3 (4). 159. 2. ερματιζω, add ‘III. load up, τοΐς την άμαξαν έρματίσασιν και άπαγαγοΰσιν Inscr.Dilos 372Λ101 (200 B.c.).’ έρμη, after ‘Hsch.’ add ', cf. Didyma 486.26.’ ερμηνεία, add ‘II. office of έρμηνεύς in an Egyptian sanctuary, PLund Univ.Bibl.g.g.y (ii a.d., -via Pap.).’ Έρμης, line 6, for ‘later’ read ‘also’, and before ‘Call.’ insert ‘Hes. 0/7.68, h.Pan. 28,* 1. 3, fin., delete ‘: hence,.. 37-19’ έρμίν, before ‘Herod.’ insert ‘Hippon.iv.8 D.3 (with pun on 'Ερμής; cf. FM376.40)/ Χέρμόλυχνον, τό, lighting of lamps before herms in honour of the dead, cj. in /G22.I368.I5I (τό θ' έρμ. for τό θερμόλυχνον ) : see Jahresh. 24.168. ερνος ii. I, line 3, delete "Ηρακλεος. .2.121 ;* Χέρογλέφαρος, ον, with eyes that shed love, χάριτες Alcm.i.i.2i P. έρόεις, line 2, after ‘(lyr.)/ insert ‘ μορφά Ibyc.i (α)·44 P. ; 7 τηκτίς Anacr.28.2 P. ;’ Χρεροΐα, τά, dub. sens., καλά ρεροΐ' αϊσομεναν Corinn.2 Fr.i(b).2 P. : as tide of book of her poems, prob. in Ant. Lib. 25 (written γερ~). ερος (A), line 4, after ‘Thgn.1064;’ add ‘εις ερον ήλθε Sapph. , I5WI2L.-P.;’ χέρπετοφάγος [ά], ον, eater of animals, prob. as epith. of Hecate in Hesperia 6.390 (Tab.Defix., Athens), έρπετώδης, add ‘; Corp.Herm. 10.7’ έρττηστήρ, and έρττηστής, for the present articles read ‘έρτιηστ-ήρ and — ής, ff.ll. for έρπυστ— (qq.v. in Suppl.).’ έρττυστήρ, for the present article read ‘4., ήρος, ό, creeping thing, whether insect, small mammal, reptile or mollusc, Androm. ap.Gal.14.37, Opp.if.1.305, al.; as Adj., όφεις e. Id.C.3.41 1, Orph.A.49. (Freq. έρπηστ— in codd., but wrongly,)’ έριτυστής, for the present article read ‘4., ου, ό, = έρπυστήρ (q.v. in Suppl.), Nic.F/7.9, Androm.ap.Gal. 14.38, OPP.//.3.345; of a mouse, APg.86 (Antiphil.) . b. guinea-worm, Hippiatr. 58.. 2. Adj. crawling, of a baby, ΛΡ9.302 (Antip.); of ivy, ib. 1 1.33 (Phil.). (Freq. ερπηστ — in codd., but wrongly.)’ Χερρηγμα, ατος, τό, dub. sens., PCair.i^en. 499.38 (iii B.c.). έρρωμενος, lines 3/4, after ‘Lys.24.7;’ add 'strong, muscular, άνδρες Hp.F7-acf.15 ;’ and after ‘PI. F/ii/r. 268a ;’ add ‘exclama¬ tory, βίας Men.Fab. Inc. 23, cf. 57;’ ερσεο and ερση, add ‘; v. ορνυμ i, p.1255, line 8·’ ερσην, add ‘; ερσεντερος BCH 81.584 (Dodona)’ ερυθαίνω, line 6, after ‘ scarlet , AP' insert ‘9.322 (Leon.),’ Χέρυθρεδανον, τό, v. ερεθρΰδανον in Suppl. Χέρυθρονεφής, ες, surrounded by red clouds, ήλιος Cat. Cod. Astr. 8(i) . I38; ερυθρός, line 3, for ‘but. .cf.’ read ‘but -ότερος' ; line 6, for ‘l.c.* read ‘1’ Χέρύθρω, = ερυθαίνω, Sm.Zi.63.1 (Pass.), ερόθω, after ‘== ερενθω,’ insert ‘part, -ουσα l-οισα) Call.Fr.8o. 10 Pf.,’ Χερυμος1 ό ρυμός, Theognost.Ca77.64. έρυσίτττολις, add ‘, cf. Call.Fr.626 Pf.’ έρυσίχθων, for ‘ tearing . .ploughing’ read 'puller up of the earth, i.e. pig (?),’ and at end add ‘(v.l., cf. ρηξίχθων with Suppl.)’ ερύω (A), line 5, for ‘takes the place of είλκυσα’ read ‘serves as aor. to έλκω’ 2, add ‘b. draw up, ερύοσαι όφρΰας AP$. 2 16. 3 (Agath.).’ B. 1. 3 a, add * ; άϋτμάν sniff, j4F6.2ig.IO (Antip.)’ ερύω (B), line 12, after ‘A.R.2.1208’ add ‘; part, ρϋμίνη Hymn in 0FG8.548.27 (Egypt, i b.c.)’ line 13, after ‘20.195/ insert ‘Aeol. fut. inf. ρΰεσθαι Ale. 129.20 L.-P.,’ 5, line 13, after ‘c. gen.,’ insert 'άνθρώττοις p. θανάτω Ale. 34. 7 L.— P. ;’ έρχομαι, lines 7, 8, after ‘Lys.22.11/ add ‘Fr.47/ lines I4/I5> delete ‘imper. ενθε Aristonous 1.9/ line 16, after ‘iv b.c.)’ add ‘, ενθών ( επ -) lnscr. Cret.4.1 68* .17 (iii b.c.), cf. ib.i.xxiv 2.5’ line 20, after ‘ΛΡ14.44’ add ‘; ερτ(ε)ΐν = ερθεΐν, POxy. 1069.31, PMich.8.516.10 (both iii a.d.)’ line 24, after ‘(Cyrene);’ add T sg. plpf. ήλη- λονθειν Call.Fr.265 Pf. ;’ ' ' ερώ, line 2, after ‘484’ add ‘(sed leg. videtur τε ρεει)' and for ‘400a’ read ‘400b’ ερωή, before “, ή” insert ‘(Aeol. ερωΐα Theoc.30.6)’ 11, before ‘ escape ’ insert ‘ respite , Theoc.30.6 ;’ Χέρωμενάγοράστης, έρωμενοπόροχος, ερωμενοττώλης, = Lat. amicarius, Diom. p.326 K. έρωμενιον, add ‘, Lucretius 4. 1 1 66’ ερως, add ‘V. ol “ Ερωτες , members of a religious association, Jahresh. 14. ΒεΜ.φ (Lydia, ii a.d.).’ ερωτάω m, after ‘ entreat ' add ‘(a use condemned by Hermotr. Meth.f)' Χ’Ερωτίδιον, τό, = Έρωτάριον, IGi 1 (2).28jBj (Delos, iii B.c., pi.). ερωτικός II, add ‘b. = εραστής, ΛΡ5.216.7 (Agath.)/ Χεσαν, v. ίζω (Suppl.). έσθίω, line 2, after ‘Ο/7.147’ add ‘, είσθιον cod.A Ath. 3.108ε (Antiph.Fr.i68), 109c (Timocl.Fr.33)’ Χεσθλα, = εδεθλα, dub. in A.Ag.776 (lyr., εσθλά codd.). έσθλός, after “εσλός” add ‘[scanned <-> σ Pi. 0. 13.100, al.]’ Χέαμεύω, (έσμός) swarm, prob. rest, in Call.Fr. 191.28 Pf. Χέσοχάδες, al, internal piles, Ps.Gal. 14.495 (lemma, εσωχ~) . Έσττερινός, line 3, for “ Εσπερινός” read “ Εσπερινός” έσττεριος i, line 6, after ‘Pi.P.3.19’ add Έριφοι setting in the evening, Theoc.7.53’ and 11, line 2, delete ‘εριφοι Theoc.7.53/ έσπερίτης, for ‘D.L.’ read ‘D.S.’ Χέσιτράττας, ό, v. εκπράκτης in Suppl. έσσήν (A), lines 3 and 5, for ‘.deM.1.23’ read ‘Fr. 178.23 Pf/ εσσων, delete the article. εστασαν, after ‘preferred’ add * ; cf. E.Heracl.gqj' εστε line 5, for ‘Archil. 14’ read ‘Archil. 13 D.3’ 1. 2 b, add ‘; εσκε^μάχηται Archil. 1 3 D.3’ iii, add ‘2. c. gen., of Time, ε. τάς τριακάδος Clara Rhodes 2.171/ Χ'Εστιαιικός, ή, όν, ν. Ίστιαϊκός in Suppl. Χέστιασμός, ό, = έστίασις, ΤΑΜ2.201 (Sidyma, pi.), έστιατικός ii, for fund. .Delos’ read ‘a fund for temple-expenses deposited in the sanctuary of Hestia' and at end add ‘cf. ib. 365-5’f εστιατόρια 2, after ‘ii a.d.’ add Ιστία- and at end ‘ — Also είστια- PTeb. 598, ίστα— PMich. Teb. 1 23rxvii 25’ εστιατόριον, before ‘/Gii(2)’ insert 'Ath. Mitt. 66. 201 (Sicyon, vi/v B.C.)/ εστιοΟχος I. 3, for 'φόλος. .(prob.)’ read ‘σέλας A.Fr.343.38 M. (lyr.), cf. Fr-492(b)2’ add ‘III. a functionary in the cult of Hestia, Buckler Anat.Studies 12 1 (Ephesus, iii a.d.), cf. ΰπεστιοΰχος in Suppl.’ εστωρ, before “, ορος” insert ‘(A)’; for 'peg. .reins through’ read ‘peg near the end of the chariot-pole, over which was passed a ring (κρίκος), prob. for holding the yoke in place’ Χ'εστωρ (B), ορος, ό, founder, /G14.1389 ii 29 (Rome, cf. Berl.Sitzb. 1928.19). Χεσχάδις, Adv., dub. sens., Theognost.Ca77.163. έσχαρίτης, for 'over the fire, Antidot.’ read ‘in the ashes, Hp. Viet. 2.42, Antid.’ Χεσχάρως and εσχάρωθεν, dub. sens., Theognost.Ca77.156. έσχατος, line I, after ‘625’ add ‘, 628’ έσωτικός, substitute ‘ν. εξωτικός (Suppl.)’ ετάζω i, fin., after “τινα” insert ‘, cj. in’ 2, after 'Ge. 12.17* add ‘: — Pass., εν άσθενείαις ή κινδυνοις Cat.Cod.Astr. 8(1). 256. 3. ετασον εκεϊσε go to the place to inspect, or visit, the plant, ib.190’ έταιρεύομαι, add * ; Act. pres, part., Hsch. s.v. σκαφίον' έταιρεω ι , add ', cf. Ar. Pax 1 1 ’ For “ έταιροποιεομαι,” read ‘έταιροποιεω, expl. of Lat. sociare (Virg.Aen. 1.600), Pap. in Aevum i(ig27).65. 2. Med./ Χέτεροβάμων [ά], ον, gen. ονος, perh. one-legged or limping, κόρη Orac. in Wien. Denkschr. 42(2) .g (iv a.d.). έτερόγλαυκος, add ‘, PPetr. 2 p.115 (iii b.c.): of the eyes, Ps.- Callisth.1.13 codd. B, C’ Χέτερογνωμονέω, to be of a different way of thinking, τή εκείνου εννοίη. PRyl. 463.9 (iii a.d. ; frag, of a Gnostic gospel), έτεροειδής, line 2, after ‘5o8bn’ insert ‘(v.l. for έντερο-)’ έτεροΐος, add ‘IV. ετεροΐα has apptly. been altered to γεροΐα (q.v. with Suppl.) in Ant. Lib. 25 cod.’ έτερομήκης 2, add ‘b. of ό άρτιος αριθμός, made up of one species 63 έτερομήκης SUPPLEMENT Ευθερώσια of length only, being the sum of two even or of two odd numbers, Iamb, in Me. p.12 P. ; cf. αμφιμήκης.' χ€τ€ρόμμάτος, or, perh. one-eyed, or with eyes which do not match (in colour), of horses, Afric.CVihp.24 V. έτεροττλατήξ» add ‘ ; Poliorc. 263.6 χετερόριστο?, ov, other-defining, David Pi oil. 14.24* . ^ ετερο? I· 1, add άτεροι πότεροι, v. πότερος in (with Suppl.) π. a, add ‘(Acc. to Sch.Aeschin.2.1 16 the use of ετερο? for άλλος is Attic.)’ in, line 6, after ‘Ep.Gal. 1.6’ add ‘; έτέραν και έτέραν οδόν two different ways, D.Chr.42.3’ IV. I b, c, for “θατέρα” read “Μητέρα” Χετεροσεβεω, depart from established forms of worship, Vett.Val. 184.5. έτερόσκιο?, read ‘ throwing shadows only one way (only north or only south), of those who live between the polar circles and the tropics (cf. άμφίσκιος, περίσκιος)' χετεροσύστάτο?, ov, subsisting by means of something else, dependent, of the subjunctive mood, opp. αύτοσυστατος, Choerob. in Theod.2.\\\.22H. *€Τ€ροϋιτό<7τατο$> ov, sub sis tent in something else, Elias in Cut, 162.2· ετέρσετο, for “τερσαίνω" read “τ έρσομαι έτέρωθι in, add ‘(but v. ε'τε'ρωτε in Suppl.)’ χέτέρωτε, at another time, h.O.Adv.i. 194.4, Prob· in Hdt.3.35. (Cf. άτέρωτα in Suppl.) χέτησιακό?, η, όν, Etesian, etesiaca, a kind of vine at Arretium, Plin.FGV14.36. έτησιά?, for ‘poet. fem. ofsq.’ read ‘fern. Adj. Etesian' ετήσιο? 2, fin., before ‘Sch.Lyc.’ insert ‘PBerl.Leihg. 23.9 (iii A. D.),’ ετητυμία, for ‘Aet. 3.1.76’ read ‘Fr. 75-7b Pf· ετήτυμο? ii, line 2, for ‘Archil.62’ read ‘Archil.38 D.3, A.R. 1. 142, al.’ χΈτηφίλα, ά, title of Persephone in Mytilene, IG 12 (2). 222. 3, 263.4, cf. Έταιφίλη· Περσεφόνη, Hsch. ; in pi. = Demeter and Persephone, /Gi2(2).255.3- χΈτηφίλιο?, epith. of Hadrian, Hesperia 32.78/9, no.164 (Myti¬ lene, ii a.d.), v. Έτηφίλα in Suppl.; dub. lect. et accent. Έτηφιλια 7Gi2(2). 239.9 (Mytilene). ετι i. 2, after ‘Prt. 310c’ add ‘(cf. X.//G2.4.1 1)’ ετοιμόδακρυ?, add ‘, Sch.E.Afe , * εϋδυκήμερο?, add ‘(leg. εύτυχημένως- εύστόχως)' χεύδώμητο?, ον, well-built, άγυια Robert Hell.10.2y8 (Parium). χεύδωσιδικεω, pay one's dues satisfactorily, FOA7.2351.33 (ii a.d.), opposite of άδωσιδικέω, q.v. in Suppl. εΰέθειρα, for ‘Anacr.76’ read ‘Anacr.73 P., cf. Simon.14 Fr. 84.6 P.’ χεΰεντέλιο?, a, ov, in good condition, άμπελος FjVm.34.2 (vi A.D.). ευεπίβατο? ii, add ‘ ; of a person, j.AJi 9.1 .14’ εϋεττιχείρητο? ii, for ‘ readily attempting ' read ‘easily persuaded or tempted' _ / χεΰεργεσιασταί, οι, an association celebrating the Ευεργεσία, CRAcad.Inscr. 1 951 .256 (Syria, i a.d.). εΰεργετι?, after MF.1058’ add ‘, /G92(i).582.ig,23 = Inscr. Magn. 31.19 (207 b.c.)’ add ‘2. Att. equivalent for TOpVVTjy Miller Melanges de litt.grecque p.405, FM762.34; cf. έόργη and ευέργη (both Suppl.).’ χεύεργη, ή, — τορύνη, Poll. 10.98; cf. εύεργέτις (Suppl.). εύέργημα, for ‘ JF/S'22.366’ read ‘Α//ΙΛ/Τ8.31 7’ εΰηγορία, add ‘: Dor. —αγόρια Vi.Pae.2.8y S.’ χεΰήλικο?, ον, — εύήλιζ, Vit. Aesop. (G) 32. εύήλιξ, add ‘ ; handsome, ευ. προσώπου Men.Dyjr.gso’ εΰήμερο? I, add ‘ ; άγεν ενάμερον keep holiday, Inscr. Cret. 1 .xix 3· 39 (Malla, ii b.c.), cf. GD/5041.2^ 2, after ‘happy,' insert ‘ξυν τΰχαις εύ. A.Fr.223 a 3 M. ;’ χεύθελγή?, ές, bewitching, dub. in Hymn. Is. 104, v. πολυθελγής. χεύθεμεθλο?, ov, with good foundations, Γαΐαν h.Hom. 30.1 (ηϋ~). εύθενέω i, line 4, after ‘D. 18.286’ add ‘, cf. Men.D7rr.275’ εΰθενιακό?, add *, cf. POsl. 83.5,6 (iii/iv a.d.)’ χΕΰθερώσια, τά, name of a harvest festival, AJA6 5.106 (New Paphos, iii b.c.) . 64 «ϋθετος SUPPLEMENT βύσεβέω εύθετος 2, fin., before ‘Adv.’ add ‘ : c. gen., εύ. τής άρχιιερωσ ύνης Bull. Soc. Alex. 10.27.12 (i b.c.).’ χεΰθηνίαρχος, 6, = ev θηνιάρχης, POxy. 1417.28 (iv A.D.). ευθύβολος, before “, ov” insert ‘(parox.)’ last line, for ‘Hid. 5. 22’ read ‘Hld.5.23’ εΰθυμάχος, before ", ov” insert ‘(parox.)’, and for ‘Simon. 137’ read ‘AP 7.442.1 ([Simon.])’ ευθυμία i, add ‘2. confidence, Hp .Lex 4.’ εΰθύνω hi. 3, add ‘b. Gramm., in Pass., to be open to censure, i.e. incorrect, A.D.Rron.81.6, Adv. 171.1.* εΰθυόνειρος, after ‘463bi6,’ insert ‘EEi 248340,’ εύθυορ^ία, before ‘v.’ add “εύθυορία,” and at end ‘(Suppl.)’ εύθύπορος i, after ‘metaph.,’ insert ''with a straight course, e. λά[χος] A.Er.355.11 M. (lyr.) χεύθύ(ρ)ρϊνος, ov, straight-nosed, PLips. 2.6 (i A.D.), 5.2.7. (iii A.D.). εύθύτης II, add ‘ ; rightness, την άκραν εύ. του θείου νόμου D.Chr. , 36-23·’ χεΰθύτοκος, ον, new-laid, of an egg, Cyran.101. χεύθυφορικός, ή, όν, in a straight line, κίνησις Phlp. in GC 134.18. εΰθυωρία, before “, ή ” insert ‘(εύθυορία in SEG 1 1.405.36 (Epid., iii/ii b.c.) and SEGi 1.377. 18 (Hermione, ii b.c.), copies of the same text)’ εύθύωρος, line 2, after ‘= εύθός,' insert ‘Antipho Er. 39 εύίερος, line I, for ‘ Pae .’ read ‘P’ line 3, after ‘ holy ,* insert 'σάκος Theoc.E^.4.5 ;’ at end add ', Orph.77. 7.2,12, al.’ Εΰιος I, add ‘2. εύ. γέροντα πολιδν ήδη, of an old wine, Men. Dysc. 946.’ εύιώτης, after 'Adesp. 22’ add e, cf. An. Ox. 1.86.29’ χεύκάλεω, V. εύκηλέω (Suppl.). εύκαμία, for ‘(i.e. εύκάλία. . εύκληρία)' read ενκαμίαν νυν παρέχεσθε Sophr. in PSI 1214^14’ εύκαμπής, lines 4/5, after ‘15.2’ for * read ‘. 2. Music.’ and before ‘Id.’ insert 'flexibility of modulation ,’ χεΰκατάακτος, ον, = ευκάτακτος, easily shattered, δόξα Sch.Pi.JV. ,8.58. εύκατάγνωστος, ov, substitute ‘εύκατάγνωστον είναι εαυτω συνισ- τοροΰντα. .it is easily perceived that he is conscious. . (cf. κατα- γιγνωσκω i), Mitteis Chr. ii.31 viii 11 (ii B.C.), cf. ΕΛΪ400.6.’ εϋκατασκεύαστος, add ‘3. well-contrived: Adv. — τως Sch.E.TTec. 1288.’ χεύκατάσπαστος, ov, easily pulled down, SEG 7.265 (Sidon). εύκέραστος, add ‘ ; γλώτταν prob. in Cratin .Ploutoi in GLP 1 .38. 26’ χεύκηλέω, Dor. — καλέω, ευκαλεϊ ■ άτρεμίζει, Hsch. εΰκηλήτειρα, add ‘(s.v.l.)’ ευκλεής, line 3, before ‘dat. ’insert ‘gen. shortd. to εύκλέος Inscr. Dilos 1658.6 (i b.c.) ; line 4, for ‘Id.’ read ‘Pi.’ χΕίίκλειος, 6, name of a month, Dacia N.s.6.469 (Callatis, iii b.c.). έϋκνήμις, add ‘III. = εϋκνημος I, Nonn. 7). 18.60 (s.v.l.).’ χεΰκολοδιάβλητος, ov, easy to slander, Anon, in Rh. 72.28. ευκολπος, add ‘3. fair-bosomed, GF/2020.6 (Corinth, ii/i b.c.).’ εΰκόμιστος 2, add * ; cf. Simp, in Cael. 267.23’ εΰκοσμίως, for ‘— ίως,. . decently ’ read ‘-ιος, ov, decent, Hsch. s.v. κίδαρις. Adv. —ίως' εΰκουρος, for ‘ well-shorn ’ read ‘dub. sens. ’and add *, Rev.Bibl. 42.250 (Syria)’ Χεΰκτερής, ές, who has been given rich funeral honours, Epigr. in Lindos 11.698.7 (ca. 200 b.c.). εϋκτίμενος, for ‘= ευ. .dwell in' read ‘well founded' εύλαβέομαι III, add ‘imper. εύλάβει dub. in Com. in Mnemos. 3rd Ser.5.55.7.’ χεύλαλία, ή, ready speech, Hsch. s.v. προφορά. εΰλή, line 2, after ‘(Leon.)’ insert ‘, where it means larva of the clolhes-moth’ ; at end add ‘ ; in a plant or tree, Plot.4.3.4’ εΰλίβανος, after ‘1.23,’ insert ‘6Έ6699.2 (Inscr., iii b.c.),’ εΰλιττής i, add ‘; όρνεον PLond. 2741V71 in Sitzb.Heidelb.Akad. 14(1923). 16 (iii a.d.)’ *έΰλλιστος, ov, favourably received, θυηλαί Didyma 496E3 (oracle, ii a.d.). χεΰλόβρωτος, ov, worm-eaten, An.Par. 4.182.21 (εύλοβρώτειος cod.). εΰλοιδόρητος, after ‘439’ insert ‘. 2. Act., abusive' χΕύλοχία, = εΰλοχος, epith. of Artemis, Πολέμων 2.54 (Gonni, iii b.c.) . ευλοχος, add 'll. fecund, fertile, Nonn.T). 1.294, 44·3°9·* ευλυτος I, add ‘6. metaph., supple, αγχίνοια Alcid. &>/>/(. 1 6, cf. ib.20,34.’ ευμάθεια, line 3, after ‘Ion. -ίη’ insert* Call.E/a'gr.48.1 Pf.,’ εύμαρέω, add ‘2. to be potent, δυνάμεις τάς εύμαρεούσας, of the plant θΰρσιον, Cyran.23.’ εΰμαρής, I. I b, delete the section. 11, line 4, after ‘Hdn. 8.7.6’ add ‘, 7Gi2(5). 714.15 (Andros, iv b.c.)’ *εΰμενητικός, ή, όν, able to propitiate, Hsch. s.v. μειλι κτήριος. εΰμήκης, after 'tall,' insert ‘Hippon.vii.4 D.3,’ add ‘4. ευ. (sc. λίθος), ή, a precious stone, Plin.77jV37.160.’ χεύμήνΰτος, ov, perh. easily detected, Theognost.Caw.83. χεΰμίτρης, ου, ή, a precious stone, Plin.//Ar37.i6o. ευμολττος, after ‘ sweetly singing,’ insert ‘εύμόλποις ύμ[εναιοις] A. -355· 1 9 M. (lyr.);’ εύμορφος, add ‘ ; of style, elegant, D.H.7)em.i8 : Adv. —φως Luc. Salt. 7 1 (Comp.) ; suitably, neatly, Sch.Luc.<77V.i2’ εύνάζω, line 2, for ‘Simon. 184. 10’ read MP7.25.10 ([Simon.])’; 2, line 5, for ‘Simon. l.c.’ read MPl.c.’; last line for ‘Call .Aet. 3. 1 . 1 ’ read ‘Call.Pr.75.1 Pf.’ εύναής, for the present article substitute ‘ευναής, ές, (υάω) fair¬ flowing, B.1.75, 9.42 S., Call.Pr.65. 1 Pf.’ χεύναστήριον, τό, grave, Lyc.583 ; v. εύνατήριον. εύνέτης, for ‘= εύναστήρ,' read ‘ bedfellow , husband,' and after ‘(lyr.),’ insert 'El. 803,’ ευνις (B), after ‘807,’ insert ‘Call.Pr.55 Pf.,’ ευνομία i. 1 fin., for * ; oi επί. . (Latos)’ read ‘. b. name of a Cretan magistracy, G-D /5075.35, al., cf. Hisloria 7.199 sqq.’ add ‘c. c. gen., peace from, τόξων εύ. API. 212.4 (Alph.).’ ευνομος i. i, add ‘ ; of a woman, SEG6.7Q6 (Cappadocia, iii A.D.)’ εΰνοος I fin., before ‘PM394.5’ add "Αρχ.Έφ.\§φ Supp.p.20 (Eresus, iii a.d.),’ 2, after ‘of things,’ insert ‘θΰμος Ale. 129.9 L.-PT χεύνουχικός, ή, όν, producing eunuchs, μοΐραι Vett.Val. 14.26. εύνοΰχος ι. I, before ‘Hdt.3.130’ insert ‘Hippon.39.3 D.3,’ εΰοδία, after 'journey,' add ‘E.Pr.308 cod. Sch.Ar. ;’ εΰοττλία, add ‘II. pi ., feats of arms, Aristid.Q,uint.2.io.’ εύπαγής, add ‘2. of words, well-proportioned, Demetr.P/oc. 1 76.’ ευπαις, add ‘(so perh. in Ar. l.c., noble son of Apollo, cf. καλλίπαις εύτταλής I, after 'accomplishment,' insert ‘Call.Pr.2.8 Pf. (dub.) ;’ and after ‘A.R.2.618’ add ου]τι γάρ εύπαλές εστι Mel. Adesp.i^.g P.’ χεύπαραδειγμάτιστος, ov, well-exhibited, i.e. noticeable, Ptol. Tetr. 1 70. εύττάρθενος i, add ‘2. άνήρ having a fair daughter, ib.3.260.’ εύπάτειρα, for ‘6 1 6 . . εύπατέρεια) ’ read ‘Dysc. 968, cf. Posidipp. in PHeid. 183.6,7’ χΕΰπάτορισταί, οί, guild of worshippers of Mithradates Eupator at Delos, Inscr. Dilos 1567 = OG/367 (i b.c.). εΰπάτωρ, add ‘III. epith. of kings, e.g. Antiochus V (App.iyr. 46 §236).’ ευττετττος I, add ‘Adv. —τως, ευ. έχειν πρός τι have an appetite for, Vit. Aesop. {G)<$: εΰπερίττατος, add ‘II. of persons, able to walk easily, Cat.Cod.Aslr. i 1 (2). 191.31·’ εΰττίλητος, after “ov,” for the present article substitute ‘expl. of εύστιπτος, Sch.A.R.2.30 ; dub. 1. in Arist.&ni.438ai5 (Comp.).’ είίπλεκτος, delete ‘also η, ov. .(cj. for άπλ—)’ χευττλουμος, ov, well-embroidered, /Mni.44.13 (iv/v a.d.). εΰττοιΐα, line 3, before “εις πλήθος” insert ‘Thphr.ap.Porph. Abst. 2.12 ;’ εΰττόλεμος, after 'h.Mart. 4’ add ‘, cf. Poet, in /Gi2.g45’ εΰπορεω ii, line 5, after ‘(iii a.d.)’ add ‘: also abs., make pro¬ vision, JRSi^.ig (Galatia)’, and omit ‘hence in’ ευπορία i, add ‘3. power, Aq .Ps. 109(1 10). 3 ; force (army), Lxx 4A7.25.10 cod.A, Aq./f.36.2.’ ευποτος ii, after 'drink from,' insert ‘ποτήριον CR^ofgff.fo (Ischia, viii/vii b.c.) ;’ είίπους I, line 3, after 'of foot ,' insert ‘ευ. νόμφαν Sapph. 103.5 L.-P. ;’ and for ‘Cali.Er.48’ read ‘Call. Er. 302 Pf. ; 'Ωρα i Nonn. .D.38. 131,331’ χευπρατικός, ή, όν, = εϋπρατος, cheap, ζΰτος BGU ιο69ν9 (iii A.D.) . χεύπρόσεκτος, ov, cherished, τέκνον, EC//58.343 (Caria). εΰπροσωπία, add ‘, BGU 1787.12’ ευπρόσωπος, line ι, after ‘9.5;’ insert ‘of Pan, Hymn in 7G42(i). 130;’ 3, delete the section. χεΰπτέρυξ, ϋγος, ό, ή, — εύπτέρνγος, έϋπτερΰγεσσ ι πελείαις GVI 655-9 (Trachonitis, ii/iii a.d.). εΰρεϊος, delete the article. εύρέκτης, add ‘; also έϋρρεκτης Inscr. Oly trip. 48 1 (iii/iv a.d.)’ εύρέτρια, add ‘, cf. 6EG8.548.3 (Fayum, i B.c.)’ εύρημα iii, add ‘ ; cost, in accepting a tender, 7G7. 3074.3 (Lebadea, ii B.c.)’ εύροέω ii, add ‘ ; τοΐς ενρζο'λοΰσι καί θέουσι prob. in Plu. 2.373d’ χείίροιζος, ov, ringing true, of gold, Ps.-Callisth.2.4i.i cod.C. χεϋρράθάμιγξ [θά], ιγγος, Adj. dripping, Nonn. D. 5. 258, 33.101. εΰρυθμο-κάρηνος, -κερως, read “εΰρυ-κάρηνος”, κερως” χεύρύρροος, ον, = εύρυρέεθρος, cj. in A. R. 4.269. ευρύς, lines 3/4, for ‘Asius 13’ read ‘Asius Fr.Ep. 13 K.’ χεύρύσμωλος (v.l. εΰρύσωλος), sine interpr., Arc. 57. 14 B. εΰρύσορος, delete 'bier or’ Ευρωπαίος, after 'European,' add ‘HpMer. 16,23 ;’ Ευρώπη, after ‘Pi.Al4.70’ add ‘{Ευρώπαν ποτί χέρσον, perh. as an Adj.)’ χεύρωτίας, ου, o', a precious stone, Plin.T7A37.161 . εύσεβέω, line 7, after 'σέβειν)' add ', cf. E.Er.85, ΕΛ.1321’ lines 8/9, delete ‘Antipho 3.3.1 1,’ and for ‘of a duty.. 364c’ 65 €υσ€βέω SUPPLEMENT εφετός read ‘ΐνα τούτο εύσεβηθη that this duty may be reverently dis¬ charged, Pl.dx.364c; with noun and part, as subject, οϋθ' ol θαναταισαντες μη ειργόμενοι εύσεβοΐντ’ άν nor would the not excluding the slayers be an act accordant with piety, Antipho 3-3·11’ εύσεβής, add ‘IV. εύ. (sc. λίθος), o' or ή, a precious stone, Plin. HN37. 1 6 1.’ χεύσεβουργός, oV, pious, SEG6.66 (Ancyra). εΰσειστος, add ‘2. mobile, εύ. τά όμματα Hsch. s.v. κλαδαρ- όμματοι.’ χεΰσεμνος, ον, august, άπειρης IG Ι4·925 (Portus Trajani, ii/iii A.D.) ; cf. σπείρα II. 2. χεΰσκηνος, ον, well-staged, beautiful on the stage, χορίία, Άρχ.'Εφ. 1 93 1 . 1 1 7 (Milet., ii b.c.). εύσοια, add ‘ ; dub. in Alc.286(a)6 L.-P.’ χεύσόλοικος, ον, irregular but permitted (in regard to speech), Eust. 1 287.37. Χίΰσοφος, ον, prob. very learned, well-skilled, τον εύ. καί πανάριστον Papers of Amer. School at Athens 3. 1 75 (Isauria) . εύσπειρος, delete ‘ well-wreathed ,' ευστάθεια, line 2, after ‘(Strat.)’ add ‘, Didyma 496513’ εύσταθμος, hne 3, after “ νομίσματα ” insert ‘POxy. 1932.6 (v A. D.),’ εύσταλής I. I, for ‘ well-equipped' read ‘ mobile ' χεύστάσία, ή, — ευστάθεια, personified, Poet, in Inscr.Perg. 324.15. έϋστείρη, for ‘έϋστείρη, fem. Adj.’ read “έΰστειρος, η, ον,” and add at end *, cf. Call.Er.18.4 Pf.’ εΰστεκτος, delete the article. χεύστέφιος, α, ον, = εύστέφα νος II, γαΐα .BC//59.148 (Philippi), εΰστόν, transfer the article before εΰστοργος, and add ‘, cf. θυστά in Suppl.’ εΰστοργος, add Ή. loving, μητηρ JfRS 18.30 (Upper Tembris valley).’ εΰστόρθυγξ, for ‘consisting, .branch' read ‘with fine horn(s) (?)’ εύστοχος II. 3, after “άγρη” insert MP6.13 (Leon.),’ εΰστρεπτος I, add ‘ ; of close texture, expl. of εύστιπτ ος, Sch.A.R. ,2.30’ εύστροφάλιγξ, for * curly ' read ‘whirling' εΰστρωτος, after ‘h.Cer. 285,’ insert ‘Ale. 283. 8 L.-P.,’ εΰσύγκριτος, add ‘2. perh. of close structure, όμμα Simp. in Cael. ,75-2·’ , χεύσυμβούλευτος, ον, easy to advise, Ps.-Callisth.30. 7. χεύσυννόητος, ον, easy to comprehend, Simp, in Cael. 264.16. ευσύνοπτος ii, for ‘taken, .mind,' read ‘ embraced in one view, of the theme’ χεύσΟριγξ, ιγγος, perh. with handsome corridors, μέλαθρον Norm. > D.3.320 (s.v.l.). ευσχημονίζω, for ‘train, educate' read ‘treat properly, maintain adequately' Χεΰσχημονισμός, ο, = εύσχημοσύνη II, GDI 1708.16 (Delphi, ii B. C.) · εύσχημος, after ‘Adv. -μως' insert ‘Chor.29.77 p.335 F.-R.,’ εύτακτος ii, line 3, after ‘of payments,’ insert ‘PStrassb. 228 (iii B.C.),’ ευτε, line 6, delete ‘δη. . 182 ;’ ; line 7, after ‘56’ add ‘, 22.182’ ευτέλεια I. 2, add ‘b. ή ευτέλειά μου, i.e. my insignificant self, POxy. 1165.1,8 (vi A.D.).’ ευτελής i, add ‘3. of words, style, etc., undistinguished, common¬ place, Arist.5/i.i4o8ai3, Dernetr.EY0c.7o (Comp.); of the speaker, ib.ioo. Adv. -λώς ib.167 (Sup.), O.H.Dem.\8 > (Comp.).’ Χεΰτερπίη, η, delight, Hymn in SEG8.549.18 (Egypt, i B.c.). εΰτλήμων, after “δόξη” add ‘(v.l. ev τλήμονι)' ευτονία a, add ‘; ev. τον έργου, of a circus-athlete, Delph. 3(1). . 216.5.’ εύτράπεζος 2, add ‘ ; good to eat, Xenocr.9’ εΰτρεπίζω, hne 5, after ‘Hp.CW.2’ add ‘; appropriate, ΛΕ9.316 (Leon.)’ εύτρίαινα, add ‘(ευρυτρ. codd.)’ εΰτριχος, add ‘; Cat. Cod.Astr. 1 1 (2). 190. 10’ εύτρόχαλος I, after ‘ quick-moving ,' insert ‘άμαξαι A.R. 1.845;’ εΰτροχος I, line 4, delete ‘; εΰ. κύκλος. . 19’ iii, after ‘round,' insert ‘E.Ion 19,’ εύτυκάζομαι, add ‘: — Act., Call.Er.177.32 Pf.’ εύυμνος ii, for ‘Id.Epigr.. .548’ read ‘GLP i.io6* εύυπάντητος, for ‘in Thrace)’ read ‘Pontica) = IGBulg.390.6. Adv. -ως, VDIig6o(^). 154 (Chersonese)’ *ευυπόστάτος, ον, staunch, steadfast, Afric.Ccj<.p.i8 V. Χεΰφάνής, es, illustrious, IGRom.^.y^gv^ (Rhodiopolis, ii a.d. ; Sup.). εύφθαρτος, for ‘2. . .digestion' read ‘Π. liable to ferment or turn acid in the stomach, Gal.8.34, c^· δύσφθαρτος 2 a (Suppl.). 2. easily assimilated' ευφραίνω, hne 7, after ‘Ach. 5’ add pf. part, εύφραμμένος, Hsch. S.V. κεκραιπαληκώς' ΧΕΰφράνωρ, ορος, 6, epith. of Zeus, BSAyq.12 (Dorylaeum). εΰφρόνη ii, add ‘; cj. in Orph.//.9.8’ ευφροσύνη ii, add ‘2. title of Isis, “I. Ευφροσύνη Inscr.Dilos 2107 (i B.C.).’ εύφωνία I. 1, after ‘A/em.3.3.13,’ insert ‘D. 19.339,’ χεύφώτιστος, ον, well-lighted, Simp, in Cael. 457.12. Χεύχαρακτήρ, = sq., Tz.Alleg.Il.Prol.702. εΰχαρις i, add ‘2. graceful, of diction, Demetr.E/oc. 1 73 ; of style, D.H.Zhn.81.’ εύχαριστητικός, for ‘= —ιστικός' read ‘= ε ύχαριστικός ’ and after T77, 371’ add ‘, IGRom. 3.704 iii56 (Cyanae)’ εύχάριτος, add ‘ ; fem. €υχαρίτη, αρχήν Epigr. in Inscr.Dilos 36 (iv/iii B.C.). Adv., ΐύχαρίτως άρξας rest, in Epigr.ib.37’ χεΰχειλος, ον, with beautiful lips, Tz.Alleg.Il.Prol.374. εύχέρεια iv, add ‘; εΰ. της βολής Poet.ap.Ath. 1 5.667ε (εΰχει ρία codd.)’ εύχερής ι. ι, line 8, for ‘184c’ read ‘184b’ ill, after ‘Batr. 62;’ add ‘πράγμα Damox.2.io; μελέτη Plu.Dem.2 ;' ; after ‘Adv. —ρώς,' add ‘έργάζεσθα ι Hp. Fract. 30 ;’ and for ‘Id.’ read ‘Sor.’ εύχή I, hne 5, delete ‘ευχήν ανέστησεν . . i/ii a.d.);’ add ‘b. votive offering, καλλίγραπτον εύ. A.Fr. 17.12 M. (lyr.) ; ευχήν άνέθηκεν IGi 2.3.458, etc., cf. Samothrace 11, p.49·’ εΰχλοος, for fresh and green ' read ‘ guardian of tender plants' ; after T600,’ add ‘/G3.191 (Εύχλόη)' and for cf.’ read ‘; of a city,’ εύχομαι ii. i, hne 6, for ', cf. . .codd.’ read ‘(nisi leg. ερξειν).* iii. 3, after ‘ declare ' insert ‘(Lacon. acc. to Sch. Pi. 0.6.88a Dr.)’ χεύχόρευτος, ον, excelling in the dance, of Pan, Poet, in /G42(i).I30 19 (Epid.). εύχορος, read ‘v. ηύχ- in Suppl.’ χεύχρήσιμος, ον, = χρήσιμος, GD/3011.5 (Megara, iv B.c.). εύχρηστία ι. I, after ‘Stoic.3. 168' add ‘, PUniv. Milan. 11. 7 (ii a.d.)’ 2, add ‘, cf. Inscr.Magn. 58.12 (iii b.c.) ; εύχρηστίας ποιεΐσθαί τινι advance him money or money’s worth, BGU 1731.8, 1732.8 (both i b.c.)’ εύχρωτέω, delete the article, εύχυμία ii. 2, delete the section. εύχωλή I. 2, after ‘offering,' add ‘/Gi2.548 (Athens, vi b.c.), JVaukratis ii p.65.776,777,’ εϋφοφος, add ‘Adv. -ως Sch.Theoc.i 1.57.’ εύωνίζω, add ‘2. make cheaper, την άπο[ριαν] Z.IP3.1661 (Lydia).* χεύωνισμός, δ, = έπευωνισμός, rest, in Didyma 248.8 (i a.d.). εύώνυμος (A) ill, hne 2, after from the left),' insert ‘εύ. πλευρω- μάτων A. Th.888 (lyr.);’ add ‘IV. εύώνυμοι, ol, a body of troops in Cyprus, Β8Αφ.2ΐ (ii b.c.).’ εύωρία i, add ‘, cf. Tib.Ep. 434.4’ έφαγιστεύω, εφαγνίζω, read ‘έφάγιστεύω, perform rites over the dead, perh. found 8. Ant. 247, but v. άφαγ- (Suppl.).’ χέφαγνίζω, perform rites over the dead, τά πάντα S.Ant.195 (v.l. ά<Η· έφάλλομαι, fin., delete ‘; εις τουπίαω. .Gal. 6. 145’ έφάπτω, hne 5, for ‘she had made fast (i.e. perpetrated)’ read ‘he (sc. Hyllus) by his anger had fastened on her (i.e. doomed her to)’ εφαρμόζω II. I, add ‘c. σήμα έ. build or set in its place, /IE7.295.7 (Leon.).’ έφεδρα ii, delete ‘stable. .2.' and after ‘1.30’ add Orac.ap. Phleg.A/Yr.3’ ; for ‘3.’ read ‘2.’ χέφεδρευτής, ον, 6, one who lies in wait, Sch.Pi.jV.4.155. έφεδρεύω and έφέδρευσις, transpose the articles. χέφεδρίς, ίδος, η, throne, Call.Er.196.37 Pf., cf. έφεδρον (v. έφεδρος I. 2). έφεκτός, for “τά έφεκτά ” read ‘of’ έφεκτος, hne 2, after ‘34.23’ add ‘, cf. BCH 80.53 (Sigeum, ii B.c.)’ χέφελιώμενος, perh. speckled, of oxen, OG/456.22 (Mytilene, i B.C.). έφέλκω i. 3, for ‘draw or drink off' read ‘ bring with one' add ‘IV. c. inf., dub. in JE.S40.78.6 (Cyrene; letter of Hadrian), v. έφολκέω in Suppl.’ χέφενέπω, = έπ αγγέλλω, S EG 1 2. 37 1-3 (Spartan decree engraved at Cos, iii b.c.). έφέπω ii. i, hne 2, for ‘Simon. 142.2’ read ‘^57.296. 2 ([Simon.])’ έφερμηνευτικός, after ‘ explanatory ,' insert ‘Alex.Aphr. in Metaph. 745·ΙΟ,\ χΈφεσηΐς, ίδος, η, a celebration of the (μεγάλα) Έφέσεια, used in dating, BMus.Inscr. 605.10 (Ephesus, ii a.d.). έφεσις ii, after ‘Pl.Eg.864b’ add ‘(s.v.l.)’ εφέστιος, add ‘V. offered at the public hearth, οίς Abh.Berl.Akad.1g32 No. i, p.i 1, hne 17 (decree of Messenians engraved at Cos, hi B.C.) , cf. ένέστιος.' έφέτειος, after ‘ (Apollonis) ’ add ‘, cf. L' Ant. Cl. 2.66 (—τηϊος ; Apollonis)’ εφετινός, omit ‘yearling. .Π.’ and after ‘year,' add ‘αίγες, ερίφια, PMasp. 1 4 1. 6v9, i 2 (vi a.d.);’ έφετός, for ΤΙ. έφετο[ς], . ii b.c.) ;’ substitute, beginning a new article, ‘έφέτος or έφ’ έτος, Adv. this year, 5*5(2). 433. 7 66 €€T0S SUPPLEMENT ζμηνών (Megalopolis, ii b.c.), Stud. Pal. 22. 23.9 (i a.d.; Pap. εφετου s), PMich. 8.473.10 (ii a.d.) χέφευδω, = έγκοιμάομαι i, part. fut. έφευδησίονσαν Inscr.Cret. i.xvii 3>9 (Lebena). εφευρίσκω i. 1, line 3, for ‘Sapph.5w/>/>.4.9’ read ‘Sapph.i5(i).g L.-P.’ ; line 9, after ‘Sapph.l.c.’ add cf. Πενία, τι σ’ ημείς τηλικοΰτ' έφεύρομεν ; Men.Dj’iC^op’ χέφευροκλέψ, dub. sens., Theognost.Caa.97 (cf. νακοκλέφ-, perh. better parox.). εφηβεία i, add *, ΑΡη.φη (Antip. Sid.)’ χέφήβειον, τό, = έφηβαιον, Berl.Sitzb. 1934.1049 (Tab. Defix.), έφηβεύω, after ‘-εύω,’ insert ‘aor. ήφήβενσαν Inscr. Delos 2594.4 (ii b.c.), pf. part, ήφηβευκότων OGI 1 78.5 (Egypt, i B.C.),’ εφηβικός i, add ‘2. εφηβική (sc. παιδιά), ή, alternative name for the game έπίσκυρος (q.v. in Suppl.), Poll.9.104.’ έφηβοφύλαξ, add ‘, (Nicopolis)’ εφήγησις, add TI. conducting of arbitrators along a disputed boundary, Delph. 3(1). 362 i 14,15,25.’ εφημαι, line 5, for ‘ Fr .. .Hsch.)’ read ‘Fr. 273.6 M.’ εφημερία, add ‘II. division of guards on duty, οί εκ τής μέσης e. SEGj.2g (Susa, i b.c.), cf. ib.30.’ εφημέριος, add ‘II. Subst. -ιον, to, space of a day, Ath.Mitt.^6. 125 (nr. Sardis).’ έφθέος, delete ‘to be ' εφθός i. 1, add ‘ ; of perfumed oil, 6C//59.440 (Acraephia, i A.D.)’ έφίερον, for ‘3.74’ read *22. 1366.24’ έφίημι B. ii. i, after ‘Isoc.2.25;’ insert ‘τυραννικός P1.F/>.8.354C ;* έφικνέομαι I, add ‘5. ε. ες approach in similarity, resemble, Luc. Syr.D. 15.’ hi, delete the section. χ,Έφιλλος, ό, a nickname from a defect in the eyes, D.L.7.39 codd., cf. έπιλλος, έφηλος. έφίμερος, after “ον” insert ‘(έπίμερος Semon.7.51)’ and after ‘Archil. 21’ add *, cf. Semon.l.c.’ έφιππάζομαι 3, delete ‘Palaeph.52,’ and add ‘4. drive, Palaeph. 52.’ έφίστημι A. i, add ‘ ; esp. place gravestone over, Άγαθόκλεια. ,τω άνδρί. . εττεστησεν BCHgj. 202 (Chios, ii b.c.), cf. GVIgj’ έφιστορέω, insert at beginning ‘ inquire of an oracle, ε. τον Δία. .περί. ., ’Ηπειρωτικά Χρονικά Ι.254 (Dodona, iv b.c., έπιστ—). 2.’ έφοδευτής, add ‘2. in Egypt, watchman, guard on the roads, POxy. 1033.10,15 (iv a.d.).’ έφοδος (C) 1. 2, add ‘c. approach to a piece of land, side-road, Mil.Navarre p.354.6, cf. IG 7.1740.6 (both Thespiae, iii b.c.).’ ii, line 1, for ‘Eu. 375’ read \Ew.370’ χέφολκέω, to be laggard, IG 1 2 Suppl. p.213 (= FGrHgoP) iv.19-20; c. inf., delay to, dub. 1117/^40.78.6 (Cyrene ; letter of Hadrian), εφόλκιον I, after ‘Pomp.' insert ‘40,’ 2, for ‘generally, appendage ’ read ‘baggage', and delete *, P\n.Pomp.^o' έφολκίς, add ‘3. part of a ship, = ρινωτηρία, Poll. i. 86.’ έφομαρτέω, add ‘, Cyn. 16.8, Fr. 6 de r.phys. (p. 1 94, line 11 Roos)’ έφορμαίνω, add ‘II. meditate, ponder, OPP.//.3.503.’ έφορος n, line 4, after ‘Test.Epid.4.1 insert ‘at Cyrene, Heraclid.[Pont.]F//Gii p.212 ;’ έφυβριστής, after ‘Ptol.TeF.165’ add ‘(v.l.)’ έφυδριάς, add ‘ ; sg., Call. Fr.66.2 Pf.’ έφόμνιον, for ‘’ read ‘Fr.384.39 Pf.’ έφόπερθε, line 3, for ‘Simon. 183.7’ read ‘APj.24.-j ([Simon.])’ χέφυπερωος, a, ov, upper, οίκος Inscr. Dilos 1416.6111 (ii b.c.). έχετογνώμονες, add ‘(codd.; prob. cj. οχετο-)' χΈχετος, epith. of Apollo, Berl.Sitzb. 1927.8 (Locris, v b.c.). έχέφρων, lines 3/4, delete ‘later. . 16.226 add ‘2. ani¬ mate, Nonn.Z). 1 .91 , 7.227 ; rational, νεβρός έχέφρων, of Actaeon, ib-5-53^> cf· 16.226; ε. σιγή in significant silence, of a mimic dancer, ib. 19.2 18.’ εχθές, line 5, for ‘only form used’ read ‘best-attested form’ έχθιστος 2, line 3, after Tlw.3.2.5’ add ‘, cf. οί έχθιστοι οί έμοί Antipho 5.85’ έχθρα, line 1, before ‘, Ion.’ add ‘(έχθράν AP 11.340 (Pall.))’ χέχθραλέος, a, ον, = εχθρός, v.l. in N1C..4/.594 (fort. leg. *έχθαλέ-). έχθρία, add ‘, PMich. 8.516.10 (iii a.d.; έκθ-)’ χέχίδηκτος, ov, bitten by a viper, Theognost.Caw.96. έχιδνα, before ‘prob.’ insert ‘female of εχις, Arist.AftV.846bi8 :’ έχινέες, for ‘kind, .hair' read ‘spiny mice, Acanthomys' and after ‘(v.l. έχΐνες)' add ‘, Ael.AVl15.26’ έχινόπους, add ‘, Plin.//Ai 1.18’ έχις ii, delete ‘636,’ Χέχόμενα, Adv. pres. part, of εχομαι, in succession or next, 564325 cols.6.9, 8.5 (iii a.d.), PPetr. 2 p.118 (iii b.c.), cf. PLond.2.26j.g (ii a.d.). 2. c. gen., near, Lxx Jd.1g.14, Λ.139 (140) .6, Am. 2.8; next to, adjoining, PPetr. 3 p.2.22 (iii b.c.), PStrassb. 29. 36 (iii a.d.) . b. c. gen. of person, with, beside, δόξον εμέ είναι ε. σου PColumb. in Class. Phil. 30.145 (i/ii A.D.), cf. PGiss.JJ. 11 (ii a.d.) . II. immediately, 65/514.8 (iii b.c.). έχομένιον, add ‘; also όχομ- P0xy.22%4B§ (iii a.d., όχομεν/ου Pap.)’ έχόντως, for “εχόντως. . νοΰν” read ‘where νους acts, this becomes έ. εαυτόν,' and add ‘ ; λόγον εχόντως Isoc.7.60’ έχυρός ι. I, after ‘secure,' insert ‘ες δ' ε. λιμένα Alc.6.8 L.-P.;* ε'χω (A), line 4, after ‘inf.’ insert ‘έξέμεν II. 5.473,’ and for ‘Aet. 3.1.27’ read ‘Fr. 75. 27 Pf.’ seven lines before ‘A.’, after ‘21.345’ add ‘, cf. B.26.15 S.’ and after T 1.279,’ insert ‘Pi· / in POxy.2442 Fr.32.1.17,’ A. 1. 1, add ‘b. have an αγών, i.e. a victory in it, to one's credit, Delph. 3(1). 554, /G14. 1 102.14 (Rome) ; Άσκλήπεια ib.737.9 (Neapolis; all ii a.d.).* ii. 3, line 5, after ‘etc.’ add ‘, but όϊστοΰς, άρδιν ε. have in one’s flesh, in one’s heart, Call.F/wgr.37.5 Pf., Fr. 70 Pf., cf. Λ66.9.3 (Mnasalc.)’ 4 a, after ‘Pol. I335bi8’ add ‘, Sm.Mi.6. )4 B. iv. 1, add ‘b. πιών. . τρίτην ταύτην ημέραν εχω, i. e. it is two days since I drank, Alciphr.3.32.’ C. v, for ‘Pass., .b. T read ‘stand, be, cf. b. i. i, ii’ and add ‘; see also εν A. 1. 6 in Suppl.’ χεωθε, = εωθεν, Didyma 384.4. εωθινός i, line 8, for ‘Laps. i,..(dub. 1.)’ read ‘Laps.\ \ ε. (sc πότος) morning drink Macho ap.Ath. 13.580c (s.v.l.), Alciphr i -34’ έωλος 2, fin., delete ‘; of payments, .a.d.)’ (see Ostr.Bodl. i 49). Ιώρα, after “αιώρα” add ‘1. 2’ ; for ‘Ael.Dion.Fr.23 :’ read ‘Paus. Gr.Fr.23, of- Phot., Suid. II.’ ; after ‘Fr.515’ add ‘codd. Ath.’ and after ‘αΐ— codd.’ add ‘Poll.’ έως (B) A. 1. 2, fin., delete ‘; I. ov. .8.32.’ 6, line 4, after ‘later Gr.,’ insert ‘Lxx Jd.3.30, al.,’ for ‘l.c.’ read ‘8.32’ and after ‘etc. ;’ insert ‘ε. άν ov Macho ap.Ath. 1 3.583c ;’ iii. b, add ‘ ; exceptionally εως άν όσου ζω as long as she may live, Sokolowski 79.8’ Εωσφόρος, line 2, after ‘4(3). 24’ add ‘, Gyges Fr. in POxy. 2382. ii. i o’ add TI. metaph., of illustrious persons (cf. άστήρ Ii), Άονίης Πολύδωρον Έ. αστέρα πάτρης Nonn.2). 5.208.’ ζάημι, after ‘Hsch.’ add ‘, fem. ζάεισαι dub. in Alc.(?)26i (b).j L. P . ζάθεος, after T075 (lyr.)’ add ‘: Boeot. δάθιος Corinn.i(a).i. 13 P.’; line 6, delete ‘άνεμοι. .253 ;’ ; fin., delete ‘later’ and after ‘of persons,’ add ‘Corinn.l.c., Philod.Scarph.139,’ ζακορεόω, add ‘; c. gen., τοΰ. .Άσσκληπιοΰ Λ?22.452ΐα (ii A.D.)’ ζακρυόεις, after freezing,' insert ‘or (= δακρυόε is) full of lamentation,' ζαλάω, for ‘ driving hail’ read ‘raging eruption’ ζαλλεύω, after ‘Aeol.’ insert ‘for ζηλεύω,' and delete ‘dub. sens.’ ζαμενής, fin., for ‘neut. as.. Th. 181’ read ‘for Nic.FA.181 see έπιζαμενής (Suppl.)’ ζάπεδον, add ‘, cj. in h.Cer. 283’ ζάπλουτος, add ‘ ; Lat. saplutus, Petr0n.Sat.3j' χζάρωμα, ατος, τό, wrinkle, ρυτίδας ήτοι ζαρώμα τα Cyr. ζαχρεϊος, after ‘needy’ add ‘ : έπη of sore need, prob. in A.Supp.ig^ χζέστης, misprint for ζέστης in POxy. 109.21. ζετραία, add ‘(v.l. ζεταία )’ ζεύγλη ι. 2, delete ‘ — Not. .Prose.* ζεύγμα I. 2, delete ‘^69.147 (Antag.) ;’; add ‘b. stone bridge, AP 9.147 (Antag.).’ add ‘HI. a constellation, Vett.Val. 10.2.’ Χζευγματίζω, dub. sens., Bull. Soc. Alex. J .24.3. χζευγματικός, ή, όν, peril, towed, πλοΐον ζ. POxy. 2415.44 (iii a.d.), cf. ib. 56. ζευγοτρόφος, init., insert ‘(parox.)’ χΖευ|άνθιος, epith. of Poseidon, Άρχ.’Εφ. igg^, Χρονικά p.i (Cran- non). ζεύξις i, for ‘oxen’ read ‘animals’ add ‘2. yoked beasts, Sch.E.6/t.847.’ Ζεύς, line 24, for ‘Aeschrio 8.5’ read M67.345* ζεφύριος iii, add ‘ ; cape in Egypt, St.Byz.’ ζεφυρϊτις, for ‘= foreg. iii,. .ζεφυρηΐς i’ read ‘epith. of Arsinoe- Aphrodite, from her temple at Zephyrion in Eg^'pt, St.Byz. s.v. Ζεφύριον, Call.Fr.i 10-57 Pf., Epigr. 5.1 Pf., Posidipp.F/>.2 Schott (G66i.i04b), Id.Ep.g Schott (prob. corr. of Ζεφυρηίδος, V. ζεφυρηΐς i)’ ζηλοδοτήρ, for ‘bliss’ read “ζήλος” ζήλος ii, delete ‘S.4/.503 ;’ and add ‘2. a woman’s enviable happiness in marriage, ζήλον έχουσα τόμ μακαριστότατον IGz. 4054 (Attica, iv b.c.), cf. S.4/.503.’ iii. 2, for ‘esp... style’ read ‘of oratorical style, showiness ’ ζηλόω, after ‘(ζήλος)' add ‘, Thess. pf. inf. εζαλουκέμεν BCHgg. 55 (Larissa, ii b.c.)’ line 5, after ‘Si.g.i’ add ‘ ; επί τινι ib.6i.73 (72). 3* Ir> Bne 3, after ‘Id. 20.141;’ insert ‘εργον φαΰλον ζ. Men.Z5)w.289 ;’ χζήνη, ή, goldfinch, Cyran.89. χζητάριος, ό, = Lat. cetarius, fishmonger, PVindob. 29964.8 (v a.d.) in Wien.Stud.88(ig33).iJ3.g. ζητητής ii, add ‘2. commissioner chosen for a similar purpose at Mylasa, 6FG4.230.’ ζιγγίβερις, for ‘(Perh.. .singaber.)' read ‘(Skt. ς rnga-vera .)’ χζμηνών, V. σμηνών (Suppl.). 67 ζόμβρος SUPPLEMENT ήλιορόδιος Χζόμβρος, ό, a kind of bull or bison, TP9.300 tit. Χζορκάδιον, τό, = δορκάδιον, Cat.Cod.Astr. 8(2). 164. 12. ζύγαινα, after 'shark,' insert ‘A.Fr.464.9 M.,’ Χζυγάς, άδος, ή, v.l. for ξυστάς, Poll.7.147 (v. ξυστάδες in Suppl.). ζυγάστριον, after ‘ofsq.,’ insert ‘Άρχ.Έφ. 1948/49.137 (Epid., iv b.c.),’ and at end add cf. 7G42(i).i 18.61,63’ Χζΰγία (B), ή, — ζεΰξις, νυμφίδιαι ζ., i.e. wedlock, Άρχ.Έφ. 1931. 1 14 (Syros). ζύγιος ill, for ‘120;. . (pi.)’ read ‘120. b. of ζυγΐται or a ζυγίτης, κώπ η IG2 2 l.c.; κώπαι ib.l607.59> SEG3.I 38. 13 (iv B.C.), Polyaen.5.22.4’ ζυγίτης, for ‘ the rower, .banks' read ‘one of the rowers of the midship squad’ ζυγομαχέω 2, after ‘C0m.Adesp.2oy,' insert ‘Men. i 7,’ ζυγόν hi. 2, for ‘panels’ read ‘ cross-pieces’ ζυγοστασία, add ‘b. = ζυγοστάσιον, weigh-house, PLond. 301. 11 (ii a.d.).’ ζυγοστάσιον 2, for ‘Just. 11.28.1’ read ‘ Theod. 1 4.26. 1 ’ ζυγοστατεω I a, add ‘ ; weigh out, allot, τοίς θεοΐς raj τιμάς Max.Tyr.39.5’ ζυμουργός, after ‘leaven,’ insert ‘POAj.754 (i a.d.),’ ζυμόω 2, delete ‘γην. .964,’ Χζΰτικός, η, όν, of beer, τιμή PMich. Feb. i2iTiv.vi 2 (i a.d.) : —κόν, τό, beer-tax, PTeb.337 intr. (ii/iii a.d.), PLond. 2.254ν·7θ (ii A.D.). ζώ, line 20, after “έζωσα” insert ‘Call.Fr.191.39 Pf.,’ ; after ‘(Delos)’ insert ‘ ; part, ζους Docum.ant. dell’ Africa ltaliana 2.1 01 (Cyrene, i a.d.)’ Χζωγράφησις, ecu?, ή, painting, IGRorn. 4. 1417 (Smyrna), ζωγραφητός, add ‘, prob. in Dura4 93’ ζωγράφος, before “, 0” insert ‘(parox.)’ ζωγρεω ii, line 2, after ‘(quoted by Aret.CM2.3) add ‘stimulate, επί φλογί ζωγρηθεΐσα χαλβάνη Nic.Fh.gi (v.l. μοιρηθεΐσα) ;’ ζωδιωτός, after ‘= ζωωτός,’ insert ‘λάρναξ Inscr. Delos i^ogBa\i 36 (ii b.c.), cf.’ Χζωητόκος, ον, — ζωοτόκος, Theognost.Cc7n.87. Χζώκος, also ζώγιος, ό, = άρπη, kind of white vulture, Cyran. 17 (v.l. ζύγγιος). Χζωκρός, = ζωρός, Comp, ζωκρότερον IGi2(f). 1017. io (Naxos), ζωμός, after ‘fish, etc.,’ add ‘Asius ap.Ath.3.i25d, line 3,’ ζώννυμι i, add ‘ ; for walking, σεαυτόν Ev.Jo. 21.18’; 11. 2, add ‘; for walking, Act.Ap. 12.8’ Χζωνοβαλλάντιν (i.e. -ιον), τό, belt-purse, Pap. in Eos 32.30 (v/vi A.D.). Χζωνομάχαιρα, η, a knife carried in the belt, dagger, Sch.B II. 19.252. ζωογόνος, before “, ov” add ‘(parox.)’ Χζωολογικός, η, όν, concerning animals, τάς πραγματείας Άριστο- τ έλους τάς ζ. Sch.Luc.131.9· ζωον hi, for ‘till after the middle of the fifth cent, b.c.’ read ‘before Semonides.’ ζωοττλαστεω, delete ‘mould to the life,' and ‘analogous to ζωγραφεω,’ ζωοιτλάστης II, add ‘, Ptol. Tetr. 180’ ζωός, line 1, after “δωός” add ‘(or δοός)’ ζωοτόκος, before “, ov” insert ‘(parox.)’ ζωοτρόφος, before “, ov” insert ‘(parox.)’ ζωοφόρος, before “,ov” insert ‘(parox.)’ Χζώπωλις, ιδος, ή, = ζωόπωλις, Arangio-Ruiz et Olivieri Inscr.Gr. p.85 (Tauromenium). ζωροποτέω, for ‘Call.Fr.109’ read ‘Call.Fr.178.i2 Pf. (v.l.)’ ζωρός, line 5, after ‘1461 “14’ add ‘(note άκρατοτερω Plu.2. 677ε)’ and at end for ‘ζωρός. .doubtful.’ read ‘κεκράσθω ζωρότερον, opp. giving φίλον τον άκρατον, is “let the mixture be especially ( near to) pure”·, but in Emp.35.15 ζωρά re τά πριν άκρητα (s.v.l.) must mean “a pure, i.e. homogeneous mixture of what had been heterogeneous unmixed elements”.’ ζωστήρ ii, delete ‘later,’ and after ‘girdle,’ insert ‘Pi.Fr.172.5 S.,’ Ζωστήριος, add ‘3. Ζωστηρια, τά, name of a festival, Άρχ.Δελτ. 11.40 (Attica).’ ζώστρα, for ‘head-band, fillet' read ‘ ribbon twined round a garland’ ζώωσις, add ‘, cf. Aq.Ge.45. 5’ ή (A), line 1, after ‘Ep. also ήε’ add *, q.v. in Suppl.’ A. 1. 2, add ‘ ; η. .η επειτα either.. or (failing that), II. 13.741 ff., 20.1 19 fT., 24.356 ff.; but in Alc.i29.19 L.-P. ηπειτα (— η επειτα) introduces the more desirable alternative’ ή, Adv., 1, line 7, delete δήτα S.OT429;’ fj 11, add ‘4. = ΐνα, in order that, /nrcr.Cret. 4. 41 .2.11 (vb.c.), 168*. 24 (iii b.c.).’ ήβάω 2, last line but one, for ‘Simon. 183.3’ read ‘^4Ρ7.24·3 ([Simon.])’ ήβη I- x C, for ‘the time before manhood’ read ‘legal puberty, attained’ and insert ‘at’ before ‘sixteen’, ‘fourteen’, and ‘eighteen’ ηγ€μόν«ια, add ‘; Dor. άγ— , όρος Άρτεμ ιδος Ά—είας ’ Ορθωσίας IG 12(5). 894 (Tenos, ii b.c.)’ ηγεμονεω, add ‘; τό ήγεμονοΰν, — τό ηγεμονικόν, Ρ1ο1.4·7·7’ ήγεμών ιι. ι b, add ‘; title of officials at Istria, Bull.ipigr. 1955. i63(p.57).’ ήγέομαι, line 4, after ‘cf. περιηγ—’ add ‘, καθηγ— ήγηλάζω, fin., delete ‘: for Arat. . .υφηγηλάζω Χ'Ηγησιαστής, οΰ, ό, imitator of Hegesias of Magnesia, Didyma 181.6. Χήγητορευω, hold office of ηγητωρ, JHSg.250 (Cyprus, Ptolemaic), ήγήτωρ II, for “άγητωρ” read ‘άγήτωρ (άγ— cod.)’ ήγός, after ‘FM390.36’ add ‘, cf. Hesperia 5.95 (Athens, iii a.d.)’ Χήγουμενικός, η, όν, of or for a leadership, PMich.Teb. i.i23rviii 5 (i A.D.). ήγουν, last line, after ‘or,’ add ‘Vett.Val.138.12,’ and after ‘ POxy .’ add l2o85Fr.3.i5,i6 (ii a.d.),’ ήδέ, line 9, after ‘9.788.9’ add ‘; also ήδε.,τε Orph.77. 10.27’ line 10, omit ‘CA.1025,’ Χήδέοσμον, τό, or -οσμος, ό, v. ήδόοσμον in Suppl. ήδη, before ‘Adv.’ add ‘Thessalian είδε FC//59.37 (Crannon, ii b.c.),’ Χήδονίς, ίδος, η, — άφόδιον, Cyran. 18. ηδος ι, add ‘, cf. Lib. Or. 1.2 74’ Χήδυβόλος, ov, sweet-wounding, ή. όϊστω prob. in Norm. Z). 48. 472. ήδυλίζω, add ‘2. ήδυλίσαι· συνουσιάσαι, Hsch.’ ήδυλισμός, add ‘2. ήδυλισμός· συνουσία, Hsch.’ ηδυλογία, delete ‘in pi.,’ Χήδυμόλος, ov, coming with sweetness, όϊστός (of Eros) Nonn.Z). 48.472. (Prob. f.l. for ήδυβόλος.) Χήδόμοχθος, ov, to whom toil is sweet, γεωργός BSAg2A 1 2 (Caria). Χήδΰοινέω, produce sweet wine, PCair.fen.^G.S (iii B.c.). ήδόοσμον, after ‘Str.8.3.14’ add ‘, Ev.Malt. 23.23’; after ‘Dsc. 3.34’ add ‘ ; also -οσμος, Hsch. ; ήδέοσμος or -ov Sokolowski 84.14 (Smyrna, ii a.d.), BCH 81.2, 0F4483.12, 4485.3’; after ‘As trisyll.,’ insert ‘ Sokolowski l.c.,’ ήδυττάθημα, for ‘()’ read ‘(Ath.)’ ήδύπνοος i, after ‘7.2.25;’ add ‘of a poet, TP4.1.11 (Mel.);’ Χήδϋττοτέω, quaff delicious drink, SEGg.63.5 (Cyrene, i a.d.). ήδυπότις, for ‘something, .cup’ read ‘cup for delicious drink, joy-cup, a kind of κόλιξ’ and after ‘ib., ii b.c.’ add * ; called κνλιξ IGn(2).28yByf ήδυχαρής, add ‘II. title of comedy by Theopompus, CAF 1. 736/7·’ ήέ, after ‘whether’ add * ; but for ή (a) b. i in μελεδαντός άνδράσιν ηε πάρος (without μάλλον) BCHgo.gzg (Marathon, ii a.d.). [In some passages of Hellenistic and later verse, where the second syll. is long by position, the first syll . is short: Numen.ap.Ath-7.328a, Nic.Fr.50, 74.19, Norm. D. 34. 47, v.l. in Max.127.]’ ήερόθεν, init., insert ‘(parox.)’; after from air,’ insert ‘Norm. 7). 34.284,’ Χήεροττοΐτις, ιδος, η, dub. sens., PHib. 11.172.31 (iii b.c.); v. τι^ρόττοιταν. ήήν, add ‘, Dysc. 465 (ην Pap.)’ Χήθητής, οΰ, ό, servant who strains wine, PHib. 11.268. 15 (iii B.C.). Χήθητός, η, όν, strained, PCair .fen.^ffr .2 (iii B.c.). ήθικός ii. i, add ‘b. ηθικοί, oi, types of moral character, typical characters, τοίς ιδίως όνομασθεΐσιν η., οΐον λίχνοις η δειλοϊς Hermog.77.2.2’ 2, fin., after ‘52’ add ‘ ; = e’v ήθει (v. ήθος in Suppl.), Sch.E.77i/)/).307, etc.’ ήθος ii. 4, add ‘b. ε’ν ηθει (λεγειν) in an assumed character, εν η. εύνοιας, Αιηγησεις vii 23 ; also so as to convey a meaning indirectly, εν η. και ειρωνεία Sch.E.77er.26, cf. Sch.E.Or.750 ; μετά ήθους Sch.E.P/7.388.’ ήϊα (A) 11, line 4, after ‘Pherecr. 1 6 1 ’ add ‘ ; άχυρα και εια SEG 13. 13.85 (Athens, v B.c.)’ ήίθεος l. I, add ‘; τον η. (βίον) Αηΐίρ.Λοΰ:.3.255’ Χήϊών (B), v. άϊων (Suppl.). ήκής, acid ‘(perh. only inferred from άμφηκης, ευηκης).* ήκω, line 6, after “ηκατε” insert ‘Call.Fr.177.13 Pf.,’ Χήλακάτιον, τό, Dim. of ηλακάτη, Jnscr. Delos 1442B56 (ii b.c.; pi.) ; cf. ηλεκάτιον. ήλάριον, after ‘nail,’ insert ‘Zos.Alch.236. 9,’ Χήλέκτραι" τά ε’ν τοίς κλινόποσι των σφιγγών όμματα, Phot, ήλεκτρίς ιι, add ‘ ; sg., of one such island, A.R.4.505’ ήλιαία ι. i, add ‘; at Delos, Jnscr. Dilos 442F1 1 3 (ii b.c.)’ ΊΗλίεια, line 1, for ‘only’ read ‘IG‘22.gyyg.2i (iii b.c.);’ ήλιθα ii, fin., delete ‘, cf. 140’ ήλίθιος, line 1, before ‘Dor.’ insert ‘heXiOiov 7GH.975 (vi b.c.)’; at end of 1, add ‘ : -ov as Adv., in vain, IG l.c.’ ; line 5, after ‘persons,’ add ‘Simon. 37. 37 P.,’ Χήλΐθος, ov, useless, N1CM/.140. ήλικία, fine 7, for ‘6.1.4’ read ‘6.1.5’ ήλιξ, line 3, after ‘A. R. 2.479 ;’ insert ‘η. χαίτην Call.Z)e/.297, cf.’ Χήλιόγονος, ov, born of the sun, PMag. Par. 2.331. ήλιοδρόμος, add ‘2. an Indian bird, Cyran.89.* Χήλιοδυσία, η, sunset, Hsch. s.v. γ ελοδυτ ία. Χήλιοκογκόλιον, τό, dub. sens., Anon.Alch.32.6. Χήλιορόδιος, ον, η. άγων the festival Heliaea at Rhodes, Sch.Pi. 0.7.146a Dr. 68 ήλιοσέληνος SUPPLEMENT ήχ4ω ήλιοσέληνος, fin., for ‘de sacrificio.. p.8)’ read ‘Sacr.p. 1 49 B. ; Tz .Alleg.Il.Prol. 980’ Ήλιοσέραπις, add ‘ : also Ήλιοσάράπις (dat. —σαράπεί) IGRom. 3-93 (Sinope)’ χήλιόφεγγος, ον, = ήλιοφεγγ ής, είδος De Mely Lapid.Gr. 175.14, cf. Plin.77jV37.181. χΤΗλις, ώος, ή, Elis, II. 2. 615, etc. ; Elean μάλις, dat. ράλει SEG 12. 371.38 (iii b.c.) : — Adj. Ήλεΐος, a, ov, Elean , II. 11.671, etc.; Elean FaXeios Schwyzer 409.1 (vi b.c.), al. ήλίτης, for ‘ de sacrificio. .p.8)’ read ‘Sizcr.p.149 B.’ ήλοσύνη, after ‘Al. 420’ add ‘ ; madness (of the Proitides), Hes. in PS71301.15 (ήλ- Pap.)’ ήλόω n, add bristle as with nails, Aq.Pi.i 18(1 19). 120, cf. καθηλόω π* ημαι, fine 5, after “κάθημα ι” add ‘ ; irreg. «Γάτο (παρ-) Call. Fr. 497 Pf·’ ήμαιθον, add *, 7Gi2(i).89i.i (Rhodes).’ χήμάτιον, V. ιμάτιον (Suppl.). ημεδαπός, line 3, after ‘(sc. γη )’ insert ‘Ath.4.i38f,’ ήμερα, line 5, after ‘49.6, al.’ add *, cf. κατ’ ημέραν IGz2. 1656.3 (394 B.C.)’ II, add ‘4. δσαι ήμε'ραι, V. όσημέρα ι.’ χήμερείσια [ίερά] 7G42(l).742-I> ν· ημερήσιος. ημερήσιος hi, add ‘4. ή. κύκλος the circle of the sun’s course on a given day, Hero Dioptr. p.304 S.’ ήμερία, add ‘, cf. BGU 1039.3’ χήμερία (B), Ep. — ίη, η, — ήμερό της, culture of plants, POxy. 1796. 19 (ii a.d.). ήμέριος i, line 4, after ‘ mortals ,’ insert ‘Nic. 771.346,’ ήμερολεγδόν, line 1, after ‘(anap.) ;’ insert ‘7G2Z.458.6 (iv B-c·) ;’ ήμεροσκόπος, before “, ov” insert ‘(parox.)’ ήμιγύναιξ, for ‘Simon. 179.9, Suid. s.v. άρρεν’ read MP6.217.9 ([Simon.])’ ήμιγύναιος, for ‘Id.’ read ‘Suid.’ ήμιδεής, for ‘ΛΡ5.182. ,-δαής in’ read ‘P.S7428.24, cj. for -δαής in AP5.183 (Posidipp.) and’ χήμιεκατοστιαΐος, a, ov, half-hundredth ; ή. τόκοι interest of g-g monthly, i.e. 6% p.a., PNess. 46.6 (605 A.n.). ήμίεκτον, after ‘half-έκτεύς,’ insert ‘Hippon.140 D.3 (scanned ---),’ ήμιέτης, add ‘2. of six months' standing, οι εφηβεάσαντες . ,ημιε τεΐς prob. in L'Ant. Cl. 2. 65 (Apollonis, Lydia).’ ήμιθαλής, for ‘ half-green ’ read ‘ half-dead ’ ήμιθωράκιον, for front plate of the’ read ‘ half - χήμίκαβος, ό, half a κάβος, PRyl. 4.629.186 (iv a.d.); ήμικάβιον, τό, Dim. of foreg., ib.91 ; ήμικάβινος dub. ib.247. χήμικεράτιον, τό, half a κεράτιον (v. κεράτιον Ii), Bull.Mus, Beyrouth 7.78 (Berytus, v a.d.). ήμικόλλιον, add ‘II. half-strip of papyrus, PMich.Teb.12y vii 39 (i A.D. ; ίμι—).’ ήμικράνιον, add *, PMasp. i4i.nr 20 (vi a.d.)’ χήμίλιγδος, 6, half-moidd, with holes in it, used by a sculptor in the cire perdue process, dub. in S.Fr.35. ήμίλιτρον, 2, add ‘, Edict. Dior/. 19.14ε.’ ήμίμετρον, add ‘; rest, in 7G4.523 (Argive Heraeum).’ ήμιμναΐον, add ‘: Ion. ήμιμνήϊον 7Gi2(5).i230 (Paros), cf. Schwyzer 707 B (Ephesus)’ χήμΐμύριος [ϋ], ov, half a myriad, παρέχοντας ετησίως κάλαμον ήμι- μύριον PBerl.Leihg.23-9 (ίϋ A.D.). ήμίνα ι, add ‘(ίνιμίνα· ένήμισυ cod.; fort. leg. Ιν [μίνα (vel ήμίνα)· εν ή μισεί)’ II, add ‘b. [μίνα· χοίνιξ, Hsch.’ χήμίνομον, τό, half α νόμος iii, SEG4..4& (Tauromenium, i b.c.). ήμίξεστον, transfer ‘(Alexandrian. .3.121b)’ to ήμίνηρος after ‘Ath.3.1 i8f ’ ήμιοβόλιον, transfer the article before ήμιόγδοον. ήμιόγδοον, add ‘II. a division of the citizen body, τάν δε βουλάν διακλαρώσαι εις ή. και τριακάδα και φυλάν και φράτραν Robert Hell.v.6 (decree, prob. of Phlius, found at Delos, ca. ii b.c.).’ ήμιόδελος, delete the article. ήμιόλιος, add ‘V. nickname of a general, Plb.5.42.5, 79.5.’ χήμιόρυκτος, ov, half-dug, λάκκος PVat. nv ii 39, v 9 (ii a.d.). ήμιούγκιον, after ‘13.558’ add ‘, but -όγκιον in BGU 781.5. 17>l8’ χήμιροδία, ή, = ήμιρόδιον, Itiscr. Delos 1442P52 (ii B.c.). ήμιρρήνιον, delete ‘ : — fern, -ρρηνιαία, ή, ib.35’ ήμισάκιον, add ‘, cf. SEG13. 1 3. 1 37-9 (Athens, v B.c.)’ Χήμίσιος (B), = ήμισυς, MAM Al. 301 (Phrygia). χήμισοαγκωνοειδής, ες, shaped like an elbow, Bito 58.9. χήμιστάθμιον, τό, half a στάθμιον, PMich.Teb. 127 ii 4· ήμισυς, line 11 fin., add *, also acc. sg. fern, ή μίση PTeb.815 Fr. 1 o ii 8 (iii b.c.)’ p. 774a, line 5, after ‘Aug.)’ add ‘; Aeol. αίμισυς Theoc.29.5, 7Gi2 (2). 1.9,11’ II. 1 a, line 14, after ‘Pi.JV. 10.87’ insert ‘, Call. Dian. 90’ ; line3 15/16, transfer regul. . .601c’ to the end of 1. I, and for ‘ half-done ’ read ‘ρηθέν half-said’ ήμισφαγής, after, ‘ half-slain ,’ insert ‘Ps.-Callisth.21.13,’ χήμισωράκιον [ unknown provenance). ήνία (B), line 3, after ‘sg.,’ insert ‘A.Fr.223.3 M.;’ ήνιορράφος, add ‘, BCH7.24.3 (ινιοραφ—) .' ήνπερ, add *, etc.; v. εάνπερ (Suppl.)’ χ*ήος, v. εως. ήπανία, add ‘, 9.368.4 (Jul.)’ ήπατοσκόπος, belore “, ov” insert ‘(parox.)’ ήπειρος i, after ‘Timocr.8:’ add ‘pi., Theoc. 17.77, Epigr.Gr. 978, Nic. Th.827 :' 11, add ‘2. coast, Peripl.M.Rubr.38, v 41 ’ a1·’ ήπερ, for ‘v. ή (a)’ read ‘άρείοσιν ήε περ νμΐν ΙΙ.1.260, al.; πρότερον ήπερ προς Λακεδαιμονίους Hdt. Ι·77·2, cf. ή (α) Β. I ; also Amphis 33·2> but doubtful in Attic prose (codd. Th.6.40)’ ήπητρον, after 'wages,' insert 'Ostr.Mich. 1.8 (iii b.c.),’ ήπιόχειρ, delete ‘, prob.. .84.8’ χήπιόχειρος, ον, = ήπιόχειρ, Orph. 77.23.8, 84.8. ήρα (B) 1, add ‘ ; μηδοσύνας ή. τίνων Simm .Securis 1’ °HPa fin., after ‘Heraea’ add ‘, Inscr.Olymp.9 (but in GDh 149 the word is read as Εύραοίοις)' Ήραΐος ii, add ‘; ‘Ηραών, Ath.Mitt.59.75 (Eretria, v b.c.)’ add ‘III. 'Ηραία, ή, = "Ηρα, //SVI48.27 (Mycenae, ca. 490 b.c.).’ ‘Ηρακλέης, line 14, after “ Ήρακλήν” insert 'lnscr.Dilos 1416Λ1 17, al. (ii b.c.),’ χΉρακλειασταί, οι, guild of worshippers of Heracles, Dacia N.s. 4.276.32 (Istria, ii a.d.); also 'Ηρακλεϊσταί, 7Gi2(i).i62 (Rhodes). ‘Ηρακλείτειος, for “a, ov,” read ‘ov, Arist.P/.i 85a7, Metaph. 987333 : — ’ "Ηραος, before ‘v.’ add “Ήραών,” and at end ‘(with Suppl.)’ ήρεσίδες, before ‘EM’ insert ‘ παρθένοι ai καλούνται ή. (or Ή.) Agias and Dercylus in PUniv. Milan. 17 ii 17, cf. Call. Ft .65 Pf. adn. ; Hsch. ;’ — ήρης 2, add ‘ ; the rendering “with ten, etc., banks of oars” given s.v. δεκήρης, etc., is doubtful: the figures may indicate the number of rowers assigned to each oar (or group ol oars), cf. Tarn Hellenistic Military and Naval Developments (Cambridge 1930) pp.122 sqq. and works there cited.’ ήρι, fin., for ‘(Cumae)’ read ‘(Cumae, vii/vi b.c.), but perh. here ήρι is dat. of εαρ (A)’ ήρινός, after ‘= εαρινός,' insert ‘ Ale. 1 15(a). 10 L.—P. ;’ χήρόδοτος, ov, given in spring, An. Ox. 3.350.7. χ'Ηρο£ε ίνια, τά, feast in honour oj the Heroes, BCH82.1 95 (Thasos, iv b.c.), cf. ib.80.154 jalso'Hpon^ivia, Ί hasos 11.93. 192.23 (i a.d.). χήρώ(ι)διον, τό, Dim. of ήρωον, TAMi. 73 (Cyanae). ήρωίς ii. I, after “ηρωικός,” insert ‘θεαρίας Pi. in P0xy.2\cp\Fr. i.ii.i 1 (dub.) ;’ χήρων, αίνος, ό, Syracusan for ήρως, ήρώνεσσι Sophr.154. ήρωος, for ‘πούς. .etc.’ read 'ή. πους AP7.9 (Damag.)’ ήρως, line I, for Til’ read Ti’; line 4, after ‘43.66’ add ‘; ήρωτι lGBulg.362,1727 ,1750 (Thrace)’ ; line 8, delete ‘; ήρώνεσσι. . 154’; i, add ‘4. of great writers of the past, Phld.PA. 1.200, Longin.4.4., 14.2,36.2.’ ήσσάομαι, line 6, after ‘etc.’ add * ; Hellenistic έττηθήσεσθε PSI 340.21, εσσηθείς PHb.il. 197.53 (both iii B.C.)’ ήσυχη I, line 3, after ‘gently,' insert ‘Hippon.39 D.3,’ ήσυχία 4 a, fin., for ‘or εχειν read Ephor.236 J.’ and after T 14a’ add “ ; εχειν” ήτορ, line 2, after ‘codd. Ath.’ add ‘, Pi.7W.6.i2* ήτριον, line 2, after ‘(Leon., pi.)’ add ‘,15.27 (Simm.)’ Χήΰχορος, ov, of beautiful dancing, τέχνη App.Anth.2. 520.7 (εν- lapis). χ'Ηφαίστειος, a, ov, of or belonging to Hephaestus, Call.Fr.202.57 Pf. (Add. 11). χΉφαίστιον, τό, = Ήφαιστεΐον, IG i2.37°·2 (Athens, v b.c.). Ήφαιστόχειρος, for ‘Choerob. Orth, in AB1380’ read ‘An. Ox. 2.317’ ήχεω, line 5, for ‘grasshopper’ read ‘cicada’ Π, at end, after ‘OC 1500’ add ‘; of long vowels, πολύν ηχείται χρόνον D.H .Comp, if 69 θαάσσω SUPPLEMENT θεοφορέω θαάσσω, add prob. in Sapph.73(a)-7 L.-P.’ θάκος, after “θώκος” add ‘(also Men.Dyjc.176)’ 1. 3, add ‘ ; in public baths, &EG16.719 (Ephesus, ii a.d.)’ θαλάμη i. i, line 6, after ‘/on 394 (pi.)’ insert ‘; of the under¬ ground shrine of Rhea, NicM/.B (pi.) and Sch., cf. Phot, and Hsch. S.V. θαλάμαι Χθαλάμίσκος' κοηωνίσκος, Cyr. θαλαμίτης, for ‘on the lowest bench of’ read ‘of the forward squad in’ Χθαλάσσινος, η, ον, — άλουργής, thalassina vestis Lucr.4.1127. θαλάσσιος, line 7, before “πεζοί” add ‘θ. νεκρός, oi a shell used as a trumpet (cf. Ath.10.457f), Thgn.1229;’ and in line 9 omit ‘Θ.. . 1229;’ Χθάλασσόγονος, v. θαλασσίγονος. Χθαλασσοδίαιτος, ον, dwelling in the sea, Abh.Berl.Akad. 1 943 ( 1 4) (Chalcis, iii a.d.). θαλασσοειδής, add ‘ ; epith. of (Jewish) god, PMag. 4.3068’ Χθαλασσόζωνος, ον, sea-girt, prob. in PHib. 11. 172.68 (iii B.c.). θαλασσομαχέω, for ‘fight by sea’ read ‘of a pilot , fight the waves' θαλασσουργός, before “ό” insert ‘also -οεργός GV1 1859 (Teos, ii/i b.c.),’ θάλεα, line 3, for ‘Alcm.io’ read ‘Alcm.15 P., cf. Vi.Parth.2.58' and for ‘ Fr.anon.31 ’ read ‘Fr. 337 Pf.’ θαλερός II, line 6, for ‘the thick and frequent sob’ read ‘loud lamentation’ θαλία i, add ‘ ; rare in Prose, Hdt.l.c., ~X..Hier. 6.2’ Χθαλλίς, ίδος, ή, basket, Afric.Cejf.p.47 V. Χθαλλισμός, ό, special monetary provision in will, PUniv.Milan.u.8 4.9 (ii A.D.), cf. θαλλός III. θαλλός, line 7, after ‘etc. ;’ add ‘also with apposition, θάλλω στεφάνιο /Gi2(i).i6o,i6i, Annuario 8/9.322 (Rhodes) βάλλω, line 14, after ‘etc. :’ insert ‘impers., Alcm.20.4 P. :’ θάλος, line 1, after ‘but’ insert ‘generally’; line 4, after ‘El. 15, etc.’ add ‘U. well-being, thriving, RC/Z85.849’ and for ‘ — For the pi., ,τά’ read ‘. pi., Pi.Parth.2.56 S. ; cf. θάλεα ’ Χθάλιτιον* θερμότερον, Cyr. θάλπω ii. 3, for ‘hatch’ read ‘brood over' iv, line 2, after “θάλφαι” insert ‘(s.v.l.)’ and for ‘to live ’ read ‘ keep oneself warm' θαλυκρός, for “άπάντη” read “ά πάντη” and for ‘Fr.anon. 69’ read ‘Fr. 736 Pf.’ θαλυσια I, for ‘Artemis’ read ‘the gods generally’ and at end add ‘ ; generally, = άπαρχαί, Nonn.D.47.493,48.224.’ θαμνομήκης, for ‘a long. . bush’ read ‘ oj the length that suits the bush' Χθαμνοΰχος, ον, full of bushes, rest, in A.Fr.110.3 M. θανατήσιος, for ‘14,16. .Thevenot)’ read ‘p.28 V. (v.l. -ήσιμος), ρ·3°ν·’ θανατιάω, before ‘= θανατάω ii* insert ‘= θανατάω I, Anon.ap. Suid. II.’ Χθανατοσυνάρτης, ου, δ, joiner together of death, PMag. Par. 1 . 1 372. *θάομαι, line 6, after ‘15.23’ add ‘(v.l.)’, and in 11 add at end I. pi. aor. subj. θασώμες Theoc.15.23 ( PAnlin .).’ θάπτω, lines 8, 10, after ‘Hes..Sc.472’ add ‘; θάπτε ιν κατα- καύσαυτες ή άλλως yfj κρύφαντες Hdt.5.8’ and after ‘cremation,’ add ‘E. Antiop. 9. 21 A.,’ Χθαρσικάριος, v. ταρσ.κάριος. θάρσος ι. 2, after ‘lyr.’ add sed leg. θάσαει. . άοιδός ’ Χθάς, Lesb. = εως, Alc.70.8, 206.6 L.-P. θαΰμα ι. 2, for ‘ mountebank-gambols’ read ‘acrobatic feats, IGiz.6f& (vi b.c.)’ and after ‘7.3 (sg.)’ add Max.Tyr.p.344 H·’ θαυμασιότης II. 2, add ‘, PGrenf. 1.56. 7 (vi a.d.)’ θαυμαστός, line 7, after ‘c. gen.,’ insert ‘ραστώνης PI. /,5.648c;’; lines 8/9, delete 'πλέοσι. .9.122;’ θεά, at end after ‘978’ add ‘; also Herod.4.11’ θέα i. 1 a, transpose the last two examples, reading ‘Id.’ for ‘X.’ and ‘X.’ for ‘Id.’ ; add ‘but’ before “ήγριωμένος” and for ‘at the sight of. . ’ read ‘at his gazing ’ θεαγός, for ‘priest, .gods’ read ‘a priest, of uncertain function,’; omit ‘PTeb.. .B.c.),’ and tor ‘, etc.’ read ‘; θ. Θοήριος PTeb. 6ϊ(ά)·59 (ji b.c. ; pi.), Θ.Σουχου ib.121.76 (pi.), 133 (i b.c.), Θ. Θοηρείου έζαγορείων καί έτερον Σιντάνω λεγομένου Pap. in JEA 20.21.9 (iii a.d. ; pi.), cf. ib. 28’ θέαινα, after ‘Antiph.81 .3’ add ‘(this gen. pi. was prob. regular in Attic when the gender was to be marked)’ and at end ‘ : nom. sg. θεαίνη Nonn.D.6.123’ θεάομαι ii, line 3, after ‘Hsch.’ add ‘ ; dub. in Men.Epit.58f θεατρίζω ι, after ‘Suid.’ add ‘ ; dub. sens., either perform or attend performances, JD.S18.154 (Gerasa, ii a.d.)’ θεατρικός 2, add ‘b. of style, showy, D.H./roc. 12.15.’ θέατρον, line 4, for ‘19.20’ read ‘19.29’ θεατροτορόνη, for ‘stage-pounder, .dancer’ read ‘stirrer-up of the theatre-audience, epith. of a courtesan’ θέεινος, add ‘ ; written θοειν- PMich.lnv.p. 163.7 (iii a.d.) in Trans. Am.Phil.Ass.92.258’ θεηδόχος, for ‘poet, for θεοδόχος,' read ‘recipient of deity, ονδας άρούρης’ Χθεικα, a, Boeot. for θήκη, = διαθήκη, will, Αρχ.Δελτ. 1931-2(14) Ρ1·!·29,33 (Thespiae, iii/ii b.c.). θειλόπεδον, after ‘spot’ insert ‘, esp.’ Χθειογραφικός, ή, όν, theological, Ιστορίαι Rh. 3. 541. 22. θείος (A), line 2, delete ‘late’ and after “θήϊος” insert ‘Alc.45.8 L.-P.,’ 11. 1, add ‘; in Lydian dedications, Keil— Premerstein Dritter Bericht no. 30 (ii a.d.), cf. Anatolia 3.1 12’ θειόστεπτος, -τελής, delete the entry. χθείς, θεΐσα, θέν, gen. θέντος, aor. part, of τίθημι. χθείς, θέν, gen. θενός, = δείς (q.v. with Suppl.), ή δε γη ήν θέν καί ούθέν Thd.Gr. ι.2. Χθείωσις, εως, ή, consecration, by initiation, Plu.2.35if· χθελεμνός, ή, όν, well-founded, prob. in Emp.21.6 {—λημν— or —λημ— codd.) ; —μνόν δλον εκ ριζών, Hsch. Cf. θελυμνός (Suppl.). θελήμων, add ‘; of persons, Id.4.1657’ θέλκταρ, read “θέλκ-αρ” Χθελκτώ- κολακευτική, Suid., Phot, θέλξις, add ‘; prob. in D.H.Tk.55’ θελοντής, add ‘(in S.4/-24 ’ θελοντής is prob.)* For ‘θέλυμνα. .21.6.’ read ‘θελυμνός, ή, όν, = θελεμνός (Suppl.), cj. Emp.21.6.’ θέλω, for ‘όσης άν. .40.27’ read ‘IG i2.6.io6, 22.85i.i5 (224/3 B.C.)’ θεμείλια, line 3, after ‘H. 5.680’ add ‘; metaph., θ. πήγνυτο χάρμης the foundations of battle were being laid, Nonn.D.17.135, cf. 29.324,43.3: sg. θεμείλιον Nic.77i.6o8, Inscr.Dilos 290.202 (iii b.c.)’ line 4, after “θέμειλον,” insert ‘Call.Dian.248,’ θεμελιόθεν, add ‘ ; also θεμελιάθεν Princeton Exp.Inscr. 605 (Syria, v a.d.) ; θαιμηλιώθε Rev.Et.Gr.q2.28i (Syria).’ θεμελίωσις, add ‘, /Gi i(2).i9g/188 (Delos, iii b.c.)’ θέμερος, a, ov, read “θεμερός, ά, όν” and after ‘Hsch. ;’ add ‘Θ. όπί PiJV.7.83 cod.D;’ Χθεμιονείκης (i.e. -νίκης), ου, ό, winner of a θέμις n, TAM2.888 (Cadyanda). θεμις, line 4, after ‘Pi. 0. 13.8,’ insert ‘Pl.ii.380a (cf. Θέμιτι IG 7.1816.2)’ 11, add gen. θέμεως MAMA\. 1 24, 1 32 (Metropolis)’ θεμιστεύω I, after ‘Od. 11.569’ add ‘; λαοίς θεμιστενσοντα Gyges Fr. in .PO.vy.2382.ii.13’ and before ‘9.1 14’ insert Od.’ 11, add ‘b. c. dat. et inf., in (oracular) answer enjoin on one to. ., Πρακτικά Άρχ. Εταιρείας 1932.52 (Dodona, iv B.C.).’ θεμιστοπόλος I, add ‘, Hes.Fr.7.3’ θεμιτεύω, for ‘orgies’ read ‘rites’ and delete ‘, metri gr.’ θεμιτός, line 6, for ‘θεμίτ’ ήν. .dub. 1. in’ read “ θεμιτά ” θεοβλαβής, add ‘2. heaven-inflicted, άχη S.Inach. in PTeb. 692 ii 15.’ Χθεογηθής, ές, rejoicing in god, Didyma 344.5, Kalinka Antike Denk- maler in Bulgarien 334. χθεόγνητος, ov, born of a god, PHib. 11. 172.89 (iii B.c.). θεόγνωστος, add ‘2. θεόγΐ'ωστος, ή, — βράθυ, Cyran.i2.’ ΧΘεοδαισία, ά, = Θεοδαίσια, τά, IG 12(2). 68. 9 (Lesbos, ii A.D.). χθεοθελής, ές, willed by the gods, Sch.B II. 14. 120. Χθεοκόρος, ό, = νεωκόρος, Hsch. s.v. σιοκόρος. Θεόκριτος, add ‘2. gloss on Δάν (Hebr. = judge), J.AJi.ig.q.’ θεομάχος, before “, ov” insert ‘(parox.)’ Χθεομήδεα, τά, counsels of God, Gerasa No. 327 (vi a.d.). ΧΘεοξενιακά, τά, fund for the expenses of the Theoxenia, IG 12(5). 544B2.9 (Ceos, iii/iv a.d.). θεοπάτωρ, add ‘; Ath.Mitt. 75.121. 21 (Samos, i a.d.).’ θεοπειθής, after ‘to God,’ insert ‘IGf(i).^2^.5 (iii a.d.), al.,’ θεόπλοκος, before ‘ Caf.Cod.Astr .’ insert ‘Rhetor, in’ θεοπόλος, delete the article, θεοπροπέω II, add ‘, Ephes. 4(3), no. 62’ θεοπρόσπλοκος, for the present article substitute after “ov,” ‘very religious, Ptol.Tefr.71 (where Proclus paraphrases προσ- πλεκόμενοι προς θεούς), 1 55» 1 59·’ θεοπρόσπολος, for the present article substitute * = foreg., Ptol. Tetr. 71 (v.l.), 155 (v.l.).’ θεός, line 5, after “Τιμόθεε” add ‘ ; Ep. gen. and dat. sg. and pi. θεόφιν H.17.101,14.318, al.’ iii, line 5, after ‘notin Com.’ add ‘exc. Men.jP£.397’ Χθεοσέσινοι, oi, board of officials at Eleusis, rest, in SEG 10.24.5 (v b.c.), 12.95^9 (ii a.d.) , see 47^77-54- Χθεοστεφής, ές, crowned by god, C/G8639 (vi a.d.). θεοστυγής, after ‘of the gods,’ insert ‘ S.Inach . in POxy. 2369.1.1. 22,’ θεοσύλης, after ‘ sacrilegious ,’ insert ‘Ale. 298(a). 4 L.-P., Archil. (?) in POxy. 2320.10,’; at end add ‘; fem. -ις, metaph., ρίνα θεόσυλιν Hippon.x.i D.3’ Χθεοταρβής, ές, god-fearing, PHib. 11. 1 72.38 (iii B.c.). Θεοτόκος, add ‘2. giving birth to gods, γή rest, in TAM2.\q\B\\ (Sidyma, ii a.d.).’ Χθεότροπος, ov, godlike in character, Άγαθόκλεια Brit. Mus. Coins of Greek and Scythic Kings of Bactria p.43. θεουδής, at end after ‘3.775’ add ‘, where the Adj., applied to όμβρος and νήσος respectively, perh. = θεσπέσι ος’ ΧΘεοφάνικά, τά, prob. fund for the expenses of the Theophania, IGRom. 4.950 (Chios, i B.c./i a.d.), cf. L. Robert 5C//59.464. θεοφιλής i, lines 7/8, delete ‘; θεοφιλές. .Plu.2.3of’ θεοφίλητος, add ‘, Socr.Ep.55’ θεοφορέω, add ‘, Men.ip. 101 Koerte3* 70 θεοφόρος SUPPLEMENT θορηνεύς θεοφόρος ι, add * : -φόρος, ό, as title of a functionary in a Bacchic association, .d7.d37.244 (pi. ; Latium, ii a.d.)’ Χθεοφωνέω, speak words divinely inspired, Hld.2.11. βεόχρηστος, add Abh.Berl.Akad. 1925.5, p.18, line 27 (Cyrene, iii a.d.)’ θέπτανος, after ‘Hsch.’ add cf. Θ t πτ αίνων άπτόμενος, Cyr. (fort, θειγγάνων, = θιγγάνων)' θεράπευμα ιι. 2, add ‘b. thing to be treated, case for treatment , δάσκολον θ. την αδολεσχίαν Plu.2.502b.’ θεραπεύω ιι. 10, add ‘ ; embalm, ζωον Horap.1.39, cf. UPZ 162 ii 22 (ii B.c.), Arch.Pap. 13.76’ Χθεραπνεύω, to be a θεράπων, Άθηνά 20.216,217 (Chios), θεράπνη II, add Orph.j4.950, 1 208 (pi.) ; cf. θεράττναι· αυλώνες, σταθμοί, Hsch.’ θερειγενής, before ‘ growing ’ add ‘ coming or’ ; after ‘ summer ,’ add “κάμινον” ; and after ‘601’ add Νείλοιο οίδμα Nonn.D.26. 238, cf. 229’. 11, delete the section, θέρειος in, for ‘Nic.77i.46o’ read ‘Nic. 771.469’ Χθέριστον, τό, = θεριστρον, Phot, θερίστριον, add ‘, Vit. Aesop. (G) 32’ θερμαντήριος ii, after ‘= θερμαντηρ,’ insert ‘0jEG13.i2.96 (Athens, v b.c.),’ θερμαντικός, add Ή. hot, lustful, of the bull, Horap.1.46 (Sup.).* θέρμαστις, for ‘perh. = θέρμαστρις' read ‘dub. sens.’ Χθερμάστριον, τό, dub. sens., Inscr. Delos 141 7j4ii 58, cf. Hsch. s.v. σχίνδαν. θερμαστρις, line 5, after ‘Hsch.’ add * ; used by a painter, prob. for encaustic work, PCair.Zer 1.782(a). 50, 61 (iii B.c.)’ Χθερμαυστίς, ίδος, or θέρμαυστις, ιδος, η, = θερμαστρις III, SEG 13. 12. 97*98 (rest.; Athens, v b.c.), lG2z.Add.et Con. 1424a. 287. θερμαύστρα, for ‘f.l. . . (q.v.)’ read ‘= θερμάστρα, Calh.De/.144 (codd.), /Gi i (2).i44Dig’ Χθερμέλάτος, ον, struck hot, Moses Alch. 304.7. χθερμελη· η θέρμη, Suid. ; cf. έλη. θερμημερίαι, add ‘2. warm days in winter, Diocl.Dr.141 W. (ap. Orib.tnc.40.41).’ χθερμηνός, η, όν, of hot springs, Μητρι Θ. ευχήν Robert Hell.10.j8 (S.E. of Dorylaeum) . Χθέρμιος, ό, name of month, Hesperia 27.75 (ca. 200 b.c., un¬ known provenance). θερμοδότις, for ''bath-attendant' read ‘ dispenser of hot drinks' Χθερμόλοια, τά, festival at Gortyn, Inscr. Cret.^. 143.3 (Gortyn, iv B.C.). θερμόλυχνον, add but v. έρμόλ υχνον (Suppl.)’ χθερμοπώλης, ου, ό (written — πολ-), keeper oj a cook-shop, MAMA 3.165 (Corasium), 719 (Corycus). θερμός n. i, add ‘b. of speech, vehement, Philostr.KS'1.25. 10.’ iii. 4, add hot baths. Thermae, Άδριανών Θ. POxy. 54.14 (iii a.d.) ; των μειζόνων Θ. ib.473.5 (ii A.D.)’ Χθεροκαυσώδης, ες, causing summer heat, P Mag.Par . 1.1359. Χθερσόλη, ή, sine expl., Arc. 109 B., Theognost. Can. 1 1 1. θέρσος, after “ θάρσος ,” insert ‘Alc.206.2 L.-P.,’ θέσις, line 2, after ‘Pi.O.3.8;’ insert ‘= ή ποίησις παρά Άλκαίω, £Αί3Ι9·3Ι> and so perh. in Ale. 204.6 L.-P.;’ θέσκελος, line 3, after 'anon. 385’ add ‘ ; divine, είδος, opp. βροτοειδέα μορφήν, Nonn.D.47.7 1 8’ θεσμοθέτις, before “, ιδος” insert ‘(parox.)’ θεσμός I. 3, add ‘b. έρόεις καί όλκιμος είν ένί θεσμω in combination, at once (s.v.l.), Nonn.D.29.29.’ iii, add ‘2. perh.= θήκη 2, Arch.f.Religionswiss. 1 0.403 (Cos, iii b.c.).’ Χθεσμοφοριακός, ή, όν, belonging to the Thesmophoria, St.Byz. s.v. Κάλατις. Χθεσμοφυλακεω, act as θεσμοφάλαξ, Petersen-Luschan Reisen in Lykien, No. 19 0 5. θεσπίζω iii, add ‘ ; generally, ordain, of Lycurgus, c. inf., Sch. B II. 1. 534.’ θέσπισμα 2, add * : generally, ordinance, τά των αρχόντων θ. Sch.B ΙΙ.8.12’ θεσπιστής, add ‘ ; also θεσπιστήρ Epigr. in Rtr.Dt7.69.38’ Χθεσσαλιώτας, ό (?), = ε’να7ΐ[α]σμός τις παρά Λάκωσι, Hsch. θετικός iii, lines 5/6, for ‘ addressed . .feeling’ read ‘ more abstract ’ θέω (B), add “, χλωραθέω” θεωρία iii. 3, add ‘ ; Didyma2jgai 1,152.10 (θυορ-), 329.12 ( θεορ -) (all pi.)’ θεωρικάς II, add ‘b. fee paid to θεωροί, SEG 12.372.B10 (Cos, iii. B.c.).’ θεωρίς I, add ‘3. by confusion = θυωρίς (sc. τράπεζα), Poll. 4. 123.’ θεωρός, last line but one, after “θιαρός” insert 'Inscr. Cret. 2.xii 1 1 (Eleutherna, vi/v b.c.),’ θήβαι, line 2, after ‘4.406’ add ‘, Call.Dc/.87.88, GE/870,943’ Χθηήτωρ, ορος , ό, = θηητήρ, Nonn.D.22.57· θήκη 3* add ‘ ; λάχνων θήκαι stands, Plu.2-528b’ Χθηλαστήριον, τό, establishment of wet-nurses, BGU 1854.6. θηλή ii, add ‘2. a part of the θυμιατήριον, Inscr. Dilos 443.CZ> 143 (ii b.c.).’ χθηλούθιος, ό, a Boeotian month, Άρχ.Έφ. 1956.38.68 (Tanagra, i b.c.) . Χθηλυκάρδιος, ή, sc. λίθος, a precious stone, Plin.//jV37.i83. Χθηλΰκόσωμος, ον, in the form of a woman, Ps.-Callisth.i.5. θηλυμανέω, add ‘II. to be over-luxuriant, of trees, as etym. of προθέλυμνος, Andromachus in Sch.B II. 13. 130; cf. μάχλος 2 a and καθυλομανέω with Suppl.’ θηλυπρεπής, after ‘Chor. Lyd.f insert ‘; θηλυπρεπούς φωτός, perh. Heracles, Didytna 501. 9’ Χθηλύρριζος, ή, sc. λίθος, a precious stone, Plin.//7V37.i83. θήλυς, line 5, for ‘dub. 1.’ read ‘f.l.’ and after ΆΙ. 42’ add ‘(leg. δηλήειν)' i. i a, add ‘; n. pi. , females, τοΐς θήλεσι (opp. τοΐς παιδικοΐσι) E.Cyc.584’ 2, fin., for 'by women' read 'of women' 11. 3, add ‘ ; of stones, Theophr .Lap. (Er.5.) 3°’ iii, for ‘65od’ read ‘658d’ Χθήμνες, v. θιάλλαι. θημολογέω, add ‘(prob. corrupt; έχημολόγε i Meineke)’ θημωνιά, line 3, after ‘also’ insert ‘θιμωνιά Lxx ^c.2.9,’ Χθημωνιάζομαι, to be heaped up, Α1.£χ.ΐ5·8. θην, add ‘ ; also in Cerc.4.35’ θήνιον, add ‘, prob. in Inscr.Cret. i.xvii.18 (Lebcna, i b.c.).* θήρ, line 1, after ‘also ή,' insert ‘Nic. DA. 814,’ 2, line 3, after ‘Ar. Av. 1064 (lyr.)’ insert ‘; of centipedes, Nic.l.c.’ Θήρα, add ‘V. snare (= Hebr. refet ‘net’), Lxx 5.1.34(35) .8, Ep. Rom. 1 1.9.’ θηραγρέτης, for ‘s.v.l.’ read ‘cj.’ χθηραγρευτής, οΰ, ό, hunter, Ε.Βα.1020 (lyr., cj.). Θηραϊκόν or Θήραιον, add ‘, /G22. 1415.25, 1421. 126, al. (iv B.c., Θήραιον or Θήραια)' θήραμα, add ‘2. decoy, lure, E.RI963.’ Χθήραφος, ό, spider, Cyran.62. θηράω i. 2, line 4, after ‘1194’ add ‘(dub. cj.)’ θήρειος I, add ‘2. = θηριακός, φάρμακα Aristid.Or.48 (24) .64.’ θηρεύω fin., before ‘ — Trag.’ add ‘; θ. ακοήν, of birds, Lyr. Adesp.i 18 P.’ θηρίδιον, for ‘ animolculae' read ‘ animalcules' ΧΘηρικλείδιον, τό, Dim. of Θηρίκλειος, Inscr. Delos 1450/I137 (ii B.C.). Χθηριοδιώκτης, marsus, Gloss.·, cf. θηριοδήκτης. Χθηριομάχιον [ά], τό, contest with wild beasts, TAM2.508.12 (Pinara, pi.). θηρίον, line 5, after ‘Plb.i 1.1.12, ah’ add ‘, D.S.2.18’ θηριοτρόφος i, after ‘ keeping wild beasts,' insert ‘Ptol.Teh.179,’ θηρόβοτος, add ‘ : θηρόβοτος, ή, beast-haunted wilderness, ib. I47;4’ Χθηροδίαιτος, ον, living like wild beasts, Didyma 496B6 (ii a.d.). θηροκόμος, delete ‘or camels' θηρόπεπλος, for ‘the mad. .Timae.8o’ read ‘, v. περισσαν- θηρόπεπλος in Suppl.’ θής i, add ‘4. temple servant, prob. in Call.Dr.186.14 Pf.’ θησαυροφύλαξ, transfer ‘, Vett.Val.85. 23’ to 11. χθίας, a, 6, Rhodian = θείος (B), Lindos 11.198.7 (ii b.c.), ah, Clara Rhodos 2.193 (ϋ b.c.), ah θιασιτικός, add ‘ ; P Enteux. 20.5,9 (iii B.c.)’ ΧθιβοΟχος, ό, chest- or box-keeper, dub. in Swoboda Denkmaler 2 1 7 (Palaia Isaura). θιβρός ii, after ‘Euph.81’ add ‘; cf. θίρρον τό τρυφερόν, Theognost.Can. 1 5.20’ θιγγάνω n. 3, line 3, after ‘PluM/ex.io’ add ‘; adjoin, τά θιγ- γάνοντα τω ιαρω τεμένια Rev.Tt.Anc. 44·35·45 (Olus, ii B.c.)’ θλίβω ι, add ‘b. sens obsc. (cf. Lat. comprimo), AP 12.153 (Asclep.).’ 11, lines 5/6, delete ‘θλιβομένα. .Theoc.2i.i8;’ Χθνητόγονος, ον, = θνητογενής, Epigr. in Berl.Sitzb. 1932.862. θνητός i, add ‘b. τά τνατά (= θνητά), property in cattle, animals, Leg.Gort. 5.39 (v b.c.), etc., v. αθάνατος in Suppl.’ θοάζω (C), delete the article. χθοάω, v. θωάζω (Suppl.). χθοιναρμοστρέω (?), serve as θοιναρμόστρια, aor. part, in Lacon. form σειναρμοστρήάά perh. to be read in 7G5(i).22g.2 (i B.c./i a.d.), cf. B&445.266, n.13. θοιναρμόστρια, add ‘(dub., v. θοιναρμοστρέω in Suppl.). Χθοινάτάς, a, ό, = θοινάτωρ, τας Δάματρος Dacia 3/4-451 (Callatis, i b.c., ph). θολερός ii, after ‘Adv. -ρώς' add ‘Man.6.178,’ Χθολίδιον, τό, Dim. of θόλος, IG22. 1534.280 (Athens, iii b.c.). θόλος, add ‘(θόλος as a word of two genders, S.E.M.1.148.)’ θοός (A), line 2, after ‘etc.’ add ‘; Βιττίδα. . θοήν Hermesian. 7.77’ line 12, after ‘motion,’ add “A ίδος” and for ‘Antim.71’ read ‘Antim. 187.2 W.’ add at end ‘(θοός is variously explained in An. Ox. 1.200, and the sense is sts. doubtful.)’ θοός (B), line 3, after ΆΡ 9.157;’ add 'iop Q.S. 14.305 (θ. δόρυ Id.4.417, θ. βέλος Id. 10.210, etc., may belong to θοός (a)) ;’ θοόω i, transfer ‘τεθοωμένος Nic. T/i.228’ to 11 after ‘Hermesian. 7·»;’ Χθορηνεύς, ε'ως, 6, sword-fish, prob. in Hsch. (cod. θορινεϋσαι) , cf. θρανίς. 71 θόρνυμαι SUPPLEMENT θωττεΐον θόρνυμαι, add Act. part, θορνύς mating, Nic.TTj.gg’ θουράω, for ‘leap upon, c. acc.,’ read ‘lust, επ’ άραένων λέκτρα βροτών ΧΘρακάρχης, ου, ό, president of the provincial council of Thrace, Rev.Arch. 1 932(101). 203 (iii a.d.), Rev.Et.Gr. 52.479; hence Θρςικαρχεω fahresh.pfl Beibl. 103· θρήκιος, at end, before ‘Phanocl.’ insert ‘Hippon.41 D.3,’ θρανίδιον, add 5FG13.12.140 (Athens, v b.c.)’ ^ θρανίς, for the present article substitute ‘θράνις, ό, sword-fish, — ξιφίας, τόν θράνιν Λελόντε, Άρχ.Έφ. Ι937(3)·833 ff- (Eleusis, v b.c.) ; Xenocr.8 ; cf. θρανίας.’ > θρανος i. I, add ‘ ; defined as tanning-bench, Sch. rec. Ar.F^.369 11. 1, add ‘ ; so perh .floor-boards, S.Inach. in POxy. 2369.1.11. 13 ; roof-beam, από θράνω λελακα γλαυξ Alcm.i.86P. 2, before “θ. ποικίλος ” insert ‘in the προστάς of a house*’ Θράξ, for ‘Aet.Oxy. 2079.13’ read ‘Fr. 1 . 13 Pf., al.,’ and for ‘Archil.iS’it/t/t.4.48’ read ‘Archil. 51. 48 D.3’ Χθρασύαιγις, ιδος, dub. sens., Lyr. Adesp. 7 {e). 12 P. Χθρασύδης, ες, bold, PMich. 149 xi 23 (ii a.d.). θρασυμήχανος, add Άρης cj. in Simon. 70.2 P. *θρασυτολμία, ή, effrontery, Acta Alexandrinorum 10.34 (ii/iii a.d.). Χθραυμάτιον, τό, Dim. οί θραυμα I, pi., αργυρά laser. Dilos 1450·^ 1 15 (ii b.c.) · θραύσμα ii, for ‘in leprosy, scab' read ‘patch where the hair has fallen off ’ θραύστης, delete the article (leg. [Τι\θραύστης). θραύω, line 5, before ‘ : — break ’ insert cf. άποτεθραυμενην Inscr. Dilos 1450A33, but περιτεθραυσμενην ib.35 (ii B.C.)’ θρέομαι, for ‘only in pres.’ read ‘impf. θρεύετο Poet, in /6'42( 1 ). 616.4 (Epid., iv b.c.)’ θρεπτήριος hi. 2, after ‘Hes. Op. 188,’ insert ‘A.R. 1.283,’ θρεπτός, i, line 2, delete ‘Lxx Es.2.7,’ and at end add παΐς θρεπτη an orphan girl brought up by a kinsman, Lxx Es. 2. 7.’ add ‘ΠΙ .fosterling (of the Nile), describing Sosibius, a Greek born in Egypt, Call.Fr.384.28 Pf. IV . cult name of Triptolemus, Sokolowski 102I69 (Athens, ca. 400 b.c.).’ θρεσκός, add ‘ ; cf. φιλόθρεσκος’ Χθρηναύλης, ου, ό, player of flute at mournings, PSAAthen.^y 113 (ii A.D.). θρηνήτρια, add ‘, 5FG8.62i.i8 (Egypt, ii a.d.)’ *θρηνικόν (sc. μετρον), τό, anapaestic monometer, Serv. in Gramm. Lai.iv.461.31 K. Χθρηνός, ό, professional waxier, άοιδους θρήνους dub. in Il.24.721. θρήνος, add ‘(θρήνος, εος, τό, is prob. f.l. in Procl. ap.Phot. Bibl. p.319 B.)’ Χβρηνοτόκος, ον, engendering lament, μολπή GVI 1244 (Athens, ii/iii a.d. ; less prob. in pass, sense, θρηνότοκος born of lament). θρησκώδης, add ‘; Sup. [θρη]σκωδεστατα rest, in 7G22.io74.i5 (ii a.d.) , cf. AJP70.300’ θριαί ii, add ‘, cf. Call.Fr.260. 50 Pf.’ θρίαμβος I. I, after ‘Cratin.36’ add ‘, ^13.6 (Phal.)’ θρίγκωμα, for ‘cj. . .15.11.3’ read ‘J.AJi 5. 1 1 .3, cj. for τριχώματα in Ε./Γ73’ θριδακηΐς, for ‘of the lettuce ’ read ‘ lettuce-like ' θρίδαξ, line 4, after “θίδραξ,” insert ‘Arr.F/>ifo2.io.g, 3.24.44,’ and after “ θιδρακίνη ” add ‘; θύδραξ, PRyl. 4.627.151, 629.233’ θρινάκη, for ‘Call. Fr. 46 P.’ read ‘Call. (?)Fr. 799 Pf.’ and for “ θρίνακ ’ ήν" read “ θρίναχ ’ ήν” θρινάκιος, add ‘, AP 7.714’ θρίξ, add ‘IV. a kind of seaweed, μνία καλείται τινα. .καί τρίχες AelJVTi 3-3·’ θρΐον ι. ι, add ‘b. of tlie wing-cases of a locust, Ar.F.1312.’ Χθρίσσος (B), o, a Thessalian snake, Afric.Ce.fop. 16 V. θροέω i, add ‘3. boo a speaker, εν εκκλησία -ούμενος Gnomol.Vat. in Wien.Stud. 10.224. 4. of the wind, API.228 (Anyt.).’ χθρονιστήριον, τό, throne, Ps.-Callisth.38.!. χθρονοθήκη, ή, box of herbs or drugs, Babylonian Talmud, Kelim ch.13 p.42 (in Hebr. letters). Χθρονόμαντις, εως, ό, diviner by θρόνα, magic herbs, Abh.Berl. Akad. 1 943 (14) .8 (Chalcis, iii a.d.). ΧΘροσία, ή, epith. of Artemis, perh. = Θρασεία, Πολέμων ι .249 (Larissa) . θρύϊνος, add *, PLond. 122. 103 (iv A.D.)’ θρυμματίς, add ‘ ; cf. θρυματίς· κρηπίς Theognost.Can.2o’ Χθρυοκόπος, ό (or -κοπεύς, εως, ό), cutter of rushes, FOxy. 2 243^84 (vi A.D.). Χθρυοτιλτής, οΰ, ό, rush- gatherer, P PI arris 97.3 (iv a.d.). Χθρύτττειρα, fern. Adj., disruptive, dispersive, θ. κονίη soap, lye, v.l. for ρύπτειρα in N1C.T/.370. θρύπτω ii. 2 b, last line, delete ‘ ; ομμα. . (Agath.).’ c, add ‘ ; δμματι θρυπτομενω with a look of feigned reluctance, AP <3.287 .8 (Agath.)’ θρύσκα, add ‘(due to wrong division of άν/θρυσκα Sapph.96.13 L.-P.).’ θρύψιχος, for “ θρυπτικός ” read “ φοβερός ” and for ‘20,’ read *20 ; = τρυφερός ,’ Χθρωγμός· τρίβος, Theognost. Can. 20. χθρωμός· ώα δικτύου, Theognost. Can. 20. θρώσσει, add ‘; = άλλεται, Theognost.Can.20 ; cf. θρώσκω* Χθυάπολία, Dor. for θυηπολία, BCH 10.424 (Cedreae). θυγατριδοΰς, before ‘ : — Ion.’ insert ‘ ; gen. τού -οΰς BSA45.277 (Laconia, i/ii a.d.)’, Χθΰή, ή, burnt sacrifice, Sch.S.OCioo. Χθυηδόκος, ον, — θυοδόκος, Antip.Sid. in laser .Dilos 2549·3> v* Hermes 76.41 1. θυιάς I, add ‘b. pi., nymphs who share Dionysus' revels, Alcm.63 P.’ θυλακίς, delete ‘, Nic.FF852’ add ‘II. Adj., = θυλακΐτις, μηκών Θ. Nic. Th.852.’ θύλακος, line 1, after ‘meal in,’ insert ‘Epich.113,’ θύλημα, line 3, after ‘Telecl.33,’ insert ‘Men.Dyic.440,’ θύμα, last line, before ‘Supp.Epigr.’ insert ‘Babr.97. 12,’ θυμαίνω, after ‘JVu. 610’ add ‘, Call.Fr.24.2 Pf.’ and at end add ‘ ; Med., θυμαίνεται· οργίζεται, Hsch.’ θύμαλλος, for ‘an unknown fish' read ‘a fish, prob. grayling' θυμαρής, line 3, after ‘17. 199’ insert ‘; δαΐτας θ. Call.Ccr.55’ Χθύμενος, v.l. for σύμενος in Pratin.Lyr.i .4 P., is prob. f.l., but cf. εκθύμενος. Χθϋμιαντήριον, τό, altar of incense, Άρχ.Αελτ. 1931-2(14) παράρτ. 36 (Macedonia). Χθΰμίασμα, ατος, τό, = θυμίαμα, PMag.Par. Ι·2575»2843· Χθϋμιατηρίδιον [ϊδ], τό, Dim. οί θυμιατήριον ι. I, Inscr .Delos 1416 A i 34 (ϋ B.c.) . Χθυμιατίστηρος, ό, censer (?), dub. form in 5FGi 9.852.8 (Pisidia). θυμιάω I. 2, add ‘ ; βωμοί δε τεθυμιάμενοι λιβανώτω cj. in Sapph. 2.3/4 L.-P. (δεμιθυμ- Ostrac.)’ θυμόεις, add ‘, Call.Fr.238.23 Pf.’ Χθυμοίδης, ες, having a swelling θυμός, dub. in A.Fr.530.32 M. θύμον, line 2, after ‘Antiph.i 79.4’ add ‘, Men.D_yic.605’ line 3, after “θύμος, ό,” insert ‘Nic.Fr.92,’ 2, delete ‘2. mixture, .vinegar' and transfer ‘eaten by. .Hsch.’ to the end of 1 a. θυμός ι. I, add ‘b. breath, Κυρίου Lxx /i.30.33. C. venom, δρακόντων και ασπίδων ib.Dc.32.33(Bis), cf. Am.6.12.' add ‘4. membrum virile, Hippon.i 1 D.3 (but cf. Hdn.Gr. 1.169 θύμος δε τό μόριον ή ή βοτάνη).’ θύννα, for ‘f.l. in Hippon.35-2 :’ read ‘Hippon.39.2 D.3;’ θυννίς, line 2, delete ‘prob. . .Hippon.35.2,’ add ‘2. θυν- νίδες· θύννων τεμάχη, ΰποκοριστικώς, Hsch. θυννοσκόπος, before “, ον” insert ‘(parox.)’ θυννώδης, add ‘2. lit., είδος θ. ιχθύος Hsch. s.v. πρημάδες.' θύνω ι, add ‘2. θύνεται· ήδεται, d heognost. Can. 20.’ θύος, add ‘III. fragrant oil, NicM/.203,452.’ Χθύρ, θυρός, ό, a bird like the sea-hawk, Cyran.22. θύρα I. 3, line 7, after ‘S.E.A/.1.43’ add ‘, cf. παρά θύρας απαντάν answer beside the point, Olymp. in Grg. pp.23,26 N.’ θυραΐος I, add ‘5. not in oneself, external, αρετή . . ούκ εκ ~ων τάπίχει ρα λαμβάνει Trag.Adesp. 1 16.’ θυρεός II, line 2, after ‘Callix.2’ add ‘, APS. 129 (Leon.)’ θυρίδιον, add ‘, POxy. 2058.24 (vi a.d.)’ θυριδωτός, after “ κιβωτός ” insert 'SEG 13. 16. 16 (Athens, v B.C.),’ Χθϋροκρουστέω, dub. sens., PMich.· Χθΰρος, ό, a kind of fish, Marc. Sid. 10 (s.v.l.). Χθυρουρικός, ή, όν, of a door-keeper, άρτος POxy. 1890. 11 (vi A.D.). II. Subst., θυρονρικόν, τό, porter's lodge, PCornell /ac. 11.25.9 *n Mnemos. 16 (1963). 258 (220 a.d.). Χθύρσις, ιδος or εως, ή, = βάκερα (Suppl.), Cyran.22. θυρσίτης, add ‘2. θ. λίθος a stone resembling coral, Cyran.22.’ Χθυρσοκλόνος, ό, = θυρσοτινάκτης, applied to Egyptian god, Abh. Berl.Akad. 1 943 (14) .8 (Chalcis, iii a.d.). θυρσοκόμος, after ‘keeper,' insert ‘Διόνυσος Θ. Ps.-Callisth.7-9 ;’ θυρών, add ‘2. pi., perh. tablets made to resemble doors for stage purposes, PFouadl Univ. 14, see Trans. Am.Phil.Ass.80.425.’ θυρωρός, line 3, after ‘Pl.PI1lb.62c,’ insert ‘Men.Dyie.921,’ θύσθεν, before ‘Adv.’ insert ‘perh.’ θυσιαστήριον, add ‘2. sanctuary, Άρχ.Δελτ. 12.27,69.’ θυσιαστής, add ‘, DC//8.49 ; pi., members of a cult-society, IGRom. 1.832 (Abdera)’ θύσσομαι, add ‘(perh. due to wrong division of εσκίαστ' αίθυσ- σομενων Sapph.2.7 L.-P., but cf. Sch.Pi.F.4.41 1).’ Χθυστά, τά, prob. f.l. for εύστά, ήν δε θ. θύη Sokolowski 24Λ22 (Erythrae, iv b.c.). θύτης, after ‘or diviner,' insert ‘Call.Fr.194.25 Pf.,’ θύω (A), line 14, after ‘13.69’ add ‘, θύεται [ό] Id.Pae.6.62 S.’; line 15, omit ‘Gyc.334,’ . . θωάζω, for ‘pay the penalty ’ read penalize , fine , omitting this in line 2 ; after ‘/Gi2.4.7,i2’ add ‘, also θωϊάω Thasos 1.371. 141.6 (v/iv b.c.)’ ; line 3, after ‘D19’ add ‘(v b.c.)’ ; add at end ‘(fut. θοάσει 7G22.i362.i4 may be copied from a pre-Euclidean original) ’ θωή, line 3, for ‘Ion. also’ read ‘Arg. θωίά /G4.555 : — Ion.’ ; after ‘Archil. 109’ insert ‘= Call.Fr.195.22 Pf. (θωιη Pap., cf. αθώος) ’ Χθωπεϊον, τό, a night-bird, Cyran.89. 72 θωρακαΐος SUPPLEMENT ίερώνης χθωρακαΐος, α, ον, dub. sens., [λιβανωτέ δα εχουσαν νίκη]ν ε’πι τοΰ πώματος θωρακαίαν Inscr. Delos 1 4 1 Βϊι 53 (ii b.c.). θώραξ ιι, add ‘c. pi., breast of a chicken, Nic.-41.388.* in, add ‘, Archimel.ap.Ath.5.209d (pi.)’ θώρηξις, add ‘2. = καθόπλισις, Hsch.’ θώσθαι, line 1, for ‘A.Fr.49’ read ‘A.Fr.474.2.20 M.’ i, after ‘S.Fr.471,’ add ‘Trypho (?) in F. G. Kenyon Class. Texts p.112.39;’ and after ‘Pi.P.4.36’ add ‘, N.q.g8, cf. Antim. p.79 Wyss’ Ιαίνω, line 4, after ‘later Poets,’ insert ‘Call.Fr.80.8 Pf.,’ ίάλλω i. 1, fin., after ‘so later’ insert ‘βρύχημα l. Nonn~D.6. 162, μυκηθμόν l. ib.ig8;’ Ίαλυσός, fin., before ‘D.P.505’ insert ‘Anacr.4 P.,’ χίάματικός, η, όν, curative, Cyran. 10. Ιαμβικός, line 3, after ‘62gd’ insert * ; Comp, -ώτ epos Philol. 99-9-38’ ΐαμνοι, init., insert ‘[ΐ]’ χίάν, = ε’άν, SEG4.64..5 (Sicily, vi b.c.). ίανογλεφαρος, for the present article substitute ‘ ίανο-γλέφάρος, ον, dark-eyed, Alcm. 1 .69 P.’ χϊανον' Ιμάτιον, Hsch., cf. ε'ανός II. 1 ad fin. ίάομαι II, delete ‘Act. . . 1 236 :’, the forms ΐάσαμεν, ΐάσαντες, being ff.Il. Ίάονες, after ‘ Ίάων rare,’ insert ‘Pi.Pae.2.3 S.,’ ; at end add ‘ : Ίήονες Call.Fr.7.29 Pf. ; Ίηονίη /IP16.295.2’ χΙάπατος, ό, name of a month, Hesperia 27.75 (ca. 200 b.c., un¬ known provenance). ίάπτω (B) 1. 1, add ‘b. c. acc. and dat., inflict on, Nic. 771.784, Al. 187.’ ίάραξ, add ‘II. λύχνος ό προς τα iepa, Hsch.’ ίαριγμόν, after “θροΰν” add ‘(Cret.)’ Μάς, fin., for ‘[i, . .2.21.]’ read ‘[f, cf. AP 7.63, but i in arsi Nic. l.c., App.Anth. 2. 21.]’ χΊασίς [ϊά], ίδος , ή, daughter of Iasus (sc. Io), Call.Fr.66. 1 Pf. χΐασμός, ό, shouting, crying aloud, v.l. in Ag.Je.%2. 16. ΐάτον, transfer the article before ΐατορία. ΐατρίνη, add ‘ ; as epith. of Μητηρ θίών, /G22-47i4 (i B.c./i a.d.), al.’ χΙατρίσκος, ό, contemptible physician, quack, Sch.D.T. 226.3. ιατρός I, add ‘, but μαία και Ιατρός Φανοστράτη GVI 342·1 (Acharnae, iv b.c.)’ ίατροσοφιστής, add ‘ ; of one who practises magic arts and divination, Ps.-Callisth.i.3’ ϊαύω n, after ‘II.’ insert ‘ give someone rest from,’ χΊβηρ [*]> ηρος, 6, Iberian, GVI 1 001.12 (Rhodes, ca. 100 b.c.) ; cf. Hsch. ίβηρ' χερσαίόν τι Θηρών άφ’ οΰ και "Ιβηρες. ϊβΐξ, line 5, for ‘two’ read ‘three’ and omit ‘and’ ; line 6, before ‘Hdt.’ add ‘and hermit or desert ibis, Comatibis eremita, a serpent- eater,’ ΐγα, for ‘Cretan’ read ‘Cyprian’ χΐγμαμένος (or ίχμ-), perf. part. Pass., prob. wounded, GDI 60.3 (Idalium, v b.c.). χΊδαλιάνιος, ό, a month at Termessus, 7745/3 (1). 4. 15 (ii a.d.). ίδανός, for ‘χάριτες. .535’ read ‘Χάριτες Call.Fr. 1 14-9 Pf·» Musae. 76 (prob.), Hsch.’ ιδεατός, for “ ίδήρατος” read “καλός άνηρ ” ίδιαστής, after “ό,” add ‘Arg. ρΛεδιαστάς, = ιδιώτης I, Rev. 1st. Gr. 43.1 (Argos, v b.c.) . II.’ χίδιαστικός, η, όν, = Ιδιοποιός, Eustr. in APo. 82.34· χΐδιόκοιτον’ Ιδιόρ(ρ)υθμον, Hsch. (fort. leg. —κοπον). χίδιόλογος, ό, = ό Ιδιος λόγος (ν. ίδιος ιι. I b, λόγος ιι. I b),cj.in Str. 17.1.12, cf. C/L10.4862. ίδιοττοιός, add ‘II. showing initiative or independence, POxy. 2407.12 (iii a.d.).’ ίδιος I. 6 b, after ‘No. 133;’ add ‘ΐδίω (sc. θανάτου) ίθανον BCH 52.391 (Thasos) ;’ and at end ‘, cf. Phalar.F/». 147.4’ Π· 3, add ‘b. of words, = κύριος A. 11. 5, opp. τροπικός, Aristid. Rh. 1 ρ·46δ S.’ vi. 1, add ‘b. = ιδία, τών l. (sc. ερδο- μόνων) Schwyzer 726.13 (Milet., ca. 400 b.c.).’ end of article, add ‘; καθ’ ίτδίαν FC//59.37 (Crannon)’ ίδιοσττορέομαι, after ‘labour,’ insert ‘PBaden 90.39 (iii a.d.),’ χΙδιοσυστάτως' καθ' ύπόστασιν Ιδίαν, Hsch. ιδιόχειρος, add ‘Adv. -χείρως with his own hand, Sch.4/3 7-432·’ χίδιόχρους, ουν, fitting like one's own skin, close-fitting, 5FG7.417.25 (Dura, iii a.d.; εΐδιο-). Ιδιώτης ιι. 3, after ‘Dem. 2’ add ‘(without λόγος, \d.Lys.%f}’ rv, for ‘one's own. . ζόνοι’ read ‘dub. sens.’ ιδού, line 3, for ‘Adv.’ read ‘interjection’ 11. 3, for ‘with questions’ read ‘= και δη (ν. δη rv. 4 b)’ ίδρις, line 9, after ‘4.19:’ insert ‘c. acc. rei, οΰδέν ίδρις S.OC525 (lyr.), cf. Id. Tr. 649 (lyr.) ; ταΰτ' ούκίτ' ίδρις Id .Inach. in POxy.2369.1 .ii.3 :’ ; lines 9/10, delete ‘οΰδεν. .(lyr.) ;’ ίδρυμα i. 1, for 74^.3.1.73’ read ‘Fr. 75.73 Pf.’ ΐδρυσις, fin., before ‘ ύ only’ insert ‘ v Lyc.1032;’ Ιδρύω, line 12, after ‘etc.’ add *]’ 1. 2, add ‘; of words in a sentence, to be placed, OAA.Comp.b' ίδρώιον or -ωον, for ‘cloth. . (ii b.c.)’ read ‘horse-cloth (for donkey or horse), PTeb.qg8.\i (ii b.c.), F5/5.527, etc.; όνικά PCair.^en.720.4. (iii b.c.)’ ίεράζω, add Ή. trans., = ίερόω, Princeton Exp .Inscr .653 (Syria).’ χίεράκάδιον, το, = ώρακίδιον, Inscr. Dilos 1452^9 (ii b.c.) ( iepa - κίδιον is written in the parallel passage, ib. 1416/69 (ii b.c.)). ΐερακάριος, add ‘, MAMAa,.\7,7g (Cilicia)’ χίερακΐτις, ιδος, η, a plant, = ώράκιον I, Cyran. 75, PAIag.Par. 1. 9°2- χίεραττολία, η, office of ώραπόλος, Epigr. in Dilos 20.106 (iii B.c.). Χίεραρχία, ή, presidency of sacred rites, ίθνους i. οίον άσιαρχία, βιθυναρχία (v.l. βιθννιαρ—), καππαδοκαρχία Dig. 27- 1 ·6. 1 4. ιερατικός, line 5, after ‘Dam.Pr.399’ add ‘ ; i. γράμματα, βίβλος, PTeb.2g\ ii 41,43 (ii a.d.)’ ιέρεια, lines 1, 2, for “-εϊα” read “-εϊά” and after ‘Pa.1114,’ insert ‘/7'34,i39g,’ line 5, after ‘al.’ insert ‘(acc. pi. τας ίερης Inscr. Cos 386.9) line 6, after ‘(Thebes):’ insert ‘Aeol. ϊρεα Jahresh. 5.141.19 (Eresus, ii/i b.c.) :’ ΐερειτεύω ii, add ‘, Pelekides Thessalonica p.59 (iii A.D.)’ ίερεός, line 3, before ‘Ion.nom.’ insert ‘Aeol. nom. ΐρευς, acc. elpea, !pea, 7Gi2(2). 102, 242.4, 239.8, al. :’ χίερεωτική (sc. τέχνη), ή, perh. the art op consecrating, Poll. 7. 2 10. ίεριτεύω, line 4, after ‘(5). 7 (ibid.)’ add ‘ ; perf. ίερίτευχε IG^if). 266.6 (Mantinea, i b.c.) and for ‘ibid.’ read ‘Cyrene’ χίερόγαλλος, ό, title of priest, 774 5/3(1). 740 (Termessus). χίεροδουλη, η, = (ή) ίερόδουλος, ylnfli.5t.10.48 no.96 (Pisidia), TAM2(f). 1023, 3(0.567. χ1εροζωμουργοί, οΐ, makers of mash for the Apis bull, PRoss.-Georg. 5.16.16 (ii/iii a.d. ; ζομ- Pap.), ίεροθαλλής, read “ίεροθάλής” and delete ‘(Herm. -θηλης)’ χ1εροθϋσία, η, in Dor. form Ιάρο— , sacrifice, SEGg. 13.20 (Cyrene, iv b.c.) . ίερόθυτος, add ‘; sg., 5FG18.596.15 (Babylonia, iii A.D.)’ χίεροΐατροι, oi, veterinary surgeons who attended the Apis bull, PRoss.-Georg. 5.16.15 (ii/iii a.d.). χιεροκαλλινϊκος, ον, holy and victorious, Hymn in 7G42(i). 129.13 (Epid.). χίεροκαρυκεία, η, office of a ώροκηρυξ, Annuario 3°/32> 295, no. 67, line 23 (Rhodes). ίεροκήρυξ, line 2, delete ‘prob. in /Gi2.6.8g,’ χίεροκώμη, ή, sacred village, G/G5069 (iii a.d.). ίερόμαντις, add ‘ ; fem., την -ιν, Άρχ.Έφ. 1945-7. 106 (Thessaly)’ χίερομνημονεία, ή, office of ώρομνήμων II. 2, Ephes.^(f) -24 B.C., -ηα lapis). ίερομνήμων ii, add ‘4. a precious stone, Plin.//jV37.i6o, v. ερωτύλος iv.’ ίερομοσχοσφραγιστής, add ‘, PGrenf. 2.64.1 (ii/iii a.d., iaipo— Pap·)’ χίερονίκοτελοΟσα, ή, giving victory in sacred games, epith. of Isis, POxy. 1 380.78 (ii a.d., written ίερω-). χίερονομία, η, office of ίερονόμος, Robert Hell. 6.70 (Thyatira). ίερονόμοι, for ‘-νόμοι, oi, temple-wardens’ read ‘-νόμος, ό, officia in charge of sacred rites’ and for ‘Sigeum’ read ‘Ilium’ χίεροπλάτίη, ή, = iepa πλατεία, sacred street or square, i. των φιλ- όπλων Milet 2(3)p. 134 N0.403 ; hence ίεροιτλατεϊται, oi, Dacia N.s.4.276.32 (Istria, ii a.d.). ίερόπλοκος, iifter ‘ religious ,’ insert ‘Ptol.7V/r.i8i (v.l.),’ and for ‘(s.v.l.)’ read ‘, cf. θεόπλοκος’ χίεροπρόσπλοκος, ον, attached to temples, Ptol .Telr. 159 (v.l.), 181, cf. θΐοπρόσπλοκος. ίεροπρόσπολος, for ‘159' read T81 (v.l.)’ ιερός, line 2, after Orac.ap.Hdt.8.77’ add ‘, cf. ιερός έδρη Arat. 692’ iv. 10, add ‘, cf. i. ράχις AP 9.644.7 (Agath.).’ line 6 from end, after ‘5.22’ add ‘; in iambics, Lyc.950,1350 (καθιερώσει)’ ίεροσκοττέομαι, add ‘ ; Act., Hsch. s.v. ιεράται χίερόσϋλις, fem. Adj., expl. of θ€οσυλις (ν. θεοσύλης in Suppl.), Sch.Hippon.x.i DA > ίεροταμιεύω, add ‘; Med. aor., BCH 1.291 (Ephesus, ii a.d.)’ χίεροτίθηνοι [τΐ], oi, tenders of the Apis bull, PRoss.-Georg. 5.15-12, 16. 1 (ii/iii a.d.). ίερουργέω, line 1, after ‘etc.’ add ‘; Dor. ίάρωργ- Inscr. Cret. i. xxiii 4 (Phaestus, ii b.c.).’ Χίερουσιάρχης, ου, 6, = χεροοσιάρχης, Cljud. 1.405 (Rome): είεροσάρχης ib.408 (Rome). χίεροφάντειος, ον, = ώροφαντικος, rest, in Epigr. in TAM2(f). 418.5 (Lycia). ίεροφαντικός, after ‘Alex. 60’ insert ‘, οίκοι IG^2(i). 84.30 (Epid., i A.D.)’ ΐερόφωνος, fin., before ‘f.l.’ insert ‘perh.’ and after ‘Alcm.26.1 add ‘P’ _ .. χΐερωνέω, act as ΐερώνης (q.v. inSuppl.), Lindos n.449·1^ (i/ii a.d.). χΐερώνης, ου, ό, Dor. -ας, buyer of sacrificial victims, IG 12 Suppl. 120. 13 (Rhodes, iii b.c.), rest, in /«ja.Crei. (iii/ii b.c.); cf. βοώνης. 73 ίερωνία SUPPLEMENT ίττνευτής ίερωνία, for ‘dub. sens, in’ read ‘ purchase of sacrificial victims' ίερωσύνη, line 3, after ‘etc.’ insert ‘; ίερειοσύνα IG$(i).i 1 14.21, 25 (Laconia)’ ϊζω, line 3, after ‘etc.’ add ‘ ; 3 pi. ίσαν II. 19.393’ ϊ. i, add ‘b. set or settle in place, Χέπαδνα II. 19.393.’ 2, line 6, for ‘[η]σσαντο . .iii B.c.)’ read ‘ισσαντο BCH8i .4JJ (ibid., iv b.c.)’ ΐημι, p.824 a, at end of the note on quantity delete ‘ ; with variation. .Carm.Pop. 1’ 11. 2, line 3, after ‘589’ add ‘(so in Act., ειεσαν εκτεΧέσαι Poet, in BCH 50. 406 (Thespiae))’ ϊήρια, for ‘Supp. Epigr. 1.414.4’ read ‘Inscr.Cret. 4.145.4’ χίήτε, 2 pi. imper., formed from Ιή, dub. 1. in Pi.Aze.6.122 S. ίθαρός x, for ‘Supp. 4. 18’ read ‘58.18 L.— P. ; ίθαραϊς Χογάσιν with glad eyes, Call.PV.85. 15 Pf. ; ίθαρόν (v.l. ικανόν) γόνυ ld.Cer. 132’ ϊθι, line 1, for ‘Adv.’ read ‘interjection’ χϊθμη, η, way, passage, Theognost.Can.i 12, Sch.Opp.T7. 1.738 ; cf. εισίθμη. (For the accent see Lobeck Paralipomena p.395.) χίθουλίς, ίδος, ή, Boeot. name of a fish, perh. = lovXls, BCH60.28 (Acraephia, ii b.c.). χίθΰβάτης [ά], ου, masc. Adj. straight, κανών cj. in AP8.82 (Phil.). ίθύδικος, for ‘ righteous ’ read ‘= foreg.’ χίθύνοος [ϊ0ύ], ον, just, Θεσμοί Nonn.D. 4 1.353. ίθύς (A) 11. 2, fin., after ‘Up. Off. 9 ;’ insert 'is Ιθύ in length, Call. Fr. 196.26 Pf. ;’ 10ύς (B), add ‘3. length, μήκος re καί Ιθύν in outstretched length, Nic. Th. 398.’ ίθυτενής, line 4, delete ‘metaph.,’ χίκανοδοθήσαιται, prob. f.l. or sfiortened form for Ικανοδοτηθή- σεται, PMich.Teb. 2.244.10 (i a.d., είκανο- Pap.), ίκανοττοιέω, add ‘2. defend oneself against an imputation, SEG4. 648.11 (Lydia, ii a.d.).’ ικανός I. 2, delete the section. 111. 1 a, lines 3, 4 for ‘later,’ read ‘also’ and after 'amply' insert 'Up. Epid. 9. 49,' ικεσία, line 4, for ‘5.215’ read ‘1.34.8, 5.216.2’ and at end for 'APl.c.' read ‘APll.cc.’ ίκέσιος, fin., after ‘A.R.2.215’ add ‘, TP5.300.5 (Paul.Sil.)’ χίκετεύσιμος, ον, of a suppliant, Hsch. s.v. προστροπαίων. ίκετικός, before ‘. Adv.’ add ‘, BGUi 053.11.6 (i a.d.) ; entitled to receive suppliants, ιερά άσυΧα και i. Sokolowski 69.3 (Stratonicaea, ii a.d.)’ ίκμαίνω, add ‘Π. strain, filter, NicMi.97.’ ίκμάω (A), after ‘Id.’ add ‘; cf. άνικμάω , άπικμάω.* ΐκρια, before “, τά”, insert ‘[ί by nature, v. Ar.7Ti.395, Cratin. 323]’ 11. 1, add ‘; perh. balcony, PDuraig.g (i a.d.).’ iii, after ‘Nic.TTi.198’ add ', so perh. pi. in PReinach 2065.35 (ii a.d.) in JJPn/12, p.66’ ίκριοποιέω, for 'Rev. Phil. 50.69’ read 67:^74.448.5,449.21’ χϊκταιον· τό τρόφιμον, Theognost.Can.15 (fort. leg. Ικμαΐον). ίκταΐος, for ‘[lyr. . .short]’ read ‘(lyr.)’ ίκτερος i, add ‘2. rust on plants, Lxx 2CA.6.28, al.’ ίκτίδεος, for “( Ικτίν )” read “(ίκτις)" ϊκτις, after 'marten,' insert ‘A.FV.474.2.10 M. (lyr.),’ ΐκω, line 2, after ‘Trag.’ insert ‘cxc. in A .FV.27 M.’ fin., delete ‘ — ίκοντ' . .36.’ ϊλαος, line 3 from end, after ‘Theoc.5. 18,’ insert ‘AP6.224 (Leon.),’ χίλαότι· ίΧαρω, ίΧέω, Hsch., cf. ΐΧημι sub fin. χίλάροφύία, ή, cheerful nature, Dioscorus in Byz.-neugr. Jahrb. 10. 342· ίλάσκομαι I. i, line 10, delete ‘c. part. . . Ο.7.9 ;’ add ‘b. of temples, respect, Ιερόν A. R. 2. 808, Posidipp.ap.Ath.7.3 i8d.’ 2, add ‘; ΙΧάσκομαι πέμπων by presenting, Pi.O.7.9’ ίλαστήριος ii, add ‘4. dub. sens., POxy. 1985. 11 (vi a.d.).’ χΊλαστηριών, ώνος, ό, name of a month at Caunus, Robert Hell. 7. 174.60 (Smyrna, ii b.c.). *ϊλημι, for ‘Dor. ίλάθι’ read ‘Dor. and Ep. ϊλαθι, Simon.54 P., Call.CVr.138, PV.638 Pf., A.R.4.1014,’ and after 'Epigr. 22’ add ‘, etc.’ Ίλιακός, after 'Trojan,' insert ‘Call.PV.i 14.25 Pf.,’ ίλιγγιώδης, transfer the article before ίλιγγος. χΊλίεια, τά, festival of Athena at Ilium, 7G22-3i38 (Athens, iv b.c.), Hsch. Ιλιον, add ‘ ; cf. IXia.' χίλίων, ονος, ό, — αΰγγαμβρος, Choerob. in An. Ox. 2.221; cf. ειλίονες. χΐλκα· γλοιός, ρύπος, Theognost. Can. 1 5, Hsch. ϊλμη, add ‘ ; cf. είλεα, εΐΧος' χΊλυ0ειον, Ίλυθυιον, v. ΕίΧείθυ ιον in Suppl. ίλυσπάομαι, after ‘Max.Tyr.26.6,’ insert ‘but founder of an ox, flutter of a bird,’; after ‘9·32’ add ‘; Act., ΙΧισπώντες (sic)· συνεζι)Χοΰντες, Hsch.’ ίλυώδης, last line, for “to” read “ μηδέν” ίμαντόδετος, add ‘; κοΧΧήματα Ps.-Callisth. 120.2’ χίμαντοπαικτική (sc. τέχνη), ή, playing with the caestus, Eustr. in EN 10.17,16.9. ιμαντοττους, for ‘([μάς . . 1 .’ read ‘having a malformation or abnormality of foot or leg the nature of which is uncertain, = Lat. loripes :’ ίμαντοσκελής, for ‘Tz.’ read ‘Apollod.’ ίμάς i. 1 b, after ‘etc.’ add ‘(in 23.363 has also been taken as lash of a whip)’ d, omit 'lash, .e.’ 2, add ‘k. title of a book of problems by one Anaxagoras, the Fast- Holder, Cod.Monac.ap. Vorsokr. Anaxag.A40.’ at end, for ‘always V read ‘regularly l, but see ίμάω’ ίμάσθλη, add ‘Π. metaph., scourge, plague, Nonn.D.9.39, al. (cf. μάστιξ Ii).’ χίμασιοττώλης, = Ιματιο-, UP^J.8. ίμάτιον, fin., after “ε Ιματισμός ” add ‘; Dor. ήμάτιον 6DG9.13.15 (Cyrene, iv b.c.)’ ίματιοττράτης, add ‘, ΜΛΜΑ3.619 (Corycus), PKlein.F0rm.969 (vi/vii a.d.)’ ίματιοιτώλης, after ‘Ptol. Tetr. 1 79’ add ‘; cf. ΙμασιοπώΧης , (Suppl.)’ ίμάω, after ‘from a well,’ insert ‘Mem.Dy.jc. 191,’ ; line 3, before ‘2f’ insert T.’ χΐμερα, V. ϊσμερα (Suppl.). ίμερόεις, fin., after ‘of persons,’ add ‘Hes. Th.359,' ίμερος i. 1, line 2, for ‘raised’ read ‘roused’ ; line 5, after ‘4.1 13 add ‘των άντερών των ιμέρω πεπΧηγμένοι AMg.544 5* omitting "ιμέρω πεπΧηγμενος A.. 4g.544’ in hues 1 2/ 1 3, and in line 13 for ‘Id.’ reading ‘A.’ 11, line 3, after ‘(Marc.Arg.)’ add ‘except AP16.182 (Leon.)’ χίμερόφοιτος, ον, wandering in a frenzy of desire, Nonn.D. 15.227. χίμητήρ, ήρος, ό, κάδον ΐμητήρα bucket for drawing water, dub. in Inscr. Delos 1417^1146 (ii b.c.). χίμιμναϊήος, V. είμι— (Suppl.). χΐμίτραον· υπόζωσον, Πάφιοι, Hsch. (prob. = εμμίτρασον from *εμμι τράω.) χΐμιτεράτωρ, ορος, ό, = Lat. imperator, 7^5(1). 1454-3 (t B-G.), Thasos 11.45. 1 75.1. 1 1 . χίμφειβλατώριον, τό, cloak with clasps, Rev. Phil. 1937. 106 (Pes- sinus) ; cf. φιβΧατώριον (Suppl.). iv, add ‘ ; ΐν τυΐν' εν τοντω, Hsch. (fort. leg. ίν τοινί, Arc. = iv τωδε)' ϊνα B. 11. 1, fin., for “ώστε” read ‘inf. with ώστε’ 2, for ‘not found in literature’ read ‘ ήγαΧΧιάσατο iva iStj Ev.Jo.8.56, cf. Ev. Marc. 4.12' 3 c, line 3, delete ‘cf.’ and for ‘26d’ read ‘26c’ add ‘IV. with τοΰ and inf., ί. τοΰ τά όλα συντεΧεσθήναι OG/5.15 (letter of Antigonus Monophthalmus, iv b.c.).’ χίνάρετος [ά], ον, — ενάρετος, Hsch. χΊνάχεια, τά, festival of Leucothea in Crete, Hsch. Ίνάχειος, add ‘ ; also -ϊος, Call. Epigr. 57 Pf.’ χίνδικοβάφος, ό, indigo-dyer, Anon.Alch.4 18.22. ίνδικοπλάστης, for the present article substitute ‘ΐνδικοπλύντης or -ττλότης (— πΧεΰστης cod.), ου, ό, dyer, Gloss., cf. BCH 77. 658.’ ’Ινδικός, after ‘Hdt.3.98’ add ‘; 'Ινδική alone, Lxx Dr. 3. 12’ χΊνδοκτόνος, ό, = ' Ινδοφόνος, applied to Egyptian god, Abh. Berl.Akad. 1 943 ( 1 4) .8 (Chalcis, iii a.d.). ίνέω, after “-άω” add “[i]” χίνιμίνα· ενήμισυ, Hsch. ; v. ήμίνα I. Ινις, line 3, after ‘lyr.’ insert ‘exc. A .Supp.251' χίνκαφότευε· εγκαταφότευε, Hsch. χίνσπέσιμον, τό, inspection, review, 6TJG9.356.25 (Ptolemais in Cyrenaica, vi a.d.). χίνστρουμεντάριος, ό, = Lat. *instrumentarius, l. ταβουΧαρίων Ramsay The Social Basis 129. χίντερκαλάριος, a, ov, = Lat. inter calarius, Ath.Mitt. 24.290. 7 1,76. χ,Ινύνια, τά, festival in Lemnos, Hsch. Ίνώ, add ‘; Ίνοΰς δρόμοι Ath.6igc (cod. A)’ ίξαλή, fin., after ‘Can. 14’ add ‘; ίττέλη prob. in Poll.7.211, 10-57’ ίξευτής, after ‘ bird-catcher ,' insert MP9.337 (Leon.),’ ίξία, add ‘IV. varicose vein in leg, Plu. Mar. 6.’ χίξύας· ιχθύς τις, Hsch. χίόβας· κάΧαμος παρά Κρησίν, Hsch. χίοδερκής [ΐ], ε'ς, violet-eyed, Κυπρις Β. (?) 7V.6l S. ίόζωνος, for ‘dub. in. . (1929) .9’ read ‘cf. Call. Fr. 1 10.54 Pf·’ ίόκολττος, for Ίόζωνος. .Supp.ij.f read "ιόπεπΧος, Sapph. 21.13, 30.5,103.6,7 L.-P.’ Ίόνιος, add ΤΙ. ό ’/., sc. μήν, name of a month at Gortyn, Inscr. Cret. 4.181.3 (ii b.c.).’ ΐορκος, before this word insert “ϊορκες, αί,” and after “δορκάς" add ‘with Suppl.’ χίός, (D) [ϊ] , ό, = υιός. Bull. Inst. Class. Studies, Suppl. 10.34 (Paphos). ιού 2, line 2, delete 'Grg. 499b,’ χίούγ(ερα), τά, = Lat. iugera, 6DG2.543 (Mylasa, iii/iv a.d.). χΊουλιεΰς, έως, ό, name of a month in Egypt, = Choiak, Stud. Pal. 22.173.16 (40 a.d.), PMich. ined. 1285 (v. JEAx^. 189). ϊουλος iv, for ‘Arat.959’ read ‘Arat.957’ ίουλώδης, for ' scolopendra-like' read ‘ millipede-like ' χίοχάλκιον, τό, verdigris, rest, in Anon.Alch.20.2. χίόχαλκος, ό, verdigris, Anon.Alch.281.1. ίπνευτής, delete ‘; prob. for Ιπνίτης. .(Phan.).’ 74 ίττνεύτης SUPPLEMENT ίστιορράφιον χίπνεύτης, ου, ό, = ίπνίτης, ίπνεύτα φθόϊος ΤΡ6.299 (Phan. ; ιπνέστα cod.). Ιπνίτης, fin., delete ΐ. φθοΐς. ,-ευτής)' χίπνιών, ώνος, ό, Cret., = ίπνών, Inscr.Crel.4-.73Ag (Gortyn, ν B.C.). ίπνός, add ‘V. μέρο ς τι νεώς, Hsch. (cf. κάμινος in Suppl.).’ Ιπος i, for ‘(815?)’ read ‘(not 815)’ and after ‘Id. 7.41,’ insert ‘ίπον Call.Fr.177.33 Pf.,’; delete ‘cf. είπος.’ ϊππα, delete ‘ : as pr. n. . . H. 48.4’ ίππαπαΐ, for ‘of the Ιππείς’ read ‘attributed by the 'Ιππείς to their rowing horses’ ίππάριον, add ‘4. name of an eye-disease, Cyran.35. 5. a bird resembling the χηναλώπηξ, Hsch.’ ίππάρχης, lines 1/2, for ‘Samothrace’ read ‘Cyzicus’ ΐππαστήρ, for ‘ό,.,μύωι /»,’ read ‘masc. Adj., used in riding, μύωφ’ Χίππαφεσία, ή, = ιππάφεσις, prob. in Ps.-Callisth.20. 1, ίππεία, add ‘IV. fem. of ίππειος, q.v. in Suppl.’ ΐππειος, after ‘2.’ insert ‘ίππεί a, ή (sc. νενρά) , horsehair bowstring, Hsch. II.’ ίππέλαφος, add ‘; cf. Tim.Gaz.ap.Ar.Byz.FF2F 131.15’ ιππεύω iv, add ‘ ; c. acc., drive over, ουρανόν l. Nonn.Fi.23.239’ ϊππιος 11, line 3, after “αγών” insert ‘IG 1 i(2).203T67 (Delos, iii b.c.)/ ίππιοχαίτης, add ‘; also ίπποχαίτης, Hsch.’ χίπποδαμάντειος (sc. οίνος), o, a wine at Cyzicus, Hsch. ίππόδαμος fin., after ‘etc.’ add ‘; also as Adj., χείρα ιππο¬ δάμειαν horse-taming, of charioteers, Euph.126.’ ίπποδρόμιος i, add ‘; in Thessaly, FGF/79.446.36,447· 19 (h B.C.) ’ χίπποζύγιος [i], o, gloss on έρυσάρματας, Sch.Gen.Il. 15.354. ίππόθεν, read “ ίππό-θεν” and at end add ‘ ; from horseback, IG7. 1828.6 (Thespiae, ca. 125 a.d., metr. dedication of Hadrian) ; of one falling off his horse, i. ώλίσθησε Nonn.F). 36.208’ ίπποθόρος, after ‘mules,’ insert ‘Anacr. 32 P.,’ χ<Ιπποκαθέσια, τά, (καθίημι I. 2) Horse-Races, name of a festival at Rhodes, Tit.Cam. 153.8 (iii b.c.), Annuario 30/32.256,258 (i B.C.). χίπποκήρυξ, ϋκος, o, dub. sens., MAMAQ.370. ίπποκοινάριον, for ‘Raccolla. . 374’ read \SF7182.45 (late Ptole¬ maic)’ χίπποκομικός, η, ov, of a groom, POxy. 1858.4 (vi/vii a.d.). ίπποκύων, add ‘ ; title of Menippean satire, Varro Fr. 220, 221 B.’ ίππομανής i, add ‘2. mad on horses, Nom1.Fi.37.275, Sch.BT II. 5-25·’ ίπποπάρηος, read “ ίππο-πάρηος” χίπποπείρης, ου, ό, experienced in horses, Anacr. 72.6 P. ίππόπορνος, for ‘Ath...c’ read ‘Men.i.p.101 Koerte3’ and for ‘also.. 63’ read ‘jestingly interpr. as mounted prostitute, Diog. ap.Ath. 1 3.563c’ Ιπποπόταμος) for ‘-ποτάμις (for —ποτάμιος)’ read ‘-ποτάμιος, o, PMag.Leid.W. 8.6,’ and after ‘iii a.d.’ insert ‘, -ποτάμις Pap.’ χίππόριζος, o, medicament for horses, Hippiatr. 1 .88. 10. ίππος i. 1, add ‘; of the west wind, Call.Fr.i 10.54 Pfi b. the name given to small boats at Gades having a horse as figure-head, Posidon.28 J.’ 2, add ‘b. ΐ. αργυρούς, a Corinthian coin bearing a figure of Pegasus, E.Fr.675.’ ίπποσείρης, delete the article; cf. ίπποπείρης (Suppl.). Ιπποστάσιά, add ‘, Ps.-Callisth. 18.16’ ίπποστάσιον, after ‘Fr.56 S.’ add ‘, Sm.Fia.i 1.45’ ίππόστασις, after ‘stable,’ add ‘ Λ?42(ι) .109 iii 91 (Epid., iii B.c.),’ ιπποσύνη, line 3, after ‘946)’ add ‘; E.O.1392’ ίπποτεκτων, add ', Call. Fr. 197.3 Pfi' ιππότης (A), line 3, after ‘H.2.336, etc.’ insert ‘; ίππότά as gen. Arat.664’ ίππότιγρις, for ‘a large kind of tiger ’ read ‘zebra’ and for ‘ ; cf. ίππος vn’ read ‘, Tim.Gaz. in Haupt Opusc. iii. 283’ ίππότις, add ‘ ; used in riding, ζώνη API. 336’ ίπποτροφικός, add ‘ : -κά, τά, prob. works on horse-keeping, Hsch. s.v. σφυροδέται ίπποτρόφος Η. 2, add ‘, JRS 18.174 (Gerasa, prob. iii a.d.)’ ΐππουρος, add ‘4. = σκίουρος, Hsch.’ χίπποφάτης, ου, ό, slayer of horses, FF/1F.11.172.16 (pi.) (iii B.c.). χίπποφονία, η, sacrifice of horses, Ps.-Callisth. 125.3. ίπποφόρβιον, for *57fia’ read ‘576b’ Χίππσχαίτης, ου, 6, = ίππιοχαίτης, Hsch. χΊπτα, ή, Hipta, nurse of Dionysus, Orph.Ff.48. 4, 49; μητρι Ίπτα BSA 21.169 (Maeonia), al. ίπταμαι, before ‘Mosch.3.43’ insert 'API. 275.4 (Posidipp.),’ ίρέα, read “ϊρεα” ϊς (B), line 2, after ‘538,’ add ‘prob. in Pi.P.4.253,’ Ισάζω I, add ' ; to be levelled, Nonn.FF43.132’ II. 1, add ‘, A.R.3.1045’ χίσαίων [ί], ωνος, 6, ή, having an equal span of life, Hes. in POxy. 2354.8. ϊσαμι, add ‘; part, ίσαις AP 7.718 (Nossis)’ χίσαντινόϊος, equivalent to the Antinoan games, αγών JFT37.87 (Memphis, iii a.d.). ίσαριθμέω, add ‘, cf. Aristid.Quint.3.19’ ϊσήρης, line 2, after ‘[ΐσ]’ insert “άντα παγοΰροις” Ισθμαίνω, for ‘(also. .Id.)’ read ‘; cf. ίσμαίνει (Suppl.)’ χίσθμή· φρόνησις, Theognost. Can. 14 ; cf. Ισμή. ίσθμιάζω i, after ‘ Isthmian games' insert ‘, A. Fr.i 7.34,75 M.’ Ίσθμιάς, line 1, before “, άδος” insert ‘(also Ίθμιάς, SIG36A26 (Delphi, v b.c.))’ χΊσθμιάτης, ου, ό, = foreg., lnscr.Dilos 1441T153 (pi., ii B.c.). Ίσθμικός, add ‘II. παίδες Ί. boy competitors of the age fixed for the Isthmian games, SIG 1065.9, al. (Cos, i B.c./i a.d.) ; without παίδες, SEG 3. 335.7, al. (Thespiae, ii a.d.).’ ισθμός i. 2, after fauces,' insert ‘Nic.TF8o,5o8,’ Ίσιδεΐον, line 4, after ‘(iii b.c.)’ add ‘; also Είσιδεϊα IG\2(f). 606 (Ceos)’ ίσικιάριος, add ‘, MAMAg.g\3 (Corycus), FFj>F4.640. 10, 641.30, al. (iv a.d., εις—, είσσ- Papp.)’ ίσίκιον, line 2, for ‘376b’ read ‘3766’ χΐσικιοπώλη ς, ου, ό, sausage- or mince-seller, PLond. 1 028. 1 2 (vii A.D.) . τΙσις, line 3, after ‘etc.’ insert ‘ ,Εΐσεως Annuario 30/32.264, no. 1 1 (Rhodes)’ Χ’1σιτόχη, ή, V. ΕΙσιτΰχη in Suppl. ίσκάνδιον, after ‘Hsch.’ add ‘, cf. Theognost.Can.14.’ ίσκανδοτόν, read ‘ΐσκανδωτόν (—δοτόν cod.)’ ΐσμα, for the present article substitute ‘ ίσμαίνει' άναφάχει, όζει, άποφύχει, Hsch.’ χϊσμερα' τά εις τούς καθαρμούς, Hsch. ; ίσμέρα* το εις τούς καθ¬ αρμούς, Theognost. Can. 14 ; ΐμερα' τά προς τούς καθαρμούς φερόμενα άνθη και στεφανώματα, Hsch. ίσμή, add ‘, cf. ίσθμη (Suppl.).’ ίσόδρομος, line 2, for ‘abs.,’ read “νάεσσιν” ίσοδυναμέω, line 3, after ‘41.15, al.’ add ‘, Aristid.FA.i p.485 S., al., Hermog./F 1 . 1 1 p.284 R.’ ίσοκέφαλος, for ‘16’ read ‘4 P.’ χΙσόκλητος, ov, dub. sens., Epigr. in Lindos 11.no.698. 17 (ca. 200 b.c.), cf. Hermes 77.208. χίσολεξία, ή, dub. sens., Rh.6.328.1. ισόμοιρος, line 2, after ‘Gort.’ add ‘, vii/vi b.c.’ 2, delete «( /O >5 KipiOLV, χίσόπαλις, ιδος, fem. Adj., της ί. καμίνου equally formidable to encounter, cj. in Lxx 4M1Z.13.9. χίσοπάρθενος, ov, esembling a maiden, κύων PMag.Par. 4.2251. ισοπαχής, fin., after ‘codd.’ add ‘; cf. ίσόπηχυς (Suppl.).’ ΐσόπηχυς, add in Sch.Pi.O.6.154, Sch.Ar.Tn.1283, ιαοπήχεις is a mistake for ισοπαχείς' ισόρροπος I. 2, add ‘: Comp., Sch.B Il.12.42C II, line 2, for “πορεύεσθα i” read “εύηνια όντα” ίσόρυθμος, delete the article. ίσος I. 1, add ‘ : pi., the same number of, θυγατέρας εξ καί ί. άρρενας Plu. 2.312c, cf. Luc.EF/2.1, etc.; also τά ίσα = ταύτά, S .ΟΎ 1498’ add ‘4. of a river, ί. ρέει, ΐ. αυτός έωυτω ρέει, in unvarying volume, Hdt.4.50,48.’ rv. 2, line 2, after ‘D.14. 6;’ insert ‘άχρι της ίσης Id.5.17;’ ίσοστάσιος I, line 5, after ‘Dam.Fr.91’ add ‘; i. μύρον oil of myrrh, Hsch.’ ίσουράνιος, add ‘; γένεθλα Ath.Aiitt. 56.122 (Smyrna)’ χίσοφόριον, το', dub. sens., PFlor. 151.6 (iii a.d.). ίσοφόριος, delete the article ; ν. είσωφόριος in Suppl. χί]σόφορτος, ov, equal to a standard load, rest, in Schwyzer 230 (Cyrene, vi b.c.) ; v. Commentationes Vindobonenses 2.99. ίσοχρόνιος, line 3, after ‘Ptol.Fnir.36’ add ‘(v.l.)’ χίσόχωρος, ov, gloss on Ισόπεδος, Hsch. ΐσόψυχος, add ‘3. precious as life, Sch.E.TmF.419.’ χίσπνιάται, oi, ropes, Theognost. Can. 14.25. χίστάκη· δρέπανον (Boeot.), Hsch., cf. Theognost.Can. 14. ΐστημι i, line 2, after ‘1230,’ insert ‘ καθίστη Ar.Fr.743,’ and after ‘202’ add ‘, προσίστα Macho ap.Ath. 6. 243P line 5, before ‘Od. 18.307’ insert Tl. 12.56,’ and after ‘al.’ add ‘, E. Heracl. 937’ 11. I, line 9, after ‘7.152’ add ‘; Aeol. pf. part. fem. παρεστάκοισ αν Ale. 298. 7 L.— P.’ line 11, after “έσταθι” insert Od. 22.489, Ar.Tn.206,’ line 17, before ‘POxy. 68.32’ insert ‘ lnscr.Dilos 1443C6 (ii b.c.),’ line 3 from end, delete ‘hence’ and after 'Epigr. 15.14,’ insert ‘Ar. Fyy.634, Pl.5mF.22od, D.20.37, cf. Th.3.37,102 (καθ-), Pl.F. 587b (άφ-),’ A. rv, add ‘3. guarantee, promise, Lxx 1 Ma. 7.9.’ B. 11. 1, line 6, after ‘F/T588a8’ add ‘; έστηκέ μοι τό πνεύμα my breathing has come to a stop, Men.Dyir.96 ; έστη τό αίμα the blood was staunched, Lxx Ex. 4.25 : c. gen., έστησαν της συνδρομής Sch.Theoc. 13.23’ Ίστιαϊκός, add ‘: also Ίστιαιικός, lnscr.Dilos 1429.61135, al. ; Έστιαιικός, ib.i44iTiiio8 (ii B.c.)’ χίστιάτικός, η, όν, of a fund for temple-expenses deposited in the sanctuary of Hestia, άργύριον lnscr.Dilos 449T33 (ii b.c.). χΙστιορράφιον [ά], το, sail-mender’s workshop, lnscr.Dilos 1416F1 92 (ii b.c.)· 75 ίστιορράφος SUPPLEMENT καθαρός ίστιορράφος, after ‘, 1892/3 Ρ·4’ add PCair.^en. 754·1 (“i b. c. ; —αράφος)' χίστιοφόρος, ον, carrying sails, Hsch. Χΐστοττένδιον, τό, Lat. stipendium, year’ s service, ετών κε Ιστ οπενδίων ζ' Jahresh.0,0 Beibl. 28 (Ancyra). χίστοποιός, ό, loom-maker, MAMA3.693 (Corycus). χίστοτέλεια, fern. Adj. mistress of the loom, of Athena, Nonn.Z>.6. i54> 37-312, 45.49. ΐστοφόρος, after ‘Hsch.’ add ‘s.v. ίστιοφορος. Ίστρος, at end after ‘S.Fr.210.67’ add — Ίστριεύς, « os, of Istria, Lyc.74* ιστών, add ‘, GF/1407.2 (Nicaea, i a.d.?)’ ίστωρ I, add ‘ ; = συνθηκοφύλαξ, Hsch.’ ίσφαίνειν, add ‘, Theognost. Can. 14.’ Χ’ίσφατον' βίαιον πει τραγμενον, Hsch., cf. Theognost. Can. 1 4. ίσχάδιον, add ‘, 7G42( 1). 742.45’ ίσχαδοκάρυον, add written σχαδο— Mel. Glotz 872.14 (Mace¬ donia, ii a.d.)’ ισχάς x. I, after ‘fig,' insert ‘Hippon.g D.3,’ end of section, add ‘h. fig not dried, 2IF/.4.240.1 (Phil.), 241.2 (Marc.Arg.). c. = πυγή, ib.240.8 (Phil.), 241.5 (Marc.Arg.).’ Χίσχιαλγικός, ή, όν, suffering from pains in the hips, laser. Cret.i. xvii 9 (Lebena). ισχναίνω 2, line 2, for “σφυδών τα” read “σφριγώντ a" Χίσχνοπρεττεΐς, dub. sens., Hsch. s.v. συναγεσκεο. ίσχνόφωνος fin., before ‘Adv.’ insert ‘(Cf. ίσχόφωνος (Suppl.).)’ χίσχόφωνος, ον, v.l. for ίσχνόφωνος in Hdt.4.155; cf. AB100. ισχυρίζομαι Π. I, line 4, for ‘ persist . .Th.7.49’ read ‘τοσαΰτα λίγων ίσχυρίζετο insisted on these points in discussion [only], Th.7.49 (cf. 48 init.)’ ίσχυροπαίκτης, for ‘one who plays valiantly' read ‘the strong man at shows' ισχυρός, line 3, for ‘ indigestible ' read ‘heavy' and after ‘lip. dr/. 50 ;’ insert ‘of drink, l. ποτόν Luc.Nigr.^ ;’ Χίσχΰρόστομος, ον, with a strong beak, Cyran.87. ισχύς I. 3, line 2, after ‘A./V.214;’ insert ‘ κατ' Ισχύος τρόπον Id.Fr.530.20 Μ. ;’ 5> add 1 ί also °f works of art, Id. Is. 4.’ ίσωνία, add ‘ ; της Ισωνίας also Lys.Fr.48 S., PSI6.6J o (iii b.c.) ; ή Ισωνία, = ή Ίση πράσις, Anon, (οί τεχνικοί) ap.Eust. 1768.64’ χίσώστη, ή, ν. είσώστη in Suppl. Ίταλίδης, delete ‘, Call. Fr. 448’ Χ’Ιτάλίης, ητος, 6, Ion. word for an Italian, Antioch. His t.ap. D.H.1.12. Ίταλίς, add ‘2. period of the games called 'Ιταλικά, IG 14.748 (Naples, ii a.d.).’ ’Ιταλός, for ‘Ί. αίχμητης [t] ’ read ‘Call. Fr. 669 Pf. (prob.),’ and at end add ‘[ίτ- Call.l.c., it— MFl.c.]’ ίταμότης, for ‘; effrontery, Plu.2.7i5e,’ read ‘, Plu.2-7i5d; effrontery,' Χΐτάω [i], go, inf. pf. ίτάκειν [ϊτά] Hsch. ( είτακεΐν cod.) ; cf. επανιτάω, ίτητεον, είσιτητήριον. ίτεόφυλλος, for ‘Annuario 4/5.463’ read ‘5FG4.187.16, 19’ Χίτράριος, ό, = Lat. vitrarius, glazier, MA T/d 3 . 45 9 , 5 98 (Corycus). ιτριον, add ‘ [ΐ, v. Ar. l.c. infr.]’ and transfer the article to follow ίτρίνεος. ίτριοττώλης, add ‘ ; cj. in C/G4434 (Pompeiopolis in Cilicia)’ Χίτρόγαλα, γάλακτος, τό, apptly. a rich kind of cake, Olymp. in Grg.p.150 N., Suid. ϊττιον, read “ϊττεον” ϊτυς, hne 5, after ‘Anacreont. 15.17’ insert ‘, but βλεφάρων., πυρόεσσαν ίτυν fiery orbs of the eyes, API. 140’ last line, after ‘Id. 10.448’ add ‘ ; vault of heaven, or perh. orbit of stars, ε’ς ΰφιπόρων ίτυν άστρων Nonn. 0.2-575' ah > °f the Milky Way, γαλαξαίην ίτυν ib.6.338 ; άν’ ουρανίαν ίτυν rest, in Theoc.24. 1 72’ Χϊυγμα, ατος, τό, shout, A.Fr.464.17 M. (pi.). ίχαίνω, for ‘Aet. 1.1.22’ read ‘Fr. 178.22 Pf.’ Χίχάλη· ήπαρ ύός, εσκευασ μένος Ιχθύς · ή κίχλη τό όρνεον, Hsch., cf. ίχλα (with Suppl.). ίχθυακός ι, for ‘160’ read ‘166’ ϊχθυβολέω, for ‘ strike , harpoon fish' read ‘catch fish by harpooning or netting or using rod and line’ ίχθυβόλος n, for ‘speared' read ‘ netted ' ίχθόδιον, fin., for ‘18’ read ‘15’ add ‘Π. the constellation Pisces, CRAcad. laser. 1 93 1 . 1 73 (Dura-Europos).’ ίχθυοβόλος, add ‘ : in PTeb. 868.5 ίχθυοβ[ may represent a noun ιχθυοβόλον, τό, harpoon, trident' Χίχθυόγρϊττος, ό, prob. basket-trap for fish, PTeb. 868.4 (h B.c.). (The word may be ίχθυογρϊπεύς = γριπεύς.) ίχθυοθήρας, after fisherman,' insert ‘Plu. in Hes.8,’ ίχθυοφάγος, init., insert ‘(parox.)’ ΐχθυοφόρος, init., insert ‘(parox.)’ ίχθΰς, line 4, before ‘Alex. 26 1.9’ insert ‘Emp.2i.li,’ ίχθυσιληϊστήρ, for ‘ stealer ' read ‘ seizer ’ and after ‘(Leon.)’ add ‘but prob. ίχθυολ- shd. be read’ ίχλα, add ‘, cf. ίχάλη (Suppl.) ; ίχλα — κίχλη n in BCH 60.28 (Acraephia, ii b.c.).’ ΐχματα, for ‘Perh.’ read ‘perh.’ and add ‘; read by Zenod. and Ar.Byz. in II. 13.71’ ιχνευτής i. 1, add ‘; also of a work on plagiarism, Porph.ap. Eus.FFio.3; Adj., ί. κινωπετου Nic.FA.195’ ii, after ‘Hdt.2.67,’ add ‘S.Ichn.298' and delete ‘Nic.FA.195’ ϊχνιον 2, after ‘remnant,' insert ‘νομογραφίης Call.Fr.43.91 Pf. ; σπινθήρος AP 1 2. 3 1 (Phan.) ;’ ίχνος 2, for ‘Herod.7.20’ read MF6.219.11 (Antip.)’ 3, add ‘; shoe, Herod.7.20’ 6, add cf. Lxx Gi.42.9,12’ ίωά (B), for T.40 P.’ read ‘228.40 Pf.’ ιώδης, delete section 1. 2, and transfer the refs, to 1. 1. ίωή, line 6, after ‘FA. 682’ insert ‘(s.v.l.)’ ’Ιωνικός I, add ‘b. Ί. ρήσις long-winded (opp. Spartan terseness), A. Fr. 620a M.’ add ‘4. Archit., κεφαλή Ί. Ionic capital, Didyma 39.53, cf. 39.24.’ Χ’Ιωνογενής, ε'ς, Ionian, epith. of Ephesus, Inscr. Olymp. 225.11 (49 A.D.) . ϊωψ, after “[ί],” add ‘Boeot. ίίωψ BCH 60.28 (Acraephia, ii b.c.),’ κά, after ‘Theoc.1.4’ add ‘, v.l. in Ar.Fy.201, 210, both parod. [in 210 a]’ Χκαβαλλάριος, ό, horse-driver, Teucer in Boll Sphaera p.42. καβάλλειον, for the present article substitute ‘κάβάλλειον or κάβάλλιον, τό, = sq., Rev. Arch. 1925.63 (Callatis), Hsch. 2. ή πρώτη του τρίκλινου κλίνη, διά τό άνάκλι τον, Id. 3. = κόλλοφ ι. ι, Sch.Ar.Fa.510 (colloquial; written καβάλιον).' καβάλλης, after ‘caballus,’ insert ΜΡ9.241 (Antip. -533 (καί codd.) ; καγγόνων in Sapph.101 .2,5 L.-P. (cod. Ath.) perh. = κάγ γόνων’ κάγκαμον, for ‘ Bissa . .gum’ read ‘prob. an eastern gum, perh. benzoin, .Sty rax benzoin' and after ‘12.98’ insert ‘, Peripl.M. Rubr.8' χκαγκελλιον, τό, lattice, railing, fr. Lat. cancelli, Stud. Pal. 20. 151.18 (vi A.D., -κέλλιν Pap.). καγκελωτή θύρα, after ‘ V. 1 24,’ insert ‘καγκελλωτή Θ.' and after ‘8.124’ add ‘, Hsch. s.v. κιγκλίδες, cf. Id. s.v. δικτυωτη χκάγχαλος, ό [f)‘ κρίκος ό επί ταΐς Θύρα ις. Σικελοί, Hsch. κάδδιχος, add ‘2. οί τοΐς Θεοΐς θυόμενοι άρτοι κάδδιχοι, Hsch.’ Χκαδμΐτις, ιδος, ή, a precious stone, Plin.HJV'jj. 151 . Κάδμος, line 4, after ‘Adesp. 177’ insert ‘; also Καδμίς, ίδος Ibyc. 2 1 P.’ καθά i, line 3, for ‘etc. ; ό κ.’ read ‘etc. b. ό κ.’ ; add ‘2. where, Str.1.2.20, J.FJ5.2.3, Paus.8.42. 13.’ 11, line 5, after ‘(nisi leg. καίπερ)’ add ‘, BCHj 5.85 (Panamara)’ καθαιρεω ii. 1, add ‘b. overcome in boxing, δίς τους ίουλον άνθεΰντας, άνδρας δε δίς Herod. ι. 53 (or perh. as in κ. αγώνας in ιν).’ καθαίρω ι. 6, after ‘= μαστιγόω,' insert ‘Men.Fyic.goi,’ καθάτταξ I, after Once for all,' add ‘once,' ; line 3 ‘25.30;’ insert ‘οϋτω. . D.19.1 1 8;’ from lines 5/6, reading ‘Id.’ for ‘D.’; line 6, for ‘not even. . 1.20. 12’ read 'Plb. 1.20. 12, 3. 90.2’ ; at end, delete ‘; singly, Plb. 3. 90. 2’ καθαπτής, add ‘(perh. fem. of sq., referring to vessels carried in a sling, see AJP62. 453/5)’ καθάρεσις, for ‘perh. . . στεγας’ read *£11. for καθαίρεσις in’ Χκαθαρεύς, εως, ό, purifier, dub. in Ath. Mitt. 1941.172T37 (Athens, v b.c.). καθαρίζω ii, for ‘ : — Pass.’ read ‘2. to be ceremonially pure, άφ' ών δεΐ -ίζειν SIG 736-37 (Andania, i b.c.) : — Med.’ κάθαρμα I. I, after ‘Str.3.2.8’ add ‘; σιδήρου (καί) καθάρμ(ατος) μνας κδ' SB 73d5-92 (hi a.d.)’ καθαροττοίεω ii, after ‘encumbrances,’ insert ‘PDura 25.10,32 (ii A.D.),’ καθαροποίησις, add ‘; also lit., PLond. 1724.50 (vi a.d.)’ Χκαθαροπώλης, ου, ό, seller of pure {white) bread, FFiA.872.19, 22 (iii B.C.(?)) ; cf. καθαρός 1. 2 (with Suppl.). καθαρός i. 2, line 7, after ‘19. 137;’ insert ‘also καθαροί alone, FFeA.884. 12,16 (iii b.c.);’ add ‘b. white, σινδών κ. Ευ. Matt. 27 .59, PMag. Par. 1 .3095, PMag.Lond. 46.218; κ. άρτος, v. supr.’ 3 a, add ‘; metaph., κ. ουασιν acute, lit. dean, 76 καθαρός SUPPLEMENT καλόω not blocked up with wax, GLP 1.114.2 (Posidipp.), cf. auribus puris Prop.2.13.12’ 11. 5, after ‘ correctly ,’ insert V. γράφΐΐν rj λέγΐΐν D.H.F)\f.2 καθαρότης 6, after ‘style,’ add ‘Hermog..W.i.2, al.,’ καθαρουργ(ε)ΐον, add ‘, Slud.Pal. (v a.d.)’ κάθαρσις in, add ‘, cf. LxxFz.15.4’ καθέδρα, add ‘V. καθέδρα· θυσία Αδώνιδος, and καθέδραι- πένθους ήμέραι έπι τετελει/τηκόσι, Hsch.’ καθείργνυμι 2, add 1 ; καθίΐρξα βοήν I restrained a cry, Gyges Fr. in POxy. 2382.11. 7’ καθεκτός, add ΊΙΙ. attainable, Hsch.’ καθελίσσω, line I, after ‘(v. infr.),’ insert ‘Aeol. aor. (Med. part.?) κατ€λιξαμΐ[ν- Sapph.g8(a).4 L.-P.,’ χκαθελκτικός, η, όν, downward-drawing, virtus κ. peristalsis, Macr. 5'αί.7.4.ΐ4. καθέλκω ι. 2, line 2, for “ δρΰν ” read ‘[νηΰν or δρνν]’; for ‘Aet. O.yy.2079.9’ read ‘Fr.i. 9 Pf., cf. Zeno Stoic. 1 .23.18’ κάθεμα, after ‘ collar ,’ insert ‘P7e6.761.12 (iii b.c.),’ and after ‘319’ add ‘, POsl. 46.11 (iii a.d.)’ κάθεσις, add ‘III. lodging, dwelling, Hsch.’ κάθετος, add ‘4. κάθΐτον, το, manhole in a grave-vault, MAMA 6-335-3 (Acmonia).’ καθεόδω, line 9, after ‘Timocl.16.2’ add ‘: prov. eV άμφότερα τα ώτα κ. Aeschin.Socr.54) cf. Men. 333· 1 Koerte’ καθηγεμών, add ‘ ; κ. έφηβων Inscr. in JEA 37.87 (Memphis, iii A.D.)’ καθηγέομαι 2, add ‘ ; Pass., καθηγηθΐίς (written —ηκηθ—) having been told, PMich. 8.497.12 (ii a.d.)’ add “7. = ήγέομαι, think, dub. in Is.5.14.’ χκαθηγέτις, ιδος, η, leader, guide, κ. θσά MAMA8.4.IQ. χκαθημερήσιος, α, ον, daily, μισθός Stud. Pal. 22. 36. 1 0 (ii A.D.). καθθηρατόριον, add ‘(Suppl.)’ καθιγνϋσαι, for ‘(Apptly. . . καθαγνίσαι.)’ read ‘(Perh. coirupt for καθαγνίσαι, but cf. ίγνυς s.v. ίκνυς.)’ καθιερόω, line 6, alter “ καθιερωμένος ” delete ‘ [t] ’ ; at end add ‘, also [with t] by Lyc.950,1350.’ χκαθιέρωμα, ατος, τό, dedicated offering. Phot. p. 10 R. χκαθίκω, go down, κα0ίκ[ειν] prob. rest, in CaIl.Fr.191 .38 Pf., cf. ικω, παρίκω. καθιππεύω 2, add ‘: c. gen., Nonn.Z). 1 .25’ καθίστημι A. I, add ‘4. of fines, prices, etc., pay, Inscr. Crel.\.\\ (vii/vi b.c.), al.’ B. 4, add ‘ ; of style, O.H.Lys.f καθό, add ‘III. where, Str.2.5.3 1 , J.PJ3.7.7, Poll.2.185.’ καθορμίζω I, add ‘ : metaph. in Med., lay to rest, σώμα Ath.Miit. 56.132 No. 18 (Paphlagonia)’ καθόρμιον, add ‘II. = ένόρμζ i)a, Hsch. s.v. καθόρμφι}α.’ καθότι, for ‘ in what manner. .Plb.4.25.3, al.’ read ‘as, IGi2.2^.8; κ. γέγραπται SIG^yj. 18 (Miletus, iii/ii B.C.). 2. how, εΐδε'ια κ. χωρησΐΐ Th.i.82.6. II. for the reason that {κατά B. IV. 1), Hdt.7.2, Plb.4.25.3. 2. for what reason, why, Hdt.6.3. III. where, Paus.6.20.10.’ καθυλομανέω, add ‘ ; prob. f.l. ; cf. θηλυμανέω in Suppl.’ χκαθυπεμφαίνω, give a faint indication of τέλος Eust. 1568.28. χκαθυπερδέξιος, ον, possessing superiority, epith. of Zeus, Robert Hell. 10.63, cf- όπΐρόέξιος in Suppl. καθύπερθε, line 2, after ‘Ion. κατύττερθε’ add ‘ ; Aeol. κατ- έπερθεν, q.v. in Suppl.’ χκαθυπερωος, a, ov, perh. upper, of a room, Inscr.De'los 1406F14 (ii b.c.) . χκαθύττο, Adv. underneath, Ps.-Democr.Alch.p.5i B. καί A. v, after ‘correlative,’ add ‘both, .and, as. .so,’ and at end ‘2. τε. .καί and καί. .re, see τε a. ii.’ B. 7, for ‘assent’ read ‘consent’ C. 1, for ‘έγνωκα. .etc.’ read ‘Pi. P. 10.58, Call. Fr. 1. 1 5 Pf., al., Euph.51.7’ καιετάεσσαν (s.v. καιάδα?), after ‘Od.4.1’ insert ‘(so Eust., but καιτάίσσαν Sch. ad loc.)’; for ‘Fr. 224’ read ‘PV.639 Pf. (so Eust. ibid., but καιτα- Sch.Od.l.c. and POxy. 2377 Front 6)’ χκαιλούριον, τό, dub. sens., SB 1975 (pi., v a.d.). καινέω, delete the article. καινίζω, line 4, for “έκαίνισαν” read “έκαίνισας” and for ‘(corr. . . net’ read ‘how thou didst put on the net as a strange vesture (Conington for ω σ' έκαίνισαν )’ χκαινοκέραμος, ό, new wine-jar, PSIl 249.27, 1250.3 (both pi., iii a.d.) ; cf. παλαιοκέραμος in Suppl. καινολόγος, add ‘; gloss on tbpta κπής, Sch.Pi.O.g. 120’ καινοπαθέω, before ‘Plu.2. 1 106a’ insert ‘f.l. in’ καινός ii, line 3, delete ‘ούκ. . 2 1 ;’ and at end add ‘[Not in Epic or Pi., but in B. 19.9 S.]’ καίνυμι i, line 10, after ‘2.158 ;’ insert ‘κεκασμε'να βάλλειν Stesich. 40.23 P. ;’ καιρικός i , for ‘ timely ’ read ‘ suitable for the occasion ’ and for ‘3.769’ read *22.38oo.8’ καίριος ii. i, add ‘b. of the moment , extempore, Epigr.Gr. 6 18 tit. (Rome, i a.d.).’ iii, add ‘; vital, essential, Longin.1.1 : Sup., Id.10.1’ χκαιρόθι, Adv., = έν καιρω, SEG9.63 (Cyrene, i a.d.). καιρός iv, line 2, for ‘to his advantage ’ read ‘to thy advantage' χκαιρωτός, η, όν, perh. well-woven, Call.Fr.383.13 Pf. χκαίσαπον, Greek name of a kind of lettuce, acc. to Plin.//jV20. 59 {caesapon acc.) χΚαισάρήσιος, a, ov, of or from Caesarea, όθόνιον PCair.Masb.6v. 85 (vi a.d.) . καιταεις, for ‘f.l.. .Od.4.1.’ read ‘v. καιετάεσσαν in Suppl.’ καί Toi, line 8, after ‘E.Fr.953.10’ add ‘(= Men.i p.143 Koerte3)’ κακάγγελος, add ‘, Call.Fr.260.48 Pf.’ χκάκάγωγία, ή, bad behaviour, BGU 1816.13 (i b.c.). κακανδρία, after 'unmanliness,' insert ‘A.Fr.2 16. 1 .2 M.,’ χκακήμερος, ov, suffering from a bad day (opp. καλήμΐρος), ΛΡ9.508 (Pall.). κακιθά, alter ‘Hsch.’ add ‘: κακιθή Theognost.Can.log.’ κακόβουλος i, add ‘, Vit. Aesop. { G)26,28’ κακοδρομία, for ‘ bad passage (by sea)’ read ‘ unlucky journey, alluding to Icarus’ flight’ κακόδωρος, before ‘Suid.’ insert ‘Sch. S. 47.665,’ and after it add ‘, cf. Πανδώρη κ. Euph. in PSIi^go.c.2. 1 (prob.).’ χκακομνήμων, ονος, ό, prob. = μνησίκακος, title of mime by D. Laberius, Gell. 16.7.8. κακοπαθέω, line 3, after ‘D. 18. 146’ add ‘, ’Men.Dysc.^^^i' χκακοπάθημα, ατος, τό, distress, Hsch. s.v. ότλημάτων. κακοττάρθενος, delete ‘Sch.E. . .a maid,' χκάκοττίαστος [i], ov, hard to hold, unmanageable, gloss on αμήχανος, Sch.Gen.Il.10.167. χκακόπλοια, ή, ill voyage, C/G2693.3. χκακοστοματίζω, speak ill of, κακ\οστοματισθήσΐ[ται PMerton 11.56. 9 (ii A.D.) . κακοσυνθεσία, after ‘Hsch.’ add ‘, Sch.BT 11. 15. 16’ χκάκοσύστάτος, ov, Lat. cacosystatae (sc. controversiae or materiae), scarcely forming a coherent whole, Fortunat.T?/;. 1 .3 (distd. fr. asystatae ) . κακοτεχνέω I. I, add ‘, Men.ZAyjc^io’ κακότροπος I. I, after ‘malignant,' insert ‘Sapph.71.4 L.-P. (prob. rest.), Ar.Fr.697,’ and before ‘PMasp.’ insert ‘POxy. 2342.12 (ii a.d.),’ κακουργέω ii. 4, delete the section, κακούργος, init., insert ‘(properisp.)’ κακουχία, line 4, transfer ‘, Alex.8o’ after ‘615b’, line 2, and before ‘Vett.’ insert ‘Plu.2. 1 12c,’ κακόψογος, after ‘Ptol. Tetr. 166’ add ‘(v.l.)’ κακόω, line 5, for ‘Fr. 156’ read ‘Fr. 273.9 M.’ καλαθηφόρος, add ‘ : καλαθηφόρος, ή, woman basket-bearer. Buckler Anat. Studies p.121.3,5, p.122.6 (all Ephesus, iii a.d.)’ καλαθίσκος ii, for ‘Men. 10 18,’ read ‘Men.855 Koerte,’ and transfer to 1. 1 before ‘Theoc.21.9’ καλό.ϊνος I, line 4, after ‘καΛαεινου)’ insert ‘, PCair .Isidor . 58.14 (iv A.D., καλλίΐίνων Pap.)’ κάλαϊς ii, for ‘cock’ read ‘dub. sens.’ χκάλακάγάθιος, [άγά], — των καλών κάγαθών, epith. of Zeus, SEG6.$!jo (Pisidia). καλαμαΐος, delete ‘καλαμαία. .grasshopper,’ and after “μάντις a κ.” insert ‘the (praying) mantis of the cornfields,' καλαμαύλης, add ‘, PSAAthen.\f i 9 (ii a.d.)’ καλάμη I. i, add ‘ ; metaph., of human fragility, μΐμνημένος . .έξ οίης ήρμόνισαι καλάμης ΑΡη. 472.16 (Leon.)’ 2, lines 3/4) for ‘thou mayst. .strength’ read ‘I think that from seeing the stubble thou mightest guess (what the grain has been)’ and, line 5, for ‘ ; τό γήρας καλάμη’ read ‘, cf.’ καλαμίνθη, after ‘(so’ insert ‘Ael.jVd9.26,’ and for ‘= καλά- μινθος’ read ‘ catmint , mint ’ καλαμίτης, I, add ‘2. name of a kind of green frog, reed-frog, Plin.//jV32.i22.’ καλαμΐτις, for ‘η, = καλαμαία' read ‘of or in the cornstalks (καλάμαι), (ακρίδα) την καλαμΐτιν ’ κάλαμος, line 1, after ‘reed,’ insert ‘Alc.i 15.9 L.-P. ;’ line 3, after ‘(iii b.c.);’ insert ‘in building, /G22.463.68,i663· 1 (Athens, iv b.c.), cf. καλαμίς 5;’ ir, add ‘10. = δόναξ υπολυριος (v. ύπολνριος), S.Fr.^6, cf. h.Merc. 47. 11. comb, D. Chr. Fnc. Comae p.386 B.’ καλαμοστεφής, for ‘ covered ' read ‘ crowned ’ καλαμουργία, add ,‘ POxy. 729.4 (ii a.d.)’ καλαμών, add ‘, FC//22.401 .9’ καλάνδαι, after ‘Just. Edict. 13.3’ add ‘: — also καλανδαρικά, SEG 9.356.69 (Ptolemais in Cyrenaica, vi a.d.)’ χκαλαυδάκη or -δέκη, ή, gloss on άναδέσμη, Sch.AT Il.22.467 (Sch.T -δέκη). χκαλαυδάκιον, τό, Dim. of καλανδάκη (Suppl.), POsl.Inv. 1444. 1 0 (i a.d.) in Aeg)’ptus 31 (1951). 182. καλαΰροψ, fin., for ‘BSA. .Pamphylia’ read ‘^FGi 7.552 (Pisidia’ χκαλαφωνία, ή, dub. sens., perh. = Κολοφώνια, Bull. Mus. Bey¬ routh 7.78 (Berytus, v a.d.). χκαλενδάριον, τό, = Lat. calendarium, Ann.fi.pigr. 1910.169 (Lao- dicea Combusta). καλεχες, after “λέχομαι" add * ; καλεχεο Meineke’ καλέω I. 2, line 4, after ‘ Ion 1 140 ;’ insert ‘έπ’ έριφον καί χοίρον κ., prov. for an invitation to a choice repast, Ale. 71. 1 L.-P.;’ 77 καλεων SUPPLEMENT Καττετωλιά? χκαλεων, ο, prob. non-Hellcnic name of a cult-object, Inscr.Cret. i.v 23.9 (Arcades, ii a.d.). καλήμερος, for 4 bringing' read 4 enjoying ' Χκαλημίδιον, τδ, dub. sens., perh. sheathing-plank, PMerton 39.3 (iv/v A.D.), cf. κάλυμμα 9 and καλυμμάτων. καλιά, line 3, transfer 4, A.R.1.170, 4.1095’ after ‘Ides. Op. 301, 307’ in line 2. χκάλΐγάριον, τδ, = καλίγιον, Sch.Luc.Cfl/. 1 5· χκάλϊγάριος, δ, (Lat. caliga) bootmaker, MAMA3.239 (Corycus), SEG8.49 (Palestine, iv/v a.d.) ; κ. Βαβυλωνάρως maker of Babylonian shoes, MAMA3.6X6. καλίγιον, add 4; also perh. καλλίκιν PRyl. 4.627.34 (iv a.d.)’ χκάλϊκάριος, ό, = καλιγάρως (Suppl.), Ai.liVfA3.131 (Corasium). καλίκιοι, add 4, IG 7.22C14 (Edict. Diocl.)’ χκαλλαινοποιοί, ol, = καλλαινωποιοί, Oslr.Bodl.i 45 (ii B.C.). καλλαρίας, add 4 ; cf. γαλαρίας’ χκαλλεανός, ό, prob. turquoise, Peripl.M.Rubr.39. (Cf. Plin.HAf3J. 1 10, al.). καλλίας, add ‘II. = άνθψίς, Diosc.3.137.1.’ χκαλλίγραπτος, ον, beautifully drawn or painted, A. TV. 17.12 M. (lyr.). Χκαλλιγράφισσα [γρά], ή, female calligraphist, SEG 7.196 (Beyrout, v/vi A.D.) · χΚαλλίδρομος (sc. μην), o', name of a month in Crete, 7Gi2(5). 868.25. καλλιεπέω, before ‘Them.’ insert ‘O.H.Dem.9,’ καλλιεργέω, for ‘in Pass.’ read ‘ καλλωργών και σκάπτων Quint. Ps. 140.7; την ατρώσιν make the beautiful paved-work, Inscr. Olymp.696.8 (v A.D.) ; την πάσαν Ικαλιέργηαΐν (sic) τρίστωον Dumbarton Oaks Papers 6.87 (Nicopolis, vi a.d.) : — Pass.’ add ‘2. adorn, improve, πάλας και ναούς, prob. for καλλκρών, An. Par. 1 . 1 68 (= Anon. Soph.7V0Zr.25 Bohler).’ καλλίεργος, add 4; epith. of Athena, 7G’42(i).4o8 (Epid., iii A.D.), 485 (Epid.), Procl. in; cf. άργάνη’ χκαλλιέτης, ες, having a prosperous year, SEG9. 173; written καλληέτης JHSjJ.303 ; perh. cf. καλοατης. χκαλλίθρονος, ον, with fine throne, Hsch. s.v. χρυσόθρονος. χκαλλιθύεσσα, η, = ή πρώτη Upeia της Άθηνάς, Hsch. s.v. ιοί καλλ ιθύεσσα. καλλικέρας, add ‘ ; Pi. in POxy.2490.FrA .iii. 1 1, with v.l. -κ€ρως’ καλλιπρόσωπος, after face,’ insert ‘Anacr.i.7V.i.3 P. ;’ καλλιστεϊον, line 2, after ‘Sch.IL9.129’ add 4, cf. τω κρίναντι τά κ. Πριάπω ΑΡ 6.292 (Hedyl.)’ καλλίσφυρος, line 3, after ‘5-333’ add ‘, Alcm.1.78 Ρ.’ καλλίχοιρος, before ‘Arist.’ add ‘interpol. in’ κάλλος 3, hne 3, after ‘noa,’ insert ‘Call.Fr.q.i 1 Pf.,’ κάλλυνθρον, for 4 duster ’ read ‘whisk’ χΚάλλων, ωνος, ό, epith. of Dionysus, Belleten 23.552, al. (Rhegion nr. Byzantium, i a.d.). καλλωπισμός ii. 2 b, after 4 embellishment ,' add ‘D.H.77i.29, al;’ χκαλόδουλος, ον, treating slaves well, Vit. Aesop. (G)26. χκαλόζηλος, ον, having good taste, prob. in Ptol.Te/r.165. χκαλοίδιον, τό, = καλωδων, PxJn.Gol. 43 (iii B.C.). καλόκαιρος, add 4, cf. Robert Hell. 9.51 (Attalea, i/ii a.d.).’ χκάλόμαλλος, ον, with beautiful hair, IG 14. 1476 (Rome). κάλον, line 5, after ‘ships’ add ‘(Lacon.)’ χκαλοούνυμος, ον, = καλώνυμος, GVI 1856 (Aegiale, ii/iii a.d.). χκαλοποίητος, ον, well-made, Moses Alch.314.27· καλός A. iii. 1, add ‘b. τό καλώς ίχον what is right and fair, PPetr.2 p.i9(i) (iii b.c.), UPZ 12.46 (ii b.c.).’ C. ii. 5, after ‘Aeschin.3.232’ insert 4; καλά y’ άπόησΐ he deserved it, Men.75yjc.629’ κάλπις, line 6, after 4 cinerary urn,' insert ‘AP 7.444.6 (Theaet.),’ χκαλτάριος, o, shoemaker, BCHj. 243. χκάλτις, ό, an Indian gold coin, Peripl.AI.Rubr.63. καλυβός, after ‘chamber,’ insert ‘JHSJ4.8J. 14 (Caunus, ii b.c.),’ καλύδριον, add 4, Inscr. Dilos 14297/184 (ii b.c.)’ χκαλυκοειδής, ές, = καλυκώδης i, of the chrysanthemum, Cyran. 44. χκάλύκωσις [75] , εως, ή, a flower, perh .meadow-saffron or polyanthus narcissus, Aq.Ti.35.!, Ca.2.1. κάλυμμα 3, for 4 skull ' read ‘dura mater’ 10, delete the section ; v. καλυμμάτων in Suppl. καλυμμάτιον, add 4; dub. sens., Didyma 39.55 (καλυμμαν lapis; ii b.c.)’ κάλυξ I. 2, hne 2, delete ‘κισσοΐο. .3.23;’ ; hne 5, after ‘h.Cer. 427,’ insert ‘Theoc.3.23,’ 11, add 4, Call.Fr.80.5 Pf.’ add ‘IV. eyelids, Hsch.’ κάλυξις, for 4i. 1’ read 4i. 2’ κάλυψ, delete the article, κάλχη i. 1, add 4, Lyc.864’ καλώδιον, after ‘Th.4.26,’ insert ‘Men. 75^.580,’ χκαλώπις, ιδος, fern. Adj. fair-faced, Πίρσΐφόνην δε καλώπιδ[α] Berl.Sitzb. X934.X046 (Tab. Defix.); cf. καλωπός. κάλως, hne 5, after “κάλωας” insert ‘Id. 1.566,’ χκαμακίς, ίδος, ή, fastening for the hair, Hsch., who adds evioi σύριγγα. κάμαξ, hne 1, for ‘infr. 3’ read ‘infr. 2’ χκαμαρόριος, δ, = Lat. camerarius, valet, POxy. 1300.7 (v a.d., καμαλ- Pap.). χκαμαρία' κοιτών καμάρας ίχων, Hsch. κόμαρος, add TV. apptly. = καμάρα I, L W2426b (Syria).’ καμάρωσις I, add 4, SEG 16.470. 16 (Thera, i/ii A.D.)’ χκαματηρά, ή, in pi., gloss on φάλαγγΐς, Sch.Ar.Tia.i349. καματηρος ii. 2, for 4 toiling ,’ read ‘patient of toil, φυχαί Max. Tyr.39.3 ;’ χκάμβειν, τδ, perh. = κομβίον, q.v. in Suppl., Robert Hell.6.99.6. καμηλάριος, after 4 camel-driver ,’ insert ‘ Edict. Diocl. η . 1 7 (rest.), POxy. 1870.7 (v a.d.),’ κάμιλος, for ‘1030’ read ‘1035’ καμινόθεν, init., insert ‘(parox.)’ καμινοκαύστης II, add 4, P0xy.22~J2.22 (ii A.D.)’ κάμινος, add ‘2. part of a ship, Hsch. (cf. Ιπνός v in Suppl.). II. κάμινοι ■ ΐύπλίυροι βθ€ς, ισχυροί καί ΐύίσχωι, Id.’ χκόμμερος· αχλδϊ, Hsch. s.v. κάμμΐρος. χκαμμορέων' κακοπαθών, Hsch. κάμνω ι. ι, add 4; οίκους Philet.8’ 3> f°r present sec¬ tion substitute ‘Med. aor., make, render, οι κέ σφιν καί νήσον άϋκτιμάνην άκάμοντο Od.9.I3°·’ χκαμπόγια, τά, gloss on ξυρίδΐς, Suid. (-άκια), Phot.; cf. καμπ α¬ γών, ξυρίς II. κάμπη ι. 2, after ‘of this shape,’ insert ‘7G22. 1425.25 1 (Athens, iv b.c.),’ 11, for ‘ Indian ' read 4 Libyan ' χκαμπιδοόκτωρ, ορος, δ, = Lat. campiductor, -doctor, MAMAx. 168 (iv a.d.) . χκάμπιστρον, τδ, girdle or loin-cloth worn under the tunic, Lat. campestre, Ann.Epigr. 1907.29 (Aphrodisias), 7>7ij)'L4.627.34i, al. (iv a.d.) . καμπτήρ, add TIL prob. = κάμπτρα, BCH39.16 (Delos).’ κάμπτρα, add ‘II. kneading-trough, Hsch. s.v. καρδοπεΐον.’ καμπυλόπρυμνος, after ‘stern,’ insert ‘PHib.ix.\’]2.ii9 (iii B.c.),’ καμπόλοχος, for ‘with curved carriage’ read ‘dub. sens.’ and delete ‘i.e. ploughs,’ κάμψα, hne 2, after ‘Hsch.’ add 4 : — also καψίον PMasp. 34θν39* fin., after “καψάκιον,” insert ‘POxy. 2273.6 (iii a.d.) ; κ.· γλωσσά κομον,’ χκαμψίγουνος, ον, bending the knee, PHib.xx.x 72.29 (iii b.c.). καμφίουρος, for *, v. σκίουρος ’ read 4. As Subst., — σκίουρος, Hsch.’ Χκαμψίχειρ, χει ρος, δ, η, bending the hand, PHib. 11. 172.28 (iii b.c.). κάναβος, fin., for “κίναβος” read “κινάβίυμα, κίνναβος” κόναθρον, after ‘X.Ages. 8.7,’ add ‘Plu.T^cj.ig,’ χκανάλιον, τδ, culvert, Dim. of Lat. canalis, Pap. in Arch.d’Hist. du droit oriental 1.267 (Dura). καναστραΐα, add 4; sg., καναστ[ραΐ]ον δριωτάν Inscr.Cret. 4.145.6 (Gortyn, v/iv b.c.)’ κάναστρον, delete ‘dub. .. Crete),’ καναχεω, add 4; φωνήν GLP 1.1 14.12 (Posidipp.)’ Χκάνάχισμός, δ, = καναχη, Orac.Chald.x99 (ap.Procl. in TL3.61, cf. iii D.) (pi.). χκανδηλάπτης, ου, δ, candle-lighter, Teucer in Boll Sphaera 42. χκανδιδάρι(ο)ς, δ, baker of white bread, MAMA 5.254 (Nacolea). χκανδιδάτος, δ, = Lat. candidatus, 7G4.588.9 (Argos, ii a.d.), etc. ; κυαίστορα κ. Jahresh.44 Beibl. 280 n.59 (Ephesus, ii/iii A.D.). χκανθάρίας, ου, o, a gem in scarab form, prob. = κάνθαρος vi, Plin. 77V37.187. κανθαρίς i, hne 3, for 4: pi.’ read ‘, Gal. 12.263’ and hne 5, for ‘so.. 363’ read ‘poisonous ( θανάσιμος ), Plu.l.c.’ Add ‘III. = καπνός ii, Ps.-Dsc.4- log.’ κάνθαρος, add ‘VII. = Lat. cantherius, spar, rafter, Lxx Hab.2.x I.’ κανθήλιος, add ‘II. Adj., άρτους, dub. sens., Sosith.2.6.’ κανθός i. 2, for ‘Call.70-.150’ read ‘Call.Fr. 1 77.28 Pf.’ u, after ‘wheel,’ insert ‘Polyaen.7.2 1 .3,’ κανίσκιον, after ‘Gloss.:’ add ‘κανίσκον, Inscr. Dilos 372R25 (iii/ii b.c.) :’ κανναβάριος, for ‘(Lat. .. Ephesus)’ read 4 worker in hemp (Lat. cannabis) or seller in a booth (Lat. canaba), Jahresh.24Beibl.3x (Ephesus, ii/iii a.d. ; pi.)’ χκανναβάς, ά, δ, prob. tow-seller, Robert Hell.xxjx2.43, cf. Id. Et. Anat. 204 n.3. κανόνιον ii, for ‘compass’ read ‘ruler or measuring-rod ’ κανονίς, after ‘(Phil.),’ add ‘cf. ίθυβάτης (Suppl.);’ κανονωτός i, after ‘(iii b.c.)’ insert ‘, cf. PCair.Pjen. 847.5 (with note)’ χκάνψης, η, o, name of a relation, gen. κάνφη ΜΑΜΑ3.η49 (Corycus); gen. pi. κανφίων 7.1Ti484 (Tarsus); gen. sg. [κ]ανφίου Rott Kleinas.Denkm.3j 4 n.89: cf. Tzakonian kambzi ‘child’. κανών i. 3 a, lines 9/10, for ‘cannot, .measurement’ read ‘can be adjusted to curved outlines’ and for ‘(unless = κΰμα )’ read ‘(cf. κΰμα x. 3)’ b, add ‘, etc.’ χκάπάνεύς, ε'ως, δ, dub. sens., Inscr.Cret. i.xxv 2 (ii b.c.). χΚαπετωλιάς, άδος, fern. Adj., K. [νί/caj] victories in the Ludi Capitolini, rest, in SisGi 9.589.4 (Chios, ii a.d.). 78 καττηλικός SUPPLEMENT καταγωνίζομαι καπηλικός ι, line 2, for ‘άργνρωμα. . 1 1 i’ read ‘to —ikov, ή -ική, a kind of cup, IG 1 1 (2). 1 10.24,124.39, al. (all Delos, iii B.C.)’ καπητόν i, add ‘ ; daily ration of fodder, PHerm.39.2 (v a.d.) : hence in general, ration, allowance, ib.78.3 (v/vi a.d.). (In last two signfs. written καππόν by association with Lat. caput.)' χκαπιτόν, τό, v. καπητόν with Suppl. καπνίζω, add ΊΙΙ. heat, β αλανεΐον PBremen 566.5 (ii A.D.).’ καπνώδης I, add ‘b. causing smoke when burned, φύλλον D.Chr. 66.5.’ and in 2 delete φύλλον. .66.5’ κάπος, after ‘Hsch.’ insert ‘2. husk of fruit of date-palm. Id. 3. the first εκφυσ ις ( shoot of date-palm?), Id.’ χΚαππάδοκαρχία, ή, Presidency of the Provincial Council of Cappa¬ docia, and of its festival (Imperial cult), Dig. καππάριον, before ‘Gloss.' insert ‘PGC227.19 (ii a.d.),’ κάπρος, add ‘III. a disease of bees, Hsch.’ καπυρόομαι, after ‘crackly,’ add ‘Id. 1 1.13.2,’ καπύω, after ‘aor. Γ insert “, φυχ ήν οϋ τι” and after “ κεκαφηώς” add ‘, άποκαπύω ; also καπύσσω, Hsch.’ κάρα (B),for ‘Id.’ read ‘Inscr.Cret.i .xviii2Ai (Lebena), Hsch.’ Καραιός, add ‘; also Καραός, IGg2(i). 434.1 (Astacus, ii b.c.)’ κάρβανος, after ‘Supp. 914’ insert S.Inach. in POxy.2369. i.ii.26’ and for ‘Id.-d^.’ read ‘A.Ag.’ Χκαρδαμογλυφος, o, cress-scraper, Hsch. s.v. κυμινοπρίσται, cf. κνμινοπριστοκαρόομογλύφος. καρδία, before “, ή” insert ‘[scanned as disyll. in A.Supp. 72,799, 771.289 (all lyr.), cf. κάρζα)’ line 4, for ‘Sapph.2.6’ read ‘Sapph.3 1.6 L.-P., Ale. 207. 9 L.-P.’ hi, add ‘2. of a golden crown, perh. core or framework, Inscr. Delos 1449^11611 13 (ii b.c.).’ v, add ‘, cf. Ήελίου κραδίη (= the planet Mercury) Nonn.i7.38.392’ καρδιακός ii, after ‘heart disease,' insert ‘Cic.Div. 1 .8 1 ,’ Χκαρδίδιον, τό, twig of the mulberry tree, Cyran.29. καρδιόδαιτος, add ‘ : also -δαίτης, voc. -δαϊτα, epith. of Hecate, Hesperia 6.391 (Athens, Tab. Defix.)’ καρδιοειδής, add ‘ Adv. -ώς, PWarren 21.82 (iii a.d.).’ καρδιουργέω, add ‘; cf. Wien.Anz. 1959.39 (Ephes., iii a.d.)’ χκαρδόπιον, τό, Dim. of κάρδοπος, κ. λίθινον επί βάαεως τετραγώνου Inscr. Dilos ι^ιηΑι"]θ (ii b.c.) ; καρδοπεΐον is so written in cod. Hsch. κάρδοπος, line 1, after ‘Pa. 1159;’ insert ‘κ. λίθινη PEG13.13.4, 1 1, κεραμεία ib.9 (Athens, v b.c.) ;’ Καρικός, add ‘VI. Κ. σχήμα, a coital posture, coitus pr onus, Hsch., cf. Macho ap.Ath. 13.580c!.’ κάρκαρον, after T47’ add ‘; cf. Lat. career ( carcar )' καρκίνος iv. i, add ‘b. crane, = μηχανή λιθαγωγός, Poll. 1 o. 148.’ 5, add ‘ ; an instrument similar to the διαβήτης, Papp. in Ptol. Aim. p.70 R.’ κάρμα, add ‘ ; new wine, Id. ; hair cut off, Id.’ χκαρνάριος, 6, = Lat. carnarius, butcher, PFlor. 207.5,214.3, al. (iii a.d.) ; also καρνάρις, POxy. 2331.11.1 2 (iii a.d.). Κάρνειος, add ‘, cf. Inscr.Cos 38.11, al.’ κάρνον ii, delete ‘ : — hence, .al’ χκαρόω (B), assess, value, IGgff) .1229.25 (Perrhaebia, ii b.c.) : — Med. καροΰσθα ι· ώνεΐσθαι, Hsch. καρπεύω, line 2, for ‘Core.’ read ‘Crete, iii b.c.’ Κάρπιος, add ‘; of Dionysus, Πολεμχον 6.17/18, Rev.Phil.35 (ign).i24 (both Larissa)’ καρπογόνος, add ‘, /Gi2(i) .783.6 (Lindos) = AP15.11.6' καρποδαιστάς, after “5.," insert ‘or — δαίστας, a,' χκαρποθηκείτας, ου, o, perh. granary superintendent, P&452.79 (Rhod. Peraea, ii b.c.). καρπός (B), line 2, after ‘ib.891’ insert καρποί χειρών Hp. Aer. 20’ καρποτόκος, after ‘TP/.4.264’ add ‘ ; μην Socr.Ep.35 (v.l. καρπότομα) ’ καρποφόρος, line 2, for “πεδία” read “γόαλα" καρπόω i. i, line 2, after ‘Pers. 82 T insert ‘: — Med., Inscr. Cret. 4.43^3 (V B.C.)’ κάρπωμα ii, for ‘offering. .Nu. 18.9’ read ‘ burnt-offering , Lxx Le. 1.9, al. ; fire-offering, ib.2.9,3.5’ antl after ‘ κάρπωσις ii’ add ‘in Suppl.’ κάρπωσις ii, for ‘ offering of fruits' read ‘burnt-offering' χκαρραρικός, η, όν, of a wagon, τροχός Edict. Diocl. 15.30. χκαρσανάριος, ό, perh. peasemeal-seller, MAMA 3.421,422 (Cory- cus). καρτερέω, transfer ‘άκούων. .24T from line 10 to follow ‘l278b27’ in line 17, prefixing ‘ : c. part.,’ καρτεράς I. 1, add ‘b. c. part., having discretion in, ol πολέμαρχοι θωϊώντες κ. έστων Thasos 1.37 Ι·Ι4Ι·6 (iv B.C.).’ καρόδιον, add ‘; written καροιδ- PRyl. 4.629.185, al. (iv a.d.)’ χκάρύζω, Aeol. = κηρύσσω, rest, in Ale. 130. 19 L.— P. χκάρΰοφύλαξ, ακος, ό, nut-warden, PSI 297.19 (v A.d.). χκάρυσσα, Aeol. fem. of κήρυξ, PC//59.473 (Mytilene), prob. in 7Gi2(2).255 (ibid.). καρυωτός I, before ‘Str.17.1.15’ insert ‘D.S.2.53,’ κάρφη, add ‘II. = φορυτός, Hsch.’ καρχαρόδους, line 2, before ‘Plot.’ insert ‘Choerob. in Theod.i. 347, v.l. for -οδον in’ καρχαρόδων, add ‘, Nonn.D.41.210’ κασία, lines 1/2, for ‘iners' read ‘cassia' and after ‘Od. 30,’ insert ‘Peripl.M.Rubr. 8, al.,’ κασιγνήτη, line 2, after ‘cf. 70*’ insert ‘, vm.io D.3’ κασίγνητος, line 5, after ‘general sense,’ add ‘ half-sister , E .Ion 467 (lyr.) ;’ χκάσινος, η, ον, perh. of κασης, Ιδρώου κασίνου Arch. Pap. 5· 392-31 (i a.d.) . κάσις, line 3, after ‘sister,' insert ‘Anacr.25 P->’ and for ‘Aet. 3.1. 23’ read ‘Pr.75.23 Pf.’ ; at end add ‘; also πάν[τες γαρ πε'λομε]ν κάσιες Poet, (iii a.d.) in Hesperia 5.95.28’ χΚασσανδρίζω, side with Cassander, Polyaen.4.7.6. χκασσηρατόριν, Lacon. = * καταθηρατόριον, hunt, an athletic con¬ test at Sparta, 7G5(i).279 (i/ii a.d.), ah; also written καθ- θηρ a— ib.274 (“ τόριν), 288 (— τ όριον). κασσιτέρινός, add ‘ ; of coins (prob. with core of tin, plated with silver), Inscr. Delos 1442P51 (ii B.c.)’ κασσιτεροποιός, add ‘, PTV6.414.34 (ii A.D., κασιδερο- Pap.)’ κάσσος, add ‘ ; written κάσος, prob. in PGi/759.17 (ii a.d.).’ κάσσυμα, add ‘III. deceit, plotting, treachery, Hsch.’ χΚασταλίς, ίδος, fem. Adj. of Castalia, νόμφαι Theoc.7.148. χκαστελλίτης, ου, ό, perh. = Lat. castellarius, PLond. 1652.6 (iv A.D.) · χκάστελλος, ό, = Lat. castellum. Res Gestae Saporis 12, Procop. /W. 2.5.9; esP· of water-reservoirs, PLond. 1 177.65, al. (ii a.d.), Hsch. χκαστελλοφύλαξ, ό, a Persian court-official, Res Gestae Saporis 63. Καστόρειος ii, after ‘Dsc.2.24’ add ‘; δέρμα Edict. Diocl. 8. 31’ καστορίδες ii, for ‘ sea-calves , seals' read ‘beavers' χκάστρα, τά, and later κάστρον, τό, = Lat. castra, castrum, IGRom. 3.237, PFay.50, etc. χκαστρησιανός, ό, soldier of the frontier guard stationed in a fort or permanent camp, «S7?G9.356.46,8o (Ptolemais in Cyrenaica, vi а. d.), PMasp. 126.62 (vi a.d.) . χκαστρήσιος, ό, pi., Lat. castrenses milites, prob. in .SAGS. 643 (Ptolemais, Egypt). χκάστυ, τό, scribe’s palette, Aq., Thd.EV.9.2 (Hebr. qeset, from Egyptian £jf/) ; perh. to be read in 7G 14.2413.17.9,25 (Jewish amulet from Sicily), cf. Aegyptus 33.172. κατά, line 1, after ‘309.28,’ insert ‘cf. κ. δονακώδεος ύλης SEG 16.702 (Caria, ii/iii a.d.), and’ A. 11. 3, after ‘Hdn. б. 7.8’ insert ‘, cf. Luc.Pisc.f add ‘8. Locr., in ac¬ cordance with, κα τώνδε /Gg(l). 334.1 ; κα τάς συμβολας ib-333· 15 ; καθ’ ών ib.267.9.’ Β. in. 2, add ‘; κ. πόδα ΰπέλαβες, of immediately seizing what has been said, PI. >5)66. 243d’ κατα, add ‘; κάτα A.D.Cony.229.23, cf. cod. A in ΡΙ.Ζ,^.δδιο ; for usage see ειτα ii.’ καταβαίνω, line 5, after ‘Ra. 35’ add ‘, Men.iTyic.633 (-at Pap.)’ 11, add ‘6. pass to a less lofty style, O.H.Dem. I3>25·’ καταβατικός, add ‘2. κ. κύκλος a vertical great circle passing through the zenith and a star, Ptol.Arca/.pp. 19 1,205 H. (Lat. descensivus) .’ καταβατός I, after ‘Antr. 23 ;’ add ‘Subst., καταβατή, η, dub. sens., κατεσκενασ a την καταβατην συν τη επικείμενη σορω (fort, leg. καταβάτιν) Dumont-Homolle Mel. Arch. 378 (Perinthus) ;’ 11, add ‘ ; esp. column of days in an εφημερίς, Cod. Vat. Gr. ιο58·328γ.6, al.’ χκαταβαφικός, ή, όν, effected by καταβαφη, καΰσις Zos.Alch. 208.5. καταβιβρώσκω, add ‘, /G22. 1672.310 (iv B.c.)’ καταβίωσις, for the present article substitute after “ή,” ‘the living out of one’s life, spending one's days, Cic./fo.i3.i.2, D.S.18. 52, App.PC4.16.’ χκαταβλάστημα, ατος, τό, shoot, plant, Hsch. s.v. πρέμνα. κατάβλημα iii, delete the section. κατάβολος, add ‘III. = καταβολή I. 2, Mil.Navarre 357 (Thes- piae).’ καταγηράσκω, line 3, after ‘1308’ delete ‘, etc.’ καταγινέω ii, for ‘back, recall ' read ‘home’ καταγλαΐζω, after ‘glorify,’ add ‘τινα μνημείοις SEG4.633.10 (Sardis, iii/iv a.d.), cf.’ χκαταγμάτιον [μά], τό, Dim. of κάταγμα (b) i, Inscr. Dilos 1441 A i 67 (ii b.c.) · κατάγνυμι, line 7, after ‘693’ add ‘, also part, καυάξαντες Call. Pr.260.53 Pf.’ κατάγραφος II, for ‘drawn. . 1. 4. 5’ read ‘viewed in profile, of stars, Hipparch. 1 .4.5 ; of a portrait-bust, GF/979 (i a.d.)’ add ‘III. dub. sens., catagraphosque Thynos (acc.) Cat.25.7.’ καταγρυπόω, for ‘Schneid.’ read ‘Winckelmann’ κατάγχω i, add ‘, Plu. Dio 57.2 (cj.)’ καταγωγή I. 2, add ‘b. forwarding to the coast, προς παράλημφιν και κ. βιβλίων PRyl.2.83-4 (ϋ A.d.).’ καταγωγίς, add ΊΙΙ. epith. of Artemis, Docum.ant. dell’ Africa Italiana 1.88 (Cyrene, iv b.c.). IV. σκεϋος πεντηρικόν καί κράσπεδον και παράλωμα, Hsch., i.e., = παράρρυμα I.’ καταγωνίζομαι, line 1, for “τινας” read ‘κ. τον εργώδη γέροντα 79 καταγωνίζομαι SUPPLEMENT καταττοδίδωμι Mcn./)>w.965, cf.’ line 3, after ‘ Isid. 122:’ add ‘abs., J.TJ4.6.12:’ καταδάκνω, delete — Pass., . . 7·1 10 καταδαρθάνω, line 4, after ‘A.R.2.1227’ insert (v.l. -ov) καταδείκνυμι, add ‘3. create , Lxx Is. 40.26, 43· *5 5 fashion, ib. 45.18.’ Χκαταδέκτρια, ή, one giving reception, epith. of sea-goddesses, Βύνης καταδέκτριαι cj. in Call. (?)Fr. 745 ) κατάδενδρος, after ‘wooded,' insert ‘Dicaearch.i .1,’ κατάδεσις II, read ‘933d’ κατάδεσμος II, for “—δεσμού τούς θεο ύς πειθοντες read ρλα φει επαγωγα ις τισι και —οεσμοις ( καταδέχομαι 3, for ‘truth’ read ‘teaching’ and delete “to γενεθ- λιαλογεΐν” καταδέω (A), before ‘fut.’ insert ‘contr. -δώ Tab.Dep c.ioi,iooa (both iv b.c.), al. ( . καταδημαγωγέω, for the present article substitute attain by the arts of a demagogue, c. acc. and inf., Arr.fr. 150 J. ; Pass., to be won by such arts, Plu.C/i0ftt.i3· 2. supplant , oust from favour, αδελφούς Id.2-482d; Pass., Id.Ptfr.g. Χκαταδημεύω, confiscate, rest, in Thasos 1. 39°/7- 1 5°- 1 7>2 1 > see Rev· Et.Anc.61.28Q. Χκαταδιαβαίνω, come down across, POxy. 2331.11. ii (iii a.d.). καταδιαιρεω, 3, add Med., interpret, σημεΐον Vit.Aesop.{ G)8i’ ,καταδίδωμι I, add τοΐλ Λατόσίοις Inscr. Cret.$.p8 (v B.c.). 2. distribute among, δέρμα τοΐς [αεί ίερασο]μενοΐ5 S/G624-37 (** B.C.)’ καταδρέτιω, add cf. Pl.77.gid (v.l.)’ καταδρομή I. 2, delete ‘, cl. D.H.77i.3 and after Plb. 12.23.1 , add ‘c. gen., D.H.77i.3, Pomp. 1 ;’ Χκαταεικοβολέω, conjecture from probabilities, Sch.Pi./.2 inscr. Χκατάερος, ov, in the air, Hymn.Is.28. _ . χκαταζώγραφος, ov, painted, ίστήλη GVI 1 33. 1 (Galatia, ii/iii a.d.). Χκατάζωσις, εως, ή, girding, name of a Bacchic rite, AfAQ*].2Q6 (Latium, ii a.d.) ; cf. κατάζωσμα II. Χκαταζώστρη, ή, lace for the cothurnus, dub. in Herod. 8. 33. κατάημι, add ‘ ; καταήσσα το dub. sens, in Ale. 296. 2 L.— P. ^ κατάθεσις I, for ‘κ. κλάδων. .Gp. 9.5· t’ read G/>.4-3-4> 9-5- G 4, add ‘ ; 8c ίων μηνιμάτων (v.l. καθέσεις) Aesop. 56 Perry add ‘8. laying down on the ground, περικομιδή καί κ. χελώνης, as a charm, Gp. 1 . 1 4.9. 9. arrangement, διπλή τη καταθέσει των κλάδων D.S.2-53 (nisi leg- καθέσει). , 10. mortgage, Inscr. Cret.\.\a,Baq (ν b.c.), cf. κατατ ίθημι ι. 4b·’ καταθλέω, add ΊΙΙ. spend on athletic contests, Inscr. Delos 316.114 (iii b.c.), 372T1 17 (iii/ii b.c.), al.’ . καταί, add ‘, cf. κ. δονακωδεος ύλης Rev. Phil. a, 1.16 (ii/iii A.D.) καταιβάτης 3? for ‘that to which. . downward read downward - plunging ’ Χκαταϊερόω, = καθιερόω, jfahresh.26 Beibl.iQ (Ephesus, ii a.d.). καταίρω ii, line 4, after ‘Eq.Mag. 6.5 ;’ insert ‘come, arrive,’ Χκαταίσχυντος, ov, shameful, Hsch. s.v. κατηφόνες. Χκαταιτιατικόξ, η, όν, noxious, rest, in Vett.Val. 208.22, cf. αιτιατι¬ κές i. 2. κατακαίνω, line 2, after ‘An.3.2. 12’ add ‘, PC//33.452 (Argos)’ Χκατακάρδιον, τό, down-turned twig of the mulberry tree, Cyran.29. κατακαρφής, after ‘(of a turnip)’ insert prob. cj. in κατάκειμαι add ‘10. to be given in pledge, Inscr. Cret. 4.47.1,10, al. (Gortyn, v b.c.).’ κατακέφαλα, add ‘ ; παραφέρειν κ. sweep away head over heels, POxy. 1853.5 (vi/vii a.d.)’ Χκατακήδευσις, εως, ή, burial, TAM2.620 (Tlos). Χκατακήλησις, εως, η, enchantment, Cels. ap.Orig.CeG. 1.6 (pi.)· κατακηλιδόω, before ‘v.l.’ insert ‘Phryn.392, Χκατακλη, η, dub. sens, et accent., PUniv.Milan. ii. 105.20 (ii A.D.) . Χκατακλΐτικός, ή, όν, η κ. [ώρα], ημέρα, the hour, day of taking to one’s bed, Vett.Val. 205. 3, 339.20. κατακλύζω I. 2, add ‘b. drench a person with wine, prob. in E.Cyc.677.’ Χκατάκλυστον, τό, dub. sens. (fort. = κατάκλυστρον) , Inscr. Delos 2420. Χκατακόλλησίξ, εως, ή, glueing together, τραπέζης Delph. 3(5). 68 i 3 (iv B.C.) · κατάκομος, add ‘2. of trees, drooping, Ps.-Callisth.3.6 cod.B.’ κατακονάω, add cf. Plu.2.235f (corrupt)’ κατακρατέω, line 2, after ‘Plb. 16.30.5’ insert ‘; c. gen. rei, γαστρός ού κατακρατέεις Hippon.x.2 D.3’ Χκατακρημνάω, = κατακρημνίζω, Hsch. κατάκριτος, after “ov” insert ‘(also η, ov, Hsch.),’ and at end add ‘; κεφαλής κατάκριτον, — Lat. capitis damnatum, SEG8. 1 3 (Nazareth, rescript of Augustus or Tiberius)’ Χκατακρυβή, = κατακρύβδην, PMich. 8.520.9 (iv A.D.). κατακτείνω, line 4, after ‘ib.164’ add ‘ ; Aeol. part, κακκτάνοντες Ale. 1 29.19 L.-P.’ κατακύτττω, line 2, after ‘cf.’ insert ‘Men.Dy.rc.538,’ κατάκυψις, transfer the article after κατακυρόω. καταλαμβάνω ν. 1, after ‘Pass.,’ insert ‘to be covered, χρυσίω Lxx 2 CA.9.20 ;’ add ‘VI. = συλλαμβάνω iv, conceive, Aq. A/i.6. 14. VII. reach a place, arrive at, Αθήνας Synesius Ep. 54; abs., POxy. 1 844.3,5 (vi/vii a.d.).’ καταλαμπρύνω, after ‘ splendid ’ add ‘or bright ’ and at end ; Sch.Pi. Ο.3.35’ Χκατάλάμψίξ, ι ος, ά. Dor. form of *κατάλημφις, = κατάληφις, Lindos 11. 160.5 (“ B-c·)· χκαταλαπαξικοίλιος, ov, evacuating the stomach, Glotta 34-45/7 and 297 n.i. καταλέγω (B), line 6, after ‘ Vil.Hom.2l ’ add ‘, cf. καταλέγεαθα ι· όδύρεαθαι τον τεθνεώτα, Hsch.’ καταλείπω III. 2 c, before ‘omit’ insert ‘κ. τι έν τοΐς άκούουσι leave to the readers’ intelligence, Aristid. Rh. 2 p.523 S. ;’ and after ‘c. inf.,’ add ‘ib. p.524 S.,’ καταλέκτρια, for ‘( Fr.anon.82)ap.EM2i7.$ ,’ read ‘ (?)Fr. 745 Pf. (cod. ; V. καταδέκτρια in Suppl.) ; Χκατάλευσμα, ατος, τό, stoning, Sch.Lyc.118l. καταλέχομαι, add ‘: Act., put to sleep, Hsch. s.vv. καταλέξας and κατέλεξας ’ Χκατάληγμα, ατος, τό, v.l. for καταλεγμα, Sm.^i.32. 1 6. καταλήγω, line 4, for ‘Air. Epict. 6.20.2 1’ read ‘Arr. Epict. 1 .6.20, -» τ 9 o c*r\r\ ‘ el c rnn vb vnn ililcl X^.W.Dem*A.Q 21' 2, add ‘ ; of words, εις τραχύ γράμμα D.H.Dc/rt.40’ κατάληψις, add ‘Cf. κατάλαμφις in Suppl.’ καταλιμπάνω, after “= καταλείπω,” insert Sapph-94-2 L.— P., κατάλληλος, add ‘III. in Music, of tetrachords, = συνημμένος (ν. συνάπτω A. ill. 2), Aristid. Quint. 1 .8 ; cl. παράλληλος (Suppl.).’ καταλογεΐον, before ‘POxy.’ insert ‘PTeb.770.13 (iii b.c.),’ καταλογή ii, line 2, delete ‘codd. (- δοχή Reiske)’ Χκαταλογισμός, o, reckoning, account, PRyl. 4.627.90 (iv a.d.). χκαταλογιστής, οΰ, ό, dub. sens., PGrenf .2.7 9.2.1 (iii a.d.). καταλοκίζω, add ‘; κατηλόκιζε GLP 1.109(2). 5 καταλούομαι, add ‘2. bathe, prob. of ceremonial washing, Jahresh.23 Beibl.2\ (Maeonia, ii a.d.; κατελούαετο) .’ καταλοχίζω 2, line 3 , alter ‘Sull. 18 insert , cf. PAlich . I cb . 2 . 338.9 (i A.D.)’ καταλύτήριον, add ‘, Sch.Pi.0. 10.57’ καταλύω I. 3, line 9, after ‘Protr.14.) ;’ insert ‘abs., retire from business, Macho ap.Ath. 13.581c;’ Χκαταμελητέος, a, ov, not demanding attention , An.Boiss.^.f&i , c i. καταμελεω. y καταμετρέω 2, line 5, after Td.Caf.4b33’ add ‘ ; έξακοσιάκις καί πεντηκοντάκις -εΐται ό κύκλος ουτος υπό τής διαμέτρου τής σελήνης Papp. 6. 55^· 1 5' , , , καταμιμνήσκομαι, add ‘ ; έμνήσαντο γάμου κάτα = γ. κατεμνη- σαντ ο, prob. in Call.T0-.75· χ8 Pf·’ καταμίσγω, add ‘, Emp.93’ ( / Χκατανκτηρία, ή, dub. sens., μόχλοι ταίς κ. παλαιοί κατεχρήσθησαν εις σφήνας καί σφύρας και πιεστή[ρας 7G22.l672-304 (Eleusis, 329/8 B.C.) . κατανομοθετέω, add ‘, but cf. κάτα (Suppl.)’ κατάντης I, line 2, after ‘Ar.T?a.i27;’ insert ‘άντρον TP6.220.5 (Diosc.) ;’ . καταντλέω, line 2, after ‘pour over’ add ‘, prob. in Nic.Fr.68. 5, cf. κατανύσσω, last line, for ‘keep silence read be silenced καταζαίνω 2, line 6, after ‘SMj.728 add , cf. A. Fr. 225-2 iVI. καταξέσματα, substitute ‘κατάξεσμα, τό, = -ξύσμα, Hsch. and Suid. S.V. μάγματα. καταξιοπιστέομαι, for the present article substitute “καταξιο- πιστεύομαι, demand belief to the prejudice of, τινόϊ Plb. 1 2. ,1 7.1 (— έομαι codd.), Suid.; c. acc., claim belief for, έτέραν τέχνην Ptol.Feh.6.’ καταξιόω ii, delete ‘ ; σό το ι. . (lyr·)’ καταπαλαίω, line 2, for “τα ρηθέντα” read “εμέ” καταπάλλομαι, line 2, after ΤΙ. 19.351’ insert ‘, Stesich.32.1.4 P.’ Χκαταπαρίζω, dub. lect. et sens., Sch.Od.8.51 7. καταπάσσω I, line 5, after ‘Ar.Nu.262’ add ‘, cf. καππεπάδμ[ Ale. 143.9 L.-P.’ καταπάτησις I, add ‘b. fulling, λεκάνη τής κ. wash-pot, Syr. Ρί-59(60).10-’ ) καταπέτασμα, alter "Hid. 10.28 add (v.l. for παρα-) , καταπίπτω, line 3, after ‘(Epid.);’ insert ‘Aeol. part, καππέτων Ale. 1 30. 14 L.-P. ;’ 2 a, line 4, before ‘base’ insert dis¬ heartened, D.Chr. 18. 15;’ καταπλάσσω I. 3, add ‘; τό καταπεπλάσθαι τον βίον (κατα- πεπλήχθαι codd.) D. 37-43' t , καταπλαστός, add TIL κατάπλαστος, ή, — καταπλασμα, Hippiatr. 130.185·’ . . καταπλέκω ι. ι, add ‘d. wind round a person, prob. in Nic.TVi. 475.’ κατάπληξις 2, after ‘Arist. insert EE I22iai, 1233^27, add ‘II. personified, a “stunner”, Lucr.4.1 163.’ καταπλίσσομαι, add ‘ ; Act., καταπλιξαι dub. rest, in Hippon. IX.16D.3’ Χκαταποδίδωμι, dub. sens., εάν δέ τις .. καταποδω τά δημόσια JHS^.^8.28 (Macedonia, ii a.d.). 80 κατα·ΐΓον€ω SUPPLEMENT κατηνάριον καταπονέω ι. ι, line 2, after ‘Incred. 1 1’ add ‘ ; get the better of, κ. to πράγμα Men.Z>yic.392, cf. Id. 526 Koerte’ Χκαταπότημα, ατ ος, τό, swallowing down, cj. for καταπατ- in Lxx La. 2.8. καταπράΰν-σις, read “καταπράϋν-σις [πρά],” Χκατά ττροΐθην- κατά πρεσβυγονίαν. ενι οι τό κατα δαίμονα, Hsch. Χκαταπυγόω, paedico. Phot., Suid. (part.), καταπύγων i, after ‘lewd,’ insert ‘TJT38.11 (Attica, vii B.C.?)’; at end add ‘ — fem. καταπύγαινα Hesperia 22.215 (Athens, vi/v b.c.)’ Χκάταργος, ον, quite unwrought, £ύλον, Διηγήσεις iv.28. κατάρης, for ‘Ale. 135, Sapph.i6o’ read ‘Alc.412 L.-P., Sapph. 183 L.-P.’ Χκαταρίθμητος, ον, numbered, εν το ΐς ζώσι Ps.-Callisth.i32.i2. *κατάρίθμιος, ον, numbered, ev φθιμένοις Jahresh.30 Beibl.\q (Ancyra, v a.d.). κάταρξις, add ‘, PGrenf. 2.87.21 (602 a.d.)’ καταρρακόω, for ‘in rags’ read of the body of Heracles’ καταρράκτης» add ‘7. dub. sens., perh. stocks or pillory, Lxx Je. 36(29). 26.’ καταρρεπής, add ‘, cf. καταρρεπές. .κύμα A.R.2-593 (v.l.) ; but opp. ανωφερής, Plu. 2.952ε.’ καταρρέω ι. 1, add metaph. in part., of style, flowing, D.H. Comp. 20’ καταρροφέω, add ‘ : — Dor. -ρυφέω Sophr. in PSIi2\$d2 καταρρυθμίζω, line 2, for ‘passages over-rhythmical ’ read ‘ rhythmical elements’ κατάρρυθμος i, delete ‘very’ > καταρτίζω I, add ‘ ; φωνή Κυρίου καταρτιζόμενου έλάφους ib.28 (29) .9’ κατάρτιον, after ‘2.’ add “κατάρτιος, ή,” καταρτισμός in, add ‘2, bedding, Robert Hell. 9*41 (Attaleia). κατάρχω II. 2, line 4, after ‘Od.3.445’ add ‘; τό πρόθυμα., k. Hesperia 7.4 (Athens, iv b.c.)’ Χκατασεβάζω, consecrate, of altars, Sch.Pi.O.3.35 (Pass.), κατασελγαίνω, for ‘to be libidinous ’ read ‘ paedico , Phot.’ κατασκελής, 4s, substitute ‘ burdened , hampered. 1. of style, over-loaded, OAA.Isoc.2 2. elaborate, complicated, το των έπιτεχνημάτων κ. Ptol.T/nz. Ι3·2 ; μέθοδος Id. Harm. 2.1 3 (Comp.) ; [τούτο] κ. έχει [ό] τρόπος ib.2 (Comp.).’ κατασκευάζω 3, line ii, for ‘Id. 1.93, 2. 17’ read ‘τάλλα κ. Id. 1.93; abs., Id.2.17’ 6, line 3, for ‘a Gorgias to be Nestor’ read ‘Gorgias to be a Nestor’ n, delete ‘ώς πολεμήσοντες Th.2.7 >’ Χκατασκεύασις, εως, η, = κατασκευή III, Cat.Cod.Astr. 1 1 (2). 131*14* κατασκεύασμα I, add ‘b. construction of a literary work, to τραγικόν κ. Sch.E. Tr. 1129·’ κατασκευή ι. I, line 3, after ‘Pl.G^.455b’ add ‘, cf. ^569.15 (Halasarna, ca. 201 b.c.)’ j κατασκηνόω, line 3, after ‘25 insert ‘c. acc., occupy, ib.Pr.8.12 κατασκιάζω, line 3, after ‘Archil.29’ add ‘, cf. Anacr.2.Fr.i.i P. ; προσώπου άνθος κατεσκιασμένη Men.D4w.95C κατασκοπέω, line 5, after ‘K.Mem. 2.1.22;’ insert ‘ύπτιάζων και κ. εαυτόν Aeschin. 1. 132 ;’ κατασμικρύνω, line 5» after cf. insert Demetr.E/oc.123, κατασττάω v, add ‘ ; την φράσιν OAi.Comp.20 (Pass.)’ add ‘VIII. plane or shave wood, gloss on ξυει, Hsch., cj. in Thphr. //P5.1.7.’ κατασπείρω III, line 3, for “πλοότω 'Ελλάδα κ.” read “κ. πλουτω 'Ελλάδα γην” , κατάσπεισις I, add ‘, 437b (sg.)’ κατασπένδω ι, line 4, after ‘Hdt.2.151’ add TP7.260 (Carph.) ii. 2, delete simply. .(Carph.)’ Χκατασπορεία, ή, office of κατασπορευς, *ST?9050.vi.l2 (i/ii A.D.). ΧΚατασπόρια, τά, a festival at Caunus, J//S74.87.22, al. κατάστασις I. 2 b, for ‘(pi·)’ read ‘, 7 καταστάτης, add ‘3. dub. sens., perh. he who presents or produces, POsl. 88.16,35 (iv A.D.) , cf. καθίστημι A I. 3, κατάστασις I. 3.’ καταστεγάζω, after ‘cover over,’ add ‘rest, in Panyas. in PMilan. 17 ii 5 1 ;* καταστέλλω ii. 2, delete ‘οίκτον E./T934 ;’ and add to 1 ‘ ; so perh. σε. .οίκτον περιβαλων καταστελώ Ε./Τ934’ καταστενάζω, after ‘al.’ add ; τινα Sch.E. Tr. 3*8 ^ ^κατάστερος, ον, perh. sprinkled as with stars, κ. πόντος εγάργαιρε σωμασιν Tim.Pirj.i05 (s.V.l.). χκαταστοχαζόντως, dub. sens., Hsch. s.v. καταχρηστικως. Χκαταστράτεία, ή, offensive expedition, BMCParthia p.40. καταστρατοπεδεύω, after ‘II.’ insert ‘= καταπολεμάω, Hsch. s.v. κατεστρατοπεδευσε. III.’ and for III. read IV. Χκαταστρωτέος, a, ον, = στορνυτεος, Hsch. κατασφραγίζω, fin., after ‘(ii B.C.)’ add ‘; τά ana Cels.ap.Orig. CV/i.5.64’; at end add ‘2. shut up, confine, εύρώεντι μελάθρω ib.267.’ ' f κατάσχεσις ii, add ‘2. taking possession, ετέρων Memn.36J.’ Χκατασχετικός, ή, όν, permanent (?), ο’ικε ίωσις Hsch. s.v. σχετική. κατασχίζω, line 4, after ‘Pass.,’ insert ‘κάδ δε λώπος έσχίσθη Anacr.96 (A) P. ;’ κατασχολέομαι, add ‘II. Act., [ΰπνος] φυχάς από των σωμάτων κατασχολών releasing from the concerns of. . , Afric.Ceii.p.38 V.’ καταταράσσω, add ‘, but cf. καταπλήσσει (—πλάσσει cod.)· κατα- ταράσσε ι, Hsch.’ κατατάσσω ι. 3, for ‘Pass., .fund’ read ‘Med., allocate money, εις άπόδοσιν τω θεω IGi ι (2) .224T7 (Delos, iii b.c.) : — Pass.’ κατατείνω i, add ‘8. Pass., of stringed instruments, Aristid. Quint.2.16.’ Χκατατελίσκω, dub. sens., Ιερεΐα κατατελισκόμενα Wien.Anz. 1959· 39 (Ephesus, iii a.d.). κατάτεχνος, for ‘ artificial ’ read ‘full of art ’ κατατίθημι, line 6, after Od.19.17:’ add ‘pres. inf. Act. κατ- τιθέν SEG9.4.38 (Cyrene, i b.c.) :’ 1. 4 b, after ‘Leg. Gort. 6.19’ insert ‘(ό καθένς who gives a slave as surety, 1 καταθέμενος who receives one, cf. Inscr.Cret. 4.47.4 (v b.c.)’ ii. 6, add ‘; enter in one’s accounts, μισθούς IG 11.1 10.17 (Delos, iii B.C.)’ 7 a, add ‘; so perh. λύπην κ. αιφνίδιοι θανάτω pay a tribute of grief to.., Inscr.Cret. 2 iii 44.8 (Aptera, iii or iv A.D.).’ κατατρέχω, transfer sections 3 and 6 of 11 to be 3 and 4 of 1. Add ‘III. as term of accountancy, prob. run on, be carried forward, PTni.32.7,8, al. (iv a.d.), cf. PHib. 255.5 (bi b.c.).’ Χκατατρΰχόω, = sq., Pass. aor. part, -ωθείς Memn.40.4J. καταυγάζω, line 2, after ‘Hld.i.l :’ add ‘metaph., Όποΰντα κ. ϋμνοις Sch.Pi.O.9.33 :’ 11, for ‘5.31’ read ‘5.32’ Χκαταυτμενα, dub. sens., Sapph. 44*9 L.— P., cf. ib.101.2. καταφέρω, line 1, after ‘II. 22.425’ insert ‘(Med.), Arat.871 (Pass.)’ 1. 2 c, add ‘; of wind, come down, Arat. 871’ III. 1, add όπεΐ (or όπεί — έπεί) κε ό καιρός κατενέκε ι when the occasion requires, BCH59.55 (Larissa).’ καταφθείρω I, fin., for ‘, cf. PMagd. 11.9’ read ‘. b. Pass., remain idle, waste one’s time in a place, PEnteux.2q.q,f κατάφορτος, add ‘; heavily laden, of ships, Memn.36J.’ καταφράζω, line 3, after ‘Hes.0/>.248 ;’ insert ‘κατεφράσθη Hippon.iv.i3 D.3;’ Χκαταφρακτάριος, ον, = Lat. cataphractarius, ιππείς BGU316.6 (iv a.d.) · κατάφρακτος, line 3, for “ταΐς” read “τοΐς” καταφρόνητος, add ‘, Sch.E. Or.i 156.’ καταφρυάττομαι, delete “τινι” καταφυγή I, add ‘3. personified, Θεω Ύφίστω και Άγει a (sic) Καταφυγή Anat.St. 10.70.122 (Pisidia).’ Χκαταφύρω, make wet, aor. 1 κατέφυρσε, Hsch. s.v. κατέδευσε. καταφυτεία, add plantation-tax, PMich. Teb. 12 i'.i xiv 2 (i A.D.)’ _ t κατάχαλκος, for ‘lapt. .scales’ read ‘ gleaming like bronze’ καταχθονίζω, add ‘2. metaph., bury, ελπίδας. .Μοίρα κατε- χθόνισεν GP/1989.14 (Panticapaeum, ii/i b.c.).’ καταχορεύω, after ‘Ael.Ad1.30:’ add ‘abs., gloss on κατα- κωμάζω , Sch.E. PA. 352 :’ καταχράομαι II. 2, add ‘; μόχλοι. . κατεχρήσθησαν εις σφήνας IG 22. 1 672.304 (Eleusis, 329/8 b.c.)’ κατάχρεος, add ‘III. καταχρέως- επαρκών εις μαρτυρίαν, Hsch.’ κατάχριστος, add ‘; also Subst., ή κ. Cat.Cod.Astr. 8(3). 148*1 1’ κατάχρυσος 4, for ‘5.15’ read ‘15.16’ Χκαταχρωμένως, Adv., ( καταχράομαι ) = καταχρηστικως, opp. κυρίως, Gal. 1 7 (2). 790. καταψηφίζομαι ι. i, fin., delete ‘pf.’ and after 5*8 add , cf. Διηγήσεις i.44 (dub.), Hsch. s.v. καταστίζων καταψήχω ii, for ‘ stroke . .110;’ read ‘ curry a horse, E.Hipp.i 10 ; stroke, caress’ Χκατέ, = κατά, κ. επιταγήν TAM2(f) .729,730 (Lycia). κατείβω ii, delete ‘trans.,’ and for ‘“Ερος.. 36’ read ‘“Ερως.. κατείβων καρδίαν ιαίνει Alcm.59(fl) Ρ· κατειργω, line 3, after ‘shut in,’ add ‘ h.Merc.356 (v.l. κατέρεξεν ) ;’ κατεισαγωγή, delete the article. Χκατελευθερόω, liberate, τής τυραννίδος Sch.Pi.0.12.1 (Pass.). Χκατέλευσις, εως, ή, — κατήλυσις, Hsch. Χκατέμπάλιν, Adv. backwards, h.Merc.qd (tm.). Χκατεναντίος, a, ov,face to face with, c. gen., ανθρώπων κ. Arat. 1 02 (v.l. —ίον). > i Χκατενέργεια, ή, action, activity, title of work, εν τή έμή κ. Zos.Alch. Ι7δ·3· Χκατενωπός, όν, perh. right opposite, Theognost.Can.69. Χκατεξανιστάω, terrify, Hsch. s.v. καταπλήσσει. Χκατέπερθεν, Aeol. Adv., = καθυπερθεν, Alc.357.3 L.-P., cf. επερθα in Suppl. κατεπίθυμος, for ‘inf.’ read ‘gen.’ Χκατέράσις, εως, ή, pouring off, Agathodaemon Alch. 270.24. Χκατέργω, v. κατειργω. t κατερείπω ii, add ‘ ; but κατήριπεν = κατήρειφεν, Nic. T/1.724 κατερυθραίνομαι, add * ; Act., dye red, Hsch. s.v. καταβάπτει’ κατεσθίω 2, add ‘ ; τον εραστήν Macho ap.Ath.582f’ κατευχή, after ‘vow,’ insert ‘Simon. 32 tit. P. (pi.),’ κατήλυσις, for ‘Simon. 1 79.1’ read ‘AP6. 21 7.1 ([Simon.])’ Χκατηνάριον, τό, prob. = άκατηνάριον (q.v. in Suppl.), PBaden 4. 95.106 (vii a.d.) . 81 κατήτοξ SUPPLEMENT κβραμικός κατήτος, before ‘= κατά έτος’ add ‘prob.’ Χκατθΰτός, ά, όν, to be used in sacrifice, ζέκα μναίς κα άποτίνοι. . κα(τ)θυταις τοΐ ΖΙ ’ Ολννπίοι Schwyzer 409-4 (Elis, vi B.c. ?), cf. 410.5 (rest.). Χκάτια, τά, dub. sens., 507/34.3.4, aU 4·24· κατιθύς, delete ‘Babr. ..42,’ and after ‘136’ add ‘2. straight towards, els. ,υλας Babr. 95. 42’ κατιλλώπτω I, delete ‘look askance at,’ 2, delete Hsch.’ add ‘3. scrutinize (?), ευ κατιλλώφας άθρει A.Fr.376 M.’ κάτισχνο?, add ‘ : metaph. of style, jejune, Sch. Flor. ad Call.Fr.i Pf., lines 8/9 (rest.)’ Χκατοικάδιος [άδ], ον, domestic, ήρως IGBulg. 1874 (Thrace), κατοικίδιος, line 2, for ‘Theopomp. Hist. 258(a)’ read ‘Antig.Mtr. 137’ add ‘2. domiciled, BGU 1816. 8 (i b.c.).’ κατοικίζω I, line 7, for ‘Pr. 252’ read ‘Pr. 250’ χκατόμοσις, ιως, ή, affirmation on oath, Hsch. s.v. μά. κατομψάλιος, for ‘ navel ’ read ‘middle' Χκατόνησις, Dor. -όνασις, ecu?, ή, enjoyment, BCH 83.671 (Dodona, iii b.c. ?). κατόνομαι, add imper. κατόνοσσο Arat.1142’ κατοπτεύω, add ‘III. c. dat., adopt an unfavourable attitude towards, ήμΐν POxy. 2342.29 (ii A.D.).’ κατορύσσω, line 8, after ‘Ar. PL 238 add ‘ καταδώ , κατορύ ττω, αφανίζω εξ ανθρώπων Berl.Sitzb. 1 934- 1 °23 (Tab. Defix., Attica, iv b.c.) Χκατορύχω, = κατορύσσω, Berl.Sitzb. 1934.1041 (Tab. Defix.), κατουλεω and κατούλη, delete the article, v. Jahresh. 32.72. κάτοχος, line 2, after ‘763.1425a’ add ‘, ££68.13.12 (Nazareth, rescript of Augustus or Tiberius)’ χκάττυσις, εως, ή, stitching, υποδημάτων 7G22. 1672. 190, 230 (Eleu- sis, 327 b.c.) . κάτω ii f, after ‘6.48 ;’ add ‘τό εκείνων γένος κάτω Id.FV.54 (codd. Suid. praeter M) ;’ ; add ‘h. in a ship, forward, al κ. κώπαι Arr. An. 6. 5. 2, cf. Sch.Ar .Fax 1231.’ κατώβλεψ, add ‘, Theognost. Can. 97’ κατωκάρα, add ‘ ; cf. [κα]τωκάραι Ale. 58. 22 L.-P.’ κατωμάδιος, add ‘HI. dub. sens., of the Great and Little Bears, κατωμάδιαι φοριόνται., ε μπαλιν εις ώμους τετραμμεναι Arat.29·’ κατώμοτος, add ‘ ; so apptly., with ellipse of δρκος, κ. κατ’ αύτοϋ μη έστω Thasos 1.139-18-4 (v/iv b.c.)’ κατώρης, add ‘; rushing downwards, άνεμος Alc.412 L.-P. (v.l. κατάρης)’ κατωχεύει, for “πηδά” read “πηδφ” καΰδος, delete the article. K. is a place-name. Χκαυκεών, ώνος, o, dub. sens., Theognost. Can. 28. καυκίον (s.v. καϋκος), add Lxx Ge. 44.3 (gloss)’ Χκαυκουλάτωρ, ορος, ό, — Lat. calculator, Edict.Diocl. in BCIIll. 655 (Argos). Χκαυλοκόπος, ό, stalk-cutter, PUniv.MilanAi.69.B23 (ii A.D., κολο- Pap.). Χκαυμάτινος, η, ον, = καυματηρός, Vit. Aesop. (G) 28. καυνάκης, fin., for 4 (Assyr. .. mantle’.)’ read ‘(Cf. Pehlevi gonaka ‘rug, bed-cover’, of Iranian origin, cf. Avest. gaona ‘hair, colour’, Abh.Berl.Akad. 1936(9). 5.)’ χκαύνη, η, = Lat. cannabae, settlement of camp-followers, Dura 6 434 (iii a.d.) . καύσιμος, line 2, before “κ. ξύλα” insert ‘ξύλα κ. or’ and after it insert ‘,££613.16.7 (Athens, v b.c.),’ add ‘2. prob. burning, A.Fr.i 10.5 M.’ καύστειρα, line 4, after “καυστηρός,” insert ‘Call, in POxy. 2375. ii.2 (prob.),’ καυτήριον, i, add ‘; ακοής καυστήρια, of persons, Cels.ap.Orig. Cels. 5.64’ Χκαυχητικός, ή, όν, boastful, ωδή Sch.PiJV.g.i6. καυχός, delete “καυχοΰς,” and “, χαλκούς” Χκαΰχος, εος, το', boast, subject of boasting, Princeton Exp. Inscr. Am N0.160 (v A.D.). Χκαχλάδων (gen. pi.), f.l. for κεχλαδον (or -εν) in Pi.Fr.70b. 10 S. κάχρυς, line 1, after ‘υδος ib.20’ add ‘; pi. acc. κάχρϋς Ar.Mu. 1 358’ καψάριος, after “o',” insert ‘ slave in charge of clothes, esp. at baths,’ and after ‘ capsarius ,’ insert ‘Edict.Diocl. 7.75,’ κεγχρεών, for ‘iron’ read ‘metal’ κεγχρίδιον, for “κιχρηδών” read “κιγχρηδών” κεγχρος ii, add ‘4. grain of sand, Aq.Sm.Theod.Ts.48. 19.’ κεδνός ii, fin., after ‘47.663’ add ‘, cf. Thales ap.D.L.1.35’ κέδρον, add ΤΗ. = στρούθειον (-ειος iii), PS.-DSC.2.163.’ κέδρος 2, delete ‘for a beehive,’ κεΐ, for ‘= κ€ΐθ i, εκεΐθ i read ‘= εκεί’ and after ‘Herod. 1.26’ add ‘, Call.De/. 1 95 (v.l.)’ κείμαι, line 5, for ‘567’ read ‘527’ ; line 6, after ‘SD2.4’ add *, ‘Cret. κίαται Inscr. Cret. \.ιη\Α22 (Gortyn, ii b.c.)’ line 14, after Od.6.19’ insert ‘ ; κεοντο Q.S.3.728 (v.l.)’ 1. 6, after ‘have a fall,’ insert ‘metaph.,’ and after ‘J\ru. 1 26’ add ‘; Pl.Ti.451a; Call.Fr.194.80 Pf.’ κειμηλιάρχης, add ‘, A/TMT3.349 (Corycus)’ κειρία, add ‘IV. ribbon, Inscr. D0los 1439T0C170 (ii b.c.).’ κείρω, before ‘fut.’ add ‘Aeol. κέρρω Choerob. in Theod. 1.126,’; line 6, for ‘κερθείς (v.l. καρθ-)’ read ‘καρθείς (f.l. κ€ρθ-)’ Χκεκαλαμινθευμένοι* καλάμινθοι (καλάμη cod.) γεγονότες, Hsch. κεκαψηώς, lines 3/4, for ‘ fordone . .ib.26.108’ read ‘exhausted, of persons, Nic.dZ.444; δέμας κεκαφηότα λιμω Nonn.D.26. 1 08’ and line 6, after ‘77. 3.572 ;’ insert ‘κεκαφηότα γυΐα Id.C.4.206, cf. Nonn.D.2.539 >’ κεκήνας, add ‘, cf. Κηκήν as a pr. n. in Inscr. Cret. 1 .xxii 52 (ii/i B.C.).’ Χκεκραγΐναι" άγριαι θρίδακες, Hsch. ΧΚεκροπηΐς, ΐδος, = Κεκροπίς, Hesperia 30.273 (Athens, ii/iii A.D.) . Χκελαδαία, dub. sens., Hesperia 29.23, line 17 (ii/iii a.d.). κελαδέω, line 4, after ‘E.Hel. 371 (lyr.)’ add ‘; inf. κελαδεσαι prob. in Pi./.5(4).48’ 1. 3, line 2, for ‘grasshopper’ read ‘cicada’ Χκελέτρα, ή, dub. sens., a point in a boundary, 769(2). 521 (Larissa, iii b.c.). κέλευθος rv, after ‘of life,’ insert ‘Simon.36.13 P. ;’ Χκελεφία, ή, leprosy, Cyran.15. κέλης ii, for fast-sailing, .oars’ read ‘a light fast-sailing ship’ κελητίζω ii, before ‘Ar.’ insert ‘with woman as subject,’ and for ‘153,’ read ‘153; τινα’ Χκελητισμός, o', dub. sens., Άρχ.Έφ. 1957.48 (Attica, iii b.c.) (pi.). Χκελλαρικάριος, ο, = κελλικάριος, PKlein. Form. 1000 (v a.d.). κελλάριος, after ‘ cellarman ,’ insert ‘ PRyl.228.2 4 (i a.d.),’; at end add 1 1 ; in pi., gloss on ταμίαι, Sch.Gen.il. 19.44; fem. κελλαρία, ή, Hsch. S.V. ταμίη.’ κελλίβας, before ‘ PRyl .’ insert ‘PTeb. 793 vi 4 (ii b.c.),’ κελλικάριος, for “* κελλαρικάριος” read “κελλαρικάριος” Χκελλώνιον, το, dub. lect. et sens., Sch.E.0r.8oo. χκέλοξ, οκος, Lat. celox, small boat, πλοίω κ., gloss on κύλητι, Sch. Th.8.38. κελυφος 2, delete the section substituting ‘2’ for ‘b’ and re¬ lettering accordingly; line 6, for ‘crustaceous fish’ read ‘crustacea’ κεμάδειον, for ‘(prob.)’ read ‘, cf. 5CTT77.652.15’ κεμαδοσσόος, after ‘deer,’ insert ‘Call.Fr.186.31 Pf.,’ κεμάς, lines 1, 2, for ‘between’ read ‘(between’ and delete ‘(so. .ap.’ Χκέμβερος, o', v. Κέρβερος ill in Suppl. Χκεμήλιος, o', prob. a cult-title of Dionysus, Ale. 129.8 L.-P. Χκέμιον, τό, prob. a kind of vegetable, PRyl. 4.629.266, al. (iv A.D.) , cf. κΐμοράφανος in Suppl. Χκεμοράφανος, ό, a kind of vegetable, 554.4.629.37, al. (iv a.d.), v. κέμιον in Suppl. χΚενδρείσεια or -είσια, τά, name of a festival in Thrace, Jahresh. 30 Beibl.8o (Philippopolis) ; written Κεντρ- 7G22. 3 169.20 (Athens, iii a.d.). Χκενεάριον, τό, = κίνήριον, Πρακτικά Άρχ. 'Εταιρείας 1950.237 (Cynuria, ν b.c.?), cf. κενεαρος. κενεμβατέω I. I, after ‘Flam. 10;’ add ‘of the moon passing over an uninhabited region, ώσπερ κ. Xenoph. in Placit. 2.24.9;’ Χκενεμεσία, ή, (κενός, εμεω) retching, Gal.ap.Aet.9.10 (pi.), κενοδοξέω 2, add ‘b. glory in empty distinctions, D.Chr.38.29.’ κενολόγος, init., insert ‘(parox.)’ κενοπαθέω, add ‘, cf. Plu. 2.1106a’ κενός ii. 2 b, add ‘; of style, pretentious, D.H.Dim.44; of an author, Id.Tj.20; Comp., ib. 19’ κενόσπουδος, line 3, for ‘ mere curiosity ’ read ‘useless anxiety ’ κενοταφέω, after ‘1130b’ add ‘: — Pass., Sch.Pi.W.4.32’ κενοτάφιον I, after ‘(Attalia)’ insert ‘2. occupied vault, IGRom. 3. 751, al., v. Robert Hell. 10. 172/7.’ and for ‘; also’ read ‘. Also’ Χκενόφοβος, ον, gloss on φοφοδεής, Hsch. κενόω i. 6, add ‘; metaph., languish, LxxJ^.ig.g’ κεντέω, add Ή. adorn with mosaics (cf. κεντησις n), Βυζάντιον \. 715 (Eresus, iv/v a.d.).’ Χκεντινος, Adj., dub. sens., of a horse, POxy. 922.11 (vi/vii a.d.), cf. ib. 1289.9 (v A.D.). Χκέντουκλον, τό, = Lat. centunculus, a piece of doth, Edict.Diocl .7.52 in 5CFT77.655 (Argos). Χκεντριστής, ου, ό, goader, driver, Hsch. s.v. κέντορες. κεντρίτης ii, add ‘, 72.435 (ii b.c.)’ Χκεντρορράγής, ν. κεντρομανής. κεντρωτός i, add ‘; φιάλαι BCH 10.462.12 (Delos, iv b.c.)’ Χκεντυρία, ή, = Lat. centuria, PLond. 142.4 (i a.d.); written -τουρία GTG5046. κέπφος 2, add ‘, cf. Call.Fr.191 .6 Pf. with Sch.’ ΧΚεραιΐτης, οι», o', name of a place at Miletus, £7657.30,31 (vb.c.), cf. Call.Fr.217 Pf. κεραιοΰχος, for ‘ upholding the right ’ read “= δικαιοδότην” κεράμβηλον, add ‘and Et.Gen. in Miller Milanges 183.’ κεραμεύω 2, after ‘c. acc.,’ insert ‘εκεράμευσεν εμε ABV p.349;’ Χκεραμιδάς, ά, ό, potter, PSI899.35 (hi a.d., -ειδας Pap.), κεραμικός, line 5, after ‘(iii a.d.);’ insert ‘dub. sens., λίθος PMich. £,181 (i a.d.) ;’ 82 κ€ραμοδέτης SUPPLEMENT κιβαριάτωρ χκεραμοδετης, ου, ο, a kind of craftsman, prob. tiler, Kerameikos III p.98.9 (iv B.c.)· κεραμοπώλης, add ‘, IG 22. 1673. 21 (iv B.c.)’ κέραμος II. 2, add also κέραμος, ή, BCH36.293 (Stobi)’ hi, after ‘Cyprian’ add ‘, cf. Theon Prog. 1 3’ κεραός, after ‘Theoc.1.4;’ add Άιώνυσος Nic..d/.3i κεράς, line 6, after ‘Q..S.6.225’ add ‘ ; dat. κεράασι [o - w v^] A. R.4.978’ hi. 1, delete ‘τόξου, .cf.’ v. 7 b, for “πόσθη” read ‘membrurn virile ’ add ‘IX. = κεράτιον 11, as a coin, Epic, in BKT^f). 120.61 (vi a.d.).’ κερασβόλος, add ‘III. κερασβόλα· ol περί των κεράτων βοών δεσμοί, καί ol iv ταΐς άρχαίαις λόραις κόλλαβοι, Hsch.’ κεραστής I, add ‘b. λύκος κ. lynx. Edict. Diocl. 8.35· c· = κερασφόρος I b (Suppl.), Nonn.D.45.43.’ χκέραστος, ον, = κεραστής: metaph., γλώττα Cratin. CLP ι .38.26 (dub., v. εύκέραστος in Suppl.). κεραστός, add ‘; κ. νόμισμα alloy, Cels.ap.Orig.C cf- S.FA.I235> Ε. Hel. 619, /Τ849 > οΰ τί τυ κερτομεω Theoc.i.62.’ Χκέρχμων, ονος, dub. sens., Theognost. Can. 35. κερχνος (A), add ‘; also χέρχνος SEG13. 13. 138 (Athens, v B. C.)’ χκεσσωνάριοι, ol, apptly. = Lat. quaestionarii, prob. for κεσσωπαρ-, SB2233.5. κεύθω, line 3, after ‘TA.505: — ’ insert ‘Med., redupl. aor. κεκόθεσθε Call. Fr. 238.6 Pf. : — ’ κεφαλαλγία, add ’; sg., headache in pigs, Plu. 2.918c tit.’ κεφαλή I. I b, add ‘ ; also επί κεφαλήν Hyp.Lyc.iy’ d, lines 5/6, delete ‘ου βουλόμενος . .Lyc.iy,’ 2, lines 7 ff., omit ‘: periphr.. .sense,’ and ‘ή κ... (iv a.d.);’ inserting periphr.. .Hdt. 9. 99’ after ‘Vett.Val.74.7’ add ‘b. esp. as the unit on which personal taxation and compulsory ser¬ vice are imposed, υπέρ συντερίας (i.e. συντέλειας) τής καιφαλής POxy. 1 33 ϊ (v a.d.) ; τά δημόσια τής αύτοΰ κ. PLond.w. 1 793 (ν A.D.) ; τά ναύβια τής κ. αύτοΰ καί των αυτών PRein. 57-8 ( = Wilcken CAr.390 ; iv a.d.).’ add ‘5. in legal sense, = Lat. caput, ν. κατάκριτος (Suppl.).’ 11 b, last line, after ‘origin,' insert ‘Hp.C0ar.498,’ add ‘f. summit, of moun¬ tains, Orph.//.36.i6, Q..S.7.558.’ v. 4, for ‘ band of men’ read 'column of troops’ add ‘6. dub. sens., IG22.$629.' add ‘VI. Archit., capital of a column, Jahresh.28.38 (Aphro- disias).’ κεφαλήγονος, for the present article substitute ‘κεφαληγόνος ον, producing heads, Nic.Fr.74.25.’ χΚεφαλήν, ήνος, o, epith. of Dionysus in Lesbos, Paus.10.19.3. κεφαλίζω, add ‘(dub.), POxy. 2339.6 (i a.d.)’ κεφαλικός rv, delete the section, κεφαλοδέσμιον, after “to,” insert ‘Edict. Diocl. 28.7,’ χκεφαλόω, Pass, κεκεφαλωμένος headed, having a head, Simp, in Cat. 187.36. χκεφαλώτιον, τό. Dim. of κεφαλωτόν, head of leek or other vegetable, PRyl. 4.627.81^1. (iv a.d.). κεχρημένος, for ‘χρά ω c. vi’ read ‘ χράω (b) c. i’ Χκεχρημενως, Adv., (χράομαι) like one equipped, τοΐς άλλοι ς,.έπι- τεΰγμασι Phld.Po.5-27- κήβος, add ‘ ; cephos V\\n.HN8.yo' κηδεμών ι. 2, line 2, after ‘‘K.Mern. 2.7.12’ add ‘, Men.-Djtwr. 737) al.’ κηδεστής, add ‘4. the relative who takes care, guardian, Leg.Gort. 2.29, esp. of the male relatives of a woman, ib.2.18 (v b.c.).’ κηδοσύνη, add ‘; sg., anxious care, solicitude, Sch.E.Or.1017’ χκήθειον, τό, = κηθάριον, Hsch. (pi.). Κηληδόνες, delete ‘but harmless,’ κήλον, for ‘shaft, .arrow' read ‘means by which a god’s miracu¬ lous power is manifested or deployed’; line 4, after ‘Hes.FA. 708’ insert ‘, cf. Id.Fr.96.100 ;’ ; delete ‘ : metaph.,’ and, line 6, ‘: — also’, transferring ‘κήλεα. . (s.v.l.).’ to its alphabetical place; add ‘(Cf. κηλέω.)' κηλών I, add ‘, Dor. κάλων, Άρχ.'Εφ. 1948/9. 136 (Epid., iv B.C.).’ κηλώνειον, line 2, after ‘Aen.Tact.39.7,’ insert ‘Μεη.Ζ^ίο^δ (P1·)’’ χκηλωνοστάσιον [ά], τό, stand or base for the κηλών I, PBerl. Leihg. 13.14. χκηνεΐ, Dor. Adv. there, Abh.Berl.Akad. 1928(6). 6 (Cos, iv b.c.). κήνσος, after ‘Ev.Matt.' insert ‘17.25,’ and delete section 11 χκηνσουάλιος, 6, = Lat. censualis, MAM T3.29, 206 (Cilicia), κηνώ (s.v. κήνος), for “έκείθεν” read “εκεί” κηιταΐος ii. i, after ‘ back-door ,’ insert ‘-SFGi3. 16.40 (Athens, v B.C.),’ χκηττεργός, 6, gardener, MAM A3. 34.8,68η (Corycus). χκηπικός, ή, όν, = κηπαΐος, BGUl 151 ·42>5Ι (i B.C.). κηττοκόμος, delete ‘ BCH . . Aphrodisias),’ κήττος i, line 4, for ‘also of heaven,’ read ‘prob. the garden of the Hesperides’ ; line 5, transpose ‘, cf. P1.6>n/).203b’ to follow ‘(lyr.)’ and for ‘eastern’ and ‘ib.’ read ‘northern’ and ‘S .Fr.’ κηττόταφος, after ‘(Ilias)’ add ‘, Bull.C0mm.Arch.C0m.61.211 (Rome)’ χκηττυριστής, dub. sens., SEG9.824. (Carthage). (Prob. = κηπονρ — ; cf. κηπουρός.) κήρ, line 2, before ‘Trag.’ add ‘in Pi., B., and’ κηραφίς, for ‘a kind of locust' read ‘perh. crayfish' κήρινος ii. I, after ‘Pl.Fg.633d’ insert ‘, cf. Hippon.rv.5 D.3’ κηρίολος, after “o',” insert ‘(from Lat. cereolus)’ ; delete ‘prob.’ and ‘or wax figure ’ and add ‘, Jahresh. 26 Beibl. 13 (Ephesus, ii a.d.) ; gloss on κηρίνη θρυαλλίς, Hdn. Philet.2 1 5 Dain’ κηρίον i. 2, after MF9.190’ add ‘, Babr. Prooem. 1 8’ χκηριτρόφος, ον, (κήρ) death-breeding, deadly, δφις Nic.FA.192 (dub. ; v.l. κηρό-). χκηρογράφεΐον, τό, implement for writing on wax, stylus, Babylonian Talmud, Kelim, ch.16 p.48 (in Hebr. letters). χκηροδόχος, ό, honeycomb, Hsch. s.v. σμήναι. κηροπλάστης, add ‘, PCair.Zen.y82(a)6f κηρός, line 4, after ‘1320’ add ‘, cf. Anacreont. 16.34,17.25’; after ‘writing tablets,’ insert ‘Hdt.7.239, TF4.1.10 (Mel.), 7.36 (Eryc.),’ κηροτρόφος (A), after ‘FA. 192’ add ‘(v.l.)’ χκηρόω (B), (κήρ) Pass. pf. part, κεκηρωμένη- κεκακωμένη, Hsch. κηρυκικός, add ‘ : εκατοστή κηρυκικών, — κηρυκείου II, Ostr.Bodl. i 41 (ii B.C.) : — κόν, τό, perh. = κηρυκείου ii, Inscr.Dilos 1408T ii 50 (ii b.c.)’ χκηρυκίσκος, o', crier (?), official at festival, IG22. 1723.7 (Athens, i B.C./i A.D.). κήρυξ I, add ‘5. τους έρινάζοντας τούς έρινούς κήρυκας λέγουσι, Hsch. s.v. κήρυκες.' κηρύσσω ιι. ι, lines 2/3, delete ‘; κ. τινά. .Ach.y^8’ κηρωματιστής, before ‘Sch.Ar.’ insert ‘= παιδοτρίβης,' χκηρωμάτίτης [ϊ], ου, ό, trainer in wrestling, Edict. Diocl. 7. 64, MAMA8.603 (κηρό- lapis). κήρωσις, add Ή. waxing, a process applied to statues (cf. γάνωσις i), εις την κ. τον άνδριάντος Inscr.DSlos 290-13° (°3 B.C.).’ κήτειος II, add ‘; Κήτειος = Μυσός, Alc.413 L.-P.’ κηφήν, line 2, for 'vagabond' read ‘ parasite ’ ; line 3, after ‘552c ;’ add ‘κηφήνων βοτάνη ib-564e;’; line 4, delete ‘, Plu. 2. 42a’ χΚηφηνίδης, a name for a rich faindant, Phld.FA. 1.236 S. χκήφος, ν. κήβος in Suppl. χκιβαριάτωρ, ορος, ό, (from Lat. *cibariator) an army official issuing food and wine to the troops, Ostr.i 142 (iii a.d.), 1265 (ii A.D. ; κιβαράτ—), Pap. (iii a.d.) in Aegyptus 31 (1951). 206. 83 κιβάριον SUPPLEMENT κλΐμα£ χκιβάριον, τό, = Lat. cibarium, PLond. 1159·® (ϋ a.d.) ; pi., IG\Z. 1.92.10. χκϊβάριος, o (sc. άρτος), household bread, Ephes.3 p.102 No.io (perh. iii a.d.). κιβδηλιάω, for ‘look like adulterated gold ’ read ‘be pale or covered with κίβδηλις (q.v. in Suppl.)’ χκίβδηλις, εως, ή, dross of metals, Hsch. s.v. κιβδηλιώντας (—is cod.), EM312.33. κίβισις, for ‘Call.Fr.177’ read ‘Call.Fr. 177.3 1,531 Pf·’ κιβώριον, add ΊΙΙ. tomb, MAMA6.339 (Acmonia ; κιβώρεν) ; to be read in FIF2667 (Syria) for κ(αι) Ίβο[υ]ίου.’ κίγκλος, for ‘dabchick, Podiceps ruficollis’ read ‘ wagtail , Motacilla’ κιθάρα i, add ‘2. the constellation Lyra, Nonn.D.8.388,13. 359·’ κιθαρίζω, line 6, after ‘Nu. 1357:’ add ‘distd. fr. ψάλλω, SIG578. 1 8 (Teos, ii b.c.) κιθάρισμα, add ‘2. = κιθάρισις, Berl.Sitzb. igg^.xo^o (Tab. Defix., Boeot.).’ κιθαρισμός, add distd. fr. φαλμός, SIGggg.xo (Chios, ii/i b.c.)’ κιθαριστής i, add ‘: distd. fr. φάλτης, 5/G578.15 (Teos, ii b.c.).’ χκϊθάρωδίστρια, ή, — fem. of κιθαρωδός, Heuzey-Daumet Mission Arch.de Macedoine No.io. κιθαρωδός i, after ‘as fem.,’ insert ‘Plu.2-397a,972f (Glauce) ;’ and after ‘3.33’ add ‘, cf. ΛΡ5.98’ χκΐθωνάριον, τό, Dim. of κιθων, small tunic, Ephes. 4(1), N0.6 (iv A.D.). χκικεών, ώνος, ό, castor-bean, Ricinus communis, Aq.Thd.Jto^.e. χΚικήλλια, τά, a festival at Alexandria, OG/56.64 (iii b.c.). χκικίννα' τριχόπλαστος, Hsch. κικιοψόρος, add ‘, PCair.^en.6 29.3,5 (iii b.c.)’ χκικίς, ίδος, ή, castor-oil berry, κ. φρυγζίσας ε’μβάλλοντες τω ο'ίνω Gp. 7.12.9 (ν.1. κηκίδας). χκικκάς, perh. = κίκκαβος, Hsch. s.v. ου μάλα κικκάς (cf. Stratt. !°).( κικυμίς, delete the article. χκικυμωίς, ίδος, ή, screech-owl, cf. Lat. cicuma, Call. Fr. 608 Pf. : κικυμηίς (leg. -μωίς) Hsch., who also has κίκυμος and κίκυ- βος, 6. χΚϊλΐκάρχης, ον, ό, president of the provincial council of Cilicia, IGRom. 3.883 (Tarsus, ii/iii a.d.). Κΐλϊκ-ϊαρχία, read Κϊλϊκ-αρχία κιλλακτήρ, add ‘, Theognost.Can.15 (κιλλαγκτηρ) ; cf. pr. n. Κιλλάκτωρ 2^5.28,44’ κίλλουρος, add ‘; cj. in Thgn.1257.’ χκϊμαΐος, ό, or -ον, τό, dub. sens., τώι κιμαίωι Hippon.m. 14 D.3, perh. some article of food or drink, cf. κιμαί, κιμαός. χκϊναίδιος, ό, name of a plant, a fish, a bird, a stone, Cyran.24. κιναιδολόγος, add ‘, Varro ap.Non.p.79 L.’ χκιναΐος, o, (or Adj. ος, a, ov ?), κ. κάλαμος a kind of reed, PRyl. 4.583.15,61 (ii B.c.) . χκιναφεύειν' πανουργ€νεαθαι, Hsch. Kiveio 1. 1 , after ‘b.’ add ‘of a general who sets troops in motion, set out, move, Plb.2.54.2, 9.18.6; cf. έκ ε’κεί0εν Άβράαμ Lxx Gen. 20.1. c.’ ^ 11. 5, last line, for ‘Alc.82 (s.v.l.)’ read L.— P. (πυκινον codd.), cf. κί]νεις πάντα λί\θον Id. 306 (14)11 31, v. λίθος V, πέτρος i’ κινησίγαιος, after “ov,” insert ‘earth-shaking, PMag.Par. 1 . 1 356 ;’ χκινητήριον, τό, brothel, Eup.8 Fr.i b(2)-5 D. (fort. leg. βιν-). χκινητιάω, = βινητιάω, Men.Djvic.462, Vit. Aesop. (G)32 (but βιν- ibid. (W), and this shd. perh. be restd. in Men.l.c.). κινητικός i. 1, add ‘b. suited to movement, of iambics and trochaic tetrameters, Arist.Fo. 1460*1.’ 2, line 3, before ‘Phld. FA. 1.198 S.,’ insert ‘Hieronym.ap.’ and after it add ‘cf.’ κιννάβαρι, for “τεγγάβαρι” read “τιγγάβαρι” κινύρομαι i, after ‘lament,’ insert ‘A.Fr.474.2.6 M. (lyr.),’ 3, delete ‘once in Trag.,’ χκιρκίνος, ό, pair of compasses (Lat. circinus), Gal. 1.47. χκιρκίτωρ, ορος, ό, Lat. circitor, inspector of frontier posts, SEGg. 356·35 (Ptolemais in Cyrenaica, vi a.d.). κιρροειδής, after ‘214J.’ add ‘(v.l. κηρό-)’ χκιρρότης, ητος, η, orange colour, ldeler 2.295.22. χκίρυλος, a kind of fish, Hsch. χκίρων, ωνος (?), ό, lustful but impotent man, Hsch. ; eunuch, Id. b. sexual impotence. Id. κίσηρις, after “κίσηλις” insert ‘Άρχ.Έφ. 1948/9. 137 (Epid., iv b.c.), PSI 1 180.34 (6 a.d.),’ and in line 3 after ‘1.329 H.’ add ‘, -ιός, Άρχ.’Εφ. l.c.’ κισηροειδης, add ‘Adv. —δώς Epicur. in Placit. 2. 20. 14.’ κίσθος, line 2, after ‘HP6. 1.4, 6.2. 1,2’ add *, Theoc.5.131’ κισιρνις, add ‘, cf. κίσσιρις· είδος ορνέου, Suid.’ κισσάω i, fin., after ‘4.33’ add ‘(s.v.l.)’ κίσσινος, after ‘ivy,’ add ‘στέφανοι Pi.Dith.g.y S., cf.’ χκισσΐτις, ιδος, η, a precious stone, Plin.FGV37.188. κισσοφόρος, add ‘3. of a coin, with a device of ivy, laser. Dilos Ι449^αδϋ23, 1450. 102 (both ii b.c.).’ κισσόφυλλον I. 1, add ‘, cf. τροχίσκ[οι δυο έχοντε]ς κιττόφυλλ[α Hesperia 16.166.44 (Athens, ii b.c.)’ χκισσύφιον [ο], τό, = κισσνβιον, 7G22. 14248.265 (Athens, iv B.C.) . χκισσώδης (B), ες, ivy-wreathed, θύρσος Nonn.D.1.17. χκίσταρχος, o', official in charge of the κίστη, rest, in BCH 14.538 (pi·)· κισταφόρος, add *; as fem., JJJ37.246 (Latium, ii a.d.)’ κιστοφόρος, after ‘processions,’ add ‘Sardis 7(1). 195 (i b.c.),’ ii, add ‘; κ. τέτραχμον Inscr.Dilos 1443^1149 (ii b.c.), al.’ χκιτάτωρ, o', = Lat. citator, PHamb. 39·59(ρ·ΐ73) (ii a.d.). χκίτρις, εως, ή, citrus-fruit, Al.Fc.23. 40. χκίττανος' η κονιακη τίτανος, Hsch. κίχλη, add ‘ ; cf. ίχλα ' κιχλιδιάω, add ‘ : ν. χλιδιάω’ Χκιχυβεΐν (fort. leg. κικυβεΐν)· δυσωπείν, Hsch., cf. κίκυμος, κίκυβος. κίων ι, add ‘3. of persons, Νάξου κίονας Archil. i6D. ; Τροίας κίονα, of Hector, Pi. 0.2. 90.’ κλαδαρός, for “δοράτια” read “δόρατα” κλάζω 2, add ‘ ; howl, Nic.FA.674.’ χκλαϊκτός, ά, όν, Dor. for κλειστός, Schwyzer 89.13 (Argos, iii b.c.), 7G5(i). 1390.91 (Andania). κλανίον, add ‘; also κλάνον or κλανόν, PHamb. 10.46 (ii a.d.), PO.5F46.9 (iii a.d.).’ χκλαουικουλάριοι, οί, = Lat. clavicularii, officials of some kind, POxy. 2050.3 (vi a.d.), cf. 5F2254.3. Κλάριος [ά], after ‘hence’ add ‘Κλάρια, τά, name of a festival, 0FG4.479 (Colophon, iii b.c.) ;’ χκλάσση, η, — Lat. classis, FGG455.8 (i a.d.). κλαστήριον, add ‘ ; ξύλινα· κλίνης πόδες δυο και κλαστηριον Inscr. Dilos 1452^3° (6 b.c.) , where κλασ- may be for κρασ-.’ κλαυστικός, after ‘ mourning ’ add ‘ ; τό κ. opp. τό χελαστικόν, David in Porph.203.1g ’ κλάω 3, line 5, for ‘ enfeebled eyes’ read ‘drooping eyelids' κλειδάς, add ‘, MAMAg.68g (Corycus)’ χκλειδοστατέω, dub. sens., perh. close the lock-gates, PRein. 2.117.8 (iii a.d.), cf. κλεινια (= κλειδ— ?). χκλειδουχικός, η, όν, of or for the κλΐΐδοΰχος, κλεις Inscr.Dilos 1 442F56, 1 4435; 1 63 , 1 444^47 (ii b.c.). χκλειδοφορία, ή, office of key-bearer, της Εκάτης BCIIgi.gj (Pana- mara) . κλειδοφόρος, before “, ή” add ‘(parox.)’ κλείδωσις, add ‘, Anat.St. 9.1 13 (Pisidia)’ κλείς, line 2, for ‘infr. iii.’ read ‘infr. 1.3 (Suppl.), iii.’ ; 1. 3, add ‘: acc. pi. κλείς Inscr.Dilos 1450. 199 (ii b.c.)’ κλεισιάδες, fin., for ‘Usu.. .but’ read ‘Written κλισ- SEG 13.16. 39 (Athens, v b.c.) and often in codd. ;’ κλεισούρα, after “η,” add ‘(from late Latin clausura)' κλειστός, line 1, after “κληστός,” insert ‘Dor. κλαϊκτός (q.v. in Suppl.),’ χΚλεοπατρεΐον, τό, shrine of Cleopatra, Bull.Soc.Alex. 10.27 (i b.c.). κλέος, line 2, for ‘only’ read ‘mostly’ and after ‘and pi.’ add ‘(gen. sg. κλέους Antiph. 163.3, Corn.WDi4)’ κλέπτω, line 6, for ‘, Ar.F.57’ read ‘ ; κέκλαμμαι Ar.F.57 (Sch.), Ath. 9.409c (cod. A), Choerob. in Theod.2. 188 H.’ χκλέψημα, ν. κοία. χκλεψιγαμέω, gloss on κλοτοπενειν, Hsch. χκλεψιγαμία, ή, illicit love, Sch..L\ic.DMeretr.’] .4 p.280.16 R., Eust. 152-3· . . κλεψίγαμος, add ‘, Epigr. in Robert Et.Anat. p.97 (Troas)’ κλεψικοίτης, delete ‘Ismenias ap.’ κλεψίρρυτος, after ‘Hsch.’ add ‘= Call.(?)Fr.77i Pf.’ κλέω (A), line 8, before ‘E.Fr.369.7’ insert ‘prob. in’ κληδονισμός, add ‘, 7j.2.6 (both pi.)’ κλήζω (A), line 8, after ‘Man.6.571 :’ insert ‘aor. 3 pi. έκλήιχθΐν Porph.7>Zoh22 :’ χκληίς, Ion. for κλείς. κληματώδης, transpose the references, and before Dsc.’ insert ‘ ; with many small branches’ χκλημοφόρος, ό, centurion, Gerasa 219 (ii a.d.) ; cf. κλήμα I. 2. κληροδοτέω, line 2, after ‘55’ add ‘, cf. κληροδοτήσει υιούς υίων Lxx Pr. 13.22 (v.l.)’ and at end add ‘ ; = κληρονομέω l, κληροδοτηθήσονται αγαθόν Aq.Thd.Fr.28.lo’ κληρονομέω iii, add ‘b. c. acc., give an inheritance to, 'Ισραήλ ib. όΥ.46.2.’ κληρωτήριον iii, for ‘list of citizens, .lot,’ read ‘ allotment-machine (sec Hesperia, Suppl. 1 (1937) pp.198 ff.), 7G22-972, and so perh. in AristMiA.ll.cc. ;’ χΚλησίά, dub. sens., epith. of Artemis, Orph.77.36.7. κλήσις, for ‘, cf. 7.70’ read ‘; pi., connecting bonds in a barrier, Id.7.70’ κλητήρ ii, after ‘Supp.6 22’ add ‘, GygesFr. in POxy.2382.ii.16’ and for ‘Id. FA.’ read ‘A. FA.’ κλίμα ii. 2, add ‘b. geographical position, Hero Dioptr. pp.302, 304 S.’ iv, for fall’ read ‘= κλιμακτηρ ii’ κλιμακτηρικός, after ‘148.20;’ add ‘κ. νόσος Id. 289. 27;’ κλϊμαξ i, add ‘3. in pi., terraces, E.7F1462: sg. as pr. n. of a district, D.S.19.21.’ iv, after ‘climax,’ insert ‘figure of 84 κλΐμαξ SUPPLEMENT κολεασμόζ speech in which the principal word of each clause is caught up and added to the next,’ κλινάρχης, after ‘Ph.2.537’ add ‘, Ostr.Bodl. iii 372’ χκλϊνοπριστής, οΰ, ό, couch-maker, Poland Geschichte des gr. Vereinswesens 605 (Ephesus, κλειν-). χκλΐνος, to, dub. sens., Inscr. Delos gooA8 (iii b.c.). χκλιντηρία, ή, dining-couch, Ps.-Callisth.21.10. κλιντηρίδιον, for ‘foreg.’ read ‘sq.’ κλίνω, before ‘fut.’ add ‘Aeol. κλίννω (Choerob. in An. Ox. 2.227.19),’ 1. 6, add ‘b. in BKTg(2)p.i40 βαίνω a. ii. 2 b is prob.’ κλισία ii. 3, delete ‘ nuptial ’ and at end add APg. 127.2 (Marc. Arg.), 7.207.7 (Mel.) (pi.)’ κλισιάδ£ς, add ‘with Suppl.’ Χκλισιάρχης, ου, ό, = κλινάρχης, PMich.Teb.2.246.14,19 (i a.d.·). κλίσις i, add ‘; perh. slope of a hill, 5,£'Gi4.6go.3 (Rhod. Peraea, ii b.c.)’ κλισμία, for ‘= κλισία. .3.1.16’ read ‘ nuptial bed, Call.Fr. 75.16 Pf. ; sg., apptly. = κλισμός l, IGi 1 ( 2).28jB20 (Delos, iii B.C.)’ κλοιός, add ‘4. part of a ship, Hsch.’ κλόκιον, after “άμίς,” insert ‘ Alex. Trail. 1 1 .2 (v.l.),’ κλοπιμαίος, add ‘II. Astron. κ. ήμεραι epagomenal days, cod. Vat. Gr.i058.275v.22, al.’ κλυντήρ, for ‘IGRom. 1.730’ read ‘ IGBulg.gog' and after ‘Philippopolis’ insert ‘, ii a.d.’ χκλΰσιδρομάς, άδος, fem. Adj. speeding to drench, αύρα Tim. Pm. 92· χκλυτοηχής, is, famous, Ph.Epic.ap.Eus.PP9.20. 1 . κλυτός 2, line 3, after T5.472;’ insert ‘άρθρος Ibyc.22(i) P. ;’ κλυτόφημος, after fame,' add ‘Epigr. in Studii si cercetari de istorie veche 7.206 (Istros, iv b.c. ; -φαμ-),' κλωβός, for T24.3, Aesop.’ read T24.3 = Aesop.’ κλωγμός, ii, add ‘3. dub. sens., Cratin. in PSI 1212.15.’ κλώθω ii. for the present section substitute ‘intr. in Act., dub. sens., Nic.7T.647, Al. 93,528.’ κλώνος, before ‘ramus,’ insert ‘sprig of beans, Edict. Diocl.6.33;’ κλώσμα, transfer ‘Nic.Pr.72.1,’ from 1 to 2. κλωστή piov, add ‘, Suid. s.v. νήτρον’ χκνακ€άτις, ιδος, ή, epith. of Artemis at Tegea, Paus.8.53.1 1. κναφικός, line 3, after ‘sc. εργασία ’ insert ‘or τέχνη' and after ‘(i a.d.)’ add ‘, cf. GDI 1904.6 (Delphi, ii b.c.)’ κνέφας, after “to,” insert ‘Ep. gen. κνίφαος Od. 18.370,’ and in line 4 delete ‘(only in nom. and acc.)’ 2, add ‘; υπό κνεφας A.R.2.IO32’ κνήδιον, for ‘κνίδια. .nettle-seeds' read ‘Kv ίδια, perh. wine-jars, v. Κνίδιος iii in Suppl.’ κνήμη ii, add ‘2. steep, uneven road, Hsch.’ κνημίδιον, add ‘; sg., Inscr.gr .et lct.de la Syrie 1292 (Laodicea ad mare)’ κνημίον, delete the article. κνησμονή, add ‘2. metaph., Sch.E.Hipp.14.’ κνηστήρ i, for ‘ scraping-knife ’ read ‘ grater ’ κντστρον, for ‘(expld.. .4.172’ read ‘. b. = θυμέλαια, Dsc.4.172. 2. = κνηστηρ, Edict. Diocl. 13.9,10, Erot.’ χκνηστώδης, ey, v. πόρνος. χκνήσων, dub. sens., Inscr. Dilos 1444^37 (ii b.c.). χκνίδ£ΐος, a, ov, of the nettle, Theognost. Can. 54. Κνίδιος iii, after ‘of wine,’ insert ‘ Pland.8.8 (ii a.d.),’; at end add ‘; hence perh. wine-jars, Stud. Pal. 22. 79.7, 16 (iii a.d.), v. κνηδιον in Suppl.’ rv, delete the section, κνιπολόγος, after “o',” insert “ή,” and at end add ‘; κ. πιπώ Ant. Lib. 14.4’ κνισάω, line 2, after “τάς άγυιάς" add ‘, exc. Luc.Prom.19’ χκνισ€υτήρ, ήρος, 6, the official responsible for raising the steam of burnt sacrifice, BS A 42. 208 (Cyprus) . κνίσμα, add ‘; perh. pinch, κ. πυρδς θραΰσας AP 12.82 (Mel.)’ χκνοή, η, = κνόος I in Suppl., Hsch. s.v. κνοΰς. II. = κνόος II, cf. χνόην ( κνοήν Ffeiffer)· τον των ποδών φόφον, Hsch. κνόος ι, for ‘ = χνόη. .Hsch.’ read ‘ creaking , ό εκ τοΰ άξονος ήχος, Hsch. ; cf. Pfeiffer in Call.Pr.384.5 Pf.’ n, for ‘Fr. 237’ read ‘Fr. 183 M.’ κνύζα (B), delete ‘(pi.)’ and ‘(sg.)’ χκοβάλ«υμα, ατος, τό, = κοβαλίκευμα, Et.Gen. in Miller Melanges 191. χκοβαλικ€0ομαι, cheat by tricks, prob. in Ar.P9.270 (εκκοβ-). κόβαλος I, add ‘; cf. κόβαλοι· δαίμονες, .περί τον Διόνυσον, Sch. Ar.PZ.279> interpol. in Harp.’ κόγχη II, add ‘3. pudendum muliebre, Sophr.25,26, cf. κογχυλαγόνες, Plaut.Rud.704.' Χκόγχναι· αί όγχναι, Hsch. (perh. from false division, cf. ούκ δγχνη Od.24.247). κόγΧος, after “ή” insert ‘Epich.42.8,43,’ ; line 2, after ‘Crates Theb.7’ insert ‘, Call.Epigr.g. 1 Pf., Hedyle ap.Ath.297b’ Χχ°γχυλ€ύς, εως, 6, purple-worker, MAMAg.gog, al. (Corycus). Κκογχυλίύω, force α κογχνλιον out of its shell, Hsch. {κογκ- cod.), κογχόλη, add ‘ ; κογχάλαι· κηκϊδες, Hsch.’ κογχόλιον, after ‘Epich.42.1’ add ‘[ό, cf. Lat. conchylia ]’ κογχωτός, add ‘, cf. lnscr. Delos 1444^06,11 (ii b.c.)’ κοδομςύς, delete ‘, perh.. . (iii b.c.)’ κοδύμαλον, for ‘Alcm.90’ read ‘Alcm.iooP.’ and for “καρυαι Περσικαί ” read “κάρυα Περσικά” add ΤΙ. oi δί άνθους είδος, OL δί κόσμος περιτραχήλιος Hsch.’ χκοιαίστωρ, ορος, ό, ν. κουαίστωρ in Suppl. χκοίας· στρογγυλός, Theognost. Can. 2 1 . κοικύλλω, for ‘look gaping about' read ‘mutter to oneself ' κοιλαίνω I, add ‘b. open, μή ποτέ κοιλήνης Παφίη νόον ΑΡ <9.448 (Paul. Sil.).’ κοίλασμα, for ‘ hollow ’ read ‘ pit hollowed out as trap’ χκοιλίας, ν. κοστίας. κοιλιολυσία, for ‘ looseness . .medicine’ read ‘emptying of the bowels , περί κ. γίνεσθαι faire ses besoins ’ κοιλιολυτέω, for ‘suffer from looseness of' read ‘prob. empty’ χκοιλίον, τό, perh. = κοϊλον (ν. κοίλος iv. 1), point in a boundary, κατά TO K. Inscr. Cret.i. vi 9P23 (Arcades, i b.c.). κοίλος i, line 18, before ‘Ael.’ insert ‘ Inscr. Dilos 1417^1102 (ii b.c.),’ 2, line 2, before ‘Od.4.1’ insert Tl.2.581,’ κοιλόσταθμος, after ‘Hg. 1.4;’ add ‘with wooden frames ,’ and after P-I43 (ϋΐ b.c.)’ add ‘, cf. PCair.^en. 764.3 (iii b.c.)’ χκοιλουργός, ό, perh. a special kind of potter, PS A A then. 1 . 1 (iii B.C.) . κοιμάω, line 2, after ‘Med.,’ insert ‘imper. κοιμοΰ Cljud. 1.281, cf. 150;’ ; line 6, for ‘Aeschrio 8.2’ read ‘.TP7.345’ u. 3, add ‘; κοιμοΰ Cl Jud. 1.281 ( κομοΰ ib.150)’ χκοίμητρον, τό, bed-clothes, rug, Sm.jW.4.18. κοινανεω, add ‘, SEG 12.371.24 (iii b.c.)’ koivciov II, after ‘common fund,' insert ‘BCH78.g22.17 (Ceos, iii b.c.),’ χκοινοβίωσις [/Si], εως, ή, cohabitation, Pap. in Dura6 437 (iii A.D.). χκοινογράφέω, write a word in the ordinary way, Eust.1553.28 (Pass.). κοινοδίκιον 2, for ‘PMagd. 21.12, 23.9’ substitute ‘PEnteux. 6η. 10. al.’ and delete ‘, abbrev.’ χκοινόθακος, ov, perh. epith. of an ancestral tomb, offering a com¬ mon throne, S. Fr. 212.6. χκοινοπάτωρ [ά], ορος, ό, ή, having the same father, Philicus in Stud.Ital.9.44. κοινός, i, line 23, after ‘(Lucill.), cf.’ add ‘D.H.7T.3,’ κοινοταφής, for ‘ Ath. Mitt. 10.40 5’ read ‘Poet, in /G2.3903’ κοινωνέω I. 2 a, add ‘; rarely c. dat., εκοινωνησαν τη στρατέ iq. Sch.Il.2.339’ κοιόλης, add ‘; cf. κοίολις· ΐερεάς, Theognost. Can. 2 1 .’ κοιρανία, after ‘ sovereignty ,' insert ‘κ. ύπατος dignity of ύπατος (cf. άπατος iii. i at end), Epigr. in /Gg( 2). 1135.8 (Demetrias, iB.C;);’ χκοιρανίδ€ς, αί, ν. κυρανίδες in Suppl. χκοιρανόμοιρος, ov, lord of Fate, PMag.Par. 1.1360 (pi.), κοίρανος 2, after ‘al.’ add ‘; κώμου καί. ,παν\·υχίδος AP7.31 (Diosc.) ; ύμνων (of Homer) ib.213 (Arch.)’ and after ‘Orph. Fr. 38’ add ‘, /Gg. 1.270’ χκοισυροΟται· κοσμείται, Theognost. Can. 2 1 ; κεκοισυρωμενη- . . περιεσταλμενη, Hsch. ; cf. εγκοισυρόομαι. κοιτάριον, after “κοίτη,” add ‘small couch, PUniv.Giss.2 0.35 (ii A.D.),’^ κοιτασμός, after folding,' insert ‘προβάτων POsl. 33.10, PMich. 1 2 1 rm. 1 4. 1 (both i a.d.) ;’ κόκκαλος, add ‘, PLund Urav.Bibl. 11.1.19 (ii a.d.)’ χΚόκκη (or Κοκκή), dub. sens., nickname of Cleopatra III, Str.17. 1.8, cf. Chronicon Paschale 347.13. χκοκκινόω, dye scarlet, Hsch. s.v. ήρυθροδάνωται. κόκκος ii. i, line 1, after ‘oak’ insert ‘(really the dead body of an insect which feeds on the oak’s leaves, cf. Paus.10.36.1)’ χκοκκοΰσα- συκή, Hsch. χκοκκοφάδιον, το, perh. hoopoe, PMag. 7.41 1. χκόκκϋγος, ό, = κόκκυξ, Alc.416 L.-P. κόκκυξ iii, for the present section substitute ‘early fruit, κόκ¬ κυγας ερινάδος Nic.Th.8g4.’ v, for the present section substitute ‘part of the συνωμία of an ass, κατ άγραφος κ. (s.v.l.) Hippiatr. 14.3 ; of a horse, ib.26.9, cf. 1 15.3.’ add ‘VI. of persons, silly cuckoo, AB 1.27.24.’ χκόκκωρα, τά, dub. sens., perh. pomegranates, Semus 3. κολάζω, line 2, after ‘7i4d, etc.’ insert ‘, κολώ Hsch.’ χΚολαινιασταί, oi, members of a cult-association of Artemis, Ath. Mitt.6 7.165 (Attica, ii/iii a.d.). Κολαινίς, add ‘, cf. Call.Fr^oob Pf. ; ν. Κολαινιασταί in Suppl.’ χκολακ€υμάτιον, τό, Dim. of κολάκευμα, Hsch. s.v. κοσκυλ- ματίοις. κόλαξ I. I, add ‘; φόφω κ. ποιμένων S. Ichn. 154’ κόλασις 2, add ‘b. that which brings about punishment, stumbling- block, Exx. Ez. 14.4, al.’ κολασμός, after “= κόλασις,” insert ‘Call. Fr.i 14.12 Pf.,’ κολ€άζω, add ‘sens. obsc. = περαίνω, Ath. Mitt. 59.66 (Syrus, v b.c.) :’ κολίασμός, for ‘Id.’ read ‘Hsch.’ 864210 85 4 κολεντερον SUPPLEMENT κορακόω Χκολέντερον, τό, = Lat. longao, Gloss. κολεός, before “, ό ” insert ‘(κουλεός Sch.E.PA.276, al.)’ I, add ‘3. κολεοί in Edict. Diocl. 4-41 (Aeg., Arg., Atal.) trans¬ lates Lat. coturnices ( δρτυγες Meg.).’ κολίανδρον, add ‘, A1.JVk.XI.7j Fx.16.31’ Χκολιάσαι" όρχήσασθαι, Hsch. Χκόλιξ, i kos, ή, = κύλ ιξ, Άρχ.Έφ. 1 953-4·2°5· χκολίσκιον, τό, perh. Dim. of καυλίσκος, SEGj. 434 (Dura), κόλλα i, after ‘Hdt.2.86’ add E.Fr.472.7 (anap.)’ ; _add b. metaph., άρμονίης κόλλησιν Emp.96 ; δεσμού τίνος ή κόλλης τάξιν OAf.Dem. 40 ; Δημάδης κόλλαν [ωνόμαζε] τά θεωρικά της δημοκρατίας Plu.2. ΙΟΙ I b.’ κολλάριον, add ‘, PSI 1 1 1 6.8 (ii a.d.).’ κολλάω ιι, lines 8/9, after ‘Act.Ap. 5.13’ add *» Vtt. Aesop. (G)$o’ hi, after ‘Pi.O.5.13’ add αντίθετα Plu.2.35od’ Χκολλεκτάριος, ό, = Lat. collectarius, PStrassb. 35·11 (v* a.d.?). κόλλημα I, line 3, after ‘162;’ insert ‘ανάκλιντρα ίμαντοδετοις κολλημασιν επτυγμενα Ps.-Callisth. 1 20.2 ;’ ; add ‘; also column of writing, prob. in Pap. in Arch. Pap. 4 Ρ·97·3> a^· (* a.d.), Pland. 7 ii 2, al. (ii/iii a.d.), see AJP3"] .218.’ κόλλησις, add ΊΙΙ. = περιστερεών ύπτιος, Ps.-DsC-4.6o.’ κολλόροβον, after ‘crook,' add ‘gloss on καλαΰροπα, Sch.A.R. 4.974, cf.’ 1, add ‘2. harpoon or gaff for catching fish, POxy. 2234.15 (i a.d.).’ κολλούρα, for ‘ (?) ’ read ‘, Sm.iF7.io.3’ κόλλοψ ii, for ‘2’ read ‘III’ Χκολλυβίζω, cut into small pieces, Suid. s.v. κολλάβους. κολλώδης, after ‘Pl.Cra.42 7b,’ add ‘Clearch.Com.2,’ Χκολοβαφής ( κολλο — cod.), ε'ς, = κολοβάφινος (Suppl.), Hsch. Χκολοβάφινος, η, ον, made of *κολόβαφος (—η? —ov? dub. sens.), άγαλμάτιον κολοβάφινον εν ναϊδίω Inscr. Delos 1 4 1 6di 1 2 (ii B.c.) ; βοιδάριον κ. ib.17; δακτυλίδιον κ. ib. 1439 BbciiQ4, cf. 1423 Bb'n2. κολόβιον I, add also κολοβίων, ωνος, ό, Sch.Aeschin.1.131’ κολοβόρινος, delete the article (leg. κολοβάφινος). Χκολοισιππος, ό, prob. non-Hellenic name of a cult-object, Inscr. Cret. i.v 23.8 (Arcades, ii a.d.). Χκολοκυνθάρύταινα [ό], ή, scoop or dipper made of a gourd, Pland. 78.7. χκολουρα, ή, kind of hill, Ath.Mitt. 59.48 (Hermione), 50 (Epid.) (both ii b.c.), cf. Paus.2.36. Χκολπΐτεύω, smuggle, PPhilad.33.22 (ii a.d.), see Eranos 48.157 ; cf. διακολπιτεΰω in Suppl. κόλπος hi, after ‘6.’ insert ‘ bowl or dish, Lxx Pr. 19.21 (24), 26.15. 7.’ κολπόω, line 1, after ‘belly,' add ‘ίστίον B. 13. 130 S. ;’ κολυμβάς I, last line, for ‘Iamb. 1. 273’ read ‘Fr. 194.77 Pf.’ κόλυμβος ii, for “= κολύμβησις" read ‘ swimming ' κολχικόν, add ‘, Plin.//JV28.i29’ κολώνη, line 1, for ‘Lyr.Adesp. 74;’ read ‘Lyr.Adesp.63P.; Άκράγαντος Pi.P. 12.3;’ Χκομακτορία, η, dub. sens., επιτηρηταί εγκυκλίου καί κομακτοριας ΡΟχ>>.ΐ523·4 (ϊϋ a.d.). κομάκτωρ, for ‘dub. sens.’ read ‘prob. = Lat. coactor ' and at end add ‘, PStrassb. 79.3 (i a.d., pi.)’ κομάω i. 2, fin., for ‘lover’ read ‘interpreter’; for ‘C.3.192’ read ‘H.2.334’ κόμβαλα, for “παίγματά " read “πήγματά" and after ‘Id.’ add ‘v. κομβάλιον in Suppl.’ Χκομβάλιον, τό, part of the framework of a window, PCair.Zen. 5. 847.18 (iii b.c.), v. κόμβαλα with Suppl. Χκομβίον (B), τό, = κόμβος (q.v. in Suppl.), Robert fft.Anat. 470 (Iasus), cf. κάμβειν in Suppl. Χκόμβος, prob. grandchild, Robert ft.Anat. 469 (Ceramus), Didyma 349-4- Χκομέατος, ό, v. κομίατος in Suppl. Χκομεντάριον, τό, = Lat. commentarium, system of shorthand, POxy. 724.8 (ii A.D.) . κομέω (A), fin., after ‘(Karanis, iii b.c.)’ add ‘and A.R. 1.780’ Χκομίατος, ό, = Lat. commeatus, POxy. 1477.7 (iii/iv a.d.), Hsch., Suid.; also κομέ- PGiss. 41. 4, POxy. 1 666. 1 4 (iii a.d.). κομίζω, line 1, before “ κομίσω ” insert ‘ κομίσσω A.R.1.419, al., Nonn.Z). 1.446, al., AP3. 278.5 (Agath.) ;’ line 2, for ‘only late, as’ read ‘IGi 1 (4). 1027.6 (Delos, iii b.c.),’ κόμιστρον i. i, add ‘, cf. Id.Fr.273.11 M.’ 3, after ‘main¬ tenance' insert ‘or porterage' 11, add ‘, cf. Poll. 6. 186’ Χκομιτάτος, ό, = Lat. comitatus, PLips. 34.6 (iv a.d.). Χκόμμεντα, τά, secretariat, PS/951.2 (iv a.d.?), POxy. 1877.5 (v A.D.). ΧΚόμμοδος, 6, name given by Commodus to the eighth month, D.C.72.15. Χκομμονιτώριον, τό, = Lat. commonitorium, PLond. 1680.22, Just. Nov. 128.17, Suid. (-μονητορ-). Χκόμορος, v. κοστίας. Χκομοτροφία, ή, letting the hair grow long, Porph. in Melanges Bidez 149, prob. in Critodemus in Cat. Cod.Astr. 8(1). 260 (codd. κώμο—) . x Κομπετάλιασταί, oi, guild which celebrated the Compitalia> Inscr. Delos I76i,al. Χκομπλ-εόω, = Lat. compleo, PUniv.Giss. 33.2 (vi a.d.) : hence -εύσιμος, ό, clerk who fills up documents, hyd. Mag. 3. 23. κομπολάκυθος, add ‘ ; -λήκυθος, nickname for tragic poets, acc. to Choerob. in Heph. p.230.21 C.’ Χκομπολόρας, ου, ό, perh. with noisy lyre, rest, in A.Fr.494.28 M. (lyr.). κόμπος (A) II. 2, add ‘b. song, σειρήνα Id.Fr.94b.13 S.’ κομπός (B), after ‘(troch.)’ add ‘, Eff1cxxr.Sent.Vat.43 ( κόμπους cod., Wien.Stud. 49.33), Call.Fr.96 Pf.’ Χκόνβεντος, ό, = Lat. conventus, IGRom. 4.1169 (Attalea), 1255 (Thyatira), al. Χκονδεα, ή, Siceliot, = κίναδος, AB2~j2. Χκονδεΐτον (or κονδΐτον), τό, Lat. conditum (sc. vinum), spiced wine, AP 9.502 (Pall.), Alex.Trall.8.2, 1 1. 1, PRyl. 4.629.367 (iv A.D., -διτ- Pap.). Χκονδουκτορία, ή, (Lat. conductor) board of contractors, POxy. 900.6, 21 10.4 (both iv a.d.) ; also κονδουκτόριον, τό, PCornell 52.10 (iii a.d.), POxy. 21 15.3 (iv a.d.). Χκονδούκτωρ, ορος, ό, = Lat. conductor, contractor, POxy. 2115.6 (pi., iv A.D.) . κονδυλωτός, after ‘knobby,' insert ‘ποτήριον BCH 10.462.16 (Delos, 364 b.c.) ;’ χκονεω, kill, 3 sg. pf. κεκόζνη'/κεν . . πεφόνευκεν, Hsch. ; cf. διακονεω (Suppl.), επικονεω, τρικόνητος. Χκονθηλαί’ άνοιδήσε ις, Hsch. (cf. κανθόλη). Χκονθιναρχεω, to be in command of the *κονθινοι (dub. sens.), Άρχ. Έφ. 1932 Suppl. 17 (Atrax (Thessaly), iv b.c.). κονία, fin., after “κονίησι,” insert ‘cf. Ale. 283. 15 L.— P.,’ χκο]νιακόπος, ό, chalk-cutter, POxy. 2272.29 (ii a.d.). χκονιακός, ή, όν, powdered, Hsch. s.v. κίττανος. Χκονϊδισμός, ό, a disease of the eyelashes, Cyran.35. κονίζω, for ‘v. κονίω' read ‘Pass., = κυλίεσθαι, Hsch. ; fut. kov ιεΐσθαι Ph.2.173 (v.l.) ; cf. κόνισμα, άσσκονικτεί (Suppl.), κονίω (with Suppl.).’ κόνιμα, for ‘v. κόνισμα ' read ‘= κονίστρα 2, ΒΟΗ23·3^·ι5 (Delphi, iii b.c.). 2. = κονίαμα, Inscr. Dilos 365.48 (iii b.c.)’ κονιορτόω, add ‘ : — Pass., Sch.Gen.il. 23. 764’ κονίστρα 2, add ‘b. in pi., = παλαίστρα Κερκυόνος (Paus. 1.39.3), Call.Fr.328 Pf.’ κονίω, line 2, after ‘fut.’ insert ‘ κονίσομαι API. 23 (Phil.)’ and delete ‘κονιοΰμαι. . κονίζεσθαι)' ; lines 5/6, for ‘in Mss. ..128’ read ‘Mss. sts. incorrectly give forms from κονίζω’ i. 1, add ‘; ουδας A.Pers.163 (troch.)’ 11, last line, delete ‘, cf. Pers. 1 63 (troch.)’ κόννος i, add ‘; Inscr. Dilos 1421^619 (ii b.c.)’ add ‘4. = χάρις, Id., cf. άκονδος (with Suppl.).’ Χκονσιστώριον and κων-, τό, = Lat. consistorium, POxy. 140.5, PMasp. 32. 15 (both vi a.d.). κόντιλος, add ‘2. = όρτυξ i, Hsch. 3. a snake, Id.’ Χκοντοβερνάλιος, ό, = Lat. contubernalis, Dura1 39 (pi.) ; also written κοντού-, PGen.jg.2, PLips. 40 11 22 (both iv a.d.). κοντοκυνηγεσιον, read “κοντροκΰνηγέσιον” (v. SEG6.606) and at end add ‘v. σιδηροκόντρα' Χκοντό<ρ>ρινος, ov, short-nosed, Rhetor, in Cat.Cod.Astr. 7.202.7. κοντός (A) 2, before ‘Luc.’ insert ‘Arr. Tact. 43.2,’ κοντός (B), line 2, after T15’ add ‘ ; so in Mod.Gr.’ κόνυζα, after “ή,” add ‘(cf. σκόνυζα)’ Χκοξάλια, τά, loin-cloths, fr. Lat. *coxalia, Edict. Diocl. 2η . 2, 5. κοπάζω, line 4, after ‘Hdt.7.191’ add ‘(cited as εκοπίασε and considered άσεμνον by Longin.43.1)’ κόπανον I, after ‘pestle,' insert ‘Inscr. Cret. i.xvii 2b 2 (ii B.c.),’ κοπιάτης, delete ‘: — also κοπιάς. .Philippi).’ Χκοπΐδάς, a, ό, ( κοπίς ) maker of cleavers, MAM A3. 3^3 (Corycus). κοπίδερμος, add ‘, cf. Aesop.Frar.15 tit. Perry.’ κοπίς (B) 1. 1, line 4, after ‘6.2.10’ insert ‘; weapon carried by Lucanians, AP6. 129 (Leon.)’ 11, add ‘, cf. Molpis ap. Ath.i4ob, Hsch.’ κοπρηγία, add ‘, PFlor. 143.5 (iii a.d.)’ κοπρηγός, after ‘dung-cart,’ insert ‘PLond. 131. 30 (pi., 78/79 A. D.),’ Χκοπριών, ωνος, ό, Cret., = κοπρών, Inscr. Cret. 4. ygAg (Gortyn, v B. c.) . κόπρος i. i, add ‘; of green manure, X.Orc.16.12’ κοπτή, after “πράσον,” add ‘prob. Posidonia oceanica,’ κοπτικός, before ‘ murderous ’ insert ‘ able to cut, cutting, μέρη (sc. ξίφους) Sch.E.//ec.543 ;’ κόπτω I. 1, add ‘ ; κ. ύδωρ = άλα τύπτω, of rowing, Call.Fr.18.1 1 Pf., A.R. 1. 91 4’ 6, add ‘b. carve on trees, γράμματα Call. Fr. 73.1 Pf.’ ΧΚοράγωγός, ό, = Κοραγός, IG22. 1247.20. Χκορακοβρωσία, ή, food for ravens, PMasp. 353. A. 19 (vi A.D., —όσια Pap.). Χκορακόπους, ποδος, ό, gloss on κορωνόπους, Hsch. κορακόω, add ‘, cf. SEGi 7.630,632,635 (Perge)’ 86 κοραλλίς SUPPLEMENT κουφήρης χκοραλλίς, ιδος, ή, a precious stone, Ρ1ΐη./ΖΑ"37·ΐ53· χκοραλλοαχάτης, ου, ό, coral agate, Plin.//jV37.i39,i53. χκόραλλος, coral, PMag.Par. 1.2304, Theognost.CaM.56 A. κόραξ I. 4, add ‘, Rev. Hist. Rel. 109.63,64 (Rome)’ χκοράξαι' άγαν προσλιπαρήσαι, Hsch. ; cf. κοράσσει. Κοραξοί, add ‘, BGU 1666.12 (i a.d.)’ ΧΚοράσιοδρόμος, o, courier between Corycus and Corasium, MAMA 3.415 (Corycus). κοράσιον, add ‘(Maced, word acc. to Sch.B II. 20. 404.)’ χκόρδαμον, τό, in pi., = κάρδαμα, Dura 4 129. Χκορδούνια, τά, dub. sens., prob. a measure of (or receptacle for) grain, Ostr.Bodl. iii 295 (i a.d.). κορεία (B), after ‘D.Chr.7. 142,’ insert ‘Nonn.Z). 1.350, al.,’ κόρη, line 5, after ‘h.Cer.4.3 9)’ add voc. κοΰρα CaW.Dian. 72, Naumach.ap.Stob.4.23.7’ ; line 6, after ‘Theoc.6.36’ add ‘(voc. κώρα Id. 27.52)’ 1, add ‘5. the constellation Virgo, Doroth.78, Nonn.Z). 2.655.’ κορθίλη, before ‘and’ add ‘(-as ποιεΐν, a gardening operation, IG22. 2493. 16 (iv B.c.))’ χκοριανδρόκοκκος, ό, coriander-seed, Lxx Sch.Fx. 16.31. «ορίζομαι, for ' fondle , caress' read 'speak fondly to, c. acc.’ χκορΐκορώνη, ή, εκκόρε ι κορικορωνην is prob. in Horap. 1.8 (εκκορι κορί κορώνη(ν) codd.), Sch.Pi.Z*.3.32 (ε’κκόρει κόρα, κορώνας), cf. Carm.Pop.gg(b) P., a marriage cry, in which k. denotes the bride (cf. κυσθοκορωνη) ; cf. χελιχελώνη. κόριον (A), after 'little girl,' insert ‘Eup.422,’ κόρκορα, for ‘a bird (Perg.)’ read ‘a word for fowl at Perge’ χκορκορΰγέω, rumble, of wind in the bowels, Sch.Ar.jVt/. 386. χκορμηταί' κοσμηταί, Hsch., cf. κόρμος (B). κορμολογία, add ‘(but perh. training of vine-stems )’ κορμός (A) 2, fin., before ‘, PFlor.' insert ‘(but perh. vine-stem)' κορνικουλάριος, add ‘, κορνικολάριος POxy. 2004, κορνοκλάριος IGRom. g.$g, κολλικλάριος RGt/2.435.8’ κόροιβος, for ‘Hsch.’ read ‘Suid.’ and after "Κόροιβος,” insert ‘Call.Fr.587 Pf.,’ κοροκόσμιον i, for ‘κοροκόσμιον. ,2.ii o’ read ‘κοροκόσμια, τά, small votive images of nymphs, Clem.Al.Froir.4.58 and Sch. ad loc. (false etym. in Sch.Theoc.2.1 10), cf. Pl.Phdr.2g0h cited under κόρη n, and κόσμων in Suppl.’ χκοροράτωρ, ορος, 6, = Lat. colorator, Edict. Dio cl. 7.54, cf. BCH 77. 655-54 (Argos). κόρος (C), before ‘Hsch.’ insert ‘Bion 2.17,’ and add at end ‘ ; cf. κορεω (a).’ χκορόσπερμον, τό, dub. sens., PRyl. 4. 630*. 68 (iv a.d.) : fort. leg. κορ(ι)όσπερμον, coriander seed. κόρση i. 4, line 1, for 'Th. 905, Opp.C.3.25’ read ΆΙ. 253 (of a plant), Opp.C.3.25 (of a lion)’ χκορσίτης, ου, o, a precious stone, prob. = κορσοειδής λίθος, De Mely Lapid.Gr. 1 7 1. 1 2, 189.23. κορσοειδής, before ‘stone’ insert ‘precious’ χκορτιανός, ό, member of a cohort, POxy. 1253.4 (iy A-D·). χκορτίνη, ή, = Lat. cortina, curtain, PMasp. 6 ii 48 (vi a.d.). κορυδός, line 6, for “κορυδαλλή” read “κορυδαλλό” and add ‘, Riv. 1st. Arch. 4. 70 (Sicily, iv/iii b.c.)’ χκορΰθήκη, ή, helmet-case, Inscr.Ddos 1417Λ1121 (ii b.c.). κορυμβάς, before ‘Hsch.’ insert ‘dub. in’ χκορυμβίς, ίδος, η, = κόρυμβος ii, Antim.175 W. κορυστής, add ‘; Alcm.1.5 P.’ κορυφαίος, I, add ‘2. = κορύφαινα, Cyran.iio.’ κορυφιστήρ 2, add ‘: pi., gloss on άμπυκτήρες, equated with προμετωπίδια, Sch. A. Th. 46 1 ’ κορυφιστής, after ‘-dress’ insert ‘, Hesperia 32.179 (Athens, iv b.c.)’ and for ‘Id.’ read ‘Hsch.’ κορώνη i. 2, after 'crow' insert ‘, Corvus corone ' and in line 2 for ‘C. corone’ read ‘C. frugilegus ' 11. 6, add ‘, cf. κορώνας άναδούμενοι Sophr. 163.’ κορωνιάω ii, for ‘leaves’ read ‘stalks’ κορώνιος I, for ‘ crumpled ' read 'curved' κορωνίς ii. 2 a, fin., for ‘etc.’ read ‘cf. D.H.Co»z/>.4(p.2i).’ κορωνισταί, add ‘II. dub. sens., οΰς κορωνιστάς, ώς εοικεν, από τής κόμης ώνόμαζον Plu.2.26ie.’ κορωνοβόλος, delete ‘κορωνοβόλος, .crows-.' and for "κορωνο¬ βόλον" read “κορωνοβόλον” χκοσκινοειδής, ες, sieve-like, only Adv., Zos.Alch. 139.3. κοσμεω ii. i, add ‘b. Pass., conform to, be guided by, c. dat., D.H.TM/m.i.2; κατά τι ib.i.i.’ 2, after ‘κόσμος hi,’ insert ‘Inscr.Cret.4.14 (vii/vi b.c.) after ‘Plb.22.15.1 ;’ insert ‘c. acc., perform an act as k., BCH 61.334 (Dreros, vi b.c.);’ hi. 2, add ‘ ; in later Greek c. gen., πάσης αρετής κεκοσμημενος MAMA 1.228 (Laodicea Combusta), cf. Stud. Pont. 3 Nos. 20, 32 (both Paphlagonia), Pap. in Bell Jews and Christians p.108 (iv A.D.).’ κοσμητεία, after “κοσμητής,” insert ‘.$££4.515.8 (i B.C./i A.D.),’ κοσμητήρ ii, for the present section substitute ‘κοσμητηρες, of, magistrates at Itanos, Inscr.Cret.g.iv 3.22,4.14.’ κοσμητής II, add ‘3. = ενταφιαστής (Κουριεΐς), Hsch.’ κοσμικός I, add ‘2. world-wide, αφορία Longin.44. ι; σεισμός IGRom. 3.739x111 48 (Rhodiapolis, ii a.d.).’ κόσμιον, add ‘2. pi., = κοροκόσμια (q.v. in Suppl.), TP9.326 (Leon.).’ κοσμογένεια, add ‘; creation, applied to Genesis 1-2.7 , Cels.ap. Orig.Ce/j.6. 29’ χκοσμογενής, ε'ς, native of the universe, Gnomol.Vat. in Wien. Stud. 10.237. κοσμοκράτωρ, delete ‘epith.. .H. 4.3;’ κοσμοττοίησις, after ‘ ornamentation ,' insert ‘Inscr.Ddos 1 λλοΒ'Λ 104 (ii b.c.),’ κόσμος, line i, after “o',” insert ‘(heterog. pi. κόσμα POxy. 494.10 (ii A.D.))’ χκοσμοτόκος, ον, giving birth to the world, HeraclitM//.64.7,85.i8. x Κοσμοτο ρύνη [ΰ], ή, World-stirrer, name of a satire by Varro, Nonius pp.8,231 L. κοσμοτρόφος, after ‘Man. 1.2’ add ‘, cf. 664313.2 (Alexandria, i/ii a.d.)’ χκοστόϊνος, η, ον, perh. having the colour of κόστος, pale yellow, PIand.Inv.g14 (ii/iii a.d.) in Aegyptus 27.48. κόστον, (s.v. κόστος), after ‘Thphr.Oj.32’ add ‘ ; pi. κόστα Dura 4 129’ κοσύμβη 2, after ‘Hsch.’ add ‘, who gives περίζωμα Αιγύπτιον as another meaning.’ κοτεινός, add ‘; dub. in PHib. 11.225. iii. 2 (iii B.c.)’ χκότθυβος, an article of a soldier’s equipment, Rev. Arch. 1935(2). 31; perh. a περίζωμα: cf. κόσσυμβος s.v. κοσύμβη (q.v. in Suppl.). χκοτίλιον, τό, prob. name of a kind of receptacle, Inscr.Ddos 1429.61125 (ii b.c.) . κότινος, line 1, after ‘5.32’ insert ‘, 100, 27.11’ κότταβος 3, add ‘; κότταβον βαλεΐν Pi.Fr.128 S.’ χκοττιδιανός, ή, όν, = Lat. cotidianus, POxy. 2408.10 (iv A.D.), Lyd.AZa^. 1 07. 1 8, 1 60. 1 . κοττιστής, add ‘, cf. Dura 9 1.2 17 (iii a.d.).’ χκοτύλιον, τό, Dim. of κοτύλη, SB 1.22 (pi., iii a.d.) ; written κοτύλιν PLond. 1657.1 (iv/v a.d.). χκουαδράριος, ό, = Lat. quadra(ta)rius, 6GG21.I.5, PGoodsp.Cair. 12.6 (both iv a.d.) . χκουαίστωρ, ορος, ό, = Lat. quaestor, IGRom. 3.238.4; also κυαίσ- τωρ ib-4· 1307.15; κοιαίστωρ Procop.Trc.i 4.3 ; κυέστωρ Syria 29.3 1 7 (Arabia, iii a.d.). χκουαττόρουιρ, ου, ό, = Lat. quattuorvir, 7Gi2(2). 235.4 (Mytilene, ii a.d.) . χκουβαρίζω (v.l. -ιάζω), gloss on μηρύω (v. μηρύομαι), Sch. Theoc. 1.29; so in Mod. Gk. κουβηζός, after "στηβεύς” insert ‘(fort. leg. στιβεύς)’ χκουβικουλαρία, ή, lady of the bedchamber, SEG8. 175 (Jerusalem, VI A.D.) . χκουβικουλάριος, ό, = Lat. cubicularius, 6C//2.289 (Bithynia, V A.D.) . χκουδισάμιος, ό, perh. tool-grinder (cf. Lat. cudis and samiarius), MAMAg.~j24 (Corycus). χκούκεον, τό, fruit of the doum-palm, Ostr.Wilbour 76 (prob. ii A.D.). χκουκούβη, ή, species of owl (cf. Lat. cucubare), Eust. 1523.59. χκουκούλλιον, τό, Dim. formed on Lat. cucullus ( -lla ), hood, PMich. 8.482.4 (ii a.d., written κοκκούλ ιον), POxy. 1300.9 (v a.d., written κούκλιν). χκουνίον, τό, cradle, Lat. cunae, Sch. Call. Jov.48. χκοΰπα, ή, = Lat. cupa, grave, /G14.1342 (Rome), JVot.Scav.7 ( 1 93 1 ) .369 (Catania, not before iii a.d.). κουρεΐον ii, line 3, after ‘ZG22. 1237.28’ add ‘. 2. a kid or lamb offered in spring to Hermes from each herd or flock’ χκούρευμα, hair cut off, Hsch. s.v. κάρμα. κουρευτής, after ‘barber,’ insert ‘PPar. 55 bis 10 (ii B.c.),’ κουρήτες n, lines 7/9, for ‘. (Sg. only late,’ read ‘ : — sg., /Gi2(3)-350, al. (Thera, perh. vii B.c.), .SFG9. 107, 108,1 10 (Cyrene, iv/iii b.c.) ;’, and delete *)’ after ‘267.’ χκουρητεύω, serve as κουρήτες n. 3, Buckler Anat. Studies 121 No. 3 (Ephesus, iii a.d.). κουρικός I, after ‘hair,’ insert ‘σίδηρος PMich . . 5 4 . 2 (iii B.c.) ;’ add ‘b. κουρική (sc. τέχνη), D.Chr.7. 1 1 7.’ χκουρΐτις, ιδος, ή, = περιστερεων ύπτιος, Ps.-Dsc.4-6o. χκουροπερσονάριοι, οί, fr. Lat. cura and personalis, officials of some kind, POxy. 2050.5 (vi a.d.), cf. 662254.4. κούρος (B), for ‘loppings . .tree’ read ‘= κορμός (a) i’ and add ‘, cf. Inscr.Ddos 442Λ157 (ii B.c.)’ χκουροσόος, ον, child-saving, prob. cj. in ΛΡ6. 274.1 (Pers.). χΚουροτρόφιον, τό, perh. offering to Γή Κουροτρόφος, ZG22-4756 (i/ii a.d.) . κουρούλλιος or — ούλιος, add ‘ : also κουρούλης IGRom.g.2g8.y (Galatia), κορούλης JF649.96.11 (Cyrene, ii a.d.)’ χκούστον ( κύστον cod.), τό, = κουστούμηνον, Hsch. s.v. άχνη. κουστούμηνα, add ‘: sg., Hsch. s.v. άχνη’ κουστωδία, add ‘, al., PRyl. 189.2 (ii a.d.) ; also κοστωδία, prob. in POxy. 94.20 (22 a.d.)’ χκουφήρης, es, dub. sens., Lyr. in PTeb. 691.3 (iii B.c.). 87 κουφίζω SUPPLEMENT κρίνω κουφίζω ιι. 2 b, line 4, delete ‘της. . i6 J. 3 b, substitute: ‘ cancel an entry in a register of tax-payers, κουφισθε ίσης αυτής P Bremen 24.7 (Pass., ii A.D.) ; κούφισαν το όνομα τοΰ πατρός POxy. 126.8 (vi A.D.) ; of property, τας γ&ς - σθήναι από τοΰ ονόματος PWiirzb. 18. ίο (iv A.D.) : — Med., make an abatement of claim, PMasp.95.10 (vi a.d.).’ χκουφοκεραμ<ε)ΐον, ro, earthenware-potter's workshop, POxy. 1917. 102 (vi A.D.). χκουφοκεραμεύ?, έως, o, earthenware-potter, POxy. 1917. 22 (vi a.d.) . κοΰφος I. 6, line 2, after ‘(v a.d.)’ add ‘ : c. gen., συνέσεως κουφή Sch.S. El. 405’ χκοφαλο-, name of trade or profession in Pland.Inv. 488 (iii a.d.) in Aegyptus 27.50. χκοφορ-€ω, vulgarism for κοπροφορέω, convey manure, PHarris 95. -ία, ή, conveyance of manure, vulgarism in POxy. 1220.8 (iii a.d.). χκοχλαζοκύμων, ον, gen. ονος, with splashing wave, P Mag. Par. 1.184. κοχλιάζων, read “κοχλιάζων” and for ‘(v.l. — άξων)’ read ‘(v.l. —άζων)' κοχλία? II, add ‘6. outer curve of the ear, Poll. 2. 85.’ κοχλιοειδή?» for ‘spiral, . .πολυδονος’ read ‘gloss on πολόδοτος (f.l.), Hsch.’ χκοχλίον, τό, Dim. of κόχλος, = τελλίνη, in pi., Hsch. s.v. ήίφΰδρια. κόχλο?, line 3, after ‘fern.,’ add ‘Theoc.l.c.,’ and in line 5 for ‘728.47’ read ‘728.48’ κοχυδέω, add ‘; also κοχϋδεάω, dub. in Sophr. in PSIi2i^d& κόφα, for “υδρεία” read ‘υδρία (— pela codd.) (cf. κοφία)' χκραβατοπόδιον, to, in pi., gloss on έρμΐνες, Sch.Od.8.278. κράββατο?, line 3, after ‘Dim.’ insert ‘κραββάτιον, τό, Hsch. s.v. λέκτρα,’ κράδη i. i, omit ‘ quivering spray at the' ill, add ‘(also in tragedy, Ps.-Plu./Yoy.2. 16)’ κράζω, p. 989, line 1, after ‘Sam.204,’ insert ‘κεκραγήσομαι Hsch. s.v. κεκραγήσει,’ ; line 6, for ‘late κέκράγα’ read ‘1. κέκράγ ' in’; line 7, after “κεκράγετε” add ‘[κεκράγατε codd. RV)’ add ‘3. Pass., dub. sens., κραζόμενα φάσκεις και εγώ φάσκω POxy.2553 ·2 (i a.d.).’ κραίνω ι. ι, line 3 from end, after ‘lyr.’ add ‘ ; but see έπικραίνω in Suppl.’ iii. 1, line 2, after ‘8.391’ insert ‘, Jusj. Epheb.Athen.ap.Poll.8.106 (κριν- codd.) = Inscr. in Robert fftJpigr. (1958) 502 (iv b.c.) ’ 2, add ‘; Pass., AP6. 114’ κραιπαλόβοσκο?, for ‘ which draws on drunkenness' read ‘provoked by a hangover' κράκτη?, add v.l. in Ar.Fi7.304’ κράμβη, add ‘4. prov. δις κράμβη θάνατος Sch.Juv.7.154, Suid.’ κραμβήει?, for ‘like’ read ‘of’ χκραμβίτα? [i], ου, ο, ( κράμβη ) greengrocer, Άρχ. Έφ. 1 929. 1 52 (Thessalian Thebes), Corinth 14.167. χκραμβοκέφάλο?, ον, cabbage-headed, Pap. in Aegyptus 15.228. χκράμμη, ή, = κράμβη, PCair.^en. 702.26 (iii B.c.). χΚραναΐο?, a, ov, Attic, St.Byz. s.v. Κραναή. κραναό? 2, after ‘hard,’ insert ‘πίτυς AP6. no (Leon.) κράνεια, line 3, after Od. 10.242’ insert ‘(eaten by Diogenes, D.Chr.6.62)’ ; line 4, for ‘ cherry-wood ’ read ‘ cornel-wood ’ κράνειον, delete ‘Amphis. .(prob.),’ χκράνειο? (A), a, ov, of cornel-wood, άστίλιον κράνειον Edict. Diocl. Ι4·4· χΚράνειο? (B), o', name of a month at Buthrotum, Ugolini L’Acropoli di Butrinto 207 (iii/ii b.c.) ; perh. = Κάρνειος. κράσπεδον ι , line 1 , for ‘esp. of cloth’ read ‘of a garment’ and after ‘Theoc.2.53’ insert ‘, Sm.Fz.5-3, al.’; line 2, delete fringe or’ and after ‘Jews,’ insert ‘ Lxx Am. 15.38,39; so prob. in’ ; add ‘b. lock of hair, Aq.Thd-.Ez. 8. 3.’ χκρασπεδωσι?, εως, ή, seaming of edges, Pfen. Col. 15.3,5 (id b.c.). κραστήριον II, add ‘ ; κλαστήριον shd. perh. be changed to κραστήριον in Inscr. Delos 1452T30’ χκραστΐφόρο?, ov, producing fodder, Pallad.ap.Ps.-Callisth.3.i3. κραταιοω I. 2, add ‘ ; 7 τολεμεΐν αυτόν εκραταιώθη ib.2 Ch. 35.22’ κραταίπου?, before ‘cf.’ add ‘as Subst., Delphic for a bull, Pi.O. 13.81 acc. to Sch. ;’ κραταίωμα, add ‘; authority, ib. 24(25). 14’ χκρατεραυγή?, ές, dub. sens., Lyr.Adesp.](d).8 P. κρατέω II. 2, lines 1/2, delete ‘prevail. .104:’ 4, after ‘master,’ insert ‘Pherecyd.22(a) J.,’ iv, add ‘7. Pass., to be seized, i.e., blinded, οφθαλμοί Εν. Luc. 24.. 16.’ κράτημα 3, add ‘ ; hilt of a sword, prob. in Sch.E.//ee.543’ κρατηρίαρχο?, for ‘Dumont-Homolle. .p.457’ read ‘lGBulg. 401.6’ κρατηρίσκο?, after “o',” insert ‘ Michel 815.28 (Delos, 364 b.c.),’ χκρατηρισμό?, Ion. κρητηρ-, <5, the mixing of a bowl of wine, Sokolowski 23.11 (Erythrae, iv B.c.), cf. κρατηρίζω n. κρατηροφόρο?, add ‘ ; of a coin, Inscr.Dilos 1432RM52 (ii b.c.)’ κρατητή?, add ‘2. = μΰκης ii. i, Hsch. s.v. μΰκης.’ κραύγαζο?, after ‘Tetr. 164’ add ‘(v.l.)’ κραυγασο?, after ‘shouter,’ insert ‘Ptol. 7e add ‘; written γρεάγρα PLond. 191.10; γρέγρα PMich. /nM.3163.44 (iii a.d.) in Trans. Am. Phil.Ass.92. 258’ κρέα?, line 3, before ‘; gen.’ insert ‘, κρεΐα Schwyzer 721. 23 (Thebes-on-Mycale, iv b.c.), contr. κρή Annuario 33/4.165, no. 14 (Ialysus)’ line 7, after “κρέά” insert ‘Timocr. 1.1 1 ,’ χκρεβαττάριο?, a, ov, of or for a bed, ένδρομίς Edict. Diocl. 19. 5. κρεμάννυμι ii. 4, delete the section, κρέξ ii, after ‘hair,’ insert ‘Call.Fr.288 Pf., cf.’ κρεοβάρο?, add ‘; cf. κρεόβοτος in Suppl.’ χκρεόβοτο?, ov,fed on meat, rest, in A.Fr.497a.i7 M., and perh. to be read in Id.Supp. 287. χκρεονομία, ή, distribution of meat, Syria 18.372 (Palmyra). κρεουργέω, after ‘mangle,’ add ‘].AJi9.i .15,’ χκρεοφΰλάκιον [ά], τό, larder, meat-store, Άρχ. Έφ. 1936.32 (Caval- la), but prob. error for χρεωφυλάκιον , q.v. χκρεΰλλιον, τό, Dim. of κρέας, Theognost.C««.i26. χκρηματί?, ίδος, ή, name of an article (perh. a cup) in a temple- inventory, k. ιερά in 767.3498.15,20 (Orop.) ; cf. κρημοφόρος. κρήμνημι, add ‘(But see κρίμνημ ι in Suppl.)’ χκρημνοβάμων [ά], ov, gen. ονος, cliff-walking, PMag.Par. 1.1365. κρημνό? (A) I, add ‘b. rock, prov. εκ κρημνών γεννάσθαι Heraclit. Ep. 4.2.’ κρήνη, line 2, after ‘(Mytil.)’ add ‘, Ale. 1 50.5 L.-P.’ ; at end add ‘For the distinction from πηγή v. πηγή in Suppl.’ χΚρηνί?, Dor. Κραν-, ίδος, ή, water-nymph, Mosch.3.29 (pi.). χκρηπιδάριο? (written κριπ-), o, maker of κρηπίδες, Άρχ.’Εφ. 1929. 157 (Thessalian Thebes); also κραπιδ- PGf/344.1.5 (ii/iii A. D.) . κρηπιδιαϊο?, for ‘Rev. Phil. 50. 8"] (Didyma,’ read ‘Didyma 41. 27 (’ κρηπίδιον, for the present article substitute after “τό,” ‘Archit., floor-slab, Didyma 39-33,54, 40.20 (all pi., ii b.c.).’ κρηπίδωμα, before ‘, Aq.Fz.43. 14’ insert ‘; enclosing framework’ κρηπί? i. 1 a, for ‘man's. . half-boot ’ read ‘ shoe with upper or straps covering, or partly covering, the foot’ ; after ‘Pared. 4’ insert ‘(also interpr. as 11. 1 and as 11. 2)’ and after ‘Hist. 8’ add ‘, but είδος υποδήματος, AB273, cf. Poll. 7. 85 ; a man’s shoe, AB l.c., cf. Plu.2-76ob ; but there were women’s κρηπίδες, Luc. Rh.Pr.15, cf· όπισθοκρηπίς (with Suppl.)’ I b, for ‘κρηπίδες, .themselves’ read ‘worn by Macedonians, Plu .Ant. 54, cf. Plu. 2 l.c. ; by soldiers’ 11, line 4, after ‘Hel. 54]’ insert ‘; step of an altar, Lxx Jl.2. 1 7,2 Ma. 10.26’; line 7, before ‘Onos.4.4’ insert ‘Pl.Fg.736e,F//.30ie,’ 2, add ‘; river -bank, Lxx ^0.3.15, al.’ Κρή?, at end add ‘ : — fem. Adj. Κρησί?, ίδος, σίδη K. NicM/.49°’ χκρήσσα, ή, = κρήτη, Hippiatr. 1 . 1 30.57· κρηστήριον, add ‘, 14240277’ χΚρηταγενή?, ες, born in Crete, epith. of Zeus, Inscr. Cret.2. xvii. I. 18 (Gortyn, iii b.c.), al. Κρητικόν i, add ‘b. a kind of dance, Hsch.’ Κρητογενή?, after ‘Zeus,’ insert ‘f.l. for Κρηταγενής (q.v. in Suppl.),’ χκρήφιον, τό, dub. sens., PMich. iii 1 73.11 (iii B.c.) ; cf. κράφα. κριβάνη, for ‘Alcm.20. .Ath.),’ read ‘Alcm.94 P.,’ κριβανωτό?, for ‘Alcm.20 (codd. Ath.)’ read ‘Alcm.94 P.’ κριγή I, after ‘also κριγμό?,’ insert ‘Ael.Ai45.51 (pi.),’ κρίζω, for “ κεκριγότες” read “ κεκρϊγότες” χκριθόβωλον, τό, perh. barley cake for fodder, PCair.ffen. 658.6 (iii B. C.), cf. βωλόπυρος. χκριθολογία, ή, collection of the tax on barley, POxy. 202 1.5 (vi/vii a.d.) ; also κριθηλογία, Oslr.Theb. 113 (ii/iii a.d.). κριθολόγο?, delete ‘: — hence. .26.1’ χκριθοποιό?, ov, making barley, κόσκινον Poll. I o. 114. κριθοφορο?, add ‘, PC air. Zen.”] 28. 4 (iii B.c.)’ κρικελλιον, add ‘ ; hoop or ring, with no dim. meaning, Sch. A. Pr. 74 (— ελιον).’ κρίκιον, after ιον” insert ‘{κρίγκιον Sch. Od. 7. go)’ κρικόομαι, for ομαι,” read ‘-ω, = κιρκόω : — ’ κρίκο? i, for ‘on a horse’s breast-band’ read ‘on the middle of a yoke’ add ‘10. κίρκος ένθα ή κώπη εισέρχεται, Hsch.’ κρίμα, fin., after ‘poetry’ add ‘, e.g. Journ. of Warburg Inst. 2.369 (i A.D.)’ χκρίμνημι, = κρεμάννυμι, hang, prob. to be read for κρήμνημι in Pi. P.4.25 ; part, κριμνάμενος A.Th.229 (lyr.) cod. M, cf. Ptol. Aim. 1.12 ; imper. κρίμνα PHolm. 8.11 ; cf. έγκρίμναμαι. κρίμνον, after “τό,” insert ‘(also κρΐμνον)’ 2, delete the section. 3, after ‘crumbs,’ insert ‘TP6.302 (Leon.) ; grains,' and after ‘Herod. 6. 6’ insert ‘, Babr. 108.9, 32’ κριμνό?, for “-o?” read -o?” and for “κριμνον” read “κριμμον” χκριντήρ, ήρος, o, judge, Epigr. in Riv.Ist.Arch.i .176 (Gortyn, v A.D., pi.). κρίνω, line 9, after ‘Aeol. κρίννω’ insert ‘Ale. 130.32 L.— P.,’ II. 1, line 8, after ‘Hdt.3.31 ;’ insert ‘oi κεκριμένοι classical authors, Poll.9.15,153 ;’ line 9, after ‘Pi.jV.7.7;’ insert ‘c. acc. resp., Λεσβίαδες κριννόμεναι φΰαν Alc.l.c. ;’ line 11, after ‘(Leon.)’ read full-stop for semicolon, and add 88 κρίνω SUPPLEMENT κύθρα ‘(b. admit to a class, number in it,’ line 13, after 'Am. 2’ add ‘ : esp. of admitting as a competitor in games, κριθέντα Πύθεια JRS3.2 95 (Antioch of Pisidia), κ. ένΑελφοΐς /Gi 2(2). 388 (Mytilene)’ 11. 2 a, add so κρινθήμεναι A. R. 2. 148 3 c, add ; metaph., to be in a critical condi¬ tion, της πόλεως -ομένης OGI 194.16 (i B.c.)’ 7, line 2, for , cl...lyr.)’ read ‘(lyr.)’ 8, line 2, after ‘ (ii b.c.),’ insert ‘LxxF.41.6, al., Nic.Dam.Fr.47. 8 J·,’ Kpios, add ‘VIII. buttress, PEnteux. 8.1 1 (iii b.c., pi.).’ κριοφάγος, add of the Thracians, Nic.77i.50.’ κρίσις, add ‘V. class or category of competitors in games, άγωνισά- μΐνον τας τρε ΐς κ. παΐδα ayeveiov άνδρα C/G2810A9 (Aphro- disias), cl. IGRom.3. 1012 (Laodicea in Syria, iii a.d.) ; παΐς κρίσεως τής Αγησίλαου /G5(i).i9-io, al. (Sparta), cf. ib.14. 754 (Naples).’ χΚροκαγοριος, o, name of a month, Hesperia 27.75 (unknown provenance, ca. 200 b.c.). χκροκαλλίς, ίδος, ή, a precious stone, Plin.//jV37.i54. χκροκάω, to be yellow, κροκόωντες κόρυμβοι Nic.Fr.74.22. κρόκη, line 2, delete ‘only in’ and after ‘Hsch.’ insert ‘,Theognost. Can. 132’ 1, add ‘4. πέμματος el 8ος, Hsch.’ κροκίας, for the present article substitute after “o',” ‘a saffron- coloured one: 1. of a cock, Plu. 2. 375ε. 2. as the name of a hunting-dog, rest, in S.Ichn. 186 (lyr.). 3. a precious stone, Plin./7jV37.igi.’ χκροκόδεσμος, ον, bound with saffron, Theognost. Can. 2 1 .9. χκροκοδίανον, τό, a species of teasel, An.Boiss. 2.396. κροκόττας, for ‘an Indian wild beast’ read ‘a wild beast in Ethiopia and India’ Transpose the articles κροκυδισμός and κροκύδιον, omitting * : — hence’ χκροκύδιστος, gloss on ουλος, Sch.Gen.il. 16.224. κροκό; i, add ‘b. pi., rugs, TP9.567 (Antip.).’ add ‘3. a plant, Hsch.’ κροκόψαντος, after ‘woven’ insert ‘, BGU1300.23 (iii/ii B.c.)’ and after ‘Subst.,’ insert ‘Aq./j.3.i9,’ χκροκΰφάντωτον, to, network on a capital, Aq.J'e.52.22,23. χκροκών, ώνος, 6, saffron-bed, Hdn.Gr. 1.29. κροκώτιον, add ‘, /G22. 1529. 18 (Attica, iv b.c.)’ χκροκωτοβαφής, ε'ς, saffron-dyed, Sch.E.Hec.tfi. κροκωτός 2, line 2, delete ‘gay’ κρόμμυον, line 8, for ‘(perh. metri gr.)’ read Philem.122’ and add at end ‘[ κρομμύων [t>] Nic.^4/.43 1 .]’ Κρονίδης I, add ‘; of Chiron, Poet.de lierb.i 15, Orph.F.n.’ χΚρονίσκος, ό, Dim. of Κρόνος; Κρονίσκοι επτά tv ένί, tide of a work by Galen, Gal.Libr.Propr.12. Kp ονίων, add ‘III. Κρονίαινας' παλαιούς ανθρώπους, Hsch.’ κροσσοί, add ‘ ; sg., Hsch. s.V. θυσανόεσσα' κροταλία, after ‘each other,’ add ‘BG i/1300.25 (iii/ii B.c.),’ κρόταλον, I, add ‘2. = βάταλον (Suppl.), Phot. s.v. κρού πεζαι.’ χκροτίΰσαι- τό μη πλήρες δούναι, Theognost. Can.2 1 . κροτέω ιι. 2 a, line 3, after ‘Char. 1 1 .3’ insert ‘, cf. κροτήσατε Suid., == plaudile’ 4, line 2, after ‘weld together ,’ insert ΆΡ6.1 1 7 (Pancrat.),’ κρότος, I, line 6, after ‘ ES'2.25.6’ add ‘, cf. 1.25.7, al.’ κρουνός \, after ‘nozzle,’ insert ‘App.Anth. 3.67 (Hedyl.),’ χκρουνοφόρον' ούτω καλείται τι των εν ταΐς ναυσίν, Hsch. Perh. cf. κρουνός 4· κρούττεζαι, κρουιτέζιον, for the present articles substitute: ‘κρούπεζα, ή, usu. ph, wooden shoes worn by Boeotians and used in crushing olives, Paus.Gr.Fr.239, Phot. : — also κρού- τταλα, τα, S.Fr.44; κροόττανα and κρούπετα, Hsch. 2. clapper of wood or metal pressed by a flute-player with his foot to mark the rhythm, Poll.7.87 (sg.), Phot.; cf. βάταλον, κρόταλον, υπόδημα, ύποπόδιον (all in Suppl.). κρουπεζιον, τό, = foreg. 1, Hsch. s.v. κρουπεζούμενος (ph). 2. = foreg. 2, Poll. 1 0.153 (pi.).’ κρουστικός II. 2, add ‘ ; κρουστικώτερα, opp. σεμνότερα, Hermog. Id. 1. 1 2’ κρουστός, add ‘HI. dub. sens., POxy. 1978.2 (vi a.d.) ; fort. leg. κρούατζατ'}α = Lat. crustata.’ κρούω 5, line 2, for ‘Simon. 183’ read MP7.24.6 ([Simon.])’ *κρϋβή, ή, concealment, Vett.Val.2.8 (ph). κρύβω, line 3, after ‘739’ add ‘, cf. Arist.ap.Ath.323e (cod. A)’ κρυμαλέος, after ‘chilly,’ insert ‘Eratosth. 16. 10,’ κρυτττάδιος, line 3, after T.542’ add κρυπταδίη in hiding, Max.339’ κρυτττήρ, add as Subst., Inscr.Ddlos 1403^61179 (ii b.c.)’ κρυσταίνομαι, delete ‘with cold, freeze' κρυστάλλινος I, add νίπτρα AF9.330 (Nicarch.)’ and delete this ref. in 11. χκρυσταλλοφόρος, ον, producing rock-crystal, Ps.-Callisth.i 18.30. χκρΰφΐμαΐος, a, ον, = κρόφιμος, Ephes.^{\) No. 6 (iv A.D.). χκρυφιοδάκτης, ου, ό, gloss in Hippon.65C D.3 (to exph λαθάργης, V. λαίθαργος with Suppl.). κρύφω, after ‘impf.,’ insert ‘TP7.423 (Antip.Sid.),’ χκρυφίδρομος, ον, v. κρυφίδομος, but -δρ- shd. prob. be kept. χκρώσι- βοώσι, Theognost.Ca«.2i. κρωσσός i, add also for unguents, Plu.Tm/.2i’ 2, after ‘Mosch.4.34’ add ‘, Lyc.369 (ph)’ κρωτάνεροι, for “έξελευθεριώται” read “έξελευθεριώται ” and ufter Hsch. add ‘, cf. άττελε υθεριωτής. ’ χκτάμιον, τό, special type of cultivated land, PUniv. Milan .ii.83.25 105.19 (both ii a.d.) . χκτάρα· ισχύς, Hsch. (leg. ιχθύς, cf. ίκτάρα). κτέανον, last line but one, after ‘(hex.)’ add ‘, but conversely κτεάνεσσιν Epigr. in 7G22.i 1120.8 (ca. iii A.D.)’ κτεις 6, after ‘ Art. 51 ’ insert ‘, Call.Fr.343 Pf.’ and delete ‘Call. Fr. 308,’ before ‘TF5.131’ χκτενάς, ά, o, comb-maker or wool-carder, ΜΑΜΑ^.^η,η^ (Corycus). κτενίζω, add II. card, Pass. pf. part. dub. in P 1 and. Inv. 31^. in Aegyptus 27.49 (ii/iii a.d., έκτενισμ— Pap.).’ κτενιστής, add TI. wool-carder,’ and after comma transfer from 1 ‘PTeb.. .ii a.d.),’ followed by ‘BGU 1021. 5 (iii a.d.), v. Aegyptus 26.41.’ κτηδών, before ‘, όνος’ insert ‘(κτεδών Sch.A 11.2 1.169)’ κτηναφαίρεσις, add ‘, PLond. 1677.35 (vi a.d.)’ κτηνιτης, add II. dub. sens., Θησσεύς (sic) κτηνείτης ό λαλούμενος MAMA8.569. III. epith. of Hermes, Schwyzer 721.9 (Thebes-on-Mycale, iv b.c.).’ κτήνος, τό, line 1, after “κτήνη,” insert ‘ possessions , esp.’; line 2 after ‘30.10,’ insert ‘Hes.Fr.94.49,’ χκτήνος, ό, property, wealth, Hes.Fr.g4.25,245b.5. κτηνοτρόφος, init., insert ‘(parox.)’ κτήσις II, add 3. title of possession, καθώς πι ριίχ ( e) ι ή κ. Judeich Altertiimer von Hierapolis 88.1, cf. 216.8,262.2.’ χκτήτης, ου, ό, proprietor, Hsch. s.v. κτήτορες. κτίδεος, for ‘not in use’ read ‘found only in Suid.’ κτίλος ii, before ‘ram’ insert ‘tame’ κτίστης, add TV. name given to certain Thracian ascetics οΐ χωρίς γυναικός ζώσιν, Posidon.ap.Str.7.3-3·’ κτιστύς, for Ton. for’ read ‘ = ’ and add ‘ YVien.Anz. 1948.30^/6 (Egypt, Ptolemaic)’ ° ’κτώ, for “ρκτώ” read “οκτώ” κυάθειον, before ‘Nic.F/i.591’ insert ‘ Hesperia 32.155.10 (Athens, v B.C.),’ κυαθίζω ii, add ‘, cf. Plu.Afarc.17.1’ κυαθίς, add ‘, Michel 815.24 (ph) (Delos, 364 b.c.)’ κύαθος ii, after ‘of a pint,’ insert ‘Nic.F6.582, Al. 58,’ χκυαίστωρ, ορος, ό, v. κουαίστωρ in Suppl. χκυαιστώριος, a, ον, = Lat. quaestorius, σκρεΐβα κ. Ramsay The Social Basis 60. κυαμιαΐος, add ‘, FC//8.219’ κυάμινος, add ‘; άχυρα Gp. 9.10.T χκυαμίτης, ου, ό, god or hero of the bean, prob. Iacchus, Paus.1.37. 4, Hsch. κύαμος, add ‘V. name of a small monetary unit, Rh.Mus.60.331 (Tauromenium, i b.c.).’ χκυάνασττις, ιδος, ό, ή, dark-shielded, Anacr.4.2 P. κυαναυγής, add ‘2. perh. dark-eyed, Κίρκη Lyr .Adesp .7 .(c) .5 P.’ χκυαναυγίς, ιδος, ή, dub. sens., PHib. 11.172.12 (iii B.c.) (fort. leg. κυαναυγής, but cf. κυαναυγετις) . κυανεω, after ‘in colour ,’ insert ‘PIes.Fc.7 (dub. 1.),’ χκυανοέθειρα, fern. Adj., dark-haired, PHib.11.1 72.9 (iii b.c.). χκυανόζυγος, ον, with dark yoke, PHib.u. 1 72.7 (iii b.c.). χκυανόκολττος, ον, dark-bosomed, PHib.u. 1 72. 1 1 (iii b.c.), cf. μελάγκολπος. κυανόττεπλος, after ‘Th. 406’ add ‘; ομίχλη, of evening twilight, Musae.i 13,232’ κύανος i. 4, after ‘ cornflower ,' insert ‘AP^.x.^q. (Mel.),’ χκυανοχίτων [c], ωνος, ό, ή, dark-robed , Vi.Dith.3.3. Κυανοφιών, after ‘month’ insert ‘in Chios, SEG 17.379.6 (v B.c.) ;’ χκυβαλία, ή, debauchery, PMasp. 97V(D)45 (vi A.d.). χΚύβδάσος, ό, one of several invented names for gods of coition (cf. κύβδα), Pl.Com. 1 74. 1 7· κυβερνάω I. 3, after ‘govern,’ insert ‘Heraclit.41, Parm.12.3,’ 4, delete the section. κυβερνήτης 2, fin., add ‘; κ. Νείλου, title of a priest, .SThiioo (Philae), OGI 676 (Silsilis, ii a.d.)’ κυβερνητικός i, line 4, after ‘Grg. 51 id,’ insert ‘Arist.FFi220b24, i247a6,’ κυδάλιμος, after ‘also η, ον,' insert ‘Ale. 129.6 L.-P.,’ κύδιστος I, add ‘ : Comp, κυδίων (v. 2), έτερον δ’ ετέρου κυδίον ’ έθηκεν Il.Pers.5.2’ κυδνός, delete ‘Hes.FA.328 (ν.Ι. κυδρή)’ and for ‘Op. 257’ read ‘FA. 328, A.R.4.1333’ χκυεσσωνάρ(ιοι), oi, apptly. = Lat. quaestionarii, POxy. 2050.2 (vi A.D.). χκυεστωρ, ορος, ό, v. κουαίστωρ in Suppl. χκυήτωρ, ορος, ό, ή, parent, of a bird, Cyran.96 (ph), cf. Eust.1546. 21. χκυηφόρος, ον, σωτήριος κ. δίφρος, perh. safety chair for expectant mothers, Ps.-Callisth. 1 2.2. κύθρα etc., for “κυθρόκαυλος” read “κυθρόγαυλος” 89 κυισκομαι SUPPLEMENT κωμαστήριον κυισκομαι ιι, after ‘Gal. 4-5 1 3’ add ‘ > Pass., to be conceived, of the child, Ptol.7iir.i2i’ , κυκάω π, last line but one, after ‘Archil.66; insert καρδ ιας κυκωμενης Gyges Fr. in POxj’.2382.ii.6 ; κυκεών, line 2, after ‘acc. κυκεώνα’ insert ‘Hippon.42 D. , κυκλάνεμον, after “to,” insert ‘/an’ and delete ‘(dub. sens.) κυκλάς I, add ‘3. κυκλάδες αύραι whirling, Nonn.D.1.133. κυκλεω ι. 3, add ‘ ; use currently, λεξιν D.H.Dm.56’ κυκλικός i, add ‘5. Lit. Crit., rounded, i.e. periodic, ευρυθμια D.H. Pomp. 6.’ _ , κύκλιος I, add ‘2. metaph., τής αγωγής των περιόδων το κ. D.ii. Isoc. 12.’ .... κύκλος π. ι, for Ranker' read ‘ mason’s bogie add b. shield, Ε.ΡΛ.1382, cf. 1. 1.’ 4 b, line 6, after ‘Sph. T add ; for the ecliptic see μίσος III. 6’ 9> f°r 'ftut read κ. οδοντων Lxx Ji-4i.5(6) hi. 1 a, add ‘ ; κ. ανάγκης Pythag.ap. D.L.8. 14’ 2, add ‘b. circle for the exercising of horses (cf. Lat. gyrus), prov. ΐππω γηράσκοντι τα μειονα κυκλ επίβαλλε Diogenian.5-27 > είδος ιππασίας, Hsch.’ ^ 3> a^d roundabout phrasing, circumlocution, Plu.2-4o8f.’ add V. dub. sens., perh. bands, P^illiac.il.iQ,22. , VI. εν ταΐς κωμωδίαις ύπότροχον τι κατασκεύασμα, Hsch. κύκλωμα, line 4, after ‘4.’ insert ‘ kerb running round base of altar, Lxx fc.43. 17. 5.’ κύκνειος I, line 3, after ‘7.12’ add ‘; κ. όχοις prob. in Orph./f. 55.20’ n, for “a” read “ά” κυληβίς, add ‘2. = άκαρπος κράμβη, Theognost. Can. 2 1 , cf. κυλίβη (v.l. κυλίνη)· ή άκαρπος κράμβη, Suid. κύλινδρος, add ‘6. cylindrical seal, /G’22. 1534.99 (but also κ. τετράγωνος πανταχτ) νάλι,νος ib. ιοί) (Athens, iii B.C.), cf. κύλινδροι' σφραγΐδος είδος, Hsch. κυλίνδω ιι. ι, line 3, for ‘Ale. 18 read Ale. 326. 2 L.— P. κυλίω, line 6, delete ‘Call.’ Κυλλήνιος, after ‘of Hermes,’ insert ‘Od.24.1,’ Χκυλοιάζω, κνλο ιάζειν τό τούς οφθαλμούς επικλίνειν χλευάζον τα, Theognost. Can. 2 1 . κύμα ι. 2 a, for ‘1083’ read ‘1077’ b, line 2> delete “κακών,” and ‘77i.758 (lyr.), κυμάτιον I, for ‘of the volute’ read ‘form of decoration Χκυμάτιον (B), to, stone-cutter’s error for χυμάτιον, Inscr.Dilos 1432^1141, 1450^169 (both ii b.c.). κύμβαλον, add ‘2. stoup for lustral water placed at the door ol a house in which a corpse lay, Sch.E.d/c.98 Χκύμβαλος, ό, = κύμβαλον I, prob. rest, in Call.fc.194.106 Pf. κύμβαχος, line 2, after ‘II. 5.586 insert , cf. Call.fc·. Ι95·29 Pf·.. χκυμβίδιον, τό, Dim. of κύμβη (A), 7G22.i534-di 19 (Athens, iii B C ) · κύμβος, for ‘Nic.7Ti.526’ read ‘Sophr.165’ and for ‘Id.d/.i29.’ read ‘Nic.-i4/.i2g. 2. = όξύβαφον ii, sauceboat, Id. Th. 526.’ Χκύμη, ή, dub. sens., perh. cabbage, Nic.fc.85. 5. Χκυμήνασθαι' κείρεσθα ι, Theognost. Can. 2 1 . Χκϋμΐνάς, a, o, seller of cummin, SFGB. 143 (Ja^fa> ni/iv a.d.). κύμινδις, last line, after ‘cf.’ insert ‘Hippon.58 D.3,’ κυμορρόον, read ppoov” and add , cf. Theognost. Can. 21 (κύμορον).’ Κυναγίδας, add ‘; /o»raSa rest, in Demitsas Μακεδ. 174, no. 207, see BSA 40.16’ , , , , κυναγχικός, add ΤΙ. κυναγχική, ή, = άπόκυνον, Ps.-Dsc.4-8o. Χκΰνάδακνος, 6, dog-bite, 5CG6.802.36 (Salamis in Cyprus, ii/iii a.d. ; pi., Tab. Defix.). (Perh. influenced by άδαγμός.) Χκΰναναιδής, is, shameless, rest, for κυνάπ αιδες in Sophr.ap.Sch. Gen. 11.2 1. 394, cf. Euph. in PSI 1390.C.1.12; cf. κυναίδης. κυνάπαιδες, add ‘; v. κυναναιδής (Suppl.)’ ΧΚύνθιον, τό, name of a sanctuary, Inscr.Dilos 141 7^1147 (b b.c.). Χκυνιατοα, prob. non-Hellenic name of a cult-object, Inscr.Cret. i.xvii 202 (ii b.c.) . Χκυνοκεφάλειος, a, ον, = κυνοκέφαλος, PMag.Par. 1.2651. Χκυνοκοίτης, ου, 6, consorting with dogs, Vit.Aesop. (G)^g. Χκϋνοπόταμος, 6, beaver, Cyran.64. κυνοσουρίς X, add ‘b. κυνοσουρίδες· ol άπό άλωπεκων και κυνών τικτόμενοι παΐδες, ΑΒ^2, cf. Ar.fc.800. Χκυνοτάφος, ό, dog-burier, priest in an Egyptian temple, PHib.u. 213.9 (iii B.c.). κυνουλκός, add ‘, PSAAthen.2.2 (iii b.c.). κυνούχιον, delete the article. κυνοΰχος i, for the present section substitute ‘ dog-collar , ΛΡ6.107 (Phil.)’ line 4, for ‘. III. purse,’ read and line 5, after ‘ money-bag ,’ insert MP6.298 (Leon.),’ Χκΰνόφθαλμος, gloss on κυνάμυια, Sch. Gen. II. 2 1. 394· κυνωτός, line 2, for ‘An.Ox. 2’ read ‘Theognost. Can.’ Χκΰοφόρημα, ατος, τό, offspring, Sch. Gen. II. 3. 17. κυοφόρος, init., insert ‘(parox.)’ κυττάρισσος I, lines 3/4, f°r * > ελαφρα Pi.Pr. 154’ read , Pi ·Ρα£. 4· 50* add ‘III. ποίη κυπάρισσος = χαμαικυπαρισσος, acc. to Eutecnius, Nic.TT1.910.’ κύιτασσις, line 1, for ‘Ale. 15.6’ read ‘Alc.357.7 L.-P.’ line 2, after ‘mid-thigh’ insert ‘(cf. Poll. 7.60, but in Suid. s.v. a κ. is ποδήρης)’ line 3, after ‘Lys.Pr.58 S. add , Herod. 8-31’ Χκυπελλοδόκος, ον, receiving cups (prob. for κυπελλοτόκ-), τράπεζα Nonn.Z). 47.62. κυπελλοτόκος, after ‘47.62’ add ‘(cod.)’ ΧΚυπριάρχης, ου, ό, governor of Cyprus, Lxx 2 Ala. 12.2. κύρα, read “κυρά” and add ‘with Suppl.’ Χκυρανίδες or κοιρανίδες (sc. βίβλοι), al, title of treatise, Cyran. 3.4. Κύρβας, add ‘, but Κυρβάνθων Parola del Passato 4-73 (Rhodes, ii/i b.c.)’ κύρβεις, after ‘Ar.dc.1354’ add ‘cod.Rav.’, and for ‘(but. .Sol. 25)’ read ‘in cod. Seitenstettensis of PIU..S0/.25’ κύρβος, delete the article. Κυρήνη, after ‘Ar.TTi.98,’ insert ‘Call.Dian.206, Epigr. 21 Pf.,’ ΧΚυρήτειος, ό, epith. of Poseidon, Clara Rhodes 6/7.391 (Camirus, iii b.c.) . > ( t Χκυρίευσις, εως, ή, gaining possession of, άπό τής Πτολεμαίου Αίγυπτου κ. Alarm. Par. 109. κυριεύω ι. ι b, after ‘Ptol.Tcfr.i 12’ add ‘(v.l.)’ κύριος B. 1 a, add ‘(In later Gr. freq. written κΰρις, e.g. Vit. Aesop. (G) 30.)’ 2, line 4, for “κύρα,” read ‘κυρά, Vit. Aesop.(G)g2, al.,’ κυριότης, line 1, after ‘ Ep.Eph. 1.21 add ', πολλών over many, Memn.4.6 J.’ κυριόω, after ‘= κυρόω,’ insert ‘εκυριώθη IGRom. 4.661.31 (Acmonia, i a.d.) ;’ Χκΰρις, 6, v. κύριος B. i a in Suppl. κυρίως rv, fin., after ‘PjViog8a6’ add ‘; in more straightforward language, D.H. PA. 29’ and for ‘Id.’ read Arist. κυρόω i, line 13, after ‘(iii B.c.)’ add ‘, cf. Hsch. s.v. προοθεΐναι, where κυρώσαι {κΰρσαι cod.) is explained as το παραδοΰναι τώ εωνημενω ΰπό κήρυκι κυρσερίδες, κύστεροι, and κυτταρος, add cross-references. Χκυρτάς, ά, ό, = κυρτοβολος, Robert Hell. 1 1/ 12-39 A.D.). κυρτίς, add ‘II. = όρνιθοτροφεΐον, Hsch.’ Χκυρτοκάττηλος, ό, weel-seller, C/G9180. κυρτωτός, add ‘ ; rest, in Didyma 50.1^60 κυρωτής, add ‘, Hesperia 5.401.2’ Χκϋρωτικός, ή, όν, — κυρωτηρ, gloss on κύριε, Sch.Pi.P.2. io6. κυσοχήνη ιι, add ‘ j prob. rest, (but dub. sens.) in Hippon.v. 2 D.3’ κύτισος, line i, delete ‘5.128, j line 3» for Theoc.ll.cc. read ‘Theoc.l.c., 5.128’ _ < r > κυφός, line 4, for ‘shrimps’ read ‘prawns’ ; line 5, before ‘Eub. insert ‘Philox.2.17 (cj.),’; line 6, delete ‘shrimps . .squilla,’ κύφων I, add ‘ ; dub. sens., perh. faggots, Men.Dyic.102’ in, for ‘part of a woman’s dress’ read ‘women’s clothes, or a kind of tunic’ and after ‘44’ add ‘(pi.)’ . . κύω ii, line 9, after ‘Is. 59.13’ add ‘ ; ϋε κύε, a cry at the Eleusima, Hippol.//acr.5.7, Prod, in 77.3.176 D., cf. IG22.y8y6 (Athens, i a.d. (?))’ κύων ιι. i, add ‘b. male prostitute, Lxx Dc.23. 18(19). IV> line 3, after ‘Ael.jVdi .55 ;’ insert V. ποτάμιος, prob. otter, Id. 14.21 ;’ v, add ‘2. κύων πρότερος = Προκυων, Nonn.D. 16.202.’ ix, add ‘, Nicostratus ap.Simp. in Cat. 26.24’ add ‘XIII. a large kind of fly, = στρατιώτις 3, Luc .Alusc. Enc. 12.’ Χκωδικιλλόω, dub. sens., POxy. 2283.11 (586 a.d.). Χκώδιζ, ικος, ό, = Lat. codex, PAlasp. 97r4L Hscln ^ ( ^ κωδιον i, line 3, after ‘etc. ;’ add ‘as a raincoat, υπό κωδίω Suid. S.V. ^7τολλώνιος Τυανεύς',’ κώθων ii, line 3, for ‘Plu.dd.4, etc. ;’ read ‘Hegesand.ap.Ath. 1 1.477ε ·, feast, Lxx fc.8. 17 ;’ ^ κωθωνιστής, add ‘(sed leg. φιλοκωθ- cum cod.A)’ Χκωκϋμός, ό, = κώκυμα, dub. 1. in Call.fc. 1 77- !4 Pf· Χκωκώ, οΰς, ή, a name for the membrum virile at the time of puberty, AP 12.3 (Strat.). . , , ., κωλεός, add ‘, Sokolowski 71.6 (Casossus) ; written κωλειος lb. 63.6 (Mylasa)’ κωλίζω, after ‘p.463 D.’ add ‘, Prod, in R. 2.218 K.’ > κώλον ι. I, add ‘b. pi., corpses, Lxx Nu. 14*29? Zi.66.24> /.4.7o6.vi (iv a.d.)’ Χλάκησις, εως, ή, clucking with tongue round palate, Hsch. s.v. κλωγμός. χλακίνιον, τό, fragment, cf. λακίς and Lat. lacinia, Stud.Pal. 20.244. 18 (vi/vii a.d.) . λακις, line 2, for εμπιτνω . .131’ read ‘λ. λινοσινεΐ A..Supp.i20’ χΛάκκίον, Dim. of λάκκος, as name of the Little Harbour at Syracuse, D.S.14.7. λάκκος 2, line 2, after ‘Alex. 1 74.9,’ insert ‘Macho ap.Ath. 13. 580a;’ and delete this ref. in 3. 3, add ‘b. a measure (for^beer), Ostr. (i a.d.) in Trans.Am.Phil.Ass.7 1.641.’ 5, for ‘garment’ read ‘dye’ Λακών ii, add ‘ ; t.t. for a method of forming line, Arr. Tact. 51. 4, 32.1’ Λακωνικός ii, after as Subst.,’ insert ‘1. oi Λακωνικοί Spartans, Ar. Pax 212, cf.Ah.186.’ and renumber 1-4 as 2—5. χλάλαβος, v. κάλαθα. λαλαγεω, line 2, for ‘grasshoppers’ read ‘cicadas’: line 3, for ‘dub. 1.’ read ‘prob. cj.’ λαλάγημα, for ‘= foreg.’ read ‘noise, meton. of the tambourine’ λαλάζω, after ‘Anacr.90 ;’ insert ‘γέρων λαλάζων (v.l. άλαζών) Call.Pr.igi.i i Pf. λαλαχεύομαι, for “ = λαχνόομαι” read ‘live dissolutely ’ Χλαλαχός, v. τογερα. λαλεω I. 3, line 4, after ‘etc. ;’ add ‘εκ τού λαλεΐν αεί τό λαλεΐν περιγίνεται, i.e., by speaking a speaker is made, Him.Or.24.4 (= Com.Adesp.514.) ;’ λαλιά i. 1, add ‘b. a talk, as a comparatively short and informal επίδειξις of a sophist, Men.Rh.p.434 S-> al., cf. Aristid.PA.2 p.538 S. : pi., ib.p.539 S.’ λάλος, line 1, after ‘[ά],’ insert ‘(perh. fem. λάλη Anacreont. 9.2 (λάλευ cod.)),’; line 2, after ‘Theoc.5.75’ insert ‘, Call.Pr.192. 14 Pf., Epigr. 16.3 Pf.’; line 7, after ‘ES2.30’ insert ‘, cf. D.H. Dem. 5’ χλάλου, pudenda puerilia, AP 12.3 (Strat.). [Apptly. i, but the word may be corrupt.] λαμβάνω A. i. 4, line 5, after ‘with Adj.,’ add Έ.//Ρ223;’ 9 c, line 6, after ‘PluM/c.18 :’ insert ‘with εις, Men.Dysc.2g7, cf. Id. 539.3 Koerte, Aristid. 0.26(14). 76, Lib.Or.i 1.161 :’ 11. 1 f, after ‘ receive an oath,’ insert ‘Is. 2. 39,’ g, line 2, after ‘2.24’ add ‘, Macho ap.Ath.6.246c’ i, add ‘ ; λ. εξετασίν τίνος D. 18.246,20.139, Call.P/agr.59.3 Pf.’ Λάμια i, for ‘ a fabulous, .flesh’ read ‘a Libyan princess whose children were killed by Hera and who in revenge stole and killed those of others’ and for ‘Ar. F.1177’ read ‘Ar .Pax 758 and Sch. ad loc., Id. V. 1035,1 177’ add ‘2. for Hebr. Lilith, Sm.7r.34. 14.’ χλαμιώδης, ες, like a Lamia, Hsch. s.v. Λάμια. λάμνα, after ‘= Lat. lamina ,’ insert ‘Edict. Diocl. 30.5,’ χλαμνίον, τό, Dim. of λάμνα, PMag. 4. 30 14, P Ant. 66.37, Iambi. Alch.287.12. χλαμτταδάριος, ό, torch-bearer, Teucer in Boll Sphaera p.42. λαμιταδηφόρος, add ‘ ; as Adj., λ. ανδριάντας Didyma 346.1 1, 16’ λαμπαδοΰχος, init., insert ‘(properisp.)’ λαμπάς (A) 11. 2, line 3, before “καθάπερ” insert ‘cf.’ add ‘IV. Λαμπάδες, αί, nymphs attending Hecate, Alcm.63 P.’ λάμπη, for the present article substitute ‘v. λάπη with Suppl.’ λαμπηδών, add ‘3. blister, Hsch. s.v. φαύσιγγες.’ λαμπήνη, line 2, for ‘ i Ki. 26.5’ read ‘/r.66.20’ χλαμττόδικε, v. στριφοΰ. χλαμπροτράιτεζος [ά], ον, keeping a fine table, Poet, in SEG6. 796.6 (Dorylaeum). χλαμπροφοίτης, ου, ό, brightly-moving, of the sun, PMag.Leid.V. 6.1. λαμιττηροφόρος, add ‘, cf. PCair.^en. 782 (a) .69 (iii B.c.).’ χλαμπτηρώχος, ό, Boeot. for *λαμπτ ηροΰχος, torch-holder, λ. σιδάριοι τρις BCH62.150 (Thespiae, iv b.c.). λάμπω ii, line 3, after ‘Trag.Adesp.55, etc·’ ‘ ; metaph., μη τις . . κΰδος ελαμφε νόθον ΑΡ 7·43° (Diosc.).* χλαμυρόω, gloss on λαιθαρύζω, Hsch. χλαμψανώδης, ες, like charlock (λαμφάνη), Hsch. s.v. ραφίς. 91 λανάριος SUPPLEMENT Λεσβιακός χλάνάριο?, ό, = Lat. lanarius, wool-worker, Jah.resh.28 Beibl.i 14 (Bulgaria, written -άρις), Edict. Diocl. 21.1,1a. *λάναψ, απος, ή (?), perh. a vessel of some kind, Wien.Anz. 1960.5. λανθανόντως, after 'secretly,' add ‘ unperceived , Demetr.Fiflc.l81,’ λανθάνω (p.i029a, line 7), after ‘Sol. 13.27’ insert ‘, fem. part. λελαθυΐα Ηε8^ρ.ΟΐΓγ5Ϊρρ.&αιν.η.257.2 1 ’ A. 3, add ‘; so perh. όμμα. .θέλγειν ού λάθε ΑΡ5.282 (Agath.)’ 4’ ^ne i, omit ‘relat.’ ; at end add ‘ ; without acc., οί πολλοί λανθάνου- σιν ότι κολάζονται Plu.2.554c' add ‘6. c. acc. of respect, λ. τψ άπόβασιν Th.4.32 ; freq. with neut. Pron. or Adj., Id. 8. 17, ETT516 (combined with acc. pers., Th-7.15).’ C. 1. 1, line 1 1 , after 'Phdr. 252a’ insert plpf. c. acc. πάντ’ έλέλασο Erinn.1.28 D. ; c. inf., λάθοιο. ,άπενθεΐν Theoc.i 1.63’ λαξευτήριον, add ‘, Sch.Th.4.4; name of a work by Astram- psychus’ λάξις, line 3, delete ‘prob.’ λαογράφο?, init., insert ‘(parox.)’ ; after ‘ Sammelb insert ‘5661.2 (pi., i a.d.) ,’ χΛάοδΐκεών, ώνος, ό, name of a month at Smyrna, Rev.Et.Anc. 38.27 ; Λάοδίκιος or Λάόδικο?, name of a month in Asia beginning 24 Aug., Hemerolog.Flor. p.77 (pp. 16,18 K.). λαοδόκος, delete ‘dub. in’ and ‘ (Βαμοδόκων Bgk.)’ χλάοκρίσιον [ίσ], τό, court-house of the λαοκρίται, PTeb. 795-9 (31 B.C.). λαοφόρος n, for ‘Anacr.157’ read ‘Anacr.i Fr.1.13 P.’ λάπαθον, add ‘III. in pi ., faeces, Sch.Gen.il. 5. 166.’ λάπη, line 2, before ‘Dsc.’ insert ‘A.Fn.387,’ 3, for ‘λάπα (Wieseler for λάμπα.)' read “λάμπα” and at end add ‘, cf. 1042 (lyr.)’ χΛάπηθΐασταί, οί, name of a guild, 7Gi2(i).867 (Lindos), Clara Rhodos 2.203. Χλαπιδόρχας· ό μεγάλους δρχε ις έχων, Hsch. Χλαργϊτίων, ονος, ή, = Lat. lorgitio, Jahresh. 29 Beibl. 149 (Ephesus, v a.d.) . χΧαργιτιωναλικός, η, όν, = Lat. largitionalis, πρόσοδοι Stud. Pal. 20. 143-9 (v/v i a.d.) , PFlor.377.15 (vi a.d.). λάρναξ 2, lines 5/6, for ‘esp. an ark. .exposed’ read ‘generally an ark,' λαρό? 1, lines 5/6, for ‘Simon. 183. 10’ read ‘2IP7.24.10 ([Simon.])’ 3, add ‘; so λαροΐς ποσίν Hes.Fr.207 (s.v.l.) acc. to Sch.A.R.1.456, but soft acc. to Et.Gen.’ λάσα n, add Λασσαΐος BCH59.37 (Crannon)’ λασθαίνειν, add ‘ ; έλασθαίνομεν ηκολασταίνομεν, Id. ; μη Βοκη με λασθαίνειν Hipp0n.ix.i4 D.3’ χλασΐηκόμας, masc. Adj. shaggy, Κριός prob. in Mesom.8. 10 Heitsch (Λασι οκόμαν cod.). χλάτερπής, ές, delighting the people, Pi. in PO.rv. 2622.1 (a) 3. χΛάτϊνί?, ίδος, ή, fem. Adj. Latin, Βάλτος Nonn. D. 41.160. χλάτΐς, ιΒος (gender uncertain), a kind of fish, prob. Nile-perch, Tilapia Nilotica, PMich.Teb. I23vvii 19 (i a.d.), Et.Gud . ; cf. λάτος. χΛάτοΐο?, ό, (sc. μην) name of a month at Byzantium, Milet 1 (3). 153 (ii B.C.). λατομεΐον, add ‘II. tomb, BCH36.6 18-20 (Thrace; -iov, —iv), etc.’ λατομί?, after ‘ stone-chisel ,' insert 'PCair.fijen. 759. 1,782 (a). 54 (both iii b.c.) ;’ χλάτομον, τό, stone-quarry, prob. in OG/660.3 (Egypt, i a.d.). χλάτρευτής, οΰ, 6, hired labourer, Wien.Ar1z.9t (1954). 218 (Ephesus, iii a.d.). λάτρον, line 2, after ‘FM557.35’ add ‘, cf. Varro Ζ,Ζ.7.52’ and before “ λάτρων ” insert ‘Call.Fr.276 Pf. ;’ λατύπη, for 'Rev. Phil. 50.67 (’ read ‘SFG4.447.55 (Didyma,’ χλαυδικη(νόν?), prob. Laodicean garment, Dura 4 153 (cf. Λαδικηνός Edict. Diocl. 19.26, al., Laudicea CIL3 p.847) χλαυκάνιον, τό : λήκυθος II is expld. as τό μεταξύ τοΰ λ. καί τοΰ αύχένος ηχώδες Sch.P1.77//.Afz.368c ; cf. Hsch. S.v. λήκυθος. λαύκη, for ‘(Cf. λυκεΐον.)' read ‘(leg. γλαυκή, cf. γλαυκή·.., φοβερά,. .Hsch.)’ λαύρα II, for ‘Hippon. . . 1089. 10’ read ‘Hippon.14 A. 10 D.3, prob. also Id. 58 D.3, Sotad.2.1’ χλάφρι?, ό, acc. sg. τόν λάφριν dub. sens, in 7G22. 5191 (ii a.d.). χλάψυξ' Βάπανος, Drachmann Cyrillglossar ( 1 936) p.123; cf. λαιφύς. λαχανευτής, after ‘= foreg.,’ insert ‘PUniu.Giss.3.6 (ii b.c.),’ λαχανιά, add ‘; sg., vegetable-garden, POxy. 1913.17 (vi a.d.)’ λαχανικά? I, for ‘ = λαχανηρός' read ‘—κή, ή, tax on vegetables' λάχη, for 'τάφων, .(lyr.)’ read ‘for Α.ΤΛ.914, v. λαχή (Suppl.)’ and add ‘2. collection of dues on allotted rights of pasture, SEG 3-357·2 (Acraephia, iii b.c.).’ χλαχή, η, digging, Α.ΤΛ.914 (pi., lyr.) acc. to Sch. ; for the expl. of Hsch. v. λάχη. λάχνη i, line 3, after ‘Ο.1.68;’ insert ‘of hair on the chest. Call. Fr.24.2 Pf. ;’ and in line 4 after Tl.2.219’ add ‘, cf. A.R.4. 1 53 1 ’ 5 fin·) after ‘g8d’ insert so in sg.’ 11, delete ‘Nic. Al. 4 10,’ λέβη? i. b, for 'coin. . Crete)’ read ‘as a monetary unit, Inscr. Cret. 4.1, al. (vii/vi b.c.)’ χλεβητίσκος, ό, Dim. of λεβης, IG2Z. 142411.147 (iv b.c.). λέγω (B) i. 2, add ‘ : — Act., choose a quantity or number, PI. Lg. 738a: — so in Pass., ib-737c’ λειαύστηρο?, add ‘(but perh. f.l.)’ λεΐμαξ i. 1, line 2, after ‘(both lyr.),’ add ΊΑ 1544 (interp.),’ λεΐμμα, line 3, omit ‘so,’ and for ‘Lxx 4ΛΪ. 19.4’ read ‘Aq.Dr. 2·34>3·3’ . λειμών ill, line 2, delete T.19,’; last line, after 'Praef.6' add ‘; λόγοι των καλών λ. άφθονους προτείνοντες Procl. in R. 1 . 1 6 1 K.’ λείος, after “a, ov” insert ‘(Ion. λέος, η, ον, Didyma 434.23,25, 437.4 (both iii b.c.))’ 1. 3, line 7, delete ‘3.14,’ 11, line 2, before ‘Dsc.’ insert ‘Arist.77d534b23, PA§7f°\3,' χλειουργέω- καλλωπίζω. Phot. χλεπτοτελής, ες, in arrears with taxes, PTeb. 71 1. 4 (ii b.c.). λείπω I. 3 a, line 2, after ‘ib.903 ;’ insert ‘ώς ή μεν λίπε μΰθον thus she abandoned talking, Call.Fr.43.84 Pf. ;’ ; line 5, after ‘(Milet., iv b.c.) ;’ insert ‘of a prosecutor, make default, Arist. 2Ι/Λ.16.8;’ 11. 2, line 8, before ‘inf.’ insert ‘substantival’ b, add ‘ ; Med., wane, Orph. 77.9.4, Nonn.D.5.164’ B. 11. 3, add ‘; των κτεάνων. .τό λει πόμενον deficiency in possessions, TP5.267.8 (Agath.)’ λείριον ii, after ‘7.13.4’ insert ‘; Narcissus poeticus' add ‘IV. flower of the plant εχις, Nic. FA. 543.’ Χλειριόπρυμνοξ, ον, dub. sens., PHib.u. 1 72. 1 14 (iii b.c.). λείστριον, delete ‘= λίστρων,’ and at end add ‘, 7G22. 16780.45 (λιστρ— lapis; Athens, iv b.c.)’ λειτουργό? n. I, add ‘b. at Athens a clerk named at the end of a list of magistrates and their assistants, 7G22. 1728, 1729,1731 (all i a.d. ; in 1731 λιτοργός; he is a Milesian).’ λείτωρ, for ‘αρωγός λ. Ath. Mitt. 12. 283’ read ‘Αρωγός λ. IG22. 4817 (cf. Ελληνικά 8.229)’ λέκο?, after 'pan,' insert ‘^013.13.116 (Athens, v b.c.),’ χλεκτεϊκα, ή, = Lat. lectica, PBerl.Moller 11.3 (i a.d.). χλεκτικάριος, ό, (Lat. lecticdrius) bearer at funerals, Pland. 8.154 (vi/vii a.d.) . λεκτό? i, add ‘; βουλή BSA51 ,ι6ι C 7 (Chios, vi b.c.).’ χλελεγίζω' τό κιθαρίζω, Theognost.Can.27 A. λεμβαρχέω, for ‘perh. . . (Callipolis)’ read ‘Robert Hell. 9.81 (Parium)’ χλεμησία, ή, dub. sens., PTale 902 + 906 (ii a.d.) in Yale Class. Studies 10.217, line 53; cf. λεμυσος, λεμεΐσα. χλεμψάνη, V. λεφάνη in Suppl. λεντιάριο? (s.v. λεντιον), for ‘prob.. .bath' read ‘= Lat. lintearius, linen-maker or - dealer ' and after T 4.2323’ add ‘, Jahresh. 28 Beibl. 1 15 (Sofia; - τιάρις ); fem. -αρία Wien.Anz. 1956.230. 10 (Lydia) ’ χλεξιγράφο?, ό, = λεξικογράφος, AB 1094. λεξίδιον, for ‘[δΐ]’ read ‘[ϊδ]’ λεξιθηρέω, delete ‘Plu.ap.’ χλεξογράφο?, one who records λέξεις, lexicographer, Sch.Hes.O/). 633-40. χλεοδράκων [d], ovtos, 6, mythical creature ( lion-serpent ), Inscr. Cret. 2 xix 7.19 (Phalasarna, iv b.c.). χλεονταχάτη?, ου, ό, a type of agate, Hippiatr. 2. 148. 5. λεοντοβότο? ii, add ‘; in Νεμέης. ,λεοντοβότου Inscr. Magn. 181.9 (ii a.d.) either meaning is possible’ χλεοντόθυμο?, ον, lion-hearted, Hsch. s.v. θυμολέοντα. χλεοντορήκτη? or λεοντορήκτα, ό, lion-breaker, Bonner Studies in Magical Amulets 169. λεοντόχασμα, add ‘, Aristo in Gnomol.Vat. in Wien. Stud. 10.23’ Χλεοντοχασμάτιον, τό, = foreg., Sch. Pi. Far. 6. 7 S. in PCby. 841. λέπαργο?, for ‘A.Fr.304.5’ read ‘A.Fr.609.5 M.(= S.Fr.581)’ and for ‘sheep or goat’ read ‘calf’ 11, add ‘2. λέπαργος ■ ή χιών, Theognost. Can. 27 A., Zonar.’ λεπαστή, after ‘Hsch.’ add ‘(Lat. lepasta, lepista.)' λεπίδιον I, add ‘2. prob. plating of a ship, POxy. 2195. 141 (vi A.D.).’ λεπιδίσκη, delete the article. χλεπιδώτι?, ιδος, ή, = λεπιδωτό? II. 2, Plin.77jV37· 1 71· λεπιδωτό? ι. 2, add ‘, Sm., Thd. 1 Ki. 1 7-5’ λεπί? 3, add ‘, Ptol.Teir.153’ λεπιστή?, add ‘(fort, λαπιστης )’ χλεπταμικτόριον, τό, a fine amictorium, PFouad Inv. 45.18 (ii/iii a.d.) in Chron.d’Eg. 27(1952). 196. χλεπτοκϋμία, η, gloss on φρίξ, Sch. Gen. II. 23. 692, Hsch. λεπτόπηνο?, after “ύφος” read ‘, cj. for ΰμήν,’ χλεπτοπΰρέτιον, τό, slight fever, Cyran.59 (pi.). χλεπτόρρι?, ινος, with delicate nose, Tz.AUeg.Il.Prol.88\. χλεπτόσφΰρο?, ον, with slender ankles, Hsch. s.v. τανίσφυρος, Rhetor, in Cat.Cod.Astr. 7.209.14. λεπτότη? ii, add ‘2. of style, refinement, delicacy, Hermog.7i/.2.i2 ; of literary style and sculpture, D.H.7ior.3.’ λέπω ii, line 3, after ‘5.10 (Pass.)’ add *, J4F9.330 (Nicarch.)’ χΑεσβιακό?, ή, όν, Lesbian, Λ. λόγοι, a work by Dicaearchus, Cic. Tusc. 1.77; Λεσβιακά, τά, by Myrsilus (Fr.7,8). 92 Λ«σβιάς SUPPLEMENT λίκμητρα Λεσβιά?, add ‘2. Λ. (sc. λίθος), ή, a precious stone, Plin. ΗΝ$"]. I71·’ λέσπιν, after “δε σπίδα” add ‘(leg. λεσπιδα, cf. ελεσπίς with Suppl. and Drachmann Cyrillglossar (1936) p.136.12)’ λέσχη i. 3, lines 5/6, for ‘at Cnidus, council- chamber' read ‘ council-chamber of the Cnidians at Delphi’ Χλεσχήνευμα, ατος, to, place for conversation, Inscr.Cret. 2.v 51 (i A.D.). λεσχηνευτή?, for ‘gossip, chatterer' read ‘γενεσθαι λ. have talks, Ί hales ap.D.L. 1 .43 ; 6 Ποντικός λ. ‘Talker', i.e., author of Λεσχαι Λεσχηνόριο?, line 4, after ‘al.’ add ‘ : written Αεσχηνονριος, ^ΡΧ· Έφ. 1 927/8 p.123 (ii b.c.) ’ λεσώνι?, line 3, after ‘(i a.d.)’ add ‘ ; nom. pi. -ώνες BGUgi6.g, 25 (i a.d.)’ λευκάνθεμον, after ‘ib.22.53’ add ‘ : — also -άνθεμο?, η, Anti- gonus in Sch.Nic. Th.8^.89)’ λιθόδμητο?, after ‘ stone-built ,' insert ‘PHib.11. 172.90 (iii b.c.),’ χλϊθοκονία, ή, dub. sens., Hsch. s.v. στια ψιηφους. χλΐθολόγητο?, ov, built of unworked stones, Inscr.Dilos 1 4 1 6F?i 1 1 (ii B. C.) . χλιθόξεστο?, ov, of polished stone, IG\2(\).8^2.g (Lindos). λίθο? iii, for ‘Epigr. 8.1’ read ‘Fr. 64.7 Pf., ΛΡ9.67.Τ v, for ‘Alc.82’ read ‘Alc.351 L.-P.’; add ‘, cf. Aristid.2.55 J. ; v. κινεω ii. 5 in Suppl.’ χλιθοσσόο?, ov, stone-moving, of the sound of Amphion’s lyre, Nonn.Z). 25.428. λιθόστρωτο? 2, add ‘ : also λ., η, Kourion no. 109.’ λιθουργό? i, add ‘; gem-engraver, seal-cutter, App.Anth. 3. 7 9 (Posi- dipp.)’ χλΐθουρικό?, ή, όν, suffering from λιθουρία, Cyran.116, al. λΐθοφόρο? i, after ‘3.296’ add ‘ ; λ. τον Ιερόν λίθον K. Kou- rouniotes Έλευσινι ακά i C25 (Athens, i B.c.)’ χλίθωμα, ατος, τδ, prob. stone-work, Αρχ. Έφ. 1948/9. 136 (Epid., iv B.C.). χλίκμητρα, τά, payment for winnowing, 557373. 15 (29 a.d.). 93 4* λικναφόρος SUPPLEMENT λουέτιον χλικναφόρος, ον, = λι κνοφόρος, AJA^y .290 (Latium, ii a.d.) ; in a Bacchic θίασος, IGBulg. 401.2 (Apollonia in Thrace), λιμενάρχης, after ‘ harbour-master ,' add ‘Αρχ.Αελτ. 14 Pl.iv 10 (Thespiae, iii b.c.),’ λιμένιον, after “λιμήν," insert ‘ IG f2 (\). y 8. 2y (ii b.c., λι μιν- lapis),’ λιμενίτης, add ‘3. dweller by the harbour, MAM A3. $2^, (Corycus).’ λΐμηρός, add ‘ ; metaph., starveling, τον δ’ οννεκ’ o υδέν πΐον, άλλα λιμηρα έκαστος. . άποκνίζει Call.Tr. 203 ·6θ ΡΙ·’ χλίμϊτον [λϊ], τδ, = Lat. limes, frontier, SEG8. 296.1 (Palestine), 782 (Syene, vi/vii a.d.). Χλιμιτοτρόφος, ον, furnishing subsistence to troops stationed on the frontier, Cod. Theod. 5.13.38, Cod. Just. 11.60, cf. Lat. limitotrophus. λιμναίος I. 1, add of fish, fresh-water, BCH6 0.28 (λιμνήων: Acraephia, ii b.c.)’ λίμνη, line 2, for ‘mere' read ‘lake' λιμνίον, init. insert ‘(parox.)’; before ‘dub.’ insert ‘ Πρακτικά Άκ.ΆΘ. 1 955· 1 72 (Dodona) ;’ λιμός, line 6, before ‘Th.2.54’ insert ‘Hdt.7.171,’ Λίνδος, after ‘Adv.’ add ‘Λίνδοι at Lindos, Clara Rhodos 9.212 (Lindos, v/iv b.c.),’ χΛινδοΰχος, ή, epith. of Athena, Epigr. in Lindos 11. 177.4 (ϋ B-c.). χλινέλαιον, τό, oil of flax, Moses Alch.31 1.18. λίνίος, line 6, after ‘(v.l. λιναία)' insert ‘; contr. λινή, τείναντες λινάς εξαχώς Didyma 43-24’ χλινίσκος, ό, Dim. of λινόν, Eust.i 164.16. λινοκριθή, delete the article. λίνον ii, add ‘6. λ. Καρπάσιον asbestos, Paus.1.26.7.’ χλΐνοξός, δ, perh. scutcher, ΜΑΛΊ A 3. 40 (Meriamlik), 457, al. (Corycus). λινόπληκτος, for ‘also. .Hsch. :’ read ‘but -π ληξ, ηγος, δ, ή, destructive of nets,' and at end add ‘ ; λινοπλήγος· φρενοπλήγος Hsch. is corrupt (perh. ληνό-, v. ληνός y).’ λινοπλυτής, read “λινοπλΰτης [ό], ου" and at end add ‘; also λινοπλύστης (s.v.l.) PRyl. 4.640.8 (iv a.d.)’ λινοττυρος, delete the article. χλΐνοσΐνής, ες, (λίνον, σίνομαι ) = λι νοφθόρος, λακίς prob. in A. Supp. 120 (lyr.). χλϊνόστημα, ατος, τό, cloth woven of flax and wool, lsid. Etym. 19. 22.17. λινοφακός, delete the article. *λΐνϋφαντάριος, o', flax-weaver, MAMA 3.450 (Corycus, written λεν-). λιπαίνω ι. 2, add ‘ : — Pass., of a man, grow fat, Memn.4.7 J.’ Λιπαραΐος, add ‘; also Λιτταραία, η, VMn.HNa,"]· 1 72’ λιπαρόθρονος, add ‘, Theoc.2.165 ( PAntin ., -χροε codd.)’ χλιπαρόσκηπτρος, ον, with shining sceptre, rest, in Simon. 14. Fr. 60 (δ) .4 P. λιπαρόχροος, line 2, after ‘Theoc.2.165’ add ‘(codd., -θρόνε PAntin.)' λιπόναυς, delete ‘(or. .fleet)' λιποναύτης, add ‘, IG 1 2 (2). 6461:50 (Nesus).’ λιπόπνοος I, for ‘dead’ read ‘dying'·, line 2, for ‘(Id.)’ read ‘(Philostr.)’ and for ‘(Philostr.)’ read ‘(An tip.)’ χλΐποτρΐχία, η, scantiness of hair, γενείων Cyran.52 (pi.). χλϊπόχρως, acc. masc. -oa, sleek, ταύρος Nonn.Z). 19.67. χλισκάριος, a, ov, apptly. cultivated, opp. υλιος (Suppl.), πλάξ BCH87.3 (Locr., v B.C.). (Cf. λισγάριον, λίστρον.) λίσπος, add ‘(λισπδς A.D.ap.Suid. s.v. λίσπη)’ λιτανευτικός, add ‘, Sch.Pi.P.4.385’ λιτή I, fin., after ‘E.Or.290’ add υπέρ λειτας perh. = ex vote, /G4.584 (i A.D.)’ χλΐτήσιος, ov, entreating, Nonn.Z).43.i37. χΛϊτοάμφοδον, τδ, name of a block of houses, από τον ο’ικειδίου Λιτοανφόδου του καλούμενου Hesperia 6.390 (Athens, Tab. Defix.). λιτός ι. i, line 11, after ‘ Lav.Pall.2f insert ‘, cf. Id.Fr.i 10.78 Pf·’ in, line 3, after ‘Ap. 10’ insert ‘, Comp., Id.Fr.384. 32 Pf.’ λιτότης i, add of style, O.H.Vett.Cens.5.2' 11, delete ‘(cf. μείωσις)' χλϊτούργιον, v. λειτουργών, also interpr. as little bit of business, small affair, cf. λιτός iii. λιτρισμός, after ‘weight,’ insert ' Edict. Diocl. 19.6,’ λίτρον i, line 2, after ‘Ar.Fr.320.1,’ insert ‘FFG13.13.135 (Athens, v b.c.),’ *λιφερνούντες· εν συνδενόρω τόπιρ προσφιλώς διάγοντες, Hsch., ν. φιλερνεω. λίχνος ι. ι, lines 3/4, delete ‘metaph. . .579b 2, lines 1/2, for 'curious. .Theb.4 :’ read ‘ greedy , inquisitive, PI. R. 579b, Crates Theb.4; όμματα or όμμα Call.Fr.57i Pf., cf. Fr.l86.26, AP 16.306 (Leon.), 12.106 (Mel.):’; line 3, for ‘λ. ειμ'ι . . Fr. g8d’ read ‘λ. έσσί γάρ και τό μευ πυθέσθαι Call. Fr. I q6. 45 Pf·’ λιΜ, _ _ ». -c · ι υ to aU ιΐ· ι, add ‘; used like κάλαμος (q.v. in Suppl.) in building, Ιΰ22.φ^.68' λογαριάζω, line 1, after ‘Ar.P/.38i’ add ‘; Pass, λογαριασθήναι, expl. of ευθΰνας δούναι, Anon, in Rh. 204.20’ χλογαριαστής, οΰ, ό, calculator, Alex.Aphr. in SE 12.36. χλογάρίτης [ϊ], ου, ό, cashier, MAMA3.280 (Corycus). λογγάζω, add ‘; dub. in PMich. 8.486.18 (ii a.d.).’ χλογέω, ν. λογάω II. χλογή, ή, attention, heed, λογήν μου μη έχουσαν PMich. iii 217.6 (iii A.D.) . χΛογίνα [ϊ], ά, Female Reason (?), Λόγος κα'ι Λ., title of a play of Epicharmus, Epich.Fr.87-89. χλογίσκος, δ, short story, prob. cj. in Antiph.207. χλογιστορικά, τδ, category of works by Varro. χλογιστός, η, όν, ( λογίζομαι ) to be counted or calculated, Call .Fr. 196.47 Pf. Χλογομάχος, ον, ν. νπήρατος. λογοποιέω ii, add ‘2. remonstrate, PMich.Teb. 2.229.18, 230.16, cf. POxy. 2234.17 (all i a.d.).’ χλογοπράκτης, ου, δ, accountant, P Harris 96. 26 (i/ii a.d.). λόγος i. 1 a, add ‘ : also of other things than money, ο’ινικός λ. Stud. Pal. 20.89 ii 1, λ. κριθής PCair .Jen.\8\.\ (iii b.c.)’. Add ‘c. εκ λόγου, in accounts, brought forward, freq. in papyri, εγ λ. λήμματος τοϋ δέκατου έτους PLond. 1.131 (i A.D.) ; εγ λ. του μηνός έλοιπογραφήθησαν there were entered as balance from the month’s account, BGU362 vi 9 (iii a.d.) ; τδ εγ λ. τον Φαμενώθ the balance from Ph., PCair.£en. 333.1 (iii b.c.); o e^eii εγ λ. the balance you have in hand, ib.593.12 (iii b.c.): see also εκλογος (C) in Suppl.’ 2, line 13, after ‘al. ;’ insert ‘εις μισθόν λ. Plu.2.24od ;’ ; line 14, after *5i7b27’ insert \ Plb.9.20.3’ ; 4, line 15, after ‘vi. 2 e)’ insert ‘; ουδ ’ εν λόγω άνδρα τιθείην Tyrt.12.1’ ii. 2, add ‘; λόγον εχειν πρός τι be in proportion to, Plu.2.i47a’ vi. 1 a, fin., after ‘also in sg.,’ insert ‘τά μεν αν Μοΐσα ι. ,εμβαΐεν λόγ[ω] Ibyc.l (β).24Ρ· ;’ and for ‘Id.’ read ‘S.’ 3 a, add ‘ ; παρείναι εν λ., i.e. where there is speaking, οί π. εν λ. who hear my words, E.F/i.149 (v.l.), cf. Ar.AcA.513; ώνδρες oi παρόντες εν λ. gentlemen of the audience, Id.Ac.30; από λόγου apptly. orally, PMich.8. 4^2.5, 19 (ii a.d.)’ vii. 2, line 4, after ‘Luc. A/ex. 9, etc. ;’ insert ‘ίνα τό τον λόγου πάθω Men. Dysc. 633 j’ add ‘XI. Λόγος καί Λογίνα, Male and Female Reason (?), title of a play by Epicharmus, Epich.Fr.87- 89·’ χλογχοβόλος, δ, spearman, Ps.-Callisth.53.22. χλοιγίζω, λοιγισθηναι· άπολέσθαι, Theognost.CaH.22. λοιδορέω ιι, line 3, delete ‘τίνος Ach.Tat. ι .6 ;’ ; line 4, after “πρός τινα” insert ‘Macho ap.Ath. 13.578ε,’ λοιπογραφεω, for the present article substitute : ‘enter as the amount of arrears, PGoodsp.Cair.y.y (ν. μηνιεΐος), cf. PHamb.^A 3,B2 (i a.d.). b. of the debtor who acknowledges the debt, PGiss. 46. 5 (ii a.d.). c. allow deferred payment of, δυο συνγραφάς ελ. χωρίς αργυρίου κομιδης IG 12 (5). 860.23 (Tenos, i b.c.). 2. carry over as balance, BGU382V19, xiv 1 7, al. (iii a.d.) : metaph., χρόνους —ονμενονς the balance, Nech. ap.Vett.Val.279.12. II. c. acc. pers., enter as in arrears or in debt, PFay. 109.7 (i B.c./i a.d.); so prob. in Pass., μηδέν αυτόν —εισθαι PLond. 3.940 (iii a.d.). b. allow a person to defer payment, άφ’ ών ελ. αυτόν FGG362iii2i, cf. PPetr. 3 p.154 (iii B.c.).’ λοιπογραφή, for ‘= sq.’ read ‘balance carried over', for ‘85’ read ‘S^Bf, and add ‘ ; λοιπογρα[φό.ς] έαυτοΐς προσηφαν (of magistrates leaving office) i.e. acknowledged a balance owing from them, Ja.hresh.2y Beibl.22 (Ephesus, ii a.d., pi.)’ λοίσθιος, add TI. worst, E.Med.i 105.’ χλοΐτος, a, ov, Aeol., prob. = αγνός, λ. νόω SEG8.y 16. 14 (Balbilla). λοξοβάμοισι, delete ‘(leg... -βάμων)’ and after ‘Hsch.’ add ‘(from Greg.Naz.).’ λοξοκέλευθος, after ‘D. 5.233’ add ‘(cj.)’ λοξόφθαλμος, after ‘ oblique-eyed ,’ insert ‘Ptol. Petr. 144,’ λοπαδοφυσητής, delete ‘: — perh.. .λωτδς’ λοπάς I. 1 b, line 2, for ‘, al.’ read ‘ ; rich food, AP12.44 (Glauc.).’ 2, for frying-pan' read ‘ casserole ’ and after ‘Arched.2.4’ insert ‘, Μεη.£)^.52θ’ λοπάω I, add ‘ ; cf. λοπώντα· λέπι ζόμενον η λοπιζόμενον, Hsch. : prob. metaph., A.Fr.110.6 M.’ λοπίδιον, add ‘, cf. lnscr.Dilos 144^1162 (ii b.c.)’ λοπίζω, after ‘Hsch.’ insert ‘ ; hence of the gilding of a vessel, flake off, θυμιατήριον . . περικεχρυσωμένον, τινά δε λελοπ ισμένον Inscr. Delos 1429^1112,13 (ii b.c.)’ λόπιμος, for the present article substitute ‘λόπιμον, τδ, chestnut, Nic.Fr.76, Ath.2.53b, Dsc.1.106, Hsch. : — also -ιμος, δ, Gal. 6.621, cf. 12.420.’ λορδόω, line 2, after ‘Hp. Art. 46,’ insert ‘Μεη.Ζ))\ίΊ:.533,’ χλουδάριοι, oi, perh. the staff of a Indus other than the gladiators, φαμίλια μονομάχων καί λουδαρίων IGRom. 4.1453 (Smyrna), see Robert Les Gladiateurs pp.209,285 n.2. χλοΰδος, δ, = Lat. ludus, IGRom. 4.1072, PLips. 57.11. χλουετιον, τδ, perh. = λουτήρων, λ. χαλκοΰν τετρημένον IG\. 1 588. 17 (Aegina). 94 λουκανικόν SUPPLEMENT Μαιμακτήρια χλουκανικόν, τό, = Lat. lucanicum, sausage, PLond. 1259.3°, PRyl. 4.627.208, al. (both iv a.d.), Charis.94.12. χλουσώριον, τό, pleasure-ship, cf. Lat. lusoria navis, IGRom. 3. 481 (Termessus, iii a.d.). λουτήρ, delete ‘Supp.Epigr.. . i a.d.),’ and ‘IGRom. 4.454..1 a.d.),’ and at end add ‘ ; used for oil, IGRom. 4.454.10, SEG$. 263.10 (both i a.d.), OG/479.10 (Dorylaeum).’ χλούτρα, ή, sarcophagus, coffin, MAMA5.210, al. (Corycus) ; cf. μάκρα, πυρία. ΧοΟτρον ii, line 2, delete Έ.ΡΛ.1667,’ λουτροφορέω, add ‘ ; hold office of λουτροφόρος, λοντροφορησαντα bis Rev.Phil. 32 (1958). 57 (Iasus).’ λουτροφόρος i, add ‘b. priestess of the Cabiri, Didyma 330.4.’ λούω i, add ‘c. provide free baths, IGRom. 4.555, Demitsas ΜακεΒ. 51·’ λοφίδιον, after ‘λόφος ii,’ insert ‘Men.TTyic.ioo,’ λοφορρώγα, add ‘, cf. Hippon.ix.39 D.3’ λόφος, line 1, after ‘II. 23. 508’ insert but mane, Ael.NA 16.20’ χΑοφριαΐος, = Λαφρ., IGg2(i). 100,105 (Aetolia, ii B.c.). λοχαγέτας, after ‘A.Th.42,’ insert ‘£r.223a4 M. (pi.),’ λοχαγός, add, before the final remark, ‘3. leader of Ephebi, 7G22.2976 (iii b.c.), Άρχ.Έφ. 1918.75 (Amphiaraum).’ λοχαίος I, line 1, for “ = λόχιος” read ‘in ambush’ 11, for the present section substitute ‘teeming, σχΐνος Arat.1057; σίτος Phot, (expld. as βαθός) ; so prob. in Thphr.C53.2 1 .5, 23-5·’ λοχεΐος i, line 3, delete ‘θυέτωσαν . . 20469 ;’ ; line 5, delete ‘; cf. λοχαίος’ χλοχ€υτικός, η, όν, connected with childbirth, metaph. ή λ. — λοχεό- τρια II, midwife, λ. των γενεσιουργών λόγων Procl. in R. 1 . 1 8.28. λοχεύτρια ii, add ‘ ; Λοχεότριαι, in the cult of Hera at Argos, Agias and Dercylus in P Milan .171119’ λοχεύω, add ‘IV. (λόχος i) λοχεύοντες ■ ένεΒρεόοντες, Hsch.’ χλοχιάς, άδος, ή, aiding birth, epith. of Hecate, PMag.Par. 1.2285. λοχίζω, add ‘IV. λοχισθέν γεννηθέν η σφαγέν, Hsch.’ λόχιος iii. ι, add ‘ ; offered in sacrifice, Antim.182 W. ; procession to make such sacrifice, al τα λόχια έκπορευόμεναι και ζωννόμεναι Milet 1(7)204^9» cf· SIG1219.15’ λοχισμός, add ‘II. in pi., formations into λόχοι, cj. in A.Ag.404 (lyr. ; λογχίμους codd.) ; cf. λοχίζω II.’ χλόχον, v. λαγχάνω (Suppl.). λυάζει, add ‘, cf. Theognost.Ca«.22.’ Αυαΐος, line 2, after ‘(cf. Lat. Lyaeus ),’ insert MP6.154 (Leon, or Gaet.),’ χλύγγουρος, ό, = λυγγοόριον, Cyran.28.3. λύγη, after ‘III. 25’ add ‘(s.v.l.)’ λύγκειος, for ‘ (Λυγκεός) of Lynceus’ read ‘(λυγξ) of a lynx’ and at end add ‘; δέρμα λ. /G7.3062.5 (Edict. Diocl., λυκν - lapis)’ λυγμός, add ‘III. perh. sighing, Aq., Sm.17ri.25.31 (βδελυγμός Lxx).’ λυγξ (A), after ‘λυγκός (’ add ‘λυγγός ΑέΙ.ΝΑη .47, al. ; acc.’ and for ‘in E. . . but’ read ‘E.PV.863 ;’ add ‘III. perh. a species of ape, Gal. 2. 430, 535.’ χλυγών, ώνος, ό, plantation of λόγοι, prob. in ZII/338.2i (Caria) ; cf. λόγων sine expl. Theognost.Can.31.7, λόγωνος Suid. χΛϋδηίς, ibos, ή, Lydian, Hermes. 6. 41. χΛϋδιεργής, ες, of Lydian workmanship, Call. Fr. 196.29 Pf. Λύδιος, line 2, after ‘Harm. 1’ add ‘, etc., v. CP59.5’ χλϋήεις, εσσα, εν, discordant, Hdn.Gr.1.59 (also contr. λυής, ηντος ibid.). χλύημβρος, ό or ή, a. fish, = βεμβράς, Cyran.46.i5. χλϋθίραμβος (v.l. λυθίραμμος), V. διθύραμβος fin. χλυκαιμία, ή, dub. sens., perh. wolf-thicket, i.e. a thicket (σιμός) haunted by wolves, οΐος έοίκησα λυκαιμίαις Ale. 1 30.25 L.-P., v. Page Sappho and Alcaeus, p.205. χΑυκ<τ)^>ιάδες- κόρα ι τον αριθμόν λ', al τό ύδωρ κομίζουσαι εις τό Λύκειον Αθηναίων, Hsch. χλυκίδιον, τό, dub. sens, et lect., Ostr.Mich. 1.9 (iii b.c.). λύκιον i. 2, line 2, before ‘Dsc.’ insert ‘Peripl.M.Rubr. 49,’ λύκος I, add ‘b. λ. κεραστής lynx, Edict. Diocl. 8.35.’ λυκοσπάς i, for ‘bees’ read ‘wasps’, for ‘oxen’ read ‘horses’, and after ‘ad loc.)’ add ‘, but the text is corrupt’ χλυμάγωνεία, ή, perh. villainy, BGU 1823.24 (i b.c.). λυμαίνομαι (B), line 3, after ‘A.Ch.290’ insert ‘, fut. λυμανθη- σομαι A.Fr.474.12 Μ.’ λυμάντωρ, add ‘, SEG9.1.70 (Cyrene, iv b.c.)’ λυραοιδάς, line 3, for ‘, Plu. . . 33’ read ‘ ; for P1u.£m5.33 v. λυσιωΒός (Suppl.)’ λυρόκτυπος, for “—κτύπος” read “-κτύπος” and after ‘ Epigr . Gr.’ insert ‘663.7,’; after ‘2.’ insert ‘(proparox.)’ χλυσίνοσος, ον, curing disease, φάρμακα Rev.Et.Gr. 69.127. λυσιπόλεμος, before ‘name’ insert ‘ender of wars, of a person, £££9.63.3 (Cyrene, iv b.c.) ; as’ λυσίπονος, add ‘; ύπνος AP 12.127 (Mel.)’ λυσιωδός, line 2, after ‘Plu. Suit.’ add ‘33 (codd. λυρωδ-),1 λυσσοδίωκτος, add ‘(dub.)’ λυτήρ, add ‘III. destroyer, Byzantion 5.10 (Stobi, iv a.d.).’ λυτήριος i, line 6, delete ‘to. .758;’ 11, line 3, after ‘106;’ add ‘ πημονής , of drunkenness, S.PV.758 (where τό μεθύειν are words of Ath.) ;’ λυχναπτεομαι, read “λυχναπτέω” and at end add ‘(Pass.)’ χλυχνάτης, prob. written for λυχνάπτης, MAMA3.437 (Corycus). λυχνία, after ‘ lamp-stand ,’ insert ‘Ath. Mitt. N.s.6.16 (Samos, vi B.C.),’ Χλυχνιάζω, supply a lamp, έλαίω λ. PWarren 21.1 (iii a.d.). Χλυχνικόν, τό, dub. sens., MAMAd.^i. λυχνΐτις, add ΊΙ. = λυχνίτης ii, λ. ζώνη boundary-wall, GLP 1. 1 05 (a). 6.’ χλυχνοδότης, ον, ό, lantern-giver, priest in an Egyptian temple, PHib. 11. 213. 12 (iii b.c.). λυχνοκαΐα, add ‘; written λυχνοκαιία, SEGg. 13.16 (Cyrene, iv B.C.)’ λύχνος, add ‘III. pi., title of book, Gell .Praef.7.’ χλυχνουρέοντες, ol, unknown objects (made of bronze), Inscr. Dilos 14175137 (ii b.c.), al. λυχνοΰχος, for ‘ lampstand’ read ‘ lantern , with panels of horn, used in the open air’ λύω i. 1 a, add ‘; abs. λυόμενος — discinctus, Aq.i7fi.20.il.’ add ‘c. (under the influence of Rabbinical phrases) declare lawful, Ev.Matt. 16.19,18.18, opp. δέω.’ ii. 1, line 3, after ‘etc.’ insert ‘ ; λ. τάξιν break rank, Polyaen.7.28.2’ v. 2, line 2, before “ένθα” insert ‘perh. only in’; line 3, omit ‘but’ χλώβη|, ηκος, 6, — γόφ, Cyran.28. λώβησις, add ‘, Sch.E.T/fc.iogS’ χλωδϊκάριος, ό, maker of coverlets or blankets, Teucer in Boll Sphaera p.45. Αώος, add ‘ ; at Ephesus and at Tyre, Hemerolog.Flor. pp.75, 77 (14,18 K.)’ χλωποδϋτία, ή, = λωποΒυσ ία, Poll. 7.42. χλωράμεντα, τά, — Lat. loramenta, harness, Edict. Diocl. 8. 8. χλωρΐκα, η, = Lat. lorica, POxy. 812 (i b.c.). λώρος i, add ‘ ; neut. pi. λώρα, Hsch. s.vv. ηνίαι, ηνία σιγαλόεντα’ λωτός iii. 1 b, line 2, for ‘(lyr.)’ read ‘(chiefly lyr.; also HF 11)’ χλωτοσπορεύς, έως, ό, sower of fodder plants, PTeb.892, (ii b.c.). λωφάω i. 4, line 3, after ‘Th.7.77’ add ‘, Isoc.15.127’ M, line 3, before ‘stands’ insert ‘more often’ μάγγανον ii, add ‘ ; μ. πλοϊκόν, v. φεσκάσιον.’ χμαγειρηΐα, ή, prob. tax on or licence for butchers (cf. μαγειρικός 4), Bechtel Aeolica (Halle 1909) p.33 (Eresus). μαγειρικός 4, delete ‘either, .or’ ; for ‘P£en. in Arch.Pap. 8.79’ read ‘£57645.13’ and after ‘(ii b.c.)’ add ‘, Inscr. Magn. 116.42 (ii a.d.)’; add ‘5. dub. sens., μ. έμπλαστρος PSI 1180.44 (it A. D.).’ χμαγείριος or -ίριος, epith. of Apollo in Cyprus, Rev. Arch. 8(1936). 4 (iii b.c.). μαγεύω iii. 2, for ‘ call forth ’ read ‘ create or influence ’ and for ‘, cf.’ read ‘ ; έρωτα’ χμάγιστερ, ερος, ό, = Lat. magister, 5£5j.8 1. 1 o (v/vi a.d.). χμαγιστριανός, ό, = Lat. magistrianus , POxy. 904.2 (v a.d.). χμαγίστρος, ό, = Lat. magister, BGU927.5 (iii a.d.). χμαγιστρότης, ητος, ή, office of the magister, PAmh. 138.1 1 (iv a.d.). χμαγίστωρ, ορος, ό, — Lat. magister, PLond. 1790.10 (v/vi a.d., -σσ- Pap.) ; written μαίστωρ, Suid. χμαγκίπισσα, ή, female baker, Lxx Sch. 1 77.8.13. χμάγκιψ, ίπος, = Lat. manceps, MAMAg.epg, al. (Corycus). Μάγνης, line 3, after ‘Theoc.22.79’ add ‘, A.R. 1.584’ Μάγος I, line 2, after T 5.3.1’ add ‘(Μάγος in A. Pers. 318 prob. refers to the same tribe)’ 11, after ‘magical,’ insert ‘έπωδαί Sosiph.i ;’ χμάγουλον, τό, cheek, Melamp. p.503 F. (so in Mod. Greek). χμάγουσαΐος, ό, = μάγος I. 2, Suid. S.v. γοητεία. μαδαρός 2, add ‘ ; nickname for a bald man, Cic.Att. 14.2.2’ μαδαρόω, after ‘bald,’ insert ‘rest, in Inscr. Cret.i .xvi 6.1-111.24 (Latos, ii b.c.) ;’ μαδάω, add ‘3. πάς ώμος μαΒών every shoulder (was) worn smooth (or sore), Lxx £2.29.18.’ μάζα, line 1, after ‘Hdn.Gr.2.937’ insert ‘: accentuated μάζα in 5£7 1216 i 7 (i/ii a.d.)’ μαζονόμιον, add ‘, Poll. 6. 87’ μαζονόμον, after ‘(Didyma, iii b.c.),’ add ‘Varro RR 3.4.3, Hor. Sat. 2. 8.86,’ χμαθκων or μαθκωνον, pi. μαθκωνα, name of a garment, SEGj. 417,419 (Semitic word). Μαίανδρος ii, add ‘ : expld. as κόσμος τις όροφικός παρά τοΐς άρχιτέκτοσι, Sch.y456.286 ; as εΐΒος ιππασίας παρά τοΐς ίππο- δαμασταΐς, ibid.’ Μαιμακτήρ, after “Μαιμάκτης” insert ‘, so prob. in IG12 Suppl. (2). 239. 10; pi. dub. in 16.12(2). 70. 9 (both Mytilene)’; at end add ‘ ; also at Ephesus, Jahresh.50 Beibl. 195 (i B.c./i a.d.)’ x Μαιμακτήρια, τά, autumn festival in Thasos, BCH82.195 (iv B. C.). 95 Μαιμάκτης SUPPLEMENT Μάρων Μαιμάκτης, add at Naxos, Δι ός Μ. IG 12 (5) -47’ μαινάς χι, for ‘esp. of love’ read ‘applied to the ίυγξ ’ and after ‘P. 4.216’ add μαινάδα βότρυν TP4.1.25 (Mel.)’ μαινόλης x, line 1, after ‘Sapph.1.18’ insert ‘L.-P. ; θίασος Phot., Suid. s.v. θίασος’ ; at end add ‘ : pi. μαινόλ ιδες (μεν- lapis) Bacchants, SFGi 7.772 (iii a.d.)’ μαινόλιος, add epith. of Zeus, 7Gi2(2)-484.i6 (Mytilene)’ μαίνομαι, line 4, after ‘also’ add ‘ μεμάνηκα [ά] Arg.Men.Oxy. 1235.66 ( μεμενηκέναι Pap.), and’, and before ‘Theoc.’ insert ‘Men.Epit.33g,’ χμαΐοι, οί, adoptive parents, IGi2(3).igg (Paros), μαιόομαι I. I, line 2, after ‘Plu. 2.999c add ‘τάς 'Εβραίας Lxx Fx.1.16; γαστέρας APg.311;’; and before ‘2.’ add ‘b. help to bring a child to the birth,’ folld. by ‘ύμέας. . 14.967.’ from lines 2-4· χΜαιουμάς, a, 6, festival in Syria and elsewh., IGRom.3.^2 (Nicaea), Gerasa N0.279 (vi a.d.). μαιριάω, add ‘ ; cf. μαρίω ’ χμάκαμον, τό, beer, κερβησίας ήτοι μακάμου Edict. Diocl.2. II (Aegira). μακάρι, add ‘(cf. Mod.Gr. μακάρι, Ital. magari ‘perhaps’)’ μακάριος I. 1, after ’happy,’ insert ‘Hippon.30 D.3,’ μακεδνάς, hne 1, after ‘Od.7.106;’ insert ‘prob. rest, in A.Fr. 497ai3 M. χΜακεδονιάρχης, ον, o, governor of Macedonia, Arch.Anz.Beibl. 1 942. 176 (Macedonia): — also fem. -άρχισσα, ibid. hence Adj. Μακεδονιαρχικός, ή, όν, εν προβολαΐς M. (cf. προβολή rv), ibid. Μακεδών, add ‘III. t.t. for a method of forming line, Arr. Tact. 31.4.’ μάκελλα, add ‘2. = Gat. pal a, spade, Edict. Diocl. 13.4.3.’ Μακηδών, line 2, after ’Del. 167;’ insert ‘fem. Adj. Μακηδονίς, ίδος, GVI 1013.1 (Alexandria, i/ii a.d.), prob. rest, in Poet. ap.Serv.ylrw.12.691 ;’ μάκιρ, for ‘ Ailanthus malabarica ’ read ‘ Myristica malabarica Lam.’ χμακροβϊοτεία, η, longevity, Phld.&gw.i 7. μακρόθεν, μακρόθι, init., add ‘(parox.)’ χμακρόουρος, ον, long-tailed, Cyran.65. μακρόπορος, before ’travelling' insert ‘having a long course or orbit (opp. βραχνπ.), Procl. in R.2.20 K. ;’ and for ‘Procl.’ read ‘Id.’ μακροπώγων, add ‘; Cat.Cod.Astr.i t (2). 138. 10’ μακρός ill. 2, add ε’ς το μακράν in height, Call.Fr.196.31 Pf.’ μακρότης, add τοΰ ρυθμοΰ, i.e. abundance of long syllables, Demetr.Tiy0c.4o’ χμακρόχειρον, τό, = Lat. tunica manicata, Dura 4 98. χμακροχρονία, ή, long duration, βίου Moses Alch.315.17. μακροψυχία, for ‘f.l. . .in’ read ‘patience, length of view,’ μακτήριον i, delete ‘= μάκτρα. . isgd :’ and for ‘7.32 P.’ read ‘23.11 Pf.’ χμακτήριος, a, ov, of a kneader, Plu.0.i59d. μάκτρον, add ‘, Jahresh. 1 Beibl.74 (Ephesus, iv a.d.; written μακρον)’ μάλα ii, line 2, for ‘Ion.. .Tyrt.12.6’ read ‘μάλλο Ath.Mitt.36. 124 (Smyrna), Ion. μάλιον [ά] only in Tyrt.12.6 and Call. Fr.67.13 Pf.’ iii. 1, line 3, after Td.Grg.510b insert ‘ώς ένι μάλιστα Men.Dysc.6gg ;’ μαλάβαθρον, line 3, after ‘Gal. 12.66,’ add ‘Androm.ap.eund.14. 41,’ and before ‘ maldbathrum ’ insert ‘μήλο βάθρου Androm.l.c.,’ μάλαγμα II, add ‘ ; τά μ. των νεών Hsch. s.v. σπεΐραι χμάλαθρον, τό, gloss on άνηθον, Sch. Theoc. 7.63. μαλάκια, for ‘i.e. . .shells,' read “όσα άναιμα όντα έκτος έχει τό σαρκώδες, εντός 8’ εΐ τι έχει στερεόν” μαλακίων, for ‘endearment, darling ’ read ‘contempt, minion ’ χμάλάκόμμάτος, ov, soft-eyed, ύπνος Lyr.Adesp.ii(g).! P. μαλακός II, add ‘3. of style, gentle, D.H.T>ctm.20. Adv. -κώς fd.Pomp.6.’ μαλακάφρων, for ‘69.13’ read ‘69.17’ μαλακτήρ, delete “χρυσοϋ μ. και” μαλάχη ι, add and μολάχη Epigr.Gr. 1135’ μαλάχιον, add ‘2. Dim. of μαλάχη, mallow, P Indiana Univ.4. 1 (iii a.d.) , v. Class. Phil. 43 (1948).! 12.’ χΜάλεάτεια, τά, festival of Apollo of Malea, 7G5(i).2I3-57 (Sparta, v b.c.). μάλευρον, delete ‘Ale. 70, Achae.51,’ and after ‘Theoc. 1 5.1 16,’ insert ‘Call. Fr. 177. 18 Pf.,’ μάλη 2, add ‘, cf. αί υπό μάλης πράξεις Plu. 2. 64ε’ χμαληκω πεδίω (παι8- cod.)· χοιριδίω δεσμώ, Hsch. χμαλθάκιάξω, = κιναιδίζω, Cyran.25. χμάλία, Aeol. for μηλέα, Sapph.2.3 L.-P. μάλκιος, last line, for ‘Poet. ap. Sch. Nic. Th. 382’ read ‘Nic.Fr.22 (μάλλον codd., μάλκη Gow)’ χΜάλόεις, εντός, ό, I. epith. of Apollo in Lesbos, Th.3.3, etc. II. = Λέσβιος, Μαλόες (Dor. = Μαλόεις) ήλθε χορός Call. Fr. 485 Pf. μαλοπάραυος, for ‘Aeol. for μηλοπάρειος ’ read ‘ with well- rounded cheeks (cf. μήλον (b) ii. 2) or with white cheeks (cf. μάλός), A1c.26i (6)i 5 L.-P. (rest.),’ μάλουρις, add ‘, v.l. in Call.Gcr.i 10.’ μάμμη, add ‘ ; written μάμη, lVien.Anz.ig6i .124 (Lydia, iii a.d.)’ μαμμία, add ‘, 7G22.I0743 (iv B.C.)’ μανάκις, after ‘Hsch. ;’ add ‘but = μυριάκις,' and at end ‘ap. Zonar. (μά-)’ μανδάκης, after “ό,” insert ‘or μανδάκη, ή,’ and in line 3 after ‘26’ add also μάνδαξ, ακος, ό, PRein.2. 1 10.8,10 (iii a.d.)’ μανδάκιον, add ‘, PHamb.21.3 (iv a.d., μαντακ— Pap.)’ μάνδαλος, add ‘, Hsch. s.v. καβλήής) (q.v. in Suppl.)’ μανδήλη, after ‘(v a.d.)’ add ‘; cf. μαντήλη (Suppl.)’ χμάνδιξ, ικος, ό, — Lat. mantica, wallet, Vit. Aesop. (G)4, al. μάνδρα I, line 2; after ‘2.648a;’ insert ‘for sheep, Nonn.D.34. 252 χμανδράγόριον, τό, = μανδραγόρας, Cyran.48. Χμανδράρχης, ου, ό, stable-master, PHib. 11. 2 1 1 .6 (iii b.c.). χμανέανα, τά, dub. sens., 7?Gf/544-25 (ϋ a.d.). μάνης ii, for ‘small bronze figure' read ‘part of stand’ μανία (A), add ‘IV. μανία, woman’s exclam, expressing either admiration or scorn, crazy!, Macho ap.Ath.13.578d.’ χμανίζω, prob. damage, Ramsay Cities and Bishoprics 1 p.157. μανός I, add ‘2. metaph., mentally weak, Suid. s.v. μανόν.’ ii. 2, after “-νώς,” add ‘Hermog.77.2.i2 ;’ fin., after ‘[o’ delete ‘Telecl.61, cf.’ and after ‘Emp.l.c.’ insert ‘, cf. AB31.31, and μάνάκις’ χμανούβριον, τό, = Lat. manubrium, BGU344.22 (ii a.d., pi.). χμαντηλάριος, ή, one of the women who brought towels or napkins at a banquet (cf. Verg.G.4.377), Buckler Anat. Studies 121. χμαντήλη, ή, = μανδήλη, Poll. 7.74. μαντικός I. I, add ‘; μαντικώτερα είρήσθαι Plu. Ca/. Λ/i. 52, cf. Pomp.6o’ 11, line 3, after ‘hue. Hes.f insert ‘ ; skilled in taking auspices, Plu. Cam. 32’ χμάντιος, dub. sens., Theognost.Caw.58. μάντις ii, delete ‘a kind of grasshopper,' χμάντος, ό, short cloak, cf. Lat. mantum, Edict. Diocl.1g.3g. μαντωος, add ‘, Olymp. in Ale. p.201’ χμάνότειρα [ΰ], ή, Dor. fem. of μηνυτή ρ, στάλα SEG8.482 (Egypt, i B.c./i a.d.) . μάνωσις add ‘ ; ή των άστρων μ. the stars’ power of rarefying the darkness, Hp.Hebd.i .2’ χΜαξΐμιάνειος, a, ov, in honour of Maximianus, αγών JRS3. 28g, al. (Antioch in Pisidia). χμάππα, ή, = Lat. mappa, napkin, Vit. Aesop. (G) 4.4. μαππάριος, add ‘ ; written μαμπ- PGrenf.2. \ 1 1.12 (v/vi a.d.).’ μαπιτίον, delete ‘POxy. 1051. 17 (iii a.d.),’ and after ‘Gloss.’ add ‘ ; written μαπιν POxy. 1 05 1 . 1 7 (iii a.d.) , pi. μαπία PRyl.62"j.20 (iv A.D.), μαμπία POxy. 1741.17, μαπα dub. in ib. 1051.19.’ μάραγδος, after “σμάραγδος,” acid ‘Men.315 Koerte,’ χμαραθάς, 5, ό, seller of fennel , dub. in IG\2(g)-322 (Euboea), cf. Rev. Phil. 18(1 944). 52. Μαραθωνάδε, add ‘, Poet.ap.Arisl. Po. I458bg’ μαραίνω, line 5, delete ‘(leg. -αμμ-)’ and after ‘Plu. Pomp. 31’ insert ‘, cf. μεμαραμένη GF7i8oi.2 (Bithynia, late Imperial)’ μαργάω, after ' (μάργος) ’ add ‘except for μαργά· μα ργ αινεί (Hsch.)’ μάργος ι, fin., after ‘of wine,’ insert ‘ maddening ,' and at end add ‘(s.v.l.)’ μαριευς, for ‘Hsch. (μαριζενς cod.)’ read ‘but Hsch. calls it μαριζενς. II. Μαριευς, of the town Marion in Cyprus, M. άλοιμός S.Fr.6g’ χμαριζεός, v. μαριευς in Suppl. χμαρίκη, = κολοκνν τη, Suid. χμάριον, τό, Dim. of μάρις, POxy. 1297 (iv A.D.). μάρις, add ΤΙ. = τό μακράν πέπερι, Hsch.’ μαρίω, delete ‘Dor. μαιριάω,’ and at end add ‘(Cf. μαιριάω.)’ μαρμάρεος, line 1, before “a, ov” insert ‘Aeol. -ιος’ (GDlgi 1.36 (Cyme)),’ 11, add ‘ ; είκών GDI l.c.’ μαρμαρίζω, line 2, for ‘—ιζοόσας Pi. Fr. 123.2’ read ‘—ιζοίσας Pi. Fr. 123.3 S· (v.l. —υζοίσας)’ μαρμαρικός, add ", cf. Zos.Alch. 186.2’ χμαρμάριος (A), a, ov, Aeol. for μαρμάρεος, GDI311.36 (Cyme). II. Μαρμάριος, ό, epith. of Apollo at Delos, Inscr.Dilos 2473. χμαρμάριος (B), prob. = μαρμαράριος, AIAMA3.683 (Corycus). μαρμαρόεις, for “= μαρμάρεος” read ‘ gleaming ’ and add ‘II. of marble, μ. στήλη IGg(2) .650, cf. 14.1603.’ χμαρμαρότταιστος, ov, struck out of marble, είκών Epigr. in JHS13. 139 (ca. ii a.d.). χμαρμαρόζω, = μαρμαίρω, Pi. Fr. 1 23.3 S. (v.l.). μαρμάρωσις, add ‘, cf. Keil-Premerstein Dritter Bericht 64 (iv a.d.) . 2. marble paving, JHS28.ig3 (Side)’ μαροόλιον, before ‘cf.’ insert ‘so in Mod. Gr. ;’ μαρτυρία i, lines 4/5, delete ‘μαρτυριών. . 1316;’; line 8, after ‘ commendation ,’ insert ‘D.H. Th.33 ;’ μαρτυροποιΐα, after ‘Ptol. Tetr. 183 (pi.)’ add ‘(v.l.)’ μάρτυς I, add ‘b. as Adj., μάρτυρι σιγή Nonn.D.3.123 ; μ. πομπή ib.4.207·’ Μάρων, line 2, after ‘Od.g.197’ add ‘ ; a companion of Dionysus, Pap. in Aegyptus 6.192’ 96 μασάομαι SUPPLEMENT μελάνζοψο? μασάομαι I, fin., delete ‘, or Att. Prose.’ *μασηματιον, τό, snack, Hsch. s.v. νησιγδα. μάσθλης, line 3, for ‘Sapph.19’ read ‘Sapph.39.2 L.-P., dub. in Ale. 1 43. 1 2 L.-P.’ μασθός, add ΊΙ. Dor. for μαδός, Heraclides ap.Eust. 1562.4.’ μάσσω, line 6, after ‘[d]’ insert ‘(μαεν Schwyzer 230 (Arcesilas vase, vi b.c.) has been interpreted as = μαγέν, sc. τδ σίλφιον)’ μαστίζω, line 3, after ‘(Leon. Alex.)’ add ‘; also μαστισθείς SEG 8.246.17 (Palestine, ii a.d.)’ χμαστικτήρ, = μαατίκτωρ, v. μακιστήρ. μάστιξ ii, add ‘b. of persons, braider, ruffian, LxxEr.34.15 (πλήκται in Aq., Sm. ad loc.)’ χμαστοδοτέω, suckle, Cyran.74. χμαστρεϊον, τό, assembly oj the μαστροί, rest, in Lindos ii. 41 9.25 (i A.D.). χμαστρεύω, serve as μαστρός, Lindos 11.420*16, al. (i a.d.). μαστρικός, add ‘ ; -κός, ό, perh. = μαστρός, Clara Rhodes 6/7.433 (Camirus)’ μαστροπός I, after 1 procuress ,’ insert ‘Sophr.69 (dub. gender),’ ματίζω, line I, before “ σπλάγχνα ” insert ‘prob. in E. hr. 188 (cf. critical notes on δ’ ελέγχων Pi. G*·^. 486c) ;’ χματερία, ή, dough, Chrysipp. i'yan.ap.Adi.3. 1 1 3b,c (Lat. materia). ματίΐ,ω, for ‘(leg. ματήσαι)’ read ‘; part, ματίσας EUniv.Giss.32. ib (iii/iv a.d.)’ χμάτλα, ή, = Lat. matula, SB 1 160.6 (Ostrac.). χμάτριξ, ικος, ή, (Lat. matrix) roll, list, Edict of Anastasius I in ^EG'9.356.6,13 (Cyrenaica, vi a.d.), PMonac.2.8 (vi a.d.), LH'igobd,e (bostra, prob. vi a.d.), Lyd.Mag.3.2. χματρώνα, ή, = Lat. matrona, lGRom.3.244, PFlor. 16.2. χματρωνίκιον, τό, women' s part of baths, PFlor. 384.7,14; pi. women's quarters, attached to a monastery hospice, PAiess. 79.29, al. (early vii a.d., ματρον - Pap.).’ χμαυλάκιν, τό, prob. Dim. of μαΰλις (b), PFouad (1939) 84 (ii A.D.). μαΰλις (B), for ‘Aet.3.1.9’ read ‘Fr. 75.9 Pf.’ μαυρόω, add v.l. lor άμαυρόω (q.v.), Hes. 0/1.693’ Μαύσσωλλος, for “Μαυσωλεΐον” read “Μαυσωλειον” χμαφάριν, τό, and pi. μαφάρια, = μαφόριον, μαφόρια, Dura 4 93> Ι29· μαφόριον, add ‘, L.yd. Mens. ι .2ο’ μαχαιράς, add ‘, Μ.4Λί^3·628 (Corycus)’ χμάχαιρον, τό, = μάχαιρα, POxy.l28g.4rd (ν A.D., μαχερ- Pap.). Χμαχάτης, ό, or -άτη, ή, or -ά«<ο>ν, τό, a measure of cubic capacity, Pland.Inv. 246.5 (iii a.d. ?) in Aegyptus 27(1 947) .44. Χμαχικός, ή, όν, = μάχιμος, An. Ox. 4.266.4. Χμάχΐμϊκός, ή, όν, belonging to α μάχιμος, [κλήρος] PVarsov. 3-35 (ii a.d.) ; so also PRyl. 202.5 (i a.d.) ; γη μ. shd. be read in BGC9586 (ii/iii a.d.); cf. PLond. 2.193.34 (i a.d.): see Arch. Pap. 12.95· Χμαχλάω, = μαχλευομαι, Hsch. s.v. μαχλώντες. μάχλος i, line 3, for ‘Aeschrio 8.6’ read ‘AP 7.345’ χμέ, ν. μετά (Suppl.). μεγαίνητος, add /G22. 3632. 1 o’ μεγακλεής I, add ‘; gen. -κλέος Euph. in PSI 1 390. C. 2. 28’ μεγαλάμπρως, delete the article, μεγαλάμφοδος, add ‘, cf. Sch.Gen.il. 16.635’ χμεγάλάτος [γά], ον, (μέγας, άτη ) suffering great infatuation or ruin, A.Pers.1016 (lyr.), perh. to be read for μεγάλα το i Id. Em. 79 L82 i. μεγαλαυχία, add ‘3. in good sense, pride, SEG18.293. 14.’ χμεγάλευκτός, όν, greatly prayed for Sup., ττίστιν . . ταν μεγαλευκ- τοτάταν cj. for μεταλευκοτάταν in Paean ap.Plu.Efam.16. χμεγάλοευπώγων, ωνος, ό, with a large fme beard, Cat.Cod.Astr.j. 217 (fort, μεγαλοττ— vel εόπ— ). μεγαλόηχος, line 2, for ‘Pi.E. 12.38’ read ‘Pi.E. 12.35; on βαρν~ σφάραγος, ib.7.8-45’ χμεγάλόθρονος, ον, mightily enthroned, Ήρη Hymn in 5EG8.548.21 (Egypt, i b.c.) . μεγαλόθυμος, add ‘, Plu.2.6l4b’ μεγαλόκαρπος, after fruit,' add ‘δένδρο ν μ. jack-fruit, Artocarpus integrifolius,' χμεγαλοναΰτη$, V. βουβάρας. μεγαλοπάρηος, read ττάρηος” χμεγάλόπλευρος, ον, gloss on έρίπλευρος, Sch.Pi.P.4.4I9· χμεγάλοιτοιία (written — ιτοια), ή, Magnificence, as courtesy title. Pap. in JEA21.55 (vi a.d.). χμεγάλοπόρως, Adv. bountifully, Bull. Soc. Alex. 10.28 (i b.c.; but prob. μεγαλομερέος shd. be read), μεγαλοπρεπής I. 3, add ‘; of the author, D.H. /roc. 3’ μεγαλοσώματος, after ‘ large-bodied ,’ insert ‘Plu.Er.149,’ μεγαλότης, add ‘, Plu. 2.441b (pi.)’ μεγαλοτράχηλος, add ‘, Sch.A II. 10.305’ μεγαλόφθαλμος, after ‘Ptol. Tetr. 143’ add ‘(v.l.)’ χμεγαλοφροσΰνως, Adv. generously, IGRom. 3.739 xvi 49, xviii 13 (Rhodiapolis, ii a.d.). μεγαλώνυμος i, after ‘giving glory,' insert ‘Ale. (7)304.3 L.-P.;’ μεγαλωστί II. i, before ‘v.l.’ insert ‘greatly, Phld.0cc.p.6 J. ;’ Μεγαρίζω, add ‘II. μεγαρίζω, perform the rite of the μέγαρα ( μέγαρον iv) Clem.Al.Pro/r.2. 1 7. 1 .’ μέγαρον, fin., for ‘Men. 1031’ read ‘Men.870 Koerte, PMich.iny 1. 1 4’ μεγας, line 4, for ‘and only once’ read ‘but is found’ and line 5, after^ (anap.) add , Orac. in AP 14. 100; ώ μ. "lhem.Or.13. 163c A. 11 5, add ‘b. reckless, dreadful,’ transferring to follow this ‘ μέγα . .3.36’ from 5, lines 3/4. (Add ‘Od.’ before 3.261’.) B. ii. 1, at end after ‘lvr.’ add ‘; but v. μεγάλατος in Suppl.’ C. i, line 6, after ‘Lyc. 19’ add ‘; Boeot. μέδδων BCH 60.28 (Acraephia, ii b.c.)’ μεγασθενής, line 2, after ‘also μ.’ insert ‘οίστρος Άφροδίτας Simon. 36.10 P. ;’ μεγαυχής I, for “= μεγάλα υχος" read ‘glorious' μεγαύχητος, add ‘, Epigr. in Inscr.Cret. 1 viii 33 (Cnossus, ii b.c.)’ μέγεθος II. I, add ‘; strength, ανέμου Thphr.5i^n.29’ μεγεθύνω I. 1, line 2, after ‘21. ιζ” add ‘ ; κόμην let. .grow, Aq Mu. 6-5’ μέδιμνος, before “o'” insert ‘Cret. ρέδιμνος Inscr.Cret. 4.184.16 (Gortyn, ii b.c.),’ μεθαιρέω, line 1, delete ‘only’ add ΊΙ. change over to, ήν περ μεθεΐλεςτήν τέχνην A.Er. 17.92 Μ. III. remove, μεθελόντω τα αναθήματα ές άλ[λον τ]όπον Annuario 30/32.249; no.l, hne 21 (Rhodes). IV. Med., change, τά οικία 1S/G344.72 ("leos, iv b.c.) ; [τά άρμενα ] Teles p.io H.’ μεθαλλομαι n, add " : metaph., επ’ έίλλα άσόνδετα Longin.20.2’ χμεθαύριον, ν. μεταύριον in Suppl. μεθέπω II. ι, add ‘, cf. Il.10.516.’ χμεθερμηνεία, ή, interpretation, Zos.Alch. 1 18. 14. χμεθηλικία, Ion. -ίη, ή, = όμηλικία ι, perh. to be read for μεσ- (q.v. in Suppl.) in MAMA7.263. μεθιδρύω, line 2, delete ‘ — Pass.,’ μεθίστημι A. ii. 2, place ‘so in Med.. . 18.9.5’ in a parenthesis and add ‘ ; εαυτόν έκ του ζην D.S-3-5j cf· 4-55 ί τού ζην μ. [τινα] BGU36.13 (ϋ a.d.) ’ Β. ι. 2, line 5, after ‘i?.5i8a’ insert ‘; έκ τοΰ ζην PLond. 2. 354 -ΙΟ (i b.c.)’ μεθοδευτής, add ‘3. investigator, τής λεκιθωδους ύλης Zos.Alch. 144λ6.’ μεθοδεύω 3, after ‘ “get round” ,’ insert ‘POxy. 2342.27 (ii a.d.),’ μεθόδιον ii, for ‘, cf.’ read ‘III. trick, ingenious surprise,' μεθύστερος ii, line 2, for ‘in a moment' read ‘ never thereafter' μεθυτρόφος, for ‘ήμερίς Simon. 183. T read MP7.24.1 ([Simon.])’ μείλια ii, line 4, for ‘storms’ read ‘bad sailing weather’ Μειλινόη, add ‘, cf. Jahrb.Erganzungsheft vi(igo5) 13.26 (Perga- mum, iii a.d.) ( Μηλ -)' μειλίσσω n, delete ‘; to be subdued. .A.R.3.531’ iii. 2, line 2, after 'subdue,' insert ‘ πυράς μει λίσσετ’ άυτμήν A.R.3. 53 1 μείλιχος, line 1, for ‘cj. in Sapph.ioo’ read ‘cf. Sapph.2.1 1,112.4 (cj.) L— P.’ μειονεκτεω, line 6, after ‘‘K.Hier. 1 . 18 ;’ insert ‘c. gen. pers. onlv, Call.Er.196.44 Pf.;’ μειότης, for ‘ minimizing ’ read ‘ reduction to a minimum (indicated by γέ in τοΰτό γέ μοι χάρισα ι)' μειράκιον 2, after ‘2.68.2,’ insert ‘cf.’ μειρακιώδης ι, add ‘Adv. -δώς D.H.Dem.2g.’ μείρομαι (A) II. 2, for “νόημα . ,μεμόρηκε. . έσφαλμένον” read “νόημα έμπληκτον μεμόρηκε ” III, fin., after “μεμόρηται” insert ‘A.R. 1.646,’ and after ‘Man. 6. 13;’ insert ‘μεμόρητο A. R.i.973;’; delete ‘but μεμορημένον . .μορέω (q.v.);’ iv, add ‘ ; pf. part, με μορη μένος iSic.Al.22Q’ μείων, line 4 > after ‘(Tegea)’ add ‘; Boeot. μίων BCH60.28 (Acraephia, ii b.c.)’; line 6, after ‘less,’ insert ‘H.2.528, al.,’; line 10, before ‘ younger ’ insert ‘pi ., fewer, Xenoph.l.c. ; χρόνιο μ. γεγως’ μείωσις, add ‘b. = μειότης i (Suppl.), A.D.5ynh267.25.’ μελαγκρήπις, after “ή,” insert ‘perh.’ and after ‘shoes,’ insert ‘PHib. 11. 1 72.3 (iii b.c.),’ χμελαγχολαίνω, = μελαγχολάω, Sch.Gen.il. 6. 202. Χμελαγχρινός, ή, όν, = μελάγχροος, Cat.CodMstr. 12.149· Ι· μελαινάς, add ‘(dub.)’ μελαίνω ι. ι, line 6, for ‘Pomp. 2' read ‘Dem. 5’ ; add at end ‘ ; of the moon, to be darkened, PluMem.17 (cf. Act., Id.2-373d).’ μελαμπέταλος, after ‘ dark-leaved ,' insert ‘prob. in PHib. n.172.1 (iii B.c.) ;’ μελαμφαρής, add ‘ : also μελάμφάρος, ον, Hymn. Is. 43, Soko- lowski 84.10 (SmyTna, u/hi a.d.)’ μελάμφυλλος ii, after ‘Subst.’ add ‘Μελάμφυλλος, ή, old name of Samos, Str. 10.2. 17,1 4.1. 15, Iamb.PP2.3;’ μέλαν i. 2, after ‘indigo’ insert ‘or Indian ink’ and after ‘39’ add ‘, cf. Plin. HN35. 43,46’ add ‘3. lamp-black, Ael.EM17.25.’ μελαναθήρ, after ‘Hsch.’ add ‘, and so PCair.^en. 73 1 . 1 1 (iii B. c.)’ μελανδίνης, after ‘ dark-eddying ,' insert ‘ μελανδΐναι . . ρόες (-δεινή. . ροσσ lapis) GVI\684 Q (Chersonesus, i/ii a.d.);’ μελάνζοφος, before ‘EM’ insert ‘Simon. 125 P., cf.’ 97 μελανία. SUPPLEMENT μέσοξ μ«λανία ιι, add ‘3. = άλφος, Lxx Sch.Li.13.39> ν· «πίλυσι? in Suppl.’ μελάνιον, after ‘ink,’ insert ‘ Edict. Diocl. 18. 11,11 a, ^ add ‘II. perh. to be read (with cod. A Ath.) for μέλαν ίον Thphr. HPb.8. 1 (cf. λευκόϊον) ; cf. Plin./PV2 1 .65.’ μελάνοτττεροφαιολοσωματος, ον , with black wings and the whole body dark, χελιδών GLP 1.95.9 (contra rerum naturam). Χμελάνορσο? [ά], ον, = μελάμπυγος II, cj. in 11.2 1. 252. Χμελάνοχαίτη?, ου, masc. Adj. black-haired, Theognost.Ca72.85. μελάνστερνο?, add ‘, v.l. in A.Tr.721 Μ. ( μελανόστ -)’ Χμελάνωσι?, εω?, η, — μελανσις, Mioses Alch.309.10 (lemma). μ4λας, line 7, after Od.4.359’ add ‘; πόντος μ. E.ITiof μέλε (B), line 6, for ‘Eq. 668’ read ‘£<7.671’ ΧΜελεάγρεια, τά, festival founded by Meleagros, Wiener Denkschr. 45(1). 49 (Balbura). μελεδαίνω, line 2, after ‘Thgn.1129’ insert ‘; θέρευς Theoc. 9·12’ μελεδών, add ‘III. masc., glossed by φροντιστής, μεριμνητης, Επίτροπος, οίκονομος, 7 τροεστως, φυλαξ, Hsch. Χμελετητή?, οΰ, ό, orator who delivers declamations, Aristid.Or.50 (26).28. , , , . μελετητικό?, add ‘III. μελετητική ποιο της ρημάτων desiderative (e.g. lecturio ), Dosith. p.406 K.’ μελίαμβοι, after ‘Cercidas’ add ‘(Κερκίδα κυνός μ. title in POxy. 1082 Fr. 4)’ Χμελιανθή?, ε'?, sweet, οίνη prob. in Nic.dZ.58. μελιβόα?, after ‘ sweet-singing ,’ insert ‘ύμνος Lasus 1 P. μελικήριον, for ‘ honey-comb ’ read ‘ honey-cake ’ μελικό?, line I, after ‘2.348b’ insert ‘; tuneful, sonores Lucr.5. 334’ μελίκρατον, add ‘II. mead, Thphr.Od.58.’ μελικτή?, delete ‘player·, esp. fute-player,’ , μελίνη I, after ‘S.£r.6o8’ add ‘ ; —ην αντί πυρών άλλάττεσθαι Aristid.Or.34(5°)-6’ Χμελιουργό?, ό, honey-maker, Gp. 1 5-3-7* μέλισσα in, line 2, after ‘S.OC48T insert ‘, Nic.dZ.374’ μελισσοβότανον, for ‘balm, Melissa officinalis,’ read ‘expl. of μελίτεια,’ Χμελισσό?, ό, name of a bird, Cyran.92. μελισσόφυτον, τό, read φϋτο?, ή,” μελίτεια, for “= μελισσοβότανον” read ‘balm, Melissa officinalis ’ μελιτερπή?, for ‘Simon.184.9’ read ‘AP7.25.9 ([Simon.])’ μελίφρων i, add ‘; of persons, AP 13.12 (Hegesipp.)’ 11, delete the section. Χμελίφωνο?, ον, honey-voiced, Sapph.185 L.-P., APg.66 (Antip. Sid.). μελίχλωρο?, add ‘2. μ. (sc. λίθος), ή, a precious stone, Phn .HN 37. 1 9 1 ·’ μελίχροο? i. 2, before ‘ : in gen.’ insert ‘ ; Lat. melichrus Lucr. 4.1 160 ; τον ωχρόν ΰποκοριζόμενος μελίχρουν Plu.2.45a add TIL μελιχρούς (sc. λίθος), ή, a precious stone, Plin.//jV37· 191.’ μελλάρχων, add ‘, Inscr. in Syria 29.326 (Arabia, iii a.d.) μελλείρην, after ‘at Sparta,’ substitute ‘boy about to become an είρην, in sixth year of public education, i.e. in thirteenth of his age, Plu.Lyc.17, Λέξεις 'Ηροδότου in Stein Hdt.ii p.465 (Berol. 1871).’ μελλέφηβο?, before ‘Censorin.’ insert ‘ IG22.2q86 (ii b.c.), 2991 (i b.c.),’ t v μελλητικό?, add ΤΙ. τό μ. apptly. = TO μέλλον, κατά τ οΰ μ. μηδϊς άνοιξη Cljud. 1.652 (Syracuse; -τεικοΰ).’ μελλόγαμβρο?, for ‘about, .-law’ read ‘= μελλονύμφιος (q.v. in Suppl.)’ Χμελλογραμματεύ?, ε'ωϊ, ό, γραμματεΰς-designate, Cljud. 1.121,279 (Rome). Χμελλολέων, λέοντας, ό, one about to be a λέων vi, a grade in Mithraic initiation, Rom. Mitt. 49.206 (Dura, pi.). Χμελλονόμφη, ή, = μελλόνυμφος, ή, Cljud. Ι.106 (Rome), cf. Poll.3.45. Χμελλονύμφιο?, = sq., of a man, Phryn.C0m.78, Cljud. 1.148 (Rome), Hsch. s.v. μελλόγαμβρος. μελλόνυμφο?, lines 3/4, omit ‘Phryn.. . -νυμφίος),’ μελοποιέω II. i, add ‘, cf. Hesperia 22.193 (Isthmus, ii a.d.)’ μελό? B. i, add ‘c. lamentation, dirge, Lxx Ae.2.io, cf. Mi. 2.4.’ μέλπω ii, line 5, after ‘Paus. 1.2.5’ add S cf· -ZG22.5056,5o6o’ Χμελύγιον, = μελίτειον, Gloss, in POxy. 1802.36 (ii/iii a.d.) ; μελό- γειον ΕΜ$η8.8, μελίγυον Zonar. μέλω A. in. 2, fin., for ‘aor. . .200’ read ‘also ταϊ μέλονται πρός Τίνος ή Διός ή. .Άθάνας Poet, (ν b.c.) in Favorin.£;«Z.xi.7, cf. μεληθέν βάρβιτον ΑΡ 5·200 (s.v.l.)’ Β. ιι, line 4» after c. dat.,’ insert ‘τή παιδί, ,μεμέλησο ΑΡ$.22θ."] (Agath.) ;’ μελωδία II, add ‘2. μ. ή τραγωδία τό παλαιόν έλέγετο Call.£r. 462 Pf.’ μελωδικό?, add ‘ ; μ. κίνησις Cleonid. Harm.2, cf. Ptol .Harm. 3.5. 2. used in singing, Aristoii.Harm.io ’ Χμεμειρασμένον, ν. κύπαλον. μέμνεο, etc., for “ μιμνήσκω” read “μιμνήσκω” μεμόριον, for ‘ chapel or shrine, BCH 17.290’ read ‘ grave-monument , lGRom.4. 1650 (Philadelphia)’ and add at end ‘; cf. μημόριον (Suppl.)’ μεμπτό?, after ‘ blameworthy ,’ insert ‘Ale. 1.8 L.-P. (prob.),’ χΜεμφίτη?, ου, ό, ν. τεφρίας in Suppl. μέμφομαι 3, add ‘b. c. dat. rei only, AP$. 299.6 (Agath.), 6.71.10 (Paul. Sil.).’ 6, for ‘GO/4998 (Gortyn)’ read ‘laser. Cret. 4.41. 7. 13 (Gortyn, v b.c.), al.’ μεν A. 1. 1, line 11, for T 59.. etc.’ read ‘OC 702, E.Hipp.882 ’ 3, line 3, delete ‘S.d«i.634,’ 11. 6 a fin., for ‘rarely by μην’ read ‘by μην, άδικεΐν μέν, άκοντα μην Pl.Lg.862a, al., more freq.’ and add ‘, cf. Isoc.4.68, D.1.16’ B. 11. 2, omit ‘with, .δε',’ ; line 2, for ‘force,’ read ‘force (whether δε' follows, as in’ ; line 3, for ‘ : but. .so then ’ read ‘, or μέν i ias in a. 1. 2’ ; and line 4, for ‘ ; esp. in replies, sts. in’ read ‘) ; but also (a) as an emphatic μέν, PiJV.6.io; μάλιστα μέν οΰν. . εί δε μή Th.4.104, cf. K.HG^.o,-!, (Ζ>) esp. in replies to express’ μενεδήϊο?, for ‘κραδίη II. 12.247, 13.228’ read ‘11. 13. 228; κραδίη ib. 1 2.247’ μενέδουπο?, add ‘, cf. Hsch. s.v. βρυαλίκται μενετό?, after ‘patient,’ add ‘ κριταί Cratin. in PSI 1212.6;’ μένω I. 2, add ‘e. μ. μετά γυναικός, = Lat. concumbere, ££46.250 (Asia Minor).’ 11. 1, line 5, after Έ.ΡΛ.740’ insert ‘; wait for the end of, χεΐμα AP6.221 (Leon.), 0,-8.7.137; λαίλαπα Id.8.379’ Χμεραρχέω, perh. to be governor of a district, Robert Hell. 10.24 (Byzantium?). μέρδει, add ‘ ; Act. aor. μέρσα = ήμερσα, άμερσα, Robert Hell. 10. 278 (Parium).’ μεριμνητή?, add ‘, Hsch. s.v. μελεδών, q.v. in Suppl.’ μερί? i. 1, add ‘; βελτίων μερίς Men.Oyic.283’ n, line 2, for ‘esp. .. 18.64 ;’ reaci >TVS π°Ια$ μερίδος γενέσθαι την πόλιν έβούλε τ’ άν; in which category or on which side, D. 18.64; in political sense, party, faction,’ Χμέρισι?, εω?, ή, = μερισμός, PLond. 394·Ι3»Ι5 (vi/vii a.d.). μέρισμα, add ‘II. prob. marquetry, patch-work, Inscr. gr.et lat.de la Syrie 3.733.’ μεριστή?, add ‘II. ph, financial officials at Istria, Bull.ipigr. 1955. i63(p-57) (“i B-c·)·’ . /t . , μεριτεία I, add ‘, PMich. 12 iv 1 9 (1 a.d.), al. ; written μεριτια in Arch.Pap.10.214. (ii a.d.)’ μερμηρίζω ii, line 4» Bfter ‘16.256’ add ‘; Call.£/>Zi^7'.8.5 Pf· Χμερμνάδαι* οι τρίορχοι (Lydian), Andron ap. POxy .1802.46· χΜεροΐ?, ίδος, ή, = Αιθιοπίς ιι, as plant-name, Plin./£/V24. 163. μέρο? iv. i, add ‘ ; act of a play, M.Ant. 12.36, Platon. Diff.Com. P-4·’ μέροψ I, add ‘2. worshipper, σών μερόπων Luc.Tra^.igS, IG2 z. 4533-5 (iii A-D·)·’ add ‘III. μέροπες · οί άφρονες ΰπό Εύβοέων, in POxy. 1802.47.’ μέ?, add ΤΙ. = μέσφα, until, c. gen., BCH59.55 (Larissa).’ μέσαβον, line 3, for ‘£^513’ read ‘£?-.65i Pf.’ and after ‘γλυφαί)’ add ‘, 177.5 Pf.’ μεσάζω I, add ‘b. μεσάζων, ό, champion standing between the lines, Aq.i A'Z.17.4.’ add ‘HI. be in control, PMerton 46.7, 12 (vi A.D.).’ μεσαιπόλιο?, after ‘Aesop. 56’ add ‘(v.l.)’ Χμεσαιπόλο?, ον, μ. πόντου perh. journeying in mid-ocean, Mesom. 6.2 Heitsch. μέσακλον, for ‘weaver’ s beam’ read ‘heddle-rod’ and after ‘iKi.Vj. 7’ insert ‘(vv.ll. μέσακνον, μεσάντιον)’ Χμεσαλουργή?, ε'?, middling purple, χιτωνίσκος IG22. 1524.189 (Brauron, iv b.c.). ΧΜεσάρκειο?, ν. μεσέρκειος with Suppl. μεσαύλιον, before “(αυλός)” insert ‘(αυλή) back yard, Vit. Aesop. in POxy.2083.27. II·’ and delete ‘Vit.. .27,’ μέσαυλο? I, add ‘b. μέταυλος back yard, poultry-yard, Ar.Pr.371. C. μέσαυλον και νΰν κατοικία αγροτική, τουτέστιν έπαυλις Eust. 1664.26.’ π, for ‘Att.. .in full,’ read ‘Adj., of the door between the αυλή and the inner part of the house,’ add ‘III. μέσαυλον, τό, colonnaded court of a church, etc., Rev.Phil. 32.36 (Side, v/vi a.d.).’ μεσεγγόη, after ‘party,’ insert ‘P Ant. 35 ii 14 (iv A-D-)) μεσέρκειο?, add ‘; written μεσσάρκειο? Tit.Cam.i2b (vi B.c.), μεσαρ— ib.127’ μεσηγό, line 2, after ‘only in’ insert ‘A.R.4.602,’ I. 2, add ‘ ; μεσσηγύς τ οΰ τε ώμου καί τ οΰ τραχήλου J.AJiQ.l . 14 add ‘ ; A.R.3.723,93o’ c Χμεσηλικία, ή, middle age, SBbi^.C), cf. MAMA"] . 263. μεσημβρίξω, add ‘2. of stars, shine at midday, Nonn.D .7 .297 .’ μεσονεφή?, for ‘ with clouds in the midst’ read ‘in the midst of clouds' and at end add ‘, 11(2). 163.5’ Χμεσοπόλιο?, ον, = μεσαιπολιος, Aesop. 56. μέσο? ill. I a, line 8, after ‘1150;’ add ‘εν μΛε'σοι Κεφάλες τε καί άστεος Hermes 70.462 (Attica, vi b.c.) ;’ c, line 2, after ‘294;’ insert ‘άπελθ’ έκ τ οΰ μ. Men.Dy.fc.8i ;’ e, add ‘; also άνά μ. = μεταξύ, SEGg.8.64 (Cyrene, i a.d.)’ 3, init., insert ‘τό μ. moderation, E.Hyps.i.ni.o,^ Bond. b.’ 98 μέσος SUPPLEMENT Μήδισσα ιν, add ‘ ; ή μέση των ποταμών (sc. χωρά ) Mesopotamia, Hdn. Gr. ι .33 1 , Philostr. VA1.20’ μεσοστροφωνίαι, add ‘(fort. leg. μεσσοτροφώνιαι, v. Rev.Tt.Anc. 62.303/4).’ μεσόστυλον, before ‘Sch.Od.’ insert ‘Ath.Mitt.31 .43 1 (ii b.g.; now in Constantinople), μεσόσφαιρος, add ‘, P8n.HNi2.44' χμεσοτέλεστος, ον, Aetol. for ήμιτ έλεστος, Gloss, in POxy. 1802.51 (ii/iii a.d.). Χμεσοτοίχιον, τό, = μεσότοιχο?, PDura 19.13 (bis) (i a.d.). μεσουρανέω II, add ‘, Ptol. Te/r.33’ μεσουράνησις, delete ‘, Plot. 3. 1.5 (pi.)’ μεσόφθαλμος, after ‘eyes,’ insert ‘Ptol. Tetr. 143,’ Χμεσόφρυς, vos, ή, = μεσόφρυον, PSI 1140.12 (ii a.d.) ; in pi., ib. 907.21 (i a.d.), PWarren 9.9 (ii a.d.) in Mem. Inst. Franf. 67.12, cf. POxford 1 1.7 (ii a.d.). χμεσοχορέω, serve as μεσόχορος I, rest, in BCH 84.436 (Istria, ii A.D.). μεσόχορος I, add v. μουσόχορος (Suppl.)’ μέσπιλον, for ‘[i Archil, and Amphis ll.cc.’ read ‘[ϊ API. 4.233 μέσσαβον, for ‘Hsch.’ read ‘q.v. with Suppl.’ χμεσσίκιος, ό, discharged soldier, = Lat. missicius, Trans. Am. Phil. ^w.90.139, cf. μισσίκιος in Suppl. χμεσσοδόμα, V. μεσόδμη II. μεστά, line 2, after ‘(Gyrene);’ insert ‘v.l. in Call.Cer.92,1 1 1 ;’ μέσφα 2, line 2, for ‘Hec. 1.1.4’ read ‘FV.260.4 Pf.’ μετά, line 2, after ‘(q.v.)’ add ‘; με BGU78.3 (ii a.d.), cf. μεταυτα for μετά ταΰτα, IG 7. 27 1 2.95 (Acraephia, i A.D.)’ G. 11. 3, lines 6/7, for ‘Th. 1080’ read ‘7Ά.1074’ iv, add ‘ ; έχων μετά χεΐρα την Άνθιαν holding A. by the hand, X.Eph. 1. 1 2. 1.’ F, add ‘; Dor. πέδα Ibyc. 1(0)46 P.’ μεταβαίνω ii, after “ μεταβήσαι” insert ‘and perh. in fut. μετα- βήσειν’ and after ‘Ο.1.42;’ insert ‘μετ αβάσοντας έλθεΐν Ποίαν- τ os νίόν Id.P.1.52 (cj.) ;’ χμεταβαστάζω, carry together (?), expl. of Lat. convecto in Virgil glossary, PNess. 1.865 (v* a.d.). μεταβουλία, for ‘f.l. for μεταιβολία in’ read ‘ change of heart,' and for ‘37.17’ read ‘38.23 P.’ Μεταγειτνιών fin., after ‘1672.34’ add ‘, Μεταγειτονιώ[νος], Inscr. Delos 338 Λ1742 (iii b.c.)’ μεταγίγνομαι, after ‘-γίνομαι [i],’ insert fall to someone as a share, ω δ’ αΰτε γάμου μετά μοΐρα γένηται aes.Th.80~J. II.’ μετάγω ι. ι, add ‘: — Pass., to be diverted, of funds, Dorner Erlass des Statthalters von Asia Paullus Fabius Persicus 1 7 (Ephesus, i A.D.)’ μεταδιαταγή, after ‘40’ add ‘, al.’ μεταδίδωμι 2, add ‘ ; πάντα τη φυχή καλά Epigr.Gr.387 (Apamea, ii a.d.) , cf. 261.18’ μεταδιεράω add ‘2. as technical term in wrestling (dub. sens.), POxy. 466. 11 (ii a.d.).’ χμετάδοτος, η, ον, shared, prob. in Stud.Pal.22. 184.32 (ii a.d.). μετάδουπος, for falling at haphazard, indifferent’ read ‘ thundering (?) change ably, of uncertain portent’ Μετάδως, for “αιδώς” read “δώ?” μέταζε, for “= μεταξύ” read ‘τά μ. afterwards ’ and delete ‘ ; but. . Δωριείς’ μεταθύω, for ‘ appease by sacrifice' read ‘dub. sens.’ μεταιβολία, delete the article, μεταίτης, for ‘Ph.2.516’ read ‘Ph.2.526’ μετάκερας, add ‘ ; in tm., dub. in Call.FV.246 Pf.’ χμετακηδεύω, move to another tomb, 774372 (3) . 1 166.1 1 (Lycia) (Pass.). μετακιάθω, add ‘V. avenge, πατρός λώβην Nic.77i.i32.’ μετακινητός, for the present article substitute ‘-ητός, η, όν, able to be changed, ομολογία Th.5.21.2 ; νόμοι Solon ap.Plu-2.152a.’ χμετάκλωσμα, ατος, τό, that which is interwoven, metaph., Cyran.5. μετακομίζω, add ‘2. translate into a different dialect, D.H. Dm.41.’ χμετάλημψις, εως, η, = μετάληφις, POxy. 1200.36 (iii a.d.). χμεταληπτός, v. πεδάγρετος. μετάληφις ii. 4, line 2, after ‘etc.’ insert ‘, cf. D.H.TA^i’ μεταλλεύω i, add ‘6. metaph., exploit as a mine, prob. in Phld.Om p-26J·’, χμεταλλωρύχος [ό], ό, sapper, Bilabel Historikerfragm.8 col.i 20 (ph, ii A.D.). χμεταμελλοδύνα [ϋ], η, remorse, Cere. 5. 26 (p.204 Knox) ; cf. μετα- μέλομαι. χμεταναγ [ράφή] , ή, re-registration, transfer in the books, prob. in Jahresh. 18 Beibl. 287 (Ephesus, i a.d.). μεταναστεύω 2, for ‘6i(62).6’ read ‘61 (62). 7’ μετανέομαι, add ΊΙ. τινά ένηείη, απειλή, approach with. ., ib.29.7.’ μετανίσομαι I, add ‘3. change position, of the polar axis, ούδ’ ολίγον μετανίσετα ι Arat.2i.’ χμεταξένια, τά, dub. lect. et sens, in Hesperia 18.59 (Delphi, v B.G.). μεταξύ I. 2 b, add ‘; μ. έβίω P.ui.Ren.Ves.2.3’ χμετατταραβολή, η, Astron., conjunction, Simp, in Cael. 471.9. χμεταπερισπαω, prob. divert, εις δημοσίαν χρείαν PFam.Teb.24.34 (ii A.D.). μεταπίπτω, line 5, after ‘188.25;’ add ‘o' λόγος θαμινά μ., of changes of construction, D.H. Dm. 39 ;’ χμεταπλάναομαι,/>α?ί into, c. acc., ζώα άλογα μ., of metempsychosis Herm.ap.Stob. 1 .49.44. μεταποιέω I, line 4, after ‘20.3’ add ‘, cf. Sch.A Il.20.273, ah’ χμεταπολογίζομαι, transfer to another account, M AM A8. 413(b). 4. μεταπορεύομαι I. 2, add ‘b. claim at law, SEG9.8.121 (Gyrene, i b.c., Senatus Consultum).’ μεταπρεπω, add ; Pass, form in same sense, μεταπρεφθε'ις έτάροισιν Poet, in SEG2.48 1.5 (Moesia, i b.c.) ; cf. έμπρέπω.' χμεταρυθμιζω, = μεταρρυθμίζω I. 2, τού? άδικοϋντας επι βελτίονα βιωτήν, Βυζάντιον 6.366 (Sardis, vi a.d.). μεταστασις II. I a, add ‘ ; τανυπτερύγου μυίας μ. change of a fly’s position, Simon. 1 6.4 P.’ b, delete ‘τοΰ βίου μετα¬ στάσεις Id.FV.554 i’ and ‘Simon.32,’ 2, after “γνώμης,” insert “βίου,” and after 'Andr. 1003’ insert ‘, FV.554’ μεταστείχω ii, omit ‘abs., depart,’ and before ‘A.R. 3.451’ insert follow ,’ and after it ‘ ; pursue, Nonn.D.29.279’ μετάτροπος 2, for ‘; μετάτροπα έργα, .vengeance' read ‘. 3. μετάτροπ a έργα reversal, restitution ’ χμετατροπόω, convert, [τού? εχθρούς ] εις φιλίαν Gnomol.Vat. in Wien. Stud. 1 1 .225. μεταυγάζω, for ‘ look keenly. . τινα’ read ‘keep watch.' μεταύριον, add ‘; διά της μεθαύριον POxy. 1844.4 (vi/vii a.d.); μεθαύριον ib.5.’ μεταχειρίζω 5 a, line 2, delete ‘τον. . 1.20 :’ μεταχθόνιος, for the present article substitute ‘f.l. for μετα- χρόνιος in A.R.2.300, ah’ μεταχρόνιο? ii, lines 3/4, delete μεταχθόνιος. . μεταχρόνιος” χμετεικάς, άδος, ή, (sc. ήμερα) twenty-first day of the month, Hes .Op. 820 (s.v.l.). μετειμι (ε'ιμί sum) Π. I, lines 5/6, delete ‘ούδεν μάλλον, .cf.’ μέτειμι (είμι ibo), init., for “εΐμο” read “είμι” χμετέκθεσις, εαι?, ή, supplementary list, PMich.Inv. 4607 (iv a.d., -εχ- Pap.) in Trans.Am.Phil.Ass.83(i952) .78.1, PMasp.138.iV. 47 (-«X- Pap.). μετεξέτεροι, fin., after ‘ld.Art.32’ add ‘; others, FHc.Fr.78, cf. Id. 771.414 (interp.)’ μετέρχομαι iv. i , add * ; esp. fetch a bride from her home, Call. ^.75.40 Pf., AP7.387 (Antip.), PIU.2.297C; cf. Hes. in J. Schwartz Pseudo-Hesiodeia p.270, fr.F 7’ 3, line 5, delete ‘ narrate them,’ μετέωρος, line 16, for ‘more rapid ’ read ‘ shallower ’ 11. 3, add ‘ ; μέλη . . μετέωρα έντόνοις όμοια Zeno Stoic. 1 .58’ μετήλαι, for ‘1.243’ read ‘1.143’ μέτηλυς i, delete ‘PFlor.. .iii a.d.),’ μετοικεσία, for ‘also πλεόνων. .the leal” ’ read/= μετ οικία ii, εις πλεόνων ήλθε μετοικεαίην to the other abode of the majority, i.e. of the dead’ μετοίκιον, line 4, after ‘ Deor.Conc.3 ;’ add ‘προς τό μ. τινα άπάγειν in connexion with, i.e. for not paying, this tax, Plu.2. 842b, cf. ld.Flam.12 ;’ μετοικοδομέω, after ‘ build elsewhere ,’ insert ‘ με]τοικοδομήσειν Men. Dy sc. 446;’ χμέτοπις, ή, vengeance, Δ ιός Horn. Epigr .8.4. μετόρχιον, add ‘ ; prob. rest, in PRyl.4.383.20,71 (ii b.c.)’ μετουσία ii, add ‘, PHamb. 128.59 (iii B.c.).’ μετοχετεύω, line 1, after ‘divert,’ add ‘D.Chr. 18(35). 20 ;’ and line 4, after ‘p.165 A.’ add ‘; direct, D.H. Vett.Cens.i’ μετρηδόν, after ‘Adv.’ insert ‘by measure, N1CM/.203, cf. ib.45 ;’ μετριάζω ι. i, add ‘; of figures of speech, to be moderate in frequency or quality, D.H. Dm. 4.’ μέτριος A. ii, add ‘, cf. Thphr.i%71.24’ B. 1. 1, line 6, after ‘3°5d’ insert ‘; with Adj., Pl.Ti.329d, D.6.19, Theoc.30.3’ χμετροποιός, ό, maker of measures, PTeb. 277.2 (iii a.d., ph). μετωνυμία, line 2, before ‘Cic.’ insert ‘D.H.Dm.5 (ph),’ μετωπηδόν, line 2, after ‘Hdt.7.100’ add ‘, Sosyl.i iii 13 J.’ μέχρι, after “μέχρις” add ‘(for Att. use v. άχρι sub fin.; in Men. 525 Koerte [infr. iii. 2] μέχρις is dub. 1.)’ iii. 1, line 3, after ‘subj.’ add ‘(usu. aor.)’ ; line 4, delete ‘ ; μεχρις. . S'oi.5.4’ ; line 6, delete ‘μέχρι. .Sos.3.3;’ 2, line 3, for ‘Men.633’ read ‘Men.525 Koerte’ ; line 4, after ‘Ench.ii’ insert ‘ ; μέχρις κε μένη Call.F’r.388.9 Pf.’ μή A, add ‘; μή προφάσεις ^5.193(192) (Diosc.), cf. 53(52) (Id. ; πρόφασις cod.) ; also with nom., v. βαιών’ G. 11. 1 , lines 1 / 2, for ‘with . . apprehension' read ‘where fear is implied’ ; line 3, for ‘περισκοπώ . .El. 898’ read ‘είσόμεσθα μή τι καλύπτει 8. Ant. 1238' > and line 4, after ‘etc.’ add ‘(cf. πυν- θάνομαι in Suppl.)’ D, after ‘Position’ add ‘and Accumulation’ and after ‘2.’ insert ‘See ού c;’ μηδαμά, line 2, after ‘not at all,’ insert ‘Ale. 129. 16 L.-P. ;* μηδέ, line 9, for “ουδέ” read “ού” and for ‘3’ read ‘8’ μηδεπώποτε, add ‘, Plu.%ej. 19.6, D.L.6.54’ χΜηδίσκιον, τό, silken garment, PDura 30.20 (iii a.d.), cf. Μηδικός ι. χΜήδι(σ)σα (sc. γυνή), ή, = Μηδίς, 7G22.g354 (iii/ϋ b.c.). 99 μηθέτερος SUPPLEMENT μισσίκιος μηθέτερος, add ‘, Lxx Pr.24.21 (Β)’ Χμήθω, pres, coined as etym. of μανθάνω (cf. πήθω), Theognost. Can. 1 41. Χμή καί, = μη όπως, μη ότι, not only, ουδέ τις έτλη / μη και λευ- κανίηνδε φορεύμενος, άλλ’ απατηλού / έστηώς A.R.2.192; much less, Id. 3.589 (οΰδε γάρ precedes in 584). μηκόθεν, add ‘; διαγνώναι από μ. Sch.E.PT. 1 1 18’ μήκων iv, add ‘2. socket of the eye, Hsch. s.v. κρατηρίσκοι.’ Χμηκωνίας, Dor. μάκ-, ον, ό, = μηκώνειος, μακωνιάν άρτων rest, in Alcm.19.2 Ρ. μηκωνίς ιι, delete the section. μηλέα, line 5, after ‘4.13.2;’ add ‘ μ . οξεία crab-apple, Pyrus acerba, ibid. Μηλιεύς, line 6, after ‘8.31 add ‘cf. Μαλίς · Άθηνά, Hsch., and Hippon.56 D.3’ Χμηλΐτις, ιδος, ή, ( ριήλον Β) a precious stone, ΡΙίη.ΗΡί^ή. igi. Χμηλόκερως, ων, with sheep's horns, Ps.-Callisth. 27.20, 33.12. μηλονόμος, after ‘(lyr.)’ add ‘, P Masp. 2. 111.4., &\. (vi a.d.)’ μηλοπάρειος, delete the article ; cf. μαλοπάραυος (Suppl.) μηλοσκόττος, add Ή. watcher over sheep, epith. of Pan, CLP 1.123. 5.’ μήλωθρον II, add ‘ ; also, = τό πρόστυμμα τής πορφύρας, and καλλωπίσματα, Hsch. (μήλωθρα)’ μήμη, for ‘ grandmother . .67’ read ‘prob. great-grandmother, Didyma 345.12 (i B.c./i A.D.)’ Χμημόριον, = μεμόριον (v. Suppl.), SEG 2·393>4°4 (both Mace¬ donia) ; μιμόριον μονόσωμον Μ,έΙ. de V ec. Jr. de Rome 25.87 (Thessalonica) . μην ii. 2, line 6, after ‘S.Ani.626 (anap.)’ delete ‘, etc.’ ; line 10, for “και μήν καί” read “καί μην. .καί” Χμηνιακός, ή, όν, recurring monthly, ήμέραι &Β5959·10 0“ a.d.). μηνιεΐος, for “λοιπογραφομένου” read “λοιπογραφουμένου” Χμηνίσκιον, τό, Dim. of μηνίσκος, PAiich. Teb. 1 2 ιΓ ιι ϋ 2.8, PHamb. 10.45. Χμήνισμα, ατος, τό, = μήνιμα, Πολέμων I. 213 (Iolcus, iii B.C.). Χμηνσώριον, τό, = Lat. mensorium, basket, Stud. Pal. 20. 1 5 1 .3, 1 4 (vi A.D., μηνσωρρ—). Χμήνυον' είδος άνθους, Theognost. Can. 1 30. μήνυτρον, line 1, after ‘‘h.Merc. 264,364,’ insert ‘rest, in Hippon. vn.5 D.3,’ Μηριόνης ii, delete ‘ pudenda muliebria’ and after ΆΡ’ insert ‘12. 97 (Antip.),’ , , _ _ , μηρός, add ‘4. metaph., flank, εν μηροίς ορούς Lxx Jd.ig.i. 5. Archit., the space between the grooves of a triglyph, Vitr.4.3.5.’ μηρυκάζω, add ‘ ; Med., των μαρυκαζομενων ζωων Hsch. s.v. ήνυστρον' μήρυμα i, line 1, after 'strand’ insert ‘of rope, Λ?22.ι627·7θ,ΐ5θ,’ μηρόομαι ι. 2 a, add ‘, cf. Carol. Pop. 30(c). 2 P.’ 11, add also μηρύω δε τό κουβαρίζω (q.v. in Suppl.) Sch.Theoc.1.29; πλατύνειν μηρύειν, Hsch.’ Χμητάτον, τό, pi., quarters, billet, Edict of Anastasius I in SEG 9.356.43,44 (Cyrenaica, vi a.d.), ib.40 (μιτάτα) ; cf. Just. JVov. 130.9. Χμητατορικός, ή, όν, (for —ωρικός) concerning measuring, fr. Lat. metatorius, ένδοματικά μ. Lyd.Aiag.^.yo. μήτε i, add ‘(μήτε, .ή in codd. of Ph.2.137, PorphMLsi.4.8.)’ μήτηρ, line 5, after “μητέρα” add ‘(Phocian ματάρα SIG$ (Delphi, vi b.c.))’ μητίετα fin., after ‘(Tegea)’ add gen. μητιεταο Max.445’ μήτις fin., before ‘ — Poet, word’ add ‘ ; dub. sens., όπα τάς Τηρειας μήτ ιδος οικτρ&ς άλόχου A.Supp.6 1 .’ μήτις, line 3, after ‘al.’ add ‘, Ε.ΙΑ^ι (troch.), Hec. 608’ μητρίς, line 3, for ‘Epigr.’ read Orac.’ μητροκασιγνήτη, add ‘2. mother’s sister, Nonn.D.3.425,21.182, cf. πατροκασιγνήτη, — κασίγνητος .’ μητροπολιτικός I, add ‘, cf. PO.J9M521.3 (ii A.D.)’ μητρυιά, after ‘(Lesbos)’ add ‘; gen. pi. μητρύών Com.Adesp. 12.4D.’ Χμητρωϊκός, ή, όν, perh. = μητρικός, τύπος μ. Inscr.Ddios 1409^(21 100 (ii b.c.) . μητρωος ι. 1 fin., after “τά μ.” insert 'Leg.Gort. 4.44, cf. Inscr. Cret. 4.20 (vii/vi b.c.),’ μηχανεύομαι, after “= μηχανάομαι,” insert ‘Vit. Aesop. ( G)3,’ μηχανή u. i, add ‘, cf. Id.d/c.i. 1 30b’ Χμηχανία, ή, trickery, Hsch. s.v. μαγγανεία. Χμηχάνιον [ά], τό, Dim. of μηχανή, irrigating-machine, PHarris 1 12.10 (v a.d.) . Χμηχάνοδέτης, ου, ό, workman who assembles machines, MAMA^.y^u (Corycus) . μηχανουργός, add ‘, cf. POxy. 1970.14,34 (vi a.d.). H. metaph., artful, Hsch. s.v. ραδιούργος’ μιαίνω 3, fin., for ‘(Iulis)’ read ‘(Iulis, v b.c.), P Mich. Teb. 2. 2 44. 17 (i A.D.)’ μιαιφονία, line 2, after ‘murder,’ insert ΆΡ 5.215 (Mel.), 9.157,’ and for ‘Id.’ read ‘Plu.’ μιαιφόνος, line 2, after ‘844, al. :’ insert ‘of persons, Arist.AA' 1 1 77bio ;’ Χμιαρολόγος, ον, foul-mouthed, Sch.Luc.205.7. μιαρός 4, fin., after ‘Pl.Ti.562d’ add ‘; D.18.296, al. ; Aeschin.i. 42, al.’ μίγα, add ‘, cf. Orph.A.791’ μιγής, after ‘68.4’ add ‘(dub.)’ μίγμα i, add ‘ : metaph. of style, D.H.Dgm.5’ 2, line 2, for “μ. σμύρνης” read ‘sg., Lxx όϊ.38.8 ; μίγμα σμύρνης’ Χμιγός, ή, όν, not sorted out, ερέα Edict. Diocl.25·’! · μιεΐν, read “μίειν” and add ‘ ; cf. μνίειν, καταμιεΐ.’ Χμιεστήρ, prob. = *μι αστήρ (= μιάστωρ), Gloss, in POxy. 1802.61 ; cf. χιέζω = χιάζω, πιάζω — πιέζω. μικιχιζόμενος, for 'under age’ read 'in third year of public education, i.e. nine years old’ lines 3/4, for ‘is expld. . .year' read ‘ = foreg.’ μικκός, line 1, after “μικρός,” insert ‘A.Pr.474.i.23,ii.i5 M. (lyr·),’ μικκύλος, read “μΐκύλος” and transpose accordingly, μικρόθεν, init., add ‘(parox.)’ x μικρό κέραμον, τό, smalt pot, PBremen 22.7 (ii a.d.). μικρολογια II. 2, add ‘, Ptol.Tgir.i92’ μικρός ιι. I, line 2, after ‘Pl.Ti.498d;’ insert 'προς μικρόν GVI 1842.3 (Egypt, i/ii a.d.);’ iii. 5a, for ‘Antipho..4. 129’ read ‘Hilt.4.129 ; in detail, Antipho 6.18 (s.v.l.)’ end of article, for ‘ϊ only in late Poetry,’ read 'μικρά is a false cj. (μακρα cod.) in’ μικροσιτία, after T97' a£id ‘(cj.)’ ^ μικρόσφαιρον, read *— σφαιρος, ον’ and add , Plin.TTA12.44 μικρόφθαλμος, after 'Hp.Epid.6.7. 1,’ insert ‘Ptol.Tgir.143,’ μικρόφωνος i, add ‘ : Comp., Plu. 2.963a’ μικροψυχία, lin., delete ‘Cic.Aii.9. 1 1 .4, > , μικύθειος, for “a, ov” read “ov” and at end add ‘; άργυρίς, κύλιξ, 1b.442.fi 142, 172 (ii B.c.)’ μιλιάριον II, add ‘b. mile, τέσ σάρες (sic) μειλιάρια ήμεΐν έπίκεινται ΑΚΑφ.φ, line 6 (Phrygia, iii a.d.).’ Χμίλλα, dub. sens., Tneognost.Can.17. Χμιλτοττάραος, ov, Dor. for -πάρηος, PTTi0.ll.i72.36 (iii B.C.). μιλτοπάρηος, line 3, for ‘Macho ap.Ath.3. 135b’ read ‘Matio ap.Atn.4.i35b’ μιλτόπρειττος, tor ‘A.PV.ii6’ read ‘A.Pr.i64M., cf. Er.\~j\.2\ M. (lyr.)’ μίλτος I, transfer ‘ ; μ. Λημνίς Nic. Eh. 864’ from 2 to the end ol 1 μιμέομαι ii, line 5, delete ‘of μίμοι,’ μιμηλός ii, for ‘Pass., imitated, copied,’ read 'resembling,', delete 'portrait,' and add ‘, cf. Id.2.2i5a, Nonn.D.42.217, al.’ μίμημα 2, after ‘ representation ,' insert ‘τό Δαιδάλου μ. A.Fr.l 7.8 M. ; subjects of imitation ,’ μιμνήσκω B, line 2, for ‘only in later Prose read Th.6.60 , line 3, after “μέμνημαι” add ‘regularly’ 1. 3> bne ^or ‘, etc.’ read ‘; μέμνημαι . .σου λέγοντος ib.8 ; μ. Κριτιη. συνοντα σε Pl.CArm.i56a’ and for ‘relat.’ read ‘clause’ Χμινδαλόεσσας' άριθμά. καί τά περί ουράνια σύνταξις. Βαβυλώνιοι, Hsch., cf. Gloss, in POxy. 1802.67. μίνθα, after “μίνθος, ή,” insert ‘Mnesim.4.63,’ and for ib. read ‘ihphr.CP’ add ‘II. μίνθα and μίνθος also = κόπρος, Hsch. s.v. μίνθα ; thus used in Com. (but not in Mnesim. l.c.) acc. to Eust.1524.12, cf. μινθόω.’ μινθόβαψ, delete the article, μίνθος, ό, delete the article, v. μίνθα in Suppl. μίνθωνος, add ‘: μίνθων, ωνος, ό, prob. in Luc. Lex. 12, and so perh. in Phld. l.c., Hsch. s.v. κικκίδαι.’ Χμινίκιον, τό, bangle, necklet, armlet, SEG2.‘jqd (Dura, iii a.d.). μινόθω, line 1, before ‘, only’ add ‘[ύ, but ϋ in μινύθει B.3.90 S., cf. 5.151 (cj.)]’ II, line 6, after ‘ Mochl.if add ‘; πόθω μ. A.Cgr.201,304’ μίνυνθα, line 4, delete ‘μ. . .5.151 ;’ ^ , j μινυώριος, after ‘362.26’ add ‘ ; αστέρα λέκτρων Musae.305’ μινύωρος, delete ‘, cf. Musae.305 Μίνως, for ‘, but also i Pl.C0m.15 D.’ read ‘; in Pl.C0m.15 D. Μινών (the name of an Olympic victor) slid. prob. be read’ line 3, after ‘Hdt. 1.173’ insert ‘, Pl.L5.624a, ΛΡ7.727 (Theaet.)’ line 6, after ‘Hsch.’ add cf. μινώδες' άμπελοί τινες ουτω λέγονται παρα Ροδιοις, Gloss, m PO.ry.l8o2. 7l’ μίσηθρον, add ‘, POxy. 433·27’ t , μισθοδοτέω, line 4, after ‘ receive pay,’ add 'Hell.Oxy. 14.2; Χμισθωσίδιον, τό, Dim. of μίσθωσις, Aegyptus 13.62 (i b.c.). μισθώσιμος, add ‘; 'PAderton 24.13 (H/iii a.d.) ΧΜΐσοκύων, κύνος, ό, title of book on misfortunes by Hermagoras of Amphipolis, Stoic. 1.102. μισοπονηρία I, line 3, after ‘etc.’ add ‘b. severity, τυχείν της προσηκούσης μ. UPZ 8.30 (ii B.C.)’ μισοπόνηρος, after ‘Adv. -ρως' add ‘ strictly , severely ,’ and for ‘simply, with hostile sentiments’ read 'with righteous indignation ’ Χμισόχρυσος, ov, hating a reward in gold, of a physician, Not.Scav. 1941.193 (Rome, ii a.d.). Χμισσίκιος, ό, = Lat. missicius, PGnom. 53,54 (ii a.d.), cf. μεσσίκιος in Suppl. 100 μιτάτον SUPPLEMENT μόρφωμα Χμιτάτον, V. μητάτον (Suppl.). μιτόομαι, line 3» for ‘let one’s, .a string' read ‘weave' μίτρα I. 2, after ‘girdle,' insert ‘Hes. in POxy. 2354.4,’ at end of article, for ‘Horn.’ read ‘Men. PA:. 393.’ Χμιτράνα [pd], ά, = μίτρα II, Sapph. 98(a) 10, (6)3 L.-P. μιτροφόρος, delete the article. μίτυλος, after “μύτιλος” insert “or μύτάλος” and in 11, before “μίτυλον" insert ‘αίμα πιείν μνταλον Call.Pr.69i Pf., cf.’ μιχθαλόεις, add *; μιχθαλόΐσσα PHib. 11. 1 72.65 (iii B.C.)’ Χμνα (B), Aeol. for μνεία, GDIui 5.28 (Erythrae, ii b.c.). μνααίος, line 4, after ‘(iv a.d. add ‘ κιθάρω με'δδονος μναίήω BCH 60.28.15 (Acraephia, ii b.c.) line 5, after ‘(i a.d.)’ add ‘, 905.6 (ii a.d., μναγαιον)' μνεία i, for ‘ε’μήν μ. dub. in Ael.F7/6.i’ read ‘μ. την ε’μήν Ael. JVA 12.32’ add ΊΗ. al Mveiai the Muses, Plu.2.743d.’ χμνεΐον, prob. a stone-cutter’s error for μνημείο v, CP28.196 (Lycia; μνΐ-). μνήμη, before Dor.’ add ‘(μνήσμη SEG6.% 90 (Lycaonia, iv/v A.D.))’ Χμνημόδουλος, o', dub. sens., TAM2(^).jg^ (Arycanda). μνημοδόχος, delete the article, μνημονευτικός II, after ‘Ptol. Petr. 1 55’ add ‘(v.l.)’ μνημονεύω i. i, add c. part., Pl.Z/i^iga’ μνημοσύνη i, fin., for — in Att. only as pr. n.’ read ‘, E .Hyps. i.ii.25 Bond.’ Χμνημόσΰνος, η, ον, of record or remembrance, γράμματα records, Lxx Es. 6.1 ; ήμερα i ib.9.27 cod. A. μνημών ii. 2, for ‘συμποσίου . .convivii’ read ‘ii (q.v. in Suppl.)’ Χμνηστεϊα" sponsalia, Gloss., cf. μνή<(σ)>τεια· γάμου δώρα, Hsch. μνήστεψα, for ‘bride.. ( Agath.)’ read ‘ betrothed , AP$. 276.1 (Agath.), cf. μνηστός in Suppl.’ μνηστήρ, add ‘III. mindful, Hsch., cf. μνήστεψα ii and μνήστωρ.' μνηστηροφονία, after “ή,” insert ‘= μνηστηροκτονία, Plu.2. 294c;’ and after ‘Ath.5.i92d,’ delete ‘Plu. 1.294c,’ μνηστός i, after ‘abs.,’ insert ‘h.Ap. 208; betrothed,' and at end add ‘, cf. Procop.Go by Apollon. Lex. as αθάνατα, μόρου μή μετε'χοντα ; but perh. rather shining, oily, sleek.' μορτός, add ‘ ; cf. άμβροτος in Suppl., and Aeol. nn. pr. Άγί- μορτος, Κλΐόμορτος' μορφάζω, add ‘II. make specious or adorn, τά φ(υδή Eust.i69i.8.’ Χμορφόλυκος, ον, of wolf shape, σφυράν PMag.Par. 1.2812. μόρφωμα, add ‘2. pi., idols, Aq.1A1.15. 23.’ 101 μοσθίον SUPPLEMENT ναευω Χμοσθίον, τό, Dim. of μούστος, a measure of wine, POxy. 1589.17 (lV A.D.). Χμοσμένιν (i.e. -ιον), τό, little horse, Pap. in Aegyptus 6.187 : — also μοσμονάριος, ό, ib.74. (Cf. Lat. musimo.) μόσσυν fin., for ‘A.R.2.1017, C&\\. Aet.Oxy .2080.70’ read ‘A.R. 2.381 B, Call.Fr.43.68 Pf.’ Χμοσχευτικόβ, ή, όν, for cutting μοσχεύματα, δρέπανα PCair.^en. 851024 (iii B.C.). Χμόσχημα, ατος, τό, = μόσχευμα, PCair.Zen. 5.839-4 (i“ B.C.) 5 written βοσκ-, corrected to βοσχ-, ibid. μοσχιον, add ‘II. απαλα φυτά, .η κρομμύου τό σπέρμα, Hsch.’ μόσχιος, add ‘II. name of a month, Hesperia 27.75 (ca· 200 b.c. ; unknown provenance).’ *μ°σχ°λόγο$, ό, a kind of actor or mime, Inscr.Cret. 4. 223 (Gortyn). μόσχο s (B) 3, delete 'any young, .even’ μοσχοτρόφος, line 2, for “τιθηνός” read “τιθηνη” Χμοσχών, ώνος, 0, byre for calves, PCair.Zen. 4.642.3 (iii b.c.). μοτός i, fin., for ‘Call.Fr.7.40 P.’ read ‘Sch.Call.Fr.23.21 Pf.’ and after Hsch. add ‘s.v., Et.Gen. s.v. άμοτον.' ΧΜουκιεΐα, τά, games in honour of Q_.Mucius Scaevola, IGRom. 4. 1 88.4 (Poemanenum, i b.c.). Χμουλαγόρας, ου, ό, dub. sens., MAMA3.86 (Diocaesarea) (pos¬ sibly = ημιονόκουρος) . μουνάξ, after ‘Od.8.371’ add ‘, Arat.i 19’, for ‘n.’ read ‘Od.11.’, and add at end ‘, cf. Euph.98’ Χμουνικίπιον, τό, = Lat. municipium, Ephes. 3.48. Χμοΰργος, ό, prob. the brown one, of a horse or mule, POxy. 922. 19 (vi/vii a.d.) ; v. Byz.Zeitschr. 36.316. Μούσα II. I, add b. από μούσης = άπόμουσον, άμουσον, ούκ εστιν ά. μ. it is not out of place, Ael.jVA 12.34, al.’ Χμουσαναγωγός, η, leader of the Muses, title of Isis at Canopus, POxy. 1 380.62 (ii a.d.). Μούσαρχος, delete ‘Dor. Μώσαρχος,’ and for ‘Terp. .. Diehl)’ read 'Lyr.Adesp.23 P· (Μωσ- Bgk.) ; of a man, BullJpigr. 68 (ϊ955)·6ο (Istria, iii a.d.)’ Μουσεΐον 2, after 'poetry,' add ‘of the abode of a poetess, E. Melanipp.Sap. Prol.19;’ and for Έ.’ read ‘Id.’ μουσικεύομαι I, add ‘, Sch.Pi.F.4.526’ μουσικός I, line 3, after ‘Z45828C ;’ add ‘ευφωνία D.H./5OC.3 ;’ μουσικτάς, add ‘, cf. PIU.2.239C.’ μούσμων, for ‘animal, .moufie’ read ‘wild sheep, mouflon ’ Χμουσοεττης, ες, speaking in verse, φαμα καρύσσω μουσοεπεί στ ό μάτι GV1 1 179-2 (Smyrna, ii b.c.). Χμουσόθετος, ον, set up by music, Θήβης τείχεα μ. SEG8.528 (Egypt, ii/iii a.d.) . ΧΜουσότροφος, name of a horse, SEG7.213.22 (Beyrout). μουσόχορος, for “-χαρής” read ‘μεσόχορος (q.v.) rather than for μουσοχαρης’ Χμουσωτής, οΰ, ό, worker in mosaic, Syria 1.302 (vi a.d.), cf. παξαμάς II (Suppl.). μοχλεία, add ‘2. leverage, Plot.5.9.6 (pi.).’ μυάγρα, after ‘ mouse-trap ,’ add ‘Ar.Fr.563,’ Χμυακάνθη, ή, = μυάκανθος, Gp. 10.21.6. Χμϋγερός, ό, = νυκτικόραξ, Cyran.29. μύγματα, delete the article; cf. E.Andr.826 with Sch. and κατάξεσμα (Suppl.). μυδάλέος, read “μϋδάλεος” and for the note on quantity substitute ‘[Cf. μϋδαίνω.γ μόζω (B), add ‘prob. in Archil.28 D., cf. Hsch. s.v. εμυζεν' Χμύθαρ· μύθος, Hsch. μυθίζω, line 3, after ‘cf.’ add ΆΡ 12.181 (Strato),’ μυθολογεύω, fin., delete ‘, prob. rest, in SapphAa/i/^^’ μυθολόγος ii. i, for ‘Aet. 3.1.55’ read ‘Fr. 75.55 Pf.’ μυκάομαι 2, line 6, after ‘22.75’ add ‘ 5 of a clock (cf. μύκημα in Suppl.), Mesom.8.28 Heitsch {μηκ- cod.)’ μύκημα, add ‘ ; of the noise made by a water-clock to indicate the time, Euc.Hipp.8' μύκης, line 2, before ‘Dor.’ insert ‘Att. nom. sg. μύκη SEGvx 16 35 (Athens, v b.c.) j’ ii. i, after ‘Hdt.3.64,’ insert ‘Nic. 24/.103, 6, for ‘ μύκαι . . 14.62. i’ read */ utipus used for dye - making, Orib. 14.62 (Raeder)’ Μυκόνιος, add ‘; fern. Μυκονιάς, άδος, F/G1024.14 (Myconos, lll/ii B.C.)’ ΧΜυλάντειοι θεοί · επιμύλιοι (επιμύλισιν cod.), Hsch. ; connected with Mylas, one of the Τελχίνες at Camirus, St.Byz. s.v. Μυλαντία (a promontory at Camirus): Μυλάντιος, epith. of Apollo at Camirus, Clara Rhodes 6/7.395. μυληβόρος, for ‘ millstone-eating ’ read ‘eating (grain) off millstone' μυλίτης ii, for 'molar' read ‘wisdom- and after ‘722’ add ‘ An Ox. 3.82.26’ Χμυλοκριβάνιον, τό, milling-bakery, POxy. 1890.6, 19 (vi a.d.). μύλος i. 3, add *, Hsch.’ Χμυλώναρχος, ό, = μυλωνάρχης, POxy. 1 890.3 (vi A.D., μύλον - Pap.). μυξωτήρες, add ‘Π. sg., vessel for pouring oil into a lamp, Lxx Za. 4.12.’ Χμυόγάλος, ό, = μύγαλος, Cyran.42. μυοσωτίς ii, for ‘Dsc.-Dsc.’ read ‘Ps.-Dsc.’ Χμυότροχον, το, = μυοσωτίς II, Ps.-Dsc. 4. 86 (μυόρτοκον codd.). μύουρος (A) I, after ‘mouse-tailed) ,' insert ‘ μύουρα και βραχέα A. Fr.17.29M.;’ 2, line 3, before ‘Ath. 14.632ε’ insert ‘Plu.2.61 ib,’ end of article, after “μϋ-” insert ‘A. l.c.,’ μυράφιον, add ‘, Dura 4 128’ Χμΰρεψάς, a, ό, = μυρεφός, MAMA3.712 (Corycus). μυρεψός, add ‘2. apothecary, Lxx 01.38.8(7), 49. 1 . Written μι ψο¬ φάς, ΜΑΜΑ3.289,8>99 (Corycus).’ μυρηρός, add ‘; κύαθος IG22 .1^24.8.321' μυριαγωγός, add ‘II. leader of ten thousand, epith. of God, Jahresh. 32.80 (amulet).’ Χμυριακός, η, όν, reserved to the ten thousand full citizens, άρχαί Hermes 64.435 (Cyrene, iv b.c.). Χμυρΐάριθμος [d], ov, of countless number, όχλος Ps.-Callisth.i.ig cod. C. Χμυριόκλαυστος, ov, infinitely bewailed, GF/1941 . 1 (Thisbe, ii/iii a.d.). Χμυριοντάπλάσιος [πλα], ον, = sq., Simp, in Ph. 479.2. μυρίος I. 2, line 6, for ‘in. .Prose,’ read ‘ κραυγή μ. Hanno Peripl. I4’’ μυριοτευχής, add ‘2. with ten thousand arms, μ. εδος = tropaeum, ^9(2). 1 135.2 (i B.C.).’ μυρμηκίζω, add ‘III. Med., to be a “gold-digger” or “ money- grubber' ”, interpol. (?) in Gal. Med. Phil.2.' μυρμηκολεων, add (cf. λεουσι τοΐς καλούμε νοις μύρμηζιν in Africa, Str. 16.4.15)’ μυρόπνοος, for ‘5.15’ read ‘4.1.9 (Id.), 5.16’ μύρος, after ‘ap.Ath.7.3i2f’ insert ‘, Ael.WAi4.i5’ Χμυρουργός, ό, perfume-maker, Bull. Inst. Class. Studies, Suppl. 10.13 (Cyprus, μυροροργο). Χμυρσινεών, ώνος, ό, myrtle-grove, Aq., Sm.^a.1.8. μυρσινίτης I, add ‘2. τιθύμαλλος μ. = ii. 2, Afric.Cej/.p.l5 V.’ μύρτον ii, add ‘, cf. AP7.406 (Theodorid.)’ μΰς iii, line 2, after ‘mus marinus' add ‘(his pugnacity, however, prob. belonged in the source to an εμύς, cf. the egg-laying of the mus marinus, Plin.EGVg. 1 66, and εμύς in Suppl.)’ μύσαγμα, add ‘, PMag.Par. 1.2576, 2645’ μυσάλμαι, for the present article substitute ‘μυσάλμης, ου, 6, one who lives very cheaply, Eust.1828.15, cf. 1507.2, but acc. to Hsch. μυσάλμαι = ( oi ) πολύ πεινώντες και εσθίοντες .’ μυσάρχης, substitute ‘Μϋσάρχης, ου, ό, leader of Mysians' Χμυσίδιον, το, (written μυσίδην) Iambi. Alch. 286. 18,288.3, peril. f.l. for μισύδι(ο)ν, Dim. of μίσυ I. Χμύσκιλος" στραβόπους, Cyr. μυσπολέω, delete ‘, with a play on μυστιπολεύω’ μυσταγωγία, add ‘IV. metaph., initiation into the business of tax-farming, PTeb. 812.5 b.c.).’ Χμυσταρχικός (sc. βωμός), of or for a μυστάρχης, Robert Ist.Anat. 291 (Amastris). Χμυστηγορία, ή, mystical discourse, Procl. in Pnn.p.779.13. μυστηριακός, after ‘Ptol. Tetr. 163,’ insert ‘167 (both of persons),’ μυστήριον I. 2, add ‘c. hall used by μύσται, Sardis 7(1). 17.6.’ 1. 3, line 6, for ‘[the remedy] . . secret ’ read ‘my application, the private recipe' μυστιττόλος, init., insert ‘(parox.)’ Χμυστρικός, written μουστρικός, o', spoon-maker, MAMA4.100 (Synnada, vi a.d.). μυτακισμός, omit ‘Diom. p.453 K.,’ and after ‘Gloss., etc.’ add ‘; a fault of pronunciation, Diom. p.453 K. (pi.)’ μυττωτός, add ‘ : title of work by Parthenius’ μυχή, ii, delete the section (1. δι’ αμυχών). Χμυχηβόρος, ov, eating in corners, v.l. for μυλ-, νυχ-, Nic.Th.446. μυχός I, add ‘; φρένων, .εν μύχιο Theoc.29.3’ μύω I. 2, line 5, before ‘: metaph.’ add ‘; πριν μύσαι in the twinkling of an eye, S.Inach. in PTeb. 692 ii 9 (= GLP 1.6.13)’ μυωττίζω i, line 2, after ‘X.Eq. 10. 1,2’ insert ‘ ; of a charioteer, prick with a goad’ μύωψ I, add ‘ ; metaph., of flowers, with closed eye, κόρκορον Nic. Th. 626’ 11, line 1, after ‘Th.417,’ add ‘626,’ μώλυς I. 2, after ‘30.14’ add ‘(Speusippus)’ μωλυτική, for the present article read : ‘μωλϋτικός, η, όν, coming to a head, of a tumour, prob. cj. in Praxag.ap.Orib.44. 18.2. 2. -η· φοβερά, Hsch.’ μώριος 3, add ‘( μώριον , apptly. neut.).’ Χμωροκυστα, dub. sens, et accent., epithet of a harlot, Dura 9 1.2 12 (iii a.d.) ; cf. κύσθος. Χμώρον, = μόρον I, Hsch. ; = μόρον 2, Theognost.Can.131 ; cf. Lat. morum. μωρός 3, for ‘things’ read ‘acts, etc.’ ; for folly ’ read ‘ immodesty ’ ; and after ‘966’ add ‘, cf. El. 1035’ μώψ, add ‘ ; cf. μύωφ, νώφ.’ Χναβλίστρια, η, fem. of ναβλιστης, Heuzey-Daumet Mission Arch, de Macedoine No. 10. ναεύω, for T.39’ read T.40,43, Inscr.Cret. 4.41 iv 8, 47.31 (all Gortyn, v b.c.)’ 102 ναζιραιότης SUPPLEMENT νεόβακχος Χναζιραιότης, ητος, ή, Nazirite state, Sm.Je.7-2g. ναί ι. ι, add ‘ ; in a dependent inf. clause, al «’ αΰτόν αίτιήται ναι άποδό(θ)θαι η άποκρύφαι Inscr ,Cret.\.\7 .27 (ν B.C.)’ 2, line 3, after ‘//G4.4·10;’ insert ‘with petitions,’ and at end add Ph. 1665, At. Pax 1 1 13’ n. 1, line 2, after ‘(lyr),’ insert ‘Hdt.i. 159.4,’ add to strengthen an en¬ treaty, Ar.jVa.784, al., Epigr. in Ath.Mitt. 57.46 ([ν]αί, λίτομαι), Herodes Att.ap.Philostr. ^2.5.3.’ Nats (s.v. Ναϊάς), fin., after “Ναΐδες,” insert ‘Alcm.63 P.,’ Χναιτάω, = ναιετάω, Poet, in MAMAi .41 2 (E. Phrygia), ναίω, line 1, after ‘poet. Verb,’ insert ‘also in late prose, e.g. Plu.2.6o6f,’ fin., after ‘Il.14.119’ add ‘, cf. Call.Er. 680 Pf.’ and at end add ‘(Cf. νάω in Suppl.)’ Νακόρειον, read “νάκορεΐον” νακοτίλτης, add ‘, Hesperia 29.71’ νακτός i, add ‘, but frontlets, phylacteries, Aq. Ex. 13.16, De. 6.8.’ 11, after ‘dub. sens.’ insert ‘, perh. choked (of a river),’ and after ‘i b.c.)’ add ‘ = 5EG7.12.10’ Χναννούδιον, τό, lap-dog, Sch.Luc.C0na.19. χναννω, ή, lect., sens., et accent, dub., την ειδίαζν'λ ναννων (fort. την ειδίαν άννων ) /Gg(2).877 (Larissa), νάνος, fin., after ‘codd.’ add ‘, but νάνος in POxy. 465.225 (ii A.D.)’ χναοθέσιον, τό, temple area (?), PReinach 2066.36 (ii a.d.) in JJP 11/12(1957-8), p. 75. χναοττηγός, «5, temple- or ship-builder, SB 3506, cf. ναυπηγός. ναός i, fin., after ‘Aeol. ναύος’ insert ‘perh. in Sapph.2.1 L.-P. (νανγον Ostrac., i.e. ναυρον?),’ end of article, after ‘(Phaestus, ii b.c.)’ insert ‘, cf. Inscr. Cret. 1 xvii 21, al.’ χναοφυλακία, ή, temple-watch, a ritual office, Ephes. 4(3). 3° (ca· ϋΐ A. D.). ναόω i, for ‘τάν άγελαν. . (Crete)’ read ‘1. for a ceremony in which the άχε'λα took the oath to the constitution, Inscr. Cret. 1 xix 1.24 (iii b.c.) . 2. in order to give asylum, ib.4.83.5 (v B. C.)’ νάρδος, fin., for ‘Semitic word’ read ‘Skt. naladd’ νάρθηξ, line 4, for ‘X.Cyr.2.3.20, cf. Arist.Pr.948aio’ read ‘ΛΡ6.294 (Phan.), Sch.E.Or.1492’ and in line 6 for Onos. 10.4’ read ‘X.Cyr.2.3.20, Onos. 10.4, cf. Arist.Pr.948aio’ νάρκισσος, line 2, after ‘1.133’ insert ‘, TE5.147 (Mel.), Epigr. Gr. 548’ νασμός, add ‘b. rain, Lyc.8o.’ ναστήρ, add ‘, -ΛΕ4ΛΕ47·584 (pi·).’ ναστός I. 3, add ‘ ; neut. pi. ναστά, Hsch.’ νατήρες, for the present article substitute ‘νατήρ, ηρος, ό, tile, /Ιρχ.Έφ. 1948/9. 136 A 12,17 (Epid., iv b.c.), Hsch. II. pi. = ύπηρεται, Id.’ νάτωρ, after “ νατορ ” add ‘(v.l. γεννάτορ)’ ναύαρχος, add ‘[The first syllable is short in a hexameter, Delph. 3(i).5i, cf. note on 5/Gii5b (v b.c.).]’ χναυκλάριος [ά], a, ον, of merchant shipping, epith. of Poseidon, EC//33.508 (Delos, i b.c.) . ναυκλήριον I, add ‘2. crew, Peripl.M.Rubr.56 ’ χναυκλήρισσα, ή, fern, of ναύκληρος, Rev. fit. Gr. 74-207 (Cos). χναυλέιτλοιον, τό, = ναύλον πλοίου, only in formula χωρίς ναυλεπλοίου P Mich. 6. 399.5, 400.5 (both iv a.d.). ναυλόχιον, add ‘, Plu. Them.g.2' χναύλωσις, εως, ή, hiring or chartering of ships, PBerol. 16876.8,25 (i b.c.) in Aegyptus 19(1939). 62 ; = ναυλωτική, Pland.Inv. 245 (iii a.d.) in Aegyptus 27(1947). 48. ναυμαχία, add ‘II. a game of skill or chance, P0II.7.Q06, cf. EC//79.547.’ ναυπηγείο, line 2, after ‘1.107c’ add , Arist.EEi247a25 ναύττλιος, after ‘Ruhr. if add ‘(s.v.l. ; a prob. cj. is ναργίλιος to mean oil, cf. Skt. ndrikela ‘ cocoanut' , New Persian n argil)' and at end ‘ ; also Adj., τών v. (written ναυπλοίων) κόχλων Ps.- Democr.Alch.357. 1 6’ ναΰς, line 11, after ‘Phryn.147’ add νιας Polyaen.4.7.6, v.l. in J.Eif.33’; line 13, after “νεός” insert ‘(Hdn. 2.675)’ and after Od. 9.283’ add dat. vet prob. in AP7.637 (Antip.)’; line 17, after ‘Dem.Bith.4.6’ add ‘; dat. pi. νηεσιν Q.S.3.744, 8.362’ and after “νείϊς,” insert ‘cf.ilP13.27 (Phal.),’; line 21, before — Dor.’ insert cf. νηΰς, νηύν Hdn. Gr. 2. 645, prob. in prov. in Suid. s.v. έχενετο’; line 25, for ‘f.l. . .22.17’ read ‘Hymn.Curet.58 (prob. monosyll.)’, and after ‘sg.’ insert ‘acc. vaa prob. in Alc.i 17(6). 21 L.-P.,’ add ‘II. pi. νηες, male pudenda, εξεζεσεν αύτοΐς εις τας ναΰς Lxx ΐΚϊ·5·6 (ita Β, έδρας Α)’ ναύτης, add ‘III. ship's captain, P Ross. -Georg. 3. 5* 5, 10 (iii a.d.), P5/948.6 (iv a.d.). b. = ναύκληρος, POxy. 1947.5,1948.7 (vi a.d.).’ ναυτιώδης i, delete ‘Plu...i28d’ 2, after ‘nausea,' insert ‘of persons, Plu.2.i28d; ορύξεις ib.i27a;’ χναυτοκολυμβητής, οΰ, ό, sailor-diver, PMich. iii 174-4 (fi a.d.). χναυτοτίρων, ωνος, ό, naval recruit, PSI781 .g (iv a.d.). ναυφυλακέω, add ‘: c. acc. θαλαμηγόν PTeb. 802.5 (ii b.c.)’ χναυφυλάκια, τά, wages of ναυφύλακες I, BCH 80.64 (Rhamnus, iii B.C.) . ναυφύλαξ I, add ‘, Suid. s.v. ναυτοδίκαι χνάω (Β) [ά], = ναίω, prob. read by Zenod. in H.6.34,13.172; Lyr.ap.Clem.A1.5irom.4.26.i67. χνεάδιον, τό, dub. sens., Stud. Pal. 20.233.2 (vi/vii A.D.). νεανικότης, for the present article read ‘youthful vigour, prowess, Sext.Pi.9.1,109 (no). 3.’ χνεανισκεία, ή, vigour, SEG 13.261.3 (iii a.d.). χνεανισκολόγος, ό, juvenile lead, Αύρηλιος Άντιοχιανός Άπαμεύς ν. SEG 17-662 (Aspendus), cf.Sch.Juv.8.191. νεαοιδός, for the present article substitute ‘νεάοιδος [ά], ό, young singer, TP7.13 (Leon, or Mel.).’ νεαροπρεττής, for ‘possessing youthful charm ’ read ‘modern, up-to-date' χνεαρχος, ου, ό, leader of the νέοι, Inscr. in Wien.Anz. 195 1.336, al. (Ephesus, i/ii a.d.). νεαρωδός, for “= νεαοιδός” read ‘some kind of musician’ and before ‘IG’ insert ‘dub. in’ νεατος (A), line 1, after “η, ον” insert ‘(also ος, ον Arat.6o)’; line 10, after ‘to be situated )’ add ‘; neut. pi. νείατα as Adv., deep down, Nic.T/. 120’ χνεβεύω, prob. non-Hellenic word, of performing some service to Artemis, Πολέμων 1.249 (Larissa), /Gg(2).ii23 (Demetrias, ii B.C.) . νεβρίζω, for the present article substitute ‘νεβρίζω, in Dionysiac rites, tear a fawn to pieces in order to provide the νεβρίς or wear a fawnskin, D. 18.259, cf- Harp., Phot.’ χνεβριον, τό, Dim. of νεβρός, ίσα νεβρίοισιν prob. in Sapph.58.l6 L.-P. νεβρίτης, before Orph.’ insert ‘rest, for νευρ- in’ and after ‘L.748’ add ‘, De Mely Lapid.Gr. 187.20’ νεβρός, add ‘, Theoc. 11.40, al.’ νεβροτόκος, after fawns,' insert ‘apptly. Subst. = έλαφος,' νεβροφόνος, after “ον”, insert fawn-slaying, πούς A.Er.474.2. 18 M. (lyr.) ;’ and at end add ‘ ; epith. of Dionysus, Nonn.-D.44. 198’ νεήμελκτος, for ‘newly milked,' read full of new milk, πελλη χνεητόκος, ον, = νεοτόκος, Nonn.D.25.553. al- νεήτομος, for ‘cut. .young' read ‘ newly castrated' νειότιος, add ‘, rest, in Call.Er.384.49 Pf.’ Νειλεΐον, delete the article. χΝείλεως, εω, ό, = Νηλεύς, founder of Miletus, Call. Fr. 191.76 Pf., cf. Hdn. 2. 450. 26 : hence Νειληϊάδης and Νειλεΐδης, ου, Ep. do, 6, Alex.Aetol.3.1,26. χνείλιος, ό, a precious stone, Plin.//jV"37. 1 14. Νειλομέτριον, for ‘rod’ read ‘scale of heights inscribed on a wall (cf. Borchardt Nilmesser und Nilstandsmarken, Abh.Berl.Akad. 1906)’ Νειλόρυτος, add ‘; Αλεξάνδρεια Jahresh.\ Beibl.20 (Tithorea)’ Νείλος, add ‘; τών Αθηναίων ό N., of Demosthenes, Jo. Sic. Proll. 32 p.395 R.’ νειοκόρος, delete “o,” χνείομαι, ν. νεομαι. νειός 2, fin., delete ‘, /G22.334-i7’ νεΐος (A), for ‘A.R.1.125, Hsch.’ read ‘neut. as Adv. (= νεωστί) Call.Er.384.5 Pf., A.R.1.125.’ νεκροποιός, after ‘killing,' insert ‘Alex.Aphr. in Top. 376.2'],’ χνεκροστολιστής, οΰ, ό, prob. = νεκροστόλος, Chron.d’Eg.26(ig5i). I57(i a.d.). χνεκροτάφιον, τό, tomb, EGG34.4.17 (ph)· νεκροφόρος, for the present article substitute ‘-φόρος, ό, burier of corpses, undertaker, Plu. Cat.Ma. 9. 2, Id.2.i99e, Gloss' νεκρώδης, after ‘ corpse-like ,’ insert ‘Plu. Phoc. 28. 5,’ νεκτάρεος, add ‘ : also as Subst. = νέκταρ, Antip. Sid., Philol. 10 1. 104.7’ νεκύδαλος, for ‘nympha’ read ‘pupa’ νέκυια iii, for ‘ rabble ' read ‘lost souls’ νεκυομαντεΐον, transfer ‘Cic. Tusc. 1 . 16. 37/ after ‘in pi.,’ and continue ‘ rites of necromancy, cf.’ νεκύσια, add ‘; prob. in Plu.Craxr. 19’ νεκυσσόος, for ‘ rousing the dead to life ’ read ‘speeding the dead on their way' Νεμέα i, line 7, after “Νεμεακός,” insert ‘Plu. 2. 677b, ’ ; line 8, after ‘Pi.jV.3.2’ add ‘ ; Subst., ή N. the Nemean games, Annuario 30/32.290 no. 66, lines 16,17 (Rhodes)’ 11, add ‘; Νεμέαια, BCH8i.68 4.’ χνεμεσήμων, ον, gen. ονος, indignant, resentful, Call.Er.96.1 Pf·, Nonn.D.25.125. νέμεσις, lines 8/9, delete ‘πενθεΐν. .anap.) ;’ χνέμημα, ατος, τό, bounty, PJena Inv.6o Av 8 (iii/iv a.d.) in Aegyptus 32 (1952) .80 ff. νεμητής, for ‘= νεμετωρ’ read ‘ beneficiary ' and at end add Jahresh. 11.105, n. 12; cf. Rev. ft. Gr. 6 4.139’ νεμήτρια, add ‘(Rome, iv a.d.)’ νέμος, add ‘II. = τό γυναικείου αιδοΐον, Hsch. III. = to τ οΰ οφθαλμού κοΐλον (leg. κύλον), Id.’ νέννος, lines 3/4, omit ‘, q.v.’ χνεόβακχος, ό, prob. newly initiated Bacchanal, Leg.Sacr. i.22.7 (Thrace) ; ph, worshippers of Zeus Dionysus, AJA66.286 (Phrygia, -βαχχοι lapis). 103 ν€0βλ€1ΓΤθς SUPPLEMENT νιφοστιβής χνεόβλεπτος, ον, newly seen, Hsch. s.v. νεώπας (prob.). χνεογήμης, ον, newly married, dub. 1. in Amips.34. νεογύνης, before ‘Amips.’ insert ‘cj. (for νεογημης) in’ νεόδμητος (A) and (B), after “ov” insert ‘(also η, ον, Hsch.)’ νεόθηκτος, after ‘newly-whetted,’ insert ‘Plu. Cic. 19.2,’ χνεόθηρος, ov, perh. newly caught, of Christian converts, MAMA 6.227 (Apamea). χνεοκέλάδος, ov, newly or youthfully resounding, χορός GLP 1.84.25. χνεοκένωτος, ov, newly emptied, κεράμιον Airic.Cest.p.^y V. νεόκλωστος, for fresh-spun ’ read ‘newly woven ’ νεοκμής I, for the present section read fresh, ποιας νεοκμήτας, prob. cj. in Nic.FA.498.’ νεόκμητος, delete ‘ newly wrought, Nic. FA.498. II.’ νεόκτιτος, add ‘; rest, in A.Fr. 17.87 M.’ χνεόλεκτρος, ον, = νεόγαμος, prob. in A.Fr. 355. 20 M. (lyr.). χνεόπιστος, ov, newly converted, Swoboda Denkmaler 6 1 (Vasada). χνεοποιός (B), = νεωποιός (q.v. with Suppl.). Νεοπτόλεμος, after “Νεδπτ— ,” add ‘Pi. A^.7.35,’ νέορτος, fin., delete ‘, νεοργόν or —ουργόν codd. Plu.’ νέος ii. 1, add ‘b. Νέος Σεβαστός, a month in Egypt, = Hathur, named in honour of Tiberius, PTeb. 561 (14 a.d.), BGU 1.4 (iii a.d.).’ νεοσταθής, add IG 12(2). 25. 3 (Lesbos, i b.c.)’ νεοσφαγής, add ‘; κεφαλή Plu. Cam. 3 1.4’ χνεοτατεύω, to be member of a νιάτας (v. νεότης ill), Inscr.Cret. 4.164 (iii b.c.) . νεότης hi, add also, body of νέοι at Tanagra, Poet, in /G7.581 {Hermes 72.233; i a.d., έν νεότα).’ νεοφυτεΐον, after ‘Gloss.’ add ‘ ; άμπελικόν v. PHamb. 68.23 (v'i a. d., — t ov Pap.).’ χνεοφώτιστος, ov, newly blessed with spiritual light, i.e. newly bap¬ tized, SEG4.20 (Syracuse), 8.45.5 (Scythopolis, iv/v a.d.). νεοχμός 1, line 5, after ‘Cratin. 145’ insert ‘, cf. A.Fr. 17.86 M. (satyr-play)’ χνεόχωτος, ον, (χώννυμι) newly heaped up, ήρίον IGi2fa) .489.9 (Lesbos). χΝερωναΐος, ό, a month in Cyprus beginning 2 March, Cat.Cod. Astr. 2.144.10,145.5. χΝερώνειος, «5, an Egyptian month in Caligula’s calendar, POxy. 355 (40/41 a.d.), FGi/713 (41/42 a.d.) . Νερώνειος Σεβαστός, ό, an Egyptian month in the time of Nero, = Choiak, BGU 1599 (54 a.d.; f°s), PFay. I53v.8 in Arch.Pap.4 p.98 (i a.d.; Νερωνι) ; also without Σεβαστός, PFay. I53v. 10,33 {Arch. Pap. 4 pp.98,99; abbreviated). Νερωνιανός, add ‘ ; (sc. λίθος) the Neronian stone, name given to the green σμάραγδος, Dionysius in Wien. Stud. 20.% 19’ νεύμα i. 1, add ‘, cf. D.P.517: metaph., v. ποδών Simm.Oii.iT add ‘b. musical beat, Luc.Aer.6.’ 11, delete ‘ quarter . . generally,’ νευρά 2, add ‘ ; so φαλάξεις νΐυράς κτύπον Lyc.139, but widr play on νεΰρον v’ χνευρέαι, αί, prob. f.l. for νεβρέαι = νεβραΐ, BGU40.4 (ii/iii A.D.) . νευρίτης, for Orph.L.748 codd. (fort. leg. νεβρ-)’ read ‘f.l. for νεβρ- in Orph.Z„748, De Mely Lapid.Gr. 187.20’ χνευρόδετος, ov, stringed, όργανα Aristid.Quint.2.19. νεΰρον v, add ‘, CaU.Fr.199 Pf.’ νευροσπαστέω II, delete the section. νευρότονον, for the present article substitute ‘νευρότονος, ov, gut- strung, καταπάλτης SEG%. 1 36.’ χνευρότροπος, ό, sufferer from a malady of the νεύρα, Cyran.105.18. νεύω I, add ‘5. diverge, deviate, νεύσας . . άπωθεν όδοΰ AP6.220.6 (Diosc.).’ νεφέλη iii, line 2, for ‘Aet.3.1.3"]' read ‘Fr.75.37 Pf·’ νεφεληγερέτα, add ‘ ; Nom. -έτης, Nonn.D.38.203’ χνεφελίς, ίδος, ή, = νεφέλιον ιι. 2, Cat.Cod.Astr.8fa). 148. \ ι. νεφελοειδής, add ‘ ; epith. of (Jewish) God, PMag. 4.3068’ νεφόομαι, add ‘2. to be formed into a cloud, of dust, Aristodem.1.8.’ νέφος, add ΊΙΙ. fine hunting-net, Hsch. s.v. νέφεα, cf. νεφέλη iii.’ νέω (A), line 3, omit ‘ ; poet.. . 143’ νέω (B), line 5, delete ‘ πέπλους . .Fr. 439;’ add ‘b. loosely used for υφαίνω, weave, S.Fr.439.’ νεωκορέω I. I, line 1, after ‘tend,’ insert ‘νενεωκόρηκεν BCH 83. 364.45 (Thasos, i b.c.) ;’ νεωκόριον, add ‘, Lindos n.419.24 (i a.d.)’ νεωκόρος, after “o',” insert ‘(also 17, /Gi 1 (2). 287Λ78 (Delos, iii b. c.), Paus.2.10.4) line 4, after ‘ii a.d.)’ add ‘, cf. Paus. 10. 12.5’ line 5, after ‘poet.’ insert ‘νειοκόρος TP6.356 (Pancrat.) ;’ νεωλκέω fin., after ‘metaph.,’ insert ‘haul a sheep along, Men. Dysc. 399 ;’ νεώλκιον, add sg., Sch.A II. 14.35’ νέωμα, add ‘, C/G6850 (incert. loc., pi.)’ νεωποιεΐον, add ‘ : - ποεΐον, FC//59.478 (Samos)’ νεωποίιον, for “νεωποιία” read “νεωποιεΐον” and at end add ‘ ; written ναοποιον in BCH59.9 (Delph., iii b.c.)’ νεωποιός, line I, after T678M14’ add νεοποιός Άρχ.Δ(λτ. 7.258 (Ephesus, ii a.d.)’ end of 1, add ‘: νάποός IGi2fa). 173 II (Paros), 1016 (Naxos)’ χνεωρίδιον [ίδ], τό, Dim. of νεώριον, Inscr.Dilos 1417511118,119 (ii B.C.). νεώριον init., insert ‘, Dor. νάώριον /G9(i). 692.5,1 1 (Core., ii B.C.)’ νέωτα, add ‘[disyll. in Theoc. 15.143 (s.v.l.).]’ νεωτεροποιία, add ‘2. of a writer, fondness for experiment, D.H. Dem. 2.’ νεώτερος I. 1, add ‘; of the New Comedy, Poll. 6. 34, al. b. the younger, junior, following a name. Πομπηίαν τον νεωτερον Polyaen.8.23.16.’ χνεώψ, ώπος, ό, ή, with young face, young, Hsch. s.v. νεώπας. χνηδεής, ές, fearless, cj. in Alcm.26.4 P. χνηϊδία, Ion. -ίη, ή, ignorance, Thasos 1, 37.7.9 (v b.c.). νήϊος, line 4, for ‘νηία alone’ read “v. πτερά” νήϊς (A) 1, lines 2, 5, for ‘Aet. 1.1.33’ read ‘Fr. 178.33 Pf.’ ; line 4, for ‘Aet. 3.1.49’ read ‘Fr. 75.49 Pf.’ ; line 5, for ‘Aet.Oxy. 2079.2’ read ‘Fr. 1.2 Pf.’ νήκεστος, add at end ‘; cj. in h.Cer. 258; cf. άνηκεστος’ χνήλας, hyper-Aeol. = νηλης, Balbilla in ό'βΟδ^ιδ.^. χΝηλεΐον, το, temple of Νηλεύς {Νείλεως), founder of Miletus, IG i2. 94. 27 (written Νελ-, 418/417 b.c.). χνηλείτης, ου, ό, masc. of νηλεΐτις, Antim.177 W., cf. νηλείτης- αναμάρτητος, POxy. 2328. ii. 4 (i/ii A.D.). νηλεΐτις, line 3, after ‘w.ll.’ add ‘, also νηλ[ει]τιε[ς] Horn, as cited in P Milan. 17 ii 9’ Νηλεύς ii, for the present section substitute ‘= Νείλεως (cf. Hdn.2.450.26), founder of Miletus, /Gi2.g4.4, al. (written Νελ-, 418/417 b.c.), Call. Dian. 226, cf. Νηλεΐον in Suppl.: fern. Adj. Νηληΐς, ίδος, epith. of Artemis at Miletus, Call. Fr. 80.18 Pf., cf. Plu.2.253f, Polyaen.8.35.’ νηλίπους, after ‘gen. ποδος,’ insert ‘acc. νηλίπουν A.Fr.i86.2i M.,’ and after ‘Max.Tyr.30.6’ add ‘ ; νηλίπουν κέλευθον A. l.c. (lyr.)’ νήμα, add ‘b. loosely used for ύφασμα, woven work, AF6.286.5 (Leon.).’ νημερτής, line 2, after ‘Pers. 246’ insert ‘, cf. Id.Fr.355.16 M. (hex.)’ and line 3 after ‘Hes.FA.235;’ insert ‘νύμφα l ναμερτεϊς v.l. in A.Fr.355 M., v. supra;’; line 7, before ‘: Sup.’ insert ‘ ; ζόη Herod. 4.68 (prob.)’ νηοσσόος, add ‘II. speeding ships, a όρη Nonn.D.39. 1 77, 40.344.’ νηπενθής, for ‘ pain and sorrow’ read ‘ sorrow and lamentation' and for free from sorrow ’ read ‘not lamenting' νηπιάζω, add ‘, rest, in A.Fr.356.9 M. 2. to be a child, Memn.14.1 J.’ χνηπιόεις, εσσα, εν, = νηπιος, ΑΒ 1089. χΝηπιοτροφικός, ό (sc. λόγος), on the rearing of children, title of work by Mnesith.Ath., Sch.Orib.tnc.ig Dar. (=37 Raeder). νηπιόφρων, add ‘, Sch.Gen.il. 20.200’ νηπυτία, delete the article. νηπύτιος i, line 3, after ‘20.200;’ insert ‘έζέτι. νηπυτίης = εκ νέας, from childhood, A.R.4.791 ;’ νησαΐος, after ‘insular,’ add ‘of an island or islands’ and at end ‘ ; γέρων A.Fr.464.15 M.’ νησιάς, after ‘in pi.,’ insert ‘PBaden 86.20 (i a.d.),’ νησίς, after ‘islet,’ insert ‘prob. in Hippon.vm.3 D.3,’ νησίτης, line 3, delete ‘γη. . (iii b.c.) ;’ νησιώτης ii. i, line 3, after ‘(lyr.)’ add ‘; ησυχία Plu.2.6o2e’ νήσος, add ‘3. promontory, Hdn.Gr.ap.St.Byz. s.v. Φάσηλις, EM 75-1·’ νήστις i. i, fin., delete ‘: metaph.,. .(lyr.)’ χνητη, dub. sens, et accent., Hesperia 29.23, line 17 (ii/iii a.d.). χνηύνδε, to the ship, prob. in A.R.4.50. νηφάλιος i, fin., after ‘Crates Hist.5’ insert ‘, Hsch.’ νικαΐος, after ‘ belonging to victory ,’ add ‘έφύμν ιον Call.Fr.384.39 Pf.;’ χνϊκάς, άδος, η, figure of Victory, SEG 7.1076 (Syria), νικάω i. 4, add ‘, cf. Apoc. 5.5’ ii. 1 a, line 8, after ‘etc.’ add ‘ ; τούς νικώντας εκ του θηρίου those victorious over the beast, Apoc. 15.2 (Semiticism)’ νίκημα, line 2, before ‘Delph.’ add ‘Satyr. Vit.Eur.Fr.^xvj,’ νικηφόρος ii, add ‘, E.F/.880’ χνικύλεον, τό, kind of fig, Cretan, Hermonax ap.Ath-3.76e. viv 2, add ‘, Pae.Delph.11’ χνίνισσα, ή, perh. midwife, MAMA^ .^4. χνίτρινος, η, ov, dub. sens., χοΐσκος Inscr.Dilos 1426T115 (ii b.c.). χνιτρίς, ιδος, η, dub. lect. et sens., Inscr. Delos 1417^165 (ii b.c.). νίτρον, last line but one, for ‘mixed with oil as a soap,’ read ‘used in cleaning, ρύμματ ι και v. Χαλαστραίω’ and before ‘Lib. Decl.’ insert ‘cf.’ χνιτροπώλης, ου, ό, seller of νίτρον, FB3913 (Antinoopolis). νιτρώδης, line 3, after ‘with v.,’ insert ‘alkaline,’ and for ‘. 2... springs,’ substitute ‘;’ νιφετός i, add ‘, ΑΡη.8 (Antip. Sid.)’ νιφόεις ii, add ‘, Nic.FA.291’ νιφοστιβής, for ‘piled with snow’ read ‘with snowy tracks' 104 νοεω SUPPLEMENT ξενοτταθεω νοέω, line 8, for ‘Anacr.io’ read ‘Anacr.24 P.’ 11. 1, fin., before — Pass.’ insert d δ’ ΰφηλά ν(νωμένος Anacr. l.c.’ νόημα, line 2, after ‘105.3)’ add ‘i Aeol. νόημμα Sapph.60.3 L.-P., etc.’ 1. 4, delete the section. add ΊΠ. ingenious saying, Eust.1634. 14 (referring to Epich.87).’ νοθίύω hi, after ‘s.v. ' Ιλιον' add cf. Ath.455c’ χνοθογέννης, v. φήληκΐς. νόθος ii, last line of page, for ‘ meretricious ' read ‘ dyed (opp. απλούς)’ νομαΐος, for the present article substitute after “ov,” ' reared or growing in pastures, χίμαρος AP6. 157 (Theodorid.) ; έρπυλλον Nic. Th.6q.’ νόμαιος I, add άλάλαγμα νόμαιον Call.fr.7i9 Pf.’ χνομάριον (B), τό, perh. Dim. of νομός or νομή, Aegyptus 13.63 (i B.C.). νομευτικός II, for the present section substitute ‘of persons, herdsman, νεανίσκος PIU.2.149C; άνδρες Ael.Arl14.16.’ νομή iv, add Lxx 2^0.5. 14 (cod. Ven.), prob. in ο,Μα.1.5’ νομίζω ι. 1, transpose ‘v. θΐιότατον νόμον Gorg.Fr.6 D. to 11. 1. νομικός I. 1, add ‘b. having the character of law, νομικώτΐροι oi νόμοι Men.Rh.p.375 S.’ 2, fin., after ‘Plu.C1V.26’ add ‘; νομική (sc. τέχνη) jurisprudence, G VI202 1 .3 (Amasia, i/ii A.D.)’ νόμιμος I. I, add v. γάμος lawful wedlock, Mitteis Chr. 11.372, vi. 7 (ii a.d.) , TP5.267.7 (Agath.)’ νόμιος (A) 2, for “νόμιον, τό” read 'v. τέλος’ and after ‘ pasture- dues, ’ add ‘/G 7.2870.16 (Coronea, ii a.d.) ; so νόμιον, τό,’ νομιστί, add ‘, M. Ant. 7.31 (by law as second meaning)’ χνομμοκλάριος, ό, perh. = Lat. nummularius, ADl.Mrl3.302 (Cory- cus). χνομοθετητός, όν, legislated, Hsch. s.v. θΐμιστευτόν. νομομαθής, add ‘, Muller-Bees Inschriften der jiidischen Katakombe am Monteverde No. 127 (ii/iii a.d.).’ νομός I. 3, add ‘; cf. νόμος I. 1 e (Suppl.)’ νόμος I. 1 e, line 6, after ‘Hdt.9.48’ add ‘(in this and similar phrases νομός, distribution, slid. perh. be read)’ νομώνης, for 'official who leases’ read ‘ tax-farmer who collects the dues for use of' χνόνναι, al, — Lat. Nonae, Plu.2.26gd. νόννος, substitute ‘v. νέννος.’ νόος, line 3, after ‘(iamb.),’ add ‘Pr.164 (lyr.),’; line 9, after ‘ibid.’ add ‘(gen. pi. νών Plot.4.3. 14)’ νοσεόομαι, for the present article substitute ‘-εύομαι, perh. only pf. part. Pass, τά νενοσευμε'να — al νόσοι, \d.Septirn.2.’ νοσηλεύω, before “r iva” insert 'IG D.975 (vi B.c.) νοσηλός, after ‘(q.v.)’ add ‘; νοσηλότΐρον τό σωμάτιον εχει she is not in very good health, PO^y.939.26 (iv a.d.)’ and for ‘Id.’ read Ήρ.’ νοσοκομείο, before ‘, Iamb.’ insert ‘; c. acc.’ χνοσσάριον, τό, = foreg., condemned by Phryn.182. νοσσάς, for fowl’ read ‘ chicken ' and at end add cf. PHib.u. 181.13 (iii b.c.)’ νόσφι, add ‘; in prose, BCH6 3.184 (Delphi, iv b.c.)’ χνόσφισμα, ατος, τό, stealing, peculation, PS 1 1 120.4 (i A.D.). χνοτάριος, ό, = Lat. notarius, IGRom. 4.235, PC//7.244, Edict. Diocl. 7.68, etc. νότιος ii, fin., after ‘Comp, -ώτερος’ insert ‘Arat.238,490,’ νοτίς, for ‘A.Fr.481,’ read 'Trag.Adesp.261,’ νουθετέω I, before ‘ : — Pass.’ insert ‘ ; c. inf. of act enjoined, D.Chr.63.6’ νούθος, for the present article substitute ‘νουθός, Adj. soft, quint (of sound), Hes.Fr.48, cf. νυθός; but explcl. by Hdn.Gr.2.947 as a Subst. meaning φόφος iv ovSei.’ χνουμεράριος, ό, = Lat. numerarius, PFlor. 295.8 (vi a.d.). χνουμερος, ό, = Lat. numerus, PC//33.34, Ath.Mitt. 13.251, BGU 316.8. χνούμμιον, τό, = νοϋμμος 3, P Klein. Form. 97 2 (iv a.d.), POxy.i 165. 6 (vi a.d.) ; written νούμιον, P Klein. Form. .3, PMasp. 9V.24 (both vi a.d.) . νοΰμμος 2, for 'λίτρα, .pound’ read ‘twenty-fourth part of old Sicilian talent’ νουνεχόντως, after 'sensibly,’ add ‘Hdt.4.36 ( νόον έχόντιυς),’ νυγμή i, for ‘= sq.,’ read 'puncture made by a snake’s bite,’ and after ‘86.’ add ‘5.’ νυκτάλωψ, add ‘III. = νυκτήγρετον, Plin.//A'2 1 .62.’ χνύκταρχος, ό, officer of night-watch, MAMA3.4.28 (Corycus). χνυκταστράπτης, ου, ό, night-lightener, PMag.Par.i . 182. νυκτηγρεσία, add ‘ ; as name of the tenth book of the Iliad, Sch. Hippon.x.3 D.3 (cf. vvKTeyepaia)’ νυκτιβόας, add expl. of bubo in Virgil glossary, PJVess. 1.955 (vi a.d., —βόα Pap.)’ νυκτιφανής, for ‘= foreg.’ read ‘ appearing at night ’ Χνυκτίχροος, ov, night- (i.e. dark-) skinned, Ps.-Callisth.83. 6. χνυκτογράφος, ό, one who writes by night, PMich. Teb. 1 23v ii 1 4,23, al. χνυκτοπύρετος, ό, night-fever, PTeb. 275.22 (iii a.d.). νυκτοφυλάξια, for 'guard-house' read ‘name of a festival’ νυμφαίος ii, add ‘2. Νυμφαία, τά, festival of the Nymphs at Apollonia, Inscr. Delos 1957, Hesperia 4.84 (Athens) (both ii B.C.).’ νυμφείος, add ‘II. of the Νυμφαι (νύμφη π. 2), AFG4.467.9 (Branchidae, iii a.d.).’ νύμφη ii. 2, line 3, after 'water,' insert ‘Nic. ΤΛ.623, al·,’ νυμφιάω, for ‘mares’ read ‘horses’ νυμφικός i, after ‘Adv. -κώς’ insert ‘Plu.Fr.9.6,’ νύμφιος ii, after ‘3.16’ insert ‘(prob. cj.)’; after “λέκτρα” insert ‘Call. Fr. 63. 1 1 Pf.,’ ; at end add αίμα Nonn.D.32.34’ νυμφοκόμος, line 2, after ‘Hsch.’ insert ‘; metaph., A.Fr.355.23 M.’ νυμφόλη-τττος, add ‘ ; water-mad, v. και βάκχοι τοΰ νήφΐΐν Philostr. ΕΑ2.37’ χνύμφος, ό, a grade in Mithraic initiation, Rom. Mitt. ^.206 (Dura), Jerome Ep. 107. vOv 1. 5, add ‘; v. ότε is dub. in A.Supp.630 (lyr.), Th. 705 (lyr.), cj. in Alex.Aet.3.21’ vOv δή i. 1, for 'Grg.ffiib' read 'Phdr. 250c, Ly. 217ε’ and omit ‘, Com.Adesp. 597, etc.’ 2, add ‘, Ar .Pax 5, al.’ 3, add ‘ ; in these circumstances, Th.6.24’ νύξ I. 1, line 9, for ‘Hdt.7.12’ read Od. 15.34’ and add ‘b. νυκτί βουλήν διδοός entrusting to night the giving of counsel, Hdt.7. 12, cf. Plu.Them.26.’ νύσσα i, delete ‘ : metaph. . . 16.4’ 2, for ‘ : metaph.’ read ‘. 3. course, esp. at start or turning-point, την v. δότε API. 5.386, cf. Lyc.15;’ and add at end ‘, cf. Nonn.ZX39.336’ νυστάζω I, add ‘; νυστάζοντος Προμηθέως (προσμηπαΐος cod.) αμάρτημα a faulty creation of Prometheus when half-asleep, re¬ ferring to Aesop., Vit. Aesop. ( G)i’ νύχιος, line 1, delete ‘Tim., .by’ χνώβυστρον, τό, sharp creature, Herod.6.16, cf. νουβυστικός. νώκαρ i, after ‘Hsch.’ add ‘ ; also, = κακόσχολος έννοια, Id.’ 11, for ‘as. .sleepy' read ‘by metonymy = ό δυσκίνητος’ νωμάω ii. 2, add ‘ : — Med. v. έθ^ιραν B.5.26 S.’ χνωμενκλάτωρ, ό, = Lat. nomenclator, POxy. 1244 intr. (ii a.d., pi.). ^ χνωνυμνί, Adv., without being named, Call. Fr. 43. 55 Pf. νώνυμος I. 2, add ‘, Arat.370’ ii, delete ‘Call .Aet... being named) :’ νωπέομαι, for ‘ downcast ’ read 'stunned (cf. νώφ) : metaph.,’ χνώρικον, τό, Phrygian for ασκός, Ps.-Plu.F/no. 10.2. νώτον ii. 2, add ‘; of the convex side of a shield, AP6.125 (Mnasalc.)’ νωτόφορος, init., insert ‘(parox.)’ Χνωχλεύω, = νιυχΐλεΰομαι, Vit. Aesop. (jN) 76. ξαίνω ι. I, line 6, after ‘etc.’ add ου ξένουσιν (leg. ξαίν-) ουδέ νήθουσιν v.l. in Εν. Matt. 6.28 (feitschr .fur die Neutest.Wissen- schaft 37.212)’ 2, for ‘of. .it’ read ‘generally for the whole process of preparing woollen cloth, Ar.Av. l.c., cf. Hsch. and Suid.’ χξανάα, τά, crippling of the fingers caused by cold and weariness, perh. orig. from carding wool, Sch. Nic. FA. 383. ξανθός I. 2, line 4, for ‘B.Fr.3.4;’ read ‘B.Fr.4.65 S. ; ξ. ττΐύκαις Pi.Dith.2.i 1 S. ;’ and after ‘A. Pers. 617 ;’ insert ‘ έλαιον E .IT 633 >* ! 6n·) after “-ότερος” insert ‘, ξανθοτέραις έχη τα Ις κόμαις δάϊδος Sapph.g8(a).6 L.-P. ;’ χξανθόχλωρος, ον, yellow-green, ύδωρ Zos.Alch. 142.8. χξείτης, ξεΐτος, ξειθος, = έξίτης, Papers of Amer.School at Athens 2. 88,89. ξεναπάτης, line 2, after “ξειν-,” insert ‘Aeol. ξ[εν]ναττάτας Ale. 283.5 L.-P.,’ 2, for ‘Ibyc.Oxy.1790 iio’ read ‘Ale. l.c., Ibyc.1.10 P.’ ξενηδόχος, for the present article substitute ‘ξενηδόκος, Ion. ξεινη-, ον, = ξΐνοδόκος, Nonn.D. 1 3. 1 04, 18.307 ; also- δόχος, Men.Mon.402.’ ξενηλατέω, after ‘ banish foreigners,’ insert ‘Plu.2-727e ;’ ξενία ii, before ‘ PST insert ‘PBremen 15.4 (ii a.d.),’ and after ‘(iv/v a.d.) ;’ add ‘so perh. καλεί σε εις την ξ. έαντοΰ POxy. 747·1 (ii/iii a.d.) ;’ ξένιος ι. 2, fin., delete metaph.,. .480’ and add ‘b. in sinister sense, of wounds, death, etc., Archil. 7 D.3, E./F/.480, AP6.9 (Mnasalc.).’ χξένισμα, τό, wonder, surprise, Hsch. s.v. θαύμα. χξενοδάϊκτος [ά], ov, stranger-slaying (?), PHib.u. 1 72.96 (iii b.c.), cf. άνδροδάϊκτος. ξενοδόκος i, line 4, after Od.8.210,’ insert ‘A. Fr. 496. 6 M. (lyr.), Call.Fr.59.19 Pf.,’ 11, before ‘cf.’ insert 'Άρχ.Δελτ. 1 1.61 (Larissa),’ ξενόεις, add ‘, cf. ξΐΐνούσσαι· ξενώνίς, Hsch.’ ξενοκρίται, for “= ξΐνοδίκαι” read 'foreign judges in μ(τάπ€μπτα δικαστήρια’·, for ‘(Patara)’ read ‘(Pinara)’; for ‘title of official at Sparta’ read ‘description of Spartan sent as judge to Alabanda’ ξενοκυσταττάτη, after "ή,” insert ‘f.l. for ξςνοκυσθαπάτη,’ ξενοτταθεω, for 'have, .feeling' read ' feel shy or ill-at-ease' 105 SUPPLEMENT ξένος οϊεον ξένος B. in. 2, line i, for ‘ fresh ' read ‘ different ' Χξενοτρόφιον, rd, guest-house, GDI^i6ga6 (Mylasa, iii/ii B.c.). ξίνόω ii. 2, fin., delete ξενωθεις ΰπό. . (Rhodes)’ ξένωσις, for ‘entertainment of a guest ’ read ‘wandering from home' Χξερεύω, prob. become dry, only found in pf. part, έξερευκός, —ότα, as epith. of κεράμων (-a), apptly. referring to grapes, PJena Inv.6oAv 3 (iii/iv a.d.) in Aegyptus 32(1952), p. 81. Χξεστισμός, o', quota of sextarii, POxy. 21 14. 13 (iv A.D.). ξήρασις, for ‘siccitas’ read ‘desiccation, Gal. 16.4 15’ Χξηροκήττιον, rd, dub. sens., PTVeii.31.20 (vi a.d.). Χξηροκόπιον, τό, = δρεπανον, Hsch. s.v. [καωε]κρωπων. ξηρός I. I, line 1, for “χείμαρρους” read “εκρούς”; line 9, after ‘ (iii b.c.);’ insert ‘abs., without χόρτος, ΡΟοΙ.ίζεη. 2.95.6 (iii b.c.);’ 2, after ‘lean,' insert ‘Hippon.n D.3;’ ξίφος π, for ‘bone in the cuttle-fish’ read ‘cartilage of the squid’ ξιφουλκία, add ‘ ; ούκ είναι φασι ξιφουλκίας εύμοιρίαν Suid.’ Χξοίτης [ϊ], ου, ο, prob. one who works with a burin, χαλκεύς ξ. Swoboda Denkmaler No.i 17 (Isauria). ξουθός i. 2, for ‘larynx’ read ‘bill’ ξυλαλόη, read “ξϋλάλόη” and delete ‘; scanned. .An. Ox. 3.27 7’ ξυλαμή, add ‘, cf. POxy. 1 124. 15 (i A.D.)’ ξυλαμητής, add ‘, PTeb. 886. 62, 64 (ii b.c.)’ Χξΰλάμιστής, οΰ, ό, = foreg., PCair.fen. 727.12 (iii b.c.). Χξυλικάριος, o', dealer in timber or worker in wood, ΜΑΜΛ^.ηο, i (Corycus) . ξυλικός, last line but one, after “ξυλικόν,” insert ‘to, a kind of woodwork, perh. fencing, κήπον συν τω πεπηγμενω ξ. Robert Hell. 9.42 (Pamphylia) ; =’ Χξυλινοβαστάκιον, τό, wooden wagon-box, PMasp. 303. 15 (vi A. D.) . ξυλοκοπέω I, add ‘, Hsch. s.v. καλοκοπήααι Χξυλοκοπικός, ή, όν, for cutting wood, PTeb. 794. 13 (iii b.c.). Χξυλοπύριος, ον, perh. sharpened by fire, σανίς Poliorc. 271.1 1. Χξΰλοπωλία, Ion. -ιή, ή, sale of wood, SEG2. 579.8, 12 (Teos, iv B. C.). ξυλοτομία, after ‘POxy.' insert ‘729.29 (ii a.d.),’ ξυλοφθόρον, after “τό,” insert ‘(also -oj, o', Hsch.),’ ξυλοχάρτια, add ‘ ; also Adj. — ιος, ων, το ξυλοχάρτιον κοντάκων Steph. in Rh. 277.29’ ξυλόω ii, after ‘ make of wood,' insert ‘or cover with wood,' and for “γαύλον” read “γαυλόν” Χξυνέτης, ου, 6, fellow-citizen, Hsch. ξυνήων I, add ‘ ; associate, —ηνο την στέγην εποίησεν κο’ι ξυνεωνες Robert Hell.g. 78 (Hellespont, vi b.c.)’ ii, add ‘; ξυνήονι πότμω Nonn.Z). 1 2.266’ Χξύνιστρον- νόμισμα, Hsch. ξυνός, line 10, after ‘Pi. 7.8(7). 51’ add ‘(συναλεγειν codd.)’ add ‘2. mixed, blended, οίκτον έχων. .ξυνόν άγηνορίη APq.2 1 6.8 (Agath.).’ ξυνόω, add ‘2. = κοινόω I. I, Sch.Pi. 0.7.36·’ ξύρησις, line 3, for ‘baldness,' read ‘as a sign of penitence,’ Χξΰρησίταυρος, ό, one who removes the hair from liis ταύρος (iii) : pi., name of a τάγμα (club) at Sardis, Ap.Ty.Pp.39. Χξυρητικός, η, όν, shaving·, —κη (sc. τέχνη), ή, An. Ox. 4. 248. ίο. ξύσμα, add ‘III. = ξυσμός, Hsch.’ ξυστάδες, add ‘ : sg. ξυστάς, άδος, η, closely-planted vineyard, Poll. 7-H7 (v.l. ζυγάς).’ ξυστάλλιον, for “ξύστρον” read “ξύστρα” (to explain the a), ξυσταρχεω, add ‘; ξυστάρχεις (leg. -άρχεις)· τού γυμνασίου άρχεις, Suid.’ ξυστάρχης, fin., for ‘Smyrna’ read ‘Thyatira’ ξυστήρ, lines 2/3, for ‘ graving tool' read ‘also’ Χξύστης, ου, ό, = ξυστήρ, CPHerm. 12~J xviii 9 (iii A.D.). ξυστίς, after “ ίδος ” add ‘(ξύστις, ιδος, acc. to Sch.Ar.TVM.70)’ Χξυστοπλάτείτης, ου, ό, resident in the *ξυστοπλατεΐα (prob. street of the ξυστός, Xystus Street), συμβίωσις -ειτών Jahresh.2Q.44. ξυστός, ό, ι. ι, for ‘and statuary, Vitr.5.11.5’ read ‘, Vitr.5.11.4’ add ‘III. a carpenter’s tool, Gal. 1.47 (nisi leg. ξυστήν).’ ξύστρα i, add ‘; ξ. αλιευτική PWiirzb.Q. 9,12 (i b.c.)’ ξυστρολήκυθος, for the present article substitute ‘-λήκυθον, τό, vessel containing oil for use after bathing, Hsch.’ ξυστρωτός, after ‘of pillars,’ add ‘WieniSitzb.iqglfi).^ (Cilicia, i/ii a.d.),’ ό, ή, τό, A. vii. 2, line 2, for “καί μοι κάλει” read “άφικνοΰμαι ώς” and line 3, for ‘784^’ read ‘784c’ vm. 5 b, add ‘ ; v. πρό A. ii. T B. ii. 5, line 4, before ‘freq. with Advs.’ insert ‘6.’ and line 9, after ‘Or.1412 (lyr.)’ insert ‘; also to είκή Pl.GViff.506d, al. ; τό μόλις D.H. Comp. 20’ C, line 10, delete ‘Com. or’ όα (A), add ‘Cf. ala (c).’ οάρισμα, for ‘familiar converse ' read ‘lore' όαριστής, line 2, for ‘cited’ read ‘interpreted as συνουσιαστής εν λόγοις' and for ‘sigd’ read ‘319c’ δβδη, for the present article substitute ‘όβδη, ή, = όφις, Μούση γάρ ήλθον εις όβδην Call.Fr.2l 8 Pf. ; ποιείσθαι την άπογ ραφήν εΐς όβδην = palam, inpropatulo, CIG{ add.) 364 1642 (Lampsacus); cf. όβδην and εσόβδην cited as Advs. by A.O.Adv. 198.7.’ Χόβελισκοποιός, maker of οβελίσκοι, SEGij,. 17.20 (Athens, v b.c.). οβελός i. 3, for ‘/Gi2.6.g5, al.’ read ‘/G H.3.22 (Athens, v b.c.), 7.1739.8 (Thespiae, iii b.c.)’ χόβιφερι (gen.), wild sheep, fr. Lat. ovis fera, Edict. Diocl.8.25. όβολίσκος i, add ‘b. dub. sens., perh. water-tank, POxy. 2406 (ground-plan of a house) (ii a.d.).’ οβολός I, line 2, after TG12.' insert ‘6.88 (cf. Hesperia 14.77),’ όβρίκαλα, after ‘Ael.AO47.47’ add ‘, but ΰστρίχων τ’ όβρίχοισ[ι A.Fr.474.2. 1 1 M. (lyr.)’ χόβριμάδες, al, dub. sens., perh. pr. n., Epigr. in PC//75.195 (Crete). Χόβρΐμότοξος, ον, of the strong bow, Antim. 1 74 W. Χόβριχα, v. όβρίκαλα in Suppl. όβρυζιακός, add ‘, POxy. 126. 15,2 7 (vi a.d.)’ όγδοηκοντάδραχμος, for ‘amounting to' read ‘ weighing ’ όγδοηκοντούτης, line 3, after ‘Simon. 146 ;’ insert ‘-αέτις ΑΡη. 733 (Diotim.) ;’ ^ Χόγδοήντα, = όγδοήκοντα, in Hebr. characters, Cljud. 1.595 (Venusia). όγδοος, after ‘Plu. Thes.afi’ add ‘; όγδοα (sc. μοίρα)· ήμιχοίνικον, Hsch.’; line 3, after ‘(s.v.l.) :’ add ‘τή όγδω, contr. fr. όγδοη, SIG^J.6 (Miletus) :’ Χόγκαρίξω, = όγκάομαι, Aq.Ge.49.14 (v.l.). χόγκιαρήσιον, τό, perh. a coin (from όγκία, uncia, cf. μιλιαρήσιον) , Pland. 103.14 (vi a.d.). όγκος (B) 1. 4, after ‘cf.’ insert ‘Ph.1.391,’ and after ‘Gal.i. 272’ add ‘; ταράττειν τον 6. upset the inside, Plu. 2. 652c, 656P 11. 3, add ‘, cf. Longin.3.4’ ογκώδης (A) 1. 2, add ‘; of persons, D.Chr.30.19’ όγμος i, add ‘4. perh. wheel-rut, Nic.F0.371.’ 11, after ‘h.Hom.Q2.\i ;’ insert ‘ ήερος ογμοι Call.Fr.335 Pf. ;’ όδόξω ii, add ‘ ; abs., τής γάρ όδαξαμενης when it has bitten, Nic. 7P.306’ δδε, line 5, for ‘τώνδεων Ale. 1 26’ read ‘τωνδεων Ale. 1 30.21 L.-P.’ 1, after ‘6.’ insert ‘such and such, διά τήνδε την αιτίαν Pl.Phdr.2J id, cf. 272a; πορευσόμεθα εις τήνδε την πόλιν Ep.Jac.4- 13> 3n Deer. ap. And. 1.83 οΐδε and τωδε represent blanks to be filled in. b. όδε και όδε, this man and that, A and B, D.Chr.40. 13,33.48 (pi.). c.’ and delete ‘; πορευσόμεθα. .4. if ill. 2, line 6, omit ‘; v. ..I. 2’; at end add ‘ ; δδε and οΰτος, of the same person or thing, S.Ant. 189,297, Th.1.143, etc.’ Add ‘4. τόδ’ εκείνο E.Med.g8, like tout’ εκείνο (v. οΰτος B. ill. 5).’ Χόδευτός, ή, όν, furnished with roads, γην ό. εποίησεν D.Chr.3.127. οδηγός, add ‘; σκίπων TP7.457 (Aristo)’ όδοιπορέω, line 4, after ‘S.OF801’ add ‘, Crates Com. 14.3’ οδοιπόρος, init., insert ‘(parox.)’ Χόδοντίδας’ πολυφάγος, Hsch. (cf. όδοντίας). όδοντοτύραννος, after ‘crocodile,’ add ‘perh. a fabulous King of Serpents,’ όδουρός, add ‘III. = όδίτης, Nic.F0.i8o.’ οδούς, line 1, after ‘FTVi i6ib23,’ add ‘ Mech.8^4^28,’ 1. 1, add ‘; όδόντες ελεφάντων tusks, Didyma 394.16 (i B.c.), cf. Opp.C.2.493.’ Χόδυρομενως, Adv. part. pres, of οδύρομαι, ζην ό. in lamentation, Favorin .Exil. 1 0.45. Χόδύρω, = οδύρομαι, GVIq6q."j (Daldis, i a.d.). Χ’Οδύσειος, v. ’ Οδυσσεύς in Suppl. Όδυσσεύς, at end, after Od. 18.353’ add ‘; Όδύσειος Stesich. 32.1.2 P.’ όζαινα ii, after “βολβίταινα,” add ‘Eledone moschata,’ όζαινίτης, delete ‘— ίτης . .fern.’ and ‘smelling like an όζαινα’; insert “ή,” after “ίτιδος,” ; and after “νάρδος” add ‘from the spice-market of Ujjain’ Χόζηλίς" ή βοτάνη, Theognost.CuM. 14. όζος, Cret., after ‘Gortyn’ add ‘, vii/vi b.c.’ όζω, line 1, after ‘impf. ώζε’ insert ‘Hippon.14 A 10 D.3,’ όθι, line 3, after ‘Phd. 108b’ add ‘, Ant. Lib. 33. 3, 4’ όθμα, for ‘Aet.. .37’ read ‘Fr. 186.29 Pf·’ όθόνιον I, add ‘b. ό. Σηρικόν silk, Peripl. Ad. Ruhr. 64.’ όθούνεκα, line 1, before ‘because,’ insert ‘Ion. ότεύνεκεν, q.v. in Suppl.,’ όθούνεκεν, for ‘= foreg.,’ read ‘because,’ and after ‘Timo 34’ add ‘, Theoc.25.76. II. that, A. R. 3. 933 ; cf. όθούνεκα.’ Χόθύλλομαι, = διανοούμαι, Hsch. s.v. ώθύλλετο (cf. όθεω, όθεύει, δθη, δθομαι). Χόθωνοπώλης, ου, ό, = όθονιοπωλης, Trans. Am. Phil. Ass. go. 140.18. χΟίακιασταί, oi, devotees of Oeax, GDI 42*] 4.Q. οϊγω, last line but one, for ‘Ale. 225 Lobel’ read Tnc.Auct.20 L.-P.’ and continue ‘; όίγοντ’ [ϊ] εαρος πόλ[αι Ale. 296(6)3 L.-P.’ οίδημα, line 4, before ‘ : — Dim.’ insert ‘. 2. ground-swell, Luc. Philopatr.f xoieov, τό, dub. lect. et sens., κλείθρα κατασκευάσαντι τοίς οίκοις τοΐς έν τώι ο'ιέιρι Inscr.DMos 290.78 (iii b.c.). 106 ίοιζηάζω SUPPLEMENT όλιαρχία ροιζηάζω, delete the article, όίζυος, add ‘(cod.)’ οϊζω, add — Med. οίζομαι dub. in S.Inach. in PF?0.6g2iiii6’ olis, delete but. .is prob.’ οΐκαδε II, add ‘; ol. τοΰ ξένου Eup.u.7 D.’ οικείος iv. 2 b, after ‘17. 1.5;’ insert ‘ adherent , τής πίστεως Ep. Gal. 6. 10;’ οίκειότης III, delete the section. οίκετεία i, after ‘ slaves' insert ‘Inscr.Cret. i.xvi 17.16 (ii b.c.),’ οίκέτης ii, after ‘(Sparta)’ add ‘, Paus.3.13.4: hence perh. residing divinity, δδε σηκός οικέταν εύδοξ lav " Ελλάδος είλετο Simon. 26. 6 P.’ χοίκετιεύς, v. οίκιτιεύς. χοίκέτισσα, ή, — οΐκέτις ι, ΤΑΜ%(ι).282 (Termessus). οίκέω, line 2, after ‘Aeol. pres.’ insert ‘οίκημ<μ>ι Ale. 130.31 L.-P. ;’ and for ‘Alc.69’ read ‘Id. 328 L.-P.’ ; line 4, after ‘Hdt. 1.1’ insert ‘, Aeol. έοίκησα Ale. 130.25 L.-P.’ οίκημα ii. i, for ‘Isoc.’ read ‘Is.’ οικία I. 1, line 6, after ‘more freq. than οίκος’ add ‘ ; not found in Trag.’ χοϊκισμα, τό, = οίκημα, SEG 18. 615.7 (Syria, iv A.D.). χοίκιστεία, ή, = οίκειότης, rest, in 5FG12.380.9 (Cos, iii b.c.). χοίκοδεσπά, ή, = οικοδέσποινα, Inscr. in Robert Coll. Froehner 1 p. in (Cibyratis). οίκοδεσττοσύνη, omit 'CIGzcfil (Ephesus),’ and add ‘2. family, ( C/G2987 (Ephesus).’ οικοδεσπότης i, add ‘3. {great) landowner, PPhilad. 1 .48 (ii A.D.) .’ οΐκοδομεύς, for the present article substitute: ‘οίκοδόμεις, v. οικοδόμος (Suppl.).’ οίκοδομέω I a, add ‘ ; οικία ωκοδομημένη, i.e. not made of mud, PAmh. 2.51.11,23 (i b.c.), cf. PLond. 3.880.27 (ii b.c.)’ χοίκοδόμητρα, τά, wages for building, πάθνης PLips. 106.8 (i A.D.). οικοδόμος, add ‘ ; dat. pi. οικοδόμε ις, with dissimilation of 01— 01 to οι-ei (as in λοιπεΐς IG2Z. 1 028.1 2, and οίκε 1), Ostr. Strassb.$8g (iii b.c.).’ οΐκοθεν, line 1, after “οΐκοθε” insert ‘Call.Fr.275 Pf.,’ οικονομία i. 4, add ‘; so too in Priene, >S7Gi003.29 (ii b.c.).’ οικονομικός, fin., for ‘ ; also in literary’ read ‘. 2. in literary’ and after ‘sense,’ add ‘concerning arrangement, to ol. O.\i.Dem.gi,Th.g: Adv.,’ οίκονόμισσα, add ‘II. housekeeper, MAMA8.ggg.’ οικονόμος, init., insert ‘(parox.)’ οίκος i. 2, last line, after ‘within,’ add ‘AM.?. 427,’ 3, lines 2/3, omit ‘/Ιεκελειών. . 33 ;’ add ‘IV. = φρατρία (s.v. φράτρα) ii. i, prob. in /G22. 1237.33 (Attica, 1V B.c. ), 12(5). 528.15,1061.16 (both Ceos, iii b.c.). 2. guild, τών ναύκληρων FC//25.36 (Amastris).’ οΐκόσιτος in, delete the section, οΐκοτραφής, add ‘, Vit. Aesop. { G)45’ χοίκοτροφής, ε'ς, = ο’ικότροφος, κοράσιον Delph.g{6) .37 ·6. οίκουρός ιι. ι, add ‘; domestic, ορρ. wild, νήσσαι ol. Arat.970’ οίκοφθόρος, init., insert ‘(parox.)’ οίκτίζω 2, line 2, after ‘Din.i.no’ add ‘; set forth pathetically, Memn.35.3J.’ οίκτροπαθής, add ‘; πένθος of or for a lamentable happening, Epigr. in Inscr.Cret. 2.v 50 (i a.d.)’ χοίκτροτόκεια, fern. Adj. hapless in child-bearing, /Gi2(7)-5i7 (Amorgos, ii/iii a.d.). χοΐκτρόφονος, ον, of piteous killing, αίμα GF/974.8 (Smyrna, ii A.D.?). οΐκυλα, for ‘grain’ read ‘pulse (perh. vetch)’·, add at end ‘; cf. Theognost.C after ‘Cond. 20 : — ’ insert ‘Med., S.E.M.8. 57; cj. in Ach.Tat.4.15 (προπολ- codd.) : — ’ χόνειρόφοιτος, ον, perh. abroad in the dreams of his worshippers, epith. of Egyptian god, Abh.Berl.Akad.\g^3{if).8 (Chalcis, iii A.D.) · χόνειρωκτικός, η, όν, in or of dreams, θεάματα Procl. in R. 1.121. 9 (codd. — ρακτ— ) ; φαντασίαι Sch.Theoc.g.i6. χ6νη, ή, female ass, BGU228.3 (ii/iii a.d.). όνηλατικός, add ‘; εργασία POsl. 135.6 (iii a.d.)’ όνησις, line 9, after “βίου 6.” insert ‘E.Med.234.,’ χόνθομεταφόρος, o, dung- transporter, PPrincet. 3.154.3 (vi A.d.). όνικός, add ‘; σάγμα 6. PSI327.2 (iii b.c.)’ όνίσκω, add ‘(if the epitomator is to be trusted)’ χόνοθήλεια, ή, female donkey, /Weis. 89. 3 1,34 (vi/vii a.d., ώνοθελ- Pap.). χόνοκαρδία, ij, a precious stone of scarlet colour, PUn.HN37.176. όνοκένταυρα, for ‘-κένταυρα” read κενταύρα” όνομα ii, add ‘2. specifically a bad name, PX.Ap.38c, AP7. 639 (Antip.Thess.), 700 (Diod.Tars.)’ v, after ‘Ath. 1.19’ add ‘, cf. D.23.36’ add ‘VII. name inscribed on a shell and used as a charm or bait, Πτολλ&τος τοϋνομα Ptollas’s bait, Gp. 20.18.’ ονομάζω, line 2, after ‘etc.’ insert ‘, Aeol. ώνάμασσαν Ale. 129.8 L.-P.’ iv, add ‘2. put into words, express, τά πραχθεντα D.H. Th.26 : — Pass., ibid.’ χόνομασμός, ο, = ονομασία, Alex.Aphr. in SE 12.9. όνομαστί, line 3, for ‘Aet.Oxy. 2080.81’ read ‘Fr. 43.79 Pf., Theoc. 24.78’ όνομαστός I, after ‘named, to be named,’ insert ‘Arat. 38 1,385,’ ονοματικός, line 3, after ‘Hermog./l7.5 (s.v.l.). όξίζω, add ‘2. trans., treat with vinegar, πόδας χοίρου όξίσας (-υσας cod.), Vit. Aesop. ( G)42.’ όξυβελής ii, line 4, after ‘85,86;’ add ‘opp. καταπελ της and λίθοβόλος, J.BJ5.1.3.14 ;’ χόξυγγοσάπουνον, τό, lard-soap, Anon.Alch.380. 18 (lemma). χ’0ξυδερκά, epith. of a goddess (cf. Όξυδερκω), IGy2(x).yg\ (Epid.). όξυδερκικός, delete the article. όξυδορκικός, for ‘= . . (q.v.)’ read ‘making the sight sharp’, and add at end ‘, Antyll.ap.Orib. 10.23.29, v.l. in Dsc.2.163’ χόξυζώμιον, τό, acid liquid, Anon.Alch.271 .2. όξυόεις, add ‘, but όξυόεντι γενείω with sharp beak (of cranes), Nonn.D. 14.335’ όξύπεινος, after ‘Cic.Att.2.12.2 :’ add ‘Adv. —ως εχει Men .Dysc. 777’ χόξυπιδας, 6, prob. non-Hellenic name of a cult-object, Inscr.Cret. i.v 23.16 (Arcades, ii a.d.). χόξυπόδης, ου, ό, = όξύπους, Hsch. s.v. καλπάζει. όξύπτερος, line 3, before ‘De. 14.13)’ insert ‘Lxx’ and after it ‘, Cyran.95’ όξυπώγων, after ‘beard,’ insert ‘BGU io8ov (i a.d.),’ όξυρρινος, after “ov,” insert ‘Cat.Cod.Astr. 12. 194. 18;’ όξύρρυγχος 2, after ‘fish,’ add ‘ Mormyrus,’ χόξύ(ρ)ρυτος, ov, dub. sens., Poliorc. 225.17. οξύς, εΐα, line 2, before ‘Babr.’ insert ‘f.l. in’, and delete ‘metri gr.’ iv, lines 8/9, for ‘d. καιρός, .crisis’ read ‘with καιρός, fleeting (opportunity), Ηρ.^Λ.ι, PHib. 1. 15.42 (iii b.c.), also urgent (crisis)’; for ‘Id.’ read Onos.’ and after ‘6.1, al.’ add ‘, Longin.27.1’ χόξυτοκία, ή, sudden delivery, Rhetor, in Cat.Cod.Astr. 8(4). 133, cf. ώκυ—. όξυτόρος, after ‘pointed,’ insert ‘o’, χαλινω SM«Mo8 (v.l.);’ and for ‘sharp spines’ read ‘pointed leaves’ όξυτυρία, add ‘ ; also Adj. όξυτύριος, a, ov, ib.29.34.’ χόουαν (acc. sg.), represents Lat. ovationem (cf. εΰας), Plu.Craii. 1 1 ; written όβαν Id. Marc.22. όπεας, line 2, after ‘Hdt.4.70,’ insert ‘[.]πεατι Hippon.m.6 D.3,’ χόπεί, όπειδεί, ν. επεί, επειδή (Suppl.). όπερ, add ‘; so perh. Αοπι)ρ BCH70.262 (Boeotia, iii b.c.?)’ όπή ii, add ‘ : metaph., opening, window, through which the mind might be seen, Favorin.E'xi/. 16.5,9’ χόπή (B), Dor. όπά, = όπωπή, Cere. 4.23. όπηδός, after “ό,” add “ή,” όπήμος, for the present article substitute : ‘όπήμος, Ion. Adv. = οπότε, Theognost.Can.164, Herod. 3.55 ( νοευνθ ’ οτημος Pap.); όππήμος Arat. 568.’ χόπιδαΐος, a, ov, dub. sens., Theognost. Can. 52. όπιθόμβροτος, delete ‘poet, for όπισθόμβροτος,’ χόπινάτωρ, ορος, ό, = Lat. opinator, collector of annona militaris, POxy. 2114.10 (iv a.d., όπινν— Pap.) (pi.). χόπινίω, ωνος, ή, = Lat. opinio, legal opinion, POxy. 2130.1 (όπεινίω Pap.), 25 (iii a.d.), PSI 1076.14 (iii a.d.). όπιπά fin., for “πυρροπίπης” read “πυροπίπης” όπιπεύω fin., after “όπ-ωπα.” add ‘ — Freq. written όπιπτενω in codd.’ όπισθεν I. 1, add ‘ ; dub. sens., αί όπισθε θεαί Sokolowski 26.21,25 (Erythrae, ii b.c.)’ οπίσθιος, line 3, after ‘500b30;’ add ‘without σκέλος, IG22. 1424a. 19,56 (iv b.c.) ;’ οπισθόδομος I, add ‘; Οπισθόδομος 1G\. 1588.9’ όπισθοκρηπίς, add ‘, IG22. 14243.337 (a woman’s shoe, Poll. lx·)/ χόπισθόποινος, ov, retributive (?), PHib.u. 172.26 (iii B.c.). όπισθοπόρος, add ‘2. travelling backwards, of the hand that writes, ib.4.268.’ χόπισθότατος, η, ον, = όπίστατος, Hsch. όπισθυπέρα, add ‘; also όπισθοπ- PCol.^en. 2.100.8 (iii B.c.)’ όπίσω, fine 2, for ‘Sapph.^n/^.e.g’ read ‘Sapph.19.10 L.-P., ΰπίσω dub. in Alc.i 17(6). 25 L.-P.’ χόπίσωθεν, Adv. behind, d. άκολούθησας Eab. Defix. Aud.x87.61 (όπίσοθεν tab.), cf. Arc.i29.IO. χΌπιταΐς, ίδος, ή, epith. of Artemis in Zacynthus, /Cg(i).6oo, Μακεδονικά 2.263 (iii B.C.). όπλΐτις, init., insert ‘(properisp.)’. όπλιτοδρομέω, for ‘1. 23.11’ read T.23.9’ χόπλοκτυπία, ή, perh. = οπλομαχία, Ps.-Callisth. 14.8. όπλομάχης, add ‘, IG22. 766.10 (iii B.C.)’ οπλομάχος I, delete ‘X.Lac. 1 1 .8,’ 11, alter “o'., d,” insert ‘one who fights in heavy arms, X.Lac. 1 1.8. b.’ όπλότερος, add ‘, cf. Nonn.D.33.343, ^4Ρ5·2ΐ8.3 (Agath.)’ χόπλοφάνία, ή, display of arms, Αρχ.’Εφ. 1932 Suppl. 20 (Phthiotid Thebes, iii b.c., pi.). όπλοφορέω i, omit ‘BCH. .b.c.),’ and add ‘ ; in a religious rite, Ail Κυνθίω Inscr. Delos 1897.3 B-c·)’ όποιος I. 2, line 3, after ‘Ba. 663’ add ‘(exc. that όποιον ουχί prob. = ποιον ούχί = ούδεν ου in S.Ant.3)’ m, delete ‘1076,’ and at end add ‘, AP7.2Q3-7 (Leon.), Lyc.74,182’ οπός ii, fin., after ‘alone,’ insert ‘Nic. Th.go7,’ οπότε, line 7, for ‘only ότε is’ read ‘οτε is regularly’ and line 8, for ‘, but’ read ‘(but οπότε ήσαν Hell.Oxy. 14.2) ;’ B, add ‘, A.R.1.83’ όπου I. 1, after ‘Relat.,’ insert ‘X.dn.7.1 .27 ;’ and for ‘πόλεως . .cf.’ read “πόλιος όκου ήν επιτηδειότατον” 2, line 2, after ‘S.O7924,’ insert ‘Pl./?.4i5d,’ B, before ‘Plu.’ insert ‘j.BJ prooem.i,’ όππήμος, for the present article substitute *Ep. for όπήμος (q.v. in Suppl.)’ 109 οτττανιον SUPPLEMENT όροφυλακεω όπτάνιον ιι, delete the section. ότττάω 4, line 3, after ‘fire of love,’ insert 'ώπτηται μεγα δή ri Calli^r.43 5 Pf- ότττήρια 2, after ‘presents’ add ‘or sacrifice ’ and at end ‘ : sg., gloss on γενεθλιον δόσιν, Sch. A. Eu.y, also Nonn.Z).5.i3g; as Adj., όπτήριον ϋδωρ ib. 6.129’ όπυίω, line 2, delete ‘(Hsch.. .γεγαμηκό res)’ χό·π·υόλης, ου, 6, = γεγαμηκώς, Hsch. (but perh. rather from όπυίω II, cf. σκωπτόλης, κορυπτόλης). όττωροφυλάκιον, add ‘2. mistranslation in Lxx.Mi.3.12 (cf. Ps. 78(79). 1, ^«.33 (26). 1 8) of Hebr. 'iyin ‘heap of ruins’ (perh. from resemblance to Syr. 'ay{y)en ‘guarded’).’ δπως A. i. 6, for ‘where .. added’ read ‘said by a chorus of barbarians’ όραματιστής, after ‘Sm.’ add ‘(more prob. Aq.)’ όράριον, add ‘, Vit. Aesop. ( G)2i, Stud. Pal. 20. 245. 24 (vi a.d.) ; also ώράριον, Edict. Diocl. 27.8,23, Hsch. s.v. σι μικίνθια, Syr.Gi.38. ι8’ όρασις, add ‘IV. as name of a bird, the Seeing-Bird, of the eagle, Pap. in Sitzb.Heidelb.Akad. 1923(2). 17.’ ορατός, after ‘Plu.2.i02ge’ add ‘(dub.)’ όράω ii, line 1, for ‘(v. δφ)' read ‘(v. όφ B)’ add ‘VI. όράν ες TLva resemble, Luc. Syr.D. 31.’ οργανικός, line 10, after ‘(Tanagra, ii b.c.) ;’ add ‘ο. μοΰσα, opp. ωδική, O.H.Comp. 1 1 ;’ add ‘b. pi., musicians generally, organici Lucr.2 .4 1 2, 3.132, 5.334.’ χόργανισμός, o, apparatus, Zos.Alch.252. 15. χόργανιστός, η, όν, coming from an apparatus, υδατα Anon.Alch. 281.1 1. όργανον I, add ‘b. τέασα pa ώσπερ δ. τής θουκυδίδου λεζεως D.H. Amm. 2.2.’ 2 b, fin., before ‘ ; of plants’ add ‘ ; of the vocal organs, το ΐς ήμετεροις o’. Aristid.Quint.3.20, το φωνητι¬ κόν δ. Id. 2. 13’; for ‘Id. de An.’ read ‘Arist.de An.’ χόργεύς, έως, ό, = όργεών, gen. pi. -εων Lys.Fr.i 12 S., to be read also in A.Fr.413 Μ. ( πρώτος όργεών codd.), Arist.FF i24ib25 ( οργίων codd.), Hesperia 10.56 (Athens, ca. 300 b.c.; cfi Harv. Theol. Rev. $j. 82). όργεών, lines 3/4, delete ‘: poet., .. Fr. 144’ ; lines 6/7, delete ‘a gen. pi. . . όργεών ων : — ’ οργή, add ‘B. Ionian for πίσσα acc. to Sch.Ar./D.840.’ όργια I, add ‘2. secret cult objects, Theoc.26.13, Berl.Sitzb. 1905. 547; sg., Clem.Al.Pro/r.2.22.’ όργιαστίς, delete the article. οργίζω, lines 10/11, for ‘; επί τίνος D. 2 1.183’ read ‘(but επί πάντων in all cases, D.2 1.183, cf. επί a. in. 3)’ όργιοφάντης, for ‘ orgies’ read ‘mysteries’ όργυια 3, line 2, delete ‘poet.’ όργυιαΐος, add ‘ ; τάν όργυιαιάν (scanned — w - ), of the Graces on the throne of Phidias’ Zeus, Call.Fr. 196.43 Pf.’ χόρδινάριος, a, ov = Lat. ordinarius : — Also ώρδινάριος, OG/568 (Tlos, iii a.d.) ; ώρδενάριος, MAMA 1 . 1 68 (Laodicea Com- busta, iv a.d.) . όρεγω, four lines from end, after ‘A. R. 2.878’ add ‘(v.l.)’ όρειδρόμος, after ‘the hills,’ insert ‘Simon. 14.fr. 35(6). 7 P.,’ opcios, line 1, after ‘ DDeor.20.pj add ‘, Aristid.Or.26(i4).ioi’ χόρεκτύς, όος, ή, = δρεξις, Hsch. χόρεσιδίαιτος, ov, dwelling on mountains, Abh.Berl.Akad. 1943 (14) .8 (Chalcis, iii a.d.). όρθιαζω, ii for ‘, set upright ,’ read ‘1. 1, μηρών ρόπαλον’ and add hence abs., = Lat. arrigere, Cyran.26, Paul.Aeg.6.70 ; cf. εξανδρόομαι iii’. 2, delete the section, όρθιάω, for “όρθόω” read “όρθιάζω” ; add ‘, Sch. Pi. P.10.56’ όρθιος I. 2, at end, for ‘ rampant ’ read ‘ ithyphallic , ΰβριν ό.’ ; n. 2 b, for ‘the foot - ι_ι ώ’ read ‘a kind of iambus’ χόρθόβλεψις, εως, ή, right vision (metaph.), Inscr.gr. et lat.de la Syrie 1801 (iii a.d.) . ορθογραφέω, add ‘2. to be an ορθογράφος, Rh.Mus. 66.147 (Athens, ii/iii a.d.).’ Χόρθογραφικός, ή, όν, orthographic, τό ό. = ορθογραφία, Sch.D.T. 302.8. ορθογράφος, add ‘, Classical Studies presented to Capps 90 (Corinth, iii/iv a.d.)’ χόρθοεττής, ες, speaking correctly, GLP 1. 114.24 (Posidipp.). όρθόπλουμος, for ‘ with feathers' read ‘ correctly or with a vertical stitch ’ όρθόπνοια, add ‘ ; of animals, asthma, Afric.Cejhp.31 V.’ ορθοποδεω, for ‘walk . . uprightly’ read ‘ advance , make progress’ χόρθοποδία, ή, going straight forward, success, PUniv.Milan.24.8 (ii A.D.) . ορθός II. i, add ‘b. ή ορθή τής επίπεδου βάσεως rectilinear, i.e. enclosed by straight lines, PI. 71.53c.’ m. 6, add ‘; of style, tense, D .H.Comp .4’ v, add ‘, but opp. εγκλινόμενα, perh. indicative verbs as opp. those in other moods, O.H.Comp. 5. 2. αι ορθά ι περίοδοι (opp. αί άντεστραμμέναι) , those in which the dependent clause precedes the principal clause, Sch.D.T. p.27 H.’ χόρθόσφυρος, ov, with straight ankles, Hsch. s.v. τανίσφυρος. όρθότης iii, for ‘the. .narrative’ read ‘nominatives and finite verbs' όρθόω ill, for ‘intr. . .πλαγιάζω)’ read ‘ express by means of nomina¬ tives and finite verbs, τά εννοήματα Aristid.FA. ι .465 S. (Pass.) : abs., opp. πλαγιάζω, ib.2.533 S.,’ όρθρίζ ω, for the present article substitute: ‘(= Attic όρθρεάω, Moer. p.272 P.) rise up early, Lxx Gtf. 19.2, Pj. 126(1 27). 2. b. metaph., be eager or earnest, όρθ ριζών ib.j^.25.3. 2. go early, εις τόπον ib.G«. 19.27; go eagerly or earnestly, πρός τι να ib.Pj.62(63).2, Λ.39.5, Εν. Luc. 21. 38. 3. προήγεν όρθρί- ζων και όφίζων at morning and evening, Thd.iAT 17.16.’ όρθρος I, add ‘2. metaph., δρθρου άποστελλων, i.e. with earnest endeavour, Lxxje.25.4, 0^33(26). 5 and v. όρθρίζω ib (Suppl.).’ όρθωσις 2, for ‘ the nominative case' read ‘ nominatives and finite verbs’ όρια, add ‘, IGg2(i).xjj.\f όριγανόεις, for ‘ made of or with' read ‘of’ όρίγανον, line I, before to” insert Tusu. i, but Γ Tim.Fr.23 p-r ορίζω, line 2, after ‘Hdt.3.142’ add ‘; Boeot. ώριττα SIG933 (iv/iii b.c.) , Wien.Sitzb. 166 i 13 (iv/iii b.c.)’ ii. 2, add ‘b. abs., mark a boundary, SIG l.c., Wien.Sitzb A. c.' χόρικοίτης, Dor. -τας, ου, ό, couching on the hills, Κένταυρος Lyr. Adesp.6. 10 P. (= B.Fr.66 S.). όρικός, line 3, after “όρεικός” add ‘(cf. βοεικός)’ and delete ‘(interpol.)’ όρικός 2, after “-κώς” add ‘perh. according to the όρια,’ and at end ‘(s.v.l.)’ όρινοβάτης, for ‘the mountain' read ‘type of cross- or’ όρίνω, line 3, after ‘used by’ insert ‘Archil. 51 .i.A.57 D.3,’ χόριοδ<ε)ικτία, ή, an administrative area in Egypt, Papyri in fit.de Pap. 2.16,18 (iv a.d.; -δικτία). δριος I, for “ov,” read “a, ov,” and add ‘ ; Αιός Όρίου κα'ι Άθηνάς Όρίας Kourouniotes Έλευσι νιακά i 225 (Eleusis, i B.C.)’ όρισμα, add ‘, cf. Str. 1 2. 4. 4, 8. 2’ χόρΐτις, ιδος, ή, a precious stone, Plin.ZZ.yV37. 1 76. όριχάται, add ‘ ; cf. όριγνάομαι.’ χόρκίολος, ό (or -ον, τό), = Lat. urceolus, Dorner Inschr.aus Bithynien 27, IG 12 Suppl.8.413 (Thasos, ii a.d.; -ιωλ-), Gloss. όρκιον 11. 1, line 12, after ‘4.157’ add ‘, cf. Ale. 129.23 L.-P.’ and for ‘ib.269’ read Tl.4.269’ όρκιος I, fin., for “όρκιωτέραν” read “όρκιωτεραν” and after ‘2.15’ add ‘, cf. Inscr.Cret.^.^B^ (both v b.c.)’ όρκος, line 8, after ‘Od.2.377’ add ‘, cf. K-An. 2.5.7’ and after “ μακάρων δ.” add ‘Od.’ χόρκωτήριον, τό, place of oath-taking, PHal. 215 (pi., iii b.c.). χ’Ορλύγιος, epith. of Zeus, Annuario 30/32.262, no. 6 (Rhodes), όρμαίνω ι. i, add ‘; γάμον ό. A.Fr.474.2.24 M. (anap.)’ όρμάω A. 1, lines 7/8, delete ‘όρμηθείς . .8.499;’ ορμή ι. 2, add ‘ ; όρμή υδατος current, gush, Lxx Pr. 21.1’ 11. 1, add ‘b. ’Ορμή personified, Impulse, Όρμή επιταγήν Φιλημά- τιν /G22-4734 (i a.d.), cf. Paus.1.17.1.’ όρμημα ι. i, line 3, after ‘pi.,’ add ‘τοΰ ποταμού τά ό. gushing streams, Lxx ^1.45(46). 5 ;’ and transfer ‘; θαλάσσης . .Ptol.f from 2 to follow ‘Ael.jV^ 13.21’ 2, line 3, after ‘Ho. 5. 10;’ insert ‘ sexual impulse, Sm.F^.23-20 ;’ όρμος i. 3, for ‘Salt. n’ read ‘Salt. 12’ 11. 2, line 2, after ‘(lyr.)’ insert ‘, Lib.Fp. 1088’ όρμοφύλαξ, add ‘, PTeb.^~jo.^ (pi., ii/iii a.d.)’ όρνεάζομαι, add ‘2. Act., twitter like a bird, chatter, Aq.Zj.8.19 (L.-R.), prob. in Aq.Zj.38.14 (for όρνίζω).’ όρνεόφοιτος, for frequented by’ read ‘ haunting the place of’ όρνίζω, add ‘(s.v.l.; v. όρνεάζομαι in Suppl.)’ χόρνιθοττούλλιον, τό, young fowl, PKlein.Form. 1329 (vi/vii a.d.). όρνιθοτροφεϊον, add ‘, PLund Univ.Bibl. (ii a.d.), Hsch. s.v. κυρτίς ’ όρνιθοτρόφος, init., insert ‘(parox.)’ όρνις, line 2, after ‘Horn.’ add ‘ ; Cret. δννιθα, Schwyzer 18 1 iii 8 (Gortyn)’; line 3, delete ‘in acc.’; line 4, after ‘etc.)’ add ‘; nom. δρνίς Luc .Ep.Sat.35’ ; i*ne 8, after ‘iv b.c.)’ add ‘, όρνίκων PTeb.87.5.19 (ii b.c.)’ 11. 2, fin., after ‘Av. 719 sqq.’ insert ‘; δρνιθος οΰνεκα A.Fr. 17.90 M.’ όροθετης, after “ό,” insert ‘fixer of boundaries, an official, Inscr. Cret.^An 25, al. (i a.d.),’ όρον, for ‘όρος. . 130’ read ‘cf. όρος (b) (Suppl.)’ χόρος (B), εος, τό, wooden implement for pressing olives, Ath.Mitt.66. 201 (Sicyon, v b.c.), P0II.7. 150, 10.130. όρος 2, add ‘, Nic. 771. 708’ end of article, after “οΰρός” insert ‘or οόρόν’ όρος i, add ‘3. Astron. = ουρανός, Arist.GC330b32, 335a20, Mu. 400a7, Call. Fr. no. 1 Pf.’ 11 b, line 7, delete ‘, Thphr. Char. 10.9’ iii. 1, lines 1/2, delete ‘ήν. . 1219;’ όρούω, line 2, after ‘aor. ώρουαα’ insert ‘Hippon.1x.13 D.3 (ε’π— or εν—),' όροφικός, after ‘roof’ insert ‘ Inscr. Ddlos 1417^1117 (ii b.c.),’ and for ‘Id.’ read ‘Hsch.’ χόροφυλακέω, to be a mountain- guard, La Carie 11 281.162.9 (Apol- lonia Salbace, ii/iii a.d.). όροφυλακεω, delete the article. 110 SUPPLEMENT άροφυλακικάς ουτος όροφυλακικός, for “-ικός” read “όροφυλακικός” δροχθος, ό, mountain, Hsch. s.v. άρογκοι. όρρωδεω, line ι, after ‘al.,’ add ‘S.Fr. 951,’ όρτυγοκόττος, init., insert ‘(parox.)’ δρτυγομήτρα, add ‘(Hsch. explains o. as όρτνξ υπερμεγέθης, and this may be the meaning in Lxx ll.cc., al.)’ ορτυξ, for ‘ΰγος . . 245)’ read ‘υγος [ϋ in all instances; ϋ as in δοίδυκα, κηρυκα Att. acc. to Demetr.Ixion ap.Ath-9.393b, erroneously, v. infra] ; also υκος [ϋ? v. Demetr.Ixion l.c.] Philem.245, ό (also 17, Lyc.401)’ όρυγή I, add ‘b. η όρυγη εξεδρας the dug out (i.e. underground) exedra, Syria 17.260 (Palmyra, iii a.d.).’ χόρυζιοττωλική (sc. τέχνη), ή, rice-selling, PTeb.612 (i/ii A.D.). όρυζοτροφέω, delete the article ; cf. ριζοτροφεω. όρυκτήρ, for ‘miner. .1.30’ read ‘ digger , Thphr.Fr.30.2’ όρύκτης i, add ‘2. mole, Aq./t.2.20.’ όρφανιστής, add ‘ ; also at Istros, Histria ι(ΐ954)Ρ·557 no. 32 (iii B.C.)’ όρφανοδικασταί, after ‘ orphans' insert ‘or guardians of orphans’ and at end add ‘, cf. Inscr.Cret.’ όρφανόομαι, add ‘ ; to be bereaved of, Sch.Pi.7.7· 14’ όρφανοφύλαξ, after ‘ orphans’ insert ‘, Delph. 3 (2). 168.29 (n B-c·)’ όρφνήεις, for “όρφνός” read “ άρφνινος ” δρφνιος, delete ‘, but. .corrupt’ όρφνίτης, for ‘dub. epith. of τάλαρο?’ read ‘ night-long , epith. of είροκόμος ’ δρχαμος, lines 4, 5, delete ‘once’ and ‘in late Poetry’ ; line 6, after ‘a gen.,’ insert ‘A-Fr.296.9 M. (lyr.),’ ορχηστής, add as Adj., πόδα APj.^y (Diosc.)’ δρχις i, line i, after ‘ testicle , add ‘τον άρχιν Hippon.i4A3 D.3 δς, η, b, line 5, after ‘5.265, al.)’ insert ‘, τεης Nic.^4/.6i8’ B. iv. 6 a, add cf. 7Gi2-4io’ A b. iv. 2, delete ‘in Att.’ and after ‘Ar.£>.338’ add Men.7>>w.485, Call. Joy. 1 .67, Epigr. 1 1. 1 Pf.’ bv i, add ‘2. of the 3rd pers. pi., their, Hes.7Ti.71.’ οσάκις, add Cret. όθάκις, όθθάκιν, όττάκιν, Inscr.Cret. 1 x 2. 10 (Eltynia, v B.c.), viii 5 bis (Cnossus, iii b.c.), 4.73^6 (Gortyn, v B.C.)’ δσδε, add ', IG7.1686 (Plataea, iv a.d.), etc.’ όσημέραι, line 4, before ‘Hyp.^iA.ig’ insert ‘Pl.Chrm. 1 76b,’ line 6, after ‘ Ar.Th.62f add ‘, D.H.1.24, al.’ δσιος I, add ‘3. όσια· άλφιτα 8εδευμε'να ελαίω και οΐνω, Hsch., cf. Suid. s.v. άφοσιονσθαι.’ Χ’Οσιριασταί, οι, guild of worshippers of Osiris, σύνοδος Όσειριαστάν Inscr.Cos 54.1 (ii b.c.). δσμή, fin., after ‘it occurs also in’ insert ‘Hippon.^Aii D.3,’ δσμηρός 2, delete the section. *όσμός, ό, name of a leguminous plant, Dsc.2.147, cf. Eranos 53 (i955)-3!· Χ’Οσοράττις, ιδος, ό, = Σάραπις, υΡΖι9·8·> al· (n B-C.) : hence Όσο- ραπεΐον, τό, his temple, = Σαραττεΐον, PSIl 128.22 (iii A.D.). δσος iv. ι a, line 3, after ‘i376a34’ add ‘, cf. AP5.2 16.3,4 (Agath.), 9.581.3’ vi. 2, before ‘Ar.’ insert ‘Hdt. 1.174. 3,’ add ‘3. εξ όσου since, Hdt. 2. 98,3. 63 (v.l.).’ δσπερ II. I, after ‘(s.v.l.)’ insert ‘, SIG888.11 (238 a.d.), etc.’ χόσττίτιον, το, (Lat. hospitium) house, PLips.4.0 iii 18 (iv/v a.d.); όσττήτιον, Sch.Gen.il. 1 .396, Suid. χόσττρεάχυρον, τό, pulse-chaff, Bull. Mus. Beyrouth 7.78/9 (Berytus, v A.D.) . χόσπριγίτης, ου, ό, pulse merchant, PKlein.Form. 1091 (vi a.d.), POxy. 2000.14 (vi/vii a.d., ωσπρ- Pap.), δσσομαι II. 2, add ‘ ; όσσόμενοι φρ[εσΐ] yjjpfaj Hes. in POxy. 2354. 10’ χδσσος, ό, pupil of the eye, Sch.E.P0.370. όστακός, after “ “ Οστακος” insert ‘7Gi 1 (2). 107.8 (iii B.c.),’ δστε, line 7, after ‘1024’ add ‘, v.l. in Ε.ΛΛ.972’; and line 9, for ‘antec.’ read ‘demonstr.’ χόστεοθήκη, ή, = όστοθηκη, T AM2{f) .780.1 (Lycia). χόστιάριος, ό, = Lat. ostiarius, soldier who guards a door, or harbour- guard, £7779.346.32 (Cyrenaica, vi a.d.) ; written άστ- PFlor. 1.71.518 (iv a.d.) . δστις, line 14, after ‘2Z. 1126.25’ add ‘, cf. Theoc. 16.68’ ; line 24, after ‘Hes.0/>.3i,’ insert ‘οΰτινος Theoc. 25. 35, Dor. ώτινος Id. 14.19,’ 11. 1, add ‘ : οστις is less freq. in later Greek, but where used may = άς, τ fj επαύριον ήτις εστι κτλ. Ev.Matt.2~]. 62, cf. POxy. 1 10.3, PFay. 108.7 (both ii a.d.)’ χόστοφάγος, ό, ossuary, graffito in Pal.Expl. Quarterly 1937. 130 (Jerusalem, i B.c./i a.d.). δστρεον, line 3, for “όστρία” read “δστρια” όστρίτης, add ‘; also όστρΐτις, ιδος, ή, Plin.77Ar37. 1 77’ χόστροφά, V. αναστροφή (Suppl.). χόσχίον, τό, Dim. of άσχος (?), dub. sens., ££67.1065 (Arabia), δταν i. 2, line 6, after ‘ Marc.9.11' add ‘, Epigr. Gr. 387.8 (Apa- mea)’ and line 8 after ‘(s.v.l.)’ add ‘, cf. PHamb.70.19 (ii A.D.)’ δτε A, add ‘V. ellipt. , όκα το τέταρτον for the fourth time, Inscr. Cret. 4.184.2 (ii b.c.), cf. ib.250.3 (i b.c.).’ ότεΐος, for “τεΐος” read “τεΐον” χότεύνεκεν, Ion. for όθούνεκα, because. Archil. (?) in POxy. 2317.12. δτι A. 11, add ‘3. ότι may be resumed by ώς, Hdt. 3. 71,9. 6, etc., or vice versa; cf. ώς b. i. i.’ ότιή, line 1, after ‘because,’ insert ‘A.Fr.530.9 M.,’ 2, omit ‘7i?.36o,’ ότλήμων, delete ‘(ό τλήμων. .Schmidt).’ χδρτος, = ουτος, άρτοι Inscr. Cret. 4.3.6 (Gortyn, vii/vi b.c.), cf. ib. 2.xii 3.5 (Eleutherna). ου, οι, ε, line 2, after “εοΰ” insert ‘read by Zenod. in II. 19.384, also Hes. Th. 401 (v.l.), A. R. 4. 803, cf.’ χούά (B), 17, v. ώβά. χουας, v. οΰς. ούατόεις, add ‘3. of trees, with hanging branches, Hsch.’ οΰγκιασμός, add ‘, cf. Zos.Alch. 164.2’ χούεϊλλος, neut. pi. ούεΐλλα, perh. = Lat. vilia. Dura 4 133. χούεριδάριος, ό, = Lat. veredarius, Hsch., v. βεριδάριος (s.v. β ερε- δάριος) in Suppl. χοΰέρνας, α, ό, = Lat. verna, BCH28.196, Ath. Mitt. 13.242. χούερτραγος, 6, greyhound, Lat. uertragus, Celtic word, Arr.Cyn.3.6. ούετερανός, after ‘Zonar.’ add ‘, IGRom. 4. 730, etc., and βετε¬ ράνος 7G 1 4. 1470.’ χοΰθένεια, v. ούδενία. χούιάτωρ, ορος, ό, = Lat. viator, ££976 (Inscr., Roman period). χούικήσιμα, τά, = Lat. vicesima, BGU388.1.7 (ii/iii a.d.). χοΰι(ν)δίκτα, ή, = Lat. vindicta, PGnom.2 1 .64 (ii a.d.). χούινδικτάριος, 6, = Lat. *vindictarius, slave emancipated by vindicta, IGRom.%.801 .20,802.25 (Syllium). οΰλαί, after “όλαί” insert ‘(also in Epid., RC7/73.366 (ivB.c.))’ line 7, for ‘bye-form’ read ‘by-form’ ουλαμός ii, add ‘, Sch. Lyc.32 : — In Homer prob. ρουλαμός ; cf. είλω, γόλαμος (i.e. ρόλαμος)’ ούλάς ii, lines 2/3, for ‘Call. Fr. 360. . κεναί)’ read ‘ CaW.Fr.72 4 Pf. (οΰλαί αεί κεναί codd. Suid.), ib. 24.10 (prob. rest.)’ ; line 4, after T.53’ insert ‘, Sch.Lyc.183’ ουλή, add ‘2. an opacity on the eye, Paul. Aeg. 3. 22. 24.’ χουλι£· ουρανίσκος, Zonar. 1478 (cf. ουλον). οΰλόδετον, for ‘ib.30’ read ‘Phot. p. 86 R., Eust. 1 162.30’ ουλοκάρηνος n, delete ‘(cf. ούλοκίκιννα)’ ούλοκίκιννα, for the present article substitute ‘-κίκιννος [/d*-], ον, = ουλοκάρηνος I, Telesill. 8 P.’ ούλόκομος, add ‘II. having thick, bushy foliage, κίτρις Al.Le. 23.40.’ ουλος (B), line 6, after ‘7.70;’ insert ‘as Subst., οϋλη λευκή, Hsch. ;’ 3, line 7, after ‘of rowing,’ insert ‘ vigorously ,’ οΰλοφυής, for ‘of lumps, ,χθονός),’ read “τύποι” οΰλω, after ‘h.Ap. 466’ add ‘ ; οΰλε expld. by χαΐρε, ύγίαινε, PRyl. 16 a fr.2v (iii b.c.)’ χούμός, Boeot. for ύμός, υμετερος : ουμαι (sic cod.)· ΰμετεραι, Hsch. (fort. leg. ούμαΐ· ΰμετερα). ουν ιι. i, line 4, for ‘Hdt. and Att.,’ read ‘Att.’ 2, lines 2/3, for ‘but. .seems,’ read ‘chiefly’; end of section, before ‘AP 12.226’ insert ‘Call.Cer.75, Fr.8^.9, 384-5Pf.,’ ουνεκα ii, three lines from end, before ‘Inscrr.’ insert ‘verse’ and delete ‘2.1 334.1 1,’ ; last line but one, for ‘ IG2 l.c.’ read ‘ IG2 2. 2943.18’ χοΰνή, η, perh. = ώνη, Trans. Am. Phil. Ass. 65.125, 128, 130 (Olyn- thus, iv b.c.) . Ουπις i, add ‘ ; in Thrace, Sch.Lyc.936’ iii, before ‘maiden’ insert ‘Hyperborean’ and after ‘Delos,’ insert ‘Call. Del. 292,’ ουρά i. 1, add ‘, but so employed in Arat.600,628’ χοΰράγιον' έσχατον, Hsch. [ά]. Ουράνιός, for ‘ Urania ’ read ‘Zeus Ουράνιος’ ουράνιος, after ‘V.’ insert Όύράνια, τά, games celebrated at Sparta, 7G5(i).658.i 1 (i a.d.), Inscr. Magn.180. 12 (ii a.d.); των μεγάλων Ου. IG^f) .92B9 (ii A.D.) ; των μεγίστων Ού. ib. 667.1 (i a.d.) . VI.’ οΰρανοειδής, add ‘; epith. of (Jewish) god, PMag. 4.3068’ χούράνολέσχης, ου, ό, one whose boasts tower heaven-high, Eust. 1687.48. ούρανοστεγής, after ‘312’ add ‘(s.v.l.)’ and delete ‘; cf. . .11’ οΰραχός iv, for ‘ stems or stalks’ read ‘ rachilla ’ χοΰρητρίδιον, τό, Dim. of ούρητρίς, PMichael. 18.11.10 (iii A.D., ούρι— Pap.). ουρος (B), add ‘, cf. ώρος (C) in Suppl.’ ους, line 5, for ‘Simon.37. 14’ read ‘Simon. 38. 20 P., AP 7.409.3 (Antip.Sid.)’ p. I274b, ^ne 3> after ‘D°r·’ insert ‘ώας Sophr. in ££71214114 (= GLP1.73.4) ;’ and for ‘Alcm.41’ read ‘Alcm.8o P., cf. ώατα Balbilla in SEG 8.716.9’ ουσία I, lines 5/7, delete ‘καλώς, .iv b.c.) ;’ χούσιαστικός, η, όν, dub. sens., Anon.Alch.270. 1 . ουσον, add ‘; cf. σοΰσον (Suppl.)’ ουτις, line 4, for ‘only twice in E., £>.45,325’ read ‘E.Fr.45,325, Ale. 194,293, al·’ ουτος A, line 12, after ‘v b.c.), al.’ insert ‘ — In Crete sts. written άρτος, q.v. in Suppl. (after ότλημων).’ C. VII. 4, for ‘at 111 SUPPLEMENT ουτος τταΐς end of a formula’ read ‘to clinch a statement’ vm. 3, line 3, after ‘1.161, al.’ insert ‘and Antipho’ ; at end add ‘; τοΰτο δέ alone, or again, Χ.νΙίΛ.3.1 1’ ούτως, line 2, after ‘ArMy.63’ add ‘(v.l.)’; line 3, after ‘Poets’ add ‘(v. infra c, A.R. 1.900; cf. Herod.4.71, where οντω ’πιλοξοΐ is prob.)’ ; line 4, delete ‘, v. fin.’ A. 1, add ‘8. και ον. and then, XMn.3.4.8, Acusil.22j. (prob.), Arr .Epict. 4.8.13, al.’ hi, line 3, after “ούτως τι” add ‘prob. in’ iv, delete ‘in Horn, always’ reading ‘Horn.’ for ‘he always’ ; and line 6, for ‘, cf. 1 .20’ read ‘ ; ορών ώσπερ αν άλλον τινά ούτωσί Id.39-27’ Β, line 1, for ‘mostly’ read ‘in prose almost always’ όφείλω i. 1, lines 14/15, delete ‘metaph.,. .Fr. 126 ;’ 2, line 3, after ‘Ael. F//10.5’ insert ‘; c. gen., to be indebted for some¬ thing, ή κάρτ' οφείλω τώνδε σοι A.Fr.iq .3 Μ., cf. Ar.Aw.22’ ; at end add ‘; ύπνος όφειλόμενος, of death, AP7.78 (Dionys.), 219 (Pomp.), 419 (Mel.)’ όφέλλω (B), line 11, after ‘P.4.260’ add ‘; μητέρα μοι ζώουσαν όφέλλετε (imper.) Call.Fr.602.3 Pf-’ χόφικιάλιος (also όφφ-), ό, = Lat. officialis, BGU657 ii 9 (ii a.d.), POxy. 1646.3 (iii a.d.), CRAcad.lnscr. 1952.593 (Caria, iii A.D.). χόφίκιον (also όφφ-), τό, = Lat. ojficium, IGRom. 3. 130, P5/281.51 (ii a.d.) . χόφιόκοιλος, 6, a precious stone, De Mely Lapid.Gr. 191.16. όφιοπλόκαμος, after ‘69.12’ add ‘, 70.10’ όφιοϋσσα, after ‘Cythnos,’ add ‘Antin.70 W.,’ όφιοφόρος, after ‘serpent- bearing,’ insert ‘rest, in’ and at end add ‘(—φοριος lapis)’ όφις, after “o” insert ‘(also ή, Plu.2.g88a, of the serpent Python)’ I, add ‘ ; A κόλπω έχειν δφιν Thgn.602’ iii, add ‘, but in Nonn.D.2.290 ' Οφις Άμάξης is the constellation Draco' δφρα A. 1, lines 8/9, for ‘but Horn, thrice uses it’ read ‘in Horn.’; after ‘II.’ add ‘8.1 10,’ and after ‘16.242’ add ‘, cf. 19-7°’ όφρυανασπασίδης, add ‘ ; cf. subductisupercilicarptores Laevius 7 Morel’ όφρύη, add ‘II. for όφρΰς i. 1, Hp.Dieb.jfudic.2.’ όφρυόεις, after “ ev ,” insert ‘(neut. —όειν metri gr. Call.Pr.186.20 Pf.)’ όφρΰς i. I, 7 lines from end, after ‘PI 648’ insert ‘, cf. τάς ό. aves Men. Dysc. 423’ ; add ‘b. eye, E.Cycl.657 j Perh- so in A. Ch.285.’ II, add ‘; ornamental stone projecting above a lintel, Lib. Or. S-5*’ χόφφικι-άλιος, —ον, v. όφικι- (Suppl.). οχεία ι. 2, for ‘(iii’ read ‘, PP/33.22 (both ca. iii’ χόχετογνώμονες, v. έχετογνώμονες with Suppl. όχευτικός, after ‘Thphr.Fr. 183’ add ‘; Comp, and Sup., Ath. 9.39 1 e,d’ Όχεών, delete the article (leg. Αντιοχεών, q.v. in Suppl.). χδχινος, o', dub. sens., μυλαΐος PTeb.799 i 26 (ii B.C.). όχλάζω, for ‘, al.’ read ‘ ; to be obstreperous, Id.Pr.7.11.’ όχληρία, add ‘, PHamb. 182.2 (249 b.c.)’ όχλίζω ii, add cf. N1CM/.505.’ όχλικός, add ‘; Adv. -ώς, dub. in PFouad 31.2 (ii a.d.)’ δχλος i. 1, add ‘ : pi., of a crowd, D.S. 13.94; of the people, people in general, Heraclit.P^.7.4.’ δχμα, add ‘ ; cf. έχμα, όχανον, πόρπαξ.’ οχυρός 2, fin., after ‘etc.’ add ‘; Comp., Plu.Arat.90.’ δψ (B), for ‘gen. οπός’ read ‘nom. only’ χόψαρελαιον, τό, fish-oil, Afric. Cc.fi. p. 80 V. όψίγονος 2, line 2, after ‘h.Cer. 165,’ insert ‘Stesich.45.i.2 P.,’ for ‘4.’ read ‘II. (parox.)’ and add ‘; late in bearing produce, γη Aq.Ji.2.3i.’ όψίζω, after ‘Plu.Pyc. 12’ add ‘ ; 00 εάν όφίση finds himself al night¬ fall, Lxx.Si.36.31 (28) ; όρθίζων και όφίζων, v. όρθρίζω (Suppl.)’ δψιος, line 1, after “a, ov ” insert ‘(also ος, ov, Arat.1027)’ ; before “όταν” insert ‘δειλής ό. Plb.i 8.8.1 ;’ δψις, add ‘III. Astrol., aspect of a planet in relation to one in a zodiacal sign on its left, Heph.Astr. 1 . 16 ; cf. άκτίς i. 3.’ χόψίτευκτος, ov, late-made, Eust.1235.17. δψον ii, for ‘Prr.’ read ‘Fr.' and delete ‘545,’ όψοπόνος, for ‘ov, . .elaborately’ read ‘o, cook’ δψος, add ‘, PCornell 35.15,16 (iii a.d.)’ όψοφάγος, init., insert ‘(parox.)’; add ‘, Ael.F//i.28’ όψωνιαστής, add ‘; prob. in graffito in W. Ruppel Der Tempel von Dakke 3 p.6o No. 78’ χόψωνιάτωρ, opos, ό, = όφωνάτωρ, caterer, Phot. p. 22 R. χττά, shortened form of πάτερ (cf. μά), cj. in A. Supp. 892,902 (lyr.), cf. Sch. χπαγγεννήτειρα, ή, = παγγενέτειρα, P Mag. Par. 1.2556. χπαγγόνος, 6, epith. of Helios, cf. παγγενέτωρ, IG^z(i) .529 (Epid., ii b.c. ?). χττόγγωνος, ό, (γωνία) a precious stone, Plin.//JV37· 1 78. πάγη 2, add ‘, cf. Iamb. VPi 7.76’ πάγιος II, add ‘ ; επιστήμαι, opp. στοχαστικοί, Phld.FA. 1 .26, 59 S.’ παγίς, line 1, for ‘Call.Fr.458’ read ‘Call. Fr. 1 77. 1 7 Pf.’ χπαγκλυστής, ου, o, a temple-official, ££7336.18 (iii a.d., παν- Pap.). παγκρατής 2 fin., for ‘B.Fr.io.’ read ‘Simon. 36. 5 P., B. Fr. 14. 4 S.’ παγκράτωρ, for ‘CRAcad. . . 241’ read ‘epith. of 0εός, Epigr. in SEG7.13’ and add ‘ ; οίγή, Epigr. in Robert Hell. 2.121 (Egypt, Roman)’ χπαγκυκλικόν, τό, dub. sens., Anon.Astr. in PMich. 149x12 (ii A.D.) . πάγξενος, add ‘, B.11.28S., cf. Id. 13.95’ χπάγόδετος, ov, frostbound, ύδωρ Mesom. 10.3 Heitsch. πάγος, after “o'” add ‘(also πάγος, εος, τό, v. 11. 1,5)’ and in II. 5, after ‘Hebd. 6’ add ‘ap. Gal. 19.73’ πάγουρος, add ‘II. tongs, Hsch. s.v. πυράγρη ; cf. καρκίνος.’ πάγρος, for ‘perh. = φάγρος' read ‘an unknown bird, Ael. JV.d5.48, cf.’ πάζιον, add ‘ ; = τοπάζιον (understood as τό πάζιον, cf. βάζιον in Suppl.).’ παθεινός, line 2, after ‘Jb.2 9.25;’ insert ‘ bereaved , in mourning, PMich.Teb. 2.244. 18 (i a.d.) ;’ and at end add ‘, PMich.Teb.l.c.’ πάθημα I, add ‘2. damage, Inscr.Cret. 4. 144. 13, al. (v/iv b.c.).’ παθητικός i. 2, line 3, after ‘ Orat.97 ’ add ‘; of an author, Plu. JVtc.i (Sup.)’ and at end ‘; in or by feeling, τα δίκαια μη π. μόνον άλλ’ έπιλογιστικώς κατανοίΐν Phld./?A.2.254 S.’ παθητός, after ‘3.’ add ‘τό π. capability of emotion, dub. in Phld. D.1.11. III.’ παθικός, after ‘ patitur ,’ insert ‘Cat. 16.2,57.2,’ πάθνη, after “φάτνη,” insert ‘PLips. 106.8 (i a.d.),’ πάθος iv. 2 b, add ‘ ; π. eyeiv = pathicus esse, vl.P9.330 (Nicarch.).’ παιάν hi, line 10, after ‘HG 11. cc., al.’ add ‘, both forms are in codd. of Lys.2.38’ end of article, add ‘[The first syll. is sts. short in Trag. lyr., A.Ag. 146, etc.]’ παιάνις, init., insert ‘(properisp.)’ παιγνία ii, add ‘ ; holiday, Herod. 3. 55’ παίγνιον, before “, τό” insert ‘(παίχνιον in Theoc. 15.50 Pap. Antin., Call.Fr.202. 28, 33 Pf.)’ παίγνιος, for ‘7. 12.2 12’ read ‘12.212.6’ παιδαρίσκος, add ‘, Sch.Ar. FA. 291’ παιδαριώδης, after ‘(Sup.);’ add ‘of literary work, D.H.Dem. 44; of an author, Id./j. 19;’ χπαιδάρίων, ωνος, ό, gloss on προΰνικος, Hsch. ; cf. πατερίων (Suppl.). παιδερως I, add ‘2. pi. = παιδεραστία, Ath. Mitt. 7.255 (Cyzicus, iii/ii b.c.).’ 11. 1 a, delete the section. b, add ‘, Paus. 2. 10.5-6, cf. PMn.HN22.78 ; pi. παιδός ερωτες Nic.Fr.75. 55’ 2, add ‘b. a kind of amethyst, Plin./jjV37.i23·’ παίδευμα II. 2, add ‘ ; προς αρετήν D.H./5OC.4’ παιδεύω n, line 15, after ‘Aeschin.3.148’ insert ‘; τράγον άεθλα ΑΡ6-9Ϊ2 (Anyte)’ παιδιακός, for the present article substitute: ‘παιδιακόν, v. πεδιακόν (Suppl.).’ παιδικός I, line 5, after ‘Lys.21.4;’ insert ‘ύμνοι π. B.Fr.4.80 S. ;’ 11, delete ‘ύμνοι. .3.12 ;’ iii. 1, after ‘(i b.c.)’ add ‘. b. child’s garment. Edict. Diocl.7 .58,59, Dura* 97,100 (πεδ— )’ παιδικυνηγεσία, delete the article. παιδίον iii, after ‘ convulsions ,’ add ‘Ruf.ap.Orib.mc. 38(20). 27,’ παιδισκάριον, line 2, before ‘Hld.i.n’ insert ‘PSIi 359.4 (ii/iii a.d.),’ add ‘2. stone used in spinning, Hsch.’ παιδισκεΐος II, add ‘, cf. τον θάκον συν τοΓς κατ’ αυτόν ε’πικει- μένοις παιδισκήοις SFG16.719 (Ephesus, ii A.D.)’ παιδίσκος, init., insert ‘(parox.)’ χπαιδογόνιον, τό, birth of a child, παι δογονίου άρρενος, θελείας PMich.Teb.2.2^2,-5 (i a.d.). παιδόθεν, delete ‘Ibyc.i.io,’ χπαιδοκλέπτης, ου, ό, boy-stealer, Διηγήσεις vii 6. παιδομαθής, for ‘precociously quick ’ read ‘ trained from childhood in, τίνος Longin.44.3 ; quick, apt ’ and for ‘τίνος Longin.44.3’ read ‘ expert , Quint. /nit. 1.12.9’ παιδοποιός I, add ‘ ; cf. συμφοραί Id.PA.980’ παιδοτρόφος, init., insert ‘(parox.)’; 1, for ‘Simon. 12. 4;’ read Simon. 3.6 P., A.Fr.474.2.8 M. (lyr.) ;’ παιδουργέω, add ‘, Plu. in Hes. 74’ παιδουργία I, add ‘, Plu. in Hes. 74’ παιδοφίλης, add ‘, TF12.44 (Glauc.)’ χπαιζόγελως, ων, playfully jesting, Cat.Cod.Astr. 12. 190.9. παίκτης, for ‘dancer or player’ read ‘ dice-player , gambler ’ and after ‘(Leon.)’ add ‘, Man. 4. 448’ πάϊλλος, add ‘, cf. Hsch. : — fern, πάϊλλα, prob. in Epich. in POxy. 2427 fr.44.1’ παιπάλημα, for ‘Aeschrio 8.8’ read ‘AF7.345’ χπαιπαλώσσω' τό παίζω και τό παροινώ, Theognost. Can. 31 A. παΐς, lines 8/9, for ‘ ; dat. ..17’ read ‘ (parody) ’ 1. 1 , add ‘, ΛΡ9.268 (Antip.Thess.)’ add ‘IV. pi. voc. without par¬ ticular reference, Ar.Fy.419, Theoc. 10.52, 13.52. V. at 112 τταΐς SUPPLEMENT iravipcus Sparta, boy in fifth year of public education, i.e. eleven years old, /lefeis 'Ηροδότου in Stein Hdt.ii p.465 (Berol. 1871).’ παιφάσσω i, line 2, for ‘A.R.4.1440’ read ‘A.R.4.1442’ παίχνιον, substitute ‘v. παίγνιον (Suppl.).’ παίω i. 4, for ‘ Pax 874’ read ‘Pax 899’ χπακτάριος, ό, fr. Lat. pactum, contractor, POxy. 138.9,40 (vii A.D.). χπακτείκια, τά, fr. Lat. pacticius, perh. agreed payments in manu¬ missions, Abh.Berl.Akad. 1932 (5) .46 (Pergam.). πακτόω I, line I, after ‘Archil. 187 insert ‘θόρην ε πάκτωσα Hippon.ix. 19 D.3 πακτωτής, add Bodl. Ms. Gr. Class, c. 88 (P.) (iii b.c.). 2. a Christian church-official, αναγνώστης καί π. Inscr.Cret. 4.481 (Gortyn, v/vi a.d.)’ χπάλα, η, = Lat. pala, Edict. Diocl. 15.45 (Meg.), ιταλάθη, add ‘, Carm.P0p.2B P.’ πάλαι, line 2, after ‘time,' insert ‘Sapph.49 L.-P.,’ ; line 8, for ‘Eup. n ’ read ‘Ar. Pax 414,475’ add ‘III. a fortiori, ol γαρ ημών κρατησαντες εκείνου ye π. κρείττους ύπάρχουσι D. 'AW·' , παλαιγενής, line 3» for “Μοίρα” read “ μοίρα ι” ; line 4, after “άοιδαι ” add ‘(s.v.l.)’ Παλαίμων, after ‘Hsch.’ add ‘ ; pi. Παλαίμονες, sea-gods, Call. Fr. 197.19,23 Pf.’ χπαλαιοκεραμος, o, old wine-jar, ‘empty' , POsl.Inv. 1440 (i a.d.) in Eos 48(2). 77-2 (pi.) ; cf. καινοκεραμος in Suppl. χπαλαιοπόρνη, ή, aged harlot, Dura 9 1.213 (iii a.d.). παλαιός, after “ά, όν” insert ‘(also ός, ov, Hp. Epid.*]. 82)’ παλαίπλουτος, for ‘ Quarterly . . iii a.d.)’ read ‘SEG8.26g.Q (Gaza, iii/ii b.c.)’ παλαισταγής, for ‘that has become oily from age' read ‘pressed long ago' παλαιστή, delete ‘ ; Aeol.. ,τταλάσταν)' χπαλαιστόω, dandle a child in the hands, Aq.Z.a.2.22 (επαλαίωσα codd.). παλαιστρίδιον, add ‘, Διηγήσεις viii.35’ παλαιφάμενος, for ‘= sq., .. anon. 102’ read ‘of a tree, felled long ago, Call.(?) Fr. 756 Pf.’ παλαίωσις, last line, after ‘(2.1)’ add ‘, cf. Sm.Pj.71 (72). 7, 91 (92). 1 1’ παλάμη II, line 2, after ‘sense,’ insert ‘παλάμαν εχει Alc.249.7 L.-P.;’; line 3, after ‘of the gods,’ insert ‘ Κυπρογενηας παλά- μαισιν Alc.380 L.— P. ;’ παλαμναΐος i. 2, fin., add ‘: neut. as Subst., blood-guiltiness, or simply guilt, μη παλαμναΐον λάβω E./F 1218’, and in 11 delete ‘μη. . I2l8, cf.’ χπαλάριος, a, ov, apptly. = Lat. palaris, δπλον τταλάριν BGU40.5 (ii/iii a.d.) . παλάσιον, delete ‘ ; παλάθιον Suid.’ παλαστή, line 4, after ‘Lond. 183: — ’ insert ‘Aeol. παλάστα Ale. 350.6 L.-P.;’ χπαλαστώσαι' χειροτονησαι, Hsch. χπαλεός’ d σκώπτης· τίθεται δε καί επί του άφρονος, Theognost. Can. 50. παλευτής, for ‘decoy-bird' read ‘ setter of decoy-traps' παλεύω i, after ‘1087’ add ‘; c. acc., decoy, Ael.jVA4.16’ παλέω, line 2, before ‘elsewh.’ insert ‘to be wrecked, of a ship, π επαληκός PBodl. 10. 10 (ii b.c.) in Chron.d’fig. 27(1952). 188 ;’ χπαληοσεβής, ες, of ancient reverence, BKT5.1 p.77.3. παλιγγενεσία ι. I, after ‘AJ 1 1.3.9’ add ‘, cf. Memn.40.2 J.’ παλιγκαπηλεόω, add ‘; prob. in Berytus 12.124.48 (Cyrene, iv B.C.)’ παλίγκτιστος, add ‘; expl. of Lat. recidivus in Virgil glossary, PNess. 1.762 (vi a.d.).’ παλίμβολος, fin., for ‘or patched' read ‘, reversed ' παλίμπισσα, after ‘Dsc.1.72;’ add ‘—πίττα Inscr. Delos 1441ΑΠ 19, al. (ii b.c.) ;’ παλίμπλυτος, for ‘metaph. . .own’ read ‘dub. sens.’ παλίμπνοος, for ‘breathing' read ‘ breathed ' παλίμπρατος I, add ‘, cf. Call.Pr.203.55 Pf. (-πρη—)' χπ]αλίμψηστρον, = παλίμφηκτρον, Wien.Anz. 1962.5.29 (Lycia, i a.d.) . πάλιν iii, line 2, after ‘Ar.Ac/i.342,’ insert ‘Men.ZFyjc.i 13, Macho ap.Ath. 13.5786,’ χπαλίνδουλος, o, = d πολλάκις δουλευσας, Hsch. s.v. παλιγκάπηλος. παλίνορσος, transfer ‘άγε νηα. . A. R. 1.416;’ after ‘Adv., back again,' and after ‘(Eutolm.)’ add cf. Call.Pr.344 Pf.’ παλίνπιττα, after ‘Hsch.;’ add ‘πάλιν πίττης IG22. 1673.22 (iv b.c.) : πάλιν πίσσα SIG 1 171.14 (Lebena) ;’ παλίνσοος, for ‘Nonn.. .παλίμπνοον)' read ‘AP1.49’ χπαλιντροπή, η, changing back, Zos.AJch. 196.1. παλινωδία, add ‘3. repetition, Clem.Al.Paei/.3.i 1 .60, Theol.Ar. 57 A·’ παλιουροφόρος, after ‘παλίουρος i’ insert ‘(s.v.l.)’ παλίωξις, before “, εως” insert ‘ [t J ’ and delete ‘[i metri gr.]’ πάλλα, add ‘ ; cf. παλίζεσθαι παλλακίς, line 2, after ‘cf.’ add ‘X.Cyr.4.3. 1,’ ; line 4, for ‘ritual prostitution’ read ‘presumed concubinage to a god’ χπαλλάντιον, τά, a plant, = πολύγονον or όστεοκόλλος, Hippia.tr. 66. χπαλλιόλιον, τά, Dim. of Lat . palliolum, small cloak, PMich. iii 201.9 (i A.D., παλλιώλιν), PTeb. 405. 3 (iii A.D., παλλιόλιν). χπαλλίολον, τά, = Eat. palliolum, PGt/781.6.6 (i a.d.). χπάλλιον, τό, = Lat .pallium, Aesop. Prov. 120 tit. Perry; in forms πάλλιν and πάλιν, Dura 4 97,93, cf. BGU22. 1 7 (ii A.D.). πάλλω ii, line 6, after ‘Ar.Pa.345 ;’ add ‘throb, ol κρόταφοι πάλ- λονται Hp.Arai.30;’ iii. add ‘2. twitch, μηρός εύώνυμος πάλλων PFlor. 391.8 (iii A.D.).’ χπάλμα, ατος, τό, leaping, given as etym. of name Παλλάς, POxy. 2260 ii 5 (ii a.d.). χπάλμυρον, τό, dub. sens., Theognost.Can.131. παλτός i, for ‘(lyr.)’ read ‘(anap.)’ 11, line 2, for ‘Fr.16;’ read ‘Fr. 264 Μ. ; παλτώ, of a contest with a dart, Ath.Mitt. 62.4 (ii b.c.) ;’ παμμακάριστος, after ‘= foreg.,’ insert ‘Antip.Sid. in Inscr. Dilos 2549.1 1,’ χπαμμάχάριος, d, = παγκρα τιαστης, Ambros. in Ps. 36.55 (Pair. 14.993 Migne) ; prob. in Firm. 8.8.1 (codd. macharios). χπαμμεδέων, οντος, ό, ruler of all, Ζευς Nonn.D.40.97. χπάμμνηστος, ov, wholly worthy of remembrance, Cljud.i B8i (Tor- tosa, vi A.D.), cf. πάμνηστος. χπάμπαιδες, ol, in athletic contests, juniors, IG Ι2(9)·952·5 (Chal- cis, ii B.c.) ; παΐδες πάνπαιδες ib.7.1764.13 (Thespiae, ii/i B.C.), cf. 2871.21. παμπησία, add ‘ ; written πανπασία, Ηπειρωτικά Χρονικά ΙΟ. 254 (Dodona, iv b.c.) ; also πανπάσιον, ib.253’ πάμπολυς ii, after ‘etc.’ add ‘ : with Comp., Id.Ep.j.^^b, Is.8.33’ *παμφίλητος [ϊ], ov, beloved of all, Not.Scav. 1937.473 (Sicily), πάμφιλος, for ‘prob.’ read ‘cj.’ χΠαμφϋλίς, ίδος, fem. Adj. Pamphylian, Π. γαίη G'F/815.6 (Attalea, ii a.d.) . πάμφυλος ii, line 3, before ‘gen. pi.’ insert ‘nom. sg. Πανφόλας SEGi 3.239 (Argos, v b.c.) ;’ παναγής ii, add ‘ ; accursed, Phld.Pto.339.8’ χπ]αναγρυπνία, η, complete wakefulness, P Mag. Par. 1 .3274. παναγυριάρχας, κτλ., delete “-αγύριος,” χΠανάγύριος, o (sc. μην), month at Amphissa, Delph. 3(3). 32 (ii B.C.) . πανάκη, add ΤΙ. = πανάκεια II, Herod. 4. 6.’ χπαναλγής, ες, full of sorrow, n. acc. pi. as Adv., -ea κωκυσασα GVI 1923.19 (Cyzicus, i a.d.). χπαναμύμων [ΰ], ov, gen. ovos, all-blameless, GF/199 (Pontus, ii/iii A.D.) . χπαναργύρεος, a, ov, of pure silver, άμφώ ταΰτα -εα Antip.Sid. in Inscr. Dilos 2549.6. χπάνάρεστος, ov, all-pleasing, GF/874.1 (Smyrna, ii a.d.?). πανάριον, add ‘, cf. POxy. 300. 4 (i a.d.), 1272.8 (ii a.d.)’ χπάναυτάδελφος [άδ], ov, entirely fraternal, Dioscorus in Byz.- neugr.Jahrb. 10.342. παναώριος, add '; Adv., παναώρια GF/318.1 (Thessalonica, iii A.D.?).’ ( χπανδαμικοί, ol, boy's festal dress, Hsch. πανδέκτης ι. i, add ‘, cf. B\in.HNPraef.24' add ‘3. medicine-chest, Sch.Ar.PZ.71 1.’ χπάνδεκτος, ov, receiving all, πάνδεκτον Φερσεφόνης θάλαμον GVI 1637 (Attica, iv b.c.). πάνδημος I, add ‘2. -ον, τό, confederation of demes, κωμών δυο Swoboda Denkmaler 282.’ 11, line 4, after “π. ερασταί” insert “, εραστής” and after ‘i8ie’ insert ‘, 183ε’ add ‘b .from all the town, π. εραστής AP 5.302.9 (Agath.).’ χπάνδοξος, ov, all-glorious, Pi.Pr.94b.8/g S. πάνδουρος, add ‘II. = πανδουρισ της, Hsch. s.v. πανδοΰρα.' πανδώτειρα, add ‘, cf. PMag.Par. 1.2280’ Πανεΐος i, add ‘ ; fire signal, CF4o(i926).6-8’ χπανελευθερία, η, entire freedom, IG7. 1780.7. χΠάνελλάς, άδος, ή, the whole of Greece, Pi.Pae.8B2 S., Philod. Scarph.iii.32, Call.Fr.106 Pf. χπάνέραστος (sc. λίθος), ή, — πανερως, Piin.HN^,"] .178. Χπανηγυριαρχία, ή, office of πανηγυριάρχης, Didyma 157 I. Χπανηγυριαρχικός, η, όν, of α πανηγυριάρχης, τιμή Papers of Amer. School at Athens 2.396 (Caria). χπάνηγΰρίη, ή, — πα νήγυρις, iSPG8.549-24 (Hymn, i B.C.). πανηγυρικός I, add ‘; προφήτης Didyma 264.1,238 11, al. ; ταμίας ib.408.3,410.1’ πανήγυρις, before ‘Dor.’ insert ‘Aeol.,’ πάνθειος I, before “ov” insert “a,” and at end add ‘ ; epith. of Zeus and Athena, Parola del Passato 15.294 (Cyrene, ii b.c.).’ πανθέλκτειρα, for ‘Simon. 183.1’ read ‘AP7.24.1 ([Simon.])’ πανθοινία, add ‘, Cels.ap.Orig.Ce/j.8.24’ χπανθυπακουστής, οΰ, ό, all-listener, PMag.Par. 1 . 1 369. Πάνιος, add TL name of a month, Hesperia 27.75 (unknown provenance, ca. 200 b.c.).’ χπάνίρευς [ϊ], εος, o, title of priest at Mytilene, IG 12(2). 61. 3 (written -ει p— ), 102. 113 Πανίσκος SUPPLEMENT παρακυρόω Πανίσκο?, after “Πάν,” insert ‘ Inscr.Dilos 1416/1151 (ii b.c.),’ χΠανιστή?, o v, o', worshipper of Pan, Men.D7ic.230 (παιανιστ- Pap.). Πανίωνε? 3 b, for ‘(sc. άμφορίσκος), IG ’ read ‘ό κρατηρ 6 77. at Delos, Hyp.Fr.69, cf. IG22. 1 640. 1 9 (iv b.c.) ; without κρατηρ, ibid.’ παννύχιο?, before “ov” insert a, χπανόπαια, ή, epith. of Hecate, PMag.Par. 1.2612,2965, v. άνοπαΐα 2. χπανόρφανο?, ov, completely orphan, Rev. Phil. 23{ig4g). 13 (Chios, ii/i b.c.) · ^πανόσιος, ov, godly, Phld.&o.339.,i 7. πανοσπρία, add ‘b. gloss on πάγκαρπα θύματα, Sch.S.Fi.635, cf. Hsch.’ πανουργέω I, add ‘b. διά σχημάτων π. play tricks, perform feats, Longin. 17.1, cf. 2.’ πανουργία I. I, add ‘b. shrewdness, Sm.Pr.8.12; cf. πανούργος II.’ χπανπασία, πανπάσιον, v. παμπησ la (Suppl.). χπανσπέρμιον, το, = πανσπερμία, Anon.Alch. 18.14- πανσυδί, add ‘ : — written πανσερδί, prob. in Rend. Pont. Accad. Arch. 7.106 (Crete)’ πανσυδίφ, add ΊΙΙ. utterly, AP 7.299 (Nicomachus).’ πανταπώλη?, add ‘, PTeb. 841 (ii b.c.)’ πανταρκή?, add ‘2. dub. sens., B. 17.70 S. (v.l.). παντεβιπάσιν, delete the article, παντελή?, line 1, for “σάγην” read “σαγήν” χΠαντελίη [ί], ή, name for Demeter, 7(?42.55ΐ.ι (Epid., Roman), cf. παντε'λεια I, παντε'λει os. πάντεχνο?, add all-contriving, π. παλάμαις rest, in Pi.P<2C.8(b). 3 s·’ παντογενή?, add Αύρα i Orph.77.8i.i (cj.)’ παντοδύναμο?, add ‘(v.l.)’ παντοδυνάστη?, add ‘, P Aiag.Leid.V. 8.19’ παντοθαλή? 2, for ‘1067.15’ read ‘1075.14’ πάντολμο?, add ‘, AF5.218.4 (Agath.), 248 (Paul.Sil.)’ χΠαντομέδων, ovtos, o', name of a horse, Sovereign Lord, S EG J.2 13. 23 (Tab. Defix.; Dura, iii a.d.). χπαντόφωνο?, ov, all-sounding, όργανα Dain Inscr.du Louvre 60.20 (Heraclea ad Latmum). πάντροπο?, add ‘III. versatile, Μουσέων π. ην θεράπων Ath.Mitt. 20.228 (Rhodes, i b.c.).’ πάντω? i, line 5, for ‘Pr.333’ read ‘Pr. 333’ χπανυπεΰκυκλο?, ov, cj. for παρυπεΰκυκλος, q.v. in Suppl. πάνωδό?, before “, αχώ” insert ‘(or Πάνωδός, of the music of Pan)’ πάξ, after ‘Diph.96,’ insert MP5.181 (Asclep.),’ πα|αμά?, add ‘II. in μουσωτοΰ παξαμά Syria 1 .302 (Sidon, vi a.d.), π. may denote a special kind of mosaic (or the maker of ίι)·’ *πάομαι, last line, after ‘ii b.c.)’ insert ‘, 4.752.13 (Troezen, ii B.C.)’ χπαόνιο?, a, ov, of a peacock, Edict. Diocl. 18.9· παπά, add ‘; παπαπά, v. sq. 11 (Suppl.).’ παπαΐ ii, after ‘also’ add ‘παπαπά E.Cyc.503 (lyr.) χπαπειν (acc. sg. masc.), perh. a local title, metr.Inscr. in Robert Hell. 7.198 (Tarsus). χπάπο?, ό, = πάππος I. I, Ath.Mitt. 27.307 (Macedonia, pi.), Wien.Anz. 1 96 1 . 1 24 (Lydia, iii a.d.). II. something used as incense, els άποκαυσμόν τών π. Judeich Altertiimer von Hierapolis No. 227 ; πάπου θυμέλη Rev.Phil.36.j3 (Iconium) ; cf. SEG6.2J2 (Phrygia). πάππα?, after ‘nom. πάπα?,’ insert ‘A.Fr.474.2.14 M. (lyr.) (prob.), Men.7)yic. 1 94, cf. 204,’ and after ‘acc. πάπαν’ insert ‘Men.Dyrc.648, cf. 494,’ παππικό?, add ‘, PGrenf2.33.23 (ii a.d.)’ παππωνυμικώ?, for the present article read ‘παππωνϋμικό?, η, όν, derived from one' s grandfather’ s name, [όνομα] Sch.E.P/i.36; Adv. -u>s Sch.Gen.Il.9.191, Suid. s.v. Άλκείδης. (Cf. πατρω-, μητρω—, μαμμω-νυμικό s, —ως.)' παπυλιών, after ‘Diocl. 19.4’ add ‘, PMich. iii 214.26 (iii a.d.)’ πάπυρο?, fin., after ‘w w’ add ‘, cf. Moer.p.31 1 P.’ παρά B. ii. 2, line 10, for ‘29f;’ read ‘29ε; παρ’ εμαυτώ in my own mind, Id.Phd. 107b;’ C. iii. 8, for ‘of a. .possibility’ read ‘with expressions of possibility and permission’ ; transfer the reference to Arrian to follow ‘Ac. 846’ inserting ‘also’ before “πεΓσαι” ; and add ‘ ; π. τοΰτο έσται και ο κυων άνθρωπος S.E. Ρ. 2.23’ χπαραβαλανεύ?, εω?, ο, sick-nurse in the Christian church, Acta conciliorum oecumen. 2(1). 179, Pland. 8.154 (vi/vii a.d.); cf. Lat. parabalani (v.l. - lanin ) indecl., Cod.Theod. 16.2.42 (gen. pi.), 43 (acc. and abl. pi.). παραβάλλω B, add ‘VI. Med. transgress, Sokolowski 11 33A1 1 (Dyme, iii b.c.), Leg.Sacr.ii.j4Cj, D17/8.’ παραβάτη? ii fin., add ‘ ; ό π. the Transgressor, i.e. the Emperor Julian, Suid. s.v.’IovXiavos, Eust.83.41’ παραβιβάζω I, for ‘ put aside, remove ' read ‘ transfer ’ χπαραβιβρώσκω, nibble at, παραβεβρωτα i Vit. Aesop. (G)43; Hsch. S.V. παρεσθίε[τα]ι. παράβλημα, after fodder ,’ insert ‘Hsch. s.v. κάπητον,' παραβολάνοι, delete the article; v. παραβαλ ανεάς (Suppl.). παραβολεύομαι, after ‘v.l. παραβουλ—)’ add ‘; μη παραβολευεσθαι SB 7562 (ii a.d.)’ παραβολή vi, after ‘multiplication,’ insert ‘Nicom.Ar.2.27,’ and delete ‘: hence. .Ar. 2.27’ χπαραβολινθέω, dub. sens., PAberd. 190.3 (i a.d., Pass.), παράβολο? ii. 2, line 8, after ‘Longin. 32. 4’ add ‘, cf. 22.4’ παράβυστο? ii. i, add ‘; rest, in IG21. 1646.12.’ παραγαύδιον, after ‘19.29’ add ‘, Dura* 93’ παραγγελλω ii. 5, after ‘i53a5’ insert ‘(misnumbered as H9a5)’ χπαραγειτνιάω, to be neighbour, τισι Sch.E.P/i.5. παραγίγνομαι II, add ‘4. = συγγίγνομαι II. 3·’ χπα]ράγλυμμα, ατος, τό, dub. sens., 7G22. 1534. 174. παράγραμμα, add ‘HI. play on words, pun, Cic. Fam. 7.32.2, cf. γράμμα II. I C, παρά C. III. 5 b.’ παραγραμματίζω I, for ‘= foreg.’ read ‘τινα make a pun on his name' παράγραφο?, add ‘2. Masc., pencil for drawing lines, CGL3. 639-3·’ παραγωγή I. 6, after furnishing,' insert ‘Didyma 41.34;’ χπαραγώγιμο?, ov, in transit, π. φορτίον JHSj4.9j.li. 13 (Caunus, i A.D.). παραδείκνυμι, add ‘7. of a creditor, π. els ένεχυρασίαν indicate a property as having become liable to distraint, PRyl. 1 76.5 (iii a. d. ; restored as Med.), Pland. 145.3 (bi a.d. ; Act.), etc.’ παράδεισο? I. 3 b, add ‘ ; pi., παραδίζοισι κατοικώ Anat.St. 5.32.24 (N. Phrygia, iv a.d.)’ χπαραδεισοφύλαξ, ακος, ό, custodian of a παράδεισο?, PCair.PJn. 690.22 (pi., iii b.c.) . χπαραδεισών, ώνος, o, orchard, PHamb.gg.g (i a.d.). χπαραδεξιόω, perh. make convenient, BGU 1844.19 (i b.c.). χπαραδήλωσι?, εως, η, intimation, Poll. 4. 33 (pi.), παραδιώκω i, for ‘ reject ’ read ‘drive out, eject, from office, SEGj.i. 13 (Susa, i a.d. ; Pass.) ; a reading,’ παραζηλόω i. 2, after ‘vexed' add ‘ with jealousy’ and at end ‘, 7,8’ παράθερμο? I, after ‘over-hot,’ insert ‘D.S.24.3,’ and for ‘2.. .24. 3 ; also’ read ‘of things,’ παραθεω ill, add ‘; metaph., Call.Fr.384.14 Pf.’ παραθήκη, add ‘2. of a tablet entrusted to supernatural powers for the execution of the curse it bears, Tab .Defix. Aud.22.3g, 32·27 (both Cyprus).’ παραιθύσσω II. I, delete “λαίφεα” παραίτιο? I, line 3, after ‘A.I.C.’ add ‘, cf. Fr. 125.26 M.’ and line 4, after “αίτιος,” insert ‘Plb.4.57.10,’ 2, delete ‘τών. . 44-7 >’ παρακάλυμμα I, add ‘ ; so prob. in Inscr.DSlos 442Λ229 (ii b.c.).’ χπαρακατάγνυμι, break off in part, ρυτόν όίκρουνον —εαγός τον χείλ[ους] Inscr.D0los I441AH86 (iiB.c.),cf. 1450T141 (ii b.c.). παρακαταθήκη, line 1, after “ή” insert ‘(Boeot. παρκαταθείκα /G7.2420.34)’ παρακατάσχεσι?, add ‘, PMasp.2g3.ll-g.’ παράκειμαι i. 2, delete ‘, cf. Plb.5.34.7’ add ‘HI. trans., to have put in or deposited a document (cf. παρατίθημι B. 2 a with Suppl.), επί ραδιουργία παρακεΐσθαι αυτόν την συγχώρησ ιν UPZ 162 vi 4, cf. 21, vii 3,2 L viii 2,33 (ii b.c.) ; παρεκειτο την δηλουμενην διαγραφήν SB43l<2-6j (ii B.C.) ; ει τινα άπόδειξιν παράκειται UPZ 161.35 (b B.C.).’ παρακελευστή?, add ‘; dub. sens., Άθάνας π. 7Gi2(2).484.i7·’ παρακινέω, line 2, after ‘11. 2)’ add ‘, Men.D7ic.961 ; incite against the government, Plu.Fc76’ παρακίρναμαι, add ‘ ; Act. παρεκίρν α· παρεμισγε, Hsch.’ παρακλαίω, for the present article substitute ‘παρακλαίω, weep beside, AP3.103 (Rufin.), cf. παρακλαυσίθυρον; Sch.Ar. F.977.’ παρακλίνω i. 3, line 4, after ‘7F4540aT insert ‘, Ant.Lib.17.6’ 4, delete the section. παρακοιμάομαι 2, add ‘b. of sexual intercourse, Sch.Pi.F.4.449’ χπαρακοιτάζω, lie beside, Hsch. s.v. παρευνάζων. παράκολλο? I, for ‘χαμεΰνα, . . 10.36)’ read ‘χάμευνα, low couch with ornamental wood-work glued on, SEG13.12.231 (Athens, v b. c.), cf. Poll. 10.36’ χπαρακολουθητή?, οΰ, o, assistant, PFam.Teb. 15.103 (ii A.d.). παρακολουθητικό? 2, for “—κή, ή,” read ‘in' παρακολυμβάω, add ΤΙ. Παρακολυμβώσα, ή, title of comedy by Nicostratus, Phot. p.91.26 R.’ παρακοντίζω, for ‘with others' read ‘beyond others or the target ’ παρακόπτω ii. I , add ‘b. χρησμών πα ρεκόπης didst go astray from them, i.e. miss the meaning, prob. in A.Ag. 1 252 (v. παρα- σκοπέω Ii) ’ παρακουσμάτιον, after ‘Plu.2.354a’ add ‘(cj.)’ χπαρακύϊσμα, ατο?, τό, name of the sign Τ' (later ~δ{), Sch.D.T. p.496 H. (s.v.l.) ; cf. this Lex. p.1562 s.v. M παρακυρόω, before ‘Sm.’ add ‘f.l. in’ 114 τταράλαμψις SUPPLEMENT τταρεκτείνω χπαράλαμψις (B), Dor. for παράληφις, Clara Rhodes 2. 175.9 (i* B.C.). παραλέγω III. 1, delete — Med.,. .1.101 S’ παραλλαγή II, add παρά την προτέραν O.ii.Comp.15’ παραλληλισμός I, add POxy. 1916.10 (vi a.d.)’ παράλληλος, add ‘4. in music, of tetrachords, disjunct (opp. κατάλληλος, q.v. in Suppl.), Aristid. Quint. 1.8.’ παραλογεύομαι, add — Act., 8Ε&ά.φ§.2·$,4ΐ (Egypt, i b.c.)’ παραλογισμός I. I, after “θεάτρου” add ‘(leg. θατέρο υ)’ παράλογος I, fin., before ‘Sup.’ add ‘Comp, -ώτερον Plu. Tim. 1 ;’ and in 2 before ‘. Adv.’ add ‘: Comp., Plu. 2. 1123a’ πάραλος iv, delete “17 π.,” παραλοΟμαι, for ‘bathe together’ read ‘dub. sens.’ and add ‘ : — Act., Phot., Suid.’ παράλυτος, for ‘= foreg.’ read ‘paralysed, D.H.9.21’ παραμελέω, line 4, for ‘a duty,’ read ‘, των αγρών AristMiA. 16.5;’ παραμεμπτέον, before ‘Gal.’ insert ‘f.l. for —πεμπτέον in’ παραμονάριος, add ‘, Aesop. 252 Perry’ παραμύθιον I, add ‘; ύπνον AP 7.195 (Mel.)’ παραναίω I. i, delete the section. παρανθέω, add ‘III. metaph. of a boy, lose the bloom of beauty, prob. in X.6Vn/?.8. 1 7 (παρανθήση for παρανόηση of PGiss.l ii 4), cf. άνθίω II. 2 and παρακμάζω.’ παρανίσσομαι, init., insert ‘or παρανίσομαι’ ; at end add ‘ : abs., come to aid, Arat.426’ χπαρανύμφη, η, — παράνυμφος II, Isid. 9.7.8. παραξιφίς, add ΊΙ. pi., as title of a book of miscellanea, Gell. Praef. 7.’ χπαραπαλάριος, ό, mentioned among entertainers of various kinds, perh. to be connected with Lat. palaria, Teucer in Boll Sphaera p.44. παράπαν, line 2, for ‘always’ read ‘usu.’ and after ‘etc.’ add ‘(without Art., Th.6.18)’ παραπατάω, add ‘(but παρηπάφησας is a prob. cj . j cf. έξαπα- φίσκω )’ παραπαφίσκω, line I, after “παρηπαφον” add ‘(but v. παρα¬ πατάω in Suppl.)’ παραπείθω, line 2, for ‘24.208’ read ‘14.208’ παραπέμπω III. 2, before “το λουτρόν” insert ‘τον κατά μέρος λόγον Hipparch.i. 10.24;’ παραπλαγιάζω, for ‘, Hsch.’ read ‘ ; trans., divert, Hsch. s.v. παροχετεύει’ παραπλέκω II, line 2, for ‘π. εαυτόν becurl himself’ read “τινα” παραπλεύριος, add ‘ ; π. άκανθα i, of dolphins, Sch.Pi./*.4.29’ χπαραπλευρίς, ίδος, ή, dub. sens., IG22. 1534.294 (iii b.c.). παραπλή! II, after ‘mad,’ add ‘B. 11.45 S.,’ παραπλομένοισι, add ‘(cf. περιπέλομαι).’ Χπαραπλωΐζω (-πλωζ— cod.), to be situated or move alongside the highway, Hsch., cf. πλόος \ b. χπαραποδίδωμι, Med., sell below market price, παρααποδόσθαι (sic) BCO 5.267 (Istria, ii B.C.), cf. παράπρασις. παραποθνήσκω, before ‘cj.’ insert ‘dub. in Mcn.Dysc.3qp,’ παραποίησις, after ‘forgery,’ insert ‘Anat.St. 10.71.no. 124 (pi.) (Pisidia, ii a.d.),’ παραπομπός, add ‘III. a religious official, BCH11.12 (Caria).’ παραπόρφυρος, after ‘ edged with purple ,’ insert ‘Plu. 2.330a,’ παράπτομαι II. I, add ‘ ; μηδέν δλως παραφάμενος των άγιων (sc. χρημάτων ) BCH56.293 (Stobi, ii/iii A.D.)’ χπαραράβδωσις, εω?, ή, prob. fence or railing, Anat.St. 12.198 (Cilicia, i/ii a.d.). χπαράρραπτο ς, ον, sewn as a fringe , IGj .2421 .7 (Thebes, παρραπ i — ). παραρρέω ii. 2, for ‘also, .etc.’ read ‘abs., drift from course, err ’ παράρρυθμος I, add ‘ ; in irregular measure, of the dance of the Curetes, Orph.//.3i.3 [παράρυθμο i].’ 11, delete the sec¬ tion. παράρτημα ii, for ‘dub. sens, in’ read ‘ appendix , supplement ,’ παραρτίζομαι, for the present article substitute ‘-ίζομαι, prepare, ναΰς παραρτισάμενος P\u.Luc.y.6, cf. παραρτίζεσθαι· παρασκευά¬ ζεσαι Hsch.’ παραρτύω II, add ‘(f.l. for παραρτισ— )’ χπαρασεβέω, to be impious, Schwyzer 429.10= Sokolowski 11.33. A 1 1 (Dyme, iii b.c.). παρασεύω, for ‘ rush past ’ read ‘ speed past or beside ’ and add ‘; perh. speed side by side, Nonn. D. 37. 387’ παρασημαίνομαι ill, add ‘ ; in signf. Ii, Hsch. s.v. παραχαράσσων’ παράσημου ii. i a, add ‘ ; distinguishing characteristic, της Δημο¬ σθένους συνθέσεως O.H.Dem.^o’ χπαρασκαφίτης, ου, ο, boatman, Teucer in Boll Sphaera p.47 (-σκαρ- cod.), v. Robert Hell. 1. 143. παρασκευάζω A. 5, add ‘ ; c. acc. et inf., τον πόλεμον μέχρις απειλών προκόφαι Memn.i5j. ; φρονεΐν υμάς D.Chr.33-23’ Β. ι. 2, line 7, for ‘, Is. 8. 3’ read ‘; τούτον π. πράγμαθ’ ήμίν παρέχειν Is. 8. 3’ παρασκηνόω ii, delete the section. χπαρασπαίρω, gasp beside, θυηλαΐς Nic.FV.62. 2. παρασπιστής, after ‘in arms,’ insert ‘A.Fr.605 M.,’ παράσταθμος, add ‘, cf. POxy. 132 .5 (vi/vii a.d.)’ παραστάς I, line 5, for ‘also in sg.’ read ‘sg., part of a catapult’ παράστημα, after ‘Dor.’ add ‘, Boeot.,’ and after ‘(Epid., iii b.c.),’ add ‘BCH20.324. (Lebadea), IG' χπαραστόμιον, τό, muzzle, Hsch. s.v. φίμα (leg. φιμά or φιμός), cf. [κυνο]ς παραστόμ ια SEG13. 1 2. 1 98 (Athens, v B.C.). χπαρασυγγραφή, ή, breach of contract, FSY903.22 (i A.D.). χπαρασφράγιστής, οϋ, ό, maker of counterfeit seals, Teucer in Boll Sphaera p.42. παρασχιστής, after ‘D.S.1.91,’ insert ‘Ptol. Tetr. 1 79,’ παρασωρεύω, add ‘ ; τροφήν π. Aesop. 6 Perry’ παρατείνω II. 3, add ‘ ; ολην την παρατείνουσαν (sc. ημέραν) all the lengthening day, i.e. throughout the morning, Lxx 2 Ki. 2.29’ χπαρατενίζω, gaze boldly to the side, π. όφθαλμοΐς Aq.(?) Is. 2. 16 (L.-R.). παρατίθημι A. 3, add ‘; την ασπίδα επίθημα τω φρέαη π. Ar. fr-295\ Β. 2 a, lines 4/5, delete ‘Plb.3.17.10,’ and after ‘ deposit ’ add ‘or put into official hands’·, before ‘POxy.’ insert ‘UP£i62 ix 7 (ii b.c.), Wilcken CAr.26.35 (ϋ a.d.) : — Pass, to be appended,’ b, after ‘store up’ add ‘, χρήματα Plb.3.17.10;’ 5, last lineQor ‘v.l. in Id. Comp. 23’ read ‘cf. Id.A.13’ χπαράτομος, o, section, of a field, PVindob. 19757.4,5 (ϋ a.d.) in Aegyptus 32(1952). 365.4. παρατραγωδέω, before ‘Poll.’ insert ‘Stratt.3 D. ; παρα- τ ραγωδησαί τι μοι ε’κ[ Com. in Lex. Mess. fol.282v 4; cf.’ χπαρατρεπτικός, η, όν, averting, 'SchAij.Andr.52"]. παρατρέπω "], add ‘, Afric.Cei/.p.59 V.’ παρατριβή 2, for ‘Ath.14.626e’ read ‘Id.4.21.5 (ap.Ath.14. 626e), cf. 30.27.2’ παράτροπος ii, delete ‘: — where Sch. expl. παρατροπικός’ παράτυλος, for the present article substitute after “6,” ‘Archit., collateral metal thole linking two blocks, Didyma 41.47 (ii b.c.).’ παραύα, delete ‘prob. in’ χπαραφερνιμαΐα, τά, apptly. = παράφερνα, PNess. 18.25 (vi A.d.). παραφέρω iv, line 3, after ‘2.432b’ add ‘; metaph., π. κατα¬ κέφαλα POxy. 1853.5 (vi/vii a.d.)’ Χπαραφησυχάζω, = άφησυχάζω I, PCair .Isidor . 75. 20 (iv A.D., παραπησ— Pap.). παραφρυγανισμός, for ‘p.ioo’ read ‘2 p.17 (iii b.c.)’ χπαραφυλακεία, ή, office of a παραφύλαξ, Robert Hell. 10.250 (Ac- monia, iii A.d.). χπαραφυλακεΐον, τό, police- or garrison-building, T AMffii) λ 4.A1 4. (Termessus, ii a.d.). χπαραφυλακία, ή, office of παραφύλαξ, 7V4A/2(3).838d7 (Lycia, ii a.d.), IGRom. 3.649.7. παραφύλαξ, for ‘ watcher , guard’ read ‘name of an official, perh. chief of police, OG/527 (Hierapolis)’ ; for ‘(Aphrodisias)’ read ‘(Apollonia Salbace), Alh.Mitt.68.23 (Samos, ii a.d.), BMus. Inscr.pqpad (Ephesus), JHS2p( 1909). 166 (ii a.d.)’ παραφυλάσσω ill, after “ παραφύλαξ” add ‘(q.v. with Suppl.)’ and at end add ‘, OG/485.7 (Magnesia ad Maeandrum)’ παραχειμαστικός, add ‘2. neut. pi., π. λεγιώνων winter-quarters or tax for maintenance in winter-quarters, ΜέΙ-de l’ ic.fr. de Rome 55. 57 (Thyatira, ii a.d.).’ χπαράχορδος, ον, discordant, Phot. s.v. παρακεχόρδικεν. χπάρδοσις, εως, ή, = παράδοσ ις, perh. handing over, Brit.Mus. Quarterly 11.33 (gem> ϋ/iii a.d.). χπαρεγγραφή, η, perh. interpolation, Wien.Anz. 1962.5.29 (Lycia, i a.d.) . παρεγγυάω I. I, line 2, after ‘Hdt.3.8;’ insert ‘τηνδε σοι π. Men. Dysc. 732 ;’ παρεδρεία I, add ‘ ; οί άπά της π., perh. = οί πάρεδροι, PSI Ι357·9 (ii a.d.)’ παρεδριάω, add ‘, Ελληνικά ι6.2 (Thessalonica, ii/iii a.d.)’ πάρεδρος ii. i, last line but one, before ‘Hell.Oxy. 10.T insert ‘prob. 1. in’ παρείρω, line 2, after ‘18. 18. 13;’ insert ‘ λόγον είς τούς Φιλιππι¬ κούς Did. in D. 13.17;’ παρεισβαίνω, delete the article; v. παρεκβαίνω (Suppl.). παρεισδύνω, line 2, after ‘Demad.3’ insert ‘, cf. Call.£/!)i^r.44. 5Pf.’ παρείσοδος, after ‘ entrance ' add ‘of an actor, Sch.S.4/.66; op¬ portunity of entering ’ παρέκ A. ii. 3, after ‘ contrary to,’ insert ‘θέμιν Call.Fr.186.7 Pf. ; π.’ B. 4, fin., after ‘Plb.3.23.3’ add ‘, cf. Lxx ^.15.4’ χπαρεκάτεροι, οί, those on each side, Vit. Aesop. ( G)25 (παρακ— cod.), παρεκβαίνω, before ‘, step’ insert ‘Cret. παρεσβ- Poet, in Inscr. Crrhixxiii 3 (Phaestus, ii b.c.)’ παρεκδέχομαι, after ‘ misconstrue ,’ add ‘Plb. 15.25.35,’ χπαρέκκειμαι, to be put aside, Porph. in Harm.p.88 D. παρεκνέομαι, after ‘A.R.2.’ insert ‘651,’ and after ‘94 T add ‘, I243’, χπαρεκπέτομαι, fly past, παρεξέπτη Plu.2.8o6e. παρεκπίπτω, add ‘II . fall to pieces, of papyri, prob. in PFam.Teb. 15.71 (i/ii A.D.).’ παρεκτείνω i, add ‘b. stretch out beyond, c. gen., εΐ. .μη τον 115 ιταρεκτείνω SUPPLEMENT ττασσαλιστής αναγκαίου ττουλύ παρεξετάθης ΑΡ 9-643 (Agath.). 2 .make coextensive with, i.e. carry no farther than, rfj ναυμαχία την βύβλον π. D.H.TA. 12. 3. Pass., to be strained, to.. — rer αμένον intensity, Aristid. Quint. 2.10.’ χπαρελαιν, o, prob. non-Hellenic name of a cult-object, Inscr. Cret. i.v 23.5 (Arcades, ii a.d.). παρελαύνω ιι. I b, add metaph., Parm.8.61’ παρεμβαίνω, for τεθρίππω . .etc.’ read 2. παρεμβεβη- κώς mounted on, τεθρίππω D.H.2.34; έφ’ άρματείου δίφρου Id. 5-47·’ χπαρέμβασις, εως, η, dub. sens, et lect., Suid. s.v. Φύλαρχος (fort, leg. παρεκβάσεων). χπαρέμβροχος, ον, slightly tipsy, Vit. Aesop. (G) 68. παρεμπίπτω I. 3, add ‘ ; of a word inserted for euphony, D.H. Dem. 40’ παρέμπτώσις 2, for ‘Amm. 2.2’ read ‘Th.2\ (pi.)’ παρενδείκνυμαι I, add ‘b. with nom. and inf., assume arrogantly, Διηγήσεις vii 3.’ Χπαρενσκάζω, sidle, walk with a mincing gait, mistranslation of Hebr. te'akkasmh ‘wear ankle-chains’, Aq.7i.3- 16 (L.-R.) (fort, περισκελίζουσαι). παρεξαμείβω, add ‘II. (tm.), παρεκ γόνυ γουνός άμείβων, perh. getting his knee past the other’s knee, A.R.2.94.’ παρεξετάζω, line 2, after “ τί τινι” add ‘D.H.7)m.36,’ χπαρεξοχή, ή, dub. sens., Poliorc. 220.20, etc. χπαρεπικόπτω, satirize by the way, c. acc., Διηγήσεις vi 30 ( πάρε - κοπτων Pap.), 37. πάρεργος I, add ‘2. of persons, unimportant, Ελλήνων ούχ ο παρεργότατος GVI 1 876.4 (Termessus, ii A.D.?).’ II, add ‘b. nickname, Macho ap.Ath. 13.578ε.’ χπαρερώ, as fut. answering to παράφημ i in signf. 2, Sch.Pi.O.7. 111,117. Χπαρεσχάρίτης [ϊ], ου, ό, one who sits by the hearth, Eust. 1564. 28. παρετοιμασία, add ‘ ; apparatus or equipment, Sch.B II. 2 1.490.’ χπαρετυμολογία, ή, allusion to etymology. An. Ox. 3.383.21. παρευνάζομαι, add ‘, Hsch.’ παρεψηβεία, for “ *παρέφηβος ” read “παρέφηβος” χπαρέφηβος, o', member of a class of έφηβοι, 7Gi2(3).339-23, 340. 19 (Thera, i a.d.). παρέχω, line 4, after ‘Hes. Th.639,’ insert ‘opt. παρασχεθοι A.Fr. 17.13 M.,’ and after ‘Ar.Tt7.321’ insert ‘(troch.)’ A. 11. 3 fin., for “δέμαςά κεντητόν” read “δέμας ακέντητου ” III. 2, line 4, after ‘El. 1080’ add without dat., prob. in Favorin. Exil.23.11’ B, line 2, after ‘Lys.9.8:’ insert T aor. inf. παρέξασθαι RC7/55.44 (Odessus, i B.C.) χπαρηβεία, ή, middle age, Abh.Berl.Akad. 1909.2.62 (Samos), πάρημαι I, line 2, after ‘only part.’ insert ‘in Homer’ 2, add ‘ ; παρείατο, impf. 3 pi. with sense of 3 sg., κούρη δε π. δακρυχέουσα Call. Fr. 497 Pf·’ χπαρημερινός, η, όν, — παρήμερος II, PTeb.2~]^.22 (iii A.D.). παρήχημα, for ‘succession, .alliteration1 read ‘ instance of παρήχησις’ παρήχησις, for ‘= foreg.’ read ‘ the use of words alike in sound but different in meaning’’ παρηχητικός, for ‘ alliterative ’ read ‘of or belonging to παρήχησις’ and for ‘Eust. 1638. 17’ read ‘with παρήχησις, Eust. 1638. 15’ παρθένεια I, add ‘; cf. παρθένια in Suppl.’ παρθένειος, line 2, after ‘Pi.7V.8.2 ;’ insert ‘ παρθενήϊα φρονεΐν Id.Fr.94b.34 S. ;’ and at end, after “ Έρυσίχη” add ‘(of a book by Alcm.) ; cf. παρθένεια ’ παρθένευμα 2, for the present section substitute ‘= παρθενεία, ib.1473.’ παρθένια, add ‘II. = παρθένεια I, τέ[κτονι πα]ρθενίων σοφών Άλκμά[νι Poet, in POxy. 2389 fr.9.’ παρθενική, add ‘2. = παρθένιον I, Cat.6 1.187.’ παρθενικός, ii, add ‘2. = π. χιτών. Dura 4 100 (pi·).’ παρθένος I. 2, delete Tl.2.514,’ add ‘6. metaph. of the number seven, Hierocl. in CA p.465 M.’ παρθένων ii, lines 2/ 3, for ‘ ; also, of the cella’ read ‘b. the apartment occupied by virgin priestesses’ and at end add ‘ ; of Aphrodite at Apollonia Salbace, La Carie n.p.281, no. 162, line 5’ χπαριαμβίζω, V. ίαμβαυλεϊν. παρίημι II. 3, add ‘ ; εύτ’ αν το νέον παρή sees it go by, S.OC1229 (lyr.), cf. Pl.Ti.460e.’ For “Πάρινα” read “πάρινα” and prefix: ‘πάρινος, η, ον, of marble, LxxFr.1.6, 77SM56.5 (Paphos, ii B.c.), Syria 17.260.5 (iii a.d.) , 18.372 (both Palmyra) :’ παρίστημι B, after ‘aor. 2’ add ‘(2 sg. imper. παράστα Men.i 10 Koerte, 'FA. 28)’ and after ‘plpf. Act.’ insert ‘(also fut. παρ- εστήξω Men.Fbjc.364)’ add ‘VIII. γη παρεσταμένη rented farm land, Hsch. (cf. ίστημι b. ii. 2 fin.).’ παριστορέω i, for ‘ inquire ’ read ‘ learn a thing’ and after ‘25’ add ‘, cf. ίστορέω I. 2’ ii, add ‘, Did.ap.Porph. in Harm. p.28. 25 D·’ χπαρΐωνικός, ή, όν, quasi-ionic, μέτρον, of the Anacreontic verse, P0xy.22Qr vii 7. χπαρμενίσκος, ό, ornament of a door, Inscr. Dilos 1428x167, 1429 T>iii3 (ii b.c.). Παρνασός, for the present article substitute ‘Παρνάσός or Παρνασσός, Ion. Παρνησός or Παρνησσός, ό, Parnassus, Od. 19.432, Hes.FA.499, Th.3.95, etc.: Adj. Παρνάσιος [ά] or Παρνάσσιος, a, ον (also os, ov E.7F 1 244 (lyr.)), Parnassian, Pi. F.10.8, Limen.22, etc.: also Παρνήσσιος, TG2z.i258.24 (iv b.c.) ; fern. Παρνησιάς or Παρνησσιάς, άδος, E .Ton 86 (anap.) ; also Παρνασσίς, ίδος, Pae.Delph.\\ Παρνησίς or Παρνησσίς, A.Ch.363. — Codd. fluctuate between the forms with a and σσ, and both are found in Inscrr. : Παρνασίαν Limen.l.c., but -σσ- TGl.c., Philod.Scarph.23, Aristonous 1.41, Pae.Delph. l.c., and so Hdn.Gr. 1.209.’ χπάρο, Aeol., = πάρεστι, Alc.i30.12 L.-P., cf. ένό, ενο, εξό. παροδίτης, after ‘Ηρ. Ep. 17,’ insert ‘AP 7.198 (Leon.),’ παροδοιπόρος, add ‘, GFT428. 1 (Ephesus, ii b.c.)’ πάροδος (B) 11. b, for ‘on the stage,’ read ‘into the orchestra, TGi2(9).207-55 (prob.) (Eretria, ca. 290 b.c.),’ παροικίζω, after “τινά τινι ” insert MF7.287 (Antip.), 448 (Leon.),’ χπαροίνησις, εως, ή, = παροινία, Anon, in Rh. 327.13 (pi.). παροίτερος I. 1 , after ‘in front of, ’ insert ‘Arat.306,’ χπαρομφάλιος \_φα\, ov, from the middle, v.l. for κατομφ—, Nic .Th. 290. παρονομασία i. i, line 2, after ‘256,’ add ‘D.H. FA. 48,’ 11, for ‘ derivative ’ read ‘name for the pronoun’ ; delete ‘ ; by-name. . (P1·)’ πάροξυς, add ‘III. = ομφακίας, Hsch.’ χπαρόρεγμα, ατος, τό, allowance, honorarium, δαμιεργοΐς Docum. ant. dell’ Africa Italiana 1.86, al. (Cyrene, iv b.c.). παρόρειος, line 3, after “παρώρειος” add ‘is’ and for ‘is incorrect, whereas’ read ‘and PTeb. 787.4 (ii b.c.), and’ παρορίζω I, for ‘limit, define, Longin.2.2,’ read ‘ banish , dispel, Longin.’ παρόριος hi, before ‘boundaries’ insert ‘space along ’ and add at end ‘ : so παρόριος, ή, PFlor. 50.86’ χπαρορμητήριον, τό, gloss on ρωστήριον, Phot. χπαρορμήτης, ου, ό, encourager, Hsch. s.v. τάρροθοι. παρορμίζω, add ‘2. moor a boat to the bank, Pap. in Sitzb .Heidelb . Akad. 1923(2). 23.’ χπαρορυγή, ή, burying, digging in alongside, σκολόπων Rh. 1.436. 1 8 (pi.), cf. ορύσσω iv. Πάρος, after ‘D.S.2.52’ add cf. πάρινος (Suppl.)’ πάροχος (A), line 4, for “συμπαρέστη” read “συμπάρεστ i” παρρησία I, add ‘b. freedom and fearlessness of aspect, Sch.Pi. TV. 10.73.’ χπάρριζος, ον, = πάνριζος, π. μολεΐν Ά ιδού μέγαν κευθμώνα Poet. in Robert Collection Froehner 1 N0.77 (Alexandria, i b.c.). χπαρστάτις, ιδος, ή, = παραστάτις I, Epigr. in Hesperia 23.63 (Athens) . χπαρτέλλεται" παραινείται (leg. παρανείταΐ) , Hsch. παρυπάρχω, before ‘ attend ’ insert ‘ partly begin, pf. part. Pass. παρυπηργμένον prob. in 7G22. 1522.30· 2.’ add at end ‘, cf.Plu.FiA.5’ Χπαρυπερέχω, project partly beyond, Hero Bel.88. χπαρυπεΰκυκλος, ov, round, Poel.de herb. 134 (codd.). χπαρυποκρούω, perh. offend by intermeddling, Διηγήσεις vii 3. χπαρύπτιος, ov, ‘concave’ , used of a quadrilateral with a re-entrant angle, Papp.652.20; cf. ύπτιος vii (Suppl.). χπαρφύροΰς, οΰν, = πορφυρούς, DurcP 93,97· χπαρωδησις, εως, ή, defined as όταν ό ρήτωρ κώλον άρχαΐον τίθησι καί χωρίον εαυτού, i.e. when the rhetor quotes a passage of classic literature or one out of his own speeches, Sch.Aristid. p.462 D. παρωδάς ii. 2, add ‘, 11(2). 120.48 (Delos, iii b.c.)’ παρωθέω I. I, line 2, after ‘Hp.drhiS;’ insert ‘so prob. in A. Merc. 305 (tm.). b.’ παρωνύμιος II. I , add ‘ ; in a pun, παραμύθιον ήσθα παρωνύμ ιόν τε γονεύσι GVI 1499 (Athens, iv b.c.)’ 2, for ‘= Lat. . . agnomen ’ read ‘ by-name , Arist./LA. 1 7.3’ παρωροφίς, before ‘Poll. 1. 81’ insert ‘but defined as το μεταξύ τού ορόφου και τού στέγους, i.e. gable,’ πάς, line 10, after ‘Ji.13.1 T add ‘ ; also παν τον χρόνον TGg2(i). 583.56, cf. ib.g(i).39.3’ B. 11, line 6, after ‘v. infr. d.’ insert ‘in,’ D. 11. 4, add ‘: all the time, ή γη νιφετω τα. π. χράται Hdt.4-5°> Η· Luc.TnA.22, Ach.Tat.5-i3> 7·Ι6’ πασιθέα I, add * ; -θέη, = παιωνία άρρην, prob. in Ps.-Dsc.3-i40’ χπασιμέλητος, ον, cared for by all, SEGiQ.qQq. (Pisidia). Πάσιος, add ‘II. name of a month, Hesperia 27.75 (unknown provenance, ca. 200 b.c.).’ πασιφίλητος, add ‘, 5(1). 1494 (Messene, iii/iv a.d.)’ χΠάσΐχάρηα [χά], ή, all-enjoying, name coined by Alcm. 107 P. χπασπερμεί, Adv. all seeds (or kinds) together, φύετο στάχυς άμμιγα κριθαΐς πασπερμεί Lyr.Adesp.i ΐ(Τ)·4 Ρ· πασσαγία, for ‘Poet. ap. Suid.’ read ‘Call.Fr.359 Pf.’ χπάσσάκον' πάσσαλον, Hsch. (fort, πασσακων πασσάλων.) πασσαλιστής, for “ κυνδαλοπαίστης” read “ κυνδάλη” 116 ττασσοφίη SUPPLEMENT ire νθερά χπασσοφίη, η , poet, form for *π ανσοφία, complete wisdom, Epi- grapfnca 10.76 (Leptis Magna), παστά? I. 3, delete TP6.172’ χπαστιλη, v. σπατίλη. χπάστωρ, ορος, o', = Lat. pastor, SB801 (ii/iii a.d.). πάσχω, line 3, after ‘9.492, etc.’ insert ‘ ; Lac. πάσαν Alcm. 1 .35 ”· , ΙΠ· 2 a> add ‘ ; but also πάσχαν τι to be affected, dis¬ turbed, Men.Fito.49, cf. D.H.9.3, Plu. 2. 682b’ χπατάγγη?, ου, ο, = σπατάγγης, Poll. 6. 47· παταγέω ιι, last line, after ‘Lyr.Adesp. 121’ insert ‘= Call H)Fr 761 Pf.’ v ' χπαταγμό?, o', striking, Rh.3.520.30. Παταίκεια, for ‘sg. Παταίκειον. . maintenance’ read ‘Adj. Παταίκίίος, belonging to the fund thereof, φιάλη’ and at end add \ cf. 1b.442.P54’ χπατακτρια, η, striker, των ζωων, of a καλαΰροφ, Rh.3.607.8. παη€Γ/λΐδΐθν’ ^°Γ _‘^iov, Gloss. (- icioti cod.)’ read ‘-ίκιον, Pfwdob.1 5452 (v a.d.?) in Schweiz.Beitr.z.allgem.Gesch. 12.146 11., POA3/.2419.9 (vi a.d.), Gloss.’ χπατερίων, only as voc., used in addressing an old man, GLPi. 78. 7,16, Vit.Aesop. in POxy. 2083^7 (iv/v a.d.), al. ; cf. πατέρων. ' πάτημά i, add ‘2. trodden grapes, perh. used as a fodder, POxy. ΙΙ42·3) γι56·9 (both iii a.d.).’ πατήρ v, after ‘/G14.1272,’ add ‘Rom.Mitt. 49.203 (Dura),’ πατητή?, before ‘Hsch.’ insert ‘££4640 (v/vi a.d.),’ χπατίλη, V. σπατίλη. πά™? pf > f°r ‘WOm by’ rCad ‘woven for’ and for Tr.495’ read ‘Fr. χπάτο?, Adj. wealthy, perh. in Gallic Greek, Querolus p. 17 Peiper (T.) (ivA.D.). πατραδελφεια, for ‘ cousin by’ read ‘cousinhood, i.e. group of cousins, on and transfer article before πατραδελφεό?. χπατρικιάτο?, ον, = Lat. patricius, κάλτιοι π. rest, in Edict.Diocl. 9-7- # πατρικό?, before “η, όν” insert ‘Aeol. πάτριχο? acc. to Sch.D.T p.532.30 H.,’ χπατριμούνιον, τό, = Lat. patrimonium, PFlor. 320.4 (iv a.d.). χπατρογενίδη?, ου, descended on the father’s side, τών άπό Άρδυος Ηρακλειδών π. Robert Hell. 10.276 (Claros, ii a.d.). χπατροκτασια, ή, = πατροκτονία, PMasp. 353.Α.ΙΙ (vi A.D.). πατροκτόνο? I, add ‘2. Subst., parricide, Plu.2.io65f, Fiwi.22.4.’ πατρονόμο?, init., insert ‘(parox.)’ πατροποίητοξ, for ‘ adopted as a father ’ read ‘ adoptive father’ and at end add ‘, AJ/I36.460 (border of Lycaonia and Galatia), Heuzey— Daumet Mission Arch.de Macedoine No. 135 (Ressova)’ πατρωιώχο?, add ‘, Ηπειρωτικά Χρονικά 1. 255 (Dodona, v/ iv B.G.).’ πατρωνεύω, line 1, after ‘i b.c.)’ add ‘, Bull.Inst.Arch.Bulg. 17. w (Mesembria, i b.c.)’ y πάτριο?, line 2, for ‘Stesich.17’ read ‘Stesich.51 P. (in signf. o' κατά πατέρα πρόγονοί, Eust.l.c. infr.)’ παυνι, add ‘, cf. παΰνι (sic) Hippon.iv. 16 D.3’ παυροεπή?, for ‘ words’ read ‘ verses’ παΰρο? inline 2, after ‘Op. 538;’ insert ‘ ιχθύες A.R. 1. 573 line 4, after Q,.S.7.6i3: insert kSup., πανριστον το κ€ν. .tls lSolto a thing of which one can see extremely little, Call. Fr. 384.^ Pf. :’ παυσανία?, delete ‘(ubi. .A.)’ χπαυσικραιπαλο?, o' or ή, stop-the-hangover, Inscr. on a drinking- cup, dub. in Hesperia 16.240 (Corinth, ii b.c.). παΰσι?, add ‘ ; π. πυρετών Hp.Epid.j.^g’ Παφλαγών, line 2, after ‘Ακ.581, al.’ insert ‘ ; fem. Παφλαγόνισσα /G22. 10052 (Piraeus, i b.c.)’ παφλάζω, for ‘Alc.Supp.23.4. (Ρ·2δ Lobel)’ read ‘Ale. 72. 5 L.-P.’ πάχνη 2, add ; παντα πάχνης ην πλέα καί πυράς frost and fire of a sick man, Aristid.Or.48 (24) .46’ Χπάχόω, thicken, έφε έως παχώσαι prescription in Hermes 22.242 παχύπου?, add *, Hsch.’ 00 παχύ? i. 6, add ‘ ; so perh. π. γράμμα Call. Fr. 398 Pf.’ παχυτη? ii, add 2. of style, την π. τών ποιημάτων Sch.D.P.2 (GGM ii p.427b4 adn.).’ πεδάγρετο?, add ‘ ; perh. to be restored in Alc.358.3 L.-P.’ πεδανό? i, for the present section substitute ‘low-growing, ρυτής βλάσται Nic.Al.306; flat, squat, άλκαίη, ούρή, σαΰροι, Id. Eh. 226,289,817.’ πεδάορο?, for ‘Ale. 100’ read ‘Alc.315 L.-P., A.CA.590 (lyr.)’ χπεδειμι, Dor. = μέτειμι, Annuario 27 / 29 (1952).! 12 (Acrae, v B.C.) . χπεδεπιθΰω, Cret., prob. sacrifice together with others, Inscr. Cret.A. 146.3 (Gortyn, v/iv b.c.). πεδερχομαι, add ‘; πεδελθέτω Alc.123.13 L.-P.’ πέδη I, add 4. a kind of brake, π. καί άζων SEG13.13.12’] (Athens, v b.c.), cf. τροχοπέδη. 5. leather-covered ring for securing the rudder or mast of a ship, Hsch., cf. ίστοπέδη.’ χπεδιακον, το, land record-book, π. έπικρίσεως Pap. in Aegyptus 1 =5. 210 (iii a.d.) , POxy. 1287.2 (ii a.d.), PSI^oBg ( παιδ ii/iii A.D.) . Χπεδιαρχέω (?), govern the plain , RC//80.592 (vi/v B.c.). χπεδιόθεν, for παιδιόθεν, έκ π. AJA36.460 (South Galatia). πεοιασιμο?, ον, = πεδιασιμαΐος, POxy. Ι537·12 (ϋ/iii a.d.). χπεδικον, v. παιδικός (Suppl.). πεδον \ fin. for ‘ as also for πέδον read ‘b. πέδον to the ground ’ and at end add *, Call.De/.227’ * ’ πεδοσκαφη?, add 2. dug out of the earth, ib.30. 145, al.’ χπεδοτρεφή?, ές, earth-grown, Nonn.D.29.337. πέζα ii, add ‘b. stylobate of a colonnade, GLP1.105.7.’ Χπεζάρχη?, ου, o', leader of infantry, /G9(2) .648.9· πέζαρχο?, add ‘ /G22. 175.8 (ivB.c.) also πεζάρχη?, GP/1928. 7( (Thessaly, i/n a.d.)’ y πεζιδιον, substitute ‘πεζίτιον, τό, ribbon, Suid. s.v. ταινίαι, cf. Phot. s. eadem v. (-ζητ-), ΕΜη^η (-ζέτ-), Gloss, (-{/δ-)’ and transfer after πεζίτης. πεζό? n. i, lines 1/2, for ‘πεζός. .Aet. 4.1.9)’ read ‘πεζόν έπειμι νομον Call. PV. 1 1 2. 9 Pf.) πει, Adv., after ‘Sophr.5’ add ‘, Theoc.15.33 ( PAntin .)’ πει^θηνι?, ιδος, fern. Adj., = πειθήνιος II, πατρός π. βουλή Or. Chald. ap.Procl. in Prm. p.735 S. aS ep·^. of Aphrodite, /C9( 2).236 (Pharsalus, v b.c.), BSA^aqo (Cnidus, iv/111 b.c.) χπειλα, ή, pier, mole (fr. Lat. pila), Jahresh.44.1 43.1η (Ephesus, ii A.D./ fpl.). χπειλιπή?, v. πιλιπής. πειράζω II. I, add ‘ : Pass., πει ράζεται τα νήπια ποιας τινάς έγει τας της φυχής διαθέσεις D.S.2.58.’ πεΐραρ ι. 2, add ‘; π. κουροσυνας ΑΡ6.281 (Leon.)’ χπειρατ(ε)ΐαι, αί, treacherous attacks, Hsch. s.v. πεΐραι. πείριν?, line 4, after ‘Hsch.’ insert ‘(cf. dat. πυρίνθω in PMasp 303.14 (vi a.d.))’ r y‘ χΠειστίχη, ή, (πείθω) goddess of persuasion, epith. of Aphrodite Inscr. Delos 2397, cf. 2396 ; without Αφροδίτη, ib.2398 (Πιστίγτι)! πειωλη?, delete Ton. for πεώλης,’ and add at end ‘, Eust 1684 29 ; cf. πεοίδης, πεώδης’ πελάγιο? 3, after ‘410.17’ insert ‘(Athens, iv b.c.)’ πελάζω C. 1. 3 add ‘ ; eV πανηγύρε ι δαιμζόνφων πελαζόμενος Aesop.Pr0v.3g Perry πελαργό? I, add ‘b. earthenware vessel, Hsch.’ χπελατεύω [a], to be a πελάτης, i.e. to depend on like a client, [κΐηόεστων τροπον οισιν [έ] ντροφος (- τροπος Pap.) πελατευσεις A;Fr.474-2-22 Μ. (lyr.). πελεα, for V. πτελέα’ read ‘= πτελέα, GD/3325.45 (Epid.)’ π«λ«ι4*, Mne_ 3, after ‘C. 1.35T insert ‘; πεληϊάσιν GF/270.2 ( Irachomtis, ii/iii a.d.)’ 3 χπελεκα?, άτος, ό, axe-maker, prob. in Ostr. 2.720 (i b.c.). πελεκινο? iii, add ‘; έγχωνευσει (q.v. in Suppl.) τούς π. SEGii. 33· 9 (Perge). IV. a kind of wind-rose or anemometer Vitr 9-8.i πελεκυ? ι, add ‘7. an ancient weight of six or ten minae Hsch. ’ χπελεκυφόρα?, ου, masc. Adj. marked with an axe, 'ίππος Simon 102 P. χπ[ε]λέμαιγι?, ιδος, ή, shaking the aegis, epith. of Athena, perh. to be restored in B.17.7 8. ; cf. πολέμα ιγις. πελιγάνε?, after ‘Hsch.’ insert ‘, cf. Inscr., gr.etlat.de la Syrie 4.1261. 22 (11 B.c.) ; prob. for Άδειγάνες in Plb.5.54.10’ πελιδνοομαι, add ‘; πελιδνώθεισα prob. in Alc.2q8.11 L -P rf Call.Fr.374 Pf·’ ' ’’ ΤΓί\1> πενθτιιιιαρτάβη, read “πενθημι-αρταβιον Lto|, to, Χπενθημιδακτύλιος, a, ov, of five half -fingers breadth, i.e. of si fingers’ breadth, BCH20.324.66. /Athens Χπενθίδιος, ov, mournful, στεναχαι Epigr. in Πολέμων 5.60 (Athe , πενθικ'ός,^ line 2, after 'mournful,' insert ‘ηθικόν μηδέν ποιείται μηδείς Thasos 1-37 1 * 1 41 -3 (iy b.c.) ;' πένθιμος I, add ‘ : Sup., διάγεις αυτόν -ωτατον JMJig.l.lb Χπεντάβασμος [τα], ον, wftft five steps or rungs, κλιμάκων laser. D0los 1417Λ176 (ii B.C.) : cf. πεντ {βαθμός. Χπενταγωνοειδής, ες, pentagon-shaped, Poliorc. 206. 13. <( πενταδάκτυλος II, for ‘as Subst., = πεντάφυλλον read πεντα¬ δάκτυλον, το, = πεντάφυλλον’' ττ€ντα€τηρο5 i, line 3> delete , cf. . . (vi a.d.) # πενταθλίω, after ‘Artem.1.57’ add ‘ also πενταρεθλεω, πεντα- ρεθλέδν νίκα Hesperia 28.322 (άλτήρ found at the Isthmus, early vi B.C.)’ , , , . ,, πεντακέλευθος, for ‘ov, with read η meeting of πεντακοσιοστός, for 'one-fifth per cent: ’ read 'one five-hundredth Χπεντάκότΰλος, ov, holding five κοτυλαι, Inscr. Delos 1432^61132 Χπεντακωμία, ή, union of five villages, BSA$i.\54 (Caralitis, 133 , f * b 1 0 πενταλκία, for ‘a measure,. .Gortyn)’ read ‘dub. lect. et sens., Inscr.Cret. 4.79.6 (Gortyn, v b.c.)’ , , , πεντάμετρος, for ‘π. (sc. στίχος) , ο . . πενταμετρον read πεντα- μετρον, τό, pentameter, Hermesian.7.36, Call.Fr.203.31,45 Eh, π.’ and for ‘, cf.. .etc.’ read *; [τροχαϊκόν] π. Heph.6.2. πενταμναίος, add ‘ ; -μνεως, S£Gi6.497-3. (Chios, 111/11 b.c.) Χπεντάνευρον, τό, species of plantain, An.Boiss.2.396· Χπεντάπάλαστος [πά], ον, == πενταπάλαιστος, laser. Dilos 1432 Bbiii6 (ii B.C.) ; cf. πεντεπάλαστος. πενταπετές, for “ πεντάφυλλον” read “πεντάφυλλον πεντάπλοκος, add ‘; σπυρίς PVindob.Boswinkel 8.13 (iv A.D.) πεντάρουρος, add ‘; also πεντεάρουρος, PHamb. 65.18 (11 a.d.) πενταχοΰ, for ‘ places' read parts Χπεντεδάκτυλον, = πενταδάκτυλος II (Suppl.), PMag. 2-34· Χπεντεδεκάετής, ε'ς, = πεντεκαιδεκαετής, &EG6. 1 37.30 (Phrygia, iv A.D.). . . πεντεδραχμία, add ‘; five-drachma tax, Hesperia 5·4®^·^34 (342 β Q V Χπεντερέτειρος, ov, quinquennial, Άρχ.Δελτ.14. Phi 27 (Thespiae, iii B.C.) . , Χπεντεκαιδεκάμηνος, ov, of fifteen months, neut. sg. as Subst., π. έχων. .ήρΘην GT/1244 (Athens, ii/iii a.d.). Χπεντεκαιδεκάπους, ποδος, fifteen feet long, IG2 .1672.156 (p ·)· Χπεντεκαιδεκάστεγος, ov, of fifteen stories, Poliorc. 2β9·2· Χπεντεκαιδεκάτροπος, ov, dub. sens., Procl. in 74.2. 1 70. 1 1. πεντεκαιεικοσιέτης, add ‘ also -εικοσετης, SGG8.4b9.b Χπεντε^λϊθισταί (χεντ ελισταί cod.)· οί εορτάζοντες ( εργάζοντες cod.) και παίζοντες, prob. in Hsch. _ Χπεντέλϊτρον, τό, wigAi ο/ ,/ζμτ λίτρα ι, 7)ααα 3/4;° [ 1 ( i°mi)· πεντηκοντάπαις II, for “Δαναός” read αδελφός Χπεντηκοντάπους, ποδος, fifty feet long, στύλος PGiss. 69.13 (u πεντηκόσιοι, add ‘, 7Gi2(3) Suppl.330.22 (Arcesine, ii b.c.)’ πεντη κοστολόγος, add ‘; at Byzantium, Arist.££i247a^9 Χπεντήντα = πεντήκοντα, Clfud. 1 .596 = C/G9.6232 (Venusia) ; cf. Mod.Gk. πενήντα. Χπέντος, α, ον, = πέμπτος, GD/4991 ·2·39 (Crete). Χπεντωβόλειος, α, ον, = πεντώβολος, τόκου πεντωβωλει ου (sic) Pap. in Stud.Ital. 12(1935). 106 (ii/iii a.d.) ; v. τόκος ii. 2. πεντώβολος, line 4, transfer ‘δραχμάν δύο. . (Epid.) to end of article and before it insert ‘ ; Subst., πεντώβολον, τό,’ πεντώρυγος, add ‘, 7G22 .1627 .356 (iv B.C.)’ πεξόν, for the present article substitute ‘πεξος, η, ον, — Gat. pexus, Edict.Diocl.20.12, 22.7, 24.16, cf. πεζόν ίμάτιον, prosa pexa tunica, Gloss.' πεπαίνω, line 6, for ‘being boiled with it’ read the bird being suspended from it’ πέπανσις, after ‘fruits,’ add etc., Hp.Hebd.4i t πέπερι, at end after ‘a.d.)’ add ‘; acc. πίπεριν Hesperia 6.390 (Athens ; Tab.Defix.)’ . . πεπλογραφία, for ‘title. .Worthies’” read ‘Ciceros description of a work by Varro, probably the Imagines' , πέπλυφος, add ‘( πελπουφοις Pap.: fort, πεπλοϋφ-, cf. λινόϋφος) Χπεπόνιον, τό, Dim. of πιπών I. 2, PRyl. 4.630* .21, al. (iv A.D.). Χπεπόνιος, a, ov, apptly. melon-coloured, δερματικόν π. P Michael. 18 ii 2 (iii a.d.). πεπρωΐων or πεπρώων, for the present article substitute gen. pi., perh. the name of the members of a phratry or deme, in Rev.Phil.8(i 934) .293 (Erythrae, ivB.c.)’, περαίνω iv, add ‘ ; cf. διαπειραίνω (Suppl.) περαιόω ii, line 2, for ‘Leg.Gort.. .vii 15’ read Inscr.Cret. 4.72 vn 1 1, 41 vii 15 (unless in these two passages the meaning is give back)' περαίτερος I, add ‘; Sup. περαίτατον, Hsch. πέραμα, add ‘2. act of crossing a river, Palladius ap.Ps.-Callisth. 3.1°.’ . , πέρας ii. 4, add ‘ : Rhet., = ορισμός ii, Cratin.Jun.7.4 IV, fin., after ‘470’ add ‘, Dysc.nf περατικός, add ‘; bdellium peraticum , Plin.77Ai2.35 (°f· τετρα- ετικός)' . . Περγαμηνός, line 3, before ‘Suid.’ insert ‘ Edict. Diocl.f. 38 [JH8 πέρδομαι,’ after 'Pax 335’ add *, Eup.7 D.’ and for ‘Id.F.’ read ‘Ar. V.’ , c ,, , περί G, line 5, delete ‘not’ ; line 6, for ' (περεβάλοντο . .634) read ‘περεβαλον and περεσκήνωσεν are prob. in A.Ag. 1 147, Eu. 634’ περιαγή, add ‘ ; rim, circumference of a shield or wheel, Hsch. s.v. ίτυς.’ περιαγκωνίζω, after 'Ma. 6.3 :’ insert ‘aor. part. Pass, περι- αγκων ισθείς Aesop.200 Perry ;’ / περιαγνίζω, add ‘; Med., περιαγνισαμενη Sokolowski 18.14 (Maeonia, ii B.c.).’ περιάγω 2 b, for ‘cf. Luc.. . 187ε’ read ‘ lead in circuitous argument, περιαγόμενος τω λογω Ρ1.7.α. 187ε, cf. Luc. Aigr. 8 περιαγωγεύς, before ‘ windlass insert capstan or Χπεριάκτρια, ή, prob. = μηχανή άπό σκηνής περίακτος, SEGp. 13· 13 (Cyrene, iv b.c.). περίαλλος i, line 2, delete ‘2.217,’ and in line 3 after (lyr.) add ‘; c. gen., π. θεών A. R. 2. 217’ Χπεριαργύρωσις, εως, η, plating with silver, Anon.Alch.376*i5* περίαυλον, add ‘; also περίαυλος, ό, FM361.39’ περιβάλλω, line i,for ‘(v. infr.)’ read ‘( περεβαλον is prob. cj. for περεβάλοντο in AM*. 1147)’ H. 1, add ‘ Pass., ξυλον σιδηρω περιβεβλημενον bound round, App.RC5.Il8 , „ .IV' 1 ’ lines 4/6, for ‘pf. Pass.’ read ‘plpf.’, before “δυναστείας insert ‘pf. part.,’ and delete ‘, cf. 2.25’ περιβολάδιον, after 'wrapper,' insert 'BGU 1848.13 (1 b.c.), Χπεριβόλαιος, ov, encircling, Hsch. s.v. κόρυθα περίδρομον. Χπεριβράχίων, ονος, ό, armlet, Inscr .Delos 1 42 1 Bbii 1 o (ii b.c.). περιβρέμω, after ‘ round about,' insert ‘περί δε βρεμει άχω Ale. 1 30 περφωτος’ after “περιβόητος,” insert ‘API. 49 (Apollonid.),’ Χπερίγναμπτος, η, ov, curved, prob. in Q_.S.I.I49· περιγραφή ii. 3, for ‘ compass of expression' read sentence or clause embracing a thought’ and add ‘ ; structure, framework of a sentence, OAA.Th.26.' περιγράφω I. 2, fin., for ‘self -contained' read tn separate sen- περιδέξιος ι. I, after ‘Il.21.163,’ insert ‘cf. Call Fr.360 Pf. ; metaph.,’ / 2, after ‘(lyr.)’ add ‘ ; c. inf., ΛΡ/.378 Χπερίδερμα, v. άνθήλιον. - , . D περιδέρκομαι, before ‘Nonn.’ insert ‘mtr in and for AP . (Agath.)’ read ‘trans. in ΛΡ5.289.5, 16.169.1 (both Agatli.) περιδινέω, add ‘b. dislocate, Plu.2.327a· Χπεριδινοπλανήτης, ου, ό, wandering round, PMag.Par. 2.557. περίδινος, delete “η,” . · , ? / > Χπεριδίνω, thresh out grain over or traverse in a circle, δινομενην περί (v.l. ύπό) βουσϊν. .άλωα Call.Fr.255 Pf·» ν. περικινεω. Χπερίδριος, ον, (δρίος) συκήσι surrounded by a thicket of haemorrhoids, Marc.Sid.62 (codd.). περιδρομή ii, for ‘20.12.1’ read ‘20.1 1.2 and delete εκ π. Ptol. Tetr. 55’ add ‘IV. enclosing framework, 8m.hz.43. 14-.’ περίειμι (ειμι ibo ), line I, for ‘sts. read in Att. περιέλασις i, add ‘2. driving round m procession, 7GH.843 [Hes- beria περίεργος ii. i, after ‘Adv. -γως’ add ‘D.H.7ioc.3, περιέρπω II, add ‘, διηγήσεις iv. 31’ περιέρχομαι ii. I, line 9, after 106 add , cf. Paus.4.17.4, Χπεριεστίαρχος, o', = περιστίαρχος, Poll.8.104, Phot· , περιέσχατα, add ‘, D.C.36.49 (των περί έσχατα D.H.I-79 (s. 1 U) περίζωμα, line I, after 'loins,' insert 'loin-cloth,'·, Ifoc 4> after ‘4.8.16;’ insert ‘by the cult statue of a goddess, GD75702.21 περζιδννυ’μι^ before ‘, gird' insert ‘(-ζωννόω Lxx Pi. 17(18). 33)’ and add ‘2. metaph., τινά τι Lxx Ps. l.c., cf. ib.40· περιηγής I. 3, for ‘Fr; 16.3. 4.. .5.’ read 'Fr 1 6.3 ; μονιη π. circular rest (or solitude), Emp.27.4,28. 4· περιήκω I, line 1, delete 'to one' and lines 3/6, dylete = c. acc. . . 8. 51.5’ ; add ΊΙ. to have attained, reached, τα πρώτα Hdt.b.ooa, ci. 118 περιήκω SUPPLEMENT ττεριφιαλισμός 7·ΐ6α’ with ‘ ; έμελλε. .8.51.5’ from 1. 1, and cf. περιέρχομαι 11. 1 with Suppl.’ Χπεριηχής, ε'ς, = περιηχητικός, Rh. 1. 450.9. Ίίεριηχητικόξ, after ‘ resonant ,’ insert ‘Thphr.Fr.89. 10 (Comp.),’ περιθειόω, add ‘; Med. περιθειούμενος Plu.2.l68d’ Χπεριθεώρησις, εως, ή, careful consideration, Plu.2.82oa. Χπερίθλασμα, ατος, τό, fragment, splinter of bone, Hippiatr. 104. 7 ; cf. ύπόθλασμα. περίθυρον, add ‘, C/G8941 (Smyrna, v/vi a.d.)’ χπεριθύτης [υ], ου, ό, and περιθΰτικός, ή, όν, dub. sens., Abh.Berl. Akad. 1932(5)47 (Pergam., ii a.d.). περιιάπτω, add ‘(nisi leg. πυρί θυμός Ιάφθη ( PAntin .))’ περιιστάω, delete ‘Chamael.ap.’ περιίστημι B. I. 3, delete Pome round.. Th.1.76;’ transferring ‘ήμΐν. . 76’ to the end of 11. 3 (prefix ‘ ; cf.’) ; at end of B. 1. 3 add ‘, cf. 6C//59.37 (Crannon, πεστάντας = περιστάντας) ' περικάθαρμα II, add ‘; sg., POxy.2331 .ii. 10 (iii a.d.)’ περικαίω I, add ‘ ; Ζωπυρος -όμενος, a comedy by Strattis, Stratt. Fr.i D., 10 K. ; 'Ηρακλής π., a tragedy by Spintharus, Suid.’ Χπερικάλυψις, (ως, ή, covering round, Procl. in Ti. 2.285.4. χπερικατάμαγμα, ατος, τό, offscouring, Hsch. s.v. περίφημα. χπερικεφάλάδιον (written -αιδιον), το, Dim. of περικεφαλαία, Inscr. DIlos 1439^11116 (ii b.c.). περικεφάλαιος ii. 2, for ‘ disorder of the oak' read ‘headache in pigs’ περικλαίω, add ‘ : — Med., Call.Fr.228.68 Pf.’ περικλεής, after “περικλει τός,” insert ‘Ibyc. ι(α).2 P.,’ περικλειτός, after far-famed,' insert ‘B.10.19S.,’ περικλήϊστος, after far-famed,' insert ‘GVI 1632.5 (Istropolis, ii/iii a.d.),’ χπερίκλινος, ον, dub. sens., στάβλον LWo,. 2 161 (Syria, vi (?) a.d.), perh. = περικλινής, referring to the roof, perh. with benches or couches round it. περικλίνω in, for ‘dub. sens, in’ read ‘shirk, [ε’ν τοΐς πράγ- μ]ασιν ού περιέκλινεν διά τδ γήρας Ath. Mitt. 31.431 (ii B.c.), cf.’ περικλύμενον, for ‘ periclymenos' read ‘also περικλύμενος, Hsch.’ ΧΠερικλύμενος (- κλυμος cod.)· ό Πλουτων, Hsch. (cf. Κλΰμενος). Χπερικοκκύξω, v.l. for -άζω (q.v.). περικολούω i, after ‘Al. 267’ add ‘, cf. 528’ περίκομος, add ‘II. covered with hair, hairy, Poll. 4. 137.’ περικρούω 5, for ‘ib.’ read ‘Men.Zfvic.414, Plu.2.’ περικυλινδέω, line 5, for ‘roll about' read ‘ revolve ' χπερικυμάτιος, ον, with wavy border, ίμάτιον, rest, in IG22. 1514. 18, cf. παρακυμάτιος. περίλευκος, add ‘3. π. (sc. λίθος), ή, a precious stone, Plin. /ZV37. 180.’ περιλύω i, after ‘ loosen round about,' insert ‘Plu.2. 586a,’ περίμετρον, add ‘II. round loaf, Aq.i Ki. 10.3.' Χπερίμηρα, τά, = περιμήρια, Ps.-Callisth. 1 08.7. χπερίνάος, ον, round the temple, Άμμωνι καί τοΐς περινάοις (sc. θεοΐς) Parola delpassato 15.295.21 (Cyrene, ii b.c.), cf. περινάϊος. περινέμομαι, after ‘Plu.Zho 46’ add ‘. 4, Cam.34.4’ περίνησος, after ‘cf.’ add ‘Inscr. Delos 1442657 (ii b.c.),’ περιοδεία I. 1, after ‘circuit,' insert ‘PRein. 11.109.14 (ii b.c., -δηα Pap.),’ Χπερίοδος (B), ό, = περιοδονίκης, IG 14.1107 (Rome, Imperial times), IGRom. 4.1251 (Thyatira, iii a.d.; to be read for περί οδών); δίς π. κήρυξ IG$. 1 29 (iii a.d.) ; τρις π. κήρυξ Inscr. Olymp.24.3 (iii a.d.). περίοικος iii, for ‘on the same.. of us' read ‘between the same parallels of latitude but 180° to the E. or W.' περιολισθάνω, line 4, delete ‘later -ολισθαίνω,’ περιοργής, line 2, for ‘dub. . .-όργω’ read ‘written -όργως parox., cf. Hsch., Phot. ; perh.’ Χπεριόριον, τό, precinct surrounding a tomb, MAMA6.83 (pi., Attouda) . Χπεριουλόομαι, Pass., to be cicatrized round, Aet.7.36. περιοχή I. 3 c, add ‘ ; also of arguments of plays, π. των Μενάνδρου δραμάτων Suid. s.v. Όμηρος, Σέλλιος κτλ.' ii, for ‘ section . . book,’ read ‘ passage in a book or other writing, D.H. Th. 25,’ in. 2, add ‘ ; wall of circumvallation, Lxx Ez. 4.2.’ Χπεριπέτασμα, ατος, τό, = Lat. velamen, PRyl. 478.144 (f.l. for παρα-, e.g. Porph.dntr.26). περιπλήθω, line 3, delete ‘ βουκολίοισι Theoc.25.13 ;’ and after ΌΡΡ.//.5.59Τ insert ‘; abs., Theoc.25.13’; for ‘ib.’ read Opp.Zf.5.’ περιπλοκή i. 1 a, for ‘interlacing' read ‘clinging,’ delete ‘, cf. Luc. . .etc.’ and add at end ‘; embrace, Luc.dfex.39, Stob.3.39.32’ περιποιέω i, add ‘5. apptly. build round, /G4.1580 (Aegina, vi b.c.),’ 11. 1 fin., after ‘X.Afe/n. 2.7.3’ insert ‘, cf. 4.2.38’ and delete ‘; make gain. .4.2.38’ χπεριπολαρχέω, command περίπολοι, Robert Hell. 10.284 (iii B.c.). περιπολέω ii. i, add ‘b. c. acc. pers., attend on, Sch.S.OFi322 explaining έπίπολος.’ χπεριπολία, Ion. — ίη, ή, revolution of heavenly bodies, Hp. Hebd. 2. περιπολλόν, add ‘; pi. περιπολλά Arat.914’ περίπολος 2, after ‘Eup.341’ add ‘, cf. Anon.Hist.(FGr//io5) Fr.2 J.’ ΧπεριπορφΰροΟς, ά, οΰν, — περιπόρφνρος I, χιτών Inscr. Dllos 1417 digo (ii b.c.) . Χπερίπρισμα, ατος, τό, — πρίσμα I. I, ελεφάντινων π. IG22. 1 408. Γ3> ΐ4°9·6, etc. περιπτύσσω ι. ι fin., delete ‘: — Pass.’ and move ‘, Aristaenet. i. T to 1. 3, fin. περίπτωμα i, add ‘; sudden illness, CRAcad. Inscr. 1915, 271, cf. Robert Hell.10.102, n.io’ περίρραμμα, add ‘; rest, in Thasos 1.408.155.8 (iv B.c.)’ περιρρεω ii. 3, line 4, after ‘VH2.11’ insert ‘; τό πυρ αντω περιερρει, Διηγήσεις viii. 1 2’ 4, line 4, after ‘Per. 16’ add ; [Ac'fis] περιρρεουσα τοΐς νοήμασιν a lavish clothing for the thoughts, D.H.Zfewz.i8’ Χπερίσαος, ον, dub. sens., apptly. remaining, ρετεα BCH6o. 182.22, 24 (Thespiae, iii b.c.). περισκέλια, after ‘drawers,’ insert ‘Hsch.,’ Χπερισκελίδιον [ΐδ], τό, Dim. of περισκελίς, 7G22. 1534.78 (Athens, iii b.c.) , Inscr. DIlos 1409-612198 (ii b.c.). Χπερισκηνάω or -εω, surround with σκηναί, Poll.8.20 (cod.), cf. JHS75.1 1 7. Χπερισκηνόω, aor. περεσκήνωσα, drape round like a tent, φάρος A. Eu. 634. περισκοπεω ii. i, after ‘Arat.199’ insert ‘, cf. 464,852 (tm.), but c. gen. Id.435,925,987’ Χπερισμυχηρός, όν, smoking, Epigr. in POxy.662.37 (PaP· corr. ex —ζμυ—). περισμύχω, after ‘fire,’ insert ‘metaph., of ερυσίβη,’ περισπαίρω, for the present article substitute ‘twitch convulsively upon a point, barb, or blade, of the dying, γλωχΐσι Opp .H. 5-547 (prob. cj.) ; δουρί Q_.S. 1.624: metaph., λώβη Nic .Th. 773: abs., dub. in Lyc.68.’ περισπάω ii, lines 1/2, delete ‘intr.. .116.5;’ III. 1 a, add ; π. [τά χρήματα] εις την άδικον επιθυμίαν των προϊστάμενων ■SFG4.5-6.28 (Ephesus, i a.d.)’ 3» after ‘distract,’ insert ‘Plb.3.116.5,’ Χπερισσανθηρόπεπλος, ον, μανία of excessively gorgeous clothing, cj. in Poet.ap.Timae. 16 J. περισσοδάκτυλος, for ‘with., toes' read ‘with toes of unequal length, of a hen’ περισσός I. 2, line 6, delete ‘περισσότερα. .Antipho 3.4.5 ;’ 4, line 2, after ‘S.F/.155;’ insert ‘περισσοτεροις παθήμασι των άτρεμιζόντων περιπεσών Antipho 3-4-5 >’ Ii. I, line 11, after ‘(Lucill.)’ insert ‘, cf. Theoc.26.24’ 2, line 3, for ‘A.Pr.385’ read ‘A.Pr.383’ περισταδόν, for ‘Hec. 1.1.4’ read ‘Fr. 260.14 Pf.’ περίστασις II. I b, add ‘ ; τραγωδία εστίν ηρωικής τύχης π. Thphr.ap.Diom.p.487.12 Κ. (unless π. here = περιπέτεια, cf. III. 1)’ περισταχυώδης, for ‘with an ear.. on it' read ‘set around spike- fashion' περιστέλλω n, add ‘2. abs., of the lips in pronouncing ω, D.H. Comp. 14.’ iii. 2, after ‘defend,’ insert ‘A.Fr.273.18 M. ;’ περιστέριον, add ‘III. = περιστερίς ii, Hsch.’ περίστια, line 2, after ‘Ar.Fc.128’ add ‘; sg., π., τό, purificatory offering after return from funeral, Hsch.’ περιστιγής, for the present article substitute after “ές,” ‘ spotted all over, variegated, έρφος Nic. 772.376 (v.l.) ; μυρμήκειον ib.749.’ περιστοιχέω, add ‘2. Pass., to be set like nets round persons ( αυτούς ), Procl. in R. 1.124K. (nisi leg. —ισμένων).’ περιστολή ι. 3, for ‘ adornments' read ‘= στολή n. 2’ περιστροφίς, add ‘; dub. sens., Alc.143.8 L.-P.’ χπερίστρωμον, τό, or — ος, ό, = περίστρωμα, Dura 4 1 00. For περίσυνος. .όρια” read ‘περισυνός, prob. = περυσινός, επί τοΐς π. όρίοις' περισύρω, for “[ο]” read “[£>] ” περισφάλεια, delete the article. περισφριγάω, before ‘gloss’ insert ‘swell greatly, A.R.3.1258 (tm.) ;’ περισχοινίζω, line I, after ‘8.20’ insert ‘(cj.)’ Χπερίτΐμος, ον, highly honoured, Call.Fr.75.52 Pf. περιτρέψω, line 1, after ‘A. R. 2. 738’ insert ‘, Nic. 772.299,542’ ; line 2, after ‘Nic. Th. 299 :’ insert ‘pf. intr., grow round, ib. 542 περιτρέχω, ii. i, add ‘c. of a literary work, hover about a subject, D.H.Din.n.’ περίτριμμα I, add ‘ ; abs. = αισχρός, αναιδής, Hsch. s.v. 0 μολοβρός’ Χπεριτροπάω, = περιτροπέω I, Hsch. s.v. περιτροπόωντες (nisi leg. περιτροχόωντες) . περιτυλόω, for the present article substitute ‘περιτυλόομαι, be¬ come callous all round, Crito ap.Gal. 13.798, Cass.Fr.13.’ Χπεριφαιδρύνω, cleanse, κάρη A. R. 4.663 (v.l. ε’πι— ). περιφέγγω, after ‘illuminate round about,’ insert ‘Plu.Fr.13.2 (περιφευγ— codd.) ;’ περιφθείρομαι ii, for the present section substitute ‘wander about wretchedly, Isoc.Fp.9.10, Lycurg.40, Men.ZTyic.ioi.’ Χπεριφιαλισμός, ό, digging a basin round a plant, PC0l.Inv.63. 18 119 ττεριφιαλισμός SUPPLEMENT ττιμίντάριος (300 a. d.) in Trans.Am.Phil.Ass.Q2 (ig6i).469, cf. ib.93 (1962). 164. χπεριφΐμίζω, bind fast by a spell, Berl.Sitzb. 1934.1041 (Tab. Defix., Boeotia; -φιμμ-), cf. φιμόω (Suppl.). περιφλεγής, after ‘ burning ,' add 1 καύμα X.//G5.3.19 (v.l. πυρι-) ;’ περιφλίω, for ‘ [t] read ‘[i]’ περιφλίωμα, for ‘'portico' read ‘ door-frame ' περιφορά, add ‘V. pi., rotating objects, τάς err' άκρου σφαιροειδείς π., of the small globes on the end of the Angler-fish’s lures, Ael.AO49.24.’ περίφραγμα, add ‘IV. hunting-net, Sch.Pi.jV.3.89 (pi.).’ περιφροσύνη, add ‘2. contempt, Plu. Comp. Ale. Cor. 3.’ περιχαλκόω, add θυμιατήριον ξύλινον περικεγαλκωμε’νον Inscr. Delos 1442645 (ii b.c.)’ περιχειρίδιον, before ‘Hsch.’ insert 'Inscr. Dilos 1417.6046,’ περίχειρον, after ‘2.29.8’ add ‘, Inscr. Delos 1442624’ χπεριχρήσιμος, ον, very useful, Ps.-Callisth.i31.i7. περιχυτής, after ‘Ptol.Teir.179’ insert ‘(v.l.)’ and at end add Stud. Pal. 22.75.39 (hi a.d., περι[χ]οιτ- Pap.)’ περιχωματίζω, after 'dyke,' add ‘PTeb. 775-9 (h B.c.),’ περιχώριος, add ‘, cf. Sch.S.OCi059 ; π. [αγώνες] Sch.Pi./.ι.ι ι.’ περίχωρος, last line, after ‘Ev.Matt. 14.35’ insert ‘, Res Gestae Saporis 34 (pi.) ; to π. 7^5(2). 3. 10 (Tegea, iv b.c.)’ περιψάω, after 'wipe clean,' insert ‘Hippon.1x.18 D.3;’ περίφημα, after 'off scouring,' insert ‘Sm. ^.22.28 (v.l.) ;’ ; at end add ‘; π. ao ι ποίει, dub. sens., Vit. Aesop. { G)35’ περίψηφος, add ‘II. Subst. περίφηφον, Dor. —φάφον, τό, prob. balance, surplus, Lindos 11.419.12 (i A.D.).’ περίωπος, add ‘, but cf. περιωπε'α νηόν Epigr. in Kalinka Antike Denkmaler in Bulgarien 334’ περνημι, after “πιπράσκομαι,” for ‘first . .224a’ read ‘Lys. 18.20, Pl.0jbA.224a, Phd. 69b (s.v.l.)’; after ‘πιπράσκω first found in’ add ‘Thphr.Fr.98 (if the word is from Thphr.), then’ περόνη I, add ‘6. fish-hook, Sm.Jb.4.0.24.’ περπερος, add ‘ ; cf. Sch.S.Ani.324.’ Περσεφόνη, line 3, after ‘etc.’ add cf. Φερσοπόνη Inscr. Cret.2. xvi 10 (ii A.D.)’ χπερσίδιον, v. πε'ρσειον. χπερσικοποιός, δ, maker of slippers (IlepaiKos 2), 7G22.ii68g (iv B.C.). πέρσυ, after ‘(Cyzicus)’ add ', POxy. 1299.8 (iv a.d.) (v. Kapso- menakis p.64)’ χπεσσά, ή, dub. sens., PMichael. 58A2 (vi a.d.), cf. πεσσός ill. πεσσεύω, lines 3/4, for ‘fortune, .affairs’ read ‘, i.e. shifts them up and down like pieces on a board ' χπεσσοβολία, ή, casting of πεσσοί, used as dice, PNess. 21 .20, 22. 10 (both vi a.d.) . πεσσός ii. i, line 2, after 'pessary,' insert "iAp.Jusj.,' χπεσωμα, ατος, τ 6, fall, Kretschmer Griech. Vaseninschr.p. 1 22. πεταλία i, for ‘ crate (?)’ read 'basket', after ‘99.3’ insert ', PBodl. in Chron.d'ffg. 23 (1948).! 19, Ostr. in £67402. 2, al.’, and ‘insert ‘all’ before ‘iii b.c.’ ii, delete the section, πέταλον I, line 4, after ‘(lyr.), etc. ;’ insert ‘ cornstalk , κορωνώωντα πε'τηλα βριζόμενα στ άχνων Hes. £17.289 ;’ II. I, add ‘b. κόλλης π. sheet of glue, IGi 1 ( 2). 203697 (Delos, iii b.c.).’ πεταλουργός, add ‘; Subst., Anon.Alch.379.7.’ χπεταστικός, ή, 6v, dub. sens., π. διάκρισις Ideler 2.228.5. πέτασων, add ', Edict. Diocl.y.8 ( Aeg .)’ πετεινός, 3 lines from end, after ‘Lycurg.132’ add ‘ ; πετεινός, ό, cock, opp. όρν ις (hen), Diogenian.3.50’ πετευρον iv, add ‘, cf. Call. Fr. 186.4 Pf·, Lyc.884’ πέτομαι ii. I, line 3, delete ‘of fickle natures,’; line 6, before ‘of fame’ insert ‘των μαινομε'νων πε'τεται θυμός τε νόος τε are at the gallop, Thgn.1053;’ πετρακισχείλιη add ‘; πετρακισχίλιοι BCH60. 1 78.24 (Thespiae, iii b.c.)’ χΠετρησιάρχης, ου, or -ος, ό, dub. sens., 7Gi2(5).6io.2 (Ceos, iii B.C.) . πετροβόλος ill, for ‘ hurled . .hailstones’ read 'sling-stones' πέτρος i. 1, add ‘b. tombstone, AF7.465 (Heraclit.)’ πετρόω ι. i, after ‘(Theodorid.),’ insert ‘Nonn.Z).47.59i,’ and delete section 1. 2. 11. 1, add ‘(unless of death by being thrown from a rock, cf. πετρορριφή ib.1222)’ πετρώεις, add ‘(dub., v.l. πετρη— )’ πετρών, add ‘, Princeton Exp. Inscr. 1019’ πετταράκοντα, add ‘, 6C/76o.i79-37 (Thespiae, iii b.c.)’ πεόθω, before ‘, give' insert ‘(aor. part, πευσανς Inscr. Cret.\P>a, (Gortyn, v b.c.), ποόσας ib.i.i 9.1.3 (Malla, iii b.c.), Pass, πευσθενς ib.4.83)’; after 'information' insert ‘, cite to appear in court' ; for ‘WG525.9’ read 'Inscr.Cret. 4.162.7’ πεύκη ii, add ‘3. oar, Tim.Pers. 14,88.’ χπευκώδης, ες, covered with pine-trees, λόφος Inscr. Olymp. 46.36 (ii B.C.) . πεφεισμένως, after ‘ cautiously ,' insert ‘Phld.6A-2.140 S.,’ πεφλάζει, add ‘ ; cf. παφλάζω.' πεφλοιδέναι, add ‘ ; cf. φωΐς.' Πηγάσειος, after ‘76’ insert ‘(cj.)’ χπηγάσιος, a, ov, at a spring, Νάρκίσζσλος π. Syria 31 Pl.C (facing p.198). πηγή ι. i, line 2, after ‘cf.’ insert ‘Hes. FA. 282, Stes.7.2 P.,’; lines 3/4, delete κρουνώ. .22.147’ n. 1, after ‘source,’ insert ‘Il.21.312, 22.147;’; add ‘b. where π. is dist. fr. κρήνη, π. is the spring, κρήνη the artificially constructed fountain, Th. 2.15, Paus.2.3.3,4.31.6 ; cf. ovh' από κρήνης πίνω GzW.Epigr .2θ> Pf.’ πήγμα I. 4, add ' ; κατά π. και κατά την άρχαίαν συνήθιαν sens, dub., perh. a fixed rule or tariff (cf. πήγνυμι iv), Pap. in Annali della R. Scuola normale Sup.di Pisa Ser.Il.6.i (v a.d.)’ πήγνυμι iii, add ‘ ; to be horror-struck, J. BJ6. 3. 4’ πηγός n. 2, add ‘, Antim.145 W.’ πηγυλίς ii, add ‘ ; coldness of spring-water, νοτίην πηγυλίόα Call. Fr.67.12 Pf. (perh. f.l. for πιδ-, q.v. with Suppl.)’ πηδαλιούχος, add ‘ : Dor. πάδαλιοΰχος, in lit. sens., Clara Rhodes 8.228 (Rhodes)’ πηκτός iii, line 4, for ‘salt obtained from brine' read ‘rock salt' χπηλοάρτης, ου, ό, (αίρω) clay- or mortar-lifter, PReinach 2065.47, 48 (ii a.d.) in JJPi 1/12(1957/8)66, cf. PRyl. 642.11 (iv a.d.). πηλοπατέω, add TI. tread clay, as a term in pottery-making, PMich.Teb. (i A.D.).’ πηλός, line 2, after ‘Phryn.38’ add ‘ ; pi., Plu. 2. 993c’ 1. 2, after 'mire,' insert ‘Heraclit. 5,’ πηλόω, line 3, after ‘Plu. 2.980c’ add ‘; πηλοΰσθ αι τω 0εώ Aristid.Or.48(24).74’ πηνίον i, add ‘3. thread, Sch.E.//ec.444,47i·’ πήνισμα, delete 'on the spool ' πηξις I. 2, for 'fixing' read ‘ computation ’ πηρίν, delete ‘ ; όλάφου πηρίς Hsch.’ πηρός, before ‘Dor.’ insert ‘accented πήρος in Attic acc. to Hdn.Gr.1.190 ;’ ; line 3, delete ‘(cf.. .57)’ and line 4, after ‘2. 131’ add '; blind, Aesop.57, AP9.46 (Antip.Thess.)’ πήρος, for ‘ dotage ' read ‘ injury ' and for ‘Ale. 98’ read ‘Ale. 10.4 L.-P.’ χπηροφόρος, ό, one who carries a wallet, Hsch. s.v. θυλακοφόροι (πυρο— cod.). πήρωσις, add ‘; metaph., dPg. 359.7 (Posidipp. or PI. Com.)’ πηχυαΐος, add ‘; also πηχιαΐος, 7Gi2(2).i 1.14 (Mytilene, iii B.C.)’ πηχύνω, line 2, delete ‘γείρεσαι . . (Rhian.),’ πήχυς, line 1, for ‘πάχυς Ale. 33’ read ‘and Dor. παχύς Ale. 350.7 L.-P., Call.Fr.196.38 Pf.’ line 3, after “πήγεως” insert ‘7G22.ioi3-34, al. (ii b.c.),’ iii. i, line 1, after ‘(the bridge),’ insert 'h.Merc. 50;’ πιαίνω ii. 3, after ‘i345a3’ add ‘(as secondary meaning, primarily in signf. 1)’ χπιάκλον, τό, = Lat . piaculum, SEG 7.351 (Dura, iii a.d.). πΐαντηριος, read “πΐαντήριος” πιάτρα, after ‘(Tlos)’ insert ‘, 870.6; also πιε'τρα ib. 847, 848’ Χπιγγατιάρχης, ου, or — ος, ό, dub. sens., BGU 634.2 (ii/iii a.d.). πιδυλίς, for “= πιδακόεσσα” read “ πέτρα e£ ής ύδωρ pee ι”, and at end add ‘, Call.Fr.67.12 Pf. (cj.)’ πιδύω, after ‘gush forth,' insert ‘Hp.Fpi7.5.i6,’ χπιειρώς, Adv. of πίων, Sch.Pi.JV. 1 .16 ; cf. πιει pa. Πιερίδες, after ‘14, etc.’ add ‘; sg. 77ιερίς prob. in Pratin.Lyr. 1.6 P.’ Πιερικός, after ‘4.195,’ insert MF7.34 (Antip.Sid.),’ πιεστήρ, line 2, for ‘(pi.)’ read ‘ (πιεστή [ρας], but perh. πιεσ¬ τήρια] shd. be restored)’ πιεστήριος ii, after 'press,' insert ‘£FGi3.i6.io (Athens, v b.c.; p1·);’ , e , πιθάκνη, line 7, after ‘ 1 3 1 ’ add ; φιδακνι[δες] rest, in £FGi3.i6. 21 (Athens, v b.c.)’ and line 8, after ‘etc.’ add ‘, also Att. φιδάκνιον 7G22.i627.3i3,3i6 (iv b.c.)’ πιθεών, for ‘later, .(q.v.)’ read ‘= πίθων, Trans.Am.Phil.Ass. 65. 128 (Olynthus, iv b.c.)’ πιθήκη, for “= φύλλα” read ‘ monkey-spider , also called ορειβάτης, ΰλοδρόμος, φύλλα, Ael.jVd6.26’ πιθηκίζω, after ‘of flatterers,’ insert ‘όπό τι μικρόν ε’πιΘήκισα Ar. Τ.1290 (lyr.) ;’ πίθηκος, after ‘Dor. πίθάκος’ add ‘ Naukratis ii p.68, Ar.drA.907’ πιθοιγίς, for ‘Aet.i. 1 . 1 * read ‘Fr. 178.1 Pf.’ πίθος i. 1, fin., for ‘8.4.5’ read ‘8.4.4’ πικρία, add ‘4. of style, severity, D.H.Vett.Cens.2.5.' πικρίδιον, after ‘Endivia,’ add ‘prob. in Com. in FFeA.693.20,’ πικρόλωτος, for “ov,” read “o,” and delete ‘of’ πικρός, line 1, after ‘Od.4.406’ add ‘; Maced, βικρός, Plu. 2. 292ε’ πικρότης ii, add ‘2. of style, pungency, OAA.PompE.' χπικροφάγία, ή, bitter diet, An.Boiss. 3.415. χπίλιος [πϊ], α, ov, made of felt, Inscr. Delos 144^113 (ii b.c.). χπιλνόν- φα ιόν, Κύπριοι, Hsch. πιλοφόρος, init., insert ‘(parox.)’ πιμελοσαρκοφάγος, for ‘ sepulchre of fat' read 'eater of fat flesh' πιμεντάριος, after ‘ apothecary ,' insert ‘ ΜΑΜΑΘ>.^η\ (Aphro- disias),’ 120 Πιμ·ηΓληΐδ€5 SUPPLEMENT ττλήσμα Πιμπληΐδες, add sg., the nymph Pitnpleis, mother of the Muses, Epich.41’ ττίμπρημι i, fin., delete of wounds, .. Id.JZ.438)’ 11, after ‘distend,’ insert ‘inflame,’, after ‘Nic.JZ.477’ insert ‘, al.’, and after ‘Dsc.4.32’ add *, Nic.dZ.438,571 ; Med., ib. 345* πινακίδας, for ‘Lentz’ read ‘Lobeck’ πινακογράφος, init., insert ‘(parox.)’ πινακοθήκη, after ‘ picture-gallery ,’ insert ‘Va.rr.RR 1.2.10, al.,’ πίναξ 3, for ‘Simon. 1 78’ read ‘JP5. 159.4’ πιναρος, after CJ1.1 add : metaph., τά πάλαι πιναρα κεκαλυμ- μίνα λάθα ξόανα Epigr. in Inscr. Delos 2548 (i b.c.)’ Χπινεγχύτης, ου, 6, cup-bearer, Ps.-Callisth.83. 13, 15. χπιννωνάς, a, o', setter of pearls, JHS 58.2 55 (Jewish medallion; vi A.D.). πϊνον, delete ‘, cj.. .B.c.)’ πίνος 2, add *; π. litterarum, Cic.Jtt.14.7.2, cf. εύπινής.’ πίνω, line 20, after ‘aor. επόθην’ insert ‘Nic. Th.622, JZ.432,’ line 22, after ‘EM 698.52’ add ‘; πώ also GD/1376,1377 (Dodona), CP57. 102 (Attic vase, vi b.c.)’ hi, add ‘; dub. sens., έρωτα πίνων Anacr. 105 P.’ χπίνωσις, εως, ή, tarnishing (?), Al.Pr.25. 1 2. χΠίπλ<ε)> ιαι’ at Μουσαι εν τω Μακεδονικοί ’ Ολνμπω, Hsch., cf. GLP 1.114.8 (Posidipp.) and Πίμπλεια. πίπτω, line 12, for ‘Simon. 183.7’ read ‘JP7.24.7 ([Simon.])’ A. 1, line 7, for ‘Simon.l.c.’ read ‘JPl.c.’ B. 1, add ‘3. lie down, take one’s place at table, προς δαΐτα E .Ion 652, cf. άναπιπτω 5.’ v. 3, add πεπτωκε in receipts is freq. folld. by the payer’s name in nom. and the amount in acc. (but usu. a symbol only), πεπτωκεν Θεωνι. .Τεώς. . (δραχμάς) έβδομήκοντα SB 1178, cf. Ostr.14.Qi ,3 1 6, al. (iiiB.c.)’ vii, last line, before “όσα” add ‘fall within the range of,’ and at end add ‘, cf. D.S.3.44’ χπίπυλος, o', gloss on κορυδαλλός, Sch.Theoc.10.50. Πΐσα, fin., after ‘Pi.’ add ‘and B.’ πισγίς, for ‘dub. sens, in’ read “= πυξίς,” χπισκάριον, τό, = Lat. piscarium (forum), fish-market, Hesperia 20. 23.23 (ii/iii A.D.). χπισσάριον (B), to, Dim. of πίσος, Sch.Pl.Hp.Ma.2Qod. χπισσοκωνάω, cover with pitch, Hsch. s.v. κωνήσαι. χπιστίκιον, τό, a cereal, prob. hulled emmer (Egyptian wheat). Edict. Diocl.i.j, PCair.Isidor.11 iii 39 (iv a.d.), al., cf. flt.de Pap. 5(i939)> PP .102/3 (nos. 24.2.4, 25.2.5, both iv a.d.). πιστικός (A), for ‘ή. .νάρδος’ read ‘ νάρδος -ή dub. sens.,’ and at end add ‘; perh. (1) = π. (b) with meaning reliable, genuine, or (2) is the name of a kind of nard’ πίστις i. i, line 6, after ‘ΟΓ1445, etc.’ add ‘; εις πίατιν ελθεΐν Χρόνω Mcn.Dysc.282’ VI, after ‘ Fides ,’ insert ‘ iv τω ναώ τω της Π. Thasos ΙΙ.41 - 1 74E7 (80 B.C.) ;’ πιστός (A), for “πιστά”, * medicines , draughts’ read the singulars, and add at end ‘(perh. influenced by preceding χριστόν)’ πίτνημι, lines 6/7, delete “θαλάμων” χπιτυοφόρος, ον, pine-bearing, expl. of pinifer in Virgil glossary, PNess. 1.605 (vi a.d.). πίτυς, line 8, after ‘Plu.2.675e’ insert ‘, cf. A.Fr. 17.75 M.’ πιτύστεπτος, delete ‘poet, for *πιτυόσ τ-,’ πίων II, add ‘4. bright, glistening, π. οθματα, of a snake’s eyes, Nic. Th. 443; of tlie human eyes (in pneumonia), τά λευκά των οφθαλμών λαμυρώτατα και πίονα Aret.iSJ2. 1 .’ πλαγιάζω ill ι, add ‘b. use a construction other than nominative and finite verb, opp. όρθόω iii. 2, Aristid.PA.2 p.533 S. : — Pass. ib.1p.465S.’ χπλαγιάριος, ό, = Lat. plagianus, kidnapper, Teucer (?) in Boll Sphaera p.50. πλάγιος ii, last line, for ‘2.173’ read ‘2.172’ πλαγκτός, for ‘Aet. 1.2.7’ read ‘Fr. 26.7 Pf.’ πλαδάω i, line 3, after ‘Nic. 77i.24i ’ insert ‘; so σκάλα, pivot, ib.422,429; but ούρόν π. ib.708 means thin serum and πλαδόωντι ποτω Id. JZ. 1 1 9 is obscure’ ; at end add ‘ ; π. άρουρα clayey, A.R.2.662’ χπλάδιμος, ον, dub. sens., εισώστας LWi 640.10 (Caria), see MJAfJ8.552.10. πλαθά, after ‘figure,’ insert ‘JP13.21 (Theodorid.),’ πλαθανίτης, for ‘ baked in a mould ’ read ‘ kneaded on a tray ’ πλάθανον, for ‘ dish or mould in which bread, cakes etc. were baked’ read ‘kneading board or tray ’ and for ‘baking- woman’ read ‘kneading-woman’ πλάθω, line 1, delete ‘in lyr.’ πλακουντάριος, add ‘, Vit. Aesop. ( G)63’ χπλακουντοφαγέω, eat cakes, Hsch. s.v. να[υ]στοφαγεΐν. πλακοΰς ii, delete the section. πλανάω II. 4, line 4, after ‘PPp.Prog.24·,’ add ‘πεπλ. μέτρα irregular rhythms (in prose), O.H.Comp.25, cf. 26’ πλάνης i. 2, after ‘planets' insert ‘(inch sun and moon, Nonn.D. 5.67-84)’ χπλανησίμοιρος, ον, causing fate to wander, P Mag. Par. 1.1368. πλανητικός, add ‘IL misleading, λόγοι Sch.E.Hipp.486.’ πλασματώδης, add ‘2. artistically satisfactory, π. εστίν ή υπόθεσις και ηρμοσμενη Hipparch. 1 .4.6.’ πλάσσω, line 18, after ‘Gal.6.313’ add ‘, Poll.6.74, ίο. 1 12, Hsch. S.v. 7 τλαθανον πλάστης i, fin., for ‘perh. = τριχοπλάσ της’ read ‘ hairdresser (cf. κεροπλαστης) ’ πλάστιγξ, add V. μέρος τι τοϋ αύλοΰ. και σάριγγος τό ζύγωμα, Hsch. VI. the constellation Libra, Man. 4. 242.’ πλαστός ι. 1, line 3, delete ‘opp. painting,’ and after ‘Plu’ insert ‘2.215a, cf. Id.’ πλαταγή, for ‘ rattle ’ read ‘ clapper ’ and at end add *, cf. Plu 2 7J4e’ χπλάταμος, o', dub. sens., /G14.352 11 12,17. χπλατανώδης, ες, v. σπίλαξ. χπλατεΐα, ή, ν. πλατύς II. χ-πλατείτης, ου, ό, ending of a compd. like ξυστοπλατείτης (q.v. in Suppl.), pi., residents in a πλατεία, in Robert flt.Anat. 537 (Mylasa, Imperial times), πλάτη i. 4, before ‘AP’ insert ‘cj. in’ πλατικός ii. 2, omit ‘or involving breadth,’ and place the passage from Choeroboscus in a parenthesis, introducing it by ‘but involving extension in’ πλάτος (A) iv add ‘, cf. OAA.C0mp.22 (p.96)’ vi, for ‘ = δραχμαί’ read ‘prob. = τετράδραχμα’ and at end add ‘, cf. Revue Numismatique 1935. 1 (Delph., i b.c.)’ χπλατυγόνατος, ον, having broad knees, Rhetor, in Cat.Cod.Astr.n. 224.13. χπλατυλίσγιον, τό, rake, Ph.Bel.100.10, ApoWod.Poliorc.220.18. πλατύνω, add "5. επλάτυνται, dub. sens., CalL.Fr. 196.24 Pf. (nisi leg. ενεπλάτυνται, ν. εμπλατύνω). 6. in LxxPr.24. 43(28) a mistranslation of Hebr. pittdh ‘deceived’ in the sense of the Syr. patti ‘widened’.’ πλατύς I. 5, add ‘ ; π. φυχή — πλατύφυχος, Aq.Fr.28.25’ χπλατύτοξος, ον, of the broad bow, epith. of Apollo, PC//85.585 (Boeotia, v b.c.). Πλατώνειος, after “a, ov” insert ‘(also -ος, ον, GF/1451 (Rhodes, iii b.c.))’ πλέγμα i. 1, for ‘Simon. 183.2’ read ‘JP7.24.2 ([Simon.])’ πλείων 1. 2, line 7, after ‘(Leon.)’ insert Orac.ap.Plb.8.30.7’ add ‘b. oi πλε(ι)ονες, t.t. for the fully initiated members of a religious group, of the Essenes, J.FJ2.8.9.146; of the Christians, 2 Ep.Cor. 2.6.’ 11. 2 e, add ‘ ; πλεόνως Hdt. 3.34,5.18’ B, after ‘Forms :’ for Έρ.’ read ‘Poets’ ; line 2, for ‘Aet.Oxy. 2080.85’ read ‘Fr.43.83 Pf.’; line 5, after ‘iv b.c.)) ; insert nom. pi. also πλεος, ήμ π. η εις κατείπωσι Thasos 1.139.1 8.2, 10;’ πλειών, after ‘Hes.O/1.617’ insert ‘(also interpr. as seed·, cf. πλειόνει) ’ πλεκτάνη I, line 3, delete ‘Wame-wreath, Id.Fr.281.3 ;’ 11, add ‘ ; metaph., of fire, A.Fr.492.3 M.’ πλεκτή i. 3, for ‘fishing-basket or weel’ read 'woven snare for game’ and after ‘824b’ insert ‘ ; dub. sens.’ πλεκτρα, I, add ‘b. sg., dub. sens., Ach.Tat.8.9 (fort, πληκτρον).’ χπλεννα (leg. πλεννά), = τά ασθενή και δυσκίνητα, Hsch. S.V. βλενα. πλεονάζω ιι. 2, after 'Sent. 4;’ insert ‘εν τινι PIU.2.613C;’ πλεύμων, line 3* delete “ό” χπλευρίς, ίδος, ή, pi., ribs of beef , Hsch. s.v. σχελΖδες. πλευρόν, add TV. side of a ship, = τοίχος, Nic. 7^.269.’ χπλεύστης, ου, ό, seafarer. Rhetor, in Cat.Cod.Astr. 8(4). 212. πλέω II. 2, add ‘b. οφθαλμοί πλεοντες as a morbid symptom (dub. sens.), Hp.F/iZiZ.7.17.’ πλέως ii, 2, delete ‘: Comp, πλειότερος . .Et.Gen.’ add TII. Comp, πλειότερος, fuller, Od. 11.359; longer, Arat.1080; stronger, Id.644; thicker, Kic.Th.i 19; π. φάρυγι Call.Fr.757 Pf., π. στόματι JP6.350 (Crin.) = pleniore ore; but πλειότεροι Arat.1005 = πλείονες .’ χπληγόω, = πλήσσω, τινα πληγαΐς μεγάλαις Sch.Lyc.780. πληθυντικός, line 4» after ‘in the plural,’ insert ‘O.H.Comp.6,’ πληθύς, line 3, for “= δήμος,” read ‘prob. sum of money,’ add ‘II. the full of the moon, Arat.774, 799.’ πληθύω ii, line 2, after ‘is trans.’ add ‘(fill)’ πλήμυρα i, after ‘of the Nile,’ add ‘Ph.2.526 (pi.),’ χπληξίαλος, Dor. πλαξ-, ov, striking the sea, Simon. I4.fr.55(a).6 P. χπληρέω, = πληρόω, prob. in Journ.As.246(iQQ8) .2/3 (Kandahar, iii b.c.) . πλήρης iii. 3, line 2, after ‘69.1’ insert ‘, cf. 7G22.i64i.32 (iv B.C.)’ χπληροφορητικός, ή, ov, giving full assurance, όρκος Steph. in Rh. 289.18. πληρωτής, after ‘ completes ,’ add ‘ ευδαιμονίας D.H.1.38; esp.’ χπληρώτρια, ή, fern, of πληρωτής I, joint-lender, Hesperia Suppl. 9.17 (Athens, mortgage-stone, iv b.c.?). χπλησΐόχορος, ον, = πλησιόχωρος, IGq(2) .52 1 .34 (Larissa, iii B.C.) . πλήσμα, add ‘II. stuffing (of cushions), Trans.Am.Phil.Ass.QO.140. 20 (pi.) (written πλησζμ-).’ 864210 121 5* ιτλήσσω SUPPLEMENT ■π-ολύβλετΓτος ττλήσσω I. 2, last line, for 'Aet. 3.1.37’ read ‘Fr. 75.37 Pf.’ Χπληώττω, V. καρπεω. πλίγμα i, after ‘Hsch.’ add ‘ ; τό π. γνώναι in wrestling, cj. in Gorg.Fr.8’ πλινθευτή?, after ‘Poll.7.163,’ insert ‘PGoodsp. 30.2.9 (ii a.d.), πλινθικός, add ‘ ; Adv. πλινθικώς, like a brick, brickwise, oblong, Procl. in R. 2. 39. 28’ πλινθοειδή?, after 'brick-like , insert PSJi 178.8 (11 a.d.), Χπλινθορκία, ή, — πλινθουλκια, Stud. Pal. 22. 35· 2® (i a.d.). ^ ττλινθούργιον, after ‘ brickworks ,’ insert 'PLond. 1166.12 (i a.d.),’ πλινθοφόρο? 2, add ‘, cf. 1415.3 (ii B.c.)’ πλοιαφέσια, add *, cj. in Apul.AFt. 1 1.17 πλόκαμο? i. i, line 5, for ‘in PSIg. 1092.47’ read ‘Fr.i 10.47 Pf.’ 2, add Πλόκαμοί as title of a poem by one Di[o]phil(us?), dub. in Sch.Call.Fr.i 10.65-68 Pf.’ add ‘3. leaf, Ana- creont.41.6, cf. ΑΡη.22 (Simm.). 4. smoke ring, Poll. 2.27. πλοκή in. 1, after ‘d.’ add ‘ στίχων πλοκαί a succession of verses, Sch.E.Or.165. e.’ πλόκιο?, delete the article. Χπλουμαρίσιμο?, r), ov, embroidered, PAnt. 44-9 (*VN a.d.). Χπλουμάρισσα, ή, embroideress, PAberd.gg i 7 (i v/v a.d.). Χπλοΰμο?, ό, or πλοΟμον, τό, down. Edict. Diocl. 18. 1 , al. nXoureiis, line 2, after “Πλουτήος” insert ‘££4313.2 (Alexandria, i/ii a.d.),’ Χπλουτηφόρο?, ov, wealth-bringing, epith. of Ammon, Ps.-Callisth. 6.4. Χπλουτίνδα, Adv. according to wealth, [αίρε] τούς π. και άριστίνδα /G7.188.9 (Pagae, prob. iii b.c.). Χπλουτί?, ιδο?, ή, (sc. εταιρεία) the wealthy faction at Miletus, opp. ή χειρομάχα, PIU.2.298C, cf. Eust. 1 425-64· πλουτοδότειρα, add ‘; of Isis, Epigr. in Inscr.Cret. 4.244 (ii b.c.)’ Χπλουτοδότι?, ή, Giver of wealth, title of Hermuthis, £££8.548.1 (Egypt, i b.c.). , Χπλουτοποιέω, enrich, τινας Sch.Pi.O.7.60. πλούτο? H, line 3, after ‘Antiph.259’ add * : Πλοΰτοι wealth¬ giving δαίμονες, chorus and title of a comedy by Cratinus, Πλοΰτοι 8’ έκαλούμεθ’ or’ [ήρχε Κρόνος ] PSI 1 2 12. 1 2’ πλύνω ii, line 2, after '’abuse,' insert ‘A-Fr.17.71 M. ;’ Χπλυτάριο?, a, ov, π. έρίσκος, name given by soldiers to clay drinking-vessels, Suid. s.v. κωθωνες; v. έρίσκος in Suppl. Χπλώϊσμα, ατοϊ, τό, shipment, PMasp. 57·ΐ·3 (v* a.d., πλοε ι— ). πλωτήρ ι. I, line 2, before ‘Ar.Fr.1087’ insert Έ./Τ449, Hel. i°7°,’ Χπλώτωρ, ορος, ό, = πλωτήρ, ΑΡή. 2gg (Leon.), πνεύμα, line 1, after 'wind,' insert ‘dub. in Sapph.90 iii 22 L.-P. ;’ iii, add ‘2. inspiration, genius, Longin.9.13, D.H. TA.23, Luc. Dem. 14.’ πνευματέμφορο?, for ‘= πνενματ όφορος' read ‘expld. as ΰπό πνεύματος πεπλη ρω μένος’ πνευματοφόρο?, before “προφήται" insert ‘but πνευματόφορο? borne by the wind, light, frivolous,' πνευματώδη? 2, add ‘; indicative of wind, Thphr.£ign.3 1 , cf. άνεμώδης’ πνέω I, fin., after ‘Poll.4.72’ insert c. acc., έπνεε Ααρδανίδας piped the D., API. 7 (Alc.Mess.)’ rv, add τήν. . πνεύσασαν . .ύστατα AP 7. 1 66 (Diosc. or Nicarch.)’ πνιγίζω, for “= πνίγω" read ‘conflation of πνίγω and πυγίζω’ Χπνιγμοσύνη, ή, — πνΐγμα, Anon, in FA. 204. 20. Χπνιχμό?, ό, = πνιγμός I, Nic.AZ.365. πνοή, add ‘V. gap in wall, vent, Lxx J\fe.6. 1.’ πόα, line 1, before Έ.’ insert ‘A.Fr. 54,60 M.,’; lines 2/3, delete ‘ ; Boeot. πύα?, .iii B.c.)’ I. 2 a, add ‘ ; ποίη κυπάρισσος — χαμαί κυπάρισσος, Nic.TA.910, teste Eutecnio.’ 4, line 3, for ‘ ; meadow. . (pi.)’ read ‘(in Schwyzer 485.1, al. leg. γύας ; cf. £67/58.502)’ ποδαγρικό? i, before ‘Plb.’ insert ‘££7638.4 (iii b.c.),’ ποδαπό?, add ‘3. Indef. = ποιός, Vit. Aesop. (6)32, al. (ποτ— ).’ Χποδάριοι, οί, members of an association, ή σύνοδος των νέων π. Wien.Anz. 1961.121 (Lydia) ; cf. ποδοφόφοι· podarii, Gloss. ποδιαΐο? ι. 2, for ‘[γραμμή)’ read ‘[δόναμι?]’ Χποδοκοπεω, strike with feet, Hsch. s.v. κωλαβρισθείησαν. ποδόψηστρον, add ‘, Herod. 5. 30’ ποδοψόφο?, add ‘, v. ποδάριοι in Suppl.’ πόδωμα i, add dub. sens, et lect. in £££7.842 (Gerasa, i A. D.).’ ποηφάγο?, line 3, after ‘al.’ add ', Call.Fr.365 Pf.’ Χποθαλόω, Dor. for προσηλόω, SEG 14. 702. 18 (Rhod. Peraea, i B. C.). Χποθεδρεία, ή, — προσεδρεία 2, 7£l2(3).247.8. ποθεινό? iii, for ‘Subst. . .paint’ read ‘Perh. colour epithet (cf. πόθος III)’ ποθητό?, add ', 5 (2) .491 (Megalopolis, ii/iii a.d.)’ πόθο? ii, add ‘3. the beloved person, AP 12.152.’ ποΐ A, for the present 11 substitute : ‘in pregnant constrs., π. πατεΐς πύλας ; i.e. going whither? A.CA.732 ; esp. in expressions of coming, or bringing, to an end, in what? v. τελευτάω I. 1, II. 2 b, κατατίθημι I. 3 a; π. κεκύρωτα ι τέλος; A.Supp.6o^; π. κρανεί, π. καταλήξει μένος άτης ; Id. CA. 1075 (anap.) ; cf. οποί 2 b.’ iii before 'how long?' insert ‘ till when or what?’ D, for the present section substitute ‘dub. sens., in repeating contemptuously another speaker’s words, A., .λευκόν ίππον. . B. ποΐ λευκόν ίππον; Ar.Lys.ig2> Α. μων θερμόν ήν ; Β. ποΐ θερμόν ; ib.383.’ ποιδέομαι, for “προσδέομαι" read ‘προσδέω (Β) in Suppl.’ ποιέω, line 1, after ‘etc.’ insert ‘ ; 1 sg. pres. opt. ποείην Sapph.58. 17 L.-P.’ A. iii, line 11, for ‘ποιεΐσθαι. .friend’ read ' κασιγνήτω ίσον π. έταΐρον treat a friend as a brother’ Χποιητίκευμα, τό, poetical expression, Steph. in FA.312.8- ποιητικεύομαι ii, after ‘poetically,’ insert ‘Steph. in FA.3I2-5,’ ποιητικό? I, add ‘3. Gramm., of a verb, active, D.H. Amm. 2. 7, 8 (vol. i, pp.427, 8).’ 11. 1, add ‘: Comp., D.H.TA.46’ ποικιλία?, after 'fish' add ‘(those of the Aroanius reputed vocal)’ and at end ‘, Paus.8.21.1’ ποικίλλω i. 2, line 8, after ‘Pl.Ti.87a’ add ‘; abs., vary note, of a crow, Arat.1001’ ποικιλόνωτο?, add ‘; ποικιλόνωτον . ,ΐτυν άστρων Nonn.D.2.575 > prob. in A.Fr.474.26 M.’ Χποικιλόπρυμνο?, ov, with variegated stern, PHib. n.172.112 (iii b.c.) . Χποικιλοτειρή?, ες, varied with stars, πόλον π. rest, in /£22·4494·7 (i A.D.). ποικιλόφρων, for ‘ A\c.Supp.22.f read ‘Alc.69.7 L.-P.’ ποιμανδρία, for ‘ milk-pail ' read “= τανάγρα" and add at end '(Ποιμανδρία is said to be an old name for Τάναγρα, St.Byz.)’ ποιμήν ii. 2, after ‘etc.’ add ‘ ; of a sophist, Lib.Or.1.25.’ ποίμνη, line 4, after ‘etc.’ add ‘ ; sheep, αίγες τε καί ποΐμναι καί βόες Philostr.F2l2.13’ ποίμνιον ii, add ‘ ; of a sophist’s pupils, Lib.Or.58.36’ ποιολογεω, for ‘ put up corn in sheaves' read 'pick up grass or herbs’ Χποίπνΰτρα, τά, ποιπνύτροισι dub. sens., Antim.186 W. ; whence ποιπνύτροισν σπουδαίοις, Hsch. (s.v.l.). ποίφυγμα, add ‘2. σχήμα ορχηστικόν, Hsch.’ ποιφύσσω, add ‘III. trans., frighten, Hsch. s.w. ποιφύξαι, ποι- φύζεις, ποιφύσσει.’ Χποίωμα, ατος, τό, qualification, added quality, Simp, in Cat. 254.12. Χπολάζω, to be common, = επιπολάζω ii. 3, νήσοισι π., prob. cj. at Nic.7T.482. πολέμιο? II. 2, add ‘, cf. Hp.Aph.5.22,24.’ πολέω i, for ‘intr.,. .haunt’ read ‘ range over, haunt, c. acc.’ and after ‘Pers. 307 ;’ insert ‘intr., go about,’ πολιά, add ‘b. metaph., of trees, ούδ ’ αυτά (sc. δένδρα) γέροντας ήδη χρόνου πολιά καθαύα ινεν Luc.Am.I2.’ Χπολιάω, go grey, age, Hsch. s.v. ου πολιά. Χπολΐδΰνάστη?, ου, ό, city-despot, cj. in Plb-5-4-3· Πολιεύ?, line 2, after ‘etc.’ insert ‘ ; of Sarapis, JHS2 1.275 (Xois, Egypt)’ πολίζω n, before ‘Pass.’ add ‘Med., D.H. 1.45: — ’ πολιήτι?, after ‘A.R. 1.867’ add GFF1.n4.1_ (Posidipp.)’ πολιορκέω, line 4, before ‘(πόλις’ add ‘written πολιουρκέω Marm.Par. 114, v.l. in Str.17.3.15, Lyd.Mrni.p. 1 84 W. cod., v.l. in Procop.GoiA.2.24 :’ πολιορκία, after “ή,” insert ‘written πολιουρκία /Gi 2 (7) .387.6 (Amorgos, iii B.c.), Marm.Par. 1 1 4 : — ’ πολιό? ι. 1, line 5, before “γάλα” insert ‘ενιον γέροντα, of wine (with a play on 2), Men.F)yfc.946 ;’ 2, line 3, for ‘Ale. Supp.20.2’ read ‘Ale. 50.2 L.-P. ; σάρκες L.Supp.go (lyr.) ; χειρ AP9.568 (Diosc.)’ add ‘III. πολιά, ή, (sc. λίθος ) a precious stone, Plin.//jV37.i9i.’ πολιούχο? (A), at end, after ‘821’ add ‘, cf. Inscr.Cret.4.171.14 (iii B.c.) , al.’ πολιρραίστη?, add ‘(with w.ll. πολύ—, πτολ ι-)’ πόλι?, line 13, after ‘An.Ox. 1.361 ;’ insert ‘Thess. πόλλιος BCH 59.37 (Crannon) ;’ 11, after ‘country,’ add ‘orig.’ and at end ‘ ; Αίγυπτον καί Λιβύην τώ πόλεε Deer. ap. Crater, in Sch. T Il.14.230’ Χπολιταρχικό?, ό, past πολιτάρχης, Pelekides Thessalonica 62 (iii a.d.; πολειτ— ). πολιτεύω Β. i, add ‘2. live among one’s fellows, Act.Ap. 23.1, cf. Ep.Phil. 1.27.’ πολιτικό? I. 1 b, after ‘in a town,’ insert ‘τή π. εργασία Vit. Aesop. (G)2;’ and at end add ‘; appointed or authorized by the city, άρτοπώλης Sardis 7 No. 1 66 (-ειτ-)’ ΧΠολλαλέγων, οντος, ό, ‘ Say-much ’ or heedful of many things (cf. άλέγω), name coined by Alcm.107 P. πολλοστό? i. 3, line 3, delete ‘, cf. K..Mem.^.6.‘j’ ; line 4, after ‘cf.’ insert ‘K.Mem. 4.6. 7,’ Χπολοειδή?, ές, cylindrical, όργανα Anon.Alch.275.l6, 277.7. πολυάϊκο?, for ‘= πολυάϊξ’ read ‘lect. et sens, dub.’ πολύανδρο? i. 2, after ‘Onos.21.5;’ add ‘έθνη -ρότατα D.Chr. 35. ϊ4 Χπολύαρνο?, ov, rich in lambs, Hsch. s.v. πολύρρην. Χπολυαύχητο?, ον, — μεγαύχητος, Epigr. in Lindos II. 1 77.6 (ii B.c.). Χπολύβλεπτο?, ov, much-observed, PMasp. 141 .ιν·3 1 (vi a.d.). 122 ττολύβοια SUPPLEMENT ,π·όρ€υμα χπολύβοια, fem. Adj. rich in cattle, ε ιρήνη π. Euph. in PSh^go. c.2.4, Fr.lJJ. πολυβούτη? fin., for ‘Carm.. . K.)’ read ‘Carm.Naup. 2’ πολυγέωργο?, add Comp., farming on a larger scale, prob. in Max.Tyr.39. 1 f°r πολύ γεωργικώτεροι ’ πολύγιοξ, add ‘(perh. corrupted from ττολυγώνιος, q.v. in Suppl.)’ πολύγονον, add ‘; also πολύγονο?, ή, Plin.//W27.i 13, Cyran. 34-19’ πολύγραμμο?, add ‘ ; of a kind of jasper, Plin.//JV37.i 18, v. μονόγραμμος in Suppl.’ πολυγώνιο?, add *; voc. sg. Call.Fr.i 14.2 Pf., prob. addressed to a cult-stone representing Apollo, cf. Paus.2.31.10 where πολυγώνιος shd. perh. be read for πολύγιος’ πολυδάκρυτο? ii, after T105 (lyr.).’ add ‘Adv. -ws with many tears, SCI1.S.OC1646.’ πολυδικέω, add ‘, SFG9.1.47 (Cyrene, iv b.c.)’ πολύδικο?, after ‘litigious,’ insert ‘Heraclid.[Pont.]F//Gii p.212 ;’ χπολύδϊνο?, ον, with many whirlings, Nonm.D.2.457. χπολύδοτο?, ον, f.l. in Hsch., with expl. κοχλιοειδής. πολύδριον, after “πόλις,” insert ‘JMJ18.249 (s.v.l.),’ πολυδύναμο? 2, add ‘, cf. JFS40.78.24 (Cyrene, letter of Hadrian)’ πολύδωρο?, after TI.’ insert ‘bountiful, γή MAMA8.igo (Dinek Serai) ;’ πολυείδεια, for ‘v.l. for πολυειδ ία.’ read ‘= πολυειδία, Διηγήσεις ix. 34.’ πολυειδή?, line 5, after ‘(Sup.) ;’ add ‘νεως π. having a rich variety of ornament, Aristid.Or.5o(26).28 ;’ χπολυέλιξ, ικος, ό, ή, expl. of τετραέλιξ, Hsch. πολύεργο? I, delete ‘perh. f.l. for άμπελοεργοί,’ χπολυετηρο?, ον, Ep. πουλυ— , = πολυετής II, Nonm.D.14. 103 (s.v.l.). πολυηγερέε?, before ‘read’ insert ‘ gathered from many quarters,’ χπολυθαλή?, ες, of many blooms, metaph., π. λοχεύματα gloss on λόχια τριθάλεια, Sch.Antim.182 W. ; also π. δώρα ibid, πολυθαύμαστο?, after ‘ much-admired. ,' insert ‘Sch.E.Hipp. 168,’ χπολυθενία, ή, — εύθενία, BSA^g.i^ (Dorylaeum) (s.v.l.). πολυθλιβή?, add ‘, .P.S7253.134 (v a.d.)’ χπολύθριγκο?, ον, with many θριγκοί, τέραμνα (houses) Dain Inscr. du Louvre 60.13 (Heraclea ad Latmum; hymn), πολύθριξ ii, add ‘b. a precious stone, ib.37.190.’ πολυθρόνιο?, for ‘πολΰθρονος is f.l.’ read ‘also πολύθρονο?, Call. Fr.364 Pf. ; v.l.’ χπολύκαλλο?, ον, very good, ΜΑΜΑη .78. πολυκέφαλο?, add ‘: Sup., Max.Tyr.38. 7’ πολύκλαυστο? i, after “η, ον,” insert MP7.712 (Erinna),’ and after ‘lamented,’ insert ‘Archil.5i.i.A.56 D.3,’ πολύκοπο?, add ‘; much-wearied, Cat.Cod.Astr. 11(2). 189.9’ πολύκοσμο?, after ‘much-adorned,’ insert ‘τής π. χρόας Ael.jVd 10.13,’ πολύκροτο? ii, add ‘, Call.Fr.67. 3 Pf·’ χπολυκωπίτη?, ου, ό, one of the crew of the state galley (to πολύκωπον, SC. πλοΐον), PLond. 1712.6,37 (vi A.D.). πολυλαλητο?, add ‘III. = πολυθρύλητος, ήρως Epigr. in Rev. Et.Gr. 64.104 (Thrace, ii/iii a.d. ; -λαλατο?).’ πολυμεμφή?, after ‘ much-blaming ,’ insert ‘Arat.iog,’ πολύμετρο? ii, after ‘metres,’ add ‘στροφαί D.H.Comp.26 ;’ πολυμνήστη, delete ‘; πολυμνάστοιο . . (Pers.)’ πολύμνηστο? I, add ‘ ; πολυμνάστοιο. . Τισίδος AP6. 2J4 (Pers.)’ II, f or ‘πολύμναστον. . (lyr.)’ read ‘of a person, Nic.Fr.uo’ and at end add ‘(the meaning and construction of πολύ¬ μναστον A. Ag. 1459 (lyr.) are obscure)’ Πολύμνια, add ‘II. Πολύμνια· ή θάλασσα, Hsch. (cf. πολύμνιας).’ πολύμορφο? i, after ‘manifold,’ add ‘varied,’ and after ‘Him. Or.34.4’ add ‘, cf. D.H. Comp. 16’ πολύμυθο? i, for ‘Iamb. 1. 170’ read ‘Fr. 1 92.1 4 Pf.’ and at end add ‘, ΛΡ7.713 (Antip.) ; talkative, Call.l.c., Epigr. 1 6. 1 Pf.’ hi, delete ‘, cf. . . 18’ πόλυντρα, add ‘(Aeol. for *πάλυντρα.)’ πολύξυλο?, add ‘2. containing many sticks, or many (i.e. varying numbers of) ξύλα (v. ξύλον v) in length, δέομαι Theb.Ostr.144 (i A.D.).’ χπολυόχλητο?, ον, much-disturbed. Anon, in Rh. 34.12. χπολυπάλακτο?, ον, with much sprinkled blood, prob. in A.Ch. 425 (lyr.). πολύπαλτο?, for ‘.S0J.4.1’ read ‘Fr. 388.1 Pf.’ πολύπειρο?, add ‘2. = —πείρων i, Orph.//. 12.13.’ πολύπειρων I, add ‘; οιμους Θηρών τ’ οιωνών τε OrphM.33* 2, delete the section. πολυπήμων ii, after ‘ much-suffering ,’ insert ‘Alcm.5.fr.2.i.g P. ;’ πολύπηνο?, for ‘ thick-woven , close-woven ' read ‘of elaborate pattern (cf. πολύμιτος) ’ πολυπλάνητο?, delete TI. ..(lyr.)’ πολυπλήθεια, after ‘Aen.Tact.3. 1 i’ insert ‘όχλου Men. Dysc. 166 ;’ πολύπλοκο? 2 a, fin., delete ‘: neut. as. .όϊ^η^ο’ πολυποξύστη?, add ‘; also -ξυστήρ, Hermes 38.284’ πολύπου? (B), line 9, for ‘in Poets, .from’ read ‘Poet, also’ and after πούλυπο?,” insert ‘ΛΡ9.10 (Antip.Thess.) ; line 12 after Aff. 5 (v.l.)’ add ‘, acc. πώλυπον Simon. 9 P.’ add ‘V. in form πώλυφ, name of a throw in dicing, Bull. Inst. Franc 30.6 (Alexandria).’ y‘ πολυπράγματο?, after “= πολυπράγμων,” insert ‘Ptol.Tetr 162 (v.l.),’ πολυπραγμονέω 3, for ‘to be curious after ’ read ‘busy oneself with' and after ‘etc.’ add ‘ : σημΐα θβάμενος en. Harv.TheoLRev.27 ·6ι (Nubia; έπολυπράγμοσα)’ πολυπραγμόνησι?, delete ‘dub. 1. in’ πολύρρηνο?, after ‘ A.Eleg.f insert ‘, GLP 1.104(b). 3 (Posidipp.)’ χπολυρρΰπο?, ον, full of dirt, gloss on πουλυπινές in E.Rh 716 cod. A. πολύ?, line 8, after ‘11.708’ add ‘, cf. A.R. 2.898’ 1. 2 b, add ‘ ; possessing full physical strength, ώμογέρων έτι πουλύς άνήρ Call.Fr.24-5 Pfi, cf. Epigr. 61. 1; βούπαις οϋπω πολλός A.R.i. 760’ χπολύσιγμο?, ον, containing many sigmas, Mart.Cap.5.514. πολύσκαλμο?, for ‘many-oared’ read ‘ many-tholed ’ and after ‘AP 7.295’ add ‘(Leon.)’ πολυσκάριστο?, add ‘, Sch.I1.0x)/.io36.i05’ χπολυσκεδή?, ές, utterly scattered, A.Fr.225ai6 M. πολυστέφανο? ii, for ‘Subst.,’ read ‘Πολυστέφανος, ή, a Sicilian goddess, Rend.Accad.Lincei (8th series) 9.468 (near Gela, iii b.c.), IG 14.262 (Acragas), 2406.67 (Rhegium) ;’ χπολύστρεβλο?, ον, extortionate, Al.Fr.28.16. πολύστροφο? 2, add ‘; variable, Nic.Th.46f πολυτέλεια, add ‘3. Lit. Crit., abundance of matter, Phld.Fo.5.5.’ πολυτελή? I, add ‘2. Lit. Crit., in rich abundance, διανοήματα Phld.Fo.5.9. Adv. πολυτελώς with a full treatment, opp. εντελώς, ib.5.4.’ χπολύτευκτο?, ον, much-wrought, GF/477.3 (Smyrna, i/ii a.d.). χπολυτίμιο? [ri], ον, = πολύτιμος l, 6FG6.I59.I4 (Phrygia, iii A.D.). πολύτροπο? I, add ‘(but cf. 11. 1)’ πολύτροφο? I, after ‘Ptol. Tetr. 163’ add ‘(f.l.)’ πολύυμνο?, after famous ,’ insert ‘δήρις Ibyc.i(a).6 P. ;’ χπολυφήμητο?, ον, = πολύφημος III, BCHl 5.455. πολυφήτωρ, after ‘Sch.’ add ‘B’ and at end ‘, cf. Porph.ap.Sch. B II. 1 4.200’ πολύφθογγο?, add ‘II. with an expressive voice, Arr.Cyrc.5.4.’ πολύφυλλο?, add ‘; π., τό, name of a plant, PS.-DSC.2.147.’ πολυφωνία, add ; diversity of utterance, [φιλοσοφία?] \I ax Tyr I·/ (pl·)’ χπολύχαρι?, Ιτος, 6, ή, grateful, ευχήν BSAgo.\g6. χπολύχειρο?, ον, = πολύχειρ, BKTg.2 ρ.ΐ43·ΐ (-χιρ- Pap.), πολύχορδο?, for ‘Simon.46’ read ‘ Lyr.Adesp.2Q(b).2 P.’ πολυχρήσιμο?, after ‘useful,’ insert ‘Zos.Alch.215.2 ;’ χπολυχρονέω, take a long time (to rise), Ptol. Tetr. 132. πολυχρόνια, add ‘b. long life, POxy. 465.174 (ii a.d.).’ πολυχρονίζω, delete ‘: abs.. . Tetr. 132’ πολυώδυνο? ii, add ‘; πάτερ SEG6. 140. 19 (Phrygia, iv a.d.)’ χπόμπευμα, τό, procession, Ps.-Callisth.i.io. πομπεύω ii. 2, fin., after ‘metaph.,’ insert ‘of the procession to the lower world, πομπεύων την άδίαυλον οδόν /Gg( 2) .648. 10, but’ χΠομπηϊασταί, οί, guild of worshippers of Pompeius, Inscr. Dilos 164L1797 (i B.c.). πομπικό? 2, after ‘Longin.8.3’ add ‘: Comp., Eun. RS'p.soo B.’ χπομποστόλο?, ον, of a procession, πομποστόλον άμαρ άγει Poet, in BCH$8.i8g (Delos, i b.c.) : — πομποστόλοι, οί, members of a pro¬ cession, Inscr. Dilos 2607.4,2608.4. πομφόλυξ I, add ‘2. blister, = πομφός, Nic. 771.240.’ πονέω Α, line 7, after ‘A.R.2.263’ add Aeol. pres. part. πονήμενοι perh. in Alc.5.9, 1 1 9. 1 7 L.-P.’ 11, add ‘ ; so in Pass., Id. 1.752’ B. 1, add ‘4. Act., impers., πονεΐ μοι ότι. .LWi 046.3 (Mysia).’ πονηριά i, after ‘ condition ,’ insert ‘Hippon.42.4 D.3,’ πονο? iii, line 4, delete ‘so,’ and transfer ‘πόνον, .anap.)’ to 1. 2, line 2, after ‘Hes.Op.4jo;’ ; end of section, add of poems! Call.FF(^r.6.i Pf., APj. 11.1 (Asclep.)’ Ποντάρχη? i, add ‘, cf. Pontarchus G/Z.4.3092’ ποντιά?, add ‘2. = Ποντικός, APj. 497 (Damag.).’ ποντίζω, after ‘A.T^.1013 (lyr.)’ add ‘, Fr.474.16 M.’ χποντόγνητο?, η, ον, — ποντογενής, PHib.ll. 172.61 (iii B.c.). χποντόγονο?, ον, = ποντογενής, PHib. II. 1 72.60 (iii B.C.) (παντ- Pap). χπονωπόνηρο?, very wicked, Com. formation in Ar.F.466, Lys. 350 {πάνω πόν— cod. Rav.). πόπανον, line 3, for T29.4’ read ‘Dysc. 450’ ποππυσμό?, add ‘ ; as a stage-direction, A.Fr.474.2,5 M.’ χπορβιοπώλη?, v. φορβιο- (Suppl.). πορεία ii. i, line 3, after ‘X.Cyr.8.5.1’ add cf. 7G22.i.34, PGrenf. 1.43.8 (ii b.c.)’ 3, add ‘b. Philos., way, path, in life, Socr.FF.29.5.’ 4, delete the section, πορευμα, read “πόρευμα” 123 ττορευτής SUPPLEMENT ττρέσβυς χπορευτής, οΰ, 6, = πορθμενς, Ostr. 1507 (** Β·°·)> al., cf. πορευς. χπορθμάριος, ό, = τ τορθμευς, POxy. 2421.8 ( προθμ -, iv A.D.); πορθμίύω ιι, delete ‘Act. intr.,’ and before “τίς άστηρ” insert ‘abs.,’ πορθμός n, delete ‘χωρει. .341c; , πόρις, for ‘= πόρτις (q.v.)’ read ‘young cow (cf. πόρτις) χΠόρισος, epith. of Zeus, Δ ιός Πορίσου Κτησίου Robert Hell. 10. 63 (Imperial period), nisi leg. Πορισζτγοΰ. > ποριστής I, add ‘c. purveyor, provision-merchant, Ph.2.525 (pi.), πόρκος, add ‘III. dub. sens., π. Ίστριευς τετρασκε λής Lyc.74; a kind of animal acc. to Sch. ad loc.’ πόρνη, after ‘Archil. 142,’ insert ‘Ale. 1 17(b) .26 L.-P., al., Hippon.1x.34 D.3,’ .... πόρος iv, after ‘personified’ insert ‘as a cosmological principle, Alcm.1.14, 5 fr. 2 ii 3 sqq. P. πόρπαξ I, add ‘, Critias 37.’ πορπάω, after 'Pr. 61’ add Med. aor. έπορπησατο, Hsch. s.v. περονήσατο’ f t πορσύνω ii. 3, after ‘Pass.,’ insert ‘στόλος πορσόνετα i S.P/1.781 ; end of article, add ‘ ; a form πορσϋεται is found in GVI 1923.12 (Cyzicus, i a.d.) ; perh. πόρσϋε shd. be read for πόρθυε ib. 2039.9 (Mytilene, i/ii a.d.?)’ πόρτας, after ‘ calves’ add ‘(or gate-keeper, from Lat. porta)’ χπορτευθών, ' προσελθών, Inscr.Cret. i.xvii 11 (Lebena), v. έρχο¬ μαι with Suppl. πορφύρα iv, add ‘2. purple robe worn by an αγωνοθέτης, SEG 7. 825.9, 1 5 (Gerasa, ii a.d.).’ χπορφυράς, a, o, dub. sens., ΜΑΛΙΑ8.562. πορφύρεος I. 2, add ‘ : hence b. ό π. alone, of Death (perh. the Dark One), AP 11.13.2 (Ammian.). c. black, of hair, Anacreont. 15.11’ χπορφυροβαφικός or — βαπτικός, η, ον, connected with purple¬ dyeing, η π. (sc. τέχνη), Phld.RA.I.l6.I2. χπορφυρόστολος, ον, with purple robe, Zos.Alch.246.22. πορφύρω i, line 7, after ‘668’ add of storm clouds, AP5.64 (Asclep.)’ 2, line 4, before ‘Q_.S.2.85’ insert ‘A.R. 1.461, 3.397,’ Ποσειδών, line 7, after ‘B. 16.79’ insert ‘, A.Fr. 17.83 M. (lyr.)’ line 14, after ‘(Megarian),’ insert ‘but a Tit.Calymn.xii.30 (Cos, iii b.c.),’ ποσθαλίσκος, before ‘Ar.’ insert ‘cj. in’ χποσΐαστης, οΰ, ό, prob. member of a religious association called a συμτΐόσιον , RC//6o.337 (Philippi, ii/iii a.d.). πόσις, ό, line 2, after ‘Att.’ add ‘, exc. prob. in E.Med.gio' πόσος ill, after “ποσώς” add ‘Phylotim.ap.Ath.3.8ib,’ χποταμοδίαιτος, ον, dwelling in rivers, Abh.Berl.Akad. 1 943 ( 1 4) .8 (Chalcis, iii a.d.). ποταμός, add ‘IV. ε’πί τ οΰ ηπατος σημεΐον, Hsch.’ ποταμοφόρητος, after ‘river,’ insert ‘ BGU1216.98 (ii b.c.),’ χποτάμοφύλαξ [ΰ], άκος, ό, river-guard, rest, in PAmh.32.13 (ii b.c.), PBremen 11.32 (ii a.d.), PLond. 2561 N0.715 in H. J. M. Milne Greek Shorthand Manuals (ποταφυλαξ) . χποταμόω, Pass., to be formed into a river, flow together, Aq.jV.28 (51). 44 (v.l. ποταμισθησονται) , Is. 2.2 (L.— R.). πότε ii. 3, fin., for ‘Part.’ read ‘particle’; after ‘(dub.)’ add ‘; ποτέ μέν. .άλλοτε δε' ΑΡ12.156; as first word in story, Aesop. 30,63’ πότερος iii, line 4, for ‘SIG421’ read ‘IGq2(i).3A’ ποτή (A), after ‘h.Merc. 544;’ insert ‘πότην ορνίθι έοικώς Arat. 278, but’ χποτηρία, ή, drinking-cup, ha ποτερια IGg(l) .303 (Locri, v B.C.). πότης, for ‘usu. in fern., .v. infr.)’ read ‘Call. Fr. 191.43 Pf. ; fem. πότις’ ποτί, lines 3/4, for ‘Hdt.)’ read ‘Hdt.’ and for ‘compos.’ read ‘compos.)’ ποτίζω i, line 2, after ‘ Aph. 7.46;’ insert ‘νέκταρ έπότισεν PI. Phdr. 247ε;’ 2, for ‘τούς ίππους. . 2\jc’ read ‘πεπότ ικε μέν γάρ ώσπερ Ιατρός μ', έφη, α δει Macho ap.Ath-6.242b’ 3, line 3, before ‘also water' insert ‘π. τοΐς ποσϊν αυτών Lxx De. 1 1. 1 o, cf. ποΰς i. 6k with Suppl.;’ χποτικαταρτίζω, Dor. for *προσ— , build on to, rest, in SEG 14.702.9 (Rhod. Peraea, i B.c.). ποτικός, after ‘etc.;’ add ‘Comp., Id. 2.352^’ ποτίκρανον, for ‘which is not found’ read ‘Hsch. s.v. ποτί- κρανον ' ποτιστρίς, add ‘2. Adj., ev τη μέση ποτιστρίδι διώρυγι PCair./jen. 825.19 (iii B.C.).’ ποτιψαύω, after ‘Dor.’ add ‘and poet.’, and after ‘12 1.3’ add ‘, S. TV. 12 14’ πότμος, last line, before ‘S .Tr.' insert ‘A.Fr.278e M.,’ and at end add ‘, E.Hec.gqi, Ion 1605’ πότνα, after ‘(nom.) ;’ insert ‘π. γυναικών AP6.28 ~j (Antip.) ;’ πότνια, fin., after Ton 873, al.,’ add ‘Ar.Ra.337, Pax 445>975 (anap.), al.,’ πότος, ό, add ‘Π. = ποτόν, N1CM/.59.’ χποτουδίζω (ουδας) = προσουδίζω, aor. έποτούδιζε (— ιζε cod. Hsch.) Sophr.Fr.141. χπουιών, ώνος, ό, dub. sens., perh. — πουλβΐνον, PWarren 18.12 (iii a.d.) . χπουλβΐνος, ό, bed-tick, Edict. Diocl.28. 56 (Elatea ; written -βει-). χπουλικάριος, α, ον, dub. sens., Edict. Diocl. 8.43 (Meg.). χπουλυβοώτης, ό, ή, v. πολυβουτης. χποΰνδα, η, — φοΰνδα I, Ρ Mich. lnv. 3163 .42 (hi a.d.) in Trans. Am.Phil.Ass.g2.258. χπουρείνιον, τό, Dim. of πουρεινίς, = πυρηνιον, IG 7.2421.8 (Tanagra, iii B.c.). πούς I. I, last line, after ‘Od.4.149,’ insert ‘AP5.55 (Diosc.),’ 2, fin., after ‘Tim. Pers. 102’ insert ‘, cf. perh. Ar .Tj’j.173’ 4 b, line 6, after ‘Prov.ap.Suid.’ insert ‘, cf. Mesom.3.9 Heitsch, Ps.-Babr. Μυθικά 17P.219C.’ 6 k, lines 3/4, for ‘perh.. .wheel)’ read ‘by the foot (during the inundation)’ and before “τόπον” insert ‘από π. ποτισμός Stud.Ital. 13(1905) 366 (cf. ποτίζω 3 in Suppl.) ;’ 7, line 4, after ‘HF336 ;’ insert ‘τον πόδα τω λόγω άναγκάζειν έπεσθαι και τό μέλος the dance, Pl.R^ooa ;’ Π. I, add ‘; εν ποδί ληγούσης Πελο- πηΐδος at the extremity of the ending Peloponnese, referring to the Isthmus of Corinth, Call.Fr.384. 1 1 Pf. ; πάρ ποδί. .Νείλου νειατίω by the outermost (i.e. most easterly) mouth of the Nile, ib.48’ iii, for ‘6’ read ‘16’ iv, line 1, delete ‘PI. R.40oa,’ που<τ>ριν, add ‘(= Lat . putris)’ πράγμα ii. 8, after ‘question,’ add ‘ S.Ichn.324. ,’ πραγματεύομαι I. 1, line 8, after ‘Erx. 398a;’ insert ‘επί τι Jahresh.\\ Beibl. 259 (Ephesus, iii a.d.) ;’ πραγματευτικός I, after ‘business,’ insert ‘Ptol.Frir.178,’ πραγματικός I. I, line 4, delete ‘men of affairs,’ πραιδεΰω, after “δηώσαντες” add ‘, Sch.E.FA.202— 15’ χπραίτωρ, ορος, ό, — Lat. praetor, IGRom. 3.188 (Ancyra), al., BCH7.20. χπραιτώριος, a, ον, = Lat . praelorius, Wien.Anz. 1955· 163 (Ephes.). χπραίφεκτος, ό, = praefectus, Plb.6.26.5, al. πρακτικός I, add ‘b. concerned with life, opp. μυθικός, Longin. 9.14.’ πράκτιμος, before ‘SIG’ add ‘c. gen.,’ and at end ‘, Delph. 3(6). 69.13 (ii/i B.c.)’ , πρακτορικός, add 6 ; πρακτορικόν, το , an extra charge made by or for the πράκτορες, PTeb. 298.63 (ii a.d.), FGt/471.13,17’ ^ χπραξάγαθος, ον, beneficent, θεών π. (-αγαθαν lapis) καί σωτηρων FG7/79-340 (Arcadian Gortys, ii b.c.). πράξιμος i, add ‘b. of persons, liable to distraint, Inscr. Delos 1522. 18 (i/ii a.d.).’ πράος, line 4, after ‘Lyr. (’ insert ‘first in Ale. 68. 3 L.-P. (πράϋ),’ ; line 15, after ‘cf. Phot.’ for read ‘; έχει δε τό ιώτα’ χπρασάς, α, ό, grower or seller of leeks, IG\ 2(5). 1 104 (Syros, ii a.d.) , v. Gnomon 31.13. πράσιον i. i, line 3, for ‘Nic.F/i.55o’ read ‘NicM/-47’ χπράσιος, η, = πράσιον, Nic.Th.55O. πρασοκουρίς, for ‘milliped’ read ‘a kind of caterpillar’ πράσσω vn, delete the section. πρατήνιον, for the present article substitute ‘πρατήνιος, ό, = πρητην, κριός π. Sokolowski ιΐ·94·6>^ι (Camirus, iii B.c.), 104 5 (Camirus, i B.C.), cf. Hsch. s.v. πρατήνιον (where ύπερον Αττικοί is corrupt), and προτηνιον.’ πρατήρ II, add ‘ ; SO π. alone, έστησεν επί τοΰ πρατηρος Vit. Aesop. (G) 2 1 ’ πρατοπάμπαις, for ‘chief. .Addenda)’ read ‘= πρόπαις (q.v. in Suppl.)’ πράτος, omit ‘436,’ in line 2 and add at end ‘; τω έτει τω π. next following, /Gi2(3)-436.7 (Thera, iv b.c.)’ πράϋμενής, for ‘Hsch...-νώς’ read ‘Sch.E.Or.i 19; Adv. -νώς, Hsch.’ πραΰνοος, after ‘of gentle mind,’ add ‘πειθώ Simm.24.10, cf.’ πρεΐγυς, line 4, after ‘al.’ add ‘ ; title of a magistrate, Inscr.Cret. 4.184.13 (Gortyn, ii b.c.):’ line 7, for ‘ib.2562’ read ‘C/G2562’ χΠρείετος or Πρίετος, ό, a Bithynian god, Dorner Inschr.u.Denk- maler in Bithynien 65 ff. nos. 39-42. χπρεκνόν· ποικιλόχροον έλαφον, Hsch., cf. περκνός, πρακνόν. χπρεποντος, Adj ., fitting, έδοξε. . πρέποντον έμμεν, = πρέπον είναι, BCH59-37 (Crannon, ii b.c.). (Back-formation from Adv. πρεπόντως.) πρεπτός, add ‘, S.Ichn.322, Hsch.’ πρεπω I. 2, for “βοά” read “βοη”, omit ‘Pi., .cf.’ and add ‘ ; so perh. Pi.A.3.67 (sed cf. συμπρέπω)’ ill. I, add ‘; c. inf., γείτονες . . έπρεπον είναι APl.^O (Crin.) πρέσβειρα, after “πρέσβυς,” insert ‘S.Ichn.331 ; π. Νηρηδων κόράν prob. in A.Fr.285 M. ;’ πρεσβευτικός, add ‘2. -κά, τά, expenses of an embassy, or perh. court-fees, P Merton 35 (iv a.d.).’ πρεσβεύω I. 1 c, delete ‘ ; also. -352d’ 2, line 7, for ‘time’ read ‘value’ 11. 3 b, delete the section, πρέσβις (A), after ‘ambassador,’ add ‘Prise. pp. 286, 320 D.,’ πρέσβις (B) ii. 1, add ‘, cj. for πρέσβυν in Lyc.331’ πρέσβυς, line I, for “, ό ” read ‘or υος (v. infra ill. 2b), 0 (also ή 124 ττρέσβυς SUPPLEMENT προδείκνυμι Lyc-331 codd.)’ line 18, after “η, ov” add ‘(πρεσβν- τερωτατος PSI 1 159.5 (“ a.d.))’ in. 2, add ‘b. guardian, πρεσβυος των οσίων BCH 87.203 (Delphi, i A.D.?).’ 4/5 lines from end of article, for ‘Cret.’ read ‘Dor.’ and before “πρεΐγυς” insert “71 τρέσγυς,” χπρεσβυτερία, ή, seniority, εις πρεσβυτερίας λόγον P Mich. Teb. 2. 526. I I (i A.D.) . Πρέσβων, for “Π. . . Πρεσβωνες” read ‘Πρεσβωνοι, oi, (dub. accent.)’ and for ‘Abh... 17’ read ‘£6^58.56 (Chios, v/iv b.c.), SEGi^.^y' χπρέσγυς, o, Dor. for πρεσβυς, Alcm.5.fr.2.ii.20 P. πρήθω, line 3, after ‘1537’ insert ‘(in both places with v. . π ρήσο— \ πρήθ— Brunck)’ πρημνάς, add ‘ ; other forms are πρήμνη, ή, Hsch. and πρήμη, ή, Phot.’ χπρηρόαρχος, 6, ή, epith. of a victim sacrificed at the πρηρόσια (v. 7 τρηροσία in Suppl.), Δαίρα άμνή πρηρόαρχος Ath.Mitt.66. 172 B 16 (Attica, ca. 400 b.c.). πρηροσία, for the present article substitute ‘πρηρόσιος, a, ov, — προηρόσιος: πρηρόσια, τά, Ath.Mitt.66. 1 72 B 8 (Attica, ca. 400 B.c.) ; 77 ρηρόσιον τε'λεον θήλυ of the victim then offered, ib. B 18 ; 7 τρηροσία, ή, (sc. θυσία) Hsch : — hence also πρηροσιάδες κριθαί Ath.Mitt.66. 172 B 21.’ χΠρϊάπίδιον, τό, small image of Priapus, Inscr. Delos 1442Λ4 (ii b.c.). Πριαπίζω, for Ίο be lewd' read paedicare’ ; delete ‘ ; to be ithyp hallic. .62’ (Cf. 76'22(2). p.798.) Πρίαπος line 2, for ‘cf. Πριεπιος’ read ‘prob. by confusion with ΙΙρείετος (Πρίετος), q.v. in Suppl.’ χπριβάτιος, a, ov, = Lat . priuatus, P Klein. Form. 1033 (vi a.d.). χπριγκιπάλιος, o', = Lat. principalis, PFlor. 278.111.14,^.12 (ii A.D.) . χπριγκίπαρις, 6, = Lat. principalis, π. γέγονα εφ’ ετ ους SB8088.5 (ii a.d.). πρίγκιπες, add ‘; sg. πρίγκιφ POxy. 1424; πρίγκεφ BCH25.419.’ Πριεπιος, delete the article. Πρίεπος, add ‘with Suppl.’ χΠριέτειος, Πριετηος (sc. μην), 6, name of a month, Dorner Inschr. it. Denkmaler in Bithynien p.63 no.35, p.69 no.47 (both Nico- media, ii a.d.) ; prob. for ΓΙεριεπιος in Hemerolog.Flor . χΠρίετος, o, v. Πρείετος in Suppl. χπριζην, prob. = πρίζαν, PRyl.529.58. χπριμάριος, 6, = Lat . primarius, BGU<958d (iv/v a.d., pi.). χπριμικήριος, ό, = Lat. primicerius, BCH55.54 (iv a.d., written πρημηκιρις), JHS 1 1.162. χπριμιπιλάριος, o', = Lat. primipilaris, IGRom. 3.55 (7 τρειμι-), 8io etc.; metaph., πίθηκων π. Vit.Aesop.( G)8"j (—ηπη—). — Also πρειμοπειλάριος, BCH4.577, etc. χπριμισκρίνιος, o', = Lat . primiscrinius, chief secretary, SEG9.556. 17, 71 (Cyrenaica, vi a.d.). trpiv A. 1, add ‘b. folld. by πρίν b, II. 1.97, Od. 19.585, al. (v. infra); by εστ’ άν, A. R. 2. 251.’ ii, add ‘5. sooner, folld. by πριν b, II.7.481, Od. 1 9.475, al. (v. infra).’ χπρϊνεύς, όως, o', ilex-grove (possibly a place-name), GDI5 600.20 (Erythrae, iv b.c.). χττρινεών, ώνος, ό, ilex-grove, Aq.G’e. 14.3,8. πρίνων, delete ‘IG I2. 328.1 (dub.),’ χπριονο[ποιός] or πριονο[πώλης], o', maker (or seller) of saws, rest, in BSA4.J.108 (Athens, v b.c.). χπρισγούτερος, Boeot. = πρεσβντερος, Άρχ.Δελτ. 14, Pl.iv 30,48 (Thespiae, iii b.c.) ; cf. forms s.v. πρεΐγυς. χπρισμή, ή, sawing, εγλαβόντι την π. των ξύλων JGl 1 (2). 199-^89 (Delos, iii b.c.). πρισμός, before ‘ gripping ’ insert ‘ sawing , Ostr.Theb. 144.2 (πρυσμ-, i A.D.). 2.’ πρίω ii. i, after ‘Babr.96.3’ add ‘; πρΐε σαυτόν Men.Z))'j<;.q34 (dub.)’ πριων (A) 1, add b. metaph., τον φθονον €φη πρίονα είναι φυχης Gnomol. Vat. in Wien.Stud. 11.63.’ add ‘4. πρίονας χ^ρων τους όΐσμους, Hsch.’ πρό A. ι. 3, lines 5/6, omit ‘E.Alc. 18,645,’ and in line 10 for ‘cf.’ read ‘θανών π. κάνου E.Alc. 18, cf. ib.645,’ n. 1 (p.1465 b, line 4), after ‘Smp. 173a’ insert ‘, Gyges Fr. in POxy. 2382.1.12’; last line, after ‘(Thisbc) ;’ insert ‘π. του άσόλθοις BGU 814.14 (iii a.d.) , π. τον τις ΐνόγκη PFay. 136.6 (iv a.d.) ;’ προάγγελο? II, after ‘ harbinger ,’ insert ‘ Gyges Fr. in POxy. 2382. ii.i i,’ χπροαγγελτήρ, ηρος, o', = προάγγΐλος II, prob. in SEGg. 72. 137 (iv B.C.) . προάγω I. 3 a, add ‘; δάκρυα π. dub. 1. in [E.]L4i55o’ προαγωγή, add ‘IV. rhetorical delivery, Corn. Rh. p.397 H.’ χπροάγων [ά], οντος, o', title of an official in Ormele, Papers of Amer.Sch.at Athens ii Nos.4 1^,43, prob. in N0.89 (Baris), προαγών I, after ‘etc.’ insert ‘(or a rehearsal )’ προακτικός, add ‘II. ( προάγω , trans.), advancing, promoting, Ascl. in Metaph. 146.6, Phlp. in de An.20~j. 1 5.’ προαλίζω, before ‘Phot.’ insert ‘Aen.Tact.17.4 (Pass., προσ- cod. M),’ χπροαναγγελλω, aor. 1 part, προαναγγάλαντος prob. cj. for προσαν- in Sch.Pi.O.7.83. προανάγω, add ΊΙ. add beforehand to stock, όταν τό ίσον πλήθος προαναχθή, 'Ελληνικά 7-179 (Chalcis, iii b.c.).’ προανακρουομαι ii, add ‘b. begin a speech by saving, προανακρου- σαμΐνος ότι Duris (?) in PO.vy.2399.46-8, cf. άνακρούομαι II. 2.’ χπροανακταομαι, lepair beforehand, καματον διά τής τροφής Porph. ap.Sch.B Il.19.222 ( προσ — cod.). προαναπλέω, add ‘2. sail up (the Nile) first, PMich.Zen.5n.\2 (iii B.C.).’ προανασκευάζομαι, for plpf. .. 1.13.9’ read ‘; remove before¬ hand, [καμηλια] ib. 1. 1 3.9; [ανδράποδα] prob. in D.H.6.3’ χπροανασυρμα, ατος, το, π. παρθένου = λαθρίδιον γέννημα Eub. 140. προαναφώνησις ι. 2, add ‘ ; foreshadowing of what is to come, Sch.T II. 1. 45, Sch.A II. 11.604.’ προαπειλίω, transfer ‘, PCair. . . corrected) ’ to follow the other exx., and insert before it ‘ : — Med.’ προαποδιδωμι I, add ‘3. act as προαποδό της (q.v. in Suppl.), GDh 990.9 (Delphi, 195 b.c.).’ προαποδότης, for ‘ one who., surety' read ‘ substitute for the seller, warrantor ’ χπροαποκλάω, in Pass., break off before, 6 κριός τής άλλης εμβολής προαπεκλάσθη Memn.34-I J. προαπολλυμι ι, after destroy first ,’ insert ‘ προαπολεΐ με Men. Dysc. 391 (προσ- Pap.) ;’ χπροαρραβωνίζω, betroth beforehand, π. αυτόν εμαντή Vit. Aesop. (G) x προάστιά vos, Adj., dwelling in the suburb, θεοί Jnscr.Magn.509. προάστιον, add 3. of a temple, perh. because it was in a suburb, cf. προαστιανός in Suppl., 6’£G8.536,537 (Egypt, i b.c. ; προ- αατιν). χπρόαστυ, εος, τό, = προάστιον, Kalinka Antike Denkmaler in Bulgarian 334. προβάλλω A. 11. 4, delete the section and renumber accordingly. B. I. 4, line^ 2, after etc. ; insert 'λητ ουργεΐν π. γυμνασίαρχον And. 1. 1 32;’ hi. 1, line 15, after ‘D.21.139;’ insert ‘of a boxer, to be on guard,’ and in line 16 after ‘4.40;’ insert ‘ προβεβλημένος in the attitude of defence, Arist.Pr.569 ;’ πρόβασις ii, add ‘4. height, Sch.Pi.O.9.161. III. prob. marching in font, leading (a procession), τ ιμηθεντα προβάσε ι Delph. 3(0-555-26 (iii a.d.).’ προβασκανία, add ‘ ; προβασκανίαν is perh. to be read for προς βασκανίαν in Vit. Aesop. (W) 1 6’ προβασκανιον, add ‘ ; prob. for προσβάσκανον in Vit. Aesop. (G) 1 6’ χπροβατικόν, το', tax on sheep, Hesperia 25.75.13 (ca. 200 b.c.). προβατοβοσκός, after ’shepherd,’ insert ‘IGBulg. 851 (-χός),’ πρόβατον, line 2, after ‘Hsch.’ add ‘, Vi t. Aesop. (G) 97 (βρώμασι προβατώδης, before ‘ like ’ insert ‘of sheep, βοα'ι π. Hsch. s.v. βληχήματα. 2.’ χπροβάτωρία, ή, Lat. probatoria (sc. epistola), imperial letter of commendation, SEG9.556.78 (Cyrenaica, vi a.d.), Lyd.AL^.3.2. χπροβέβαιος, ov, very firm, P Michael. 45.^ 31 (vi a.d.). χπρόβειος, a, ον, = προβάτειος, An. Ox. 2.56, An.Boiss. 3. 408, PLond.i 13. 10.13 (yii a.d.), cf. CQ.33(i939).3i. χπροβοκάτωρ [α], ορος, o', = Lat. provocator, a kind of gladiator, Robert Les gladiateurs no.30 (Plotinopolis), 194 (Miletus), 291 (Cyzicus), Stoian Tomitana 199 (Tomi). [The first syll. is scanned short in the first and fourth of these places, though written πρω- in the second.] χπροβόλησις, ή, f.l. for πυροβόλησις (q.v. in Suppl.), jBGi/1850.25 (i b.c. ?). πρόβολος i, add ‘4. face of a seal-stone, App.Anth. 5.79 (Posi- dipp·)·’ προβουλή ii, for ‘dub. in BCH26.168 ’ read ‘Inscr. gr.et lat.de la Syrie 1 1 85’ χπροβουλία,^ ή, gloss on προμηθία, Sch.E. Med. 74.1 . χπροβουλικος, η, ov, of proboulic rank, ανδρα εκ πάτερων π. Anal. St. 12.199.5 (Cilicia Irachea). πρόβουλος, line 2, after ‘A.Ag.586 (lyr.)’ add ‘ ; Adv. προβονλως, deliberately, Id.CA.620 (lyr.)’ προγάμιος I, add ‘ ; ήρως π. prob. honoured by those about to wed, Swoboda Denkmaler 9.15 (Misthia (Fassiler) in Pisidia)’ προγαργαλίζω, for ‘ prepare . . tickling ’ read ’tickle oneself first’ προγεωργός, add ‘, POAj.eggvfi (p.226) (200 a.d.)’ προγλωσσεύομαι, after ‘tongue,’ insert ‘Apion ap.Apollon.Lex.,’ and before ‘s.v.’ insert *, both’ προγνωσία, after “ή,” insert ‘ beginning of knowledge, Corp.Hemi. 2.17b. 2.’ προγόνη, add ‘, rest, in TAM5(i).558 (Pisidia); step-daughter, Sch.Lyc. 183’ προγραφή iii, before ‘ — Dim.’ add ‘; preface, Plb.n.ia.T προγράφω III, add *; προγραφέντος τής βουλής La Carie II p.174 no. 67, line 5 (Heraclea Salbace)’ προδείκνυμι, line 2, after ‘(v. infr.) :’ add ‘προδεδείχμενον Alc.75. 4 L· — P . 1 125 ιτροδιαίρεσις SUPPLEMENT Ίτροττινάριος Χπροδιαίρεσις, εως, ή, perh. preliminary division, PFouad^.g (ia.d.). προδιαιρέω 2, for ‘warn, τιν'ι όπως··’ read ‘make a preliminary division, PUniv. Milan. 1.23· 22 (ii a.d.) ; dub. lect. et sens., Χπροδιαμαρτάνω, lose before, Memn.29.1 J. (Pass.). Χπροδιαπορίαι, ai, preliminary problems, Subscr.Thphr.Aieta/>A. ed. Ross (v.l. προδιαπορήσεις) . προδιασείω, after ‘ beforehand ’ insert Arg.Men.Oxy. 1235.65 (1 p. 148 Koerte3)’ ^ __ Χπροδιαψηλάφημα , τό, preliminary touching, τά π. των κιθαρωδω v Phlp. in AP0.242.14. προδοματικός, add ‘, PM.ich.Feb. I2ir ii "J.i (i A.d.) χπρό]δομόνδε, Adv., to the πρόδομος, rest, in Euph. in PSI 139°· A.8. προδουπέω, delete ‘before’ , πρόδρομος, add ‘III. πρόδρομα, τά, 1. τά εν τω άξονι ξύλα, Hsch. 2. = 11. 3, Id·’ προδύνω, delete ‘prob. in’ Χπροεγγραφεύς, ε'ως, ό, dub. in Kerameikos 3, p.n (i b.c.). χπροεγ κηδεύω, bury before, όΈ&’2.6θ2·3 (Sivnhissar; Pass.), προέδρα I, add ‘3. dub. sens., Call.Pr.43. 30 Pf.’ προεδρία 2, add ‘b. body of πρόεδροι, Judeich Altertiimer von Hierapolis 342.’ πρόεδρος, add ΊΠ. as Adj., -os, ον, τιμαί Epigr. in FAM^(i). 18 (Pisidia).’ ^ / t προείδον ii, add ‘b. c. acc., χρή προΐδην πλόον Ale. 249.6 L.-P. Χπροεκγόνη, ή, great-granddaughter, Ephes. 3.72.14, cf. προεγγόνη. προεκδίδωμι, add ΊΙΙ. give in marriage before, Sch.E.Ani/r.32 (Pass.).’ προεκπίπτω II, for “π. to” read “els παν π.” προεκπλέω, add ‘, SEG4.22S (Caria)’ προεκφέρω I. 2, add ‘, D.H.Z)iffi.39’ προέλευσις, add ‘4. appearance in court (cf. προέρχομαι ii), έκαστος των ήδι κημένων την π. πεποίηνται has taken legal proceedings, PMich.Teb.2.231.8 (i A.D.).’ προέλκω, after ‘drag forth,’ insert ‘Men.D_yiC.898 (προσ- Pap.),’ Χπροενθάπτω, bury before, τω προεντεθαμμένω αυτής άνδρί FAM$ (ι). 309.2 (Pisidia). Χπροεντυπόω, = προεγχαράσσω I, Med. metaph., αθανατοις εαυτόν προεντυπωσάμενον τοΰ βίου ΰπομνήσεσιν L Wl 599 (Caria) . προεξαιρέω I, after ‘PC2.64’ add ‘ : — Med. εκ των λαφύρων όσα. .D.H.i 1.48’ προεξαριθμέομαι, add * : — Pass, —ηριθμημένα enumerated above, BGU 1816.25 (i b.c.)’ προεξορμάω II. I, add c. inf., hasten prematurely to. .J.AJ.ig. 1. 16’ προεπιθυμία, after ‘Plot.4.4.20’ add ‘(cj.)’ προεπισκέπτομαι, add ‘, Ptol. Fetr.74’ πρόεχμα, for ‘f.l .. .πρόβλημα’ read ‘defence’ and after ‘17. 10.7’ add ‘(s.v.l.)’ προηγέτης, add ‘ ; applied to gods, -ων θεών Άρτέμιδος καί Απόλλωνος ΤΑΛ/2· 188.7 : — fem. -ε'τις, ιδος, ή, π. θεού 'Εκάτης ib. 189.7’ προηγορέω ι. ι, line ι, after ‘2.386b’ insert ‘, -SDGig.Sss.g (Pisidia)’ Χπροηγός, ό, gloss on άρχων, Sch.S.Ay.934. προηγουμένως I, add ‘, Longin.44.12’ πρόθεσις I. 5, line 3, after ‘31 (ii b.c.)’ add * ; την π. εκπλήρωσαν PWiirzb. 4.12 (ii b.c.)’ Χπροθμάριος, ό, = *πορθμάριος, ferryman, PSI 808.2 (iii a.d.?). χπροθμεΐον, etc., v. πορθμεΐον fin. πρόθυμα, add ‘2. sacrifice on behalf of , c. gen., E.Hyps.80.82 Bond.’ Χπροθύμημα [ΰ], ατος, τό, courage, spirit, Sch.Pi.P.8.61 . προθόραιος i, line 2, after ‘Orph.//.2.4,i2,’ insert ‘cf. Sch.Antim. 182 W. ;’ ; line 3, before ‘Procl.’ insert ‘rest, in’ Χπροθύριον [u j , τό, Dim. of πρόθυρον, από τής γωνίας του π. Inscr. Delos 141 7C45 (ii B-c·)· Χπροθϋσία, ή, right of priority in sacrificing, L. Robert Et.ipigr. 18 (Delph., Imperial). πρόθυσις, before ‘base’ insert ‘ preliminary sacrifice, BCH 73.366 (Epid., iv b.c.) . 2.’ Χπροΐερα, τά, preliminary religious rites, SEG 1 1. 1 107.29 (Arcadia, ii b.c.). προΐημι B. I. 3, line 2, after ‘etc.;’ insert ‘abs. (sc. κάπρον), Macho ap.Ath. 1 3.578ε ;’ προίκιος, for ‘Fr. 542 = Oxy.2079.34’ read ‘Fr. 1.34 Pf.’ προικοφόρος, add ‘II. ό, — εεδνωτής, gloss in Cod. Vat. Gr. 1456.’ προικώος, add ‘, cf. PFlor. 93.17, PMasp. 3.18 (both vi a.d.).’ Χπροϊοϋλος, ον, dub. sens., Hsch. s.v. οίσυλος ; cf. β αίο(υ)λος in Suppl. προΐστημι B, after “προυσ την” add ‘(Aeol. aor. inf. πρόσταν, = προατήναι, GDI 215.35,43 (Erythrae, ii b.c.))’ πρόκα, for ‘in PSIg. 1092.52’ read ‘Fr. 110.52 Pf.’ προκαθηγεμών, add ‘ ; also o, epith. of Apollo, GD/3589C’ προκαθηγετις, after ‘(Phaselis) ;’ insert ‘of Hecate, FAM2{\). 189117 ;’ προκαθίστημι I. 2, add ‘b. Act., τον νόμον π. perh. try to use as a screen, Antipho 6.21.’ προκαίω, add ‘ ; Act., Kerameikos 3, p.50’ προκαλίζομαι, add ‘2. invite, εις Άφροδίτην Nonn.D.35.138.’ προκαταβαίνω, add ‘ ; of boats, descend the river first or as a pre¬ liminary, Peripl.M.Rubr.^f προκαταβολή, add ‘III. = ei 'θήκη, Hsch.’ προκατάληψις I, after ‘2.’ insert ‘ earlier occupation, PEdfu 5.15 (iii b.c.) in Chron.d’ fig. 14(1 939) ·376·ΐ5> PB.M.Eg. 10750A (iii b.c. ; -καλ-) in 7^45(1959). 75.6. 3.’ προκατασκευάζω ii, add ‘: — Med., π. τινα πραγματα makes certain points for himself in the preliminary survey, D.H./i. 1 5’ ^ προκατασκευή 3, before ‘Hermog.’ insert ‘D.H.Lyc.15, D.3,15,’ Χπροκατάσκοπος, ον, foreseeing, gloss on ύποπτος, Sch.E.Hec. 1 135. προκαταστοχάζομαι, after ‘Ptol. Fetr. 107’ add ‘(v.l.) _ f προκατατίθημι II, add ‘3. bury before, TAM2(3).i 144.3 (Lycia).’ Χπροκατοίχομαι, predecease, FAAl2(f).i02g, al. (Lycia). προκέφαλος I, add ‘, Vit. Aesop. ( G)i’ t προκήρυγμα, add ‘2. public auction, PEnteux.37 .3 (iii b.c.).’ Χπροκιθαριστής, οΰ, ό, leading player on the cithara, Didyma 182.17, 264.7. προκόμιον I, add ‘, IGii{2) .2oa,B^\ (iii b.c.)’ and delete this ref. in n. _ προκοπή 2 a, lines 2/3, for ‘opinion-forming, .of’ read self- conceit was a hindrance to’ πρόκοπος, for “v. πρόκωπος” read ‘ον, ( προκύπτω ) advanced, Sor.1.34 (Comp.), cf. Aret.5D2.4’ χπροκουράτωρ, ορος, ο, = Lat. procurator , rest, in BGU 815*5 A.D.), Siud.Pal.20.143.1 (v/vi A.D.). Χπροκράζω, call out before or first, BGU 1 141.48 (i b.c.). ^ προκτητικός, after ‘ ownership ’ insert ‘BGU 1148.34 (i b.c.),’ προκύκλιος I, delete “θάμνη” Προκΰων ii, for ‘ spaniel-like flatterer, “lap-dog read jackal, , hanger-on, Posidipp.ap.Ath.io.4t4e ■> bnes 3/4, delete but and ‘snappers and snarlers,’ πρόκωπος, delete ‘3. ..cod.).’ Χπρολαμπάς, άδος, ή, dub. sens, in unpubl. Inscr. from Cos re¬ lating to cult of Hermes Enagonios, v. Sokolowski p.129. Χπρόλαμψις, εως, ή, shining forth, Procl. in Fi. 1.361. 3. Χπρολιμπάνω, Poet. = προλείπω, GT/1752 (Demetrias, 111/11 b.c.). προλοχίζω, ii, before ‘Plu.^eri. insert D.H.i. 79, Χπρομάθημα [μάθ], ατος, τό, preparatory education, Hsch. s.v. προπα ιδεύματα. Χπρόμαια, ή, great-grandmother, JHS 73.34 (Caunus, i b.c.). πρόμαλος, after “ή,” insert ‘(but προμάλοιο . . αΐζήεντος Theo- pomp.Coloph. in Coll. Alex. p.28)’ > προμαντεύομαι, add ‘2. prob. consult the oracle first, προθύοντα καί -όμενον Schwyzer 323D40 (Delph., iv b.c.).’ Χπρομαρτυρία, ή, evidence given beforehand, Rh. 6.124. 14. προμηθέομαι, line 2, after ‘2 sg.’ add ‘imper. aor.’ ττρομικκ(ιχ) ιδδόμ€νο$> for ‘boy.. year read Spartan boy in second year of public education, i.e. eight years old’ deleting ‘prob.. ,προκομιζόμενος’ Χπρόμνημα, ατος, τό, memorial, BCH 7·5°3· t πρόμοιρος, add * ι — ιτρομοιρι^ι pi. ττρομοίρί€ζ, as fem., IPE i2. 519.15 (Crimea, ii/iii a.d.)’ ιτρομολή, lines 3/4, for ‘mouth of a river’ read ‘outskirts of a town and before Opp.C.’ insert ‘ ; mouth of a river’ Χπρόμορος, ον, = πρόμοφος 2, G\ 1 193 1. 4 (Laconia, ii A.D.). Χπρονικότης, ητος, ή, = προυνεκία, Vit.Aesop.(G)\$. ( προνοέω Π. I, add ‘; c. inf., π. καταακευασθήναι . . το υδρεκ- δοχ(ε)ΐον provided for the ΰ. to be built, Wien.Anz. 1961.72 (Ephesus, i a.d.)’ Χπρονόημα, ατος, τό, forethought, 8>ch..E.Hipp. 1 102 (pi·)· v _ l _ _ _ _ 1 _ «·λ··/μι >yr\ \ — £\i tsn i/tui n . flcmLoc. Anon.ao.Suid. VF1· / * προξενέω II. I, fin., delete ‘; π. τινί. .Ap. 7’ f προξενητής, after ‘agent, insert Sen.Ep. 1 19.1, Nlart. 10.3.4, προξενητικός, add ‘II. causing, φόνου π. Sch.E.PA. 1024.’ Χπροξενικός, ή, όν, relating to πρόξενοι, νόμος Milet 3·Ι4°·34 (“3 B.C.). Χπροοδηγεω, lead the way, escort, Hsch. s.v. προηγείται. Χπροοικοδόμημα, ατος, τό, building in front, τό π. τής συνοικίας Inscr. Dilos 1417Q)2 (“ Β·°·)· Χπροολοφύρομαι, lament before, Sch.Gen.il. 1.414· πρόπαις, for ‘boy. .year’ read ‘in fourth year of public education, i.e. ten years old’ προπάππος 2, for the present section read ‘pi., apptly. = ances¬ tors, Call.PV.229.5 Pf.’ χπροπαρατυγχάνω, arrive before \ metaph., study a subject beforey Sch.Pi. Ο.7.98. προπαροξύνω ii, for ‘have, .fever’ read ‘of a fever, to be provoked prematurely’ πρόπας, add ‘, Nic. 771.338’ Χπροπερίσπασις, «ως, ή, circumflexion of the penultimate, Eust.341.13. προπέτεια I, add ‘, Cs\\. Epigr ,/\2.^ Pf. προπινάριος, add ‘, Bull. Mus. Beyrouth 7.78 126 •προπίνω SUPPLEMENT προσουδίζω ττροττίνω ι. 2, for ‘a snack before dinner’ read ‘ hors d' oeuvres’ u, line 4, before ‘, cf.’ insert ‘(but v. προπολέω in Suppl.)’ ; line 5, transfer ‘ ; προπινομένη . .Eleg.i’ to 3 line 5 after ‘18.296’, add¬ ing 1, cf. versus propinas Ennius ap.Nonius Marcellus 33’ χπρόπιον’ μάντευμα, Suid. ; cf. θεοπρόπιον. προπιπρασκω, add ‘: — Pass., pf. προπέπραται Arcb.Anz.2J .20 (Milet.)’ πρόπλασμα, after ‘draft’ insert ‘(metaph.)’ προποδέω, for ‘perh.. .Fr. 1.2 P.’ read ‘ lead the way in a dance. Call. Fr. 228. 2 Pf.’ προπολέω I, add ‘2. = προπίνω II, Critias 6.7 (cod. A Ath.).’ 11, for ‘speak, .prophetess’ read ‘dub. lect. et sens.’; at end add cf. όνειροπολέω (Suppl.)’ προπολιόομαι, add — Act. in same sense, Sch. Pi. 0.4.39’ πρόπολος, for “ov” read “o', ή ” πρόπομα I, add ‘, POxy. 2047.2 (v a.d.)’ ii, after ‘1.339’ insert ‘, and appears in POxy. l.c.’ πρόποσις, add ‘4. drinking-party, συμβολική π. AF5.134 (Posi- dipP;)·’ χπροπράκτωρ, ορος, o, champion, A.Fr.474.5 M. χπροπόλιος, a, ον, = προπύλαιος, Epigr. in Belevliev Epigrafski Prinosi 1 10. χπροπωλή, ή, brokerage, Vett.Val.4.23, cf. πωλή. προπώλης, delete ‘, Vett.Val.4.23’ προπωλητής, after ‘foreg.,’ insert ‘PStrassb.8j.i6 (ii B.c.),’ πρόρρησή ii. 2, add ‘ ; notice of the conditions of leases, BCH60. 178.13 (Thespiae, iii b.c. ; -ρρεισ-)’ πρός C. 11, add ‘ ; προς ολίγον, προς μικρόν for a short time, GVI J955-5 (Tralles, i a.d.), 1842.3 (Egypt, i/ii a.d.); also προς ϊτος, = κατ’ έτος, Sokolowski 11.86.5 (Lindos, ca. 200 a.d.)’ D, line 5, after ‘Hdt.5.67’ insert ‘ ; beginning sentence, with¬ out δέ or other particle, Lxx Ca. 1.16’ χπροσ[**]απλομένου, part, of unknown verb, rely upon, ούδενί τεκμηρίω UPZi6i.6j (ii b.c.). χπροσαγωγικός, ή, όν, = προσαγωγός, Sch. Luc. 1 65.8. προσαιτέω ii, line 5, after ‘Ale. 4’ add ‘(s.v.l.)’ χπροσάλεύω, shake beforehand , Pland.i 39.29 (ii a.d., Pass.), προσαναδέχομαι, add ΊΙ. undertake further, Inscr. Delos 1838 (ii B.c.).’ προσανακλίνω, after ‘lean on,’ add ‘πρός τινι Inscr. Delos 1417 ΖΪΪ 97 (ii b.c.) ;’ χπροσανακομίζω, bring up in addition, PTeb. 703. 190 (iii b.c., Pass.). χπροσαναμάττω, in Med., besmirch in addition, της πόλεως χαλεπώς φερουσης επι τω την ενιων αγνωμοσύνην προσαναμάττΐσθαι τουνομ αυτής Ph.2-537 (Τ7)ί· .αγνωμοσύνης, .αυτή cj. Mangey), προσαναπίπτω, add ‘II. of the arm of a torsion* engine, strike against in the recoil, c. dat., Hero Bel.Qi.10 (ch. 16).’ χπροσαναφορά, ή, report or supplementary report, IGi2(fi).J2i.i2 (Andros, i b.c.). χπροσαποβϊάζομαι, fut. -βιώμαι (cf. βιάζω in Suppl.), make an effort to supply more, PCair.£en.6i 1.19 (iii b.c.). προσαποκρίνομαι, add ‘2. give a further answer, Aristid.2.94 J.’ χπροσαπολείπω, leave (undone?) in addition, λιθείας ής προσαπο- λείπεις PCair. Zen.jj ι .2J (iii b.c.). χπροσαπολογίζομαι, state in addition, c. acc. et inf., UPZ162 vi 1 (ii b.c.) . προσάσσω, delete ‘(unless, ,προεισάγω)’. (Cf. άγω, line 4, with Suppl.) χπροσατΐμάζω, dishonour in addition, 8ch..E.Ph.8jj (Pass.), προσαυλέω, after ‘PIU.2.632C’ add ‘; τι μοι προσαυλεΐς: Men. Dysc. 880’ χπροσβάθρα, ή, perh. step, IG22. 1672. 144 (pi.) (Eleusis, 327 B.C.) . προσβάλλω I. I b, add ‘ ; hence, in Pass., of a line of walls, to be carried, πρός. .AJPj)6.q)62 (Colophon, iv b.c.).’ χΠροσβάτήριο$, o', epith. of Poseidon, Melanges Bidez 820 (Eleusis, i b.c.) . χπροσβεία, προσβευτάς, προσβεόω, = πρεσβ-, SEGl 1 . 1 107. ΙΟ¬ Ι 2 (Arcadia, ii b.c.). προσβολή, lines 1/2, delete ‘e.g.. .pi.) ;’ 11. 3, line 1, after ‘ impact ’ insert ‘, of bronze, A.Ag.ggi χπροσγαληνιάω, show a calm face, of the sea, Hsch. s.v. ο' Κρής την θάλατταν. προσγλίχομαι for ‘ desire eagerly besides ’ read ‘eagerly add ’ and for ‘desire in addition to’ read ‘ eagerly unite’. Add ‘II. earnestly inquire, Procl. in Ti. 1.80 D.’ προσγυμναστής, after fellow-wrestler ’ insert ‘acting as a teacher or sparring-partner’ προσδέω (A), line 1, before ‘bind on' insert ‘(Dor. aor. inf. ποιδήσαι IG^2( I ). 1 22.41 (Epid., iv B.C.))’ προσδέω (B) 11. 1, line 2, after ‘Theoc.5.63’ add ‘; also ποιδεΐσθαι IGf2( i). 1 2 1 . 13 (Epid., iv B.C.)’ προσδιαστέλλω II. I, add ‘: Pass, impers. c. acc. and inf.. UPZ118.12 (ii b.c.).’ προσδοκία i, line 3, after ‘sense,’ insert ‘π. βιοτάς E.Hyps.64.108 Bond ;’ προσδρομή, i, after ‘(Larissa)’ add ‘, Ath. Mitt. 59.78 (Eretria, χπροσεγκόπτω, engrave in addition, τό φήφισμα ές την στήλην GDI 5496.21 (Milet., iv b.c.). χπροσειλημμενΐται, οι, (cf. προσλαμβάνω I. 2) inhabitants of the added land, Ptol.Geog.5.4. 10(8). προσεισευπορεω, add ‘, cf. 5FG18.291.24 (Istria, ii b.c.)’ προσεκπίπτω, add ‘(cod., sed leg. προεκ-)’ προσεκτικός ii, add ‘, cf. Longin.26.3 (Comp.)’ προσελευσις, add ‘II. appearance in court as a prosecutor, POxy. 283.19 (i a.d.) , cf. προσέρχομαι I. 5.’ προσεμπίπρημι, before ‘Lxx’ insert ‘Aristodem.1.2.3 J.,’ προσεμφερής, before ‘X.Smp.’ insert ‘Ar.Fr.460,’ and after ‘(Sup.)’ add ‘ ; τώ προσεμφερή Plat.Com.4 D.’ προσέναγχος, add ‘(dub.)’ προσεννέπω i, after ‘ll.ee.,’ insert ‘AM^.323,’; 2, delete ‘c. acc.. .3.’ προσεπαυξάνω, after further,' insert ‘ Inscr. Prien.ioj. 21 (ii B.c.),’ and at end add ‘ ; Robert Hell. 9.8 (Sardis) ; pf. part, προσ- επευξηκώς (sic) IGRom.^g^a ii 49 (Pergam., ii b.c.)’ χπροσεπεμβαίνω, assault, mock, Hsch. προσεπιδέχομαι, before ‘to be’ insert ‘receive besides, PTheb.Bank 12.12 (ii b.c.). 2.’ χπροσεπιδϊδάσκω, teach in addition, Them, in APo. 50.9. προσεπιδίδωμι, after ‘Sph. 222e’ insert ‘ ; ετι προσεπέδωκε IG21. 553-9’ προσεπιπλάσσω ii, for ‘work into a plaster’ read ‘ plaster on’ χπροσεπισκευόω, = προσ€πισκ( υάζω, rest, in Inscr. Cret. 3.11 1.6 (ii B.C.). προσεπιψηφίζομαι, add ‘; rest, in Thasos 11. 77.185.6 (i A.D.)’ προσέρδω, before ‘ sacrifice ' insert ‘ offer an additional ' χπροσερισμός, o', rebellion, prob. in Aq. 1 Ki. 16.23. πρόσευξις, for “= προσίυχή” read ‘ prayer , petition ’ and at end add ‘, BMus. Inscr. 421.2.’ προσήκω, line 2, after ‘(Delph.),’ insert ‘(irreg. part, ποθηκώς, -κότες Delphi). 42$.J, 333.4 (i b.c., i A.D.)),’ προσήνεια, line 3, before ‘ quietude ' insert 'tenderness, of Euripides, D.Chr.18.7;’ προσήπω, for “προσαπόντα” read “προσαπόντων” πρόσθεμα ii, for “πόσθη” read “αΐδοΐον” πρόσθεν, line 1, delete ‘Ion.’ and after ‘Hdt.i.n, al.,’ insert ‘Isoc.18.61, D.20.94, Hell.Oxy.16.5, Ath.Mitt. 36.3.18 (Andros, iv B.C.),’ χπροσικτός, ή, όν, attainable, 68ός ΤΑΜ^ζι).^^)^ (Termessus), cf. άπρόσίκτος. προσίστημι I. 2, for ‘weigh out to, μοι’ read ‘ weigh in addition ,’ προσκαθεζομαι, line 3, for “πολιορκία” read “πολιορκία” προσκαθιζω I, add ‘b. metaph., τό προσκεκαθικός τής φυχής τοΐς τέκνοις its being fixed upon, Sch.S.OCi 1 19.’ 3, delete the section. χπροσκαλίζω, hoe previously, prob. in PTeb. 953.11 (ii B.c.). προσκαρτέρησις, add ‘2. devotion to one’s profession, Ath.Mitt. 59. 69 (Andros).’ χπροσκαταπλέω, sail to a place against, c. dat., Duris 24 J. πρόσκειμαι ill. I, line 3, after ‘Hdt. 1.196;’ insert ‘προσκεΐσθαι δε αύτω και την στρνπτηρίαν, Schwyzer 722.14 (Thebes-on- Mycale, iii b.c.) ;’ πρόσκλιντρον, add ‘; rest, in 1SFG13. 17.169 (Athens, v B.c.)’ πρόσκολλος, add ‘; Adv., c. gen., adjacent to, πρόσκολλα του οίκου Stud. Pal. 10. 125.3 (v/vi a.d.)’ προσκυνεω I. 2, add ‘: c. gen., Τύχης τής Δούρας SEGj. 571 (Dura)’ προσκυνητήρ, add ‘, Ramsay Cities and Bishoprics 1.338 (Phry¬ gia)’ προσκυνη[τήριον], add ‘, cf. προσκυνητ[ήρι\α FC//3.482’ προσκυρέω 3, line 4, delete ‘, 4208.7 (ii B.c.)’ χπροσλάλημα, το', subject of talk, An.Boiss. 4.447. προσλέγω i, for ‘he took . .meditated evil’ read ‘prob. he speaks reproaches to his soul’ προσμαρτύρομαι, add ‘, cf. PAnt. 40.7 (iv B.C.)’ προσμορος, add ‘ ; πρόσμορον or πρός μόρον, dub. sens., Inscr. Cret.i xviii 177 (Lyttus)’ πρόσνευσις ii, after ‘of a planet,’ insert ‘Ptol. Tetr.4.,’ προσοδάρχων, for “προσοδάρχων, . . 6,” substitute ‘προσοδ- αρχέω, to be’ προσοδιάζω, add ‘2. to be supplied with provisions, ^5^51.154.5 (s.v.l.).’ πρόσοδος ii. i, add ‘b. metaph., profit, advantage, π. εσεσθαί τισι Epist.ap. D. 18.78.’ προσόμουρος, add ‘(perh. f.l. due to conflation of πρόσουρος and όμουρος )’ προσοργίζομαι, before ‘J .BJ' insert ‘AristMiA. 19.5,’ χπροσορισμός, o', inclusion within boundaries, addition, Ath.Mitt.j2. 243.22 (Samos, ii b.c.). χπροσόρνυμι, in pf. part. προσορωρ[ότες] rushing at him, dub. in BGU 1252.21 (ii b.c.). προσουδίζω, add ‘; cf. ποτουδίζω (Suppl.)’ 127 ττροσοχθίζω SUPPLEMENT ■π·ρυταν€υμα προσοχθίζω, after ‘to be wroth with ,’ insert ‘τώ γένει Satyr. Fit. Eur.3g.i2.2i ; τω έπιχωρίω φθάνω ib.39.15.22 ; _ πρόσοψις I, add b. facing of a building, POxy. 2197.4, al. (vi A.D.).’ t f προσπαίζω II. 2, add ‘ ; make sport of, τον 'Ohvaaea οι μνηστήρας D.Chr.g.g’ ) τΓροοιτάΐτχο) II, line 5, delete 1 abs., ^facho 2.2 , Απροσπέλαστος, ή, όν, approachable, Phot. s.v. πΧατα. Χπροσπεριέχομαι, M^ed., cling to, desire, in addition, dub. in Arch. Pap. 2.5ig (ii b.c.). προσπερίκειμαι, for ‘ envelope ’ read envelop προσπέτομαι, after ‘(v. infr.) add ; also aor. part, προσ- πετάσα? Aesop. g2’ προσπίπτω II. 5b, transfer ‘π. δι’-.βοο’ to end of section, deleting the semicolon; after “αίσθησιν” insert ‘that strike on ; and after ‘41’ add σοι. ,προσπιπτέτω let it (the thought) present itself to you, M.Ant-7-ig, cf. 13, g. 24,1 1.7, Longin.14.1 ; π. μεχαλορρημονεστερα have a more impressive effect. Id. 23.2, cf- 2g.i Χπρόσπλασις, ecus, rj, attachment, Procl. in 7Ϊ.2.60.15· ^ πρόσπλοκος, before “θΐόπΧοκος” insert ‘θΐοπρόσπΧοκος or’ Χπροσπνίγω, choke, throttle, POxy. 2331.iii.20 (iii A.D.). προσποιέω I. I, delete ‘, cf. Plot. 6.1.21 n. \, add b. c. acc. et inf. pretend or claim that . . , Έρμήν δζδωκέναι [τούς νόμους] D.S.i.g4·’ προσποίησις, add ‘4. pretence, D.C.42.8. προσποιητικός, add ‘ ; fictitious, πένθος Anon.Astr. in PMich. 14.8 ii 7 (i A.D,)’ , προσρέω I, line 3, after ‘Plu.2.76oa insert ‘abs., προσερρυη M.en. Dysc.223 ;’ προσσημειόω, for ‘brand, .ποδός’ read ‘δεκυειρ[3-6 litt.]|0o? προσσημειωθήσ^ται, as a punishment, χπροσσκυλάω, plunder in addition, dub. in 6.ig (ii b.c.; προσ[εσ]υλησεν Wilcken). f προσσπεόδω, add ‘II. demand urgently in addition, πΧέονα μισθόν PBremen 63.16 (ii A.D., written προσπ-).’ προσσυλάω, before ‘UPfif add ‘dub. in and at end , cf. προσσκυλάω (Suppl.)’ προστάτης II. 3, add ‘; oi πεντε τχ[ρο]στάτ αι κώμης POxy. 1275. 7 (iii A.D.)’ προστηθίδιος, delete ‘of horses,’ προστίζιος, for ‘= προσθ ίδιος, former, earlier,' read ‘dub. lect. et sens.,’ προστίθημι A. i. 2, add V; deliver to a purchaser at an auction, Hsch. s.v. προσθίΐναι B. ii. 2 a, lines 5/6, for ‘add. . gain’ read ‘add from oneself’ and for ‘what, .profited?’ read ‘of what use could I be?' \ transfer ‘add. .OC767’ to form a sec¬ tion c. πρόστιμον, add ‘3. in PHamb. 1 g2. 1 8/ 1 g πρόστιμον is prob. f.l. for προτιμάν, i.e. of exceptional quality.’ προστροπή, add ΊΙ. in 7G5(i).i33i.io read προτρ-, q.v. 1. 1.’ πρόστροπος, add ‘III. = προσ αντης, Hsch., cf. κατατροπος, κάτροπον.’ προστώον, after ‘written’ insert ‘προστοΐον in laser. Dilos 1417 Ai 162 (ii b.c.);’ and before ‘ IGRom .’ insert ‘JHS34. 142 (Delos, ii B.c.),’ Χπροσυγχωρέω, grant previously, τ ινι PFam.Teb. 21.22 (ii A.D.). προσυποτίθημι ii, after ‘Med.,’ add ‘ prescribe besides in teaching, D.H. Comp. 20. b.’ Χπροσφαγιάζω, offer sacrifice at a tomb, cj. in Rev.ft.Gr. 2.ig.i2 (Robert Et.Anat.308) . πρόσφορος I. 2, add ‘ ; ηδονήν έμποιήσαι προσφορώτατο i Men. Rh.p.3g3 S.’ Απροσχαριστήρια, τά, a sacrifice to Athena on behalf of growing crops, AB 2g5- προσχεθεΐν, for ‘ ward off from’ read ‘ hold in front of’ πρόσχολος, after ‘ schoolmaster ,' insert ‘IG21. iog4g,’ Απροσχρη ματίζω, to be called besides, have a by-name (cf. χρηματίζω ill. 1), Όβριμότου — οντος Παδαμούριος ΤΑΜ3(ι) .213 (Pisidia, i/ii A.D.) . Χπροσωζω, save before, Sch.E.Mirf.526. προσώπιον i, add Inscr. Dilos iqog/iaiio (ii b.c.)’ Απροσωπίτης, ου, ό, a measure, so called fr. the Prosopite Nome, POxy. gig.5 (ii a.d.). πρόσωπον, line 7, after ‘(Leon.)’ add ‘, Alciphr.3.40’ iv. 2, for ‘legal personality read ‘ standing , social position ’ προτακτικός, before ‘. Adv.’ insert ‘; π. πρόσωπα persons who only speak the prologue, prob. in Euanthius in Kaibel CGF p.65 (προταστικ—)’ Χπροταριχεία, ή, previous maceration, Anon.Alch.270.2. προτείνω, add ‘IV. tie up for scourging, Act.Ap.22.23.’ προτελειος, add ‘; πρωτέλειος is Att. acc. to Phryn.P.S' p.105 13 (πρώτο— cod.), cf. προτέΧΐΐαι in Hsch. alter πρώτα (cf. πρω- πέρυσιν s.v. προπέρυσι).' προτεραίος ill, for the present section substitute ‘-αίτερος v. πρότερο? (Suppl.)’ Απροτεράτεόομαι, Med.,^rri describe a portent, Διηγήσεις xi 21. προτέρημα, line 3, after ‘1.16’ add ‘; τά από τύχης π. Inscr. in Arch.Pap. 6.10 (Delos, ii b.c.)’ προτερικόν, delete the article. πρότερος and πρώτος, add ‘(προτεραίτερος Com. Comp, of πρότερος, “soonerer”, Ar.Eq.i 165)’ πρότερος A. iv, add ‘2. προτέρως is used Arist. Phys. 193^30 of being a cause in a prior way, cf. ύστερο? A. iv in Suppl.’ προτέταρτον, add ‘, Inscr .Cret. 4.75Ά 6, 81. g (Gortyn, v b.c.) Απροτιμή, ή, special honour, Michel 459··* * (Caria, ii b.c.), cf. προτίμησις, προτιμία. Απροτοϋ or πρό toG, v. πρό A. 11. 1 with Suppl., ο, η, το A. vin. 5 b. προτρέχω, line 1, after Mn.1.5.2’ add ‘, προε'δραμεν GygesFr. in Ρ0λ7.23δ2.ϊ. 15’ προτριακάς add ‘ , Inscr.Cos 43, etc.’ πρότριτα, add ‘ ; sg. πρότριτον on the third day before, Inscr. Cret. 4. 81.5 (Gortyn, v b.c.), cf. προτέταρτον’ πρότροχος, add ‘2. a form of wheeled siege-engine, Poliorc. 199.13? , , N Απροτΰπής, ές, insistent, φαντασία Plot.i .2.5.20 (s.v.l.). προτύπτω n, delete the section; III, for ‘strike . . 1 . 1 8’ read ‘strike beforehand, A. Ag. 132 (lyr.) ; strike first, Procop. FW.1.18’ Απρούγαμος, ον, προύγαμον βίον ζήσ€ΐ, dub. sens., MAMAq .485· Απρούμμάτων, contr. for πρό όμμάτων, Lyc.82,251. προύνεικος, line 6, after ‘(Strat.’ insert ‘ ; προύνίκα, but the v.l. πορνικά is to be preferred, cf. ib.7’ προϋπόκειμαι, add ‘III. to be buried first, FAM2(3).\ 163.3 (Lycia).’ _ _ - προϋπόστασις, for προύπαρζις” read previous existence Απροϋποσυλλέγω, dub. sens., vyi?540.78.i5 (Gyrene, Letter of Hadrian). Απρουρίς, ίδος, fem. Adj., = φρουρίς, αί πρ. καλονμΐναι πύλαι (at Abdera) Διήγησής ii.34 (perh. pr. n.). ΑΠρουσιακός, η, όν, of Prusias, τΐτράχμον Inscr. Dilos 1443/li 140 (ii b.c.) . ΑΠρουσιάς, άδος, ή, an upright drinking-vessel, named after Prusias king of Bithynia, Didyma 463.22 (ca. I7g b.c.), cf. Ath.11.4g6d. .. προυφήτις, delete ‘(metri gratia)’ and add at end ‘(ii a.d.) προϋφίσταμαι, after ‘pf. Act.’ add ‘(pres, -ίσταται ταύτης D.H. Comp. 2)’ j προφανής, add ‘; πρόφανες[ Ale. 132. 6 L.— P. ^ ^ ^ Απροφαντάζω, cause one to have a presentiment, τον ακροατήν Sch. B Il.11.45. προφασίζομαι, line 3, after ‘D-C.5g.26 :’ insert ‘Act. aor. part. προφασίσας, Hsch. s.v. σκηφας:’ πρόφασις ι. 2 c, add ‘; cf. AP5-53,ig3 (both Diosc.)’ προφέρω, line 1, after “προφέρΐσκον,” insert ‘Theoc.25. i gg,’ 1. 3 a, add ‘; express, ταύτόν ΰποθετικώς Demetr. Eloc.296’ b, for Med.,’ read *;’; for ‘[the priest] . . i6g’ read ‘is ordered, SEG9.y2.123 ’ and transpose to 1. 5. 4, line 7, after ‘ii b.c.) ;’ insert ‘urge in objection, c. acc. et inf., CRAcad.Inscr.1932.24.2.10 ;’ προφθάνω 2, add ‘b. to be before, τό προφθάσαν γένος the family in days past, Sch.Pi.A-6.g7.’ , . Χπροφθέγγομαι, prob. an error for προσφθέγγομα i, Pap. in JEA 20.27 (v/vi A.D.) . . , . χπροφϊλανθρωπέω, grant an indulgence before, in Pass., ev τοΐς προπΐφιΧανθρωπημένοις PTeb.l 24.36 (ii B.C.). προφωνέω I, add ‘; Inscr. Cret. 4.81. g (v b.c.)’ Απροχειριστικός, η, όν, productive, Phlp. in de /1π·349·31· πρόχνυ, for the present article substitute ‘π., Adv. with knees forward, π. καθίζομένη, i.e. kneeling or crouching, Il.g.570 ; ώ? κ€ . . άπόΧωνται π. κακώς II. 21.460, οΧΐσθαι π. Od.l4^6g, perh. perish after being brought to one’s knees, but expld. by Sch. as = παντΐΧώς. 2. thoroughly, π. γεράνδρυον A.R.i.mS; so apptly. in Antim.5 W. 3. in truth, ei δη π. γέρας τόδε πάρθετο δαίμων A.R.2.24g* (Bor *πρόγνυ, cf. γνύπίτος, Skt. Adj. prajnil - (dub. sens.) ; senses 2 and 3 developed from mis¬ understanding of Homer.)’ προχοίς ii, for the present section substitute 'beaker, wine-jug, Didyma 426.4 (276/5 b.c.), AB29<\? προχορεύω, add ‘; also Med., abs., Πυρρίας προχορευομενο? Hesperia 24.160 (early vi b.c.)’ irpc>xpovos> add kfo. = πρόωρός, Thasos II 1 7^*334·^^ > Adv. πρόχρονα, ib. 168.332.7·’ Απροωθισμός, ό, pushing forward, Simp, in Cael. 543.23. πρόλις, for ‘Cret.’ read ‘Cypr.’ ; after “πυρρίχη” add ‘1’ πρόμνα I. 2, add ‘ : prov., πρώρα και πρύμνα, i.e. all that is most important, τής ΈΧΧάδος D.Chr.37.36 πρύμνηθεν, for ‘Il.15.716. ./ri34g’ read ‘ A.Th.209 ; by the stern, π. Χάβ( II. 15. 716; stern-foremost, Arat.348; dub. sens., E. IT 1 349’ πρυμνός, add ‘ : metaph., έκ πρύμνης φρΐνός · prob. in A.Supp.989’ πρυτανεία (A) I, add ‘b. the body of πρύτανεις, /G22.4i5-i5 Civ b.c.), cf. ib. 330.8, 35 (all pi.).’ f πρυτάνευμα, before ‘(i b.c.) insert = GLP1.1 13.14 128 •π-ρυτανεύω SUPPLEMENT ττυριλοχευτός πρυτανεύω in. ι, delete “παρά τίνος” and ‘by one’ χπρωβοκάτωρ, ο, ν. προβοκάτωρ in Suppl. *πρώειρα, delete the asterisk. πρώην, line I, for ‘Theoc.5.4,15.15 ;’ read ‘Theoc.8.23,14.5, Mosch.3.69; also πρόαν Theoc.4.60,5.4,15.15 ;’ end of article, delete ‘(The first. .4.60.)’ πρωθήβη?, line 4, after 'App. Hisp.6f add ‘ ; π. φοΐνιξ SEG 7.195 (Syria, iv a.d.)’ χπρωθιερεύ?, ecus, 0, chief priest, lnscr.Cret. I xxii 12 (Olus, i a.d.); ν. πρωτοϊερεύς (Suppl.). πρωϊζό?, add ‘, cf. Is.Fr.68’ πρώϊος II, line 2, after ‘130;’ insert ‘φΐτυ π. S.F/.88g ;’ add ‘Hit in early life, TF7.439 (Theodorid.), 716 (Dionys.).’ πρώκιος or πρώκινος, for ‘restd.’ read ‘cj.’, for 'Aet. . .542)’ read ‘Fr. 1.34 Pf.’, and add at end ‘, ν. προίκιος with Suppl.’ πρωκτό?, after ‘anus,’ insert ‘Hippon.1x.32 D.3,’ πρώρα, line 3, after ‘f.l.’ insert ‘for πρώειράν' i. 2, add ‘b. = πρόσωπον, Hsch., who explains πρωραχθης — επι to πρόσωπον, bowed forwards, cf. καλλίπρωρος.’ four lines from end of article, for “*πρώειρα” read “πρώειρα” πρωράτη?, add ‘; Ion. -ήτη?, Hesperia 18.59A11 (from Andros, v B.c.) ’ πρωταγωνιστέω, add ‘ ; of leadership in war, 7^68.47.30 (Lycia, ii b.c. ?)’ χπρωταναγνώστη?, ου, o, chief lector, Sardis 7.1.188. πρωταπογράφομαι, substitute ‘πρωταπογράφέω, register for the first time: — Med. or Pass., cj. in PFay. 31.18 (ii a.d.).’ χπρωταπόγραφο?, o, or - ον , to, list of persons registered for the first time, ά\πογράφεσθαι ] εν πρωταπογράφω Pap. in Aegyptus 15.209 (iii A.D.). πρωτείο?, for “-ειο?” read “-εΐο?” and after ‘quality,’ insert ‘ Edict. Diocl. 8.1 1 ;’ χπρωτέλειο?, V. προτελειος (Suppl.). χπρωτεπιστήμων, ον, gen. ovos, dub. sens., Anon, in Rh. 15.18. πρωτεύ?, after ‘248’ add ‘(gen. πρωτεος pap.; lect. dub.)’ χπρωτέφηβο?, o, leader of έφηβοι, Inscr.Dtlos 1956 (i B.c.). χπρωτήκτωρ, ορος, 6, = Lat. protector (Augusti), IGRom. 3.10, al. χπρώτηλα, τά, teams of oxen, cf. Lat. protelum, dub. in JRS46.46, line 4 (Phrygia, iii a.d.). πρωτοβόλο? I. 1, delete ‘(Rufin.)’ χπρωτοίερεύ?, ecus, o', chief priest, Chapouthier Les Dioscures au service d’une deesse 26 (Dorylaeum) ; ν. πρωθιερεύς (Suppl.). πρωτοκλισία, after ‘etc. ;’ add ‘εν ταΐς άλλαις συνόδοις πάσαις πρωτοκλισία JHS34· 1 42 (Delos, ii b.c.) ;’ χπρωτοκούρη?, ητος, d, head of a college of κουρήτες ii. 3, Buckler Anat. Studies 122 (Ephesus, iii a.d.). πρωτόκτιστο?, add ‘2. first built, of a gate, Sch.E.F/i.i 1 13.’ χπρωτόμηνο?, o, one of the νεωποΐαι in charge in the first month of the year, cj. in Jahresh. 30 Beibl. 195 (Ephes., i B.c./i a.d.) ; cf. σύμμηνος. χπρωτονεωποιό?, d, first vec οποιός, C/G2800, Rev. fit. Gr. 19. 145 (both Aphrodisias in Caria; -νεοπ-). πρωτόπολι?, add ‘2. ν. πρωτόπτολις (Suppl.).’ πρωτοπολίτη?, after 'Gloss’ add ', cf. Vit. Aesop. ( W)8i’ and after ‘ib. ’ add cf. Vit. Aesop. (G)g3 ; sg., eminent citizen, Άθηνά 15.35 (Thessalonica ; — είτης).’ πρωτοπρεσβύτερο?, add ‘, SEG 19.443 (Philippi)’ χπρωτόπτολι?, ecus, ή, first, i.e. oldest, among cities, Τάρσος άειδο- μενη π. Nonn.D.41 -357- πρωτοστάτη? ι, add ‘4. president, π. κώμης PCair.Isidor.64.. io (iii a.d.) , cf. PVarsov. in JJP2( 1948).! 12.5, ν. προστάτης in Suppl.’ χπρωτοσφήν, σφήνος, 6, first wedge, oi π. Hero Stereom.2.31 , al. χπρωτουργικό?, η, όν, primary, αιτία Procl. in F.l. 180 K. χπρωτοφεγγή?, e?, shining with first light, της π. ημέρας Gyges Fr. in PO-ry.2382.ii. 1 1 . πταίρω, line 4, after ‘Ep. 35.3’ add ‘; cf. πτερνομαι (Suppl.)’ πταίσμα ι. I, add ‘b. blow or bruise on the toes, Poll.2.199, cf. επίπταισμα in Suppl.’ χπτάσα, ν. πετομαι. χπτ€ράφορία, ή, office of feather-bearer, PTeb. 298.21 (ii a.d., -εία Pap.), cf. πτεραφόρος. πτερί?, after ‘Dsc.4.185’ add ‘, πτερίδα D.Ghr.7.75’ χπτεριστή?, ον, d, dub. sens., perh. embroiderer, /G’3.3441 ( πταιρ -). πτέρνη ι. 2, add MP9.225.4 (Honest.), and so prob. in Call.Fr. 2.4 Pf.’ iii, after ‘f.l. for πέρνα in’ insert ‘Poll. 2. 193,’ χπτερνομαι, = πτάρνυμαι, 3 sg. πτερνεται. gloss on χρεμπτεται, Cyr. πτερόν III. 2, add ‘, πεμπειν χρύσεον Μούσαν Αλεξάνδρα) π. B.Fr.2oB.4 S.’ 3> after ‘of the wind,’ insert ‘Call.Fr. 110.53 Pf.’ add ‘10. column in tables, Cat.Cod.Astr. 8(2). 13. F.47-87.’ πτεροφυή?, add ‘, PMag.Leid.V. 2.6’ πτερυγιον ii, add ‘11. cloudy spot in the beryl, Plin.//jV37. 79·’ πτέρυξ ii. η, add ‘b. extremity, end of earth, Lxx Is. 1 1.12, Ez. 7.2 (both pi.).’ πτηνοπεδιλο?, add ‘, PMag.Lond. 46.404’ πτίλον, line 1, for ‘(q.v.)’ read ‘(cf. Ψίλαξ B)’ line 3, after ‘Suid.),’ insert ‘απαλόν φ. rest, in Alcm.3.fr.3.ii.68 P. ;’ πτιλωτό?, add ‘3. decorated with feather pattern, φιάλαι IG2Z. 1443. 135·’ πτοεω, line 2, after ‘Call. Dian. 191’ insert ‘; Dor. επτοάθην E.IA 586 (lyr.)’ 11, line 5, after ‘1018);’ insert ‘φρενας inroearaL Anacr.i fr.1.12 P. ;’ fin., after ‘586 (lyr.)’ insert ‘, Hsch. s.v. πτοιώμενον χπτολιρραίστη?, ου, o', v.l. for πολιρραίστης (q.v.). χπτυάζω, winnow, Hsch. s.v. λελικμημενη. πτύον, add ‘and is restored in ^013.13.119 (Athens, v b.c.).’ πτύρομαι, add ‘ : Act. πτύρω as expl. of terreo in Virgil glossary, PJVess. 1.778 (vi a.d.), Gloss.' πτυχίον I, add ‘2. prob. leaves of a folding door, PMerton 39.5 (iv/v A.D.).’ πτώσι? iii, add ‘2. of the categories, mode, Arist.FFi2i7b30.’ πτωτικό?, add ‘3. slippery, Hsch. s.v. ολισθηρόν.’ πτωχεία I, add ‘2. low estate, Lxx 3K1.22. 14.’ πτωχό? ii, after ‘Ep.Gal. 4.9’ add ‘ ; νοήματα (in a comparison) O.H.Comp.4’ πτωχοφανή?, for ‘like’ read feigning to be’ χπυάνη, ή, dub. sens., Sch.A II. 12.459 (perh. = λάρναξ). πυανο?, after Hsch. ;’ add ‘πύανοι, μΐγμα παντοδαπών οσπρίων, Theognost.Can.23 (cod. πτυ-) ;’ πΟαρ, add ‘; v.l. in Sol. 25.7 D. (cf. πΐαρ)’ πύα?, delete the article. χπυγιαΐα, τά, ν. πρόσθεμα II. 2. χπϋγίον, τό, Dim. of πυγή, Berl.Sitzb. 1934Ί040 (Tab. Defix.). χπυγιστή?, οΰ, ό, paedicator, πυγ(ιστης) SB68J2 (graffito), πυγμάχο?, init. , insert ‘(parox.)’ πυέλιον, after “πύελος” insert ‘, lnscr.Cret. ι xvii 12A6 (Lebena, ii/i b.c.)’ Πυθαγόρειος, after ‘Pythagorean,’ add ‘Pl.F.6oob, etc. : -ειοι, oi,’ ; after ‘Pl.F.53od’ insert ‘(the only ex. in PI.)’ and after ‘985b23’ add ‘, al., Iamb. FF18.80, al., etc.’ Πυθαγορικό?, before “τά Π.” insert ‘οί Π., Plu.2.488, JVu.2.2;’ and after ‘D.L.7.4’ add ‘; a work by Aristotle, Arist.Fr.204, 205 (to 77. Fr. 199)’ Χπυθαρχεω, to hold the office of *πνθάρχης, Didyma 87.4. Πυθιασταί, add ‘, cf. Tit.Cam. 78.10 (i b.c.)’ Πυθιονίκη? i, line 2, after ‘Hid. 5. 19’ add ‘; also nom. Πυθιονίκα /G7.i888b9’ Πυθόνικο?, add ‘, GDIi^o^Bb^ (Opus)’ χπυκλιή, gloss on βαθάρα (Maced.), Hsch. πυκνό? A. iii, add ‘3. το π. terseness of style, D.H. Th.24, c^· πυκνόω ii. b.’ ν. i fin., delete ‘ ; το π. . . 24’ πυκταλεύω, after ‘ill’ add ‘(= Id. in PSIi2i4ai6)’ πυκταλίζω, for ‘62.4’ read T fr.4.1, 51 P., dub. rest, in Hippon. vn.9 D.3’ πυκτί? (B), for ‘sed leg.’ read ‘v.l.’ Πυλαία 2, for the present section substitute ‘ Amphictyonic rights, D.6.22, 8.65, cf. 5.23 (which may belong to 1)’ πυλαωρό? fin., after Tl.24.681’ add ‘, GVI 1 179.7 (Smyrna, ii b.c.)’ πυλεών ii, for the present section substitute ‘ wreath , Alcm. 3.65, 60.2 P., Pamphil.ap.Ath. 1 5.678a ; crown, Call.Fr.80.5 Pf., Aristaenet. 1 . 1 5 ( πόλεων cod.), cf. Poll.5.96.’ πύλη n. i c, after ‘metaph.,’ insert ‘εαρος π. Alc.2g6(i).3 L.-P. ;’ add ‘d. stomach, Nic.dZ.22, 138.’ πυνθόνομαι i. J, add ‘b. in π. μη δάκνει E.Heracl. 482 fear is indicated (cf. μή c. 11. 1 with Suppl.) ; later μη seems to be used as in direct questions, e.g. Plu.Phil.3, Per.35, though the idea of fear is often appropriate, e.g. Id.0o/.6, Cleom. 22.’ χπύννο?· ό πρωκτός, Hsch., cf. Didyma 50.2.451 (graffito) ; v. πουνιαζειν. πυξίδιον ii, after “πυξίς,” insert ‘ Inscr.Dilos 1417F1139 (ii b.c.),’ πϋό?, line 3, for ‘supr.’ read “πύον ii” πυρ I. 4, add ‘; Πΰρ άφθαρτον Jahresh. 44 Beibl.2^2 (Ephesus)’ πυρά, ών, line 8, delete ‘metaph.,’ πυρά, ας, 3, add ‘b. a pile of wood for burning, Act.Ap. 28.2.’ χπυράπτη?, ου, ό, fire-lighter, SEG 19.661 (Alabanda, Imperial), πυραυγή?, add ‘, Orph.T/.ig.i (codd. ; πΰρ-).’ πυργηρέομαι, add ‘ ; Act., πυργηροΰμεν φυλάττομεν τά τείχη, Hsch.’ χΠυργία, ή, goddess of the tower, title of Athena in Locris, Sit zb. Berl. 1935.695 ; cf. επιπυργΐτις. πυργίον, add ‘2. dice-box, Sch.Aeschin. 1 .59. 3. part of a trireme, Hsch.’ πυργίτη?, for ‘of a tower' read 'of a πύργος i. 3’ πύρδαλον, for ‘Lyr.Alex.Adesp.31’ read ‘Call.Fr.197.42 Pf.’ πύρεθρον fin., for ‘11’ read T. T πυρεκβόλο?, init., insert ‘(parox.)’ πυρήν iv. i, add ‘ ; in APi 1.90 (Lucill.) prob. probe ’ and in 2 for ‘Id.’ read ‘Gal.’ vi, for ‘Str.4.6.10’ read ‘Plb. 34.10.9’ χπυριαυγή?, ες, fiery bright, cj. at Orph.T/.ig.i. χπυριλοχευτό?, όν, fire-born, of Dionysus, Ps.-Callisth.55.5. 129 5** ττυρίνη SUPPLEMENT ρητορικός πυρίνη, for ‘f.l...i33’ read ‘= πυρήν is found in codd., e.g. Gp. 9.18 (the stone of the fruit of the terebinth; v.l.)’ πυριρρόθιος, delete the article. πυρΐτις i. 1, for ‘, .d/.53i’ read ‘ ; Adj., ριζάδα (v.l. — ίδα) πυρίτιδα Id.dZ.531’ πυριφλεγέθων i, add ‘2. blazing with fire, [κεραυνός] Berl.Sitzb. 1934.1046 (Tab. Defix.). ’ πυριφλεγής I, add Sup., Flu.Daed.5’ Χπΰρίχροος, ον, contr. —χρους, ουν, — πυρίχρως, Xenocr. Lap. go. πυρκαεύς, add ‘, Poll.9.156; Προμηθενς π. title of play by A., ibid., Id. 1 0.64’ Χπυρκόρος, <5, prob. tender of the sacred fire (cf. veto κόρος), Ά ρχ.’Εφ. 1 934/5· *4° (Atrax in Thessaly, v b.c.). χπυρλός, gloss on βαθάρα (Athaman.), Hsch. χπϋροβόλησις, εως, ή, sowing of wheat, BGU 1850.25 (i B.c.?; προ) 3— Pap.). πυρόεις, after “εν” insert ‘(Poet, also ειν, Nic. ΤΆ.74.8)’ χπυροελκής, ej, with fiery ulcers, λοιμού π. GF/993.I (Rome, ii/iii A. D.). χπυρόκοπρος, ή ( ?),fire of dung, Moses Alch.301.21,31 1.16. χπυροσώματος, ον, with fiery body, PMag.Lond. 1 21. 701. πυρπολέω ii. 2, for ‘Med., .fire’ read ‘Pass.’ πυρρίχιος n, after “πυρρίχη” insert ‘, D.H.Com/>.i8’ and add at end ‘ ; ρυθμός D.H .Comp. 1 7’ πυρριχισμός, add ‘2. the use of a Pyrrhic foot at the end of an hexameter, Eust. 1577.52 (referring to II. 12.208 (v. όφις)).’ χπυρροκέφαλος, ον, red-headed, Hsch. s.v. πυρσοκόρσου λέοντος. χπυρροκόκκινος, ον, scarlet, Cat.Cod.Astr. 11(2). 157.7· χπυρρόχαλκος, ό, yellow copper, Moses Alch.310.18. χπυρρόω, dye red, Hsch. s.v. ήρυθροδάνωται. πυρσαυγής, before ‘Orph.’ insert ‘dub. cj. in’ χπυρφλέγων, οντος, 6, = πυριφ., Berl.Sitzb. 1934. 1043 (Tab. Defix.). πυρφόρος n, line 6, delete ‘satyric’ πυρώπός n, before ‘Plin.’ insert ‘Propertius 4.10.21,’ πύρωσις, add ‘V. a disease of cereal plants, rust, Lxx dm. 4. 9.’ χπύσμαδε, Adv., π. προσαγαγεΐν, i.e. to an examination before a judge, Pap. in Trans. Am. Phil. ^^.68(1937). 374.37 (iv a.d.). πώγων I, after ’beard,’ insert ‘Ale. 143.6 L.-P. ;’ 4, add ‘ ; but also of the feathered end of the arrow, Nonn.Z).i6.9·’ χπωλάδιον, τό, = πωλάριον, PCair .Isidor . 136.6 (iii/iv A.D., πολαδν pap·)·, χπωλάς, άδος, ή, female foal, την πωλάδαν (sic) όνον PCair. Isidor. 86. 1 1 (iv A.D.). πωλέομαι, line 4, after Tl.5.350’ add ‘ ; Aeol.3 pi. πώλεντ' Ale. 130.33 L.-P.’ πωλητήρ, add ‘; SEGi 2.380.30 (Cos, from Gela-Phintias, iii B. C.)’ πωλίον, add ‘HI. gloss on άκρίς, Sch.Theoc.5.34.’ πώλος i. 2, delete ‘of the dog. . (Strat.) ;’ 3, add ‘; ol κύνεοι π. dPi2.238 (Strat.)’ πώμα (B) 11, after ‘ drinking-cup ,’ insert Έ .Ion 1212,’ πωμάριον, after ’orchard,’ insert ’POxy. 707.19 (ii a.d.),* χπώρη, ό δηλοί τό πένθος, Sch.E.Or.392 (expl. of ταλαίπωρος). πώς iii. 5, after ‘Ach.24.’ insert ‘, E.Hec.n6o ’ and for ‘Id.’ read ‘Ar.’ v, delete ‘ ; π.. .Matt. 21.20’ χπώσποτε, indef. Adv., in any way whatever, Sardis 7(1). 20. 16 (vi A.D·)· πώυ, line 5, after ’D. 3.302 ;’ insert ’πώυ νέων Epic, in BKT^(i). 9. 1. iii 89;’ ραβδίον 4, add ‘, but cf. /G22. 1534. 103 (inventory, iii b.c.)’ ραβδισμός, add ‘, 229 (i b.c.)’ ραβδιστής, after “o',” insert ’beater, PMich.Teb.12y vi 19, xiv 17 (iA.D.);’( ραβδομαντεία, for ‘a wand ’ read ‘ rods or sticks' ράβδος i. 1 fin., for ‘ divining-rod ’ read ’rod or stick used in divining’ iii, line 4, after ‘D.S.5.37’ insert ‘, cf. Hsch.’ iv. 1, after ’verse,’ insert ‘(in expl. of ραφωδός) Menaechm. 9J->’ ραβδουχέω, after ‘badge of office,’ insert ‘ραβδοχεν τός hicpo- ποιός Ath.Mitt. 66.172B9 (Attica, v b.c.) ;’ χραγαδώδης, ες, cracked, of soil, 5P6797.26 (iii B.c.). ραγάς, line 1, after ‘65(e) J.’ insert ‘, 5186797.9 (iii b.c.)’ ροδαλός, add ‘2. dub. sens., ροδαλής, .άρκενθοισι Nicaenet. 1.4.’ Χράδαμος, ό, v. όρόδαμνος. ραδανίζω, for “ροδάνη” read “ροδανίζω” ρόδιος Β, line 1, after ‘Aeol. βραϊδίως’ insert ‘Ale. 129.22 L.— Ρ.,’ 2, line 2, after ’recklessly,' insert ‘βραϊδίως πόσιν έμβαις επ’ όρκίοισι Alc.l.c. ;’ ράθυμος ι. 3, for ’slipshod' read ’languid, feeble' ραΐδα, for ‘ rhaeda ' read ‘ raeda ' ραίω ii, for ‘Pass.,. .S. 77.268’ read ‘Pass., A.Pr.189 (anap.), t S.Tr.268, ΛΡ7.529 (Theodorid.)’ ρακά, before ‘Hebr.’ add ‘Aramaic or’, and at end ‘ ; cf. όαχάς (Suppl .)’ ράκιον, after ‘in sg.,’ insert ‘χαλκόν άδόκιμον ev p. Inscr.Dilos 1450/I103 (ii b.c.) ; metaph.,’ and for ‘Id.’ read ‘Ar.’ add ‘2. perh. bandages made of rags, SEG 13. 12. 163 (Athens, v b.c.) , cf. Poll. 1 0.150.’ ρακίς I, add ‘, cf. ράκΐδας, v.l. for ράδικας at Nic. Th.533.’ ράκος ι. 2, for ‘even, .flesh’ read ‘of flesh torn to rags’ ρακώδης I, after ‘ragged,’ insert ‘προσκέφαλα ια /Gi 1(2). 147/81 3, cf. 22. 1 518.66 ;’ ράμμα (B) 3, add ‘, Arch.Pap. 2. 2. 1 5’ ραμματώδης, add ‘ ; έλιξ τό τής άμπελον ραμματώδες, Gloss, in Cod.Vat.Gr.23’ ράμφος, before ‘Plu.’ insert ‘Call.Fr.647 Pf.,’ Χράνσις, εως, ή, (ραίνω) sprinkling of a temple with wine, Pap. in Chron.d’Eg.2g( 1 940) . 1 36. 15,16 (ii a.d.); written ρεαναις Stud. Pal. 22.183.109 (ii a.d.), cf. ράντης (Suppl.). ραντήρ ii, after ‘ sprinkler ’ add ‘(a vessel)’ and for ‘Adanda’ read ‘Cilicia, i/ii a.d.’ ράν-[της], read “-της”; after ‘ sprinkler ,’ insert ‘of a priestly official or servant, Gnomol.Vat. in Wien.Stud.i 1.230, cf.’; after ‘(ii/iii a.d.),’ insert ’ BGU185.10 (ii a.d. ; ρεαντης, cf. ράνσις in Suppl.),’ and at end add ‘ ; as a surname, Paus.5.21.7’ Χραντοπόλιος, Adj., gloss on μεσαιπόλιος, Sch.Gen.il. 13.361. ραντός, add ‘ ; ραντά, τά, beads sprinkled on the hair, Sext.Ca.1.1 1’ ράπα, for “ ραπαύλους” read “ ραπαΰλας” ραπίζω I, line 5, for 'ρεραπισμένα. . l66’ read ‘ρεραπισμένω νωτω Anacr.i 12 P.’ ράσμα, add ‘ ; όσσας είχ’ λίχιλεύς νήας τόσα ράσματ' οφείλεις PCair. ίζεη. 535·2 (hi b.c.)’ ράσσω 2, add ‘b. dash down, in Pass., Euph. in BKT$(i).x ii 7.’ ρασιωνεύω, line 3, for ‘dub. 1.. .281’ read ‘Ael.Ad 16.23’ ραφάνινος, add ‘; also ρεφάνινος, Moses Alch.300.17’ ράφανος ι. I, add ‘b. = ραφανίς, APq. 520 (Ale. Mess.).’ Χραφικός, ή, όν, = ραπτικός, Sch.D.T.445-22. Χραχάς, α, ό , dub. sens., as nickname, SB 7638.7 (iii B.c.), v.l. in Ev.Matt.y22. ράχις ι. 2, add ‘ ; for ιερή p. see Ιερός iv. 10 with Suppl.’ Χραχνί(ον), τό, Dim. of ράχνος, POxy. 2058.22 (vi a.d.). χράψ, ραπός, v. ράπα. Χ'Ραψώ, οΰς, ή, name of a goddess or nymph, Λ?22·4547 (Phalerum, iv b.c.). Χραψωδημα' φεΰσμα, φλυαρία, Hsch. Χραψωδοτοιοϋτος, ό, rhapsode-fellow, dub. in Strato Com., GLP 1. .,57‘48·. ρέανσις, ρεαντης, delete the articles; v. ράνσις, ράντης (Suppl.). Χρεγεωνάριος, ό, (Lat. regionarius) , police-officer at Antioch in Pisidia, JRS2.81. ρεθομαλίδας, read “ρεθομάλίδας” and for ‘Ale. 150’ read ‘Aeol. acc. to Sch.Il.22.68’ ρεθος, for the present article substitute after “τό,” face, coun¬ tenance, SMni.529 (anap.), E.//F1204 (lyr.), Call.Fr.67. 13 Pf., A.R.2.68, Lyc.173,1 173 : Aeol. in this sense acc. to Sch. II. 22. 68, cf. Sapph.22.3 L.-P. (dub. sens.), Theoc.29.16. 2. in pi., perh. mouth, φυχή δ’ εκ ρεθεων πταμενη II. 16.856. II. in pi., from misunderstanding of 1. 2, limbs, body, ρεθεων εκ θυμόν εληται 11.22.68, cf. Theoc.23.39·’ ρέκτης, add ‘2. Dor. ρεκτας, priest, prob. in IG 14.431.’ Χρεπαρατίων, ωνος, ή, = Lat. reparatio. Stud. Pal. 20. 1 23.33 (va.d.). Χρεπούδιον, τό, — Lat. repudium, POxy. 129. 1 (vi a.d.). ρερυπωμένος, read “ρερΰπωμένος” Χρεφανικός, ή, όν, = ραφάνινος, Zos.Alch. 184.8. ρέω ι. 2, add ‘; ρέει φάτις prob. in Nic. Th. 484. b. of a plague, spread, tip.Ep.2y. c. ευ ρεΐν of enterprises, prosper, prob. in Thgn.639· d. of time, pass, πολλον ρνέντος χρόνου Memn.14.1 J.’ ρηγεύς, add ‘ ; also ραγεύς, Ibyc.35 p·’ Χρήγλα, ή, part of wagon (perh. = Lat. regula), Edict.Diocl.15.13. Χρηγλίον, τό, bar of gold, Edict. Diocl. 30.1a. ρηγμίν or -μις, line 2, after ‘neither form is found’ insert ‘except in Hsch.’ ρήγνυμι, line 3, after ‘cf.4.22’ add ‘, Gnomol.Vat. in Wien.Stud. 9.185’ line 7, after ‘ρήξα 11.6.6’ insert ‘; Aeol. εϋρηξε Ale. 1 79.2 L.-P.’ line 17, delete ‘correct’ A. 5, line 4, after ‘49.13;’ insert ‘θυμόν έρρηξας ib. Jb.15.13·,' ρηκτός, add ‘, cf. A.R.3.848’ Χρηματίζω, speechify, A. Fr. 17.66 M. ρημάτιον, after ‘ phrase ’ insert ‘or word' ρήν, for ‘ή, sheep’ read “o'”; line 2, after ‘FA.453’ add ‘ ; ρήνες, Hsch.’ Χ'Ρηνοπότης, ου, ό, one who drinks the water of the Rhine, 5FG 14.61 1 _(iA-D·)· Χρήνος, εος, τό, = ρήν, dub. in Hsch. s.w. πολυρρην and ρήνεα. ρηξίχθων, after “ονος,” insert ‘<5, earth-breaker, sc. pig (?), Strato Com. 1. 19 (= GFF1.57.19; v.l. έρυσίχθον’). II.’ ρήον, after ‘rhubarb,’ insert ‘Androm.ap.Gal. 14.40,’ Χρητορεΐον, τό, prize for rhetorief). Anon, in Rh. 98.1 1,12. Ρητορικός, add ‘4. ρ. λεξικόν. Lexicon to the Attic orators, Eust. 200.1, al. : pi., Id. 1921. 57.’ 130 ρητός SUPPLEMENT σαλοΰσα £tjt0s ι. i, line 7, after “ρητόν, τό,” insert ‘ compact , treaty, IG 12(9). t 1274, p.ix (Euboea, vi b.c.), Inscr.Cret. 4. 197.17 (ii b.c.) ; also’ ρήτρα, line i, after “ρράτρα,” insert ‘Cypr. ρρήτα,’ i, add ‘ ; επί ρήτρησι λαβεΐν receive on conditions, Call. Fr. 85. 6 Pf.’ 11. 4, after ‘Cyr.1.6.33’ insert Schwyzer 687.1 (Chios, vi b.c.), 679.28 pi. (Cyprus, v b.c.)’ ρήτωρ i. 4, add ‘ ; cf. Pl.Grg^ga.’ ριγέω, line 3, after “ερρίγαντι” insert ‘f.l. in’ ριγοπυρετίον (s.v. ριγοπύρετος), add ‘, PCair. 10263.16 (iv/v a.d.)’ x'Piiia, τά, festival of Poseidon at Rhium in Locris, /G4.428.10 (Sicyon). ρίζα ii. i , add ‘b. shoot or scion growing from the root, Lxx Is. 1 1 . 10, 53.2, ^oc.5.5, 22.16.’ χριζάριον, το', small root, Moses Alch.306.5. ρίζις, delete ‘of. . kind’ ριζόθεν, ριζόθι, init., insert ‘(parox.)’ ριζοκέφαλος, for ‘ of which, .root’ read ’with bulbous root ’ Χριζοκρίκιν, τό, dub. sens., Poliorc. 254.1. Χριζωτήρ, ήρος, o', causing to strike roots, epith. of the sun, but prob. f.l. for ροιζήτωρ, Orph.//.8.6. ρικνώδης, after “γήρα ϊ p.” insert ‘rest, in’, and after ‘(Agath.)’ add ‘, cf. ^9.524. 18’ ρΐμμα, add ‘2. outcast, Sch.E.//«r.io76.’ ρινάω (B), add ‘; cf. καταρρινάω’ Χρινεστήρ, ήρος, 6, prob. halter, PTeb. 886.68 (ii B.c.). pivos i, for Od. 5.426, 435, etc.’ read ‘etc.; pi. Od.5. 426,435, Nic.77i.429’ ρινοΰχος, delete ‘(pis 11)’ ρινωτηρία, for ‘(q.v.)’ read ‘3 (Suppl.)’ ριπίδιον, add ‘2. μόρο s τής νεώς, Hsch.’ ριπίς hi, add ‘, Ael.AC413.10’ ριπτάζω, line 6, for “γυναικών..” read ‘γυναικών άνδρός (for the gen. cf. βάλλω A. II. 1)’ ρίπτω, line 12, for “ρερίφθαι” read “ρερίφθαι” ρισηγετης (s.v. ρισής), add ‘; written ρισηιγήτ- .SF5246.3 (iii/ii B.c.)’ ρισκοφυλάκιον, add ‘, PSI8^ 8.30 (iii B.c.)’ ρόα, for ‘later ροιά,’ read ‘ροιά, At. Pax 1001 (anap.),’ Χρογίύω, pay in kind, fr. Lat. erogare, οίνον PMasp. j6.8. ρόδεος i, after ‘roses,’ insert ‘κάλυκες h.Cer.^ay ;’ 11, after ‘rosy,’ insert ‘χειρ AP 9.745 (Anyte) ;’ ρόδινος, for ‘Anacr.83’ read ‘Anacr.89.2 P., Stesich.10.3 P. (pi.)’ ροδισμός, for ‘ ceremony ’ read ‘Lat. Rosalia, a festival ' ρόδον i. 1, add ‘b. flower of the ροδοδάφνη, huc.Asin.iy. c. of gold, etc., in a necklace, /Gi2.28g.4 (v b.c.), 22.i376.6 (v/iv b.c.).’ 11, add ‘, FC//24.306, 60.337 (Philippi)’ ροιζεω, lines 5/6, after ‘Arist./F4535b27’ add ‘; of beetles, Hippon. 14 A 10 D.3’ add ‘2. used Aq.Gi.31.51 for set up (by a mistake due to the ambiguity of the Hebr. word).’ ^οιζήτωρ, for ‘, 8.6’ read ‘ ; cj. for όιζωτήρ (q.v. in Suppl.), ib.8.6’ ρομβωτός, for ‘JMJ12.2.10’ read ‘J.AJ12.2.9’ ρόον, delete ‘only’ and add at end ‘, acc. ροΰν Alexis 127.6, dat. pot Dorion ap.Ath^^ogf’ ρόος, line 3, after ‘Peripl.M.Rubr. 46’ add ‘ ; nom. pi. ρόες (ροσσ lapis) GF/1684.9 (Chersonesus, i/ii a.d.)’ ρόπτον, for ‘ operating table ’ read ‘= ρόπτρον iii’ ρόπτρον i, for ‘wood. . falls’ read ‘ part of a trap which falls' add ‘IV. = to αίδοΐον, Hsch.’ Χρόσσα- ή κίχλη, Theognost. Can. 102. ροφέω, line 8, after ‘Hippon. 132’ insert ‘and is freq. in the best < codd. of Hp. ; also Dor., Sophr. in PSIi 2 1 4^2 (κατα-) ;’ ρόγχος, after “τό,” insert ‘(acc. ρύ]γχον Sokolowski 21.4 (Ery- thrae, iv b.c.)),’ ρυδον, after Od. 15.426’ add ‘; p. άφνΰονται Call.Fr.366 Pf.’ Χρύζα, ή, (ερύω A), drawing of a bow, Hsch. Χρυθμέω, fix, determine, a penalty, Hesperia 4.15 (Athens, v B.c.). ρυθμίζω ii. 2, line 2, omit ‘, cf.. .20’ 3, add ‘h. give beauty treatment to a person, X.Cyr. 8.8.20.’ Χρυθμοποιός, ό, = ό μέλη και ρυθμούς ποιων, Hsch. ρυθμός v, line 6, delete ‘Αύτονόας. .26.23;’ ρυκάνη, after ‘plane’ insert ‘(tool)’ and at end add ‘, Varro LL6. Χρϋκάνισμα, ατος, τό, plane-shaving, Poliorc. 223.18. ρΰμα (B), after protection, insert ‘τουτους ηύξήσατε β ύ ματ a δόντι ς Sol. 8. 3 D.3 (cj.) ;’ Χρυμβάδας λάϊγγας· τάς διεσχισμόνας, Hsch. Χρόμιγξ- χείμαρρος, Hsch. Χρόμίον, το, Dim. of ρύμη ii, PMeyer 2θν·5 (iii a.d.). ράμμα ii, for ‘Sch.Nic.d/.gs’ read ‘Nic./4/.g6’ ρυμός i. 2, line 2, for ‘log. .fuel’ read ‘wood used in cooking victims, possibly as spit’ 11, for ‘trace’ read ‘rein’ iv, add ‘; but D. B. Thompson ( Hesperia 13.186) argues that in IG i2. 3 1 3. 2 1, 22, 28 and 314.40 p. means steel-yard and that in the above examples it means beamful, weighing lot’ ρυπαρός 2, after ‘Longin.43.5’ add ‘ ; λόγου μόριον O.H.Comp.iz’ Χρϋποπώλης, ου, ό, = γρυτοπώλης, seller of rubbish, Sch.Ar.F/.i7· ρυπόω, lines 2/3, for “ρερυπωμεν a” read “ρερυπωμενα” ρυσαλέος, add ‘; γραίη GVI 1185.1 (Palestine, ii/iii a.d.)’ ρυσίπτολις, after “ρυσίπολις,” insert ‘A.Fr.296.7 M. (lyr.),’ ρύσις^ i, add ‘b. metaph., τής λεξεως D.H.Dem.^o, cf. Comp. 23· after M^ath.,’ insert ‘ρυσει οημείου συνίατατα ι γραμμή Ph.I.23;’ ρυστάζω, line 3, after Tl.24.755’ insert ‘, cf. Call.Fr.588 Pf.’ ρυστήρ ii. 2, for the present section substitute ‘= άρυστήρ, ladle of irrigating-machine (shaduf), prob. in Pap. in Aegyptus 6.191 (Pap. ρηστηρ).’ ρύτειρα, after ‘fern.’ insert ‘of ρυτήρ (A), Άρταμι p. τόξων Alcm.(?) 170 P. ;’ ρυτήρ (B), before “ρυτήρες” insert ‘ δήμου p. Arch.Anz.2i.f8 (Miletus, ii b.c.) ;’ ρυτός ii, line 4, after ‘67 ;’ insert ‘prob. in Phld.F/i.2.548, where the v of τόν may be the initial of the lost word ;’ ρύτωρ (A), add ‘ ; p. τόξου the constellation Sagittarius, Arat.301’ ρωβίδας, for ‘of less, .old’ read ‘in first year of public education, i.e. seven years old’ ρωγάς, for “ό, ή,” read ‘fern. Adj.’ add ‘Π. as Subst., ή, cloven rock, Nonn.D.3.56,10.175 (cod.).’ Ρωμαϊκός, line I, after al. ;’ insert ‘άρυσάς. .— οΐς γράμμααιν επιγεγ ραμμένος Inscr. Delos 442F139 (ii b.c.);’; line 2, after ‘(Delos, ii b.c.)’ add ‘: -όν, τό, an article of clothing, PRyl.A.. 627.18 (iv A.D.)’ Χ^Ρωμαΐον, τό, temple of Roma, Milet 7 p.17 (i b.c.). ‘Ρωμαίος, add ‘ ; applied to Greek subjects of the Roman Empire, oi εωοι ' Ρωμαίοι Prisc.Fr.30 Μ. ; later, of Greeks in general, Sch.S.ylni.264’ ρωμαλέος 2, add ‘b. strengthening, offood, Diocl.Fr.133 (Comp.).’ Χρωμαλεότης, ητος, ή, physical strength, Rh.3.599.15. Ρώμη, add ‘2. ή πρεσβυτέρα 'P. opp. ή νέα (Constantinople), Just.Aby.70. 1 ; Βυζάντιός ' P . API. 4.56.1; ίκατέρα 'P. Just. Aby.81.1.’ ρώννυμι ii. 3, lines 4/5, after ‘D. 18. 152, 19.248’ insert ‘; τή θυσίη. Men.Z>vjc.264, cf. 520’ ρωπεύω i, add ‘ ; ρωπεύειν· ξυλεύεσθαι, Suid.’ ρωπογράφος, for ‘(ρώπος) . . masters’ read ‘(όώφ A) painter of forest scenery ’ ρωποπώλης, line 3, after ‘ροπο-’ add ‘, cf. ib.3A7.io.i5(A)’ Χρωσιτάριον, τό, perh. = ρωστήριον, POxy. 1922.4 (v A.D.). ρωσκομένως, for ‘ρώννυμαι, strongly’ read ‘ρώομαι, actively, vigorously ’ βωστήριον, add ‘, but expld. as παρορμητικόν, Hsch.’ ρωχμή, for ‘fissures’ read ‘wrinkles’ σ’ II, add ‘; τάμα και σ’ Id.FZ.273’ σάβανον, after ‘towel,’ insert ‘Edict.Diocl. 28.57, al.,’ Χσαβουράτος, ον, = Lat. saburratus, filled with ballast, σκάφος P Merton 46.10 (vi a.d.). σάβουρος, for ‘ without ballast ’ read ‘perh. in ballast, empty’ and add ‘ ; cf. Lat. saburra, ballast ’ σάβυττος I, after ‘hair,’ insert ‘έξυρημένος σαβύττους Eup. in POxy. 1803.59, cf·’ σαγγαικόν, for “βεβλη μόνον” read “βεβαμμόνον” and for ‘Roussel, .p.224’ read ‘ Inscr.Dilos 1417F160, cf. 1416^158,1452 ^40 (all ii b.c.)’ Χσαγιττάριος, 6, = Lat. Sagittarius, SB 4.22·$. 8 (pi., iv a.d.). Χσαγματικός, ή, όν, of or for a pack-saddle, βελόνη Edict.Diocl. 16. 10. σάθων, add ‘II. title of a work by Antisthenes against Plato, whom he so nicknamed, Ath.5.22od, D.L.3.35.’ σακεσφόρος I, after ‘Ajax,’ add ‘B.13.104 S.,’ Χσάκκαρος, ό, dub. sens., »S’F7i8iF36 (iii a.d.). Χσακκοπάθνιον, gloss on χλιδός, Hsch. (dub. sens.). Χσακκοποιός, ό, sack-maker, PKlein.F0rm.124. (yi A.D.). Χσακκοράφος, η, ον, for sewing sacks, βελόνη Edict.Diocl. 16. 10 (σαρκο-), ό7?7ΐ8ι.βΐ2. σάκκος ii. i, for ‘, Ostr.. .al.’ read ‘(a) of grain (= όνος = 3 artabae), Ostr. 1091, 1096, 1 1 01 (all ii a.d.), ( b ) of wine, Ostr. Mich. 249 (iv a.d.).’ σακκοφορικός, add ‘ ; Subst., to <7., a tax paid by σακκοφόροι, PGoodsp.Cair.i^.’j (iv a.d.)* σαλάγη, add ‘ , cf. σαλαγεΐ (σασαλαγεΐ cod.)· θρηνεί, Hsch.’ Χσαλακονδεΐτον, τό, spiced salt, IG 7.3064.1.34, Edict.Diocl .3.9. Σαλαμίς, omit ‘in Gramm.’ and after “Σάλάμίν,” insert ‘Eun. HS p.494 B.,’ σαλάσσω, for “= σαλεύω” read ‘shake, make unstable ’, for ‘Al. 457.’ read ‘Al. 457 ;’, and delete ‘II. overload, cram full,’ Χσαλάχιον, τό, prob. = σελάχι ον, PMich.Teb. 1271132, Gloss. Χσαλγαμάριος, ό, seller of pickles, = Lat. salgamarius, SEGi 1.169 (Corinth, vi a.d.). σαλευτός, add ‘, cj. in Prod, in R. 1.103 K.’ σαλεύω, line 1 1, after ‘1St.28.14’ add ‘ ; disturb a tomb, 55^51.148 (Caralitis, ii a.d.), etc.’ 11. 3, for ‘with the hip-joints far apart’ read ‘with a displaced hip-joint’ Χσαλοΰσα· φροντίζουσα, Hsch., v. σάλη. 131 σαλττιγγωτόξ SUPPLEMENT σ0€νής σαλπιγγωτός, add ‘, PLund Univ.Bibl. 3·3·9 (ii a.d.)’ , χσαλπιγκτήρ, ήρος, ό, = σαλπιγκτής, Hsch. s.v. οτρυντηρ. σάλπιγξ hi, for ‘ στρόμβος 2’ read ‘ στρόμβος 3’ χσαλπιζηνός, ό, name of a kind of opal, Dionysius in Wien.Stud. 20.321. χσαλτουάριος, ό, = σαλτάριος, Keil-Premerstein Dritter Bericht 1 1 (iii a.d.) . σαμβυκίστρια, add ‘, PHib. 270. 1 (iii B.c.) χΣαμναΐος, ό, epith. of Apollo, SEGi 4.688,690.62 (Caria, ii/iB.c.). χσάμφατον, rd, or -os, o', dub. sens., perh. a vessel for or measure of wine, PSI 1423.23 (iv a.d.). σάμψουχον, line 3, before ‘Aret.’ insert ‘Nic.Fr.74.53, AP\. 1 . 1 1 (Mel.),’ χσάμψυχος, ή, — σάμφουχον, Hsch. s.v. ΰσωπίς. χσανάπαι, Thracian for μέθυσοι, Hecat.34 J. σανδάλιον ill, add ‘(so perh. σαντάλιν Pap. in JTM20.27.14, v/vi A.D.)’ σανδαλίσκος, for ‘Hippon.18’ read ‘Hippon.24a D.3, Herod. 7. I25’ σανδαλοθήκη, add ‘, Inscr.Ddlos 1450.139, 1451Λ38 (ii B.c.)’ σάνδαλον i, for ‘Sapph.98’ read ‘Sapph.i 10(a). 2 L.-P., Call. Fr. 631 Pf.’ χσανδάσηρος, o or 17, a precious stone, De MHy Lapid.Gr. 208. 1179, cf. Plin.//jV37.i02 : — also σανδασέρειος, Nic.Fr.102 (ap.Plin.l.c. ; sandaserion codd.). σανδύκιον, add ‘; Stud. Pal. 20.96.10’ σάνδυξ ii, after ‘ casket , Id.’ add ‘, cf. σ ένδον κη, -ονκι, Sch.Ar.f7. 711,809 (Turk, sandik)’ σανιδώδης, add ‘ ; ξύλον σ. κάταργον, of the ξόανον of Hera at Samos, Διηγήσεις iv.27’ σανιδωτός, for ‘al.’ read ‘Inscr. Delos 1403^^1133,1417^1155 (ii b.c.), Hsch. s.v. φατνωτών, Gloss.’ σανίσκη, for ‘4.36’ read ‘4.62’ σαννάδας, add prob. in Sch.Hippon.x. 1 D.3’ χσαντάλιν, v. σανδάλιον (Supph). σάος, at end, delete ‘ : cf. σάως’ χσάπημα, ατος, τό, decay, ούλων De Mely Lapid.Gr. 182. 19 (ph)· σαπρία, add ‘2. metaph., of persons, rottenness, Vit. Aesop. (G) 29.’ χσαπρόμορφος, ον, mis-shapen, Vit. Aesop. (G) 1 2 1 . σαπρός ii. 3, add ‘ : metaph., ειρήνη a. At. Pax 554’, and delete section 4. χσαράβακος, dub. sens, et lcct., σαραβάκων κοπίδων Achae.13. σαραπιακός, add ‘ ; καδίσκος σ. Inscr. Delos 1417^11134 (ϋ b.c.) χΣαραπίδειον, τό, temple of Sarapis, Διηγήσεις νί·4· Σάραπις, line 1, after “ιδος” add ‘(also ιος, Robert Hell. 11.85, Inscr. Dilos 14121261, al.)’ Σαραπιεϊα (s.v. Σάραπις), add ‘; at Naxos (written -ιηα), IG 12(5). 38.4,1 1,18’ σαργάνη 2, after ‘basket,’ insert ‘SEG 13. 13. 135 (Athens, v b.c.),’ χσάρδις, ό, Lydian for year, Lyd. Mens. 3.20. σαρδισμός, add ‘; prob. in Sch.D.T.447.25 ( σαρκασμός codd.)’ χσαρδονύχιον, τό, = σαρδόνυξ, prob. in Ak.Jb.O.Q. 16. σαρήσιον, delete the article. σάρισα, line 3, after ‘appears in’ insert ‘Rev. Arch. 6(1 935). 31 (Amphipolis, ii b.c.), in the Pap. of Men.PA.206, also’ σαρκασμός, add ‘; cf. σαρδισμός (Supph). ’ σαρξ, line 13, after ‘Pa. 746’ add ‘ : so in ph, al σάρκες al κεναι φρένων Id. El. 387’ σάρον ii, line 3, for ‘sea-weed’ read ‘Delos’ σαρωνίζω, add ‘ ; prob. rest, in Hippon.v.3 D.3’ σαρωνίς, delete ‘Poet.ap.’ σατυρικός 2, add ‘ ; σατυρικαι κωμωδίαι, of certain Latin comedies, Nic.Dam.ap.Ath.6.26ic, cf. Lyd. Mag. 1.4 T σατύριον ii, for ‘fritillary. .graeca' read ‘ heart-flowered orchis, Serapis cordigera’ Σατυρίσκος I, before ‘Theoc.’ insert ‘/G22. 1643.4 (iv B.c.), Michel 815.18 (Delos, 364 b.c.),’ Σάτυρος, line 1, before “, ό” add ‘[ l3ne 4> a^ter ‘Th.2.8’ insert ‘, cf. έφ’ ϋδατι σ. Arat.873’ B. ii, line 4, after ‘Ath. 8’ add ‘; συνθήκας Rev.fit.Gr. 33.8 (Theangela, iv/iii b.c.)’ σημάντρια 2, for the present section substitute ‘σαμάντριαν . . πυράς. .Ιωάν sign, Call./,r.228.40 Ph’ σημάντωρ, line 1, after “ό,” insert ‘Dor. σαμ- Simon. 14.62. (a). 3 P., Pi.Pae. 13(a). 24 S.,’ χσημειολότης [ϋ], ου, ό, interpreter of portents, Vit. Aesop. (G) 86, Ps.- Callisth.1.4 (ph). σημεΐον I, add ‘10. signpost, Demetr.F/oc.202.’ add ‘IV. = Lat. signutn, second name, /G 14.935.’ σημειόω I. 1, add ‘ ; σεσημ(ε}ιωμένος patterned, Edict. Diocl. 1 9-8.’ σημείωσις I, add ‘2. as a term for “pronoun”, A.D.Fron.4.2.’ σημειωτός, add ‘II. patterned, φακιάλια Edict. Diocl. 29.38.’ χΣημήϊον (B), to, image of a Syrian deity, Semea or Simea, Luc. Syr.D. 33 (but Lucian misunderstood, interpreting as ‘sym- boP). χσημήτωρ, = σημάντωρ I. 2, γραφήν σ. τύμβου LIVl 164.2 (Cius). σημόθετος, for ‘placed as a mark ’ read ‘dub. sens.’ χσημοφόρος, ον, standard-bearing, κάμαξ Epigr. in Wien.Sitzb.224. (0-39 (Egypt, ϋ/i b.c.) , . , σηνοΰροι, read “σήνουροι and at end add , cf. σαινουρος σηπία, line 2, delete ‘at Athens’ σήρ, delete the article. χσηρίον- Θηρών, PIsch. ; cf. σηροκτόνος. σησάμινος, delete ‘δοκοί. .Ruhr. 36;’ and ‘(σ. ξυλά. . l .98)* add ‘2. of sisoo-wood (Dalbergia Sissoo), ξύλα Dsc.1.129; also σασάμινος, φάλαγγες Peripl.M.Rubr.36.’ χσησαμοσπορεύω, sow with sesame, Pass. aor. subj. -ευθήι prob. in PCair-Zen. 816.6 (iii b.c.). χσησκουπλικάριος, ό, = Lat. sesquiplicarius, PHamb. 39.21 (p.169) (ii a.d.) ; also -κιάριος BGU 614.2.1 ij\2 (iii a.d.). σητόβρωτος, add ‘, PFam.Teb. 1 3.36 (ii a.d.)’ σθενής, for “ κρατερός” read “καρτεράς” 132 σθενόγαυρος SUPPLEMENT σκηνορραφεϊον χσθενόγαυρος, ον, exulting in strength, prob. in GF/263.3 (Phrygia, 11 A.D.). χσιακυκα, ά, prob. non-Hellenic name of a cult-object, Inscr.Cret. 1. v 23.15 (Arcades, ii a.d.). σίαλον i, add pi., Nic.7"A.86’ Σίβυλλα, add ‘II. prophetess generally, Βαλουβουργ Σήνονι (lea. Σέμνονι) σίβυλλα SB6221.8 (Ostrac., ii a.d.).’ σιγαλόω, add ‘, cf. Sch.Pi.O.3.8’ σιγάλωμα, for “σιγαλόεντα” read “σιγαλόεν” σιγητής, for ‘37.262’ read ‘37.269’ σίγλος I. 2, add ‘; also, σίγλων χρνσείων χιλιάς Alex.Aet.4. 3’ π, before ‘Phot.’ insert ‘IG22. 1544.22 (Eleusis, iv b.c.),’ and delete ‘, cf. sq.’ σίγμα π. i, for ‘Aspendus’ read ‘Side’ χσιγματυρ[, dub. sens., σινδόνι(ο)ν a. PRyl.82y.42. σίγνον π, after "store, prison, etc.,’ insert ‘GF/849.3 (Phrygia, i a.d.),’ add ‘III. second name, GF/1096.3 (Propontis, i a.d.?), 446.4 (Athens, iii/iv a.d.), cf. σημεΐον in Suppl.’ σιδήρεος, init., before ‘ SIGiaa.ia. ’ insert ‘S.Fr.20, E.Ph.26 Th.2.76.4,’ σιδηρίσκος, for ‘a medical, .spatula,' read ‘dub. sens., rest, in’ σιδηρίτης i. i, after ‘Eup.263’ insert ‘, cf. A.Fr.17.67 M.’ σίδηρο κόντρα, for ‘ Ausonia 6.9*’ read "Inscr.Cret. 4.305’ and after ‘Gortyn’ insert ‘, iii a.d.’ χσιδηροπερσης or -πέρθης, ου, 6, destroying with iron, PHib.ll.1y2. 93 (iii b.c.). σιδηρόπληκτος, add ‘2. of digging by spade, -κτοι τάφων λαχαί (cf. λαχή in Suppl.) ib.912 (lyr.).’ χσιδηρόροφος, ον, iron-roofed, Nonn.D.8.137 (cj.). σιδηρόψυχος, add ‘, PMag.L0nd.12i .356’ χσίδλιν, = σιτλίον (q.v. in Suppl.). σιειδής, for ‘23.71’ read ‘1.71 P.’ χσικάριον, το', (Lat. sica) dagger, POxy. 1294.8 (ii/iii a.d.). σικυήλατον, add ‘ ; σικύρατον PHarnb. 99.7 (i a.d.), cf. PPrincet. 394 (iii a.d.)’ χσικυΐα, ή, — σικάα, Them, in APo. 60.1, Suid. ; cf. έπέθηκε τάν σικ[υΐαν ε]πι τάν γαστέρα Inscr.Cret. I xvii q (Lebena; seems iambic). χσικύρατον, v. σικυήλατον (Suppl.). χσϊκϋρίον, τό = σίκυος, PPrincet. 39.7 (iii a.d. ; peril, corrected to σι,κάτιον, i.e. — άδιον). σικυών, line 8, for ‘The people. .iiB.c.)’ read ‘ Also Σεκυών, A.D. Adv. 144.20, cf. Σεκυώνιοι GD/2581.273 (Delphi, ii B.C.), but Σικυώνιοι SIG^ 1.8 (Doric, v b.c.) and Ίεων έπόησε Σικυώνιος IG 5.1.1565 (Delphi, iv b.c.)’ Σικυώνια, add ‘ ; sg., Macho ap.Ath.8.34ge (cj.)’ σικχάζομαι, read “σικχάζω” σιληπορδεω, delete “( πέρδομαι )” and ‘ vulgar ’; after "Lex. 21’ add ‘(with a pun on περδομαι)'; for ‘first, .compd.’ read ‘origin of the word’ ; after ‘modern Gr.’ add ‘, τζιληπουρδώ ; cf. Zeitschr.vergleich.Sprachwissenschaft 54.156.’ σίλλυβος, line 3, after ‘Poll. 7.64.’ add ‘Acc. to Hsch. s.v., the ph — (0 κροσσοί (tassels), (2) ανθέμια ( artificial flowers ?), (3) κοροκόσμ ια (toys).’ χσίμάλος, η, ον, = σιμός, Sch.Gen.Il.i 5.705· χσιμίσιον, τό, = Lat. semissis, half a gold solidus, Inscr.Cret.i xxii 65 (Olus, iv A.D.). σίμωρ, for ‘field-mouse’ read ‘ animal ’ σίναπι, line 2, after ‘Anaxipp.’ insert ‘(Anthipp. cod. A Ath.)’ σινάττιον, after “σινάπι," insert ‘ Edict. Diocl. 1 .34,35,’ χσινγιλίων, ωνος, ό, a kind of shirt or tunic (= Lat. singilio). Edict. Diocl. 19.47, al. χσινγουλάριος, -apis, v. σιγγλάριος. σινδόνη, add ‘ : pi., Peripl.M.Rubr. 6 (nisi leg. σινδόνες)’ σινδονίσκος, for “-ίσκο$” read “-ίσκη” ; after “σινδών,” insert , ‘Plu.2.34od,’ ; at end add ‘, v. Ath.Mitt. 68.47.24’ aivis i, omit ‘; έθρεφεν. .Ag. 718’ and ‘as Adj. destroying,' n after ‘Corinth,’ insert ‘B.18.20S.,’ σίνομαι, line 6, after “σίνω” insert ‘Plu.2.9i3e (s.v.l.) χσινόργανον, τό, prob. an instrument, or part of a machine, for raising water, P Merton 39.2 (iv/v a.d.), POxy. 1 985.11 (vi a.d.). σίντης 2, delete the section. 3, add ‘ ; of mice, Call.Fr. 1 77 29 Pf.’ n χσιόδματθ5, ον, = θεόδμητος, Alcm.2(iv). 5 P. σιοειδής, for ‘like σίον' read “ = θεοειδής", and add ‘ ; cf. σιειδής ’ χσιόεις, εσσα, εν, overgrown with σίον, An. Ox. 3.401.34. σιοκόμος, delete the article. σιοκόρος, add ‘; cf. Eup.444 (σιωκολλος cod. Phot.), θεοκόρος (Suppl.), θεοκόλος’ χσιόφιν, = θεόφιν, Alcm. 12.4P. χσίππινος, η, ον, = στάππινος, σάκκος PRyl. 4.606.22 (iii A.D.). σιπταχόρας, after “ό,” add ‘(Indian),’ σισύμβριον II, before ‘Poll.5.101’ insert ‘Pherecr.2.3,’ χσισύριον, τό, Dim. of σι σάρα, dub. in PDura 33.13 (iii a.d.). Σίσυφος, before “Σισυφίς” insert ‘Σισυφίδαι, ol, i.e. the Corin¬ thians, Call.Fr.384.10 Pf. ;’ σιταποδοχεΐον, for ‘Partsch’ read ‘Patsch’ χσιτεκλήμπτωρ, ορος, ό, collector of corn, rest, in P Ant. 33.24 (iv a.d.). σιτευσιμος, add ‘; Stud. Pal. 20.233*1 (vi/vii a.d.)’ σιτεύτάριος, add ‘, cf. Corinth 14.167 (also σιτιστάριος, ibid.)’ σιτευωνέω, delete the article. σιτηρός, add IV. σιτηρά, ή (sc. αποθήκη (?)), corn-magazine, τοϋ προς τή σ. τής εξαιρέσεως, Pap. in Aenptus 19.62 line 1 BGU 1742.16, 1743.13 (all i b.c.).’ χσιτηρουσία, ή, dub. sens., Hsch. s.v. στάχυς (fort, -ουχία, i.e. food-container, stomach, cf. στάχυς ii). σιτικός, line 1, after corn,’ insert ‘σ. έμπόριον Arist.T/A.51 4·’ σιτισμός, after feeding,’ insert ‘IGRom. 4.144.8 (Cyzicus, i a.d.) χσιτιστάριος, v. σιτευτάριος in Suppl. σιτλίον, add ‘ ; written σίδλιν, Pap. in JEA20.2y (v/vi a.d.)’ σιτοβολεΐον (post -βολών), add ‘, Ελληνικά 7.179 (Chalcis, iii b.c.), 7Gg(2).243 (Thessaly)’ χσιτοθετης, ου, ό, official concerned with supply of com, Samothrace 11 (Ο.25.5.4. σιτοκάττηλος, after ‘ corn-factor ,’ insert ‘PLond. 44.33 (ii b.c.),’ χσιτοτάμΤεύω, serve as *σιτοταμίας (corn-treasurer), Άρχ.’Εφ mqo Suppl. 2, /Gg(2) . 1 029, 1 093 (all Thessaly), σιτών, add ‘, Mel.Navarre 375 (Cyrenaica)’ σιτωνικόν, add ‘; [επιδόσεις -κάς BSA28.120 (Didyma)’ χσίφνον· σιπάα, Hsch., v. σιπάη. σιωπή ι. 1, add ‘b. pause between sounds, OAA.C0mp.22.' χσιωπητικόν, τό, novice's fee in a mystery cult, PMich. 8.51 i.q tiii A.D.) . J V σκαλεύω, add ‘ : metaph., search, probe, A.q.Ps.y6(yy).y ' σκαληνός, line 6, for ‘cf. CaW.Iamb. 1.125’ read ‘but τρίγωνα και σκαληνα triangles and polygons, Call.Fr.191.60 Pf., cf. Epicur (?) in Placit. 4.. ig.2’ χσκαλιδευτής, ου, ό, hoer, PCair.^en. 816.9 (iii b.c.), ^6797.8 2s (ill B.C.) . σκαλις, delete or shovel and after ‘hoe,’ insert ‘Hesperia 22.251. 125 (Athens, v b.c.),’ χσκάλιστρον, τό, dub. sens., Aq. Sm. Je.50.10. χσκαλλός, ό, = σκαλλίον, Hsch. χσκαλοβατικός, ή, όν, of climbing a ladder, ή σ. (sc. τέχνη) Rh 22.25. χσκαλώνια' τα ασκαλώνια (άσκωρωνια cod.), Hsch. χσκαμβίς, ή, = θερμοποτίς, Hsch. χσκαμνοκάγκελος, ό, dub. sens., C/G9897. σκαμνος, add σκάμνον, τό, PDura 33·ί2 (iii A.D.)’ σκανδικοπώλης, for ‘as Ar...Phot.’ read ‘term applied to Euripides from his mother’s supposed occupation, Hsch Phot., cf.Ar.TeA.478, Eq.iQ.’ σκαπάνη ii, add ‘, Men.Dyyc.542’ χσκάπαρδος- ό ταραχώδης και άνάγωγος, Hsch., cf. σκαπερδεάω. σκαπέρδα, add ; acc. to Hsch., παν τό δυσχερές σκαπέρδα Aeyerat /cat ο πασχών σκαπ€ρ§Ύ)ς,* χσκαπερδης, ν. σκαπέρδα in Suppl. χσκαπλάρ(ιον), τό, prob. = Lat. scapulare, PRyl. ^.yiy.2 (iv A.D.) . σκαρίζω, before ‘ : cf.’ insert ‘ ; gloss on σφαδάζω, Sch.A.Ferj.ig4’ σκαριφος, after Hsch. ; add ‘τών δέκα ρητόρων σ., their score, i.e. a list of them giving the number of speeches each made Sch.Aeschin.2.18 ;’ σκαφοειδής, after ‘Arat. 19;’ insert ‘of the scaphoid bone of the ankle’, transferring ‘, Ga\.UP$6’ to follow this and adding Id. 2. 776, cf. PLit.Lond. 167.27;’ σκεδάννυμι, line 1, after ‘NicM/.583’ add *; σκεδάζω, Hsch.; poet, also κεδάννυμι, κεδαίω, qq.v.’ χσκ[ε]ιραφέω, behave deceitfully, Hsch. *Σκ[ε] ιρομαντις- ο επι Σκ(ε\ίρω μαντευόμενος, Hsch. σκελίζω, delete ‘Lxx Jc.10.18,’ and add ‘2. used for translating Hebr. qala (uprooted), Lxx Je.10.18.’ χσκελος (B), εος, τό, dub. sens., σ. δραχμήν μίαν PAvrom. 2,Ag, Bio (i B.c.) ; perh. = σίγλος, σίκλος. χσκεπανισμός, ό, covering, prob. of woven material, PTeb. 1077.6 (iii b.c.). σκεπαρνον i, line 2, after ‘Homeric passages’ insert ‘, A.Fr. 17.87 M.,’; end of article, delete ‘[Horn.. . Σκάμανδρος .]’ σκέπτομαι ii, line 6, after ‘Gra^oia;’ insert ‘c. gen., τών.. έσκεμμένος Arat. 1 1 53 ;’ χσκεπτώριον, τό, mirror, PMasp. 340ν·40 (-ωριν). χσκεπώνιον, τό, storehouse, PAberd. 191.8 (pi., iii a.d.). χσκευάς, ά, ό, = Lat. scaeva, gladiator fighting with his left hand, Robert Les Gladiateurs p.95 no.34 (Philippopolis), p.180 no. 178 (Iasos). σκευοθήκη, add ‘; written σχεοθ- 5R7182.46 (i b.c.)’ χσκεΰον, τό, = σκεύος, Inscr.Cret.i .xvii 2a8 (Lebena, ii b.c.). σκήνημα, add ‘2. body (written σκήνιμα), Heuzey— Daumet Mission Archiol.de Macidoine p.94.’ σκηνίτης ι. I, line 4, after ‘a stall,’ insert ‘Isoc. 17.33,’ and delete section 2. σκηνοποιός i, for ‘ tentmaker ’ read ‘prop, tentmaker, but used generally for worker in leather,’ σκηνορραφεΐον, after ‘ tentmaker ’ add ‘or worker in leather ’ 133 σκηνορράφος SUPPLEMENT σπέρμα σκηνορράφος, add ‘ : written σκηνορόφος in Bull. Inst. Arch. Bulg. 8.69 (near Kiistendil)’ f σκηπτούχος i, add ‘; pi. of cosmic powers, Orph.fir.10.25 ^ σκήπτρον i, line 6, after ‘Cratin.126’ insert of a travellers staff, S.OT81 1’ 11. 1, last line, delete ‘, S.OT81 1 σκηπτροφόρος, add ‘b. Subst., staff-bearer, of annual priests at Seleuceia Pieriae, OG/245.22,45 (ii b.c.).’ σκήπτω II, line 2, omit upon σκήψις, line 7, omit ‘(sc. τά τέκνα)' σκιά 2, add ‘ ; mirror-image, Diogenian.2.4’ χσκϊάγραφή, ή, = σκιαγραφία, Poll.7.128 (v.l. σκιαγραμμη). σκιάεις, for “[ά]” read “[ά]”; at, end add χθονός ομφαλον σκιάεντα, prob. in Pi.Par.6.17 S. το» σκιάζω, line 3, after ‘pf. έσκίασμαι insert ‘Sapph.2.7 L.-P., Σκιάποδες, add Alcm.148 P.’ σκίμπους I, add ‘, (Athens, v b.c.) ^ σκίμπτομαι, for ‘press forward' read ‘press, or, throw, down add ‘IV. Act. intr., Hsch. s.vv. σκίμφαι and σκίμ πτει.’ χσκινδάρ(ε) ιος' όρχησ is οντω καλούμενη, Hsch. σκίουρος, add ‘ ; also called καμφίουρος and ΐππουρος acc. to Hsch. s.v. σκίουρος' σκίπων, init., insert ‘[ϊ] Χσκληρόχειρ, v. λαϊνόχει p. σκνιπός (A), add ‘, and κνιπός.' χσκοδίσκος, 6, dub. sens., PLond. 191.14 (ϋ a.d.). t σκολιοδρόμος, transpose ‘, Orph.fif.51 .4’ to end, inserting before it ‘ ; of Nymphs,’ /rTM cTKoXoucvSpci 2, before 4Ael.JV44y.26 insert APQ. 222 (Theo- dorid.), 223 (Antip.),’ σκολοπισμός, add ΊΙ. protecting by palisades, prob. in SBy 188.13 (ii B.C.), cf. σκολοπίζω.' σκοπιάζω ι. 2, for ‘Isis- worshippers’ read ‘fishermen’ and for ‘(Callipolis)’ read ‘(Parium), cf. Robert Hell. 9.81’ σκορδάτον, add ‘; dub. in POxy.1923.13 (v/vi a.d.)’ σκορδευτής, add ‘, Ι53°·7’ χσκορδόω, = σκοροδόω, Poll. 5.93. . σκορπέρως, for ‘BCH2.323’ read ‘ Inscr.Delos 1414^1 17 (ii B.c.) σκορπισμός, add ‘ ; άμμου PUniv.AIilan.\\.^2.\of>,i 17 (ii a.d.) σκοτερός, after “= σκότιος,” insert ‘θάλαμος Epigr. in /G92. 340.8 (Thyrrheum, ii/i b.c.) ;’ χσκοτοείμων, ον, gen. ονος, dark-clad, χθων Hymn. Is .27 - χσκοτόταφρος, 6, hidden trench (?), cod. B in Ps.-Callisth.3.23. σκοτόω, line 1, after ‘Aj. 85’ insert ‘, cf. Id .Inach. in POxy. 2369.1. ii.2’ σκουτλάριος, omit ‘or. .flooring' σκουτλόω, for ‘ mosaics' read ‘a covering of thin plates r of marble arranged in patterns ( opus sectile )’ and at end add ‘ ; τάς εισόδους και εξόδους L' Ant. Cl. 2. 7 4 (lapis κουκλόσαντα after -ας)' σκουτουλάτος, add ‘; also σκουτλάτος Edict. Diocl.20.il' χσκρείβας, a, 6, = Lat. scriba, BCH7.273 (ii a.d.), POxy. 59.9 (iii A.D. ). . ) σκυθάριον, for “θάφος” read ‘ wig-tree , Rhus cotinus' Σκύθης i. 1, after ‘Hes.Pr. 55’ add ‘(= POxy.i 358 ^.2.15)’ add ‘ : prov., ή από Σκυθών ρήσις, of brutal plainness of speech, Demetr.P/oe.216, D.L.i.ioi’ n, for ‘τοξότης iii’ read ‘τοξότης ii’ Σκυθικός ii, add ‘ ; also Σκυδικαί, Hsch.’ σκυλάκαινα, add ‘ ; applied to Hecate, είνοδια σ. θεά Wien.Anz. 1961.125 (Maeonia, ii a.d.)’ σκυλάκευμα, for ‘contemptuously. .2.241a’ read ‘TP7.433 (Tymn.) ; pi., /Ιιός σ. (σκυλενματα cod.), of Amphion and Zethus’ and at end add ‘ ; cf. Epigr. in Arch.Pap. 16.91 (ii b.c.)’ σκυλακοκτόνος, add ‘= Lyr.Adesp. 1029.2 P.’ σκυλακώδης, after ‘dog' insert ‘, φωνή PMag.Par. 1.281 o’ σκυλάω, omit ‘dub. . . Cyzic.),’ and add ‘2. plunder, τον ναόν UPZ8.22, cf. 15 (ii B.C.) . 3. = σκύλλα» I. 2, AP3.6 (Inscr. Cyzic.), GF/1946.14 (Nicaea (Bithynia), ii/iii a.d.).’ σκυλεύω, add ‘3. sens, obsc., τής μητρός έσκύλευε τον βρΰσσον Hippon.65A2 D.3’ σκυλήτρια, add ‘, cf. Eust. 1072.64’ σκυλλω ι. 2, omit ‘AP3.8 (Inscr. Cyzic.),’ and after ‘(Ancyra)’ add * ; prob. in AP3.8 (Inscr. Cyzic.) for σκυλάω' χσκύρον [ύ] (B), ω σ., dub. sens., Ale. 167.3 L.— P. (cf. 56·ΐ3»Ι74·2)> apptly. voc. sg. of σκύρων. σκΰρος, for ‘, cf. Poll.9.104; cf. σκΐρος.' read ‘ ; the centre line in the game έπίσκυρος, as marked out with stone chippings, Poll. 9.104; hence perh. έπι σκόρερ (or σκύρων ; έπισ κυρών cod.) πολέμοιο Call.Pr.567 Pf·, V. CR73. ΙΟίίϊ.' σκυτάλη, add ‘VI. σκυτάλαι· al ΙππικαΧ ΐλαι . .ή θύλακες δερμά¬ τινοι, Hsch.* σκυτάλιον ι. 5» for ‘PG//29 546 (Delos, ii B.c.)’ read ‘Inscr. Dilos 1432 Ba i 12, cf. i4ogAa i 1 1 1 (ii b.c.)’ χσκΰτάλοφορέω, carry a σκυτάλη, of heralds, Sch. Pi. 0.6. 154a (prob. for σκυτοφορε ΐν). σκυτοτομεΐον, line 2, for ‘v.l.’ read ‘cod.’ σκυφίον, after “σκύφος," insert ‘Inscr. Ddos 320P53 (iii b.c.), 1409^1 105 (pi.),’ χσκυφισμός, ό, operation on the scalp, An. Boiss. 1.230. σκύφος, fin., before ‘Anaximand.’ insert ‘Anacr.88 P.,’ χσκωληκοβρωσία, ή, eating by worms, PMasp. 325·ΐιν.ι6 (vi a.d.). χσκωληκοέρημος, ον, dub. sens., PTeb. 1043.40 (ii B.C.). σκώληξ, after “6” add ‘(also ή acc. to Eust. 1504.39)’ σκωπτικός, after ‘jesting,’ insert ‘Ph. 1.2 15. 19,’ σκωρσελεινα, add ‘: written σκωρσελήνης in P Mich .iii. 21 2. 8 (ii/iii a.d.) ; perh. celeriac ’ σλιφομαχος, for ‘Cyrenaic’ read ‘Arcesilas’, and at end add ‘ ; perh. a non-Greek pr. n.’ σμαράγδιον, add ‘: written ζμαράγδιον in Inscr.Ddos 1 ^ogBa i 102 (ii b.c.)’ χσμερδαλεότης, ητος, ή, awesomeness, Eust. 1702.46. σμηματοθήκη, add ‘, cf. IG22. 1 469.97’ χσμήνιγξ, ιγγος, ή, = μήνιγξ, prob. in Nic. Th.337. χσμηνών, ώνος, 6, — σμηνιών, BCH22.^02 (ζμη—’, Olymus, i B.C.) . _ χΣμικρίνης, ου, ό, a typical niggard, pr. n. in Com. (Men.Pfiif), Jul.Caw.311a, cf. Them.Or.34 p.462 D. Σμινθεύς, add ‘ : Σμινθεΐον, τό, sanctuary of the Sminthian Apollo, IGRom. 4.246.3 (Troas)’ χσμΐνύδιον, τό, Dim. of σμινύη, Ar.Pr.855. ^ σμιρεύς, add ‘, cf. Berytus 12.105 (Cyrene, iii b.c.).’ Σμισιών, delete ‘, cf. Schwyzer 687 D 1 (Chios, vii/vi b.c.)’ σμύρις, line 3, after T.20codd. ;’ add ‘σμεΐρις, εα»ς, ή, Jahresh.^. 143.18 (Ephesus, ii a.d.) ;’ σμύρνα, after ‘ζμύρνα as in’ insert ‘Hyp..4tA.6,’ σμυρναΐος, after ‘of myrrh,' insert ‘dub. cj. in’ σμώδιξ, line 3, after ‘cf.’ insert ‘Lyc.783,’ , f σοβαρεύομαι, add ‘, Hsch. s.vv. σοβαρεύεσθαι and σοβαρεύεται σολοικιστής, add ‘, cf. Hsch. s.v. Βρίγες.' χσολοιτΰπ[ίη, product of forging at Soli, i.e. bronze, dub. rest, in Call.Pr.85. 1 1 Pf. (αμφισόλοιτυπί Pap., perh. to be divided άμφ'ις όλοιτυπ[.) , , σολοιτύπος ii, before forged ' insert ‘(proparox.) ; at end add ‘(Prob. alternative expls. of a word with a single meaning.) σορίδιον, add ‘; apptly as Adj., τό σορίδιον άνγος TAM2(f). 1164.2 (Lycia)’ σοροπηγός, add ‘, Lib. Or. 1.225’ χσουβαδιούβα$ι = Lat. subadiuva , assistant , POxy, 1042.13 (V1 A.D.) . , σοΰβος, for ‘an unknown animal’ read ‘ wild sheep or goat σουβρίκιον, after ‘ subricula ’ add ‘(i.e. an article of dress, cf. rica)’ ; at end add ‘, PMich. iii 201.8 (i a.d.).’ j σουβρικός, after ‘ superaria ' add ‘(a kind of garment) χσουγλάριον, v. έργαλοθήκη. χσουμάριον, τό, = Lat. summarium, Iambi. Alch. 289.9* ^ χσοΰσον (B), = σχοινίον, given in Od.2 1.390 (v.l. for δπλον) and in Antim.Pr.57 W. on Ostr. in Berl.Sitzb. 1918.739; cf. ούσον with Suppl., οΐσον with Suppl. χσουφρουμεντάριος, ό, = Lat. * suffrumentarius, POxy. Ι9®3·7 (v3 σούχος, after “0,” add ‘(Egypt, sehu)' χσόφισις, εα»ς, ή, gloss on ΰποθημοσύνη, Sch.Gen.il. 1 5. 41 2 (pi.)· σοφιστικός ι. I, add ‘; σ. σχήματα of the class-room, Hermog. Aleth. 13.’ σοφίστρια, add ‘ ; cf. Cels.ap.Orig.Ci/i.6.64 χσπάδη, ή, = σπάθη, SPG7.376. 1 7 (Palmyra, ii a.d.). χσπαδίκιον [δί], τό, Dim. of σπάδιξ, /G14.956P25 (Rome, ιν A-D·)· .... , , σπάδων, add ‘11. gelding, PCair.Zen. 802.22,28,33 (111 b.c.). χσπάθινος, Adj., τά σ. articles of dress, Aq.Zr.3.19 (L.-R.) (cf. σπαθαρικόν). , σπάνιος i, add ‘ : λίθος ό σ. the rare stone (owned only by the king of Persia), Treatise περί λίθων in Wien. Stud. 20. 31 9’ σπανός, after ‘Ptol.TVir. 144’ a(id (v.l.) Σπανός 2, add ‘, Anatol. in Cat. Cod. Astr. 8(3) .188. χσπανοτεκνία, ή, lack of offspring, rest, in Cat. Cod. Astr. 2.163.9. χσπαρακτός, ή, όν, torn, rest, in A.Pr.538.2 M. > σπαρνός, after “σπάνιος,” insert ‘Hes. in P0xy.2^9^B(a)9, r - _ # t » / Π-*· — ifii *1 / AthpnH -nnne Λ ΠΡτΙΐ . = fTTLOTTCLOTT) Ο χστΓατΙλοκολυμφ€υ, dub. sens., Sophr. in Po/1214^4· χσπεγκρανίς, v. έπεγκρανίς (Suppl.). σπείρα I. 8, add ‘, PHib.217.20, al. (ii a.d.) σπειράομαι I, line 2, delete “πέριξ..” σπειράρχης, after ‘σπείρα II. 2,’ add Rev. Arch. 0(1 933). 31.1 2^ (Amphipolis, ii b.c.), IGBulg. 1517.4 (Philippopolis, iii a.d.) ; σπείρω i. 3, line 5, after ‘S..E/.642’ insert ‘, cf. A.Pr. 17.65 M. χσπείρωμα, ατος, τό, dub. sens., Aq.J^.50· 10 (v.l.). σπεκλάριον, add ‘, Cyran.25.1, Zos.Alch. 139.2 ^ σπεκουλάτωρ, line 1, before “, ορος” insert (σπεκλατωρ Rev.Et. Gr.72.214, no. 260 (Tomi))’ σπένδω, line 6, after ‘Rom. 19' insert ‘, but subj. σπεσθεωσι S1G 57.8 (Milet., v b.c.)’ I. 1, fin., before “ουτος θεοΐσι insert ‘όταν οι κρητήρες σπεσθεωσι SIGl.c. ; σπέρμα ι. ι, add ‘ ; crops generally, τά σ. Lxx 1ΛΪ.8.15’ u. 134 σπέρμα. SUPPLEMENT στόμα ι, for “φ ε'ρειν” read “φέρων” and for ‘to be pregnant of’ read ‘bearing the seed of’ σπεύδω, line I, after “σπεύσω” insert ‘ΑΜ^.βοΐ,’ χσπευσίδωρο?, ον, eagerly bringing gifts, of Prometheus, A.Fr.343. 46 M. σπιλάξ (A) x, fin., for ‘Simon. (?) 179’ read MP6.217.2 ([Simon.])’ σπινό?, after “= ισχνό'?,” insert ‘Ptol.Teir.144,’ σπογγίτη?, after ’like a sponge' add ‘, άρτος a. Hsch. s.v. κόστη ’ and delete ‘only’ before ‘fem.’. χσπονδειοδάκτυλο?, o', a foot consisting of spondee and dactyl, Rh.6. 103.20. σπονδή I, lines 7/8, for ‘σπονδάς. .Men. 273, etc.’ read ‘σπονδάς ποιεΐσθαι pour libations, Antipho 1.18, etc.; σ. ποιεΐν, usu. arrange libations, Men.Z)jjc.623, etc., but sts. = σ. ποιεΐσθαι, e.g. X.Cyr.2.3.1, v. infra’ 11. 1, line 10, for ‘less freq.,. . 5.76’ read ‘σ. ποιείν arrange a truce, Th.5.76, cf. εκείνων (sc. των θεών) . .σ. ποιουντων Ar. Pax 21 1 ’ σπονδοποιό?, add ‘, 5C//58.377 (Caria)’ χσπονδοφόρον, τό, libation-table, CISem. 2.3923 (Palmyra). χσπονδΰλοκόποι, ol, a kind of jesters who caricatured the γραμμα¬ τικοί, Sch.Hermog.77.2.5 in Rh. 5.536. σπόριμο?, line 1, after ‘infr. 1. 3’ add ‘, also Call.Tr.22Pf.’; line 2, after “αΰλαξ” insert ‘Call.l.c.,’ σπόρο? ii. 4, after 4 genitale ,’ insert ‘NicM/.582 ;’ σπουδάρχη?, for “σπουδαρχίας” read “σπουδαρχίαις” σπύλιον, after ‘1358’ add ‘Bio’ σπύλων, delete the article. Χσταδιάρχη?, ου, ό, ‘ Master of the Stadion’ , name of a bull in gladiatorial game, Robert Les Gladiateurs, no.191 C (cf. p. 21 ; Cos). χσταδόν, Adv., related to στάδιο? as άμφαδόν to άμφάδιος, Theo- gnost.Can.58. στάζω, add ‘III. metaph., of divine anger, stream or pour down, Lxx >.49(42). 18, 5 1(44) .6.’ σταΐ? I, line 1, after ‘not στα?’ add ‘, but στάς “άνευ τού i” in Attic acc. to Phot., στάτί (sic) Sch.Hippon.xi D.3’ Χσταλαχμό? or -υχμό?, o, dub. in Sapph.37 L.-P. στάλσι?, add ‘2. gloss on στόλο?, Sch.Pi.T.8. 140, Sch.Pi.jV.3.27.’ σταμνίον i, for ‘Men. 1 29’ read ‘Μεη.ΤΤχιιτ^δ’ χσταμνίσκιον, τό, = άμίς, Phot. p. 92 R. σταρταγέτα?, add ‘(But see σταρτός in Suppl.)’ σταρτό?, add ‘(But the σταρτός may be the body of κόσμοι and the σταρταγέτας their president, later called πρωτόκοσμος : see 47^5·3Ι9 ff·)’ στάσι? B. 1. 2 d, add ‘, Quint.7nj/.3.6.’ 111. 2, after ‘ dis¬ cord ,' insert ‘Ale. 130.26 L.-P.,’ χστατία?, v. απόπια. χστάτιον, τό, Dim. of στατός I. 2, Inscr. Ddlos 1441^1134 (ii b.c.). χσταυροπο(ι)ία, ή, crucifixion, POxy. 2339.25 (i a.d.). σταφί? i, after ‘(q.v.),’ insert ‘Theoc.27.10, AP^.gof σταφυλή I, add ‘3. τοΰ ζυγοΰ τό μέσον, Hsch. 4. a kind of sea-weed, Ael.7V.di3.3.’ σταφυλητόμο?, after ‘£>.7. 165’ add ‘(cj. for —κόμ—)’ χσταφυλΐνάριον [νά], τό, Dim. of στ αφυλΐνος I, PRyl.4.6 29.214 (iv A.D.) . χσταφυλοβόλο?, ον, for a σταφυλοβολεΐον, πλίνθοι .STiG^. 16.36 (Athens, v b.c.). στάχι, add ‘(Egyptian word, Theognost. Can. 78.)’ σταχυηκόμο?, add ‘, Epigr. in TC//78.76 (Patrae, iv/v a.d.)’ σταχυητρόφο?, add ‘, GF/720’ χστάχύΐνο?, η, ον [ϋ], of ears of wheat, στέφανος Inscr.Olymp. 56.15. στέαρ, fin., for ‘Gen.’ read ‘Acc. στέάρ CLP 1. 59.17; gen.’ χστεατΐτι?, ιδο?, η, a precious stone, Plin.77.yV37. 186. στεγανόπου?, delete ‘ covering oneself with one’s feet, Alcm. 1 18. II.’ and after ‘ web-footed ,’ insert ‘Alcm. 148 P. ;’ στεγανό? i, add ‘3. costive, νηδός N1CM/.367.’ n. 1, add ‘; στεχανά, of Roman hiberna, D.S.Tr.33’ στεγανότη?, add ‘2. freedom from “ leakage ”, secrecy, τον συνεδρίου, prob. for στυγνότης in Plb.3.20.3, cf. στεχανό? n. 4 (fort. στεγνοτης) .’ στέγαστρον i, add ‘; also στέγεστρον, PRyl. 4.627.38 (iv a.d.). Edict. Diocl. 8.42a (Meg.) ; στεγέστριον, ib.43 ; στεγάστριον, Hsch. s.v. λαρίεθος' στέγη ii. i, after ‘room,’ insert ‘A.Tr.708.3 M.,’ χστεγικό?, η, όν, dub. sens., λίθος σ. POxy. 1890.8 (vi a.d.). χστεγνοποΐα, η, building of roofed hutments, Rev. Arch. 2(1 Q2±) .±0 (Amphipolis, iii/ii b.c.). στεγνοποιέω, after ‘Med.,’ insert ‘PHal. 1.172 (iii b.c.),’ στεγνότη?, add ‘2. v. στεγανότης 2 (Suppl.).’ χστεγόω, thatch, Sch.Pi.T.4.427. στείρα (B) 1, after ‘10.522’ insert ‘, Theoc.9.3’ στεμφυλον, add ‘III. pi. dross, Aq.Tf. 1.22 (L.-R.), 25.’ χστεμφυλουργικό?, η, όν, used in the στεμφυλούργιον, όργανον POsl. 145-3 (ii/iii A.d.). στενακτικό?, after ‘= sq. 2,’ insert ‘Sch.E.77i^/>.4i5,’ χστενόει?, εσσα, εν, causing groans, Hsch. (prob. a false form of στονόει?) . στενολεσχέω, add ‘2. use compression in discourse, Eust. 1552.52.’ στενό? ii. 3, line 7, after T75,’ insert ‘Call.Tr.1.28 Pf.,’ στενότη?, add TIL financial straits, RC//59.440 (Acraephia, i a.d.).’ στενοχωρέω, line 1, for ‘ confined ’ read ‘ short of room' and after ‘582b’ add ‘; σ. σταθμοΐς PPetr. 2 p.28 (iii b.c.)’ στεργάνο?, for ‘κοπρών. . sterquilinium' read ‘κόπρων (sic)’ στερεό? I, add ‘6. sure, reliable, μαρτυρία PIu.Abi. 1 9 : Adv. —ρεώς, with certainty, φωνησαι Sch.Nic. Th. 1 .’ χστερνα, ή, — στέρνον, POxy. 1 08. II, al. (ii/iii a.d.). στερνόν ii. i , for ‘Suid., cf.’ read ‘Pi.Tair.4.14 S., cf. Suid.,* 2, after ‘Nic. 7^.924’ add ‘; εν στέρνω. ,θυείης ib.g 1 ’ χστερνοτύπο?, ον, = στερνοτυπης, γόος Epigr. in JfEA^o.l 1 9. 1 9 (Egypt, ii b.c.) ; άνΐαι GVI 1006.5 (Rhenea, i b.c.). στέρφο? I, add “, στρέφος” στερψανον, add ‘ ; cf. στρέφανον .’ χστεφανά?, α, ό, wreath-maker, C/G3378 (Smyrna), cf. Rev. Phil. 1944-53; στεφανηφόρο? iii, for the present section substitute ‘of Attic drachmas of the New Style bearing a wreath on the reverse, αργυρίου Αττικού —ου δραχμαί Inscr.Dilos 1 4 1 5- 1 2 5 δραχμα'ι (τοΰ) στεφανηφόρου (sc. αργυρίου) Λ?22.ιοι3·33> 1028. 30, al. ; also δραχμή στεφανηφόρος, τέτραχμον —ον Inscr. Delos 1443^ ii 62, ΐ442^7°> al. (all ii b.c.).’ στεφανόπωλι?, after “ιδο?,” insert ‘Arist.Ath.i^,’ στέφανο? ii. 3, add ‘, Swoboda Denkmaler 168,245 (Palaia Isaura)’ στεφάνωμα, after “to,” insert ‘prob. rest, in Alc.48.17 L.-P.;’; line 2, after ‘Thgn. 100 T insert ‘, Inscr. Delos 142 iBbii 3 (ii b.c.)’ στεφο?, add ‘3. στέφεα· στεφώνες, Hsch.’ στέφω ii. i, line 14, after ‘(ii a.d.)’ add ‘; metaph., στεφθήσον ται χνώσιν Thd.Tr. 14.18’ χστηβεύ?, V. κουβηζός. στηλίδιον, add ‘; pi., 7G22.i498·1 1·* στηλίον, add ‘, IGRom.1.567 (Nicopolis ad Istrum)* στηλίτευμα, for ‘ invective ' read ‘ inscription on a pillar' στηλογραφία, for ‘Arab.’ read ‘Assyrian’ add ‘II. inscrib¬ ing on a tablet, 7Gg(2). 13.4, 1403.’ στηλόω, lines 2/3, transfer ‘ ; τάφον. . (Amyntas)’ to follow ‘Lxx 2Ti.18.17’, inserting after “τάφον” ‘set up a στήλη on the tomb,’ στημάτιον I, for ‘al.’ read ‘Bito 47.7.’ στήμων ii, lines 5/7, delete ‘ ; σ... 728’ add ΊΗ. pole of a wagon, Edict. Diocl. 15.11.’ στήριον, add ‘(Ιέ ρακί cod.; fort. leg. στηριον <ή στόριον), cf. Mod. Gk. στάρι, JfHS^g.y).' στησίχορο?, line 2, after “χοροί” insert ‘, ΰμνος BSA 5.64 (Naucratis)’ στιβήει?, for “άγχοΰρος” read “άγχαυρος” and for ‘Hec. ..10’ read ‘Fr. 260.64 Pf.’ στιβική, for ‘136.247’ read ‘176.247’ χστιγμαΐο?, a, ον, = στιγμιαίος, Plu.2.H7e. στιγμή i, after ‘3.’ add ‘a division (perh. a half) of a μοίρα I. 5, 7Gi2(i).gi3 (Rhodes, ii/i b.c.). 4.’ στιγμιαίο?, delete Ti7e,’ and ‘; στιγμαΐος is f.l. in Plu.2.ii7e’ στιπποκογχιστή?, add *, 1980.6 (vi a.d.)’ στιφρό?, read “στϊφρό?” στιφρότη?, read “στΐφρότη?” χστιχαροφελώνιον, τό, striped cloak, P Michael. 38. 2 (vi a.d.). στίχη, for ‘prob. in. .7.56’ read ‘Edict. Diocl. 22.9, 7.56 (prob.)’ στιχίζω, add ‘; Med., cj. in S.Ant.241’ στιχολόγο?, add ‘2. reciter of verses, Annuario 30/32, p.302, no.88 (Rhodes).’ στιχοπλανήτη?, read “στειχοπλανήτη?” and transpose, στίχο? iv, delete ‘11’ after “συστοιχία” στλεγγί?, add ‘; στλιγγί? BCHi 0.464.88, 465.113,115 (Delos, iv B.c.).’ χΣτόαξ, v. Στώαξ (Suppl.). στοιβά?, for ‘v. στιβάς ’ read ‘= στιβάς 5, BCH^g.^.6y (Iasus)’ στοιχά? I. 1, add ‘; σ. νεφέλας Nonn.Z). 18.282’ στοιχέω, line 4, after ‘Poll.8.105’ insert ‘(όπου αν στειχησω Robert fitJpigr. 302 (iv b.c.))’ ii, add ‘; Med., Inscr. Cret.a, iv 9.18 (ii b.c.)’ στοιχομυθέω, add ‘ ; = μακρηγορέω, Hsch. s.v. στοχίζη. ’ χστολάριον, τό, dub. sens., Vit. Aesop. (G) 2 1 . στολάρχη?, add ‘II. prob. controller of clothing, PAnt. 33.9 (iv a.d.), and so perh. in PCair.Pjen. l.c.’ χστολατα, = Lat. stolata, ματρώνα σ. POxy. 907.4 (iii a.d.), PFlor. 16.1 (iii a.d.) . στολή II. 2, add ‘ ; metaph., τας στολάς των δοξών υμών Lxx Ex. 33·5> cf. 6Υ.45-7 (v.1.)’ στόλιον, for ‘scanty garment,' read ‘Inscr. Dilos 1442/I54 (ii b.c.);’ στόλοκρο? init., insert ‘ (στολοκρός POxy. 2322 fr. 1.3)’ 2, for the present section substitute ‘ cropped , of a boy, Anacr. 2.fr. 1.3 P. ; of people and trees, Hsch. ; metaph., ugly, rude, Id.’ στόμα ii. 2, line 4, after ‘(Phil.) ;’ insert ‘στόμασι σχιζόμενα? φακάδας holes for sprinkling (as in the rose of a watering-can), ib.7.195;’ and after ‘Ρΐ.7>.4·44;’ insert ‘ προς τω σ. τοΰ βίου life’s exit, X.Ages. 1 1 . 1 5, s.v.l. ;’ omitting ‘; προς. . 15’ in iii. 2. 135 στομαχικός SUPPLEMENT συγχρισμός στομαχικός I, before “πάθος” insert ‘πόνο ς Inscr.Cret. I xvii 1 1 (Lebena, ii b.c.) στομίς I, add Hsch. s.v. φορβειά’ στοργικός, after “όν,” insert ‘ affectionate , PUniv. Milan .11.7 3. 7 (ii a.d.) στόρνυμι, line 4, after ‘909’ insert ‘(στορνύνα i Elmsley)’; delete C0m.Adesp.1211' 11, fin., for ‘dub. sens.’ read ‘perh. floored and decked’ χστουά, = στοά, Rev. Arch. 20 (igi 2). 461 (Coptos, ii a.d.). Χστουττίον, τό, — στυππεΐον, tow , Edict. Diocl.2G.l3.. στοχάζομαι π. i, add τί στοχασώμεθά σου ; what are we to infer about you?, AP7. 422 (Leon.)’ στοχασμός i fin.f, after ‘ evidence ’ add ‘for solving a question of faet’ στοχαστής, add ‘, cf. πας ποιητης φυχαγωγίας. . σ. Agatharch. GGM ip. 1 1 7’ στοχαστικός 2, for ‘guesswork' read “στοχασμός” ; line 4, after ‘R.’ insert ‘; στάσις ib. 1 57’ ; transfer ‘προς., if to end of 1 a, prefixing ‘Adv.’ χστράβόττους, ό, 17, gen. ποδος, = στραβοπόδης, gloss on μάσκιλος, Cyr. χστράγαλος, ό, = αστράγαλος, Vit. Aesop. (G ) 69. χστραγγουρίωσις, εως, ή, = στραγγουρία, jfourn.Sav. 1881.87· στρατηγέτης, line 2, before ‘Cret.’ insert ‘Dor. στραταγετας Υ>.ιη. i2 1, 18.7 S. ;’ στρατηγείο I. I a, add ‘ ; SO στρατηγείο κατά πάλιν, επί των ξένων, to be praetor urbanus or peregrinus, IGg2(i ) .242.3-5 (Thyrrheum, 94 b.c.)’ στρατηγίς, add ‘; as epith. of Aphrodite, IGg2(i).2$6.3 (Thyr¬ rheum, ii/i b.c.)’ στρατηγός, add ‘III. ηρως Στρατηγός at Athens, Hesperia 15.221 (ca. 200 b.c.), IG22. 1035.53 (ii a.d.).’ χστράτηλατιανός, o, officer of tfie staff of the στρατηλάτης, PSI 176.16, 183.3 (v a.d.). χΣτρατόνικος, o' (sc. μην), month in an Asiatic calendar, Hemerolog. Flor. p.73 (p.ioK.). στράτωρ, add ‘, AEG7.951 (Arabia, iii a.d.)’ χστρεβλογνώμων, ον, gen. ονος, of crooked counsel, Tz. Alleg .11 . Prol . 7°5- χστρέτττειρα, ή, spinner, βίου σ. Μοίρα G VI 1 1 54-9 (Samos, ii B.c.) . στρέφανον, add ‘ ; cf. στερφανον’ στρίβος, for ‘weak, .voice' read ‘ thin shrill cry' χστρίγλα, ή, = Λάμια, Sch.Aristid.p.42 D. χστρικτωρία, η, shirt with long sleeves, = Lat. strictoria, Edict. Diocl.22.~j. στρόβιλος 6, add ‘ ; used as flavouring, Vit. Aesop. {G)Gf 7, delete ‘pine,' 9, for ‘winch, .shaft' read ‘part of machinery for raising water’ and before ‘το μυλαΐον’ insert ‘part of a mill,’ adding at end ‘, cf. POxy. 1912. 145 (vi a.d.) ; perh. a beam by means of which wheel or mill was turned' χστροβιλοφόρος ( στροβηλ - cod.), ον, bearing cones, Hsch. s.v. κωνοφόρον. χστρογγυλίας, v. στραβαλός. στρογγύλλω I, after ‘ make round,' insert ‘AP 7.726,’ 11, delete ‘twirl, spin. . (Leon.) :’ στρογγυλός i, add ‘6. of sputum, nummular, Hg.Progn.14.' χστρογγυλώδης, ες, = στρογγυλοειδης, Alex.Aphr. in Top. 382.13. στρογγύλωμα, delete ‘or mosquito-net ' στρομβεΐον, for ‘Dim. of στρόμβος 5’ read ‘ round pellet' χστρούκτωρ, ωρος, ό, = Lat. structor, Ath.4.i7oe, Zos.Alch. 138.7. στροφαλίζω, after “φόβην” insert ‘ toss the mane,’ στροφείο, add ‘(prob. f.l. for στρεφει)' στρυτττηρία, after “= στυπτ—,” insert ‘tax on the sale of alum,' στρυφνός iii, delete ‘dub. in. .cod. M) ;’ χστρωτή, ή, perh. pavement, RSVI58.59 (Chios, i B.c.). στρωτής, add ‘, cf. POxy. 1951.2,7 (v a.d.)’ στρωφάω i, line 10, delete ‘i.e. claiming a husband’s rights,’ and after ‘Ag. 1224’ insert ‘, cf. εν δεμνίω . . στρωφωμενη Gyges Fr. in POxy. 2382.11.8’ στυγνότης, after ‘Plb.3.20.3’ insert ‘(but v. στεγανότης 2 (Suppl.))’ στυλοβάτης, for ‘ base of a column' read ‘ continuous basement sup¬ porting row of columns' χστϋλοτταραστάς, άδος, η, pilaster, Milet 2 p.102 (i B.c.). στυλοπινάκιον for ‘ pillar . .on it' read ‘ tablet forming part of a pillar' στυλόω, line 2, after ‘(ii B.c.)’ add ‘, cf. Ιπνών εστυλωμενος IGi 1 (2). 287 A 1 66 (Delos, iii B.c.)’ χστυμνίον, gloss on τυπαστηριον (q.v.), Hsch. Στυμφαλίς, before ‘A. R. 2. 1053’ insert ‘ib.6.84,’ [στυπ]πειοπλόκος, read “στ[υ]ττττειο-ιτλόκος” στύραξ (B), after ‘ spear-shaft ,’ insert ‘SEG 13.13.225 (Athens, v B.c·)»’ χστυρόν, τό, = στΰραξ (A) I, Call.Fr.43.88 Pf. (cf. στυρόν τό μύρον Zonar.), cf. Theognost.Can. 1 30. Στώαξ, add ‘(στόακες cod. A Ath., fort, στοίακες)' Στωϊκός, before “Στοϊκός” insert ‘Scanned -wu by Cere. 3 A-5 D.3;’ στωμύλλω ii, lines 3/4, delete ‘ : also. .Pax 995’ χστώνος, o', dub. sens., Theognost.Can.66. σύ, line 5, after ‘50.27, 55-6’ add ‘ ; τύν Tab. Defix. Boeot. in Bert. Sitzb. 1934 p.1040’ line 14, for ‘Alcm.17’ read ‘Alcm.48 P., AP7.464 (Antip.)’ p. 1659“ lines 7/8, for ‘Alcm.53’ read ‘Alcm.7o(i) P.’ and transfer ‘ ; also τει. . P.’ to the end of 1. 1. ill, after “υμείς” insert *[£»]’ συάγρειος, before ‘, ov’ insert ‘(— εος, PCair.fen. 12.52)’ χσύβακχοι, oi, a name for the φαρμακοί in Athens, Hellad.ap. Phot. Bibl.p. 534 B (v.l. σνμβ-, q.v.). συβήνη, for flute-case ' read ‘quiver’ ; before ‘, Poll.’ add ‘2. flute- case (cf. σύρβη ii) ’ συβόσιον, delete ‘II.. .Suid.’ σϋβριάζω, read “σϋβριάζω” συβριασμός, for “ή εν” read “ο εν” χσυγάτηρ, Lacon. for θυγάτηρ, 50.445-266,275· συγγεωργος, for fellow-labourer’ read fellow-husbandman' , for ‘Sammelb. . .B.c.),’ read ‘cf.’ and add ‘; pi., members of a land¬ holders' club, 657457.3 (Egypt, ii b.c.), Bull.Soc. Alex. 10.27 (i B.C.)’ συγγραφεύς I, line 4, after ‘Ach.i 150’ insert ‘(s.v.l.)’ συγγραφοδιαθήκη, add ‘; testamentary covenant, POxy. 1 102.14 (ii a.d.)’ ( συγγράφω ii. 2, line 2, delete ‘get speeches composed ’ συγγώνιον, add ‘; Adj. -1 ος, ύπότονοι (q.v. in Suppl.), Inscr . ΖΜο,ί 442Λ229 (ii b.c.)’ χσυγκαθάτττω, join with, σ. χεΐ ρά τινι Men. Dysc.g33~ συγκάθεδρος, for ‘ colleague ' read ‘ adviser ’ and after “συνθάκων;” insert ‘νομικός σ. ανθυπάτου IGRom. ΐ·933 (Sicca, ii a.d.) ; συγκαθίζω ii. 1, after ‘sit together,' insert ‘εν τώ συνεδρίω Hesperia 21.356 (Athens, iv b.c.) ;’ σύγκαιρος, for ‘Anon. ap. Suid.’ read ‘Ael.Fr.81’ συγκαταγιγνώσκω, add ‘II. join in thinking ill of a person, U Pf 146.17 (ii B.c.).’ χσυγκαταξιόω, choose, elect, εκ των συγκατηξιω μενών φιλτάτων Jahresh.g Beibl.63.7 (Ephesus, ii a.d.). συγκατασκηνόω, for ‘ establish . .quarters' read ‘ help to settle men in their tents' συγκατασχίζω, delete the article. συγκαταφέρω, add ‘2. help in conveying to the grave (perh. by con¬ tributing to expenses), IGRom. 4. 1453.’ χσυγ κατηγόρημα, ατος, τό, that which in a sentence is not subject nor predicate, Priscian.J«j<.2. 15. συγκατορύσσω, after “ τί τινι” insert Mon.5yic.8i4, σύγκειμαι, add ‘IV. Pf. Pass, of συντίθημ i ill, to have been com¬ mitted, delivered for transmission, of instructions, UPf 1 10.50 (ii B.C.).’ συγκινέω I, line 4, delete ‘ sympathetic ’ χσυγκλειδοφορέω, bear keys with, c. dat., BCPh 1.147,149. ούγκλεισμα, for ‘7.29’ read ‘7.16(29), 4Ai.16.17’ συγκλεισμός I, add ‘2. closed place, Lxx 2Ki.22.46, Pi.i7(i8).46, Mi. 7. 1 7.' 11, add ‘ ; fulfilment of a task, P Michael. 46.13, 54.4 (vi a.d., —κλισμ— Papp.)’ add ‘III. treasure, gold, Lxx Jb. 28.13.’ συγκλειστός 3, for the present section substitute ‘συγκλειστόν, τό, = συγκλεισμα, Lxx 3Κί·7· 1 5(2&) ·* σύγκληρος, ι, add ‘; c. dat., Νύμφαις σ. GLPi. 103.14’ σύγκλινος, add ‘2. pi. comrades at table, perh. a group of έφηβοι, /G22.2350 (iv/iii b.c.).’ συγκολλάω, add ‘; adjoin, PNess. 31. 1 (vi a.d.)’ συγκόλλησις, after ‘Clearch.44’ insert ‘, PFam.Teb. 15.3, al. (ii A.D.)’ συγκοπιάω, add ‘ ; C. acc., share the work on, σ. την εντομίδα εκ των κοινών κόπων Kallipolites— Lazarides Άρχαΐαι επιγραφαί Θεσσαλονίκης 29 (hi A.D.)’ χσυγκρασία, ή, perh. = σύγκρασις I b, Vett.Val.248.26. συγκρίνω ii, add ‘2. Gramm., in Pass., have degrees of comparison, των κυρίων ου συγκρινομενων A.D.Pron.64· 1 2. συγκρότησις ii, add ‘, cf. Bull. Mus. Beyrouth 7-7^· συγκυλίομαι I, add ‘b. roll (down) with, v. συγκατακυλίνδομαι.’ χσυγκϋνηγέτις, ιδος, ή, fellow-huntress, τη Άρτέμιδι Sch.E .Hipp. H30. συγκωμαστής (after σΰγκωμος), before ‘Pz .Η. insert D.C.Fc. 39·ΙΟ>’ χσυγκωμήτης, ου, ό, fellow-villager, PDura 26.2,9 (iii a.d.). συγξέω, for ‘by scraping. .Comb. 22,’ read ‘stones so that they fit together, των λογάδην συντιθέμενων λίθων αί μη συνεξεσμεναι βάσεις O.H.Comp.22 ; metaph., of literary work, in Pass., to be polished, smooth, Alcid. Soph. 20, D.H.’ συγχειμάζω, line 1, for ‘5.77’ read ‘5-75’ συγχέω I. 1, add ‘b. melt down, πολλά των χρυσών αναθημάτων Plu.2.40if.’ σύγχρησις, for ‘ common . .use’ read ‘ commercial relations’ συγχρισμός, before ‘Paul.’ insert ‘Pap. in Chron.d'Tg. 29(1940). 135 (ii a.d.), Stud.Pal. 22.183.105 (ii a.d.) ;’ 136 συγχρονεω SUPPLEMENT συναττοκλίνω συγχρονέω ι. ι, add ‘b. spend time with, τινι PMich. 8.497.15 (ii A.D.).’ συγχυσμός, delete the article; ν. συγχρισμός (Suppl.). χσυζυγικός, ή, όν, of conjugates, conjugational, Iamb, in Nic. 1 5.7. σύζυγος ι. I, add ‘ ; ή a. of a φιάλη, companion bowl, i.e. the other one of a pair, lnscr.Dilos 1429^117, 1432^^135 (ii b.c.)’ συίδιον, delete ‘porker,’ συκάζω, add ‘ άποσυκάζω. III. = επηρεάζω, Artem.i.73·’ συκαλίς, after “συκαλλός,” insert ‘ Edict. Diocl.Aeg. 4.36/ and after ‘Gloss.’ delete ‘(s.v.l.)’ συκαμινέα, after ‘589’ add ‘, PFlor. 50.32,66 (iii A.D.) ; συκα- μειναί CPHerm. 7 ii 18’ συκαμινεών, delete ‘, PFlor.. .A.D.).’ συκάμινον, transfer *, Lxx .^.7.14’ from 1 to 11. συκάμινος I, line 3, after ‘etc. add ‘so prob. in Ev.Luc. 1 7. 6;’ 11, for ‘Ευ.. .6.’ read ‘Lxx 3ΛΪ.10.27, Is.g.io^).’ χσυκαμπελών, ώνος, t>, vineyard with fig-trees, PJVess.$2.Q (vi A.D.). συκάριον, add ‘, PFlor. 176.9 (iii A.D.).’ σύκινος i. 2, after ‘metaph.,’ insert ‘of no account, Hippon.6o D.3 ;’ συκομορέα, after “συκόμορος” insert ‘(q.v. with Suppl.)’ add *, Hippiatr. ii p.165.16 O.-H., Gp. 10.3.7’ συκόμορος, for ‘ sycamore-fig ’ read ‘ sycamore (not our sycamore), Egyptian sycamore' χσϋκοτράπεζος, ον, reduced to eating figs, of one who has no bread, POxy. 2328.i1. 7 (i/ii a.d.). συκοφαντέω, add ‘III. guide, act as courier for, PJ\less. 89.22 (vi/vii A.D.).’ συκοφάντις, init., insert ‘(parox.)’ σύλη, line 7, delete ‘[to fear]’ 11, line 2, after ‘booty,’ insert ‘Hedyl.ap.Ath.i 1 .486b,’ σύλησις, add ‘, Ptol.TVir.197' συλλαβή ii. 4, add ‘ : sg., άλφα a. Herod. 3. 22’ συλλαμβάνω vi, add ‘; also c. acc. pers. dub. in PGiss. 11.12, and in PBremen 9.8 (both ii a.d.)’ χσυλλαμπαδεύω, carry a torch with, rest, in Sch. min. 11.6.21, cf. Alcm.63 P. συλλέγω ι. I, add ‘b. contract an illness, Aristid. 0.50(26). 1 (Pass.).’ 2, after ‘2.’ insert ‘Med.,’ and in next line delete*: — Med.’ χσυλλέκτης, ου, o, collector, οίνου prob. in POxy. 1 41 5.9 (iii A.D.), cf. ύποΒέκτης. χσυλλεκτικός, ή, όν, acquisitive, δωρεών Vett.Val.46. 14 j abs.. Id. 48. 1 9. συλλογισμός I. I, add ‘; counting up, reckoning, Lxx Ax.30.12, Wi. 4.20’ συμβάλλω ii. i, add ‘d. come to a meeting-place, of a leader of troops, X.Cyr.2.1.5.’ and omit ‘collect. .5;’ in 1. 2. χσυμβαλτός, ή, όν, = σνμβλητός IV, θύρα Anon, in Rh. 184.26. συμβαματικός, after ‘Ptol.Teir.203’ add ‘(v.l.)’ συμβασιλιστής, for fellow, .(q.v.)’ read ‘pi., guild of worshippers of a deified Ptolemy (cf. βασιλισταί ; here they honour Ptol. Ill)’ συμβίωσις I. 2, delete the section. συμβιωτής, add ‘HI. member of a συμβίωσις II, Ramsay Cities and Bishoprics 11 470, 7(?92(ι). 248.6 (Thyrrheum, ii B.c.), IGRom. 4.796.7 (Apamea).’ συ μβόλαιον ii. 2, line 2, after Έ./0Π41Τ insert ‘, Men.Zfyic. 469,470’ συμβολικός 2, add ‘; φήφος ΛΡ6.248 (Marc.Arg.) ; n. pi. as Subst., ib.5.135’ 4, add ‘; sg;, PGrenf 2.41.11 (i a.d.).’ σύμβολον iii. 1, last line, delete ‘; είράνας. . (Tymn.)’ 4, after ‘signal,’ insert ‘είράνας. .καί πολέμου TP6.151 (Tymn.) ;’ συμβροχεω, for ‘= συμβρέχω’ read ‘Pass., of land, be watered thoroughly, PFlor. 383.88 (iii a.d.)’ συμμάχομαι, fin., delete ‘ — Prose word . . Poets.’ σύμμαχος i, line 2, after ‘ally,’ insert ‘Archil. 75 D.3,’ συμμειρακιώδης, delete the article. χσυμμεταμορφόω, transform with, την φαντασίαν τοΐς ύποκειμένοις πράγμασιν Prod, in R. 1 64 K. σύμμετρος ιι. ι, add ‘; c. gen., Aristide. 1 09 J.’ σύμμιγμα, add ‘ ; σπέρμα ανθρώπου άρπαγμα καί σ. τοΰ των προγόνων γένους Zeno Stoic. 1 .36 (ap.Gal. 19.37®)' χσυμμοιχεύω, to be an adulterer with, c. dat. Heraclit.£)&.7.3. χσυμπαρεμπλέκω, insert, include simultaneously. Anon, in Rh. 243. 28, 31. χσυμπαρεμττλοκή, ή, simultaneous insertion, inclusion, Anon, in Rh. 243.30. χσύμπάχος, ον, thick, Poliorc.22y.6, 244.8. χσύμπεισις, εως, η, persuasion, Men. Epit. 512. χσυμττενθερός, <5, joint father-in-law, said of a bride’s father in relation to the bridegroom’s father, Sch. Od. 4. 22. συμπεραντικός, for ‘only in’ read ‘Alex.Aphr. in Top. 563.6 χσυμπεριελαύνω, round up together, τάς τε βόας καί τά πρόβατα PTeb. 729.7 (ϋ B.C.). . συμπεριφέρω ιι. 3> add ‘b. αγνοία σ. to be in ignorance, J Aj\ 9. 1. 18.’ σύμπλεγμα, for ‘entanglement . .entwined’ read ‘complex of sculp¬ tured figures, £££13.512 (Ephesus, i/ii a.d.)’ συμπλήγδην, add ‘(but cf. έκπλήγΒην in Suppl.)’ συμποδίζω ii, add ‘b. prob. hinder in Lxx Zech. 13.3.’ συμποδισμός, after “ό,” insert ‘ entanglement , Alex.Aphr. in SE 135-13;’ χσύμποκος, ον, = ίμποκος, PThead.22.Q, 23.11 (iv a.d.). σύμπονος, add ‘, cf. POxy. 1942.4 (vi a.d.).’ χσυμποσιαστής, ου, 6, fellow-banqueter, St.Byz. 2. member of a cult-association, Θρακικά 8 p.102 (Traiana Aug.). χσυμπραγματευτής, οΰ, o, collaborator, PMasp. 158. 11 (vi a.d.). συμπροβαίνω, before ‘3 sg.’ insert ‘ οι λόγοι τω χρόνω σ. advance with the advance of time, Aristid. Or. 2. 103 J. ;’ συμπρονοέω, add ‘, SEGi 9·79°·5 (Pisidia)’ συμπροσγίγνομαι I, after “συμποτιγίν— ” add ‘ ; Thess. συμπογγϊν— BCH59.56 (Larissa)’ συμπρόσειμι, for ‘ together ' read ‘with, c. dat.’ and after ‘8.15’ insert ‘; to support, POxy. 1061. 10 (i b.c.). b. to be present besides ’ χσυμπρωτοκωμήτης, ου, o, associate πρωτοκωμήτης, PFlor. 296.41 (vi A.D.) . χσυμπτώσιμος, ον, collapsing, οικία PGoodsp.Cair. 13.4 (iv A.D.). χσυμπωλεομαι, go or come together, Hsch. s.v. σννπολευμένους . συμφανής, after ‘evident,’ insert ‘συμφανών (ξυμφώνων codd.) πραζέων PI. Lg. 864b ;’ σύμφθαρσις 2, for the present section substitute ‘ blending , fusion, of ΙΒέαι, Hermog./T. 1.12 ; of factors multiplied, Iamb. in ΛΤ.ρ.δο P. ; of foods digested, Syrian, in Hermog. i 66 R.’ συμφθείρω n, for ‘of colours. .2.436b’ read ‘to be blended, fused, of φάρμακα, Plu.2-436b’ and for ‘qualities’ read ‘the qualities of liquids, etc., when mixed,’ συμφιλοκαλέω, add * ; support in the quest of distinction, J.AJ I I. 8.2’ χσύμφΐμος, ον, tightly closed, Iambl.Alch. 287.5· χσύμφοιτος, ή, gloss on όμόφοιτος, Sch.Pi.jV.8.54. συμφορά ii. 2, after ‘ misfortune ,’ insert ‘Ale. 69. 2 L.-P.,’ σύμφραξις, add ‘2. fencing round, Tit.Calymn.52. 12 (iii b.c.).’ χσύμψημα, ατος το, pi. scrapings, Hsch. s.v. σύρμα τις στρατιά. χσυμψηφισμός, ό, expl. as σΰνθεσις φηφων, Alex.Aphr. in Top. 9.18. σύν, line 16, for ‘Sapph.75;’ read ‘Sapph.121 L.-P. (codd.); ξυνιείς Pi. JV.4..3 1 (codd.) ;’ A. 5, add ‘ ; of an attendant burden, σ. γήρα βαρείς S.OTiy; σ. νόσοις άλγεινός έξεπέμπετο Id.OCi663’ συναγείρω, line 2, after ‘Theoc.22.76 :’ add ‘Aeol. 3 sg. pf. συναγάγρεται Ale. 1 19· 10 L.— P. :’ συναγέσκεο, delete the article. χσυναγορανόμος, ό, colleague as άγορανόμος, Melanges Beyrouth 26. 62 (Tyre, i a.d.) ; c. dat., ££.427.239 (Sparta, ii a.d.). συναγχικός, line 1, after “συνάγχη,” insert ‘Ax.Byz.Epit.2.178,’ ; line 2, delete ‘ \ of . . 790’ σύναγχος, add ‘, Gal. 15.790’ χσυναγωνοθέτης, ου, o, colleague as αγωνοθέτης, rest, in Inscr.Prien. I I I. 1 74, 1 18.4,1 1 (i b.c.), Hesperia 28.324 (Isthmia, imperial), συνφδω ι. I, line 3, after ‘ArMt;.858 (lyr.)’ insert ‘(codd.)’ 11, for ‘trans.’ read ‘c. acc. pers.’ χσυναθλητής, οΰ, ό, fellow-athlete, ΜΑΜΑ8.^ιη .32 (dub.), συνάθροισμα, add ‘, Sch.E.T/ec. 100— 24’ συναιρέω, add ‘HI. choose together with, αιρεθείς θεωρός, .μετά των συναιρεθέντων JHS68. 48. 73>77 (Lycia, ii B.C.?). συναισθητικός, for ‘only’ read ‘ self-conscious , εις αυτήν Plot. 2. 2. ϊ.10·’ χσυναίσθομαι, = συναισθάνομαι III, PLit.Lond. 1 38vii7 (i A.D.). συναιχμάλωτις, add ‘, Sch.S.Tr.318 (ήυν-)’ συνακμάζω, for ‘or flourish ’ read ‘, flourish, or ripen,' χσυναλέγω [scanned - ^ u -], dub. in Pi. 7.8(7). 51 (,eg· &v' άλέγειν) . συναλίσγομαι, read “συναλισγέομαι” and before ‘Aristeas’ insert ‘cj. in’; delete ‘(cod.L. .8.9)’ χσυναλλάζομαι (cf. συναλλάσσω), exchange, 'Ελληνικά ΙΟ-5 (Sicyon, V B.C. ; συναλάζ—). συνάλλαξις, for ‘(all ii b.c.).. by contract' read ‘(all ii b.c.); ή των καρπών σ. the contract concerning’ χσυναμφιβολεύς, έως, 6, fellow-fisherman, PCornell 46.7 (ii A.D.). συναναζεύγνυμι, add ‘, cf. BGUi 257.20 (iii b.c.)’ συναναρτάομαι, add ‘; c. dat., Socr.£/».6.iO συνανασκευάζω, line 2, delete lS.E .Ad. .6: — and at end add ‘, S.E.M.7.214.’ Χσυνανάτασις, εως, ή, straining, effort, Phidi.Rh.Suppl.y^A^. χσυναντάγωνιστής, ου, o, fellow-competitor, Sch.Pi.A".ii p.185.4 συνάντησις, after ‘of heavenly bodies,’ insert ‘Ptol. Tetr. 150,’ συναπελεύθερος, add ‘; συναπελευθέρα BCHa^. 516.’ χσυναπογέννησις, εως, ή, joint procreation, Procl. in R. 1 . 1 34> 2.366 K. συναπογράφομαι, add ‘III. Act., dub. sens., Inscr.Cret.^.iSoB 5 (Gortyn, iv/iii b.c.).’ > συναποθνήσκω, line 2, after ‘47’ insert ‘, cf. E.Supp.ioof συναποκλίνω, after ‘[1], insert cause to fall back with another, c. dat., Memn.38.5J.;’ 137 συναπορεω SUPPLEMENT σύρρα συναπορεω ιι, add ‘(perh. by Men.; v. Koerte i3 p.144)’ χσυναποχή, ή, joint receipt, POxy. 1891.18 (v a.d.). συνάπτω A. I. 2, line 11, for ‘ abridge ’ read ‘ converse ' in. 3, for ‘conclusion follows' read ‘(propositions) are hypothetical ’ and for ‘Fr. 70.3’ read ‘Fr. 393.3 Pf.’ συναρέσκω, line 7, after ‘c. dat.,’ insert ‘Arist..4tA.33.2,’ συναρθμέω, for the present article substitute ‘ cause to agree with, a. επεεσσι A. R. 4. 418.’ συναριθμεω i, after ‘5.18’ insert ‘, cf. Call. Fr. 587 Pf.’ συνάριθμο? II, for ‘(Simon. (?))’ read ‘([Simon.])’ χσυνάρίστιον, τό, breakfast-club, IGi2(f). 93, 94 (Nisyros, iii B.c.). συναρμόζω I. 1 a, add ‘ (Act., join in wedlock, τινά tlvl, Memn. 4-4J ·)’ συνασπίζω, line 1, before ‘Hsch.’ insert ‘Lxx 3Λ/Α.3. 10,’ συναυλέω, after ‘ same time,’ insert ‘Ar.-4a.857 (prob. cj.),’ συναυλία (A), for ‘symphony. .Hsch.’ read ‘ duet by two flautists playing the same notes, Sch.Ar.Z^.g (cf. Hsch., Poll.4.83)’ χσυναυξητικό?, ή, όν, capable of increase, φύσις Gal. 1 9.473. συναφή?, line 5, before ‘Gramm.’ insert ‘so c. gen., Peripl.M. Ruhr. 2 ;’ χσυνδάμέτα?, a, 6, = συνδημότης, rest, in SEGi 4.702. 1 5 (Rhod. Peraea, i b.c.). συνδαπανάω, add ‘, Inscr.gr. et lat.de la Syrie 2707 (i a.d.)’ χσυνδέξιο?, o', pi., members of a society of Mithraic μύσται, Dura1·* p.87 no.848, p. 1 20 no.858, cf. Firm.Z)i err. prof .relig.5.2. σύνδεσμο?, add ‘VII. = δασμός I. 5, Thd.Z)a.5.i2. VlII. prob. pericardium, Lxx ^.41. 6.’ συνδηλόω, line 3, for “τω” read “τοΐς” συνδιαπνέω 2, delete “[77 φόσις]” συνδοκιμάζω 2, for ‘20.2.2’ read ‘20.2.3’ χσυνδορπνο?, ον, conflation of σύνδειπνος and σύνδορπος, Dura* 40. χσυνδουλίων, ωνος, ό, = συνδουλο?, Vit. Aesop. { G)i6 (pi., - loves cod.). σύνδουλο? i, after ‘Babr.3.6’ add *, BCH 12.203’ σύνδρομά?, for ‘pecul. fern, of’ read '=’, and at end add *; folding, i.e. divided vertically, of doors, θύρα σννδρομάδε, SEG (Athens, v b.c.), cf. Poll. 10.24’ συνδρομή 2 a, add ‘ ; Lit.Crit., concurrence of characteristics, OAA.Dem.50' σύνδυο, last line, for ‘8.4.2.’ read ‘8.6.2.’ συνεγγισμό?, line 3, delete “προς την άρετήν” χσυνεγγΰητή?, οΰ, 6, joint surety, Ath. Mitt. 59.42 (Attica). χσυνεγκαλέω, in Pass., οι συνεγ καλούμενοι the joint defendants, UPZ 161.38,56 (ii b.c.) . συνεδρεύω ill. I, line 3, after ‘15.10’ add ‘; Συνεδρεύοντα, title of a book of the physician Praxagoras, Gal. 18(1). 7’ συνέδριον I, line 13, after ‘332’ insert ‘; = Lat. consistorium principis. Lib. Or. 18. 154’ 2, after ‘X.//G2.4.23,’ insert ‘Men.Dysc.17j,' χσυνείσδοσι?, εως, η, submission to a court made together with another, BCH9.76. συνεκδημητικό?, add ‘(or perh. a traveller’s guide-book)' συνεκπέμπω I, add ‘b. = συνθάπτω, Call. Fr. 194.50 Pf. (tm.).’ συνεκσωζω, after ‘S.OC566’ insert ‘, Men.Ojyrc.753’ συνεμπορο?, add ‘II. ΐερεύς και [ σ]υνεμπορος της Αακίας, dub. sens., Θρακικά 8.93 (Traiana Aug., iii a.d.).’ συνενεργέω, before ‘Plot.’ insert ‘f.l. in’ and before ‘Ascl.’ insert ‘dub. 1. in’ συνεξέρχομαι, add ‘4. of two athletes, step out together after a drawn fight, Inscr.Magn. 180. 16 (ii a.d.).’ συνεπάγω 2, lines 5/6, delete ‘draw, .cf.’ συνεπιβαίνω ii, add ‘ ; abs., Men.Oyrc.954’ συνεπιδείκνυμι, line 2, after ‘2.7’ add ‘ ; of a όριοδείκτης, σ. άρουρας PRyl. 4.656.22 (300 A.D.)’ συνεπιδίδωμι I, add ‘4. (sc. εαυτόν) devote oneself, ZJC//79.539, Jr//0'68.48.76 (both ii b.c.).’ συνεπικιρνάω, after ‘besides,' insert ‘Ptol.TVir. 146,’ συνεπιλάμπω, for ‘ illumine ' read ‘shine' συνεπίτροπο?, add ‘, PHamb. 70.2 (ii A.D.)’ χσυνεποικιανό?, ό, fellow-member of a settlement, Keil-Premerstein Erster Bericht No. 157 (Gordus, ii a.d. ; -εποκ-). χσυνεργεπιστάτη?, ου, 6, joint superintendent of works, Ephes. 4(3), no.42a. συνέργιον, after ‘= συνεργασία i’ insert ‘(or possibly 11, v. Rev. PAzV.32.19 ff.)’ συνερείδω ii. 2, line 3, delete ‘ ; press on. . 12.3’ χσυνερέτη?, ου, 6, fellow oarsman, Hsch. s.v. ξυνερεται. συνεριθο?, before 1 less freq.’ insert ‘ : fern. Sup. συνεριθοτάταν Βρομίω most faithful handmaid, prob. in Telestes i(c).i P.’ χσυνέστα?, a, 6, a club-member of a certain class, / Id·’, χσυνομβρ έω, flood, cover with a deluge, Pass., P Michael. 4.1 1 (ii a.d.). χσυνοφρυάζω, contract the brows, Sch.S.v4ni.528. συνόχωκα, for “*συνοχόω” read ‘συνέχω (cf. *όκωχα and the similar formation of οίχωκα from οίχομαι, q.v. in Suppl.)’ συντακτικό?, add ‘IV. dub. sens., συντακτικοΐς και ΰπερθέτοις PRyl. 4.585.29 (ii b.c.).’ and transpose to follow συντακτήριο?. συνταμία?, add ΊΙ. fellow-treasurer, Didyma 393.3,400.8.’ συντέλεια ii. 2, add ‘b. club, association, παγανικαι σ. Arch. Pap. ι. 408.10 (v a.d.).’ συντελέω I, add ‘5. pucker up in scorn, στόμα Aq.Is.52. i6.’ ill. 2, line 4, for ‘ tributaries' read ‘ regions united to it’ συντεχνίτη?, add ‘, PHamb. 56 v 1 (p.207) (vi/vii a.d.)’ συντίθημι A, add ‘V. εις άλας σ., salt, pickle, D.S.3.31.’ χσύντμησι?, εως, ή, cutting short, e.g. Ιερομηνία for Ιερονουμηνία, Sch.Pi.jV.3.4. σύντομο? ι. 2, add ‘; of persons, concise, Aeschin.2.51, Call. Epigr. 11 Pf., Poll. 4. 20, 6.149’ 4> delete the section, συντονάριο?, add ‘, i.e. perh. one who plays with his foot on the κρούπεζα (ν. κρούπεζα 2 in Suppl.).’ σύντριμμά? ii, after ‘ miseries' add ‘(Hebr. breakers, i.e. waves)’ συνυμνέω, after ‘together,' insert ‘ Jahresh.8. 167 70 (Notium),’ συνυφή i, add ‘b. something woven of the same stuff as the main article, ή σ. τής επωμίδος Lxx Εχ.56. 28(A).’ συνωμόσιο?, add ‘2. Ζευς σ., dub. sens., OGI 65 = Bull. Inst. Eg. 6 ( 1 9 ^2) .90 (Egypt, iii b.c.).’, χσυνωρία, ή, carriage-service, ol μουλίωνες ol επεστώντες (== εφ- εστώτες) συνωρία SEG2.666 = 4·72^ (Bithynia), cf. Robert Hell. 10.46. συνώριο?, add ‘ : ν. συνωρία in Suppl.’ χσυοσκύαμο?, ό, = ύοσ κύαμος, prob. in Νίο.Λ/·4ΐ5. συππινά?, add ‘, cf. σιππουργός' συρβάβυττα, for ‘ topsy-turvy ' read ‘dub. sens.’ σΰριγξ ii. 2, after ‘Supp. 18 1 ,’ insert ‘but the nave itself in’ συρίζω II, after ‘like a serpent,’ insert ‘ώς εχιδνα συρίζει Hippon. iv. 1 1 D.3 ;’ συρίσκο?, before “0 ” insert “σύριχο?,” and for “υρισός” read line 4> after ‘al. ;’ insert ‘pi. of Ptolemy I and Berenice, Call.De/.166, cf. Arch.Pap. 5. 156 (Egypt, iii b.c.; θεούς σ.) ;’ ii, for ‘γονής. . Th.22f read ‘A.T^.664, S.OT 80-81, Ph. 1471, Ε.Λ/Λ/.360 (anap.)’ add TV. grain of salt, Hsch.’ σωτήριος ii. 2, add ‘b. peace-offering, Lxx Le.3.6,7. 1 1, al.’ Χσωφρόνη, η, poet, for σωφροσύνη, dub. cj. at A.Pers.82g, E .Ba. 1002, al. χσωφρονητικός, η, όν, = σωφρονικός 2, Rh.l.231-6· σωφροσύνη, add ‘4. — ης άρχων, poet, for σωφρονιστής ii, IG a*. 3768.13 (iii a.d.).’ 139 ταβερνάριος SUPPLEMENT τελευτάω χταβερνάριος, ό, = Lat. tabernarius, ΜΑΜΑ 3.31 1. χτάβης [ά], ητος ο, = τάπης, Edict. Diocl.y. 62. χταβουλάριον, τό, = Lat. tabularium, archives, POxy. 2 1 16.10 (iii A.D.). χταβουλάριος, ό, = Lat. tabularius, Ramsay The Social Basis 129, ΜΛΜΑ7.524 (pi.), PHamb.31.1q (pi., ii a.d.), POxy.2268.14 (v A.D.). ταγή 2, for the present section substitute ‘ command = commanders, A.Ag.\ 10 (but τάγάν s.v.l. ; v. ταγός i).’ and after ‘6.’ insert ‘ tribute paid to the Great King by the satrapies, Arist.Oer. I345t’25> cf. Hsch. r. βασιλι κή Scoped ]’ τάγμα hi, add ‘d. club (at Sardis) Ap.Ty.^.39,40,41 .’ χτ άδε, Adv. here, IG 12 (3). 536 (Thera, vi b.c.) ; cf. rfjSe. τακτικός, transfer ‘Adv.. . 1 14T from 1. 1 to 1. 2 and add ‘, with better control’ add ‘III. Ephebic official at Thebes, lGq. 2440 (i B.C.?).’ τακτός, last line, for ‘v.l. in Plot. 3. 1.2’ read ‘prob. cj. in Plot. 3·1;3’ *τακτώριος, ό, name of a variety of σμάραγδος, Treatise περί λίθων in VVien.Stud.20.31g. ταλαντόομαι, add ‘ ; Act. fut. ταλαντώσω, Hsch.’ ταλαπείριος i, line 3, after ‘14. 51 1 ;’ insert ‘Πέργαμον Ibyc.i(a). 8 P.;’ τάλας, before “τάλαινα” insert ‘(Ion. τάλης Herod. 3. 35, 7-88 (but ταλας 5.55)) ; line 2, after ‘also’ insert ‘gen. τάλαντος, Hsch.,’ ταλασιουργός, add ‘, IG22. 1554.2, al. (iv b.c.)’ τάλις, for the present article substitute ‘τάλις, ή, gen. τάλιδο? S.Ant.629 (anap.), acc. τάλιν Call.Tr.75.3 Pf., dat. τάλι (ίτάλη codd.) Sch. II. 14.296, betrothed maiden] also married woman and bride, acc. to Hsch. (Aeol. word acc. to Sch.S. I.c.).’ ταμεία, add ‘ ; also ταμία Wolters Das Kabirenheiligtum bei Theben 1.79, TAM2 (3) .838/7 (Lycia)’ ταμιακός, line 2, after ' fiscalis ,’ insert ‘r. Aoyoj POxy. 1414.8 (iii A.D;),’ , χταμιεύς, έως, ό, storekeeper, Steph.Byz. s.v. ταμιεΐον, cf. SB3223. 8. ταμιευτικός I, add ‘2. of a steward, βυβλία PCornelli. 16 (iii B.c.).’ add ‘III. belonging to the Elatean ταμίαι, χρήματα /G9(i).I44.8 (Elatea, ii a.d.). IV. = ταμίας, TAM2(3) .845.7 (Lycia).’ τάν, line 1, after ‘only Att.’ insert ‘exc. Epich.87 and Pi. in POxy. 2448. Fr.i. 4 (where ώτάν prob. Pap.)’; line 3, for ‘(not in Ar.)’ read ‘, Ar.Pl.66, al.’ χΤαναγρεύς, έως, ό, = Ταναγραίος, 7G22.I0405 (iii B.C.). χΤαναγρίδαι· οί Ταναγρΐίς, Hsch. τανίφυλλος, after ‘Β. 10.55’ add ' read by Zenod. in Od. 13.346 for τανυφνλλος, Et.Gen. in Miller Melanges p.211’ τανυήκης i, add ‘; ιοί B.Tr.2oD7 S.’ τανυκνήμις, add ‘2. with long mountain spurs, Nonn.Z). 13.67 (cf. βαθυκνήμις in Suppl.).’ τανυπτέρυγος, line 2, after ‘either,’ insert ‘νώτων AP 9.59,’ τανύσφυρος, add ‘(v. τ ανίσφυρος.)’ τανύφυλλος I, delete ‘, prob.. .426.7’ end of article, add ‘(v. τανίφυλλος.)’ ταξείδιον, add ‘; also ταξίδιον, perh. journey, PMich. 8.501.24 (pl„ ii A.D.).’ ταξίλοχος, for ‘ Pepl.g ’ read ‘Pepl. 34’ τάπης, lines 1/3, for ‘ carpet . .beds’ read ‘mg, χλαινάων. .ουλών re ταπήτων II. 16.224; spread on seats and beds’ ; line 4, for Od. 4.298’ read ‘Od.4. 124,298’ ταραξίας, add ‘, Choerob. in Theod. 1. 141.32.’ χταραχίζομαι, v. θολερεΐν. ταρβέω, line 1, after ‘930:’ add ‘Aeol. τάρβημι Alc.302.12 L. — P . ! χταρθωτής, οΰ, ό, apptly. for ταρσωτής, revetter of a dyke with brushwood, POxy. 1053.25 (vi/vii a.d.). χτάρϊχ°πωλις, η (sc. αγορά] cf. ιχθυόπωλις) , = ταριχοπωλεΐον Gnomol. Vat. 340 ( Wien. Stud. 1 1 .44) . τάριχος ii, line 2, after ‘fish,’ insert ‘Epich.162;’ χταρσίκιον, τό, dub. sens., perh. dried fig, POxy. 2273.8 (iii A.D.) . ταρσός ii. 3, line 2, before ‘Babr.’ insert ‘Mosch.2.61,’ ; line 4, delete ‘of a peacock’s tail, Mosch.2.60;’ add ‘7. λίθος 6 κάτω τι θέμ€νος έν τω ίττνω, Hsch.’ Τάρταρος I, add ‘2. = βυθός, τ. ίλυόεσσα, of the Nile, Nic.l.c.’ χταρτημοριαΐος, α, ον, “twopenny” , τ. τι να καλοΰσιν οίον δι χάλκου άξιον Phot. S.v. ταρτημόριον (cf. EMJ47.18). χΤάρφη’ πόλις Λοκρίδος, οΐ δέ σποδός, τέφρα, ή βλαστός, Hsch. χταρφήεντα εντάφια- τεφρώδη, Hsch. (ταρφίεντα cod. Cf. Τάρφη in Suppl.). Χτάρχεα· τά νενομισμένα τοΐς νεκρό ΐς, Sch. A II. 7. 85, cf. Sch. Gen. ibid. : — Sch.B has ταρχώματα, Sch.T ταρχώα. χταταΐ, an exclamation of pain, Herod.3.79. τατικός, add ‘ ; Adv.Comp. (v. τακτικός I. 1 with Suppl.) with greater force, cf. τάσις I. 4’ Ταΰγετον, after ‘(s.v.l.)’ add ‘; also τά Τάύγετα όρη Iamb .VP Ι9·92’ , χταυλοειδής, ές, only Adv. -ώς, dub. sens., Anon.Alch.325.7. Ταυρεασταί, add ‘; at Istria, Histria 1.553 (iii/ii b.c.); also Τ αυριασταί Dacia N.s.4.276.26 (Istria, ii a.d.)’ ταυρεία, add ‘3. helmet of ox-hide, Hsch.’ ταύρεος, add ‘, cf. Ταυρια · εορτή τις άγομένη Ποσειδώνος, Hsch.’ ταυρινάδαι, for the present article substitute: ‘ταυρινάς, αδος, ό, shoemaker, MAMA6.23 4 (Apamea) ; συνεργασία πλήθους -άδων Ephes.2 No. 80, cf. 81 ( ταυρειν — lapides).’ χταυροβολικός, ή, όν, — ταυροβόλος, ara taurobolica CILg. 1538 (228 A.D.). ταυροβόλιον, add ‘2. bull-fight, as an entertainment, A/A 1935. 590 (Ilium, i b.c.), TAM2.508 (Lycia, i b.c.).’ ταυροκαθάπτης, add ‘, /G22-3I56 (Athens)’ ταυρόκερως, add ‘(acc. -κερων E.Ba.l.c.)’ ταυρομαχία, for ‘, IGRom. 3.631.14’ read *; also -μάχια, τά, TAM2.287.14’ ταυροπόλος, add ‘; Ταυροπόλαι- ή Άρτεμις και ή Άθηνα, Hsch.’ ταύρος I. 2, add ‘ ; cf. ταύροι· οί παρά Έφεσίοις οίνοχόοι, Hsch.’ χΤαυροφόνια, τά, a festival at Mylasa, prob. in LW404. ταυροχόλια, for “ Κυζικω” read “Κυζίκω” χταυρόω, v. ταυρόομαι 2. ταύτμ, read ‘ταύτμ or ταυτά’, and after “ταντη,” insert ‘Theoc. ^15.18 (prob. cj.),’ ταφή 2, fin., for ‘sarcophagus . .sarcophagus’ read ‘covering of a mummy, whether linen wrappings or mummy-case, δευτέρα τ .’ and add ‘(cf. Ale'l.Bidez 720.24 μια καί μόνη τ. i.e. urn or tomb, which would need no renewal)’ χτάφιάζω, bury, εαυτούς εις ύπνον, dub. lect. in Ps.-Callisth.3.6 (Cod. B). τάφρη, add ‘; Dor. τράφα, .ST'Gi4.684(a).8 (Rhod. Peraea, ca. 200 b.c.)’ χτάχύγουνος [ϋ], ον, on swift legs, Nonn.D. 1 .91,9. 155, al. χταχυδιάνοιος, v. A ειόμερος. Χταχύλογος, ον, speaking rapidly, Physiogn. 1.332.11,17. ταχυμάχης, for “ώκυβόας” read “ώκυβόαι” ταχύπλοος, for “ώκυπλους” read “ώκναλος” ταχύπους, add ‘; ταχΰπουν κέλευθον Trag.Adesp. 127.6’ ταχύς Β. ι, line 2, after ‘etc.’ insert ‘; soon, Sapph.1.21,23 L.— P.’ add ‘b. too soon, Plu.2.i78e.’ G. 1. 3, line 4, for ‘402.16’ read ‘333.16 Koerte, AP11.23 (Antip.)’ χταωνίτης, ου, ό, a precious stone, = ταώς ii, De Mdly Lapid.Gr. 168.25. τε A. 11, lines 16/17, omit ‘διάνδιχα. .11.8.1 68;’ χτέγεα, v. τένεα in Suppl. χτεγοποιεω, cover with a roof, c. acc., Inscr. Delos 444R95 (ii b.c.). τεΐδε, line 2, for ‘= hither ,’ read ‘ hither or this way, cj. in’ χτειρωνολογέω, recruit for the army, IGBulg. 517, cf. Rev. fit. Gr. 7 3. 1 70/ 1, no.230. Χτειχητός, ή, όν, walled or fortified, Hesperia 5.403 (Athens, iv b.c.). τειχοδομέω, add ‘ : Pass. Θήβη έτειχοδομήθη was walled, her walls were built, Sch.E.T/i.287’ τειχομαχέω, line 5, for ‘Hann.’ read ‘Hisp.’ χτειχοσεισμοποιός, όν, causing earthquakes destructive of walls, P Mag. Par. 1.183. τεκμαίρομαι I, add ‘2. reveal, Nic.Afiios·’ ill, for ‘abs.,. . teeth,’ read ‘ leave a mark on, of teeth, χροΐ ’ τέκμαρ, read “τεκμάρ”; line 1, for ‘never elsewhere’ read ‘also Alcm., v. infr., and as v.l. in A.R.3.1002’ add TIL a principle in Aleman’s cosmology, perh. Divider, Alcm.5 fr.2 ii ( i4sqq· P·, v. GQ.N.s.13.155-6.’ τεκνον, 4 lines from end, for ‘occasionally’ read ‘freq.’ and after ‘914’ add ‘; not in A.’ χτεκνοτρόφος, ον, bringing up children, άνήρ αξιόλογος καί τ. IG Ι2(7)·394·5 (Amorgos) ; prob. Subst. in GF/977.8 (Maure¬ tania, ii/iii a.d.) . τέκτων, add ‘5. a kind of spider, Hsch.’ τελαμών i. 3, add ‘; headband, Lxx 3K1.21 (20). 38, Aq.Zr.3.18’ 11. 2, add ‘; ταλαμών Robert Hell. 7. 3 2 if. (Bithynia).’ τέλειος I. 3b, line 9, after ‘ (ii a.d.);’ insert ‘τ. αριθμητικόν complete land-tax, ST4415.4 (ii a.d.) ;’ χτελεσεργος, ό, = τ ελεσιουργός 3, Διός τ. IGl 2Suppl. 380.2 (Thasos, ν b.c. ; ΤΕΔΣΕΕΡ- lapis). χΤέλεσσαι, ai, name of goddesses at Cyrene, Parola del Passato 15. 294 (ii b.c.). τελεστήριον ii, add ‘2. = Att. τέλη (ν. τέλος I. 6), Wolters Das Kabirenheiligtum bei Theben 1.27, No. 4 (iii/ii b.c.) (τελεστειρ- lapis).’ τέλεστρα, for ‘ admission to priesthood ’ read ‘ initiation ’ τελεσφορία I, for ‘initiation in the mysteries' read ‘ religious celebra¬ tion ’ add ‘III. ripening of fruit, etc., περί καρπών τελεσ- φορίας RSA49-i5 (Dorylaeum ; τηλ—) ; χαλεπήν . .τελεσφορίην rest, in Call.Tr.85. 13 Pf·’ τελεταρχεω, delete the article. χτελετουργός, όν, working by means of a rite, θεοί Procl. in R. 2.153. 23' τελευτάω ii. i, delete ‘ ; ελπίδες E.Ba.go8 (lyr.)’ 2 b, line 3, after ‘ A.Supp.2 1 1 ;’ insert ‘ελπίδες τ. έν όλβω E.Ra.908 (lyr.) (s.v.l.) ;’ 140 τελέω SUPPLEMENT τιμή τελέω I. I, ρ. 1772a, line 1, after ‘Id. 4. 78 »’ insert ‘οΰδ’ ε’τ έλεσσας [οδόν] επ’ άγλαΐη βιότοιο A. R. 1. 252;’ χτελίαμβος, ό, = μείουρος (v. μάουρος (a) 2), Mar.Vict. in Gramm. Lat.6.67 K. χτελμάτιον, to, Dim. of τίλμα, Simp, in Cael. 66.9. τέλος i. 2, line 4, after ‘Semon.1.1’ insert ‘, cf. Archil. 84 D.3, Ale. 200. 10 L.-P.’ τέλσον, add ‘2. edge, άλωος Nic. 77;. 546/ τέλωρ, for ‘‘τελώριον” read “πελώριοι;” τεμαχιστός, after 'salted,' insert ‘prob. in’ τέμαχος, line 6, after ‘Paul.Aeg.7-t t’ add ‘; τ. γάλακτος i.e. of cheese, Al. 1 Ki. 17.18’ τεμένιος i, add ‘; Subst., τεμένια, τά, Rev.Et.Anc. 44.35.45 (Olus, ii b.c.) ’ τέμενος in, after 'temple,' insert ‘PI. Ax. 367c τέμνω, line 1 1, after ‘etc.’ insert Aeol. part, τόμοντες Ale. 129. 15 L.-P.’ hi. 2, after ‘so in Med., 9.580’ add ‘, A.R.i. 868’ Τέμπεα ii, add ‘: sg. τ έμπος, Sch.E.PA.6oo, PA7527.46’ τεναγΐτις, after “ιδος,” insert ‘acc. τεναγΐτιν,’ τένεα, add ', cf. τέγε(α)· κόρυζα, Κόροι, Id.’ χτένται, V. τέλομα ι. τένων i, last line, delete ‘; τένοντα. .62.3’ and add ‘b.neck, Lyc. 1 1 12, Luc.Cat.19, Babr.62.3, Ael.AA2.39, al.’ 11, after ‘mountain-ridge,’ insert ‘δάσβατον άμφϊ τ. Nonn.D.i 1.193 ;’ τέξις, add ‘; nativity, Ptol. Tetr. 1 05’ τεός, line 3, after 'E.IIeracl.gi 1 ’ add ‘(cj.)’ τέρας, add ‘IV. in pi. τει'ρεα, τει'ρεσι, τείρεσσι, stars, II. 18.485, h.Mart.j, Arat.692, Call.De/. 1 76, A.R.3.1362, 4.261, etc.’ χτεράτοειδώς, Adv., monstrously , κατελθεΐν Sch.E.PA.8o6. τερεβινθίζω, add ‘ ; to be turpentine-coloured, V\in. Η.Να,η . 1 16’ τερετίζω i, add ‘4. of αυλοί, Philostr. EA6.36.’ χτερετίστρια, ή, chirruper, of the cicada, I/i/.Ae.vo/>.(W)99· τέρην, after “εινά, εν” add '{τέρε iv Hsch.)’ τερματίζω, after 'limit, bound,' insert ‘Hippon.vin.3 D.3,’ τέρμινθος III, add ‘, cf. Lxx Ge.43.11’ τερπνός ii, for ‘PV.256. . I2i8e6’ read ‘ Fr. 369, 536 Pf. ; hyper- characterized Adv. -ίστατα ib.93.3’ τέρτα, delete the article. χτέρτος, a, ov, Aeol. for τρίτος, τέρτον τόνδε Ale. 129.7 L.— P., cf. Choerob. in An. Ox. 2.275, Hsch. s.v. τέρτα. τέρφος, for 'shell. . Id. Th. 323 ;’ read ‘of a snake, Nic.TA.323; outer husk, of a chestnut, Id.AZ.268 ;’ τερψίχορος, add ‘; σοφία IGq( 2). 584 (Larissa, iv b.c.)’ τεσσαρακαιδεκέτης, before “-δεκαετής” add ‘-δεχετής, GVI 1709 (Thessalonica, ii/i b.c.), cf. έτος (Suppl.) ; for ‘[τεττάρ]ά- καιδε[κε']τις Arist.A/A.56.7’ read ‘-δεκετις, ιδος, Arist.AiA.56.7 (rest.), GVI 1461.4’ τεσσαρακαιεικοσίπους, delete the article. τεσσαράκοντα, line 6, after ‘indeed.’ add ‘, exc. Aeol. gen. τεσσ[ερ] αγόντων Schwyzer 688 Ci 4 (Chios, v b.c.)’ τεσσαρακονταχοίνικος, add ', PAlich. 145. ill. 7 (ii a.d.)’ τεσσαρακόσιοι, add ‘ ; also τετταρακ— Inscr. Ddlos 1401C8 (iiB.c.)’ τεσσαρεσκαιδεκασυλλαβος, add ', Sch.Theoc.29 prooem.’ τεταγών, delete “ό,” τέτανός I, line 2, for “πήχυς” read “ πρίων ” Χτετάνοτρίχινος, ον, = τετανόθριζ, PMich. TeA.2.298 introd.6 (i A.D.) . τεταρταίος 2, after 'Ti. 86a;’ insert ‘πυρετοί τ. πολυχρόνιοι Hp. Aer.7 ;’ τέταρτος ii, add ‘3. a coin, Πτολεμαϊκά τ. Inscr. Dilos 444.B32, al. (ii B.C.) , cf. Hsch. τέταρτον ήμισν το τέταρτον ήμιστάτηρον.' χτεταρτώνης, ου, ό, farmer or collector of the quarter-tax, Syria 22.263, 264 (Palmyra, ii a.d.). τέτμον i, fin., after ‘opt.’ insert ‘τέτμοι Call.DeZ.159,’ χτετράβωλον, τδ, = τ ετρώβολον, 0TGi9-335-33 (Tanagra, i b.c.). τετράγραμμος, add ‘2. = τετραγραμμιαΐος, Hsch., s.v. στατήρ.’ τετραγωνικός, before ‘Iamb, in Nic.' insert ‘Hero Dioptr. 28 (p.280 line 2),’ τετράγωνος i. 2, add ‘c. a cubic measure of wood, prob. a cubic ζάλον (v. ζάλον v) PBrem. 15.12 (ii a.d.), POxy. 669.21 (iii A.D.) ; so prob. την όργυαν την τετράγωνον Inscr. Delos 290.167 (iii b.c.).’ add ‘V. epith. of Hermes, Babr.48.1, PAIag. 5. 401, 7.669, TAM3(i).34D7i (Pisidia) also τετραγωνίτης, ου, Papers of Amer .School at Athens 3.342D66 (Pisidia).’ χτετραδία, η, dub. sens., /G3.3486. τετράδραχμον, line 1, delete ‘ silver ’ τετράδωρος, add ‘, Call. Fr. 196.27 Pf.’ τετραετηρικός, add ‘, ΤΑΛ/2(ι).3θ7·6’ τετραετής I, add ‘; AP6.356 (Pancrat.)’ τετρακαιεξηκοστόν, after 'part,' insert ‘FGi/234. 12,17 (ii A.D.),’ τετρακτός ii, for ‘6:8:9:10’ read ‘6:8:9:12’ τετρακωμία, add ‘, IGRom. 3.1397’ τετραμαίνω, after ‘= τρέμω,’ insert ‘Archil, in POxy. 2310.1.1. 9,’ τετραμηνιαΐος, add ‘2. τ. βρέβια lists of supplies for four months, Cod. Just. 1.42.2.’ χτετραμηνιακός, η, όν, τά τ. — τετραμηνιαΐα βρέβια (ν. Suppl.), SEGg. 356.82 (Ptolemais in Cyrenaica, vi a.d.). τετράμορος, for four parts’ read ‘a quarter ’ and after ‘Th. 106’ insert ‘, ταμίσοιο ib.712’ τετραπάλαστος I, add ', cf. 7Gi2(2).i 1.15’ 2, add ‘, Hsch. s.v. τετράφυον.’ τετράπεδος, transfer ‘/G42(i). 1 19.14, al. (Epid.),’ to 11 after ‘four feet,' τετραττλεθρία, for ‘Corcyra’ read ‘Crete, iii b.c.’ τετραπλή, add ‘; Cret. τετραπλεΐ Inscr. Cret. (Gortyn, v B.C.).’ χτετραποδί, = τετραποδητί, — ποδιστι, Nic. Al. 543. τετράποδος, add ‘ ; hence Subst. τετ ράποδος, ό, or —ποδον, τό, = turris ambulatoria, Lxx Je. 52. 4’ τετράπολος, add ‘, PCornell 39.6 (iii/iv a.d.)’ τετράπος, ov, init. , insert ‘(parox.)’; for ‘; Cret. nom.’ read ‘2. Cret. neut.’ ; before ‘ Schwyzer ’ add ‘ = sq. 1. 2.’; and at end add ‘, cf. καρταΐπος' τετράπους, line 2, after ‘PI. Ti. 92a;’ insert ‘τετράπουν μίμον έχων θηρός Ε. FA. 255 (lyr·) >’ τετραπρόσωπος, add ‘; Μήτηρ ΜΑΜΑ^λοι (Dorylaeum) ; θεά Β5Ά49-Ι3 (ibid.), PMag.Par. 1.2818.’ τετράπωλον, after “τέθριππον,” insert ‘Bell Jews and Christians 1912.45 (i A.D.),’ χτετράστροφος, ov, consisting of four strophes, Serv. in Gramm. Lat.\. 468.21 K. χτετραΰφαντος [ϋ], ov, with quadruple web, PAfasp.6v .q.g. χτετράφυλλος, ov, of four leaves, στεφάνων Inscr. D/los i4i6Ai57 (ii b.c.) . τέτραχα, add ‘b .four times, API. 336.’ χτετράχαλκον, τό, quadruple chalcus, a coin = of an obol, BAAC Ionia 340, Hsch. s.v. Γππο[πο]ρ (τόν τ. cod.), τετραχοίνικος, after “χοίνικες,” insert ‘PTeA.796. 1 1 (ii b.c.) ;’ χτετρωβολεΐος, ον, = τετρώβολος, PStrassb. 52.13 (ii A.D.). τετρώβολος II, after “τετρώβολον” insert ‘(often written τετροβ- in papyri and ostraca)’ χτετρώος, ό, a throw of four on the dice, T AMj,{\) .34D67 (Termessus) ; pi., BCH 8.502,503 ; also sg. τέτρω ib.502 jPhrygia). τεΰγμα, add ‘ ; χρυσέοις τεάγμασιν Didyma 1 18.9 (ii B.c.)’ τευμάομαι, after ‘Antim.3’ add ‘.2 W., cf. Poet. ap. Et.Gen. (cod. B) S.V. τευμησατο’ τεύχος, after ‘V.’ add 'το δημόσιον τ. i.e. registry, DC//60.131 (Delph., i a.d.) . DeZ/iA.3(6).35.i9, al. VI.’ τεόχω i. 2, add '; fixed, definite, Arat. 12,757’ τέφρα, at end delete ‘, Gr. θέπτανος’ τεφράς, for “τέττιζ” read ‘ cicada ’ χτεφρίας, ου, ό, a kind of serpen tine ( όφίτης ), also called Μεμφίτης, Vlin.HN36.s6. χτεφρΐτις, ιδος, ή, a precious stone, Plin.//jV37.i84· τεχνάζω ii. 3, after ‘ Philopatr.26 ' add ‘ ; in aor. part. AP6.4 (Leon.)’ τεχνήεις ii, before ‘as epith.’ add ‘τ. και δεινόν και πόριμον Gorg.PaZ.25 τεχνίτης ill, add ‘ ; γόης και τ. άνθρωπος, ορρ. ίδιωταις άνθρώποις, \A.Peregr. 13’ χτζιμοόριον, τό, = μάωφ, Anon, in Rh. 216.27. τήδε, add ‘; cf. τάδε (Suppl.).’ τηθία, after ‘old woman,’ insert ‘Men. Mis. 13, Ar.Byz. p.140 Nauck,’ χτηκτόνης, ου, 6, builder, Princeton Exp. Inscr. 1 143. χτήλεμος, ov, perh. distant, Theognost. Can. 64. τηλεφόρος, after ‘D. 19.149’ add ‘(s.v.l.)’ τηλόθεν i, transfer ‘ ; εί και. .7.194’ to 2 after ‘II. 23. 359’ τηνεσμός, for ‘f.l. for τεινεσμός’ read “= τεινεσμός” χτηνεσμώδης, ες, = τεινεσμωδης, Sch.Nic.AZ.382. τηρέω ιι. ι, after ‘ observe ,’ add ‘άνάλωσιν Thgn.903 ;’ χΤιβέριος, ό, name of an Asiatic month beginning Oct. 24, Hemerolog.Flor. 79 (22 K.). τ[ι]γρήϊος, before ‘cj.’ insert ‘dub.’andfor ‘Riv.Fil. 13(1935). 67’ read ‘PSI 1390.C.2.6’ τίθημι, lines 25/26, after “ έθηκαν ” insert ‘(E.//D590)’ and after ‘Attic’ insert ‘Inscrr.’ A. iii. 2, after ‘PA. 576;’ insert ‘βόστρυχον Call.PV. 1 1 0.8 Pf. ;’ B. 11. 1, init., delete ‘when Med. is more freq. than Act.,’ τιθηνέω ii. i, after ‘Trag. 94’ add ‘, cf. τυτθηνάμενοι (s.v.l.) Epigr. in Inscr. Cret. 1 .xxii 58 (ii/iii a.d.)’ τιθυμαλλίς, omit ‘3.. .81 V.’ τιθόμαλλος, add \ and to kill lizards, Ael.jVA 1 .58.’ τίκτω, line 6, for ‘aor. 1 έτεζα only late,’ read ‘aor. 1 suhj. τέζη Hes.ap.Chrysipp.0'/oZc.2.257, cf.’ τίλλω i. 2, line 6, delete ‘as a description of an idle fellow,’ τίλτρον, delete 'PRyl. . . (iv a.d.) :’ τιμάξιος, after ‘ honour ’ add ‘, PAmh.i $3ν.ι (vi/vii a.d.)’ τιμή ii. 2, add ‘ ; abs., πάντως ου ση αυτή ή τιμή PI. Grg. 497b 5 τάς τιμάς τάς των πολλών ανθρώπων ib-526d’ III, line 5, delete ‘; ου σή. .497b’ 141 τίμημα SUPPLEMENT τρίζω τίμημα ι, add pi. rest, in SEGig. 835-3 (Pisidia)’ τιμητεύω, after ‘D.C.41.14;’ add ‘in Bithynia, Ath.Mitt. 12.178 (Prusias, iii a.d.), cf. βουλογραφεω (Suppl.) τιμιουλκέω after ‘Hsch.,’ insert ‘where also τιμουλκέω,’ τιμογραφέω, add ‘ ; c. gen., assess, estimate, PCol.^en. 2.98.4 (iii B.C.)’ ΧΤιμοθεαστής, oC, 6, follower of Timotheus, perh. the citharode of Miletus, rest, in Didyma 181.5. Χτιμουλκέω, v. τιμιουλκέω in Suppl. τιμοΰχος I, add ‘; epith. of Aphrodite, IG 12(5). 222 (Paros, ii B.C.)’ τίναγμα, add ‘, cf. ,&ΕΌι 5.853. 1 1 (Alexandria, ii b.c.)’ τινθαλέος, after ‘= sq.,’ insert ‘λοετρά Call. Fr. 247 Pf. (= POxy. 237615),’ and for ‘Epic... 7. 7’ read ‘Dionys.Bassar.26.4 Heitsch’ τις B, line 7, after ‘Pi.JV.7.57’ insert ‘(but prob. in f1.Cer.404y 1. 8 c, line 2, after ‘etc. ;’ insert ‘c. inf., ^^5.178.2 (Mel.) ;’ χτισάνη, ή, = πτισάνη, POxy. 736.51 (i A.D.). τιταίνω ι. 3, add ‘, but άρμα τ. of the charioteer in NonnD.37. 29°’ Τιτάν I, add ‘2. as Adj., Τιτήνι σιδήρω, of the knife with which the Titans killed Dionysus, NonnD.6.174.’ Τιτανίς, add ‘; pi., Acus.7 J.’ τίτλος i. 1, add ‘: also τίτλον, τό, C/G8621.10 (v a.d.), MAMA 7.484. (Cf. τίτονλος and τίτυΧος in Suppl.)’ Χτίτουλος, ό, = τίτλος, Rev.Et.Anc. 64.59 (Vienne (Isere)). τιτρώσκω, line 4, for ‘ Historia . . (Gortyn)’ read ''Inscr.Cret. 1 x 2.1, 9 (Eltynia, vi/v b.c.)’ χτίτυλος, = τίτλος, Theognost.Can.6i. χΤλάπολέμεια, τά, games held in honour of Tlepolemos at Rhodes, SIGi 067.8. τλήμων ill. 2, after ‘miserably, ’ insert ‘prob. in Anacr.2.fr.i.7 P.,’ Χτληπενθής, Dor. τλα-, ες, sorrowful, Νιόβα B.Dr.2oD4 S. τμήγω, after ‘aor. 1 έτμηξα’ add ‘Il.Pers.5.4,’ an<^ after ‘(prob.)’ add ‘, τμα,ξα Balbilla in SEG 8.716.9’ τμήμα, add ‘5. Astron., of diameter of circle, Ptol.A/m.i P.31H., ah’ τμητικός 3, add ‘b . giving full assurance, ορκος Steph. in Rh. 289. 18.’ τοΐος i. i, add ‘b. such as this (that follows), the following, εφθέγξατο τοΐα Call.De/. 1 08, cf. Cer.97 ; τοίην αρχήν Batr.8 ; τ. μΰθον ib.77.’ add ‘4. introducing a reason for something said, πάντα 8' ενίκα ρηϊδίως· τοίη οί επίρροθος ήεν Άθήντη II. 4. 390, cf. S. 47.5^2) Ant. 124·’ ν, add also neut. pi. τοΐα Nic.7T1.429’ toioGtos, line 4, for Mg. 3 15’ read ‘Th.3.89’ after ‘6.’ insert ‘introducing a reason for something said, S.Dr.46; βασιλεύς ούδε'ις άλλος έσται" τοιαΰτα έχω φάρμακα Hdt.3. 85. 7.’ and after ‘S. 077 32 7’ add ‘, App .Anth.^.in (Hedyl .)’ τοιχίον, add pi., prob. in Inscr.Cret. 4.85 (Gortyn, v b.c.)’ Χτοιχογράφος, o', wall-painter, Edicl.Diocl. 7.8; ν. θρανογράφος. τοιχωρόχος, after “o',” insert ‘also 17, Men.Dyic.588,’ τοκεών, for ‘elsewh.. . 1 . 1 37’ read ‘Call. Dr. 19 1.72 Pf.’ τόκιον, add ‘, *95344.9’ τόλμα, line 9, after T3.1T insert ‘and prob. Aeol., cf. Sapph.24 (b). 6 L.-P.’ Χτολμηρία, ή, audacity, T/D.ι649·3* » at end add also τριηρητικός, Michel 81 5. 132,135 (Delos, 364 b.c.)’ τριθάλεια, for the present article substitute ‘epith. of Artemis, Antim. 182 W. (v.l.), cf. τριθαλλίαι (leg. τριθάλειαι)· μεγάλως τον θάλλειν αιτίαι, Hsch.’ τριθαλλίαι, delete the article. χτρΐκάμάρος [κά], ον, with three vaults, PNess. 22.19 (γΐ a.d.). τρίκοκκος, lines 1/2, omit ‘, Sch...i83’; add Ή. gloss on τρίγληνος, Sch.A II. 14. 183.’ τρικόνητος, for “έπικονέω” read ‘κονέ ω (Suppl.)’ τρικότυλος 1, add ‘, cf. Trans. Am. Phil. Ass. 79.184 (Attic vase, v B. C.)’ τρίκροτος, for 'rowed. . stroke ’ read ‘ having three squads of rowers’ χτρίκτοινοι, ol, name of an association in Rhodes, Annuario n.s. 1/11.149.18. χτρίλλη, ή, the name of part of a horse, Simon Ath.ap.Suid.s.v. τρίλλιστος, after ‘prayed for,’ insert ‘of night,’ and after ‘11.8. 488’ add ‘; epith. of Demeter, Call. Cer. 1 38’ τριμιτάριος, before ‘PLond.’ insert ‘PAnt. 33.10 (iv a.d.),’ τριόδιον, after ‘= foreg.,’ insert ‘BGUgf&e (iii/iv a.d.) ;’ τριοδίτης ii. i a, after ‘Chariclid.i,’ add ‘Hesperia 6.391.18 (Tab. Defix., Athens) ;’ τριόδους ii- I, line 4, for ‘ AP 11.126’ read ΌΡΡ.//.4.639’ χτρίοψ- d ΰπό των Πυθαγορικών iv Δελφοΐς τρίπους ήοΰτως καλού¬ μενος'}, Hsch. τρίπεδος, add ‘; dub. sens., Inscr.Cret. 4.3° (vi b.c.?)’ τριπετής, delete 'triply spread’ and for “νέκταρ” read “πόσις” τρίπλευρος ii, add ‘; sg., Annuario 33/ 4. 165, no. 14 (Ialysus)’ add ‘HI. τρίπλευρον, το', spherical triangle, Menelaus ap.Papp. 6.476.16.’ τρισέληνος i, before MP9.441’ insert ‘POxy. 2331.ii.4a (see CRqi (ΐ957)·ι89-9θ (iii a.d.),’ χτρί-σελλον [i], to, saddle with three places, PFay. 1 17.17 (ii a.d.). χτρισκαιδεκά-ασκληπιονίκης [νϊ], ου, 6, thirteen times victor in the games of Asclepius, PGi/1074.23 (iii a.d.). χτρισκαιδεκάπολις [d], ιδος, ή, confederacy of thirteen Ionian cities, Didyma 356.7 (ii a.d.). τρισκακοδαίμων, after ‘Men.404.1’ add Epit. 19, al.: Adv., τρισκακοδαιμόνως έχω Id.Dysc.^f τρισπερίοδος, delete the article. χτρισσάδιος [d], a, ον, = τρισσός or τρίτος, πεντάδα τρισσαδίην ετεων, ' Ελληνικά ι6.2 (Thessalonica, ii/iii a.d.). τρισσός, add ‘, cf. Ps. 79(80) .6. VI. = τριστάτης, Aq .Ex. 14.7, al.’ τριστάτης, for ‘one. .Hsch.’ read ‘a military officer of high rank, Lxx Ex. 14.7, 15.4, 4A7.10.25; esp. an officer attending on the king, 6 τ. αυτού ^Ki. 15.25, cf. Hsch. (Expld. in Sell. Od. 3. 324 as, in pi., the three who stood on an Egyptian chariot.)’ τρίστιχος, add ‘; IGRom.i Λ 162 (i a.d., -ik— )’ χτρίστωος, ή, atrium of a church, Dumbarton Oaks Papers 6.87 (Nico- polis, vi a.d.). τρίσφυλλον, τό, read “τρίσφυλλος, ή,” χτρΐτεΐος, α, ον, of third-class quality, ερέα Edict. Diocl.o, 1 .4 ; cf. τριτεΐα. τριτήμορον, add ‘, Michel 815.74 (Delos, 364 B.c.)’ τριτίρενες, add ‘(Cf. τριετίρης in Suppl.)’ τρίτρα, after ‘times' insert ‘or a third of’ and for 'GDI. . (Gort.)’ read ‘Inscr.Cret.^. 43.469 (Gortyn, v b.c.)’ τριχιάω, add ‘III. τριχιών, 6, he-goat, Aq., Sm., Thd. Zf.34. 14, cf. Aq.Zf.13. 21.’ τρίχιον, add ‘; dub. sens., PRyl. 4.627.171 (iv A.D.)’ χτρΐχόπλαστος, with hair set in curls, Hsch. s.v. κικίννα. χτρΐχόρροια, ή, shedding of the hair, Cyran. 63. 16,74.4. τρίχωμα, lines 1/2, after ‘Hdt.7.70,’ insert Έ./Τ73 (s.v.l.),’ τρίχωσις i. i, add ‘b. plumage, Sch. Pi. P.4. 380, 381.’ τριωβολιαΐος, add ΊΙ. metaph. as a term of contempt, “two¬ penny-halfpenny”, Arch. Pap. 10.8 (i a.d.).’ χτρΐωβόλιον, τό, = τριώβολον, dub. in Steph. in Rh. 286.22 (pi.). χτρΐώβολος, ό, = τριώβολον, Inscr.DIlos 1429/6125 (ii B.c.). τριώδελον, add also τριωδέλιον, rest, in BCH 73.366 (Epid., iv B.C.).’ τροπή i b, lines 11/14, for ‘other .. σελήνης’ read ‘moon and planets, Pl.77.39d,’ τρόπος ii, line 6, after ‘etc.’ add ‘ ; ό γενεαλογικός, ό πραγμα¬ τικός, τ. [τής ιστορίας ] kind, Plb.9 fr.1.1. 4)2-4’ 4 L, line 2, after ‘Id. 7,^.6380 ;’ insert ‘κατά τ. έχειν, είναι, turn out well, ~M.cn. Dysc. 1 34,2 1 5 ;’ add ‘c. with gen., by way of, κατ' ισχύος τρόπον A.Pr.530.20 Μ.’ τροπόω (A), add ‘ : — Pass., έτροπώθη ό πόλεμος reached a turning- point, Lxx 3AZ.22.35’ τροφεία, before “, ή” insert ‘(also τροφέα G.D/2254.6 (Delphi, i B.C.))’ τρόφιμος ii. i, add ‘, cf. IG 3.1811’ τροχιά ii, for 'the round of a wheel ’ read ‘ = τροχός’, and transfer ‘, Nic.77i.8i6’ to 1 after ‘rut’ τροχίσκος 2, for ‘ troche or trochisk ' read ‘ ellipsoid ’ τροχωτός, after “o'v,” insert ‘round, PHarris 88.20 (v a.d.),* τρυγάω i. 1, lines 3/4, transfer ‘metaph.,’ to after ‘(lyr.);’ and for ‘(sc. Ειρήνην)’ read ‘(sc. ’Οπώραν)' τρύγη, add ‘III. a plant, Hsch.’ τρύξ ii. 4, for ‘or woman. . 1086’ read ‘, Ar.F.1309 (s.v.l.), cf. PI. 1086’ τρυπάω, line 7, after 'Steril.222 ;’ insert ‘metaph., well drilled, clean, τετρυπημένον ους Plu.2.63id, cf.’ τρυσίππιον, before ‘mark’ insert ‘wheel-shaped’ , and after ‘Zen. 4.41' add ‘, Hsch. S.v. ίππου τροχός ’ τρυφεροδίαιτος, after ‘foreg.,’ insert ‘Ptol.7etr.i66,’ τρύφος, line 2, after Od.4.508’ insert ‘, cf. Call.Fr.261 Pf.’ τρωγλοδύνων, before ‘Batr.’ insert ‘interpol. in’ τρώγω, line 4, before “iv-” insert “δια-,” τρωξαλλίς, line 1, after ‘Alex. 15. 12’ insert ‘, Ael.jV716. 19’ τρώξανον, for the present article substitute ‘τρώξανα, τά, dry twigs, Thphr.CF3.2-2, cf. τραόξανα with Suppl.’ τυγχάνω A. i. 3 a, line 13, after “άν” insert ‘or ήν’ and after ‘it may be,' insert ‘E. Ph. 765, Or. 780;’ τυί, for ‘Cf.’ read ‘leg. τυΐ or τυΐ; cf.’ τυΐδε, transfer ‘, Theoc.28.5’ to end, inserting before it ‘ ; thither ’ *τυϊν, v. iv in Suppl. τυλάριον i, after “τύλη” insert ‘3, cushion ’ and at end add ‘ ; also τύλαρον, F5/825.17 (iv/v a.d., pi.)’ χτΰλοεργός, ό, cushion- or mattress-maker, PI and. 8. 1 50113 (iii a.d.). χτυλοτάπης, ητος, ό, perh. a kind of cushion, PRyl. 4.627.36 (iv A.D.) . τύλωσις ii, add ', but v. FC//80.516-518’ τύμβιος, after ‘(Macedonia) insert ‘λώβην. .τύμβων ΤΑΜ$(ι) ^ P-361 ;’ τύμβος, add ‘III. altar, Lyc.313 (of Apollo), 613 (of Hera).’ τυμπανικός, after “ΰδρωφ,” insert ‘Plin.Z/^sffio,’ τΰμπανον ii, add ‘4. of persons, cf. ώ τύμπανα · ά> επιτήδειοι τυμπανισθήναι, Hsch.’ χτύν, ν. σύ (Suppl.). τυννός, for ‘so small, so’ read ‘small,’ τύπανον ii, line 4, for ‘possible’ read ‘probable’ τύπιον, for ιον” read “-iov” τύπος viii, add ‘4 . picture, painting, API. 136,143.’ τυπόω ii. I, add ‘b. paint, portray, API. 138.’ τυπωτός, after ‘moulded,’ insert ‘φιάλη Didyma 426.8, cf. 435.5, 436.7 ; τόρμα χΤυρβηνός, ό, cult-name of Apollo, Hsch. τυφήρης, after “τνφη,” add ‘or (τόφω) smoky,’ τύφω, line 2, after ‘cod.A Ath.’ add ‘ ; potius leg. τέθλιφε’ and line 5, after ‘230a’ add ‘; inf. τεθΰφθα i prob. in Sch.Pi.F.3. 177’ Τύφων i, for ‘represented. . Sch. PI. Phdr.2^oa’ read ‘another form of Typhoeus, Typhos, Hes.l.c., h.Ap. ll.ee., A.Pr.354, Th. 493. etc;’ χΤϋφωνιακός, ή, όν, = Τυφωνικός, PMag.Lond. 121.468. χτώμεντον, τό, wool, flock, = Lat. tomentum, Edict. Diocl. 18. 7. χτώνα, ά, Cret. for ζώνη, Hsch. χτώρα, Adv., now, Syria 23.179.37 (iii a.d.). (Cf. τήμερον, τήτες.) τώς ii, line 2, after ‘637,’ insert ‘(cj. in ^.242),’ ύακίνθινος, line 1, after Od.6.231 ;’ insert ‘ άρουραι Anacr.i. fr. 1.7 P . ;’ ϋαλος, line 6, after ‘Apoc.2 1 .18 ;’ add ‘ΰελλος is found as a v.l. in e.g. Hdt.3.24, Luc.FZ/2.1 1 (ύελλινος), and the penultimate syll. is apptly. long in Mesom.13.1,5 Heitsch;’ ύαλοψός, add ‘, PBaden 97.35’ υβρίζω ii. 4, add ‘ ; ούδέν των υβρισμένων no ostentatious gift, Ael. F//1.3 1 ’ ύβριστοδίκαι, for ‘jurymen . . Eupolis’ read ‘magistrates who re¬ fused leave to bring a case into court, Poll.8.126; title of a Comedy by Eupolis, C4F i p.330’ υγιαίνω 4, line 2, after ‘Ec. 477 insert ‘ύγιαίνομεν say goodnight, AP 12.177 (Strat.) ;’ ΰγίεια A, line 4, after ‘4.20’ add ‘(perh. v here and in Call. Fr. 203.21 Pf.)’ 11, add ‘b. generally any gift received by the sacrificer, παν τό έκ θεοΰ φερόμενον είτε μύρον είτε θαλλός, Hsch., cf. θαλλός iii.’ Β, add ‘, cf. IG12. 395 (ν b.c.)’ ύγιόω, before ‘aor.’ insert ‘heal, Hsch. ;’ υγρασία, add *; euphem. = urine, Lxx Ez. 7. 1 7,21 . 12’ ύγροβαφής, add ‘2. v.l. for ύδρο- (q.v. in Suppl.), Poll. 7. 56.’ χύγρομαντεία, ή, = υδρομαντεία, Cat.Cod.Astr . 8(2). 1 43. ύδασιστεγής, before MF6.90’ insert ‘cj. in’ υδάτινος ii, delete ‘Milesian’ and ‘ ύ . βράκη Theoc.28. 1 1 iii, add ‘b. of woollen dresses, flowing, rippling, Theoc.28. 11 (unless in signf. 11).’ ύδατόεις i, after ‘watery,’ insert ‘Theoc.25.89,’ 143 ύδατομαντεία SUPPLEMENT ύττερτταθήξ Χύδατομαντεία, ή. water-divination, 'Tz.Alleg.IL 18.195· ύδατοτρεφής, add '(—τροφή? Hsch. and Mss. at Ath.2-4ia in a citation of Od.l.c.)’ ύδεράω, (s.v. ύδεριάω) after ‘Suid.,’ insert ‘Hsch. s.v. νδερων,' *ύδράγώγημα, ατος, τό, irrigation-channel, Sch.Gen.il. 2 1 .257. ΰδραγωγία, for ‘ conveyance . .Pl.Ti.77e’ read ‘ system of irrigation' and before ‘cf.’ insert ‘mctaph. of veins, etc., Pl.Ti.77e;’ υδραγωγό? I, add τόπο? where water gathers, Horap.t.49’ ii. 2 a, add ‘ ; conductor of water along an irrigation channel, Sch.BT Il.21.257’ ΰδραλέτης. for '. II.. .-αλε'τα)’ read — hence ύδραλετάς, a, o', water-mill engineer, Sardis 7(1). 169 (iv/v a.d.)’ ύδρεκδοχείον, after ‘water-tank,' insert ‘Jahresh. 44 Beibl. 330 (Ephesus, ii a.d.),’ υδρευμα, after ‘tank,' insert ‘Inscr.Cret.%. iv 18 (iii b.c.),’ ύδρίσκη, add written έδρύσκη, PMich.Teb. 12 ir n.ii 8, etc.’ ύδρο-βαφής and -βαφος, for the present article substitute after “e'?,” ‘in Poll. 7.56 (v.l. υγρό -) ΰδροβαφές (sc. Ιμάτιον (?)), b νυν φυχροβαφές κα λοΰσιν, a garment dyed with only (cold) water added to the dyestuff. -βαφος, dub. sens., Μουσ. Σμνρν. 1876-8 P.93 (Metropolis; perh. a proper name).’ Χύδρογερων, οντο?, 6, = ήριγερων, Apul. Herb. 75- Χύδροττίσσιον, τό, liquid pitch (?), Bull. Mus. Beyrouth 7.78 (Berytus, v a.d.) . ύδροπότης, after ‘Cyr.6.2.29’ insert ‘, cf. Ath.2.44b, al.’ ; delete ‘ ; used . . fellow’ χύδροπώτης, ον, ό, = ύδροπότης, Macho ap.Ath-6.246b (cod.), Phot. p. 5 1 R. uSpo$ i, add ‘; νδρον iv Λερνη Hippon.vn.ii D.3’ ύδροσκόπιον 2, add ‘, Cat.Cod.Astr. 8(2). 1 13.17’ Χύδροφορείη, ή, Poet. = ύδροφορί α, κεκασμενη ύδροφορείη Didyma 344-3- ΰδροφόρια, lines 1/2, for ‘a festival. .JV.5. 81’ read ‘a race in honour of Apollo at Aegina run by carriers of amphorae, Call.Tr. 198 Pf., Διηγήσεις ad loc., v. άμφορίτης in Suppl.’ ; lines 3/4, delete '; name of. .Διηγήσεις viii.32’ υδρω, delete ‘apparently’ and add ‘, /G14. 1890. 1 1 ’ ϋδρωψ, line 1, after “o” insert ‘(also ή Nic.T/1.467)’ ύδωρ I, add ‘6. pi. ΰδατα, urine, Sm. £2.7.1 7,21.1 2.’ Χύϊδός, ό, = ύϊδοΰς, Hsch. Χυίή, ή, daughter, SB 101 (i a.d.): also Aeol. ύά Schwyzer 625 (Mytilene, i a.d. (?)). υίιδεύς, after ‘8.1 ;’ add ‘written όίδεό? in Hsch.;’ υιός 4, before ‘freq. in Lxx’ insert ‘metaph. 'Οδύνης ΰός Men. Dysc. 88 ;’ ύλακτέω ii, after ‘Plb. 16.24.6 ;’ insert ‘c. acc., ΑΡη.η$ (Mel.) ; c. dat., Herod.6.14;’ Χΰλιάαθαι- κινεΐσθαι, Theognost.Cflrt.2 1 . χϋλιος, a, ov, wooded, uncultivated , πλάξ BCHSq.y (Locr., v b.c.). Χ’ΥΧλεΐς, ol, one of the three Dorian tribes, Hdt.5.68 ; fem. ‘Υλλίδε?, at, Annuario 22/23.88.18, al. (Calymna, ii b.c.). ύλονόμος, for ‘Simon. (?) 1 79.7’ read ‘AP6.217.7 ([Simon.])’ υλοτομικός, add ‘, Alex.Aphr. in Top .237 .25’ υμέναιος ii, line 1, after “Ύμήν” add ‘(q.v. with Suppl.)’ ύμέτερος I, line 7, for ‘sts.’ read ‘normally’ 11, last line, omit ‘Sol. 1 9.2,’ and ‘204,’ and add at end ‘ ; for Sol. 19.2 and Call.Z)f/.204 note the remark s.v. σύ before the final paren¬ thesis’ Ύμήν, add ‘(It is doubtful whether the word was the name of a god or a wedding-cry ; for Ύμεν beside Ύμήν cf. U beside ιή.)’ ύμνέω i. i, fin., delete ‘: impers. . .1203.5’ ϋμνησις, after ‘praising,' insert ‘Pi. Pae. 1 2.5 S. (rest.),’ Χύμνοδιδασκαλέω, act as νμνοδιδάσκαλος, La Carie 11, p.216. ύμνοττοιός, after ‘Rh. 651’ add ‘; μάθησις 7£ΐ2(7).449·7 (Amor- gos, ii b.c.)’ and for ‘Id .Supp.' read ‘ E.Supp .’ ΰμνοττόλος ii, for ‘Simon. 184’ read ‘AP7.25.2 ([Simon.])’ χΰμως, Aeol. for όμως, Sapph.58.21 L.-P. ΰοβοσκός, after ‘6o3b5’ add ‘, POsl. 160.3 (iii a.d.)’ ύπαγκαλίζω, for ‘Pass.’ read ‘Med.’ Χΰτταγωνοθετεω, act as sub-άγωνοθέτης, rest, in IGRom. 4.850 (Laodicea ad Lycum), v. Rev.Et.Anc.82.2^8. ύττάετος, for the present article substitute ‘ΰττάετος [ά] or -αίετος, ό, a kind of eagle, = όρειπελαργος, Arist./£46i8b34, Ant.Lib.20 tab.arg. (pp. 64,65 M. ; cf. γνπαιετονς (Suppl.) ; the accent is uncertain).’ υπακούω II. 5, lines 3/4, delete ‘; ύπακονουσι. . 18(2). 68’ iv, for the present section substitute ‘fut. ύπακούσεται, v.l. in Th.6.69, if correct, must be impers. Pass.’ Χΰπακώνιον, τό, perh. an article of clothing, PSIl 355.6 (ii b.c.) ; also Dim. ύπακωνίδιον, ib.4. ύπαλεύομαι, after ‘ib.760’ add ‘; ΑΡη.\η2\> (Leon.)’ ύπαλλακτικός, for ‘only in’ read ‘of change of designation, ( στάσις ) Quint. Inst.^.e.^J.’ ΰπανατέλλω, add ‘; rise, of a star, ib. 14.24’ ύπαναφύομαι, add ‘: also Act., τραχύτητας ύπαναφύει ib. 10.13’ Χΰπανελευθερος, ov, somewhat deficient in liberality, Diog. in Arch. Pap.2 p.372. ύπανίημι ii, line 2, delete ‘: — so..al.’ ύπανίσχω, delete ‘ slowly ’ ύπαντάω I. 1, add ‘; also in Pass., ΰπηντήθη τω στρατηγία Vit. Aesop. (G)6$.’ ύπάργιλος, omit ‘somewhat' Χύπαρχΐτεκτονικόν, τό, budgetary money of the ύπαρχιτεκτων, BCH 66/7.86 (Delphi, iv b.c.). υπάρχω B, add ‘VI. in AM^.961 οΐκος (cj. οίκοις ) υπάρχει τωνδε . . εχειν has been interpr. as supply c. partit. gen., cf. Theoc. 22.222.’ ΰπασχολέομαι, add ‘, BGU 1 159.23 (i B.c./i A.D.)’ Χύπάτισσα, ή, wife or widow of a consul, POvy. 2243386 (vi a.d.), CYG9008. ΰπειδόμην, line I, after “ύττιδόμενος” insert ‘(ύφ- BCH 10. 301. 20 (Alabanda, ii b.c.))’ ύπεκδέχομαι, before ‘APg.722' insert ‘v.l. in’ ΰπέκθεσις, add ‘, cf. ΰπέκθεσις- ύπόθεσις, Hsch.’ ΰπεκκαλύπτω, delete ‘from below or a little' ύπεκτρώγω, for ‘gnaw secretly away' read ‘metaph., filch' ΰπεκφέρω ii. 2, add ‘, Lesb.Rh.2.7’ rv, delete the section. Χ'Υπελλαΐος, a, epith. of Zeus and Athena, Parola del Passato 15. 294 (Cyrene, ii b.c.). χύπέμφασις, εω?, ή, perh. indication, κατ’ άντίθεσιν και άπόθεσιν και ΰ. Zos.Alch. ΐ34·Ι3· ύπεξαίρεσις, line 6, for ‘ : hence’ read ‘ ; exception, Cod, Just. 4. 35-24:’ χύπεξακούω, listen fully to (c. gen.), of arbitrators, prob. in Inscr. Perg. 245.6 (ii b.c.). ΰπέρα ii, delete the section. Χΰπεραιρέω, take in addition, τό έπιτιμηθέν IG 1 1 (2) . 1 99Λ74, cf. 84, 85 (Delos, iii b.c.). ύπεραίρω ii. 2, last line, after ‘6.7.22’ add ‘(v.l.)’ ύπεραισχύνομαι, add ‘, so prob. Men.Z)yic.87i’ ΰπεράλλομαι I, add ‘2. abs., jump further (than others), Luc. Anach.8.’ ΰπερανατείνομαι, add ‘ ; Act. intr., Hsch. s.v. ΰττερτενη Χύπερανατέλλω, = ΰπερτελλω, Hsch. ΰπεράνω \, add ‘, BCH 60.119 (Delphi, i b.c.)’ Χύπεράξιος, well worthy, Ael.7vil4.29. χύπεραρθρισμός, ό, hyperbatic use of the article, Sch.D.T.460. 13. υπεράριθμος, after ‘ supernumerary ,' add ‘PTeb. 3.703.155 (iii B.c.),’ ύπεραρσις, for ‘ exaltation ' read ‘ rising (of water-level)’ ΰπεραυγέω, add ‘2. irradiate from above, την γην Eudox.20.9.’ υπερβαίνω ill, after ‘protect,' insert ‘Aq., Sm., Thd.Zs.31.5;’ ύπέρβασις add ‘IV. standing over, protection, Aq.Ex. 12. 1 1 .’ ύπερβιβασμός, add ‘, An. Par. 4.31.28’ υπερβολή I. 4, add ‘; with Adv., ό. εΰ Macho ap.Ath.13.577d.’ ύπερβολία, add ‘II. dat. (-βολίη) = υπερβολή, exceedingly, MAMA8.208.' ΰπερβόλιμος, add ‘ ; perh. to be read in Λ?5(ι).Ι336·7 (ii B.c.)’ χ[ύπε]ρβραδυκίνητος, ov, very slow-moving, rest, in BCH2 1 .360. ύπεργεμίζω, add ‘, cf. PHib.u. i82.xiii. 183 (iii B.C.)’ ϋπερδέξιος, line 1, before “ov" insert “a,”; 11, add ‘4. possessing superiority, epith. of Apollo, Vlu.Arat.q .2 ; of Zeus and Athena, ΔΤι Ύπερδεζίω, Αθάναι Ύπερδεξία, Άρχ.'Εφ. 1954-4°, c^· Robert Hell. 10.64, 66. n. 2, 295; cf. καθυπερδεξιος in Suppl.’ Χύπερεπιτηδείως, very suitably, Com.Adesp.22.f8 D. Χύπερεχής, ε'?, in excess, τό ύ. τοΰ τόκον και τοΰ ήμιολίου IGi2(q). 5 1 5-35 (Amorgos, ii b.c.). ύπερηνόρεος, for ‘Dor.’ read ‘Aeol.’ and for ‘, but. . (Ahrens)’ read ‘(dub.)’ ύπέρθετος, add ‘; dub. sens., συντακτικοί? και ΰπερθετοις PRyl. 4·585·29 (ϋ B-c·)’ . ΰπεριδρύω, before ‘in Pass.’ insert ‘set, or establish, above, Procl. in £.1.174: — ’ υπερίπταμαι I, after ‘and pf.Act.’ add ‘, cf. also ΰπερεσ τήξει- ΰπερσταθήσε ται, Hsch.’ ΰπερκακέω, for ‘quite luckless' read faint-hearted' Χΰπερλαμβάνω, dub. sens., POxy. 2344.15 (iv a.d.). υπερμεγέθης, line 5, after ‘Cyr. 1.6.8’ add ‘; of youths, perh. overgrown or out-sized, Ephebic list in JT.437.89.50 (Memphis, iii a.d.)’ χύπερμεριμνάω, to be exceedingly concerned about, νγίαν (sic) P^illiac. 14.3 (vi a.d.) , cf. Gnomon 22 (1950). 143 ff. ύπερμετρέω, add ‘; ΰπερμετρήσα i rest, in PAnt. II. 55 fr-(^)v IO’ Χΰπερνήχομαι, swim past·, metaph., surpass, Hsch. Χύπέρνομος, ov, supralegal, προαίρεσ i? An.Boiss. 2-45- Χ'Υπεροΐος, <5, name of a month at Phalanna, /G’9(2).i23i.8. ύπέροπλος I, add ‘ ; Comp, -ότεροι prob. in ATV.355.4 M.’ Χυπεροπτία, ή, f.l. in SMnh 1 30 expld. by Sch. as ύπερηφανία. χύπερόπτις, ιδος, ή, fem. of υπερόπτης, acc. — iv Rh. 1.559.6. ΰπερόριος I. 1, add ‘: Adv. -ίω?, εξορίζομαι Cod. Just. 11.41.7’ ύπερος, 6 lines from end, for ‘Hesperia., pi.)’ read ‘SEG 13.13. 224, 16.84 (Athens, v b.c.)’ ; 3 lines from end , after ‘Hes. l.c.’ add ‘(where two Mss. have τρίπηχυ)' ΰπερπαθής, after ‘Adv. -θώς’ insert ‘excessively, Ptol. Tetr. 188, cf.’ 144 ύττερτταίω SUPPLEMENT ύττόρραψις ΰπερπαίω, last line, before ‘Supp.’ add ‘surplus,’ and at end ‘ ; so εκ τών ύπερπαιόν[τ]ων IGRom.i .756 (Thrace; v. BCHgy p. 534n.)’ χύπέρπεδον' όρος, βουνός, έπαρμα γης, Phot, ύπέρπικρος, add ‘, Men.Djyc. 129’ υπέρτερος I. I, add ‘b. καθ’ νπέρτερον, — α (or as one word, v. καθυπέρτερος), Adv. c. gen., on the upper part of, dub. lect. in Theoc.2.60 (v. φλ ιά in Suppl.) ; above, Arat.498.’ ΰπερτίθημι i. 3 a, line 3, alter 'D.S.13.3’ insert ουδόν νπερ- ϋεμένη APl.fV χ'Υπερφορ€ύς, έως, o', epith. of Zeus, Parola del Passato 15.294 (Cyrene, ii b.c.). χόπερφρονητής, οΰ, o, despiser. An. Boiss. 5.340. ύπέρχομαι I, line 6, after ‘Sor.1.7’ add v. τούς πολεμίους come under attack from, yi.Ath. 2.14’ m. 1, line 4, delete “τούς πολεμίους ,” and ‘, Ath.2.\4’ Χόπερχράομαι, use to excess, Sch.B II. 1. 193. ύπέρχρεως, add ‘II. of estates, encumbered, κλήρος, ουσία, Is. 1 o. 16,17 (with v.l. ύπόχρεως).’ χϋπεστιοΰχος, o, a functionary in the cult of Hestia, Jahresh.44 Beibl.2Qi /2, n. 66 (Ephesus), cf. έστιουχος in Suppl. όπευλαβέομαι, add ‘2. shun, συμβολήν μάχης Memn.29. 1 J. υπέχω, add ‘III. Med., dub. sens., of γονέαν ύπέχονται Poet, in Inscr.Cret.i xxiii 3 (Phaestus, ii b.c.).’ ύπήνη, add ‘3. ύπ. ονρανόεσσα = ουρανός II. 2, roof of the mouth, NicM/.i6.’ χύπηνήτις, ιδος, of the upper lip, θρίβ An. Boiss. 4.431. ΰπηρέτις, init., insert ‘(parox.)’ Χύπήχησις, εως, η, subterranean noise, dub. cj. for ύφήγησις in Paus. 7.24.8. χΰπισθόδομος, d, = οπισθόδομος, 1G\. 1588.9 (Aegina, v B.c.). χύπιωγή, η, place of refuge, Hsch. (pi.). χύπνέω, = ύπνόω, Anon.Ftg.p. 1 72. 1 1 S. ύπνοδώτις, delete the article. ύπνόω n, after ‘J.AJ1.12.1’ insert ‘; also in verse, Call .Epigr. ( [63]. 1, 3 Pf., ΛΡ5.184 (Mel.)’ χύπνωτέον, one must sleep, An. Boiss. 3. 32 y. ύπό C, add ‘V. ύπό τι up to a point, to a certain extent, υπό τι άτοπα Pl.Grg.493c; ασεβή ld.Phdr.24.2d ; ύ. τι μικρόν έπιθήκισα Ar. V. 1290 (lyr.), ΰ. τι (δήλ οκυθρωπάσ ας Macho ap.Ath. 13. 579c·5 F. 11, delete ‘(so in. .(lyr.))’ υποβάλλω i, add ‘4. ύ. φήφους cast voting-pebbles surreptitiously, Arist..4iA.68.3, cf. Call.Fr.85.8 Pf.’ ύπόβασις, add ‘IV. under-garment, Hsch.’ ΰποβιβλιοθηκοφύλαξ, for the present article substitute ‘ΰπο- βιβλιοφάλαξ [φύ], άκος, ό, sub-librarian, BGU 660.9,14 (** A.D.) .’ ύπόβλητος, line 3, after ‘OC794’ insert ‘, cf. PMich. 174.9,11 (ii A.D.)’ ύπογραμματεύω, add ‘; τού Λυκίων έθνους BSAgi. 141.8 (Bal- bura, ii a.d.)’ χύποδείριον, τό, = ύποδέραιον, Hsch. ύποδεσμεύω, add ‘; Med., Ister 36 J.’ ύποδεσμός I, add ‘, Edict. Diocl. 8.7 (pi.)’ χύποδηλωτέον, one must indicate, Aristox.Harm.p.4 M. υπόδημα, add ‘b. of the κρουπέζιον 2 (Suppl.), Poll. 10. 153. cf. 7·87·’ υποδηματοποιός, add ‘, 1559.48’ χύποδηματοπώλης, εω, ό, sandal-seller, Wien.Anz. 1962.51.29 (Ephesus, ca. 300 b.c.). ύποδηματουργός, for ‘44.27’ read ‘44(6). 27’ χύποδημόσιον, τό, the sub-office of the public archives, Judeich Alterliimer von Hierapolis 341. υπόδικος, line 6, after ‘iii b.c.) :’ insert ‘c. gen. of the penalty, κεφαλής SEGg.8.66 (Cyrene, i a.d.) :’ ΰποδίπλωσις, add ‘ ; of the crocodile’s scales, double layer, Sm. Jb-4 1-5’ όπόδουπος, for ‘, ov..but’ read ‘: Hdn.Gr.2.947 has been interpr. as indicating an Adj. ύ. in Hes.Fr.48, but the reading is doubtful and’ ; line 3, for ‘Addenda’ read ‘Suppl.’ υποδοχή IV. 3, after ‘cf. 51a;’ insert ‘ύποδοχα'ι τών μαθη¬ ματικών ειδών Iamb.Comm.Abalh.3(p.J4-9 F·), cf. ύλην τε καί ύ. ib-4 (ρ. 16.20 F.; cod. άπο~). 4.’ ΰποδράξ, for ‘Fr.anon. 63’ read ‘Fr.194. 101,374.1 Pf.’ ύποδρομέω, for ‘c. acc.,’ read ‘c. dat.,’ and for ‘2.10’ read ‘31.10 L.-P.’ ΰποδρόμος (A) 2, delete the section, ύπόδροσος, omit ‘ somewhat ’ ύποζεύγνυμι I. b, add ‘ ; to be inferior to, υπέζευκται . . Όμηρω AP 7.409.9 (Antip. Sid.)’ ΰποζέω, add ‘, PRyl.^en. 11.24 (Pap. ύπόζοντα, which may be right, beginning to stink·, v. Aegyptus 14 p.i 17)’ ύποζυγή, for ‘ enslavement ’ read ‘dub. sens.’ χΰπόζω, v. ΰποζέω in Suppl. υπόθεμα, after ‘II.’ add ‘= υποθήκη II, PMii rA.iiLi73.11, al. (iii b.c.), PTeb. 891.5 (ii b.c.) ;’ υποθετικός in, for ‘ suggestion read ‘ counsel , precept ’ υποθήκη i, line 4, after ‘(pi.)’ add ‘, Cic.Att.2. 1 7.3’ ; line 6, delete 'instructions . . 3 ;’ ΰποθηκιμαΐος, add ‘; pi. —αία, τά, mortgaged property, POxy. 2411. 50 (ii a.d.)’ χΰποϊεράρχης, ου, ό, under-hierarch, dub. in Wolters Das Kabiren- heiligtum bei Theben 1, p.79. χΰποικίδιος, ον, ύ. κιθάρα ι paraphrase of φόρμιγγες ΰπωρόφιαι Sch.Pi.P.i.i88. ύποικοδομέω, after ‘/G22. 463.1 14’ insert ‘(iv b.c.), ιι(2).28ηΑ 6o,6i (Delos, iii b.c.)’ ύποκαθίημι I, add ‘2. secretly cause to act, suborn to act, PTeb.3.820. 30 (iii b.c.).’ χΰποκαλαθηφόρος, η, assistant woman basket-bearer, Jahresh.44 Beibl. 291 /2, n.66 (Ephesus), cf. καλαθηφόρος in Suppl. υποκατάστατης, for ‘ substitute ’ read ‘ assistant καταστάτης (q.v. in Suppl.)’ υπόκειμαι I. 2, add ‘ ; to be put before the audience in the theatre, Sch.Ar.Ah.889’ ύποκεντέω, for “τινά δόρασιν ” read “γέφυρας δόρασιν ” χύποκήρυξ, ϋκος, ό, assistant κηρυξ, rest, in Re1.Ft.Gr.y4· 1 59 (Athens, ii a.d.). ΰποκίνδυνος, for ‘ somewhat dangerous ’ read ‘ involving danger ’ υποκλέπτω ii. I, after ‘ keep secret,' insert ‘ζήλον Nonn.D.i.yi, al. ;’ 2, for the present section substitute ‘evade, ζήλον ΛΡ5.269.5 (Agath.), όμμα ib.290 (Paul.Sil.) ; cheat, beguile, μόχθον Nonn.Z). 18.58, μέριμνας Id. 42.215.’ ύποκλύω, after ‘A. R. 3. 477’ add ‘(v.l. επεκλ-)' χόποκόκκινος, η, ον, scarlet-tinged, PGrenf. 2.28.5 (ϋ B-C., νποκκιν— PaP·)· ύποκόλπιος I, add ‘3. ύποκόλπιον τ >ΰ χώρου ( χορού cod.)· τής στάσεως χώραι αί άτιμοι, perh. position below a salient, Hsch.’ ύπόκοπος, for ‘ somewhat tired' read feeling fatigue' ύπόκοπρος, for ‘slightly faecal’ read ‘containing faecal matter' χύποκορυφαΐος, ό, assistant κορυφαίος, rest, in FGf7347.i.i3)2.1 1 (both ii a.d.) . ύποκρέκω, add ‘3. επί τών ίππων, πορείας τις τρόπος, βήμα, Hsch.’ ύπόκρημνος, after ‘precipitous’ add ‘or under the cliff ’ ύπόκρισις ii. I, add ‘; metaph. c. gen., δελφίνος ύ. Pi.Fr.140b. 15 S.’ 4, delete the section, ΰπολείβω, after ‘anap.)’ insert ‘(s.v.l.)’ ύπολογή ii, add ‘, Hesperia 9.68.106’ ΰπολύριος, for ‘under’ read ‘ supporting , or placed below, in’ and before ‘a cross’ insert ‘prob. either a support for the sounding- board (cf. l1.Merc.4y ff.) or’ υπομένω ii. 2, last line but two, after ‘Th.5.50’ insert ‘, cf. ό γάρ βλέπει, τις υπομένει; (v.l. ελπίζει) Ep.Rom. 8.24’; at end add ‘; undertake a burdensome office, την ίερωσύνην Hesperia 28.195.3, cf.4 infra’ 3, add ‘ ; expect in hope, Lxx La. 3.21’ ύπομήκης, for ‘= απόμακρος’ read ‘long in shape’ placing ‘, D.L.7.1’ after ‘Dsc.4.119’ and prefixing to it ‘; lanky’ ύπομηλίς, for the present article substitute after “ή,” ‘perh. service-berry, Sorbum torminale, Didyma 432.17 (iii b.c.), al., Pallad.Tgric. 1 3.4.’ ύπομνη ματογ ραφέω ii, add ‘; so Act., enter in minutes, PMerton 26.16 (iii a.d.)’ υπομονή I, add ‘ ; staying, tarrying here on earth, Lxx 1Ch.2g.1f add TV. stay, hope , Lxx Je. 14.6,1 7.13.’ ύπόμυξος, omit ‘ somewhat ’ and ‘ ; so’ ύπομυξώδης, before ‘Gal.’ insert ‘ charged with what resembles mucus' and add at end ‘(Comp.)’ χύπονάκορέω, serve as ύπονακόρος (q.v. in Suppl.), Lindos 11.301 (i B.C.). χύπονάκόρος, ό, under-templewarden, Lindos 11.295 (* B.c.). ύποναύσιος, for ‘slightly nauseated’ read feeling sick’ υπόνομος ii. 3, add ‘, cf. OG/483.163 (Pergamum, ii a.d.)’ ύπονοστέω i, line 4, after ‘2.366ε;’ insert ‘of the Nile, POxy. 2182.32 (ii A.D.) , cf. ύπονόστησις ;’ ύπόξυλος, for ‘A.Fr.286’ read ‘A.Fr.goyb M.’ and transfer the reference to follow ‘ counterfeit ,’ in 2. ΰποπετρίδιος, for ‘ winged ’ read ‘dwelling under rocks’ and for ‘, cf. FM783.24.’ read ‘. (Wrongly expld. by PIdn.2.237 as = ύπόπτερος.)’ ΰποπιθηκίζω, delete the article, ύποπίμελος, for ‘ somewhat fat or’ read ‘having fat,' ύποπόδιον, add ‘2. ύ. διπλοΰν of the βάταλον, Sch.Aeschin.i.i26 ; V. κροόπεζα 2 (Suppl.).’ χύποπρακτικός, ή, όν, subordinate., Ptol. Tetr. 182 (dub.), ΰποπτάζομαι, add ‘ ; Act., suspect, POxy. 2274.8 (iii a.d.) as cor¬ rected in Trans. Am.Phil. Ass. 8y{\gg6). 88’ ύποπυθμίδιος, add ‘(sed fort. leg. -θμένιος)’ ύπόπυρος i, for ‘with, .secret fire ’ read ‘having fire, fiery’ and in 2 after ‘metaph.,’ add fevered,' ύπορραφή, add ‘; written ύποραφή Edict. Diocl. 7.48,50,51 in FC//77.655 (Argos).’ χΰπόρραψις, εως, ή = ύπορραφή, Edict .Diocl. 7 .49 BCH 77·855 (Argos ; -opa-). 145 ύττορώξ SUPPLEMENT φαλλωδός χΰπορώξ or ΰπορρώξ, ωγός, ή, perh. underground passage, prob. in Aq.Zr.2.19 (L.-R.). ΰποσείω I. 1, add cf. perh. P Merton 59.6 (ii b.c.), where ΰπο- σεσείσθαι apptly. means to have had a slight seizure’ ΰποσήπω, after ‘ib.1.51’ add intr., ib.15.18’ ύποσιώπησις, after ’silence,' insert ‘Ptol. Tetr. 192,’ υποσκελίζω 2, add ‘b. uproot, used in translating Heb. qdla ( up¬ rooted ) Lxx 1 0.18.’ ύπόσομφος i, after ‘6.571’ insert metaph., την πάλιν αντί λαγαράς καί ΰποσόμφου μύστην εποίησεν αγλαΐας ’ ΰποσπασμός, for ‘ drawing secretly away' read ‘ withdrawing (of claims) ’ ΰπόσπιλος, omit ‘ rather ' χΰπόσταθμον, τό, base, stand, καρδόπου .SFG^. 13.35 (Athens, v b.c.) . ΰπόστασις A. 2, for ‘resistance, .down)’ read 'upward pressure, τοΰ κύματος (v.l. 7 τνευματος) Arist.A7«/«.368b 1 2’ and delete ', Ael. Fr. 59’ end of A, add ‘4. coming into being, M. Ant. 10.5. 5. κοιλίης ΰ. costiveness (cf. ύφίστημι B. v with Suppl.), Hp. Coac. 108 (v.l. dm-), 295.’ B. IX. 4, add Φοινίκων τούς γείτονας προσελαβεν εις την αυτήν άρμην τε και ν. AeL.Fr.59 (expld. by Suid. as = άντίστασις)’ v, for ‘camp’ read ‘ garrison ' ΰποστάτις, init., insert ‘(parox.)’ υπόστεμα, after ‘ill’ add and vi in Suppl.’ ύποστεναχίζω, delete “Διί” ύττόστημα in, for ‘a station, .camp’ read ‘ garrison ’ add ‘VI. (written -στεμα), property in land (cf. ΰπόστασις Vi), Ρ14/«>2έ.ι8.ΐ2 (iv a.d.), PMichael. 33.7 (v a.d.).’ ύπόστροφος, for “ύττόφορος” read “υπότροφος” χύποστόλωσις, εως, ή, under- or supporting colonnade, Poliorc. 224.5. χύποσφραγίς, ίδος, ή, ν. περίστροφος III. ύποτάκτης, add ‘; an ephebic official, IG22. 2051. ιοί ( ύβο- lapis ) ’ αποτείνω (A) I. 2, after ‘ Pax 458’ add ‘(prob. f.l. for επίτεινε )’ ύποτίθημι ι. I, add ‘ : — Pass., to be presented to sight of audience, Sch.Ar.JVu.i, cf. υπόκειμαι i. 2 in Suppl.’ vii, add ‘3. enter in one’s accounts, IG22. 1228.5 (ii b.c.).’ ύποτίμητος, delete the article. χύπότονος, o, perh. = ύποτόναιον, Inscr.Ddos 442^229 (ii B.C.). ύποτρέχω iv, line 5, for ‘2.10’ read ‘31. 10 L.-P.’ υποτρίζω, line 1, for ‘cats’ read “γαλεαι” ΰπότρομος, omit ‘ somewhat ’ υπότροφος, after “νεάνις” insert ‘f.l. in’ and after “ΰπόστροφον” add ‘ ; leg. υπότροπος’ add ‘II. Subst., ή, under-nurse, in list of temple officials, Inscr.Magn. 1 17.10 (ii a.d.).’ ΰποτρόζω, for ‘ [ύποτρύ] ζουσιν aoiBfj. . 12 1 9.1’ read 'θεσπεσίη λάλον ύμνον ύποτρυζοντος άοιδη Nonn.Z). 39-359» cf· Ι7·374> ύποτύφω, line 3, for “ υποθύφας ” read “ύποτυφας” υπουργία I, omit ‘, Rev.Ft.Anc. . . etc.’ and add ‘3. necessary means, i.e. cost, Rev.Ft.Anc. 33.210, Jahresh. 11.71 (both The- angela, iii/ii b.c.).’ υποφέρω, line 2, after ‘885’ add ‘; aor. subj. ύποίσω ΑΡη.28.η (Antip.Sid.)’ v. 2, line 1, for ‘bring. .FC5.6’ read ‘ cause to fall, bring down, App.FG'5.6 (in numbers) ; εις θρΰφιν Lib .Or. 59.149’; line 3, after ‘17 .ιγ' ;’ insert ‘Arist. .4^.25.1,36.1 ;’ χΰποφεύ(;ιμος, ον, = εκφευξιμος, Sch.A.R. 1 .246. ύποφοινίσσομαι, add ‘ : — Act. intr., Hsch. s.v. φαιθόν.’ χύποφυάς, άδος, ή, undergrowth (?), Hsch. s.v. μόλσον. ύποφυλακία, add ‘, 584.13 (Sidyma), 621 (Xanthus)’ χύπόχνοος, ον, downy, of a peach, Rh. 1.523. 19. ΰπόχολος, for ‘ somewhat . .colour’ read ‘ mixed with bile ’ χΰποχρηστεύω, serve as ΰποχρηστης, Didyma 353.18, cf. 381.14. Χύπόχρισις, εως, ή, smearing underneath, Anon.Alch.379. 13 ( ΰπό - χρησιν codd.). ΰπόχυσις, for ‘, Iamb.’ read ‘; in Iamb.’ and for ‘(pi.)’ read ‘ oiov v. (pi.) apptly. means interferences with sight due to physical humours’ χΰποψ, οπος, ό, a bird, Lxx £>«.14.16(17) (v.l. εποπα). χύποψυχρόομαι, begin to grow cold, Sch. Pi. jV. 10.137. υπτιάζω, add ‘III. dub. sens., πινυταΐς υπτιασμένε φρεσίν Hesperia 27.124.’ ϋπτιος ii, fin., after ‘D.Chr.33.52 ;’ insert ‘of the foot, ρυτηρι κρουων γλουτόν υπτίου ποδός striking the buttock with a lash consisting of the upturned sole of the foot, S.Fr.501.2; metaph., Δίκην. . ύπτίω παίσαντες . ,ποδί Call.Fr.202.63 Pf. ;’ add ‘VII. ύπτιον, τό, Math., a quadrilateral with no parallel sides, Papp.652.20 ; cf. παρύπτιος in Suppl.’ χΰπώρα, ή, = οπώρα, Ostr.Aiich.go .4 (iii/ii b.c.), POxy. 298.38 (i A.D.). ύριχό$, line 3, after “συρίσκος,” insert ‘Poll. 7. 1 74,’ US (A) III, before ‘ν. ύσγη ’ insert ‘ pudenda muliebria, Macho ap. Ath. 13.581a. IV.’ Ύσπορος, add ‘(Apptly. a Hellenized form of a foreign name: the form Σπάβαρος or Ύπόβαρος, attested for Ctes. (450 p.500 J. with adn.) and expld. as = φάρων πάντα τά αγαθά, points to Skt. Visvabhara = bringer of all.)’ ϋσσωπός, line 3, after ‘Ev.Jo. 19.29’ add ‘(nisi leg. ύσσώ)’ υστέρημα, after ‘need,’ insert ‘Pap. (iii b.c.) in JJ£7/8( 1953/4). 39-6,’ υστεροβουλία, for ‘deliberation after the fact ’ read ‘ repentance ’ χΰστερόμητις, ιδος, ο, η, late in counsel, Nonn.7). 13.540. ύστερόποτμος, add ‘2. re-married, Hsch. (cf. δευτερόποτμος).’ liaTtpos A. iv, for ‘is found, .writers’ read ‘occurs in Arist.PAyi. I95a3° °f being a cause in a posterior way, i.e. a posterior cause (cf. πρότερος A. iv in Suppl.)’ and place ‘the ascription.. δευτερως’ in a parenthesis, adding ‘of the word’ after ‘ascrip¬ tion’ and reading ‘is’ for ‘being’ 3, line 3, after “εξ ύστερου” insert ‘Hp.C0ac.418,’ ϋφαιμος, line 5, for ‘479’ read ‘580’ ΰφαλμο9, for ‘somewhat salt ’ read ‘salty’ ύφαλος I. 1, line 1, after ‘ under the sea,’ insert ‘ύ. τείρετο, of Danae, A.Fr.474.2.31 M. (anap.) ;’ 11, for ‘ somewhat salt ’ read ‘salty’ χυφέννυμι, put on a garment under another one. Pass. plpf. ύφεεστο χιτώνα Call.Fr.293 Pf. ϋφεσις, line 1, before ‘ letting ’ insert ‘ putting under, supplying, ή εκ της άριστερας χειρός ες την δεξιάν ύ. των ακοντίων Arr. Fact. 38. 3· II.’; lines 3/4» delete ‘; lowering,. .38.3’ > renumber ii and iii as iii and iv. ΰφέσπερος, for ‘better divisim’ read ‘cf. τά ποθεσπερα ’ χύφηγηλάζω, go before, guide, Arat.893 (tm.). χύφιερεύ5, εως, o, assistant priest, Annuario 30/32. 1 76 (Delos, ii b.c.), 7G5(2)-49 (Tegea, 78 a.d.). ύφίημι ii, line 2, after ‘c. gen.,’ insert ‘δρόμω Alc.H7(i).6 L.-P. ;’ ; line 9, for ‘Id. Cyr.’ read ‘X.Cyr.’ Χΰφιππάρχη$, ου, ό, assistant cavalry commander, Rev.Et.Gr. 70.28. ύφιστάνω, add ‘, Procl. Inst.25’ ύφίστημι A. i. 4, line 2, delete ‘treat ^..5.1.4 ;’ B. v, add ‘, cf. Hp. Coac. 281’ ύφοράω, add ‘II. overlook, disregard, Lxx De. 3.26, Ps. 77.59,62.’ χΰψέω, ν. ΰφόω with Suppl. χΰψηλοποιέω, raise, pile up, Sch.E.Or.402. χύψηλόπορο5, ον, moving on high, Hsch. s.v. ΰφιφοίτης. υψηλός I, add ‘b. ύφηλόν, τό, perh. long robe, PHarris 109.5 (iii/iv a.d.) , cf. POxy. 2054.4 (vii a.d.).’ χϋψηλόφρονος, ον, = ΰφηλόφρων, PAiag.Lond.^6. 482. ΰφιβίας, add ‘, rest, in 7G42(i). 129.5’ ύφίβρομος, delete the article. χύψίδρομος, ον, speeding on high, Orph.77.ig.i, Nonn.D.38.310; flooding, ib. 13.523, 23.253. ύψίζωνος, for ‘f.l.. .Fr.19.1’ read ‘Call.Fr.261 . 1 Pf. (v.l.)’ χύψικελεύθης, ου, ο, = —κελευθος, PAiag.Berol.2.8g. χύψικέραυνος, ον, lightening on high, Hsch. ύψιπαγής, delete ‘ high-built ,’ ύφιπόδης, for ‘poet, for’ read ' = ’ ύφίπυλος, after ‘16.698,’ insert ‘Ibyc.i (a). 14 P.,’ χΰφίτυπος, ον, dub. sens., Lyr.Adesp.'jfl).’] P. ύφιφαής, add ‘; BKTg. 2. p. 143.4’ χύφιφρονέω, to have proud thoughts, Sch.Pi.P.2.91. ύφος I, add ‘2. = ύφωμα i. 2, opp. βάθος, Vett.Val.241 .25.’ ΰφόω, before ‘, lift high.’ insert ‘(ύψέω in Hp. Praec. 7, v. infra)’ υω i. 2, fin., for ‘by hierophants’ read ‘at the Eleusinia’, delete ‘BCH.A a.d.),’ and after ‘in Ti. 3.176D.’ add ‘, cf. κύω (Suppl.) and ύπερχυε.’ φαάντερος, after ‘ more brilliant ,’ insert ‘Call.Fr.238.16 Pf.,’ χφάβάτον, το, lentil flour or cake, £77)4.4. 630*. 406 (iy a.d.). χφαγ«δαινίζω, afflict with cancerous sores, Aq.i A'i.5.6,7.10. φαγεδαινόομαι, add ‘ ; Act. trans., eat away like a cancer, A.c\.Je. 28.34’ φαίνω, line 11, after ‘Sophr.83’ insert ‘, Aeol. πεφαννε Ale. 206.5 L. -P.’ φαιοχίτων, for ‘(where, .causa)’ read ‘[φάϊο-; or φα ιό- metri gr. ; or choriamb for iambic metron]’ χφαιώδης, ες, dark in complexion, Vit.Sapph. in POxy. 1800. 1. 22. φακή, line 4, for ‘pearls before swine’ read ‘of something grand added to, or bestowed on, what is common’ χφα]κτιωνάριος, ό, = Lat. factionarius, leader of a faction; φ. Αλ\ε]ξανδρίας καλλ ιείνων leader of the Blue faction at A., PCair. Isidor. 58.13 (iv a.d.) ; cf. φακτονάριος in Suppl. φακτονάριον, delete the article. χφακτονάριος, ό, = φακτιωνάριος (q.v. in Suppl.), PLond. 5.1904.6 (v/vi a.d.) . χφαλαίνιος, o, whale (nickname in adjectival form), Διόγνητος 6 φ. επικαλούμενος POxy. 2399.35 (i B.c.). φαλακρός I. I, line 4, after ‘E.Cyc.227’ insert ‘, cf. A.Fr.474.24 M. (lyr.)’ φαλίπτει, add ‘ ; cf. φαλός II.’ φάλλαινα ii, after ‘Sch.).’ insert ΊΙΙ. hair of the head, Hsch.’ χφαλλίων, ονος, = φαλλοφόρος, Suid. s.v. Φαλης (pi.). χφαλλωδός, όν, singing phallic songs, Atil. Fort. p.293. 146 φαμιστός SUPPLEMENT φιλοττραγματία φαμιστός, for 'Bull... i a.d.)’ read 'SEGQ.4&2 (lapis -σθα; Leontopolis, i a.d.)’ φανερός i. 5 b, line 6, for ‘rarely. .Ages. 5.7’ read ‘more rarely εν Φ-, Th.4.73, X. Ages. 5.7, AP12.66’ Χφαντήρ, fjpos, 6, epith. of Zeus, SEG 17.406 (Chios, iv b.c.). Χφαοσφόρος, V. φώσφορος. φάρμακον ι. 3, add ‘; φ. δηλητήρια SIG37A1 (Teos, v b.c.), cf. S/G985.18 (Philadelphia), 1180.2 (Cnidus)’ 4, fin., delete 'φ. δηλητήρια . . v b.c.) ;’ Χφαρμακοττωλήτης, ον, ό, = φαρμακοπωλης, Arist./M594a23 (s.v.l.). χφαρσάγγιον, τό, parasang (fr. Persian farsang), Cat.Cod.Astr.y. 102.30. φασήλιον i. i, after “ φάσηλος ” insert ‘1’ add ‘II. barge, Βερενίκης φ. αγωγής διακοσίων PRyl.tj 76.7 (ii B.C.).’ χφϋσιάναριοξ [vd], ό, pheasant-farmer, Dig. 32.1.66; in form φασαν- Robert fit. Anal. p.435 (Thessalonica or Perinthus, iii a.d.), Corp.Gr.-Christl.lnschr. 1.34 (Corinth). Χφασκίδιον, τό, peril. Dim. of φασκία, bandage, PWarren 18.16 (iii A. D.) . Χφασκίς, v. διάφυσον. φατίζω ill, before ‘Pass.’ insert ‘give a name to, Rhian.13;’ φάτις ii. 2, add ‘, ΛΤ7.352 (Mel.?)’ φατνωματικός, for ‘in form. . (cf.’ read ‘τό φ. (in form παθνω-, cf.’ Χφατρΐται, ol, members of a φάτρα, IG 5 (2). 446.8 (Megalopolis, i B. C.) . φαόλος II. 5, after ‘Aph. 2.32’ insert ‘, cf. φαόλως ττάνυ φερόμενον Macho ap.Ath.8.34.ib’ φέγγος ι. 1 d, for ‘Sosiph.3.1’ read ‘Sosiph.3.3’ φείδομαι iv, line 9, after ‘from doing,’ insert ‘CzW.Epigr. 1.13 Pf. ;’ φειδωλία ii, for “τόξου” read “ τόξων ” φελλοχαλαστέω, for ‘apptly. . . Callipolis)’ read ‘of fishermen, Robert Hell. 9.81 (Parium)’ Χφεμινάλια, τά, trousers or leggings, Hsch. : — also φιμινάλια, Phot, p. 1 1 7 R. Χφενίκουλα, ή, a kind of hay-implement (= Lat. *faenicola or -cula), Edict. Diocl. 1 5.2 1 . φεννίς, after ‘Id.’ add ‘, Eust. 1554.35.’ φερέζυγος, add ‘2. benched, vaa φ[ερ]εσδυγον Ale. 249. 3 L.— P. (cf. ζυγόν ill. 1).’ Χφερεντάριοι, = LzX.. ferentarii, Hsch. φερέοικος i, add ‘ ; of Cadmus, Nonn.D.3.365, 4.33’ Χφερέπυρος, ον, wheat-bearing, Didyma 496T5 (ii a.d.). φερέσβιος, after ‘Antiph.i’ insert ‘; Προμηθεύς βροτοΐς φ. A .Fr. 343.46 M. (lyr.)’ χφερνιμαία, ή, dub. sens., Wien.Anz. 1962.5.33 (Lycia, i a.d.). φέρω, p. 1922b, line 26, after ‘etc.’ add ‘; ένείγκας IGi 1 (2). 287 A71 ( κατ -), 77 (Delos, iii B.c.)’ A. iv. 4, add ‘b. bring forward a motion, βουλάς -ονσας SEG 12.379.6 (Cos, iii B.c.; from Camarina).’ x. 2 b, for ‘, in pass, sense’ read ‘(cf. B. 1. 2)’ Φετιάλιοι, line 2, after ‘sg.’ insert ‘Φητιαλις Mon.Anc.Gr. 4.7;’ φηγινέος, read “φηγίνεος [i]” χφηγοειδής, c'y, acorn-shaped, IG22. 1534. 103 (iii b.c.). φημί, line 21, after ‘Hdt.3.153,’ insert ‘Antipho 5.51, Isoc.5. 1 19,’ line 33, for ‘A.R.2.500’ read ‘A.R. 1.988, 4.555’ p. 1926b, line 4, for ‘Id.PMr.270c’ read ‘Ar.Aw.1325, PI. Phdr. 270c’ φημίζω I. 3, for ‘Call.rlri.3. ι . 1 4,58’ read ‘Call.Pr.75. 14,58 Pf.’ 4, delete ‘ ; ο εφήμισεν. .xi 3’ φήρ, line 2, after ‘sg.,’ insert ‘Alc.286(0).3 L.-P.,’ φθείρ, after ‘louse’ add ‘or tick ’ 1. 2, after ‘lice’ add ‘or other parasites’ iii, add ‘, Sch.Lyc.1383.’ φθειροτραγέω, omit ‘lice, or perh.’ and after ‘ φθείρ ill’ add not lice’ φθειροφάγοι, for ‘ lice-eaters' read ‘ eaters of pine seeds’ and omit the parenthesis. φθείρω II. I, after ‘1.’ insert ‘(cf. άνα—, εισ—, ττροσ—, συμπερι—)’ φθινοττωρίς I, add ‘; φ. ωραι rest, in Call. Fr. 43. 40 Pf.’ φθογγή, line 1, after ‘poet, form of φθόγγος’ insert ‘(also used in late prose, e.g. Plu. 2.613c, Cat.Ma. 13.4, Crass. 23.8)’ φθόϊς, before “, ό” insert ‘(also φθοΐς Eust. 1 753.2)’ ; line 3, after ‘Att.’ insert ‘nom. and’ and after “φθοΐς” insert ‘Clem.Al. Protr. 2.19,’ φθόνος i. 1 b, add ‘, APy. 117 (Zenod.)’ φθόρια, delete the article. -φι, — φιν, delete the article. φιάλη i. 2, line 2, after ‘libations,’ insert ‘Sapph.44.29 L.-P. ;’ φιαληφόρος, add ‘; pi., IG22. 1328. 10 (ii b.c.)’ φιάλλω, add ‘ ; cf. εφίαλεν εττεχείρησεν and ήφίαλεν· εττεχείρησεν, Hsch.’ φιβάλεως I, add ‘, cf. Apolloph.l.c.’ Χφιβλατώριον, τό, a cloak fastened by a fibula, φ. ττεριβόλαιον Πέρσι « κόν Suid. ; φ. (v.l. φιβουλατ—) Λαδικηνόν Edict. Diocl.22.ig, cf. ib. 1 9.53-56, also Ιμφειβλ. (Suppl.). φιδάκνη, after “-ίς,” insert “-iov,” and add ‘with Suppl.’ Χφιδεικομισσάριος, a, ov, — Lat. fideicommissarius, επιστολή PMasp. 151.54, 312.25 (both vi a.d.). Χφίδνα, ή· ρίζα ή Αχίλλειος καλούμενη, Hsch. φικοπήδαλος, after ‘dub. sens, in’ insert ‘POxy. 2347.5 (iv A.D.),’ φιλαδέλφεια, read “Φΐλάδέλφ-εια” ; at end add ‘ ; of a building in commemoration of Φ., Inscr.Ddos 400.38 (ii b.c.)’ Χφιλαδελφοσύνη, ή, love of brother or sister, An.Boiss. 4.408. φιλακανθίς, for the present article substitute ‘φιλάκανθις (cod. -θίς), ιδος, fern. Adj. bony, of fish, AP6.304 (Phan.).’ φιλάκρατος, line 2, for ‘Simon. 183.5’ read MP7.24.5 ([Simon.])’ φιλαναγνώστης, after ‘of reading ,’ insert ‘Id. 1. 77.1,’ φιλανθρωπεύομαι ι. i, add ‘; abs., Men.Z))'5c.573.’ φιλάοιδος, delete ‘or singers’ and after ‘musical,’ insert ‘χελόννα Sapph.58.12 L.-P.;’ Χφιλάρρην, ενός, ό, fond of males, φ. μοΐχος, of a sodomite, Sen. Contr. 1.2.23. φιλαστράγαλος, delete ‘codd.’ Χφιλεξαπάτης, ό, ή, fond of deceit, ΛΡ5.164 (Asclep.). φιλέρισττος, read “-ος” φιλερνέω, add ‘ , v. λιφερνοΰντες in Suppl.’ φίλερως, after ‘amorous,’ insert MP5.206 (Leon.), Nic.Pr. 16,’ φίλευνος, add ‘, F. A. Hooper Funerary Stelae from Kom Abou Billou (1961), no. 1 12’ φιλεύτακτος, for ‘devoted to discipline’ read ‘ well disciplined ’ Χφιλεφέσιος, ό, loving the Ephesians, BMus.Inscr. 545.6. Χφιληγορία, ή, Poet, -ίη, friendly speech, GVI 1864 (Athens, ii/iii A.D.). φιληδέω, fin., after ‘c. part.,’ insert ‘φ. δι έλκων Α,τ.Ραχ ιι·$ι (lyr·) Φιλήσιος ι, add ‘, Arr. Peripl.M.Eux.2.2’ φιλήτης, line 8, for ‘Hec. 1.4.11’ read ‘^.260.65 Pf.’ ; line 11, after ‘the Papyri of ’ insert Ήίρροη.ιν.ιο, vn.13 D.3,’ φιλητός i, add ‘; γυνή φ. IG 12(3). 910; Sup. —τότατος GVI 1899.2 (Pisidia, ii/iii a.d.)’ φίλητρον, delete ‘ ; f.l. . . (Crates)’ φιλήτωρ i. 1, for ‘(Cretan)’ read ‘(Cretan acc. to Str.l.c.), Call. Fr. 23.4 Pf.’ 2, delete ‘(τώδε. .darling)’ χφιλιαίνομαι, become friendly or a friend, Julianus of Laodicea in Sokrates 5(1 91 7). 6. φιλιακός i, add ‘, PRyl. 28.99 (iv a.d.)’ φιλικός, after line 8 insert ‘2. φ. μέλος a /owe-song, Theoc. 10.22.’ Χφιλοβάσανος, ov,fond of torment, Pto\. Tetr. 161. φιλοβάσκανος, after ‘Ptol.TVir.161’ add ‘(v.l.)’ Χφιλόβροτος, ov, loving mortals, MAMAy.f02. φιλογέρων, for ‘loyal. .Apamea)’ read ‘ Elder-loving , Hesperia Suppl.6.163 N0.52 (Apamea, ii a.d.)’ Χφιλόγραικος, η, ov, fond of Greeks, Varro ΛΛ3.10. 1. Χφιλόγυνος, ον, = φιλογύνης, Lys.Tr. 122. Χφιλοδεσποτεύομαι, love one’s master or love slavery, Anaxil.43. χφιλοδιόνυσοι, οι, friends of Dionysus, name of an association, Didyma 502.1 (ii a.d.). φιλοζέφυρος, add ΊΙ. epith. of Arsinoe, Hedyleap.Ath.11. 497d, cf. Ζεφυρΐτις.’ φιλόζωος ι. 2 a, add ‘, NicMZ.59i’ b, delete ‘,591’ χφιλοθάλαμος, ov, loving the bridal-chamber, epith. of Aphrodite, Ps.-Callisth.12.16. Χφιλοθάλασσος, loving the sea, Opusc.Archaeol.6.4.6 (Cyprus, iii/iv a.d.) : also -θάλαττος, Cat.Cod.Astr.y .201 .1 . Χφιλοΐδιος, a, ov, loving one’s own, of a good wife, Wiener Denkschr. 1896(6) no. 1 78. φιλοκάθαρος, after ‘Ptol.7Vir.63’ add ‘(f.l.)’ φιλοκωθωνιστής, omit ‘f.l. for κωθωνιστής,’ and add ‘(cf. κωθωνιστής in Suppl.)’ φιλόκωμος, for ‘Simon. 183.5’ read ‘^7-24-5 ([Simon.])’ φιλόλαος, add ‘2. loving his (Jewish) people, Cljud. 1.203.’ χφίλολβος, kind to prosperity, ΕΙρήνα Hymn.Curet.\o. Χφιλόλεκτρος, ov,fond of the marriage-bed, γυνή φ. Riv.Fil.^^(igf) 291 (Rome, ii/iii a.d.). χφιλολύκιος, ov, friend of the Lycians , BCHQ^.^fQ^^. (i a.d.). φιλομάλακος, after ‘Ptol.Tfir.162’ add ‘(v.l.)’ φιλόμολπος, after ‘song,’ insert ‘Stesich.16.10 P.,’ and at end add Call.Z)f/.i97’ φιλομόναχος, for ‘, fond of gladiators. . fighting ’ read ‘(q.v. in Suppl.)’ Χφιλομονόμαχος, ov, fond of duelling, duellist, Ptol.Tfir.180 ; v. φιλομόναχος with Suppl. φιλόμωμος, after ‘Ptol. Tfir. 162’ add ‘(v.l.)’ φιλονικία I, line 2, after ‘sense,’ insert ‘Simon.36.11 P. (pi.) ;’ φιλόπαις i, for ‘Simon. 183.6’ read ‘AP 7.24.6 ([Simon.])’ Χφϊλοπένης, ητ ος, ό, ή, loving the poor, Cljud. 1.203 (Rome). Χφΐλόττΐλος, v. φιλόφιλος (Suppl.). Χφιλοπλία, ή, perh. association supporting gladiators, Robert Les Gladiateurs p. 1 96, N0.202 (Ephesus). Χφιλοττοίμνιος, ov, loving the flock, κόων Theoc.5.106. Χφιλοττραγματία, ή, meddlesomeness, POxy. 2267.6 (iv a.d.). 147 φιλορήτωρ SUPPLEMENT φρουμαρία φιλορήτωρ, after “ο,” insert “ή,”, for ‘ rhetoric read ‘ orators and oratory' , and delete ‘. 2. loving rhetoricians' φίλος i, line 8, after ‘ Αγ.,Μ/. 1 1 68 (lyr.)’ insert also Theoc., Bion; in prose, Longin.6’ ; lines 19/20, delete ‘(in.. 2. 13)’ iv. 4, for ‘ Call. Fr. 146’ read in Call.Fr.228. 43 Pf. Φιλωτόρα is a proper name.’ φιλοσάρατπς, add ‘ ; also φιλοσέράτπς (dat. — πι) /Gi2(5).7i2.25 (Syros)’ φιλοσοφέω ii. 3, add ί va. .Macho ap.Ath. 13.58 if.’ χφιλοτίμιος, a, ον, = φιλότιμος, only as Adv. — ίως Inscr.Cret. 4.168. 10 (iii b.c.). φιλότιμος i. 2, add ‘ ; of things, φ. δοχή Macho ap.Ath. 8. 348Γ φιλότρυφος, delete the article. χφιλοϋγιής, ε'ς, loving health, Arist.FFi 222*32. χφιλοφαρές, το, = πράσιον, Dsc.3.105.1. φιλόφιλος, add written φιλόπιλος in Arch. Pap. 5.167 No. 20 (Inscr. ; Roman times)’ φιλόφιλος, for ‘152’ read ‘32 P.’ and after “ φιλεός " add ‘(so Phot., Suid., but perh. mistake for φιλόφιλος = *φιλόπτιλος, loving down)' φιλτροττόσιμον, add ‘ ; also —os, ov, ib.96.8.’ φιλωδάς, add ‘, cf. φιλάοιδος' χφίμα [ϊ], ά, = φιμός, Hsch. χφιμινάλια, τά, ν. φεμ ινάλια in Suppl. φιμόω, line 4, after 'Matt. 22.34’ add ‘ ; by a spell, Tab. Defix. Aud. 22.42 (Cyprus), al. ; τα στόματά τινων ib.15.24 (Syria)’ φιμωτικός, after ‘silencing,’ add ‘ παραθήκην φ. τίνος Tab .Defix. 2IW.22.39, 32.27 (both Cyprus) ;’ -φιν, delete the article. χφίντων, ω φ. (or Φίντων), dub. sens., A. Fr. 474.2. 4 M. (lyr.). φιτρός I, for ‘Fr. 246 (= PSI 1 1.121802)’ read ‘Fr. 1 77.2,785 Pf.’ φϊτυ, before ‘Ar.’ insert ‘S.Fr.889,’ χφλάγελλα, ή, from Tat. flagellum, whipping, φλαγίλλας μαστιγω- θήναι POxy. 2339.10 (i a.d.). φλαμέντας, for ‘7G. . φλάμινα’ read ‘, gen. φλαμενος IGRom. 3. 1332 (Bostra) ; acc. φλαμίνα’ ; after ‘(Pisidia)’ add ‘; ψλαμ. (abbrev.) 7(?22·52θ6’ ; and for “φλάμινες” read “φλαμίνες” φλαΰρος, line 1, after ‘Sol. 13. 15’ insert ‘(dub. in Ale. 59(a) L.-P.)’ φλάω, line 2, for ‘(Ahrens, φλασώ codd.)’ read ‘(v.l. φλασώ)’ and in line 4 for ‘(Ahrens, φλάσαιμι codd.)’ read ‘(v.l. φλάσαιμ i)’ ψλεγμαίνω II. 3, add ‘ ; Lit.Crit., extravagant, ττάχυ και φλΐγ- μαΐνον Eust.285.27’ Φλεύς, after ‘2.91 1’ insert ‘, dat. Φλεί Sokolowski 26.61 (Erythrae, ii b.c.)’ φλέψ, add ‘4. of the caverns of the underworld, βυθίων φλίβα πάσαν άναυλων Nonn.7).36. 103.’ φλιά ι, line 3, after ‘Theoc. 23. 18’ insert ‘, Call. Epigr. 42. 6 Pf.’ ; line 4, after “παρά φλ ifj” insert “, όπι φλιής” and for ‘Call. lamb. 1.220’ read Td.Fr. 194.24,91 Pf.’ 2, for the present section substitute ‘ lintel , A. R. 3. 278, Lxx Ex. 12.7,22,23 ; perh. door-frame, τάς φ. καθ’ ΰπόρτΐρον Theoc. 2.6ο.’ φλόγινος, add ‘ΠΙ. φλόγινος (sc. λίθος), ή, a precious stone, Plin. 77.^37. 1 79.’ Χφλογο0χος, ό, apptly. lantern, Eranos 54.168, cf. λυχνοΰχος with Suppl. χφλογοφόρος, ov, flashing, of the moonstone, Ideler 2.204. 16. χΦλοιά, ά, Laconian name for Persephone, Hsch. φλοιός, line 2, for ‘one’s’ read ‘a’ and for ‘Call.Fr.10T read ‘Call.Fr.73 Pf. (cj.)’ φλόξ ii, add ‘, ΛΡ4. 1. 51 (Mel.)’ φλόος, line 4, for ‘, cf.’ read ‘ ; bast,' ; line 5, delete ‘the slough of’ and for “φλους” read “φλοΰς” χφλουμάρης, ό, = πλουμάριος, POxy. 2421.32 (iv A.D.), cf. φλου- μαρικός. φλυζάκιον, delete ‘ ; cf. φυσάκια’ φλύω, last line but two, for “φλόζειν” read “φλόζων” χφοβερόμματος, ov, with terrible eyes, voc., PMag. 5.437, Bonner Studies in Magical Amulets 168. χφοβερόφθαλμος, ov, with terrible eyes, Hsch. s.v. γοργώπιν. χφοβεσάνωρ, ορος, ό, ή, man-scaring, θυμός Epigr. in Inscr.Cret.3Av 39Αι (i b.c.) . φοβέω A. 1, add ‘ ; cf. Th.7.30.1.’ B. 11. 7, delete “νυκτός,” and ‘290,’ φοινίκεος, φοινίκιος, transfer ‘ ; metaph. blushing, . . Diehl2’ from φοινίκιος to φοινίκιος i fin.; omit there ‘; φ. οίνος. .B.C.)’ φοινικήϊος ii, delete “γράμματα’’ and ‘Φ. alone,’ φοινίκινος, add TIL = φοινίκεος, Hsch. s.v. φοινίκι φαεινόν.’ χΦοινικΐτις, ιδος, ή, a precious stone, Plin.77.yV37. 180. χφοινικοττάραος, ov, Dor. for -πάρηος, PHib.n. 172.34. φοινικοττάρηος, read “-ιτάρηος” χφοινικόπρωρος, ον, with red prow, PHib.n. 172. 35. φοινικοτττερυξ, read ιττέρυξ” and for f Mitteil .. .(1932)’ read ‘PRainer (NS) 1 p.’ Χφοινικόχλοος, ν. ξανθόχλοος. Φοΐνιέ A. I. 2, last line, for “άμπεχος” read “άμπελος” B. 1. 2, line 2, after ‘Pi.’ insert ‘, B.’; line 4, after ‘P. 1.24’ insert B.18.56S.’ ψοίνιος fin., for ‘Rare in Com.’ read ‘Com. only paratrag.’ φοίνισσα, add ‘2. vine, Hsch. (cf. Φοΐνιξ A. 1. 2, fin.).’ φοινίσσω i. 1, lines 4/5, delete ‘; empurple, μόρον S.Fr.393’ 11, after ‘ become ' add ‘or be’ and before ‘Nic.’ insert ‘S .Fr. 395»’ φοΐς, read “φοΐς” and for “φως” read “φωίς” φοιτάς ii, fin., delete ‘ ; φ. ίπποι N0nn.TX38.260’ φοιτάω, line 1, after ‘7.126’ insert ‘, Call.Fr.194.32, 202.67 Pf. (Add. 11)’ χφοιτητικώς, in wandering fashion, Sch.E.FA. 1024. χφολίατον, τό, nard-oil, (= Lat .foliation), Edict. Diocl. 32.67. χφολίατος, ov, = Lat . foliatus, apaevixiov Anon.Alch.318.7. χφολλατώριον, τό, = Lat. fullatorium, fuller's shop, PLond. 191.5 (ii A.D.) . χφόνευσις, εως, ή, act of killing, murder, cj. at AJ^. 1325. φόνιος ii. 3, add ‘: Adv. φονίως, Sch.E. Fr.539’ φόνος, line 15, after ‘D.S.19.8’ insert ‘; εν φόνω. .Nu. 21.24’ from 11 ; and in 11, for ‘of poison. .Nu. 21.24’ read ‘in POxy. 413.180 (= GLP 1.77.61) interpr. of poison, but φαιόν Ιμάτιον shd. proh. be read’ φορά B. 3, line 6, after ‘D.S. 16.54’ insert *, cf. Men.PT.283’ χφοράρις, ό, perh. shopkeeper, from Lat. *forarius, IGRom. 3. 93 (Sinope). φορβειά ii, for ‘fifers. .sound’ read ‘pipers, to keep double pipes in place’ and for ‘blows, .loud’ read ‘of one who pipes wildly (but pipers are often represented without φ.)’ χφορβιοπώλης, ou, o', seller of φόρβιον, or perh. of fodder, POxy. 1037.4 (v Α·0· j ττορβιο—). φορεύς, add ‘IV. shield-strap, Hsch.’ φορεω I. 1, add ‘b. prob. of a road (as φε'ρω A. vii. 1) in Call. Fr. 504 Pf·’ φόριμος ii, add ‘; also τό φ., Plin.T7.V35. 184, Gal. 12.917’ φορμαλεία, for ‘perh.’ read ‘prob.’ and for ‘POxy. 43.. a.d.)’ read ‘, q.v. in Suppl. : — list of supplies to be delivered, POxy. l.c. 2. official receipt for supplies, PLond. 1663.25 (vi a.d.), cf. PMasp. l.c.’ χφόρμη or φώρμη, η, = Lat. forma : — I. cobbler's last, φ. καλικαρικαί Edict. Diocl.9. 1 , al. II. quality, πρώτη φ. ib. 24.11,1 2. φόρμιγξ, add ‘3. φ. άστερόεσσα Διάς the constellation Lyra, Nonn.TX1.257, cf. 467.’ χφορμίδιον, τό, Dim. of φορμός, Hsch. (— ι θιον cod.), φορτηγός, for the present article substitute ‘φορτηγός, όν, carrying loads or cargoes, of ships, άκατοι Critias2.i2 D; νήες Plb.i.52.6, 5.68.4, etc.; πλοία D.S. 14.55, 20.85; of men, i.e. merchants, A.Fr.245 M., Metag.4 (hex.) : Subst., porter, Thgn. 679, Cratin.FS’7i2i2.35 (= GLP 1.38.35), cf. Poll. 7.1 31.’ φορτίον, line 2, omit ‘PI. 352,’ 2 a add ‘ ; so perh. sg. in Ar.TY.352 is piece of goods offered, bargain offered’ 3, delete ‘ ; έρωτος. . I 70’ φόρτος I. 1, line 4, after “φ. Ζρωτος,” insert ‘dub. sens., Anacr. H5P·;’ χΦορωνιάς, άδος, ή, epith. of Hera, Epigr. in Lindos 11.698 (ca. 200 B.C.). ψόσσατον, for ‘CIG. .Anastasii)’ read ‘67ϊΤ?9.356.36 (Ptolemais in Cyrenaica, vi a.d.)’ χφούλλων, ωνος, ό, = Lat. fullo. Edict '.Diocl. 22.1 . φοΰνδα, for ‘2. purse' read ‘; money-belt, Ann.flpigr. 1907.29 (Aphrodisias)’ χφοΰρκα, ή, = Lat . furca, Edict. Diocl. 15.9. χφουρνάκιον, τό, small oven, Anon.Alch.367. 15, 17, 19. χφουσκάριος, ό, seller of φούσκα, PLond. 1028.^ 5 (vii a.d.). χφράδητός, η, όν, known, Sch.Pi.7V.3.45 (explaining φράδασε in Pi.). φράζω ii. 2, add ‘ ; c. inf., II. 9. 347’ χφράσμων, ον, = φράδμων, Hsch. φράσσω, line 6, after Tl. 15.566’ insert ‘, subj. φαρξωμ€0α Alc.6.7 L. — P. φρατρικός, add ‘; dub. sens., SEG13. 394.3 (Larissa, iii b.c.)’ φράτριος in, add ‘ ; at Scepsis, Jahresh.3.33, where see other references’ φρέαρ, line 1, before Έρ.’ insert ‘φρήρ Tit.Cam.6 4ai,’ 2, delete ‘b. . .810.’, transferring the reference to 2, line 2, after ‘49,’ ψρενώλης, after frenzied,’ insert ‘Hippon.11.5 D.3,’ χφρεωρυχικός, ή, όν, for digging wells, ίργαλΐΐον φ. Hsch. s.v. τορος. Eor “φρητίον, to” read “φρήτιον, τό, = φρεάτιον” ; before ‘pi.’ add ‘Sicily;’ φρικτός, after “η, όν” insert ‘(also ός, ov 2IF6.219.1 (Antip.))’ ψριμαγμός, read “φρΐμ-αγμός” φρίξ ii. 2, after ‘Hp.A7orT.2.68,’ insert ‘Nic. Th. 778,’ χφρίξα, ή, sine exph, Theognost.Can. 100. χφροντιστεία, ή, prob. office of φροντιστής ii. i, 1S7SG19.882 (Syria, ii a.d.). χφρουμαρία, ή, prob. = φορμαρία (s.v. φορμαλεία), official order 148 φρουμαρία SUPPLEMENT χάλχη for stores, ακολούθως 'Ρωμαϊκή αυτοΰ φ. POxy. 43Γ ϋ 1 1, cf. 13, 15, al. (iii A.D. ; ib. vi 17 φρουματίας is corrected to φωρματίας). φρουμεντάριος, II, delete the section, φρύγανον, add ‘HI. drift-wood, AeL.A645.23.’ Χφρυγιακός, ή, όν, Phrygian, Macho ap.Ath. 13.578b, Str. 10.470. χΦρυγικός, ή, όν, Phrygian, St.Byz. s.v. Φρυγία. Φρύγιος, line 1, after “os, ov” insert ‘Arist.PoZ.i276b9,’ and after ‘Harm.i’ add ‘, etc., see CR 59.5’ Χφρυνεός, ο, = φράνη, Prat.l.loP. ( φρυναιου cod. A of Ath.14. 617ε), FM801.29. Χφρυνίτης, οι», o, a precious stone, De M61y Lapid.Gr. 170.1. φυγαδεύω II, transfer ‘, Plb.10.22.1’ to follow ‘54(55). 8’ φυγή n, line 1, after ‘ exile ,’ insert ‘Ale. 129. 12 L.-P. Χφυγοπόλεμος, = φυγοπτόλίμος, Hsch. S.v. φάξηλ ο», φυγοπτόλεμος, for “ ^φυγοπόλεμος ” read ‘ φυγοπόλεμος (in Suppl.)’ φυή i. i, add ‘b. generally form, of beautiful goddesses or women, φυή v ερατή Hes. Th. 259,355 ; κριννόμεναι φόαν Ale. 130.32 L.— P.’ φύη, omit ‘or φυίη’ φυκάριον, after “= φΰκος” insert ‘11’ and at end add also φουκάριον PMich.8. 508.6 (ii/ iii a.d.).’ φυκίον i. 1, after ‘= φΰκος i,’ insert ‘Archil. 79a.8 D.3,’ φυλακή ii. I, line 9, after ‘Id.8.39;’ insert ‘Θησεύς διά πόσης ήν φ. τω πατρί, Διηγήσεις Χ.2Ι φυλακίς, add ‘ ; φ. τριημιολία Robert Hell. 2.124 (Athens, iii B.c.), etc.’ φυλακιτικός, line 2, after ‘ to police ,’ insert ‘ φ . κλήρος PTeb. 808.3 (ii b.c. ?) ;’ φυλακός i, last line, for ‘Hec. 1.2. 12’ read ‘Fr.260.28 Pf.’ Χφΰλακρίσία, ή, perh. registration of members of a tribe , PHarris 64.7, al. (iii/iv a.d.). φυλακτικός ii, after ‘Adv. -κώ s’ insert ‘Men.Z>vic.95,’ φυλάκτωρ, for ‘Bull... i a.d.)’ read ‘Eleg. in SEG8.482.18 (Leontopolis, i a.d.)’ ψυλαρχέω, line 3, delete ‘c. gen.,. .5.42 φυλαρχία, add ‘II. = πομπή τις, Hsch.’ χφυλατός, ό(?), = ωδή, Blaes.ap.Hsch. φυλέτης, add ‘ : — fern, φυλέτις εκκλησία = Lat. comitia tributa, App.FC3.30’ φυλετικός 1. 2, delete ‘ή φ.. . FC3.30;’ φυλλάζω, add ‘ ; expl. of frondentes in Virgil glossary, PNess. 1 .851 (vi A.D.).’ φυλλίνης, add ‘2. είδος τι κυκεώνζος}, Hsch.’ φύλλον ι. 2, for ‘of flowers, petal’ read flower' and at end add ‘, cf. AP6.154 (Leon, or Gaet.)’ add ‘III. segment of stuff covering a ball, .<4714.62.’ φύξηλις, for ‘cf. Nic...943’ read ‘cf. Lyc.943; retiring, fugitive, Nic.dZ.472, Nonn.Z). 1.320’ φύξιος 2, add ‘b. = φύξιμος n. 2, φ. όδμήν Nic.Th.54 (cj.).’ φύος, add ‘, cf. PSI892.82 (iv a.d.?)’ φύρασις, for ‘ mixture ’ read ‘ kneading ’ Χφύσγων, V. Suppl. s.v. φάσκω v. *φύσελος, ό, or -ον, to, wind in the stomach, Sch.Nic.dZ.287. φύσησις, add ‘2. swelling, of waves, Sch.A.R.1.1 167.’ φύσιγξ I, add ‘(nisi leg. φαάσ-)’ φύσις νιι. 2, last line, for ‘the testes’ read ‘utrumque vas mulieris' and delete ‘, cf. . .318’ add ‘VIII. apptly. = νόμος, Vit. Aesop. { G) 13,103.’ *φΰσίσοφος, ov, wise by nature, μέλισσα Rh.3.530. φύσκων, for ‘AIC.37B’ read ‘Alc.429 L.-P.; written φύσγων Id. 129.21 L.-P.’ φυστή, for ‘kind of light pastry or puff’ read ‘cake made of coarse meal and wine’; line 2, after ‘(Leon.)’ insert ‘, Teles p. 7 H.’ φυταλιά i, after ‘20.185,’ insert ‘Inscr.Cret. 4.43802 (v b.c.),’ 11, omit ‘also, .vine,’ and transfer the reference to 1, reading ‘dP’ for ‘ib.’ φύτευμα, lines 2/3, transfer ‘S.OC698 (lyr.),’ to follow ‘Pi.O.3. l8 φυτεύω i. 4, delete ‘τοΰθ’ ήμΐν Pl.7i.8oe;’ and for ‘Id.’ read ‘PI.’ φυτηκόμος, add ‘ ; also as Adj., μαρμαρυγήν πεμπουσα φυτηκόμον Nonn.Z). 7.303. II. φυτήκομος, ον ( φυτηκόμος cod.), thickly wooded, Hsch. ; cf. δενδρόκομος.' φύω, line 1, for ‘fort. leg. in Ale. 97’ read ‘cj. in AIC.10B5 L.-P. ; later also -φύνω in compds., v. εμφάνω in Suppl.’ φώζω, line 5, after ‘Orib.4.7.1’ add ‘ ; Cypr. aor. ίφδσα Bull. Inst. Class. Studies Suppl. 10.22 (Curium, vii b.c.)’ Χφωκαρία, ή, housekeeper, concubine (Lat. focaria), BGU614.13 (iii A.D.) . χφωκάριον, τό, = foreg., BGU6 00.20 (ii/iii a.d.) ; φωκάριν, PPrincet. 57 (ii a.d.). φωκτός, for ‘Nic.Fr.68, Dsc.Ft/p.2.39’ read ‘Dsc.Fiip.2.39; stewed, Nic.Fr.68’ φωλεός i, at end add ‘ ; dub. sens., Hippon. in POxy. 2174.18.4.’ 11, add ‘, Call.Fr.68.2 Pf.’ φωνεω iii, add ‘: Pass., to be proclaimed, AP 7.430 (Diosc.)’ φωράω i, add ‘; search a person, Plu.2.248f, cf. 87b’ φώριος I, add ‘b. of a robber, επήλυσις Call.Fr.331 Pf.’ φωτιστήριον, substitute ‘διαφανή φ. λυχνικά gloss on Lat. luminaria, Gloss. 2. baptistery, SEG8.318 (Mt. Nebo, vi A.D.).’ φωτοφόρος, add ‘; φ., ή, apptly. lantern-stand, Eranos 54.168 (Pergamum)’ X, line 3, before ‘stands’ insert ‘more often’ χαβώνες, add ‘, cf. χαυών.’ Χχαβώνιος, v. καβόνιον (Suppl.). χάζω B. 2, line 5, for ‘in truth’ read ‘for long’ Χχαιμαφάριον, τό, dub. sens., ΡΖ?)»Ζ.3·529.Ι3 (iii a.d.), perh. a kind of oil. χαίρω ill, after ‘pi. χαίρετε’ insert ‘(and inf., v. infra)’ trans¬ fer from 1 b to 1 a, line 6 ‘ ; χαιρειν δε τον κήρυκα. .S.Aj.i 12’ and add to 1 a ‘ ; in announcements, dispatches, etc. to state or people, χαίρετε, νικώμεν Luc. Laps. 3 ; ή μάς χαίρειν προσεΐπας Eup.308 ; φράσαι. .χαιρειν Άθηναίοισι Ar.JVu.6og (troch.) (for dat. cf. X.ZZG4. ι. 3 1 codd. and infra 2 c in Suppl.)’ 1 c, add ‘ : — an esp. ceremonious type of greeting, Τον ” Ιωνά χαιρειν PI .Ion (beginning), X. πολλά τον άνδρα Θυώνιχον Theocr.14 (beginning), Πόλλα μοι τάν Πωλυανάκτιδα παΐδα χ. Sapph.155 L.-P. (prob. beginning of a poem).’ 2 a, add ‘; χαιρειν είπε fv τινα Ath.Mitt. 56.131 (Miletus, Hellenistic), cf. Luc. Dem.Enc. 50.’ 2 c, lines 7/9, for ‘είπεΐν χαιρειν. . Eup.308’ read ‘χαιρειν προσαγορεάειν Pl.Fg.771a’ and omit in line 1 1 ‘φράσαι. . (troch.) ;’, in lines 12/13 ‘ X.Z/G . . άλλήλους) ,’ ; delete ref. to Sapph.86. χαίτη 3 b, for ‘a hedgehog’s spines’ read ‘the porcupine’s bristles’ 5, after ‘trees’ insert ‘or plants, leafage’ χαλάδριον, add ‘; χαράδριον, PTeb. 8 15.fr. 2 iii 74 (iii a.d.) ; cf. χελάδριον in Suppl.’ χάλαζα π. 2, add ‘; collect, sg., eruption, Nic. ΤΛ. 252, 778.’ χαλαζήεις ii, for ‘an icy chill’ read ‘ skin-eruptions’ Χχαλαζίτης, οι», 6, = γαλάζιος iii, De M0ly Lapid.Gr. 187.23. χάλασις 3, for ‘University. . 3(2). 58’ read ‘.S'FG'8.647 (Egypt, iv A.D.)’ χάλασμα 2, add ‘b. interval between part of the surface of pave¬ ment blocks and the bed on which they rest, /G7. 3073.1 14 (Lebadea, ii b.c.).’ add ‘8. over-measure (making the measure not strict), of land, PGiss. 2. 36.1 7 (ii b.c.).’ χαλβανίς, for ‘of. .Subst.’ read ‘ all-heal (v. χαλβάνη), Nic .Th. 938’ χαλε-ττός B. 11. 1, lines 6/7, for “χ. λα μβάνειν ττερι τίνος’’ read ‘abs., χ. λαμβάν€ΐν’ χαλέπτω ι. ι, add ‘ ; Κύπριδα χ. ΑΡ 5.263.5 (Agath.) ; την παΐδα ib.300.3 (Paul.Sil.)’ ii init., delete ‘provoke.. { Agath.) : — ’; at end add ‘; Call.Ger.48’ iii, after ‘Fr.11.2’ add ‘; abs. Nonn.Z). 16.34’ Χχαλικός, ή, όν, of cement (χάλιξ), χαλική ήμμιτία (leg. ήμιτία) dub. in Rev.Et.Gr. 72.265, no.475. χαλινός I, add ‘3. pi., mouth-trainers, ‘tongue-twisters' , strings of words full of difficult sounds, used for practice in articulation, Quint.Znii.1.1.37.’ rv. 1, line 3, after ‘223,’ insert ‘al.,’; at end add ‘ ; of a serpent’s mouth, Nic. Th. 234’ 2, delete the section. χάλιξ 2, add ‘b. υποκύλους [πίνακας (?)] απολαβών χαλίκι dub. sens., Inscr.Ddos 504/1 1 1 (iii b.c.).’ χάλις i, for ‘ Docum . . . 101 ’ read ‘SEGq.63' ; at end add ‘ ; also as Adj., χ. ρόος Nonn.Z). 1 5.25’ χαλκεόγομφος, delete “δώμα” and for read ‘38.10 P.’ χάλκεος n, add ‘2. χάλκεον, τό, = χαλκών ι. i or 2, Theoc. 2.36.’ Χχαλκεότευκτος, ov, made of bronze, Hesperia 28.324. χαλκεών, add ‘3. apptly. store-room for bronze implements, Ath. Mitt. 66.201 (Sicyon, vi/v b.c. ; -ιών), cf. χαλκοθήκη i.’ χαλκηδόνιον, add ‘II. prob. chalcedony, PRyl. 4.627.162 (iv a.d., χαλκεδ— ).’ Χχαλκηδόνιος (sc. λίθος), ό, chalcedony, Sm.Z1.54. 12. χαλκιδικός iv, before ‘— fori’ add ‘part of basilica, Vitr.5.1.4;’ χαλκίον i. 1, lines 1/2, delete ‘Ach.i 128,’ and T 07,’ ; line 3, before ‘ZG22.i4i6’ insert ‘SEG 13.12.96,’; at end add ‘; dub. sens., Ar.TiF.i 1 28, Fr. 1 07 (where said to mean λουτρόν by P0II.9. 69) ; v. χαλκείον ii. i’ Χχαλκιτάριον, τό, chalcite, Anon. Alch. 5.8. Χχαλκοκορώνη, ή, dub. sens., Rh.6.90.30. χαλκοπάρηος, read “-ττάρηος” and for “-πάρ^ος” read “— ττάράος” Χχαλκοιτυρίτης, οι», ό, copper pyrites, Anon.Alch.16.6. χαλκός line 1, for ‘ GDI5011.4 ’ read ‘Inscr.Cret. 4.162.3’ and before ‘iii b.c.’ insert ‘Gortyn,’ line 1 1, before ‘alloyed’ insert ‘χ. Μάρκάς from Marium in Cyprus, ZG2A1675.17 ;’ 11. 4, add ‘b. a moneyed man, ^79.241 (Antip.Thess.).’ χαλκοτυπική, add ‘; with τέχνη added, PSI 871.12 (i a.d.) ’ χαλκωρύχος, after ‘miner,’ insert ‘0F7200.19 (ii a.d., -op- Pap.),’ Χχαλκωτός, ή, όν, covered with bronze (?), FCZ/35.16. Χχόλχη, V. κάλχη. 149 χαμαί SUPPLEMENT χλαμυδηφόρος χαμαί, line 5, after ‘1672.305;’ insert ‘χ. εγένοντο CAX.Epigr.^.^ pf.’ χαμαιδικαστής, add ‘(χαμό— Hsch. s.v. σήλεκτος )’ χαμαιευνάς, add θύμβρη Nic.Th.532’ Χχαμαιλίχων, οντος, o, a kind of fishing-ne/, Sch.Th.7.25. χαμαιριφής I. i a, add ‘ ; of a person, PCair.Isidor. 63.25 (iii a.d.)’ b, for the present section substitute ‘ exposed , abandoned, παιδία EM 781.36, Hsch. s.v. ΰποβολιμαΐον .’ χχαμέτρυος, V. χαμαίδρυς. χάμευνα, for ‘/Gi2.330.5’ read ‘SEG 13. 12. 231 (Athens, v b.c.)’ χχαμευνάδιος, α, ον, = χαμαιεΰνης, GLP 1.IIO.17 (iii B.c.). χαμευνάς II, for ‘lair’ read ‘= χαμεΰνη, bed ’ χαμεύνιον, after “χαμεΰνη,” insert ‘Hippon.59 D.3,’ χχαμοκέντησις, ecus, ή, floor-mosaic, BCH 81.581 (Eurytania, v/vi A.D.) . Χχαμώνας’ στέαρ ή τά εκ στέατος τικτόμενα Hsch., cf. χαβώνες, χαυών. (Prob. Semitic, cf. Akk. kamdnu, Hebr. kawwan.) χχανάκτιον’ τδ μωρόν, Δωριείς, Hsch. χανδόν, line 2, for ‘Aet. i.i.ii* read ‘Fr. 1 78.11 Pf.’ χχάοντες, perh. for χα\τέ}οντες, c. gen., κυκλάμινων Poet, in POxy. 1796.5 (botanical poem). χαόω, after ‘in Epict.p.47 D.’ add ‘, cf. Tab.Defix. in Berl.Sitzb. 1934.1043’ Χχαράβδη, ή, a disease of corn, Hsch. χχαράγιον, το, = χάραγμα 2, Cat.Cod.Astr . 8(2). 165. 14. χχαρακοκόπος, ον, for cutting stakes, δρέπανα PCair.fljen. 851326 (iii b.c.). χαρακτήρ ii. 2, line 6, after ‘brand’ insert ‘on a slave, PHib. 198. 87 (iii b.c.) ;’ χαράσσω II. I, line 1, after ‘scratch,’ insert ‘PUniv. Milan. ii 69 655,62 (ii a.d.), v. εκτάσσω in Suppl. ;’ χαρίεις, line 2, for ‘b.c.)’ read ‘b.c.))’ ; after ‘infr. rv)’ add ‘, also χαρίεις, χαρίεν, νυμφαις χαρίεσσιν Orph.//.46.5’ χάρις V. 2, add ‘ ; θύμα εκ τριών ποπάνων συγκείμενον, τι νέ? δέ πλακουντών είδη, καί άρτοχάριτας καλείσθα ι, Hsch.’ VI. I, line 4, after ‘A.Ch.266 ;’ insert ‘εμαν χάριν Ale. (?) 30417 l.-pt χαρισμός, after ‘gratifying,’ insert ‘Phld.M0ri.21,’ χαριτώπης, for the present article substitute, ‘χαριτώιτις, ιδος, fem. Adj. (ωφ) of charming aspect, /G3.1376.’ χχαρταρίδιον, το, Dim. of χαρτάριον, PMich. 8.510.23 (ii/iii A.D.). χαρτάριον, after ‘papyrus,’ insert ‘PMich. Teb.i 23^1x30 (i a.d.),’ χχαρτάριος, o, apptly. = χαρτουλάριος, BGU466.12 (ii/iii A.D.), GF/477.2 (Smyrna, i/ii a.d.; χαρτάρΐς). Χχαρτάτικόν, τό, payment for an official document, clerk’s fee, SEG 9.356.18,79 (Edict of Anastasius, Cyrenaica, vi a.d. ; pi.), χάρτης I, add ‘b. official document, Just.jVot .8. 1 .’ χαρτιατικά, for the present article substitute ‘χαρτιατικόν, τό, = χαρτατικόν (Suppl.), Ulp-Difi.48.20.6 {chartiaticum) .’ χαρτός 2, after ‘of persons,’ insert ‘μη χαρταί γενώμεθ’ έχθροΐς Call.Fr. 194-98 Pf- ;’ χάρων i, line 3, after ‘cf.’ insert ‘Call.Fr.339 Pf.,’ χάσιος, add ‘Cf. χάϊος.’ χάσκω I. 2, line 8, after ‘Philostr. Erl 2. 7 ;’ insert ‘κεχηνένα i περί τι be taken up with, eager about, a thing, Clem.Al.Paed.2.10. 102 ;’ Χχασμωδιώδης, es, with hiatus, Rh. 3. 544.11. Χχαυνών, v. χαυών. χαύνωσις ii. i, for ‘ making confused, mystification’ read ‘making a case out of nothing ’ χαυών, for ‘ kavvan ’ read ‘ kawwan ’ ; at end add ‘, cf. χαβωνες.’ χεΐ, after ‘/G22. 149 1.33’ insert ‘(τό χεΐ perh. crosswise )’ χείλος i. 2, add ‘, cf. Hippon.x.3 D.3, Call.Fr.194.82 Pf.’ 11, line 4, after ‘Ar.Ach.^59 ;’ insert ‘of a ship, Eup.324, ΛΡ7.215 (Anyt.) ;’ χείλωμα, add ‘ : pi., f.l. for κενωμασ iv in A.Fr.478 Μ. II. box, chest, POxy. 1294.5 (ϋ/m a.d.); Dim. χειλωμάτιον, τό, ib-3·’ Χχειλώνες· των άλεκτρυόνων τινές, Hsch. (perh. χίλωνες, i.e. fatted cockerels). χειμάρροος ii. i, add ‘; .^7.411 (Diosc.)’ χειμάω, for “ριγέω” read “ριγόω” Χχειμώδης, es, stormy, Sch.E.FA.247. χειμωνικός I, add ‘; πωμάριον PKlein.F0rm.951 (v/vi a.d.)’ χειμωνόθεν, for ‘in a storm ’ read ‘σκέπτεο χ. from stormy weather, i.e. when wrapped in it’ χειρ, line 15, for ‘Ale.. .28.9’ read ‘Theoc.28.9, cf. χε'ρρ’ Alc.58. 21 L.— P.’ ii. 6 i, add ‘; έχα>ν μετά χείρα την Άνθίαν holding A. by the hand, X.Eph.1.12.1’ rv, add ‘2. dominion, rule, Lxx 2/11.8.3, iCA. 18.3.’ v, p. 1984b, lines 1/2, delete ‘δεδωμάτωμαι. .958;’ vil. 4, add ‘; signpost, Lxx Ez. 21.2(25)’ Χχ(ε)ίρα, ή, = χειράς I, Hsch. χειραγρικός, add ‘, cf. chiragrici Cels.4.31 (v.l.), Petron.132.14’ χειραπτέω, add ‘; misuse, PVindob. 1373 1.14 (ii a.d.) in Mus. Helo. 3(1 946). 247. 1 4’ χχείραργος, ον, with a useless hand, gloss on κολόχειρ, Hsch. χχειρέμβολον, τό, perh. receipt from ship’s officer for goods, Ulp.Di^. 4-9 fl3- χχειρετεροττλος, ον, (χειρ, έτερος, δπλον) with one hand armed, of a gladiator, Epigr. in Stoian Tomitana 199 (Tomi). χειρίδιον, add ‘2. small hand, IG22. 1534.269 (χιρ-) ; χ. παιδικόν ib.258.’ χειρίζω ii. 3, line 2, after ‘(iii a.d.)’ add ‘; also Act., χειρίσαι πρεσβευτήν Thasos 11.21 .170.27 (ii/i B.C.)’ χειρικός, delete the article, v. χερικός in Suppl. χχειρίτεχνος, ον, hand-made, έρια κερίθεκνα Inscr.Cret.^.J^B^ (Gortyn, v b.c.). χειροβοσκός, after ‘work,’ insert ‘S.Fr.1113,’ χχειρογραφή, η, contract of loan, PMich.Teb. I23viiii2, al. (i a.d.). χχειροδάκτυλος, o, metal fingerstall, Anon.Alch.366.2. χχειροκμής, ήτος, 6, manual labourer, Steph. in Rh. 270.16 (pi.), χειρονόμος, for ‘ one who. . posture-master ’ read “· ορχηστής” and after ‘Hsch.’ add ‘, but shadow-boxer, Didyma 179.3’ χχειρότεχνος, ό, = χειροτέχνης, POxy. 38.17 (i A.D.). χχελάδριον, τό, = χαλάδριον, POxy. 1 142.13 (iii A.D.). χέλειον i, delete ‘crab’s shell,’ and transfer ‘N1C.A/.561 . . χε'λιον cod.);’ after ‘ testudinum,’ 11, for ‘ Philol.90.137 ’ read ‘FSY1390.C.1.24’ χχελιδονιακός, ή, όν, pointed like a swallow’s tail, Isid. Etym. 18.6.7. χελιδόνιος, after ‘also ος, ον’ insert ‘Macho ap.Ath. 13.582^ Dsc.5.32,’ 11. 1, fin., delete ‘; χελιδόνια. .Epigen.i.2)’ χελιδονισμός, add ‘; cf. Eust.1914.16’ χχελιδονοειδής, ές, coloured like the swallow, PMasp. 6V.83 (vi a.d.). χελιδών iii. 5, delete ‘(with play on Ar.Lys.770 (hex.)),’ and ‘, cf. Juv.6.365(6)’ χελιχελώνη, add ‘; cf. κορικορώνη (Suppl.)’ χελάνη ii, add ‘; Dor. χελύνά Call. Fr. 196.22 Pf.’ χελύνιον, for ‘ Mitteil .. .160’ read ‘PRainer(NS)i.28(p.i6o)’ χελώνη iii, add ‘10. ship’s keel, Hsch.’ χέραδος, line 5, after ‘Pi.l.c.’ add ‘(cf. Sch. ad loc.)’ Χχερικός, ή, όν, manual, έργα POxy. 1692.5 (ii a.d.), PGiss. 56.1 1 (vi A. D.) ; εργασία PHamb. 23.22 (vi A.D.). Χερνασος, for ‘prob.’ read ‘(Ep. Χερνησος)’ and after ‘‘Χερσό¬ νησος,” insert ‘A.R.4.1 175,1.925 (v.l.), cf.’ χερόνησος, after ‘A.R. 1.925’ insert ‘(v.l. χερν— )’ χερόνιπτρον, before ‘Eust.’ insert ‘Hesperia 32.155.5 (Athens, v B. C.),’ χχερσοκαλαμία, ή, land overgrown with reeds, PMich.Teb. 2. 310.7, al. (i a.d.). χέρσος n, line 3, delete ‘; έν κονία. .ib.9-43’; cP χόνιος i. χερσώδης, for ‘30’ read ‘31’ Χχέρχν°ς, ό, v. κέρχνος (A) in Suppl. χέω, line 8, after ‘10.53’ add ‘, εγχεΰσα Herod. 6. 77’ 1. 3 b, add ‘, API. 119 (Posidipp.)’ 11. 3, delete the section, χήλη ii. i, line 3, after ‘sg.,’ insert ‘App.Anth. 3.80 (Posidipp.);’ Χχηλωτός, ή, όν, dub. sens., PRyl. 4.627.63 (iv a.d.). χχημολογέω, collect clams ( χήμαι ), cj. in .1IF9.551 (Antiphil.), v. θημολογέω in Suppl. Χχηνίς, ίδος, ή, dub. sens., perh. gosling, IGi 1 (2). 224^1 1 (Delos, iii b.c.). χχηνοβοσκία, ή, = χηνοβοσία, Hsch. Χχηνόπους, ποδος, ό, ή, goose-footed, of a woman, IG 12 (3). 388. χηραμός, line 6, after ‘Horn.’ add ‘and Lyc.’ χηρεύω ii, after ‘Cyc. 440’ add ‘(dub. 1.)’ and for “χη ρεύσει” read (< / >5 χηρεύει χθιζός, last line, after ‘195’ insert ‘, A.R.4.1 397, ^9.305 (Antip. Thess.)’ χχθονικός, ή, όν, = χθόνιος, Tab.Defix. 107.3· χθόνιος, add ‘IV. surly, severe, ρυσμοί Anacr.71.2 P. ; = στυγνός (v.l. στυγερός), Id.6o P. ; cf. Suet.de Blasph. p.418.’ Χχιθών, ώνος, ό, = χιτών, BGU 816.18 (iii A.D.). χιλεύω I, add ‘; στρατόν Hsch. (χειλ— cod.)’ Χχιλιαγωγός, ό, leader of a thousand, epith. of God, Jahresh.32.80 (amulet). χιλιαρχία ii. 3, for ‘AJA. .b.c.)’ read ‘Sardis 7 No.ii6 (iii/ii b.c.)’ χιλιαστήρ, add ‘, BCH59.4.78 (Samos)’ χιλιοπλασίων, for ‘= foreg.’ read ‘a thousandfold as much ( as many, as great)’ χιλός, line 1, before ‘green’ insert ‘(also χιλόν, τό, Hsch.),’ 2, add ‘; pi., Nic.FA.56g.’ Χχιλωκτός, ή, όν, or χιλωκτόν, τό, dub. sens., PMich. 6.421.24 (i A.D.) . χίλωμα I, add ‘, PLond. 190.45 (iii A.D.?)’ χχΐονοβροχοπάγής, ές, snow- and rain-congealing, PMag.Par. 1.1358. χχΐονοδροσοφερής, ές, bringing snow and dew, PMag.Par. 1.1362. Χίος i. 1 b, add ‘(v. χΐον, ήμίχιον)’ n, line 3, after ‘ace-dot,’ insert ‘Epigr.Gr. 1038 (χεΐ-) ;’; line 5, for ‘205’ read ‘9.100’ χχιρίδιον, v. χειρ- (Suppl.). Χιτώνη, add ‘ ; Κιθωνέα, Hsch.’ χιτωνίσκιον, add ‘; also χιθων-, ib. 1516.7, cf. Hesperia 27.325’ χχλαμυδηφορέω, = χλαμυδοφόρεω (q.v. with Suppl.), JEA37 (1951). 87. 2 (Ephebic list; Memphis, iii a.d.). χλαμυδηφόρος, add ‘; epith. of Hermes, PMag.Lond. 46.403’ 150 χλαμυδοφορεω SUPPLEMENT χρυσεομίτρης χλαμυδοφορέω, add ‘ ; as an έφηβος, PMich. 6.426.18 (ii/iii A.D.). (—δοφ—, —Set φ—, —St φ— codd. Poll. ; cf. χλαμυδηφορεω in Suppl.)’ χχλανιδοφόρο$, ον, wearing a χλανίς, Archipp.2 D. χχλαρ(ον), τό, dub. sens, et accent., PRyl. 4.627.159 (iv a.d.). χλαρός, add ‘ ; also χλαρά· φαιστά εν ελαίω, Id.’ χλεύη, for ‘Aeschrio 8’ read ‘AP 7.345’ χλιαίνω, line 10, delete ‘al.’ and after ‘(Mel.)’ add ‘, 12.136’; line 11, for ‘(Id.)’ read ‘(Mel.)’ χλιαω, for ‘κρίμνον. .sens, in’ read ‘μη κούρας άτ’ άρηγός (= αρωγός) άφάσσων στέρνα πόθω χλιάοι’ ; add at end cf. εγχλιάω (Suppl.)’ χλίβιον, for the present article substitute ‘a definite quantity of garlic or salt fish, prob. a basket, Pap. in Aegyptus 9. pp. 241-3, 247 (ii a.d.) ; prob. in PFay. 72.4 (χλο[ύ]βιον), cf. κλουβίον, κλουίον, which also are prob. basketwork receptacles' χλίδων, line 3, for ‘2.145a (prob. 1.)’ read ‘2.3 17Γ χλιδώνιον, add ‘, 1457.8’ χλόη ii, fin., after ‘Ar.Zyj.835’ a<3d also epith. of Themis, IG 22.5098’ χλόος, add ‘II. prob. = χλόη i. 4, PMich. 8.496.17 (ii a.d.; acc. pi. χλοΰς).’ χχλουνίας, ου, 6, = χλούνης, χ. χοίρω Sokolowski 11. ι8ν.Λ3Γ> 526 (Athens, ν B.C.). Χχλούνιον, τό, piglet, χλούνια χοίρου άρρην καί θήλεια Ath.Mitt.66. 172Β26 (Attica, ν b.c. ; pi.). χλωρός ι. ι, lines 8/9, for ‘ή. .scenery’ read ‘ή or τά, something required for a river (perh. personified) in a mime, perh. green stain or green draperies' and add ‘b. χλωρά, τά, green crops, opp. πυράς, POxy. 501.16 (ii a.d.).’ hi, lines 6/7, delete ‘of fish. .7.309b;’ χλωρότης, line 2, after ‘67(68). 14;’ insert ‘sickly pallor of gold mixed with silver, PIU.2.395C ;’ and delete section 11. Χχλωροφαγία, ή, the eating of green food, PLond. 1165.3 (“ a.d.), PMasp. 87.13. χχλωροφόρος, ον, bearing fodder, χ. (sc. γη) PMich. Teb. I23riii6 (i a.d.), PTeb. 553 (i/ii a.d.). χνοάω, line I, for ‘cheeks’ read ‘breasts’ χνόος, line 7, after ‘2 Ch. 1.9’ add ‘(so prob. /j.5.24)’ 11. 1, line 5, delete ‘ χνούς . . (anap.) ;’ ; at end add ‘ ; first coal of a foal, TP6.156 (Theodorid.)’ add ‘III. creaking, ετι χνόον. . άξονος. . ίππος εναυλον εχει Call.Fr.384. 5 Pf. (in this sense perh. to be written κνόος, cf. κνοΰς· ό εκ τοΰ άξονος ήχος Hsch.).’ Χχοάνιον, τό, Dim. of χοάνη, rest, in ££'£13.18.57 (Athens, vb.c.). χοαχύτης, add ‘; fern, χοαχυτίς, ίδος, ΙΙΡίζ 189.4 (“ B.c.)’ χοδεαντες, read “χοδέοντες” χοΐδιον, after “τό,” insert ‘Dim. of χοΰς (A), χ. χαλκοΰν Hesperia 32.175.9 (Athens, iv b.c.) ;’ χοϊεΐος, add ‘(χοϊαΐος shd. perh. be read in Suid. s.v. χοίδια.)’ χοιρίσκος, after “χοίρος," insert ‘IG^(i). 1390.68 (Andania, i B.C.),’ Xoipos, line 1, after ‘Ach. 764’ add ‘, Herod.8.2’ Χχοιρότριψ, ιβος, 6 (?), sens, obsc., Hdn.1.246.26 ; ν. χοίρος I. 2. Χχοιροτρόφοξ, ό, swineherd, Hsch. s.v. συβώτης. χοΐσκος, after “χοΰς” insert ‘(A), /G22.1533. 1 15 (Athens, iv b.c.)’ and at end add ‘: — χοΐσκιον, τό, 7G22.1533.102’ χολή ι. 2, line 2, after ‘A.Pr.495 ;’ insert ‘of a boar, Nic.7Ti.561 ;* 3, line 1, for ‘Poets’ read ‘Com.’ 11, delete ‘, Th. 561’ χολοβαφής, add ‘, Alex.Aphr. in SEf6.22.' Χχολοπ-οιεω, produce bile, Vit. Aesop. (G) 3. χόλος, add ‘III. of a serpent, venom., ΑΡη. 172.6 (Antip.Sid.) ; cf. χολή iv.’ Χχονδήν, Adv., in capacity, φιδάκνας αμφορέων χ. Hesperia 31.55.19 (Attica, iv b.c.). (Prop. acc. of Subst. *χονδή fr. root χενδ-, cf. χανδάνω fin.) χορδοστρόφος, delete ‘(misprinted. .Ptol. 250)’ χορείος I, line 2, after ‘or dance,' insert ‘ρυθμός Men.Dyjc.951 ;’ hi. 1, add ‘ ; sg., Inscr.Dilos 1421 Acdio, al. (iiB.c.)’ add ‘3. festival, prob. in honour of Dionysus, PC/782.195 (Thasos, iv B.C.).’ χορεύω line 3, delete ‘, E .Ion 1084 (lyr.)’ 1. 1, add ‘b. metaph., c. dat., to be a votary of, παιδεία Phld.7?P. 1 . 1 41 , φιλο¬ σοφία ib.2.27.’ hi, line 2, after ‘(lyr.)’ insert ‘, so prob. in A.Fr.343.35 M. (lyr.), unless in signf. 11. 2’ Χχορηγεσία, ή, Dor. χοράγ-, = χορηγία ι. 1, Epigr. in Lindos 11. I97f6 (ii b.c.) . χορηγία ii. 2 b, add ‘ ; furniture of the Temple, Lxx 2FJ.5.3 ; pi., supplies, Diog.Oen.64 ii T χοριτεία, for ‘= χορεία ’ read ‘prob. a mistake for χορεία' χορΐτις, init., insert ‘(properisp.)’ Χχοροδιδασκαλεω, train a chorus: metaph., εντεχνως χ. εν φιλο¬ σοφία Phld.Z.tA.col.3 line 9. χοροστατέω, before ‘Hsch.’ insert ‘IGRom. 1 .562 (Nicopolis ad Istrum),’ χορτάριον, add ‘2. hay, PGt/625.33 (ϋ/iii a.d.), POxy. 1862.37 (vii A.D.).’ χόρτασμα I, after ‘for cattle,’ insert ‘PHamb. 27.17 (iii B.c.),* Χχόρτη, = χώρτη (v. Suppl.), 7G 14. 1 66 1 (Rome). χορτηγός, add ‘; υποζύγια PCair.fijen. 292.480 (iii b.c.)’ Χχορτόβρωμα, ατος, τό, grazing, PSI I327r7 (ii a.d.). χορτοκοττή, after ‘ hay-making ,’ insert ‘/\S7i327r6 (ii a.d.),’ χορτο κόττιον, before ‘Dsc.’ insert ‘IGRom. 1.709 (Thrace, ii a.d.; κορτο- lapis),’ χοΰς (A), line 1, delete *, Nic.TA.103’; line 2, before ‘measure’ insert ‘squat vase or’ χραισμέω i , add ‘ ; c. dat. rei, χραισμήσεις όφίεσσι you will find help against snakes, Nic.TA.551’ χραίσμημα, delete the article. χράω (B), line 5, after ‘Hermesian.7.89,’ insert ‘A.R. 1.302,’ C. iii. 4 a, lines 2/3, for ‘ ; πρός τι. . Mem.i ,2.f read ‘, E .Med. 82 1 , D. 1 9.30 ; πρός τι Hdt.4.87, Lys.24.24 ; επί τι X.Mem. 1 .29, PI. Grg. 508b’ vii, fin., omit ‘Hsch.’ and ‘has’ and after “χρησιμεύσει” add ‘Hsch.; also perfi, Phryn.206’ χρεία v, line 3, for ‘Theon. .etc.’ read ‘Men.Rh.p.392 line 31’; line 4, delete *, Aristipp., etc.’ χρειακός, add ‘ ; of temple-attendants, Pap. in Melanges Desrous- seaux p. 199 (ii a.d.)’ χρεοφυλάκιον, for “τό” read ‘etc.’ Χχρεύμα- ρεύμα, ύδωρ, Hsch. (prob. conflated from χεΰμα and ρεύμα). Χχρεωστικός, ή, όν, of a χρεώστης, ασφάλεια BGU\~]2.2.\\ (ii A. D.) . χρεωφυλακικός, add ‘and Tale Class. Studies 3. pp. 26-47’ χρήμα ii. i, line 6, for ‘τεκμαίρει. . 0.6. 74’ read ‘χ. έκαστον everything, Pi. 0.6. 74, 9.104’ in, add ‘, Swoboda Denk- mdler 107’ χρημάτισις, after “-ϊσις” insert ‘(- ιξις Inscr.Cret. 4-232.3(Gortyn, ii b.c.))’ χρηματοφύλαξ, add ‘II. generally, treasurer, PRyl. 4.586.9, al. (i B. C.).’ χρήσιμος ι. I, add ‘, Pl.PA7r.26ob’ χρησίμοτης, read “-ότης” and add ‘, Epigraphica 10.76.23 (Leptis Magna, ii/iii a.d.).’ χρήσις ii, add ‘; oracular saying, Abh.Berl.Akad. 1932.5.50’ χρησμοδοτέω, after ‘Poll. 1. 1 7’ add ‘; prophesy, αλήθειας Ramsay Cities and Bishoprics 2 p.566 (iv a.d.)’ χρησμός, read ‘χρησμός (A)’ Χχρησμός (B)· τιμωρία, Hsch. χρήστης ii. 2, line 2, after ‘32.12,’ insert MP7.732 (Theodorid.),’ χρηστομαβής, for ‘an adept in polite' read ‘desirous of' Χχρηστομουσία, ή, an excellent abode of learning, Γάδαρα χ. Rev. Arch., 3rd Series, 35.49 (Palestine). χρηστός, ii. 6, delete the section. iii, line 1, after ‘Art. 32’ add ‘, Arist.TT. 1 2 1 4a2 1 ’ add ‘IV. in a treaty be¬ tween Sparta and Tegea χρηστόν ποιεΐν was interpr. by Aristotle (Fr. 592) as = άποκτιννύναι, and χ. there may be good as a euphemism for dead ; but prob. outlawed, liable to be killed by any man (perh. as (5 χρήσθαι εξεστιν ως άν τις θελη), cf. χρηστοί · οί καταδεδικασμενοι, Hsch. and χρησμός (β) (Suppl.).’ χχρηστοσύνη, ή, goodness, STG3.435 (Locr., iii B.c.?). Χχριθή, ή, — κριθή, 7Gi2.839 (Paeania, ν b.c.). χρίω, line 9, delete ‘late Poets, as’ χροιά ii, line 7, for “ μεμεγμενας” read “μεμιγμενας" χχροΐα, τά, = pi. of χροιά II, χρως π, Emp.71.3. χχρονεω, = χρονίζω ι. 4, χρονεεσκε ΑΡ 5-77 (Rufin.). Χχρόνισις, εως, ή, expenditure of time, επί τινι πράγματι χ. Anon, in Rh. 1 76.29. χρονογραφία I, delete “αί χ. καί ή Άτθίς", and at end add ‘, cf. Hesperia 26.164.23’ χρόνος ι. 3 a, add ‘ ; τίνα χρόνον ; at what time? (if the following words are sound), Call.ZW.i’ b, add ‘; χρόνου, ήδη χρόνου, long ago, Ael.TVd4.45, 5.33’ iv, add ‘ ; χρόνον εμποεΐν τω πράγματι Men./)yjc. 1 86’ χρυσαλλίς ii, for ‘old’ read ‘a’ χρυσάμττυξ, delete ‘epith. .. Od.) ;’ ; after ‘B.5.13’ insert ‘. 2. with golden bit, of the gods’ horses, 11.5.358,363, al. (not in Od.)’ χρυσάνθεμον I, before ‘also’ insert ‘χρύσανθον codd.;’ 4, delete the section. χρυσανθής i, add ‘; κιθων PMich. Feb. i2iT rv i 3 (i a.d.)’ χχρυσάνθιον, τό, sulphate, Maria ap.Z0s.Alch.146.13, Anon. Alch. I5-I3· χρυσαστράγαλος, for ‘golden.. 170’ read ‘cup with gold bosses, Sapph.192 L.-P.’ χρυσάφιον, add ‘; written χρυσάφιν, PSI 836.13 (vi a.d.), prob. in PGen. 55.19 (iv a.d.)’ Χχρυσειδής, ες, = χρυσοε ιδής, Hymn. Is. 1 09. Χχρυσελάτης, ου, ό, goldsmith, Edict. Diocl.30.5. χχρυσέλατος, ον, = χρυσήλατος, Epigr. in Mansel Ausgrabungen in Side (1951). 54. χρυσέμιταικτος, read “-έμπαιστος” χρυσεόκυκλος, add ‘; epith. of Horus, PMag.Par. 1.460’ χρυσεομίτρης and —μίτρα, add ‘; also — μιτρος, ον, Anat.St. 9.104 (Pisidia, ii a.d.)’ 151 χρύσεος SUPPLEMENT ψιμυθοειδής χρύσεος hi. i a, add epith. of Zeus, Robert Hell. 10.105; χ. Παρθένος, partner of Hosion Dikaion, ib. 107’ b, before ‘hue. Laps.’ insert ‘Men. Dysc.679, ’ χχρυσεόστροφ[ος, ov, dub. sens., Ibyc.i(a).40 P. Χχρυσηλάτης [ά], ov, 6, goldbeater, Anon.Alch.379.8. χρυσίτης i, add ‘, Plin.//jV33· 106 ( -im )’ 11. 1, add ‘, cf. Plin.//./V37. 1 79’ χχρυσόδεσμος, ov, with gold fastenings, Hsch. s.v. χρυσάμπυκες. χχρυσοδότης, ου, o, distributor of gold, Epigr. in TAM$(i). 127.5 (Termessus). χρυσοέθειρ, last line, for ‘in’ read ‘Ibyc.i(a)g P.,’ χρυσοειδής, add ‘: also χρυσειδής, Hymn Is. 109’ χρυσοκέλευθος, read “-κελεύθης, ου, ό,” χρυσόκολλα, for ‘ gold-solder . . carbonate ’ read ‘a name given to any bright-green copper mineral’ χρυσόκομος, after ‘(Mnasalc.)’ insert ‘(s.v.l.)’ χχρυσοκοράλλιον, τό, Dim. of χρυσό κόραλλος, Moses Alcli.307.5. χχρυσοκόσμητος, ov, adorned with gold, Sch.E.FA.382. χχρυσολάμττετος, ov, sparkling with gold, ράβδω Hippon.iv.7 D.3. χχρυσολευκόλιθος, ov, (made) of gold and white marble, Sch.D.T. 378.11 ; also χρυσίο- Hdn.2.849. i. χρυσολύρης, delete ‘Pi.Pac.5.41 ,’ χρυσομανής, after ‘(Agath.)’ add ‘; μελέτη ib. 10.76.4 (Paul. Sil.)’ χρυσομίτρης I, add ‘; also χρυσόμιτρος, ov, Hsch. s.v. χρυσ- άμπυκας’ x χρυσό νεστριεύς, έως, 6, gold-spinner, Edict. Diocl. 30.6. Χχρυσόττεζα, ή, gold-footed or -sandalled, POxy. 2444.3.9 (perh. Pi.). χχρυσοπέταλον, τό, gold-leaf, Anon. Alch. 377· 7 (lemma), χρυσότττερος I, line 2, after ‘h.Cer. 314;’ insert ‘παρθένος, of the Muse, Stesich.16.1 1 P. ;’ χρυσός, fin., for ‘ charuts ' read ‘hams’, for ‘ hurdlu ’ read ‘hurasu ’ and for ‘ hara ’ read ‘hra ’ χχρυσοφόρμιγξ, ιγγος, 6, ή, with golden lyre, Απόλλων Simon. 6(a). 5p· _ , χχρυσοχάλίνωτος [t], ov, gloss on χρυσαμπυξ, Sch.Gen.il. 5.358. Χχρυσοχοοποίησις, ew?, ή, fusion of gold, Comarius Alch. 291. 11. χρυσωτής, add Ή. χ. (sc. λίθος), ή, a precious stone, Plin.//jV37. 156.’ χρυσώρυφος, for ‘IG .. Phrygia) ’ read ‘SEG6.166 (Phrygia, iv A. D.) ’ χρυσωρύχος, for ‘Phrygia, iv a.d.’ read ‘lapis -ωρυφα (q.v. with Suppl.)’ χρύσωσις, after ‘gilding,’ insert ‘Inscr. Delos 290.231,234 (iiiB.c.),’ χρώμα n. 2, add ‘b. τά χ. the paints, i.e. painting, Chor.p.280 F.-R. (p.199 B.).’ χρωμάτινος, after ‘ coloured ’ insert ‘or for colouring' χχρωματογράφος, ό, painter, Anon, in Rh. 26. 1 7. Χχρωματωτός, ov, coloured, Stud. Pal. 20.27 5.4 (vi a.d.). χρως I. 2, lines 3/4, after ‘Pherecr.30’ add ‘ ; εις χρόα κειράμενοι TP7.446 (Hegesipp.)’ χρωτίζω, add ‘ — Med., = χροιζομαι, Lyr.Alex.Adesp. 1 .36 (with¬ out dat.) : — Pass., fut., ib.26’ χύδην, line i, for ‘ 1. 1 1 P.’ read ‘228.11 Pf.’ χυμός i. 2, line 1, after ‘Hp.FA/18,’ insert ‘Gorg.Hel.14,’ χχΰτάργυρος, ό, liquid silver, Anon. Alch. 16.14. χύτλον i, after ‘(Cyrene’ insert = SEG9.72.4f χύτρα I, fin., delete ‘ ; children, ,χυτρίζω’ χύτρινος, after ‘earthenware’ insert ‘, SEG19. 1 7. 1 34 (Athens, v B. C.)’ χυτρόγαυλος, after ‘a bucket ,’ insert ‘Men.Z>>uc.505,5o6,’ χύτρος ii. 2, add ‘; τούς Κΰθρους IG2Z.2 130.69 (ii a.d.)’ χωλός ii. 2, after ‘Eloc. 301’ insert ‘, cf. Call. Fr.203. 14,66 Pf.’ χωλόω, for ‘11.22’ read ‘13.6’ χώλωμα, after ‘ lameness ’ add ‘(in arm or leg)’ χώλωσις, after ‘lame’ add ‘(in arm or leg)’ Χχωματεία, work on the dykes, PSI901 (i a.d. ; -ηα). χωνευτήρ, add ‘, Moses Alch. 3 11. 17’ χωνευτός, for ‘, al.’ read ‘ ; Subst., χωνευτόν, τό, ib. Jd. 18.20, Is. 42.17 (pi.).’ χώρα i. 2, line 5, after ‘Paus.5.17.6 ;’ insert ‘section of the interior of a building, IG21. 1668.77 (iv b.c.), BCH28.78 (Tralles);’ 11. 2 a, add ‘ ; so perh. άγεώργητοι μενοΰσιν αί χώραι Syria 34· 281.30 (Hama, i a.d.)’ χωράφιον, after ‘Fr. 171.7’ insert ‘, Inscr.Cret. 4.338.6 (i/ii a.d.)’ χωρέω hi. 1, line 10, before ‘to be capable of’ insert ‘grasp, form a conception of, την του θεού δύναμιν Longin.9.9 >’ χωρίδιον, after ‘Lys.19.28,’ insert ‘Men.Djuc.23,’ and after ‘[jin’ insert ‘Men.l.c.,’ Χχωρίη, ή, dub. sens., έκ δε χωρίης Τήσεος Bull.Comm.Arch.Com. 75-8 1. χωρισμός ι. ι, add discharge, Lxx Lc. 12.2, 18. 19’ 11, delete ‘seclusion ..18.19;’ χωρίτης i, after ‘S.Fr.21’ insert ‘(dub.)’ and after ‘Muson.Fr.i 1 p.6o H.’ add ‘, Alciphr.3.70.1’ χώρος I. 1, add ‘; ph, περί τούς χ. τούτους regions, Th.3.102’ 11, add ‘5. subdivision of τριττύς, FC//78.317 (Geos, iv b.c.).’ Χχώρτη, η, = Lat. cohors, χ. ένδεκάτης όρβανης Jahresh. 4.207 (near Selymbria, i/ii a.d.), cf. IGRom. 3.359 (Sagalassus, Pisidia), etc.; also κώρτη Bull.Comm.Arch.Com. 75.81 (Rome, iii a.d.); χόρτη, v. Suppl. s.v. χώς, for ‘(q.v.)’ read ‘(A), q.v. (11. 1)’ Χχώστρα, ή, melting-pot, Anon. Alch. 27 1.22, 287. 25. ψάγδαν, for “σάγδας” read “ψάγδας” ; line 6, for ‘nom.’ read ‘gen., perh. indecl.,’ and after ‘Hsch.’ add ‘ ; σάγδας as nom., perh. indecl., Hsch.; as gen., Ath. 15.691c’ ψαιστός, line 6, after ‘(Corn. Long.)’ insert ‘,300,334 (Leon.)’ χψάκαστρον, v. βουτόρος. χψάλαγμα, τό, touch, Hsch. (ph). ψάλιον, line 4, after ‘Sch.E.P/i.792’ add ‘(but ό ψάλιος, = τιθα - σευόμενος ίππος, ibid.) χψαλταναγνώστης, ον, ό, intoner, MAMAb.2^7 (Apamea). χψαλτήρ, ηρος, ό, = φάλτης, Hsch. Χψαμμήν' άλφιτά, Hsch., cf. φάμμη. ψάμμος, init., insert ‘, Aeol. ψάμμος (q.v.) Alc.306.14 ii 2 L.-P.’ χψαμμόχωστος, ον, = άμμόχωστος, POxy. 1911.89 (vi A.D.). ψάρος or ψάρος, add ‘2. a sea fish, Cyran.274, cf. φόρος.' ψαύω ι. 5, add ‘b. φ. ουρανού of reaching unattainable or supreme heights, Sapph.52 L.-P., Plu.Dcmc/r.22, Ael.F//i2. 41 ; cf. ημιθέων φ. Synesius Ep. 142.55. (But in Herod. 4. 75 θέων, pres, part., is prob.)’ 1, add ‘7. put one’s hand to, attempt, Plb.3.32.5, 18.53.1 ; so prob. Herod. 4. 75.’ Χψάφεα' φωμία, Hsch., cf. φάθεα. χψάφοτριβέων' περί τούς λόγους (λογισμούς Hemster.) τριβομένων, Hsch. χψενδύλοι (cod. φελύνοΐ)· σπόνδυλοι, Hsch. ψευδής ι. ι, line 5, after ‘Hes. Th.229’ add ‘(s.v.l.)’ 2, line 5, after ‘ibid.’ add ‘ ; but cf. έπιφευδης in Suppl.’ ψευδογραφία, for ‘= foreg.’ read fallacy in geometry or arithmetic’ χψευδογραφικός, η, όν, of or belonging to fallacious proof, 17 φ. (sc. τέχνη) Alex.Aphr. in 02?Ι95.ι8. χψευδοτταρηχητικός, η, όν, connected with φευδοπαρηχησις, Eust. 1586.21. χψευδορήτωρ, ορος, ό, false orator or rhetorician, Rh.6.577.6. ψεύδος ii. 2, after ‘ finger-nails ,' insert ‘ App.Anth. 3. 79 (Posidipp.), ψευδοσέλινον, add ‘, Cat.Cod.Astr. 7.234.4’ ψευδοσοφιστής, add ‘ ; Cyran.29.26 (ph)’ ψήκτρα, add ‘II. a barber’s implement, prob. comb, TF6.307 (Phan.).’ ψηλαφάω ι. I, line 7, transfer ‘metaph.,’ to before “φηλαφώντες” in line 6. ψηφίζω II, add ‘5. propose a φηφισμα, τούς δούλους ελευθέρους φ. Longin.i5.IO ; φ. τον εις Σάμον πλοΰν Plu.Fcr.24· I ·’ ΠΙ> line 2, after ‘also found in’ insert ‘Inscr.Cret. 4.78.1 (Gortyn, v b.c.), ah,’ ψηφίον, add ‘2. = φηφίς i. 3, Illustrated London News 1 8 Oct. 1 958 (v a.d. ? ; φηφιν).’ ψηφίς ι. 1, add ‘; dub. sens., Hippon.77 D.3’ 2, add ‘b. pebble for voting, πά]ντες υπό φηφΐδα κακήν βάλον Call.Fr.85.8 Pf., cf. φηφος ii. 5 and Suppl. s.v. υποβάλλω.’ χψηφοθεσία, ή, laying of a mosaic pavement, Turk Tarih Arkeol.ve Etnogr.Dergisi 4.69 (nr. Smyrna, iii a.d.), Bulletin 111 of Louis M. Rabinowitz Fund (i960). p. 47 (Caesarea); cf. φηφοθεσμία in Suppl. φηφοθεσμία, add ‘(f.l. for φηφοθεσία, q.v. in Suppl.)’ ψηφοθέτης, after ‘ pavements ,’ insert ‘Edict. Diocl. 7. 7,’ ψηφολογέω, add ‘2. calculate by counters, Anon, in .SF2.39.’ ψήφος i. 2, add ‘ ; of a pearl, Ael.jVTi5.8’ after 11. 4 insert ‘5. pebble used as entrance-ticket to a δεΐπνον από συμβόλων, Macho ap.Ath-6.244d, cf. AP6.248 (Marc.Arg.)’ and re¬ number sections 5-7. 5 (6), line 11, after ‘5.47;’ insert ‘περί τούτου φηφου διενεχθείσης a vote having been taken, BCH86. 58.25 (Macedonia, ii a.d.) ;’ add ‘9. judgement as a faculty, φ. όρθην Id. Ep. 19.10.’ χψηφοφορικός, ή, όν, accustomed to manipulation of counters, Anon, in SE 2.38. ψήφωσις, add ‘II. adorning with mosaics, Inscr.gr. et lat.de la Syrie 1320 (Apamea, 391 a.d.), 770 (Antioch, vi a.d.?), SEG8.21 (near Ptolemais, vi a.d.).’ ψηχρός, after ‘fine,’ insert ‘Nic.77i.559 (v.l.),’ ψήχω I. 2, for “μέτωπά τ’” read ‘(sc. ταύρου)’ add ‘4. άλλαντα < Ρηχών (φύ- codd.) skinning a sausage, prob. in Hippon.v1.17 D.3’ ψιθυριστής, line 2, after ‘317’ add ‘; of both, Harp.’ χψιθωμία<(ν(>' Λάκωνες τον ασθενή, Hsch. ψιλήται, after ‘1222.53’ insert ‘(φιλΐται ib.907.38)’ ψιλότης II. 2, for ‘(ph)’ read ‘(ph ; opp. δασύτητες) ; Phld.Po.2. 18 (opp. πρόσπνευσις)’ χψιμεΐον, τό, perh. = φιμύθιον, Stud.Pal.2 0.96.9 (iv A.D.). χψιμμίον, τό, = φιμύθιον, white lead, Zos. Alch. 248.1 1. ψιμυθοειδής, add ‘, Zos. Alch. 1 1 1.9’ 152 ψιττάκινος SUPPLEMENT ώφέλησις Χψιττάκινος, (η,) ον, green-coloured, of a cloth, POsl.Inv. 1444.10 in Aegyptus 31 (1951). 182 (i a.d.) ; collyrium psittacinum a colore ita dictum, Scrib.Larg.27. Χψιχόμαλλον, τό, perh. f.l. for *ψιλο-, smooth woollen (?) garment, iS7ittf.PaZ.20.245.15 (vi a.d.) . χψοθέω, = φοφεω, Call. Fr. 194. 106 Pf. ψάμμος, for the present article substitute ‘ψ., o, Aeol. for φάμμος, sand or dust, Alc.306.14 ii 2,6 L.-P. ; expld. by Sch. and Hsch. as = ακαθαρσία, but Ale. prob. meant that inter¬ course with the woman raised a dust because of her age.’ ψοφοειδής, for “, φωνήεντα ” read ‘ : τά φ. = those consonants which are not mutes, continuants,' Χψυγμογναφεύς, εως, 6, drier and cleaner, PFlor. 388.80 (i/ii a.d.). ψύδος, transfer the article after φυδνός. ψύθιον, add apptly. v.l. in Call.Pr.93.1 Pf.’ φύλλα ii. i, add ‘cf. Ael.AZd6.26’ 3, delete the section, ψύλλιον, add also ψύλλιος, ό or ή, Cyran. 45.12’ ψυχαγωγέω II. i, add ‘b. delight, amuse, Alciphr.3.18, Jul.Or.i. 40a. c. console, αυτούς ib.8.244b, cf. 248c.’ ψυχή i. 2, line 4, after ‘endearing name,’ insert ‘Theoc.24.8, Macho ap.Ath.13.578f,’ iv. 3, line 5, after ‘ENn68bf insert ‘, cf. E. Or. 1046’ and for ‘prob.’ read ‘cj.’ add ‘VIII. slave, πάσαν φυχήν Lxx Ge. 12.5, 1Ma.10.33; dub. sens., φυχας ανθρώπων Apoc. 18.13.’ ψυχογολΗκός, after “φυχογονία,” insert ‘φ. διαιρέσεις Procl. in R. 2. 192.26;’ ψυχολιπής, after 'lifeless,' insert ‘GVI 1154 (ii b.c.) ;’ ψυχομαντεΐον, add ‘; pi., rites of necromancy, CAc.Div. 1 . 1 32’ ψυχότροφον, for τροφον” read “-τρόφον” and at end add ‘, cf. Plin.ZiyV25.84’ Χψύχρανσις, εως, ή, cooling, Alex.Aphr.PiZir.p.88.36. ψυχροβαφής ii, delete ‘and scents’ and add at end ‘(cf. θερμοβ.), dyed with such tincture, v. ΰδροβαφής (Suppl.)’ Χψυχροθερμοφύσησος, epith. of Typhos, breathing cold and hot, PMag.\ (= P Mag. Par. 1) 183 (voc. ; φυχο—). ψυχροφόρον, after ‘Gloss.’ add ‘, cf. των δύο φ. POxy. 896.11 (iv A.D.)’ Χψωλοκοπέομαι, tentigine rumpor, Lucilius 304 Marx : — Act. in causative sense, φωλοκοπώ τον άναγι γνώσκοντα in margin of PLond. 3.604 B col. 7 (i a.d.). Χψωμή, ή, = φωμός, Anon.Alch. 16.7 (pi.), ψωμάς, after ‘Od.9.374,’ insert ‘Hippon.i.4 D.3,’ ψωρανθεμίς, for ‘= λιβανωτίς' read ‘a kind of λιβανωτίς (A)’ Χψωράω, = φωριάω, Friedlander Epigrammata 1.164. ώαιαί, after ‘127.31’ add ‘, cf. at” and at end ‘ : — ώοιοί, TB538, cf. 01’ ώδε ii. i, fin., after ‘this way and that,' insert ‘Call.Ppijp-.28. 2 Pf.,’ 2, for ‘τηνεΐ. . 1 2 1 ’ read ‘Theoc.5.45 (cf. 1.120,121), Call. Epigr.47.4. Pf.’ ώδινολύτης, for ‘ setting . .pain' read ‘accelerating child-birth ’ and for ‘shell-fish’ read ‘fish, = εχενηις n’ ωδίνω II. 3, add ‘; [φωνή Κυρίου ] ώδίνοντος ελάφους Aq.Pi.28 (29)· 9·’ . , ώδίς ι. 2, line 6, delete τοΰ ωοΰ. .5 6ob22 ; Χφδοδιδάσκαλος, ό, singing-master, OG/56.70 (iii B.C.). ώθεω II. I, add ‘; metaph., πενίην AP6.1VJ (Pancrat.) ; άμαθίαν Plu.2-47f’ For ‘ Ήκεάνης. .D.S.1.19’ read ‘Ώκεάνη (v.l. -μη), ή, alleged to be the oldest name of the Nile, D.S.1.19 (cf. 'Ωκεανός iv in Suppl.)’ Ωκεανός IV, add ‘ ; ol Αιγύπτιοι 'Ωκεανόν νομίζουσι τον Νείλον D.S.i.12, cf. BMus.Inscr. 1077’ ώκύττλοος, for “ώκύκλοος” read “ώκύπλοος” ώκυτόκιος ii, add ‘b. title of a collection of synonyms, Suid. s.v. Τήλεφος Περγαμηνός.’ Χώλιτόφρονας (fort. leg. άλιτο-)· άλιτ ρους των φρένων, άνοήτους, Hsch. ώμαλία, line 1, after ‘average? insert ‘only in phrase εφ' ώμαλίαν IG22. 1673.8 (iv B.C.),’ ώμηστής i, line 6, after ‘= ώμάδιος I,’ insert ‘Ale. 129.9 L.-P.,’ ώμία, add ‘II. bend of a river, PTeb. 828.9 (n b.c.).’ Χώμίς or ώμις, ή (gen. not known), a sea fish, Cyran.46,274. ώμοβάειος, line 6, after ‘etc.’ add ‘, cf. IG22 .1 47 1 .57’ ώμογέρων, after ‘II. 23. 791,’ insert ‘Call.Pr.24.5 Pf.,’ Χώμόδαιτος, ον, feasting on raw meat, prob. cj. in Ps.-Callisth.58.11. ώμόλινον, add ‘III. linen sack for carrying vegetables, Vit. Aesop. (p)34·* χώμόπλινθος, o', unbaked brick, PLond. 5.1708.91, PKlein.F0rm.1oq2 (both vi a.d.) . ωμός i. 4, add ‘: Comp., Ale. 1 19.16 L.-P.’ χώμοτοκετός, ό, premature child-birth, PFouad 75.5 (i a.d. ; -τοκητ-). Χώνάρχης, ου, o, perh. = άρχώνης, Didyma 315*7 · ώνέομαι, line 11, after ‘(ν. infr. 11)’ add ‘; part, όνωνη μένος Ath. Mitt. N.s.6.16 (Samos, vi b.c.; όνον-)’ ii, line 3, after ‘part.’ insert ‘όνωνημενος Ath. Mitt. N.s.6.16 (Samos, vi b.c.),’ and for ‘Id.’ read ‘PI.’ Χώνηνικός, ή, ον, perh. = ώνιακός, πράσεις Ρ Michael.^. 7 (vi a.d.). Χώνικός, ή, όν, = ωνιος, ώνιακός: ώ. μώστια SB6801 .2q (iii B.c.). ώνοφύλαξ, before ‘cj.’ insert ‘ keeper of deeds of sale, dub. lect. in Berl.Sitzb. 1936.368 (Aetolia), cf. ώνή ii. 2;’ ώοιοί, add ‘with Suppl.’ ώόν 4, line 2, after ‘Dinon 14’ add ‘, cf. Inscr.Ddlos 1417ΤΠ140’ Χφοιτώλης, ου, 6, egg-dealer, POxy. 83.4 (iv a.d.; written όω~). ’Ώττις, for ‘, cf. Hdt.4.35’ read ‘. 2. name of a Hyperborean maiden at Delos, Hdt.4.35, Apollod. 1.4.5’ ώρα (C) A. 1. 3, fin., before ‘cf. ώρασιν’ insert ‘εις ώρας και συ υγιαίνων Lxx 1 Ki. 2^.6 (άντ'ι τοΰ πολλοί σοι χρόνοι Sch.; para¬ phrased επ’ ετη πολλά J.TJ6. 13.6.297) ? II. 2 b, add ‘ ; προ μιής ώρης perh. = προ πρώτης ώρας Call.Pr.550 Pf·’ Β. ι. ι, fin., delete freq...etc.’ 4, line 6, for ‘im¬ mediately’ read ‘ immediately , Plu.2.23gb’ ώραίζω, read “ώράΐξω” II. 2, delete ‘(leg. ώράζεθ’)’ ωραίος ι. 2, add ‘b. νεκύσια, ol δε δαιμόνια, Hsch.’ Χώράϊσμα, ατος, τό, dub. sens., Sch.Pi.jV.8.1. χώράριον, τό, ν. όράριον with Suppl. χώρδενάριος and ώρδινάριος α, ον, ν. όρδινάριος in Suppl. ώριος (A) ι, line 1, after “ος, ον” insert ‘GDIi 775.22 (Delph., ii b.c.)’; line 3, delete ‘Theoc.7.62,’ 11. 1, line 2, after ‘697 ;’ insert ‘ κρύος ib.543 ;’ ; line 4, after ‘Arat.154’ add ‘, cf. Theoc.7.62, but prob. ώρια (= ούρια) shd. be read’ ; at end add ‘ ; ταΐς —οις (sc. ήμεραις) GDI l.c.’ ώρος (A), for ‘Fr. 150. .28)’ read ‘Fr. 177.28 Pf.’ Χώρος (C), o. Dor. for οΰρος (B), title of officials in Crete, Inscr. Crrt.4. 1 84. 1 3 (Gortyn, ii b.c.); prob. in Hsch. (cod. ώρου· . . φύλακες) . ώρος (C), delete ‘(C)’ and after ‘year,’ insert ‘Hippon.42A D.3,’ ώρος (D), read ώρος (D)’, delete ‘(better ώρος)’, and transpose the article with the preceding one. ώροσκοπεΐον i, after “-σκόττιον,” insert ‘Berytus 12.109 (Cyrene, ii b.c.),’ Χώρόχαλκος, ο, = ορείχαλκος, PGiss. 47-6 (ii A.D.). ώρυγμα (ν. ώρυγή), add ‘; of a lion, Lxx Ez.iq.J, cf. Sm., Thd. Is. 5.29 (v.l. ώρυμα in both places)’ ώρΰομαι, after ‘[u’ add ‘, exc. D.P.83’ 11, line 3, for ‘dub. I. ’ read ‘cj.’ ώς B. iii. 3, after ‘omitted’ insert ‘in Hdt.’ ώσάν I. 3, add ‘, Gal. 6. 360’ ώσαύτως i, line 7, before ‘opp.’ insert ‘in the same way,’ Χώσκοφόροι, ν. ώσχοφόρο ι (Suppl.). Χώσομοίως, or better ώς ομοίως, perh. = ώσαύτως, Delph. 3(3). 421.6 (i A.D.). ώστε A. 11, add ‘ ; τον όγδοον ώστε Κόροιβον ου συναριθμεομεν Call.Pr.587 Pf·’ Β, line 1, after ‘ actual ’ insert ‘, natural,’ II. i, for ‘the actual .. εβούλοντο) ;’ read ‘definitely that the result occurs (does not occur, where the principal clause is negative, as perh. only in Hdt.2.120), or would occur,’ ώσχοφόροι, add ‘; Hesperia 7.3 (Athens, iv b.c.; ώσκο-)’ ώτειλή, fin., after ‘11488)’ add ‘, ώτελλα (-η cod.) Theognost. Can. iii’ ώφέλημα, add ‘III. ό μηδέν ώ. the good-for-nothing, Macho ap. Ath. 1 3.582a.’ ώφέλησις, add ‘; Diog.Apoll.2, Phld.Po.13.23 Jensen’ 153 C I y